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Previous thread: https://archiveofsins.com/t/thread/1339115 #43

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Audio Pornography ComboPack (combination of audio porn collections 1-6 + FSA archive)

GoneWildAudio TeraPack:

Merged Torrent Index:

PsstAudio Age Play Archives:
Direct Download: https://mega.nz/folder/lv0y3Q5a#ZrmWA5z97uSIqKPh4qgYPQ
Torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3T25UMBN7DVMZNDZ2ZQLJQQ52OCPI2H6&dn=audios&tr.1=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2F

Better Gonewildaudio & Sister Subreddit Search Engine: https://gwasi.com/

Before asking, "Does anyone have anything from this performer?" CHECK THE TORRENTS. You can download the .html file from the terabyte pack and search that or use qBitorrent file search.
First for our Eternal Queen dirtygirlsecret.
second for killing both rote and every fdom poster

i would've been first without this faggot ass timer..
>second for killing both rote and every fdom poster
Extremely based. Strong start to this thread, I'm feeling good /eap/chads.
here praying iris, scarlet love, and/or yunadere's kemonos get updated
Why do putting big dick and milf tags on gwasi give me 25 posts only. The tag combination can't be that rare.
"big dick" specifically isn't a very common tags. There's hundreds of audios where the listener has a big dick but there's no tag to note it
>she's playing a coercive manipulative character with a power dynamic over the listener molestation style
that's what I said, she's doing what she would want done to her and just flipping the genders.
*was done to her
I would absolutely annihilate this little whore.
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whenever i listen to her audios, i always picture ally in my mind as a shortstack for some reason. almost like the goblin drawings that have become so popular nowadays, just with less ridiculous proportions. being a petite, dainty pinoy with smaller tits is pretty hot though
>>1344095 (OP)
Will there ever be an updated one?
Mf the site is dead
>elly deleted her twin audio
yup, that anon was right lol
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damn, wtf? she's going nuclear on all that stuff i guess. so i guess that means this audio won't get a sequel as promised?

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Sorry for being considerate anon... Are you actually fucking retarted anon, you have so much stuff you can complain about and this is the one you complain about? It's literally is a VA doing you a favor by giving you a choice for your preferred kind of audio and you complain about it like a bitch? You can do better than that anon, maybe you should learn from your own words and just shut the fuck up.
Does anyone have "Warrior Sex Slave: Mother Of The Goblins" by singmypraise? It's on Kemono but the way to access it is not
you could also kys
>audio still has music
bitch what...
Incest is illegal, anon!
day 1 of downvoting all fdom slop audio/script I see until it makes a difference
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Princess Dulci lookin damn fine.
nah this is the best way to do it. do you want to be saddled with sounds of oatmeal for anything pussy related?
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overview of gwa's front page at the time of writing:

>fdom: 10 (4 mommydom)
>fsub: 1 (and it's a mommy audio lmao)
>gfe: 2
>other: 7
>m4f: 3
>script offers: 2

fdom apologists saying it's not that bad? kill yourselves
would you date a girl if she insisted on continuing to make audio porn while you were together, not for money, but for fun?
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you kidding me?
I would insist on her continuing to make audio porn while I was deep inside muffins, yes for money and yes for fun.
to her it's just another pee break for me it's another chance of breeding my tard wife.
depends how many upvotes she got
venusdevelours or efferus_doll?
I would break up with a girl if I found out that she was ever a whore of any kind in the past.
"for fun"
for attention and male validation

Why would I date a woman who felt like she needed that from strangers? That's a fuck buddy at most
>would you let your SO engage in hobbies?
Yes. If she somehow earns big bucks like Shibby then even better, all the power to her. Next question.
day 2 of downvoting all fdom slop
day 1 of downvoting all fsub slop
If she's doing it for fun then probably not. If she did it only for money I would be more okay with it. I would only get more serious with that girl contingent on her stopping. Her doing it for fun is genrally a deeply mentally ill attention-seeking behavior, but doing it as a job is a bit of a different story because it pays the bills and it takes advantage of one of womens' economic advantages. I suppose she could do it for fun as an exploration of sexual fantasies, but in that case, you would think that she would quit once she has someone to act out her fantasies with in the real world.
i don't see how you can jerk off to them and hold them in this regard. if being a whore is gross, using the services of a whore is equally gross. there would be no whores without johns.
toilet bowls and sinks are both made from porcellain. id still never wash my hands in the toilet

whores may be women but theyre not made for being an SO
she has a really hot body but that bush looks nasty. at least we know she isn't fucking irl
>curious that you hate whores but look at and listen to them anyway! i am very smart!
are you a woman or something with this retarded logic? yea, i'm gonna jerk off to these sluts if they wanna expose themselves or moan into a mic. i don't give a fuck. i'm horny and i see them as objects to cure my horniness. i'm still not touching one with a ten foot pole irl
>she deleted her reddit posts
What's wrong with this bitch?
Whores are good for jerking off to, but awful for stable relationships and raising children. Nothing about this opinion is inconsistent or contradictory.
For the record, I would also never have physical sex with a whore; I draw the line at jerking off to them.
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quints of truth. whores btfo
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if you enjoy audio porn, you are glad that someone is makijg audio porn. if you are glad that someone is making audio porn, yet treat that person with distain for making audio porn, you are a hypocrite, plain and simple. by joining the audience for audioporn, you become complicit in it's being made, and lose all standing in decrying it's being made. if you eat meat from a factory farm, you cannot claim to be opposed to factory farming. also,
>some idiot saw the original of this comic and thought "how biting and poigniant! i can't wait to apply this rhetoric for myself"
embarassing. apply yourself.
i don't care about being a hypocrite. a whore is a whore. if she wants to base her existence around sexually pleasing random guys, cool. i'm a random guy. thanks for making my dick hard. i won't pay them for it though. and i will never date or associate with one, and there's nothing you can do about it. go back to filming your gf's onlyfans, cuck
Do you think it's hypocrisy to enjoy music, but not want to date a musician?
Do you think it's hypocrisy to receive medical care, but not want to date a doctor?
Do you think it's hypocrisy to have goods shipped, but not want to date a trucker?
Do you think it's hypocrisy to eat at restaurants, but not want to date a waitress?
You can enjoy audio porn without wanting to date an audio pornographer, it's not hypocritical in the slightest. The qualities that make an entertaining whore are not the qualities that make a good girlfriend, wife, or mother.
I think it's perfectly fine for someone not to want to date a woman for making porn just like it's perfectly fine for a woman not to want to date a man for watching it. Preferences are preferences, no one is entitled to anyone.

Don't see at all how it's hypocritical though. It would be hypocritical not to want to date a woman who also listens to audio porn.

It's one thing to listen to audios to cum, it's a completely different thing to be creating audios in that space because for the majority, they're not just posting audios, they're also interacting and living off all of that male/female attention. All that validation, the compliments, the endless dick pics, etc. They don't live a normal life and it's very easy to see why someone wouldn't want to be in a relationship like that.

Personally I don't care if she made audios in the past, but only if she no longer does it. I wouldn't want to date someone who needs/gets off validation and attention from other men. I don't see how that's hypocritical, I'm certainly not making audios and getting tons of attention from other women and I don't listen to audios/watch porn when I'm in a committed relationship
>i don't care about being a hyprocrite
then your opinion is worth nothing
all of those things are obviously hyprocritical, yes.
i do not wish to be complicit in the making of such embarassingly stupid posts, so i will stop replying to you people.
Would you listen to audio/you watch porn together with your partner?
cuck seething
This topic is reminding me of A*tynR*se.
She was making thousands in patreon and was basically #1 in all rankings. She didn't really show her pussy or tits but got really close.
Then she engaged with some guy, got MARRIED and completely disappeared from the internet.
She's proof that (some of) these girls are salvageable.
you realize that the majority of them will simply not tell their boyfriend/husband about what they did, right? it's not about being salvageable. it's about hiding it. she stopped doing it, sure, but she also probably just never told him about it and acts like any normal girl. not really what i would call salvageable
>she also probably just never told him
You think so? she was making 5/6 digits views per vid on YouTube during her prime, and her private Instagram wedding pic got leaked. I find hard to believe she hid everything.
What I think what happened is that one of her most closest, loyal (and desperate) rich supporters proposed to her.
i don't really see the audioporn girls as needing fixing, as long as the porn they make doesn't involve real sex and they preserve their anonimity. there's almost no risk of being recognized by your voice alone and it's easily denied. it's no different than writing something sexually suggestive and sharing it anonymously. that said, i wouldn't want her to keep doing it while we were together. she shouldn't need sexual validation from others, as another anon said.
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>all of those things are obviously hyprocritical, yes.
i mean, it's either that or he's the type of guy who's ok with his wife doing porn. neither of which scream salvageable. a girl permanently taints herself if she does something like that, and her only recourse is to hide it if she wants to be normal
>who's ok with his wife doing porn
She quitted though, there was no more new content of her after that. So, if anything, he forgave her.
Well anyway, hiding or not it means that she DROPPED everything for the sake of her relationship. There you have her, from a borderline asmr porn whore to a loyal wife.
And could also potentially mean that you may never know if your ideal gf was a whore in the past.
i'd take audio porn over porn porn
it doesn't matter if she quit or not. doing porn is still doing porn
Aftyn's husband was her high school boyfriend, they were together before she started making ASMR videos. He always knew.
wdym, bush is the cheerry on top
he gay
smart. correct.
day 3 of downvoting all fdom slop
>at least we know she isn't fucking irl
all my faves quit or dont make good audios anymore, and i can't be bothered wading through the slop to find some decent VA that will make 3 audios and disappear forever
its over, ill just jack off to the same 20 audios forever
Your AI?
You can't downvote on GWA

>if you enjoy shitting, you are glad that someone is making toilets. if you are glad that someone is making toilets, yet treat that toilet with distain for being shat into, you are a hypocrite, plain and simple. by joining the civilized world for shitting in loos, you become complicit in them being made, and lose all standing in decrying them being dirty. if you eat meat from a factory farm, you cannot claim to be opposed to factory farming. also,

this guy gets it. by becoming whores they lose all appeal as SO material. simple as
granted, but you should pay them for their efforts with an upvote at least
not enough titfucking audios
There are more out there than you think. The problem is that the performers are retarded and tag it dumb shit like [boobjob] instead of [titfuck].
I thought its just a compilation
Any site like it?
i mean audios where the focus is almost solely on titfucking. like blowjob audios or handjob/breastfeeding audios. at the very least something like astrazelia's employee audio
love pegging. i wish it didn't have to have that other shit come with it.
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who is this?
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don't care
No, unless you wanna go close to pedo territory
I'm going to make another [fdom] script. Go ahead and seethe over it.
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overview of gwa's front page at the time of writing:

>fdom: 5
>fsub: 4
>gfe: 3
>other: 7
>m4f: 3
>script offers: 3
>opened up like 10 audios with tags i like to try and find a new va
>all have shit mics or weird accents
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>see an audio with tags I like
.open it
>indian accent
I cannot think of a worse accent, no wonder it wasn't tagged in the title too
So close.
You guys asks for less professional va's but also hate amateurs, you guys cant ever be satisfied
There aren't a lot of things I wouldn't do to her
I'd fuck her but I wouldn't go as far as to marry her
Do Indian men find the indian accent hot?
Stop being gay.
I would annihalate her.
Any audios about the objectively moral evil that is murdering an innocent CEO?
is it too much to ask that a girl whose entire commodity is her voice have a better mic than the peruvians i get in my dota games
I'd marry her, the honeymoon fucking marathon would be glorious

In what regard?
Particularly in regard to her throat.
Is there any way to look at someone's soundgasm uploads when they have it set to private (why the fuck are they doing that anyway? Makes it fucking impossible to find shit)?
Alternatively, anyone have all audios by oh_reaally (just oh_really on soundgasm), or is the folder in the terapack up to date?
so that they can't be googled and/or you have to go through reddit to find them to get those sweet, sweet numbers there. and yeah, should be up to date.
they seem to prefer non-indians
day 5 of downvoting all fdom slop
here again on my knees to beg for:

scarlet love (scarletva)
girl-next-door (vaneibour on boosty)
It's a losing battle, anon. Just let it go.
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does anyone have any of shibbys website audios?=
You guys reckon Shibby is fat?
never, be the change you want to see
Without doubt. That said, she's kino and a rare actually dominant woman (or at least a talented actress) so I forgive her.
I could never get into Shibby's stuff, no clue what people see in her. She has a good voice, but her content is extremely derivative and she acts it all out with the same cadence, no variance or acting depending on the scenario, nothing. If you've heard one of her audios, you've heard them all, pretty much.
Also her snapping shtick is extremely grating in every one of her audios. Maybe the trigger works for some people, but for me it just instantly rips me out of any relaxed mood I just got into. Very mid performer overall.
she was great before the hypnoslop
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>[babysitter] audio
>"even though you're EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD and therefor LEGALLY AN ADULT..."
is that any worse than pretending you're a young boy that needs a babysitter
we're already pretending we have sex
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>see babysitter audio
>it's not "chad dad rails hot tight young babysitter"
It hurts. Why are there not more audios on this theme?
someone updated kissesfromlia! thank you.
They are shutting down the nymphs Patreon page. It truly is over....
haven't they been moving their operation to their own site for a while now anyway
Did they ever even get a kemono page?
their site is based on a platform that doesn't allow NSFW at all so a few reports and it's gone
let's hope they don't taunt people on twitter whoops too late
their new website has all the previous audios no?
When the hell was that, because it feels like she's been making the same audio over and over for years now.
Yea, they were. They are also re uploading old audios to reddit
why the hell did they do that instead of just using wordpress or something

screenshots? sounds funny
what platform do you mean? it looks like a patreon clone they made on the fly. their terms of service page doesn't even exist
Man I love this women, i'd rail her fat pussy so much it will be reduced to atoms
who is this?
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newest of new gen that's pom aka the queen pompompuppy who dominated the top of GWA never did patreon/exclusive except for some commissions(I may or may not have one ;) ) content and stopped uploading like a few months or a year ago
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oh yeah the girl who is ashamed shes chubby and airbrushes her photos to hell and back have fun man
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>stopped uploading like a few months or a year ago
fair on the airbrushing but she embraces her chubbiness
more for me then
>she embraces her chubbiness
yeah I can tell because she deleted her posts and airbrushes any photos of her tummy to hell and back. it would be fucking hot to see it unairbrushed as I'm an architect but oh well
Being fat is what forges a good domme. She could have onboarded the Ozempic train now though
sloth's twitter was filled with "I'm not mad, you are!1" level of tweets a while ago. I'll see if I find the energy.
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Nah this shit has went more mainstream than I would have ever liked, probably pornhub fags but still.
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The covid bump was a blessing and a curse
It was entirely a curse.
one of these days Iris' kemono (84849427) is going to get updated and I'm gonna be like.. thx
She posted her hand once and she's an absolute land whale
>the queen
That isn't our Eternal Queen dirtygirlsecret, or even our Eternal Princess Belle.
Not even a little surprised. Fatties flock to the whole audio porn thing like nothing else, especially femdom slop. Anything to feel desired by a man, I guess.
>Anything to feel desired by a man
Anything, that is, except for self-improvement.
getting paid is hard. payment processors hate porn
view source, it's fourthwall

this audio is really hot, any more like it? conceptually, i mean

also checked this girl's pfp after she talked about white dick and she's a brown whale. funny
I need a rote face reveal!
Why do you want to see a man?
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1) emmafielder
2) astrazelia
3) redhairedmilf
4) lilydanger
5) beegee

my top 5. thank you for reading my blog
1) DirtyGirlsSecret
2) DirtyGirlsSecret
3) DirtyGirlsSecret
4) DirtyGirlsSecret
5) DirtyGirlsSecret

My top 5
1) Just
2) Fuck
3) My
4) Shit
5) Up
You guys are faggots.
dgs was good but she wasn't that good
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well, emma's good.
I fucking kneel.
1. DGS
2. AprilW9
3. Belle_in_the_woods
4. smol_god/soulpathologist
5. Sexualyspecific
That's your opinion and you're perfectly fine to think that. To me she was, is, and will forever be the gold standard of ideas and voice quality. Her audios are the reason my neurons fire whenever I hear the word "Daddy". The confession audio is one of my favorites

And by fucking god what a body and a pair of lips on her
>1. Giggle-chan
>2. Bunny-chan
>3. Aleina
>4. muffins
>power gap
giggle chan is balding sorry bro
I've been on gwa a long time, but the only performers I like enough across their entire library, and not just individual audios here and there, to call my favorites would be Brae_Leigh, POVscribe, and I think those might actually be the only two.
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Mvsochst is gone again, and deleted her one new audio. Hope is lost.
wow another fdom slop whore. who cares
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>fdom slop
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all fdom is slop. don't care whether it's big sister molesting you, gentle mommy fdom, or bestiality necrophilia
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>all fdom is slop
Okay retard, she's also a switch.
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>cuck audio
do not care. rote's patreon is that way
>cuck audio
Anyone know what happened to meimei/meimeibear? Looks like she got banned from pomf (which is impressive) and her discord is long gone as far as I know. Would've asked on /vt/ but they hate her there due to some schizo shit and I saw she's been mentioned here.
Pomf account is up as meimeich
Also discord is still alive, she's still active and just posted a new free Christmas audio a few days ago.
Oh, guess I'm retarded. Thanks.
The truth behind the "femdom slop" statement is that it's so fucking derivative. They're all the same generic type of dominant, zero effort put into exploring different dynamics and roles, zero effort put into portraying different types of dominant women with different kinks or attitudes of their own. It's fucking slop. It's so generic, it may as well be AI generated. Good femdom audio does exist, but it's so few and far between, you have to sift through an ocean of oatmeal to find the occasional strawberry.
day 7 of downvoting all fdom slop
I agree. I'm genuinely willing to listen to fdom or fsub but gwa is so creatively bankrupt now because everything must appeal to the broadest church of patreon simps. None of these whores can act anymore, it's all just reading the same shitty scripts written by the same shitty writers and edited by the same shitty editors. When was the last time there was a truly great improv?
pom's last post was 4 months ago
I'm not even asking for improv, just for some half-decent writing, some creativity, and some acting. I'm the dude asking for oh_really's stuff earlier, partly because her Miss Haversome audios are fucking fantastic. They're femdom, but they're such a different brand of it, and she really sells this secretly insanely perverted, trying to corrupt a teenager by making her soft and manipulative domination sound like the most reasonable thing in the world character. That's the good shit. Come up with a story, a setting, a dynamic, and write a character who fits into it, not the same generic bullshit every single time.
all the slop in one. oh joy.
Holy fuck that's a horrible lineup
Collabs are fucking aids. Yeah, I love listening to a person with a good mic speaking, then someone who apparently recorded her track with a ham radio and at half volume, followed by someone who lives near the train tracks and recorded at a sound level that blows out my speakers.
KEK remembers when they were seething about rote and someone said they'd collab eventually
Tranny lover
what's funny is ally didn't repost the collab anywhere
that's what no volume normalization does for you
Literally no engagement from her on the damn post, it's not like they collabed together retard
it is incredibly unlikely people know she's a tranny outside of this board
>it's not like they collabed together
Dumb retard? >>1345071
they're solo audios, retard
how are you going to assume everyone knows who the trannies are, people outside this board are not this fucking autistic
either way i dmed her on reddit to let her know :)
good man
Tranny cope
Way to project, tranny
>He thinks she actually gives a fuck
Holy kek, that's unreal. You do know she's legitimately best friends with Listentomyvoice, right?
Holy shit peak slop.
If anything it's a downside. I listen to most of these to fall asleep, and nothing rips me out of slumber's sweet embrace like hearing some bitch play-act her way through a pitched up bison's mating yell.

