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Previous thread >>1196628 hit a bump limit (archive: https://archive.is/BLxHD)

>The Catechism in a Year
Fr. Mike Schmitz guides you through the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 episodes, providing explanation, insight, and encouragement along the way.

Read the ENTIRE Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days. Understand the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter. Understand how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture. Absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition. Encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness for your life

Each 15-20 minute episode includes: A guided prayer to help you enter into each episode. A reading from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. An explanation from Fr. Mike Schmitz about the reading.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised


>Bible in a year
Bible In A Year Podcast (9.88 GB). 365 regular episodes, 18 BONUS episodes, and an episode reflecting on the 2021 season.

In 2021 Bible In A Year was the #1 Religion podcast on iTunes in the U.S. and 46 other countries. It also topped main stream media podcasts like NPR and New York Times.

Torrent: https://files.catbox.moe/4gy9eg.torrent
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Zondervan AIO Reference

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Christian Book Collection


fuck me, its bad enough this shti still goes on, and now you have to invade the torrents board with it.

why are US americans all in the cult. ya fucking dumbasses
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Calm down homosexual atheist, no one is taking actual action against you shoving things upon your ass.
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Im a straight, white, married, father.

Im just educated enough to know this religion shit in USA is getting old.

its occultism at its finest.

I challenge your lord and his homo skinny hippy son to smite me. lol
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Not Christian but blessed thread.

>and now you have to invade the torrents board with it.
Yes anon, I'm sure having 40+ porn threads in the catalog is far more important than having one of a kind of informative thread.
please dont call religion informative,

Its insulting
lol tipzfedora.gif in one post.
No one said anything about your race. You got a complex with it or something? Care to tell us about how your parents met at the crack house?

Someone else is already smithing your wife, by the way.
>Calm down homosexual atheist, no one is taking actual action against you shoving things upon your ass.
Except that they are. They are doing far worse in fact. Politics is downstream from religion. Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
I brought race up, to stop any of you religious faggots saying that Im talking shit because of non acceptance, because religion is homophobic, often sexist or racist.

As far as the "smithing my wife" comment is concerned thats often a cop out dumb american people use as an insult.

Religion is what holds humanity back, and existed to comfort people due to lack of knowlege of events and the universe.

Its become the "junk food" of society and culture, causes wars and makes religious figures who are tax exempt rich.

its not for you. its all a sham, its a business.
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Bump out of spite.
Your life is so miserable that you frequently check a thread about a topic that doesn't concern you and build walls of text. Suck a dick and die, loser.
lol, my life isnt miserable, i dont follow sky men. what a fucking cop out to say that. and its a common cop out too.

I have extentions that let me know when there is replies. so that I can stir up the christfags some more.Its honestly a good hobby, and all you god cucks try to shove it down our throats on a global scale so how about you take what you give.

Can I spend time knocking on your door trying to get you to go without god? cos you fuckers seem to think its ok to tell me to go with god, its disrespectful as fuck.

idk how any of you can claim to be educated whilst beliving theres a god. lol.

How ancient. People didnt even commonly know how to read when the where told these fairy tales.

Have a bit of respect for yourselves.
NTA, and thanks for confirming - you're a midwit (at best) annoying bongistani asshole. I'm 100% sure you're a chav and your wife (on the off chance you weren't larping) has a spray-on tan.
dude my wife doesnt even wear makeup. and I dont partake in drug use.

You have no idea. Im just educated enough to hate religion. lol
your wife takes niggerdick, its ok anon
yeah another cop out.

You have no idea about me, but I know religion.
you guys only have quick quips that every dumb american with canned response says
Very christian of you anon, you sure showed him the love of the lord
bro people die every day over religion.

Its about the same as the "love" of the lord lol
All the so-called "educated" atheists on here bitching and moaning about a religious thread but are unusually silent when anyone posts about the latest disgusting porn of the week. I'm not religious but you're all full of shit degenerates and know it.
i'm not even religious nigga, i just find it funny that you write text walls in response to barely two sentence posts here every day
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>14 year old atheist
>Can't even capitalize correctly.
Calm your fedora anon. Your multiple vaxxed heart will explode if you keep hating like this.
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I'm 32.

And this is 4chan not a grammar school
why are you retards arguing with a sub-80 iq atheist? he has obviously read no theology, philosophy, or anything of the sort. best to ignore the reddit atheists

anyways, here's something random I found on btdig which some may find interesting:
Robert Alter - The Hebrew Bible A Translation with Commentary
I was forced to learn it in school here.
And sub 80 is rich coming from a group of people that believe in a skyman that was fictionalised before people had an understanding of the world.

What a gronk lol
>Still can't capitalize correctly

You guys speak english, start spelling things properly.

