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Collection: https://gofile.io/d/8dhMXW
Can't find any other free +10GB file sharing place other than there. Tried Pixeldrain and it copyright blocked. If anyone can start a torrent from the files open to it.

I've done an upscale collection of every video of Carrie Cummings to my knowledge from perusing forumophilia and planetsuzy for the source highest resolution videos. They're at least 1080p and all 60FPS with Topaz Video AI.

I've also got the source videos in a folder for those that don't want the upscaled versions, especially with how subtly uncanny/smooth the result from sub-480p ones are. But imo the tradeoff for no blocky artifacts is worth it.

If there's any video I missed of best nerd girl let me know.
>>1345736 (OP)
they turned out pretty good, thank you for sharing
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>>1345736 (OP)
this shall be added to my personal masturbatorium. A choice of excellent taste and thoughtfulness. Thank you sir you are a gentleman and a schoalr
Here's a torrent of the files
I always liked College Rules.
Thanks for sharing, based anon.
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134 KB PNG
>>1345736 (OP)
i have 21 videos in my carrie collection coming in at 12.1GB although 2 videos i re-encoded to h265 to reduce space, bottoms up big and bangbus show us that ass, most likely grabbed from a mix of EMP, PL and forums like viprgirls
Looks good, btw why not AV1 for the ultimate saving space jist?
Awesome. Gofile already removed most of the source videos due to inactivity, so you bet I'll be seeding her as long as my hard drive lives (pun intended).
it's not 2003 just buy another hard drive
Thank you very much kind sir!
H.264 should be dead, its only for those crappy android TV boxes since they don't have basic hardware accelerated decoding for the superior H.265 and AV1.

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