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Previous chapters: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Heretic%20Cultivator%20Quest
MC info Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/x5rCdZpq
Sect/ disciple info Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A0Yghkqs4WxALnnlVJ2uPpphQk9NQ4ME32DzC1qWp7Q/edit?usp=sharing
Folklore: https://pastebin.com/AnbsrDcd

Specter Starvation (幽灵饥饿, Yōulíngjī'è), a curse considered in this modern era to be without a cure, a death sentence either through the afflicted wasting away to spiritual starvation or being hunted down once they are consumed by their unnatural hungers. A curse so terrible the mere whispers of it are enough to scare most of the cultivation world from pursuing ghostly dao or cultivating and refining deathly or ghostly yin Qi. But you aren't like most other Daoists, you are the great and more often than not magnanimous Huanliuxue (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood), the founder of both the heretical and ghost aligned Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎl) and the heretical but noble sect of beasts, outcasts and oddballs, The Palace of Natural laws sect palace of natural laws sect (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn). And this curse will not be your end or downfall. For you know the medicine and treatment that was forgotten ages ago.

All that must be done to cure one's self of the ghastly desires and gnawing hunger that afflicts that most debased and feral of hungry ghosts and wild Jiangshi, is to devour the lifeforce of dragon or something of equally profound spiritual energy or possessing Qi or vitality as refined and powerful as their own. And while you are certain, if given enough time, you could find an alternative means of curing yourself, especially with the assistance of the ghostly calamity who infected you with the accursed and gross hunger for life-energy and souls that you've so far been able to resist and ignore, Aodasheng (Proud Great Sage, 傲大圣) who has so far proven not only loyal to and capable of fulfilling his promise to act as and be your subordinate, but is also a learned scholar of most of what is forbidden in this world beneath the unjust heavens.

However, you nearly fainted from hunger and feel your marvelously trained and sculpted body beginning to weaken as starvation begins to sap away your strength and fog your usually peerlessly sharp and sagacious mind, hazing and messing up your ideas and thoughts. So there isn't an excess of time for you to search for an alternative medicine or risk going rabid with hunger, especially since you were just about to declare your tournament open and started when you shamefully collapsed out of hunger in front of an elder demon hunter and the head of another sect!

And to avoid embarrassing yourself like that again, since it is utterly unthinkable you could share the pitiful fate the others who've fallen victim to Specter Starvation, that you've traveled to the Summer Sea at the south of the Chuan Kingdom.
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>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)

Oh god, it's the statues all over again

>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)
>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)

Question about this -
Secret Art Unlocked: Cat's Court: Dancing across the border between life and death

Since starving is close to death does this proc?
After we get hit by godzilla's cousin's atomic breath it just might.

>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)
Hoping to build a strong foundation out of failures.
>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create an island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)
I’m once again considering Ao a bad luck charm.

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You are Uzumaki Shiki, currently posing as ‘Kagerō’ – a first-year student at the Konohagakure Academy. The goal of this undercover ploy is to serve as a bodyguard to Yukiwari Kae, the young princess of a small kingdom allied with both Konoha and your own homeland of Amegakure, while she’s here being kept out of an internal power struggle at home. It was you and your team’s role to observe Kae-hime, to provide security, and to root out any hypothetical assassins who might be sent after her and deal with them.

While it’s been a little bit amusing being back at the Academy after having been promoted all the way up to jōnin over the last two years, there have also been some problems. Your identity was already blown when your cousin Himawari started to figure out who you were despite having changed your face, frame, and most importantly your hair color to try and avoid being recognized, so you let her in on your secret. A few other students seem to suspect that you’re more than you appear to be as well, though most are simply annoyed by your popularity, or by your ‘talent’ as a shinobi, or by some combination of the two.

More troubling however is that the ‘hypothetical’ assassin you were embedded into Kae-hime and Hima-chan’s class to deal with may not be so hypothetical after all. You were followed most of the way to ‘your’ apartment (as Kagerō) a few days ago by someone with self-evident bloodlust – as well as the skills to evade your teammates and back off without being seen.

“Hey, sensei,” you begin, having waited until after class when all the other students have already left. Hana-sensei, perhaps sensing your intent, also stayed behind. “Do you have a moment?”

She nods once, “Of course, Kagerō-kun. What do you need?”

You close the door, and lock it from inside, before approaching your ‘teacher’ at her desk. “I have to explain something to you – something you have to swear will not leave this room.”

