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You cross your arms.



Your arm remained crossed.


Your old colleague, Lux, spread her arms on the circular table. She clasped her hands and shook with her head flat on the table. Her blond hair shimmered under the cloudless sunny day. A gentle breeze waved past, cooling the surrounding area of the outdoor cafe you sat in. Her canine ears drooped down.

"How did this come by anyways?"

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She has the high ground
Telvani emerged as the victor

The avia-humane, were seperate race born with avian features such as winged ears and wings on back. However, their distinct appearence did not the avia-humane lived in one kingdom or domain. Like many regular folks, culture and identity dicated their homes, even among avia-humane there was a subspecies with different wingspans and some with wings for arms instead of wings on their backs, often venerated as some headfigure or royalty.

“Then in three, two, one… begin!”

The battle did not begin with an immediate aerial assault using ranged weapons. Hardly. Telvani rushed in, attacking with quick slashes of her scimatar, spinning and dancing with her blade. Sparks flew as the weapons clashed. Pearl used her wooden rifle to block the attacks and managed to push Telvani with a front kick that sent her skidding across the arena.

“Ha! How you'd like that towel headed cunt?” Pearl growled.

Telvani's wings unfurled. Wtih great gust of wind, Telvani flew up. A series of quick aerial assault began. Not just with her sword, but with a flail she tucked behind her. Her final winning move was one flail to the face, courtesy of gravity and speed.

“Pearl Revere is out! Telvani Ali-Pasha is the winner! Also, will a student escort Ms.Revere to the infirmary please?”

The tournament went on. Akagi, Khora, and Telvani advanced into the next round. Three more rounds were required. Though by nowm you weren't sure if you could submit the class representative on time... You still had some few days left however, so it was not urgent as of now.

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>In the end, Helen was the winner
liked her description. Also merry christmas qm and anons.
>>In the end Gorgo was the winner
Merry Christmas to you too anon

you haven't been in the city for years, you enter the market district and take a cursory glance, when your fleeting glance happens to fall on the stall of an old goblin woman, her eyes light up and she rubs her hands together as she looks at you with her bile-green eyes. she engages you in conversation and shows you her wares. some of the 'knives' are simply broken, rusted swords, some of the more well-kept pieces have clear signs of use such as dried blood or pooled poison that has clearly passed its expiration date that stains the bronze. "come, come see my wares and trinkets, they will serve you well and mighty" she flashes her yellow uneven teeth. what is your next move?
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>Ask if she is of amy relation to Yogurt, known to some as Yoda
>ask if the poison being expired makes it more or less deadly
Does she have anything to suit my profession, interests, or present needs?

Is she covered by the Merchant's Charter?
>Humor her and ask about pricing.

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You stare at the door outside. It would be easy to put all this out of your head and just keep it moving. But it doesn't feel right.. you cast a glance at Batman and find he's already staring at you. The unsettling glow of Batman's eyes from beneath that cowl of his make you nervous. Hell, everything about this place makes you nervous. An hour ago you still thought of 'magic' and 'spirits' as possibilities. Chances in an infinite universe, things you never really believed fully but still left the door open for. Only now the door is wide open and you've stared into what's behind it directly and according to John it's done it's share of looking back. Is this really your place? No. It isn't, you weren't meant for dark delves into haunted asylums with masked crusaders. Yet it seems every time you fight to return to normalcy, for the privilege of an honest job, you're exposed more and more to how much deeper the rabbit hole goes. How comically small your role in the world is. You'd laugh if it didn't always feel like the joke was on you. But through all of this bullshit you've never lost sight of what you've stood for, the world wasn't your problem; Gotham and the people in it are. You look again at this man, this Batman, and it feels like another reflection.

Maybe he's meta, maybe he isn't but he's still a person. Someone who had desires, maybe the same ones as you. Just a man who wanted to protect his home. You remember when you first saw the photos in your dad's paper, his suit wasn't much more than stitched kevlar and sports pads despite it his presence was inescapable in the City. He seemed like a manifestation of Gotham's anger, finally fighting back to halt the grinding boot that was turning everyday people into a paste and looking at him now you aren't sure you recognize the man clad in pristine body armor, trimmed with technology that borders on science-fiction. It makes you think, would you from a few months ago recognize yourself? Your own words to Question echo in your head, maybe it's better to just focus on the things you can act on. This is out of your depth and it may be out of his as well, but you can still help where you can.

"You're out of your depth too." You start. "Your utility belt won't be as helpful against the things John's looking for as you think, and given everything he's said about you, you'll just end up drawing attention to both of you if you go with him."

"Maybe." Batman grumbles. "But I don't trust him to wander that place by himself. Even if it was empty."

"Gee, thanks mate." John mumbles, rolling his eyes wildly as he reads his tome.

"If anyone should be his backup, shouldn't it be another magician or wizard or something? He can't be the only one, you guys mentioned someone earlier."

