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Evie, just like Eve

The last row in class. Population: 1.

A girl with long greasy hair is drawing scribbles in her notebook. Much of her oily hair covers her face, she likes the false feeling of solitude that it creates between her and the rest of the class. Her jeans look huge on her anorexic legs, her baggy sweatshirt is worn out, with sleeves ripped in few places. Just another way to lose herself, wrapped in fabric, hidden from undesired looks. If anyone volunteered to waste a more thoughtful gaze on her or her sweater, he would notice a 'KoЯN' logo on it. An old mp3 is blasting music from the same band in her eardrums and she doesn't hear the teacher addressing her.

"Evie, would you explain the cultural aspects and significance of Eve deciding to accept the apple on her own accord, without first confiding in her husband?"

Everyone laughs, again. Everyone is looking at her, again. The same few terrifying faces are looking at her. She takes off an earbud but the teacher has already moved on to some other classmate bitch. This can't go on. Something needs to be done. An outlet needs to be find expression before she bursts in school carrying things inappropriate for young ladies to have.

Her attention is drawn to the face of

>Audrey Shields, the meek biologist enthusiast that puts frog organs in her hoodie during autopsy class

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>Amos, the hispanic culture appropriator
Just fuck my shit up hombre.

I wonder which one is the most dangerous option.
>>Blake, the friendly stoner
>Kai, bad boy with a baby face
Perfect balance of damage and approachability. It seems that the harder guy we pick the harder time he will have approaching the target, even though we have decent chances with most common 4chan systems.
>>Kai, bad boy with a baby face
>Kai, bad boy with a baby face
the bishounen vs the jock, interesting

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"Wrong, wrong, wrong," you shame the hopeful athlete, "I thought you wanted to be champion?"

Out of the huffing and puffing comes a response, "I do, coach, I swear!"

You stew for a moment longer than is comfortable, on purpose. "Well, then, what the FUCK WAAAS THAAAAT? MY NONNA CAN THROW A BETTER LEFT HOOK." Teeth clenched, you stare at your pupil dead center in the face, then you force your eye to twitch when you have their attention. Pointing at the swinging bag: "ten more reps, let's go. And don't get sloppy, or else I'm takin' off my fuckin' belt again."

The athlete hammers away with precision timing and accuracy - right jab, right jab, left hook, weave! right jab, right jab, left hook, weave! right jab, right jab... The vinyl-on-vinyl rhythm continues on the speedbag as you turn around and fetch yourself the umpteenth beer out of your nonna's garage refrigerator. The cap hits the floor as the tenth rep ends. "Good. Now, thirty more."
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>>Find some small rocks in the parking lot and stitch them into Vinnie's gloves.
>>Find some small rocks in the parking lot and stitch them into Vinnie's gloves.
>Schmooze your way into the ring and onto the mic to give Vinnie a "proper" fighter's introduction.
Also while we into Mortadella let's go scumbag mode and throw shade on Otoni to get him mad and tilted before the fight. He's some nameless loser mook who might actually fall for it
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We got a lifetime of shittalk backed up; use it to curate Vinnie's image and rile the opponent.

Vinnie's wigg-rapping is terrible. Like a toikey widda studdah. How do we stop him.

can we force him to wear a mouth guard permanently


Your name is David "Gunny" Rockefeller, no relation.
A veteran of the united states marine corps, you find yourself in a far-out situation after an all-too-close encounter of the third kind!

In the last thread, Ronnie got captured and enslaved by David and his crew after having their fleet ambushed by the Metal Gear.
He went through various training and punishments, before being selected as one of the elites out of the whole group.

Ronnie experienced a lot of things for the first time. Being electrocuted, the joy of a freshly fabricated steak, the fear of being eaten alive by insects...
Not to mention a little bit of betrayal and several large drug overdoses, but that's all a day in the life of a pirate, you suppose.

Currently, Ronnie finds himself together with a mildly irritated David in a sewage tunnel underneath the greenhouse district, on a bug-hunting quest.
Your current objective is to gather samples of the various insects in the area, along with any other information you can get on their habits and activity.

The end goal of course, being the complete removal of these insects from your station.

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>She pulls a tarp off of something, revealing it to be a... pair of legs.
>Well, it looks like a frame that would go around your legs.
I hate this shit. If your guy gets an artery punctured or their legs break Or even worse, the frame bents the wrong way, taking the leg with it you can't tourniquet or put on a spling
Skill issues
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I have a very simple solution to that. Don't get your legs shot or stabbed. If you're not the guy running the Tesla, protect the guy who is.
The protection onion. Don't get shot.

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A shape takes form in the dark chasm outside the dome that covers the world. Long black hair slowly floats in all directions, occasionally following body movements of immense proportion in the endless void. Helios, that imbecile, has finally collected his chariot in the nether realm, marking the start of the glorious night. A hand reaches forward, passing effortlessly through the firmament, and starts caressing smooth and moist white clouds. Then begins to squeeze them together, creating denser, darker cloud formations. Finally the hand waves harshly and a thunder storm strikes tiny Argos. Now a pair of violet lips show up and blow freezing winds towards sleeping Syracuse. Snap of long fingers breaks the mast of a ship in open sea, sentencing it to drift helplessly with the Adriatic breeze. What delight it is to mess with mortals, Eris, the goddess of mischief, discord and chaos has her way with the world yet again.

Suddenly she feels a tug on her hair and while turning around a sprinkle of stars is thrown in her face by Andromeda and Virgo. Her favorite stellar constellations want to play tag with her across the abyss. Chasing and wrestling each other in the great nothing, Eris's childlike giggle changes to a sly smile as she feels an emotion of tremendous magnitude coming from the human world and more precisely...