I've found that generally trannies don't even pass in audio format. They generally sound like a dude trying to do a female voice. Wonder why that is. Are there any surprise trannies who are genuinely impossible to suss out unless you know?
Tranny lover makes audios with troon topics, not surprising
She's a weird brand of bonger + whenever she's voicing something she puts on a way overexaggerated acting voice
Her voice is fine, but she has that weird fucking cadence to her speech. She's also into scat, so that might explain some crossed wires.
Yeah exactly. It's so incredibly over the top that it comes off as comedic half the time
first delving into audio porn is thinking lushinlace has a hot voice. becoming more knowledgeable is staying away from her audios forever
I've only listened to lurkydip's, ally's and beegee's audios because the tags on others didnt really interest me all that much.
Lurky's voice continues to suck, the weird groweling thing she's doing is absolutely offputting, it's what I'd expect from a 10 year old trying to read in his "monster" voice.
Ally's audio is ok, used the collab to test new waters with the tags, doesn't really seem to be her thing, judging by the execution compared to other audios.
Bee's script was absolutely ass and there's not much she can do with it, do these people even read the scripts they're given?
>yeah I'll make a porn audio that rehashes the story, that's what gets people going
I get that they're doing this for pretty much free exposure, but have some standards...
any other va other than elly freak out and nuke their shit over the patreon policies? that girl is the greediest va i've seen, aside from the new vas who have one audio and post their patreon of course
>that girl is the greediest va i've seen
Nigga, ally has like 4 different methods that she asks you to give money from. Elly removing stuff because of TOS isn't comparable
and elly absolutely seethes about low engagement and is constantly desperate. also not sure what you mean because elly has patreon, vtuber streams, throne shit, and fansly. at the minimum she's the exact same as ally lol. you just retarded?
Elly doesn't do fansly streams, so at minimum she's not the exact same. you just retarded?
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>having different content on fansly means it's completely different, goy!!
>it doesn't matter that it's all the same shit with subscriptions!!
ohhh ok. i accept your concession
>Elly doesn't do fansly streams
>that it's all the same shit with subscriptions
Fansly streams aren't subscription based you fucking retard. Your head would spin if I told you how much fucking money ally gets from a single stream
>Different methods of monetization are different
Yeah, no shit?
NTA but I genuinely don't understand what your point is. Ally does streams, Elly posts random bullshit. It's all still a source of revenue from Fansly. The fact that Ally makes a ton more has no bearing on it, she's 1000x more popular no shit she's making more. Are you secretly Elly in disguise seething about Ally, or what? I like your audios but you need to just focus on doing what you like instead of trying to become a multi millionaire off being a whore.
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least we can all agree she's a hot piece of ass
>It's all still a source of revenue from Fansly
One is a subscription, and one is donations that you beg for on stream. Do you not understand the concept that there are multiple forms of monetization? Both of them could also be abusing the fuck out of their ppv system, yet neither of them are as far as I'm aware. There are levels to the greed, it's not just "oh she uses the platform so it's the same lol"

She's not terrible. Hopefully she makes more.
I would breed this French whore until muh dick was shooting steam.
someone posted an archive of her last thread but for some reason she only has like 4-5 audios on reddit/soundgasm. i guess she nuked all of her stuff and is restarting
how aware are you of the writers? do you have a favorite? what is it you like about them, the way they write, or the things they write about?
>how aware are you of the writers?
More and more aware of them. After years of listening to audios I've realized that writers can be even more important in making a good audio than the VA's themselves
>do you have a favorite?
I like Enno a lot, but I don't I have a favorite overall because the vast majority of writers that these girls are obsessed with filling the scripts of are genuinely terrible
>what is it you like about them, the way they write, or the things they write about?
A bit of both
I didn't recognise her voice but maybe she's been around before.

She was Scarletlove_va. Not sure if she went by another name before that
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>bro she's mid
you niggers have lost your minds she's so fucking cute
she is pretty mid. by that i mean you can walk around a university campus and see a million girls hotter and/or cuter than her. but even mid girls are usually pretty attractive, that's the nature of the sex. and muffins is very cute. if she had better skin i think she'd look a lot better though. then again if i had better skin i'd maybe look a bit better too. but i don't know what a skincare routine is
Roguestones is a giga chad for pimping out sloth215 and all the other hoes
Honestly hilarious that like 90% of his scripts are cheating/cucking too
i'm still confused about what he did. all i know is that he dated sloth and was an ass to her (big air quotes on that)
fucked multiple VAs at the same time, used them for free writing/editing labor. I'm sure there was something else but I forget.
Bro legit if she added sfx and moaned like she isn't being brutally murdered, she would be very good.
by fucked do you mean fucked over or actually had sex with? hard to believe this dude was travelling the globe fucking a bunch of different VAs. no way they're that stupid
>travelling the globe
They're all american
she looks decent in her posed photos but she's below average to mid in videos
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but they are. all women are. don't make me tap the sign
why can't I continue to make hundreds or thousands of other men cum and have a healthy relationship wahhh I've been abused anyways here's a new subscription model
it's always fun when these whores act like victims when their friends and family don't approve of their choice of profession
Hate the term "girlcock" so much, I want to give big forehead kisses to the GWA mods with a ball-peen hammer.
What would you prefer Anon? She-penis? Shenis?
Just use futa, everyone knows what that means and it makes trannies seethe for some reason.
True, the death of the futa tag was retarded because you have bitches using girlcock, shemale, and every word for cocked woman besides the one term that just works. Trans weirdos seethe that an actual futa has a working pussy and penis. Something they'll never have
I wish Beegeewanders would stop collabing with the faggot trans rotedisaster, makes me sick to my stomach knowing there’s trans fags everywhere.
it kinda makes sense if you think about it, cavewomen avoiding mates had less children overall and their genes died out
women getting close to autistic men still did not get to the having babies part
thoughts on Moxie_by_Proxy_1929?
Seems like a lovely gal, but that voice is not for me.
A long shot, but does anyone have the audio where you fuck a girl (Maybe your gf, don't remember) and she admit to have cheat on her ex or maybe her current bf. Remember that in the story there was a guy in a bathroom or something like that i think.
IMHO and T.BF she uses a considerable amount of makeup, but I agree she's fucking cute.
And I'll tell you more, it's not just about the face. You can find thousands of mid cute girls, but one specifically with the kinks she has is extremely rare. That's why I love her.
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had a short dream about killing rote with a slay the spire shiv deck
>Can't even kill Rote without abusing overpowered meta decks
Average Silent player
>shiv is meta
do you play on ascension 1 or something
Are you retarded? Blade Dance is one of the best cards in the game, period
>That's why I love her.
so fucking grim
yea except you're not picking it after like floor 8. it's a damage solve for early elites and that's it, for the boss you'd always 100% of the time rather have poison
You're objectively incorrect. But it's ok to be wrong
>n-n-n-no you're wrong!!! :((
>no actual argument
ok kek. nice discussion and concession. i'll leave you to listen to your cuckslop in peace
Is the guy that was looking for oh_really audios still here? I have links to a few of them.
rote is the time lord, and you're shit out of luck
dm her and tell her she can shit on you that'll work
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>video of muffins rubbing herself through her clothes
>Thoughts about hou_bi
I still nut to the french maid audio regularly is she doing audios again?
it's literally just a video of her pissing herself
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>using the services of a whore is equally gross
It isn't equally gross. The whore continues to whore after each john leaves. This is a 1000:1 ratio of gross. Both sides are contributing to the problem. Stop trying to normalize degeneracy.
How does a guy get a writing gig for ethots?
Finally learned enough japanese words to listen to raw japanese asmr porn without the need for a translated script, I can finally escape this hellhole and finally leave you guys behind, it was fun until the tranny stuff and the new people got more and more annoying. Cya guys in a a new reincarnation, ill drop by once a while but im moving my autistic ass to the japanese asmr thread or somewhere else better, well better than this place which is not a high bar to beat.
seems like you might have to be slimy as there was an anon with a deep voice saying he can't manage to get shit last thread I think. wonder how he's doing now
later avatarfag. try to check in to talk down the guys who get obsessed over the girls to not kill themselves
Japanese asmr is too fake imo, unless you find homemade or amateur stuff it doesn't do it for me.
>he doesn't realize he's the biggest faggot of them all
you won't be missed and i report all your simpcity posts
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>i report all your simpcity posts
I'm free from Sleepy
you're such a little fag
I'm sure she gets a lot of those not only in x but SS as well.
Just post 'em, bro. Thread's always ready to receive.
>even the sleepy bro is hating on cultivation nigga
Guys stop bullying my piss princess. She lurks here regularly
I wanna fill her with cum, that's why I bully her.
Normalfag website.
>She lurks here regularly
Prove it.
ngl sometimes I wank off to muffins f4f audios, her scenarios and delivery are just so hot to me than I can get off without even inserting myself into the story. her recent kitchen fdom was really good.
She loves it.
Muffins I'm going to make you lick up my sweat after I come back from a run.
muffins is on the femcel hedonic treadmill and constantly escalating to find more heinous shit to make her feel something; peeing into scat, bondage into amputation, and so on

she really needs to get laid, anons
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Least /here/ VA of all time.
I have the feeling she got called mid somewhere else.
She also started doing way more piss audios when ppl here started talking about it. She also deleted the photo of herself in public when the sped retard posted the locations on here. This wouldn't be the first time she's responded to the opinions on here
I'm sleepy. Just reread and my grammar was shit
I still choose to believe they been leaking our posts in their sekrit discord.
I can't stop replaying the video of muffins writing rape doll on her thighs
hey that's me in the second post. muffins if you're reading this i'd treat you nicely and i can be the guy you have a bpd meltdown over and break up with because you're still too emotionally attached to That Guy from your past. i don't mind. you can ask me for my discord yourself.
M*ffins is so lucky she doesn't live in the same continent as me otherwise I'd unironically go find her and commit man-made horrors behind your comprehension with her (consensual non-consensual btw).
ally sex
Ally looks like THAT?
Can't stop looking at the pics of her soft white ass. Little whore has no right to be packing so much cake, I'd spank this tush raw.
covering her thighs because they're probably full of scars
where are these?
they are we've seen them
>they are we've seen them
share pls
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such a cute tummy
I want to kiss her scars.
This just makes me feel bad.
probably. either way if she actually reads this more pictures of her just smiling not doing her retarded pout face would be heaven
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>open thread
>m*ffins pics
>close thread
source of this?
This but ally/alekirser
Muffins is cool but when is astrazelia's kemono gonna get updated?
literally who?
she looks like khloe kingsley but I'm not 100% certain
simply pair the hot girl doing softcore visuals with a degenerate and topical audio
because there's something seriously wrong with your hearing
She's caught it from all the trannies she's let fuck her
Best BBC/Cuck audios? Yes, I'm a degenerate. Don't bully me or I'll cum.
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>Best BBC/Cuck audios?
>It's like seeing a woman fuck a beast/animal.
that's the appeal
It's hot to see a beautiful white girl you know was brought up as the most coddled and pampered princess being fucked by a literal monkey who's one bad decision away from either being in prison or straight up being a homeless crack head
probably mentions in the audio to not use condoms, you'll see [raw] being used as well
it's to emphasize specifically the kink of doing it raw and all the dialogue that comes with it. think a little my dude
Has cat stopped doing incest audios or has she just stopped posting them on patreon and has them on her discord?
The latter probably. Patreon is hard cracking down on that content, but her love for incest is too high to stop
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overview of gwa's front page at the time of posting:

>fdom: 7
>fsub: 2 (maybe? i can't make sense of this title https://soundgasm.net/u/Evesrestrictedsection/F4MScript-FillRoommates-Older-BF-Fucks-You-in-the-Nastiest-Ways-After-You-Relive-Your-Shameful-Past-FsubMdomRapePublicCNC-FantasyCheatingVulnerableConfessionSafe-WordDrunkAFTERCARE2201)
>gfe: 3
>other: 8
>m4f: 3
>script offers: 1
>tranny: 1
jesterbells milf alien christmas special...
i don't want to pay, but i'm too dumb to solve targeted vimeo webcrawling...
i feel dirty after cooming to lurkydip audios
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burn it all down
Is there a way to download nymphgrove.com audios?
i don't think there's a scraper for it yet so i do it one at a time

1. open developer tools in chrome (ctrl+shift+I)
2. go to "network"
3. start playing the audio
4. type "m3u" in the filter bar
5. right click the first thing that pops up, then copy, and "copy url"
6. in a terminal, use either yt-dlp or youtube-dl to download the audio... you type something like "yt-dlp [the url you copied]"

maybe someone makes a script that makes this easy but i'm too lazy to look =p
whoever updated iris: thx
how long until muffins gets arrested for molesting a 11 yo boy?
luckiest son of a bitch to walk the earth.
good, but not as good as a sugar momma fucking you all day.
worst out of the three of them
I would get a job and move out. Those parents are dead to me.
Ellybros she's so fucking beautiful.
but what about my upvotes and my stream viewership and the money I spent on my models waah
Can't see shit captain
I genuinely don't understand why she wants to be a vtuber so bad. Surely that is the path for fat or ugly chicks?
yeah I don't get it either. she's the opposite of entertaining, and the only viewers she gets are from this space. if she streams, I'm not looking to hear more of that voice, but to see her face.
that's one based father. besties for life.
I get that but she could just open an
onlyfans and with minimal effort retarded simps would be doing the same without the initial outlay for a vtuber model.
To be fair, I don't know much about vtubers because I'm pretty sure everyone subscribed to one is a child molester.
You can tell even from these pictures that the student is a fucking gigachad
for a lot of the girls on gwa, vtubing is the trendy space to break into. they get twitch money, and all they need is to play games and talk. some of them are making a lot of money off it, like alekirser, listen_to_my_voice, nightfawn, and more... plus they do onlyfans/fansly too. no surprise elly saw that and decided she wanted in on the action and the money.

i'd be happier if she just opens a normal onlyfans and stayed out of vtubing, but i'm not surprised she plans to do what all the popular girls are doing.
>she's the opposite of entertaining
kek. why?
if you'd tried to make it through one of her streams, you'd know. can't entertain and has no sense of humor. no amount of dollars wasted on a model will make up for that.
i haven't caught any of these girls streams, i can't imagine any of them are at all interesting. i think i remember watching 5 minutes of lilydanger? playing a horror game. and just turned it off. i wish i could sit through them just to laugh at them though
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I like Elly's french accent
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>lurkydip accent or izzy dizzy accent
throw both in the trash
but izzy dizzy's accent is hot. i guess it's similar to audio allure's. i don't know the specifics of british accents, all i know is that lurkydip's is gross and theirs is good
ngl I just don't like Lurky's accent and since you were comparing them I assumed the other one was just as disgusting
oh no, no. if i wanted to make a pick your poison choice it'd be lurkydip and italianmaneater or one of the filipinas
>lurkydip and italianmaneater
nuke both
she speaks fluent french if you've ever heard her little twitter notes, and in those she sounds very french (i'm french i would know). her accent sounds weird but that's just how it is
She sounds French as fuck. I think you're deaf.
It's "safer" in that you don't have to expose your face and body. A lot of the famous vtuber's real identities are still largely secret. I think most of the audio whores trying to transition to vtubing are doing it in an attempt to move to a "wholesome" career that still gives them simp dollars but without having to be a real whore and still expect anonymity. Ally is definitely trying to distance herself from her audio career, and her simps discourage discussion about her audios.

Basically it's an attempt to get a second chance at not having to be a sexual whore but still getting massive amounts of male attention. All while no one in their real life has to know about it.
Anybody have this one? Links dead for some reason
Nevermind found it
Ok thanks, I will try it
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overview of gwa's front page at the time of writing:

>fdom: 7 (3 mommydom)
>fsub: 4
>gfe: 2
>other: 5
>m4f: 6
>script offers: 1

maybe one day fsub will catch up to fdom. surely
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>>fdom: 7 (3 mommydom)
yeah, I haven't found one that's interesting yet, nor made through one from start to finish. I see she's nuked her entire twitch channel of all videos now, too. I hope she's realized it's not for her, and stopped spending her money on that shit.
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>sees an old Skitty audio
if only she was any good at creating audios
run 'gwaripper watch' in the commandline, then just start copying the reddit links from gwasi.
youd be surprised how many vtubers turn out to be really attractive. i certainly am still shocked each time another big titty anime model is backed up by a girl with the same size tits like with noel from hololive
use something like link gopher to get all the links present on a site. makes the process really easy
Custom designed and built to serve, worship and be brutalised by big white cock.
oh i thought you had trouble getting the links for the gwaripper thing. honestly i do it in a bit of a convoluted method where wheelclick a bunch of titles i think look neat and then use downthemall to collect all soundgasm links present in all open tabs. then i use those collected soundgasm links at a later time in gallery-dl

used to be easier since for some reason it no longer allows copying links from the downthemall selection window but oh well
>turn out to be really attractive
Does makeup count? because that shit is voodoo magic. It can visually fix almost anything.
who's that?
Anyone got the password for the mycatwithclaws back catalogue for this month?
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>that smirk
she knows what she's doing
She will never come back, let it go
I don't think she's coming back bro
I would destroy her both physically and mentally. This little whore would be begging for every sick degradation I would visit upon her sinful body by the end.
do they have a kemono or something? never heard of them
There's a 50/50 chance she's already dating somebody.
there's a 50/50 chance that you're a faggot
I don't want to make this whore my wife.
calm down down buddy
the joke is rape btw
kill yourself
You're beyond retarded
I'm pretty high IQ actually and my mom says I'm very smart
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>no ff4m audios
what's the point even
my exact thoughts
works the best for me. hope you find something that works for you.
>I'm not even sure if it's two girls or just one girl doing a high and low voice
It's definitely the same girl doing the retarded high pitched voice and the dommy mommy one
>listen to meimeibear's double trouble audio
>cum to it
>immediately decide to never venture into that space again
i don't care how badly i want more double loli audios. i cannot allow myself to fall like that
link? I want to hear it because I need to forget things.
I would sex this little whore with so much sex she would never want sex again
gallery-dl + custom postprocessor
whos audios are u looking for?
respect xheir pronouns!
Imagine wrapping your big hands around that slender waist and just ploughing sleepy while her simps watch on a livestrean.
dude i need another emma fielder and lunarhiccups collab injected into my veins PLEASE EMMA

also update emma fielder kemono please
How fat do we think she has gotten now, bros?
probably had a heart attack already, she was fatter than Pom.
unironically she wasn't. pom looks extremely chunky. lunarhiccups is just fat
>astrazelia not updated
>emmafielder not updated
what has this world come to
Female version of Rote
other way around
you're delusional
Who's more slutty, Sleepy or her sister?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw2146ECmqE [Embed]
What do you guys think of the prominence of anime/Japanese phrases and tropes in audios?

