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Previous thread: https://archiveofsins.com/t/thread/1339115 #43

1333211 #42
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1007100 #4
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948290 #1

Audio Pornography ComboPack (combination of audio porn collections 1-6 + FSA archive)

GoneWildAudio TeraPack:

Merged Torrent Index:

PsstAudio Age Play Archives:
Direct Download: https://mega.nz/folder/lv0y3Q5a#ZrmWA5z97uSIqKPh4qgYPQ
Torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3T25UMBN7DVMZNDZ2ZQLJQQ52OCPI2H6&dn=audios&tr.1=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2F

Better Gonewildaudio & Sister Subreddit Search Engine: https://gwasi.com/

Before asking, "Does anyone have anything from this performer?" CHECK THE TORRENTS. You can download the .html file from the terabyte pack and search that or use qBitorrent file search.
First for our Eternal Queen dirtygirlsecret.
second for killing both rote and every fdom poster

i would've been first without this faggot ass timer..
>second for killing both rote and every fdom poster
Extremely based. Strong start to this thread, I'm feeling good /eap/chads.
here praying iris, scarlet love, and/or yunadere's kemonos get updated
Why do putting big dick and milf tags on gwasi give me 25 posts only. The tag combination can't be that rare.
"big dick" specifically isn't a very common tags. There's hundreds of audios where the listener has a big dick but there's no tag to note it
>she's playing a coercive manipulative character with a power dynamic over the listener molestation style
that's what I said, she's doing what she would want done to her and just flipping the genders.
*was done to her
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I would absolutely annihilate this little whore.
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whenever i listen to her audios, i always picture ally in my mind as a shortstack for some reason. almost like the goblin drawings that have become so popular nowadays, just with less ridiculous proportions. being a petite, dainty pinoy with smaller tits is pretty hot though
Will there ever be an updated one?
Mf the site is dead
>elly deleted her twin audio
yup, that anon was right lol
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damn, wtf? she's going nuclear on all that stuff i guess. so i guess that means this audio won't get a sequel as promised?

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Sorry for being considerate anon... Are you actually fucking retarted anon, you have so much stuff you can complain about and this is the one you complain about? It's literally is a VA doing you a favor by giving you a choice for your preferred kind of audio and you complain about it like a bitch? You can do better than that anon, maybe you should learn from your own words and just shut the fuck up.
Does anyone have "Warrior Sex Slave: Mother Of The Goblins" by singmypraise? It's on Kemono but the way to access it is not
you could also kys
>audio still has music
bitch what...
Incest is illegal, anon!
day 1 of downvoting all fdom slop audio/script I see until it makes a difference
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Princess Dulci lookin damn fine.
nah this is the best way to do it. do you want to be saddled with sounds of oatmeal for anything pussy related?
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overview of gwa's front page at the time of writing:

>fdom: 10 (4 mommydom)
>fsub: 1 (and it's a mommy audio lmao)
>gfe: 2
>other: 7
>m4f: 3
>script offers: 2

fdom apologists saying it's not that bad? kill yourselves
would you date a girl if she insisted on continuing to make audio porn while you were together, not for money, but for fun?
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you kidding me?
I would insist on her continuing to make audio porn while I was deep inside muffins, yes for money and yes for fun.
to her it's just another pee break for me it's another chance of breeding my tard wife.
depends how many upvotes she got
venusdevelours or efferus_doll?
I would break up with a girl if I found out that she was ever a whore of any kind in the past.
"for fun"
for attention and male validation

Why would I date a woman who felt like she needed that from strangers? That's a fuck buddy at most
>would you let your SO engage in hobbies?
Yes. If she somehow earns big bucks like Shibby then even better, all the power to her. Next question.
day 2 of downvoting all fdom slop
day 1 of downvoting all fsub slop
day Sneed of Feeding and Seeding all of Chuck's Fuck and Suck
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Let's talk about Ally's tight pinoy body and how it's made for BWC
If she's doing it for fun then probably not. If she did it only for money I would be more okay with it. I would only get more serious with that girl contingent on her stopping. Her doing it for fun is genrally a deeply mentally ill attention-seeking behavior, but doing it as a job is a bit of a different story because it pays the bills and it takes advantage of one of womens' economic advantages. I suppose she could do it for fun as an exploration of sexual fantasies, but in that case, you would think that she would quit once she has someone to act out her fantasies with in the real world.
i don't see how you can jerk off to them and hold them in this regard. if being a whore is gross, using the services of a whore is equally gross. there would be no whores without johns.
toilet bowls and sinks are both made from porcellain. id still never wash my hands in the toilet

whores may be women but theyre not made for being an SO
she has a really hot body but that bush looks nasty. at least we know she isn't fucking irl
>curious that you hate whores but look at and listen to them anyway! i am very smart!
are you a woman or something with this retarded logic? yea, i'm gonna jerk off to these sluts if they wanna expose themselves or moan into a mic. i don't give a fuck. i'm horny and i see them as objects to cure my horniness. i'm still not touching one with a ten foot pole irl
>she deleted her reddit posts
What's wrong with this bitch?
Whores are good for jerking off to, but awful for stable relationships and raising children. Nothing about this opinion is inconsistent or contradictory.
For the record, I would also never have physical sex with a whore; I draw the line at jerking off to them.
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quints of truth. whores btfo
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if you enjoy audio porn, you are glad that someone is makijg audio porn. if you are glad that someone is making audio porn, yet treat that person with distain for making audio porn, you are a hypocrite, plain and simple. by joining the audience for audioporn, you become complicit in it's being made, and lose all standing in decrying it's being made. if you eat meat from a factory farm, you cannot claim to be opposed to factory farming. also,
>some idiot saw the original of this comic and thought "how biting and poigniant! i can't wait to apply this rhetoric for myself"
embarassing. apply yourself.
i don't care about being a hypocrite. a whore is a whore. if she wants to base her existence around sexually pleasing random guys, cool. i'm a random guy. thanks for making my dick hard. i won't pay them for it though. and i will never date or associate with one, and there's nothing you can do about it. go back to filming your gf's onlyfans, cuck
Do you think it's hypocrisy to enjoy music, but not want to date a musician?
Do you think it's hypocrisy to receive medical care, but not want to date a doctor?
Do you think it's hypocrisy to have goods shipped, but not want to date a trucker?
Do you think it's hypocrisy to eat at restaurants, but not want to date a waitress?
You can enjoy audio porn without wanting to date an audio pornographer, it's not hypocritical in the slightest. The qualities that make an entertaining whore are not the qualities that make a good girlfriend, wife, or mother.
I think it's perfectly fine for someone not to want to date a woman for making porn just like it's perfectly fine for a woman not to want to date a man for watching it. Preferences are preferences, no one is entitled to anyone.

