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Past Threads
>Rentry masterlink, includes character sheets, shop information, inventory, and general information
>Inquiries: olympusqm@gmail.com

About half a year ago, the world changed forever.

Individuals worldwide began manifesting the qualities of various figures- gods, spirits, heroes, beasts, and monsters- from Greek mythos. The system that caused and continues to facilitate this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery, both in how it functions and why it began its activities when it did.

The protagonist of this tale is the incarnation of Atë, a minor goddess in the grand scheme of Greek mythology, who causes and presides over folly and ruin. She, formerly a miserable but ultimately normal office worker, has since accepted her role as the embodiment of her <Myth>. She, along with her partner in crime, the incarnation of Pheme, titan of rumors and gossip, have been working to expand their influence and stack the deck in their favor against not only mortals, but also rival incarnations. In her own eyes, she is no longer human. Her ultimate goal- the elimination of all rival incarnations and, eventually, ascension to true godhood.

After a catastrophic failure in a confrontation with the outerversal horror known only by its title of the Uncrowned King, Atë found herself thrown out of her very plane of existence. Completely deprived of the System’s protections and powers, unable to restore her slowly depleting power, and trapped in a reality where everything, from the divinity to the air to the fabric of spacetime itself, is poison to her. With only death awaiting her in this foreign dimension, she must find some way to escape before her very existence is eroded into nothing.

Worse still, some rogue element within Atë's soul seems to be rebelling against her will. Backed into a corner, the banished incarnation will have to fight desperately to survive.
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>Ask about the power he used
>Use him to test your <Ordinance>

>it will help us on the long run
How? There is no long run here, we're dying. We need to speedrun an escape.
I think we need all the help we can get, and if we already have a fake secret society in place, it's easier for more people to believe it's real. More people to do research for us.
>Ask about the power he used
>Use him to test your <Ordinance>
>>Ask about the power he used
>>Use him to test your <Ordinance>

I don't think we need an elaborate story tho. But messing with peoples ingrained beliefs to get them to be our loyal servant is something we should pursue
>>Ask about the power he used
>>Ask him about himself

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Recess Quest (Oneshot)

Your name is Lucas Smith. Actually, your real name is Luke Skywalker Smith, you go by Lucas now, because according to Trip Matthews last semester, your parents named you after a character from a movie called Star Wars, a movie that is “For Nerds.” Trip Matthews got a PlayStation 2 recently, not even on his birthday or Christmas, that’s really cool, so you trust his judgement immensely. After all, he’s a fifth grader and you’re just a fourth grader, and you’ve only got a Nintendo 64. In a year’s time, you’ll be a fifth grader, and maybe even have a GameCube, or (if your mom allows it), an Xbox. But for now, you’re at the bottom of the chain gazing at the top.

But it’s not so bad. You’re really good at games, not just video games, but board games, recess games, and PE games too. So much so, you’ve been allowed to sit at the Plotter’s Table. Every recess, this illustrious lunch table decides on a game to play, and over the years the games have been said to be pretty legendary.

What did they say you were all doing today…?

>A Fantasy Quest
>Wild West Cops & Robbers
>Ultimate Tag
>They decided to pick your suggestion, despite your newbie status. (Write-in. Keep in mind I reserve the right to veto write-ins that are too ridiculous.)
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>Ultimate Tag
>Ultimate Tag
>Ultimate Tag
>Ultimate Tag

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Ostrosk has fallen. The weakened hosts of Chaos march, dispersing in the north and the east, exhausted from their march and conquest of Ostrosk, the crow-headed sorceress roasted and her ashes scattered and her sister, still in a cage, being dragged behind by Rue'Vahn eastwards towards Chamon Dharek.

Previous thread:
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Whomst'dve are you, anon?
My theory is that Dragon Ogres are just mutated Zoats.
Forgot trip on mobile
This Zoat is not a goat though

Had this one lying around. Probably gonna paint em up together with the Shagoth
Nice Space Zoat (Coast to Coast)

When Magor's Ungors got really Ungory & he said "it's Ungoring time!," that really made me crave the flesh of civilized beings.
And the Shaggoth next to it

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Beneath the Bloodrise Mountain Range, at the westernmost edge of human habitation, there lies a lake. The same sun that lights the grey stone and green trees red and glad by dawn’s first light casts its colours in a beauteous cacophony upon the rippled surface of that body of water each evening, giving the surrounding city—and the barony which lords over it—the well-known name of Sunset Lake. In recent years, though, a shadow has fallen upon those mountains, and it is a shadow which has finally stretched out to swallow the wealthy fishing village and trading hub below it.

There are monsters in the mountains and, it seems, they also live in Sunset Lake.

