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This is a containment thread for all cosplayer related links to avoid having 10 different threads for a specific person.
Please use this thread for posting links to or about cosplayers rather than making new threads for every girl

Active megapacks:

>cosplay_photo_library - this pack contains over 2.5TB of organized cosplayer images
more information
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
update 1

>New Cosplay_Megapack - The latest iteration of the cosplay_megapack, contains a separate .torrent file for each cosplayer (photos + videos)

>Tokyodoll image siterip - This pack contains most of the photosets from the now functionally defunct tokyodoll (only photos)

>Original Cosplay_Megapack - This pack contains well organized sets from over 80 cosplayers (photos+videos)


>wtf is this string of numbers and letters?
it's a torrent hash. paste it into your torrent client
if it doesn't work as a hash, or looks like this: eW91J3JlIGFuIGZhZ2dvdA== it's encoded in base64. find a decoder

>how do I make a torrent?
your torrent client has a "create new torrent" button
>how do I make a magnet link?
add whatever trackers you like, I use

don't forget to sneed and use a VPN

Previous Threads:
Active torrents from the previous threads:
>Nora Fawn
>Cosplay Collection (Misc videos)
6e6ef0c2589542c8ddba068ad7a96bcc7c34b13b (94%)
>Virtual Geisha
58ab0c2ec3167eba10836f85ca327d2d10d25c26 (93%)
8bcdb2b83ad7dd82bedf7df6658c6c229db3f68c (90%)
6429d3243f418d0e0fbd8c0cf9140a8635922367 (69%)
>princess berpl
reposting this from the last thread for convenience sake:

small update on the library, update 2 is on the way i have done the first deduping pass and it seems i have more than enough new content already so i'll start sorting stuff up this weekend, it will probably be very similar to update 1 in terms of content distribution, maybe a few more higher quality versions of old sets

in what appears to be a recurring problem i think i'll have to leave some cosplayers out because they will likely require a full refactor and would probably take a full update or more just by themselves while not adding that many fully new sets, i'll probably leave those for a potential V3 or some sort of special torrent with only refactored cosplayers, to be clear when i talk about refactored cosplayers i'm only referring to large cosplayers that would have all or most of their sets replaced for higher quality ones, i'll still be adding some higher quality versions of galleries on the regular updates as long as the aren't too many as mentioned above
>New Cosplay_Megapack
i don't think anyone is seeding these anymore, so not worth adding it to the OP
i'll probably make a new new cosplay_megapack torrent in the same style as your library (several parts) someday, just been too busy to think about it recently and really I want to go through and hand-scrub the entire thing before uploading to remoce all dupes and low-res stuff and have a 100% consistant heirachy across all folders
right now it's pretty messy and i run into issues with that due to filenames having illegal characters, inconsistant set names, the list goes on.

one day.
i hope.
Thanks again anon for all your hard work. I love these sets.
Does the Peachmilky one have sets from the last few months?
i think the latest one is from march, also it's more cumbersome to download but the photo library has more than double the sets from her and about to be triple in the next update
Is there an update to the Hidori one? Loving the look of her new Hancock set
Anyone got AeryTiefling's Frieren videos and/or LittleEmoKitten's Megumin videos?
so... while looking for that set i noticed that the scrapers in charge of gathering newly released sets have been stopped for at least two weeks, as a result after catching up i'm sitting on over 380gb of updates alone (after deduping) meaning update 3 will only have updates, no new cosplayers other than stridescribe (i remember someone asking for her stuff on the previous thread) and update 4 will probably have a disproportionate amount of new cosplayers, it's way too early to tell but i'd say about a hundred

to actually respond the question 15 new sets including a boa hancock one
could you integrate the striederscribe from the cosplay_megapack? i didn't have much in there but that would at least be a start on merging the two, ie I can drop her from my next release
feelsbadanon. But still thanks for all the hard work.
Forgot to say anon but do you want me to create one large torrent with all the updates so far?