Don't see at all how it's hypocritical though. It would be hypocritical not to want to date a woman who also listens to audio porn.

It's one thing to listen to audios to cum, it's a completely different thing to be creating audios in that space because for the majority, they're not just posting audios, they're also interacting and living off all of that male/female attention. All that validation, the compliments, the endless dick pics, etc. They don't live a normal life and it's very easy to see why someone wouldn't want to be in a relationship like that.

Personally I don't care if she made audios in the past, but only if she no longer does it. I wouldn't want to date someone who needs/gets off validation and attention from other men. I don't see how that's hypocritical, I'm certainly not making audios and getting tons of attention from other women and I don't listen to audios/watch porn when I'm in a committed relationship
>i don't care about being a hyprocrite
then your opinion is worth nothing
all of those things are obviously hyprocritical, yes.
i do not wish to be complicit in the making of such embarassingly stupid posts, so i will stop replying to you people.
Would you listen to audio/you watch porn together with your partner?
cuck seething
This topic is reminding me of A*tynR*se.
She was making thousands in patreon and was basically #1 in all rankings. She didn't really show her pussy or tits but got really close.
Then she engaged with some guy, got MARRIED and completely disappeared from the internet.
She's proof that (some of) these girls are salvageable.
you realize that the majority of them will simply not tell their boyfriend/husband about what they did, right? it's not about being salvageable. it's about hiding it. she stopped doing it, sure, but she also probably just never told him about it and acts like any normal girl. not really what i would call salvageable
>she also probably just never told him
You think so? she was making 5/6 digits views per vid on YouTube during her prime, and her private Instagram wedding pic got leaked. I find hard to believe she hid everything.
What I think what happened is that one of her most closest, loyal (and desperate) rich supporters proposed to her.
i don't really see the audioporn girls as needing fixing, as long as the porn they make doesn't involve real sex and they preserve their anonimity. there's almost no risk of being recognized by your voice alone and it's easily denied. it's no different than writing something sexually suggestive and sharing it anonymously. that said, i wouldn't want her to keep doing it while we were together. she shouldn't need sexual validation from others, as another anon said.
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>all of those things are obviously hyprocritical, yes.
i mean, it's either that or he's the type of guy who's ok with his wife doing porn. neither of which scream salvageable. a girl permanently taints herself if she does something like that, and her only recourse is to hide it if she wants to be normal
>who's ok with his wife doing porn
She quitted though, there was no more new content of her after that. So, if anything, he forgave her.
Well anyway, hiding or not it means that she DROPPED everything for the sake of her relationship. There you have her, from a borderline asmr porn whore to a loyal wife.
And could also potentially mean that you may never know if your ideal gf was a whore in the past.
i'd take audio porn over porn porn
it doesn't matter if she quit or not. doing porn is still doing porn
Aftyn's husband was her high school boyfriend, they were together before she started making ASMR videos. He always knew.
wdym, bush is the cheerry on top
he gay
smart. correct.
day 3 of downvoting all fdom slop
>at least we know she isn't fucking irl
all my faves quit or dont make good audios anymore, and i can't be bothered wading through the slop to find some decent VA that will make 3 audios and disappear forever
its over, ill just jack off to the same 20 audios forever
Your AI?
You can't downvote on GWA

>if you enjoy shitting, you are glad that someone is making toilets. if you are glad that someone is making toilets, yet treat that toilet with distain for being shat into, you are a hypocrite, plain and simple. by joining the civilized world for shitting in loos, you become complicit in them being made, and lose all standing in decrying them being dirty. if you eat meat from a factory farm, you cannot claim to be opposed to factory farming. also,

this guy gets it. by becoming whores they lose all appeal as SO material. simple as
granted, but you should pay them for their efforts with an upvote at least
not enough titfucking audios
There are more out there than you think. The problem is that the performers are retarded and tag it dumb shit like [boobjob] instead of [titfuck].
I thought its just a compilation
Any site like it?
i mean audios where the focus is almost solely on titfucking. like blowjob audios or handjob/breastfeeding audios. at the very least something like astrazelia's employee audio
love pegging. i wish it didn't have to have that other shit come with it.
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who is this?
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don't care
No, unless you wanna go close to pedo territory
I'm going to make another [fdom] script. Go ahead and seethe over it.
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overview of gwa's front page at the time of writing:

>fdom: 5
>fsub: 4
>gfe: 3
>other: 7
>m4f: 3
>script offers: 3
>opened up like 10 audios with tags i like to try and find a new va
>all have shit mics or weird accents
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>see an audio with tags I like
.open it
>indian accent
I cannot think of a worse accent, no wonder it wasn't tagged in the title too
So close.
You guys asks for less professional va's but also hate amateurs, you guys cant ever be satisfied
There aren't a lot of things I wouldn't do to her
I'd fuck her but I wouldn't go as far as to marry her
Do Indian men find the indian accent hot?
Stop being gay.
I would annihalate her.
Any audios about the objectively moral evil that is murdering an innocent CEO?
is it too much to ask that a girl whose entire commodity is her voice have a better mic than the peruvians i get in my dota games
I'd marry her, the honeymoon fucking marathon would be glorious

In what regard?
Particularly in regard to her throat.
Is there any way to look at someone's soundgasm uploads when they have it set to private (why the fuck are they doing that anyway? Makes it fucking impossible to find shit)?
Alternatively, anyone have all audios by oh_reaally (just oh_really on soundgasm), or is the folder in the terapack up to date?
so that they can't be googled and/or you have to go through reddit to find them to get those sweet, sweet numbers there. and yeah, should be up to date.
they seem to prefer non-indians
day 5 of downvoting all fdom slop
here again on my knees to beg for:

