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/t/ - Torrents

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Compilations of movies, games, books, images, audios, etc.

ACM Digital Library

Programming Books
Course on Compilers, includes slides

Railway Gazette Magazine 1934-1992

Italian State Police Information

Database Leaks
500 Ham Radio Manuals

Old Maps
Louis Armstrong Discography

Request: Does anybody have a Gregorian Chant collection?
Anyone have a Howard Stern Pack?
Star Wars mega pack (300+ GB)

MMD Models / Motions / Backgrounds / etc (57GB, 86,222 Files):

Also, heres an actual torrent file with more trackers included:

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IT ebooks

Linux Tutorials

7k cyberpunk images

Wallpaper Pack (Anime)

Learning Japanese
Rail Travel News (1971-2004)

got something else that has to do with radios?
my friends is a collector he might need it
Y'all doing the Lord's work, thanks anons!
This is the only thread on /t/ where I'm interested/would download every single one of these magnet links. High quality thread.
David Hume Collection (Empiricism)

WW2 Stills
rarbg db

GOG Collection
LinkedIn Learning A+ Net

The Temple of Solomon the King
4chan Collection

Posted a lot of things that were already on the board but it's nice to have it all in one thread. On another note, would anybody be interested in an archive of TripCode's Channel up until sometime in late 2022?
how do you make these magnet links?
I have the gurps zip from /tg and would like to make a magnet out of it, but my google-fu is too weak

Contains every season of Total Drama, The Reboot, The Ridonculous Race and the first 2 seasons of DramaRama
do the same thing you always do for uploading .torrent files and once it's uploaded on your client right-click on it and there should be an option named 'create magnet link' (sic)
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Latin Megapack I found on BTDIG. Needs seeders

well then lets see if this works

>GOG collection
just carefully went through all of these selecting the games I want to find out there is no seeders damn
that's just this collection right? https://archive.org/details/rail-travel-newsletter?sort=title
same… https://archive.org/details/pub_railway-gazette-international?sort=title
hoped for something more exclusive
I'm trying to get to 100% so I can seed but i got to 50% then crashed down to a few hundred k per second
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Criterion collection versions of showa era godzilla movies (300-ish GB)

Anyone have a torrent of the contents of the "Hyper Base Mix 5TB Emulation Hard Drive"?
Yeah, gotta wait till I get better internet to upload it, though its different for me to set up to get the old gen games playing right with keyboard or controller, or even playing at all.
Anyone have a torrent for scans of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition?
Isn't each archive on the dht with it's own torrent? If it isn't somebody changed the hash or it just isn't popular.
Does anyone have all of a collection of all of Steven Spielberg's movies? Only one I found has no seeds
Is it possible to compile a Final Fantasy games collection?
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looking for all these movies
Does anyone have The Expanse audio book collection?
zip file with coding videos
Masterclass 53 pack


[PRIDE] Full Colletion (1997-2007) [By SsabroS]
Anyone have a Goosebumps ebook collection? I've been feeling a little nostalgic lately.
Anyone have a pack of Adobe products?
>Anyone have a Goosebumps ebook collection? I've been feeling a little nostalgic lately.

Thank you very much!
seed the linux tutorials please!!
uhh...does anyone here still have the full version of the game "Casino Island To Go"? Can't find any torrents/cracks about it :(
does a james bond megapack exist?
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poor man jmux seems banned from 1337x but this megapack is great, still has seeds


just the first but in good quality. not enough to justify a pack imo
This is good. got anymore courses anyone?
Where does one find a torrent/magnet for complete console libraries? Are there truly complete collections at all? Or approximations with an RSS feed or some other form of updates?
With how the Internet Archive is fighting book publishers right now, I would like to start making sure games are preserved.
This is a longshot but does anyone have any good sequential marvel comics that go over the start of an era, me I'm wanting the era where there's things like the New Avengers just starting and seeing things like when Ultron takes over Tony Stark's body and so on.
All Genshin Impact OSTs in good quality

anyone know where i could find all seasons of The Jeremy Kyle Show? i scoured the web and it's nowhere to be found. i'll seed forever
Anyone got a collection of Disney's animation movies and early Pixar (as early as Toy Story and as late as Wall-E?)
Anyone has all the final fantasy ultimania/ strategy guides books?