"No." Batman says firmly. "I'm not bringing anyone else into this, I won't risk them."

"But you'll risk me?" You ask, genuinely taken aback.

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Merry Christmas!

"Let's start easy." You tell him puling a notepad free from your belt. "Just tell me anything shady you've heard recently from clients, anyone making requests for harder stuff? I know you mentioned that guy last time."

"Oh him? Yeah he ended up ghosting me pretty soon after we talked, shady stuff though uh.. I mean my whole thing is shady, man. But no, nothing harder, everyone still just buys green off me."

"I understand but think, everyone talks when the dealer is around, you ever hear any plans? Any crimes mentioned?"

"NO, man. I'm sorry but the people I sell too aren't out stealing cars or ripping off ATMs, I only sell to chill dudes.. or ladies."

You sigh.

"Alright then, tell me about them. Any faces stick out to you? Anyone mildly famous, maybe you saw em on TV or know their name around the neighborhood?" You pause as the next question enters your head but you just let it out. "Any cops? Buying or maybe asking for a donation to leave you alone?"

"No cops, I've only talked to you and the couple who arrested me before. But customers that stick out.." He pauses, you can see the sticky cogs of his mind turning. "There is one guy.. just confuses me."

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Forgot to tack on

Another update coming later today once this gets a handful of votes on it.
>>"Grant Park is right next to the City Hall District, Wallace. The suit, being uptight, how secretive he is. I think Mr. S might work for City Hall, and if he does then his drug use needs to be known."
Think about it Wallace, if some guy writing laws gets real high and writes something dumb that gets regular folks hurt because he was too blazed to see a loophole he accidentally wrote in that would be awful, wouldn't it? You wouldn't want that, would you, Wallace?

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Previously on With Great Power Quest: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=With%20Great%20Power%20Quest
and Rites of the Red Wizard Quest: https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5043544/#q5045606

Down we went into the dark, and into a terrible heat. It was a tropical warmth, the air thick and humid. I was uncomfortable in my jacket, but kept it on. The only light to see from was the fire in my fist. It cast long shadows down the descending stairs. The walls were stone, at first. So were the stairs. Then the next step beneath my foot became sticky, and the light gleamed a halo off the grool that dripped from the walls. A gloved finger slid along the surface just long enough for me to not want to ever touch it again.

It was fleshy, and wet.

"Fuck this," Grit muttered behind me as we descended into the living nightmare that was the Flesh-Smith's lair.

I don't know how far down we went, but the time we reached the foot of the stairs, we were breathing hard through the baking heat. Ahead of me Ayane's neck glistened, a sheen in her black hair. When the Living Dead Girl looked back, she wasn't frightened, her cheeks and her neck glowing from sweat. Her dark eyes were hard, determined, ready to meet the monster head on.

Putting a hand to her shoulder, I pulled myself in front.

If anyone was going to slay this dragon, it wasn't going to be here.

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>if its information he's after, ask if he's willing to do another mind probe and hope it goes better than last time
We'll roll high one day
locking that in with the write-in
merry christmas everyone. sorry for the lack of updates
A very merry christmas to you too Bullpen
Merry Christmas Bull

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Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%202nd%20Primarch%20Quest
Yushan, the first world explored by the courageous Celestial Explorers League sent out into the stars from Long-Jia's newly constructed space ports, and the first of Shangrala's sister worlds colonized and the furthest along in the process of being made into a proper habitat for its people and the others who found shelter upon the world you call home, be they human or not. After Guozhi proceeded to the next in the line of his thousand lives and you mourned with your fellow psykerists, and wept many bittersweet tears into the shoulder and hair of your beloved Kanzeon, the colonization and inspection of the world of Yushan had quietly proceeded and rather uneventfully. Now taint of discord or Empyrean energy wellspring was found lurking in its further reaches, and while its lack of fog and mist was unpleasant to the native Shangralans amongst its colonists, there had been no danger beyond what was expected in settling a new world, the threat of treading into and seeking to tame wilderness.

However, you and your most esteemed brother hood of panther hunters, and your sons of the legiones astartes and their own subordinate regiments of baseline humans from Terra, along with a smattering of various abhuman and xenos auxiliaries, had been requested to solve an unexpected problem. The threat posed by the suddenly aggressive wildlife of Yushan, that the colony guard and imperial army of Long-Jia found themselves incapable of overcoming even with their advance weaponry and finely wrought armor and well honed tactics.

The most veteran amongst your space marines, and the survivors of the original brotherhood of panthers, all agree that amongst the many unique and fascinating strains of life present upon Yushan, four pose the greatest and most imminent threat to the brave and selfless colonists, whom have left behind their homes and the stability and safety of modern society to spread both humanities' dominion further across the stars as well as the values and wisdoms that had brought the people of Shangrala together to bask in shared prosperity only made possible through their unity and solidarity.