A few days ago, a small group of strangers arrived in Sunset lake, drawn by tales of the mysterious monster said to lurk therein. This was not in and of itself unusual, for many parties of adventurers had arrived chasing those stories, the possibility of reward. This particular party, however, was strange because many would view them as numbering among the mountain’s monsters themselves: two goblins, a goat-girl sitting astride the shoulders of a living effigy of bundled branches, and two other creatures who defied such easy categorization.

There was ZIth-Zi, the apparent leader and utterly unplaceable in the taxonomic categories of modern racial philosophy: goblinoid in stature and (when she didn’t hide it) in mannerism, yet pretty and pink, shapely and symmetrical, pleasing to eye and ear and nose, and capable of casting spells… or, well, -A- spell, anyway.

And then there was her ‘sister’, like her shadow: Cara-Zi, or Carazzi, or simply CZ. She was green as a goblin, when one noticed her at all. She had an uncanny ability to elude proper perception, and to slip from close scrutiny. When one set eyes upon her properly, though, her oversized black robes hid much that was twisted and wrong even by the standards of goblinkind: scaly scutes across her skin like mosaic scales or scarification; horns upon her head, stubby affairs jutting up from her temples; hair all over, reddish-brown and rough; feet that almost, but didn’t quite, resemble the goat-girl’s hooves.

The monstrous company joined the hunt for the Monster of Sunset Lake almost as soon as they’d arrived. Zith-Zi seduced and insinuated herself into the festivities of a certain rival company to deduce the true nature of their quarry: an overgrown exemplar of those amphibious, dragon-adjacent creatures called ‘drakes’. Cara-Zi’s occult instinct uncovered unsettling magical contamination in the lake, where the monsters passed.
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>Makes them pretty and adapt them to the area, so people don’t mind them
It’s what we’re doing for us
[We'll get in the next update tomorrow, in light of the tie and relatively few votes.]
>>Find them somewhere else to live, further from humanity
>Makes them pretty and adapt them to the area, so people don’t mind them

>Find them somewhere else to live, further from humanity
The first option doesn’t make any sense - it will still be a problem later on. The third option still doesn’t make sense either; the reason we are commissioned to kill these things is the amount of wildlife it is eating up - making them prettier won’t change their diet.


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In the ancient landmass of Zamboo, a sprawling island-continent shrouded in mist and legend, there once arose a powerful lich named Mika. Secluded within his dark fortress hidden deep within twisted forests and shadowy mountains, Mika amassed a monstrous legion of undead, summoning the restless dead from every grave, crypt, and forsaken battlefield. The undead swarmed across the land like a relentless tide, extinguishing entire kingdoms and reducing cities to desolate ruins. Mika's horde was unstoppable, his influence spreading like a stain across the world.

Then, one fateful day, something unexpected occurred. The undead legions, once perfectly controlled by the lich’s terrible will, seemed to fall into chaotic disarray. It was rumored that a great hero had confronted Mika, vanquishing him in a final battle, but no one knew for certain. All that was clear was that Mika's hold over his minions had fractured. His mindless creatures now wandered aimlessly, spreading ruin without direction, their once-coordinated assault now a chaotic nightmare.

Despite Mika’s apparent defeat, the world of Zamboo did not find peace. The undead he raised remain ever restless, and necromancers, dark sorcerers, and ambitious apprentices alike saw an opportunity. They claimed factions of these undead for themselves, creating a fragmented yet endless threat. Now, every living soul on the continent must struggle to survive amidst this apocalyptic world, where necromancers vie for dominance over their roaming dead, and common folk and heroes alike band together to forge new strategies for survival.

Who will you become in this perilous land?

Choose one race and one biome as your homeland.

If you desire allies or secondary races to stand beside you, for each one, you must choose two enemies—those who would see your ambitions crushed beneath the endless tides of the undead.
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>Write in
>Sarkath and Tosk
Once Tosk has zeroed in on potential traitors, he can clue Sarkath in on a meeting, then throw Sarkath off their trail in front of the inferiors, further ingratiating Tosk with the peons, hopefully getting them to lead Tosk straight to the leader of the uprising
I agree. I am not too hapy on using Tosk as well because his acting might be terrible. Another thing is that his peers might dislike such devotion... of course if he can act well, the impact of the most devoted of all manifesting his displeasure is a big hit
> Yzala
Seems to have the most fitting skillset
I think so too but having Sarkath as a backup hanging back a little would be prudent.

>Yzala plus Sarkath as support.
The spectral presence unnerving enough to stir conspiratorial thoughs but not so close to cow them into terrified silence.

