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Hard Boiled

I'd love a megapack with all of Jackie Chan movies.
Dunno if there's a Kung Fu thread or not, but if anyone happens to have the Grandmaster of Kung Fu, that'd be greatly appreciated.
>Hard Boiled
Incredibly based. Had one of coolest continuous action scenes in a single cut that I can think of
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Full Contact

>Prison on Fire

Inside a Hong Kong prison two inmates form a friendship and face the difficulty of life on the inside. Not strictly an action film but an excellent film.

bumping based bread
if anyone has city hunter english dub with jackie chan and drops a LNURL/invoice ill drop you a few sats. thx.
Anybody have She Shoots Straight/Lethal Lady?
Hey, anyone had Police Story? All of it or at least the first 2? I remember one of these threads had the extended Japanese release of it too.
anyone have bruce lee stuff?
Oh no, the old thread died?

It's not *strictly* action but I'd like to request All For The Winner (1990), a parody of the 89 film God of Gamblers that was so popular it got adopted into the 'mainline' continuity with English subs though I'd settle for an English dub if such a thing exists. Ideally one that is less than 4gb so I can throw it on my ancient USBs. Other films in the series would also be appreciated.
Try this:
I just checked, the version in >>1244448 (assuming I got the correct magnet link) is the English dub. Quality is probably DVDrip since it's 700mb which is around the size I remember DVD rips being.
The megapack also has that but in decidedly worse quality. Police Story 1 and 3 are Chinese with English subtitles hardcoded in, Police Story 2 is two separate files (CD1 and CD2) and the English Dub. New Police Story is also English dub.
There are WAY better versions floating around and I'd suggest waiting for someone to post those unless you REALLY want to watch Police Story now.
DLing. Thanks. Will seed for a few months if it completes.
Tiger On The Beat. Think of a buddy cop comedy but with Chow Yun Fat as a charismatic, somewhat lazy slacker cop (so just Chow Yun Fat in 90% of his action roles) paired with a brand new, eager-to-prove-himself, up and comer who gets a little too serious a little too fast.
The first 3/4 of the movie is a complete story that is a solid 8/10 and then I think the directors realized they needed to up the CUHRAAAAZY factor and the last quarter of the movie is complete balls to the walls. I think this movie is super underrated when it comes to HK Action but you do need to make it all the way to the end before the truly kickass action starts up.

Reloading empty clip while hiding behind a few cases of Gu Yue Long Shan
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That fucking chainsaw fight holy shit.
>chainsaw battle
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I've been perusing random HK movies and just watched this. It's Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung. Jackie Chan (who plays a lawyer) and Sammo Hung both try to seduce the two women in the opposing counsel of a court case, Taming of the Shrew style. Some decent action but it's mostly story driven. 79% audience score on rotten tomatoes.
Dragons Forever (1988)
What's a good place to go looking for these? I'm also trying to find this movie, and the In the Line of Duty movies. Don't want to pay 20 merica bucks for the blu-rays without knowing what I'm getting.
For me it's the fucking shotgun yo-yo.
She Shoots Straight

Yes, Madam!

Royal Warriors

In the Line of Duty 3

In the Line of Duty 4
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Mining the depths of random HK movies again, I just watched Peacock King (1988)
It's a B movie with a lot of practical effects and stop motion. Two monks go around sealing portals to hell and stop the demon king from resurrecting or something. There are some fight scenes but it focuses on the supernatural and special effects.
6/10 on IMDB.

Based thread.
Here's Bullet in the Head, John Woo's Vietnam War epic and his darkest movie by far.
Note that the subs for the Blu-Ray rip are... not optimal, they're passable but kinda messy at parts. I haven't been able to find better subs for this release unfortunately.
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Here we go again with another movie that I went into blind. I watched it so I'm reviewing it for better or worse.
Dragon Lord (1982)
Not sure how to describe this one. Jackie Chan is a slacker that stumbles upon a gang that's selling Chinese treasures on the black market. The final fight is pretty good and there are 2 sports scenes that are entertaining, but there's a lot of time wasted with a sub-plot involving a girl that doesn't really go anywhere.

