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Previous thread: https://archived.moe/t/thread/1312259 #39

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Audio Pornography ComboPack (combination of audio porn collections 1-6 + FSA archive)

GoneWildAudio TeraPack:

Merged Torrent Index:

PsstAudio Age Play Archives:
Direct Download: https://mega.nz/folder/lv0y3Q5a#ZrmWA5z97uSIqKPh4qgYPQ
Torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3T25UMBN7DVMZNDZ2ZQLJQQ52OCPI2H6&dn=audios&tr.1=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2F

Better Gonewildaudio & Sister Subreddit Search Engine: https://gwasi.com/

Before asking, "Does anyone have anything from this performer?" CHECK THE TORRENTS. You can download the .html file from the terabyte pack and search that or use qBitorrent file search.
First for Skitty
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Slop audio, slop post, slop va, slop reply, slop thread, slop this, slop that, etc etc.




>that one audio that's lost forever
what's her name (or what's it about), anon?
I lost one of the first audios I've listened to, but I recently found it. Turns out it was the giggle chan audio where you're pressed against each other on a creaky bed and she's really intimate and whispery with tons of breathless moans
The Mega is dead. Why is all the age stuff getting purged everywhere? I get it, "muh morals", but the people making the audios are (hopefully) adults so fuck off, puritans
Link it
yeah that was my mega luckily its was a burner, i can reup it on some other website but I cant find a reliable one hopefully someone with a premium account somewhere can reup it so it doesn't keep dying
So did anybody actually ever buy bittycat's vip?


We had this discussion like a year ago
Skitty more like sloppy as in slop
where can i find new ageplay audios?
muffins audio aupdate?
Nowhere, they're against the rules everywhere now. The ones archived in the Terapack and ComboPack are all that's left because they were all deleted from the web everywhere else.
All these faggots calling slop, who the fuck is not slop then?

Karia listen to her vey few audios, also I was mocking people who keeps saying slop this slop that heres peek:




Not true, you just have to know where to find them and how to find them, and dont ask me how I dont help newfags anymore due to them being ungrateful fucks
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Nobody cares about your bait, stop cross thread shitting up the thread
being pretentious about audio porn is hilarious, just fucking cum so you can go do something useful
An audio where your bratty gf beats you at mini golf and when you get home you spank her and fuck. I can't even remember the artist.
It's in the torrents, she nuked her soundgasm and I can't be bothered spending ages finding a years old soundgasm link only for the archive of it to not work

How are you on here gatekeeping. Share bor
>heres peek
I've only ever seen Americans make this mistake
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Atleast make a statement about the audio then insult me anon so we can talk about karia more, also its a hardcoded mistake I've been doing it for years now, I just do it without even realizing at this point.