I- Princess Cora of house Maria of the fallen empire of Histresmos, had lost everything I known and own, reduced to just 20 warriors running out of food in the mountains and resorted to petty banditry, trying to only take what is needed, had come to a strange town that suddenly come to existence, Maple Hills, a foreign name for a equally foreign place, full of strange, gray metals, ivory like soft material of all colors, glass so clear that kings would sell entire herds of cattle to buy a single plane cup of cast aside like so much broken pottery, surrounded by cliffs cut completely smooth down to the dirt by whatever act of god or magic that brought this land here.

In my attempt to find out who these people are- me and 4 of my warriors got discovered, and managed to find someone who we could talk to.

Previous thread >>6126111

I will post the update later today
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- give the first pump free, it’s already here. (+3)
- Give the first boxes of tools for free (+1)
- Give the Moon Shine (+1)
- Give the Pre Glow goods (+4)
- Give the Post Glow goods (+2)
- mutual defense, Lord Kass is convinced of the power of the Americans, and seen to be of the opinion that the Americans can do more than what is shown so far, and would prefer to be among them than against them. Besides- better than paying tribute to New Heliax. (+3)
- Emancipation; the town of Maple Hills has adopted- or more accurately continued- a policy that all men who enter their lands are free, and had erected signs around its claimed territory saying as such in Heliax, English, and via pictures. The Town would like to expand this to Kass. Lord Kass is hesitant tho recognize that all of he’s slaves is worth less than the protection from the Twisted Blades. (+1)
- Pay Lord Kass to adopt Emancipation (5 boxes of steel tools and 3 water pumps). This would be expensive for the town in a time they need men to work the feilds- but also they could use the now freed slaves (those who are willing) to join the town and help set up the farms needed.
- Commitment to defeat the Twisted Blades. (The Princess have 3 missions before you are forced to confront the Twisted Blades, whatever the condition of Maple Hills or Kass, +4)
- Common Currency; American golden Dollars. The town of Maple Hills had started to mint their own coins by melting down golden and silver jewelry into coins. This is a novel idea even tho the idea of sudo-standardized bars of metal had existed for centuries. Lord Kass is hesitant due to not knowing the Americans well (-2)
- Livestock breeding program; Maple Hills had started a breeding program for its livestock, and by all accounts contains exsodic livestock in the form of lamas and Algerian bunnies, and higher quality pigs, cows, and so on, this would slow the Maple Hills program but would be a boon to Lord Kass. (+2)
- Joint Community Labor Program, the CLP, called Penal Labor Program by its detractors- was a controversial proposal in the town to have people who brake the law to have to preform community services, now including the preparation of land and work at the makeshift recycling center, this proposal would include Lord Kass on it. Lord Kass would be happy to not have to deal with prisoners but as it the program is controversial (+1)
- Cross Training, Maple Hills have a shortage of trained personnel in many fields, this will propose that the town fund the training of Kass peasants, lord Kass himself voiced a desired to have he’s own son he the first. (+3)
- Sanitation program; all of the Americans reported the smell of Kass, this would slow down the other projects of the town but showing hem how to dig a small sewer system would help massively and lessen the risks of pandemics in Kass. Kass is receptive but for some reason he’s priestess seems concerned for some reason. (+3, unknown risk)
- Modernization of the Copper and Tin mine, the town will send a few men from the coal mine to help improve the mines of Kass, this will slow the work in the Coal Mine- but the power plant reports months worth of coal.
- Write ins, I’ll let you know what the modifier would be.
(Pay for emancipation is a +6, the modernization of the mine is a +4)

+5 Diplomacy roll
+1 Hat
+3 - give the first pump free, it’s already here.
+1 - Give the first boxes of tools for free
+3 mutual defense
+1 Emancipation
-2 - Common Currency
+3 - Sanitation program

Vote counted- writing.

The event role will play out when you get back to Maple Hills.

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Last time, you bested the Warden of Hell in a cunning game to secure everyone’s freedom! Who knew that a place that never saw joy before would be filled with it now? Eventually, the massive cheers subside, but not the spirit that brought them. You have to move before Quye cannot feasibly keep his end of the deal.

As requested, every single prisoner who participated in the game, the people supporting you in this room, and Dempsey will be able to kiss this place goodbye. You’ll use the escape route you’re accustomed to. It’s the best you can do, not easier on the logistics side, but going out through the front door is impossible even with Quye’s help. It's not like you were expecting anything differently.

Surprisingly, the demon warden handed over a stretcher for the fallen boxer — A sign of respect, perhaps? Hard to tell for you. Before you can figure out how to handle the injured man, the Prisoner Twins grab each handle to take the mantle. Least they could do, they said. You’ll let them figure out how to go through the hole...