The habitat flattening "Town Crushing Serpent", with a hide toughened through the incorporation of the minerals that make up the majority of their diet, a natural defense strong enough to resist even sustained plasma fire. A formerly docile one horned brute of a creature prized and selected for domestication for their hardy, insolating fur and protein and vitamin rich milk, that has in recent cases of aggression revealed of previously unknown toxin produced within its singular horn that is singularly lethal and capable of causing deaths most prolonged and agonizing. A gargantuan reptilian beast that resembles the crocodilians of Prospero, that through yet to be determined means, is capable of, with a stare, paralyzing its prey.
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No Xenocide... (yet)
Xenocide appearing as an option isn't a big deal because from a game perspective the players expect to have all options available. Lieren really flew off the handle at these guys, but I think that's because he hates how they innately regard life coldly and statistically, which brushes rather close to some of the defining traits of tyranny.
>V: 21

>"Flee into the shadows: 0

>"Some crimes cannot be forgiven: 3

>"Until a new generation arises: 4

>"No. You will not be allowed to: 5

>Write in: 2
>> Those who have wrong us must stand trial: 8
>> Objective: 1
Their attacks on the colonies were just experiments to them, they were terrorizing and murdering people just to satisfy their sick curiosity. They obviously don't even view other sapients as people. I think sparing them is just asking for trouble.
Okay, can we at least agree that FURTHER bullshit on their part will result in their total destruction?
>Very sorry dominant primate, we have no idea how those mind control genes ended up there. It must have been another of those rogue personalities.

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Lucia threw back her head, snubbing at Miranna’s words.

“I ought to thank you, Harpy, for scaring the villagers into hiding,” she said, one hand steadying the magical tendril at your ankles, while raising the other towards the Nettle Harpy’s head. “It’s less of a trouble for me now.”

“You promised me five minutes,” you called out, nearly stepping out of her snare. You trusted your friend not to punish you for a mistake.

She clenched her fist, leaving it hanging. Glancing your way, she nodded, quickly returning her eyes to Miranna’s.

You lifted both palms to your neck and cleared your throat.

“Miranna. The prophecy says that it’s the Demon Generals I am destined to slay. If those demons cease to be Generals, the prophesied death will need not to befall them.” You turned to Lucia. “Wouldn’t it be best for all? No need for bloodshed.”

Lucia’s lengthy eyebrows brushed together.

“I never said I’ll join your side, young Niklos.”

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Miranna groomed you well.
> Swear that should they aid you, you’ll take them to the last remains of the Old King’s forces, where they may claim all the armour they want.
Most people probably wouldn't believe the prophecy. I mean, would YOU?

Demons do seem superstitious by nature or culture, though
There won’t be an update today, but here are some festive holiday Mirannas I had generated.

Merry Christmas!
> Tell them of the prophecy, and how you are destined to defeat not only the Demon King but all of the generals. How is that for strength?
Big dick destined one energy

How does she not shred those gloves with her untrimmed nails?

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"In need of money? Unemployed? Join the POLYTECH expedition to the old planet of Old Earth! No need to buy equipment or weapons! Recruiting...recruiting...recruiting..." You slowly gain your senses, as you wake up on a snowy field. You look around and you see a crashed airplane-sized spaceship, broken in two and covered in flames. There are bodies around it...Must be your crew. You see a man In the distance, but he is far away. You have time to prepare for his arrival.

>Name: Nathan Cooper
>Role: Mechanic
>Personal: An Englishman. Dreamed to be an engineer, but dropped university. Is very good with repairing radios, weapons and technology. Analyses every move and is keen to diplomatic solutions.
>Difficulty: “We got this man! We got this by the ass!” Your skill in analization helps you predict the possible outcome of the fights. You are more likely to find a peaceful way to resolving the conflict. Your skills in repairing can help you in reaching out to any other survivors here

>Name: Yuriy Kovalev
>Role: Squad leader
>Personal: Russian. Used to be an officer in the army, taking part in the uprising against the new POLYTECH government. Accepted the job, due to hitting his rock bottom. Aggressive, but is still a team player. A professional in unarmed combat and leadership.
>Difficulty: “God, help me” You are a good leader and have a lot of skill in fist combat. But you are still a very aggressive person, which can lead to conflicts inside your own group
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>Thank her and leave

>"Can you tell me about yourself? Now that I'm de facto member of your team"

Alice stares at you for a couple of seconds before starting to talk.

"I took part in the Second Russian civil war. First Polish Brigade on the Central front. I was a nurse in one of the hospitals, close to the frontlines"

Alice turns to the barricaded window behind her

"During the later stages of the war, when our forces started to lose battle after battle I was captured and sent to the POW camp. After 5 months there POLYTECH sent me with one of the expeditions here as a "redemption program". I dont think anyone from my "redemption legion" survived except Kane"

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>"Can you tell me about the others in this camp?"
>"Can you tell me about the others in this camp?"
>>"Can you tell me about the others in this camp?"