What? Ive given all her noteworthy audios she ever posted, shes been gone for years now anon, still hoping for a miracle tho.
you're retarded
Has any GWA girl ever said Sneed?
the FSA era girls that transitioned into GWA definitely did, like confessions, skitty, etc. Just gotta look through their old audios. Also, nigger. They definitely said nigger.
Sneed is a newfag meme, no they didn't
>newfag meme
how to spot someone who's been on 4chan for 4 years
>Sneed is an oldfag meme
Fucking kek
you know 4chan was made in 2003 right? and how old do you think the sneed meme is?
Cute election tourist
Shut the fuck up nigger no one cares. You're the reason 4chan is hated by the large population. You're literally the perfect example of the 4chan retard.
>Doesn't deny it
Quite sad
>thinks he's replying to one person
It's always the newfag tourists projecting their newfag status onto other people. It's hilarious.
>they can't refute the fact that sneedposting has been a thing nearly since 4chan was launched >they think it's a 2017 meme
holy fucking tourists lmfao
Use the archive. Look at when sneed starts getting posted daily. Oh would you look at that. Cute election tourist doesn't know how to browse the archive
Imagine being this guy, 4chan is his entire personality. HAHAHAHA
Clear oldfag behavior
>sneedposting has been a thing nearly since 4chan was launched
The only explanation is that you think 4chan launched in 2016 because you're not just a newfag, but also underage.
Was sneed ever a meme? I thought people were just lazy and were asking for seed like seed and need combined so they combined the two words, mind you i've never left this thread ever since its inception so I never interacted with the other boards and threads.
the only thing I remember is that it's a sister audio and she says "I hope you don't mind me *spits* using spit as lube" or something
what's your favorite non bodily sound? for me it's a collar with a bell on.
This is a good sound. I like high heels clicking on a hard floor.
Minecraft door sfx
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It's a visual gag from The Simpson's (pic related). People on /tv/ posting this screenshot and joking around pretending not to understand it isn't particularly new, but that turning into people just saying SNEED over and over and making billions of edits for it is very much a 2016 newfag thing.
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I hate this bitch so much
>surpriiiise it's dog cock
is kemono down or is there another site, .su and .party is not working
>Girl On Girl
Seems based to me.
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Any working pullpush website, im too lazy to learn the api and even more lazier to go to my pc everytime I wanna search for a deleted post?
I hate that the line between femboys and tomboys have been blurred so much that that pic doesn't even make me hard
Sleepy bros, this is the guy you're competing with.
i think these are my top 3. although i'd probably swap astrazelia for emma fielder just because she barely posts and what she does post is usually weird fdom stuff.
Decent list
thank you anon. i will remember you as the one person not to yell slop
wdym that is literally me
Based list ngl. Emma is also one of the goats of all time.
you mean to say that all need to do is read Sarah J. Maas to get the sleepy gf I've so coveted?
Don't forget Rebecca Yarros and The Warrior Cats. Also play a shooter like Valorant or Warhammer Darktide. And be catholic(optional).
so who's the next muffins-like
Muffins is a perfect princess. There's only one and there never will be another.
Pom runned so muffin, Ellyble, Sloth215 could walk
Ellyble and Sloth were already posting when Pom showed up what
yes but they copied her flow after she blew up
shut up Pom
hi Slepy
can you believe we still don't have muffins subscribestar audios. like what is this thread even for
It's been posted already. It's just not in kemono
Not the newer ones
>what is this thread even for
For archiving good audios from good VAs.
To talk to guys who share this unique hobby of listening to audio porn, we argue, we bond, and we fap. But at the end of the day all of you people are miserable except me of course.
>But at the end of the day all of you people are miserable except me of course.
This. I'm the only sane one here.
cat kemono updated
Sloth is slop and u-Ellyble is too.
if you can't cum to slop something's wrong with your dick
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Everyone listens to slop except for me.
Could someone repost the muffins little sister audio that was already leaked from subscribestar? The link in the old thread is dead.
rage baiting
stop shitting up the thread with slop shit
He's right though
can't blame the guy too much for speaking the truth
I wanna force Muffins to wear a helmet when I take her outside for a walk because she's that much of a stupid whore bitch
Update her kemono man
whos not slop
huh? kemono hasn't been working for a while
>What? Ive given all her noteworthy audios she ever posted, shes been gone for years now anon, still hoping for a miracle tho.

I was talking about a place to get ageplay audios
Whoever I don't listen to
This is an absolute deep send and it's very likely this audio is lost forever, but does anyone have a copy of "Growing Girl" by Koclover?

She dropped off the internet years back and whilst a bit of her stuff got saved not all of it did.
When will Ally post nudes????
the based ones who took dog cock and said nigger, like confessions, skitty, and alekirser
The seamonkey loves niggers and trannies. Stop making shit up
She basically exposed the trannies for faking petition signatures. That's good enough for me
>Makes audios for trannies and is best friends with the biggest troon promoter in all of gwa
She really showed them. The seamonkey loves troons, don't cope
>Making shit up
Kek, keep simping for a tranny lover
Why? She's not the worst, her older Mommy stuff is good.
any femboy audios where the va doesn't just sound like a deep voiced guy?
I hate him, but this I guess?
i appreciate the suggestion but also this is all f4m/a stuff. is this just a trans girl? i was looking for actual femboy m4m stuff
>Proof is literally in the previous thread
Not my fault your blind and retarded
>is this just a trans girl
Essentially yeah. I assumed you were looking for m4m, but as I don't listen to any male vas, I just recommended the closest thing. Hope you find a cute male va
no problem, and thanks. it's hard lol. i suppose it's what happens when the mic quality is so good though. they just sound more male than anything else
where to look for recommendations?
Not here, everything is slop apparently.
>Checks kemono
>RinaZakiVA update after 2 months
>Looks inside
>Only 4 new audios that haven't been posted to gwa
>2 previews of audios, one of which should have already been posted since the last update
when is muffins going to do this for her fans
The day after you kill yourself.
any audios where listener makes VA bark like a dog
I vaguely recall some anons got Skitty to make a non-erotic audio about your tomboy bestie leaving you a confession as voice mail but I don't remember what thread that happened in.
day 2 of asking for the new muffins audios
hello, it's anon's friend here
he killed himself yesterday and in his will asked if this muffin girl could do it now
>There are actually people in this thread who like ListenToMySlop and fromYourSlop
>there are actually people in this thread who believe there are vas out there who aren't slop
sorry to break it to you but whatever dumb slut art hoe you like isn't any better
>VA does a birthday giveaway
>didn't get the free audio but the person who won didn't respond for months
>end up getting 10 free minutes
>VA doesn't respond for about a month
>message her on Discord
>turns out she's busy and kept forgetting to reply
>asks if she can instead make a full length audio for me and post it to Patreon so that it benefits us both

