Million Dollar ExtremePLEASE HELP ME SAAR I AM INDIAN editionArchive: thread:>>1335880
I love Elons big fat musky african cock
Sam Hyde when Peter Thiel rolls up.
>>1347454you're mentally unwellnot everyone here is one person or your schizo alternate personalities
>>1347455You're constantly making these shitty off-topic threads and you're calling others mentally unwell?Oh, that's right, you got scared off /tv/ by the big mean jannies and need your fucking hugbox, don't you.
>>1347456this is the first thread I've ever made on /t/ MDE is in the subject and the title, cannot be any more on-topicI haven't been banned on /tv/ for yearsseek help
>>1347462Why did Sam's crew member encourage Josie's self harm?
>>13474621) fuck you2) /t/ isn't a discussion board, that's all these threads are, with someone spamming 'pAYcHaDs pLS' and namefags shitting all over the place3) fuck you, take it to /tv/ you fucking lying bullshit coward
>>1347463Nice out of context screenshots and blatantly wrong information. Try again.
>>1347467The archive links are in the image, fuckwad.
>>1347469Nothing in those links showed any of those messages retard. Try again.
>>1347470You're literally lying because they take you directly to Ben's 4chan posts. Anons should open those links and confirm Sam Hyde pays his shills to run damage control in these threads.
paynigs, I urge you not to post the latest PGLs so long as these absolute schizo freaks like >>1347463 and the niggerslime are herethank you kindly
>>1347476Did you open the archive links?
>>1347476Niggerslime's got the subscription and the archived Scuffed Realtor. I laid out my demands, so the only nigger here is you, you dumb nigger. Go collect welfare and resume your indolence
>>1347479>acts like a retarded shitbag every time anyone says anything>genuinely wonders why people won't suck his dick and post one, just one nice thing about himSure is a mystery
>>1347487>which part of NIGGERslime do you not get?read that twice>>1347462thank you for your service>>1347479THE DEMANDS:1) Picture of Ashley Jones 2) Picture of Jenny Jones 3) I forget what this was, but just make it a good music recommendation. GOOD is key; I ain't taking my time for some bulllllsheeittt Already saw PGL 99. >it's already in my Recycle Binpic rel
>>1347496>>which part of NIGGERslime do you not get?The part where anyone's supposed to give even the tiniest fuck about propping up your pathetic little ego because you so desperately want just one person out there to say something nice about you. Oh, and literally everything you've ever posted, with and without your tripcodes.
>>1347476I added more sources so there is no question that these events happened.
>>1347497seethe, bitch. I was having a ho-hum Friday, but this just put some pep in my step.I'll be posting a slimenopsis tmrw. >more about (you)I don't write nothin' down, so I'll keep this short and sweet. >You're weak. >You're outta control. >And you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else.mal'occhio to you ಠಠ
>>1347499Hey Andrew Ayala aka "Slime" namefag. Care to respond to >>1347498 ?
Guy gets one (You) and suddenly declares his life is better. No wonder he has to buy the love of his family.
really though what made him this sick and unfunny:
>>1347500Didn't you call me Tim in the last thread? Jesus, seek Christ (or the Hare Krishnas)>>1347501> No wonder he has to buy the love of his family.Fuck you, nigger. I gave my grandma rent money and fronted my neighbors cash for their security deposit. I'm fucking slime jesus and make a positive contribution.
>>1347503Hey Andrew/Slime you didn't respond to the image. Can you try again?
>"Fuck you, I buy the affections of everyone around me, how dare you say I buy the affections of everyone around me!">>1347504He never does, any time someone posts something he doesn't like or can't defend, he either ignores it or goes off on some inane tangent.
>>1347504nah, you've seen one you've seen 'em all. >back to the drawing boardI hope everyone's having a wonderful Friday. May all your dreams come true .-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-
This last PGL 99 was beyond the point MDE simps can defend. Playing Ellen's special muted and blurred out and expecting us to watch your reactions to that? WTF? It could have been funny. OBS being blocked by Netflix is not an excuse - Anthony Cumia trashes Netflix specials and shows the clips on his show all the time.Nick shitting on homeless people for the millionth time - fucking old. All Nick has done for most of his life is scam people as a car salesman, build houses which retard cavemen can do (5 ft tall Guatemalans build everything in my area) and stream for income. I hope a homeless person knocks Nick Rochefort out.
>>1347505"They" are really easy to spot.See? He didn't even respond. He refuses.
>>1347507>homeless spottedsir, you can't sleep here. get your damn tent out of my damn woods, you junkie fuck>>1347508Saul Alinsky tactics are cute, but keep going. >why spend (your) time bashing something you don't like?
>>1347509You'd be homeless if you didn't suck 12 year old cocks every day for the local rabbi's CP studio. I'd knock you out any time too. Get you to shut up for a second
>>1347509Andrew/Slime, I asked you to look at an image, read it, and tell me what you think. You refused. Shove your pilpul up your ass or go to reddit.
>>1347509Didn't wait to forget this to remind you of your actual place in the natural order. Cope all you want shitheel normgroid plus
>>1347510>12 year-old cocks>12-year old cocks>12-year-old cocks please be precise>>1347512I rejected your request and direct you to the local homeless shelter of your choosing. I think they have donated Panera Bread there. No, go ahead, it's a little stale but it's still good. Just put it in the microwave. Yeah, it ain't bad here. Light's out at 10, but you can walk around 'til 11. Yeah, we can smoke just gotta check out in front desk and you can't go off the curb. I know I know, it's some bullshit, but hey, they got breakfast and you know what, it's not the bad.
>>1347514>go to imageboard>refuse to look at images or discuss them>claim everyone is a retarded homeless person
>>1347496>wangblowsfag>music recommendation
>>1347502hope to never see that shit ever again in my entire lifecomplete lack of self awareness due to inflated ego as a result of having zoomer yes men around you for the past decadesomeone manages to be even worse than owen benjanigger when he pays his fags to create animations of the most unfunniest shit imaginable
>>1347515Hey I had stints of homelessness due to unfortunate circumstances. But I never took it out on anybody. Fix your life, from one slime to another.A pox on you
>>1347516 Music recommendation is approve. Now we just need Jenny Jones and I’ll get to work
>>1347517IDK I'm fine with dirty humor, but having 5 guys 1 upping each other about penis in vagina for 1.5 hours is pretty lame.>I FUCKED MY TEACHER>I FUCKED A GRANNY>I FUCKED MY FRIENDS MOM>GAMBLING ADNick being degenerate "for the humor" is funnier than having 3 more of him bragging about how much alcohol they drink and vagina they touch. Guys are really out here graying and bragging about touching vagina.Sam Hyde is fully entering his Andrew Tate edaddy dudebro arc.
can someone please just post the pgl
>>1347463What the fuck is wrong with these degenerates?
>>1347448what's the point of a new thread if there's no new PGL?
>>1347513Shout out to Big Purple
Really interesting that they deleted this thread just before the samslop Gettysburg address to Elon musk
>>1347549Nobody wants to see that shit, this thread is for discussion of MDE oldhead lore and Don jolly.
>>1347549A couple of retards want their special safe space. That's literally it. The guy who keeps making these threads said he was driven away from /tv/ by the big mean mods, like the little bitch-made faggot he is. Besides. Sam's such a literally who, if the thread was posted in /tv/, it'd vanish almost immediately, and Pigman Sam doesn't like that.>>1347568No one wants to see these threads constantly clogging up /t/ either, but HERE WE FUCKING ARE
>>1347585This can all be yours with a picture of Jenny Jones...
>>1347585I actually said the complete opposite, and invited you to peruse the archives to confirm...
no one cares about your idiot games and the fact you demanded people say one nice thing about you - which still hasn't happened, lest we forget - before you'd upload something no one even cares about just says it all. You really can't do anything worthwhile other than try and buy people's affections, can you. There's that little to you.
Guys... Sam wouldn't relist his own tshirts on ebay under different accounts to inflate the value of his used shirts... would he?>>1347557shoutout to peter thiel helping push sam mainstream
>>1347557big purple OC for the real big purple gang
>>1347585>A couple of retards want their special safe space.nigga, half the posts in these threads are yours.
>>1347606Motherfucker, knock off the paranoid act, there's a bunch of us who want to see these fucking threads gone. There's a ton of samefagging going on, but it's from the same three fuckers who think they're special because this is the only place they can get any validation, and at least one of them is the piggy fuck himself or one of his meatriders
unparalleled mental retardation in these threads
Who's more jewish, Sam Hyde or Owen Penjamin?
>>1347620>dance puppet dance!
>>1347622Sam, 100%. Funny how him trying to dunk on Elon Musk has revealed how fake his career and popularity are.
I'm 100% certain Sam Hyde lists his own shirts on ebay to inflate the resale value. It's exactly the kind of thing he would do.
>>1347602next year AI will be able to verify and generate reenactments from infographics aloneedierockin'
If WP2 is taking this long you can forget about the WP3 they were talking about at the start of the reunion
>>1347654He's been promising WP2 for, what, the better part of a decade? It's never coming, it's just a way for him to siphon more money out of his simps and shills, and the dumb fuckers keep falling for it.
>>1347654Sam said it's called Extreme Peace 2 on the Legion of Skanks podcast, probably because Adult Swim owns the World Peace IP, so the people posting about them having to redo/edit all the graphics was right.
>>1347667he talked about this a couple PGLs ago
>>1347635>$500 for a tshirt>$8 shippingOY VEY!
if youre not gonna post podcast/standup/gumroad etc. and sam hyde isnt uploading anything, then stop making these threads. this isnt the drama and gossip board
>>1347677/t/ isn't a fucking discussion board at all, but that won't stop these fucking pedophile apologists
>>1347678most /t/ threads have discussion
>>1347681Those are threads with meaningful upload content that branch out. They at least start with someone uploading torrents, that's what they're there for. These threads are only ever people begging for uploads and the same few cunts sucking off a shitty e-celeb. Big difference.
>>1347677I would help (You) because you're clearly too retarded to figure it out but you've been spamming the same shit as the other faggots itt so gg gl hf
>>1347677Checked. It's an advertising thread. Give feedback to site moderation if you don't like it.
>>1347713i havent posted anything here and i dont care about your stupid hang ups with MDE i just want new podcast episodes
>>1347719Andrew Ayala aka slime namefag put your name or trip back on faggot
>>1347720maybe more than one person doesnt give a shit about whatever the fuck you're talking about and just wants the latest vids
>>1347677The world is whatever you make it.
>>1347635I have a shooter shirt listed on grailed but I refuse to sell it to nuMDE posers. So far no one has passed my Don Jolly approved oldhead test.
Is there a bigger mark for samslop than e-conservatives?
>>1347722knowingly invited child drag show performer Brandonknowingly invited gay black prostitute Burt
>>1347502jesus the responses of everyone says it all.
>>1347585>No one wants to see these threads constantly clogging up /t/ either, but HERE WE FUCKING AREI mean there's 24/7 fishtank threads on /tv/ which are basically simp gossip threads, there's no possible way Sam or jet or whoever is paying to keep them up, so I do not understand why they exist
Does anyone have a magnet of *just* Hydewars episodes? I know there's the full Gumroad archive but don't want 300gb of junk
>>1347741>brandon?who? sauce?>>1347745Nick is funnier dressing up as Muvane like a psycho than anyone else on the podcast. You can't beat natural humor. 4 more guys bragging about how much vagina they touch.Comments agree. Nick is not the most vocal, but still the funniest. IDK why Nick hangs with Sam. Nick probably gets a fat check, but being around a salad tosser like Sam will probably be increasingly worse. PLAYING POKER WITH AN ANIMAL ABUSER>>1347734>>1347746>>1347752put your trip back on Andrew Ayala/slime faggot
Like who would go in a Satanic Ritual Abuse show for zoomers, then gamble against a convicted 1st degree murderer, self proclaimed rapist, who was also convicted of animal abuse charges 2 weeks earlier? NOT ANYONE PLAYING POKER, RIGHT? I'M FINE IF SAM ABUSED A MINOR AN FUCKED TRANNIES, BUT PLAYING POKER AKA TAROT AKA KABBALAH MAGICK WITH A RAPIST IS A STEP TOO FAR!CHRIS LYNCH YOUR GRANDMA IS GOING TO BE VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!
forgot pic don't sorry I haven't bumped in the past 3 posts, /t/ anons.
