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The Soph Archive


Non-banned Video Channels

Twitch Stream Channel
Expect all the links to be essentially inactive.

Soph stopped making content in late 2023 and has since removed most of the posts from Subscribestar and gone dormant. So here is an archive of the Subscribestar Videos. There are also Videos here that were originally posted on the recently banned YouTube account, sometimes marked as [FREE VIDEO] these are still up on Odysee for now.

General topics;

Conspiracy Theory
Christian Apologetics
Current Events

Numbered here in order of release.

I made an effort to organize the videos. Most of it is what would be called 'Main Videos' on current topics or shorter ideas and those are listed in posting order numerically.
There are also Series that are named separate from the numbered ordering of Main Videos: 'Optical Allusion', Grand Unifying Theory Of...' and 'The Official Narrative'.
Finally there are some BTS, edited Stream Highlights and Podcast style videos on various topics named Tidbits.

I have a text file with the posting order for information on that.


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good collection OP - some things in here missing from your torrent from when she was just LtCorbis
Not as good quality as some of yours where there is overlap however
is member when ltcorbis first popped off, that shit was insane
i've got a twitter where i've posted all of her old videos. i'll get around to posting all of them soon..

Whatever happened to Soph?
same...good times

wondering the same
she grew up and probably got tired of being the mouthpiece of whoever wrote her videos for her i imagine
do you have more than whats up on the twitter rn? plz post
most likely. pretty funny that who ever was behind all that expected everyone to believe she was the primary writer though.
I thought people said that it was her and her older brother or something like that. I always thought that she was one of the primary writers based on how she spoke when off the script which she did in a ton of things.
She is the primary author.
Is there any way to access and download a portion of this? The whole thing is too large to fit on my computer but there are some of the more recent ones I have not seen. A lot of the older ones I used to watch when some pay pig uploaded them on internet archive, but havent seen any of the ones that were not.
yeah its a torrent, just uncheck files you dont want to download.
Did not know you could do that. Thanks!
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>>1343819 (OP)
Thanks anon. Banning her was ridiculous peak Lefty censorship.

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