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vr porn general v8
v7: >>1303718

>I just got a Quest 1/2/3/whatever, how do I X/Y/Z?
HereSphere. HereSphere's DEMO is fully featured, with a nag screen every couple of minutes. If you don't want to pay for it, are annoyed by the nag screen, can't find the APK, or don't care for the extra features, DeoVR is free.
>I just got a Quest 1/2/3/whatever and I don't want to copy files/am too stupid to use SMB/am stupid enough to have tried DLNA?
https://github.com/xbapps/xbvr/ point it at your files, it supports both DeoVR and HereSphere's APIs. Western VR will match automatically based on its original studio filenames. JAV has to be manually scraped from r18.dev/javdatabase/javlibrary. There IS a fork out there some nips worked on that integrates DMM scraping more directly, but you aren't going to get it working easily without being Japanese.
>I have an AMD GPU
Sucks to be you. If you are using PCVR, you cannot decode 8K60 HEVC, full stop. Even on their latest cards. 6144x3072 is guaranteed to decode AT 60 fps even for 10bit HEVC. 3360p depends on encoding settings. anything higher will not play at 60. Navi3 (7700/7800) can decode 8K60 AV1 but not HEVC, go figure.
>Where can I look for torrents?
The archive(s) for this thread in particular, pornolab or any of its even shadier "mirrors", sukebei. DHT scrapers. Git gud son...
>Eww 3DPD
Here's a link for some VR content from >>>/h/ Sexdance/MMD. https://rentry.org/anonsvrmmd
You can use Whisper (AI) to generate translated subtitles. Be prepared to edit out a bunch of "Thank you for subscribing" and "This is a fan work based on the Touhou Project" during periods of silence, kek
I recently implemented a workflow that lets me deepfake girls i know onto women in vr. AMA.
any good mixed reality videos?
i enjoyed czechar003 with alexis crystal
but the ar stuff is too annoying to setup imo
i just wanna beat my smeat
got a sample?
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fucking FINALLY
5K https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4137335
8K https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4137336
Where do I find VR porns that isn't filled with chinks or chavs?
just got a quest 3 coming from an htc vive
this thing is pretty cool
u got any magnets?
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they're all "girls i know", so no.
through VAM?

Would you mind sharing the workflow step by step?
No need to provide samples or anything you deem personal but just the overall steps so other people might get a shot at it
im not him, but Ive done something similar. i used a software called facegen for textures and a python script called foto2vam to capture facial structure. then i added the morph data and textures into virtamate, a VR sandbox game on patreon. The results can be pretty nice. its not limited to people you know obviously, anyone works. youtubers, celebrities, singers, idols. you just need decent photos and patience.
I just thought about this but I guess vr porn can help train my autist ass to look people in the eyes more
I was mistaken BTW. Looks like different chinks do actually upload in 8K
It genuinely helped me do this.
i never thougth it being wireless would make such a difference to but it and passthrough have changed how i do vr
sorry for being racist
chinks are actually based
So trying to get started on this, is pornolab well trusted? Does it have magnet links or a way to get at stuff without creating an account, or just make a burner and go for it? I have no idea if there's restrictions/ranks/whatever for it because I'm tenuously trusting Google Translate, but found stuff I wanted.
Make a burner. Download the torrent. If you don't want to deal with ratio and just try and leech, delete the tracker before you start the torrent. Most torrents on there don't have the padlock that indicates they are private.
Tried, but thanks for the info, that is handy. I tried to make it with a Gmail and it doesn't seem to be working, since I had an old burner there. Shit. May try another, but thanks, anon.
I think gmail was known to auto delete the registration mail. I just made a burner mail from proton.
sukuanon, could you please bless us with Mizuki's latest kino VRKM-1301
Yayoi? Sorry anon
yes, Yayoi Mizuki. VRKM-1301
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another one from last year there was no torrent for at all
5K https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4138536
8K https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4138537

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