6.3 on IMDB, I agree with that rating. Maybe just watch it if you're a real Jackie Chan fan and want to be a completionist. I watched the preview cut and it dragged on a little long. I don't know the differences between the two cuts but it might be better to go with the shorter one.
Theatrical cut (1hr 36 min)

Preview Cut (1hr 43 min)
bump for "A Better Tomorrow"
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any chance????
Yify and RuTracker both have it.
Enter the Dragon (1973)

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that movie kicked ass
Shaolin Wooden Men (1976)
Jackie Chan is a mute who's training at the Shaolin temple to avenge the death of his father. The movie is about half training montage and half fighting. 6.4 on IMDB
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Does anyone have Island of Fire (1990)? Chinese audio with English subs.
>tfw probably won't be around for the 2097 handback
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This thread needs a bump, so I'll bump with actual content even though it's not great.
Heart of Dragon (1985)
Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung are brothers, Jackie's a cop up against some triads or something. Sammo goes full retard, which makes the middle part mostly unbearable. It starts and ends with some decent commando style fight scenes though.
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Looking for this flick!

>So Close 2002
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Man on the Brink (1981)
A cop goes undercover to infiltrate the triads. It's a gangster movie, no kung fu but some car stunts, robberies and the like. 69 on IMDB.
i watched this 20 years ago and have tried to find it again recently but couldn't recall the name, cheers anon
Looking for Revanchist (1994) presumably the uncut version
anyone have a collection of shaw brother movies?
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I watched this today and holy shit. This thing's got big guns, big squibs, big explosions, and a shit ton of extras.
I know it's not a movie but does anyone have a torrent for the 1983 version of Legend of the Condor heroes in DVD quality? Thanks for the help in advance
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Killer Clans (1976)
An assassin is sent to kill the leader of a clan, but his mission is complicated by a gang war with a rival clan as well as betrayal from within.
6.8 on IMDB
Thank you!
Looks like Hong Kong Rescue is gone.
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I don't think I've seen this one. What's it from?
Rumble in the Bronx

fun fact: it was filmed in vancouver
Thank you good sir. I've heard the title but don't think I've watched it.
the girl in the middle did softcore porn before getting into movies.
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It's far from my favourite JC flick but it has its moments.
Does anyone have the Eureka Classics rereleases in 1080?

She Shoots Straight

Lady Reporter

Magnificent Warriors
watching these movies are peak comfy
what is the best war between martial arts schools?
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Heroes of the East, aka Shaolin Challenges Ninja. A kung fu master is put in an arranged marriage to a woman who is a Japanese martial arts expert. The two feud over Chinese versus Japanese martial arts. After being repeatedly BTFO, she returns to Japan and returns with several Japanese masters who then challenge her husband one at a time. Tons of different styles on display from judo to ninjutsu, and lots of Japanese weapon vs. analogous Chinese weapon fights too. It's great

>Heroes of the East, aka Shaolin Challenges Ninja.
thanks dude
This is my favorite JC flick and my entry to martial arts film
What HKA has the most car stunts? Not singular best scene but has the most screen time dedicated to car chases, dudes jumping on/over cars, car stunts, etc?
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Tiger on Beat (>>1244484) has some car shenanigans.
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Thunderbolt is about racing. Not as much car stuff as you might expect given the premise though.
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and then there's this
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Actually just watched that again today.
Looks pretty sweet thanks. I'll watch those tomorrow
Jacky chan is no very good. Buce Lee better
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>Looking for this, thanks in advance.
Hard Boiled original blu-ray rip in 1080p + cantonese mono audio + extras

part 1


part 2


part 3

Just watched this today, can't believe I've never seen this before. I mean yeah it's not like peak 80's Jackie but there are some good stunts in there.
plus it's got the great Anita Mui
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I can’t watch police story any more, it gives me weird painful nostalgia for a life and time that is gone forever.