Feetchads and mommydom lovers rejoice, we are getting a foot audio(though it's behind a paywall)
kill yourself
I'm getting a free copy, in case it wasn't clear
>(though it's behind a paywall)
Post your copy, coward.
Thank you for your sacrifice anon. I can't wait for the video from Muffins.
I didn't know Muffins was so good at League
Is my jam, I love this draining cock stuff.
Dungarees is great. While you retards are out here simping for mentally ill piss whores I just want a tight bodied dorky gf who works out and plays video games.
Based dungareeschad.
she's my type but her scripts are boring and repetitive as fuck
Post the audio
Who got the new shibby audios?
we nwed more HFO where the listener is encouraged to suck cock. No homo.
very homo
Can someone post fdom muffins subscribestar leaks?
anyone have recommendations of VAs that have a raspy voice? alternatively someone with voice in the contralto range
also list some paid accounts of erotica audio and I'll see if I'm willing to scrape some of them. have some cash to burn for a project so whoever I like/gets vouched the most gets scraped.
Why so? Her early Mommy stuff was decent.
sauce pls??????
she just sounds kind of retarded
she posts her naked body online, she's a whore bro.
All women are whores she's simply smart enough to make money off of it. And tbf she does mild shit compared to all the BBC queen of spades hot wife onlyfans bitches out there. If she'd be my whore I'd marry her. She could even keep posting naked pics online. Just don't show the face like she already does.
You wouldn't say that to your mom. Bitch ass
>audio premise is that the listener has been edging for 2 whole weeks
>over 20 straight minutes of handjob, thighfucking, and pussyfucking before the listener cums
What world do these women live in?
Yes I'd say she's a voice actress, isn't that what they are? That's what we call them. My mom doesn't need to know my wife posts her tight body online wtf.
planet dickless
Question about gwasi, I want to filter out script offers but I know that sometimes VAs will include both a script fill and script offer in the same post so I'm wondering if there's a way to filter script offers but not if they're also fills.
what audio man. this sounds good.
>speaker talks for five minutes, maybe some LIGHT touching
>"my goodness your precum is just GUSHING"
what world indeed.
these listeners seem to have the gushiest dicks that just ooze precum
i think part of the intended fantasy is that you get to pretend you're hyper-fertile. i can't believe these horny women don't handle cock enough to know better.
i mean to be fair, if i don't jack off for a few days and then i touch my dick for even a minute i'm already leaking a bunch. i don't think it's that abnormal to have that much precum coming out when it's just teasing/light touching
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/(?=.*script fill)(?!.*script offer$)/
needs to cut down on baguettes
Too skinny she needs to eat more
>uses the precum as lube for a handjob
>it's somehow enough to coat the whole dick
>it doesn't just dry up and get super sticky after a couple seconds
It's like they genuinely think penises work exactly like vaginas.
I prefer the V-Tuber know as Ally aka Alekirser.
Stop shilling tranny loving seamonkeys
>tranny loving
Who's her best friend again?
No idea, who? I only jerk off to her, I don't follow her socials.
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She loves and promotes this shit. So yes, the seamonkey is a tranny lover
>it costs nothing to be kind
t. president von hindenburg, probably
SleepyHayz, not active anymore though.
tranny loving *centaurs
damn that is a very fuckable body. whore though
odds that she says this but would never actually have a relationship or even sexual encounter with another woman (outside of a threesome) or a trans person?
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Low. They love tranny cock
she sounds like the biggest normie. normies really don't like trans people regardless of their virtue signalling
You can cope all you want. She loves tranny cock and so does the seamonkey
who's "she" I thought you idiots were just talking about the centaur girl
Is your brain that fucking small that you can't follow a singular reply chain?
>account suspended
>all posts are still up
>on a mommysub kick again
god protect me.
You are not I
>I'm not a cock-teasing little sister anymore
Why did Sleepy come back just break our hearts...
Sorry brother I don't have the sauce. It is from a piss thread on /gif/ though. It might still be up, you could ask there.
Who is updating RinaZakiVA's kemono again just to put a preview and a post that says there is a new audios on gwa? So unnecessary
First time listening to milfdoggo and holy fucking hell she has the perfect voice for it.
she updated herself to make you seethe
That's diabolical
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Muffinchads I'm almost getting bored of winning all the time.
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>piss princess doesnt wipe her ass
the shit smears are to be expected i suppose
Cultivation anon are you hard?