Mark leads the charge down the escape hole, and with the non-prisoners taking precedence (You waved goodbye to Judith, and she waved back!), then the prisoners, you’re killing time waiting at the cell.

“Warden, are you leaving with us? A man like you has no future here after this blunder.” Crossbill is interested in what will be Quye’s future whereabouts.

“Not having a future never stopped me from doing what I please.” Quye isn’t interested in answering.

“The big wigs aren’t going to be happy no matter who’s head ends up on a platter! If you decide to face the consequences and stay, you’ll never see the light of day! Not much of a threat to our Vitamin D-deficient man, but I thought it’d be worth a shout. Being a criminal has its own freedom. See you later.” Solomon says before jumping into the hole.

“C’mon, I gotta make sure you don’t raise your fist in the air and promise to drag us all back in here...” Crossbill’s misgivings are more about his role outside here than if he’s leaving or not.

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“Hey.” You take your mask off, and show the old man the handcuffs that came with the outfit. “It’s less suspicious if I put these on you.”

“Very well thought. Don’t forget about ‘em when we’re outside!” Hubbard complies in a friendly but phony way. He’s trying, but he doesn’t like you.

“Lead the way.” You ignore it.

“I-It’s in that direction.” Hubbard points through the wall in front of you diagonally. “I have no knowledge of the layout, so at best I’m a human compass. I pray this doesn’t come out as a disappointment.” He doesn’t want to upset you.

“It’s fine, we’ll figure it out on the way.” You don’t have any reason to get mad at this.

And that’s what you did for the most part, at some point — not exactly out of necessity — but a fellow guard doing rounds helped you find your way, believing that Hubbard is meant to go to Solitary Confinement. Funny how that worked out for you. He also mentioned that some floors are being evacuated to hold a stronghold at a mid-level to trap the rioting prisoners below the surface. And that the Elevators are unusable at the moment. Ultimately, he remarked that work-shy guards like you and him shouldn’t bother with what’s happening below.

You found it interesting he didn’t mention the intruders. But if there are no words about what you did either, and since communications were hijacked and with all the panic around, it isn’t especially eyebrow-raising.

You arrive at the Solitary Confinement Hallway.

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“Please, if you seek to punish this man for misbehaving, reconsider. Here are only welcomed those who gravely sinned.” The old gentleman warns you.

“Y-You’re not leaving me here, are you?” Hubbard realizes this might end badly for him. You aren’t planning on doing something like that, but this could serve well for your charade.

“I want to show him that room.” You point at the one Hubbard told you about. “Y’know, to scare him a little…”

“Won’t work well if you tell him beforehand, friend.” The younger guard chuckles.

“Well, I’m not above a good joke…” The older gentleman grabs the key on the wall. “Please, follow me.”

You follow the tiny old gentleman. He’s wobbling first, then Hubbard, then you — and the other receptionist at the back. He unlocks the door like breaking open a bad curse, not that you know a lot about it…

“Hoho.” The old gentleman closes it back. He can’t stop chuckling. “Excuse me! I forgot there’s someone in here!”

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“Congratulations, you weren’t wrong. She’s in that thing. I don’t give a shit about why for now.” Odetta sounds stressed but there’s a tint of hopefulness in her words. “Tell me if you know another way to break a curse, aside from killing the guy who made it.”

“Let’s find out.” You say. “Hubbard, any idea how to break her out?” You get close to the painting.

“C-Can we figure this out outside?! I’ll carry it if need be! I have contacts who deal in these topics that we can find if that eases your worries!” Hubbard suggests. Hard to trust him knowing what type of guy he is, this deal even sounds like a way to ensure his freedom…

“Hey, are you going to ignore me…? This is *not* cool. I do *not* vibe with this.” The half-dead prisoner feels offended.

Before someone can acknowledge the one thing that nobody wants to acknowledge, shouts come from the outside, you recognize the voice as the nice lazy guard that guided you here.

“G-Guys!” The guard shouts, shutting the door behind. “W-We have issues, t-there’s an intruder…!”

Uh-oh, you assume this is the same intruder that has been causing chaos throughout the day! You know, Mr. Explosion-Earthquake man! That’s the title you’ll go with until you figure out what they look like. Maybe you should stick to calling them a piece of shit. You’ll ask Bubbles for her opinion later…

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Thanks for running! Cool thread
Thanks for running

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Tagline/Blurb: Earn your place in Task Force Vanguard. Your choices determine your fate. Failure is not an option.

>The year is 2003
>The president is some guy who really likes being on a ranch and wearing a cowboy hat. Some kind of Texan who speaks plainly and calmly, like he's talking to small children.