scarlet love (scarletva)
girl-next-door (vaneibour on boosty)
It's a losing battle, anon. Just let it go.
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does anyone have any of shibbys website audios?=
You guys reckon Shibby is fat?
never, be the change you want to see
Without doubt. That said, she's kino and a rare actually dominant woman (or at least a talented actress) so I forgive her.
I could never get into Shibby's stuff, no clue what people see in her. She has a good voice, but her content is extremely derivative and she acts it all out with the same cadence, no variance or acting depending on the scenario, nothing. If you've heard one of her audios, you've heard them all, pretty much.
Also her snapping shtick is extremely grating in every one of her audios. Maybe the trigger works for some people, but for me it just instantly rips me out of any relaxed mood I just got into. Very mid performer overall.
she was great before the hypnoslop
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>[babysitter] audio
>"even though you're EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD and therefor LEGALLY AN ADULT..."
is that any worse than pretending you're a young boy that needs a babysitter
we're already pretending we have sex
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>see babysitter audio
>it's not "chad dad rails hot tight young babysitter"
It hurts. Why are there not more audios on this theme?
someone updated kissesfromlia! thank you.
They are shutting down the nymphs Patreon page. It truly is over....
haven't they been moving their operation to their own site for a while now anyway
Did they ever even get a kemono page?
their site is based on a platform that doesn't allow NSFW at all so a few reports and it's gone
let's hope they don't taunt people on twitter whoops too late
their new website has all the previous audios no?
When the hell was that, because it feels like she's been making the same audio over and over for years now.
Yea, they were. They are also re uploading old audios to reddit
why the hell did they do that instead of just using wordpress or something

screenshots? sounds funny
what platform do you mean? it looks like a patreon clone they made on the fly. their terms of service page doesn't even exist
Man I love this women, i'd rail her fat pussy so much it will be reduced to atoms
who is this?
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newest of new gen that's pom aka the queen pompompuppy who dominated the top of GWA never did patreon/exclusive except for some commissions(I may or may not have one ;) ) content and stopped uploading like a few months or a year ago
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oh yeah the girl who is ashamed shes chubby and airbrushes her photos to hell and back have fun man
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>stopped uploading like a few months or a year ago
fair on the airbrushing but she embraces her chubbiness
more for me then
>she embraces her chubbiness
yeah I can tell because she deleted her posts and airbrushes any photos of her tummy to hell and back. it would be fucking hot to see it unairbrushed as I'm an architect but oh well
Being fat is what forges a good domme. She could have onboarded the Ozempic train now though
sloth's twitter was filled with "I'm not mad, you are!1" level of tweets a while ago. I'll see if I find the energy.
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Nah this shit has went more mainstream than I would have ever liked, probably pornhub fags but still.
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The covid bump was a blessing and a curse
It was entirely a curse.
one of these days Iris' kemono (84849427) is going to get updated and I'm gonna be like.. thx
She posted her hand once and she's an absolute land whale
>the queen
That isn't our Eternal Queen dirtygirlsecret, or even our Eternal Princess Belle.
Not even a little surprised. Fatties flock to the whole audio porn thing like nothing else, especially femdom slop. Anything to feel desired by a man, I guess.
>Anything to feel desired by a man
Anything, that is, except for self-improvement.
getting paid is hard. payment processors hate porn
view source, it's fourthwall
God Saikosounds has a perfect voice with perfect asmr, shame she quit

this audio is really hot, any more like it? conceptually, i mean

also checked this girl's pfp after she talked about white dick and she's a brown whale. funny
I need a rote face reveal!
Why do you want to see a man?
It's okay if he's feminine, I'd rather jerk off to a feminine tranny than an obese woman.
>Astrazelia's Patreon still not updated
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1) emmafielder
2) astrazelia
3) redhairedmilf
4) lilydanger
5) beegee

my top 5. thank you for reading my blog
1) DirtyGirlsSecret
2) DirtyGirlsSecret
3) DirtyGirlsSecret
4) DirtyGirlsSecret
5) DirtyGirlsSecret

My top 5
1) Sneed's
2) Feed
3) and
4) Seed
5) Formerly Chuck's

my top 5
1) Just
2) Fuck
3) My
4) Shit
5) Up
You guys are faggots.
dgs was good but she wasn't that good
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well, emma's good.
I fucking kneel.
1. DGS
2. AprilW9
3. Belle_in_the_woods
4. smol_god/soulpathologist
5. Sexualyspecific
That's your opinion and you're perfectly fine to think that. To me she was, is, and will forever be the gold standard of ideas and voice quality. Her audios are the reason my neurons fire whenever I hear the word "Daddy". The confession audio is one of my favorites

And by fucking god what a body and a pair of lips on her
>1. Giggle-chan
>2. Bunny-chan
>3. Aleina
>4. muffins
>power gap
giggle chan is balding sorry bro
I've been on gwa a long time, but the only performers I like enough across their entire library, and not just individual audios here and there, to call my favorites would be Brae_Leigh, POVscribe, and I think those might actually be the only two.
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Mvsochst is gone again, and deleted her one new audio. Hope is lost.
wow another fdom slop whore. who cares
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>fdom slop
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all fdom is slop. don't care whether it's big sister molesting you, gentle mommy fdom, or bestiality necrophilia
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>all fdom is slop
Okay retard, she's also a switch.
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>cuck audio
do not care. rote's patreon is that way
>cuck audio
>fdom is slop
If I wanted to experience fsub I would just have sex with a woman irl, I want fantasies I can't experience in the real world.
Andy and Leyley incest kino when?
Anyone know what happened to meimei/meimeibear? Looks like she got banned from pomf (which is impressive) and her discord is long gone as far as I know. Would've asked on /vt/ but they hate her there due to some schizo shit and I saw she's been mentioned here.
Pomf account is up as meimeich
Also discord is still alive, she's still active and just posted a new free Christmas audio a few days ago.
Oh, guess I'm retarded. Thanks.
The truth behind the "femdom slop" statement is that it's so fucking derivative. They're all the same generic type of dominant, zero effort put into exploring different dynamics and roles, zero effort put into portraying different types of dominant women with different kinks or attitudes of their own. It's fucking slop. It's so generic, it may as well be AI generated. Good femdom audio does exist, but it's so few and far between, you have to sift through an ocean of oatmeal to find the occasional strawberry.
day 7 of downvoting all fdom slop
I agree. I'm genuinely willing to listen to fdom or fsub but gwa is so creatively bankrupt now because everything must appeal to the broadest church of patreon simps. None of these whores can act anymore, it's all just reading the same shitty scripts written by the same shitty writers and edited by the same shitty editors. When was the last time there was a truly great improv?
pom's last post was 4 months ago
I'm not even asking for improv, just for some half-decent writing, some creativity, and some acting. I'm the dude asking for oh_really's stuff earlier, partly because her Miss Haversome audios are fucking fantastic. They're femdom, but they're such a different brand of it, and she really sells this secretly insanely perverted, trying to corrupt a teenager by making her soft and manipulative domination sound like the most reasonable thing in the world character. That's the good shit. Come up with a story, a setting, a dynamic, and write a character who fits into it, not the same generic bullshit every single time.
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all the slop in one. oh joy.
Holy fuck that's a horrible lineup
Collabs are fucking aids. Yeah, I love listening to a person with a good mic speaking, then someone who apparently recorded her track with a ham radio and at half volume, followed by someone who lives near the train tracks and recorded at a sound level that blows out my speakers.
KEK remembers when they were seething about rote and someone said they'd collab eventually
She's literally perfect
Tranny lover
what's funny is ally didn't repost the collab anywhere
Holy fucking cope
that's what no volume normalization does for you
Literally no engagement from her on the damn post, it's not like they collabed together retard
it is incredibly unlikely people know she's a tranny outside of this board
>it's not like they collabed together
Dumb retard? >>1345071
they're solo audios, retard
how are you going to assume everyone knows who the trannies are, people outside this board are not this fucking autistic
either way i dmed her on reddit to let her know :)
good man
Tranny cope
Way to project, tranny
>He thinks she actually gives a fuck
Holy kek, that's unreal. You do know she's legitimately best friends with Listentomyvoice, right?
Holy shit peak slop.
>Speaker Orgasm
Like I could give a fuck if the woman cums
If anything it's a downside. I listen to most of these to fall asleep, and nothing rips me out of slumber's sweet embrace like hearing some bitch play-act her way through a pitched up bison's mating yell.