Things like monstergirls or tombos would have never been as popular if it wasn't for their abundance in anime and manga this past decade. Or seeing tags and titles use phrases like yandere and tsundere instead of obsessive or bitchy.
That's a man
horrible tranny radar
I hate yandere because I'd love to have mildly obsessive girl audios but instead we get full on autism everytime.
The similarity of sleepy fans and pokimane fans are quite uncanny.
Yeah idk why they keep doing the dogshit trope of the woman overpowering the listener. Give me a jealous obsessive woman anyday but she isn't overpowering me.
>punch her and take the knife
>she says you attacked her and calls the police
gg wp indeed
>rape her then tie her in her own basement
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You,
and I detest all my sins,
because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell,
but most of all because they offend You, my God,
who are all good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace,
to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
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Sleepy bro has lost it
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overview of gwa's front page at the time of writing:

>fdom: 7 (2 mommydom)
>fsub: 2
>gfe: 0
>other: 6
>m4f: 6
>script offers: 4

i am sighing irl. maybe we should lab engineer our own tranny to astroturf fsub as the new hotness like they did with rote and fdom

this girl post under a different name before? are there more?
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>>fdom: 7 (2 mommydom)
we just keep winning fdom bros
thats not sleepy
you're not that guy
so you are that low test that you would be dominated by a woman with a knife?
I can't say I recognise the voice but she sounds breddy gud.
It's happening.
Are you talking about her streams or about her posting audios again
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on god?
didn't i JUST ask for a new collab?? IT'S OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!!
recommend me some audios where your gf/wife (or whoever you're fucking i guess) starts describing scenarios of you fucking other girls while she's blowing you or something. bonus points if she describes a threesome with her and the random girl
This whore's wet little tongue should be bathing my balls.
>Sleepy will never record an audio like this
why live, I need my cuckqueen to do it for me.
dude you have to post a screenshot for context retard
Call me when she does cuckold, amputation or gore, then I'll start liking her.
Where do you think you are?
where do you think you are nigger fuck off with that retarded shit you mentally ill guro retard. I'm here for the femdom audios.
Oh sweet summer child.
one more vaguepost and i mass report

Someone posted the phub link on simpcity but got removed
So apparently this is muffin's voice, anyone has any info or more like this she made?
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What a retarded post.
they obviously just took a muffins audio and overlayed it with ai generated images to make a joi
So many of these VAs filling fdom scripts are so fucking ass man...
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there's nothing chad about being a cuck into amputation and dead bodies, actually kill yourself
Ally is so fucking based, imagine being so horny that you start buying toys for the opposite gender just so you can live out your fantasies
yeah that's definitely not for her boyfriend(he's black btw)
Proof or never happened
it would ruin your life
So you don't have it?
I'm the boyfriend actually
>boyfriend that doesnt have a single image of being with his girlfriend
Wew lad
Do you want a pic of me and her together?
I've been waiting for the picture that you're going to google for 7 minutes now, how are you so fucking slow?
Oh looks, it's exactly what I said would happen, she wouldnt touch your disgusting ass with a 20ft pole
get owned chud
>I googled 'Asian women black men' and posted a picture, get owned
Someone forgot to evolve from his monkey ancestry
It's so easy to bait leddit newfags in this thread
>ah, for you see, I've been merely pretending to be retarded for 20 minutes straight
Good at method acting, must be in your blood
seethe more chud, Ally will be enjoying my big black cock in this beautiful christmas moorning
Ally Kirser and Beegeewanders are built for bbc only faggots
>Cuck VA's are made for cuck fetishes
No shit
Some mind break + Monster stuff?
Like sadistic dreamer/Yuki space assassin
Merry Christmas you coomers
If she already quit does she come back? Sleepy please come back!
I miss her, there hasn't been anyone that can top her.
Unemployed final boss
But if it's erased from existence then I will never have listened to it and won't miss it.
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I choose death.
ruben time...
Shamorimbros we just need more time...
I jerked off to erotic stories a couple of times. Unironically one of the best orgasms I had.
Anyone know the audio of an Indian chick that cheats on her boyfriend with his roommate or friend in their apartment. Please and thank you
Anyone have the BBC ally kirser audio, it released a couple years ago
i would like to receive a blowjob from fromyourmouth
pure pajeet cope
>>1344095 (OP)
last call for help on crawling jesterbell's links from vimeo
otherwise i'll take a hit for the homies and shell out, 'tis this season and all that
Ok nigger
boyfie is now on kemono. must be christmas.
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This is your goat?
she plays roblox? OMG NOOOO
>she's a predator
so fvcking based
Where can I find Princess Dulci audios? They're not in any of the torrents
surprised lunarhiccups kemono hasn't been updated yet
Tired of listening to the same female va’s over and over again, who are some unknown or new ones that I should check out?
uhhhh, hou_bi has done some good stuff literal years ago.
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>audio of an Indian chick
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hope you had a good christmas bros
I did, played a lot of League of legends and spent hours drafting a plan as to how I'll make Sleepy my wife.
I think Im addicted to muffins audios I can't stop listening to them and I've started even when I'm working to have an earbud in, or even thinking of her. fuck she's so fucking pretty. how do I stop this before I really fuck myself more?
I would give anything to have that princess as my gf
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>Chrimbus Wife Muffins
>She takes my cock like a champ
>I don't mind her pissing on my cock as I fill her with my seed to get her plump as a watermelon with my children.
She looks like she gives very passionate and loving blowjobs
I think it's time to find another hobby, anything to keep your brain busy with as long as it doesn't become an eyesore, otherwise the fantasy of her audios and her will slowly consume you.

My obsession with her is slowly decreasing but it will never fade.
I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing here when she made me quit audio porn. I'm truly hopeless.
First, kill yourself for posting this garbage without context. Second, who is it so I can block that whore?
For me it's she pissing on my cock after I creampie her and then I make her clean all her filth, nectar and love juices with her mouth and throat (just like in my favorite JAVs).
the trannies dream
>self hating tranny accidently admits it will never be a woman unless something magical happens
I love that trope
i miss flowersfromkore and seradot bros
same. what a shitty year.
>nymphs release an fff4m audio
>it's a collab with lilydanger instead of having sloth be the 3rd
is she getting bullied in her new friend group or are they just really bad at business
My guess is that Sloth is just lazy (heh)
That's a man
sleepy has never done a binaural ear licking self collab audio so that automatically makes alekirser better
peak sex
Nice bait Ally
>want hfo files
>It's the same 4 hypnotists
>It's all cuck shit
Is it so hard for them to make some standard hypnosis porn that isn't about prostates, futa or sub? I shouldn't have to go back 6yrs of catalog to find something I've forgotten I've listened to.
Sleepy actually knows how to use a 3dio though
Built for Big White Cock.
What do you think of Rote's audios defying cis gravity and really holding tranny space with that and feeling queer xis xer power in that?
>"people think we're stupid audio girls but we're actually smart business women"
>makes three person audio but the third person is some rando instead of their newest member
>uses a payment processor that specifically is against nsfw
>just got their account banned on reddit

if their "business" was a publicly traded company, their stonks would be down and the board would demand a new ceo
qrd on the account ban? how did they pull that one off
that's the true genius of onlyfans

all the guys want to see young women naked, but they're too retarded to manage a website, payment processing, etc

previously some dude with a camera would pay them $400 to fuck them and post the video

onlyfans made an automated pimping platform as easy as instagram and takes 20% of the cut
sharing the account, I think
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who knows, reddit has lots of automated systems fucking people up

these new captchas are ass
Don't think that's against reddit rules
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ah this is the meltdown she had on twitter. i am actively rooting for them to fail, honestly. i liked sloth but what a faggot
kek she's the social media manager btw
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meltdown part 2
certainly don't see why people would get upset and mass report the account
damn, this is giving me flashbacks to when i had an ex gf go into a complete manic episode and burn every bridge she had. when i told her she was being annoying and to chill the fuck out (in a nice way that doesn't get my balls cut off) she broke up with me then proceeded to spent the next year essentially stalking me and begging to get back together. women be shopping i guess
nymphs made a mistake letting selene join.
she sounds like the kind of toxic """friend"""
who gets mad over nothing and goes around
alienating people so she can satisfy her own anger,
and i think the group will suffer because of it.

the group was a bad idea to start with. mel makes
aggressively mediocre audios and selene is a toxic loony.
cari is the only talented one, and if the group breaks up,
she'll go far if she doesn't have to haul dead weight around.
which one is iris-va? i thought she was ok. i don't even know the other one though. but yea the whole setup just makes 0 sense if they're not doing collab audios, which the majority of the time they aren't. it's truly the essence of the corporatization of porn audios
Need help finding audios from Alea_iacta_est_irA , can’t find shit on kemono or coomer
from a quick browse through her twitter, it seems like she has a fansly and does some work for some paid sites. most likely all of it won't be in one place.
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yo, muffins. i know you read this thread. stop being a whore online and i promise you 90% of the reason you feel disgusted with yourself will vanish. i know you think you only post this stuff because you hate yourself and feel grossed out but it's a feedback loop. it's the main reason you don't like who you are as a person. though the damage is already done and you'll probably be alone for the rest of your life should you choose to divulge what you've done to any guy, you can nip the shame in the bud and live on. or you can keep being a mentally ill slut for hundreds of guys to jerk off to. your choice
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im so fucking lonely holy shit
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imagine the plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
>hypnosis porn that isn't about prostates, futa or sub
Where are you finding all those audios? Gwasi seems pretty barren of HFO content like that
>>It's all cuck shit
don't forget the sissy tranny faggot shit
she got that liv agar ass
>every audio bro's dream
>shibby tries to go through the monitor
>gets stuck because shes fucking fat
>Sleepy goes through the monitor because she's a slender princess and gives me a tarot read and we have a conversation about literature and religion before we have passionate baby making sex
I know, I'm so lucky.
It's better than that fake lifted retarded thing some girls do. White girls can always go to the gym and get very nice tight and firm ass like Sleepy.
If she actually has a bf at least my GYM arc will go crazy
No, I'm a dreamer.
source: my schizo mind
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Her face pics do more for me than her body pics.
Okay I'll bite, how is me knowing her a detriment to to possibly conquering her?
can someone please upload Malice_the_Succubus Patreon on Kemono?
my man
her ass is nice. it looks so juicy in motion
do i dare post the other muffins video
We know, reddit.
I care about muffins
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Anyone know more audio with this theme/set up?
(Alien breed slave, beit tentacles, monster or whatever, brood)

why the fuck are there loose blueberries sprinkled on top

these muffins are garbage
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its so hilarious how boring this niche has gotten like why are you all still scraping the barrel. reminds me of the asmr discord where they hype about a shot of them bent over for 1 second.
sir, this is an audio porn thread
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>S - Ally
>M - Sleepy
>L - Ivy
>LL - Lunarhiccups
>3L - Pom
>even their personalities match
nice lol
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>3L - Pom
I'm sorry but you're fatter than that Pom
how do I upload onlyfans DMs to coomer do you guys know?
I don't think there's a tool for that yet since most whores bypass kemono and coomer by sending stuff to the dms
none of the download sites work for the clip she put up, nor does typical console stuff work. what gives?
to coomer? i don't think you can.
but you can use an onlyfans scraper like ultimascraper, then post the files to simpcity or another big message board.
I'm black so it's easy
I could fap to bwc porn too since the one taking the cock is simply a whore and the default have been white cocks since forever anyway. It's almost like a cheat code
Nothing to apologize about. I make six figures a year as a radiologist. Save the pity party for the europoors kek
That's what put me off of it permanently. Way too much of all of that when I just wanted super intense JOI/E.
I wish reddit wasn't the hub for audio pornography. Just another reason to hate the centralization of the Internet.
Every time I listen to audio I either read a corresponding doujin or erotic literature that has a similar theme. I can't do it with just audio anymore.
Get a job. Or make do with what's available.
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It was over before it even began.
This nigga pays for porn
The absolute state of zoomers
you mean the vimeo links on kemono?
i want to crawl the new ones, which are on her patreon but not on kemono. theoretically you could get a crawler going, and filter it to only list links that have her vimeo account name attached. but i can't figure that out.
1. you should sync with kemono
2. she posts a few times a month (some of which are just update posts), the last time kemono was updated was feb, so there must be like 30 vimeo links at the very most. you could easily do this by hand
1. i haven't paid yet, so i don't have access to these links. if i do pay, of course i would spread the love.

2. what?

too bad nothing's going on right now
Same. It's the main reason I follow this thread.
it's funny to laugh at but I enjoy here because it's probably the only reasonable place to talk about audios without constant trannyloving dicksucking. that and I truly feel you guys have good taste based on recommendations in the past
Just had to bring up your kind ofc, fucking faggots. Stop inserting your faggot kinds into this thread and make your own.
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You trannies go into this thread and keep mentioning yourselves, kys and make a thread for yourselves I dont want anything to do with you faggots trannies but you faggots just keep on mentioning yourselves. This thread used to be beautiful nobody even said the word tranny until you faggots came in.
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nobody said the word tranny until gwa became infested with them. stop acting like "tranny haters" are the problem, faggot
rote's patreon is that way, xister
is this an AI voice? something about it is just off. thoughts?

checked her r*ddit to see if anyone else noticed and theres a couple ppl saying it sounds like AI as well
could be autistic and not understand what the fuck tone and inflection are. does sound like ai though. the editing excuse doesn't really cut it since i don't see how you can edit out the aforementioned in post, or why you would do that
the more i listen to the audios the more i grow convinced that its ai. the way she talks makes no sense. not even autism can explain it. and like u said the excuse given makes no sense. but what's more shocking to me is that the person making these audios is almost certainly a man. no woman would go through the pains of generating AI voices and all that editing and adding in sfx, when they can easily just use their own voice. hopefully he's just trying to cash in on coomers and isnt some gay freak. im sure if plebbit caught wind of someone using le heckin ai and displacing authentic VAs they wouldnt be very happy. cant wait for when ai voices are the new controversy on GWA
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>I hate trannys
what helped me before were some anons in a previous thread that spelled it out. that, and learning the the bpd is a serious issue, and not in an "I can fix her" type way. if you wanna jack off listen to audios but that's it, treat them like porn otherwise you'll get addicted (like you are).
Nobody cares about how much you make, you’re still a nigger
Is there any good mycatwithclaws-type audios that doesn't have "You're such a good businessman", "You're a successful adult" lines?
It's a turn-off.
I guess Sassmastah77 did similar audios, superior actually. But I've listened to them too many times.
Trying to find something new.
mycat audios without those lines would work too. I couldn't find any personally.
Does anyone have Girl_next_door-666's boosty content? The account is boosty.to/vaneibour
Tranny this tranny that, faggot trannies has truly infested this thread and can't even go one thread without mentioning themselves. You guys should kys and bring your other tranny friends with you.
Both trannies and niggers
we're racist now?
it's ironic how you (the tranny) crying about some guy's offhand comment about hating how prevalent they are elicited more tranny discussion than anything else in the thread. if you wouldn't have cut off your dick in anger, nobody would have cared or talked about it furtger. i wonder why you got so mad...? hmm. a mystery.
you'll never get rid of us
which one
Another hidden tranny trying to sow discord, you guys will never be a real women kys.
Kek sure bro
Don't reply to it. I don't know why you guys keep giving falseflaggers easy (you)s. Is this newfag hour? Do better.
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Just showing them how it feels to be on the other side of their stupidity, Experiment over back to grinding life.
Weren't you supposed to leave?
>he doesn't know avatar fags never leave
lurk moar young padawan
As i've said previously I drop by once a while and check if someone actually shares something, especially since it winter break and I still got no bitches to keep me occupied. But unless pom drops a new audio or rote posts her face then im just lurking weekly.
i was wondreing what you mean by that but mycat really does say that in a lot of audios. anyway, listen to the rest because she has heaps without it
>ASMRtist makes sfw YouTube audio
>"NSFW part 2 is on Patreon!"
>Go to Patreon
>The Part 2 is a separate audio for some reason instead of being a combination of the YouTube part and NSFW part
>It's also mixed worse than the SFW audio
I've had to combine and mix audios MYSELF from these dummies like 8 fucking times now. How are they getting paid for such shit work?
The latest was babypink's bunyip audio. How the NSFW part was recorded 10 decibels quieter than the SFW version is fucking beyond me.
At least the Jap voice actresses care about their work enough to at least pay someone to mix their work properly. This is getting ridiculous.
>anyway, listen to the rest because she has heaps without it
I listened to all of them. The MS audios where she didn't explicitly say you're an adult are probably less than 5. And not her good stuff.
I will impregnate Sleepy. Happy new years guys.
ultrasound for proof?
Happy New Year! I will impregnate [spoiler]Dulci[/spoiler]
You can't and you won't.
I can and I will
Prove it.
just watch and see lil bro
>listens to rote
wow who would've guessed the faggot who gets mad about people hating on trannies listens to a tranny! fucking kwab
I hope in 2025 we get to see muffins show her asshole. I wonder if its browned
No one asked about your mom.
I hope it's big and soft, that would mean she got trained very well~
you got your little clitty hard to the idea of another man fucking her asshole, you're a cuck faggot and you should kill yourself.
Tell that to your dad.
First, I talked in past tense.
Second, how that makes me a cuck if I don't want anything with her?
If anything the scenario YOU proposed would be good since it would make for good fap material.
Keep crying.
>how that makes me
Dumb ESL.
Not an argument.
I accept your concession.
cucks are brown yeah
I'm not involved in your argument.
whites make up the vast majority of cuks, let's not pretend otherwise
I pretend
>he doesn't know third worlders are basically the only ones consuming blacked and cucked porn
Pure brownoid cope.
Are there any artists that do MILF audios that actually sound like older women? Most of the ones on GWA sound like they’re 25.
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Thank you
Extremely based.
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I normally gatekeep the rarest VA jewels, but in the spirit of the holidays and the new year, I heartily second the recommendation for Mingokitty's pics and audios. Even if you think you don't like milfs, you will cum buckets. Trust me. I envy the newfags who get to fap to her glorious pussy for the first time.
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has anyone downloaded this?
Maybe? I can see that at swinger resorts and shit. However I know for a fact that on the Internet the biggest consumers of cuckshit like NTR are SEAmonkeys.
I'll never get why people like this shit. They get off on the humiliation? They enjoy their own suffering?
does anyone make audios like petalbaby did? or someone that used to at least
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Here's to a whole other year of...
This is the year that our Eternal Queen dirtygirlsecret and our Eternal Princess Belle return to us!
If Belle returns I'll literally cum
I almost came at the thought of it.
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should be able to just rename the file .mp3 and it'll run as said file intended.
I wish it was that easy.
For NTR it's because they're far removed from being attractive to the opposite sex.
the only way they can convince themselves that they could ever feel anything from women sexually would be humiliation, malice, and betrayal rather than any kind of attraction.

For actual cuckolds it's because they're dead inside and really lost that spark in their soul, replacing self-respect for anxiety and depression.