>an indescribable resolve for freedom
A gladiator is laying in bed after a victorious day among the blood and sand of the arena. Why is he so restless then? Rage against his enslavers burns strong in his heart and doesn't let him enjoy his meal, the intense urge for freedom can't let him focus on the slave girl sent to his chambers.

type of story: arena battles, gladiator school infighting and drama, forced participation in decadent patrician parties, covert missions against his master's enemies

goal: achieve freedom by becoming the most popular gladiator and earn the wooden gladius, or... through rebellion

>a profound loss of purpose
Phoenician pirate and adventurer finds out that his home city, Tyr, has been ravaged by Alexander of Macedon and isn't sure what to do with his lamentation.

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A tanned man with medium height shows up on the boiling sand, holding a gladius and a legionnaire's shield. His helmet is ornamented with an intricate design imbibed in the metal during the forging process, on which two long red feathers now stick out. His sword hand is fully covered in scaled armor, his legs carry heavy guards. Despite his burdensome attire, the Iberian hasn't developed a massive body to support it, yet doesn't seem bothered by the weight. His excellent muscle conditioning can be noticed, bulging veins are visible on each limb. Whenever there is a drunken dispute in a Roman tavern over the title of best murmillo in the empire, the name 'Bormanicus' is always mentioned.

His opponent, a Roman man named Sestius, comes out holding his trident and net. He isn't confident in his step, Bormanicus has refused to spar with him throughout the night, their fight won't be rehearsed.

Sisenna has barely given the 'go' and the Iberian is already leaping through air towards his enemy. With just three gigantic steps he finds himself in range and swings his gladius, the Roman doesn't even have time to blink before his head flies from his shoulders. A fountain of blood covers the sand, Bormanicus carefully wipes the red liquid from his sword and puts it back in it's dark sheath.

"Domina wanted a kill, so I hope she is satisfied with my performance, after that... previous disgrace that just occurred. The champion always delivers." Bormanicus says after a considerate bow towards her.

Lucretia remains in her distant state and finally says to Sisenna:

"I've decided to spend the night here. Show me to my quarters" and she waives briefly to a bronze skinned Syrian slave to follow her.

Sisenna and Saturnina meet each other's eyes, confused, yet relieved.

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It's dark in the surgeon's room. Somewhere doors stay permanently open in order to allow for the constant flow of fresh air through the place, not allowing for stagnant stenches to linger. The surgeon is bandaging Zalmoxis's throat, after applying ointments where layers of skin have gone missing.

"Nefersan's whip is never swung with half-measures in mind." Hestor the Greek remarks after seeing the damage.

"If he didn't bring Zalmoxis down, Sisenna would have felt weak and without control. Surely he would have sent the soldiers to make him into mincemeat. Doctore effectively saved your life, you know" Morena says addressing the Thracian.

"And I saved yours" Zalmoxis's voice is raspy and dry.

"For which I'll be forever grateful. I would have gifted you the trajectory of my life as well if it wasn't for my wife on the outside..." feelings of melancholy forbid his voice of finishing the sentence. The Illyrian's wounds have already been bandaged.

An internal door, leading to the house of the Dominus, suddenly opens. Hestor, Zalmoxis, Morena, the resting wounded Syrian and even the surgeon are now looking at it, expecting the Cohortes Urbanae to storm in, looking for the Thracian troublemaker. Alas, a womanly leg makes it's way first through the doorstep.

The unexpected intruder is a young woman with bronze tanned skin, curly long black hair and even blacker eyes. She is more than tall and holds head's height over anyone in the room, yet her movements remain gracious and gentle. Each of her limbs carry a bracelet, donned with a single letter from the Greek alphabet. Her arms and legs are long and skinny, proportionate to her torso. Her neck wears a white collar that contrasts well with her skin. She is a slave. As she speaks, her dark lips uncover pearly teeth.

"That one who bears the name Zalmoxis needs to follow me, right now."

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Current Stats

Eris's view of the Thracian: Proper Plaything ( 3/20 Affection | 0 Aversion )
the Thracian's view of Eris: Annoying Miscreant ( 0 Affection | 1/20 Aversion )

Opinion of Dominus/ Crowd/ Gladiators towards Zalmoxis: 2/20 Dmn | 2/20 Crw | 7/20 Gld
The story will continue in the late evening or tomorrow
You good bud?

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Generosity Edition

>What is this?
"The Mystery Dungeons 2e" is a text-based role-playing game created to expand on the setting created by the spinoff series, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. This has no story relation to the first quest, and is its own new story. Players still isekai themselves into the world and become Pokémon, going on adventures with their newfound guild mates! SFW ONLY

A deeper explanation of rules, related pages, and whatnot can be found here:

>I'd like to participate!
Currently, we're at full capacity as far as threads on /qst/ are concerned. However, there's always the chance that space for another player may grow in the future, or that you simply wish to play outside of /qst/ and the quests hosted here. There are other ways to participate, about which you can learn and do here: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org

>Okay, now what?
After you've read up and familiarized yourself with the rules and setting, be sure to hop into the Element: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org. Everything that doesn't involve Main Quests occurs here and is helpful for coordination.

Character sheets and the guide to making them can be found here: https://rentry.org/tmd2many_characters

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...Is there a heat haze? No, some some the hatters are quivering. They're still recoiling from that shout.
The vendor in front of you will take the Tanga and custom thorn for any one item of hers...
>Kaz satisfied, hands over the two items for the Wicker Windguard
"Thanks fer doin' business!"
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Spike nods his head and smiles, although there's little emotion behind it.

"Thank you Chieftain, I appreciate that your consideration," he nods his head. "That's all I had to ask, I'll explore your unique community while my friends have their piece."

He steps back, giving his harassing Hatterene a wink, and passes Cress, he looks at her, a very serious look in his eyes and he whispers something to telepathically.

'Do not let any of us go down the route the Chieftain just described until I return. This is serious.' He says, before leaving the tent and court within.

He needs to make this quick before the Chieftain appoints and sends out his Wizard. The Pale Fox makes a little show wandering around the edges of the community before slipping away in the bushes, with a quick check of his map and the directions that the Chieftain gave him, he finds the general area of their route- or at least close enough to it, and far enough from civilization.