“I promise,” Hana-sensei replies, watching you somewhat nervously. “This… sounds kind of serious.”

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>1d6 taking the first three
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

What you’re going to do is a little bit complicated – the problem at hand is that you want to communicate with your three teammates without alerting anyone who might be observing you that you’re doing so. And since your ghost clone has no physical energy, that limits your options to just two at least in theory. You could split your ghost clone into three, but that’s just ‘in theory’ because of what it takes to share your senses with a detached fragment of your soul. Even Ryūzetsu-ue is limited to three, and she has decades of experience with your shared kekkei genkai that you lack. You could speak with each of the three of them in turn, but that would be slower and would rob you of the simple pleasure of being around your friends (even if it’s for ‘business’ purposes).

That means the plan is going to be a bit overly complicated.

As you’ve learned over the years by switching places with your ghost clone using hiraishin, that clone can still be moved around to any location where you’ve already left a marking. In this case, you want to send it to the shrike forest to find your partner Kiburi.

She’s in the middle of preening herself when you do find her. [Kiburi-san, I need your help with something.]

She starts for a moment before quickly collecting herself. “Shiki-san, to what do I owe the surprise?”

[Sorry to bother, but I’m trying to create some shadow clones without drawing attention to myself – would you be willing to do a cooperative ninjutsu, lending me your physical energy?]

“Sure, not a problem.”

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You have slain the old tyrant, Suial the Third, and claimed his throne, his kingdom, and his women. After personally executing those who dared to challenge your rule in a grand spectacle the gladiatorial arena—your name chanted by your subjects and proclaimed by priests as the chosen of the divines—you decide to celebrate your victories in the harem.
Choosing Queen Jocasta, the widow and only legal wife of the old man you killed, you summon her to your bed with the hope of fathering an heir for the throne. The queen is nearly forty, perhaps beyond her prime childbearing years, but you are young and robust, only half her age, and confident in your virility.
Throughout the night, you ensure Jocasta's moans and screams are loud enough for the guards outside to overhear, the message clear: the old tyrant's wife now belongs to you. After several passionate sessions in positions deemed most favorable for conception, you and the aging queen find yourselves entwined in the quiet aftermath, catching your breath and beginning to converse.
"I gave birth once," she reveals softly, her voice carrying a mixture of sorrow and nostalgia. "About twenty years ago. A boy. He was taken from me just after being born. I have often prayed that he would one day return to me."

> You express your condolences, "I'm deeply sorry for your loss, my queen. I pray that wherever your son is, he is at peace."
> You express your fury at the old tyrant's cruelty, who buried his newborn sons alive because he feared the prophecy that one of his sons would murder him and usurp his throne, "May Suial endure suffer torment in the fires of Tartarus for eternity."
> You gently caress the queen's pale belly, which you have spent the night filling with your fertile seed, hopeful of potential new life, "Perhaps the gods will answer your prayers and bring your son back to you in some way."
> You find yourself wondering if Suial's firstborn son and only legal heir may have survived, though it was unlikely that a newborn could survive being buried alive, "Did you witness what happened to your son? Is there any chance he could have survived?"
> You quietly feel relief, considering the depravities of Suial's lineage, It's a mercy, really. Suial was a tyrant, and a son born from his seed might have been just as cruel. It's better for the kingdom to be rid of that bloodline, ensuring there's no rightful challenge to your throne.
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> Very well, I will ride with you and see these savages crushed.
>Very well, I will ride with you and see these savages crushed.
If there are any personal guards that we have reason to trust yet I'd want to bring them to ensure a potential fanatic hiding in Chion's ranks doesn't try to backstab us in the heat of battle
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"Very well, I will ride with you and see these savages crushed," you nod calmly, masking the strategic calculations whirling through your mind.
This could, of course, be a trap to lure you from your palace in the capital and assassinate you on foreign soil. But what would Creon gain from killing you? The other houses of the Blood would never tolerate House Chion’s overt power grab—they would unite against them, plunging the kingdom into war.
Moreover, Jocasta, despite her noble lineage, is just a woman, not someone who can lead her dead husband's legions. Creon and House Chion benefit far more with you alive than dead.
Besides, you find yourself welcoming the danger, having already grown bored of your peaceful life in the palace after the spectacle at the arena. The steel and blood of the battlefield call to you more than the silk and comfort of the palace, and you look forward to the opportunity of crossing your blades with the painted savages.
Creon's expression softens slightly, a hint of respect flashing in his eyes as you agree to join him in defending his lands. "Then we are allies, Rex. Let us see if your prowess in battle is as formidable as they say."
The next morning, you stand at the head of the royal legion, flanked by soldiers from House Chion. The early sun casts long shadows on the ground, heralding the start of a new day and a new battle. As you prepare to leave the capital, the air is thick with the scent of oil and leather, the soldiers' armor clinking softly with each movement.
Queen Jocasta remains behind in your palace, but you may take one of your concubines, to share your tent during the campaign.

