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I'm shutting down my seedbox in May which has a lot of obscure, rare, and banned YouTube content seeding on it.

Here are some obscure, rare, and banned YouTube torrents, download while you still can:








post copy to Freenet too, Freenet FMS (hyphanet now) it's the most anon and uncensorable sharing and forum in existence, real deal
What are these, and why should I care?

>dark web mystery box opening
I don't care about regular box opening videos, is there anything spicy about this?
>I don't care about regular box opening videos, is there anything spicy about this?
will watch later but I bet its one of the fake ones
seems to be just a bucnh of schizo content
why should anyone care?
All retard tin foil hat content
What did you expect? Mr. Beast isn't exactly something worth archiving,
any of the pizzagate stuff? shit was getting pretty wild before youtube shoaed everything
>What did you expect?
BPD girls with crazy content one noose away from getting deleted
This would be nice. I remember the video of allegedly Jon Podesta offscreen yelling at a crying kid. Fuck if that's findable anymore.
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this is utter fucking trash. no wonder it was banned
Does anyone have any of the old XDA TV videos?
try asking in the jew thread in /wsg/ or /gif/
Podesta video

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how hard is it to upload all of these to an account on bitchute?
kikechute is registered in UK and therefore censors shit depending on region.
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ASMR re-upload
Italian Barber Massage with Dave
lol nigga you're talking about fatherhood.mp4
Anyone got a Machinima torrent?
Does anyone have an archive of the oldschool twerking phase on youtube?
You can still find a lot from over 10 years ago on yt but most of the twerk sluts deleted their stuff
Here's a mega of some privated/deleted videos from pwnagemcgee, a group of dudes best known for there 11 Drunk Guys playthroughs.

Why not upload it to archive.org?
This is informational, about a channel that may be taken down soon.

The channel is called @CartoonistKayfabe

A huge comics channel on YouTube, one of the guys got accused of "grooming" a 17 year old and is now being cancelled.

It's a lot of YouTube, more videos than I can archive, so I'm putting the word here for anyone that wants to snag it.
Anyone have any archive videos/audio of the creepypasta reading channel kingspook, he deleted his channel more then once and had it permabanned after huge racist rant on stream in 2022 I think, decent bit of it been archived on archive.org lately but a lot still missing, two in particular really looking for are Stay Shunned and his video on Roko’s basilisk

Even a archive done by a fan on YouTube got banned just cause it was his content, seems hard banned on YouTube
Nice try, FBI
>privacy bad
actual fed agent detected
I was thinking of rumble and lbry/odysee. Forgot about bitchute.
hell of a long shot here, but would anyone happen to have any videos by an old user named billzeroism? used to make a lot of Japanese pro wrestling music videos; I've been looking for a few in particular that I used to have on my hard drive, but to no avail
Rip Ed
dude freenet is cool but if you want it on the freenet, you post it. asking someone else to post it will doxx their freenet ID.
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Have Coach Red Pill

>CRP Coach Red Pill (Gonzalo Lira) Patreon 5€ Tier Exclusive Videos (10 Dec 21)

>CRP Coach Red Pill (Gonzalo Lira) Patreon €10 Tier Webinars (5 Sept 21)


>Low Quality from Internet Archive
I appreciate you Anons for preserving the web. Extremely based thread.
>Trump Inauguration Speech (Washington, DC, 2017-01-20_.mp4
Wait, is that seriously banned on Youtube? What's wrong with your country?
no kidding, rip. the news of his death fucked me up for a week. the callousness of the circumstances are so fucked....
Was his body ever recovered?
It is being parasitized by toxoplasmic elites.
Any one know of a complete old Molymeme archive?

> Truth Community
> Coach Red Pill

Sigh, I thought this was going to be actually cool stuff not more gay shit
What kind of cool stuff did you have in mind?
man when bootyshake.tv closed down we lost so much good stuff. there are a few videos I would kill for.
he exposed the real reason for the ukraine war, how zelensky came to power, and was then killed by the ukrainian government for it.
Ah yes because the 2014 coup, the situation with the Donbas region, and US involvement in it all isn't fucking common knowledge.
does anyone know a channel called mangahero he used to post live manga shopping videos shopping videos he was a bit unique he was a neet had rich parents and was a bit religious
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Didn't want to make a new thread. Does anyone have Charlie's channel member content?
>Didn't want to make a new thread.
Makes one anyways
does any anon have the video of an isis soldier teaching us how to make a bomb? the old url was
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JCS Criminal Psychology - near complete archive. Went from massive to taken down due to various complaints and censorship. Definitely worth holding on to. There are a few missing (the Prince Andrew - Epstein one is the shortened version) but this is a pretty good collection in 1080p.


Hosted on Archive.org.
This is probably a huge longshot, but does anyone have old Jeff Censored content? He still has some videos on his channel, but a ton of it was taken down over the years. He had passed away a couple years ago and he is quite obscure, so if anyone has something, that would be great.
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sv3rige/goatis telegram videos?

that was part of the weird worldcorp arg thing, its on the internet archive as fatherhood/each day i grow some more
Anyone remember or backup this channels videos?
anyone have blame truth’s old machinina pokemon videos, or his pokemon showdown videos? he nuked all of the latter and i don’t know why

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