at this point just start an onlyfans
what is the point of posting these pictures to your biggest simps on your private twitter they already worship your bpd ass
>shit smears
The skin in your buttcrack is just darker than the skin outside.
Anyone have lilydanger’s stargazer vault audios? Some of them aren’t on kemono (her page really needs an update too), “our parts fit so good together” is what I’m looking for in particular.
Favorite girls in the archive or currently who record audios while fucking their ass?
to keep them on hook, which is smart business wise
Lushinlace and Singmyprise are the same person right??
whats the point of saying this
>muh ass
No one cares, that shit's for gays and niggers. Wake me up when she shows tits.
Bug languages are not attractive.
Did anybody get this audio

Because she still was a cock-teasing little sister
muffins chads, we can't stop winning holy shit
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>You can just lie and put 18 above
Why are these girls so god damn stupid
They're trying to avoid liability, but there have been plenty of cases of minors lying about their age or even using fake IDs and then the adult getting convicted for doing stuff with them even though they had no reasonable way to even know they were being deceived.
tbf those people probably got convicted because they didn't have a good defense
you just know she smells rancid
Is this whore one of the gwa girls turned Vturber? The voice is very familiar.
also she did this
I hate that I like EDM and unironically keep listening to this

that song is for this PMV have fun https://www.noodledude.io/videos/i-want-your-cum
oh shit thank you, I remember seeing that website when it had 2 videos on it. Now it has... 8, nice.
it actually had more and a lot of them were deleted because hoes mad
Damn that sucks, I'm sure the video that were taken down are in that 6 tb pmv collection floating here on /t/. Thank you for letting me know who she is btw. I had a suspicion it was that whore but they all sound so similar.
I love how you guys go from "I'd marry her" to "these fucking whores"
I can't find it right now, but I remember reading a news article about one case in particular where a guy met a girl in a club where everyone was carded at the door, one thing led to another, they ended up back at his place, he STILL asked to see her ID just to be safe, and then when her mom found out she pressed charges because it turned out the girl was 16 and the age of consent was 17 or 18 in that state. In court, he explained what happened, the girl agreed with everything he said and admitted to using a fake ID, and when the mom heard the whole thing she told the judge she changed her mind and this is all her daughter's fault and the guy shouldn't be punished. He still ended up in jail for statutory rape because the judge wanted to make an example of him or something. It's fucked up, but that kind of thing can happen, and if you do some quick googling you can find it stated all over that not knowing the girl's age is not considered a valid defense against statutory rape charges, apparently even when a fake ID is involved. I guess everyone is just expected to know how to identify a fake ID or ask for a birth certificate? I dunno.
Damn so the US laws are just fucked. It's crazy to think that guy went to jail and will have to register as a sex offender all because he fucked a 16 yo dumb bitch with a fake ID. That if he even gets out of jail considering how much they hate rapists and pedos in there.
It never had more stop lying. The dude is a lazy fuck that makes one every 10 months. It only had 1 of them get reuploaded and reedited because some of the girls were underage
Thank you for the lore. You don't have to be so mad about it though, it's okay.
Then don't make shit up
it had more https://www.noodledude.io/videos/fun
I'm not the guy you replied to
>It only had 1 of them get reuploaded and reedited because some of the girls were underage
Similar happened in Scotland but the court gave him an absolute discharge which means the whole criminal proceedings basically didn't happen.
no, that was the tiktok pmv 2, which is now at 1.1