>>1347753Slime doesn't care about Don Holly, learn to discern posting styles you cretin.
>>1347753>>1347754Literally, they were saying none of them have pets because they would torture and maim them if they did. And it wasn't a bit, it wasn't them being funny, it was genuine sincerity>>1347756Here's your (You) slime, so you can feel that crumb of validation you try so hard to buy
>>1347753They hired Brandon for Fishtank and Sam tried to do Simmons 2.0 despite the fact he knew he hired a drag queen storytime performer. Since Brandon spoke English it didn't really work so Sam gave him a bunch of cash on camera to leave. Then they all acted like they didn't know what they did and homosexuals are sick sick people despite Sam's history of hiring dozens of them at this point for editing/moderating/sexual services
>>1347770>>1347759Slime doesn't know anything about Don Jolly, apologise immediately.
>>1347776Don't talk in the third person, it makes you even more of an insufferable prick than usual.
>>1347777Tell me immediately which actor was lampooned at the end of CNET Reviews Dell CRAPtop Inspiraon 1300
>>1347778Name three women
>>1347782I only care about MDE.
I'm very excited for Sam's next humiliation ritualNull just confirmed markyposting is real and Sam's kiwitranny circlejerk is melting downEDIEROCKING: THE NEXT GENERATION
>>1347786Yeah it's pretty damning. Time to let this stuff die the death it deserves.
>>1347791Abandoned or not: it's still terrible
>>1347793It would be sweet relief if it never came out at this point. The oldheads have suffered enough.
GAY RETARD ALERT>Null - If you do not see the personal sacrifices Sam Hyde has made to keep free speech alive, then I don't know what to tell you. Sam easily could've gone into hiding in some European country when things didn't work out, or he faced adversity- but he decided to keep going. When the show got cancelled due to him running his mouth too much and messing things up for Nick and Charls, Sam made things right and got the band back together and found a way for them to make money.>When you are someone as hated as Sam Hyde is by degenerate, antiwhite, faggot retards-all your flaws are going to be on display for the entire world to see. While you have a recognizable name online and a following, you were not targeted in the same way Sam was with all the things hes done. For a lot of young people, Sam taught them how to make fun of the things in their life that oppressed them, and showed them a way out from the constant blackpilling that is becoming more and more common as time goes on.>If you want to slap a label on Sam Hyde and call him a pedophile sodomite, go ahead but that's low hanging fruit and you're dead wrong about how you're portraying him-but it doesn't matter because shitting on Sam for whatever this Marky thing is - is considered an acceptable thing to do.>Whatever happened with Sam and Marky is not my business. She has had many come up to her and offer her a chance to say whatever she needed to say, if Sam really did something so fucked up to her she couldn't continue living on for it. She has decided not to do that. There must be a reason why.>But people don't care to think when situations like these arise, because it is far easier to villainize people - than see what they've done to grow and redeem;dr Sam Hyde is the gay jewish pedophile leader white nationalism needs
>>1347795Some people are just total marks for a confidence man like Sam.
>>1347796you know what the worst part is?the markyposters were not lyingmarkyshirters forever heroes in our hearts
>>1347800Channing has done more to damage the credibility of Marky's story than anyone else. Her incessant spamming and just general schizophrenia has desensitized anyone that's a fan of Sam to think all the Marky allegations are just fake schizo shit. No sane person is going to believe you when you say someone is a pedophile when in the same breath you also compulsively mention how they like to fuck a special dildo named "Big Purple". It's pretty obvious she doesn't actually care about Marky and is just using her story to get back at Sam for pumping and dumping her.
>>1347796We've been trying to tell you since the first of these fucking threads, he doesn't care, he just wants to sponge off his fans and more talented people. If he could put any less effort into his work, he absolutely would, and the fact that he's still getting any kind of publicity means his standards will just keep getting lower.
>>1347805There's a lot of people with an ax to grind re Sam huh
>>1347794Suffering has no earthly bounds.
don jolly i liked your appearances in HW. even with sam recording himself firing u i think that says more about him than u as a person even if what he said was half true
>>1347822anyone else notice don's youtube channel is gone
>>1347826Hes scrubbing everything. He's healing, as we all should.>>1347825Eron Musk
>>1347752 just disable the non-hydewars stuff in your client>>1347795male-feminist drama-monger faggot Jewsh Moonpie would never say things like this. fix your quote generator or get a life and quit shitting up the thread.
>>1347831it was a quote criticizing null not 10 paragraphs he wrote
>>1347831I suppose you think Sam Hyde is the gay jewish pedophile leader white nationalism needs then
>>1347835you'd suppose wrong. I'm not a wignat. from what I've seen of wignats online though, those traits wouldn't be a bad match.
>>1347773Oh boy it's just like Burt. Sam "accidentally" setting up the situation to make you defend a degenerate.Completely on accident. oopsies.>>1347795>messing things up for Nick and CharlsWhat about Erick and Ruse? People always forget them...BEEP, NULL CONFIRMED GAY RETARD, BEEP>>1347812At some point some people might start thinking it's Sam's fault.>>1347825Sam's really going for the political grifter...
>>1347795>(Marky) has had many come up to her and offer her a chance to say whatever she needed to say,Yeah I'm sure she really wants Sam's discord trannies spamming her dox all over 4chan, just like they have been doing to Channing for the past few days. know which AI tts model Sam uses ? Is Elevenlabs still the best ?
>>1347773You're an incredibly dishonest deceiver and should repent.Sam didn't hire Brandon, Jet did. Sam didn't know he was literally creating costumes for children to do drag, and performed at drag shows in front of children. When he was shown this he was visibly repulsed, and freaking out trying to get the other fish to kick him out Simmons style but he couldn't contain himself when the other fish were defending pedophiles so he paid him the $300 that was in his contract and kicked him outI don't know what you have to gain by lying so much about everything and re-creating your own version of history
>>1347791literally who
>>1347853>Sam didn't knowYes he did. Just like when he read Simmons book before inviting him on the show. Sam kicked Simmons out with a Karaoke bit because he had read the book long before Simmons arrived on the show.Put your trip back on Andrew Ayala/Slime.
>yeah we do deep dives on everyone we invite on the show>like when we posted Josie's 10+ social media accounts while s1 was running>like when we invited TJ because of lubecooch, then framed him with the rule34 account that was never actually verified as his>like when we invited Jimmy, then framed him with the deviantart account that wasn't hisHmm, how does MDE get such good insight into people's online history and their sexual fetishes?Did daddy Peter Thiel give them access to Palantir hacking tools?
>>1347839Null didn't write that, it was one of Sam's kiwifarms dick riders
>>1347854Someone with insider knowledge clearly.
>>1347805if she wasn't lying about Marky then she wasn't lying about Big Purple and Sam sucking off "Eddie"
Reminder that the retard going full schizopost mode goes by the name of Bad Ideas. If he sounds familiar is because he used to be Josie's top simp until she rejected him once at a convention. That event plus some bloke by the name of Luke getting into Josie's inner circle, and also getting rejected by Tayleigh and being ostracized in the Fishtank thread in Kiwifarms led him become a paranoid schizophrenic thinking Sam is after him/fucking with him. Many sad cases
>>1347912Whatever it takes to spread negative energy about Sam.
>>1347912>everybody who correctly identified sam hyde as a tranny blowing child rapist jew is the same personnopebesides, you discord trannies already claimed it was all channing!what did you think of Sam Hyde's gay black prostitute Fishtank Burt having softcore gay porn actor and Fishtank contestant Connor on his stream where they SNORTED METH AND SODOMIZED EACH OTHER WITH A TRANNY FROM GRINDR?God bless Peter Thiel he's making this too easy lmfao
>>1347912Wait, first they were all Channing, then they were all Marky, then someone else, now it's some disgruntled fishtank simp?I think something that gets overlooked regarding Sam's heartfelt video to Elon where he professes his care for the American man is the fact that he's friends with Christ Dillinger, a literal fentanyl dealer.
>>1347921Christ Dillinger, another gay black man that features trans and pride flags in his music video, that Sam drives around in his fruity Porschefor someone who "doesn't do drugs" Sam sure surrounds himself with a ton addicts. I won't be dismayed though, the means are all for white nationalist ends, I'm sure of it.
>>1347912I don't put it past Sam to manipulate social situations against people he doesn't like, because he already did it with Charls. Comics are pretty funny though.
>>1347925>Sam drives around in his fruity PorscheYou know all those cars he's so proud of are leased, right? He's going 'look how much money I have, I have so many cars!' and he owns none of them. Every single one of these shitty e-celebs does that to make them look more impressive than they are, and people always fall for it
I hope Kitty never finds out how many men Sam Hyde has engaged in sodomy with, that would be terrible
Anyone have last night's Palace?
>>1347918Uhhh link??
>>1347942kiwi slash threads slash sam-hydes-fishtank-live-general.164029 slash post-20248614why does Sam Hyde keep paying promoting and platforming rampant faggotry???
>>1347943Null is doing better than Sam Hyde. What a strange timeline we entered.
Nearly 140 postsNot one fucking torrent
>>1347957But a lot of great and edifying (ediefying? Lol) discussion.
>>1347964It what fucking universe is anything that's been posted in this thread anything other than worthless white noise?Oh wait, you're a fan of this piggy fuck, this is probably the most entertained you've been in years.
>>1347965I actually despise Sam Hyde, but can't deny I'm a fan of the MDE oldheadHood classics. I have no idea why anyone would want to want anything he's made in the last 10 years though.
When will Null do the Edie interview? The Don Jolly interview?
>>1347968>The Don Jolly interview?Now this I would like to see. The trappped interview, the Zach interview, the James f price interview... Imagine...
>>1347966Found a pic of Sam's new speaker setup.
Don't worry guys, I'm not bumping.
>>1347901>he doesn't know that liars will use bits of truth to bolster their lies and make them more believable>he doesn't know that the average person will look at an infographic made by an obvious schizophrenic and dismiss most, if not al of the information on it because of this
>winky the dwarf cat status: deployed
>>1348019We are trying to reach the enlightened dreamers, not the average masses. That's what MDE is about.
>>1347972I doubt Don Jolly would like to associate himself with kiwifarms related people. He's way above that field. He can actually spew out original writing
>>1348049True honestly, but I'd love to know the stories he could tell. I guess we'll have to wait for the memoirs.
>>1348035Shut the fuck up, there's nothing noble about a shitty edgelord grifter who just wants more money for less work
>>1348081That's what MDE used to be about, sorry if I believe in the death of the author...
>>1348019>Bits of truth to bolster their liesSources are in the image, faggot. Everything in this image happened. (updated one with all the sources) Zero lies in the image.>>1347498>>1347498>>1347498
>>1348082Not even what 'death of the author' means, but that's okay, as a fan of that fat greasy fuck, I assume you pick up all your pseudo-intellectual talking points from him, and he doesn't understand a fucking thing he says to begin with
>>1348095I decided that's what it means because the author can't tell me different. What is hard about this for you to understand?
>>1348096And I decided you're a paint-drinking fuckface, and who are you to tell me any different?
>>1348092>>1348092>>1348092sirs andew ayala do the respond to this comic needful
>>1348097That's fine, low vibrational and unbecoming of a true MDE oldhead, but that's fine.
>call out Andrew Ayala as cloud sprout revolution, a paid MDE shill>He takes his name offReally makes you think.
It's amazing that the kiwitroons thread, which was a big Sam Hyde circle jerk for ages is now coming round to seeing that he's actually a cow. Channing won in the end, just shows what you can achieve with perseverance
>>1348105It's so cute because he does this all the time to avoid responding to anything he doesn't like. Dozens of posts without a single tripcode and the greasy fucker's posts still stand out a mile.
>>1348109>post about marky>OH MY HECKIN SCIENCE WE'VE ALREADY DISCUSSED THIS A HUNDRED HECKIN TIMES>posts "akshually the vertical videos were my favorite" a hundred times>everyone is channing>no null stop clearly demonstrating my eceleb double standards, he's just being ironic, akshually just because i think he's funny doesn't mean i agree with him on everything (even though I do, even if he did rape marky she was FERTILE)how the worm has turned, null's soft moralfagging reaping big dividends in 2025
>>1348109Turns out Sam Hyde was always a scam artist shitbag, just took a little while for things to catch up to him. Once you see the man behind the curtain it's obvious how fake his popularity is, and how empty his content is.
