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You are Fiona Jarnafeldt, L2 Trollslayer of the Helsinki Stormwatch, and today you are going to cut down a tree. The tree is equipped with a four-bore lever action shotgun with an axe for a bayonet and is attempting a mutiny, but you are going to cut it down nevertheless.

Because your story won't in that wet pit.


The world management organization known as Mother Nature's Providence organizes the world into the society it is today. This includes separation of peoples that would be alike, the minimization of automation, and a strict capacity on the population which they, through agencies like the Stormwatch, enforce through violence. This city must have no more than one million souls, and there are one hundred and eighty two thousand more than that million, living beneath the streets in squalid poverty, resorting to robbery and violence to stay alive. The public doesn't know just how many are beneath here.

But the rebel knows. His name is Zephyraut, and he is a member of the Old Oaks, a seclusive cabal of researchers that helped advance society through scientific marvels. Though they serve the order that would slaughter the overpopulation, they do so with disdain and respect for all life, and the violence has become too much for this Old Oak to bear. Zephyraut uses an Illuvatar arms platform, a tree remotely puppeteered by chemicals which manipulate the tree's fibers like muscle, serving as a stealthy and powerful military asset. With that masterpiece of military and bioengineering at his disposal, he patrols the Stormdrains of Helsinki, preaching to agents and squatters to join his cause over the radio.

The tech is top secret. MNP already sent Deathwatch assassins after him, but they failed. The last survivor could only tell Stormwatch Director Katriina Jousten that Zephyraut needs to die. Instead of informing MNP that their assassination failed and facing a brutal audit, she has decided to tackle the task herself and send the agent home with a story of success. She has unilaterally paused all Stormwatch activities before a crucial point in the offense against the squatter hive in order to deal with this problem.

There can be no more delay. It must be done soon, else Mother Nature's Providence will come to clean up every loose end they damn well please.

And you, Fiona Jarnafeldt, Level 2 agent and Category 2 citizen who hasn't the rights to start a family, are a very loose, very disposable end.
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Yeah, sometimes for brevity I'll specify the target successes in the dice pool you roll, in this case, 3. This is because he's a large target being flanked by various agents.
And if that wasn't you, you can't tilt for someone else if they roll. That might be an issue for you if you've a dynamic IP, I see.
Almost reminds me of a certain quest.....
The cursed d6....
We have had that plenty in your quest, boss. Also I hope you are doing well
I forgot that about tilting windmills.

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The fourteenth of February.

Last night, you had unpeeled an entire pack of infusers before curling into your sleeping tray, your mind shot with cyan-bright skies that your eyes would never see, fingers twitching at phantom greenery that your hands would never feel.

This morning, your mind feels clouded. Something had awoken you early. The sound of dead static morphs into an unfamiliar jingle.

<...we wish to express our sincere appreciation to you for making a LOVE donation. In order to make the experience as pleasant as possible, we have requisitioned a prototype.....to allow you to.... in the comfort of your own....>

Something thrums in the corner, too low-pitched to be your air conditioner.



[LOVE: 10/10]

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Very good quest. Thanks for writing!
I love (nothing)! I all quests should (begin and end at the same point) with (nothing changing)! I think (wasting my time) is the best hobby!
After all, if it wasn't (why would I be here)?
More... More...

You play as Argia Candente, a devout Knight who was about to complete her most important mission… only to suffer betrayal. And now you have to claw your way out of darkness.

# # # # # #

Welcome to the fifth thread of Argia Candente's astounding adventures, our scatterbrained, silver-haired (busty, as the players decided) Holy Knight-trainee with a penchant for daydreaming and plagued by self-doubt. And recently, betrayed by one of her closest friends.

Now laying at the bottom of an abandoned Temple, you suffer from a sprained ankle, breathing raggedly on the glassy floor, as the echoes of Willow’s steps fade in the darkness.

Over the course of the latest thread you braved the abandoned Temple of the Saint you are devout to, Saint Bragia Lacresta. This has left you and your friends drained, but closer than ever, as you and your companions — Rubida dell’Obertengo, Soralisa da Zaribari and Willow Stark, oh, and the Magus Sandora Mirari — managed to cast a powerful Sanction and incapacitate the rogue wizard you were sent to recover and imprison.

Completing this mission would have meant an expedite access to becoming a proper Knight, together with everything you are fighting for: allow your displaced family to settle in the Holy Land. But just as victory was at hand’s reach, one of your friends, Willow Stark, the young woman who secretly comes from another world, has betrayed you, killing the Asterite and stopping you from completing your mission.

She has done it for you, so she claims. To save your soul.