here's more videos that were taken down



why are you so mad about this?
>because some of the girls were underage
Common Scotland W
>Man who raped 12-year-old girl walks free in Glasgow
>A man has walked free from court after pleading guilty to the rape of a 12-year-old girl.
Jesus Christ, what the fuck is this reporting? How is such inflammatory and defamatory language allowed here?
That judge is based for actually exercising thought and care and consideration instead of letting emotions and activism take precedence, though.
wtf do they have in the water in scotland that 12 yo girls look fucking 20
12 year olds have usually finished puberty, so they're fully developed and have grown to their full height already. Add to that makeup and the fact that 12 year olds wear the same clothing as 20 year olds these days and it's pretty easy to see how that mistake could be made.
yeah props to the judge. they have a brain unlike that american judge. In the scotland case it was clear the girl consented throughout the entire process and lied herself about her age showing even more awareness of the entire situation. Convicting the guy would be retarded. And at the end of the day, what was the american judge even fucking doing? What example is he trying to set, that men simply not fuck young women ever even after being presented with an ID because it could be false?
The song without Elle's cringe lyrics for those who like the genre, it's AI slop but it is what it is.
Of course this place finds it "based" that a 19 year old dude fucked a 12 year old and got away with it.
It's based that a girl lied about her age and the guy didn't pay for the rest of his life over her stupidity, yes.
And I'll say more, her parents should've been punished instead. Prison for both. How the FUCK is your 12 yo out fucking. wtf is wrong with you.
it's a 12 year old, retard. It's on you, the adult, to make sure. Doesn't matter how "mature" they look, they're still gonna act 12
I've known plenty of college age girls who were behaviorally indistinct from middle schoolers.
You clearly didn't even read the article, and just wanna be mad. No one is arguing that 12 yo girls everywhere should get fucked retard. In this case in particular it's different.
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>Doesn't matter how "mature" they look, they're still gonna act 12
How old do you suppose pic related is?
I think she's 26 lol
kek fucking annihilated
you have to be pretty mentally stunted not to see the difference, but most pedos tend to be


I read it entirely. The dude was 19 and fucked a 12 year old who claimed she was 16. Scotland doesn't believe in adults having accountability so they just said "oh well you didn't know, she lied, and she was cool with it so np, sorry about that :("
muffins is retarded and having sex with her would be rape because retards cannot consent
So you're saying an innocent man should pay for something he didn't do after being deceived and lied to? I bet you'd love to go to jail as a pedo and get raped in the ass in there because a girl lied.
I'm saying an adult shouldn't fuck kids, and as an adult you have the responsibility to check for those things if you're not sure.

I mean they fucking chatted for awhile, how the fuck do you not realize you're talking to literal kids
yumprincess is such a stupid name.
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>you have to be pretty mentally stunted not to see the difference, but most pedos tend to be
Recognizing the immaturity of adult women makes me a pedophile?
being attracted to and fucking 12 year olds makes you a pedophile
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Good thing I don't do either of those.
>says this
>posts nude pics of her ass later for attention
many such cases
birth control and free abortions made adult women permanent children, they aren't forced to go through the natural process of maturing that happens when one has to birth and take care of a baby. No wonder pre teen girls are as mature as our current adult women.
It really is, it's like a roblox name a 12 yo girl would choose. wait...
how many of you are using this content to cope with trauma?
If I have trauma it's still in that phase where I don't even remember it happened. But I don't have anything like Guts where I don't like people touching me so I probably wasn't raped in the ass as a kid. So basically no lol.
heaven forbid a woman acts retarded on the internet like we do
anything to excuse fucking kids for you weirdos
If you mean Muffins yeah I agree, girls should be able to be retarded shiposting spergs online too. I meant that more in a global societal sense. Women are in more positions of power as ever and as immature and emotional as ever. Because society can't stop coddling them.
look i think women lying about rape/their age should be punishable by death but you gotta be a real giant retard to not notice when a girl is 12 years old, both by behavior and stature. it's not like a 16 year old pretending to be 18 where there's virtually no difference. she's 12 lmao. do you not remember how fucking retardedly childish your siblings/cousins/whatever were at 12. how did they not talk about a single thing that would've tipped him off?
Men should not fuck underage girls. Men should also not be punished in the rare case a underaged girl lies about her age.
>both by behavior and stature
Female puberty is not the same as male puberty. Girls start puberty around age 9 or 10 and finish it by age 12 or 13. Sometimes it's even a bit earlier than that. When girls finish puberty, they are fully grown and will not get any taller. That's why in middle school the girls are often towering over the boys, because all the girls are fully grown and the boys are still waiting on their growth spurts. So no, the stature of a 12 year old girl and a 16 year old girl are not likely to be different at all.
like ffs when the girl literally admits to lying and her mother removes the charges but the guy still gets punished for it, it's a perfect reflection of the insanity of this post feminist society we live in
women act like retards online for attention. they will say spergy shit or make crude jokes or use slurs because they want the dudes around them to like them. they mold their personalities to whatever will achieve this goal. it's why so many bpd girls, for example, will just act exactly like whatever the guy they're interested in acts like, so she can be his ideal girl and he'll like her. the only time a woman will truly be herself online is when she's posting completely anonymously to the point people don't even know they're a girl. that's when they'll just be fujos or whatever.