You are subordinate to the Domestic Security Coordination Council, a coordination of the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Health and Human Services. Your co-workers are Marines, Military Intelligence (Army, Defense), Special Agents (FBI), Detectives or CSI types (Justice), and Doctors/Corpsmen (Health, Marines)

The Homeland Security Advisory System has been set the threat level to High (Orange); at least for the state of Colorado.

The situation in the Middle East is going, depending on the country or area, shocking and confusingly well, or shocking and confusingly terrible. The Department of Defense is strapped for resources and while there is an extensive modernization, all of the new "toys" are being handed to frontline infantry units. Thankfully, the crime level is low and the Department of Justice is well funded.

Your purpose, is to aid and assist Task Force Vanguard. TFV, is one of the most classified sections of the Executive Branch. You have little idea about their exact function, but you've heard that people you once looked up to or studied under were rotated into the organization. You also know that the organization's responsibilities outstrip it's current funding.
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Whoops, wasn't aware we could get a second action done in the day, oh well.

>Given the various reports trickling up from Denver and down from DSCC, it seems the investigators won't be short on leads, and that the armor procurements are proving their worth already.
>Harper has singled out the next thing to be worked on. Nothing too exciting, another thing to help the NG keep things as stable and smooth as possible while the investigation is ongoing.
>A single side report from a CDC investigator looking for biological components to the attack, which Harper crossed with a map of the attacks, and some reports on how the population is handling things.
>There does indeed seem to be a looming clean water crisis, and with how volatile things still are, water mobs are best avoided, as they would both tax local peacekeeping forces, be they local police or NG personel, and present excellent targets should any follow-up attacks materialize.
>The NG is on the case, as are a few people, but the sheer amount of stock-shifting that needs to be done means Harper has enough to keep busy.

>Harper collates Prospero's reports and his own followup and worries about the situation, and uses them as attachments to a number of emails and forms he sends to neighboring cities, and even states, asking for updates on emergency water stocks and for transit of part of said stocks to Denver to be put together. He even CC's a few of the more prominent CDC people linked to the Denver case, highlighting the risk of people being panicked enough to immediately start resorting to unsafe water sources, leading to a potential epidemic.
>Harper does not expect the task to be difficult, just time consuming, as stocks need to be tracked down, and transport solutions to get them into the NG's hands must be devised. Some of the previous day's work on getting equipment to Denver can be reused, but the sheer amount of water that will hopefully be coming in means there is a lot of background work needed still.

No form this time, since I'm not sure the action lends itself to it overmuch.
>“(Static crackle) …
This is a repeating public service announcement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region VIII. To all residents of Colorado affected by the ongoing crisis: Stay calm and remain resilient. We are Colorado strong! Your democratically elected federal government, is ready to serve and here to support you. We are mobilizing all available resources to ensure your safety and well-being during this challenging time.

Treated and electrolyte-enriched water is being shipped in vast quantities and will be distributed at designated relief points shortly. Information on these locations will be broadcast regularly. Your health and hydration are paramount.

We are coordinating a massive influx of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals to address all potential needs. In the spirit of American ingenuity and our commitment to the common good, every effort is being made to secure and deliver any and all necessary medicines to the affected areas.

A state and regionwide call has gone out for medical professionals. The strength of our nation rests upon the volunteerism and civic duty of its citizens. If you have any medical training, from first aid to a nursing degree or beyond, please report to your nearest designated relief point. Your skills are urgently needed and deeply appreciated in this time of crisis. United, we shall stand!
A special note regarding wound care: For serious lacerations and all gunshot wounds, antibiotic treatment is crucial. Please ensure these injuries are seen by medical personnel as quickly as possible for proper antibiotic administration. For minor cuts and wounds, please conserve vital medical supplies. Thorough cleaning with simple soap and clean water, followed by the application of petroleum jelly and a clean bandage, is sufficient. Please refrain from using antibiotic ointments such as Neosporin for minor injuries, we don't want to see a large uptick in antibiotic resistance. Please and thank you.

Stay strong, Colorado. We have endured great hardship and we shall endure again, for we are Americans. Inside of you, somewhere, is frontier spirit. Help is on the way. Long Live The Republic.
>(Static crackle)”
Currently equipment for drawing out large swaths of water free of large containments and then setting them aside, is being done. Alongside bringing in as much bottled water as possible, massive amounts of used water bottles are being cleaned and brought in. The largest source are California and Arizona, and the payment for the bottles is 5s crumpled, 6 cents uncleaned and 7 cents clean.

Water treatment tablets and electrolyte powders were already set aside by TFV ahead of time.