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yea the stunts are crazy
and, the mega folders have been deleted :/
does anyone interested in the kowloon city have these?
films on Kowloon Walled City
1982 Shaw Brothers film Brothers from the Walled City
1984 gangster film Long Arm of the Law
2006 Hong Kong horror film Re-cycle
2016 A Fist Within Four Walls - tv 28 episodes
>Dragon's Forever
>some decent action
It's one of the all time greats of kung fu cinema lol.
>79% on RT
pick one
It's like 80% story with a boss fight at the end. I don't consider that to be action packed.
do you know of any good films with hungry ghosts? " 餓鬼 èguǐ literally "hungry ghost", are the Chinese translation of the term preta"
>relying on the tomato site to form your opinions
Kill yourself
no subs
Tried it but I can't get the timing to line up with the video over the course of the whole movie.
Tested and working.
>She Shoots Straight
Had to come back to this thread to thank you for this gem.
Does anyone have Licence to Steal with Joyce Godenzi?
Jackie Chan's Crime Story was shot there while it was being demolished. They blew a lot of it up. Kind of a shame.
I'm trying to get some of these films to watch on my PS4. Currently I'm trying to watch Tiger Cage II (1990) but I can't figure out a way to get the subtitles working. I'm using Handbrake and in the past I just have to select the subtitle option from a dropdown menu and hit 'burn in' to get hardcoded subs but for whatever reason it's not working this time.
Thanks, but it's dead. Secondary lookup didn't work.
DDL here: https://archive.org/download/license.to.-steal.-1990.-ldrip.-aac.x-264/License.to.Steal.1990.LDRip.AAC.x264.mkv

Lots of obscure HKAC is on archive.org btw
88 Films (HK specialist Blu-Ray label) just announced they've licensed this the other day, expect a BDrip in the new year
Try using MKVToolNix instead maybe, set the sub file as 'default' and burn them in
based ghost bumper keeping a completely dead thread from going to page 3
well better anon do that than a porn thread.
Anyone got the Mr Vampire films?
>.exe in the Torrent

Explain yourself.
Open the file, it's self-explanatory.
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As far as Sammo's astonishing run of mid-to-late-80s ensemble stuff goes, DF probably has the lowest quantity of action with all the legal drama and romance - and Benny Urquidez and Yuen Wah's showings in the final battle are inferior to Wheels on Meals and Eastern Condors - but what you do get is fantastic. There's the bar brawl, the prop fu stuff on the boat, the protagonist scuffles, and three separate goon melees at the end which feature the best of Yuen Biao's ridiculous acrobatics
based ive been looking for Hard Boiled
Someone have Donnie Yens older stuff?
Thanks for this one, great watch.
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Someone got A Hero Never Dies (1998) by any chance?

oh man, I loved yuen biao when I was kid, wish he was in more stuff. anyone have his 'iceman cometh'?

Too low quality.