muffins is sperging out in those tweets because she wants people to hop in her dms complimenting her and telling her she's not gross. if she truly found herself disgusting, truly thought the audio stuff she did was a stain on her character, she would've been done with it all by now. instead, she posts pictures of her ass a week later, because in reality she doesn't actually care. she, and all women, just want attention.

and you might say
>well guys troll or act like retards online to get attention too
but this isn't the case. there's a difference between doing stuff to get a reaction out of somebody, and doing stuff to get attention. the former is done for the purpose of humor, getting somebody mad because it's funny. the latter is just to feed your ego.
dude, i work with kids aged 12-17, and i would literally never mistake a 12 year old for a 16 year old. cmon now. yes, some girls develop early and get big tits and grow a bit taller or whatever, but they still LOOK 12. they have a baby face. their body still doesn't look mature. and their behavior ESPECIALLY does not warrant thinking they're anything older than a retard kid playing roblox

you're also acting like every single girl by the time they're 13-14 looks exactly like they would when they're 18 but that's so retarded it's not even funny. the majority of girls at 12 or 13 still look like children. have you never heard of girls being made fun of for developing early?
I like how your whole argument hinges on saying that not all girls develop exactly the same but also simultaneously saying that it's impossible for any 12 year old girl to look like a 16 year old girl but also saying some girls develop early and get called out for it but also assuming it's impossible for the girl in the article to have been one that developed early and looked older than she was. Your cognitive dissonance has you spiraling all over the place.

So men shouldn't be held accountable for their mistakes because a kid lied to them?

Sorry officer, I thought it was fine for me to break into that car to take the phone, this kid who says is 16 but talks like a 12 year old told me it was cool

Like maybe the dude's life doesn't need to be ruined but it's absolutely negligence at worst. Grown ass people being manipulated by kids is a different type of dangerous
>clearly spell out that even if girls develop tits they still have the face of a 12 year old and a body that doesn't look like an adult's
>misinterprets it anyway to desperately try and win the argument
alright man, lol. you win. go fuck your 12 year old girls, i'm sure you can use the puberty thing as an excuse
>[YouTube] Don't want your love (feat yumprincess) - But u can listen in public...
man I wish there wasn't a monologue where she speaks directly to the listener. If it was just the lyrics I'd love to get away with using this in a DJ set when everyone is high and hyped as fuck.
you should try reading that again and giving it another go, champ

A 12 year old may develop certain parts of her body faster than others, but their mannerisms, baby face, and actions are still that of a 12 year old and finding that attractive as an adult is fucking weird
The post said
>the MAJORITY of girls at 12 or 13 still look like children
So there's a minority of them which don't still look like children, and you're assuming the girl in the article can't be in that minority. It's even a step further than that: You're ignoring that the guy making that mistake in the first place means it's MORE LIKELY that she IS in that minority that doesn't look like a child, because she DID confuse a guy into thinking she wasn't one.
children in the sense that they're flat chested and 4'6. you're an esl or what? you can't follow a simple line of logic?
she confused him into thinking she wasn't 12 because he's a retard. plain and simple. no person above 80 iq on this planet would ever confuse a 12 year old girl for a 16 year old girl
At the end of the day you're giving the benefit of the doubt to the adult who was sexually attracted to a 12 year old
I've literally known girls who looked almost exactly the same at 16 as they did at 12 or 13. I have a sister who's in her early 20s and people still commonly think she's under 18. I think you guys are really overselling this idea that it's absolutely impossible to confuse girls of different ages.
it just sounds like you're one of those people we have to worry about because if you can't tell the difference between a 12 year old and a 16 year old, especially after having a conversation with them, something's wrong with you brother.

