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>Sir, they hit the second hentai site.

As far as I know, no one has web-scraped it, but if ever there was a time, it'd probably be now.

News Story:
Why would we do that when all they do is scrape SadPanda/Exhentai?
>At the time of writing, the matter is still pending in court. NHentai’s opposition is well argued and certainly has a chance of success. However, even if the subpoena is quashed, nHentai’s legal issues are far from over, as PCR has just filed a full-blown copyright infringement lawsuit.
Could you paste magnets for those carbon copies or whatever to get the stuff downloaded?
Thank you for this post anon, I will finally download everything from my favorites list.
hello yes, torrent?
>one of the shittier sadpanda mirrors is shutting down
Oh no! Anyway.
i use sadpanda so this doesnt effect me (yet) but i am sad for all of you.
Doesn't nhentai have some shit that was scrapped by Panda? I still see a few of those works like shit that was removed by Jewcob's DMCA spam which included many works they have no rights to either way.
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didnt nhentai die a long time ago or was that hentaiheaven? at least e621 is still operational
thank fuck i've been downloading and storing everything in my nas, wont be caught with my pants down again
((they)) have infiltrated e621 too lately, best to back everything there you like up. illegal 1s and 0s and all.
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nhentai archiving project is beginning soon by "ArchiveTeam"
uses software http://warrior.archiveteam.org/ to auto-download and forward to the internet archive

Can you elaborate? What's actually happening?
E621 purged a bunch of Midna and other stuff, under the pretense of it being "loli" and claimed nobody was even breathing down their neck to do it. Just that they "felt they needed to." Do not depend on E621 to preserve anything. They'll make more sacrifices soon.
I'm fairly sure this isn't going anywhere, it was just a lot of sudden, albeit well deserved panic and confusion. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me and update everyone who's only half paying attention.
That sucks, seems like e621 is getting more and more strict with young type content, do you guys know of any other sites like 3621?
Hitomi is the best mirror IMO
anything that "appears to be underaged porn" is getting scrubbed. yes, furry art. yes, 17-year-old anthro bunny porn is being taken down. we cant have any pixels being abused, wont you think of the pixels? many good furry artists are going elsewhere. when asked for clarification from the sad excuse for an admin team, they"((cannot provide too much detail))", probably because of ((reasons)). very tight-lipped. this "ban" also came very very suddenly, no warning, no heads up.
Not a furfag but this sucks, condolences to the furries. I have to say though, I always love irrational jannies and admins (and others) squirm or cope after making retarded decisions that run off large portions of their sites and products (tumblr, game studios, youtubers). It's so satisfying.
rule34 xxx?
>under the pretense of it being "loli" and claimed nobody was even breathing down their neck to do it. Just that they "felt they needed to."
Wasn't it because of their hosting provider threatening to cut them off
IIRC it only concerns humans and "humanoids" (kemonomimis etc.)
Cub is still safe (for now)
>Wasn't it because of their hosting provider threatening to cut them off
Upon rereading their forum post about it, yes, it seemed it was making one or more business partner nervous.
>Hitomi is the best mirror IMO
>Can only get webp and avif files from it
Objectively incorrect
What are some other mirror sites to exhentai?
e621 banned any humans that looked young. I don't know if it stuck to loli ban or hit short adults too.
They automated the removal process, so it ended up netting a lot of collateral damage like Midna and probably yordles too. I guarantee it hit short adults because they weren't only looking for explicitly "loli" tagged items.
rule 34.xxx doesnt allow loli, but they do have short adults like gawr gura, midna, rebecca, etc.
Are we using the same website? lol
Cause Nhentai still have a lot of loli manga.
Anon... every one of those posts specifies E621. As in E621.net. So no, we aren't using the same website.
okay... I was so confused in so many levels.
thank you.
I'm confused I thought the site was shutting down but it's still up for me. Anyways in my frantic quest to archive all my favorites I cannot for the life of me find this one particular manga that was on there. It was about this business guy who goes on a vacation to this rural town. He ends up fucking this milf and her daughter. The milf had tanned skin. In the end he ends up calling in to his work and saying something like he's not coming back. But in the end, it turns out the whole village is running a train on this milf and daughter. I know this is just a torrenting board but maybe someone could direct me to the right place to find some hentai manga super sleuths to help me track this down.
nhentai deletes from their catalogue works that have been licensed in the west.
You should look for this in sadpanda, maybe you'll have better luck.
If you find the name of the hentai, share with the class.
[Kansai Orange (Arai Kei)] Ritounohohoemi (The Island Smile)
[Arai Kei] Futei no Karada - Unfaithful Body
Where can I download a complete siterip?. Lot of good shit there.
the site is still up
it just hosts a bunch of resized images anyway, not sure why you'd want to archive it over other websites like the panda, chaika, etc that host the original images

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