As the sexes continue to go their separate ways, the existence and prevalence of cuckoldry will only continue to increase as female promiscuity increases.
Swingers aren't the majority anon, and swingers are all mostly white yes.
December GWA
Happy New Year!
female promiscuity has gone down over time, though. young adults in the 80s and 2000s were actually peak promiscuity. there's significantly less sex this decade than at any time in the past 50 years. the major issue is a lack of pursuit of stable, traditional relationships.
Happy new years anon aka the most based man in this thread
Sleepy sex with Sleepy
welcome back Sleepy anon
if you think there's less sex in an era of the easiest sex attainable through apps, in an era with a big "sexual freedom" zeitgeist, you're lost. guys aren't having sex. girls are having tons of it. just because the zoomer 17 year old girl in high school reported she's not having sex doesn't mean the minute she steps out into college into her 18-early 20 years she won't immediately be having sex with 4 different dudes a month. stop being delusional
the sexual freedom zeitgeist is several years old, anon. do you have a source or is it just your limited interaction with humans and going down internet pipelines?
like just by the math, it doesn't make sense. it's 1 in 5 guys not getting laid; a very large minority, but still clearly a minority.
>limited interaction with humans
says the guy who clearly doesn't interact with any young girls at all. sorry that you're 35 and remembering things from the early 2000s but we're in a different time, boomer
you imply that you yourself are young, which means you have no idea what you're talking about. no life experience. honestly, you're not even a fully developed person until you're paying a mortgage.
>talks about young adults and their sexual habits
>disregards the truth of a young adult who hangs around young adult girls every day because he's 35 so he knows them better despite not being a young adult for 10-15 years
thanks for proving my point. i accept your concession, have a terrible day
kek btfo
need more lesbian conversion audios NOW
this shit got unbanned ln summer pick up the fucking pace you whores
Any of got the second Blue/Snakey vid? Or grab Blue's hardcore vids?
don't talk like that to our princesses
>Blue's hardcore vids
What kind of hardcore vids you fag
I swear you fags who come in here and vaguely mention shit without providing context or links should honestly get the best that life has to offer to you
They're both so violently unattractive, that I'm not sure I even want to see that.
Previews on Coomer. Mostly interested in the BJ.
i know i'm cooked because this is like an avengers crossover
anybody have lunarhiccups' new content?
thank you mr. wizard.
>ywn warm muffins up next to a roaring fire after a bracing winter walk
muffins looks like what the dudes who fucked meagan hall pictured when they closed their eyes.
Imagine the collab. I'd literally cum.
Fuck it, we need Aprilw9 back
I deny this negative energy. Sleepy will come back, I will impregnate her and I will fuck Muffins in front of her.
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>you'll never take Muffins on a nice date looking cute like that then get home and absolutely destroy all her holes for hours on end
why live
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skill issue
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More for me
>piss fetish
>diaper fetish
>shit fetish
>barely showers
she's cute but clearly mentally fucked.
you fags will have amputation gore cuck shit fetishes but when a girl is into some humiliation piss stuff she's mentally fucked, fucking hypocrite fags.
she's into amputation too
That's my point nigger
You don't get it, when I coom to fucked up shit I'm just a based chad indulging in pleasure, when women do it, they are mentally ill.
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One day you incels will(probably not) have a sex life and learn that most people are into some kind of weird fetish
sleepy is coming back feb 24th
Wasn't the break one month only? How much time does she need to get dicked by her new boyfriend?
Most of you faggots are way too vanilla it's sickening, not even reddit is ths picky or fragile with these things.
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>One day you incels will(probably not) have a sex life
dad is totally jerking it to his whore daughter
Based dad. I'd do the same.
Finding someone irl with 1/3 of the fetishes I have would be so much fun it hurts.
But of course that will never happen, clock is ticking, I'll die alone and my only way of coping is AI for now.
This is the bedroom of a girl who was raped by her dad as a child.
How do you know
Meet enough girls who've been molested and you start to just get a feel for it.
someone posted this mycatwithclaws catalog on the last thread.


>password - bigolbaggamilk
>back catalogue incest, beast porn, rapey stuff


>password - iloveyou69

second link is not working anymore, do we have an updated link!!!
don't have an updated link, but whatever used to be in that airtable when it was posted is in here: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f3c89290caa76283213cf9d02ab6b818baf0a0cf&dn=mycatwithclaws&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.stealth.si%3A80%2Fannounce
Being molested as a child caused her to develop hypersexual attention-seeking behavior which would have drawn her into that type of relationship as a 15 year old.
Audio porn?
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Looking for an audio from a couple months ago that got deleted from GWA eventuall
FFF4M, listener lives with 3 female bully roomies
One of them finds listener jerking off, tells the other two
They do a little bit of "I can't believe you got hard for us, nerd" but eventually they suck him off
No SPH involved at all

None of the VAs for popular, I can't remember any of their names
>ai anime slop so someone replies
she's talking about discord you giga retard, she had e-sex.
That doesn't change anything.
you can't be discord groomed
What, you think I'm saying her dad raped her over discord? No, she did that shit on discord because her dad raped her.
that's crazy
tranny room
Belle Delphine 2.0
That bulge is incredibly obvious. He should do a better job tucking.
Fucking women have it so easy in current decade man
Fuck this gay life
Audio porn?
waist is insane
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Here, have some audio porn.
is it really stereo though? so many stereo audios that are recorded from a mono microphone
The kind of body that makes you bend it over every household item and fuck it right there
if that's the audio i'm thinking of, you have taste
eat something
she looks perfect shut up faggot, go worship your disgusting whales that will die before the age of 25.
I want to lick her belly button
She'd go back to mass editing her pictures if she did
shut up tranny
Because it's photoshopped.
obsessed tranny
I think ally sucks
jealousy is a hell of a drug huh tranny
That's rude! She loves her tranny firends
She's always been terrible. It's the same one faggot shilling her as always
You're not alone.
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>your loving wife would never piss on your cock to provide extra lube
sounds like you are not worthy of HER piss fetish.
>sunshine is back recording audios and streaming
my dick is diamonds
who is this?
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>someone saved my edit
Didn't Varyana/MamaYunya say she was going to stop releasing audios in 2025 to focus on vtubing? Or am I misremembering?
something along those lines, yeah. she said she had a huge backlog of audios that she was going to drip out to the public, and focus on vtubing.
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>muffins kissing a wall
off to a good start for the new year
post? it's not up on simpcity
Is that more shocking that the things we already knew from her? Nah.
But I'm afraid that at this rate we won't be able to save her
she can't be saved, these events are canon. you can still save yourself though
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>Your wife muffins holds it in and waits for you to return from work, chugs energy drinks and water to make it last for the longest piss possible.
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imagine the hand jojobs
Piss lovers are so fucking gross, doesn't help she's into scat too
nobody cares faggot, your mom is probably into scat too shut up already.
you smell bad and that's why people walk away from you
stop projecting
"I know you are but what am I" of 2024, grow up and go shower, smelly
>goon to a spectacular audio
>close the tab in shame
>forget what it was
it was a momcest audio with a scene where the listener is just putting the tip in and she says something similar to 'look what youre doing to your mommy' (referring to the wet sounds)
ctrl + shift + "T" will reopen a closed tab in most browsers
na was on a diff device cant access it now
this muffins bitch is most peculiar
I wish her nasally voice and bizarre diction didn't bother me so much. She has a lot of good audios, but listening to her makes my skin crawl.
Do you have a favorite retired va or trend from years ago that nobody does anymore?
I happened upon a girl from years ago called mirrormere and I like her questionnaire audios. Nobody does questionnaires anymore.
>Do you have a favorite retired va
>trend from years ago that nobody does anymore
teen ageplay
She sounds like a fat midwestern mom.
I live in the midwest and encounter many fat midwestern moms. She has a very weird way of speaking that doesn't sound like any particular accent. It sounds like some kind of speech impediment.
Belle, I wish she was still in the woods.
There was one who did an audio describing that she fucking hates christmas music because it plays 24/7 at her job at that time of year. Can't even remember the name of the account, just that extreme dislike.
Sleepy sex with Sleepy
can the nymphs do something retarded again so i can laugh at something? maybe sloth can have a mental breakdown on twitter? i had a long day
especially where the teen is in control
Based. For me it's our Eternal Queen dirtygirlsecret though.
nobody cares about her. muffins is the queen of this thread
ur opinion doesnt matter. but do continue spamming her, maybe one day someone will care
i was going to say how about you leave a slightly offensive reddit comment, so they could blow it out of proportion and lose their minds over on twitter.
but i remembered they got all their accounts deleted on reddit.
if muffins is the queen sleepy is the goddess
Nobody cares about that nigger loving whore
why would you say this when she hasn't done anything blacked related and the others have
>For me it's our Eternal Queen dirtygirlsecret though.
Based taste.

Cringe blasphemers.
You just know she's into it
reddit com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/1fwiqa2/fff4m_script_fill_your_mean_horny_roommates/?cache-bust=1735953778914

soundgasm net/u/Crimson_Ruin/FFF4M-Your-Mean-Horny-Roommates-Degrade-You-While-Gang-Raping-You-Relentles>>1347257
She is Eternal. Nobody on current gwa can even approach Her level of talent, you don't know how good we used to have it. DGS, Belle_in_the_woods, AprilW9... Lost, like... Tears in rain... Time to coom.
i miss baby_petal and giggle_chan bros...
taken by the norwood reaper rip
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>muffins just attentionwhores now
>pippits gone to gwa barely posts
>aliena gone
>AG3 gone
she is open about piss but hides coalburning?
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i have heard from reputable sources that rotedisaster is in fact transgender
Is this your torrent!
The thought of Muffins' soft white body being used, dominated and bred by BIG BLACK COCK is almost too perfect for words.
nobody fell to their knees in walmart to that very obvious revelation
we like muffins but stop that you absolute retard, the thread is about audio porn so we like all audio porn you dumb fucking nigger.
>we like muffins
Speak for yourself.
that's the best part :)
im not american but she sounds like she speaks normally to me
Same here, she sounds like a normal bimbo slut.
i only listen to VAs who masturbate while recording, otherwise youre just listening to some bitch talking into a mic
Finally someone that understands. The true shlick to me means they are actually into whatever the fuck they are recording. And I'll be honest, the reason I hardly listen to audios now days is because of how prominent the fake sounds have become.
>The true shlick to me means they are actually into whatever the fuck they are recording
yeah idk what anons are on, all the old school legendary VAs people talk about here are just deadpan reading shit into a mic
I only listen to improvs and VAs that do their own scripts, and yes if it doesn't sound like they're getting off to it I won't either

very few of them actually know how to act and trying to act out a script written by someone else hardly ever works, just sounds like badly acted porn which at that point I might as well just watch porn instead

She used to sell pics and vids on the side, lately she's swelled thicker than a midwestern heifer.
Looks like you forgot to type a response, anon.
It happened again. Are you okay?
Sleepy sex with Sleepy
based beyond belief
i want lesbian conversion audios NOW
>we'll never get a conversion audio collab where you get Sleepy and Emma to fall in love with your dick and stop being lesbians
i am once again asking for lunarhiccups new content
>non mutilated cock appreciation audio
is that real? link?
>"I love you foreskin so much anon"
holy shit I'm diamonds
unironically kill yourself
Why so mad?
post the link to whatever you're quoting you fucking nigger
Make me
>emmafielder hasn't been updated in a month
it's over
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>"I love your foreskin so much anon"
It's just one of those weird things that people get neurotic and insecure about for no good reason. I'm cut and probably would be better off uncut (I certainly would never have a son of mine cut), but there's nothing I can do about what happened to me as a baby and my dick functions well enough to have satisfying sex, so I just get on with life.
she's canadian dummies. americans are so stupid they can't tell the accent of the nearest country to them
it's just nice when the audio is more specific about you
Is there a list of troon GWA artis usernames so I learn which ones to never click on?

You're the most pathetic effeminate faggot in this whole general
You spam her retarded face every five minutes like the little fan girl you are, meanwhile if she ever knew about your existence all she'd think is "Ew, he gives me the ick" and call the police on you
End your pathetic life, simp faggot

>it's obviously a woman
>posts picture with obvious cartoonish tier face filter that makes her face look exactly like a troon's
You sure showed him there, buddy
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>I know you're trolling but it's obviously a woman
There was apparently a list of the troons on a neocities domain, not sure if it's around anymore, I think they (neocities) closed it.
it should be in a couple of threads back.
Thanks, I looked through the archives. It was actually "eapwiki.nekoweb.org" but yeah it's gone
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ye tranny host took it down. ive been working on it on the side as well as a much improved hotaudio downloader. im just lazy is all. theres WAY more troons on gwa and theyre getting more brazen by tagging their audios f4m. if gwa wasnt faggotville they would make it bannable
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Thank you for your service, soldier

ItalianManeater is a tranny as well btw, it's not just the accent. No Italian woman speaks the way he does, that's a man's cadence + artificial pitch raise. Just look at his PornHub's description, that's how a troon larping as a hentai woman speaks like, not how a real woman would describe herself.
lol fair point. hes prob the worst poster on gwa. genuine trash
>You're the most pathetic effeminate faggot in this whole general
I should make posts about foreskin or trannys instead right? dumb fucking nigger, you need to lighten up.
>imagine a being so pathetic it simps for Keith Morris's retarded granddaughter 24/7
add lealea and maybe sylvanis to the list
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Just cause it gets your panties in a twist and sperg out gonna post more muffins so you can sperg out some more as I seed the torrents in here.
Stay Hard & Stay Mad.
NGL thought she was actually in debt irl almost had me for a seocnd
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>Stay Hard & Stay Mad
based holy fucking shit
>the nearest country
And yet it's hundreds or even thousands of miles away from most places in America. We don't intermingle in any regular way. Eurofags in their tiny cramped countries will never understand.
could someone kindly tell me where to find the content that has disappeared from psstaudio? where can I find it now?
There's a magnet in the OP, not sure if anyone is seeding.
I am seeding it.
other canadian va's don't sound like that.
She's so perfect bros.
Yes www.fuckoffnonce.com
add Nyaughty_Meow to that list btw
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leaving this here for that one anon that was hoping for more gwa drama
Link to the bbc audio? I want to hear it

VAs that respond to stuff like this have some potential for trolling. sent her a DM just to see
can someone please upload Malice_the_Succubus Patreon on Kemono?
welp, now she's bound to get a lot more of these messages, and then if she leans into it (more BBC content), it's a rolling shitstorm. good luck to her. I wonder why they always think that airing these out in public is worth it.
considering that femdom pic she posted on patreon, it's a wonder any patron was willing to send her this to begin with
attention = views = $$$, she wins
plus it's a good way of virtue signalling
she said it makes her wanna do more 'taboo' content but unless she wants to do ageplay, theres nothing taboo other than bbc. shes white so she cant rly do bwc. either way, the fact that she reads anonymous feedback opens her up for some trolling
>shes white
What even qualifies an audio to be about a "goth" girl to these idiot VAs/script writers? A few years ago if an audio involved a goth girl it usually had a low voice and some fdom leanings. Or SOMETHING to audibly indicate it was a goth girl. Now I'm pretty sure every fucking audio that has "goth" in the title is just doing it because it gets more clicks or algorithm manipulation or something.
The only popular goth audio that came out recently was the MalevolentMinx one and she did a pretty good job of differentiating it from a regular audio with the tattoo noises and the tons of black lipstick mentions. But yeah I do agree that a lot of "goth" scripts have literally nothing unique about them that even qualifies
No way to search through the index.html for certain tags, yeah? I don't jerk off enough to justify torrenting the whole pack, and I really just want some sister incest audios.
Don't think so? You could sort by titles though, and a fair amount of sister audios do have "sister" somewhere in the title
she has posted pics of herself retard
Yes, and she's not
ok raj
what is she then?
>LookingForMyBlueSky audio
>okay you can do this. You can do this
>It's not even GFE, you'll be fine
>Oh god why do those giggles feel so real
>Focus up, you're here to fap, not feel
>Oh fuck she's whispering in my ear
>Stop it she's a whore, get in the game
>Okay. Mission accompl-
Why do I do this to myself?
someone got rotedisaster's lesbian conversion audio? last thread's links are dead
are u gay
later ill upload
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This is how woman act.
>I know he's an alcoholic, narcistic, socipathic serial killer, but I can't help falling for him! Why do I do this to myself? I'll even leave a comment about how foolish I am! Teehee!

Congratulations, you're a woman inside
at least if it's a man doing it with a woman he won't be killed by the woman like most abusive men do
>she loves you for who you are and has gentle passionate loving sex with you
Kino time
theres nothing more gay than that. what are u a little girl? u wanna be gently kissed and pampered? faggot
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oops meant for >>1347897
>u wanna be gently kissed and pampered?
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>not wanting to be gently kissed and pampered
>theres nothing more gay than that
if violence is so masculine and for manly men then why are all the most violent kinks mostly enjoyed by women? maybe youre a closet tranny
I find it interesting that women like receiving consent violation and rape more than men like giving consent violation and rape.
F4M your goth tomboy auntie mommy big sister gf gently pegs you [NO INCEST] [soft fdom] [good boy]
I like how babies are less taboo than the pre-puberty lol, also is this a mixed survey or mostly male because it seems like a mostly male one.
this is why i find male 'doms' performative and offputting, it's unusual for men to have an actual domination type fetish. if they're dominant they'll express it naturally during sex
>violating anothers consent
>4x+ male
>he won't be killed by the woman
seems like it was 60/40
and it being self reported might indicate that a good chunk of the females are trannies desu. the more legit studies seem to confirm these findings as far as i could see so far. they just dont have fancy graphs attached. and nobody here would read a real study so i had to find nice infographics
Top 10% tranny fetishes:
>animal transformations
>body horror
>creepy crawlies
Trannies are sick.
are you surprised? their mentality its like the worst of both worlds so of course their fetishes are too
fuck you don't lump diaper fetishists in with trannies
diaper, scat, piss and vomit fetishists should kill themselves. join the 41% of your co-fetishists
they're about equally taboo

I like how teens under 18 are 30% popular and 85% taboo

you can get the raw response data and make your own graphs for only cis people
Read the graph, it's marked as being among of the top 10% of fetishes reported by trannies.
oy vey. its anodda shoah
>sex with your own dead body
... what the fugg

think i've cum to this audio like 10 times
So close to having my interest.
Anyone have some good VA's with profiles on kemono that aren't from GWA?
I've found Endearinaudio a while ago and have been enjoying going through her page even though there's a lot of sfw
Clam, although she only makes 1 proper length audio a month, the others are sub 5 min
That is a man
You wish
Our babies would be even whiter
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Just in case you're being serious
What a waste of time. The [BBC] tag is totally pointless. I listened to the whole audio and there’s not a single mention or allusion to the dude’s race. Why include such a tag if the tag is not referenced in the audio?
Same shit with [Goth girl]. She deliberately opened herself up to controversy probably because she was hoping for some drama.
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I feel scammed after listening to the whole audio.
Still more taboo, pedos are so fucking braindead man.
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hello legends. ive rewritten and revamped the hotaudio downloader. ive tested it on windows and linux with good results. ill try my very best to support it going forward, but ive also written it in a way thats resistant to major breakage. there will probably be a few bug fixes over the next few days.

if you cant be bothered with downloading or using it, just give me a list of hotaudio creators and ill give u a zip of each one.