Cross linking my post here.

/kpg/ torrent
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Does anybody have a working link for SMT 3 Nocturne HD on pc?
the piratebay and steamunlocked downloads don't boot

I don't download games much often but is this what u r looking for?


Also don't use TPB and steamunlocked they r not safe. I just joined 4chan days ago and ppl don't seem very knowledgable about piracy or r very very old school if I may say, or more like extinct like who the fk used TPB these days o_o. don't mean offense.
how is steamunlocked not safe?


some of its games contains viruses it is not safe, stick to trusted sites like :
- https://gamesdrive.net/
- https://cs.rin.ru/forum
- https://gog-games.to/
- https://steamrip.com/
Does anyone have a torrent for the gamedev.tv unreal courses? or any other recommended unreal or blender courses from udemy etc?
Does anyone have a non-dead torrent for the 1TB of Operating Systems torrent?
anyone have the space marine 2 leak?
Is there a definitive version of the lord of the rings trilogy I should get? There;s too many versions.
Anyone have a torrent for the early episodes of Looney Tunes? I can't find them on any of the popular sites.
anyone have a turma da monica/ Monica's Gang compilation?
Any for all Campbell Biology books?


Terrible Things Read With Enthusiasm! (I didn't know where else to put this)
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All 51 PopCap Games with keygen
Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West ?
does anyone have a studio ghibli movie pack?
search trackers retarded nigger
Who is gonna download a random 150gb zip file?
Doesn anyone here have magnet for all topgeat/grand tour compilations?
I downloaded Topgear episodes relatively recently but I dont have the link anymore and i wanna download the grand tour.
Its called TGCC. Atleast one I downloaded
Additionally anyone have magnet with clarksons farm?
Anyone have/know where I can get Wynonna Earp: Vengeance?
Fucking legend.>>1319588
Don't encourage this behavior here. Either explain to the new fag why she's wrong or say nothing. Either way she'll understand to lurk more or co tribute something of value.

>reddit learned from us what an anonymous forum even is. Reddit isn't even anonymous though. Nuff said.
does anybody have ridiculousness complete seasons and paint tool sai2?

You can get invite on Telegram groups.
8 tb of courses on business/dating/mindset/trading courses: https://mega.nz/folder/pAl0wRKK#FIZzbYjkT_09qRT5BS2GXQ

get it before the link dies
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some guy here posted an archive full of lain stuff incl. even lain reaction pics

didnt watch the show but like the effort
been realizing lately how difficult it is to find pictures in modern year. AI has completely destroyed the already shitty google images (search for cute cat and you just get AI-generated cats etc), imgur is dead so a ton of old links are dead, then there are pinterest and other retarded sites that requires an account etc etc. for this reason i'm considering starting a massive local archive of images. anyone know any good collections? just images of anything really
anyone have the complete works of Gustave Doré?
I'm committing to download the asset packs off cgpersia rn so I can study some of them since I think game and simulation tech is neat.
I'll continue making torrents as I complete them if there's any interest. Anyway here's the latest:

Unity Asset Bundle 1 Nov 2024
also im seeding off my pc so it might be unreliable.
i saw a brazil ip pop in the peers. i'll switch my vpn node after my current download finishes to see if i can get better seeding.
i've never done this before.
everything im trying isnt working. i might cut the files up into 4gb chunks and post them on megaup so somebody who knows how to run a seedbox can pick them up.
it has better dl speeds than the shit sites the turks on cgpersia are uploading to, they're probably financially tied to rapidgator, alfafile etc.
*cgpersia is probably tied to rapidgator, alfafile, etc
theres a site run by a japanese guy called publicdomainr.net, it hosts a bunch of historical public domain art.
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I'm looking for a book.
>"Jawbreaker: The Attack on Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda: A Personal Account by the CIA's Key Field Commander"
This was an account of a CIA agent regarding CIA operations carried out in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, Pentagon banned the publication of the uncensored version, except for a few copies that have spread online. The censored version is almost unreadable. I'm sure there are still a few uncensored, original copies floating around online. Pls help me find it.
Page 1.
any seeders? Really wanted this one :(

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