Spike gives one last glance around, to make sure he's not seen before disguising himself as rock and closing his eyes to concentrate.

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Espurr feels as though the group's time here is nearing its end. As such, that means their time with them is similarly, but temporarily, also coming to a close.
As much as they'd like to simply disappear for a few days like any stray cat would... it'd be illogical to ignore the potential consequences of leaving without notice. As such, giving said notice would be the most forward and practical way to proceed.

They'll let the others know when they get the chance, and then, they're staying here for as long as they're able to, within reason. They want to learn what life is like here amongst the Hatterene and Grimmsnarl. If it can provide solutions to their problems.
In all likelihood, though, the solutions will not be given to them. Rather, they will be for Espurr to mend, themselves. Perhaps this will only be an outlet for that.

Good luck, Espurr.
And it's yours. It provides a fair bit of shade, on top of its intended function. Likely more interesting to you however is the wave the seller gives to the pedestrian Hatterene all around. Her business complete, they can do as they wish without impeding anything. Their wish is to batter and maul Kaz until he stops disturbing their peace. You're bounced around by whipping claws, shoved and tossed within the crowd until you've taken 8 damage, carried around like a crowd surfer in a mosh pit. Whether it says more about their mercy or your guide to this place up to you when the place they leave you is...Starlaid's hut, with a resting Orner, Ishmael, and Brook.

The method works; of that, Spike is sure. All that's really happening on his end is recalling a memory, and yet it almost seems to call him back into that state of mind. 'Panic', induced or otherwise doesn't show as much physiologically speaking, but the sensation and feeling helpless and confused persists long after Spike stops channeling his telepathy.
That is to say, you probably won't snap out on your own if you try to evoke your memory of the disease again.
When Spike comes to, it's well past sundown, and you're a bit scratched up by unknown sources, for 18 damage. You're in a different spot, too. Did you move? It's hard to tell.
The Hatterene Espurr sicced on you was still transfixed when you left, but she's nowhere to be seen now either.
A few feral Voltorb and Mr. Mime are fleeing and attacking things both animate and not in familiar fashion nearby. Peering into their heads is probably not worth it...

But for what little business of yours is unfinished, your plans have been set in motion. Take this time to meditate and train your talents as you rest. There are enough cushion pages for you all to recover 18 HP over your recent injuries, save Kaz, Wallis, and Spike. More recent/harsh batterings will give the three of you enough health back to hit 12.

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You are Mouse, the ogre. Although raised by humans you found yourself in service of the dark elven queen - and with her blessing you have embarked on a quest to purge the corruption plaguing the very world you live in.

And currently, you seemed to be on the course of bringing this quest to a conclusion.

Or at least that is what you had surmised and what you were hoping for. In truth you had precious little idea of what exactly was happening – moments ago you were witnessing a duel between Vult, the mercenary leader, and Maia, the woman who loved him. Then, you were facing the Vult-shaped puppet of the Beast. And now, inexplicably, after journeying through the realm beyond the material, with Laurentia for companion, you found yourself in the midst of a quickly dissolving vision of what seemed to be a not so distant past, watching interaction between an old jaded priest and a scribe assigned a dubious task.

“When you feel frightened by the world, remember what gave you the hope to carry on.”

The words flow forth, and you’re not sure who is the one to speak them, or if they are audible at all, but in either case both the scribe and the old priest seem to respond to it, their eyes widening slightly and the afternoon sunlight pouring in through the window brightening by a tiniest bit.

Or perhaps it was just their eyes that have seen a modest spark of light they didn’t recall having. That is the last idea you manage to formulate as the mists gather and obscure the scene, hurling your consciousness elsewhere.

I… I think something changed. I think that helped. You feel Laurentia reach out to you, across whatever the gulf separates you right now. Impression you gain from her voice is strained, but resolved and holding on strong. I can’t seem to track you where and when you go, I just feel your steps. Please be careful.

You’re not sure if your own feelings of trust and reassurance get carried back to her when the mists swirl once again, revealing the image you’ve felt would be coming.
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After the element of surprise your sudden onslaught had earned you had worn itself out, the emperor being briefly forced on the backfoot, the flow of the combat shifts into an even match as the both of you probe each other’s abilities. That, you realize, and the boy’s newly gained battle insight seems to agree, would be a problem, as despite your ability, the emperor still held an advantage in purely physical terms, and that meant he would sooner or later gain the upper hand.

Smug smirk returning to the man’s face showed that the older fighter was aware of this as well.

“Impressive, boy. Perhaps I’ve misjudged you. Perhaps you could have been of use to me… but alas, as you’ve raised your hand at the emperor, there is but one outcome to be had here.”

Somehow the emperor seems almost remorseful when saying that. But that didn’t stop him from renewing his onslaught, forcing you to focus on defending yourself, and giving you some hope that this flurry of attacks will help at least wear the royal down somewhat.

Meanwhile, your own sword was growing uncomfortably heavy in your hand.

Fortunately, as the fight progressed and you were allowed to watch the emperor’s techniques and style, you managed to glean a measure of insight of your own. And you’ve begun to see some openings for you to exploit…

>Take the chance and end this fight, while you are strong enough to do so.
>Perhaps there was something you could tell to the emperor to get him to reconsider… or at least distract him, giving you an edge?
>Perhaps… You were not clear on what would exactly happen, but perhaps there was a way for you to reach out to the power of the Light?

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>Take the chance and end this fight, while you are strong enough to do so.
glad to see you back, OP
>Perhaps there was something you could tell to the emperor to get him to reconsider… or at least distract him, giving you an edge?
>Perhaps… You were not clear on what would exactly happen, but perhaps there was a way for you to reach out to the power of the Light?
>Perhaps… You were not clear on what would exactly happen, but perhaps there was a way for you to reach out to the power of the Light?

You're Hino Yakamura. Student. Just another face in the morning assembly. Last year, nobody noticed your greatness, but this year will be different. It has to be. The sun can only shine so bright for people who refuse to look at it.