on another note: the owner of the gwasi and hotaudio site, fermaw, was interviewed by lurky and it turns out hes a total fucking weirdo.
link: https://hotaudio.net/u/Lurkydip/Slow-Sunday-Smut-Episode-15-fermaw-aka-the-guy-who-made-this-website
notable moments (paraphrased):
all throughout the interview fermaw & lurky pronounce gwasi as "gwa-zee"
@01:46 lurkydip: "a voice changer has been used for this"
@25:25 fermaw: "i like breeding stuff and milk stuff... women getting pregnant and having milk" (UMM LOL)
@29:42 fermaw explains that he hasnt indexed darksideplayground and other "extreme" subreddits because he wanted to make it opt-in but never got around to it
@39:00 fermaw: "i do know how to make search bar i just havent done it yet"
@39:13 lurky: "why did you decide to make hotaudio so much harder to rip audios from?"
@39:40 fermaw: "i've always loved cryptography... right now the other audio hosting platforms are really easy to rip from... i thought it would be a good feature to implement... it took up a large portion of the effort behind hotaudio"
@41:00 lurky: "its not because you have any moral objections to torrents or people [who share audios], its just because it was a fun challenge?"
@41:14 feraw: "the creators are more important than the listeners. so while the listeners might want to download and hoard everything im really trying to support the creators more here. i dont think the potential loss of an audio is that bad compared to the loss of a creator"
also this is a good userscript to see if kemono/coomer has an archive of a paysite (e.g. patreon, onlyfans, fansly, etc.). i posted my own here some time ago but this one blows it out of the water.
i wonder what the point of the argument is from the stance of "moral objections to sharing audios" if they're shared for free on soundgasm. like is someone saving your audio somehow losing you money and/or exposure. i like playing devil's advocate but i seriously cannot think of a single reasonable argument for being against the ripping of free audios
whores want to have their cake and eat it too. so not being able to easily download evidence of them being whores makes it easier to scrub away their past once theyre ready to settle down
not that i hold these opinions but the two main reasons that im aware of are:
1. people will take these audios/videos and host them on other sites or host them on their own site and profit off of content they dont hold the rights to. i.e. these whores are mad they arent getting paid for content theft
2. these girls want a guilt-free experience where they can be whores online for however long they wish with zero repercussions. and the moment they dont want to be whores anymore, they want to reserve the right to take down all their past activities and pretend like nothing ever happened. so if someone has evidence of all their past activities, they live in fear. they also want the control over their content and where its hosted. theres some funny subreddits of camwhores who are seething over cam archival websites that have their livestreams archived forever and how its impossible to make successful DMCA takedowns.
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Lavendearie. Maybe one day she'll come back
bless you anon. you're doing really good work. and yeah, that guy is a fucking weirdo. tries really fucking hard to suck up to VAs with no ulterior motives, I'm sure. a real shame there's only a handful that actually use it.
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>you dont have balls to say it in dms
>dm her
Wow you sure showed her.
Stop wasting time even entertaining E-thots
You have to be a pozzed muttoid to find it in any way "appreciative" since everywhere else it's just the norm.
Fucking kek
The whores of today can't even accept the consequences of their profession. It's no surprise they also show no passion or care for it either.
Whores of yestercentury were easily much better to deal with because they knew what they were and knew the lifestyle came at a cost of their reputation. Now they're all lazy and misbehave with their clientele until they end up going broke, desperately trying to find some retard to keep them company with cash. Modernity fucking sucks.
fromyourmouth more like fromthehood
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>she thinks I paid for that shit
She knows that she can act like that because the cucks actually paying for it would probably enjoy the humiliation
>not following up with telling her you get all her stuff for free and watching her seethe
she blocked me lol
if I had an account I'd message her saying I'm you and I get it for free but oh well. make another account maybe
For maximum seethe, say that a certain member of the community has been uploading the premium audios to a private site for free
Projecting much? It's only pedos who even see a difference, to most people it's all equally abhorrent and beyond the pale.
>all throughout the interview fermaw & lurky pronounce gwasi as "gwa-zee"
How is this notable? That's how it's pronounced.
Women hate accountability. The idea that they can't permanently erase what they've done and wipe their slate clean enrages them.
you're a god
you can create twitter accounts with temp emails
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it sounds retarded. at the very least "gwa-see" makes more sense
the jew roleplay is golden, thank you for this delectable kek early in the morning sir.
>you should honestly KILL YOURSELF NOW
That's what sounds retarded, you're obviously an ESL who views letters overly literally and thinks every letter always has to make the exact same sound every time. That's not how English works. GWASI (gwa-zee) is pronounced like quasi (qua-zee).
what are you talking about shizo
i beg to differ. gwa-zee is pajeet-tier pronunciation in the same way tesla is only pronounced tezla by indians. also quasi is pronounces quaz-eye
It's pronounced gwasi
Trying to say GWASI as "gwa-see" is completely unnatural to a native English speaker, and there are many examples in English of words where an S makes a Z sound based on what's easier to say with the sounds around it and whether you're in the back or front of your mouth leading up to it. "GWA" uses the back of your mouth and so does "ZEE," but "SEE" uses the front of your mouth, so "GWA-SEE" is very unnatural to say compared to "GWA-ZEE."
you sound like a schizo ESL projecting. Si would never be pronounced "zee", you're fucking stupid.
that weirdly makes sense. ok fine its gwa-zee
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>tesla is only pronounced tezla by indians
See: >>1348066
Tesla follows the same rule. The "TE" part uses the front of your mouth, so you stay in the front of your mouth for "SLA" as opposed to moving back for "ZLA" which is an unnatural flow.
>quasi is pronounces quaz-eye
Pic related, both are valid pronunciations and I hear "qua-zee" WAY more in day to day life. But either way you accept that the S sounds like a Z in quasi.
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>Si would never be pronounced "zee"
It's literally right there in the word "quasi" (kwa-zee) which is a single sound away from GWASI (gwa-zee).
don't care you're wrong I'm right get fucked chud
epic troll my good sir i tip my hat to u
gwasi is not a real word and can be pronounced however way you want because English is retarded and so are you for trying to argue one way or another
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She is next. >>1348080
yes, often "s" after a voiced sound says /z/, as in "easier", "teasing". whether it's /s/ or /z/ can vary by word origin.

if you ever have to say "gwasi" out loud to another human being you have fucked up
for what?
If you have to ask then it is not good.
I see, it's schizo hours.
lol, is the faggot now banning IPs? used it yesterday and am getting a 403 today.
anyone knows who this VA is? ty anons, happy new year
>making them aware of kemono so they can get wise and lock access to the links
you are the absolute retard
>middle eastern accent
happy new year bro but ew
wow, the torrents are so behind on content its unreal
half of shibby is missing
lots of post 2019 is missing
dead general
Yeah it's a shame they are so out of date. An anon has been making monthly torrents though, they should start being included in the OP IMO.
shut up faggot
linking kemono to VAs is so fucking retarded
I know anon did a dumbfuck thing, but they are well aware of it already.
It's the 7th result on google if you look up her name. Kemono and coomer aren't some tiny unknown website
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Damn, seeing this thread from an outsider's view has made me realize how truly bad this thread has gotten.
That's not the point. The point is trying to use it as a "gotcha" is fucking stupid. Shitty people bringing it up could easily make them re-consider how they release their content and make it way harder to rip. I was going to list a few ways they could do it through Patreon but don't even want to suggest it in case they read these threads
>he is here
>Kemono and coomer aren't some tiny unknown website
The average audio whore is extremely oblivious.
anyone that has virtamate knows the struggle, can't get half the content from the big creators because they're well aware
>Yeah it's a shame they are so out of date. An anon has been making monthly torrents though, they should start being included in the OP IMO.
thanks, will i find them in the archived threads?
we cycled through threads much faster years ago
exactly, that may very well be the last straw for her
>Kemono and coomer aren't some tiny unknown website
do i have to bring that comic from that fag XKCD? you overestimate how widespread certain topics are
strange site, wouldn't venture further desu
it has no other presence online
yeah same. its my second ban. time to rotate IPs. the problem is that the site has so little traffic its all too obvious whos scraping content. i have a couple ideas of how to make it stealthier
so much for his love of cryptography.
everyone knows what kemono is and besides, the url is not present in the pic.

theyre too retarded and lazy for any of that lets be real
kek. his love is reserved for lactating moms and being a massive faggot. im gonna make it my lifes goal to scrape the entire site and post it online
had no idea about the existence of this site, hotaudio
im going to filter by script writers so much omg
enno_zalenno here i cum
many of them are already well aware of the existence of these sites and don't do anything about it but you severely underestimate how motivated someone can become for the sake of getting back at someone they dislike
>will i find them in the archived threads?
he has done it for 3 months already I think, the third one is in this thread? If not, they should definitely be archived.
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>im gonna make it my lifes goal to scrape the entire site and post it online
Sleepy sex with Sleepy
good, that smug whore deserves it.
who is nymph? who is selene? ad why is their new site down??
>lose their reddit
>lose their site
man these three are having a bad month
>4 VAs
>unbound by patreon and gwa rules
>all the content is the all so samey FSUB hyper sloppy blowjob noises
literally why? there are already a billion of them.. Elly already has that share of the market
it's https://thenymphgrove.com/
there, i said it
How did you even get this website, did you literally just write a new URL to pretend like it's down
found your post, happy new year anon and ty very much
imo, someone should merge the monthly torrents into an annual torrent and put THAT in the OP
but that will take a whole year your massive faggot that's a considerable amount of threads where just like in this one people don't even know there are monthly torrents and complain like niggers that nobody archives anything instead of seeding
Just put the monthly links in one file and link that file in the OP it's not that deep guys
Oh, duh. That's a much better way. I was thinking monthly magnet links wouldn't fit in the OP but linking to some pastebin like document would work perfectly.
You're a stupid retard bro kek. You wasted your time, went way overboard and brought attention to kemono. Was this supposed to be funny? just chill out.
it was funny to be honest
oh come on, live a little
every single whore knows about kemono already dumb fuck
Nta but you guys are retarded
They don't know shit, but they will if you waggle it in their face, dumbass.
shut the fuck up retards
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mummy Dulci milkies milk milk milkies
>a 29 year old man typed out this comment after a long day of making amendments to his company's accounting software.
it's not about them knowing, it's about giving not giving them reason to actually try to make their content harder to rip because they want to punish schizos like that guy. Many of these VAs also talk to each other and it's really not that crazy to think they'd band together against shit like that.

So that retard who I'm sure provides 0 content for us is also risking us losing tons of other content from other creators because he wants to be an edgelord
>RinaZaki kemono update
>Looks inside
>They added all the premium audios that only had previews

Rinabros...we are so back
Am I the only one who has to listen to girl's voices to figure out who they are? The only names I remember are the absolute goats like Belle
Most of her audios are way too much of generic grapefruit slop
me but I only care about Sleepy and Muffins
trying to remember an old(ish) artist that was active for around a year, did some cover songs on youtube, art she used was one of tanned/latino girl. any idea?
I'm a 37 year old neet virgin, actually.
>annual torrent
This is the plan, but it wouldn't make sense to make an "annual" torrent, when I have only made 3.
What about what >>1348157 suggested? Put all the magnet links in some pastebin-style editable cloud document, link the document in the OP, and then add the links to the list as you go so the OP essentially updates itself?
Up to whoever bakes to add it
emmafielder update... please........
back for my bimonthly check in did i miss anything besides whatever is happening with kemono or does gwa still suck ass
well now i feel foolish
i haven't seen too many rimjob audios so idk what you're talking about.
why are you shitting on the guy for having a pregnancy/lactation fetish? we're all into some weird shit.
because then it makes perfect sense he simps for lurkydip of all whores and THAT is something worthy of being made fun of
yeah ok.
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she's put her content (except for one or two .wav files) into .m3u8 streams that expire quickly, so that the only way to download from her kemono page would be to do it RIGHT after it updates. pretty sharp. why don't they all do this?
not everyone is such a money hungry whore that they'll make the process of getting content annoying as fuck just to try and earn a few more dollars. ease of use and simplicity is a lot more valuable
it's posted as a video. quality suffers and its ease of use is terrible. would not support.
I am hoping that nymphgrove still release the sex training saga, despite sloth's drama. If they make it exclusive,I am gonna tweak out a bit. Plus, I remember having asked how to download the audios from the site, but I can't find it because I am a retard. Can someone re-answer?
can she just make 30 variations on "mom drains your balls?" that's literally all i care about coming from her
yup, thanks
is it really necessary to be this mad?
>t. audio whore seething
>making a sloppy slurpy plappy mess of your super sub goth best friend's sister
there, just summed up 90% of the content these new tiktoklet ethot generation are making
they are all indistinguishable from one another
muffins started like that though
>listening to deaftones and getting sucked off by your friend
muffins is slop these days too
why is there so much drama in this community? first they hound and pitchfork VAs that make incest and ageplay content, then they went after raceplay, now they banned futa because it harms transexuals... all the while GWA is filled by M4F depraved violent shit.
and now, they are STILL infighting?? like can't they just relax and ignore content they don't like??
These things are the result of the never ending need to change the world to conform to their disgusting mental illnesses and fetishes, it will never end. The "queer" movement won when princess Diana went to hug aids faggots to show the world they aren't contagious. They got the right to marry in most country that worth living in, they can adopt kids, everything. It's the same with women, they got everything after the second wave of feminish they literally got everything, women quite literally rule the world right now(that's why the economy is shit). But it will never end. It's never enough. They will keep coming up with new demands, new needs that have to be met, and all while making themselves to be the victim despite toppling the down the world around them in the process.
Alekirser has to be doing that on purpose. The voice equivalent of little pebbles being thrown at a sign stop while you are trying to sleep.

Shibby not even 3 years ago had a completely different voice. Much more "normal" and less forced. I would call it overacting maybe? Hammy, cartooney, over inflected, a parody of her own initial mistress voice. She overdoes the tone, style, or emotional delivery in their speech or performance to the point where it feels unnatural or exaggerated.

Beegee is falling down the same path holy shit im sad. Go to her kemono page and listen to her earlier audios, her voice was so much better.
>Shibby not even 3 years ago had a completely different voice. Much more "normal" and less forced.
I hate this trend, everybody does this forced "sexy voice" now. My guess is that since it's a job for most of these girls this "overacting" is simply a result of them not having any drop of passion for the craft anymore.
Its just editing, it's all in editing
The very forced inflections are not editing, it's the result of someone who clearly doesn't give a fuck about what they are reading.
>that on purpose
that what?
It's a choice they made in editing, unless it's a one-shot audio, they usually read parts a few different times and pick the best take
>they usually read parts a few different times and pick the best take
lol no, the majority of scripted audios leave in all kinds of flubs because they really only record once unless it was so bad they couldn't ignore it, in which case they just record it a second time
what you described is true of professional voice work, but these whores are anything but professional
it would be fdom though
and shit like this is why you don't expose kemono while coming off like a complete lunatic in their DMs. All it takes is one pissed off VA with a big enough following to be petty enough to start doing shit like this and make it meta for the others
That's exactly it. It's like the customer service voice, but for audio porn. Forced sexy voice and the monotone "I'm clearly reading this and don't mean any of it" voices are just instant turn offs
almost every performer is mentally ill in some way
ex fujoshi
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>outed kemono
dumb nigger
does anyone have the old audios of 'racehele' , from soundgasm? she's 'rachelspacedout' now

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Where the fuck is Pom, she hasn't posted an audio since August or something and hasn't posted on her twitter in a month(yeah I know she's done this before) but is this hot bitch doing?
How do we tell him? ^
She’s getting ran through by white college guys
found two new favs
why white?
The amount of blur on this photo hurts my eyes. It looks like a fucking chalk drawing that someone smeared all over.
Yes, her photography skills are incredibly weak.
Extremely based.
scarletttie/scarlet love kemono update? she's quickly become one of my new favorites
Does anyone have Girl_next_door-666's boosty content? She does tons of incest. Her boosty is boosty.to/vaneibour. She seems to post nudes as well but mostly just care about the audios if possible

ty kings
never heard of this in my life
This thread is fucking hilarious, just leave it for a week and come back. Drama is a never ending barrel of laughs
dont reply to the avatarfag
anybody got the new yandere elly audio? or the muffins one
post your gwasi search
>f4 -tf4 -m4 (fdom OR femdom) (humiliat OR degrad OR manipulat OR cruel) -"gentle f" -sweet -rotedisaster
two great finds, thx anonie
new chick HazeeAlice just put up a nice one, worth keeping an eye on
New invention of the mind?
>fully norwood 7 bald since age 20
>totally shaved head since then out of necessity
>tfw every other audio compliments the listener's hair or mentions fingers in hair or treats the listener's hair as a focal point of attraction
Is there anyone current who does or you can tell is into **/wm?
just remember to put on your wig before you start listening, anon
>i listened to your audio for FREE cuz im JEWISH
fucking KEK
>hotaudio only
fuck off
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Is there an anon in here that would be so kind as to tell me where I can find Mistress Carol's work?
She does awesome audios but I can't find any of it.
If you happen to have the mp3 for "Black Leather Gloves" or "Hypnotic Handjob" for example, it would be just perfect!
I am requesting stinky girl audios! Girls who talk about how stinky they are! Smelly girls!
just listen to muffins, she reeks
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do any of you visit the FSA threads on /soc/? ive mostly stayed away from them because theyre full of amateurs. but recently i got the idea to archive their audios just in case. they also have some very taboo audios (e.g. raceplay, ageplay)
Yeeeeeah but she doesn’t talk about it tho
I visited it like a decade ago, I think now there might be like two girls posting in there less than five times total, and even then they might post the audios elsewhere too. It'd be worth archiving if you can easily do it for the sole reason that some popular girls started there. Gigglechan, pippits, sunshine and I'm 100% sure others but I stopped visiting long ago
I open the thread every very once in a while nowadays, last time was when sunshine did her month of mommy audios
i much rather the corporatization of audio whoredom than watch low self esteem women fulfill every faggot's request in a soc thread for a crumb of attention
but FSA gave us such gems as skittys doggy cock review. who wouldnt want more of that?
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I would prefer that as opposed to the capitalization of audiowhores, no way the other guy legit wants performers with patreons and one audio compared to sluts doing everything and anything they can and actually interacting with listeners. fsa at its peak was amazing
yeah but name me one VA on gwa that would make an audio such as https://soundgasm.net/u/confessions/Pol-Confederate-Furry-Pt-1