If things get bad enough, plans are being made to massively water down pool bleach.

Tons of people have panicked and caused the water system to sometimes shut down. As a consequence, a new tax is being imposed on water consumption over a certain amount and there is now a cap on how much water an area can draw (The cap is about enough for 10 people to shower 15 minutes, wash a days worth of clothing, and run a full dishwater twice, on top of cooking and eating).
[Checking in, how are things on your end, QM?]

6 Centuries ago 6 witches began their incantation on a distant, windswept island Their feverish whisper lasting 6 days and 6 hours and 6 minutes, repeating over and over, always in perfect sixes. Year after year, decade after decade, century after century their lips mouthed the words of prayer most dark, most foul, dripping with poison. For six long centuries their six cohorts of six soldiers burrowed deeper and built higher, six great fortresses with six greater tower, six great gates and six deep dark labyrinths below. And today, today their dark labour is complete.

The six cohorts of warriors and their six captains don their weapons and armor, gleaming with a shining darkness most unsettling. Their appetites voracious, the great cauldron empty, their ever laughing, ever smiling, ever hungering goddess begins to stir....

Welcome to VVITCH CULT! It's quite simple, a cover of 6 witches, have six captain that commands 6 raiders. You raid as your goddess commands you, eternally, without ceasing, without mercy. You raid for slaves, you raid for sacrifices, you raid for treasure, you raid for glory, you raid for power, you raid to fulfill your own lust for blood.

You hear her, whispering in your head, whispering in your heart, whispering in your soul. "I thirst....."she whispers.

From your great island fortresses, dug 666 feet deep into the earth, with towers stretching 666 feet into the sky, your great vvitches close their eyes, levitating off the ground, and begin to commune, where shall we raid first? Their whispers echo off the slick stone silo walls at the center of the island fortress. (FIRST TO 3 DECIDES [EAST, SOUTH, WEST])
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QM it's been 3 days don't flake that quickly... also there are 6 squads of 7 raiders each? (captain + 6 raiders) Another thing is that you have to consider the impact of distance. West was 2 days and the other options were 1 day but what of it?

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You are a Cutémon!

You are one of the rarest types of mon: a mon that looks like a cute human girl!

Like all mons, you gain energy by fighting and defeating other mons. Your trainer is the human boy Joe Apple of Patina.
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It seems like you had better try to get a hat right away! You peek out from the underside of the bench and see a little human boy wearing a hat and walking with the other humans toward the exit door and then your hair stretches out toward him and grabs the hat off his head and starts carrying it back to you and then-

"Mommy, something just stole my hat!"

"What is that?"

"Looks like long hair!"

It seems like the humans can see your hair! Your hair lets go of the hat and gets shorter and shorter but then one of the humans peeks under the bench from the other side and sees the top of your head!

"There's a mon under the bench!"

"It's a wild mon!"

[SFX: screaming]

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Rolled 6, 42 = 48 (2d100)

>Challenge Gunner and try to escape through the back door (roll 2d100)
These people know what we are. they won't listen to us.
Rolled 86 (1d100)

>Try to sweet-talk the humans into letting you and Psykid go (roll 1d100)
It's worth a try. It's better than having their first impression of us being that of beating seemingly random people up on a crowded train. If that fails we can still fall back on VIOLENCE
Rolled 40 (1d100)

>Try to sweet-talk the humans into letting you and Psykid go (roll 1d100)
Rolled 52, 58 = 110 (2d100)

>Challenge Gunner and try to escape through the back door (roll 2d100)

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You woke up to an ocean of grey.

You, however, quickly corrected this assessment; this grey was of a rather light shade, with a small tinge of blue. You concluded that you were looking at the sky.

Only then you took notice of your body. You were lying on your back.

You heard the wind howling against… something. It sounded like grass. It made you cold. Very cold.

You tried to move, but your legs refused. It felt like they were stuck in the ground.

The mud felt grainy against your skin.

It took a while before you got to your feet. You haven’t done this in a long time. While you stretched your shoulders, you looked at your surroundings.

You were in a ditch of some sort. Looking over its edge, you did not see much more than a field. A field stretching far and wide like a vast sea with small islands of forest here and there. The only other thing disrupting this endless plain was a long, small hill with trees on it. These trees were arranged in a neat row. Curious. You didn’t remember trees standing in neat rows like that.

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>A smaller blue book with a golden lion printed on the back.
For the red book and
for the blue book.

We have a tie. Can anyone help out?
Rolled 1 (1d2)


1 = Red
2= Blue
That settles it. I'll write up an entry tomorrow.

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You’re ANTON PEAS: a loose-cannon cop with a hair-trigger temper and a hunger for justice… whatever the cost!