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For generations, the Kingdom of Lindan has been under siege by an otherworldly threat, that of demons. Hailing from a barbarous and unusual land and with skills that defy all magic, science, and logic, known as Cheat Skills, these Strangers all have the capabilities of bringing on the end of all times if they use their talents improperly. As such, an organization was formed, known as the Inquisition, to combat these hellspawn and send them back from the depth they’ve come from…

Currently, however, there’s one small issue. That being said, you happen to be both a Stranger and an Inquisitor. You are Asher Riven and while normally you’d be babysitting the seemingly much more important Princess Lorina de Lindan, it’s about half a decade too early for her to join the Inquisition and she's probably too busy whimsically frolicking in the blissful ignorance of still thinking her fiance, the one she always keeps raving about, loves her you’re stuck at a minor noble party in a creepy backwater fishing village. Yippee...
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Supporting >>6164436

Merry Christmas!
Happy Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you as well!


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You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. He goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Max%20Spider%20Quest

Last time: After Ben and Ana thwart a candy-themed crook, and Ben is entrusted with a gumball that's meant to psychically implant a memory into his head, Cindy Moon finds her life turned upside down when a black dog comes looking for her, bringing news that her grandmother is alive and requests her assistance. But before she even gets a chance to visit her, Cindy is attacked and kidnapped by a new and mysterious organization known as "Cradle", that employs the use of young superheroes to do their dirty work. And to Cindy's surprise, she discovers that her mother is not only alive, but she's actually running this organization!

Ben, still under the impression that Cindy was in mortal danger, managed to convince the Kaiju King to summon his ward down to Monster Metropolis. And Cindy, now ripped from her mother's grasp once more, is left with the staggering realization that she possesses the spiritual power of a particularly dangerous fox demon.

How will Cindy's life change from here? Can she trust her family, or even her own patron god, not to hide the truth from her? Will Ben be able to protect her from Skul and his army of monsters?

Find out more in the latest issue of…MAXIMUM SPIDER QUEST!

Most dice rolls will be 1d100. Modifiers will be added depending on the situation or on the alien being used(Usually +10 or -10). Crit successes and crit fails apply. Crit fails can be overridden by crit successes, but crit failures cannot override crit successes.

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You pinched at a bandage wrapped around your stomach, pulled it away from yourself, and as soon as you let go, it snapped back into place. It was like elastic!

“Honestly, it doesn't even feel uncomfortable. It's like it was made for me.”

You flexed your fingers, noticed your claws again, and let out a dejected sigh, before returning your hands to your lap.

Young gave you an odd look of concern, but she didn't bother voicing her opinion. Probably for the best, if she was going to insult Khonshu like your mother had. That conversation was bound to go nowhere.

“This sidekick of yours,” Young began. “‘Wanda’, was it?”

You nodded, not at all bothered by the change in topic.

“Are the two of you close?”

“I mean…yeah, I feel like we're good friends already. She's got so much energy and a complete lack of boundaries, but I think that's why we get along. It's kinda nice to know that someone actually wants to be my friend so badly. Aside from B–the Huntsman, I mean.”

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“And as for the vampire invasion,”

You leaned forward, hoping to hear her take on all this.

“News has reached far and wide about this new development in the war, and I have heard our nosferatu council members discussing it openly among us.”

You gaped at her.

“You have vampires on your council talking about the war against humanity!?”

Young raised a hand to prevent any further outbursts.

“I don’t predict that these two will make any decisions until there are more developments. Currently, they have nothing to gain by joining Dracula’s horde. Nosferatu are considered outcasts in most sects, and they would surely be looked down upon while in the company of vampire lords.”

“So they’re staying here because they have more power here.” you reasoned. “That makes sense, but what happens when the situation on the surface changes?”

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>>Let her. You’ve spent your whole life not knowing that you had a grandma, and you’re willing to try letting her into your life. Right now, you’ll take all the family that you can get.
+1 to this.
>Let her. You’ve spent your whole life not knowing that you had a grandma, and you’re willing to try letting her into your life. Right now, you’ll take all the family that you can get.
I’m sure Cindy wants her family back, even if she buried it because of how impossible it was before now.

Maybe turn our hand down or to the side at first though. Claws and all, y’know? We could ask/will our mummy hand to pad the claws too, make it safer for us to grab things.

Just to give Cindy one more thing to worry about, what is proper handshake/handholding etiquette when you have claws? The correct way to position your tail when meeting a ruling class? I’m sure this has come up with all the different monsters and someone has written a whole book on manners that includes it. One more thing she’ll have to study…

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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

The push into the gnoll held territory has started with a flanking maneuver. Taking the army west towards Darrowmere River and then into South Durnholde Hills. Your cavalry had hopefully fooled the gnolls to think of you coming directly at them, while in reality your army slips past the gnolls and you can strike into their soft backsides.