I will wait for update 2 if I do.
sure, no problem
i'm afraid that will require a long answer:

the technical side:
the original releases of the library even before V1 were split on 500gb parts instead of 300gb (the discussion should be 2-3 threads back) and turned out that most people were not able to download it, later i narrowed the problem down to the amount of files per torrent being so large that some torrent clients struggled to cope with the metadata so merging updates would be problematic

the practical side:
having multiple versions of the same set of files would split the seeders, people seeding the 300gb updates won't help people trying to download the hypothetical merged ones and vice-versa, there is a way around it if people seed both at the same time using the same files but i don't expect that to happen, in fact based on previous experiences i think most people would just get confused as to what to download

challenges and current plans to streamline the library:
the current model of updates is not ideal, right now to download all of the content for a specific cosplayer you'd have to grab the main part where she's featured and then check each individual update for additional sets meaning by the time update X rolls out you'd have to partially download up to X+1 torrents, that's due to the limitations of the torrentV1 protocol, it can't retroactively modify torrents to either add or update content which clashes with the very concept of the library

to mitigate this i think the only somewhat viable option right now is to periodically merge the library into a new major version so the plan is to at some point make a library V3 also in 300gb parts that merges everything to date and includes a large number of quality upgrades, this will also cause some confusion but i hope people will eventually catch on to what's happening, that type of thing is the main reason why i started including all of the readmes
I understand anon but having so many 200GB+ torrents will become a bigger problem. Like what you said people will not want to download 8+ separate torrents for the sets they want. However large torrents will scare people off. But which one is more undesirable….

Now if you made a zip per set that'll drastically lower the amount of files in the torrent. But.. that'll also double the storage you need on hand. If you want to keep the ease of finding dups.
putting zips in torrents is literally always a bad idea
1: you need 2x the storage to seed
2: can't preview files or download select files
3: force users to redownload everything if you ever make an update
4: makes cross-seeding (seeding across multiple trackers/hashes if theres a matched file) impossible
all to solve users being scared on big numbers/multiple torrents and an issue that was solved in libtorrent years ago and libtransmission decades ago.

i say if some retard with a 2003 copy of utorrent doesn't want to/can't download your pack, fuck em. update your client and stop being an ignorant lazy retard. don't make your pack worse for everyone else just to cater to the literal lowest denominator. how the library has veen done is fine, as long as there isn't new versions every month it'll be fine. just save all your big updates for a new thread, which tends to be like 3-6 months, and that way people only ever see the latest version
1: not if your only have the one big torrent.
2: you can download selected sets but yeah no previews
3: Just recheck and overwrite? You will only have to redownload individual sets if updated.
4: lets be real who is cross seeding and to what amount.

But still going with qBittorrent the #1 nowadays does not handle torrents with alot of files. It downloads them just fine but trying to check off things that where it goes to die. Well at lest for qbittorrent-nox
to be honest i didn't really consider any of those points while making the original library, back then i asked if people preferred loose images or a zip per gallery and the overwhelming majority preferred the former so i went with that but here's my point of view

>loose images
+ i think people would be more likely to seed after downloading a torrent with loose images because they can easily browse the images as is
+ (this is rather scummy) more frequent releases means more opportunities for people to find about it
- the large amount of torrents might confuse people and my only solution to that is including a readme which, let's face it, most people can't or won't read, i might try to introduce some translations at some point but i can only do 2 languages manually, the others would be MTL (the big problem would be japanese going by the peer list)
+ i can probably fit them on one or two torrents
- i expect most people to just decompress the files and delete the zips
- there is a natural distrust of compressed files on torrents since some or all of them could be passworded or contain something malicious, currently i make a point of just using image, torrent and plain text files

i'm not particularly concerned about storage space and with the way i do things cross seeding is not really a problem since most changes i make are at a gallery level not at an image level

bear in mind that i'm posting this on public trackers for a reason, my main concern is to get the torrent as wide a distribution as possible so the torrents stay alive no matter what happens, i'll go with whatever people are more likely to find, download and ideally seed rather than with the more technically appropriate or convenient and while on a pure technical level zips would absolutely be the way to go, loose images have enough (admittedly speculative) advantages for me to want to go with that , i might try a beta with 500gb parts again on v3, just in case it works to reach a middle ground
>the way i do things cross seeding is not really a problem since most changes i make are at a gallery level not at an image level
my bad, what i wanted to say is that file compatiblity going from one version to the other would remain roughly the same, there's no need to even considering even cross seed with images since all torrents contain completely different content, if i zip everything each time i make an update some people will stay on the previous versions, i might be misunderstanding something so here's a scenario of what i'm picturing:

>1-2 zipped torrents
-user A downloads the aery tiefling sets from v1
-v2 releases but user A doesn't realize/don't update and keeps seeding v1
-user B downloads update 1, user A still seeding V1 doesn't help
>current model
-user A downloads the aery tiefling sets from part 1
-update 1 releases but user A doesn't realize and keeps seeding only v1 not getting the new sets from update 1
-user B downloads part 1 and update 1, user A can seed the sets from part 1

the only way to make this situation not matter would be to only make major updates every year or two which is too much of a time span for most people, with more frequent releases i'd expect more people to keep up with the news since it will be more active and with much less radio silence
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how can i help with the PeachMilky pack?, i have 100 extra zips that can be added to the current archive
Anyone got up to date folders of Bishoujomom and Momokun?
the easiest thing to do would be to make a new torrent including all of her stuff to replace the current one, i could also merge the images into the library later on if you don't mind
these might not be useful since are fairly easy to find but are the largest ones i scraped for both that are somewhat recent and still active, it might be good to have them in the thread anyway
>momokun (53GB) latest video from late 2022
>bishoujomom (30GB) latest video from late 2023
what torrent clients are recommended , i use an older bittorrent one but it suicides after about 100gb

in that particular order
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Is there any torrents of Lana Luv? She has a fuckton of videos but can barely find any of them around.
Tixati. Ugly, but works very well.
Update 2 of the library is pretty much ready to go, all that's left to do is making some final checks, making the backup and building the torrent so i'll probably post it within the next couple of days

in the end it's going to have 1 new and 141 updated cosplayers, the number looks relatively low because i had to remove about 180 updates from the original version to get the torrent to fit in under 300GB (all of the removed updates had only 3 sets or less), this will be a "boring" update mostly featuring recent sets from fairly well known cosplayers so nothing particularly rare i think
>nonsummerjack still hasn't shown her nipples
Ffs even Saku is doing it frequently nowadays
I will be checking everyday looking to upload it to nyaa(fap).
you won't have to wait for long, i just started making the torrent, after that i'll just hashcheck the backup and update the rentry before posting so i'm guessing update 2 will be out in around 4-6 hours

by the way there were a couple of minor tweaks made since the last status update
- the final cosplayer count is 146 updates + 1 new cosplayer, i ended up taking out peachmilky's updates just in case >>1312669 gets posted and replacing them with some of the ones i originally took out
- starting this update there will be an HTML version of the docs alongside the usual txt/org version since it has come to my attention that the txt has very poor readability on most plain text editors
Nora Fawn 21.7 GiB


or you can use the magnet:

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2.82 MB JPG
COSPLAY_PHOTO_LIBRARY V2 - Update 2 (146 cosplayer updates + 1 new cosplayer - 298.85GiB)
>preview (a bot that posts one random image from the library every hour, should give a decent cross section of the library):
>magnet link:
>.torrent file (for the people having problems fetching the metadata):
>starting this update there will be an HTML version of the docs alongside the usual txt/org version since it has come to my attention that the txt has very poor readability on most plain text editors
could just make an md formatted file, it's nice and clear in text readers weather they do or don't support md
anon can you add Coser@西瓜少女 / Xi Gua Shao Nu

link to a site that has her: https://girldreamy.com/tag/Xi-Gua-Shao-Nu/

Also cosplay anon do you know of misskon.com?
even though i gave it a txt extension the documentation is technically written in org which has a very similar syntax to markdown, in the particular case of the library docs all i'd have to do to convert it to md would be changing * to # for the headers, my guess is that the issue is probably text wrapping so i just figured out that if i'm gonna use a markup language might as well just use HTML with a bit of css to rice it up a bit, i'll keep including a plain text version in case people are not comfortable with the HTML but i wrote it manually on an IDE to make sure it doesn't have any weird calls or anything, it's a very simple document so it's easy to check

but yeah, i'll probably change the format from org to md, org is very niche and i'm not really using any of its features anyway

interesting, i'll use the webpage as a reference to look for new cosplayers, the issue with those sites is that the images displayed are heavily compressed and scraping from file hosts like rapidgator is a pain in the ass plus i'd need to make accounts, (i should be able to deal with most image hosts though)