FSA has some potential if only because these girls may be open to more edgy content
i just respect the fsa audio whores much less than the gwa patreon ones. it's something about catering to dudes on SOC that just makes it vile. if you've ever talked to guys on soc before you know how bad it is
>respecting audio whores at all
you have to work within the context of comparing the two groups. i don't respect a strand of hair on muffins' head but i can call her a go getter compared to slop like rote
The only audio whores I respect are the very rare ones that are/were kino and didn't try to make money out of their paypigs. Belle_in_the_woods is one.
This guy is deaf
Is this nigga deaf? This is why I don't use that site, legit full of retards
i have no idea what the fuck is happening with search engines lately, but google, ggd and startpage aren't finding this one anywhere
also holy shit i hate the "safe search" switch all search engines are implementing
don't say that the cultivation nigga loves simpcity because there they don't call him retarded
The discussion threads are retard/pajeet central but the niggas who drop their purchases are the realest niggas.
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>I'm an alcoholic and severely mentally ill
how did 3 search engines + a searxng instance not find a reddit account?
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>can't even tell the difference
>probably using $5 wired earphones
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Because you're retarded?
i love finger snapping so much its unreal
The giga Stacy is real
Is there a place that has all of Muffins' paid ap audios?
Have the torrents been updated in the last year or so?
There was a torrent with all her paid audios floating around recently, you could check the past threads or a chad might drop it here for you.
Listening to Pippits new stuff bros, extremely kino.
I looked through the recent threads but couldn't find it. Guess I need to be more careful this time.
Thanks for the info!
I think I found it. Apparently it's not all her subscribestar audios. If anybody has the rest, could you please share them?
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the torrent posted back in october with all the mycatwithclaws airtable content is stalled!! help
when will you stream again Sleepy you whore
edge slop
poop slop
>slop in the woods
literal who slop
vocal cords crushed by fat slop
poop eating ugly girl slop
>The indian shows up talking about slop and poop
like clockwork
extremely bad morning saars
They're all on simpcity
I don't get why bitches love that mf he's so fucking annoying and gay, I let the gypsy kill him every playthrough.
Really? I couldn't find anything other than some people mentioning her name.
Why are you giving updates on the cuck
Nvm I found it. Thank you!
where on earth would you even get this information
so does damn near every other e-girl on the planet
actually kill yourself
seriously where the fuck can we find AP content ? evillover, sunshine etc ? where did they all go after psst shutdown ? monsterboyfriend ?
something something the torrent
She has a website
I think your best bet is to kys
are there still guys like you hanging around here saying that? get a life no?
kek based
I may be stupid (probably) but It doesn't tell me where the new contents are and not the old ones.
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I don't have that much money, anon...
just wait a bit. someone with the full thing will come online eventually. like me
stop jerking off to the idea of fucking kids and I'll stop telling you to kys
opposite for me but probably because I never browse soc and reddit niggers are just so fucking dumb
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you expected better?
Take a sleepy and call me in the morning
i hate this bitch, so no
You hate your own mother
you are why this thread sucks. fuck you
>rebellious feminist fucking muscular conservative guy
??? i listen to porn audios for the FANTASY and ESCAPISM, not more irl common shit
why are you faggots so bitter jesus christ, this is why no women wants you irl. Chill nigga.
where can i find KassioppiaVA (britishCassie) content? ty anons, have a nice day
Convert them to mp3 in Audacity.
Custom designed and molded by God personally for my Big Greek Cock.
She looked so adorable in that video. Imagine the sleepy sex.
She's so fugly on this pic
Kill yourself
So true
>this pic
>the indian shows himself
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Why does Eepy make the trannies seethe?
they hate seeing one of their own succeed
it's bad enough to be obsessed over internet whores but imagine that internet whore is a mid bitch like sleepy. absolutely grim
And defending "her" to death in a mongolian basket weaving forum.
>tranny replying to himself in seethage
the brown schizo sleepyfag ruins another thread
can an anon recommend a VA that has a lot of "massage" audios?
Neither. Option C, get her some creatine and protein powder and let's hit the gym.
Those are men
depends what you mean by massage. like actual asmr massage audios or just "masseuse pretends to massage you for 2 minutes then gets you off"

somewhere in the middle. i prefer option A but she's the "eating disorder girl one relationship away from anorexia" type of skinny rather than just being normal skinny and having a bit of fat distribution in places that you want in a girl
>audio whore is a real whore irl
waow so crayzee and unpredictable
so is lunarhiccups actually back or did she just decide to post some random backlogged audios on her patreon and dip again? i can't tell since i can't read the patreon posts, but she hasn't posted anything in over a month
>Cuck whore is actually a cuck whore
No way
so 1) she absolutely was a whore irl and 2) is lying about not liking it
kek the pajeets trying to claim this shit are back again. like clockwork, every thread. must be a tranny paying them to lurk the thread for beegee mentions
Belle has an audio like that too. She talks about how she went to pick up this guy who was a friend of a friend just after she finished a long time relationship and brought him to her house and they fucked all day. She then talked about how she still thinks about him and how he kept making her cum and how it contrasted with how neglectful her ex boyfriend was in comparison. Shit made me so depressed I didn't listen to audios for a month.
Did you even read what was written. Retarded shill, post skin color
>must be a tranny paying them
Sorry, what? Please consider your language when defending Rotes best friend
where the fuck can i meet girls/audio whores irl that will just pick me up themselves and fuck me all day long without me having to do anything to seduce them. jesus christ that is giga whore behavior
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>mfw I forced my gf to take a day off from work so she could masturbate all day once and turned her into a coomer
these girls think they are nymphos after masturbating once a month, I'd have so much fun with them.
don't care, trannies are disgusting and are the root cause of every problem. doesn't matter who allies with them or not, trannies are at fault
where in my sentence did i say anything incorrect. go ahead and point it out for the class
Tbh I think the context is that the guy was in a band and traveling through her city and they had already went on a date before so that day was like
>yo I'll be in your city on X day can you pick me up?
She took the day off to get fucked by the dude too. Crazy stuff.
t. spends 2k monthly on onlyfans
HOLY CHECKED. Quads of truth. I hate troons.
I love how this thread is a mixture of retarded incels, gym chads, intellectual gods and sex having chads all interacting and equally hating on each other.
actually kill yourself
It's the same for Sleepy, I swear the trannies have pajeets on a payroll to be here shit posting everytime someone posts a real woman in the thread.
Troon anons...
women aren't supposed to have agency, that is an illusion created by third wave feminism. Women exist to be breeding fuck holes and to please and serve men.
>Friren isn't interesting
Ok, thank god we live action shows that have women like Daenerys to show how interesting women can be
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This way
>doesn't understand the point of the post
>calls me the retard
lol alright big man! good talking to you. have a terrible day
You're on an anime website, tourist sister
how much do you wanna bet she thinks queen's gambit is one of the best shows out there
Anime website
anime website
Left is a wasting skeleton. Right is a bit overweight, but looks healthy and thus is infinitely more attractive. Ideally, I'd take right and give her a good whole foods diet high in saturated fat and animal protein and get her working out moderately to tone and perfect her figure.
anime poster's perspective is correct, this is "not an anime board" yet the thread starts with an anime picture
the site literally comes from and started as an imageboard catering to fans of japanese culture
Tranime website, chuds.
Cope and dilate.
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Sleepy's stretching video has been very helpful since I joined the gym, stretching helps greatly with the muscle soreness. I miss her streams though.
what the samefag
This so much this.
so true sister
Don't forget the trannies
Anybody the NSFW stuff for Sorulay, that italian ASMR chick. She has an erotic audio folder on her tipeee.
I would spank that little ass red raw. Teasing little whore.
her ass is so fucking tight
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Stop being so dirty minded anon, she's a good catholic girl, it's not like she's putting her tight white girl ass on thumbnails on purpose or something
It's audio porn. So neither. If I never see the irl body or face of a VA again I'll be happy.
why are you reposting twitter anorexia bait with the faces cropped out, faggot?

on the left she's so malnourished she stopped having periods
the Cat airtable with the more hardcore stuff got taken down, did anyone save the links?
I'm convinced it's always the same one mentally ill dude posting about sleepy
it is lol. just like 99% of the muffins posts are the same guy
I'm convince that I'm the only poster in this general
>If I never see the irl body or face of a VA again I'll be happy.
This is the only correct answer. Seeing a VA's body ruins the illusion and makes it hard or impossible to imagine her as whatever character she's playing when it's too different from how you know she looks. These whores just can't help themselves and will do anything for attention without a single thought to the integrity of their own art form.
trannies are the jews of gender so it checks out
fuck did it actually? I kept putting off downloading all of them
I know the soundgasm account in there was named "Catwithclawssupersecretbackcatalogue" because I had one audio bookmarked. We can get the audios in that account with flaru but idk about the erocast ones though.
she's not just going to let them all die or some shit, is she? if you see them on a monthly thing let me know and I'll stop putting it off
>"masseuse pretends to massage you for 2 minutes then gets you off"
this one
here fren, take this and dont be lazy next time
how does this compare with the torrent? ty btw
thank you legend
i havent taken a look at that torrent (as its not mine) but i can personally vouch for my copy as it includes every single audio on both of those spreadsheets
this should be a torrent, I'd gladly seed it. Cat is one of the goats of all time.
I will gladly seed it, too. Big thanks to the anon that ripped it all. That's what we're here for.
hell yeah
VAs with a hot hoarse/raspy voice?
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is he called rot disaster because the axe wound between his legs is rotting and its a disaster to look at?
ff4m twin sister audios have to be in the top 3 audio scenarios/archetypes
thanks man. is the guy who uploaded the sleepy videos updating it does anyone know
I think he said that he would try updating it but idk if he did
>Cat has a dog irl
Audios are just audios right guys, surely the rumors about white girls aren't true right guys?
kill yourself roteranny
The one limp wristed faggot posting the two retarded looking women (sleepy and muffins) every 2 minutes has to be the biggest fucking autist of this site after chinkfootposter. Wouldn't be surprised if they were one and the same. Same obsession, same reply style, same samefagging.

The reason I'm not against bullying is faggots like you. You should've been bullied so hard in school already you would've killed yourself by now

That would've saved you from avatarfagging with women like the tranny in denial you are
Who's into humiliation audios? I already feel like killing myself hearing a normal GFE audio, I can't imagine the mental state I'd have to be in to be able to jerk off to a girl figuratively laughing at my caved in chest.
Sanity in this thread. Cheers, gentlemen!

>a whore marrying is proof that she's salvageable
Go back to r/the_donald with this Christcuck mentality
You're going to end up paying alimony for your born again virgin ex wife's nigger son with this attitude
A whore's a whore. Women can't be fixed once they're broken

>tard wife
You're a tard yourself and the woman you simp for and tranny skinwalk as with your avatarfagging is so ugly she's painful to look at
You need to kill yourself
epic massreply
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You can't post that.....
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I'll do it again
That's it
Mods, deal with him.
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Muffin if she was good
(spoiler: she is.)
her face looks so different (and cuter) when she isn't wearing those big ass glasses
she's a retard that wants to be made to eat her own poop either way
Anything else?
haven't killed yourself yet Ramesh?
>those deleted posts
did the dumb nigger finally get banned?
this is why simpcity is unironically better than these threads. if some sexually obsessed freak spammed muffins on there, he would be banned instantly. but over here u just have to deal with it just like with all of the other mentally ill posters
what i don't understand is why every board and every topic must have a dedicated schizo shitting things up
there are certain threads on /v/ that have posts and images that, if you reverse search on the archive, give you 5k results
>the trannies swapped to shilling simp city now
why don't you go dilate your wound there and leave already tranny nobody cares about your opinion
Can anyone recommend cheating+Big Cock- themed Audios? Ones with good scripts and performances, similar in quality to those from fromyourmouth, Ellyble or Beegeewanders.

Another option is Big Cock+Incest.
and content actually gets posted there. This place is good to check maybe once a week if you're lucky . Some people do like watching trainwrecks though which is why that schizo gets any attention at all
holy shit stop replying to yourself it's embarrassing, didn't you say you were gonna leave you faggot? Actually kill yourself. You've read so many gay chinese stories by faggots that you've become one, contratulations.
her "making a bet with the asshole chad roommate" audio is top tier
as for your request, check the swasi for those tags or for certain script writers (like enno zalenno)
or search for those tags in the torrents
what's funny is that their narrative is that there's no content here when 99.9% of the content in simp city is lifted from here lol. I wouldn't be surprised if it is just one guy shilling that shit.
Not, not even a warning. Only 1/3 of those posts were mine.
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>tfw found what chunkyxavocado look like
I can't get it up to her audio anymore.
this is why you never look at performer's pics

it's a dice roll that you're probably gonna lose
Shibby is landwhale
Where do you think you are stupid retard?
The old stuff is nice, the new shit is slop.
Heck she made a foota just for spite.
gotta respect that I guess.
still, proper domme should never do that.
Before she got her new house.
The hypno doesn't work, but the head space game is good, and her tech simp knows his audio stuff.
And his AI SD looks good.
man I would NOT hit that.
too much wasted dick on fat.
>this is why you never look at performer's pics
hardest truth nuke in the thread
there's a certain VA that voices Maxine in the animated 3d shorts (and in the asmr video) that has the voice of an angel... and then i looked up her youtube... GRIM
an audio performer is less likely to be attractive or sane than average

if sane, they wouldn't perform

if attractive, they would post lewds for attention or money instead

the few exceptions (insane and hot performers) are extremely rare

muffins blows people's minds by being a young and normal sized 6/10
What if the VA meets my expectations irl?
Ally is hotter than 99% of all e-whores yet she only does the occasional lewds
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It's great
Depends on what your expectations are. If you expect trash and get exactly that, it just means you're pathetic.
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I love when that happens
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Report the mentally ill faggot's posts for avatarfagging
[spoiler]The more I see him samefagging, the more I'm sure he's the chinkfootposter/bigfeetposter from /gif/[/spoiler]
I just lol'd
>Reacts in just 2m 19s to post about him
>Inadvertently proves himself to be some sort of mentally ill manchild on retardbux, threadhugging 24/7
obsessed tranny lol kill yourself, go back to nigga nation or whatever where they don't call you out little boy. Actually kill yourself lmao
Anon you really think mods give a shit about some random whore being posted a couple of times in a dead board? kek I've seen worse in active boards and they don't give a shit.
>Inadvertently proves himself to be some sort of mentally ill manchild on retardbux
And you are literally begging others to report stuff you don't like, you sure are better than me.
Anyway keep crying if that makes your boat float.
actually go back retard holy shit
yeah im just about done with this nigger-tier thread. this isnt a discussion board, its for content to be posted. and yet all you have is some mentally ill obsessed freak spamming images of the same whore and never once contributing to the thread. then theres some other useful tool calling people niggers and trannies when they call out the obvious mentally ill behavior. what a clueless fucking idiot. no wonder nothing good ever gets posted on here. go ahead and keep discussing how u wanna drink muffins pee and all that. u deserve cancer
you've been crying like a bitch about that and pretending to leave for months, please juts leave already nigger and shut the fuck up.
>instantly replies
u rly need to go outside
people do actually fill requests in this thread, but most don't ask for their fetishes to be spoonfed like simpcity
what kind of cope is that? the only thing that gets posted on here are muffins-obsessed rambles of some freak who wants others to join him in his weird fantasies. everytime i get on here i have to scroll through dozens of retarded muffins/sleepy spam just to find that nothing good was posted. at this point its not even worth visiting the thread cuz i know what its gonna be before i click it. i dont get why he even posts on here. no one wants to hear ur creepy rp scenarios. go on her discord or wtv and share ur retarded fantasies with her. im sure she'll love the praise since no one else finds her attractive
I mean I only care about the audios, I check the thread there and audios are posted all the time. Some I don't care about, some I do.

I come here and it's mostly just losers spamming 6/10 women and bringing up trannies with very little content to show for it. The only people that prefer this are the two dudes that have nowhere else to spam their love bombing to these two women that will never know they exist
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>the biological woman makes the faggot seethe
i've gotten more content in the past couple months from simpcity than i've gotten in a year from here. nobody posts shit anymore here, and it's not because of the avatarfags i can assure you that. i don't give a fuck about sleepy. the closest thing we got that's better is the hotaudio downloader and even then downloads are at the mercy of the dude who wrote the script ad it's on life support anyway (and also it's only lurkydip who posts there who tf cares kek).
since fermaw (creator of hotaudio) is a giganigger and bans IPs, ill upload all the audios on the site every now and then. working on the first upload rn. simpcity has paypigs that share paid stuff. they win easily

>english audio porn
where is the audio porn? go shit up the /b/ board with that garbage. theres tons of mentally ill ppl over there who have been spamming the same shit for years. youd fit right in
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Ally look like that?
that kind of outfit looks very uncomfortable and is less sexy than most lingerie. wear a garter belt instead, ally
Oh hey, they collabed again kek. Keep the cope coming please and thank you
>he's dutifully keeping tabs every time a tranny posts
nobody loves trannies as much as you, bro
>keeping tabs
Going through the top new gwa posts isn't hard retard
you're obsessed with trannies faggot, didn't you say you would leave? Please just kill yourself already and live stream it so you can do at least one useful thing in your worthless life by entertaining us.
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on god, something like picrel is a thousand times hotter than that shit Ally is wearing. I'll never understand latex shit.
something like this pretty much gets me hard instantly. god i wish i had a girl wear lingerie for me :^(
Aren't the panties supposed to go over the garter belt?
i've never seen it done that way. it literally is a "belt," something that goes around your hips, so i can't imagine how you would put your panties over it
I found the audio anon was taking about
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panties over the belt if you want to fuck her with just the panties off
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>They think its me
>Literally doing school work while watching Northernlion yap in The Bazaar
I'll never leave your minds anons
This is me, sleepy/muffins chad which is seeding all the torrents in this thread and previous threads
this isn't me
this isn't me

Stay Hard & Stay Mad for Muffins
wait who is this?
so then fuck off nobody's forcing you to be here
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say it ain't so man
no fucking way please no
ya did it man, ya got me. i beat it feels really good doesnt it?
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its no secret that women "imprint" on a chad and will never care about anyone else that much
even 15 years down the road in a marriage, she will still be a chad widow
also, lmao at her talking about love and passion in that audio ahah
i dont know whats scary, that hoes believe themselves when they talk like this, or that they are shamelessly lying
think about it this way. walking upright made human birth dangerous. its more fatal than any other mammal. this led to women not wanting to undergo a dangerous pregnancy. their standards rose until rape was the only real option for guys to fulfill their biological imperative. those women who broke or didnt manage to get wet from rape commited suicide or got an infection.

hundreds of thousands of years of conditioning later and you now have women who are still biologically primed to enjoy rape. even tho men have largely civilised themself by killing of the violent ones who couldnt peacefully coexist in a larger settlement

imagine being a woman and realising your pretty girlhood fairy tale of a nice prince who treat you with respect is now leaving you drier than a desert. and even tho feminism is telling you to be independant all you really want is some brute to ravage you. of course their values dissonance is making them crazy pathological liars
but then they are just victims of nature+nurture
100k years of it
we are all just victims of nature and nurture. even the most left thing academia now admits that as much as 50% of our personality is encoded in our genes. the percentage is higher in less left thing circles

we are literally just monkeys who are hallucinating our self awareness
yes, there was big drama over it for a while
I remember but i didn't think it got unbanned,
Update the lunarhiccups Patreon on kemono
fuck off. i thought that was lunarhiccups in the pic and looked her up. but shes just some chubby landwhale

whos the girl in your pic?
another day of begging for Lunarhiccups to come back, and hopefully in 2025

And I will die on this hill that she's not all that obese. I am a chubby enjoyer
Bout to download the torrentpack. Hope sloth's stuff is in there. She had some really good breeding audios before that fuckass Rogue made her delete everything by cheating on *multiple* VAs my god
https://gofile.io/d/JaG6M2 here's her stuff. I feel like she would have blown her top off eventually. She's nuts.
appreciated. just wondering if there's an index to search other VA gofiles by username?
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Download these in the terapack and open the HTML file, you'll be able to search through the torrent with tags and VA names.
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look at this cutie patootie
kill yourself
What happened to the decryption?
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Live yourself
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if u wanna learn how its decoded just read that. in short, he made his own "encryption" format he calls "hax". its basically just encrypted segments of an audio that need to be decrypted individually. intermittent calls to an api are required to get some encryption keys. he went through the trouble to make this dogshit "encryption" cuz he likes cryptography.

u have far too much time on ur hands. stop spamming vapid ugly whores
>u have far too much time on ur hands
we're both here buddy
What if I'm brown dick?
>the indian arrives
>it took up a large portion of the effort behind hotaudio
>not using it on search bar
the whore he's doing it for was probably very adamant about not wanting people to be able to download the audios so the fag focused only on that
Failsafe, just in case they want to be debt free christian trad wife.
They wanna be able to have their "master list" or downloadable version of the audios only behind something like a patreon.
got to pump up those reddit numbers, having people filter in through there. plus all the other reasons anons have mentioned.
why search there instead of gwasi anyways?
as it stands to browse through the audios on there u need to scroll through every audio. search is mandatory on any site. instead of making sure the basics are up and running, he wastes all his time on some shitty encryption just to own the chuds. what a giant faggot
muffins audio where she plays with the younger cousin feels way too real lmao
literally how my weird drunk aunt used to talk to me
was she a victim too?
sleepy in clown makeup is the cutest thing i've ever seen
Why are you surprised?
Her name is dead give away.
I guess because professional VA look very good.
eve is hot and have nice voice.
Though she's gaining weight too much.
Maybe the trick to lose weight it to keep having orgasms?
before the weight gain
Is she even that hot?
She sound ugly
I'm pretty sure it's one of the land whales
Prove it then, post fat belle.
Belle got Architect?
>the looks Sleepy gives you when you say you don't wanna fuck her girl friend for the third time this week
I like her shirt.
she's such a brave ally
>very into piss and maybe scat, two fetishes which have been heavily linked to childhood sexual abuse
>insanely manic bpd egirl with relationship issues, another giant neon sign warning of childhood neglect/abuse
>presents a childlike persona and livelihood based off the stuff she's posted of her life
gee, i wonder
Anyone here has any "Accidental creampie" audios to recommend?
wonder why bitter-conclusion/wetlily stopped. she had a really strong start, was looking to be a good new voice. stopped after making like 4-5 short audios though. a shame
Yuna is queen
thank you anon, you are doing lords work
I wanna archive some audios from this collab https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/1glyu8n/f4m_ff4m_lustful_until_sexually_treated_script/
want me to link you the specific audios I want from this collab or are you gonna post every single audio from hotaudio anyways?
ill post it all. give me a couple days cuz he updated the sites code
imagine walking into frame and face fucking her right after she's done recording a video
thread census

