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File: liveleak-625636968.jpg (49 KB, 600x300)
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I found a 1.2TB liveleak archive on archive.org and spent the last half a year off and on trying to extract it. It haas content from 2019 until the shutdown in 2021.
The archive consists of 50+ .megawarc.warc webarchive files which hold the videos and some metadata. There are also .idx , .xml , .sqlite , .json and .cdx files for each .megawarc archive. These archives were compressed into individual .gz files, which only saved a small amount of data, so I discarded the packed version.
I extracted the archive using warcat.
The videos are stored with an ID in the filename, so maybe one of you can try to make a torrent with correct video titles.
I am posting it here, because you guys can probably do something with it.
The torrent below has the full unpacked archive (1.2TB) and a extracted folder that only contains the videos (0.97TB). I have port forwarding enabled and I'll seed for as long as I can. The videos are in a .mp4 format, but labelled with a wrong extention. You can view them normally in VLC without renaming.


.torrent: https://files.catbox.moe/m8xe2b.torrent
Fucking Sweet!
TY Anon!
Please seed this
Bump and thank you OP
Thank you!
waiting to see if someone can make a proper torrent with titles and tags
Alright seems doable, however would need to extract the warc files again since they contain the names, tags, description, when it was added and which files (720p, 360p, thumbnails) are related.

It would probably take ages on my pc but i'll give it a try tomorrow and see how it goes.

Next step would be to rename them and create a very simple local webpage to scroll through them by tags.
in it's current state not much can be seen from the archive. Unfortunatelly I only have spinning rust to extract this, so it will take more than forever
idk if anyone is still around, but i have a working program now which finds the names and so on for each clip, puts all tags for each in a database for easy access, changes the names to end with .mp4 and puts all videos in yearly folders instead of hundres of small ones.

The ~10GB example i tried had 549 unique videos for each a 720p and 360p version and 3800 Tags.
265 files which could not be matched to any title/description.
Still slightly bothered by those unidentified ones, however unsure if there simply is no related html page inside or those have a different layout.

Anyways maybe tomorrow, won't process them yet without having an answer to the remaining unidentified files.
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Still unsure why we are interested in this stuff but the sorting works now.
Just don't know what to do with related pictures and thumbnails, probably same as with videos.
Tags can be searched easily with the database, one file two tables. This one archive gave around 1400 videos and only 25 which couldn't be connected to anything, good enough. Those 25 will be moved to their own folder. Those 1400 videos had over 4000 tags lol which are also stored related to the filename.

Now just download the other archives and let automation do the rest.
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Local webpage is working now, the design well lets not talk about it.
All videos are search-, and playable in the browser only three additional files needed (one html, one phyton for the local server and the database file).
Description opens with a click. Search looks through tags, description and titles.Still need to let the cleanup program run over the archives, will make a torrent when done.
It will only keep the best quality video and picture and delete everything else.
nice! any plan on launching it soon?
Still downloading the remaining archives lol hope it'll be done in a few days.
For clarification, all files needed to run the site offline / locally on your machine will be included in the torrent. Once the sorted files and database is shared maybe someone with more html/css/js skills can make a nicer frontend.
desu front end is a bloat, just let it rip, CLI only if needed
12KB no bloat and search field comfy.
~100GB to go, down speeds slow af, maybe tomorrow.
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Hello OP here again, sorry for seeding this with such a slow home connection. I have uploaded 9.4+ TibiBytes so far. Glad to know that this material is actually being used! Please seed it for some time, because otherwise it will always stay slow. I will continue seeding as long as possible.

Please make sure to create a new thread for the new torrent!
Bammmmping for long lost live leak. Fml. I come back to this shit.
One of the more boring archives sadly.
In total slightly over 43000 unique videos at around 719GB and only very few interesting ones.

We would need a earlier archive with more fucked up content to be good, it looks like pornhub after the purge.
Most are clips you could add to a short news article or reddit post and are forgotten right after.

For example some shit trump said, corona news, cat sitting funny, protestors blocking the street,
a traffic jam in new delhi, palestinians march in solidary with tiny bit of violence mixed in.

I mean sure if it's a event happening right now those clips would be nice to have but now? idk
how did archive org get the videos anyway ? in general it shouldn't be able to get videos or am i wrong ?
please open source this, I need it to watch downloaded videos.

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