That is at least the plan, but you know that rarely plans go as intended. Soon the troubles started, you got caught in a magical trap laid by the mages of Dalaran during the Second War, but you managed to escape thanks to your magic training and the Fel inside you.

Next you faced Lord Colonel Othmar Garithos trying to claim the campaign's leadership position in a duel. But that buffoon had underestimated you badly and you branded, quite literally, his buttocks with the Cinder Sword. Without that ass around being a pain in the ass, your position as the Lord Commander of the Expeditionary Force was on a solid foundation. No one could threaten your position and you could concentrate fully on removing the gnoll threat once and for all.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MedivhQM

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>26, Crit Success!
>21, Success!

Very good rolls for Alric. QM is slowly returning back to normal, so I will have the update out tomorrow, but before that could we have one more set of rolls because I want to know if Alric notices/reacts to something. First DC is for noticing and second for reacting. Difficult one on purpose.

>3d10, Best of three
>DC 14, 23, Crit 28
Rolled 10, 6, 2 = 18 (3d10)

28, easy
Rolled 6, 7, 4 = 17 (3d10)

Inb4 shit rolls
Rolled 5, 8, 3 = 16 (3d10)

inb4 nat 1
It basically is asking for money... but it also ties blackmoor to us... and if it's a joint adventure it protects us from the alliance just cock blocking us with their fleet that's at their new naval base by southshore. And it incentives him to keep investing as we start raking in tons of money. Plus we'll probably need him to help guard his side of the river... and potentially help us kill the Trolls if that needs to be done to unblock the north part of the river. Since there's tons of logs there currently.

The King, St. Klaus IV, is dead, at the age of 114. He has Fathered No heirs. He has named No successors. His Wife, Queen Majesty Gertie II, has not been seen in the public eye for 2 months. There are rumors she has contracted Peppermint Rot, A ghastly plague, That makes bones brittle, Movement difficult, and death, certain. St. Klaus IV was a robust man, a fearless warrior, and a beloved king. His Subjects adored him, and his enemies, At worst, respected his ability to rule. He is to be given the sobriquet, The Uniter, for his deft hand in war and diplomacy.

However, with the king dead, and the Count of Jollyforst, Edwin Gumdrop, A kind, but weak elf, next in line for the throne, the Empire sits at a precipice.
Speak of secession billows through courts like a Highwinter gale.
Grilla, High-Chief-Matron of the Ogre Clans, Sallies her forces.
Grinch bandits, Sensing the weakness, plunder from merchants crossing the Plum Road.
Rogue Sorcerers Dominate isolated who-villages and Craft-Warrens
The High Krampus is calling for another crusade.
Tomten Holds Bar their doors.
Kallikantzaroi, like vultures, begin to appear, watching the goings on with unspoken malice.
All manner of monster ebb from the Snow frosted Forests
And more...

Naughtiness shall prevail, unless...
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> You perform Bound Yule Log
> Current MP: 65 of 70

Unwilling to deal or bear with any more cold than you absolutely have to, you resolve immediately to cast Bound Yule Log. Grimacing, you tug off your left mitten and lay your left hand directly on the nearest of the wooden posts for the inn's sign and focus your thoughts. As soon as you can think it, the body of the Log fades in, imposed over the wood of the sign post. As you watch, it deliberately shifts and folds itself in drips and drabs off of and away from the post until enough of it has materialized that it can just phase the remainder through in one big push. Once free and clear from the post of the sign, the Log floats to a safe distance away from anything flammable. As you summoned the Log from an upright post, the Log itself is upright, which looks rather funny once it takes light. The heat that it puts out is no laughing matter, however. Feels like you are right in front of the ovens again. A comforting thought.

With that, you go prone on the chest like Pingo was, and begin your watch. You cannot say that it is comfortable. Tolerable would even be a stretch. But you are not at risk for getting sick or run down ... though you imagine that if some of your former fellow passengers who suffered in the cabin of the sleigh last night were to see you now, they might take it poorly. More concerning is that Pingo might take it poorly as well, though he honestly seems to be quite forbearing. It does occur to you, however, that he might be miffed that you only thought to cast the Log once you were waiting outside, living him to weather the cold unaided. Maybe you could play it off, suggest that it took a deal of time and effort to get the cast right. Would he be taken in by that? Well, it would depend on how much he knows about Magic, and you really don't have much of read on his knowledge. Quite honestly, you don't really have much of a read on Pingo at all. Hopefully, you will get opportunities to rectify that soon. With any luck, he will just be happy for heat once the shift changes again. You wonder what is going to happen once the two of you have scoured the inn clean of drivers. Are you still going to be taking shifts? With the Log, it is much more bearable - but the common room, crowded as it is, is more bearable still.

