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Eternal Ethereal Asian Cinema Thread

All About Lily Chou-Chou (2001)

Soundtrack: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:A2D8D895574161E2A85331F742151A29F204E592&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbt.t-ru.org%2Fann%3Fmagnet&dn=

BD: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07B32WJ7X/ (JP import. Please support Mr Iwai.)

Other recommended movies: http://pastebin.com/Ai5AuGLB

See previous threads for more recommendations.

Threads 1-3 archive: https://mega.nz/#!AxgTxD7I!1E6AYqwxyKlVOHQkNiZn_ue5U1-b-OpMNJzBhqDE3ko

when the white flowers blossomed

a girl was born

the girl was named after the flower
>Eternal Ethereal Asian Cinema Thread
OG thread topic was better
Having said that, bump.
I'm about to watch Cure
watched The Booth the other day, it was pretty good
>when the white flowers blossomed

>a girl was born

>the girl was named after the flower
where is this from?
Saw Angel Dust last night, damn that soundtrack had me on edge, really cool directing style.

Any recs for JP horror movies? Thrillers are good too.

are there any decent subtitles for this? All the ones I can find are for different version and massively out of sync
Salyu > Chara
All About Lily Chou-Chou > Swallowtail Butterfly
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>Looking for this 2016 Movie, thanks in advance.
I have this on bluray. It sucks though. Huge letdown. Still want it? I can do an uncompressed mkv or handbrake it. In the meantime, you should at least post a magnet of an actual good movie,
Thanks, for info. Will use next time.
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More Shunji Iwai:
>April Story (1998)
>Hana and Alice (2004)

Lee Hyun-seung
>Il Mare (2000)

Jun Ichikawa
>Bu Su (1987)
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>Shiki-Jitsu (2000)
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Does anyone have this movie? Bayside Shakedown. Super popular in japan (apparently), it was like the #5 top grossing movie, until the 2010s happened and shinkai/demon slayer/one piece bumped it down to #14. Still the number #1 grossing live action, along with the sequel being #2 and both this and the sequel are the only live action in the top 20 for grossing, along with all the anime.
So yeah all that is to say, it must be pretty damn good film series. I also watched a couple other movies by the director. and they were great.

I have been downloading this since February. I think it was originally stuck at 40% before, so I guess its out there and we're making progress but it's been slow.
Aoi Haru was good, go watch it.
anything by Kore-eda? This one came out in June and a torrent doesn't seem to exist
Does anyone has Last Letter (2020) by Shunji Iwai?

btw, here's Survive Style 5+ (2004)
Dumb question, but I hope to find at least some merciful anons: what Jap movies in the last two decades can be considered "required viewing"? Recent stuff can't be considered a classic, but you know what I mean.
I'm still not entirely sure about the ending of Cure.
Thank ye!
does somebody have last life in the universe or/and Kwaidan (1964)?
My wife loves Lily Chou Chou, any movies of that style to recommend? This Asian teenage angst is pretty difficult to find
Blue Spring
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forgot pic
Takeshi kitano dreamy movies:
Scene at the sea

Serpents Path
eyes of the spider
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Good point, but what about stuff after 2008? There's anything worthwile/required viewing?
drive my car
100 yen love
wheel of fortune and fantasy
the tokyo night sky is always the densest shade of blue
i just didn't do it
love exposure
13 assassins
fly me to saitama
one cut of the dead
(the one with the idol singer murder mystery)
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>100 yen love
One of my all time favourite movies

A couple recent movies I really enjoyed
under the open sky
the day of destruction
first love
outrage (all of them except the second)
sweet bean
tokyo zombie
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does anyone have taste of emptiness please? It's on youtube, but it's pretty poor quality.
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Thank you for these reminders. Loved My Sassy Girl in another lifetime.
I am looking for bestkorea movies with a pervy undertone. Infidelity, age gap, BDSM. Like The Handmaiden has a kinky undertone.
Also looking for this
Anyone have Love Massacre from 1981? The only copy I have come across is a terrible one on Youtube.
a lot of people don't understand japanese piracy/theater culture, you usually have wait months-a year for anything to actually come out from japan.