i wasn't aware of 西瓜少女 but after running a query turns out i did have a couple of her sets already and i think i can find enough full res sets to include her on the next update

that was quick, i'll add it to the rentry
God bless your soul

-the striderscribe guy last thread
its a little messy but it i left the organization to the archiver
okay so update 3 might be coming sooner than expected, essentially once i finish downloading >>1314598 things will look like this:

peachmilky -> at least a 24gb upgrade
西瓜少女 ( >>1314265 ) -> 30-50 gb
Momokun (mentioned on the previous thread) -> 30-60gb
cosplayer updates that didn't fit on update 2 -> 52gb (already deduped and organized)
new cosplayers -> 80-140 gb (only partially deduped)

so that's 192-302 gb of stuff that will only need minimal intervention to get organized, i had plans to start organizing some the shitton of random asian cosplayers i have in the backlog for update 3 but i guess that will have to wait, by the way even though i already have enough sets i'll probably still wait a few weeks before i start working on update 3 to give some time for update 2 to propagate
Thanks for the hard work anon
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I noticed the new Hidori folders don't have videos in them, are those coming in the next update?
i'm not including any videos by design, a version of the library with videos would be nearly impossible to manage considering that the current size of it is just over 3TB also there might be some confusion over this, the cosplay megapack and the cosplay photo library are two distinct projects (detailed in the OP)

cosplay megapack -> 100ish cosplayers - ≃700GB - photos+videos (https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3913627)
cosplay photo library -> 600ish cosplayers - ≃ 3TB - only photos (https://rentry.org/coslibraryv2)

on a somewhat related note a couple more major cosplayers will need a full overhaul so a V3 of the library is going to be a thing for sure, i'll probably make a few more updates to V2 before that though
do you actually have any of the videos or do your scrapers ignore them? I'd be interested in a cosplay_video_library as a companion to the photo library
the scrapers grab anything that has cosplayer names on it and send it to the download queue but i have a script that "unticks" everything that's not an image or archive file from the torrents every few hours and later on during the cleaning process all archive files get decompressed and all resulting files that are not images get deleted so technically speaking videos get scraped it's just that they don't make it very far down the pipeline

a comprehensive video library would be nice but it would also be a massive undertaking, as an example i think last thread it was mentioned that hidori rose alone has at least 400gb on videos, that said a more modular approach could work if anyone wants to give it a try for individual cosplayers i have my hands (and a couple of drives) full with the images alone
well eventually (i feel like I say this too much) I plan to revamp the megapack, merging with your library to provide a delta. I haven't been scraping for months though as I do it manually to help it be a little more curated. I could absolutrly undertake the videos, but it wouldn't be for all 800 cosplayers or whatever you're up to now. my personal collection is around 200 and about 80-100 of them don't do videos anyway outside of short gifs or 1-5 second clips from twitter. anyway hidori is a bit of an exception because she has like 8 years of hardcore porn from PH and xVids before onlyfans and all that, so she has liie 2-3x the next biggest (I think hane ame who has only short videos, but just an outrageous amount of high-res photos per set, seriously good value for money compared to some girls...)
could be worse, tweetney exclusively uploads in uncompressed h.264 4k 16bit footage and her fans hate any kind of compression or mux, you get like 100GB per hour of footage

anyway it'll be quite some time before I have a real update, my spare time is evaporating before my eyes lately.
I do monitor this thread regularly though and keep note of all suggestions just in case
at this point i have the whole process of doing the deltas for images pretty much fully automated so i can take care of that part myself and fold it into the library if you prefer, when it comes to videos i think your approach of manually curating them is the most viable solution but honestly i don't know enough about most of the cosplayers to help with that

the number of cosplayers that need an overhaul is increasing faster than expected so V2 of the library will only go up to update 3 or maybe 4 before moving on to V3, the main reasons i'm not going to V3 directly is that i want to leave some warnings about what's happening on the docs so people that find the torrents randomly can find out about it and to give me some more time in case i manage to get some more overhauls