Willow has now left all of you in the darkness, disappearing who knows where. And all you can feel right now is the bite of regret in your stomach, the pain from your strained ankle and the hole in your chest from this sudden betrayal.

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Rolled 14 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 76 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

high dc, but we'll do it
Rolled 48 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

didn't see the dub, we did it lads.

Doubly nice!

THREAD THEME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkDQo1uCx6E

It has been five years since the Lighthouse War, a war whose end helped usher in a new peaceful era of mutual cooperation the likes of Vincent Harling and Kei Nagase always dreamed of. But peace is a fragile thing that requires constant care and effort. It's easy to forget how the actions of a few can plunge a nation, a continent, or worse, a planet, into strife.

In southern Verusa, a frozen conflict amongst brothers and sisters stirs awake, threatening to devour the storied lands of Arkanar in the bitter flames of war once more. With efforts spearheaded by Osea and Erusea, the IUN springs into action with the intent of restoring peace and upholding order in the country.

In recognition of your past performances, your nation's Naval chain of command has transferred you to IUN Peacekeeping Force detachment in Arkanar. Specifically, the premier Submersible Aviation Cruiser Squadron of the newly-assembled OFS Nautilus, the Fairy Squadron. You are to take the place of their flight leader.

As Fairy 1.
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That will be all for this quest's chapter! Thank you to everyone participating and have participated! It's been fun running this one and I hope to do more in the future. Stay tuned!

- SkylerAnderton
- gogalking
- Twilight-End on DeviantArt
- mobiusu14
- luckpawa
- batookoma/louispottier [Special thanks for granting me permissions to use your artworks going forward!]

- Full Metal Panic
- Area 88
- Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway

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Thanks for runnin' boss!
The thread has been archived on sup/tg/!

Thanks for playing, pilot!
Thanks, QM. That was interesting.
Thanks QM
Will be looking forward to more

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And so, believer mine, it shall be done.

You agree to abscond from the realm of humanity, and find yourself among a world where only Pokémon reside. Such a world always exists in a precarious balance, somewhere between a dark dream of the future and a bright memento of the past skies… Its preservation is as such a very expensive thing. Why, there's simply no way you'll possibly survive the ordeal fully intact. I've observed countless of these transpositions, long before various deities came forth to try and better oversee them. Your human body and memories will typically satiate the travel fee, but even then, though you value order, your kind are bringers of calamity no matter what world you choose to reside.

Even knowing this, you still won't refuse…?

That's good, I sense no wavering in that soul of yours. Speaking of…

A soul absent of its memories can find new ones to nourish itself, but a body absent a soul…? Surely such an unprecedented creature would find itself maddened in an instant! That won't do either of us any good. Consider this your final task for the application process. I'm going to propose to you some scenarios, I want your full honesty in their answers. You wouldn't lie to me, would you? Another human feigning faith in the hopes a new body will bring them some semblance of power?

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Rolled 97 (1d100)

Rolled 10 (1d100)

Rolled 48 (1d100)

Rolled 75 (1d100)


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you're a gnome going on an adventure

you are going to slay the giant murderous snail that destroyed your village

but you don't know where it lives

> find an elf and ask for directions
> go to the human village to recruit mercenaries
> speak to the animals of the forest to ask if they saw any giant snail
> write in
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>...making one won't hurt...
>>...making one won't hurt...
kill fairy
>...making one won't hurt...
If she helps us with our quest, we could perhaps make more
Big tits fairy was actually a treacherous spider!
It's... over.

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After a frantic sprint through the labyrinthine sewers, the entire party charged forward together—only for disaster to strike. Without warning, a massive stone wall descended from the ceiling, slamming into place with an echoing thud. Dust and debris filled the air as the mechanism sealed shut, splitting the group in two.

Eve, Gris, and Zamora found themselves isolated from the others, their voices drowned by the eerie silence of the tunnels. With no way to lift the barrier, the three had no choice but to press forward, weaving through the maze-like sewer passages in search of an exit—or a way to reunite with their friends.

Yet every path they took led to another dead end, the way forward blocked by rusted metal grates. The stench of stagnant water thickened the air, and the distant sound of dripping echoed through the darkness.

As they pressed on, they came across a cluster of kobolds hunched over the murky waters, fishing with makeshift rods. Though wary, the creatures paid them no mind, their glowing eyes fixed on their lines. They did not seem hostile, so the party cautiously approached.

“How do you get out of here?” Eve asked.

One of the kobolds turned, tilting its head. “Wait three days,” it said, its voice a raspy croak. “Wall trap resets.”

