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Remember to check nyaa, forum.holopirates .moe, and mogu.holopirates .moe before requesting (or be publicly shamed by your oshi)

Thread archives:
Anyone has any of the voices from this:
IRyS MF Ghost watchalong
Are there archives of TikTok livestreams somewhere?
Nene and Mikeneko did a few of those but as far as I'm aware they are not getting archived at all on their website.
iirc someone posted some of Nene's TikTok archives on /jp/
anyone have niji en farewell voice? any girls please
anyone have the new lewd artwork Raora posted on her membership?
Is there an archive with all 8 AZKi's live concerts?
Anyone have https://youtube.com/watch?v=JBS747sF6AE
Was privated for some reason
Nevermind it's back
Looking for the vallure girls' patreon audios
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anyone got Mumei's Smiling Friends members watchalong?
Does anyone got the ASMR thing that Okayu and Nodoka as well as the one with Nodoka and Fuwamoko from the Hololive Offical channel Membership?
Ririka ASMR, and Roara mouse pointer cursor pack would be awesome.
immy, icey, and yae yugiri asmrs please?
halO sweety's membership videos/streams if possible

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