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File: liveleak-625636968.jpg (49 KB, 600x300)
49 KB
I found a 1.2TB liveleak archive on archive.org and spent the last half a year off and on trying to extract it. It haas content from 2019 until the shutdown in 2021.
The archive consists of 50+ .megawarc.warc webarchive files which hold the videos and some metadata. There are also .idx , .xml , .sqlite , .json and .cdx files for each .megawarc archive. These archives were compressed into individual .gz files, which only saved a small amount of data, so I discarded the packed version.
I extracted the archive using warcat.
The videos are stored with an ID in the filename, so maybe one of you can try to make a torrent with correct video titles.
I am posting it here, because you guys can probably do something with it.
The torrent below has the full unpacked archive (1.2TB) and a extracted folder that only contains the videos (0.97TB). I have port forwarding enabled and I'll seed for as long as I can. The videos are in a .mp4 format, but labelled with a wrong extention. You can view them normally in VLC without renaming.


.torrent: https://files.catbox.moe/m8xe2b.torrent
Fucking Sweet!
TY Anon!
Please seed this

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