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Being a hypocrite and continuing to flood this board with way too much porn.

> Hypno Matrix a unity based sissy hypno game
Downloading and will seed must support fellow hypno-fetishist
we need more hypnosis threads
this board needs jesus
the bambi game was released on the ps2 in 2005
at least shave your legs where visible
why do programmers end like that?
This, people take the effort to dress up but not shave, when they'd look 200% better :|.
>why do programmers end like that?

in the name of the c++
Does this shit actually work? How?
in my personal experience, it's all about putting you in a relaxed, more easily susceptible mindset. but that isn't gonna happen if you are fully against it. it's not like the kind of hypnosis you see in cartoons and shit.

used hypnosis videos and audio to have several dry orgasms in a row when the lady snapped her fingers repeatedly. it was a very sensual 35 minute audio
Any recommendations for female hypnotists that don't do sissy or hard femdom?
Anon, that’s like going to a steakhouse and ordering a salad
>implying you wouldn't enjoy a nice tender cut of gentle femdom
I’ll admit, you got me there anon
Any torrents for KinkyShibby?

look in here
Anyone have the House of Hedge & Misslollipop (Lacey Royce) hypno stuff? I'm especially interested in the Daddy Forever series.
Does anyone still have that POVHumiliation.com hypno? I haven't seen it for a long time now.
this is malware
Even if what is in the torrent is what is claimed, it still technically would be malware, for your brain.
ive been listening to jackpot troughout the last 16 years-ish or so, i got a 20% sucess rate, i lose focus easy but yeah it works if you want it to work
anyone have dark freya?
Can't download this, no info
stop being an idiot
>no info
already downloaded on seedbox, currently seeded by my seedbox.
get good and sort out your own shit which doesn't work cause apparently the issue is on your end, troubleshoot that shit.
its malware, L2read
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anyone have any paid stuff from dom girls do it better?
Not audio files, but I found a bunch of recorded video sessions from hypnosisfetish.com

i've come across a few low quality audio files that just don't cut it. the closest thing are the blacktantra videos, the hypnosis induction ones are good but not long enough, the HFO ones are good but too much focus on breathplay, and its mostly cgi voice which just isn't as nice. it's kinda wild that straight hypnosis porn is so rare.
JOI videos can sometimes have a hypno element but they are plagued by bad acting and humiliation shit.
making good straight hypno porn for men would be a jackpot. i guess women would rather gape their assholes than do it though lmao

I hate that this kink has been overcrowded and blocked out by sissy shit

Just looking for a little mental s+m here
anybody have anything from mistress stella? https://www.mistressstella.com/
I genuinely don't think there are any prolific ones who NEVER do it, it(and findom) are both so common among hypno stuff that everyone does at least a few videos/audios with them
Still, lots of hypnotists will do them sometimes without them dominating their content. Someone mentioned Shibby, who has in fact done a bunch of sissy stuff, but also has a ton of audios that don't have anything like that in them. I don't recall Fiona Clearwater having very many either.
There's a not very hard to find website that lists off a bunch of hypnotists and what kind of content they make, though actually finding any of that content will vary from person to person
Man it's always been like this. I first heard of erotic hypnosis back when Isabella Valentine was new, and that was like, 15 years ago? And she also did tons of sissy shit. Before she went insane and became a Q person and deleted all of her shit, anyway
Who's your favorite female hypnotists?
I hate there's literally a website called HYPNOTUBE and it's literally all sissy content
how fucking repressed are normies that this is the most popular category
Anyone got any version of Emperorhypnos Sissymaker X ?
>Anyone got any version of Emperorhypnos Sissymaker X ?
sure, got you senpai.. >>521528
Looking for Miss Amelia's stuff
Weird but i love it
Is this real...
I actually was coming by to see if anyone uploaded “ Dual Mistress Sissy Slave” that she made
Eve's garden (Eraudica) does mostly male worship audio's. A few femdom themed files here and there, but that is to be expected. Haven't seen any sissy shit at least, and tons of free files on her website.
>Goddess mina edge ware
base64 decoded and link doesn't work, provide a direct download or seed through a magnet if you care.
>base64 decoded and link doesn't work
Work for me.
>Work for me.
Just returns "Unauthorized".
Anyone know hypno videos with mistress Stella audio tracks ? I only know “Cock sucking devotion” on hyptube
I'd kick you in the balls until you puke faggot.
you'd get winded after one kick, but you wouldn't even get that far cause I can outrun your mobility scooter

even if you did manage to catch up to me, much as I would enjoy the fuck out of shooting you and not having to deal with a corrupt anti-gun prosecutor because I would have been defending myself against an anti-LGBT hate crime it would save everyone a lot of trouble if you just ropemaxxed and got it over with

go back to r9k retard
Been trying to look around for torrents of the nonfree stuff, anyone got any?
same, the link it decodes to just returns a website saying "Unauthorized
Kasha, lycia and izabella, but that's not saying much. Most of their output sucks, with the occasional gem.
Any hypno to turn me into a cuck?
I have a confession. I don't care about the hypnosis part of this fetish at all and usually skip the induction, and don't listen to any files that are just about installing "triggers", lasting effects etc. I just like files that describe a sexual encounter/fantasy, and the only reason I listen to hypno files is because there's not enough regular GWA-style audio porn that appeals to my specific niche fantasies, so I take anything I can get.

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