> Lana the green-eyed concubine, with her keen insight and quiet strength, the first concubine to share your bed and the one who urged you to seize the throne.
> Inaja the dusky-skinned concubine, whose understanding of the kingdom's religious and political climate could help you during the campaign.

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>An effeminate beardless boy, trained to sexually pleasure the old tyrant, a grim reminder of your predecessor's twisted perversions.
We’ll be overpowering many men on this trip, hopefully.

> A once-proud warrior woman reduced to a slave concubine, her spirit dulled by years of captivity in Suial's harem, having been broken by the old tyrant
A new one, and appropriate for the occasion

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You are the son of a powerful mafia boss who rules the criminal underworld of the city with an iron grip.

>You are the eldest, the presumed successor, known for your fiery temper and a reputation for ruthlessness.

>You are the second son, the overlooked playboy, usually dismissed as weak and indecisive.

>You are the youngest, a decorated war veteran, who attempted to leave the family business.

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>You devise a plan to eliminate your older brother, ensuring your place as the heir.
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>You approach your father, requesting more responsibilities to prove your worth
>You continue to play the part of the carefree playboy, biding your time until the perfect moment to strike.
Big bro's a loose cannon who's going to come after us eventually, better he not see us as a threat right away. Play the safe option and let him focus on the other, potential rat brother first.
Quest's dead, anon.
Habeeb in OP. He'll be back, he's just on the lam.

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The Nation of Ferrovia has fractured with the death of king Harold with three successor states and a bandit kingdom now fighting over the nation's future. King Elric, the king's brother backed by the landed nobility of the country, wages war in hopes of holding up the monarchy and by connection with the landed gentry. As he styles himself now Lord protector Baric attempts to halt the Monarchists and reformists from harming the status quo with the backing of the army his force is small but well trained and armed. The last of the main contenders is Queen Meredith the sole child of King Harold and devout reformist backed by merchants democrats and communists alike she must lead this dispraite force to victory.
You are Sir Edmund ”The Crow” Drayton, a recently Knighted Yeoman, the leader of the small monarchist sub faction of the reformists. The last few months have seen you push the southern front of the junta forces hard. They have put up stiff resistance with the capture of the ferrovian military academy and the destruction of a motorized division being your reward for your efforts.

Past threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=BrinkQM

The men are ready the next day after defeating the motorized division to keep heading north pushing through desolate territory. The ferrovian countryside is ravaged by the war small villages that used to be the life blood of the rural areas in the north are all but gone The railroads which once moved ore and grain to the industrial cities lay destroyed heaps of burned railroad ties and the tracks themselves having been thrown onto the fire to make them useless. The enemy is going full scorched earth where they can. Your pushes are often slowed by nearly every bridge over even the smallest creek having been destroyed.

3d100 best of three please
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Rolled 63, 44, 1 = 108 (3d100)

Rolled 40, 58, 17 = 115 (3d100)

The push into the city really starts to slow down around the mid point just reaching the town square when with a sudden rush of reinforcements the enemy begins to push back. Your men make them pay for each house or shop they pry from your control but still they have to fall back over and over again until just at your mens breaking point an almost miracle happens. One of your mortar teams in a somewhat overzealous move had set up in the town proper in one of the many back gardens. It's this very mortar team that through either luck or skill refuse to fall back and hold off what must be the near full force of an infantry company fighting them off with carbines pistols and even using their mortars as improvised hand grenades. Night is soon approaching but your men are still in a decent condition to fight.