>>1348131The funny thing is the people saying 'no, no, we like the old stuff, not the new, bad, stinky stuff', like that's not the exact same guy making both. He's always been this much of a shit, just that now he doesn't care about hiding it because he has your fucking money already.
>>1348140>like that's not the exact same guy making bothsam isn't making all of the content by himself. most of the people around him, the guys doing the bulk of the work, are different. he probably hasn't even done his own graphics or editing in like half a decade, and that's the thing he's actually trained in.even if you place the onus on sam, that doesn't mean he wasn't at one point good. tons of guys start off good and get worse.
>>1348150Exactly. Back in the day you had ruse, trappped, Zach, James. The board of directors...
>>1348150>>1348151The buck stops with him. It's his show, his production, he's in charge of hiring and firing. You can 'but whatabout' all you want, he's the face, he's the guy at the top, he's the only constant in all this.
>>1347972I e-mailed Zach a while back and he responded. He might do an interview if you ask.
>>1347968People are reluctant to interview about Sam Hyde because his discord trannies will start doxxing you on /pol/ like they have been doing to channing.
>>1348203>People are reluctant to interview about Sam Hyde>muh nervesis that your excuse for being so high when you went on MATI? every addict's got an excuse I guess.>inb4 not channingyou make this "sam's fans are le doxxxxing channing!" post all the time, its the second in this thread even. give it a rest.
>>1347448>india jokesxitter made them lame. make fun of a different race
>>1348206Sam's shills have been doxing channing for the pat few days. I'm pretty sure Marky said she didn't want to make any more public appearances due to harassment.
It's up.
>>1348219>so cranked up on p2p that she doesn't even remember posting this same shit a dozen times in the past weekget clean ma'am.
>>1348224Nigger I'm not Channing. I watched you guys accuse every criticizer of Sam of being Channing on a VPN then doxxing her. Literal Kiwitranny behavior which is not allowed on 4chan. Jews really have no shame or sense of morality.
>>1348225Hey, could you keep it down? I'm trying to watch PGL 100 and you're ruining it>thank you
>>1348225>behavior which is not allowed on 4chan.>cries the schizo-druggie who spams the site around the clock for years
S L I M E N O P S I S---------------------PGL_0100_ImportingHaitiansRuntime: 1:57:12Sam & Nick (arrives at 7:09)>Loud blackman (stage bit?), Don Kilam>Nick enters LUXURY TALK>Watches>Quiet luxury = get you laid>Nick regifts bags/Sam's Ghurka Express>R. Crumb comix>Old shit = cooler>Sneakerheads/HYPEBEAST & PPP loansCHRIS LYNK's LINCHES>Nicholas Alahverdian (pride of RI)>Biden corrupt TikTok (fat bitch)>It's PGL 100 yay>College sports investing, what it brings>Extreme Peace = still on>China shoe manufacturing>Sam doing Jubal Harshaw (beep)SPORTS TALK>Portnoy finagling>Tyson/Paul (bite glove, no chimp)>College money = destructive>Sports = pro wrestling>Kelcie > Rogan (player girlfriends)>Michelle Lamy (oof)HOUSE TALK>Billy Lang = nice & those guys are mean>Framing = for studs & singers> (he-haw!)>No more mistakes>FPV drones ARE coolARCHITECTURE TALK>>All look the same/Don't make 'em like they used to>Brick AwardHOUSE TALK 2>Cities approve shit buildings>They're rough & it's everywhere>Coming open-assHYDEWARS-TYPE SHOW PREVIEW>Art Bell-esque call-in & right-wing news (with Jay Dyer)>rear projection set design>tube audio / 20 cams, tilt-shift>scroll down x10, keep it going, THAT ASIAN (nice HAPA yum)>Mon-Wed-Fri (1/2 hour on YTube, 2 hrs on paywall, Nick will guest)SLEEP TALK>Everyone's sick & sam's sleep apnea = back>Phillips Dreamstation/Respironics gives cancer (1/4 of 9/11)SO WE'RE NOT K*LL*NG CEOS?>House = dump>Talk Tuah pumps/dumpsINTERMISSION 1:13:30 (cookie time)>Surgeon gen: "you have AIDS">More Tuah (spiritually Brazilian)>Howie/Harvey Mandel psyop> (APOLOGIZE)>pol = truth>vengeful head>Solanaaa>David Pacman (the left can't meme)>Physiognomy = real/Destiny jaw>punish wyt girlz>LynchCoin>Diddy = wild, Beiber = victim, Pizzagate = real>GODZILLA/Biggie NO!>Tangerine Dream/Sean Price/Jadakiss>Ball Bros Vegas Fishtank 3nding
>>1348219Channing filed a police report against Sam for assault in Texas. Maybe she is caught up in legal trouble
>>1348230It's funny cause no one but an MDE employee shilling gumroad subscriptions would make this detailed a post. Does Sam pay you well enough to take trips to Japan like Dinner Plate Faced Mongoloid Chris Lynch?
>>1348232>implying they would put in that much effort
>>1348232>no one but an MDE employeeyou flatter me soI contribute>you do no such thing
Does anyone have the episodes of Palace with Nick on as a guest?
>>1348232No, he tongues Sam's shit-crusted rectum for free.
Hey /t/ MDE, Sam and Nick have been my internet dads for a while (since I was 16) how do I stop this weird parasocial behavior? I'm 21 now please help me
>>1348279Kill yourself or find better role models than an unfunnt child-abusing sponge
>>1348279Just look at his current output. It's trash intended to fleece the easily impressed
>>1348280Who should be my role model then? Any suggestions?
>>1348221mr slimecel would you pwease post linky winky for magnet pgl needfuls dearalso favorite porn categories? for me its age difference, prostate stimulation and slimegirl
really great twitter fight between Sam's boyfriends Burt and Connor right now, why does Sam employ and sleep with so many homosexuals?
>>1348284Noted intellectual and man at law Donald Jolly
Nearly 200 posts, not one fucking torrent posted.Hey, mods, if you could pay attention to the board for one fucking second, you might wanna actually do something here? Because this is every last one of these fucking threads.
>>1348298Who cares, Burt is saying some pretty hurtful things about men who pay to suck tranny dick
>>1348277Checked. No. Andrew is paid to be here.>>13482984chan is a website for advertising sam hyde, duh
>>1348287you know my demands
>>1348287check the rentry
i didnt bother waiting 900 seconds to post pgl 99 but i did see a lot of anons downloading. just watch the rentry friends.>PGL_0100_ImportingHaitians (CRF25).mp4>magnet:?xt=urn:btih:382dfbefbeb00e967433284c4ef3028c9488ab76&dn=PGL_0100_ImportingHaitians%20(CRF25).mp4&
>>1348313>>1348312thank you daddies
>>1348313You see? There are good people in the world>you only had to post a picture of Jenny Jones and your dream would be fulfilled
>>1348207hello ranjeshhow many years until india becomes a superpooper ? 5 more years ? shitting on the moon ?
on PGL 99 Sam literally watched ellens special for 30 fucking minutesthey had no commentary and it was literally them watching the fucking special while the screen in edited outthe rest of the episode was sam on his phone scrolling through twitter pretending to be big ceo busy guy contributing nothing while nick rambles to himself lmfaojust gonna insta skip any episode without charls now
>>1348313based paychad literally costing sam tens of thousands of dollars
why are you so jealous of Indians? or are you "MUJEETS" running this narrative. or maybe those who dont have water to wash their ass that why you use toilet paper. very. Im sure your all smell like your bung hole.
>>1348322see>>1347807>If he could put any less effort into his work, he absolutely would, and the fact that he's still getting any kind of publicity means his standards will just keep getting lower.
>>1348322I think the 3x podcast per week thing will put MDE at the forefront. PGL is starting to recycle stuff, and it spawned Scuffed Realtor, which is great (Nick’s Jeselnik impression was on point).So, this will be great to see Brazilian downfall in all their declining strongholds have to send shills to refute 3 podcasts a week in an admittedly ambitious setup with someone as erudite as Jay Dyer. God seems to want to burn down their holdings and the shills will disappear once their funding is up.>inb4 using fancy words and sucking C-list celebrity dick
>>1348326I bet this is Andrew trying to derail the thread.
>>1348326>Im sure your all smell like your bung hole.The slime invested in bidets. So nice I had to buy twice. My asshole smells like vetiver and sandalwood now and the women who come to my house spend excessive time in the bathroom so their cootie holes bless the slime's presence.For $30 (see pick), your asshole could be as tasty as Mr. Slime. Seriously, you could serve sushi direct from my taint.>take note shillsThis is how you build trust and community. I take the unwashed asshole masses and point them to solutions that would increase their quality of life.>increase their quality of lifewhat do you do to increase the quality of life for others?The slime provides. Leftists can only destroy, so focus on destroying yourself and POST STANDUP. For fucks sake.
Stop taking down your livestreams, Chaz, no one's buying your VODs.
It's actually impressive how quickly PGL went down the toilet (around episode 20-30 something) and to consider how long Sam will keep this garbage going out of sheer stubborn grifter stick-to-it-iveness. This episode, featuring Sam defending the Cock Sucking Stupid Whore Scammer and her memecoin, who is probably the worst woman alive in 2024/25 outside of actual porn stars marketing to kids on social media, also features "let it all hang out" Stoner Faggot Nick Rochefort in his ugly corduroy outfit talking about building a house like FUCKING RETARDS don't build houses everyday. SAY SOMETHING ACTUALLY FUNNY SAM DOESN'T HAVE TO FAKE LAUGH AT. I hope a homeless person carjacks a LS400 and runs you over with it. Chris Lynch aka "The Luckiest Accidentally Funny Retard in The World" continues to make me want to throw my headphones off. Half his input is "Thuh..thuh part I liked most wuz...uhhh thuh part" ARE YOU KIDDING ME? He's only funny when used as a dumb foil in skits, his input on issues is marginal. You're wasting my time with ordinary people saying inane shit. I can hear that from normgroid faggots in a bar, I tune in for something better.Half the episode is censored bits which are "meta humor" like bleeping out the entire content for over a minute. It's "meta" in that the audience gets nothing out of it, but Sam knows the audience gets nothing out of it, and the audience knows Sam knows etc. Newsflash you fat flob, That bit got old with KSTV2's blown out mic a decade ago. Edit this retarded shit out. It was bad last episode with the pointless Ellen reaction and it's abd when you're explaining skits. Waste of time. Unsubscribe to Gumroad today. Make Sam have to buy fewer cars and buildings until he stops being whatever he is now. He is being subsidized to create absolute trash.
>>1348345>It's actually impressive how quickly PGL went down the toilet (around episode 20-30 something) and to consider how long Sam will keep this garbage going out of sheer stubborn grifter stick-to-it-iveness.Hahah, dude you subscribed for 70+ episodes since you noticed and you felt you "wasted' your time? My god, that's like over $200 (at a rate of $5, which is now up to $10/mo). This means you "wasted" almost $400. That's terrible! For something you watch regularly?! >And it only occurs to you NOW?That's like leaving your faucet on and yelling at the water company. HOLY SHIT>I've got an idea for youJust give me the money. Lemme get a "Buy Me a Coffee" link up in here and start contributing to my Home Improvement Fund. You'd only waste the money and then blame everyone around you about why you have a lukewarm IQ. >Why?We can all see that you can't learn from your mistakes, so you can at least start subsidizing my new wing at Chez SlimeWow, I thought my friend contemplating getting a rabbit in her studio apartment was a bad idea. No no no, you've set the bar high today, my friend...
not surprised nigger slime talks to himself not only in these retard nigger threads but also to chat gpthe probably talks to ai all day since he's such an absolute nigger and has no friends lole
>>1348356thanks for reading>no, you're crazyno, you're crazy>no, you're crazyno, you're crazyThat's what you sound like. Now I have to cleanse my mind from looking at (you)r shit:
>>1348356Yeah slime/Andrew is pretty obvious. If you start criticizing Sam or him suddenly walls of text show up.
>>1348366No, I just take no shit from morons like you. I have no idea who this Andrew person is, but I can say for certain you're stupid. Which is how I want you to start the day--with embracing your stupidity. But then again, it might not be your fault. Maybe your mom drank while you were in utero. Maybe your dad got a little too rough with you when you acted up. Maybe that aunt got a little handsy with you and you can't sort your feelings.I feel for you. Luckily there are services available where you'll feel more treasured than an MDE torrent forum:, please let's get this subreddit back in order. First step, POST STANDUPHere, have some culture:
>>1348313cheers anon
I for one want to hear more about this Don Jolly character...
