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File: igetintopc.png (750 KB, 1532x863)
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Is igetintopc.com safe? I got my cracked copies of Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Animate from that website, so I presume its safe.
>>1346014 (OP)
use m0nkrus.
>I Get Into PC
He's literally telling you outright that he will get into your PC, why on earth would you even consider downloading stuff from this guy?
Be scared, be scared, buy safe.
Capitalist selling shill
I used to download from there years ago, never had an issue but many say they have malware, theres many better sources today especially for ppopular stuff like adobe, i used it mostly for more obscure stuff that was hard to find elsewhere, they have a lot of stuff.
Use r/piracy freemediaheckyeah rutracker today, much more reputable, not worth bothering with these type of sites anymore
Is it safe? I'm just a bit paranoid.
>>1346014 (OP)
I got a copy of ida 7 from there, worked well till i found a copy of 8.3

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