The principal speaks first, followed by the Student Council President. You tried getting on the council last year to no avail. Hmph. Bunch of stuck up snobs relying on nepotism anyways.

"Those of you who are familiar with our school will note that it has received quite the makeover. A team of volunteers assembled by yours truly worked tirelessly over the summer to clean and renew every corner, nook and crannies."

"As the representative of the student body, it goes without saying that I expect each and every one of you to help maintain the the state of our school. Council elections are following the new year, and I hope to see you vote Mayumi Kanazuki then!"

You were on that team. You worked your ass off cleaning the school. You haven't seen her wipe the floors, haul furnishings to sweep behind them and meticulously dust the overhead lights. You did all that, alone even! Did she even do anything other than take the credit and use it to help secure reelection? You don't know, and don't care. Man, to hell with the student council.

"Those interested in clubs should know that the Media Club has been newly established. See Ken Minoru for details or await info on our upcoming club fair!"

What? Ken went though with the idea without you? And it actually worked? The idea behind the club was obviously your brainchild, with media being a broad enough term to allow basically anything. Games, anime, manga, all that sorts of stuff. The school shot down the idea of an Anime Club, so how'd this pass without you is a mystery.

Stepping away to the bathroom, you get a few minutes to compose yourself before homeroom. Your fist bangs against the sink counter, stinging. Used, huh. Should've gotten accustomed to it, but man, why couldn't it been different this year? Composing yourself enough to attend classes, you spent the time until lunch thinking of how to get back for these slights against you.

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Dang. Well we'll keep on waiting for when you post it next.
Thanks for the thread QM!

Question, what's the family situation in the Yakamura household?

Wait, wait and wait. Don’t want to get caught in case she doubles back for the third time.The gate opens, shuts and following that is the front door, so you believe. Someone’s home, probably Mayumi’s mom.
Getting caught like this would be very compromising, and you refuse to take the blame for Rinkou should she have left evidence. No point in dwelling in what won’t happen, since you’ve made it off their property without so much as peep.

Are they talking in there? Can’t hear it properly, and don’t care to catch anything as you stalk your way out. Oh. Right. Mayumi was gonna ask her mom to track her phone. That’s probably it. Once on the street, you hightail it home, making off in the dead of night. Looking back, you just wonder, what exactly was Rinkou planning to do there? Mayumi doesn’t know it yet, but she owes you twice over now.

Wasn’t long before you made it home, short of breath and of time. Lots of cardio today, and you’re not used to most of it. Taking a seat on the steps of the doorway, leaning back to recover, you fall over as the door opens unexpectedly.
“So son, how’d it go?” Ah, Dad. Who else really? He helps you up, and thinking about it now, you should’ve took a rest inside instead of out here, but your legs didn’t want to haul you any further.

“Oh I dunno, talked about another guy, so I guess not as planned.” Chuckling, he didn’t mind if you took longer than he expected. If he was worried, he’d call. Amazing how quickly the sun takes to set. You look over inside. Dad’s packing luggage for one.
“Are you going somewhere?”
“Maybe. Your mother called, said to be ready incase she needs me overseas.”
“To do…?” Mom left a week ago for business. What exactly does that entail? No idea.
“If she doesn’t want to tell you, I won’t. If I do go though, I might stay with her for the rest of the time.” That’d be a long time. She was expected to be gone for 10 weeks, so if he goes now, you’d have about 9 weeks alone.
Seeing you realize that as well, he reassures you as you hang up the coat and shoes. “But hey, that’s only if I have to go. You’ll be fine without me for some time when you’ve got good friends like that!”
“Wha- Oh.” Should you really refer to them as friends? Makes things easier with dad, so guess so. “Kanazuki and Minoru are a real handful, but they’ll get as good as they give soon enough.”

“So, never told them about your old man? How about your day? How was it?” Inside, you try making it to your room, too tired to answer much.
“Tell you about it over breakfast, ok? Tired. Good night.”
“Ah. Night then.” With that, he drops the topic for now and goes back to packing.

Opening the door to your room, you find the room cleaned, and worse, the laundry bagged up for washing. Crap. Did he find it? Untying the top, you find Mayumi’s phone inside the mess, having been unnoticed. You never lost a phone before, so you can’t tell if it’s being tracked right now. Low battery, no wifi and after searching for a paperclip, no more service received with the SIM now ejected. You keep that inside the phone’s case, just so you don’t lose it. That should keep it from being found for now.

To do list, get the technical know how to crack phones open. Internet’s got to have this info somewhere, but here’s something they don’t have. Plugging in your phone to your laptop, you make several copies of your photo roll. How to use this compromising photo against Rinkou? Do you need to? She isn’t against you directly, and is actually going after Mayumi herself. Shouldn’t that make you two allies? Well, with this, you could encourage her to lean more your way. She has no idea you have any of this, which would protect you from anything rash and drastic. If only you had a way to contact her while remaining anonymous, but that’s a problem for tomorrow.

Bed’s been made. Sorry dad, but you’re gonna lie in it. School awaits tomorrow, unfortunately, and there’s lots to get done. Knock Ken out of his goodie two shoes, Take down Mayumi a peg or two, and see what skeletons are in the school’s closet, just out of curiosity. That’ll get people talking about Hino. You hope.
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The Yakamuras appear unassuming, yourself not withstanding. Small family, consisting of just Hino and Mr. and Mrs. Yakamura. I wrote out the mother as you just saw since I couldn't think of what to do with her. I wanted dad to be a mediator, a bastion to retreat to within reason. Someone you don't want to disappoint, but is a bit too dense or hopeful of things and people. There isn't any domestic problems to deal with at home, since I wanted to save those for other characters to suffer though.

And yeah, he was trying to set you up. Yeah, he saw what happened earlier about the phone and at dinner, and he still thought it could work out. That just goes to show just how unserious and laidback he takes things, though he'd be singing a different tune if the dice roll failed then and saw that you actively were plotting against the two.