>say slime/Andrew spams text if you criticize him>He does that and then posts yet another off topic linkShills really hate it when you say their script
Does Kitty know Sam sucks dick?
>>1348366Unless it's something he can't actually defend or argue against, then he just pretends like he didn't see it or drops the tripcode and posts anonymously. Still can't change his posting style though, he has to let everyone know it's him.
>>1348403Sam really showed the man behind the curtain with that Elon speech. He stopped making jokes and became the joke.
>>1348416And then, six months from now, he'll say 'it was just a prank, bro, I was doing a bit, I wasn't trying to get Elon's attention because I missed out on the Russia money, donate to me so I can get WP2 out, money me, money needing a lot, money me now'
>>1348279Crazy idea: stop looking for a magical e-daddy to tell you what to think and just try thinking for yourself. E-daddy says 'you shouldn't be doing this'? Try doing it. E-daddy says 'don't watch this, it's for pussies and betas'? Watch it. What's the worst that's going to happen? Stop paying attention to people who say 'I'm the only one who can teach you to think for yourself' and start actually thinking for yourself. you'd be amazed how quickly you discover that there's not a single one of these mediocre assholes who's worth paying attention to.
>>1348418This time it feels different. Sam wanted to be treated seriously so now he's going to get it. He can't cope about how being a scam artist grifter is a prank. Should have kept his head down. >Verification not requird
PGL 99 fucking sucked.Sam literally says that he has time to burn.No respect for the audience or the paypigs. Fuck. Had to skip most of the episode due to car talk and the censored Ellen commentary. Why did they even released this. Only thing interesting was the ceo shooting part but that was already on youtube
>>1348313Can you create a scuffed realtor archive?
>>1348398If the message wasn't a threat, you wouldn't be shilling.>What does this have to do with MDE?Right.>off-topic linkNo no no, the ARC helps people like you. Post standup
>>1348279>>1348421This guy is right, just start thinking by yourself about stuff, don't think about "what would person would do about it/think about it?" just think about if you, alone, like it or not etc
>>1348421Yeah Sam's advice is so milquetoast and useless there's no point in pretending he has anything valuable to say.>get a skill>get a job>lift>don't smoke weed>cough cough cough snort>thanks for the superchat, check in next week with another oneIf Sam wanted people to think for themselves he wouldn't hire people to tell you what opinion you should have on 4chan and youtube comments.
>>1348448>if you wear diapers pretend you don't>if you dildo yourself pretend you don't>if you suck dick pretend you don't>if you raped a 15 year old SA survivor pretend she was a 16 year old virgin>if you stole from your father pretend you didn't
>>1348279>>1348446You know what the coolest thing you can be is? Someone who doesn't give a shit. I don't mean in that 'I stand alone because I'm an Alpha' bullshit way or 'fuck you, got mine' way, I mean, when you find something you like and you like it unironically. Music, a TV show, a movie, a game, doesn't matter how unpopular or cheesy or stupid or childish it is, if someone gives you shit for it and you can shrug and say 'eh, I like it', people will genuinely give you respect for it. Sincerity flies in the face of everything these irony-poisoned, shallow, insecure, insincere pricks stand for. So go find a show you used to watch before you got into this stuff, watch some stuff that's not on an Approved List Of Things To Like and just go from there. Don't think 'oh god, what if someone catches me watching this', because they don't fucking matter. This is about finding out who you are, because if you've been following any e-celeb or influencer, you've been living the life they've been paid to sell you.
>>1348467Huh, wonder if that's why Sam has so much trouble with bronies.>wanting to fuck cute feminine pony waifus is masculine btw
>>1348470Given how many bronies turned into grifters or whatnot, watching MLP definitely isn't the way to go.
>>1348472Half want to be the girl and half want to fuck the girl. They are authentic either way. Authenticity is poison to these people. Sam's advice ultimately is "Be a dumb normie NPC except you say Israel in a funny voice. Also thanks for the $20"
>>1348428That's all the non guest/charls PGLs now.two proto-boomers babbling about shit they don't need but feel an innate desire to buy. literal consumer slaves whos salvation lies in their capacity to say nigger now and then (and bleep it out with a fire alarm chirp fx which is the last funny thing they do). when a comedy podcast finds its comedy in the post production it's not a good look
When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny
Nick should do a 60% anthony jeselnik, 20% kevin spacey, 10% andy dick and 10% chris beck impression and call himself Edward Purple from now up until extreme peace releases.
>>1348497Curious how the Ben/Josie situation mirrors the Sam/Marky one. Old loser man grooming a girl half his age.
Is Ben really 50 years old? That's crazy if true.
>>1348504Maybe without either Chris or Andy cuz they're very similar and the full name of the character should be Eduardo "the rockstar" Purplestein.
>>1348511Yeah. You can tell Sam has never ran a real business because doing drugs with, grooming, and fucking your employees is a great way to lose every dollar you have.
>>1348511They're all in their 40s and acting like shitty edgelords. There's not a single crumb of self-awareness in the group
>>1348448>>get a jobshilling isn't a job.THEME SONG>take it away, Don Pardo!
>>1348518Jet's not forty.
>>1348504>>1348513getting dangerously close to an Edie Purplehands ai movie poster here
>>1348221>>1348230>>1348313I would have thought they'd do something special for the 100th episode
>>1348529"The two cock terror of New England"
>fishtank threads finally kicked from /tv/ did sam/jet fall out with mods?
>>1348533Checked. Probably Jewed the mods on pay.
>>1348533channingbros, how do we respond?>>1348534oh right right. good rebound.
>>1348533Good start, let's get these threads gone too
>Elon Musk dips his toes into politics, pro jeet, gets BTFO by chuds>Sam Hyde dips his toes into politics, anti jeet, gets BTFO by edierockers>Elon Musk gets caught boosting his Path of Exile 2 account>Sam Hyde gets caught botting Fishtank and 4chanReally rhymes.>>1348537>254 posts>1 magnet link posted>rest is shitting on Sam>content is shit anyways>shill is getting quieter and quieterYeah just end the threads already.
>>1348531They announced the new podcast with Jay Dyer, which makes sense. PGL has recycled topics, but I can see injecting some new blood and cross-polinating audiences means that there will be better output. Still, there's no comparable podcasts besides Devon Stack or Owen Benjamin. >yeah, I said it.Also, you can see during PGL 100 that they had an outline for #99 on the screen>blue collar work ethicThis is a great example of how you should POST STANDUP. I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR MEEEEEEEEEEE>>1348543>Yeah just end the threads already.Give us a good example by leaving first. Also, reach out to your parents - they're worried about (you).
Oh great Andrew Ayala/Slime is back.He did the same thing with his Cloud Sprout Revolution channel when shilling Fishtank on Youtube. Cover his screen in barely clothed women.
>>1348546>Oh great Andrew Ayala/Slime is back.Good to see (you), too :-PMy posts are better and I have better insults, especially for that one guy who said The Sopranos was "Dostoyevsky-esque". Yeah, I hope that guy never lives that down. That's just embarrassing. Is Mad Men Dostoyevsky-esque, too? Like seriously, that dude should not talk.>is that you?So, like I said, your parents are worried about you and are starting to weigh their options while your kidney stones grow to the size of a golf ball and your gallbladder could be used in 3rd-world rugby. Jannies, please show this gentleman the door.
>>1348547If the /t/ thread gets deleted does your pay get cut?
>>1348550Nigga I've been self-employed for the past two decades and I'd imagine any shilling to be sub-minimum wage.However, I have a great opportunity for you!'s right, if you're really hard up, you can answer college surveys and verify images for pennies. It probably pays more than what you're getting paid, so go do that.
I'm embarrassed for you, Andrew.
Hey Andrew is security a good gig while going to college? How was your experience with hours and such?
>>1348553we know it's you faggot. this board needs IDs.
>>1348552you're really bad at this - much like everything else you do in life. What is it like to fail continually? That'd become your new normal. >embarrassedno one wants to see your bare rump except for your dad and your homosexual loversAnyways, I gotta go cook some steaks. If you could, post standup.Love,Le Slime
Oh look, the guy whose family won't speak to him unless he's giving them money is making fun of someone's parents. If irony was strawberries, we'd be drowning in smoothies
>>1348554>this board needs IDspic rel>>1348556I just got a call from my dad. Does HIV run in your family?
>>1348554I'm not Andrew Ayala aka "Slime"
Sam Hyde needs to make an anti-dicksucking PSA for the youth he continually tries to access or shall forever be EDIEROCKED
>>1348566You gotta keep comics simple.
>I just got a call from my dad.Why, what did you promise to buy him this time?>.Does HIV run in your family?Does inbreeding run in yours?
>>1348588HH bruddah>Why, what did you promise to buy him this time?Must everything be transactional in your interactions? Says a lot about (you) and your shilling>Does inbreeding run in yours?Is this the side effect of sharing your dad's PReP?Here, have a cookie: .I'll be generous, here's two more: ..
>>1348592Being such a smug faggot is unwarranted when you're paid by Sam to post here.
Do me a favor, just show me your jaw real quick, I wanna check something
>>1348594Put your name back on Andrew/Slime. It's obvious it's you.
>>1348579No, you gotta keep your comics funny.>>1348593you're glib>>1348594What do you want to see? How much dick you suck? The fuck outta here, shill>>1348595It's been slime time all the time. As far as whoever Andrew Ayala is, I'm thankfully not brown.Sorry, shills - this will be our year.
Do they really have to spend the first half of every PGL talking about the useless drone shit they buy?
>Everyone who criticizes Sam is Channing>Everyone who criticizes Sam is Edie>Everyone who criticizes Sam is AndrewIs there any more?
Charls streams are pretty comfy if you skip past anytime effina is on stream or fast forward 5 minutes whenever charls says "please like the stream" or "thanks for the 10 bones pal" etcIt's pretty amazing the lengths Charls will go to to defend arab terrorists. He cannot comprehend how evil these creatures are and is claiming that every single instance of an arab raping in a foreign country is created by the CIA. If charls spent 1 day in paris, germany, sweden, basically anywhere in europe, I don't think he would be able to comprehend it. he would probably cope and be convinced there are just millions of cia arab agents that can't help but rape and be violent niggers but he also has no problem when it comes to being racist towards indians being violent rapists. I guess indians aren't cia agents but it only applies to arabs. absolute retardationonly a matter of time until he see's his roach children grow up and goes into complete psychosis, throwing away his irish genes for fucking nothing
hearing sam talk about new "hyde-wars" esque politics show it really sounds like he has no idea wtf he's doing >oh yeah maybe it'll be like 5 days a week 5 minutes later>yeah maybe it'll be like 3 days a week2 minutes later>yeah maybe i'll do it once a week type of thing and also we'll have luke for some reason in the background and jay down syndrome will be there... maybethe setup in his elon vid with nothing in it will probably be better than whatever he has planned
>>1348613If they didn't, every episode would be 20 minutes.Gotta pad that runtime out somehow!>>1348673You're telling me the guy who's been coasting from one abandoned side-project to the next, just so he can avoid doing the one thing his fans actually want is bad at managing things? Fucking shockeroonie there bro
>>1348671>It's pretty amazing the lengths Charls will go to to defend arab terrorists. He cannot comprehend how evil these creatures are and is claiming that every single instance of an arab raping in a foreign country is created by the CIA. If charls spent 1 day in paris, germany, sweden, basically anywhere in europe, I don't think he would be able to comprehend it. he would probably cope and be convinced there are just millions of cia arab agents that can't help but rape and be violent niggersdoesn't matter, islamic terrorism is the only good art medium and terror attacks are the best art performances in an otherwise neutered algorithm ruled necrosed world
>>1348673don't forget that half of the show is to be a Coast to Coast-esque paranormal call-in show; where'd he get that idea? he's done stuff about ghosts in the past (see MDE_DeadLifterColdFiles), but I don't really associate Sam with ghosts. does he have a thing about ghosts? maybe its just a way to implicate Dyer.