I've found that generally trannies don't even pass in audio format. They generally sound like a dude trying to do a female voice. Wonder why that is. Are there any surprise trannies who are genuinely impossible to suss out unless you know?
>cutest voice on GWA
>been around for years
>refuses to release a single script and only makes boring ramblefaps
It's so fucking unbelievably over
>Ally's first SPH
It's so over
Tranny lover makes audios with troon topics, not surprising
What the fuck is wrong with Lurkydip's voice?
She's a weird brand of bonger + whenever she's voicing something she puts on a way overexaggerated acting voice
Her voice is fine, but she has that weird fucking cadence to her speech. She's also into scat, so that might explain some crossed wires.
Yeah exactly. It's so incredibly over the top that it comes off as comedic half the time
first delving into audio porn is thinking lushinlace has a hot voice. becoming more knowledgeable is staying away from her audios forever
I've only listened to lurkydip's, ally's and beegee's audios because the tags on others didnt really interest me all that much.
Lurky's voice continues to suck, the weird groweling thing she's doing is absolutely offputting, it's what I'd expect from a 10 year old trying to read in his "monster" voice.
Ally's audio is ok, used the collab to test new waters with the tags, doesn't really seem to be her thing, judging by the execution compared to other audios.
Bee's script was absolutely ass and there's not much she can do with it, do these people even read the scripts they're given?
>yeah I'll make a porn audio that rehashes the story, that's what gets people going
I get that they're doing this for pretty much free exposure, but have some standards...
any other va other than elly freak out and nuke their shit over the patreon policies? that girl is the greediest va i've seen, aside from the new vas who have one audio and post their patreon of course
>that girl is the greediest va i've seen
Nigga, ally has like 4 different methods that she asks you to give money from. Elly removing stuff because of TOS isn't comparable
and elly absolutely seethes about low engagement and is constantly desperate. also not sure what you mean because elly has patreon, vtuber streams, throne shit, and fansly. at the minimum she's the exact same as ally lol. you just retarded?
Elly doesn't do fansly streams, so at minimum she's not the exact same. you just retarded?
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>having different content on fansly means it's completely different, goy!!
>it doesn't matter that it's all the same shit with subscriptions!!
ohhh ok. i accept your concession
>Elly doesn't do fansly streams
>that it's all the same shit with subscriptions
Fansly streams aren't subscription based you fucking retard. Your head would spin if I told you how much fucking money ally gets from a single stream
>Different methods of monetization are different
Yeah, no shit?
NTA but I genuinely don't understand what your point is. Ally does streams, Elly posts random bullshit. It's all still a source of revenue from Fansly. The fact that Ally makes a ton more has no bearing on it, she's 1000x more popular no shit she's making more. Are you secretly Elly in disguise seething about Ally, or what? I like your audios but you need to just focus on doing what you like instead of trying to become a multi millionaire off being a whore.
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least we can all agree she's a hot piece of ass
>It's all still a source of revenue from Fansly
One is a subscription, and one is donations that you beg for on stream. Do you not understand the concept that there are multiple forms of monetization? Both of them could also be abusing the fuck out of their ppv system, yet neither of them are as far as I'm aware. There are levels to the greed, it's not just "oh she uses the platform so it's the same lol"

She's not terrible. Hopefully she makes more.
I would breed this French whore until muh dick was shooting steam.
someone posted an archive of her last thread but for some reason she only has like 4-5 audios on reddit/soundgasm. i guess she nuked all of her stuff and is restarting
how aware are you of the writers? do you have a favorite? what is it you like about them, the way they write, or the things they write about?
>how aware are you of the writers?
More and more aware of them. After years of listening to audios I've realized that writers can be even more important in making a good audio than the VA's themselves
>do you have a favorite?
I like Enno a lot, but I don't I have a favorite overall because the vast majority of writers that these girls are obsessed with filling the scripts of are genuinely terrible
>what is it you like about them, the way they write, or the things they write about?
A bit of both
I didn't recognise her voice but maybe she's been around before.