Why tf did Americans add the 'z' lol
And you don't speak English, so do us all a favor and spare us your stupid opinions on the language.
Hello fellow Australian, it’s time you read your bible and the lines between them
What are you retarded? i speak actual english, not American english.

the guy below you is corrent, Im australian
>no one is taking actual action against you shoving things upon your ass
Especially you gutless chickenshits defying god's direct order to kill them all on sight.
Oh. You're Australian. That explains the simultaneous stupidity/arrogance, as well as the convict pidgin "English."
I'm a 48 year old atheist, I don't think it's bad to see this on a torrent board, bit of variety and all that. The bible is interesting to read though I'm not sure I'd get anything out of Chad Priestly here.

The reason the 14 year old atheist meme is somewhat realistic is that we get it out of our system in our teens and get bored of arguing with pigeons.
some very euphoric posts in this thread
praise the lord!
Are there any resources for learning the Latin mass? I, lamentably, grew up post-Vatican II. And I feel like I've been deprived of something essential.
Yes yes so intellectual
How special that you choose to exist in a dark cave and listen the silence broken only by your own voice echoing off the walls
You must feel so fulfilled
>fuck me
>smite me
>talking shit
>you fuckers
Ahh yes, the well adjusted and contented atheist.
https://angeluspress.org/products/the-mass is good, you can get it from https://annas-archive.org/search?q=dunney+mass
also watch https://www.sanctamissa.org/tutorials
Bless you and thank you, Anon

It takes a certain fortitude of mind, certainly, that's why I don't engage in the kind of online atheist debates I used to a couple decades ago, who am I to interfere with whatever construct people have developed to deal with reality? We're all just muddling through.

That said, It's a bit of a no true Scotsman but anyone who is capable of going _back_ to organized religion probably wasn't a real atheist to begin with and was just acting up against daddy/society or whatever. It'd be like going back to believing in Santa, cannot be done (Though if you really want presents I can see the use in pretending!)

Be quite a journey "I downloaded 200 hours of catechism instruction on 4chan and became a born again catholic" but I'm sure weirder things have happened.

You do you, anon
Thanks for this OP.

catholicism is satanic
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Bishop Robert Barron Word on Fire Catholicism Series 2011


[TTC Video] William R. Cook - The Cathedral


[TTC Video] William R. Cook - The World's Greatest Churches


Catholicism - Barron


Catholicism - A Journey to the Heart of the Faith

I was going to put together a torrent of the Antioch Bible and Peshitta-related books from Libgen, but thought I'd ask here first if anyone had the Antioch Bible already. I don't think it's finished yet (and Libgen doesn't have all the books on the schedule yet, e.g. None of the books of Esdras, no Psalms), but it'd be better to have it collated unfinished than not at all
What is great about the Anitoch Bible? I don't think I've ever seen it
It's an English translation of the Peshitta, an ancient "version" of the Scriptures that predates the Jewish Masoretic Text and is likely, as the Vulgate, purely a Christian translation.

Scholarship/manuscript autism basically
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this is nonsense, how do you explain leftism continuing on during times when it was extremely censored, like the 1890s and 1950s?
people are gonna believe stuff on all ends of the political spectrum regardless of stuff like that. censorship just pushes it out of the public sphere and pushes those believers to a more extreme end. just look at the difference between conservatives in the 2000s and the 2010s
>leftism was extremely censored
>COVID lockdowns never happened
>Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia
What, so you just don't believe history is real? The strikebusters, red scare, FBI monitoring of leftist groups, censorship of socialist newspapers, the Hollywood blacklist, etc., were just all fake? I guess you can be right about anything when reality is whatever you want it to be
I don't know why you're bringing this all up - what history proves is that, if anything, anti-communist efforts in the US in the 50's didn't go far enough. Joe McCarthy was correct in general, though of course he got a lot of the specifics wrong.
I'm bringing it up because it's an example of leftism surviving despite being censored. You claimed leftism can only survive when it's in power and censoring others
You also tried to say leftism getting censored didn't happen with that whole "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia" bit. Why are you confused when I bring up examples proving that wrong?
More than one anon ITT, Sparky. Learn to read/differentiate.
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i was able to find this on a different ebook site than libgen using the keyword "peshitta"
Not even a remotely Jewish name retard
I don't know which site you're referring to
Bump. keep this up.

Please do keep seeding the Bible in the year bros
Anyone have Introduction to Christianity by Pope Benedict?
Bump for this.
Although I have not a torrent for it anon, I found a link where you can download it as a pdf (use it if you wish too, can't guarantee something safe).
Last bump from me, Bible needs more peers for people to torrent it.
Hello. Were you aware that a positive belief in the nonexistence of something or someone whose nonexistence cannot possibly be provem is itself a logically indefensible position, constituting a dogmatic belief in itself?