Wait, no… no you’re not–you’re a Grill Jockey at GREASE MONKEY: THE DEEP-FRIED EVERYTHING FAMILY RESTAURANT! Thanks to a demonic ritual gone wrong, you were whisked away to ZORAL: a fantasy realm shrouded in perpetual darkness–the surprise trip leaving you with a plate full of troubles and a head full of holes!

Dazed, confused, and bloodied by the local fauna (and a particularly feisty demoness named Rezalith), you somehow managed to stumble across some friendly locals… or rather they stumbled across you: there’s VOLKA: gentle giantess and Marshall of some kind of militia/neighborhood watch called THE LAMPLIGHTERS, TZAH-TZIE: a spunky bard that kinda latched onto you for inspiration, MOROOK: the stoic ranger and gatherer of alchemical regents, and the ever-grumpy OTI: a moody mage with an interest in your recently-acquired powers…

You heard right! Conveniently manifesting right before becoming a treat for the wildlife, the ability to summon fireballs from your fingertips has helped you out of a few jams… it’s a shame the gift might be demonic in origin!

Needless to say, you’ve been busy! VOLKIR, Volka’s adoptive father and potion seller has promised to assist you in finding a way home–for a price!

20,000 BELLS is his fee, and though you already have several leads on how to acquire said sum, the task is already shaping up to be far more troublesome than it appears. In an attempt to refresh an Innkeeper’s stock of booze, your journey took you to the DOCKS DISTRICT. What began as a simple sidequest has put you through the proverbial ‘wringer’--and might have even put you in the sights of unseen, but surely wicked forces…

Speaking to a shaky sugarseller, THIS is where your story continues…

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“Th-those whistle-carryin’ cunts!?” Wheezes the Boss, the ice holding her aloft crackling from the sheer force of laughter, “D’ya know how many of ‘em me an’ mine killed? Only stopped cuz’ they never carried anything good on ‘em! Fuckin’ wastes of a-”

The word ‘of’ barely leaves the Mzz’goe’virr’s lips when Volka RIPS the criminal from her icy perch and slams her onto the bricks with a resounding THUD!

“Maybe I wasn’t clear:” Snarls the Skog as she holds the fairly-rattled recruit aloft, “Start a new chapter with us… or end it right here.” A low, rumbling growl emanates from the girl’s throat as she brings the Boss’s face closer to hers! “Chop. Chop.”

“Hey… you just gonna let her do this? Huh?!” You answer the Boss’ question with a shrug. What’s it gonna be, huh?

A moment that feels like an hour drifts through the alleyway before the Mzz’goe’virr makes her move. Seeing her lurch in Volka’s grasp, you’re one second away from lighting her up like a Christmas Tree when she lets loose a defeated sigh!

“Fuck it all, fine... you win this one, you smug bastards…”

“W-wait a minute!”

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“Guess we’ll see, won’t we?” She counters as Tiro and Sino rush to her flanks! “I’ll be getting that necklace back, Tusks…” Vuuse adds with a menacing glimmer in her eye! “Count on it…”

“Battle’s End Tavern,” Volka smiles, “Seeya there.”

With one last glance, the ex-Icers slink into the darkness with their proverbial, and maybe literal, tails between their legs! Waiting a few moments to ensure they’ve departed, the Skog nearly stumbles over herself and takes a deep, steadying breath!

“HELLS, Ant…” She wheezes, her eyes wide as her tail rushes to keep her balanced, “That… that could have gone FAR worse…”

“I’ll say!” You nearly sling what little ice magic remains in your shield at the sudden voice, but you barely manage to stop yourself when you see the green eyes it’s attached to! Where the heck was she!?

“Chasin’ the guy they trapped.” TT shrugs, “He got away, but he dropped this. Catch!”

You catch it alright–with your face. Grumbling as you struggle to pick up the credit card-sized metal object hucked your way by the Spinner, you frown as, like everything else in this damn world, you fail to comprehend the intricate divots and bumps on the surface!

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>Gab with the Guides. For FREE?
>Nah, we'll still pay them. We insist!
:( The kittens are scared of us. This tragedy will not stand!
>Just head to Gold Town already!

Also, we've definitely hovered more around TT's moral level than Volka's, even fi we're somewhere more in the middle, huh? Between that and ho much she's clearly into us, I think TT might end up being bestgirl after all.
>>6151545 +1
>If they want to be generous, we’ll accept a reduced rate on behalf of the Lamplighters. Can’t expect any group that works for absolutely nothing to last long!
Yes Volka, I’m calling you out. The money can go to equipment to keep recruits safer at least!