does anyone have the scrap heaven/Sukurappu Hebun/スクラップ・ヘブン (2005) web-dl? aaaa there is a 12gb one on public trackers but it died with rarbg and im not gonna become an avistaz/karagarga slave or watch encodes
Why does every chink movie have to be two hours long
Looking for Miyamoto kara Kimi e (2019)

>Ikiru (1952)
Beyond the infinite two minutes

Has anyone got a Hou Hisao-Hsien film called Goodbye South, Goodbye
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Summer Vacation 1999
>SD version

Great movie but I could use a HD RIP
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Anybody got Us and Them (2018). It's a chinese film pic rel
Thanks for this. Nyaa has the TV series but I don't think it has any of the movies subbed, when you'd think it would be the opposite.
Anyone with a list of essential Hong Kong cinema?
Anyone has Plum Blossom (2000) downloadable via Mega? Thanks in advance
VXT releases on RARBG were the best.
can anyone please help me find a torrent of Sabu's Unlucky Monkey (1998) ?
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Love and Leashes is probably garbage due to being Netflix
>This Asian teenage angst is pretty difficult to find
There's an entire decade dedicated to that shit.
Attack the Gas Station
Anyone happen to have any of these:

Heat Wave Island (1969) - Kaneto Shindo
The Time Of Youth (1959) - Koreyoshi Kurahara
Underworld Beauty (1958) - Seijun Suzuki
Days Of Youth (1928) - Yasujiro Ozu

They're the only ones from >>1274969 I haven't watched yet and I've been looking for them for over a year.
怪物 Monster (2023) 1080p WEB from nyaa.si, jpn audio; eng sub.

Does any anon have Anna and Doona with Bae Suzy with English subtitles please?
would anyone have:

Vampire vs Vampire
Magic Cop
Encounters of the Spooky Kind II

I am looking for Omok Girl (2018), There is a torrent of it out there but is stuck at 96%.

So that im not begging without contributing here is Hard Boiled.

Hard Boiled

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good looking out anon
Encounters of the Spooky Kind II
Magic Cop
Does anyone have the new Wim Wenders film set in Japan called Perfect Days?
Anybody got 12.12: The Day from last year?
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Under The Open Sky (2020)
Anybody have the Happy-Go-Lucky , 1997 movie (Original title: Natsu jikan no otonatachi) ? Thanks in advance
Look up Lies from 1999. It's a Korean movie about a man and a highschool girl. She tells her friend all about their naked time and their relationship soon turns s&m'emy.
Don't bother, it's utter shit.
Here's a gem that barely is mentioned,

The Taste of Tea.

Silly, rural family story.
With some hilarious 'CG'.
Anyone have this in a higher resolution?
I saw this yesterday. Not what I expected/imagined. I'll read the wikipedia article to connect the dots and watch it again. The music is very good. I will also plant as soon as I can.k
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under.the.open.sky.2020.1080p.bluray.x264-noelle (14gb)

Anyone have "It Comes(Kuru)"?
Anyone got "The Journalist"?
can't believe i've downloaded lily chou chou 10 years ago from here and these types of threads are still going.
sometimes it's nice to see that some things haven't changed
>all male directors
didn't expect much from /tv/
does anyone know where to find the film strawberry shortcakes by hitoshi yazaki?
>does anyone know where to find the film strawberry shortcakes by hitoshi yazaki?
sure, got you senpai.. >>521528
Does anyone remember that Chinese/Taiwanese movie that has a very slow shot (about 3 minutes) that dollies in on the face of a girl who's dancing to edm on the street? the webm used to be spammed all the time on /tv/ like 10 years ago.
would like this too, please
sure, got you senpai.. >>521528
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August in the Water does it in a different way and level. Unfortunately I do not have a torrent to share. The soundtrack is also excellent.