Gris groaned, crossing her arms. “Well, I don’t wanna wait three days.”

With no choice but to continue wandering, the trio pressed on, their footsteps splashing through shallow puddles. After what felt like hours, they stumbled upon a stone staircase descending deeper into the unknown.

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Your anger boils over. You take a step forward, voice cutting through the temple’s silence like a blade.

“Extort us? Is that what this is? While you sit in your temple, monsters infest the tunnels beneath your feet. Kobolds are shackled in your own city, worked to death in filthy pits. Orcs pillage the countryside. Vampires and the Dark Lord tighten their grip on your neighbors. And through it all, we fight. We burn away the corruption in your city—while you demand a price to save a woman bleeding out on your sacred ground!”

You scan the room, your voice ringing off the stone walls. "Where is the priest who swore a vow of charity? Of compassion? Or is gold the only god truly worshiped here?"

The Master Priest raises a hand, signaling for the gathered clergy to remain silent. He regards you with curious amusement, stroking his silver beard.

“You misunderstand,” he says smoothly. “My goddess is a goddess of profit and fair exchange. If I save a life, I must demand one in return. That is only just.”

His expression shifts, a flicker of pride in his eyes. “The families I have blessed over the years—oh, they did not weep at the calling of one of their own. No, they rejoiced. For not all learned magic, but all prospered. They live comfortable lives within the temple’s grand halls, their vows a small price for security and wealth.”

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> Deal. The blade is powerful, but Ruth’s life is worth more.
Fuck the church

Priests demands we pledge our life including a Vow of POVERTY
Points to the GOLDEN altar behind him
A goddess of profit and fair exchange

This is hypocrisy. Are there some sacred prostitute priestess behind the curtains, atleast Ruth might enjoy that and make money for their "Church" if thats the arrangement it takes lol.

> No deal. You will not be extorted—there must be another way.
> Write in
Is it fair to take away the tool of our trade. We are here to serve their military. They are trying to take our sword which has saved all our lives three times, and thats much more than one life.

A favor for a favor. No more no less. Fair.
Makes some good points actually, I can swap. Don’t make the prostitution comment though, instead note that the comfortable lives they lead within these halls are only possible because we’re out there dealing with the threats that would desecrate them
Solid. Yeah the Prostitution thing was a joke, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised. No wonder the Dark Lord is unstoppable against chucklefucks like these.

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Your name is Joey Donuts.
You are Grel (half elf, half human}
You are a student wizard. You haven't picked your major and you're not licenced to use magic in areas owned by the Grand Ternion Unity.

You have SIX spells

Blast - Does 6d6+20 energy damage. -MP 20
Draw- Drain 10+2d6 mana from a target, providing they have mana -MP 5
Wrack - DO 10 damage to yourself to gain 12 MP -free
WIZARD HAAAANDS - Manipulate an object you can see but not reach. As strong as you are - MP 10
Douse - Extinguish any fire up to the size of a campfire , includes ignitions from matches and guns - MP 5
Hells Heart - Instantly double the damage of any attack (ranged, magical, or physical) by charging it with magic -MP 16 Joey has improved this skill and can cast it on another party member while still performing an action for 20 mana. He can also cast it on himself and one other person while performing another task for a cost of 41 mana.
Earths Honesty - Tell if someone is lying about the thing they have just said. MP 6

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Thanks for running!
thanks for running!
Boy howdy! What a blast, thanks for running.
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Don't forget to archive this

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Welcome boys and girls to the beginning of a new fantasy quest, one where investigations will be even more important to solving your problem than violence and power. Ultimately the methods will be up to you and I do apologize in advance if the opening feels a bit stiff because we've got a big handful of character customization to go through...

For general communication outside the thread, see this twitter https://x.com/TaleOfMonsters
I'll try my best to update once every two days at a minimum until I unrust, then once a day will be a good pace.
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Rikard leans closer. ''Seven is when the guards gather in the two mess halls in the north and east buildings we've seen when we arrived. It'll likely only be a skeleton crew during that time and since nightfall starts early in autumn, this could honestly be a great opportunity...''

''That'll mean finding an excuse to get away from our host.''
''Might look a bit suspicious if you disappear like that, but you can trust me with handling that.'' You nod, doing your best to fight off the bubble of nervousness in your guts. Nagging dread is clawing at you, starting to give you some regrets about going forward with this... plan.

''Later in the night around twelve men are walking around. Two on each wall, probably one in the gatehouse. Might be a bit tight with the timing to sneak out but patience will at least be on your side here.''