>>1348687holy shit yeah that is so fucking retardedI guess because simply having an alex jones politics only show isn't meta-irony enough for him or somethingcoddling zoomers all these years really sapped all the funny out of him
>>1348671>rambles incoherently >brings up a topic "we can't talk about that">brings up a topic "we've talk about that before">every single time he reacts to something "now will my channel get pulled if I watch this?">I wanna game but I don't wanna game>remember the Twitch days?>We should do movie night some day>oh here's the kids they're gonna turn off the computer get them out of hereCharls is stuck in a loop and will never change, I stopped watching a few months back and couldn't last 5 minutes any time I tried to watch again, he's brain is completely fried, I just hope he takes care of his kids, doesn't seem to have the aptitude for it though.
>>1348670There's also a Fishtank simp they were doxxing and spamming on /pol/ once. >>1348671I don't get it either. How is Charls going to moralfag when Sam is a scam artist that tortures zoomers for fun?>>1348673What's the point of a 2nd podcast when he already has one? One for eating food next to the mic and watching tiktok and the other for giving soft right political takes?
>>1348693What drugs did he take to get this fried? Or is it late onset schizo/ early onset dementia?
>>1348279please just kill yourself
>>1348671lol how do you not know that his wife is muslim? he literally went to muslim countries for fuck sake. I swear you retards just straight up forget about everything.>>1348693it was always bad the only time it was fun was him just playing video games. However the trap these types fall into is they cannot stop the political talk. Same shit happen to eggy. It was fun af watching eggy play games and just generally have fun but when you have utter fucking retards sending super chats about politics and trying to edge by being a nigger you'll run into the SAME EXACT FUCKING PROBLEM. This is why you should just ban these retards.
>>1348699lmao I really enjoy seeing more actual hate towards sam and MDE in general I've been saying this shit since Sam brought on all these zoomers. He started moral fagging on his podcast about weed and playing video games but then turns around plays video games and smokes weed. Not only that but shilling christianity now? Its very obvious hes all in with thiel.
these threads got banned from /tv/ cant you post this in /b/ /bant/ or /trash/ ?
>>1348722They refuse to, because they want to feel special here. Never mind the fact there's been one fucking torrent link posted here, and it took 200 posts to even get that far
>>1348722these threads have been on /t/ for years.
It's always the same thing, namefags and pigfuckers treating the place like their own private serfdom while someone begs for uploads every 30 posts
>>1348715Sam has always been a scam artist loser. His mistake was getting too big for his britches and trying to go mainstream. Now he gets the smallest amount of mainstream pushback and his "career" is over.>>1348722Give moderator feedback. I've posted more funny comics OC than torrent links have been posted.>>1348726Yes. Give moderator feedback. 4chan isn't an advertising board or discord.
>>1348728>Sam has always been a scam artist loserThis doesn't really help your cause at all seeing how this is a straight up lie.
>>1348728>I've posted more funny comics OC than torrent links have been sounds like you're the problem. try posting torrents.
>>1348729>taps the comicsSam got felted by BRONIES>>1348470>>1347463>>1347859
>>1348731lol are you really going to bring that up. it was obvious to fuck with brony faggots and it worked perfectly lol
>>1348734>are you really going to bring up an example of Sam trying to scam people when talking about Sam trying to scam people?Put your name back on Andrew/Slime
>>1348735you can talk shit about sam cause its clear at this point as I mentioned he is just scamming. However before wasn't the case and actively made good comedy but the shit you attack him for is so fucking retarded.
>>1348736Put your name back on slime/andrew. It's obvious it's you because you ignore anything posted and then shove Sam's cock to the back of your throat.>GLUK GLUK GLUK GLUK GLUK
>>1348737you are biting the hand that is agreeing with you fuckhead
Jews like Andrew/Slime really are genetically defective. They don't care about truth, just lying to make the other person look wrong.>sam is a scam artist *proof*>N-NO HE ISN'T!>yes he is>OK I AGREE BUT WHY DO YOU CARE?Andrew/Slime is mad if these threads get banned he loses a paycheck.
>>1348739>They don't care about truth, just lying to make the other person look wrongpot meet kettle
>>1348693you forgot to highlight>his mods send him videos of current political events and he spends 10 minutes autistically clicking through random spots, playing for 1 millisecond, sperging out, please like the stream, is susan coming for me?? plesae liek da stream. yooo
Jesus Christ Andrew/Slime. You're going to be really mad when you lose your fake job because these threads get banned from /t/.
>>1348497>muh think of the children
>>1348714what does his wife being muslim have to do with anything in my post ? guess you missed reading the last part of my post adhd fucken retardI was pointing out his otherworldly ignorance when it comes to anything anti-muslim. His wife psyopped him into believing so much complete bullshit about their religion of piss
>>1348715sam doesn't smoke weed or drink alocoholhe does like sugar though, and so do I. Until you post Theil link, stfu and stop posting forever>>1348722>cant you post thisthat depends, can you kill yourself ?
>>1348745he is doing that because he loves his wife its not about being psyoped he probably knows but hes a fucking coward and bent the knee to her. that is what i am saying.
>>1348746Sam for sure smoeks weed and drinks off camera there is no way in hell he doesn't. He hangs around people who do and allows it around him. You are just a naive fucking moron. The thiel link is very real.
>>1348741Alex Jones does the exact same thing, looks at a headline, makes up a story to get mad about, then uses that as a platform for whatever he's mad about today.>>1348746>sam doesn't smoke weed or drink alocoholThere's not a single one of these fucks that practices what they preach. He's an alcoholic if ever there was.
>>1348693Used to be a diehard charls fan, shortly after he got back with sam I gave up on him, effina really cucked his ass, badly, its because she pressured him to get back with sam for the money, he admitted she was "The voice of reason and helped convince him". Its so painful to see the bro like this, he really was the greatest and i really enjoyed all my interactions with him and all the inspiration he gave me years ago when I was in a dark place addicted to drugs and had no positive influences or honest educated people to be around. His old twitch days were prime keno.
>>1348708Alcohol in the video. In the full course of his life I do not think he went really wild with drugs but hes definitely had his fair share of experiences with alcohol and weed.
>>1348714The strictly political talk is garbage but the banter over social life and philosophies in life and the experience of living is kino.>>1348741This is some of the many reasons I have not enjoyed his content in ages and stopped watching it entirely after being hugely into it before things got insufferable and bad.
>>1348747before he met effina have you ever heard charls say anything anti-islam ever ? has mde has any anti-arab sketches ever ? he was programmed.
>>1348748>I don't have any discipline whatsoever and can't imagine other people having discipline not to be a fucking degenerateyou're only capable of posting baseless claims out of your asshole
>>1348749alex jones can sit through a 5 minute video. Charls legitimately cannot sit through a 1 minute video. every 5 seconds he spergs the fuck out, no idea what causes a human to be like this>sam's an alcoholiczero signs. he said his father was an alcoholic and wouldn't ever touch that shit out of fear of ruining his life. he induldges in other ways like cigars and sugar which is fine. don't understand why you niggers need to lie so fucking much it's incredibly annoying. post a single shred of evidence for your claims or shut the fuck up
>>1348770No because that wouldn't have been funny?
Some of you don't remember this video:'s always been begging for a couple of dollars
>>1348049Pretty sure Don Jolly died in 2021
>>1348784True Don's never Die.
>>1348778if you just bought the MDE dvd box set, he wouldn't need to beg.
>>1348787Yet another alternate reality MDE product I would covet with my life...
>>1348772>alex jones can sit through a 5 minute videoAbsolutely no, he fucking cannot. There's hundreds of clips of him playing a video, saying 'hit pause' after 3 seconds and then shouting at the screen for ten minutes because he doesn't like the way the guy said 'hello'. There's an infamous video of him insulting Brian Stelter where, over the course of 15 minutes or so, Jones plays all of 40 seconds of the clip and spends the remaining 14:20 insulting him without actually discussing the clip itself. So you can fuck right off with that take.And as for the rest of it, what proof do you have that he's teetotal? None but the word of a proven liar? That's what I fucking thought. Sam's never going to fuck you at the prom, so get off his dick.
>>1348735Not me, nigger. I’ve been making red beans and rice all day, but to see this level of spicy butthurt means won’t need to add hot sauce. Thank you for that.Also, stop with the “scissor statements”. We like Sam and co., and endorse their content so much that I have no problem telling you that your parents don’t love you (which is why you externalize and project this onto anyone but your own miserable situation). As I proved months ago, give us a recommendation for what’s better? Tell us smartypants, who should we be listening to? Give us one (1) recommendation and I’ll evaluate whether you have good taste. So far, you suck. You can change this, but we’re gonna need to know what YOU think.See, I’m already a better father to you and am encouraging your better contributions. Make us proud, champ
>>1348759I think he's big into drugs, he's rail thin and manic, probably coke, there's an old video where he's driving to work for Erick where he's off his face. I think his falling out with Sam originally was over drugs, Sam has always preached cutting negative people out of your life, it was only fan pressure after Charls meltdowns that forced him to take him back.
>>1348715>>1348746>>1348748>>1348749When I followed Sam on insta there were several stories where he was out with the gang and had a coke while they all had alcohol for toasts etc. I don't like Sam but I don't think he's a bullshitting on this. He does keep company with pill popping zoomers and Fentanyl dealers like Christ Dillinger.
paywall is pulled. are they really rolling out the "streaming service"?
>>1348806The samslop politics Gettysburg address...
>>1348313Is this pre or post his message to Elon?
>>1348794have you ever watched a charls stream before ? he literally opens the video, spends 10 minutes clicking in random spots of the video and sperging shit like>is susan coming for me>can someone give us a breakdown of this vid>whats going on>thanks for the sawbuck pal>please like the stream>yoooo>it's just too muchetche cannot watch a single second of the fucking video and has no reaction to the substanceI don't watch alex jones anymore because i'm not an inbred retard, but if you sift through his content prior to 2016, yes he can sit through videos and comparing him to charls is the most retarded shit i've heard all year>sam's an alcoholic and a liar but I have no proof and am again just spouting baseless projectionsyour words have no meaning. I don't give a fuck if he's an alcoholic, but it's very evident he's not and you're the only person that believes that
>>1348803exactlythe niggers here are too deep in their sam hating echo chambers they are just writing their own realities nowmight as well get diagnosed with schizophrenia and collect cheques from the government
>>1348802>fan pressureNo it was Charls saying Sam fucks guys, so Sam ran over to hand him money to shut up.>>1348797>"classic" meme or naked girl>same meaningless insults>>1348845Put your name back on Andrew/Slime.
>>1348687H3H3 did a 10-20 minute segment on his podcast when he would just ask his guests about any paranormal / ghost storiespretty sure sam just got it from there unless his poltergeist thing was before 2017call-ins are not a bad idea, but not sure why it has to be exclusively about paranormal activities he's trying to be too "creative" especially with the luke shita politics focused show with call-ins of any kind would be entertaining if samuel put in the effort. OR he could just put in effort on fucking PGL (which he can he just doesn't give a fuck for some reason and wants multiple revenue sources for the most minimal effort possible)
>>1348845>>1348803>>1348771Its bullshit he absolutely does at least smoke weed and have a drink now and then. He even openly hated video games for a long while same with charls but he plays them. Its an act you retard.>>1348760>banter over social life and philosophies in life and the experience of living is kino.this is one of the worst things they talk about. Sam himself has said no one should listen to him because he was a rich faggot asshole. All of them do not have regular middle class childhood outside of maybe Charls. which I can't recall him ever talking about it. You are fucking delusional.>>1348772Sam doesn't have to be an alcoholic to drink every so often. I know he smokes weed. Honestly its not a big deal but it just shows hes lying to fit a specific political position.
>>1348848>He even openly hated video games for a long while same with charls but he plays them. Its an act you retard.He played Starfield twice in his own time
>>1348848>sams an alcoholic pothead >he smokes weed and has a drink now and thenwhich is it ?are you under the impression sam believes cigars are healthy ?advising people not to be retarded is now a bad thing ?>>1348854nothing wrong with playing vidya occasionally is this all the kiwi trannies have to hate on sam nowadays ? lmfao
>>1348860Are you retarded? I think he drinks here and there same with smoking weed. Its not that he is a drug addict or an alcoholic you fucking zoomer retard. Hes a disingenuous little shithead who at a certain point has been acting for retards such as yourself.>sam believes cigars are healthy ?of course not but for him to keep smoking cigars and then turn around and shit on people for smoking cigars is fucking moronic. Its all an act bud.>advising people not to be retarded is now a bad thingHes advising people so that he can stay popular. Sam has said himself a million fucking times that you are all retards for wanting advice from him. At some point his tune changed and leaned hard into giving advice to retards. It was most likely due to him getting paid by Thiel. >s this all the kiwi trannieslmao im an og mde fan that has followed and paid for shit to support charls/sam/nick. Gumroad, rugs, and shit like both books etc.