two questions:
How do I get the OP's subtitles?
As another anon asked above, where is the OP's haiku from?
at least I'm sowing, I swear
Does anyone have this?
The haiku is a translation of part of the song Arabesque from the Lily Chou-Chou album Kokyū
Some LEGEND posted every Bayside Shakedown episode, special, movie, and soundtrack to Nyaa.
These are courtesy of an anon over on /tv/

Uncontrollably Fond (2016) Complete NEXT

The Veil Uncensored S01 (2021) 1080p WEB-DL AAC2.0 H.264-Solonese

Mother (2018) Complete 1080p HDTV AAC H.264-NEXT

Dream High S1 (2011) 1080p Complete + Special Concert

[tvN] Misaeng.E01~E20.END.HDTV.x264.1080p.AC3-KARMA

Pinocchio 2014 Complete DC BluRay 1080p x264 FLAC-kkou

Tokyo Girl (2016) 2160p AMZN WEB-DL DD+ 2.0 x265-AREY

Goblin 2016 Complete BluRay 1080p DD2 0 x265 10bit-CHD

49 Days (2011) 1080p-HDSun Complete

Bel Ami (Pretty Man) (2013) HDTV 1080p AyoSuzy
looking for In Water (2023) by Hong Sang Soo
Absolutely great move my guy. Hope people watch it
does anyone have Find the Adolescence with English subtitles please? The only one I was able to find had Chinese subs, and the English subs on subscene are terrible.
>outrage (all of them except the second)
Need more modern movies about the Yakuza. Watched everything by Kitano, some good recs?
No idea about modern yakuza movies, I think the genre is pretty dead.
But Chinpira and Ryuji are good movies.
Asking as well, can't find the right subs for this version
Mouse S01 (2021) 1080p VIKI WEB-DL AAC H.264-iTs

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Does anyone have Jigoku/The Sinners of Hell?
Thank you!
All.About.Lily.Chou-Chou.2001.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-EbP.srt on opensubtitles org sync up with this version
Ok I'm going to try this again.

Anyone have this movie?

Down the Drain 1993
Hadashi no pikunikku

Directed by Shinobu Yaguchi (Swing Girls)

The misadventures of Junko, a schoolgirl who unwittingly sets off a catastrophic chain of events after being caught using her friend’s train pass.

And why does the poster look like a magazine cover?
Thank You!
I hate begging but someone please torrent this version of August In The Water. Rutracker has it but in worse quality. I would do it myself but I live in the third world and I couldn't download it last week because the internet here is shit even at night. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would appreciate it.
Just watched Cure after seeing it in this thread and I still don't really get it, either. Maybe I'm retarded
very thankful. I will sow as long as I can
without seeds
i dont know how to post magnet link but here u go

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On the Edge of Their Seats (2020) - A coming-of-age drama about young people who cheer for their high school baseball team playing in a stadium.

Does any anon have a link for River's Edge (2018)?
Does anyone have the Stephen Chow collection or more specifically CJ7 in Cantonese? I can't find any good quality Cantonese versions of the movie.
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does anyone have Mahiru no ankoku english subtitle file?

i tried downloading this but bittorrent freezes at: "getting metadata..."
what's the problem?
I was able to download All About Lily Chou Chou without problem
I meant qbittorrent
[SBS] My.Love.from.Another.Star.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-AppleTor

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Anyone got Maborosi?
You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.
Someone finally released a torrent of all the Bayside Shakedown movies a couple months ago 1808p sourced form the bluray

btw that 1080p torrent in the image >>1272598 I was downloading since Feburary last year eventually got stuck at 97.1% for the past couple months or so
But I guess I don't need it anymore.


The Legend of the Blue Sea 2016 1080p HDTV x264 AC3-ELANOR

Includes director's cut of episodes 1 and 2.