Were you aware that the very "father of the Big bang Theory" was a Catholic Monsignor?

To your question, I was raised atheist and I have a background in Physics and yet am now a devout Catholic, confirmed at age 44 - and not to satisfy any marriage formalities or anything like that. I have had many highly profound religious experiences which I cannot possibly forget or dismiss. I genuinely and truly believe.

How did this happen to someone like me, with outlier intellgence? It happened not in spite of, but because of my intelligence.

I discovered, entirely to my surprise and largely by accident, yet as a result of introspection and deliberate cultivation of attention, that there exist latent levels of consciousness beyond anything we are normally familiar with, but which can be realized and developed through special efforts.

I soon after was even more surprised to discover that knowledge of these levels is both quite ancient, ans is preserved in plain sight. Every major religion is built upon a system which allows the practitioner to access and cultivate these levels. The terminologies and specific practices vary widely, but when even one of them is genuinely understood experientially, the apparent contradictions between systems substantially vanish. For a different people in a differrent time, the same thing may be approached and described differently.

These are, as Charles Tart coined it, "Transpersonal Psychologies." Religions are applied psychologies which can, and originally did, bring about a change of person - a change in a person's level of being.

See the book, "Toward Awakening" by Jean Vaysse. It describes the four main levels of consciousness very concisely, how they interrelate, and a key exercise.
>>1298321 (continued)

It will of course sound incomprehensible to the uninitiated mind that anything which can be called a psychology could be associated with other things which are called mystical. (To wit, "The darkness has never understood it.) So what I will give you are some questions, which I hope you might keep alive by genuinely pondering them.

If I say, "This is my body," what then is this "I" thing who presumes to own it?

What do I know about "I"?

What does it mean to know something? Is there more than one level of knowledge?

What is happening within me right now?

Why am I not aware of my feet? The tension in my face? My posture? The ambiest smells? The sensation in my scalp? The location of my tongue? My very breath?

Is it possible to be simultaneously aware of every centimeter of my body, my thoughts and my emotions, even my experruence of sight, sound and smell all as one expanded attention covering an integrated whole, and without contradiction?

What would happen if one learned not "only" to attain such a state, but to walk around, interact with people and experience life in such a state?
Am I missing something, or does this seem to be a completely different book with the same title?

Try telling your priest all that next time you're in the confessional booth
I have been completely open about it. To my surprise, it has been well received as "a powerful testimony." But I shouldn't be too surprised. I happen to be longtime friends with a well-published Catholic theologian and lecturer who is even better read than I am, who understands all of this and has even taught me some, and would likely approve of my choice of words above, at least privately.
Are there chants posted in previous threads?
Does anyone have any Orthodox resources?
Also, are there any books detailing the first seven Ecumenical Councils and does anyone have torrents for those?
first and second thread had some stuff like a channel archive of Fr Spyridon's videos, all ofFr Kosmas' audio (it's not piracy because you can download it all for free from his site anyway) and a collection of epubs for patristic commentary for every book of the bible. The threads have mainly been catholic stuff and atheists shitposting.

For about the ecumenical councils I'd look to see what Fr John Meyendorff has written in his church history books. Anything else Orthodox related, a good list of sources is here https://ubipetrusibiecclesia.com/2021/02/13/recommended-reading-list

You can find a lot of pdfs/epubs on library genesis and some more on zlib but you need to make an account to use zlib and there's a limit to how many you can download in a set time.
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Here is a chart from /lit/. This is more 'ecumenical' though. Note the books about the heresies and calling them "divergent traditions", Leo Davis was a Jesuit but I honestly can't say whether or not his book is bad as I don't know of it.
Torrents are great not because they are privacy but because they help preserve data. Who knows when his channel will be deemed anti-semitic just like the Gospel.
Jfc america is a failed experiment. All of you religious idiots sincerely need to kys. Do the world a fucking favor for once. This bullshit ain't it
Your weeps sound like victory to us.
The west will repent and become Holy again.
Does anyone have Logos 10 with all the resources? I can only find Logos 4 here and it's way old;
getintopc /softwares/religious/logos-bible-software-4-platinum-free-download/
I'm not paying 10,000 dollars for this shit
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pirating is a sin, you must give the jews your money
Jesus multiplied bread and fish.
>Christian thread
>Jews immediately jump in to gaslight
Every time.
and you're not Jesus
we are called to emulate Jesus
why did he multiply bread and fish?
why do you pirate?
Like a clockwork
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lol christians stealing books

the absolute state
The Bible is given away for free all of the world, and the early church fathers and other scholars that have written the Christian corpus would want as many people to have access to devotional works as possible. It is even debatable that pirating books is even stealing, no resource has been removed from a person like the theft of a physical book and the argument: "you have stolen from me by depriving me of a sale" relies on the assumption that an individual was going to acquire the book regardless of cost. If someone was going to buy the book and then decided not to because there was a free version then yes, but for an expensive scholarly book costing hundreds, few people would buy it, so the option is no knowledge distributed or knowledge distributed at no cost. When this is enlightenment in particular, the distribution of this knowledge becomes hard to oppose.