You are so caught up in your thoughts that when you first see the approaching sleigh - heading towards the provincial border - you don't even register its significance.
Once you do, and you are done berating yourself for an overcooked fool, your first thought is of your Bound Yule Log. What will the driver - and passengers, for that matter - make of it? The sleigh is Prespe-bound. Odds are good that the driver and some of the passengers are Prespi themselves. And as most outsiders with Abilities in or bound to Prespe are Guildsmen ... you are worried that you might be rejected out of hand. Or that they take your Frostgelt, but instead of taking you for a ride, they "take you for a ride". It is only once you lift yourself up off of the chest to more closely regard the flame that you realize you are still wearing Guildsmarked clothes and carrying Guildsmarked luggage and equipment. You don't know if this is a case of good bad luck or bad good luck, but you never expected to lay eyes on a Prespe bound sleigh on your first "shift", before you had a chance to speak with the Bondsman again. Panic now sharpening what the cold had dulled, you start to consider options and outcomes.

Assuming that they stop for you - and that once perceiving that you are a Guildsman, they remain stopped for you - you would probably be able to get a good look at the passengers, and a very good look at the driver. If the driver isn't Prespi and only a few of the passengers are, then you imagine you would be safe enough. And you wouldn't be alone either; Pingo would be with you. For some of it at least. Still, there is a great deal of danger that can worm itself into the abscess between "safe" and "safe enough". And considering what you are going to get up to once you enter Prespe, perhaps it is wise that you don't enter it as a Guildsman. Of course, that would mean letting this sleigh go, and lying to Pingo. That ... well, it certainly would be Naughty, but no one would come to any harm because of it. Surely, there will be other sleighs. You don't know how long they will be, but for a surety, they will come. Time is valuable now, to be sure ... but you wouldn't want to rush into your grave, either.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You will flag down the sleigh as planned
> You will allow the sleigh to pass [Naughtiness +]
> You will flag down the sleigh as planned
What happens, happens.

Also, Merry Christmas new QM, and anyone reading.
> You will flag down the sleigh as planned
Shame about the timing, but we gotta get this show on the road.

Merry Kringlemas!
Closed and writing and Merry Christmas!

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"God was confused. Why did man not want to be saved?"
-Unknown, dated M26

You may have made a mistake.


Read the previous threads at: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=False%20Woman

You possess an amount of Strain equal to your Conditioning score. When attempting actions beyond your current capacity, you gain a point of Strain. Attempting to Strain while at maximum Strain will result in a Strain Check. During a Strain Check, roll 1d10 for every point of the relevant Parameter. Results that are 6 or above count as one success. Results of 10 count as two successes. Three successes must be rolled to avert a critical failure. Fail or pass, after a Strain Check, you cannot Strain again until you restore your Strain by seeking shelter.

This quest allows you to designate a second-choice vote on decisions with three or more options before Write-Ins. When votes are totaled, the option with the least votes for it will be removed, with votes for that option instead being changed to the second-choice of those voters. Second-choice votes are also used to break ties. This helps increase the accuracy of votes, but is not mandatory. Please specifically mark your second-choice as such if you do so.

Vote stay open for a minimum of six hours, but will usually take longer.

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Wish I wasn't, but I'm on the mend now. Hopefully an update by Christmas if I don't get sidetracked celebrating.
Get well soon Bentus!
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The side of it crumpled inwards, four lines appearing in the pulsating flesh of it's midsection and digging in, a fifth indent appearing on it's front. Spectral mass held for a split second before it abruptly crushed inwards, the side of it's torso caving in, slamming the daemon down to the floor. It shrieked in anger, writhing limbs cutting into the plate curled around your right arm, sparks flying off.

The stench of ozone and exhaust fills your nose, your head aches with the flood of all your optics, and you taste putrid oil dripping down your neck. The creature screams as it's body cracks, something indescribable spilling out.

You hated it. This creature. It was an insult to you and your creator.

Things like this should perish screaming. Things like this should die. Die. Die. Die-

It howled in pain as a hole appeared in it's chest, fingers curling inside of it, questing for the raw nerves and bundles of Motive Force that it had corrupted, that it had stolen to grant itself life, which belonged to none other than the Omnissiah, and to whom it would now return it. You barely registered Korash saying something in a panic, the increasing orange of the room as flames built, the feeling of the hive quaking slightly beneath your feet, the screams of machine spirits in the noosphere no longer contained to this one room.

The daemon cried for mercy in a thousand languages at once, babbling like it knew the words, but you ignored the lies. It tried to retreat on itself, it's body collapsing back, withdrawing beyond your space again, but fingers pressed into the gap and followed after it. You could feel it thrash in alarm, trying to speed away as a hand opened on the other side and caught it, fingers wrapping around nerves instead of false-flesh.

They dragged it back, back into reality, back out of it's hiding place, lifting it up before you as you wavered in place, your legs strangely unresponsive, your body quivering with the effort of staying upright. You felt thin, unfocused as an arcing, screaming set of nerves ruptured back into the room, only to be drawn taut and pulled and pulled until it tore. The links came apart in a scream of servos and the binaric howl of the creature in it's grip.

