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/pol/ torrents thread (previous thread https://boards.4chan.org/t/thread/1198656)

/k/s shit hitting the fan guides and prepper files 285GB - The Ark:

65 Black & Decker The Complete Guide Books For Home Repair, Plumbing, Carpentry and more 5GB:

Wikipedia backup 20GB (you need software to uncompress it and view it like "xowa_app") (theres also wikipedia backups that includes all revisions, where you see edit history, you should use wikipedia as a knowledge source without taking anything as 100% truth, for 20gb of storage it is more than useful for a lot of topics):

The Orthodox Study Bible - St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theol 6MB:

Based Redpilled Games 2.0, 28.62 GB:

EUROPA - The Last Battle [Part 1-10] (all parts) 9GB:
Died Suddenly (2022) 1GB (Movie about Covid):

Useful political torrenting tips:

Torrent IP filter list you can use in your torrent client settings that bans Israel, India, Saudi Arabia, Albania, China, Turkey and Ukraine from connecting with you (mostly for chinese torrent clients that perma leech and never seed)
You can select countries and make a list yourself if you want from sites like: iblocklist.com/lists?category=country

Best trackers you can add to every new torrent automatically in the client settings (might help to find peers if you're downloading more obscure data):
Also remember to PORT FORWARD your torrent port on your router, it enables you to connect with more people and greatly affects speeds especially your seeding.

Use DHT crawler websites like "btdigg" that are searching all the decentralized torrents that exist and where you can also search for FILE NAMES that are inside any torrent, useful for finding old shit.

For those that are still using utorrent, switch to qBittorent 4.3.9. the most popular free open source client similar to utorrent.

Post whatever else you think might be useful.
Reposting some torrents from previous thread:

Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told (2013) Documentary 1080p

The House of Rothschild; history behind them. intended to be a propaganda film to portray them as the good guys

Survival Pantry: The Ultimate Guide To Home Canning Preserving And Food And Water Storage

Zundel's Bunker (Pretty much every book you will ever need.)

There are also some interesting things at "Conspiracy Torrents" thread:
>>1310092 →
Anon, i started using torrents just 2 days ago to download academic files, any pointers you can give me? Thank you fren
Depends what pointers do you need and what files are you downloading.

Aside from the mentioned tips here with trackerlists, port forwarding and using DHT crawlers to search for things.

You should be aware of Zlib, and its Tor address which you need Tor Browser to load (http://zlibrary24tuxziyiyfr7zd46ytefdqbqd2axkmxm4o5374ptpc52fad.onion/)

And also for academic papers, if you really cant find a particular important paper anywhere online, chances are you can contact the original writers and ask for a copy, since they won't mind sharing it, its usually the publisher of the paper that is the one who limits the views and the writers want their work to be out there in the world.
Thank you fren
I am using the latest version of qBitTorrent to download academic torrent files, like coding, math, literature, etc.. Is there anything that I should know when I'm doing that? Also, does connecting to ethernet instead of wifi have any difference?
Anon where can i find magnet links for academic files and torrents? is there a thread you can link please? i'm still new to 4Chan
Everything aside from the mentioned things are the basics which you can look up yourself as needed.


>Also, does connecting to ethernet instead of wifi have any difference?
Of course, always use ethernet if you care about speed or stability.
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thank you very much frenanon
search the catalog, heres the thread
>>1157474 →
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>>1344501 (OP)
Picture of: Based Redpilled Games 2.0, 28.62 GB
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>>1344501 (OP)
Here's my favorite book library.

No seeders for days
Bump. Good thread.
has anyone made an archive/scraped the [frens...chan] library? some good content on there and it might die soon
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Can anyone please seed this from last thread?


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