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File: nadinejde.png (1.33 MB, 1197x818)
1.33 MB
1.33 MB PNG
I found some login keys online and scraped everything. About 350 gigabytes, everything as of today (October 20th) is in there.

File: 1708369479853773.png (260 KB, 630x384)
260 KB
260 KB PNG
i'm not grabbing 350 gbs of porn but great rip nonetheless
what are the chances some german anti-piracy agent wants to fuck up german users here?
if you still want to get this, do you have to get it via torrents???
I made a siterip of Nadine J something like 15 years ago. That stuff was pretty boring at times. I Wonder if she is having sex on camera nowadays or does she even show pussy?
too big

( o ) Y ( o )
less than a day old
already sub 0.1 availability
whats the fucking point
I've got initial seeding turned on, it makes it so my client tries to send pieces the peers don't already have.
My upload speed is shit, so it's gonna take a few days, but I'll keep seeding
im curious to hear where you found the keys and how did u go about scraping. i personally scrape lots of sites and forums and i use self-written plugins for gallery-dl and yt-dlp
Are these 4K?
The rip contains the highest quality file for each video. The newer videos are 1080p, the old ones 720p.
PLEASE NEVER USE SUPER SEEDING MODE AGAIN, I hit and ran just because of OP's retarded seeding practice
Thanks, been looking for an up-to-date and complete collection
I love those busty euro sluts, but can never find the vids I actually want. I think Tanya Song or Yulia Nova are my favorites.
Can someone redirect me to the big natural breasts thread that was up a while ago, or at least an archive of it. Usually had Milena Velba and Abbi Secraa stuff. Also bump to keep thread going.
Never mind, I found it and also a fuck-ton of viruses

Seeded until my ratio hit 10, I'm out, godspeed anons
if im understanding correctly this means you're seeding to a ton of people at the same time.
You should turn that off so you can seed to a few people who will get the files faster and can then help you more efficiently upload to others
I was obsessed with Yulia Nova and Luna Amor a few years ago. Still searching for a high-res Amor video of her in a bathtub with another chick, with Amor sucking her tits (or vice-versa, can't remember which ). Wished I saved it .
the one with hitomi tanaka getting sprayed with breast milk by the other girl is hot

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