>fall back for the night
>dig in
>keep attacking
>>keep attacking
It'll be really hard if we let them reinforce
>>keep attacking

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Hey, you. You're finally awake.
You were trying to cross the border, right?
Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.
>How did you get here?
>>A victim of truck-kun.
>>A victim of a school shooting.
>>Brutally beaten to death by Todd Howard after calling Skyrim mid.
>> _
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>>Try to interact with the NPCs. Maybe you can break the fourth wall and convince them they’re all just lines of code.
Our ultimate revenge against Todd Howard shall be to make the game better than he ever did from the inside. The first order of business-- building a following of believers, with our foresight/meta-knowledge. Tell everyone that you're a seer-- that a dragon is going to attack once the executions start, and that's just the start of things to come.
>>Try to interact with the NPCs. Maybe you can break the fourth wall and convince them they’re all just lines of code.
Todd Howard got OP kek
>Try to interact with the NPCs. Maybe you can break the fourth wall and convince them they’re all just lines of code.
>Try to remember what happens next. Oh, that's right, Alduin swoops in and kills everyone. How fun and original, Todd.
Fuck you Todd. This time you gave me Skyrim for free, but still, fuck you. Starfield a shit, too. You hear that, Todd?

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"Minor fucking mistake!" you mutter under your breath, your voice dripping with anger. You are Dr. Disrespect, the greatest and most popular streamer in the world, or at least you were.

The cancelation came swiftly. The woke mob, with their keyboards wielded like pitchforks, decided that a few minor fucking mistakes were enough to bring you down. But you, Dr. Disrespect, are not one to be easily defeated.

"Time to take back what's mine," you growl, cracking your knuckles. You didn't build a fucking empire on charisma and mustache wax just to watch it crumble at the hands of a few overly sensitive woke liberals.

> (1) Send anonymous hate mail to your accuser.
> (2) Sabotage Twitch headquarters with a barrage of glitter bombs.
> (3) Keep streaming and subtly mock the controversy in every broadcast.
> (4) Emigrate to Israel, the tribesmen will treat you with the respect you deserve.
> (5) Move underground start a new streaming platform, "DocTube."
> (6) Launch a line of "Canceled but Not Defeated" merchandise.
> (7) Organize a "Redemption Tour" with live streaming events across the country.
> (8) Custom Option
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>(8) Custom Option
Run for president on the platform that Trump isn't racist or creepy enough
> (8) Custom Option
Put a Ukraine and trans flag on your twitter and infiltrate your woke cancellers
> (4) Emigrate to Israel, the tribesmen will treat you with the respect you deserve.
True. Call yourself a "MAP" and say Biden is your idol *sniff*

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You are Noel Tiberius di Hazaran, and at this moment your objective is to root out a small force that has fortified a low hilltop deep within occupied Sakian territory. When you’ve done that, a group of rebels who have turned on your enemy from the distant Continent – but who aren’t quite what you’d call ‘reliable allies’ – will be able to take up residence here, fortify the position, and use it as a logistical strong point to support their growing operations in Sakia. Your hope is that the invading army, after having found its high water mark in trying and failing to cross the mountains to the south and assault your homeland in Hazaran, will start to eat itself from the inside and make it possible to start actually liberating Sakia.

With you now are Aurora, Valentina, and Serana – all accomplished warriors in their own right, two of which are able to partially awaken to enhance their abilities beyond even the monstrous ‘average’ set by your Silver-Eyed cohort. The fact that you can’t simply kill all of these people is something of a complicating factor, but it’s a standard of behavior you and your kind accepted and now maintain willingly.

You can definitely handle this situation, between your inhuman speed and regenerative abilities. But any offensive type warriors may be vulnerable to those cannon shells, or to bullet wounds to the head, since their regenerative abilities aren’t as strong.

That’s why you decide to wait until you have the cover of darkness to make your move, and bide your time by observing your enemy and discussing strategy among your assembled cohort.

“There are areas where their artillery can overlap,” Valentina observes, “but also some arcs where the carriers are in each other’s way.”

“And isn’t there a limit to how low their guns can angle?” Aurora asks.

You nod once – you remember that being the case. “Yes but the hill’s slope is pretty gentle, so that may not help.”

[There is not much cover,] Serana adds her own observation. [We should move quickly once we start to advance.]

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Rolled 5, 3, 5 = 13 (3d10)

Rolled 9, 5, 10 = 24 (3d10)

Rolled 1, 6, 7 = 14 (3d10)

By your reckoning, the stage has truly been set as well as you and your cohort can. It’s well past time that the Sakians started doing some of the difficult work of freeing themselves.