Included the most popular Viki subtitles from AvistaZ as well as a zip of an alternative subtitle edit by an AvistaZ user (but it has 2 up votes and 2 down votes so I'm not sure about the quality)

This is the HDTV version because the other versions didn't have Viki subtitles and and I don't trust Netflix or Amazon subtitles not to be overly localized trash. Also Netflix and Amazon have a history of having edited and censored versions of older shows.

You are My Destiny S01 (2020) 1080p WEB-DL.H264 AAC-Luvmichelle

Seeding this now
Anna S01 (2022) DC 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP2.0 H.264-MARK

can someone seed please, a lot of people stuck at 74%
avistaz birthday freeleech just started
Almost Che 2012 1080p NVR WEB-DL AAC2.0 x264-ARiN

torrent anon here. dropping this movie torrent because I just watched it and enjoyed it and thought I'd share

My Little Bride 2004 1080p VIU WEB-DL AAC H.264

Dead page I'm afraid. Got a magnet?
Bounce Ko Gals 1997 1080p WEB-DL AAC 2.0 H.264-ECLiPSE

torrent anon here sharing one of my all time favorites. it's japanese though so don't freak out

Filmed somewhat in documentary style, it follows three girls over the span of one day and night in the Shibuya district of Tokyo. Jonko runs a group of high school girls involved in paid dating, Raku is a street dancer, and Togo was brought up in the US and back in Japan for one year wants to escape to New York. Their contact with the world of talent scouts and yakuza places them in danger.

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No Smoking (2019)

The first documentary film of the world famous musician Haruomi Hosono.

looking for 残穢 -住んではいけない部屋-

where's a good place to get jp movies? nyaa? yts also has a small selection
should I watch All About Lily Chou-Chou? every time I think about starting it I get depressed before it even starts
Castaway on the Moon (2009)

It's on public trackers.
Sunny 2011 BluRay 1080p DTS x264-CHD

>Seven girls become good friends in high school, then events pull them apart for 25 years. When one of the friends lies dying in a hospital, she wishes to see each of them one last time.


Han Gong Ju 2014 BluRay 1080p DTS x264-ELANOR

>After being involved in a traumatic incident, 17-year-old Gong-ju is forced to change schools. Uncared for by her parents, her previous teacher arranges for her to hide away at his mother's place. It takes time for her past to catch up with her, but when it does the revelation is devastating.

Gaus Electronics S01 (2022) 1080p LineTV WEB-DL AAC 2.0 H.264-PTerWEB

>It tells the story of a funny real-life employees at Gaus Electronics, conveying sympathy and laughter at the same time, containing the sorrows of office workers.

Viki subtitles included

Anyone have Takeshi Kitano's "Kubi" with English subs?

Could I please get a re-up of this?
Thanks, anon!
diff anon but I will just post my copy to Mega for you guys since im a newfag when it comes to sharing personal files
August in the Water (1995)

mega dot nz/folder/w8Vk2S5Q#x1E-QEHHUw92ysGXsjrhUQ
The implication is that he is hypnotized by the phonograph at the end to do the the same murderous ritual killings that Mamiya was doing. I was always under the impression that he had been groomed to do this well before that scene and Mamiya/some other member of the group simply erased his memories of this. I mean, he obviously does it to his one detective buddy but I think there's some stuff surrounding the anxiety he has with his wife and the scene where he sees the flickering light in the tunnel that hint otherwise.
Now that I helped I don't have to feel bad about this next part. Anybody got a 1080p or 4k rip of Save the Green Planet? I'm convinced there are none but am curious to find out
>Save the Green Planet
I could kiss you on the mouth
Dope movie.
did you watch it yet? if yes then what's your thoughts
Anyone have a torrent for Kingdom thats currently on Netflix?
The Cat 1992 1080p CRIT WEB-DL AAC2.0 x264-KUCHU

>A cat from outer space teams up with a young girl and an old man to fight a murderous alien that possesses people.

