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File: BedtimeWarries.jpg (33 KB, 500x500)
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A podcast by a former Australian SF soldier where he shares his experiences about being deployed in Iraq. A lot of the episodes got censored and he allegedly got prosecuted for war crimes because of this, he talks about some crazy shit like how a machine gunner mowed down two Iraqi policemen on a bike, how the boys reacted to "The Fappening" and many more.

who gives a shit about what some badgenigger in fatigues did to his betters
Internet Archive that shit please
More details man. Looks like a cool fucking listen.
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>he allegedly got prosecuted for war crimes because of this
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Fucking Aussie government.
USMC 00 - 05
Upside down Soldiers were pretty cool. I've heard multiple stories about Aussies just doing their job in a hot zone and getting thrown under the bus by ladder climbing COs.

Imagine getting deployed to a conflict area and you get orders to go check out X area. You receive fire. You locate and destroy the insurgents. Locals thank you.

Upon return to FOB you get zip ties and thrown in the brig.

That's the retarded ass Australian government.
>zogbot opinions on things
Whoooooooooooo cares
seed pwease
man this seems awsome
but im having trouble dling it
is it just me or is nobody seeding?
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noice im in
only 2 people have this? fucks sake. youll be 3 in a month.
if it's the dude i'm thinking of, OP is right and you're a retarded faggot
t. Aussie who remembers the story from a few years back
Any more details? Was he the guy asking “you want me to drop this cunt?"
>bedtime warries

more context for those who dont know about this guy

blocked for me
shame cause this does seem interesting
link to the original content creator, y'fkin retard


also, people like the guy who made this podcast (and prolly many of those featured on it) should make a detailed statement of their actions (y'know, the ones they just can't stop thinking about), release it to the public and then blow their brains out
jordie is an alp shill and you know it
no i don't like the liberals

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