You ask Aurora and Valentina to do the honors of flipping the vehicles back over onto their tracks, while you consider your next move. Serana looks at you quizzically.

[Are you okay?]

You nod. “Yes. I’m just considering what it will take to get the Sakians into this fight.”

[If they aren’t really, can we count on them?]

“Maybe not,” you admit. “But I think we do need to push for it.”


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>>There must still be elements of the Sakian military left.
>>We captured a lot of weapons today. We just need people to use them.

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ITQ you will buy and sell goods, find a place to live, basic Jobs, and things to do to live through a zombie apocalypse. Zombies are slow. Plenty of things can maim or kill you. Zombie bites can be treated, but there are side effects, or you may screw it up and die. So let's avoid that, ok?
You stand in line among several other people, anonymous faces, you didn't count them. You've not seen them before. Some in shoes, some barefoot, one with a blood stained spear, and all of you hot and dirty from the June heat. You're on the outskirts of Houston in the shell of what was an old big box store, and the proprietor has a fan blowing across the line of you, and he has been good enough to put up a pop-up tent ourside the entrance to shield everyone from the sunlight, but it must be 94 degrees with all of you crowded together and waiting. On either side of the Line, are cages full of dead eyed ghouls, locked in for now, but watching you.
The Merchant calls out Next and you step up with your goods. You walk up to a bullet proof Plexiglass window with a pass through container, and big sign over the glass stating:
>Jews created the outbreak on borrowed money, No Credit
You are yourself, just yourself. Your actions are your own choice, but the outcome is determined by post ID roll.
Roll for your saleable goods layout by final digit.
Subsequent rerolls to determine simple value, 2nd to last digit = quantity, final digit of simple pass fail 1-5 poor, 6-0 good
1-backpack of junk, can be sorted for valuables
2-live wild animal, must be examined to determine value
3-Clothing, must be checked for damage
4-Food, may be packaged or raw
5-Contraban: cigarettes, alchohol, pornography, drugs
6-Weapons: may be functional, broken parts
7-Ammunition: may be boxed or loose, good or bad
8-Medicine: may be prescription or over the counter

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a young man with a rifle and nap sack is sitting well out of danger, as the sun goes down, and looking at his Rolex, the only fancy thing about this self determined vagabond, he confirms that it is Independence day, and the sun is getting low enough.

In his bag are an assortment of fireworks, bottle rockets, firecrackers, artillery shells, and the like, and being an eccentric, he decides to set them off. the first couple fizzle and he tips them out of the empty beer bottle and lets them fall down the side of the high rise where he stands. He's smoking something from a pack, and lighting the fuses, and the next bottle rocket goes off fine, and the next after that, and the artillery are fantastic, and in the dim light, he decides that the day has been vindicated enough, and feels just a touch disappointed in himself that he didn't wait until pitch darkness, but, well, what was the difference?

In the silence, as he packs his things and returns back through the building to the stairwell, and towards his car, he hears gun fire. Going to the window to confirm, he does indeed see gun fire from some group on the ground, and ghouls in the fields and the road, and more massing just ahead of the large Truck, standing atop the overpass, by the intersection, perhaps (60) ghouls stand looking into the sky still, as if transfixed, though nothing has exploded for a few minutes.

He hurries down the stairwells to get to the lobby and into the open to fire off more Artillery.

[my second to final digit determines if he makes it to the lobby in time, and final digit determines if he fire's an artillery shell successfully] 1-6 Pass, 7-0 Fail
{6} you try packing the loot into the car, but in fumbling with the door, you drop it on the ground. You try the steering wheel, (9) but it's locked with a club, and won't shift. (5) more ghouls approach from the intersection. You are completely cut off, surrounded by 15 ghouls, with 5 more coming.

You are standing there as follows:
P(0)20 - Revolver (holstered)
Melee - Fighting knife (on belt)
p(2)+8) - Makarov (in hand)
Me- Wrapped Rebar (in hand)

>[free Choice before action rolls]

>[climb atop the car to safety, where you can fight from high ground. +3 to success rolls for next round ONLY. You'll also be able to move around]
>[lock yourself safely inside the car. You cannot be attacked, and your next round of attacks are Sucker Punches, but you can only attack 1/2 of the ghouls. However, you cannot make the car start, and cannot escape]

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>"Somebody actuall uses The Club?"
An incredulous look is plastered across Mike's face as he locks himself inside and sweeps the rear of the car for ghouls with his Makarov. He sighs deeply, unslinging his backpack and reloading his guns. No point in drawing any more in. He can smell sweat in here. Yeah, smells like somebody's been sleeping in here maybe. The ghouls close in.
>Reload Pistol
>Reload Makarov
>Reload pistol or Makarov if reload failed - in that order.
[Not sure why I called the revolver the Pistol there. Not entirely inaccurate, but still. I'm suprised nobody else has joined in. Maybe at an interlude point, you could go over the mechanics again and we could pause for a bit to see if anyone joins?]
[Im watching fireworks, so yes. A fine time for mechanics.