Something leaned over you, fixed in place just behind your head, even though each time you looked, nothing was over your shoulder. You were being held up, but you couldn't feel any grip. Something kept your eyes open, but you wanted nothing more than to close them.

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“Kill her!” He snaps to the skitarii in the room. Sparing one glance - not at you, but at the entrance to the side room - he turns and dives through the back of the room, scrabbling for something behind what you swore was a hard wall and disappearing. He even dropped his gun, he was in such a rush.

You couldn't quite process it. You were suddenly feeling so very, very tired. Your back hit the lectern, and you realized how hot it was in the room. Flames were steadily consuming the shelves and the wooden furnishing. When had that happened...? Your eyes pulsed, and you could feel something releasing from with you, rushing through your body, but whatever it was- it wasn't enough yet. Copper-faced skitarii approached you, their human faces long since excised and hidden behind cog-wreathed helms and optic replacements.

One stalked up to you, blade out. The other lifted a weapon- a macrostubber bolted to it's forearm, and tensed to fire.

Viscera that smelled like sweet oil and rust burst over your clothes, soaking your front. The residue streaked on your face immediately began to curl and flake, cooking in the heat. The first skitarius pitched forward, headless, limbs twitching with residual static in the wires. It hit the altar beside you and slid to the ground, lifeless.

It's companion whirled in an instant, leveling it's pistol at the entrance to the room. A thunderous roar filled the room, the muzzle flash only equaled by the glittering of the storm of metal discharged into the air.

It did not go down the corridor, but instead screamed over your head in a cascade of shrapnel, cutting into the walls, severing cables and scoring the ritual circle as the pistol was thrown across the room by it's own recoil, the skitarius's severed arm sparking at the destroyed stump.

Without so much as flinching, it drew it's blade, arm locking forward in a point first charge, the weapon screaming beyond what you should have been able to hear as it charged into the flames, into the emerging figure, into the jaws of promethium that were spreading wider- no, into the dark maw that was it's throat, a head of palest white turning, hand still outstretched.

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It swatted the tech-warrior against the wall without looking, a pistol already raised in it's hand as stepped forward into the room, sweeping a pistol bigger than your wrist in it's hand. Flames rushed up it's body, curling along scaled hides and ceramite without purchase, bowing down and parting for the passage of this angel, this warrior of whirling machinery and consideration, who had crossed to your side in an instant, sweeping the side chamber Korash-22 had disappeared into, turning it's head and looking down- far down at you, careful to approach without touching you with gauntleted hands. The paint glowed a faint emerald with residual heat in the shadow the giant cast over you.

>"There's something right behind me."
>"Korash. You have to..."
>Simply fall to your knees.
>[Genolysis] No, you need to keep standing. Stay awake.

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Past Thread: >>6115274
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Missval
General Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/5hFQZtc3
Character Sheet (As of the end of Thread #5): https://pastebin.com/xA4G6LMk
Twitter/X account for important announcements, contact and stuff (It has cobwebs! I also am in the Quest General discord). https://x.com/MissvalQM

Your name is Shelly Suzume. You’re now officially a member of the White Fang. You’re still adjusting to it, and it has its ups and downs. You’re not that much into the ‘anti-human’ thing. You just want to help people, and right now Faunus are the group most in need of your support (plus, you owe a few favors to Taylor, the leader-boss of this branch here in Kuchinashi).

You recently had a tense conversation with the leader of the entire organization, Sienna Khan. Unfortunately, the talk wasn’t what you would call comfortable. The discussion stemmed from a recent tragedy. One of her family members (Aunt?) was killed by someone… or something. Plenty of other members of your branch lost their lives too, and so you went to go enact some justice for the fallen. You promised her that.

And to put it mildly, this has been one of your worst days you’ve had so far.
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>Being a leader was something you already had experience with. If you gained more power and prestige, you could help plenty of people within the White Fang. Maybe even change some of their more extreme viewpoints in the future. Make a name for yourself in history. Be open to the idea.
>You felt flattered, but rising through the ranks this quickly? And inside the White Fang, nonetheless? Carmine would certainly oppose it. Adam would most likely be displeased. And if word got out to your friends… Show reluctance to the idea, but not entirely closed to it.
>Fuck that. You were done being a lackey of the White Fang. If you wanted to help Faunus, you could do so on your own terms, humans included. Besides, you had bigger priorities, like finding that scientist who messed with your head. Tell Tay your plan. That he should leave with you. Take Sora and go somewhere. Somewhere with more freedom.
>Other (Write in)
>Write in
>"So, what happens to you, after all is said and done? Do you intend to leave the White Fang entirely, or would you still want to stick around, in a non-leadership role?"
>>You felt flattered, but rising through the ranks this quickly? And inside the White Fang, nonetheless? Carmine would certainly oppose it. Adam would most likely be displeased. And if word got out to your friends… Show reluctance to the idea, but not entirely closed to it.
>Being a leader was something you already had experience with. If you gained more power and prestige, you could help plenty of people within the White Fang. Maybe even change some of their more extreme viewpoints in the future. Make a name for yourself in history. Be open to the idea.

Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/dZavHuK
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

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>had 8-9 active quests to vote on at the start of December
>now down to just 3
Holiday seasons are rough.
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Told you all God hates this hobby and it is his season.
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To another year of not getting our board deleted! gl and much love to everyone!
Why doesn't she button her pants? Is she stupid? Also she needs deeper pockets. Her sealed o-ring package is sticking out. How are you supposed to fix a leaky pipe if you lose that? This woman, I swear. She even stands directly under a toxic plant. So irresponsible.

Hear hear, anon. I'll drink to that.
That's for YOU to decide, loyal employee!

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The disfigured colossus drops to the ocean with one last hellish scream as a parting gift, with a burst of water swirling up as a bonus, and issuing a calming rain as the astonishment settles in everyone’s faces. All it took was a missile hitting the weak spot created by the giant fireball to slay the beast once and for all. Whatever happens to what’s left of it is for the waves to decide. Agent Beef and the others delivered the final blow, and your escape is all secured!

[HAEIOU, HAEIOU, HAEIOU, HAEIOU, HAEIOU!!!]” The terrifying laughter of a Calamity echoes through this victory! “[MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.]”

The exuberance is in the air, your ears are almost drowned by the cheers coming from HQ!

“HAHAHA! Yeah! Get fucked!” Odetta loves her explosions! She’s grinning like you haven’t seen her do ever since the painting became a thing. What a way with words she has.

“It’s dead! It’s really really mega dead! Oh my god! Oh my god, yes!” Aurora claps excitedly, then high-fives with Spooky, and she matches her excitement! Then Honey Bunny goes back to clinging onto you.

“I’ll never get used to being chased by this kind of crap…” You half-joke. Neither your Courage or Philonune can convince you otherwise.

“I was… so concerned for a moment.” Lady Steen puts her hands over your shoulder and sighs in relief. She wasn’t having a great time, and it wasn’t merely due to Rora being all over you. “But what was that?”

“Reinforcements…” You smile. “Sweet, sweet reinforcements.”

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You’re the last of the group to step out of the room. There, you’re stopped by an unexpected individual. Unexpected in the way that you forgot he was even here.

“Just a second.” Dossenius is wearing a calm expression on his face. “I couldn’t help but to follow your steps, overhear what everyone said about you, see your actions — and listen to this last conversation. And I…” He looks down at his hand trying to find the strength…

“Just say it, dude. If you speak from here...” Dylan taps his heart. “...People won’t hate you that much.”

“Right…” Dossenius takes the advice, but he isn’t sold on the idea itself. He probably considers Dylan not to be bright. “I… don’t see the monster I thought you were. The picture my friend painted of you or the pained words from my brother... both feel like counterfeited fabrications. I don’t have the entire canvas yet, I’ll admit I have some reservations about Bodil, but an apology is due for my indiscretions to you and everyone else.”

“It’s fine, man. We promised we’d talk later, didn’t we? I’ll show you that we aren’t that bad.” You half-joke.

“Dude, if you aren’t half bad, I have to see what half good is!” Dylan is pretty shocked by your humble words.

“If you do… I assure you that I’ll return the favor. To leave a life of anger behind, that’d be… nice.” Dossenius has a pained smile on his face.

“For now, let’s celebrate.” You smile back.

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-Walter showcasing his melodious voice to the world. He should join an opera.

-Annelien’s magic show with the assistance of multiple people (Rora, Iris, Dylan, Liu, and Gregory were volunteered.)

-Dunja’s juggling. People kept throwing things at her and she couldn’t be stopped. It was a different type of amazing!

-Brutus and Hanno having a duel to see who can lift the most people at the same time. Basically, they put people inside the Buffalo and lifted him. It started light with the likes of Odetta and Hubbard, but once they passed the Baz line, the winner was decided...

-An Ice Cream eating contest between Rahul, Tatianna, Carmella, Jaylene, Galactic, and Scarlet. Guess who won… She’s never too exhausted to eat ice cream. Vera led the referee team with Liu, Dossenius, and Darwin as assistants.

-Sally singing ‘Pop Shanty’ by a Pirate Idol. Beth, Zyra, and Tihana joined her as her background dancers. This evolved into everyone ‘drunkenly’ joining in at every chorus!

After that, everything turned into a dance floor. You took a moment to approach Bubbles, and asked if she wanted to join you in a dance… She wasn’t tired of it! You guess the ice cream has healing properties on redheads!

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Thanks for running!
Thanks for running

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