it might be a bit of a fool's errand but i'm trying to format the library in a way that makes it easy to query and extend so it can serve as a skeleton of sorts for people who want to share stuff, that way they have the option of just making a torrent with the delta and the rest can be downloaded for the library which is already fairly well seeded significantly reducing the strain on their end of things plus if i (of someone else) is still around making big updates the new stuff can be folded into the "main branch" taking the strain off completely, to that end i'd appreciate any suggestions for changes of format from V2 to V3 that would make that easier, be it naming of files/dirs, approach to documentation or something else

by the way for now the plan is to keep everything it as is but i'll try increasing the part size to 500gb and put copies of the docs on more places in case the rentry goes down for whatever reason
you sir are a visionary

i think ideally I'd just run a curated (so not e-hentai, that shits a mess) DDL site with both torrents and zips, but mitaku.net already exists and it's basically where I scrape 50% of my stuff from
Cosplayer: Ruber-Vulpis


Posts almost everyhting to deviantart

Some sources with a lot of scrapable content.

Source: https://cgcosplay.org/
Kawaii Queentsun

(And perhaps many other cosplayers too)

Uyuy had some new sets leak, you can find them here https://mitaku.net/tag/uy-uy/ if you wanna update the cosplay megapack
I'm too lazy to download it now
is there a striderscribe compilation with all her stuff except the one in New_Cosplay_Megapack?

Alright cosplay anon how would I get ahold of you vs just here? I am the anon who uploads your torrents to sukebei.

So I would like to help on getting things updated. Like getting rid of those low res stuff with better ones. Or at lest provide torrents directly to you for future updates.
some of the websites listed above look promising and i'll keep an eye on them, unfortunately for now i think pretty much everything there is already on the library, the kawaii queentsun might have some new sets but i'll have to check more thoroughly
one of those was missing from the library (i actually found a couple of new sets still not on that site), uyuy is one of the cosplayers that will require a major overhaul though so i don't plan on updating her until V3
as pointed out here >>1317651 the only new cosplayer added to update 2 was striderscribe, there are a lot more sets than in the original megapack but i'm not sure about how it compares to the new megapack
i should be reachable through here or the account i set up as owner of cosplaybot (look in the description of https://bae.st/users/cosplaybot) or any of it's alts, you should be able to send messages to that account through any federated instance like mstdn.jp for example, other means can be setup later if necessary

i just finished re-scraping everything, i still have about 700gb to dedupe but there's already over 300 gb on updates and potentially up to 150 new cosplayers, probably it will end up being much less but still this is more than anticipated so depending on how things go i might just start with V3 directly without bothering with another V2 update
Some extras that might be interesting.


Looking forward to V3!
Is there any sort of tagged-system for the various cosplayers? To give an idea, for example, of which of them do PG content and which go all the way?
I used to have a 5-point rating system where 1 was no nudity whatsoever and 5 was full on penetration but it was a bit of a pain to verify, as it depends on the set and the tier etc
queenie chuppy used to do full nudity under the name QQuren, and then after three or four name changes she doesn't do anything more than gravure now, so it's just hard to track unless you go set by set and that gets old pretty quick. even then one set might be nude or not depending on tier and the nude tiers can cost tripple the regular price so it's rare to see them

plus, personally I don't care if they do nudity or not. some of these chicks with rocking bodies have mangled pussies so you're better off left guessing anyway. the mystery or whatever can be just as enticing IMO.
don't go looking for treasure and be disapointed when you don't find any, instead just have an adventure and be surprised when you find treasure.
there's an interesting situation with the shirogane pack, it doesn't have that many new sets but there are a lot of upscaled versions of the current ones, my current position on this is to leave the originals in the library even if they are technically lower res

I've started setting up for V3, considering that there are a lot of heavy hitters that will be overhauled (tokar, peachmilky, fantasyfactory, aninnyan, nekokoyoshi, hoshilily and nonsummerjack to name a few), 50ish new cosplayerrs (a couple of them 50+gb) plus the usual updates i'm expecting it to land somewhere around 3.5TB, i plan on keeping the naming convention the same so there should be significant file compatibility with V2 and i'll try to up the part size to around 500gb, as for the timeline, once i start working on it the deduping and renaming process of the new stuff should be done within a weekend or two at most but i plan on going through the current sets to try and make some names a bit more descriptive than "2b 2" or "jk17" and catch as many sets with wrong character names as i can so i don't really know when V3 is going to be ready