>>1348867>Hes a disingenuous little shitheadhe's a big guy
>>1348867>whilst smoking a cigar telling people not to smoke cigars unless you want cancer is fricking bad>its all an act, sam doesn't want you to smoke cigars so he can smoke all the cigars to himself like fidel castro didn't know that, guess it's time to invest in cigars fricking thanks bro
>>1348895You're a real fucking retard.
Comic ideas? "Edified v2"
>>1348844>>1348845You idiot fucks are also okay with the idea that he's raped children, so forgive me if I don't give the tiniest shit what you think
>>1348935A 15 year old isn’t a child
I knew one of you miserable shitstains was going to fall out of your chair to Um Acktshully that, good job proving me right
>>1348846Still waiting for your recommendation for an alternative. Until then, I win and you lose**************************CURRENT SCORE**************************Slime: 5(You): 0
>>1348961Don't get my hopes up
Just noticed Sam deleted the Blacklisted Desperado video from his channel, the one where he's exposing adult swim sexual harassment rumors. Why would he do that?
>>1349025Because Sam probably finally saw Channing's Killstream interview where she points out he was projecting his own proclevities on Adult Swim executives. >Treat female coworkers like trash and brag about trying to fuck them and getting blowjobs or whatever>Get fired>Cry to your YouTube fans about how you were the one trying to get away from a manipulative executive. Also making false claims about an adult swim executive is a bad idea.
Probably managers not executives but who cares.
>>1349025it was a pretty silly video to begin with. I wouldn't have left it up even as long as he did.
>>1349035>Accusing former employers of severe misconduct like cameras in the bathroom>"silly"Put your name back on Slime/Andrew
>>1349036Come on, Sam's just a funny little guy, he's just a silly little fella, he does a few of the frivolous sexual assaults, he does a goofy rape of a minor every now and then, it's all just nonsense!
>>1349036what do you want me to say nigga? I thought the video was kinda stupid. I never got it. "silly" is my word for it, that isn't me using it in a diminutive way. >durr you didn't have a major spergout and hyperbolize your opinion like I do, that means you're so and sotake your meds. what happened to >>1348670 ? everyone who isn't a fucking loon like you is mudslime? fuck you and die.
>>1348938>Weird meta comedian ass fucks my 15 year old daughter>This is pretty cool!
is nick a swinger?
>>1349040Nick is a degenerate scumbag, so does it matter?
anyone got a torrent of all hydewars together? if not anyone got the full woman stories 1 and 2 (47 and 48)?
>>1349048the gumroad torrent has Hydewars. your torrent client probably has an option to only download the parts you want.alternatively, they're on
>Charls spent his last stream sperging out about Mel Gibson "sounding exactly like him" on joe rogaine, implying he was watching his twitch streams in 2017>Sperged out all of last year on Candace Owens when she briefly mentioned tartariaHow does one attain this level of delusion and ego? Why the FUCK would Mel Gibson, who was talking about the Jews 20 years ago, be watching Charls' 100 viewer twitch streams in 2017The moment Charls gets wind of any fringe conspiracy theory that people aren't awake to, he adopts it as his own, as if he's suddenly the source, and everyone else are thieves when it's vise versa. You cannot own the truth lolThis ego shit is fucking cancer
>>1349049thx must have missed it
>>1349036Nigger, not me. Taking down Blacklisted Desperado probably was part of his negotiation with ADULT SWIM, as it implies misconduct on the girl with the pubes, Eric Wareheim, and Dan Harmon of illicit behavior. Considering how they gummed up his release AGAIN, he’s probably not taking chances and making moves “in good faith”.>>1349040I don’t get why “swinger” gets a bad rap. I mean, people get to explore their jollies for sexual variety in the confines of a relationship. It’s more ideal than a harem or an open relationship/polycule. I mean, I got to mess skinnydip with a Russian girl in Munich’s Englischer Garten while my ex fingerblasted her tall German girlfriend. Then they made me pasta and we had bretzels in the morning.>but slime, your wife gets fucked by other menOh, that’s not allowed but yeah, Mr. Slime had plenty of threesomes/foursomes, and even if another dude is there, you just let the women have a playdate. Like your dogs. >inb4 purityspiraling virgins tell me how to live la Dolce Vita
>slime/andrew shill is back to tell everyone their parents hate them while ignoring the past 20 posts
Slime/Andrew always eats a nice full bowl of Ben's Freemason rice!He groomed and fucked Josie BTW. He's also 50 years old and lies about his age. Jews really are genetically incapable of honesty, right? Just like the Hebrew Slime/Andrew.
>>1349057Of course he thinks everyone else's parents hate them, his only give him recognition when he's buying them something, so naturally he assumes it's the same for everyone.
>>1349062Put your name back on Slime/Andrew faggot. You keep bitching about peoples parents hating them to defend Sam Hyde the tranny cocksucker.
>>1349063I was talking about Slime thinking everyone else's parents hate them, fuckface
>>1349064Yeah, put your name back on faggot.
>>1349062>>1349063>>1349064>>1349067>Dance puppets dance!I don’t even have to post to take up your brain space.>my reputation precedes me…
>>1349026THE illustrious KEELSTREEM???
>almost 400 posts>only one torrent posted
>>1349116sam hyde is a nazi
>>1349116It's literally 2 socially depraved severely mentally ill retards cock gobblin back and forth>f-freemsons!!!!!! zionists!!!! (I'll still watch all his content tho)>post id andrew slime nigger
>>1349134>>1349116And some worthless fuck will still make a new thread once this thread is done because they get scared if they don't have their safe space
It is pretty impressive how Sam managed to prevent any clips of his stand up spreading. There were one or two 30+ minute videos in fall last year but nothing since. And they do a lot of shows.
>>1349134Sam Hyde is a Freemason though.
>>1349116It's up, so shut your hole.>the slime providesScroll up to find my demands. I'll have the slimenopsis up in a day or two so you can vicariously enjoy my vibez.
>>1349148If he's not embarrassed by it, he should be. The man went to an open-mic night - a time when people's standards are as low as they can be - and he still failed to get any laughs with his lame boomer-ass shit.
>>1349152Post the throaty lady again. She was laughing.>boomerhello zoom-zooms. This may be your first time observing the world, but adults use correct signifiers. In this case, "Millennial". Boomers are two generations older... The podcast is fiyahhhh, btw
>>1349154Andrew/Slime you make it too obvious you're paid to shill.
>>1349157noThere's a special guest on the new PGL!
>>1349158Sam got Ryguy...the first and probably only good guest on PGL. Nice.
Sam claims finasteride made him mental...but he's taken T for years without having insight into how strange he got (starting with Lifting 50000 pounds a day Bugsports era). Is sam's lack of awareness and insight the source of his greatness?
>>1349143>shaming the creation of mde torrent threads that are costing sam tens of thousandsNice try Samueli
>tens of thousandsOh fuck off, there's maybe 2 people in here who actually want this worthless shit, the rest of us want you to fuck off to /tv/ or /trash/ and quit polluting the board
>>1349163You can scroll a bit further to see your BBC threads, relax fagtron
>>1349163>the rest of usyour other personalities don't have a say in this.
>>1349160He's mid on this ep.Bring back Rocco.>you heard me
>It's been around 2 months since the last Charls PGLI guess I'll just kill myself
>>1349171Ryan was trying a bit too hard or somethingIf Sam is really going to get vacuum tube gear for his show and record it to tape with specialty made microphones he should really get musical guests from time to time. Waste of a lush audiophile set up otherwise
>>1349176>he should really get musical guests from time to timeThat's a good idea and it'd be actually nice to hear some curated stuff. Nick's got good taste and the All Under Heaven stuff is real good. I was 22 and just broke up with some dumb gash, I'd hit the parking lot and ollie with the boys...
>>1349160>Ryguyliterally fucking who
>>1349163/trash/ is the better option. /t/ is too high class for Sam.>>1349180He made a hentai porn game?
>>1349180Cohost with Gavin McInnis (the dude who used to run Vice back when it was funny and good). Seems like he was 3rd wheel and offered more informative stuff than actually funny stuff. However, his idea to have a sound delay for outside noises in a car just set Asians back at least a century.
>>1349161Sam sucked dick before he could blame anything for it
>>1349184>Gavin McInnisGreat idea, he and Sam can dildo each other like the faggots they are
>Gavin McinnesNot the best person to associate when the mason rumors are flying around.
>>1349151THANK YOU SLIMEY!the slime does indeed provide
>>1349231The pornstar on the left was playable in the first Tony Hawk game.
>>1349236>who loves ya, baby?
>>1349231it could be anyone and you'd find a way to spin some asinine rumor. like right now, Sam talks to a guy who knows Gavin McInnes? Sam-Gavin connection CONFIRMED. the worst thing he could do is talk to nobody: you'd just say he's pushed everybody away or is just too irrelevant.
>>1349252Wait until you hear about the Peter Thiel connections...
Why would Nick shit on East Asians to Ryan's face and then dunk on Dave Matthews Band when Ryan likes normie-tier music? Too cringe to get through. Nick should always stop talking after his initial reaction to something, it always goes downhill from there.
>>1349256>Why would Nick shit on East Asians to Ryan's faceREVENGE
>>1349257Funny bit but no. Nick is just fried from drugs or something. Over 80 episodes of PGL with Roche and maybe 5% of what he says is ever funny or insightful. People's standards are in the gutter.
>>1349286He's one of those guys that suck the air out of the room and throw shit at the wall until something sticks which surprisingly works very well outside. Nerds watching PGL think he's colorful and personable and equate that with him being cool and funny or whatever. When in reality he's a burnt out boomer who's clearly on coke and can only joke about old women's pussies or some shit. Though he does know his real estate stuff and the first few scuffed realtor were good
>>1349026He arranged for her to go on and coached her on what to say. Sam was the voice in the background coaching her in the first killstream video, you can hear him clear as day if you turn up the volume on the failed, CHRISTMAS EXAMPLE interview.All the stuff Sam does is a bit, including spreading "nasty" information about himself.
>>1348848To be clear, I do not mean sam and nick talking about their life experiences and takes on society and such, but I meant Charls and Toby/Eggy doing that. Not as much anymore though, seems like Charls has changed a lot since he got with Effina and Eggy is hitting the bottle too much.
>>1349307Holy cope Sam. Hope sucking Edie's cock was good and pimping zoomers to your crew was worth it you worthless kike.
>Sam explaining to Nick what ratio'ing somebody on twitter is>likes / dislikes / updoot system means ur opinion iz incorrectzwe have reachedpeakreddit arc
>>1349286Your comment is illuminating Not for how accurate it is, but it all makes sense now… I FINALLY GET ALL THE HATE FOR SAM AND NICK AND CHARLSIt’s not that they’re bad, it’s that (you) don’t know what “good” is. You don’t have a standard of quality, so it’s impossible for you to provide objective opinions. Because if you did, you’d obviously recommend something better - and then we’d see the same light as you. But in over 400 replies, I havent seen a single recommendation.I’m so sorry. Is there a GoFundMe where I can donate to you directly? Maybe an organization that accepts charitable donations for people like you?My god, it must be terrible to not be able to discern what’s good and what isn’t. Like, you probably feel the same about smearing butter on toast as you do about wiping feces from your ass. Same motion, both semi-solid, both in proximity to your body. Or maybe the caress of the toilet paper reminds you of the warm strokes your mother would give you to soothe your skin when you were ill.I’m so sorry…
>>1349308>life experiences>boring spoiled new england faggots
Nick is really not funny. Even Sam just reacts with 'yeah that's funny', doesn't even bother laughing anymore.
>>1349347>really>just>evenOveruse of adverbs is a sign of mental disorder., now>yes really
>>1349353Listen pal I'll let you be because you listen to cool music but if you're not getting paid to do this shit what's the point of being a thorough defender of these guys. The fun's over, this is not post-occupy internet anymore, the culture war made it so every ex SA goon became a paid polemicist scraping for the right opinion and MDE doesn't escape that realm
Nick is some sort of sex starved freak or something. Sam's rant on AI was good but he had to interrupt to talk about some old woman's pussy
>>1349371Like Sam he is a very jealous person.