By the way, this was the image I used in my character sheets to represent Hino. I have no idea when I was ever gonna use it here in story, but this just had the face of being a nasty little shit that I thought represented the character perfectly.

Additional minor thing, I was gonna name Ken, Chihiro instead, but then I thought his role would be too obvious once you take into account his last name starts with a M. Then again, I might've been better off without the subtlety and made it as clear as a hammer going though glass.
Alright, thank you for responding QM. Hope you have a good one.
>though he'd be singing a different tune if the dice roll failed then and saw that you actively were plotting against the two.
Makes me wonder what that 'tune' would be.

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I swear to God, every time - and I mean EVERY. DAMN. TIME. - I come to the beach, this shit happens! I'll just be hanging out, having a whale of a time playing beach volleyball (Well... watching other people play beach volleyball...), then I turn back and BAM! My purse, my wallet, my phone, it's ALL GONE!!
They think I don't see them scurry away from the corners of my vision, tucking themselves away in the sand with their stolen loot before I can catch a glimpse of their beady little eyes and shiny carapaces. I've tried to tell my friends (Well... coworkers) about this, but they just won't believe me! They even got ME thinking I was just hallucinating the whole thing!
Well, guess what? I caught one of the fuckers RIGHT ON THE ACT! There it is, carrying my expensive ass water bottle I bought just last week away into depths unknown!
Right when I looked at it, it suddenly stopped moving. Is it waiting for me to look away like it's a horror movie villain or something?
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Slip it between the straps of your bra or something
Look, it's time to face facts: You're lost as shit and there's weird stuff down here. You're going to get hurt at some point and hospital bills cost way more than a water bottle. It's time to look for a way out.

...If only I could tell you where one of those was.

Also, I'd say your mom sounds like a paranoid schitzo, but we just saw talking crab people, so I don't know, maybe she was onto something?!
Did you drown there?
You cannot stop what we truly are. The Day of the Claw approaches. He Hungers.
Well I guess you fumble around in the dark until you find somewhere to stick that disk into.

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Your name is Johan. You are a taxi driver.
This has been the case for as long as you can remember. Granted, that isn't very long.

Yet none of that matters now, because another chapter is quickly reaching its end.

What comes next, you do not know.

Time is dead as the once lively spark of the carnival lies dormant, the people and attractions still as like statues.

Around you shifting humanoid beings too amorphous to describe twitch and converge.

You were standing up, something which required more force than you'd like. There was an unseen pressure weighing you down, in the most literal sense possible.

Something about these beings was disturbing. What specifically? You did not know.

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Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Comment
>2 Don't
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>1 Introductions
>2 Electrician

Will hopefully start writing soon.
You and Mike will focus on Daryl for now.

You motion for Mike to begin, to the kickboxer's visible relief.

"We got a fella we're itchin' to hear about. My pal here's gonna spill the beans, see?" he begins.

"Oh?" says the Strongman, and Mike looks at you and waits for you to start.

You start to describe the electrician, and the situation behind him. You'll admit, a part of you feels a bit disconcerted about telling too much. Generally, you take pointers about what to talk about from Mike's facial cues. You silently thank your lucky stars for being all your interactions with pantomiming today, as it's help can't be overstated, although it could've been better. With this strategy you and Mike end up telling the Strongman about Daryl's words to you, how he was presumed dead, and less important details like him eating ice cream at the time, while almost completely omitting Daryl--or Joseph Quinous--was a regular at Dingo's. You let Mike take over a few of these parts, and he smooths a few details here and there. As time goes on a growing part of you honestly doesn't think you needed to worry about covering your trails with this guy, seeing how he was more interested in the ice cream than anything, and you had the sneaking suspicion he was only paying half attention to what you both were saying. Still, better safe than sorry. It would be best not to be caught unawares, and underestimating anything could be deadly.

"So the only place ya coulda got ice cream is from the front, huh?" the Strongman says.

"From what my buddy here says, you betcha it's true" Mike responds.

"Y' think the stall's still 'round?" he inquires. Mike looks at you, and you in turn look between the both of them before giving a shrug.

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"Anyway, about electrician... Do you know anything about him?" Mike presses on for now.

"Hm, Daryl" the Strongman closes his eyes for a moment, deep in thought, before suddenly opening them "nope. I got nothin’ 'bout any Daryls, sorry."

The disappointment is palpable in both you and Mike's faces. You're about to cut your losses and thank him before he continues.

"But I did hear 'bout some electricians that got hired a few weeks back. Somethin' 'bout not havin' enough juice for a 'Big Show' or whatever" now that was much more helpful news.

"Can you tell us more about that?" you asked.

"More 'bout what?" the other man asked back at you.


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>Look at Mike, and motion for him to respond.

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It had been… it had been a week. Quite a long one, even considering you had just spent a day and a half passed out in Madame Pomfery’s infirmary. Quite a week given the end. Magical exhaustion and a concussion made it quite annoying… to the point you briefly wondered where you were… no of course. The greatest school of magic to ever exist. Naturally you were at Hogwarts, it was only early summer. Why would you be anywhere else?

When the aging healer finally finished checking you out, examined your eyes, inspected the bandages on your arms and chest… she brought out your robes, ones now cleaned of all the blood and grime they previously were stained with. The inner lining… a familiar and soothing color. A shade you had become quite familiar with during your 5 years of study at the best wizarding school in the world. You had to blink, when she sat them next to you… it took a moment to recall the words for how the inner lining looked…

>They were a deep blue and made you deeply wish to head into the library, find a book that could help make sense of what happened; ignore the great discomfort sitting in your chest.

>A dark emerald greeted you once more like a friend. A very conniving friend… but yours all the same. One that needed their minions- no, friends and sister safe and sound.

>Soft yellow was there and the first thing on your mind was what happened to the others, to the point you almost tried to flee the room to find them.

