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File: 1664554430543687s.jpg (6 KB, 249x187)
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Doesn't include the girl in the pic, feel free to share more pablo lapierta anal castings if you have


feel free to complete the collection
Is it better than Pierre Woodsman?
in my taste yes, more amateur
You cannot beat me.
more castings plz
This is the quality. KYS
based torrent

i speak spanish and most of dialogues are top notch

Why doesnt it include the girl in the pic?
This guy literally had cast several underage girls on purpose and made it look like they were over 18, he's been in jail and/or running from international law from over a decade at this point.
I mean, download if you want but unless you want to have literal CP in your computer and deal with the legal consequences, be my guest.
Hot. Which titles?
shit hit the fan
Marcela Rubita comes to mind, she sometimes goes by ImIsabel. She was like 15, nothing close to 18, and did like 12 scenes in a span of 3 days while staying at a very nice place somewhere deep in rural colombia, she did like 4 lesbian scenes with other young but over 18 women, she did some scenes with men in their 30s, some where straight to it and others had a "story"

the main differentiator between those scenes and the rest is the fact that in her scenes in particular you can hear the cut, another, it hurts, can we stop, i don't want in the ass, etc., dialogue between her, and the director, very amateur, some say she was the first in the series

this videos were recorded sometime between 2008 and 2009, and in the legal document Marcela (the actress I guess you can call her that) is stated as being born in 1994, so she would turn 30 this year and her scenes were filmed 15-16 years ago, so yikeeeeeeees!
this is one of the videos why he was arrested lol
Gross latinas

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