''Getting out of the manor unnoticed might be dangerous...'' Walking around the estate has given you a good mental image of the general layout but the manor itself will be a problem. Your destination is to the west and your mom trained a good sense of direction in you, but it'll be difficult with all the corridors you don't know and servants walking around.

''That's where my magic comes in.'' Your father holds out one of his Focii, the one shaped like a small dagger with an open eye on the handle. The blade is blunt, but a sharp metal point remains dangerous. ''You remember Father Sky mantles?''

''Yeah, a cloak of clouds I think?'' You do remember briefly studying the various miracles the church grants their neophytes. ''It helps the wearer blend in the dark.''

''There's more. Father Sky can pull from the abyss between stars to grant a cloak of complete darkness. For fifteen minutes you'll almost meld into the shadows you step into and the cloak itself masks your soul, only a truly dedicated magical sight will give you away. If you're lucky, you'll get inside room 107 and get out with a handful more minutes to go over the walls.''

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You promptly cast your gaze at the western gate instead, hoping for maybe a moment of luck but, alas... the three men guarding it have walked outside without leaving their post.

''Let's wait until we're summoned.'' Dad comments without leaving his seat. The baron entrance is impossible to see on this side of the estate.

''I've got one last nagging question.'' Something even more important than a plan of action. ''Assuming I do things right and sneak inside that tree, what are you going to do?''

''No choice but to wait.'' He responds without looking at you, grim thoughts reflecting in his gruff demeanor. ''Apparently, someone is waiting for you inside. Nothing is forcing you to do this, no compulsion or order so, I hope this being your decision is what pleases Mother Earth the most.'' He gazes at the Focii of Father Sky still in his hand. ''I don't think we'll demand much to ask for a little help from her or one of her daughters. The worst option will be having you spend the night inside that tree, I'll go in there in the morning and we'll adapt to whatever happens.''

Furibol called it a ''soul'' waiting for you, hopefully, this won't be a case of you needing to carry someone on your back. As your dad said; whatever happens, happens.

This prepwork has granted you several bonuses for future rolls and, depending on how you operate with your father help, you might not even need to roll at all

>You will prepare to sneak out during the guards meal time. You won't have much time to prepare but perhaps you can improvise a way to acquire the keys to the western gatehouse...
>It's impossible to predict how meeting with the baron and his son will go. To avoid suspicion, you'll go the whole length and sneak out later tonight.
>Remain adaptive, you'll grab your father and tell him when you think the time is right.

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>>It's impossible to predict how meeting with the baron and his son will go. To avoid suspicion, you'll go the whole length and sneak out later tonight.
>It's impossible to predict how meeting with the baron and his son will go. To avoid suspicion, you'll go the whole length and sneak out later tonight.
>It's impossible to predict how meeting with the baron and his son will go. To avoid suspicion, you'll go the whole length and sneak out later tonight.

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The Caretaker Quest - Part 5

This is part 5 of the "side quest" for "Disappearing Hogwarts".
An unofficial alternate timeline based on HeadQM´s highly praised quest, Disappearing Hogwarts.
Reading the original story is not exactly necessary but heavily encouraged.
Created mostly as a place to wait while HeadQM was away for a while but slowly evolved into his own thing.

Quick recap so far:
>Recently graduated Ravenclaw student is hired at Hogwarts as the new Caretaker.
>Something dangerous and mysterious is happening.
>Harry Potter is the new Headmaster of Hogwarts and extremely stressed.
>Somehow, you can see ancient magic.
>Peeves ripped out your foot.
>Merlin himself is stuck in your head and slowly recovering his memories. Now you have to help him save the...everything from being annihilated out of existance.
>Potter’s daughter also had a powerful wizard inside her head, turns out its Salazar Slytherin and he has been messing with her for years.

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A week later.

You are currently walking out of The Great Hall, a sandwich in your hand and your irish coffee in the other.

Potter took a sabbatical, at least that's what Professor Flittwick keeps saying, but in truth, nobody really knows where he went.

For now, the remaining head of houses are in charge of Hogwarts, Flitwick being the head while Neville Longbottom is doing his best managing everything else with the help of the rest of the teaching staff.

Needless to say, chaos has been taking over Hogwarts bit by bit, schedules are clashing, staff is overworked, students are rowdy.

And you…are still doing the same, cleaning messes and fixing what you can, whenever you can, which is now a bit more often than before but still nothing you can't do.

After a small walk, you reach the Muggle studies classroom, which is currently being emptied out of its students now that their class is over.
They leave you and your wheelchair bound girlfriend alone.

