Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.With your position secured as the Lord Commander of the Expeditionary Force, the push into the northern gnoll claimed territory continued. Your army marched into the ancient forest in four columns in hopes of triggering the gnolls to attack you and exactly that happened.They came at you during the night and after buying some time for your men, you delivered a decisive win over them, killing their gnoll mage leader in a great duel. Now with the gnoll warband destroyed, only their camp and stragglers remain here. But that is only one half of the gnolls dealt with as they control considerable territory east of you close to the farmlands and Internment Camps of Durnholde. Protecting them is the reason why you are here after all.Though while you are campaigning, Eligius and his group are on a daring rescue mission to find and retrieve your little sister Alicia Perenolde from the Syndicate. Their job wouldn't be an easy one, some might even call it a suicide mission!Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!…Twitter: too long. Click here to view the full text.
Damn not enough trust so no back washing, Alric is going to be a bit disappointed as everyone knows washing your own back can be slightly difficult.Also no update today, I got some work done on it, but the QM is too sleepy eepy to finish the job today.
>>6196442I don't have the time today to finish the update, but I could use some rolls for the second part of it. The meeting between the officers is about to start.>1d10>Best of three, taking the second roll
Rolled 7 (1d10)>>6196928>Inb4 triple 1
Rolled 6 (1d10)>>6196928Gnoll death and double 10s
Rolled 4 (1d10)>>6196928Alterac Stands
You are Astra, a fledgling angel still in training, entrusted with your very first mission! A mischievous imp has slipped through the celestial veil and descended into the mortal realm, and it’s up to you to track it down before it wreaks havoc. Though imps may seem like mere pests, their danger should never be underestimated. Given time—and enough harvested souls—even the smallest of these fiends can ascend to the rank of a demon lord, threatening to plunge the world into darkness and spark a full-scale demonic invasion. Failure is not an option. Let's see... what the tech level of the world you've been assigned to?> Stone Age – Tribes and survival, where fire is a newfound wonder. > Bronze Age – The rise of kingdoms, chariots, and the first great cities. > Iron Age – Empires expand, warriors clad in steel march to war. > Medieval – Castles, knights, and the struggle between faith and power. > Renaissance – A time of art, discovery, and political intrigue. > Modern – The world of industry, firearms, and global conflicts. > Cyberpunk – A neon-drenched dystopia where megacorporations reign. > Spacefaring – Humanity among the stars, with technology beyond imagination.
>>6186295>Detect goodDestroying evil leads to an empty world, what you need to do is foster and protect good
>>6186295>> You may need a mortal warrior to aid you. Research “Shapechange.”
>>6186295> This is too much for an angel-in-training. You need divine intervention. Research “Miracle.”
>>6186295>You may need a mortal warrior to aid you. Research “Shapechange.”
>>6186306Supporting if at all possible?
Crrreeeaaakkkkk. The sound of a door opening on rusty hinges, followed swiftly by a slam as it closes, is the first thing to penetrate the thick fog of your pounding hangover. As your eyes flutter open, the dim light filling the room is enough to send brief spikes of agony through your already aching head. But as your vision adjusts, you find yourself seated in a dusty office. A heavy oaken desk sits before you, covered in a thick layer of dust—only disturbed by the imprint of your arms and head, where you must have leaned against it as you fell asleep last night.The rest of the room is much as you’d expect: a pair of dust-covered chairs across the desk from you, a door flanked by two large glass windows whose blinds are thankfully letting in only a sliver of light. A corkboard hangs on the wall to your right, with a few Pre-War posters and pamphlets still stuck to it, though a large, recently drawn map covers most of the board.As you begin to collect yourself, the sound of glass clattering shakes you from your reverie. A glass of clean-enough-looking water seemingly materializes on the desk before you. You instinctively reach for a weapon, but your hand grasps at empty air—you’ve apparently misplaced all of yours. As adrenaline surges and you blink your eyes clear, you spot the source of the glass: a young woman with short-cropped blonde hair. She had apparently been behind you as you woke and brought the glass.Her smiling face and comely good looks do little to set you at ease, but between the pounding headache and dry mouth, you take the offered glass and quickly drain its tepid contents. As you do, the young woman begins to speak…“Hey, Mayor! Hope you enjoyed last night’s celebrations and were able to get some rest. We were introduced last night, but I doubt you remember it. My name’s Ashley, and I’m your assistant! I can't wait to help you turn this town around!”>“Mayor? Hold on… Mayor? I’m no mayor—I don’t even remember how I got here!”“Oh wow, you must have enjoyed the party more than I realized… Of course you won the election—you’re the mayor now!”It’s starting to come back to you now—the election… Except it wasn’t much of an election. In fact, you’re not certain a vote was even cast. No, it was a…(Select One)
Hey guys, did we enable the wacky wasteland perk?