Also, not everything torrented is piracy. Most of these Christian works are literally centuries old and available for free online, a torrent is just a continent distribution method.
>Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Like chopping your dick off, chemically castrating kids, or sticking your dick inside a shit pipe?
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Circumcision is way worse. What you are descriging are the pastimes of an extreme minority. The fact that they neuter and mutilate the genitals of almost all American males is an outrage and should be outlawed. They would not accept routine female genital mutilation, and what is good for the goose should be good for the gander.

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Haven't been in one of these threads in years.
Anyone know where I could fiind pic related? I tried libgen, archive, google etc. I found manuscripts and centuries old books easier than this book from the 60's.
Let me know If there's a archive of the author's books ore just old italian books.
This is a recent site.
dunno. what is it about?
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we really don't need another porn thread
Maximos Margunios, orthodox clergy, and his comentary on de Trinitate by St Augustine.
Basically showing how he actually agress with the eastern tradition on the proccession of the Holy Spirit.
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"The Lamb's Book of Life" or the Son of Man's arrival


Archive.org webpage : https://archive.org/details/le-livre-de-vie-de-l-agneau

The official version is french only, but there's also an old english version (translated with shitty Google of the prehistorical times):

Here's the PDF english version if you want


The translation is still bad however, someday I'll probably find a better one
Oh dang that sounds really cool. I was listening to that french guy snek talk about that. If you do find it please let us know.
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Does anyone have the complete "The Godcast" featuring SuperLutheran?
Lots of ep's (specifically ep 29 - 54) were deleted online for opsec reasons
maybe you can get them from fyyd?
>The Godcast Episode 29: Imperialist Christianity
https://fyyd.de/episode/3784278 loads
Hey there
There are a couple in that range that were re-uploaded much later with edits

Because fyyd hooks into libsyn where they are stored the missing ones aren't there.

If I search episode 32 I get no results for example.

It's probably going to need to be an old torrent or something

Thank you heaps for your help regardless, much appreciated
interesting that range is removed from https://archive.org/search?query=godcast&page=10&sort=-date archives as well
Anyone have a link to Hanna Barbera "The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible"?
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Does anyone by any chance have this book? I specifically need vol. 1 but the full collection would be even better
btdig has some torrents https://btdig.com/search?q=Greatest+Adventure+Stories+from+the+Bible
can you check which one is good and drop a link here?
+1 this
btdig has so much stuff other places don't have
love it
>this is nonsense, how do you explain leftism continuing on during times when it was extremely censored, like the 1890s and 1950s?
>smite me
if you stayed in sunday school, you'd know why he doesn't answer to you lol
This guy got a tattoo while he was a priest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcjevulLkuM

If you're becoming Catholic you should go to an SSPX Chapel or a Latin Mass if SSPX is not nearby. You can also watch a Latin Mass at Livemass.com.

I'm not a Sedevacantist, we just have a bad Pope whom is heretical as are the current clergy in the Vatican. This will pass at some point, but this is the situation currently and has been since the 1950s. The Novus Ordo is invalid and a heresy, so try not to go to a NO Mass if you can.

God bless you.
>The Novus Ordo is invalid and a heresy, so try not to go to a NO Mass if you can.
I have not heard a consistent argument for NO being invalid that does not also argue that NO _ordinations_ would be invalid. (I don't believe the latter.)
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Its fruits. If you want to worship the new world order, feel free. I'm not your father.
It's Livemass.net sorry
yeah and fruits of denying validity of ordinary form is a SCHISM.
You give us a bad name
Just a heads up for anyone who's interested, despite the btdig links being super old for the Greatest Adventures show, there's one seeder who started being active.
Where are the actual Bible torrents?? I want multiple translations to compare and contrast.
>Project Giant Bible DB V1.0.0 4Chad
>Almost every single Bible in the world
>In every single language
>Every single version
>With cross references, well structured in a SQLite database
Explanation https://dev.4chad.org/blog/wtf_was_i_doing/
Is there a torrent of Catholic paintings?
Good question. I'd seed as art is important.
Does anyone have any books by Greg Bahsen? I was gonna buy them physically , but a few of them are very hard to find for a reasonable price.
Just one pdf no torrents sorry
SHROUD OF TURIN - Documentary Package (David Rolfe & Others)

Thanks for this thread.
Seems like all the volumes are on here. To avoid the slow servers click "show external downloads" where you'll probably find faster downloads

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