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“Good boy”

“By the way, Merlin wishes you a fast recovery and sends his regards”

“Tell him i said hi”

“Will do”

Willow takes a bite out of her sandwich while you take a sip out of your “coffee”.
This has become a quick routine for the two of you, simply enjoying your time together in your little break before going back to work. A serene and quiet moment for her to enjoy your company.

It also works as her news report.

“So, anyzhing new?”

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“I'm glad to see her in such positive mood after what happened”
Merlin says in your head.

“She is strong, it will take more than that to bring her down”

“I hope the same applies to you too, boy”

“I won't let you down, Merlin. That thing messed with MY girlfriend, it's personal now”

“Just be careful not to push yourself too much, we need to lay low while looking for The Beast. If my assumption is correct, it will be on high alert and will try to stay hidden while adjusting to its new host”

“Any idea what we should be looking for?”

“Any student with sudden energy and highly efficient spellwork could be a possible host”

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“You know…” Merlin starts once again.
“Since we are here, a bit of extra training could prove beneficial to us”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Well, we have a better communication now, that means our link is ever so slightly stronger”

“That is correct”

“I´ve let you use some of my power and taken over your body before”

“It still feels weird, but yes, what's next after that?”

“How about we try spell casting this time? Unlike previous times, I shall use my knowledge and experience to cast something you are unfamiliar with, after that, it will be up to you and my guidance through our shared link to maintain the spell until it is completed. What do you say?”

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Rolled 9 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

>>”Let's do it! (Roll 1D100+20 (10 from your own magical skill + 10 from Merlin´s guidance) DC 85

If you want to make a mystery gameboard, use this thread. Don't flood /qst/.
Colored truths script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/418818-4chan-umineko-colored-truths

>How to use the Red Truth
<span class="mu-r">The Red Truth[/spoiler] is a fact that can be presented by the one hosting the mystery (also known as the Witch side) without any evidence or proof to support it. But, while undeniable, it can have multiple interpretations. The multiple interpretations mark a large foothold for the opposing players (also known as the Human side) to attack; therefore, the Red Truth must be used with care. Conversely, a refusal to validate a statement in Red invokes another Devil's Proof; a lack of validation won't prove a statement's truth but can't disprove its falsehood.

>How to use the Blue Truth
<span class="mu-b">The Blue Truth[/spoiler] is used to present a possibility to counter the logic of the Witch's side. The Blue Truth usually takes the form of a theory to counter the Witch and requires the Red Truth to be confirmed or denied. The Blue Truth must be used in a manner that advances the user's overall theory, rather than simply fishing for more information. Any assertions made in Blue must directly deny the influence of the supernatural in the events of a gameboard's story. The Witch side may delay until the end of the game to challenge Blue Truths; after all, only one puzzle unsolved by any explanation other than magic is enough to sustain the Illusion of the Witch, but one carelessly phrased Red Truth can eliminate the possibility of magic from all of them. One effective denial isn't fatal, but unchallenged denial of magic in all the mysteries becomes a categorical denial of Witches.

>How to use the Gold Truth
[gold]The Gold Truth[/gold] is on par with the Red Truth, although it may be inferior or superior depending on the situation. It can be explained as a truth constructed from belief that is acknowledged and shared between people. It can be used by anyone who truly understands the gameboard.

>How to use Purple Statements
Purple Statements are seen as important spoken statements during the narration of a story and they possess the same standing as the Red Truth. However, they are different in that a culprit can lie with Purple. Example: "[purple]Battler was in the dining room[/purple], while Jessica was outside."
To turn it around, non-culprits can only speak the truth in Purple. What defines a culprit depends on the gameboard, but usually the culprit is one who kills or plans to kill someone during the story.

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why a tranny flag ?
Anti-Erikantrice propaganda
More like uminegro lol
[x] Help the Sonozaki sisters get over their complex by giving them matching womb tattoos
what's with umineko quests and abandoment ?

"Oh great..." someone groans.

You couldn't believe it when the first TF incidents happened. Everyone thought it was a hoax, but nope, it's here to stay. You'd think drugs that switch peoples' genders at the drop of a hat, or turn them into human-animal hybrids, the government would keep it top secret.

If only things were that simple. If only.

You're no fan of the feds, but you wished they'd have a monopoly over TF magic than the people who actually got ahold of it. Who did, you might ask?

It wasn't the government. It wasn't the corporations. It wasn't even the drug cartels.

It was the furries.

The goddamn *furries*.

You wish you were joking.

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"Hi!!!" She's waving, clearly ecstatic to see you. "Hey did she see me? She looked at me!"