The post numbers are how im determining rolls, as it allows us to compute multiple factors in a roll, and due to the lag between responses i want to cover plenty of ground in a single post.

at the beginning of a new battle, everyone starts with essenyially a coin toss chance of success. 1-5 and 6-0. Making a 50% success, 50% failure chance.
I try to have have 2 or 3 actionsnbe in play per player post, however, due to the low post rate on this board, have dropped some options off, or subsidized the deficit with "garaunteed" results like dropping items or focusing your attention.
Making an unluckynroll usually debuffs the player for the next turn or the battle. So far, i am capping the Debuff at -2. So a normal 1-5 pass, 6-0 could drop to 1-3 pas, 4-0 Fail. Or a 30% success, 70% failure split.
Buffs can be applied by one player to themselves, such as FOCUSING or AIMING
Applied to others by DISTRACTING
Environmental Buffs such as a FORTRESS, or HIGH GROUND
Learned skills can buff, such as AIMING, DEEP BREATH, HAPPY PLACE

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You are Jack "Whisper" Malone, a name that sends shivers down the spines of both the heroes and the villains. The city is a maze of steel and shadows, where gods and monsters walk the same cracked sidewalks as you. Superheroes may shine in the daylight, but the real action happens after sundown. Crime, that old snake, still slithers through the dark corners of this metropolis. Tonight, it's wrapped its coils around an all-American hero. Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, found outside a seedy nightclub, drugged and violated. The headlines scream scandal, but you know better. There is more to this—you know a coverup when you see one. You light a cigarette, the glow briefly illuminating your steely eyes, and set out into the shadowy abyss, determined to drag the serpent into the light. The hunt begins.

>Your first suspect is Johann Schmidt, the Red Skull. The old Kraut might be looking to settle some unfinished business from the war.

>Your first suspect is Tony Stark, the billionaire playboy. With Steve Rogers out of commission, Stark can be the center of attention again.

>Your first suspect is Sam Wilson, the Falcon. With Rogers traumatized and sidelined, Wilson stands to gain the title of Captain America.

>Your first suspect is Bruce Banner, the Hulk. His strength and rage make him a possible candidate for overpowering and violating Rogers.

>Your first suspect is Nick Fury, the boss of Shield. The man likes to be always in control, always on top. What could ever excite a narcissist like him than to hold down Rogers, America's most beloved hero, and violate him?
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>>Your next suspect is Nick Fury, the boss of Shield. The man likes to be always in control, always on top. What could ever excite a narcissist like him than to hold down Rogers, America's most beloved hero, and violate him?
>>Your next suspect is Tony Stark, the billionaire playboy. With Steve Rogers out of commission, Stark can be the center of attention again.
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The city’s night wraps around you, a cloak of shadows and whispers. Your mind spins with Red Skull’s cryptic words as you probe your informants. "Sending a message? What message? America is fucked or fuck America?"
Your next suspect is Nick Fury, the boss of S.H.I.E.L.D. The man likes to be always in control, always on top. What could excite a narcissist like him more than holding down Rogers, America's most beloved hero, and violating him?
Your inquiries hit brick walls. Informants turn tightlipped, glancing over their shoulders before slipping away into the night. The cover-up is tighter than you expected. You down a whiskey, the burn a familiar comfort as you mull over the Red Skull's words. Nick Fury's feuds with the military and intelligence establishments can be guessed at. If anyone knows anything, Fury knows. If anyone did anything, Fury did.
But digging into Nick Fury is a death wish. Always has been. He’s a ghost, a shadow that whispers through the corridors of power, unseen yet ever-present.
One night, the tension snaps like a brittle wire. You’re in your apartment, the whiskey bottle half-empty on the table, the city’s heartbeat a dull roar outside your window. You don’t hear him come in. One moment you’re alone, the next, he’s there. Nick Fury, in the flesh. He’s an imposing figure, the room’s dim light glinting off his eyepatch.
“You need to stop, Malone,” he says, voice as smooth and cold as polished steel. “Digging for snakes can get a man killed.”
You keep your composure, masking the jolt of surprise. “Funny, coming from a man with a nest of them.”
Fury’s single eye narrows. “You think you’re onto something, but you’re playing a game out of your league. Rogers is off-limits.”
You lean back, feigning ease. “Off-limits, huh? Funny how many lines have been crossed already.”
He steps closer, the weight of his presence palpable. “You’re smart, Malone. Smart enough to know when to back off.”
You meet his gaze, unwavering. “Smart enough to know when someone’s hiding something.”
He smiles, a thin, dangerous curve. “I like you, Malone. But push too hard, and you’ll make enemies you can’t handle.”
The air between you crackles with unspoken threats. Fury’s warning hangs heavy, a grim promise. You know he’s right—digging into Fury is playing with fire. But you’ve never been one to shy away from the heat.
He turns to leave, pausing at the door. “Last warning, Malone. Drop this, or I’ll drop you.”
As he slips back into the shadows, you know the stakes have risen. Fury’s appearance isn’t just a warning; it’s confirmation. You’re onto something big, something dangerous. But you’re not backing down. Not now.