Anyone got a real version that's actually watchable

like 1440p min
any cythia rothrock??
Looking for The Seventh Curse if any anons have it
Maybe not an action flick but anyone got a magnet for a high quality version of Fat Choi spirit?
Anyone got All About Ah-Long
drunken master?
Anybody got chinese ghost stories (1,2,3)
>88 Films
Anon wasn't wrong... https://88-films.myshopify.com/products/so-close
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Life Gamble (1979)
This is one of those ones where there's not a lot of action until the climax at the end. A lot of people fight over the possession of a highly valuable jade artifact, including a lot of backstabbing and drama.
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Ive been having a hard time trying to find a 1080p or possibly 4k version of Infernal Affairs (2002) I would buy the trilogy but want to watch at least the first one- thanks guys.
I think we should agree to a rule: if you make a request, you should post something along with it. An addition to the thread's content to accompany your plea. This thread is very bad and is filled with beggars contributing nothing.
It's not much different than the other threads on /t/.
Just ctrl+f "magnet:?" and ignore beggars like usual.
Probably my favourite JC movie ever. I fucking love this one. Wore out my VHS tape of it in the 90s. Thanks for sharing.
Long Arm of The Law
a million thanks
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does anyone have To Kill with Intrigue with original mandarin audio?
1993 Heroes Among Heroes/Fist of the Red Dragon?
Anyone got a good quality Flashpoint?
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If anyone asks for the new German BD of The Killer (1989):
The full disc got scene dumped by FULLBRUTALiTY (plus encodes by UNDERTAKERS and WATCHABLE); and, apart from being another confirmed bootleg (both the release and its publisher), it's an AI upscale (mostly passable, until one sees junk such as picrel) of "e-m-s" German and "HL Video" French DVDs (BTW audio seems copy-pasted from those too; and extras got the most severe AI-ugly-stick beating) - IMHO stay away >:-(
Details ITT URL: https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?p=21704093#post21704093
Why the fuck are Germans so bad for shitty bootlegs
Man I can't believe Hard Boiled and The Killer still don't have proper fucking Blu-Ray releases. Either some extreme Judaism is going on with the Rights, or the negatives are in a state of disrepair.
Has anyone a good version of The Heroic Trio?
choose only one
some fun trivia:
this game is the canonical sequel to Hard Boiled. (its on GOG)
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Anyone have the best version of Full Contact (1992)? Its been hard to find good torrents that are not shitty - I own the copy I attached as a image and its pretty bad.
I love Hong Kong Action Cinema!
if anyone's still looking for this, there's a magnet for a 1080p soft subs version on WatchSoMuch.
thought it was dead since it was at 0% for a few months, but it randomly picked up and now it's here and i'm seeding it.
I've begun to enjoy that feeling. Late last year I bought a VHS/DVD player and a bunch of Jackie Chan tapes off ebay to show my 4 year old. He already loves Jackie.
That led to me checking out his website for the first time in over 20 years and entering a Chinese New Year red envelope competition. I was one of 300 winners, and uncle Jackie sent me 100 HKD (20 AUD), but I'll just put the red envelope in a frame. I never win anything so that was nice.
>Cynthia Khan
its not great but it is fun
Anyone have Men from the Gutter I can only find a 480p version on youtube.
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Does anyone have Moon Warriors?
I have a DVDrip from Rutracker, want me to up or share the torrent link?

Hoping it gets a BD soon, great film
Thanks kind anon!
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KEK get a load of this absolute newfag
>Explain yourself.
>0 seed
At least a torrent exists
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Now this isn't exactly "action" and I have no idea whether this torrent is still working or not (do let me know I'll try and fix it if it isn't) as it's not mine but a generous anon posted it from his personal collection for me a year or 2 ago. It's for the movie "Out of the Dark" by Jeffrey Lau and starring Stephen Chow of Shaolin Soccer and Kung-Fu Hustle fame. It's a very good dark absurdist comedy with pseudo horror elements full of morbid humour. It really is a must watch if you haven't seen it before

here's a trailer if you want to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B50bLzmChh0

magnet link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:51727bd4618e81ce8d0b8105aed97b54e28bd5b3&dn=Out.of.The.Dark.1995.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3a6969&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3a6969&tr=udp%3a%2f%2feddie4.nl%3a6969&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.pirateparty.gr%3a6969&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopentrackr.org%3a1337&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.zer0day.to%3a1337
Mr. Nice Guy (1997)
Basically Jackie Chan is chased by the mob for an hour and a half. It's in English aside from a little bit of dialogue with his girlfriend, but it's definitely a Hong Kong action movie. It starts off crazy and the stunts just continue to escalate.