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Anon I've been looking for this forever, I've only had shitty, unwatchable rips with 3 different hardsubs plastered on for years. Gonna download this when I get home and let you know how I go. When I found out it was on the Criterion Channel I wondered where all the rips were since it was released after the death of RARBG. You've made my 2024. Did Criterion do the restoration themselves?
What do y'all niggas know 'bout Luminous Woman?


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Looking for
What time is it there?
Any type of way of watching it
Anybody remembers this movie? Seen it a while ago and forgot the title, chatgpt and Google are no help

The plot follows a man who, after losing his job, wanders the streets of Tokyo. During his walk, he saves people from a fire, meets the ghost of a dead Yakuza, and finds a bag full of money.
>chatgpt and Google
Try duckduckgo with
>japanese movie a man after losing his job, wanders the streets of Tokyo
anybody having

esper mami (2002) live action
Hatsukoi Sukecchi: Maicchingu Machiko Sensei 2018
Maicchingu Machiko! Biginzu 2005
Cream Lemon: Bud Shape 2006
Cream Lemon: Devil doll 2007
Cream Lemon: The End of a Journey 2008

Thanks in advance!
thank you so much, I actually didnt expect to have a positive answer.
Goodbye, Dragon Inn

>On a dark and rainy night, a historic and regal Taipei cinema sees its final film: 1967 martial arts feature “Dragon Inn”. As the film plays, the lives of the theater’s various employees and patrons intersect, and two ghostly actors arrive to mourn the passing of an era.

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No Mercy for the Rude

Original title: Yeuieobsneun Geotdeul

I cannot find it, in original version with english subtitle if possible

Thanks frens
the soundtrack magnet link doesn't work.
looking for
Suzaku | 萌の朱雀 1997 1080i HDTV MPEG2 AAC1.0-PepelefuF

anyone have it?
also potentially: Suzaku.1997.1080p.HDTV.x264-YUKI.mkv 9.71 GB

Where can I download western tv-shows/movies in Japanese dub? Avistaz only has Eastern media
bypass geolocked japanese streaming sites. or buy physical copies of the things you want to see dubbed, if they're available
I've signed up for prime today. And it's so inconvenient. I also don't know how to rip from there. Seems much harder than ripping books and audiobooks. I wish I at least could rip the audios. Do I have to join btn and ptp?
Heard it Through The Grapevine 1080p HDTV x264 AC3-DoA

Does anyone know where to find Angel Dust (1994)? Thanks.
archive dot org slash details slash angel-dust.-1994.-dvdrip
Hopefully we get a Blu-Ray release of this soon.
Is anyone keeping an eye out for Dead Talents Society?
Looks promising
Searching Himitsu no hanazono (1997) by Shinobu Yaguchi (Swing Girls), nyaa has no seeds
where does one find a magnet for chinpira? can't find it around
Check if this one's any good

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Spent ages trying to get this torrent up to 100% so now I wanna share it with all of you... even if it doesn't have English subs.
Almost impossible to find anywhere else in this quality, The Odd One Dies is a spiritual sequel to Fallen Angels starring Takeshi Kaneshiro, Wong Kar-Wai fans will love this. Mind the chink bloat.

>spiritual sequel to Fallen Angels
I'll definitely check it out then, cheers
currently listening to Fallen Angels OST lol
literally came here just for this i cannot find it anywhere

anyone have it?
why is there no one to discuss these movies with?it's like the only english speaking people who watch these films are just the 30 people in this thread
I feel the same way about the other threads like the samurai and Hong Kong movie threads. /t/ is this weird niche filled with garbage, but the 1% of good stuff is gold you can't find anywhere else.
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hey it's that anon here bro
I had to just torrent the YTS stuff in the meanwhile to watch it. Link: https://1337x.to/torrent/3129421/Hou-lai-de-wo-men-2018-WEBRip-1080p-YTS-YIFY/
But do also try btdig as I saw that there were presumably higher quality ones than the YTS rip.
incredible that you're here so quickly, wow that movie completely tore me apart. somehow made me feel even lonelier, thank you so much for posting this brother <3
could someone describe this whole scene to me? it seems to be japanese, chinese, and korean films? are they all the same style? is one country better than another? what differences do they have?
Here's Suite Life, from Shinobu Yaguchi, hopefully
enjoys it even if it's not the one he's looking for