I don't know guys, like the QM said, I don't think it's a good idea to announce our existence in Two-Sun just yet.
>>6187135What's the worst that can happen? We DIE? Hah.
I feel like we should get the Sheriff to train some of our guard and have him lead an expedition to the observatory. I have a feeling there's some nice loot there if "The Society" is interested, but with how heavily guarded it is we might have to settle for picking off some of those robots over the course of multiple turns. If we're paying him the caps we might as well make the most out of it.
>>6185930>Help the society>CassidyWe should look into the observatory if pre-war cosplaying nerds are interested in it, even if it can't be overtaken yet. Scouting could provide an idea of easier entry points or a potential solution to the robot problem that doesn't cost lives.
“We’ll be back in a year, just remember your job lad. The lamp is in good order, as is the horn. You’ve plenty of provisions, oil, and coal. You should be able to take care of any issues with the workshop. Stay sharp though lad, don’t get complacent. The storms will start up in a few more weeks, and Saint Brendan’s has a way of getting to you after a while. Keep your hands busy and stay on top of things though, and you’ll be fine.”The Captain extends his hand, which you accept in a farewell shake. It is a weathered appendage, worn from a lifetime of voyaging across the seas and from his advanced age, but there is still a weary strength to it. He gives you a few firm shakes before releasing his grip.“Mind the light and hold fast lad.”With this final dispensation of wisdom the Captain turns and makes his way up the gang plank to his small tramp freighter. The Cape Rose is aged, covered in rust and barely worthy of the honor of being a ship. Black smoke rises as her boilers set to turning her screw, and a handful of her crew members wave at you as she slinks away. They were the same men who unloaded the tons of supplies needed for you to see to your task on Saint Brendan’s Isle. To man the lighthouse that even now loomed at the periphery of your sight, ensuring that it warned off nearby ships from the jagged black rocks that surround and make up the isle.You wave back to the men, they had done their job well and provided some company on the long voyage from the mainland. Turning from the small ship as she heads out to sea you take in the sight of your new home. Saint Brendan’s is a relatively small land mass, made up of sharp volcanic rock that thrusts up from the ocean in dramatic cliff faces and curving coves. You are standing on a weather-beaten quay, made out of decidedly non-native grey granite blocks, in the largest of these coves. Dark sand makes up a miniscule beach around the edges of the manmade structure, and you had spied a few similar landings from the Cape Rose as she made her initial approach. But those shores were guarded by more of the volcanic stone, with menacing spires reaching from the depths, breaking rolling waves from the open ocean before they could assault the land proper with their full fury.All manner of seagrass, kelp, and sargassum clings to these sentinels, bringing some dull color to the black rocks while barnacles and other mollusks add to their sharpness. While above the roiling currents moss and lichen lurk in crevasses along the cliff face.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6186833>Stop at the warehouse, take stock of your supplies and equipment.
>>6186833>Set out to the lighthouse, examine your quarters and your two charges.
>>6186833>>Set out to the lighthouse, examine your quarters and your two charges.
>>6186833Onward to the lighthouse.