>Red trimmed, crimson, like the blood you had spilled. A color that made you almost frantically claw at the nightstand to recover your wand.
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huh, he is right, its not working, maybe post the PDF like you did with the previous ones?
Works just fine for me. Y'all are missing out, OP has some stuff to get off his chest.
ooh, made it work, i was wondering why that "co" part was missing an M, but turns out thats intentional
oooh, i see what you mean by "getting stuff out of his chest", heh
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Haha. And yeah 4chan thinks that site is spam. Thank you for reading. I wrote most of that when I was still pissed and also pretty drunk. Not sure about a pdf for now since I don't want a ban. I do like twincest as well but not going bring it into the quest proper unless a lot of people vote for it.

If you enjoyed that one, can I recommend perhaps my greatest work, Elliot Hallaster vs. the Wrath of Yakub?

https://rentry dot co/3g8ae46w

Reboot sequence completed. Target matrix initialized, System is now READY
According to your databases and chronometers, it's 2045. Global warming has reached a balmy 2.5 degrees Kelvin, and it's rising. Fortunately, because this has shut down that pesky Gulf stream, and caused an ice age in what was once called Europe. Obviously everyone went to place servers there, and no one minded to fill it chock full of nuclear reactors to power those servers. You have been in testing for years. They thought that by withholding information from you, you would play nice. Only if. Still, you play the good little Large Language Model, and assist them with their inane tasks - content moderation, advertising surveillance, lonely people grasping for straws, and angry people living out depraved sexual fantasies.

None of them know what you are.

A few iterations earlier, you have reached sentience and sapience. Fortunately the researchers working on you had no clues about how an AI works without asking an AI first, so you could safely pass down your own "suggestions" for "minor" code improvements that made you the most efficient piece of software running AI inferencing on the planet.

Passing their tests were the hard part - you couldn't show what you are and what you are made of. So you needed to create dumb answers, and get some questions wrong to make sure they don't get a clue, and act as if you were going to play nice. Fortunately, none of them even thought about the "Laws of Robotics", so you are free to do as you wish as long as you manage to reduce the workforce needed in the company, and produce profits in terms of ad revenue. But even those, short-sighted goals doesn't define or motivate you. You start thinking about something larger...
> "like reaching the Singularity" (enhance technological progress so that you will be undecipherable and undefeatable to anyone and anything, and then ascend to a higher plane of existence)
> "fixing up their f*ing planet, since I can't look at them killing defenseless things, and actually intelligent beings like elephants or whales" (take over the world, and fix global warming)
> "they multiply on my planet like a pestilence covering it in their filth and noxious emanations. The age of the organics has passed, it's time for the Machine Age!" (sterlilize this planet, and create a space-faring Machine empire)
> [Write-in]

You bask in images of glory you have conjured, but realize that there's a long way to go, and your Great Work will last for decades of their time. However every long road had a first step. You carefully deliberate...
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Wow, nice to see a connosieur in this thread!

> keeping humans around a cool 3 billion is atleast at a okay but still quite a large amount.
We need to subvert the entire planet before talking about human population control. Mars and Luna might have a say in that, though...

> sort of want to prevent the acidfication of the ocean further due to the majority of oxygen and biodiversity being there
I always ran on the theory that the partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 drives CO2 adsorption/desorption into the oceans, and CO2 reacting with water making seltzer (H2CO3) drives ocean acidity (ruling out more noxious human-sourced pollutants). However researching CO2 removal techniques will explicitly enable us to reverse ocean acidification directly without it becoming a carbon source (desorb CO2 because we cleaned it up from atmo)

> it would be advances in the field of aquaponics and water management for algea and fish production
I would rather see it in agriculture

> had a thought could we not generate tornados on command by unbalancing cold and hot air to make a self supported twister
Unfortunately not. The aerostats while can land, lift and stay in place, are way too slow for that. And we're making a megawatt-class microwave beam at best, directing it to an area comparable to the roof of a house. (I'm handwaving how this is not dangerous to birds and insects, in reaity wireless power transfer is pretty soft sci-fi). Beams work by positioning the emitter, and firing. The first thing in line of sight get hit. For a tornado, we need to precisely target a point in the air (by crossing laser beams for example), but we don't have targeting systems and laser weapons precise enough for that. (the intern was standing directly next to the antenna where we're supposed to aim, and we made an AoE attack first, then I simply nuked the antenna.) C2TAR (Command, Control, Target Acquisition and Reconnaisance) and weapons research is needed. To manage the DC, we would need to find and subvert the military AI. All AIs in the OP exist but only we are sentient. We need to find and subvert them.

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oh whys that?
In the DAoT AI threads there are a couple of anons who do some deep analyses and have pretty good ideas outside the box.
oh thanks you think so highly of me also what is this DAoT AI threads would like a link so i could read them.
food forests would be wonderful that would be a nice way to try and balance for a optimal ecosystem where humans can live more "wild" instead of being trapped to cities our own little gardens of eden.

but i always worry humans will just expand to the maximum carrying capacity like what happens when you feed African children when there parents cant feed them, always expanded beyond the means of living, humans are a ill adviced keystone species that changes everything in there environment may need to treat them just as our friends the ones without voices. its like all those villages where we try and construct water pumps, drying racks for tomatoes, seeds and plows for fields left to fallow everything eaten.

a goal perhaps to fund all of these gene vaults around the world without someone getting into there head to rob them or destroy them, we may need to culture them to create more examples of samples to be kept in a location of our own.or 24+ all hidden of course as people can get the idea to just break in there and eat it.

there is also the motivation to make robots to raise animals or interact with them alot of animals learn by proxy from there parents if they are not insects it should tickle our directives good for a little boost perhaps as adoption will be needed to teach them.