>>1349371>>1349347Nick was funnier when he had to sell cars for a living and couldn't rely on Sam's aegis and streambux. Made him too lazy and his riffing got worse or something. The Ryan gaff is a good example, he tries to shit on Boston by saying it's gentrified (true) too many Asians (true but why say that to your Asian guest who is a funny guy but self conscious about being mixed race) and they suck because they go to Dave Matthews band concerts (wtf? It'd be fine if Boston was all Asian so long as they all liked Death Grips or something?). All you had to do is say Boston sucks because it's filled with libtards and over educated whores. Since Nick fans eat up pretty much anything he says, ironically he doesn't need to be a motormouth. He can just sit there and not interrupt Sam's high effort riffing about AI to talk about old woman's pussies and fans will still subscribe.
>>1349356> Listen palMY FRIEND!> I'll let you be because you listen to cool musicTHATS WHAT MY FRIENDS SAY! YAY> but if you're not getting paid to do this shitTHIS HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, MY FRIEND! > what's the point of being a thorough defender of these guys.HEYYY WAIT A MINUTE THATS NOT SOMETHING A FRIEND WOULD SAY!?>the rest of your bullshit…CUZ ITS FUNNY AND YOU GOONS CAME AFTER ME FOR EARNESTLY CONTRIBUTING LAST SUMMER.NOW YOU GET TO BE IN SLIME’S HURTBOXsimple flow chart:>talk shit>get hitConsidering my insults drive people away who are looking to steer the narrative, I’ll continue while I run the clock on my $50/hr job for another client (you’d know the company’s name).That’s right, I get paid while posting, so the shills get traumatized and I become richer. Plus, it gets me closer to that sweet standup bootlegs I crave
>>1349308nick would be the most truthful because he isnt deluding people but he comes from a rich family.>Eggy is hitting the bottle tooeggy is literally the only one that i'd hear out. The only problem is again people send him political msgs and shit he just goes along with it. You could probably send him msgs being pro-trans or whatever liberal it is and he'd probably agree at least slightly. I actually like eggy its to bad he can't go full on twitch because if he did people would really like him but instead he lets utter fuckin retards dictate his streams. I think he also thinks that if he doesn't he'll lose the MDE nufans. I bet he would actually make a lot just shooting the shit and playing games people wanted him too. He just can't filter people at all.
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:099d2190c70c1157c12745887ad67bc989ebfd91&dn=PGL_0101_CallOfDutyNFL%20(CRF25).mp4& talking and start posting the link you stupid bitches, i wanna see some action
>>1349371Did you see the legion of skanks podcast episode? Unbearable watching 5 graying dudes brag about touching vagina. Peak grifting immature teenagers.
>>1349410Yeah I skimmed over it. You know it's bad when the only funny bit is Sam Hyde's recurring gag of mocking the headphones they have. But again I never put too much faith in legion of skanks, it really seems to be low brow humor for the types who go watch football games in sports bar. The common lowest denominator of this country.
>>1349389>>1349389He definitely would considering he used to hang out with that troon.
>>1349423then I dont see an issue. he should do it.
>>1349410skipped it after watching like 5 minutescompletely insufferable it's an incredible display of what ego does to a person, only surrounding themselves with yes men. never having someone around you that actually cares for you and tells you when you're being a cringe faggot
>>1349386I agreeScuffed realtor is pretty comfy thoughand I prefer daily content than seeing him twice every three yearsjust really fucking hate the people he surrounds himself withShultz doesn't riff well at all with Nick and just cuts gags off randomly to say the gayest shit imaginable
>>1349386>He can just sit there and not interrupt Sam's high effort riffing about AI to talk about old woman's pussies and fans will still subscribe.if you want to see how this turns out in practice, see the episode where Sam is yammering about his half-baked sci-fi game concepts. the show would be unbearable without nick's interjections.
>>1349454THey should just end PGL at this point. It had a good run but it's just gonna be this sort of shit from here on out. Focus on skits or even live streams instead. Sam's livestreams where he was annoyed and shitting on random things he found on YouTube had good moments. PGL is a dull balloon.
>>1349456how is it not obvious to you they stopped giving a single fuck about PGL about 50 episodes ago lolIt provides revenue and will continue providing revenue so long as paypig retards shill out for them to literally eat the entire vod, talking about cars, watching ellen for 30 minutes, etc
>>1349456>Sam ends PGL>Sam starts his political commentary arcSam was fucking lying when he said if we lived in a right wing world he would be left wing. He just wants money.
>>1349458Sam stopped caring when he realised he could release any old fucking slop and people would still keep paying for it. If you're still listening to him, you're giving him permission to do this. This shit is entirely on you
>>1349458Charls came back what, 30 episodes back? Then they got a bunch of popular "underground" guests like Dasha, David nigger or whatever his name was, Luis Gomez, whatever. It sure looked like they were trying for a bit as of somewhat recently. But the energy isn't there and you have to skip through 80% of the episodes to find anything good.
Slime where can I buy Edifier speakers?
>>1349466Nigger they have a website. Wait, I’m being too harsh. I hope you have a nice morning. UwUHere’s some music until the next podcast comes out:
>>1349410Nicks costume was great but yeah skippable. LoS is trash that mistakes gross-out shock for humor. All the talking over each other fucking makes me nauseous. It literally gives you whiplash trying to find out a coherent point until Luis reigns it back in, but Jesus.Sam was openly hostile to the Jew, so that’s fun and necessary but the live ad reads and endless “tagging” (“…and that’s what Luis’s father said..”) gets really tedious. The Venn diagram of the Deftones CKY Juggalo contingent just makes me think of dudes who work as CNC machinists while their girlfriend’s an EMT. Gross people. Surprisingly, Nick was actually classier in the Mudvayne makeup than the Big Jew Oakerson with the faggy gloves.
Man who's that asian guy they got on the last PGL. Episode was good until he came over and they start riffing their lame comedy bits
>>1347656>it's never comingthey already filmed it?
>>1349486they finished filming almost 2 years ago
>>1349395>No Charls... againhmmm something seems off here
>>1349502>Sam isn't allowed to meet their daughterFucking based.
>>1349477He's the producer/sound guy/pull that up Jamie/guy for Gavin McInnes and now Anthony Cumia since they merged their shows. Ryan does well there but comes off as sniveling around Sam, probably star struck. Asians tend to have that issue, kinda comes off like a little brother around his big bro's friends.
>>1349512All I’m saying is that this wouldn’t have happened with Rocco being on the podThe slime officially endorses Team Rocco>Dream Roccopic rel
Oh that's cool, Fishtank is still charging me for season passes despite having revoked my ability to log in during s2.Isn't this straight up fraud?
Last I checked, a business using customer's data to charge them without consent is fraud or theft. A crime. Sam is a scamming moron.
>>1349548“What is a “chargeback’?”That’s correct. “Alex, I’ll take ‘Shit You Should No’ for $500DAILY DOUBLEAILYDOUBLE
>>1349550>andrew/slime shill is ignoring MDE committing financial fraud and says "chargeback bro"Can you make it more obvious you're paid to post here?
>>1349552Hey, I wanted to bury the hatchet, so I wrote you a song spelling out your name.Just take each note and I hope this brightens your day!
>>1349553Slime can you denounce MDE committing financial fraud against their customers? Or will you misdirect more?
>>1349548what do I look like, the financial department? email them or your bank.>>1349549doesn't sound applicable(somewhat related) I remember hearing that some companies make a lot of money on auto-paying subscriptions that people forget about. >>1349553>doesn't know what a whole rest is
>>1349556Oh you took your name off then excused actual fraud KEK.MDE is literally jeet scammer tier begging for your credit card number over the phone.
>>1349556Slime/Andrew faggot who took their name off. I didn't forget about the subscription, they kicked me off the website. You don't get to maintain an auto subscription when you have refused to do business with someone, faggot.Sam is literally a jeet tier scammer which he makes fun of. did not require verification
>>1349558>>1349559you two totally distinct, individual posters; you have a point. sam is a scammer! he's stealing from you. it isn't your fault for paying him money, it isn't your fault for waiting multiple months to pursue this, only to complain about it on a webforum. you are telling the truth and not literally just making shit up. you are a victim and I'm sorry for you.
>>1349561The fuck are you talking about Slime/Andrew? Incapable of acknowledging Sam Hyde committed fraud.
>>1349559See pic>>1349561>imposter. You’re way out of slime, bruh.APOLOGIZE GAE FAG>>1349556I never let your mom’s holes rest>you fucking ritardando I’ll cum all over your mom’s fermata
>>1349563I'm the slime now dawg
>>1349563>>1349564Why don't you acknowledge that charging people's credit cards without providing services is fraud?
>>1349565bank statements or GTFO
>>1349564No, you’re a lonely person that seeks negative attention.>>1349565Nigga please. I had Chipotle yesterday and they didn’t give me a San Pelligrino as part of my order (the slime has a refined palate). You know what I did? Contacted customer service. If the slime can do it, so can you.Or maybe you can’t? Do you yell at pickle jars when they get stuck? Is Big Pickle trying to hold you back?
Slime you're making it too obvious you're a paid shill when you ignore and disregard allegations of financial fraud. Thanks for making it obvious you're paid to post here. In the thread dedicated to pirating content, lol.
>>1349568I make $50/hr minimum. Shilling is more in line with your pay grade, and don’t worry, it won’t affect your food stamp balance.If I was being paid to shill, why would I request stand up bootlegs and offer avenues of reimbursement?Please stop, you’re like the idiot kid in class that holds everyone else back
>>1349570You didn't acknowledge Sam Hyde's company committed financial fraud. Forgetting about a subscription is not the same as a business denying you services then charging you anyways.
>>1349571Sorry buddy, we gotta put you downSomeone just tried to ban me. See pic? Who is Blair Stevenson 589???
>>1349573>still can't acknowledge Sam Hyde's business committed financial fraudDamn bro, I guess it's cool you're fine admitting you're paid to be here. KEK.
>>1347844its not ai model he payed some guy 300 bucks to do a dub
>>1349507You think Charls sees the writing on the wall?
>>1349675No...Charls can't recognize the back of his own hand. Sam must have been the biggest pay boost he's had in many years. What's he gonna do, go back to grunt construction work and streaming to 500 people? Lol
By the way, how does this faggot look like John C. Reilly, Chris Lynch? Are you unable to recognize a white person via an albino African? Seth Rogan if anything. Pill popping moron
>>1349729Who are any of these people?
>>1349555Sam could invent new forms of fraud and that pathetic meatrider would still find ways to suck his dick. Or he'd just pretend the comments didn't exist, like he always does
Is Sam Hyde a neo nazi?
>>1349748No he's a gay cocksucker and child rapist with a jewish mother Megan Gans
>>1349730Watch the podcast bud. Or go back to your cuck tranny bbc threads, the choice is yours
>>1349740>Or he'd just pretend the comments didn't exist, like he always doesYeah, I don't even read your stuff half the time. As soon as I see your images or your schizo text, I just skip. I mean, if this didn't threaten your belief structure, you wouldn't be here "fighting the good fight". Keep it up pal, I'll remember to ignore whatever incoherent point you're trying to make. Is your name really Blair Stevenson? Not to dox you, but that's a pretty gay name. But it makes sense - BLARING HOMOSEXUAL TENDENcIESPost standup or being nothing.
Sam scratching his nuts while holding the watch Nick gave his wife for Christmas. Beautiful
>>1349748everybody laugh at this nigga lmao he watches destiny
last pgl with this nippon korean idk what the fuck was actually enjoyablethanks for the free content samnow can you please get Charls on a PGL sometime A $ A P
>>1349781He's Puerto Rican and Japanese pleb
>>1349593My tone deaf retard fren, it's most definitely AI and it sounds exactly like sam hyduru
>>1349772>Yeah, I don't even read your stuff half the time. As soon as I see your images or your schizo text, I just skip.Funny, I do the exact same thing for your slop!>>1349772>Blair StevensonNever heard of them. I'd say 'try harder', but this is you doing your best, so
>wow Sam scammed me and is doing a credit cars fraud>Slime/andrew: OY VEY *wall of irrelevant text*483 posts and 1 torrent. When are mods going to ban this thread?