And there came a day unlike any other... When Earth's mightiest heroes found themselves united against a common threat... On that day, they became... The Avengers!Welcome to Avengers Quest. This is but one of many realities where the group known as The Avengers is formed... But the team's fate, and perhaps even the entire Earth's fate, will be decided by YOUR collective choices... But no matter what, they must stand together, or Earth will fall!This is a quest where you will give commands to a character, but with one simple caveat: You can ONLY move ONE character in your post until the next QM post. Nobody "owns" any of the player characters, anybody can play them until the next "turn", but always only one per post.Make sure to write which character you are choosing for in your post.Now, before the adventure starts, choose 5 initial Avengers from the 14 available. Vote for 5 in your post and the ones that repeat the most will be chosen. The first threat they face will also depend on this.Note that the characters not chosen may appear later on anyway depending on how the story goes.Now SELECT YOUR AVENGERS!IRON MANPROS: Armored hi-tech hero. Millionaire. / CONS: Weak under armor. Smarmy.THORPROS: Norse God of Thunder. Wields Mjolnir. / CONS: Speaks weird. Exiled from Asgard.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Since this is a very important choice I think I am gonna give it a couple days, by the way>>6196068Well glad to have you here!>>6196092>Also, I'm curious, QM, did you expect us to lose Thor in the first run? I got a feeling that we were supposed to lose Hank instead but then we fucked up bad and lost both of them.Haha, nope! He was the most voted but the decisions taken lead to it. I wouldn't say "fucking up badly" is a huge problem though, it makes the story more unexpected and fascinating and different.>>6196097>AVENGERS IN THE HOLLOW EARTH!Aw man that's such a better idea than what I had in mind.
>>6196245>youngsters of today Cap, ice aside, you're like... 22, 24? Come on, man.>Aw man that's such a better idea than what I had in mind.Mole Man Mole Man Mole MAN MOLE MAN!
>>6195960>Pym Labs can be repurposed into a good HQ, a good base to work from.Mjolnir's still here and will be for the foreseeable future, unless some wacky shenanigans occur>AN INTERNATIONAL THREAT TO ANOTHER COUNTRY!Oooh, new recruits (possibly)
>>6196315>Mjolnir is hereSomeone find us Eric Masterson or Jane Foster!
>>6195960>>Pym Labs can be repurposed into a good HQ, a good base to work from.Feels fitting>AN INTERNATIONAL THREAT TO ANOTHER COUNTRY!
OPTIONAL immersion music: "dice+1d1" dice+1d1ONE COLD DAY IN HELL you SATAN are chilling in hell when you are approached by ???? LORD OF ALL CREATION, AND A SINGLE CHERUBIMCALLING YOU BY your nickname: which is ?????? >please enter a NICKNAME HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6184042>TELL TRUTH TO GOD: "hey did you hear the big philosophy major companies are hiring?:"IS the hole in a doughnut part of the donut?" >god is confused for 1 turns!YOU REMAIN AMUSED.>>6184007>>6184064HEY LULZIFER WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE>Nothing f@%#ing happens in Hell, this f@%#ing sucksHA HA SERVES YOU RIGHT YOU ACT AS though I do not appreciate free will, but must also reserve all right to punish those who act against divine will. >LULZIFER: "DOESNT SEEM FAIR BUT OK." >YOU NO LONGER FEEL: SAUCY>YOU FEEL: AWKWARD Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>DANCE? YES>"And David danced before the Lord with all his might" 2 Samuel 6:14
OP ?
We are going to play as humans. Select a few other details and lets go.
>>6186905let's see if a third guy shows up
>>6186940I'm a third guy, And I support You!
>>6189142thanks, but that 1 id make things suspicious and now I'm reminded OP hasn't returned since friday.
QM ?
Welp, it was an interesting CIV Quest before falling to the same fate of others
"I was not born to have faith, and yet I believe."-K-444There's something right behind you.---Read the previous threads at: possess an amount of Strain equal to your Conditioning score. When attempting actions beyond your current capacity, you gain a point of Strain. Attempting to Strain while at maximum Strain will result in a Strain Check. During a Strain Check, roll 1d10 for every point of the relevant Parameter. Results that are 6 or above count as one success. Results of 10 count as two successes. Three successes must be rolled to avert a critical failure. Fail or pass, after a Strain Check, you cannot Strain again until you restore your Strain by seeking shelter.This quest allows you to designate a second-choice vote on decisions with three or more options before Write-Ins. When votes are totaled, the option with the least votes for it will be removed, with votes for that option instead being changed to the second-choice of those voters. Second-choice votes are also used to break ties. This helps increase the accuracy of votes, but is not mandatory. Please specifically mark your second-choice as such if you do so.Vote stay open for a minimum of six hours, but will usually take longer.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6192080>"What are you doing up here?">"I'd like to get you up to speed, but we don't have time for that. We have to get out of here."