This isn't simply "mistaking" ages. This a guy who met them, rode in a cab with them, then partied with them. At some point you need to take some responsibility and if you have trouble identifying kids, then you should take EXTRA precautionary measures to make sure you're not fucking one
Dude, he SPOKE to her. He didn't just give her a cursory glance. He hung out with her a lot. You seriously have to be a mongoloid not to be able to tell when a girl is 12 YEARS OLD just from speaking to them.
why are you defending this guy so much lmfao. we all agree that a dude fucking a 16 year old who thoroughly lied about being 18 should get off, but this girl was 12. barely out of elementary school. cmon man
i like muffins fsub audios. not the piss ones. just her little sister friend ones. is that so bad
I see that the pedos are having a melty again
it's funny how those got her 10k+ followers on reddit, yet she felt the need to do whatever she's doing now. could've literally started the patreon off those and made plenty of cash.
yea i'm not really sure what's up with her. i don't mind her "creepy girl" fdom audios, but her fsub stuff was really good. nowadays if you want an fsub audio from her it's guaranteed to be some weird bullying piss thing. maybe getting banned mind broke her and now that's all she can think about
being ostracized is likely to do that when you feel like you have nothing to lose
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>over 3 weeks and STILL no update
That mentality is the reason gwa is shit now. She's using it to express her own kinks and have fun and that's why we love her. Fuck off with that jew mentality nigga.
the fsub stuff clearly WAS her kink. just look at how she acts. but now she's bringing her degenerate piss into every single audio
I have to imagine the disgusting piss lovers are also huge whales for her money wise which is why she keeps doing it. Dudes with weird fetishes tend to spend more because they don't get as many chances with their kinks
It's clearly also her kink, if you don't like it don't listen
>Piss isn't muffins' kink
Nigga you're absolutely retarded
that's definitely what we said. esls everybody
really funny how the ban on the term "futa" entirely killed the niche. I see no "girlcock" or "speaker has a penis" audios, everything is just gone. Yes we wiped out a whole kink but hey at least the 7 trans folx who use the site feel safe!
>the fsub stuff clearly WAS her kink
>but now she's bringing her degenerate piss
The implication here is that piss isn't her kink. Please go back to school for the love of god
you originally said "she's expressing her kinks" with the implication that her regular fsub stuff wasn't a kink to begin with. and yet it was. and now, despite that, she has decided to go full focus on her piss kink. which not many people actually like. got it saar? esls everybody
>you originally said
This is my first post you dumb motherfucker >>1320297
ok, my bad. the reply chain originally had said.* does that invalidate anything i said? are you too retarded to be able to argue properly? can't bother looking back 2 replies because of your small brain? esls everybody
nobody said that but you. Yes it's one of her kinks, and yes she's milking it along with the fdom stuff because piss lovers and subby simps probably pay way more
Calling anybody ESL while writing the most incoherent sentences is hilarious
Did Skitty get neutered circa 2020 or something?
I remember her audios used to be 90% 'F4M' and she had some pretty obscene content, like a handful of dog audios (and even some blood stuff iirc).
Now if you look at her posts from the past 2-3 years almost half her audios are cringe 'F4A' or 'F4F/NB' bullshit and her F4M audios are some of the most boring, diluted, low-effort posts around (and like 10 mins max).

Haven't been keeping up with the audio scene since 2020/21 but has it done the same 'this is for gay people now' thing as D&D/Warhammer/MTG?
>piss lovers pay way more
Delusional retard
she got paid, so now she'll do whatever keeps the money rolling.
In 2019, ageplay was banned from Reddit. Shortly after, trannies invaded GWA and its mod team and started cracking down on fetish content in general, especially those that weren't LGBT friendly. Lots of creators got neutered in the process because the ones that didn't ended up forced out.
Only 2 of her nsfw audios from 2023, 2022, and 2021 are non f4m. Why lie about something that's this easily checkable
Her longest post ever was from last year?
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2 faggots defending this lol
she got brainwashed by trannies
you missed a f4m audio but that is a terrible ratio lmao... 8 f4m audios, and 16 "wow your dick is so cute, they/them" posts
Only 7 of those "15" aren't labeled as f4m
>16 "wow your dick is so cute, they/them" posts
Why are you even here? You don't even listen to audio porn
Only to the extent >tfwnogf counts as trauma.
Answer me you pathetic roach >>1320313
Her longest post ever was from last year, I said absolutely nothing about f4m or f4a posts you illiterate esl nigger. Until you find a longer post from any of the years prior don't reply
You genuinely jerk off to that gender-neutral shit? holy fuck 4chan has fallen.
These are the kind of audios where the chick calls the guy pretty lol, please rope.
>gender-neutral shit
The audios are F4M you inbred fuck. She makes multiple versions, she doesn't say they in any of them
>holy fuck 4chan has fallen
You have NEVER clicked on a single post by Skitty. Stop arguing about something you know nothing about
I said most of her audios are incredibly short it seems. WOW! 1 audio that is long?! That's insane!! You sure got me, pathetic roach.
Most of her recent audios she herself defines as "short". Look at her posts on soundgasm or kemono or reddit. There are a handful that extend past the 12 minute mark...
keep defending a mediocre e-whore I guess?
>These are the kind of audios where the chick calls the guy pretty lol, please rope.
Cute little newfag. In most mommydom audios the listener gets called pretty and they were by far the most popular type of audio in these threads before you came along
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>Most of her recent audios she herself defines as "short"
>4chan has fallen
Not really. There was a guy defending a pedophile just a few posts above you
Tranny bros... you're not sending your best
Nta but while her audios may be short she's basically the only that has any idea what good audio quality is. All the other whores are 50x worse
I'll concede to you, audio quality Chad.
She is head and shoulders above most of these chicks in that regard.

