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Old Thread Archived - New Thread up!(:

Rules for thread:
1.) Drop links if you gottem! (Audio only and Video Mirror/Mega links both welcomed!)
2.) Ignore/Ostracize Da Haydurrs.
3.) If posting from community site, make sure uploader there is good with direct file link or if not just link the specific community URL where their torrent/mega link is posted
4.) No bitching or 'Tism spazzing about anything. No exceptions.
5.) If you don't like Mike or the show, please give it a year.

For the Audio Army:

(Redbar S20E27) https://mega.nz/file/te8TTCJa#EGC15BC1UysqXXRefokZgfl5H_sJY1hmZf7jfGO2tgU
RED-BAR-RADIO-S20-E31 https://filerio.in/dlubynj22rgp
(Redbar S20E33) https://mega.nz/file/IWUS2KIA#vV7LMPvI52Z0vMsRYjEeWA1PEhNeoW_ejajGywQ0fwU
(Redbar S21E02) https://mega.nz/file/RCUlBIZI#v4WWHgryASHqF_fylZjiROtYpenurjuNvljfQJUr7yE
(S21E10) https://mega.nz/file/lbFWgShb#KQSqD-pn8Lr1j2tL_PoFfkmKER954qoEKECpXwGQbaE
(S21E12) https://files.catbox.moe/16ir5l.webm
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New Year, New Bar! If anyone's got the audio link for Ep 14 feel free to drop it!
no new ep?
It seems not. This thread has moved so many times on so many sites that I'm not even sure that the previous uploaders are even here.
I've never opened a thread anywhere else, just here. This is my third thread after the first two were archived over time. I just toss up the collection of links dropped on the previous thread and ppl are free to post new links whenever they become available.

Sometimes it takes a bit for a new link to go up because ppl have their normal lives to tend to and occasionally a legend or two drops by to post a full video rip mirror in addition to the audio. Always appreciated! (:
need e14 please and thank you! no idea where to find it .
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Sorry for the delay. Please seed if you can.

you are incredible! Thank you !
fucking king shit! you deserve to financially rewarded for this
i wouldn't mind subscribing to this jew, but he has literally one payment option and that is entering your card information to his shitty site.
not happening, bud.
no audio version?
thank you
new ep
big bro whoever dropped e14, if you could get e16 that would be wonderful. thank you for all your help big man
Wrong, he takes Apple Pay too.
good clip to hold the poors over

for some reason i love mike / jellyroll content
I tried Apple Pay but it said "your card does not support this type of purchase"
e16 magnet i think got nuked
No just hasn't been upped here yet, stay tuned!
We just want the audio man jesus
Yes 100%, if anyone's got that audio link def drop it for the *Radio* only crew(;
redbar is a visual show !
Duh, everyone knows that's why it's called Radio(;
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apologies for the wait. ill drop the video in a short while.
I love you, you know that right?
bless you big man. going to wait for that video
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thank you !!
Mah Man! Absolute Legend comin' in hot with both the audio and the vid
Thanks so much
Is there a way I can watch the old Archives? Audio preferably.
Redbar is dead
Redbar is ALIVE
bumping for latest
bump for latest
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it will be uploaded shortly

video coming soon (re-encoding so its not 30 gb, be patient bros)

Respect brother heart. Always appreciate the true Redbar *Radio* experience with the audio!
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You are loved and appreciated, king.
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thank you
Bros I don't think Mike is gonna make it, Jules sounds pretty weird on this one as if she's forcing herself to act normal :'(
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Anyone have any of the older audio, looking for crows in particular, I have a really old best of red bar cd I can rip and put up here sometime and a copy of the red bar London film.
You mean the crows freestyle? https://youtu.be/HttbFGRB8J0
Would love the old best of CD if you don't mind.
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Was referring too the whole thing, their talk and shitting on the candy itself, then leading into the rap at the end, insanely funny segment

Also wouldn’t mind a whole collection of redbar/old barmy content, like the elen story

I can dig it up (in cd boxes in back of storage) can upload it later tonight or morrow on anonfile or gofile

>I can dig it up (in cd boxes in back of storage) can upload it later tonight or morrow on anonfile or gofile

cd/bluray drive broken, gonna have to get rip of cd at a later date, cd does include the infamous rape room segment and Beethoven lives upstairs. Came out in 2009 so real old stuff.
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ive scraped the entire redbar site. the old shit is mostly unnamed. is crow on there? anyway, im looking to create a redbar archive. im surprised on does not already exist. so anything you can provide is much appreciated, whenever you come to it of course.
Keep me posted, brother. I might have some goodies that are no longer available as well. Will report back.
You're a legend bro. Do you have any of the old live streams with animator? There was one called "Mike and Sven review the Othy Schwearing show," one of the first ones with a fat black nigga comic with a fro. It's geniuinely one o the funniest hours of content Iv'e seen
unfortunately i only started archiving the site a couple months ago so all i have is whats on the redbar website rn. im rly not sure what redbar was up to ages ago, nor do i have it sadly. im working on reducing its size and putting out a torrent in the future.
is it this?
God’s work, sir. What can I, as a scarsclub member, do to help?

I like having the eps downloaded but it’s hard for me to even download them.
thats understandable. the videos are served as m3u8 streams which any program like ffmpeg can easily download. in fact u dont even need a scarsclub acc to access these streams lol. newer streams (at 1440p quality) end up around 30GB, which is pretty big, and is why the siterip is 3TB. ive been able to reduce the size to about 10GB without much loss in detail after re-encoding. it takes a while to re-encode everything tho. its just a matter of time.
new episode hope bump

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thank you

Audio AND Video. Complete Legend over here.