>"What are you doing up here?">"I'd like to get you up to speed, but we don't have time for that. We have to get out of here."Writing.>>6193231YOU'RE DOWN FOR TIIRIS THAT BAD? I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER USING THIS PICTURE.
Past Thread: >>6150931Archive: Pastebin: Sheet (A nice surprise here): account for important announcements, contact and stuff: name is Orin Thanewood. Also known as Hopper. Also known as Taylor. You don’t like people knowing your real name. Only a handful do. And the reason for that? It’s simple. You don’t like thinking about the past. Some wounds still ache. But that doesn’t matter right now.Today was… eventful. Another fight with your ex that you had to mediate, a sharp reprimand from the higher-ups and an oddly relaxing sauna with a girl you still couldn’t figure out. The strange part? All of it was connected. You were supposed to take Carmine with you for a meeting, but instead, you brought the new girl. Why? A gut feeling. Maybe she just felt easier to be around.But none of that matters anymore. What matters is meeting with the other regents of Kuchinashi. You thought it was a golden opportunity to forge alliances, solve problems, and earn some renown for the White Fang. Maybe it could even mend some of the damage from the fallout you had with Carmine and Sienna.Now? Now you weren’t so sure. Shelly wanted nothing to do with this mess (And you couldn’t blame her). She even suggested leaving the city, maybe taking Sora along. The idea… piqued your interest. But first, you had to get through this meeting.---
Rolled 5, 4, 6 = 15 (3d10)>>6195090
Rolled 4, 7, 10 = 21 (3d10)>>6195090
>>6193768“Don’t take it personally. I’m just doing what’s best for my people. And you should do the same.” A distant explosion rumbled outside t he building. A sharp gust of wind rushed through a gaping hole in a nearby window, and for a brief moment, you caught a glimpse of Bayfor, mid-air, clashing with the three androids. They were far away enough for you to feel relatively safe.“Are you just repeating their words?” Melanie crossed her arms, her gaze heavy with melancholy. “Were you with them from the start?”“No. And let me say it again. Do what’s best for your people. The Spiders never let their pride cloud their judgement, right?” You tapped your knuckles against the side of the ceramic mask covering your eyes. “I’d wink, but that might be hard to notice behind the mask.” For trained assassins, they seemed surprisingly slow to pick up your hints. Both slowly lifted their heads, looking at you with a puzzled expression.Meanwhile, Shelly was completely ignoring the exchange. Her focus was elsewhere. Most likely on the murmurs of the others in the room. They were deep in discussion about… something. You’d have to ask Shelly about it later.“I know the Black Sheep can’t be trusted, but making them open enemies seems like a mistake. Accept the truce, fight in the shadows. That way, you won’t be in as much danger. That’s your specialty, right? Subterfuge and all that?” A sudden flash slightly lit up the room just beyond your view. One of the flying androids battling Bayfor had erupted in an explosion, a trail of smoke marking its descent into the city below. It was difficult to tell exactly what had happened from this distance.The twins remained silent, exchanging looks as if communicating without words. They weren’t responding, most likely just weighing their options.“That’s just my opinion.” You continued. “Still, I enjoyed the little time we worked together. I hope fate gives both of our groups a better future.” Across the room the tension was rising. It seemed the hacked drone and Victoria were exchanging heated words, their argument growing more intense. Pride was clearly a major factor for both of them.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
“So…” Victoria cleared her throat with a cough. “Since the Spider family refuses to cooperate with the rest of this alliance, we’d like to propose-”.“We accept the truce.” Melanie cut in abruptly. “But this alliance still seems like a terrible idea. We’ll deal with the Hunters in our own way. Don’t expect our help, but we won’t stand in your way either. The Spider thrives in the shadows, and that won’t change here.”“That… won’t work at all.” Victoria countered. “As much as I personally enjoy the idea of not having your agents skittering around and being a thorn in my side, for this plan to function, we need full cooperation. Half-measures won’t cut it.”“Then we’ll do exactly what we’ve always done.” Miltia interjected, backing up her sister. “We’ll move in the shadows, ‘skitter’ as you put it, and sabotage your agents at the worst possible moments. Makes no difference to us. If you refuse this truce, then we’ll gladly go to war with you while you’re still busy dealing with the Hunters.”Victoria’s lips grinned. “I can work with that. In that case-”.