Holy shit was that good, i was suprised when the writers had the ball to do THAT. wasnt expecting that, i guess because the message was dont mess with drug dealers. Agree on the story, Also i like how the chick got beaten the shit out from everyone lol.
Great movie, didnt buy JC as a lawyer but he grew on me.
Who am I? (1998)
Another one in English. Basically it's the Bourne Identity but with Jackie Chan.
This is the international cut where the revelation scene is moved to the start of the film.The HK cut is better.
Best action movie with nudity? I want to watch some action and also jerk off
I just want more movies with Anita Mui Yim-Fong or Zhang Ziyi
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anyone know where i can find The Blue Jean Monster (1991)? only lead role film by Fui-On Shing.
I can't find a torrent of it but it does appear to be available to download here: https://rarelust.com/the-blue-jean-monster-1991/#more-42593
It isn't a magnet link but here is a mega of it :)
>Shu Qi
didn't she get ploughed by Jason Statham in The Transporter?
oh that's coo-
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I love Maria (1988)
I don't really know how to describe this. There's a gang that makes robots and some guys get their hands on a robot lady. It's stupid in the best way possible.
lol what a fag
I really shouldn't help your dumbass but use ctrl+f retard
Maybe you don't have reading comprehension, but he said "proper". Just because it's on blu-ray doesn't make it a proper remaster.
well then blow it out your ass
Happy 1 year anniversary, thread.
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based best thread on /t/
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>Hong Kong thread
>posts Japanese kino
Anyone has Dreadnaught (1981) in HD?
depends on whether or not you're prepared to say 'thanks yify'
Thanks but I found it here: rarbglite.github.io
is there a Cynthia Rothrock complete collection floating around anywhere?
>kowloon city
There is a new one out this year
>Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In (2024)
Though I have only found a copy with some Russian asshole dubbing over all the lines and text.
Oh shit. Found a copy on nyaa. Guess they have some non-Japanese stuff too.

hehe i love that little fella
sauce on that?
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I have an entire collection of HKL DVD ISO rips I made of my old collection. You can load them up on VLC player and they play like the DVD would in a player. I can upload them one by one if people are interested in having the collection with covers?
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Full Contact. https://easyupload.io/evu06a
How about a torrent? Or uploading to archive.org instead?
I'm not that tech-savy. Don't know how to make/seed and maintain a good torrent and I wanna remain anon. I don't even know how to pack these so they would be easier to upload at a smaller size. If someone else wants to do that with these they can go ahead.
OK. I didn't mean to sound ungrateful or discourage you. Thank you for uploading.
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Heart of the Dragon
Wing Chun
Warriors Two
All good. I have sat on these rips for awhile unsure how to go about sharing them. They are worth being preserved for the extra stuff, like the interviews and commentaries along with having them archived online. Hopefully some one more savy can grab them and do something more archive friendly with them.
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Dragons Forever
Once A Thief