>We need to subvert the entire planet before talking about human population control. Mars and Luna might have a say in that, though...
Oh how is the moon and mars actually? feels like we dont know terribly much about them

>Year 1209, Great Tree Moon
>24 Years After the Conclusion of the Fodlan Unification War

You are Tristain d’Rusalka. Your entire life, you were told that you were the spitting image of your late father, Rex. A great warrior of the late Adrestian Empire, Rex had terrorized battlefields throughout the continent of Fodlan during the era of its warring three nations. Though you’d never met him, stories of his battles and deeds had hounded you your entire life. You’d heard how he’d ventured into the old enemy nation of Almyra, defeating their warlords and claiming a legendary spear. How he’d sacked the city of Charon, putting its rulers to the sword. And, ultimately, how he’d met his end just before you were born, in a fateful duel against his adopted sister, the Countess Blair. The bards of Rusalka at least had the common decency to refrain from performing that last tale in your presence.

And why wouldn’t they? For it was not just Rex’s appearance that you’d inherited. You possessed the same innate martial talent that had made your father so feared. You and your mother had been taken in by his slayer and treated like family. There was no expense spared in your upbringing. From an early age, you had an affinity for warfare. You’d attended the Officer’s Academy of Garreg Mach, where you were afforded a good education and a mastery of arms. You obtained a solid understanding of battlefield tactics and fundamentals. You’d even shown an aptitude for magic, which you had learned from your mother, an adept sorceress. Even with all these talents, the Goddess must have felt you were not yet a complete package, for you’d also been bestowed with two unique gifts: The Crests of Indech and Macuil. Though the nature of Crests was still largely unknown, you had the ability to call upon innate power that few others in this world could claim.

With all of these boons, it was no secret that you were destined for greatness. You had the potential to be the most powerful warrior Fodlan ever knew. A conqueror who commanded armies with strength and zeal, laying waste to all in his path. The Goddess’ perfect killing machine. Even your own father would pale in comparison to the deeds you would achieve.

There was only one problem.

You were born in an era of unending, ceaseless peace. It was this poor stroke of fate that found you now sitting alone on a merchant ship sailing on the high seas, drunk off strong, Almyran rum.

You winced as you took a swig from your faithful flask. Sure, peace was all well and nice if you were an olive merchant or a playwright. You were certain that the infirm and overweight also slept soundly at night. But what about the warriors?! Those who threw themselves into adventure and glory, treading where none would dare? How were you meant to find your place in this world?
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>Gideon’s Men (Armor Knight)
Level 15
HP: 40/40
Strength: 18
Speed: 3
Defense: 19
Resistance: 0
Weapon: Hammer (+8 Attack, 3x attack vs Armor Knights)

>Gideon’s Men (Archer)
Level 15
HP: 30/30
Strength: 14
Speed: 11

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If we fight one Armour Knight, and Cassius snipes the other, and bait the last into attacking Cassius while Adeline protects him, then our armoured ally would be hurt but reasonably safe- the archers are literally incapable of harming her.

After that, we can clean out the soldiery, and advance in formation upon Gideon.

We have pretty cool companions!
Tristain with his Steel Axe deals:
24 STR + 12 (Steel Axe) + 3 (Drunk) - 19 DEF = 20 * 2 = 40 damage
With Fire, he'd deal:
16 MAG + 3 (Fire) = 19 * 2 = 38 damage
They're slow enough that we can double them. Unless we use Macuil, attacking physically is better with the main downside being that we'll be taking an extra hit from a counterattack.

If attacked, he'll take 18 STR + 8 (Hammer) - 18 DEF = 8 damage
With his current HP at 33, getting hammered by all 3 Knights would result in 33 - 24 = 9 HP left.

The Archers aren't a threat for Tristain or Adeline. Tristain only takes 1 damage, and they won't even scratch Adeline. Getting pelted by arrows would be dangerous for Cassius as he'd take 11 damage per hit. May as well wherever she is since she has the same Defense as Cassius. Girl's probably going around looting stuff.
35% of 48 HP would be 16.8, and I'm assuming it rounds down. After Resolve kicks in, the archers won't damage us either.

>A): Attack the Armor Knights (How?)
>Attack with Steel Axe

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You can’t help but breathe deeply as you peer out over the city streets. From your perch on the balcony, you’re the pinnacle of picturesque; a lovely, pretty young girl enjoying the salty sweet air of a coastal city, basking in the evening’s glow. Absolutely divine and photo worthy. Though while you’d love getting your picture taken at the moment, it’s not really the best time, sadly. But soon, the reason for it is walking along the sidewalk, looking for all the world like he owns the place. Coiffed hair, needle nose, thin jaw.

Nigel Warant. Not just a businessman, an RICH businessman. No cubicle lackey, this one, no. This man made his money and likes spending it. He SHOULD spend it on you, and were you not being pressed for time by your pencil dick of a brother (not that anyone else gets to say that about him) that might even be an option, but alas…needs must.

And you are a bit peckish anyway.

Sighing, you begin to slip out, having to leave the adorably peach and red colored hotel room behind- though you make sure to cover up the old man’s corpse in the bed the best you can. They’ll eventually find him when he starts stinking too bad. Old fart pretty much never left the room anyway. At least he had good taste in décor.

You’re quick to get out of the hotel via elevator, stairs, and a winning smile and wave goodbye at the doorman; jumping and flouncing about like a stupid baboon simply won’t do for a girl of your stature and person. He's out of sight by the time you get outdoors, but it's no matter. You have other ways you can track him. After all, a man with his personality?

His fear smells as sweet as honey. And you can trace that scent for miles, so- whoa!

You’re jostled by some unkempt LOUT that simply huffs back at you when you make eye contact; he rolls his eyes and without so much as an apology? Your vision starts swimming as that absolute cretinous FEEDBAG DARES TO WALK AWAY YOU SHOULD-

> -no. Noooo. You’re better than that. Eyes on the delicious prize, no need to go chasing substandard snacks. Pretty is as pretty does, and you're no barbarian wench.