“My apologies, Victoria,” the unhacked drone interrupted, its voice smooth and composed. “But I’m not comfortable with that course of action. I say we accept the Spider’s offer. One less enemy to deal with. I’m sure they would also prefer not to deal with us as we carry out our operations. The more focused our efforts, the greater our chances of eliminating the true terror that plagues this city.” Whoever was speaking through the drone had an air of refinement, his tone, word choice and calm demeanor all being proper of a gentleman.“Miss Ciara also agrees with the truce.” The disc on the ground with the hovering holographic symbol of the Wave flickered, speaking. “She may not be able to control her drone or communicate through it, but she can still hear everything being said. So… she’s opened another private comm channel to inform us of her decision.”A chuckle emanated from Vespera’s hacked drone. Victoria frowned, a flicker of rage crossing her face before vanishing as quickly as it appeared. “Fine. We accept the deal, then. You Spiders will stay out of our affairs, and we will stay out of yours. At least until the Hunter’s are dealt with. No alliance required.”Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
You caught a glimpse of Shelly opening her mouth slightly, then closing it. Doubt flickered across her face. She wanted to say something, but she was holding back. Under normal circumstances, you’d encourage her to speak freely, but right now, doing so could look bad to the White Fang, with her being your underling and all that.> Let someone else take the lead of the conversation as you talked privately with Shelly in whispers. You were curious as to what she thought of the situation, and she was sharp enough to say something that might be important.> She just needed some time to gather her thoughts. Once she was ready then she would speak. No problem. For now, it would be wise to take the lead in the meeting, ask for options as to how to deal with the Hunters. Take the initiative. It would strengthen your image as a leader.> Pat her in the back and silently nod. Let her indirectly know that she can speak if she wants. There was something obviously bothering her. Some encouragement to let her know that she had permission to speak if she wanted.> Other (Write in)
“Ollie, I offer you a gift in exchange for your service. Understand that if you accept, we are bound eternally. And I would be happy to have you,” The silver-haired girl explained. You had heard the rumors about Monette. That she was reclusive, weird, crazy, but still respected and somewhat feared. And now, without warning, she’s broken into your bedroom, sitting on your windowsill. “I’m a witch. I can grant you nearly anything you desire as long as you sign a contract with me.”You are Oliver, a 17 year old boy who has been taking care of your little sister since your parents passed. It’s been hard, having to balance a job, school, getting bullied, and taking care of your sister all at the same time. Sometimes, you just wished you could escape.“Do your contracts pay?” You ask.Monette chuckled and crossed her legs. “How’s your sister Ollie? I hope she’s well. I see her at school sometimes but she seems afraid of me and… I don’t want to bother her.” The moonlight made her eyes shine like emeralds. You take this as a yes. You weren’t sure that you really believed this whole witch thing, but you had always had a crush on Monette, and here she is breaking into your bedroom. You aren’t sure whether you agreed out of fear or arousal.“Okay, sure. How does it work, is it like a piece of paper?”“Simple actually. You think of the gift you want, close your eyes, and then we shake hands. That can be an ability, or a magical item, or even something mundane like a million dollars - but don’t wish for something mundane please, you won’t be a very good servant without something useful. And don’t worry, you’ll get along great with my other two thralls. Millie and Cassandra - I think you’ve already met them.”Cassie is your tomboyish childhood friend. When your parents passed she was always there for you and Lily, and you deeply care for her because of it. Whatever you’re getting into - some occult ritual or just basic chuuni behavior - her being there makes you feel a bit better.Millie on the other hand is a different story. You don’t know much of her aside from that she’s friends with Cassie. Other than that, she seems quiet and reserved. The “always in the corner” type girl, reading books or sleeping off her latest all-nighter.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6185323>Socialize with the girls
>>6185323>>Socialize with the girls
>>6185323>Read a book (You may learn something)The contrarian vote
>>6185328>>6185371>>6185473>>6185582 winrar, im busy at work atm but will update tonight. if anyone has anything specific to say or ask in the upcoming dialogue, post it now.