"I dunno, Clover. It looks so real." says her friend. She turns to Clover's dad, who is walking back to her table. "Hey Clover's dad - I mean Bert. Do you think those are animatronics or do did they use a potion?"

Bertram squints at you so closely it looks like his eye got eaten up by his bushy brows. "If they're robots they look pretty expressive if you ask me. Back then they were real creepy."

Oscar stares in disbelief as he dips a chicken nugget in a cup of barbeque sauce. He chuckles awkwardly. "Yeah they'd stuff you in mechanical costumes at midnight!"

"Ha-ha, very funny." says Clover's friend, Jessie. "Fredbear does not exist."

"That's no robot, that's really her," Clover says, "I swear!"

Oscar kneels down to Jessie and whispers, "I think you were on to something."

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What happens next?
>Oscar tries to mess with you anyways
>Georgia has a word with Bertram
>Clover gets up and touches your foot
>Georgia has a word with Bertram
>Oscar tries to mess with you anyways
Send us you're trials, for we are God's strongest soldier UwU
>Georgia has a word with Bertram

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Turn 20

The bloody paroxysms that swept the land of Pavilion seem to have quelled for a touch. In the east, great armies march to vanquish greater evils, in the west the spread of conquering nations are slowed against walls of vines and steel. The nations grow ever more interconnected, the Tyrns Without Summer receding into memory as the larders are stocked full with an ever-growing variety of fruits and meats. With food, trade, and peace aplenty, it is no wonder that the scholars of the land express hope for an imminent flowering of the arts and sciences. Of course, only time will tell if better natures will rise to such ideals.

>We're currently full-on players, though that can change with short notice. If you're interested, join our discord. The invite code is: F2Patcf.

>Skrit colonies
The swarm is on the move! Ants move by the thousands, then tens of t housands. Their first objective is the defense of Delta. No clever masonry goes into these defense however, only a vast trench that is carved out, heaped up, then riddled through with hundreds of skrit tunnels. Delta secured the swarm turns outward, colonists flooding into Krawl and Vitruvian lands. In Vitruvian lands the Skrit meets sharp resistance in the form of Sabbatical, the Vitruvian corpse puppeting plant. Without a dedicated military force the Skrit expansion is pushed back into the sparsely inhabited jungles. The expansions in the Krawl infested jungles to the south however will sway to the winds of fate however as the two hiveminds clash against each other.
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>Krovian Bands
As the war surges around Drevino, the great chief of the Krovians feels the great surge of the pulse ebb and flow within him. It pounds in his chest, it roars in his temples. He can feel it, the connection in his blood, the blood of the Barza, the blood of his soldiers, all shuddering with one unified pulse. As he wages war the power of the pulse surges in him, making him a living avatar of the will of Krovia. The shamans who accompany him glean new insights from the ebb and flow of Pulse, learning new ways to channel the flows of life from those who bleed to those who might yet live, saving countless lives on the battlefield. Later still rituals of blood letting are refined to allow the shaman to shift Pulse from healthy to wounded. Curiously, the warlike Krovians find themselves among the most knowledgeable medically in the world.
A world away the krovian fleet lands on the Adenic coast and commences running amok. A quarry and masonry is sacked and caravans plundered. Sacks of pillaged sapphires and a quartzite statue of an elven lord later the sharks leave the blood stained coasts behind.

>The Urotti
It is the second day of a Deep Cold, when plunging temperatures makes venturing out a lethal mistake, when every mote of heat must be jealously guarded from the biting winds and freezing air. A rhythmic rumble shakes the expedition camp, shaking dwarves awaker and setting lamps a-swinging. A young explorer is brave enough to risk poking his head out from the yurt, quickly darting back inside. In shaking words, he describes a giant of ice and stone, covered in runes, breaking through snowdrifts as easily as a dwarf walks a mineshaft.
The Habitun may or may not be superior fighters, but they are like babies when it comes to the art of rock and stone. Opening up a second Glitter Vapor mine is child’s play for the Urotti, though the experience gained in working softer southern stone and deeper delves is valuable indeed.