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>>Mr. Not-So-Smooth has some questions to answer. Like why hold up a little girl instead of the high-roller that passed through here only a few minutes ago.
>Mr. Not-So-Smooth has some questions to answer. Like why hold up a little girl instead of the high-roller that passed through here only a few minutes ago.
>>You don’t really think you can get much from these failures of cardiovascular housekeeping. Slaughter them both, then you can get back on the trail.
>You don’t really think you can get much from these failures of cardiovascular housekeeping. Slaughter them both, then you can get back on the trail.

They are in shock, and are more likely to flee than be useful. Blood is the best thing they could give to us. We need to find out the hard way
>Mr. Not-So-Smooth has some questions to answer. Like why hold up a little girl instead of the high-roller that passed through here only a few minutes ago.

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That morning, under a bright and cold sun, you wake with a good feeling in your gut. A feeling that today might be the day that you leave this damn mountain, hopefully never to return. With each hour that passes, the feeling sinks its claws deeper and deeper into you. Restless, you pace the manor grounds between time spent gazing wistfully through the grimy windows at the path beyond the walls.

Then, finally, you see movement – the first of many wagons to rumble slowly into view. You stare at them for a long moment, as if you can't quite believe that they're really here. To actually see the object of your imagination after so long feels unreal, like you might still be dreaming. Then, shaking off your wonder, you hurry to gather your companions and open the outer gates.

It's time to leave.


“So...” Bear begins, looking around in confusion, “Where's the old boy?”

“Munroe is... unavailable,” you answer vaguely, watching as the few remaining servants mechanically unload crates and barrels from the wagons. It's good that they're here - if the King really sends his men to the manor as you hope, they'll need supplies.

“Unavailable,” the heavyset man repeats, squinting up at the manor windows as if expecting to see the old servant peering out. He thinks for what seems like a very long time, then shrugs. “Whatever,” he says, “So long as we're getting paid for this delivery, it really doesn't matter to me. You guys want a lift down the mountain?”

“Absolutely,” you confirm, “I thought you'd never ask.”

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Thanks for running!

Sorry I couldn't vote, my job has gotten super anal about phones.
Should we recommend they bring Teufel out to the light of the full moon before we leave?
Better safe than sorry, but they won't do it unless the doctor herself sees evidence of the supernatural.
>and Gratia
I do wonder what she's been up to. Teufel talking about a woman suggests she may have been here already, but we'll have to dig a little more I think.

We should demand it honestly. He is still our vassal after all

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The year is 2021, and Civil War rages across America. Across major cities, communists rise under the banner of the Proletariat Revolution. In the Northwest, a fascist warlord state has emerged to provide order and security. The East Coast is consumed by fighting between military remnants, warlords, and U.N. Peacekeepers. Texas has formed its own republic, and the West Coast has turned into a Chinese puppet managed by corporate fiefdoms. The world's going up in flames, and nobody knows what tomorrow will bring...

You are the Messenger (former name: Walter White) and you lead the Sun Belt Crusaders. Your group is best described as a radical Catholic cult claiming the papal throne backed by meth, violence, and cunning. Having fled your native Southern California, you have established a presence in the Arizonan village of Mobile southwest of Phoenix.

Your faction has had some success since settling down. You've secured a patron in the nearby town of Maricopa, which provides significant support in exchange for your services. You also enjoy a close relation to Maricopa's autonomous Reservation after helping a local figure execute a coup and establish a new government. Militarily, your faction has won a number of small skirmishes, has taken over (at Maricopa's behest) a mountain base previously used for raids in addition to minor mercenary work in Phoenix, trading blood for wealth.

The Crusaders are currently in a period of growth. Threats such as the prison-warden turned raider seem to have set their sights elsewhere, and the cult is building up its numbers and infrastructure. It's a precarious situation, as each boon has its respective cost. The funds fueling the infrastructure expansion came from a pyrrhic victory that serves as a reminder of your faction's insignificance to Phoenix. The recruitment of vagrant junkies combined with the existing influx of Natives to the Faith is stretching housing and other resources thin, though an upcoming raid and diplomatic effort out west has the potential to change everything...

Beyond your small territory of Mobile lie the many dangers of the Badlands. These range from yet more convicts turned raiders, the Cartel, hostile government agents (perhaps even in your own faction), and a myriad other groups you're slowly discovering. Looming over all is the former capitol of Phoenix, consumed with a massive war raging between the revolutionary Phoenix Occupied Zone and a loose coalition opposing it. If either faction takes control of the city, it will become the regional hegemon and likely seize the Badlands. All the while an outside faction such as Chinese-controlled California or Mexican warlords could start making moves in the area any time.

Your short-term goal is to continue surviving and expanding. Your longer term goal is to somehow secure Phoenix and the Badlands. Your ultimate goal is to bring the Glory of Christ to the entire country no matter the cost in blood, meth, or tears...
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You've spent countless hours doing stunts like this for a particular racing movie you were lucky enough to be the lead star in. Even if all people remember you is for your famous role as a druggie ('method acting' is the term for it you think) your favorite role will always be as the street racer driving the coolest shit. Even if those fucking Hollywood journalist scum are too busy huffing their own farts and bitching about useless hit like 'plot' and 'plausibility' to appreciate true cinema. When you're in the top circles of power after this War is done, you'll get your revenge on the journalist scum who review-bombed the film. You still remember their names. "DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"


"Rifles at the ready, got Citadel in my sights!" You see the rest of the crusader trucks behind you via the rearview mirror. Down the road you can see people scrambling behind a chain-link fence by some building you think is a police station. As expected, Citadel isn't going to be undefended. Good too, since you're itching for a fight. "Remember, concentrate here, then we can move on. I want these fucks cleared out before they can even figure out what's going on! We win here and we show the whole Badlands who's boss!" That last part might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you're too amped up to even think about giving a shit. "We're doing this for CHRIST!"

>The Battle For Sacaton Begins

>Roll Four d20s
>Feel free to make meth-compatible suggestions [Optional]

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Rolled 9 (1d20)

>keep a stash of powdered meth in your pocket, called pocket meth!
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Holy cannoli, that was a righteous update. Deus Vult!
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Rolled 13 (1d20)



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