>>1349817quit shitting up the thread and post a torrent nigger
>>1349817Never, this cancer has been infesting the board for years now
Here comes another Adderall induced melty from söy hyde
polfags we eatin good tonite
>>1349912Oh look, it's a pig in a tan suit.
MDE used to be this avant garde culturally significant trio. Quality motion graphics and design, boundary pushing bits, an overall pretty intellectual and clear undertones. Now by looking at the last Sam Hyde vid it's him regurgitating the last few years of 'get a skill, invest in btc, take care of your community' routine to his middle american sloped forehead audience. The people who called were self victimizing software engineers who clearly have nothing in common with the OG MDE spirit. What happened? Why did Sam have to reel in his provocateur side to become an ersatz of Jocko Willink
>>1349915He's had a "I'm selling out in the most brazen way while still being ironic" look directly into the camera expression since at least 2020, it's nothing new. iDubbbz, Fishtank, NFTs, involving the zoomer minion underlings in every project. Turns out it's more fun to travel at paypiggy expense and bang groupies/do food tourism/meet lauding mongoloid nuMDE fans than it is to grind out graphics alone for hours in your studio when you're 40 years old and haven't been inspired in a decade. Sam has acquired some hyper female brain which makes him want to socialize all the time, probably from steroids. A talk show where alt-normgroids call in and pontificate about fart smelling, navel gazing nothingess is perfect for what he's turned into.
>>1349915>ersatz ofErsatz is an adjective, you homo of sexualJust this usage invalidates your entire point. Your parents continue to worry about your life of decisions of gay of stupid of… you get the picture.>I could’ve sworn Mechanical Turk raised their rates…
>>1349918Prime example of alt-normgroid slop right here. Have you at least hit the $1000 tier on Gumroad, so Sam can give you a shitty graphic at the beginning of PGL before he grunts and snorts while staring at his phone for an hour?
>>1349919>didn’t readStill vibing
>>1349915It's fucking insane how hard Sam has fallen off. The most Sam can do is pay slime/Andrew to bite at our ankles when having a real discussion. I think it's because he's a greedy Jew. He wants the fame and fortune, but being an "artist" is just branding. He doesn't need to make art, just say he does.
>>1349922what's funny is how little organic engagement his ads have on /pol/it's 2025 and the world moved on from Sam almost 10 years ago
>>1349923Even when he had a show on AS, no one was talking about him. Fucking Minoriteam and Stroker and Hoop made more of an impact.The only thing people remember is that the show got kicked off for having 'ironic' nazi propaganda in it because the dumb bitch behind it couldn't quit being a shitbag for five fucking seconds.
>>1349922Nigga I’m not paid and I ain’t this Andrew fella. In fact, I wouldn’t put it past Sam to pull a PT Barnum and lash out in order to drum up engagement and support. Anyways, I’m gonna go take a nap and astral project into your mom’s anus while your dad cries in the corner.
>>1349923Sam has all the money and shills in the world and it can't fix shitty content.>>1349924I found it weird that Channing claimed he was screwing around with female employees too, then accused his boss of doing it in the blacklisted desperato video. >>1349925Nobody sucks Sam's cock this hard unless you're Edie or paid to be here.
>>1349926> Nobody sucks Sam's cock this hard unless you're Edie or paid to be hereUgh you and the cock talk. It’s like you’ve got fever dreams of cock on the brain. Your metaphors are all about penises. It’s always cock cock cock.Take it away, GG:
>>1349917>A talk show where alt-normgroids call in and pontificate about fart smelling, navel gazing nothingess is perfect for what he's turned intoBut it's not even that the callers were these low class normie freaks
>>1349939>were these low class normie freaksIt was bizzare when some of them were pretending to be fagman engineers or claiming to have PhDs.
>>1349962>>1349939What's the call in number? I'll call in next time and ask to just give me a shoutout because you're right, we all need to hear high-level shit all the time...>"Shout out to my nigga slimes in the struggle"bababooie, bababooie:
>>1349936>>1349966Can you shut the fuck up or fuck off?
>>1349967denounce the talmud first and you'll never see me again
>>1349962Yeah that's what I found weird, it was alledgedly software engineers complaining about indians but with trailer park voices. They were in these high ranking positions but had the same voice tones as guys who couldn't afford to live. It used to be the same in his youtube streams and nick's stream where donos would just be guys complaining about how they have too much money and don't know what to make of it.What's the point of flaunting wealth if it's anonymous. Sam should get back on the Happy World Daddy tip, in recent times those were fine stuff and what made me stuck to MDE past cancellation. Don't need to have a surrogate father telling me very obvious factoids about how to not be broke
>>1349969>It used to be the same in his youtube streams and nick's stream where donos would just be guys complaining about how they have too much money and don't know what to make of it.How retarded does one have to be to seek financial advice from an obese art school degenerate or his sleazy salesman friend?
>>1349971Sam always mentions "Glop people" and "Biomass" making up most of humanity because that's where his paypig money comes from. People who can barely put one foot in front of the other outside of whatever they specialized in. A fool and his money.
>>1349253Me screaming at Charls back in time to not go through with the MDE reunion
>>1349974He had to make a move that would ultimately benefit his kids. Selling himself out for the family - a classic tale.
>>1349976How Charls sleeps after rejoining a burned out past its prime comedy troupe because it's the only way to support his Brown princess wife and her kids
>>1349976Kinda obvious Nick is only back for the paycheck. Sam wanted Charls back to get to "get the gang back together" for optics. Fishtank shit is going to splash onto them and they either don't know, don't think it will, or don't care.
>>1349984>Fishtank shit is going to splash onto themQRD? I haven't been keeping up with shittank only here for the perfect gay life torrents.
>>1349989It was supposed to be a more edgy grimy hardcore big brother, but ended up being employee abuse, torture, grooming, public humiliation, and a lot more. Basically take how much of a retarded fuck up Sam is, and now turn survivor or big brother into torturing zoomers until they fuck the crew for drugs/money. There's a reason they keep "losing" the archives and releasing them in a disorganized, unusable, fashion.I like edgy stuff or controversial art, but this is neither of those. It's just abusing and taking advantage of zoomers who don't know better until they fuck the crew. Then after Sam's buddies donate to their streams under pseudonyms and buy view bots so they think they are internet famous.
>>1349989Nick barely went on s2 to play poker, and already is going to get his reputation shit on. He was playing poker with a convicted murderer, admitted rapist, who had just got charged with animal abuse 2 weeks before going on the show, picrel.Basically everyone involved is going to have to turn on Sam to wash their hands of the situation, or ignore it. Ignoring it won't work.
>>1349996He's a nigger they have no accountability. Mike Tyson, OJ Simpson, no one cares.
>>1349989Check this image for a glimpse of what went on during Fishtank.>>1347498>>1347498>>1347498You're allowed to make some pretty edgy media, but when you're having contestants for a game show they are employees. You don't get to threaten to not pay them so they play with shit or do things that are illegal for normal employees. Sam leaned too much into "stanford prison experiment" instead of "kayfabe" because he's an evil sadist who can't help but be evil.>>1349997Also true. Charleston White is friends with Vitality who is another freak who does pedo hunting streams. I'm pretty sure Charleston is good friends with Alex Stein who is a Scientologist (Sci fi Satanism.)
The list of illegal things that went on is huge, but here's a small list.>sleep derivation>employee injuries, and encouraged to keep participating by withholding money>unsanitary conditions (unwashed clothes, disgusting carpets, Chris sitting bare assed on all furniture, food waste left to rot on surfaces and in carpet, no fresh air)>improper relationships between managers and employees (letty/josie tacx/ben, probably more)>no proper work schedule, 24/7 at production's whims>lying about prizes, games, or point systems, arbitrarily deciding who wins or loses>not fulfilling monetary promises>knowingly inviting on pedophiles/groomers, and keeping them around once you are aware>allowing assault to happen, then both not reporting it to police and keeping the contestant around>cameras in bathrooms aren't legal, plus they leaked nude images of contestants>illegal unenforceable contract for contestantsBasically Sam is going to get assraped when the fish start turning against him. His strategy was to pay poor people off with a few thousand and buy view bots so they are happy, but it won't work long term. People don't care (like you) because they don't know the details of what happened.
>>1350000For me, it's allowing underage drinking from two different people (one of them an employee) and others doing kratom in rhode island
>>1350001Did happen. Also spiking TJ's drink with kratom without his knowledge. Also the xanax use. Among friends it's one thing. If you're an employee of a business it's completely different.
>>1350000>sleep derivation>first fucking bulletpoint, a typoget off the pills and you'll type better.
>>1350004Then let's hope my typo invalidates the whole paost!
>>1350005it was invalidated before you even typed it. who gives even a single fuck about fishtank? how many hours of that shit did you watch exactly?why do you allege all this illegal shit but not pursue it legally? why are you so full of shit?
>>1350007I give a shit about Fishtank because the detritus pollutes the internet. I see these people who should be absolute no name invisible dregs of society popping up on social media, 4chan, whatever. "Pay Burt!" "Look at this e-girl from the show!" Sam just adding to the garbage excess in the world to line his own pockets.
>>1350009all you're doing is polluting all the more. I'd virtually never hear of any of these people otherwise. I couldn't give any less of a shit which of their whores is fucking the cameraman or whatever. I go on here, expecting WP2 to have dropped, or someone to have archived the old streams or what have you, but all I get is the most absurd nonsense I've heard all day about zoning laws, sex drama, and small claims-tier financial crimes. if I wanted this, I'd go on twitter or /tv/ or foxdick farms; I'd rather go to hell.
>>1350012You should probably go to fox dick farms then, since you don't like having a discussion on an imageboard.
>>1350012I left a 8kb text message board post with a compressed image briefly complaining about the THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of fishtank clips all over youtube and such. I'm not polluting shit retard
>>1350014are these fishtank clips in this thread with us right now? if not, why are you?
>>1350015Here I found some Fishtank clips. Can you comment on them?>>1347498>>1347722>>1347857>>1347859
>>1350016>look at all this shit I posted, doesn't that justify my continued shitposting? go back please.
>>1350017Sirs please sirs this is the sam hyde thread. please do the discuss sam hyde in the sam hyde thread needful.
>>1350018do the needful >>>/bant/ftl
>>1350015Ah, I see. You never reached the stage of development known as "object permanence". See, most humans, after the age of 3-4-5 or something, understand that just because something isn't presently in view, it still exists.So given Sam Hyde is the subject of this thread, it makes sense to complain about the SLOP he produces. Notice how no one posts Fishtank torrents in this thread, because no one wants forgettable popcorn money grubbing trash outside of retards who can't even figure out how to use torrents. Hope that helped man
>>1350024>Notice how no one posts Fishtank torrents in this threadwhich only makes it more off-topic.
>>1350020Janissaries of this fine /t/ subreddit, please dispose of this trash. The slime loves you and wishes you a happy winter season.
>>1349915Sums up my thoughts exactly. Remember when they used to boast about not getting fat checks from adult swim? Lol...
>>1349969Hey Sam I make half a million dollars a year slinging code/driving a forklift, can you tell me I'm doing a good job or talk me out of/into learning a trade?
>>1350029Does having Sam's asshole on your tongue make the winter season better? Or is that just for fun?
>>1350032>cough>yeah bro, that's a good position, really good spot you're in, a lot of potential>snort>so uhhh>AYO THIS GHOUL IS IN MY CRIB (he's playing fallout 3)>cough cough snort>yeah bro just save money and buy a house and don't waste it or something>chews sandwich>thanks for the $20
>>1350033>33Mason detected. Report to the lodge for your failure.Lots of homoeroticism from you. Seek Christ.
Being an MDE Oldhead is truly a curse. I don't want this politics slop, where the fuck is the directors cut of kraics?
>>1350037Fuck that I'm waiting for episode 2 of tissue box.
>>1350038I once saw a screenshot of a folder full of unreleased MDE material and it still haunts me.It didn't need to be this way.
>>1350039He found it was more profitable to string people along for years on end than actually release anything. And making threads about him keeps his name out there, meaning he'll never get round to doing anything of worth. When we tell you to stop doing this shit, there's a fucking reason why
>>1350042I promise to never make another one of these threads as long as I live, I swear on Don Jollys life.