While a contingent of drones and supplies is dispatched to Vitruvian lands to expand the gold mines present there, most of the thoughts of Central are focused on Delta itself, expanding the size of the great hive complex as new chambers are built out to house larva, food, and war materials, to say nothing of the endless tides of variant soldier ants and hijacked creatures being stockpiled and corralled for the call to war. Soon they will march to the west to make the first decisive strike against the Krawl, or least attempt to. The Krawl certainly will not make it easy.
>Adenai Confederacy
The great sprawl of Adenai expands out ever further, enveloping then forcing farmers out further afield. Likewise the old walls of the city are largely abandoned, transforming into the backs and sides of manor houses as the maintenance budget shifts outward into the construction of new walls. The city begins to stratify as it grows, forming into rings of Old Adenai where the wealthiest and most elite gather around the noble houses of the Twigs, and distinctly poorer districts as one approaches the outskirts and docks on either side.
Seeking to cater to the whims of the elite the farmers on the outskirts turn to growing a new crop, a variety of Pumpkin known for its mottled orange and red skin. The flesh of the gourds is palatable, but nothing special. The seeds however can be ground into a potent cinnamon like spice. The farmers sell the spice to the elite of Old Adenai and pickle the flesh of the pumpkin for themselves. It quickly becomes wildly popular among the elite, especially when paired with Orcman Coffee.
Reports flood in, all too late, of raiders striking the coast not far from Adenai itself! Loads of saphires were plundered from the mines, and several fine quartzite statues were either plundered or defaced. Survivors report hulking sharkmen as the culprits, sailing stolen elven ships! The city clamors for a response, both for lost lives and lost goods.


> Ordelan-Orcmanie Invasion of Domo
Two armies march into the Domo lands, marching at two of the agricultural centers of the nation. On the more eastern front the Domo armies march to halt the Ordelan forces. Against the Nixen it quickly becomes apparent the vengeful fury of Ordelan does not burn hot enough this day. The lands of the Domo pulse with the heart of its people and the Nixen soldiers flounder beyond their borders as men of clay march through waves of arrows and bend spatha with stone hands. Trees uproot and walk, flushing Janos ordained from positions of ambush, and for the time Ordelan is driven back from the border.
To the west the Domo are not as lucky. The Orcman war machine has been sharpened well against the horrors of the Forsaken, and it proves itself against the Domo as well. With the main forces of the Domo occupied to the east, the Orcmanie column moves west uncontested, crashing through local defenders with ease.
> Skrit Assault on Tiger Mole Tunnels
The Skrit war machine marches onward, mandibles harvesting Krawl growths with the same methodical nature they harvest everything else. The surrounding forests fall to the Skrit easily enough, overwhelming with numbers the sparse Krawl natives, though the advance is halted at the Tiger Mole tunnels themselves. Here the numbers of the Skrit come up against Zabacraw, the great tunneling war beast of the Krawl who with the advantage of the fortified Krawl nest holds them back for now. Sabbatical arrives days too late to join the fray, finding that the insects have occupied a long abandoned ruin as a strongpoint.

> Defense Against the Forsaken
A grand host arrays against the Forsaken threat, dwarves, harpies and vitruvians alike all waiting for the inevitable attack on the deepslate mines. Here is where the Nachetar flows from, leaking from cursed statues. Here is where they must go, a last desperate strike to avoid a slow death.

