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VPN recs in sticky link are almost a decade old. What VPNs are recommended in the current year for relative anonymity while torrenting?
Also general VPN discussion thread I guess
mullvad is excellent. No account names, no personal data, can't pay with card. Regardless of what you're doing on the internet, you're safe as they don't keep logs (unlike other providers that state that they don't keep logs, mullvad servers don't have storage, so when they power off, everything is deleted). just don't do anything personally identifying when using the vpn, else you're just being stupid by logging into services.
This post glows
We just do not know of they save logs or really have the RAM servers.
not sure what the hell "glow" means pertaining to posts, but there were multiple posts online of when mullvad servers were seized by different government agencies. You can reference the dates on Mullvad's blog to other online posts.
retards are gonna retard but mullvad has worked fine for me, plus its cheaper than whatever goyslop vpn mr beast is pushing
no port forwarding? are you retarded?

Torrenting through Mullvad has been slow for me due to the lack of port forwarding. Is there some trick to get around that problem?
>i'll use a VPN so i can't be identified
>and then i'll open a port in the VPN server so that they have identifiable logs connecting who was downloading what to me
>Recommends a secure vpn
> Complains that you cant basically shout ur IP to anyone looking
How fucking retarded are you
oh i'm sorry i didn't realize that we're a bunch of niggers that only leech
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Why the fuck would anyone recommend a VPN? Would you recommend a nice swimming area you found so that others could come and take a shit in it? You can only recommed not to use certain VPNs like the ones owned by grabblers who like to steal your data.
so... does anyone have an answer other than the consensus of yes/no/maybe/idk for mulvad?

I used to use Mullvad until they disabled port forwarding, which kneecaps seeding. I use AirVPN now which has easy to use port forwarding and also solid speeds, I can get 100+ MBps in NA northeast.

I've heard good things about ProtonVPN, Private Internet Access (PIA), and Windscribe, but I can't personally vouch for their speeds. Things I do know though:

PIA - port forwarding only on some servers.
Windscribe - you need to re-renew your port forwards every 7 days
ProtonVPN - port forwarding only on some servers, I think you need to re-renew every connection (that could be wrong)
Proton is owned and manages by mossad talpiot programme kikes. Does that make it any less safe than the others? don't know, maybe.
appreciate the actual answer. might give airvpn a shot, I like what they have to say on their website and they are very cheap, especially right now. did you pay for yours with card or crypto out of curiosity?

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