these interviews and commentaries are great
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The Odd Couple
City On Fire
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Outlaw Brothers
A Better Tomorrow 2
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Chinese Ghost Story 2
The Master
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Dragon Fist
Chinese Ghost Story 2 archive is corrupt.
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Thanks. Re-uploaded Chinese Ghost Story 2 with a 7z archive.
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Duel to the Death
Fearless Hyena
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Hand of Death
Iceman Cometh
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King of Beggars
Knockabout is a masterpiece. Yuen Biao in his absolute prime and Sammo Hung kicking ass as usual. The villain is great too
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Last Hurrah for Chivalry
Magnificent Bodyguards
Yeah, Lau Kar-Wing is a great villain. His brother is Lau Kar-Leung who also worked on some classic titles, these two have been in a bunch of the legendary works in the genre.
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Millionaires Express
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Fist of Fury Platinum Edition
The Peacock King
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Sex and Zen
Shaolin Wooden Men
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She Shoots Straight
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Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin
Spiritual Kung Fu
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Wheels on Meals
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Seoul Raiders
The Big Boss
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Seven Swords
Heroes Shed No Tears
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New Police Story
The Protector
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New Fist of Fury
Fist of the North Star
I know FotNS is not directly HKL but this and the Film Drive are in this set for they were released by Medusa Communications so have the MDV title and have Hong Kong stylised action.
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Island of Fire
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Black Sheep Affair
Legend of a Fighter
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New Dragons Gate Inn
Body Weapon
Drunken Master
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Ninja in the Dragons Den
Snake in the Eagles Shadow
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Red Wolf
Magnificent Warriors
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Battle Creek Brawl
City Hunter
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Armour of God
Once Upon a Time in China
Eastern Condor
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Iron Monkey
2000 AD
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Purple Storm
The Postman Fights Back
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Bruce Lee the Legend the Man
Once Upon a Time in China 2
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Beast Cops
Magnificent Butcher
Encounters of the Spooky Kind
In the Line of Duty
Jackie Chan My Story My Stunts
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Tai Chi Boxer
Iron Fisted Monk
Mr Vampire
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Hong Kong 1941
Police Story
Naked Killers
Game of Death 2
Once upon a Time in China 3
Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars
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Police Story 2
Project A
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Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain
Project A Part 2
Police Assassins
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The Young Master
The Story of Ricky
My Lucky Stars
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Winners and Sinners
First Option
Crime Story
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Dragon Lord
Flaming Brothers
Prodigal Son
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Scorpion King
Dragon from Russia
Skinny Tiger Fatty Dragon
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Chinese Ghost Stories
The Swordsman
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Bullet in the Head
The Killer
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Tiger on the Beat
Avenging Fist
Introduction to HKL
don't lie, it was a masterpiece
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Iron Monkey Platinum Edition
Way of the Dragon Platinum Edition
Where's Angels aka Iron Angels 1 and 2?
Way of the Dragon
Game of Death 2-Disc
Bruce Lee 30th Anniversary
The Bruce Lee set had the same disc has the standard release versions for most of his movies except Game of Death which was a repeat of the platinum version release in this set.
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The Big Boss
Fist of Fury
Moon Warriors
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Naked Weapon

This is all the HKL DVD rips. If any are corrupt let me know and I'll re-up.
I also have the entire cine asia and premier asia DVD rips, but these aren't Hong Kong films. So IDK if that's worth posting here? Also have a few Martial Arts Theater rips but the quality of the DVD's are really bad, the only redeeming quality is some have commentaries with Bobby Samuels and them being more obscure Kung Fu films. If anyone wanted these?
Here's my copies of Iron Angels 1&3. 1 is subbed only mp4. 3 is dubbed/subbed Eng/Ger/Chinese mkv.
Also had Fighting Madam 1&2 subbed, alternative name but low quality versions.
Thank you for the HKL DVD rips. I'm the president of this thread and I have verified with my advisers that it is ok for you to post the cine asia and premier asia DVD rips here.
Anyone has Broken Oath?
Thanks so much for these HKL DVDs!

Duel to the Death CTD51039 appears to be broken - If possible could you re-up that one at some point?
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I think most if not all of them might be broken.
In VLC selecting play in the menu freezes the video, although sound and subs are still playing.

A work around is mount the ISO, then in video_ts you'll see the chapter files like the picture, select all the files from 01_1 to the end and play them in a playlist.
File: VLC_ISO.jpg (640 KB, 3843x2167)
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640 KB JPG
I'm re-uploading. Have others worked okay on VLC?
Weird, they play okay this way? I know I can play them other ways like on powerdvd when mounted via Dameon tools like loading a DVD on PC. But my VLC works fine when I just drag and drop the ISO. I need more feedback from others here, since it could be a VLC settings codec/issue, or the way I'm zipping the files causing this. I'm using 7-zip to do this.
File: Replay.webm (3.63 MB, 1422x680)
3.63 MB
3.63 MB WEBM
It was doing this.
I got a fix by changing codec up to DXVA 2.0 in hardware accelleration.
Works fine now.
File: DUEL_TO_THE_DEATH.jpg (3.88 MB, 6463x4338)
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3.88 MB JPG
New upload for Duel to the Death.