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>You corner Maria Hill, Nick Fury's right-hand woman, pressing her for details on Fury's recent activities.

>You seek out Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow. A redhead femme fatale from the land of the reds, who always knows more than she lets on.

>You dig into Sam Wilson's movements. He might be conspiring with Fury to sideline Rogers.

>You bide your time until Rogers regains consciousness, hoping he can shed some light on what happened.

>You confront Phil Coulson, trusting his loyalty to the old SHIELD to guide you in the right direction.

>You seek out Jessica Jones, a private investigator with her own connections and resources in the underworld.

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Being a TRIANGLE is dumb as fuck, and all the other shapes are racist to TRIANGLES
You want to become a SQUARE by any means needed
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We must become a tetrahedron.
>wanting to become a square
either we clone ourselves or split in 2, and then 69 with our other half
there, a square
Give up on being a SQUARE. Start convincing other triangles they are the perfect shape.
either return to your original non-iscoceles shape, and bash your head against something again, or do this >>6048852
Bisect yourself and then put yourself back together as rectangle

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Welcome to Jujutsu High! Today marks your first day at one of the educational institutions dedicated to fostering the next generation of jujutsu sorcerers. As you stand at the gates, the weight of your destiny presses down on your shoulders. Who are you?

>Name: Yuki Nakamura
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Backstory: Yuki discovered her jujutsu abilities when she accidentally exorcised a powerful curse that had haunted her family's shrine for generations.

>Name: Hiroshi Tanaka
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Backstory: Hiroshi, a high school martial arts champion, realized his jujutsu potential after a mysterious incident where he fought off a curse that attacked his dojo.

>Name: Mei Sato
Gender: Female
Age: 15

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>Name: Hiroshi Tanaka
>>Name: Mei Sato
>>Name: Mei Sato
QM, I swear to god if you flaked I'm going to shit your pants
Better grab some Mexican food and OP’s pants then

You stand at the gaping maw of the dungeon, the air thick with the scent of decay and the promise of riches. The kingdom's sky, once clear and blue, now seems perpetually shrouded in stormy grays, as if the dungeon's presence has cast a pall over the land itself. This labyrinth appeared overnight, a colossal monument to mystery and danger, drawing adventurers like you like moths to a flame.
The entrance is a towering archway of black stone, slick with an otherworldly slime that seems to pulse with a faint, sickly glow. You steel yourself, heart pounding with a mix of dread and exhilaration. Behind you, the hushed murmurs of other adventurers echo faintly, their voices tinged with both envy and fear. Many have entered before you, but only a few have returned, laden with treasures that defy imagination. The rest? Lost to the darkness, their screams swallowed by the abyss.
You adjust your gear, feeling the weight of your weapons and provisions. Each item, meticulously chosen, carries a fragment of survival. The lantern at your side casts a feeble light, barely penetrating the gloom, but it is enough. Enough to see the first few steps into the unknown.
You step forward, and the shadows seem to wrap around you like a shroud. The air inside is colder, biting at your skin, whispering secrets in a language you cannot understand. The walls are adorned with grotesque carvings, figures twisted in agony, their eyes following you as you pass. The floor beneath your boots is uneven, slick with a viscous substance that squelches with every step.
Your senses are on high alert. Every sound is amplified: the drip of unseen water, the skittering of tiny, unseen creatures, the distant roar of something massive and terrible. You press on, driven by a determination that borders on madness. The promise of treasure, of glory, of stories that will be told for generations, pulls you deeper into the labyrinth.
You reach a fork in the path. To the left, a narrow passageway, the walls closing in like a vice. To the right, a wider corridor, the shadows thicker, darker.