- sleepy simp
- muffins simp (seeding torrents?)
- rote seether
- hotaudio downloader (seething)
- actual anons

did I miss anyone
I'm one of the sleepy simps and I seed torrents okay, recently the cat one.
I'm the rote seether and I also seed torrents you FAGGOT.
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I am the Ally chad
Do you seed as well?
thank you anon, take your time
Respectfully, I need her ramblefaps but they are on a different tier. I would be forever greatful.
iris who?
I'm the one who calls them land whales
Would you stop listening to an audio girl permanently if you knew she fucked african american gentlemen?
if I knew she fucked any men
I'm not mentally ill so I don't give a shit.
nah I still listen to muffins
lol what a cuck
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more like dreams of dieting
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I'm out of the loop, why did Blue end up sucking and fucking a small cocked fag again?
why do you keep cursing me with the knowledge of what these girls look like man
when you look like that, small cocked fags is all you can get
sorry bro
idk I'm there's enough desperate black guys around willing to fuck even a girl like her
Good for you if you care about what the VAs do with their lives. I'm here just for the audios.
kek. even listentomyvoice, who built her entire """brand""" around being the sluttiest fsub, is chasing the trend. rote has been such a fucking disaster for this scene. he needs to kill himself to correct the course NOW
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oops, forgot pic
Gentle femdom is kino though
Sleepy's sister is kinda creepy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST649kQXcOI [Embed]
>gentle femdom is trend
>cries about rotranny who has 5 gentle fdom audios
He popularized "hard" femdom retard. Also, god forbid one note VAs like her and Rina attempt to try something new
kill yourself rotetranny, yea?
Im black idc
honest question, do you ever look at a particularly smooth log of shit and mistake it for a cock of your skin colour? because each time i have the displeasure of seeing some dark-skinned_male anal porn it just looks like a piece of shit trying to go home
I'm not a connoisseur of shit like you so no.
imagine unironically being black lmao
>saggy tits and large forehead
Nothing of value was lost.
Nearly all of those girls look like shit.
Even the hot ones
you ever enjoy/get off to audios that are slave themed like that old sleepy audio where she's a plantation owner? not even memeing here
we need more VIOLENT fdom
Im not autistic if that's what you're asking.
That's not what I'm asking, reread the question.
that is what u were asking
The whitest response I’ve ever read lmao
>Mutilated cock
How can people unironically get off to this?
Why is this allowed?
she's a bongette though
She's clearly asian
you retard
i can see both. im leaning toward the bongette answer cuz she has brown hair. either way shes disgusting. u just know she has to spread her cheeks on the toilet
she has the accent, audio AUDIO ARE YOU NIGGAS DEAF??
She literally sounds asian and has the typical asian lisp, are you deaf?
1. dont nigga me
2. i dont listen to audios by fats so i wouldnt know
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It's so over Ally sisters...
She can afford a avatar tracing setup though.

worst part is I think anon meant this yet doesn't realize all of his favorites get fucked on a weekly basis
More like on the daily at least. just look at someone like softlygf, the whore is tweeting daily about how much dick is running through her.
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>look her up
>see this
reminds me of fromyourmouth's sperg out last week. im gonna start msging these VA's a bunch now just for the keks
Blue is unironically a member of the smallhat longnose tribe.
I guess anon somehow missed her 2 feet long downward pointy nose
I used to like her audios but she's just shit now. Oh well.
no wonder she looks like an ugly troon. i wonder if she's ever done auschwitz roleplay
>she's gonna invite some guy she has a crush on to help her build it then she's gonna fuck him on it
fuck off ally
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>femcel gf
Whats wrong with mattress on the floor?
it's all so tiresome
Nothing, if it's a woman, then she's pro gooner.
it's retarded. get a bed frame moron
it's more comfortable to sleep on the gorund though
...? you getting vertigo by being a few inches off the ground?
I'm a tall chad so I feel like I can get more comfortable when the mattress is on the ground, like my feet cane be a bit off the mattress but not really hanging idk, it's probably my autism.
innocent until proven guilty
Cat is married btw
So is Ruthie and Shibby I'm pretty sure
literally audios with his husband on her patreon
you guys don't listen to rambles and Q&As and it shows
My favorite VA is PURE.
Why would I believe those?
I want to see.
genuinely imagine being emma fielder's dad and finding out just how aggressively into father/daughter incest she is. how could you possibly look her in the eye at that point

i think she actually did a short q&a where she covered this type of problem but i didn't feel like listening it
if I was him I'd probably give her what she wants desu
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Absolutely based
surely muffins doesn't have a boyfriend right, she's waiting for (Me) right?
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>Do you know the muffins man, I think you know the muffins man.
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I have no interest in these whores beyond them making me coom.
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Why would I?
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nothing, if its a futon which is made for being put on the ground and then picked up and aired out. youre going to get mold in your mattress if you do it to a western style one. unless you find some way to stand it up during the day. maybe consider getting something like this emoor bedframe. or if you like the hobo look then two palettes might do it.

please anon. just a tiny bit of space for circulation of air to prevent mold
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you can get metal bed frames for $50 too
i assumed that guy was looking to continue sleeping close to the ground and in a way that still feels like the ground. close slats are better for that feeling that metal ribs
thank you for the tip, tomorrow I'll get a couple pallets
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I miss when we didn't know what muffins looked like
I miss when we didn't know muffins
you don't mean that
I miss when pom made audios
our response?
muffins you are a dime a dozen bpd egirl, you are absolutely the smelliest grossest one out of everyone here
you gotta read the subtext

muffins wants an incel to force her to scrape foot fungus from under his toes with her teeth and eat it
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Doesn't count, she must be on her period.
I don't think she realizes her biggest eboy fans are here judging from the obsessed guys who post here asking for help.
big talk from someone that probably has rolling UTIs
she's talking about girls, there are no girls here xDDDD
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why are you fags feeling attacked, are you women? are you illiterate? Fuckin retard. This is why no girls talk to you irl.
I mean she's gross and probably smelly so it's not too far off to assume her simps on here are too. I don't think anybody that showers on a daily basis is fawning over her IRL
any good audios
The best I can do is a man pretending to be a dominant woman, you like?
Just reached gold in Marvel Rivals while listening to this
porn as background audio is nasty work
Anyone with a voice like hers? I don't know if she changed names or something but I fell in love with her cute nerd act.
Anyone have any BittyCat stuff? None in the torrents
That names is familiar, her stuff might have been posted in these threads in the past. I'm sure someone will help you
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which way white man
sleepy's fire alarm is beeping in one of her recent vids
>sleepy is living with a black guy
it's so over
Both of these women are white?
I'll only choose the one that is virgin.
>white women in 2025
>virgin women in 2025
LMAO even
Most of her "work" is voice acting animations or reading out comics/images with light text on them. You can find some of these on the various booru sites. Though most can only be found on her discord. Most of them are recorded live on stream and get posted to her VIP server sometime after streams.

Her pure audio only style content is mostly on her soundgasm https://soundgasm.net/u/BittyCat , but if you want one of her actually decent audios you'll need to fork over some cash or find an n'wah who'll send you them.
All links on her card here https://bittycatto.carrd.co/
Cute British girl calling you a good boy...
what's with you guys and replying to posts wrong
left looks more like muffins so that one
Left, absolutely left
ATF, also, she streams on pomf last time I checked.
>Same with ppl that
not just girls dumbfuck, people for the 4chan threads. so all of us except that black dude
Boys what are our thoughts on FreyaSilverflame1223/Affectionate_Lie4644?
she did, that's why i asked to have the kemono updated
left in a heartbeat
who are they?
The muscly one is leanbeefpatty. I don't know who the other person is.
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what is the best GFE audio you've listened to?
I'm not a rape victim constantly wetting the floor to cope with that assault so I wouldn't know anything about having bad hygiene
i can't listen to that because it makes me feel pathetic
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Everything by moonberry
I already feel pathetic, so listening to those lets me indulge in this fantasy where I'm not pathetic and it's nice.
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this is why u shouldvnt give women creative liberty. theyve ruined soundgasm. if their pages arent broken, theyre ugly as fuck. what an embarassment
It's hard to name one in specific, but I remember really liking Saras audios and I'm still trying to find audios that capture that GFE vibe like she did.
GWA should ban all patreon advertisements on soundgasm, but they're cowards.
>Sleepy forces you to get a vasectomy so you can fuck all her girl friends without getting them pregnant
gwa should collectively fund audio ai and then ban all 3DPD
now we're talking
Is there a place I can found more N1kk1 audios, other than the archives? I've been living under a rock for quite some time and I wanted Evil Hypnosis Dangers Men Might Encounter (one of her best file) but it's not there.
emmafielder has some good ones, look up her welcome to la series
LADS I’m looking for wholesome loving mommy audios outside of the main names you usually see doing them I NEED EM BOYS IM A SAD MAN HOP TO IT CHOP CHOP. pls….
I'm not a mommy chad so I can't help unfortunately at least not anything outside of the mainstream girls
The script of the file you mention is available at mcstories.
I must admit I'm also searching for the audio.
An anon shared it a long time ago but the link is dead by now.
We can only wait and hope it's posted again.
mommy chad is such a hilarious oxymoron
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any muffins gods to leak this?
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wrong image
>muffins forces you to eat her fishy bacteria pussy
>whimpy smelly retard somehow doms you into a yeast infection
the trannies in this thread are pathetic
They think it isn't obvious that they are the ones talking shit about the(real) girls everybody in the thread loves. It's comforting to know that sooner or later they will join the 41% so let them do it, it's probably the only way they can calm their dysphoria.
wasnt it up to 50% already? and that was before trump won. we might be getting to 60% soon
>simping for a smelly retard that thinks you have foot fungus, so grim
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She's just a girl
I'm just a boy
the girl in the video is literally a mom btw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFkE36WJIVA [Embed]
Princessdulci simps cum their brains out for this exact woman.
she lost weight and looks hot as fuck, she's still mommy thougheverbeit
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>"I'm light as a feather~!"
fuck you for making me kek at that
I have now been looking for girl who have posted audios mainly but have like one or two audios that are real sex, everytime I find one it's the only thing I can cum to for a whole week.
Ellybelle sextape leaked
muffins may be cute but if you think she's hygienic idk what to tell you. stop being a virgin and go talk to some bpd women then come back to me
dry as the sahara based on that. could be her.
>simp husband
she censors her own photos last I saw, why would anyone bother with her?
Any good tween stuff lately?
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What's wrong with men?
>wishlist have IPL hair removal
didn't one guy say she lost weight? this bitch is still obese bro
She's been super open about her weight loss and she's lost a lot and plans to lose more. Like. Kudos to her. I'm not a fan of the mommy shit, but bitch is making good changes and getting healthier.
if only she dropped "willy" out of her vocabulary, I might give her a shot
>still obese
And it's worse, she try to hide it, and still all her food is slop.
And she doesn't have the genetic lottery for good fat distribution.
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>this bitch is still obese
excellent, I'm going to find her pictures right now
She claim to be a muscle mommy, and she's divorced and obese.
This is false advertising.
So what I'm hearing is she's single
I'm in
why is it that so many women don't know what [whispering] means?

Imagine how many breads you could make with that much yeast!
How dare you. I came to you mother fuckers In desperation and you spit in my face. The world grows darker
tbf you asked for something very specific
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Has she done any sex audios? I'm not counting the dildo review
Does she do audio porn?
are you drunk?
I think they are being archived by someone regularly, I mean some of the audios in the torrent are Vocaroo (time limited) specifics from FSA. I still visit the thread, mostly because sylv has a tendency to randomly post in it once every few years then delete all her audios.
hey sloth if you're in this thread can you have another twitter meltdown? the last one was funny
"hambeast" might actually be a compliment for her
I guess it's easier to dominate men when you're three times their size and cause a full eclipse anywhere you go. All you gotta do is throw yourself at them and you'll cripple them for life.
I’m confused
Is that even a question?
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Guys, big news. Tomorrow I have a date with a cute redhead I met at the gym. If you don't see more Sleepy posts that means I'm on the other side. Don't let your dreams be memes lads, there's a Sleepy for you out there, you just gotta go find her.
you better hope the earbuds never fall out when you're fucking
The day she finds out you are with her just because she looks like sleepy she's gonna kill you.
you'll be back when you nut inside her and she grabs your nuts and says "there, there anon, that's not how you knock up sleepy, it's your punishment time in the cuck cage"
does anyone still have this?
i checked ap packs and terapack
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>cute redhead I met at the gym
how did this happen? please man give me some hope
Guys, big news. Tomorrow I have a date with a cute nerdy guy I met at the gym. If you don't see more Pom posts that means I'm on the other side. Don't let your dreams be memes lads, there's a Pom for you out there, you just gotta go find him.
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Is this real?
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Guys, big news. Tomorrow I have a date with a fish and poop smelling skinnyfat girl I met in the foot fungus cream section Walmart. If you don't see more muffins posts that means I'm on the other side. Don't let your dreams be memes lads, there's a muffins for you out there, you just gotta go find her.
>the muffins chad also made it
it's enough to make a grown man cry
Since I joined a few months ago we've been interacting here and there, small talk while re-filling the water bottle, helping with weights, "hi anon how are you... have a nice work out..." stuff like that. In october the gym had a halloween party and a costume contest with Low-alcohol beer, popcorn in a separated part of the gym for people to hang out. I actually meant to go and workout normally but she was there dressed as little red riding hood and we ended up just handing out. Since then I've had her number and now that things lined up we're going out. Honestly, I'd say just get out there man, and make sure to not pass on opportunities. I remember genuinely considering staying home that day because of the halloween thing at the gym and playing games or jerking off like usually but I forced myself to and ended up getting to know my gym crush a little better. You gotta do stuff, unless you're an /x/ goer trying to summon a succubus in your room, you gotta put yourself out there as much as possible and even force yourself if you have to because that way inevitable that you will find someone that interests you or vice versa.
None of these are complete. Not complaining. Just pointing it out. Perhaps one day someone will make a complete torrent of mycat. Unfortunately some audios are effectively lost media, because the reddit post got deleted and never been listed on soundgasm/erocast/airtable and not archived anywhere.
do you remember any in particular that arent archived anywhere?
that's up to her to make them available, but she's too busy getting dicked by her husband I guess.
this one i can't find anywhere, it was nuked along with her first patreon

this was removed from reddit and i didn't see it anywhere else but the link still works
I know this is a joke but have any of you ever done this? Listening to audios while fucking I mean
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does niwwu even do explicit audio content? wish i knew what her face was like beneath a dozen layers of makeup and filters.
nah i get it. i converted my wife from a hikineet into a functioning member of society, but the hikineet aesthetic never goes away.
God I love her, I love the fact she truly loves this shit. If anyone could be a hero and get that backlog link working I’d give you some sloppy dentures out gummy disgusting head.
is she a asmr whore?
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chuuba, notable for being <5' and posting lewds fairly often. also she's pretty good making vt models but who cares about that when you have legal loli thighs
you just know
oh it's her, I coomed many times to her pics on twitter.
You said outside of the main girls but the first thing that came to mind was this audio by cat, one of the best mommy audios
it's another one of those
>finding the one or two audios that are real sex recordings after gooning for hours to an audio girl and sitting there jerking off to a man fucking her while I reflect on how much of a fucking loser I am
Completely unrelated to the above, is there a chance to survive from a 5mm? asking for a friend actually.
yes if you miss the brain-- possible by shooting you mouth or nose off depending on positioning

then you're still depressed and don't have a face
thank you I'll try to get a high caliber, I mean I'll let my friend know
did it get leaked yet? if not I can post when I get off work
you'd be a real pal if you did, don't think the usual leaks are coming through.
I appreciate it but I was thinking nsfw considering we are in an audio porn thread. Thank you though
latest mycat catalog changes all the time but here it is for now and it works


was it Cat?
Post link to the audio I want to hear it
My king!
https://bunkr (.) ph/f/BczadVJcO2t2w
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Gonna report it to get a personalized audio. But seriously, her new audios aren't that great. We are not missing much even if we don't have access to them. Thanks for sharing.
the last meltie she had because of people "stealing her content" deprived us of pictures of her left thigh, I wonder what she'll do if she finds out people are still "stealing it".
I mean it’s gonna happen you literally can’t stop it but women need to look up the streisand effect because all their melty does is let more people know they have options
fdom audio…from muffin…yucky
fsub audio from muffin?
i can't stop thinking of that fromyourmouth pic where some guy is kneeling at her foot. it's just so fucking funny
what pic, I've never seen that lol
ngl, dom muffins is kinda doo doo ass. She's got a nice voice when she's not doing the high pitched retarded voice but the things she says while trying to be dominant are very cringy, I can't listen to the fdom audios.
Imagine the kind of a wuss you'd have to pretend to be to be able to get dommed by that whimpy retard
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how is that funny, I with that were me
why is he on a random towel on the carpet
she also has some real sex audios that broke my heart
You listen to her? She’s slop incarnate
you've had to have tasted the slop to free yourself from the slop
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Based. But why not one of her sexy photos?
She has those? I don't check her stuff too often.
Yeah she posted her tits can’t remember the day last week she’s cute
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where do I go to find stuff from these vtuber girls, I'm about to start gooning to these girls because at least they pretend they aren't getting fucked daily.
twitter, patreon for audios, fansly for livestreams
Can I get the troon patrol's official verdict on u/kei-nari? My troondar doesn't seem to be working properly
really? i don't remember seeing any ever
I'm bad with names, it might have been another girl with a similar name.
i dont think so but these pics are troubling
if you can pretend to get dommed by someone like muffins you can pretend rote is a real girl
I wish this was turned into an audio
>you're groomed by a witch and she promises to let you free when you learn to make her cum but she keeps lying to you
kill yourself
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The one that affected me the most is still the "emotionalsupportgf" girl posting real sex audios. The thing is, I know these girls are whores okay, if even normal girls don't go a few days without being on talking stages with a man these whores who literally make porn are at least getting dick once a day if not more. Now, I don't need to know that for sure though. Please lie through omission. We don't need to know. If you're a married VA, I assume your husband is a fag and you're celibate. Please if any audio girl is seeing this, do not post recordings of you fucking. I will cancel my patron subscription if you do.
reality ruins fantasy. so yes, we know you're fucking regularly, but please let us live in blissful ignorance and don't shove it in our faces.
Dangerously wide shoulders.
There’s always one lmao
I hate trannies but you're just obsessed at that point buddy, calm down
literally who?
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>listening to a gfe audio knowing you'll never get that irl
As a fan, what do you think is the hottest mycatwithclaws' audios? What are your favorites?
How should you feel knowing professional coomers meticulously archived your degenerate recordings? Shame? Pride? A third thing?
I'd feel pride that they thought it was worthwhile. if it was archived with everything I just wouldn't give a shit
Since I'm not retarded I know that if I decide to post stuff online I assume it will be there forever so I'll probably just feel pride that people found it hot enough to archive
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it's a dude. he has tranny voice and look at his fucking pics ffs.
This seems like a nice, but also reasonable way to think about it. I'm glad I decided to ask you guys
Lolapepsicola deleted her Reddit and Soundgasm. I guess she got enough traction to not need the publicity. Sucks because I really liked the stuff but managed to archive it. I wonder how people continue to get found without gwa for erotic audio desu.