>>6185702Ask how often they do the weird sex rituals
You are Anon, an albino man, probably an incarnated angel, and something of a self-made warrior-magus who can remember only faint vestiges of his past, is unaware of his real name, and is a Master in the Akeldama Great Holy Grail War, which is taking place in a city in an artificial world called Akeldama. Your Servant is Avenger of Red, a winged girl wielding considerably powerful magic who has declined to tell you her true name so far. Most recently you relocated from your old base after a bloody skirmish, tested out your angelic transformation, kissed Truvietianne Edelfelt, figured out how to purify magical energy, and accepted a friendly challenge to a mace-duel from the Servant Rider of Red.First thread: threads: for Servant (and other related) stat-blocks:;DR timeline recap:
>>6192640>“And I really do owe you something as well: the kindness you showed in rescuing Koko led me to follow your example, and in doing so I began to understand the value of life.”
“And I really do owe you something as well: the kindness you showed in rescuing Koko led me to follow your example, and in doing so I began to understand the value of life.” You tell her.“Do you really mean that?” She asks timidly, “I remember that you didn’t need to follow my example to save me at the beginning from that Assassin’s attack.”“That was different.” You reply. Thinking back on your past actions, you explain, “It’s true that I helped you as well as Rushorou and Ryuuta, but I was just as ready to attack strangers without warning for no reason other than they were also Masters. There wasn’t a set principle behind my actions, it was a mix of altruistic impulse and expectation that the people I saved may be useful later. Things are… different now. On paper, someone like Koko isn’t particularly ‘useful’ in the present circumstances. She does her best to be supportive but she doesn’t have a Servant, use magic, or fight directly. But in spite of that I’d go out of my way to help her if need be, because I’ve stopped seeing things just as cost/benefit calculations in the context of war. I have you to thank for setting that into motion: your actions created an echo that resonated in me.”“I had no idea...” Anne replies, “But it’s comforting that I’ve made a difference, even if it wasn’t what I expected. I’ve been... feeling the echoes of your actions as well. I do hope you can find your name soon. I’d like to be able to address you to... connect to your true self, in a way I haven’t been able to.”“You’re not the only one.” You sigh, “Finding out that I have a connection to angelic beings was a step in the right direction, if only there was a way to get further.”“I know.” Truvietianne affirmed. After thinking about if for a while, she eventually suggests, “Perhaps we should try to find Sun Wukong’s former Master. He was a priest and most likely an Eastern-sect Executor, he may have a way of learning more. His background would be closer than mine or Avenger’s at least.”“Maybe you’re right.” You reply, “It could difficult to get him to cooperate since our last encounter ended as violently as it did, but it could be worth a try.” You chuckle, “Maybe if we bring Koko as our diplomat, she could smooth things over and get us all to bury the hatchet until the Dead Apostles are neutralized.”Smiling, Anne softly laughs, “That, I’d like to see.”Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Recognizing the new arrival as the same bird that Ryuuta’s Caster used as a familiar before, you telepathically reply to your Servant, “Your warning was a hair late, but it’s not a threat. At ease for now.” “Are you someone’s familiar?” Truvietianne asks the bird.“Ryuuta’s Caster’s.” You answer in its place, “You weren’t around at the time, but he warned us about the lightning-storm that covered our retreat after Sun Wukong was defeated.”“Yes, and I decided to take the liberty of informing you of our party’s circumstances, to the extent that time allows.” The bird explains, “We are occupied trying to come to establish friendly relations with two new Masters, a pair of young ladies, each of whom commands a fairly powerful Saber-class Servant. I’d ask that you not suddenly appear at our side, as that would be mistaken as an attempted ambush and break down negotiations. Should we manage to come to an understanding with them our combat effectiveness would increase drastically, likely to a point where we could confidently mobilize against the Dead Apostles and their Servants.”“Do your best! I anticipate a favorable update later.” Truvietianne cheers, visibly relieved at the news.“It does sound promising, at least from what you’ve told us.” You respond. Hopefully those girls will see things your way; Rushorou at least was an effective fast-talker from what you saw of him, and maybe Ryuuta’s straightforward and earnest nature would set the new Masters at ease.“I’ll be on my way then.” The bird chirps, “We’re under quite a bit of scrutiny so a brief, furtive correspondence is preferable. Farewell.” It then hops into the air and flies away.What will you do next:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6195504>> Find Koko and see if she’d like to be your diplomat if you find Fyodor and Kiara again