She was Scarletlove_va. Not sure if she went by another name before that
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>bro she's mid
you niggers have lost your minds she's so fucking cute
she is pretty mid. by that i mean you can walk around a university campus and see a million girls hotter and/or cuter than her. but even mid girls are usually pretty attractive, that's the nature of the sex. and muffins is very cute. if she had better skin i think she'd look a lot better though. then again if i had better skin i'd maybe look a bit better too. but i don't know what a skincare routine is
Roguestones is a giga chad for pimping out sloth215 and all the other hoes
Honestly hilarious that like 90% of his scripts are cheating/cucking too
i'm still confused about what he did. all i know is that he dated sloth and was an ass to her (big air quotes on that)
fucked multiple VAs at the same time, used them for free writing/editing labor. I'm sure there was something else but I forget.
Bro legit if she added sfx and moaned like she isn't being brutally murdered, she would be very good.
by fucked do you mean fucked over or actually had sex with? hard to believe this dude was travelling the globe fucking a bunch of different VAs. no way they're that stupid
>travelling the globe
They're all american
she looks decent in her posed photos but she's below average to mid in videos
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but they are. all women are. don't make me tap the sign
why can't I continue to make hundreds or thousands of other men cum and have a healthy relationship wahhh I've been abused anyways here's a new subscription model
it's always fun when these whores act like victims when their friends and family don't approve of their choice of profession
Hate the term "girlcock" so much, I want to give big forehead kisses to the GWA mods with a ball-peen hammer.
What would you prefer Anon? She-penis? Shenis?
Just use futa, everyone knows what that means and it makes trannies seethe for some reason.
True, the death of the futa tag was retarded because you have bitches using girlcock, shemale, and every word for cocked woman besides the one term that just works. Trans weirdos seethe that an actual futa has a working pussy and penis. Something they'll never have
I wish Beegeewanders would stop collabing with the faggot trans rotedisaster, makes me sick to my stomach knowing there’s trans fags everywhere.
it kinda makes sense if you think about it, cavewomen avoiding mates had less children overall and their genes died out
women getting close to autistic men still did not get to the having babies part
thoughts on Moxie_by_Proxy_1929?
Seems like a lovely gal, but that voice is not for me.
A long shot, but does anyone have the audio where you fuck a girl (Maybe your gf, don't remember) and she admit to have cheat on her ex or maybe her current bf. Remember that in the story there was a guy in a bathroom or something like that i think.
IMHO and T.BF she uses a considerable amount of makeup, but I agree she's fucking cute.
And I'll tell you more, it's not just about the face. You can find thousands of mid cute girls, but one specifically with the kinks she has is extremely rare. That's why I love her.
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had a short dream about killing rote with a slay the spire shiv deck
>Can't even kill Rote without abusing overpowered meta decks
Average Silent player
>shiv is meta
do you play on ascension 1 or something
Are you retarded? Blade Dance is one of the best cards in the game, period
>That's why I love her.
so fucking grim
yea except you're not picking it after like floor 8. it's a damage solve for early elites and that's it, for the boss you'd always 100% of the time rather have poison
You're objectively incorrect. But it's ok to be wrong
>n-n-n-no you're wrong!!! :((
>no actual argument
ok kek. nice discussion and concession. i'll leave you to listen to your cuckslop in peace
Is the guy that was looking for oh_really audios still here? I have links to a few of them.
rote is the time lord, and you're shit out of luck
>pounding your bully's cute little step sister
>step sister
What the actual fuck
dm her and tell her she can shit on you that'll work
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>video of muffins rubbing herself through her clothes
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Thoughts about hou_bi? She's very cute.
>Thoughts about hou_bi
I still nut to the french maid audio regularly is she doing audios again?
No, her last audio was 3 years ago. She has been active on her account though, for non-porn stuff.

Do you happen to have saved her tiktok content or any other videos/pictures? I haven't been able to find anything other than her profile pic.
it's literally just a video of her pissing herself
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>using the services of a whore is equally gross
It isn't equally gross. The whore continues to whore after each john leaves. This is a 1000:1 ratio of gross. Both sides are contributing to the problem. Stop trying to normalize degeneracy.
How does a guy get a writing gig for ethots?
Finally learned enough japanese words to listen to raw japanese asmr porn without the need for a translated script, I can finally escape this hellhole and finally leave you guys behind, it was fun until the tranny stuff and the new people got more and more annoying. Cya guys in a a new reincarnation, ill drop by once a while but im moving my autistic ass to the japanese asmr thread or somewhere else better, well better than this place which is not a high bar to beat.
seems like you might have to be slimy as there was an anon with a deep voice saying he can't manage to get shit last thread I think. wonder how he's doing now
later avatarfag. try to check in to talk down the guys who get obsessed over the girls to not kill themselves
Japanese asmr is too fake imo, unless you find homemade or amateur stuff it doesn't do it for me.
>he doesn't realize he's the biggest faggot of them all
you won't be missed and i report all your simpcity posts
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>i report all your simpcity posts
I'm free from Sleepy
you're such a little fag
I'm sure she gets a lot of those not only in x but SS as well.
Just post 'em, bro. Thread's always ready to receive.
>even the sleepy bro is hating on cultivation nigga
Guys stop bullying my piss princess. She lurks here regularly
I wanna fill her with cum, that's why I bully her.
Normalfag website.
>She lurks here regularly
Prove it.
ngl sometimes I wank off to muffins f4f audios, her scenarios and delivery are just so hot to me than I can get off without even inserting myself into the story. her recent kitchen fdom was really good.
She loves it.
Muffins I'm going to make you lick up my sweat after I come back from a run.
muffins is on the femcel hedonic treadmill and constantly escalating to find more heinous shit to make her feel something; peeing into scat, bondage into amputation, and so on

she really needs to get laid, anons
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Fucking whore teasing us with a blurry picture
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Least /here/ VA of all time.
I have the feeling she got called mid somewhere else.
She also started doing way more piss audios when ppl here started talking about it. She also deleted the photo of herself in public when the sped retard posted the locations on here. This wouldn't be the first time she's responded to the opinions on here
I'm sleepy. Just reread and my grammar was shit
I still choose to believe they been leaking our posts in their sekrit discord.
I can't stop replaying the video of muffins writing rape doll on her thighs
hey that's me in the second post. muffins if you're reading this i'd treat you nicely and i can be the guy you have a bpd meltdown over and break up with because you're still too emotionally attached to That Guy from your past. i don't mind. you can ask me for my discord yourself.
M*ffins is so lucky she doesn't live in the same continent as me otherwise I'd unironically go find her and commit man-made horrors behind your comprehension with her (consensual non-consensual btw).
ally sex
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Ally looks like THAT?
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Can't stop looking at the pics of her soft white ass. Little whore has no right to be packing so much cake, I'd spank this tush raw.
covering her thighs because they're probably full of scars
where are these?
they are we've seen them
>they are we've seen them
share pls
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such a cute tummy
I want to kiss her scars.
This just makes me feel bad.
probably. either way if she actually reads this more pictures of her just smiling not doing her retarded pout face would be heaven
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>open thread
>m*ffins pics
>close thread
source of this?
This but ally/alekirser
What, you want to fuck the police?
Muffins is cool but when is astrazelia's kemono gonna get updated?
literally who?
This, I need more futa audios
she looks like khloe kingsley but I'm not 100% certain
She's a Swedish girl living in America, elina.olsson on onlyfans. Her content is extremely boring though, it's basically just shit like that. Extremely hot but makes no content that's fappable which is sad.
simply pair the hot girl doing softcore visuals with a degenerate and topical audio
Why does Kissesfromlia sound like a tranny?
because there's something seriously wrong with your hearing
She's caught it from all the trannies she's let fuck her
Best BBC/Cuck audios? Yes, I'm a degenerate. Don't bully me or I'll cum.
How do you not get disgusted by blacks in porn? It's like seeing a woman fuck a beast/animal.
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>Best BBC/Cuck audios?
>It's like seeing a woman fuck a beast/animal.
that's the appeal
It's hot to see a beautiful white girl you know was brought up as the most coddled and pampered princess being fucked by a literal monkey who's one bad decision away from either being in prison or straight up being a homeless crack head
>no condom
Can someone explain why you would ever specify this tag?
probably mentions in the audio to not use condoms, you'll see [raw] being used as well
Well obviously, but why would that ever be something to specify in an audio fantasy? Why would you ever imagine it being done with a condom? I understand specifying when a condom is used, but the assumption should always be that you're not using one unless specified.
it's to emphasize specifically the kink of doing it raw and all the dialogue that comes with it. think a little my dude
Why are retards trying to dox this precious pinoy beauty?
Has cat stopped doing incest audios or has she just stopped posting them on patreon and has them on her discord?
The latter probably. Patreon is hard cracking down on that content, but her love for incest is too high to stop
You're not allowed to post incest audios on patreon anymore, even step """"incest""", or rather you're not allowed to post anything even slightly spicy. Nothing with the rape or daddy/mommy tag. There was one GWA whore that posted a list of tags that would get you banned.
Brother/Sister incest as based and hot af
Mother/son is okay
Father/Daughter is cringe and disgusting as fuck
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overview of gwa's front page at the time of posting:

>fdom: 7
>fsub: 2 (maybe? i can't make sense of this title https://soundgasm.net/u/Evesrestrictedsection/F4MScript-FillRoommates-Older-BF-Fucks-You-in-the-Nastiest-Ways-After-You-Relive-Your-Shameful-Past-FsubMdomRapePublicCNC-FantasyCheatingVulnerableConfessionSafe-WordDrunkAFTERCARE2201)
>gfe: 3
>other: 8
>m4f: 3
>script offers: 1
>tranny: 1
jesterbells milf alien christmas special...
i don't want to pay, but i'm too dumb to solve targeted vimeo webcrawling...
i feel dirty after cooming to lurkydip audios
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burn it all down
Is there a way to download nymphgrove.com audios?
i don't think there's a scraper for it yet so i do it one at a time

1. open developer tools in chrome (ctrl+shift+I)
2. go to "network"
3. start playing the audio
4. type "m3u" in the filter bar
5. right click the first thing that pops up, then copy, and "copy url"
6. in a terminal, use either yt-dlp or youtube-dl to download the audio... you type something like "yt-dlp [the url you copied]"

maybe someone makes a script that makes this easy but i'm too lazy to look =p
whoever updated iris: thx
how long until muffins gets arrested for molesting a 11 yo boy?
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luckiest son of a bitch to walk the earth.
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good, but not as good as a sugar momma fucking you all day.
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worst out of the three of them
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How would you react if your parents ratted out your teacher fuck buddy?
I would get a job and move out. Those parents are dead to me.
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Then you have based parents that get punished by the state
Ellybros she's so fucking beautiful.
but what about my upvotes and my stream viewership and the money I spent on my models waah
Can't see shit captain
She's hot but I don't like her accent, she's trying to hide it but it comes out a lot.
I genuinely don't understand why she wants to be a vtuber so bad. Surely that is the path for fat or ugly chicks?
>Surely that is the path for fat or ugly chicks?
V-tubers apparently have super obsessive fans that throw huge amounts of money at them.
yeah I don't get it either. she's the opposite of entertaining, and the only viewers she gets are from this space. if she streams, I'm not looking to hear more of that voice, but to see her face.
that's one based father. besties for life.
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Why do women do it?
I get that but she could just open an
onlyfans and with minimal effort retarded simps would be doing the same without the initial outlay for a vtuber model.
To be fair, I don't know much about vtubers because I'm pretty sure everyone subscribed to one is a child molester.
You can tell even from these pictures that the student is a fucking gigachad
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for a lot of the girls on gwa, vtubing is the trendy space to break into. they get twitch money, and all they need is to play games and talk. some of them are making a lot of money off it, like alekirser, listen_to_my_voice, nightfawn, and more... plus they do onlyfans/fansly too. no surprise elly saw that and decided she wanted in on the action and the money.

i'd be happier if she just opens a normal onlyfans and stayed out of vtubing, but i'm not surprised she plans to do what all the popular girls are doing.
What do we think about l0labites/lolabites?
>she's the opposite of entertaining
kek. why?
if you'd tried to make it through one of her streams, you'd know. can't entertain and has no sense of humor. no amount of dollars wasted on a model will make up for that.
i haven't caught any of these girls streams, i can't imagine any of them are at all interesting. i think i remember watching 5 minutes of lilydanger? playing a horror game. and just turned it off. i wish i could sit through them just to laugh at them though
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I like Elly's french accent
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>lurkydip accent or izzy dizzy accent
throw both in the trash
but izzy dizzy's accent is hot. i guess it's similar to audio allure's. i don't know the specifics of british accents, all i know is that lurkydip's is gross and theirs is good
ngl I just don't like Lurky's accent and since you were comparing them I assumed the other one was just as disgusting
oh no, no. if i wanted to make a pick your poison choice it'd be lurkydip and italianmaneater or one of the filipinas
>lurkydip and italianmaneater
nuke both
It doesn't even sound french to me, it sounds eastern european/russian. The French accent is usually super clear and obvious, but I've never heard one like that. First time I've ever not been able to make out that it's french. Maybe she's an immigrant to France/slavic parent/parents?
she speaks fluent french if you've ever heard her little twitter notes, and in those she sounds very french (i'm french i would know). her accent sounds weird but that's just how it is
She sounds French as fuck. I think you're deaf.
It's "safer" in that you don't have to expose your face and body. A lot of the famous vtuber's real identities are still largely secret. I think most of the audio whores trying to transition to vtubing are doing it in an attempt to move to a "wholesome" career that still gives them simp dollars but without having to be a real whore and still expect anonymity. Ally is definitely trying to distance herself from her audio career, and her simps discourage discussion about her audios.