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>>Left >Right

if there's a walltrap or ceiling trap built on left we are done.

This small dark cavern is the only home you have ever known. You have clung to life here with your brothers for three winters. The flesh of deer, rabbit, knife-ear, and man is what has sustained you. Most of it is rotten by the time it makes its way to you, as your marginal achievement among your kin ensures you are the last to eat.

You are of a better mind than your brothers, which has set you back many times. Your thoughts and feelings alienate you from the hierarchical tribal struggle that fills a normal goblin’s life. Much of your free time is spent toiling among the things in the garbage den- this is the only place where your brothers leave you alone.

There is no food here. All of the flesh not eaten is used for breeding in the gore hole, and so all else that remains from what is brought to the cave ends up here. You have spent long hours looking through the bone, hair, and torn clothing that fills the chamber. Small wooden animals, dainty metal chains, and golden bands are a few of the things you have come across. Of the items you have found, the one you most treasure is…

>A shining metal blade, which was hidden inside a bed roll carelessly deemed garbage by your brothers. You became proficient with the weapon only after practicing for a short time, and it now swinging it feels like moving a limb you were born with.

>The burnt remains of books which contain dozens of witch-words. Learning to read them came naturally to you, even with no teacher. Speaking was much harder, but you eventually found your way there too. When chanting these words, you can conjure flashes of light and fire.
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>want sword
ehh ionno

a full sized human longsword, maybe 4 ft and 6-8 ilb, given to a goblin runt, 3ft on tippy toes, spaghetti muscles from malnutrition, 50ilb with everything on.

If Rubble doesn't sprain something just swinging it he's very offbalance and prone to teamkilling, bc gobbos tend to zergrush. Popularity won't be easy after that.
If we train with it, we can become goblin guts. Are you going to tweak your mistake?

Doesn't make sense if you read the whole quest.
>if we train with it we MIGHT become Goblin Guts
ftfy. If QM is a spirit of generosity, we might. Let's see.

>if you have been reading
We weigh input differently. I'm naturally risk-adverse, and you are naturally based.

I'll spoon feed you for the sake of this quest.

By now Thob, Higby, and the two other living goblins have arrived at the sight of your battle. While the other goblins look in surprise at what you have accomplished, Thob walks up to you. He pushes you down, suddenly.

“Where were you, miserable thing? Hiding next to the horse things? Many goblin brothers died needlessly because of your cowardice.”

(We are not talking to Yerk we're with Thob and Higby at the moment.)

You turn towards the face of the progenitor, the one who ordered your removal from the garbage pit. He sits atop a broken chest at the head of the chamber, using it as his makeshift throne.

You receive a few glances from your feasting brethren, receiving confirmatory nods that your presence is welcome. Yerk, the goblin that will be leading today's raid, is sitting back against the wall of the chamber.

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Lets play a game /qst/!!

you will be the directors of the feared imouto rescue squad. A highschool club of imoutos that use fearsome weapons and tactics to rescue kidnapped onii-chans, wherever they are in the world...

the rules I will be using are Osprey - Black Ops.
It's the most fun rules that allows for stealth, and action gameplay and feels to me like the best simulation of small unit tactics that you can easily DM for

I've uploaded the rules for your enjoyment, but I will be adjusting the rules a bit to make the game work better. Don't worry about it too much....

coming up next will be the scenario and the buy screen where you can plan and outfit your task force!
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Are we there personally as like a PL or are we some all seeing eye in the sky?

Would like to have eyes looking towards the neutral village as well, just in case
the way the game works is you control everything like an eye in the sky, but I'm writing from the perspective of the patrol leader just cause
sorry ive been a bit busy ill try and get those turns out : (
Is this enemy platoon theoretically composed of onee-chans?

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