I'm not a regular but I think I only saw people post her stuff once.
>I only saw people post her stuff once
Because it's a man
Fairymaryxo posted on Twitter again. Says she's recording soon

My chubby goddess Lunarhiccups has posted on Bluesky

The world is healing
I bet she's much fatter now, she was on the verge of being chubby before
I'd pay moderate money for them to collab just to see the meltdown it'd cause here
you troon hunters have no idea how lucky you are to have so few. gay audios are mosyly either by or for lady-trannies.
i need wetlily to post more NOW
f4f audios mostly being tf4f is really funny
put your money where your mouth is faggot
you're a retard. muffins is the type to secretly hate trannies. all bpd girls do. good luck with being a faggot though
muffins literally fucked off from GWA because of trannies and lgtv agenda
seething and it hasn't even happened hahaha
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>I'd pay moderate money
Muffins isn't like that.
Stay Hard & Stay Mad.
cope tranny kill yourself
>meanwhile Muffins is watching The Office and eating fan dust
what if muffins' real name was georgina. would you still love her
cute name
birth name: george
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>your goth tomboy big sister mommydoms you while roleplaying as your childhood best friend bully [dude and bro]
your response?
you aren't the only one, this is from her subscribestar
nah, she describes herself as queer
yea and every woman pretends to be sapphic and hate men because it's the cool, trendy thing to do. she hates trannies bro, just say you weren't around for all the drama
if she cared about being cool and trendy she would've apologized for the lesbian conversion audio or never made it in the first place, she has no reason to pretend to be queer
nice logic retard
it's totally possible to be bi and transphobic.
that's me
I wish I cared enough about this to contact them both, this thread would be fucking hilarious for days.

Muffins already has a very low opinion of 4chan users so with enough money she'd definitely be down to piss off the foot fungus fags
omg nobody cares tranny, please kill yourself
You will never be a muffinsCHAD
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but a transphobic person would describe themself as bi, not queer
I wanna do this to Muffins
that whole hand fighting and choking part is hot as fuck. not so much the pissing.
skill issue
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damn muffins looks like THAT?
flabb flat covered in zits
feces crusted hairy asshole, unwashed
infected stinky pussy and yellow fungus toe nails
imagine the poo particles swimming in her vagina
and rotten egg farts
and rotten egg burps
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Stop anon I can only get so erect...
you're such a weird retard, actually kill yourself
imagine the plaps

Damn, nIchole released a normal ass good audio, must be a day that ends in Z
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i just want a girl to tell me she loves me in her soft cute girly voice
Wash your ass Muffins.
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>A peach
>I could eat a peach for hours
That is my sister-wife, the princess of piss, which will give birth to many of my brood.
i goon to her audios and pics but the fact there are actual parasocial simps in here is sad asf
falling for a girl that doesn't even know you exist is so fucking insane
isn't it more normal to rotate

like you find some girl hot and fap to her for a while, then get bored and find someone new?

haremchads stay winning
effeminate faggots like the avatarfag tranny posting the women he wants to become 24/7 are the reason the world is where it is
without effeminate faggots (trannies in denial), there would be:
no simping
no trooning
no betabuxing

hint: if you want "love" from a woman like >>1350596 (especially if you're pathetic enough to publicly post about it), you're 100% an effeminate faggot
>Beegee & Lurkydip FF4A collab

Nightmare collab
Lurkydip makes me wanna be deaf
>Slop X slop
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100 percent garbage every time
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There's nothing wrong with falling in love with a girl you can't have
she's so perfect
t. zoomer who has a tinder account
jesus christ just go outside and talk to women man it's really not that deep
extremely accurate. dude talks about this shit like he's got a broccoli cut swiping 30 girls a minute
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she's just like me fr
when i masturbate every day i feel much hornier to the point where it's not a chore or anything, i genuinely feel like masturbating once or twice a day. but when i skip a day because i'm no lifing a game or something i find it much easier afterwards to just not do it, and sometimes i'll go another 2 or 3 days not feeling horny at all. what's up with that

if i had a gf none of this would be a problem btw
relate to both parts
You're mentally ill
anyone get it?
some of these whores doing podcast type content on their patreons. like, why would anyone listen to them? "I'm not really a whore, I'm a creator!"
Because simps tell them they should. Almost all of the shit they get away with is because braindead men encourage and pay them for it
gayest message I've ever read.
you're based
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so true
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>look mom i samefagged again!
Simpcucks get the rope
cope troon
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>n-no u!
>he samefags 10+ messages after getting called out as a mentally ill tranny in denial
>terminally online
>avatarfags as women
>freaks out when getting called out on his delusions
That's a really big projecting there calling others tranny
You literally hit all the points of the tranny bingo

I see you no u'd on /gif/ then jumped over to here 10 minutes later, trannyboy

I'm >>1350782 btw, before you try projecting your samefagging on others too
>crashing out again because everybody in the thread called him a faggot for his gay post >1350658
project more your same fagging tendencies retard
actual schizo rumao
when is she going to post ass again
hopefully soon, I love when she teases us
God, you guys are such fucking downers. They make this shit for free, just because it's fun for them. Who cares if you don't like every single one?
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>They make this shit for free, just because it's fun for them
Anon, I...
I agree, some stuff might be scuffed but I always appreciate the effort they put in, specially for the girls who do it for fun or the passion(rare these days, I miss you Sleepy).
I know no-one cares, which is why I posted it in an anon board
I want all girls who do it for fun to sit on my face
There are girls doing incest audios even though paysites treat that shit like asbestos. The top girls are obviously very business minded, but most of these girls just find it exciting to voice porn. It's great.
Yep. I just ignore the mainstream ones that do generic script fills for money. There's plenty of horny women on GWA that fuck their pussy and suck on dildos for mens listening pleasure, cause they sure aren't karma farming when they only get 50 updoots.

I thought incest was not that bad? It's ageplay/loli stuff that they completely nuke?
elly freaked the fuck out and nuked all her incest content cuz she's as money hungry as a jew but it doesn't seem to be affecting other creators
it's affected others too. ivy and fromyourmouth did the same thing. but yeah, elly is right on top of the list of number hungry, money hungry whores. mostly vomits out awful slop, too, coincidentally.
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what the FUCK did she mean by this
can't blame them for not doing ageplay, you can even get banned from 4chan for ageplay. there's no place to post it.
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imagine audio porn casting couch
wow she put on makeup this time. does not suit her at all
Are you blind? She's always wearing makeup in her selfies.
you can tell when they do it for the love of the game
Thanks to your tireless work, someday, a woman's great grandson will be able to jerk off to the thought of turning into a werewolf and raping her, without ever knowing that it's her.
I would cum inside this bitch raw and not regret it
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Anyone got any good armpit/stinky girl audios?
any muffintops have and care to share
>mean tomboy makes you eat pussy in the girls bathroom
Extremely based. Those are child bearing hips and this little WHORE is begging for a breeding.
I posted it further up check the first reply
oh, emma... we had a good run...
does this mean that there's porn of Emma out there?
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Why would an adult woman who creates audio porn use this as a profile picture on her NSFW twitter?
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AAIIEEEE she's not virgin!!!
help me EAPchuds...
Women use pfp's for "literally me" reasons same as dudes
link to her audios?
that's how she feels she looks like deep inside
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Warning, her voice is extremely cute and adorable.
I see

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Yes, she deleted her audios and is now re-uploading them. 1 is still missing, but I have it saved. She uploaded a few images and a link to buy the full set, she has now deleted them and the site she sold them on.
>she has now deleted them and the site she sold them on.
probably got a boyfriend
She deleted everything and is now back re-uploading stuff, so likely she'll upload the images too. They were originally only up for like a week or two.
there's hope then
How many audios did she have before I only saw 3 or 4 uploaded
3 audios + verification, so 4.
I wonder how many of you here have jerked off to Nyaughty_Meow
so cat kemono update when
I wonder who asked this
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What do we think about Bonnibel_Bubbs?
I just checked her and her voice is cute I’ll give some a listen
I've seen femboys with hips like that so I'm skeptical
Sounds like a woman tho
True, just gooned to her voice
there's a difference between some eyeliner/mascara vs a face heavy on foundation/concealer and a full lipstick application, dumbfuck
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>makes porn
I bet she's christian
>my wet pussy, your lube
Wait, is Pippits based?
i am once again asking wetlily to make more audios. where the hell has she gone
I know it's not audio porn but you guys are specialists in this so my friend group is pretty divided right now, half thinks this is a troon and half thinks it's a real woman. Thoughts?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcHoAcPqEys [Embed]
I did, keep up
no way
your friend talks about if they think asmr youtubers are trans?
this is a cis woman
she's an og who started on /soc/ so yes, she is
I brought it up as a joke and everybody got too invested on it lol
that's a real woman.
t. called rote being a dude before it was proven with the old post
morbidly obese woman with a disgusting nasally voice speaking in a fake high tone

but could be a dude

why the fukc are you listening to such a disgusting voice
>Lulta kemono updated
let's fucking GOOOOOOOOOOO gayfags
yeah if you're telling like that for 5-6 reps you're just performing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIPzkruI7HA [Embed]
remember when he told the guy to stop and the guy had like another 10 reps in reserve lol
Doctor kike israel has no idea what going to failure is, that's why he's fat
lol wrong thread
glad to see the denizens of this thread are mentally ill when theyre on other boards too
can't detail further without exposing myself, but she's a young mother retard lmao
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>>1344095 (OP)
my brothers in christ, i am struggling to deliver. why is this happening? this issue has not happened before. my ublock is off for the relevant sites, i'm logged in, i'm currently subscribed, i have copied the proper chunk of string. what's happening?
>young mother
so are you the father?
>no Chinkfootposter posts on /gif/ in the last 24 hours
>no simp posts here in the last 24 hours
What a coincidence
Teacup faked being married to discourage personal interest from listeners
tbf that girl has some saggy ass tits, it makes sense for her to be a mom
alright faggots i figured it out. jesterbells is updated. some mommy commissions, 3 episodes of forc snusnu, even some painal with a weirdo and other stuff.
bless you anon!
Why did she quit, WHY???

>one audio
>please sign up for my patreon!
She had one more audio but was auto deleted by GWA because she wasn't verified, I haven't been able to find the soundgasm link as the post wasn't archived before being removed. She also has a bunch of SFW audios on youtube.
It really is disgusting. Can't relate to anyone being interested in women romantically in this day and age, instead of just using them as disposable cumrags when needed. And yet we have our resident faggot worshipping them, when they'd call the police on him for looking at their direction then go back home to have casual sex for the 4000th time in their lives (in best case scenario with a human being instead of their dogs).

Faggots like him listen to an audio where these women admit to the most disgusting things ever, then they listen to another one where they act all innocent (knowing exactly how to manipulate simps) and their reaction is: I found my chaste, pure, virgin future mother of my children!

People can act all tough here about 4chan not being reddit, but it's been the same crowd of brown skinned broccoli headed brainrot zombies from South America leaving "she's so cute bruh" Pornhub comments and 40+ neetbux landwhales with anime figurines ever since 2016.

I was here when the first thread was made, when Skitty and the others came here whining, trying to manipulate faggots. We all laughed at them, calling them worthless whores. A lot has changed then.
what is bro yapping about
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January GWA
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what is this about I'm too low IQ to read all these words and make sense of them
tl;dr too many simps nowadays, it ruined the culture
based and true
bro really had a moment of incel rage just because someone thanked the archivers
it's the local schizo, he keeps saying he'll leave but he always comes back and thinks everybody that annoys him in other boards are people from here lol.
lilydanger kemono update doko? lunarhiccups kemono update doko? :(
Where do I start if I want to fall asleep to the sounds of cute girls moaning sexually (not talking) in a non annoying way? I hate wailing hentai voice acting with a passion if that helps describe what I'm not after
maybe some earlicking stuff, there's a lot of moaning and less screaming since it's not necessarily sexual. Those were what got me into audioporn
alekirser has a good two girl earlicking audio where she doesn't talk in her annoying voice. it's pretty soft
What am I getting blamed for this time?
Holy shit dude I was just making a joke. I love audioporn and I love that perverted women make it for me. Also great that people are ensuring it stays easily available. Things are good. Calm down.
anything from skaterlove338? nothing off the torrents
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honestly it's just a sad state of things, the fact that dudes hound these ewhores not realizing in reality they'd be called an incel in seconds and they'd get told to fuck off. not even romantically, but they'd just make fun of the dudes in passing in their minds and the go get fucked by some chad or some thing
does anybody have mayralaudio's latest patreon stuff? her kemono hasn't been updated in almost 2 years
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all women want both btw
incel moment
Sleepy/Muffins Seeder Chad here
Added to seedbox with the others, eta 3 hours till seeding, have spun up a second seedbox to mirror then seed from also.
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who doesn't
I seriously hope no man is looking forward to be called a "princess" or a "slut"
you would be surprised
men can be sluts too
Luciccamoon patreon pls
I want to be called a prince and a manslut.
have you seen the gwa front page
GWA (and this place) is full of sissies, are you new
>this place
speak for yourself faggot
Slut is fine but "good boy" is infinitely preferable to "princess"
might as well be the same thing
In that they convey similar things, sure.
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her latest audio was very sloptastic, but hopefully she saves the good stuff for the paypigs
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It went over your head anon…
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>tfw no gamer clown gf
why live?
sleepy anon fumbled his date and now he's back in here spamming, so grim
i am bumping my own request
The date went well actually, and I only posted the first one officer.
the more elly has tried to get rid of her accent, the worse she's sounded. her early audios are still the best, and it's sad.
elly has turned into bigger slop than listentomyvoice. give it up man she's gone
Agreed, their female accent is the only good thing the french have ever provided the world. The fact she's trying to sound more and more like a generic muttmerican is so sad.
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the girl i've been dating for about a month now is an audio whore. you can't make this shit up man
is she any good?
I'm excited for this fic
i've always liked her voice a lot (irl, obviously) but i haven't even bothered listening to any of her stuff, so i don't know. i broke up with her the minute i found out last night
Well that was a quick fic. Based af though
can't wait for the audio she makes about you
I sometimes relapse and listen to her good audios, and it's just sad the garbage she vomits out now on a regular basis. Oh well.

It's funny how this most commonly seems to happen in the Frenchies. Everyone else belts out their accents proudly, and they think it's something to get rid of.
she always looks like shes about to cry
>i broke up with her the minute i found out last night
absolutely fucking based
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anon, those are her knees.
>that just makes me more of a rampaging bull her resistance and tears only makes my erection harder & stronger (the tears have another use, as lube)
Stop this nonsense or you will trigger HIM
That's the point of the character I think, she's supposed to be a zoomette clown who's terminally online
No those are her big squishy honkers
>a zoomette who's terminally online
So Sleepy?
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how insane is she

was the sex good
Keep these coming big guy
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bpd level insane but a sweet girl
good blowjobs, ok sex

i'm sad
her feet kek
She's on her toes for some reason
surely there are better places to post your fictional blogposts than an audio porn forum with 3 posts per hour

thank you for the data

I would have broken up over the BPD, not the audio porn

That's what I'm saying, I think he got jealous that the Sleepy anon got a date and is now writing a fic to cope about it.
neither of them did
you simps are the weirdest niggas alive
no one even posts audios here anymore
cope cultivation anon, just go back to simp city already like you keep saying you will faggot.
clearly not him schizo retard
you're not fooling anybody buddy
scarlet love kemono update? pleading emoji
sleepy in clown makeup is going to end me
>but doctor, I'm pagliacci
skinny fat stinky
fungus hooves
powered by thicc fish farts you can taste and see
she don't want our dicks
she want *ndy s*x
thicc creamy logs in her tuna fish pussy
belated (i was away all weekend) thx to you anon

>Is there any way to look at someone's soundgasm uploads when they have it set to private
v late and mayb you already know about this but googling "site:soundgasm.net [username]" can get them, putting username in quotes may also help
not guaranteed to catch all
Still getting blamed for schizo statements here. I guess you guys just miss me that much huh.
does anyone have muffin's latest older sister audio

and/or updates for darkdreams/tomoe's kemono pages? thank you in advance :D
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Thank you my liege!

seriously they look like ai generated toes
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I would literally break that bed from how much I'd mating press pound that pussy constantly filling her womb for hours on end
do wewe really not have all her paid stuff in one place? that's surprisong with how well liked she is.
Does anyone do an exaggerated asian accent? More like ting ting asmr and less like kimmy kalani
scary gameplay with the piss girl
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c923SkG7kU [Embed]
One step closer to her fansly account :praying hands emoji:
Someone posted all her fansly audios recently and now we just post the new ones
fansly? you mean subscribestar?
what the fuck is all that shit on her floor. is that a vibrator in the back kek
What tags should I search if I want HFO audios that aren't full of programming/degradation/slave/mistress/sissy bullshit?
I'm looking for more stuff like this: https://soundgasm.net/u/audioexcite
but weeding through all the cringe bullshit in the terapack and on gwasi is such a chore. This genre is degenerate beyond belief.
If you want a weird hippie granny who does some hfo try anunnahealing ngl my dick jumps when she says “cock” I got pavloved
she has a subscribestar does it have nudes

thanks for hitting image bump limit with this shit so I can't post muffins' ass
post it on gofile or something
i posted her feet what more do you want
I have something exciting to share in the new thread :)
there's nothing on her subscribestar, it's just audios, not worth
She is so fucking ugly
Can someone help identifying the creator of this audio: https://n1.kemono.su/data/09/55/0955a863615695647054f133932e36f66613bf8402beea15b64b467c1edaf4d2.mp3?f=ur+blunt+roommate+sucks+ur+soul+out+thru+ur+cock.mp3
Had it bookmarked a while ago and don't know which post it was from
overview of gwa's front page at the time of writing:

>fdom: 12 (4 mommydom)
>fsub: 4
>gfe: 1
>other: 4 (one bestiality)
>m4f: 3
>script offers: 0

absolute slop
>>1351627 →
>>1351627 →
>>1351627 →
no anime pic because anime is for faggots and brown people
could maybe start putting this one into them
Nice falseflag thread by a random newfag
Why did you use a pic of yourself for the OP?
can someone make a new thread properly
I might at page 11
>retard newfag doesn't know when threads die on this board
actually kill yourself
please add all the links we've been talking about adding sir, thank you
I baked the past 8 or something threads, I'll do it but only when this one actually dies
Newfags are so got damn stupid, honestly kill yourself #1 was literally an anime pic and wait for the thread to die before making a new thread idiot kill yourself even further
sorry, where?
i wonder what is the big thing that dude is gonna share next thread
ip logger, tracker, and keylogger, watched by the fbi. do not download this
>t. windows user
update happened and nothing got updated oddly so figured I'd ask, anyone have this from darkdreams?

feel free to link any other of her fdom's as well
>>1351703 →
thread seems dead for now but i'll ask anyway. give me some audios where your girlfriend is getting you off while describing fantasies of fucking other women. could be from tinder, or talking about her friend or sister, or both of you watching another girl or whatever
this is one i like a lot: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/52197251/post/90821579
>a quarter of this is spent on playing full fucking songs completely unrelated to the audio
chicks like these seriously don't deserve all the shilling they get
can we get a new real thread instead of that faggot's thread
new dulci audio on coomer. it's [pegging].
When this one dies yeah
or just make it now before the other one gets enough traction to become the main one
the last time this happened the fake thread stayed up for a few months lol
real new thread

>>1351828 →
>>1351828 →
>>1351828 →

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