Testing the old upload seems that batch didn't upload properly and when you try DL any they just give OGB zip files. I tested this new one and it seems to DL the actual zip, will re-up Dreadnaught and Fearless Hyena too.
Fucking hell that was no way for it to play! No wonder you thought they were broken. LOL
So it was a VLC codec issue. Glad they are working with the right codec.
I downloaded Duel to the Death and it worked just fine. All of them have worked perfectly besides Chinese Ghost Story 2. Bog standard VLC no codec additions or alterations needed.
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Re-up Dreadnaught
Re-up Fearless Hyena
Perfect. Thanks for the update.
I'll do a 3rd re-up of Chinese Ghost Story 2 with a standard zip. I know the first one the zip corrupted. The 2nd I did with a 7z format which might have also caused issues.
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New upload for Chinese Ghost Story 2
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>Premier Asia

My Wife is a Gangster
Once Upon a Time in High School
One Missed Call
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The Grudge
The Grudge 2
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based on the file name, id assume its one of the lone wolf and cub movies, ive never seen them but always wanted to.
i do, see pic
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i have these as well
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Bang Rajan
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1.07 MB JPG
Ong Bak
Initial D
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1.15 MB JPG
Crying Fist
The Warrior King
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969 KB JPG
File: CITY_OF_VIOLENCE.jpg (1.9 MB, 2490x3506)
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1.9 MB JPG
City of Violence
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1.11 MB JPG
Musa the Warrior
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1.03 MB JPG
Volcano High
I've been trying to get 2000ad for a few months. thanks king
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Ichi the Killer
Ichi the Killer Anime

That's all of the Premier Asia titles.
File: Dongmakgol.jpg (2.4 MB, 3244x2167)
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>Cine Asia
Some notes. These don't have the cine asia presents because they are just repeats of HKL DVDs already posted. Also Bodyguards and Assassins I couldn't rip due to copy protection. Also might be missing a few titles that are available on both DVD/blu-ray.

Battle Ground 625 / Dongmakgoi
Same film released under two names...
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Forgot link.
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Apartment 1303
Ghost Game
File: Sasori.jpg (1.97 MB, 3241x2153)
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1.97 MB JPG
End Call
Fatal Contact
Prisoner 701 Sasori
File: SHOCK WAVE TUNNEL.jpg (2.82 MB, 3242x2149)
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2.82 MB JPG
Operation Mekong
Shock Wave Tunnel
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2.61 MB JPG
Heaven Soldier
Beast Stalker
Tiger Blade
Hard Revenge Milly

That's all my Cine Asia DVD rips.
Thank you for the dump sir.
File: 8.jpg (3 MB, 2924x2175)
3 MB
Yeah some hard to find titles mixed in these sets with decent quality. Glad it helped you out.
Your welcome.

I'll upload my small collection of Martial Theatre at some point. I don't have them all just a few. If you tend to like to stick on commentaries Bobby Samuels is on a few and Ric Meyers.

I also have dragon dynasty release of Police Story 1 and 2 and Crime Story. But It's just got that director from Rush Hour doing a lame commentary with Bey Logan, I think the HKL version are just better.
no seeders :(
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Anyone have BD rips from the Shawscope collection Vol. 1 and 2?
no seeds..?
Try now, the swarm should be healthy again.
File: The Victim.jpg (1.09 MB, 1465x2160)
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>Martial Arts Theater
The Victim
Thank you.
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The Master of Death
Car stunts were more of an American genre.
The Hot, the Cool and the Vicious
>is there a Cynthia Rothrock complete collection floating around anywhere?
is someone working on this?
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The Deadly Sword
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150 KB PNG
I have 1 TB of HK TVB dramas on OneDrive that I can share

There supposed to be subtitles?
i dont think so.. no

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