does this have eng hardsubs?
English soft subs that aren't on by default. It's a nice size for a 1080p rip, 7.8GB. The kind of 1080 rip you used to see on RARBG back in the day.
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Here's a really fun Thai Western I think you guys will love, it's a bit different from all the bittersweet melancholy ITT but it's still cool: Tears of the Black Tiger. This is a 1080p rip sourced from Netflix but there is no Blu-Ray release and the DVDs of this film have a history of being cut, so I'm not sure if this is the complete film. I'd check DVDCompare to reference runtime, but that site is down at the moment.

Anon I found it twice so you have a choice between 2 versions, both are complete, both are English

1) Mysterious, shitty low bitrate YTS 1080p rip with no higher quality HD version in sight, very weird

2) Lossless DVD MKV and ISO
archive dot org slash details slash my-secret-cache

The problem is that this film has like three different names and shares its title with a bunch of other things. I loved this film and I hope you do too.
hey I'm in Japan right now.
I want to keep watching asian cinema but torrenting is illegal and actually punished here.
do you guys have any suggestions on how to download obscure japanese films without torrenting?
Does anyone have a link for Alifu, The Prince/ss?
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>spent a year trying to connect to peers to download a film
>few kbs per day
>it has no subs in it
>avistaz has no subs either
which film are you talking about?
Kagekiha Opera.
Thank you very much for taking the time to look it up and respond. You're right, almost all of Shinobu Yaguchi's films (except Swing Girls) are elusive for different reasons, I remember someone was searching for "Rain Women" (1990) on /wsr/ a few months ago. Thank you very much again.
sorry anon, couldn't find subtitles anywhere, only thing i could find was the film without subtitles on vk.
thank you
Can you rec any y2k or pre-2000 shows with heavy vibes of that time in the show? Full of city/town shots that kind of make you feel like you're there? Old pre-2000s toku have some of that
Not sure if this is your kind of show but Ikebukuro West Gate Park was a fun watch

There's a live action TV adaptation from Y2K that's very good. Apparently it was controversial and so never got a second season.
Im looking for a japanese movie i saw and can't remember the name. It was comprised of 4 shorts. One was about two girls hanging out for a day, and at the end one of them confesses she has a terminal illness. Another one is about a construction worker trapped in an underground tunnel. The last one is about earth becoming a desert through climate change.
Does somebody know which movie it is?
I don't know if it's ok to post links but there is now an HD version of Zhou Yu's Train on yts. 1080 and 720. BluRay coming soon to diabolikdvd and I'm preordering mine.
unironically tokyo love story
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Guys I finally found it, it was Tokyo Blood (1993) by Gakuryū Ishii.

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are is early shorts (apart from Summer Solstice, Cat Soup and Fireworks) anywhere to be found on the internet?
Does anyone have a movie call Dai yukai/Rainbow kids(1991) directed by Kihachi Okamoto?
most of those are on avistaz
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It's in English, but here's a quirky Japanese domestic drama about a bunch of insufferable hapa spergs reuniting after the death of their mother. Just a bunch of Sean Lennons, Elliot Rodgers and Mayli Wangs yukking it up. There's some Gunpla in this movie too.

The only other torrent of this I know of that can even start is a rip of the BDMV folders, but that's stuck at 20%. Hopefully that gets seeded to completion soon, 11GB is still a very good size for a movie.

Your lucky day, someone just started seeding
Anyone have Analife (2005) by Kenji Goda?
Director didn't want there to be a subbed version because of how 'visual' it is. So you're getting two versions. One English, one Japanese with no subs.

gofile dot io slash d slash 1YYDpF

gofile dot io slash d slash Yni7dE
yeah I had also read that online but couldn’t find it with english in good quality. appreciate you dropping both regardless
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