if anyone notices any errors in the current version that would help
>my current position on this is to leave the originals in the library even if they are technically lower res
good, most of those upscales have artifacts and look noticably worse. baffles me why people do upscaling at all when it's still so far away from being usable tech.
Well then make sure it's not a upscale.
original resolution, even if low resolution, is a thousand times better than all the upscale crap - upscale technology is constantly evolving, if I have the original, I can use something better myself at some point - if I want to.
but if i only have the upscale, i already have all the artifacts.
anyone who upscales something and uploads it because he thinks he's a patron should be put up against the wall and shot
Hm, looking at what you are trying to do, I would go as far as suggesting using something like https://github.com/rektbuildr/shafs for a reason.
If you have a map of file, paths and hashes you will be able to create delta of previous and current states. Which in turn can be used to generate move, copy and cleanup scripts.
Could probably even be used for V2 > V3 migration, hash V2, create V3, hash V3, generate a script that moves and renames file as needed. That way it is just a quick check and downloading of missing data, instead of manually trying to figure out what goes where or redownloading whole ass 3.5TB.
Anyone have an up-to-date torrent for uyuy2907?
i'm doing something similar, currently i'm using digikam, which stores the file paths, metadata, thumbnails and perceptual hashes of all images into two separate mariadb databases, i had to migrate from sqlite because i started to have issues roughly when the library reached a million images, for migrating from one version to other internally and doing backups i'm using rsync which only copies missing or changed data so that's not an issue, the reason i had to re-download everything is because i knew that the scrapers had missed a significant amount of sets (there was a bug where sometimes they would report success but didn't actually send the torrent to the download queue) the issue is that i can't really check whether i already have a specific imageset or not until i actually have downloaded it so i was forced to redownload everything in order to do the perceptual hash checks

some bad news, my workstation's mobo gave up a few days ago and took a disk array with it, specifically the one that had the work in progress V3, i keep backups of most of the cosplayers that are going to be overhauled, the full library (V2) and the more unusual stuff i found randomly but i lost the sets released since update 2, all the cosplayers with less than 10 sets and about 3TB of unknown sets, fortunately all of that should be easy to find again so this is an inconvenience rather than an irrecoverable situation

i'm already getting everything back up (the scrapers are already online) but to get to the point where i was this past weekend i'll need to scrape everything again so i'll push back the plans for V3 for now and focus on re-scraping all of the sets released since the 20th of june in order to make an update 3 for the cosplay library V2
>took a disk array with it

Time to use software raid next time. But if it was software you should be able to recover the array.
not that kind of array, i use my workstation mostly for fucking around and leave the reasonable setup for the homeserver, in this case the main storage partition on the workstation was running an encrypted btrfs filesystem using raid0 so as dangerous as you can get for both data preserving and data recovery, i was unlucky in that the thing blew up really badly and at the worst possible moment just a few days before making my next major backup but i absolutely had it coming

in any case the drives are already formatted and i'm currently in the process pulling the backup stuff from my homeserver so it's too late now
>raid0 strikes again
>"just unlucky"
the 0 in raid0 stands for how many use cases it has
look up stash app
you could download everything,do your sort and distribute the database with it
stash won't tag it for him, he will still need to either download tags someone else has made or tag it himself, and anyway the extent of auto-tagging is by path/filename as i don't believe stash does hash-based tagging of galleries or images (even if it did images who the fuck is tagging every single pic). hardly any of these onlyfans or whatever chicks are on any real database with api access, and since TPDB shut down theres been no real way to get good tags without doxxing yourself to discord, joining their gay little circle and begging for an invite to stashbox. and that won't tell you who does nudes vs lewds anyway, as I said earlier that's also hard to define unless you go set by set.

maybe, MAYBE, hydrus can help, if there happens to be a cosplay-booru of some sort you can scrape tags from - but at that point why aren't you just scraping images that booru instead of torrenting.
fuck hydrus its a god damn mess trying to do so many things and only implementing 10% an moving on
hydrus is without a doubt one of if not the worst piece of software I have ever used (and I have to use MYOB and royalTS daily)
if all you want to do is download everything from a booru and only have some massive database of booru images, it does that I guess
but you could also just run a booru clone out of nginx or something, which takes about 64GB less ram and doesn't need half a terrabyte of disk space to store metadata for 300GB of images

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