The attack never comes. Dwarven scouts on the ground and harpy scouts in the air manage to track the monsters as they veer to the east into Vitruvia. There, the undead tirelessly traveling through the mountains and snowy peaks outpace the dwarves and Harpies, then elude local Vitruvians. Where are they going? What plans do they hatch? Only they know.

~~~~~END OF TURN 21~~~
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Addendum: updated map
1. Jade Blades
As the Mortian Marble blades are made another idea takes hold and begins to flourish among the blade dancers of the Vizari. Divination is not the only magics that jade rings with, and luck is as much needed on the battlefield as skill. Green jade blades for luck, red blades for fortune in war, gold jade for fortune in desire, common among those who fight to protect their love, and white jade for holy and pure blades. Enchanted in opposite of the jade dice, to bring that luck instead of reading it, and strengthened so the blade can hold an edge and not shatter. While not as deadly as the Mortian Marble blades on a common enemy, probably even less than the spellglass blades, many can be seen with a small blade of jade for luck and protection.

2. Build Fort on the southern tip of the island; Fort Punto Sud.
The south of the island is still underdeveloped; and while that will eventually be remedied danger can still come unexpectedly as the war on the continent has not yet abated and the enemies are an inhuman evil. As such, with the new port in place, fortifications will be built to protect the south and project power through the channel to prevent attacks from the south from going unnoticed if not outright stopped. Glass channels for mana will be added to keep mages fighting, but it will not be as grand as the last fort built before the teleportation.

Iustus, the Righteous.
Impius, the Unholy.

Two divine forces, locked in an eternal struggle, each seeking to claim dominion over the shattered world of Requiem.

Born from the fragments of countless realities, Requiem is a land of broken existence—its foundation shattered, its soul corrupted by the ceaseless war waged by its gods. For eons, they have fought, with neither side able to achieve victory. Their battle stretches across the cosmos and through the hearts of every living being.

In this, the Twelfth Cycle, the gods grow weary. Tired of their endless clash fought through lifeless vessels, they devise a new plan. To settle their dispute, they reach beyond their broken domain to find suitable avatars. From unknown realms, they summon the bravest and the darkest of hearts to fight in their name.

Impius, harbinger of ruin, calls forth the vile and the wicked. Six hearts of thorn, tainted by malice, rise to serve him in his unholy mission. They are his Warriors.

Iustus, beacon of order, seeks those of courage and conviction. Six hearts of survival, pure and steadfast, are chosen to stand against the onslaught of darkness. They are her Champions.

The war that has raged for ages grows ever more brutal. The clash of light and shadow echoes through the land. But soon—
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Yea nah
Rolled 19, 14, 7 = 40 (3d20)

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Tommy takes one final look back down the tunnel, only seeing a vague shadow sweep across the stone walls, before he begins stomping away as fast as his tired feet will take him.
The first bend takes him left, and the tunnel gradually widens as he carries on, revealing large wooden supports that simultaneously kept the tunnel erect and acted as walls for furnishing.
Inside the main room were the familiar trappings that make up a home; splintered and wooden chairs, a brown and lumpy mattress atop a rotted wooden bedframe, assorted sacks and bags and clothes strewn across the floor and joists—some with blood stains easily visible—as well as chains hanging overhead, blades of various size and function hanging from rusted nails, and most unsettling of all, a large grindstone in the middle.

This was nothing like the Crystal Lake Tommy knew back home. It was true that Jason was not a mortal man, but Tommy had seen the shack that the masked brute had called home—it was widely publicized in his youth, and it had been where they found Pamela’s decaying head, but it was pathetically small and was less of a house and more of a glorified tent. And as far as he knew, there was no tunnels beneath the camp.

But the workings of this dwelling evinced a much sharper mind than the one-track killer he had faced twice before. This was home to someone else.

Beyond the large room, a new tunnel branched off to the right.
Thinking quickly, Tommy chucked his shovel down the next tunnel before pivoting on his heels and sliding up under the wooden bed frame.

Almost at that exact moment, a large figure crashed into the room, taking one of the wood beams with him. The figure breathed hard, turning wildly to find the source of the noise, which he found halfway down that next tunnel.

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Use axe on hockey mask

He's got us cornered. This feelsmore like... Freddy.

"I have helped you remember who we are, the great people of ancient Ilythiir, and of the darthiir who have betrayed us," you begin with a measured cadence, sitting yourself at the fountain's edge to address the High Sorcerer's apprentices as the tyrant sun rises above the garden in the High Sorcerer's spire. The azure sky stretching out infinitely in all directions, setting the scene for your next lesson. "But there are many different people in this world, who are not like us, that you will meet in Everlund. I will tell you of them, so that you will be ready when you meet them."

Mytyl, the red-haired girl, looks up to you with her lips parted, already poised to ask a question. With a gesture, you shush her, delaying her query until your lesson has begun proper. "In this sunlit world, the most common people are the rivvin, or 'humans.' You have surely seen their many colors and heard their languages by now. They are clumsy, weak, and dull, hardly worth our time. Pity them, for their lives are so short that few even live a hundred years, if that." The albino boy, Tyltyl, recoils in silent horror as you mention that the human lifespan seldom exceeds even a century. "But the best of humans do have their uses, and can sometimes see the truth of our greatness. Those are the ones worth knowing," you concede as an afterthought.

"When an Ilythiiri or a darthiiri mates with rivvin, a tu'rilthiir is born. They are very lucky - the blood of Ilythiir saves them, from the bad blood of their weaker parent. Luaue is tu'rilthiir," your explain. Mytyl interjects, raising her hand and speaking at you before you can manage to silence her again. "What about our teacher? Is he also tu-lilithiir?" She inquires, her scarlet eyes ablaze with curiosity. You pinch the bridge of your nose, recalling the mere mention of the half-breed High Sorcerer sufficient to make your day worse. "Yes," you sigh, "but he has two bad halves."
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>>She is a darthiir, a soft and weak one at that. We will focus on strengthening her practical skills such that she can protect herself as soon as possible.
To offer some perspective, Jezyrene is about three times older than Drizzt right now. He is a brat to her, a child like Ilanis, Lael, or Luaue.
Easy fix. He beat her longstanding record on his first day. Soundly. And she was too old to attempt to surpass her previous feat by the time it happened.
That son of a bitch!
Vote closed.

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