A podcast by a former Australian SF soldier where he shares his experiences about being deployed in Iraq. A lot of the episodes got censored and he allegedly got prosecuted for war crimes because of this, he talks about some crazy shit like how a machine gunner mowed down two Iraqi policemen on a bike, how the boys reacted to "The Fappening" and many more. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:x3qxghlzil4lbmts7r22hp3pc6vazprc&dn=Bedtime%20Warries&xl=1009796500&fc=22
who gives a shit about what some badgenigger in fatigues did to his betters
Internet Archive that shit please
More details man. Looks like a cool fucking listen.
>>1325521>he allegedly got prosecuted for war crimes because of this
Fucking Aussie government. USMC 00 - 05Upside down Soldiers were pretty cool. I've heard multiple stories about Aussies just doing their job in a hot zone and getting thrown under the bus by ladder climbing COs. Imagine getting deployed to a conflict area and you get orders to go check out X area. You receive fire. You locate and destroy the insurgents. Locals thank you.Upon return to FOB you get zip ties and thrown in the brig. That's the retarded ass Australian government.
>zogbot opinions on thingsWhoooooooooooo cares
seed pwease
man this seems awsomebut im having trouble dling itis it just me or is nobody seeding?
noice im in
only 2 people have this? fucks sake. youll be 3 in a month.
>>1330788if it's the dude i'm thinking of, OP is right and you're a retarded faggott. Aussie who remembers the story from a few years back
>>1335065Any more details? Was he the guy asking “you want me to drop this cunt?"
>>1325521>bedtime warriesmore context for those who dont know about this guyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpTte4858j0
>>1325521blocked for meshame cause this does seem interesting
>>1338277link to the original content creator, y'fkin retardhttps://youtu.be/_NCPkoUekHQalso, people like the guy who made this podcast (and prolly many of those featured on it) should make a detailed statement of their actions (y'know, the ones they just can't stop thinking about), release it to the public and then blow their brains out
>>1338277>>1348228jordie is an alp shill and you know itno i don't like the liberals