>Gab with the Guides. For FREE?
>Vocalize with the Volka!
See if we can loop the guides and Volka into talking more. Might be able to use the kids as a small network for steering business towards Lamplighters through Ma. They get a small commission when the jobs are completed, Volka gets more work where the help is really needed. The pay will never be great but we know Volka wouldn’t care.

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Bright dawning days and solar rays and high suns - and flashing blades and other things.

Looks like they're going to make a fight of it.
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>Move 5 hexes NE as we prepare for the assault.

Vitality 12/12 Stamina 8/8 Focus 10/10
Action 9 Speed 1 (oh, consequences)
Will 11 Health 10 Grit 10 Sense 10
React 9
Lethality 1d6 Threshold 1d6
Authority +1, Rep +2
Uniform, DR 2
Shortblade, Sharp

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Vitality 12/12 Stamina 13/13 Focus 13/13
Action 9 Speed 2
Will 11 Health 10 Grit 10 Sense 10
React 10
Lethality 1d6+1 Threshold 1d6
–Alchemineering Kit
Uniform, DR 2
Shortblade, Sharp
Shield [18 HP, 3 DR, +2Def]
Empty Pockets
2 Bandages, 2 Torches, 2 Bags of Salt

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I'm here, I'm here

Vitality 12 Stamina 13 Focus 13
Action 9 Speed 2
Morale +1
Inspiration 0.6
Reputation -1
Will 10 Health 10 Grit 10 Sense 10
React 9
Lethality 1d6 Threshold 1d6

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>In this year of the Empyreal and Icons above and below. I...WE are here!

Vitality 12/12 // Stamina 13+1 // Focus 13+1
Action 9 // Speed 2
Will 10 // Health 10 // Grit 10
Sense 10 // React 9
Reputation 2 // Authority 2
Lethality 1d6 // Threshold 1d6

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>Previous thread

You are Amon. G Sus an orphan hobo in the Pokemon universe. After winning a dream vacation to Alola he's been wining and dining and getting it on with the ladies while a mysterious conspiracy seems to surround his seemingly "perfect" vacation.

>We are at 4 spaghetti points at the moment.
>Spaghetti points are used to determine how much of a fucking autist you are in dialogs and other rolls for good or bad. They can also be spent on Pokemon evolutions or new moves. So get em but spend them quick. 5 points for an evolution, 3 for a new move

Here is the team!

Foongus: Timid and cowardly, you met him at age 7 when foraging for food. You thought he was a Pokeball due to hunger and he ended up crying due to being afraid. You gave him a last morsel of food to calm him down and he followed you into the city. Now your bros for life. He's more brave during battles as long as its not TOO rough.
Ability: Effect Spore
Mega Drain
Stun Spore
Sweet Scent

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>Hey guys. Sorry about that. Let's rock.


"Okay! Let's find an open place to battle. Oh. Totem Pokemon battles only let you use one Pokemon traditionally. To simulate that just keep in mind you can only use one Pokemon at a time." Mina says. "Ok Ribombee let's get going." Ribombee buzzes around her and follows her. As you walk towards an arena made of driftwood you notice some locals eyeing you oddly and a few even sadly. "I guess they noticed you don't have a challenge band. It means your on the Island Challenge when you wear one. Not many challengers lately." Mina says. "Yeah I remember that being mentioned by Mallow." You respond. "Why?" Mina frowns. "Not many people wanna fight their way to a sad ending." Mina says simply. Then she smiles. "But don't worry about that! Here...take your place here." Mina gestures. And then she gets on the sidelines. "Okay Ribombee! Show them what you got!" Mina says.

>Who are you sending out first?
Rolled 52 (1d100)


Going with anons plan
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Support >>6149623
My support is either unwanted, unneeded or both

Will update soon. Got sick from airport.

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You must dig.
You are alone.
Naked and Hungry.
She awaits you.
In the darkest reaches of Bothrou-dum.
Pick up your shovel.
Your pickaxe.
You have 1000 Days to live.

>Dig ( Tier 0 tools, 2 days)
>Dig faster (Tier 0 tools, 1 Day)
>Research (No innovation orbs in inventory)
>Scavenge (3 Days)
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>Dig faster (Tier 1 tools, 1 Day)
They are in the walls.
Ocean above, Ocean below
What is the sun? A distant memory
Who is her? Everything.
It shines upon your swarthy hands
A pearl of Knowledge swelling with tears
Moans, Groans, Cries and Wails
Of those before you.
All in the palm of your hands.

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>Research (1 Innovation Orb in inventory!)
>Research (1 Innovation Orb in inventory!)
>Research (1 Innovation Orb in inventory!)

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