My original post was more about how I was disappointed to see how trannified her audios have become (in the past 3 years), but now it seems like I'm fighting on all fronts against her devoted autists.
I kneel Skitybros, I should have never come for the queen.
I'm the same bro.
emma fielder and muffins collab when
Never change, /eap/...
would be kino
it would be. sadly we're never gonna get it. she only does collabs with lunarhiccups and she's fuckin GONE
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How did my simple reply of women blocking people who don't put their age in their bio turn into multiple people defending a man who fucked a 12 year old like what? I get the 16 to 18 difference, but the difference between 12 and 16 are VASTLY different and you have to be actually be so fucked up in the head or haven't gone outside in YEARS to not be able to see the differences, for someone to actually defend this argument on its own deserves to be punish by karma or hell I do not care which one, you do not deserve to express another opinion in your life. I hope people like these never get close to my sisters or my nieces because I would commit an actual crime if they do, I tolerate aptards but this is a step too far.
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>In 2019, ageplay was banned from Reddit. Shortly after, trannies invaded GWA and its mod team and started cracking down on fetish content in general
Pic has multiple fills. shut the fuck up
>intense fdom
now you know why, faggot
>it is now july 2024 and skitty continues to post no relevant content
>all that
>no age play
what's your point faggot?
>cracking down on fetish content in general
>wow a gimick audio filled with random kinks barely got 190 updoots that means nothing happened and gwa is still in it's golden age
holy fuck please kill yourself
Which VA would you unironically marry?
None. You shouldn't marry whores.
Have some self respect
emma fielder
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you already know
have you just never seen a woman's ass up close before
Did you finish reading The Warrior Cats? You gotta hurry up and finish the homework before someone else snatches your Raised Catholic(™) astrology tarot artsy wife
I dont get the sleepy hype, when I marathoned all of her catalogue it was so boring that it made me sleepy and slept through 20% of it due to me sleeping and waking up from her voice, and then there are those who sends screenshots of her streams or videos where she looks like a 5-6/10 dnd/magic the gathering nerd.

Sorry if this hurts sleepybro's feelings but this is just my honest opinion
tbf most of her stuff was more artsy asmr focused, she went on to be a full time asmr streamer/youtuber for a reason. And for me, the most attractive trait she has is her personality. I think she's very cute in her own way. I would've loved to have been bossed around by her in band/art class then go into the forest together so I can fuck the shit out of her.
>Did you finish reading The Warrior Cats?
nah I'm still going through Sarah J Maas' slop kek
smol god, she's just a hot girl with a high pitched voice. She could be anyone, she could be me, she could be you...
There's a girl on pornhub named Ella Camille that does amazing audios. I hope someone is archiving her shit even though she doesn't post on Reddit
>I hope someone is archiving her shit
anon... I have to tell you something...
It's your destiny calling, you have to answer it. Archive it. Or else the nigger in this thread will make fun of you for not archiving your girls before they are gone.
>my fetishes are based and straight, your fetishes are cringe and GAY!!!
if you can't accept reality, kill yourself
>it was so boring that it made me sleepy
>extreme fdom fetish for bitch made, weak, submissive men
wow! big shock that's allowed and encouraged by trannies! almost like they're exactly like what i just described! kill yourself, preferably painfully
>sleepy's audios made me sleepy
erm based
I downloaded her stuff a month ago after I noticed her uploads have slowed down. Surely you were planning do the same just in case... right anon?

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