>>6195504>Find Koko and see if she’d like to be your diplomat if you find Fyodor and Kiara again
Welcome back.We're back. Sorry for the long hiatus but life got a bit hectic there.Rules are simple: Votes are tallied every hour, with whatever course of action being the most popular being the course of action taken. Write ins are encouraged and non-mutually exclusive votes will be combined if possible.When a roll is called for, roll however many D100 are specified. 5- is a 'crit fail' and generally means something bad is about to happen. 95+ is a 'crit success' and generally means something good just happened. a 'crit success' trumps a crit fail. User input on both will be taken into consideration.Inventory, pokemon stats and other links: a short summary for the new and to recap:You are Alex. A newly minted trainer and camping enthusiast just starting out on your journey at the age of seventeen after your father lost his job in order to help pay the bills. On the road, you met Fie, the Fire Gym Leader, Gareth a novice Aura Guardian on pilgrimage and Holly, a runaway heiress using a pseudonym. You've also made enemies of Team Green a group of violent, radical activists looking to abolish pokemon training.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6191874Whoops, my bad.I never really bother with Rotom, so I wasn't aware that's how that worked.
>>6191876Well, don't be sorry. Your quest, your rules, your take.
>>6191651>>6191873>>6191874After a moment's thought, you decide to wait and see if the Rotom is willing to give up without a fight.Rotom isn't a particularly elegant eater, scooping up the food with its pipe... hand? Tail? You're not sure, and shoveling it into its mouth before floating closer to you expectantly.>Hold out the poke ball.>Go, Volta.>Give Rotom more food.>Other
>>6195365>>Hold out the poke ball.
>>6195365>Hold out the poke ball.
Jail Quest: a text adventure occasionally illustrated.A night of drinking and a failed attempt to cheat on cards had landed you the strangest job slash community service sentence you've ever had: ensuring Gongalla Gaol survives the reality storm called Singularity.Now you travel around with your employer and a handpicked crew to survey the four Reality Anchors. Hey, beats being tarred and feathered, right?Previous thread: are Rosa Montagni, and you've had just returned from a successful raid on a cultist cave, only to find a commotion in the town of Pinewatch. A large autowagon came in, claiming from the north; their driver claimed to have had a shootout with bandits. And yet, there's no bullet marks, and while the passengers were wounded, the driver wasn't. Then there's this mysterious gunman camping the back of the clinic, as well as the mischievous goblin girl Rita from the brothel and the missing theatre troupe actor, Hammy. Just as you think things were getting simpler...
>>6195737>□ Something related to crystalsThis feels more important.Goodbye, adult baby man. Maybe we'll check on him later to see how he's doing after a long time of Rita's ministrations. You really gotta wonder what she was/is doing to him that would have him be so afraid
>>6195737>□ Something related to the missing kidsPriority one is rescuing the kiddos.
>□ Something about what will happen when the ritual succeeds
>>6195737>>6195899 is me, but I'll back >>6195738 to break this four-way tie.
>majority achievedDrawing, writing!
You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian, Orkney and Camelot. Previously went off to recruit some mortals. It was a smashing success convincing them to come to Camelot. Unfortunately, most of them have problematic personality issues or are just plain crazy. That's what you get for recruiting kids from a school known to deal with troubled kids. You also sent teams of vassals to raid the hateful World for resources; most of these teams were successful and came back home in a timely manner. All except for Team Feline who had the most simple and easiest task. They've somehow gotten into difficulties. Your doughty Baphomet vassals aren't helpless; they're capable of extracting themselves out of trouble unless it is something that they can't deal with. You set forth to the rescue with your trusty Guide, valiant Bodyguard and anxiety-ridden Dowser in tow. That's when you discovered a fake Cath Palug has captured your vassals and cat. There are demands for a ransom, and you're willing to try negotiating, but the fake is too busy dealing with a problem. You also discovered that the more fresh victims verbally declare that the real Cath Palug is dead or call out the fake, the weaker the monster gets. Not that it helps you out too much at the moment. Two Knights of the Round Table have invaded its domain and are trying to kill the fake. They're so distracted the enemies don't realize that you're even in. Your Namesake helpfully identifies the two Knights as Merlin and King Arthur...Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6194811>Typically I give a success if you manage to get two of the rolls with a 5 and 6It certainly doesn't feel that way in this quest with the shit we've been through, sorry QM
I maybe losing my job what with the turbulence of tariffs and such. So this quest is going on hiatus. I'll will post one last time to show you skewering the cat and see in the next few weeks what will happen to me.