Basically it's an attempt to get a second chance at not having to be a sexual whore but still getting massive amounts of male attention. All while no one in their real life has to know about it.
Anybody have this one? Links dead for some reason
Nevermind found it
Ok thanks, I will try it
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overview of gwa's front page at the time of writing:

>fdom: 7 (3 mommydom)
>fsub: 4
>gfe: 2
>other: 5
>m4f: 6
>script offers: 1

maybe one day fsub will catch up to fdom. surely
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>>fdom: 7 (3 mommydom)
yeah, I haven't found one that's interesting yet, nor made through one from start to finish. I see she's nuked her entire twitch channel of all videos now, too. I hope she's realized it's not for her, and stopped spending her money on that shit.
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>sees an old Skitty audio
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Why is Ally so perfect, bros?
if only she was any good at creating audios
How do I extract the soundgasm links from gwasi so I can mass download them? Inspect element gives me the reddit link, but how do I get the soundgasm link? Obviously this from a creator that has disabled the audio history from their soundgasm profile.
run 'gwaripper watch' in the commandline, then just start copying the reddit links from gwasi.
Way too annoying and complicated.
youd be surprised how many vtubers turn out to be really attractive. i certainly am still shocked each time another big titty anime model is backed up by a girl with the same size tits like with noel from hololive
use something like link gopher to get all the links present on a site. makes the process really easy
What do we think about Mimi & Meru? Seems like they're a duo, they don't really post on reddit. Sfw on youtube and nsfw stuff on Patreon and customs.
Won't that just pull the reddit links from gwasi? I can already do that.

I tried pasting them into jdownloader and while it is able to pull the soundgasm link, it does in a weird way that doesn't work. It shows a host error and doesn't download. If you copy paste a soundgasm profile that displays the audios then it works fine and downloads them.
Custom designed and built to serve, worship and be brutalised by big white cock.
oh i thought you had trouble getting the links for the gwaripper thing. honestly i do it in a bit of a convoluted method where wheelclick a bunch of titles i think look neat and then use downthemall to collect all soundgasm links present in all open tabs. then i use those collected soundgasm links at a later time in gallery-dl

used to be easier since for some reason it no longer allows copying links from the downthemall selection window but oh well
>turn out to be really attractive
Does makeup count? because that shit is voodoo magic. It can visually fix almost anything.
This slut is literally begging for rape correction, holy shit.
who's that?
Such a teasing brat, she's literally torturing us. She knows exactly what what's doing. God I really hope she returns next year.
There were some really good shots in that video.
Anyone got the password for the mycatwithclaws back catalogue for this month?
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>that smirk
she knows what she's doing
Has there even been a brat in need of more taming than Sleepy?
She gets more explicit and sexual with every month. Why is she teasing us like this? Will it actually have a payoff or are we doomed to eternal blue balls?
She will never come back, let it go
I don't think she's coming back bro
She's coming back in a few months, bro
I would destroy her both physically and mentally. This little whore would be begging for every sick degradation I would visit upon her sinful body by the end.
Preach sisters, preach
do they have a kemono or something? never heard of them
There's a 50/50 chance she's already dating somebody.
there's a 50/50 chance that you're a faggot
I don't want to make this whore my wife.
calm down down buddy
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the joke is rape btw
kill yourself
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You're beyond retarded
I'm pretty high IQ actually and my mom says I'm very smart
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>no ff4m audios
what's the point even
my exact thoughts
They suck at tagging, their first audio is that. Most audios seem to be each doing an individual take, some audios only have one girl do it. I'm not even sure if it's two girls or just one girl doing a high and low voice. I've only listened to one audio atm, so I haven't been able to compare just yet.
>It's been a long day and you finally get home to find that your best friends, mimi and meru have been eagerly waiting for you all day because they're bored and they miss you.
>nice to meet you
That audio is a ff4m
works the best for me. hope you find something that works for you.
>I'm not even sure if it's two girls or just one girl doing a high and low voice
It's definitely the same girl doing the retarded high pitched voice and the dommy mommy one
>listen to meimeibear's double trouble audio
>cum to it
>immediately decide to never venture into that space again
i don't care how badly i want more double loli audios. i cannot allow myself to fall like that
link? I want to hear it because I need to forget things.
I would sex this little whore with so much sex she would never want sex again
gallery-dl + custom postprocessor
whos audios are u looking for?
respect xheir pronouns!
Imagine wrapping your big hands around that slender waist and just ploughing sleepy while her simps watch on a livestrean.
dude i need another emma fielder and lunarhiccups collab injected into my veins PLEASE EMMA

also update emma fielder kemono please
How fat do we think she has gotten now, bros?
probably had a heart attack already, she was fatter than Pom.
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Not enough
unironically she wasn't. pom looks extremely chunky. lunarhiccups is just fat
Pom is fat and lunarhiccups is obese
>astrazelia not updated
>emmafielder not updated
what has this world come to
Female version of Rote
other way around
you're delusional
Who's more slutty, Sleepy or her sister?
What do you guys think of the prominence of anime/Japanese phrases and tropes in audios?

Things like monstergirls or tombos would have never been as popular if it wasn't for their abundance in anime and manga this past decade. Or seeing tags and titles use phrases like yandere and tsundere instead of obsessive or bitchy.
That's a man
Uncle Ted was right about anime
horrible tranny radar
I hate yandere because I'd love to have mildly obsessive girl audios but instead we get full on autism everytime.
The similarity of sleepy fans and pokimane fans are quite uncanny.
Yeah idk why they keep doing the dogshit trope of the woman overpowering the listener. Give me a jealous obsessive woman anyday but she isn't overpowering me.
>punch her and take the knife
>she says you attacked her and calls the police
gg wp indeed
>rape her then tie her in her own basement
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You,
and I detest all my sins,
because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell,
but most of all because they offend You, my God,
who are all good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace,
to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
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Sleepy bro has lost it
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overview of gwa's front page at the time of writing:

>fdom: 7 (2 mommydom)
>fsub: 2
>gfe: 0
>other: 6
>m4f: 6
>script offers: 4

i am sighing irl. maybe we should lab engineer our own tranny to astroturf fsub as the new hotness like they did with rote and fdom

this girl post under a different name before? are there more?
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>>fdom: 7 (2 mommydom)
we just keep winning fdom bros
thats not sleepy
you're not that guy
so you are that low test that you would be dominated by a woman with a knife?
I can't say I recognise the voice but she sounds breddy gud.
It's happening.
Not many days left before Sleepy returns to us!
Are you talking about her streams or about her posting audios again
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on god?
didn't i JUST ask for a new collab?? IT'S OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!!
recommend me some audios where your gf/wife (or whoever you're fucking i guess) starts describing scenarios of you fucking other girls while she's blowing you or something. bonus points if she describes a threesome with her and the random girl
This whore's wet little tongue should be bathing my balls.
>Sleepy will never record an audio like this
why live, I need my cuckqueen to do it for me.
>cock ring
What the fuck, Ally?
dude you have to post a screenshot for context retard
>you have to
No I don't, I get more (You)s that way.
Audio with that tag
Call me when she does cuckold, amputation or gore, then I'll start liking her.
You're mentally ill
Where do you think you are?
I thought people were just ironic, nobody is that fucked in the brain
where do you think you are nigger fuck off with that retarded shit you mentally ill guro retard. I'm here for the femdom audios.
Oh sweet summer child.
>she deleted her posts and donation links
It's so fucking over
one more vaguepost and i mass report
I hope you mother gets raped and aids from HIM

Someone posted the phub link on simpcity but got removed
So apparently this is muffin's voice, anyone has any info or more like this she made?
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Holy based, fuck pee fags
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What a retarded post.
they obviously just took a muffins audio and overlayed it with ai generated images to make a joi
So many of these VAs filling fdom scripts are so fucking ass man...
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there's nothing chad about being a cuck into amputation and dead bodies, actually kill yourself
Ally is so fucking based, imagine being so horny that you start buying toys for the opposite gender just so you can live out your fantasies
yeah that's definitely not for her boyfriend(he's black btw)
Proof or never happened
it would ruin your life
So you don't have it?
I'm the boyfriend actually
>boyfriend that doesnt have a single image of being with his girlfriend
Wew lad
Do you want a pic of me and her together?
I've been waiting for the picture that you're going to google for 7 minutes now, how are you so fucking slow?
Oh looks, it's exactly what I said would happen, she wouldnt touch your disgusting ass with a 20ft pole
get owned chud
>I googled 'Asian women black men' and posted a picture, get owned
Someone forgot to evolve from his monkey ancestry
It's so easy to bait leddit newfags in this thread
>ah, for you see, I've been merely pretending to be retarded for 20 minutes straight
Good at method acting, must be in your blood
seethe more chud, Ally will be enjoying my big black cock in this beautiful christmas moorning
Ally Kirser and Beegeewanders are built for bbc only faggots
>Cuck VA's are made for cuck fetishes
No shit
Some mind break + Monster stuff?
Like sadistic dreamer/Yuki space assassin
Merry Christmas you coomers
For Christmas I wish your favourite GWA whore quits forever.
If she already quit does she come back? Sleepy please come back!
No it means that her old content will also be erased from existence, double forever forever.
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I miss her already...
I miss her, there hasn't been anyone that can top her.
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So true So true
Unemployed final boss
>like 1/3 of HER posts are removed from GWA because she can't follow the rules
Why are these whores so retarded?
But if it's erased from existence then I will never have listened to it and won't miss it.
You will retain the echos of the memories
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I choose death.
ruben time...
And you won't be able to commit suicide due to your compulsive desire to find the source of those memories.
Shamorimbros we just need more time...
I've started fapping to scripts now
I jerked off to erotic stories a couple of times. Unironically one of the best orgasms I had.
Anyone know the audio of an Indian chick that cheats on her boyfriend with his roommate or friend in their apartment. Please and thank you
Anyone have the BBC ally kirser audio, it released a couple years ago
i would like to receive a blowjob from fromyourmouth
pure pajeet cope
last call for help on crawling jesterbell's links from vimeo
otherwise i'll take a hit for the homies and shell out, 'tis this season and all that
Ok nigger
boyfie is now on kemono. must be christmas.
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This is your goat?
she plays roblox? OMG NOOOO
>she's a predator
so fvcking based
Where can I find Princess Dulci audios? They're not in any of the torrents
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surprised lunarhiccups kemono hasn't been updated yet
Tired of listening to the same female va’s over and over again, who are some unknown or new ones that I should check out?
uhhhh, hou_bi has done some good stuff literal years ago.
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>audio of an Indian chick
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hope you had a good christmas bros
I did, played a lot of League of legends and spent hours drafting a plan as to how I'll make Sleepy my wife.
I think Im addicted to muffins audios I can't stop listening to them and I've started even when I'm working to have an earbud in, or even thinking of her. fuck she's so fucking pretty. how do I stop this before I really fuck myself more?
I would give anything to have that princess as my gf
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>Chrimbus Wife Muffins
>She takes my cock like a champ
>I don't mind her pissing on my cock as I fill her with my seed to get her plump as a watermelon with my children.
She looks like she gives very passionate and loving blowjobs
I think it's time to find another hobby, anything to keep your brain busy with as long as it doesn't become an eyesore, otherwise the fantasy of her audios and her will slowly consume you.

My obsession with her is slowly decreasing but it will never fade.
I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing here when she made me quit audio porn. I'm truly hopeless.
>I really wanted to share it publicly for free because I have never done a real audio for my trans folk and i do feel bad about that. It is mainly out of fear of writing something wrong and lack of experience. I also feel as a cis woman I might say something offensive or write something offensive i’d be unware of..
First, kill yourself for posting this garbage without context. Second, who is it so I can block that whore?
For me it's she pissing on my cock after I creampie her and then I make her clean all her filth, nectar and love juices with her mouth and throat (just like in my favorite JAVs).
>[F4TF] Vampire kidnaps you and turns you cis-gender
What do we think of this?
the trannies dream
>tranny commissioned a bunch of F4F audios
>self hating tranny accidently admits it will never be a woman unless something magical happens
I love that trope
>trannies are ruining potential audios by deluding themselves into thinking they're women and getting VAs to record F4F
i miss flowersfromkore and seradot bros
same. what a shitty year.
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>nymphs release an fff4m audio
>it's a collab with lilydanger instead of having sloth be the 3rd
is she getting bullied in her new friend group or are they just really bad at business
My guess is that Sloth is just lazy (heh)
That's a man
Ally > Sleepy
It's not even close
sleepy has never done a binaural ear licking self collab audio so that automatically makes alekirser better
peak sex
Nice bait Ally
>want hfo files
>It's the same 4 hypnotists
>It's all cuck shit
Is it so hard for them to make some standard hypnosis porn that isn't about prostates, futa or sub? I shouldn't have to go back 6yrs of catalog to find something I've forgotten I've listened to.
Sleepy actually knows how to use a 3dio though
Built for Big White Cock.
What do you think of Rote's audios defying cis gravity and really holding tranny space with that and feeling queer xis xer power in that?

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