Respect brother heart
thanks, sad to hear mike is sick again
Got to rank as one of the worst episodes I've seen, been going downhill for a while
stfu denny
pretty please? ty
Any chance you could share your method? I'm trying to download all this shit but keep getting a 403 error for a valid login using my usual scraping method.
are u using cookies
yes lol
scarsclub bros, I'm on my knees an audio link please
on my knees, mouth agape for the video
i hope mike agrees with me that tom brady had the best performance of his own roast. his delivery and timing was better than the comics.
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enough kneeling

(video coming up shortly)
on my back, hole quivering for mp4 format

RB Radio(Audio) Legend has arrived

Coincidence that RB stands for "RedBar" and "Respect Brother" at the same time? I think not

Respect Brother Heart
i love youuu <3
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I kneel
appreciated didnt know this thresda existed been a listener since before the paygate era but i will never pay for porn or podcasts
You are my hero, all praise
Any other links these are dead
is there a way to find the direct mp3 links? how do you crawl scrape the site? s21e20
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thank you very much
dude god bless you. thanks for uploading to gofile.
anyone have the live link
last one is free homie
how do you download
this episode was pretty good Mikes been on a roll
he's live now, anyne got the strema
Audio would be much appreciated
nice trips
anyone got the video version of the latest one e24
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thank you buddy

Good Brother over here. Respect <3
all praise
Can someone seed S21 E12 and E14 magnet for a bit? Thanks
Anyone listen to his Elan Boarding School story? Does anyone believe it?
He used to have it on there, then paywalled it separate from the already paywall then removed it all together.
>Does anyone believe it?
I guess, otherwise Mike spent time researching a fairly obscure thing just for the sake of doing a roughly 2 hour interview with another student that was played off 100% serious and as I remember had little to no laugh-moments. Doesn't really come off as a bit.
OP here, I've actually got the four different mp3s of those episodes, never got around to listening to them myself. I actually briefly dated a chick who claimed to be unhinged at 14 and was sent there by her rich parents. Girl was in her final semester of a Phd program for Neuroscience when I started dating her and transferred from full ride scholarship undergrad program at UC Berkeley which I was impressed by. The funny thing about those "Wilderness Therapy" stories that no one points out is how the fucked up children sent there always seem to straighten their shit out after the fact and actually become somewhat successful, or in the very least stop being drug addicts and criminals. I'd say Mike could be an example of that as well considering he's gotten independently wealthy in an otherwise fake, derivative, and over-saturated "comedy" podcast landscape.

Are you fine with all four Boarding School Saga episodes combined into one super cut mp3? Or do you need each of the audio episodes/chapter files separately? I think each is about 2 hours individually.
Whichever you want. Is the Cho still on the BARMY? It's still called the BARMY to me. That's an old one that everyone who is into the show (new or old) needs to hear.
can someone upload something to watch pre s20e16. preferably recent, but I Just need stuff to watch to keep the darkness at bay.
I haven't listened to him in a few years, I think he peaked with the Cumia stuff. What does he do in the more recent episodes? Looks like he had a very long time of not posting. How does he fill 6+ hours of a show? I remember when he used to do really crazy shit like light guitars on fire. Is he still in the same apartment with the spic neighbors who took him to court?
>What does he do in the more recent episodes
I'm a new viewer within last few months, but he's very comfortably found a niche of Podcast-Critic in the over-saturated podcast market. He contrasts his ad-free show that is self-hosted which allows him to say "Nigger" to that of all the shows he criticizes who all claim to be cancelled yet are somehow able to have (surprisingly) popular shows on YouTube that are little more than excuses to do live-reads for ads and free-loading off YouTube's bandwidth-hosting while decrying the state of being "cancelled".
It's funny because as much as he hates ads he used to do them.
He hates comedy but owned a comedy venue and performed stand up (mostly as the host/MC)
He hardcore retconns his past and no one is around to bring it up to him.
Kinda reminds me of some of the stuff Owen Benjamin does.
Anyone in the Bring Back Group?
Like I said Im new so I dont know the lore just found myself with Redbar Clip Channel all over my YouTube algo after the show got mentioned on The Adam Friedland Show.
I am/was huge Cumtown fan or obviously just a Nick Mullen fan more specifically I suppose.
So I'm only familiar with Season 20/21.
I think Mike has mentioned a recent surge in popularity (Redbar in the Wild has increased etc etc)

Just found myself vaguely aware of all these horrible podcasts and hate watching a lot of them it sort of becomes convenient to watch the current day Redbar as a recap on all the awful podcasts I was obsessively hate-watching anyways. And the dude is pretty funny.

I personally think the subscription-model is a bit outdated but I also get his point where you have millionaires costing YouTube 100's of thousands of dollars of bandwidth costs to host their podcasts which are 50% live-reads for scams and 50% re-hash of some bullshit story they already told on Rogan a hundred times.

So as a new guy I just find the critic or "hater" character funny and I think his analysis rings true even if you mention hypocritical past actions
Am I crazy or did you delete a post? Weren't there 4 links to Elan school stuff in this thread a day or two ago?
If anyone could repost I'd appreciate it. Interested in hearing the story after I just saw Elan mentioned in a non-Redbar topic on different site.
podawful is watching YOU!

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