>>6195967Damn. I'm sorry QM. Good luck.
>>6195967I eagerly await your return QM, please take care
>>6195967That's regrettable. Hopefully your situation will get better.
A party of high-level adventurers wake up in Westeros. >>You awake to pine needles, moss, and several broken ribs. Gasping in agony only makes things worse, and it seems an eternity of ragged breathing before your blind fumbling manages to locate a healing potion and get it to your mouth. Not for the first time, you reflect that wizards are not made for the rough-and-tumble life… but one must tough to survive as a wizard, and an uncommon tolerance for pain is no small part of what earned you a place among the greatest of the present age. Broken bones are momentary; an elven archmage’s accomplishments stand eternal. Sitting up and glancing around, you find you’re in a forest, ancient and grey and dripping with lichens, lying at the edge of a perfectly-circular clearing that still smoked from whatever produced it. Around the circle are several other members of your expedition. You quickly identify your sister Anya, and see that she’s also more or less intact, although her arm is in a position that suggests a need for healing. What in the hells just happened? You wrack your brain to try and put together the last moments before consciousness failed you. You recall well the runes on the ritual chamber floor scrawled in blood and still-steaming entrails, bright with unholy radiance, the singing of the remaining devout as they called to their True Master awaiting in the realms beyond, the sheer power that had been enough to make your head spin. You and your party members traded spells and shot with the Nightrunner leaders as they desperately fought to finish their work. Blood and screams and gunsmoke filled the room. Then the ground started to shake as the ceiling fell in great stone chunks, the air became thick and hard to breathe, and then you were falling and everything was dark.
>>6196474Soren Avenatus TarantusGoliath Paladin (Oath of Glory) 13 Male, aged 38; Brown hair, skin, and eyes; 7’2’’Lawful NeutralStr 24(20)(+7), Dex 14(+2), Con 19(+4), Int 9(-1), Cha 15(+2), Wis 11(±0)Hitpoints: 137Saving Throws: Will +12(+8+0+2+2), Fort +16(+8+4+2+2), Reflex +10(+4+2+2+2) Spells per day: 4, 3, 1Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Vital Strike, Lunge Lay of Hands: 6/dayMercies: Fatigued, Enfeebled, Cursed, Ensorcelled Equipment: Musket +1, Longbow +1, Pistol, Shocking Longsword +2 (1d8), Belt of Giant Strength +4, Breastplate (+5) of Resistance +2, Helmet +1 (+2), Periapt of Protection from Evil, Reins of Mount, Mending Blinkback Quiver, Winged Boots (5 mins, 3/day), Handy Haversack
>>6196477Emíl Ahtám ër-Arténe il-IsánAir Genasi Bard 13 Male, aged 41, brown hair and eyes, fair skin, 5’9’’ True NeutralStr 10(±0), Dex 16(+3), Con 14(+2), Int 10(±0), Wis 12(+1), Cha 20(+5)Hitpoints: 96Saving Throws: Will +11(+8+1+2), Fort +9(+4+3+2), Reflex +13(+8+3+2)Spells per day: 7, 6, 5, 4, 2Spells known: (6) Mage Hand, Mending, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Resistance, Summon Instrument1st 6: Alarm, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Silent Image 2nd 5: Blur, Cure Moderate Wounds, Glitterdust, Heroism, Shatter 3rd 5: Dispel Magic, Good Hope, Haste, Major Image, Suggestion 4th 4: Break Enchantment, Cure Serious Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Hold MonsterComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6196419>Greet him casually - just another day sparring with your sister.
>>6196417>It’s entirely like herTypo, should be 'entirely unlike her'