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Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Disappearing%20Hogwarts
Character Sheets: https://pastebin.com/bi5pZS6n
Twitter: https://twitter.com/head_qm


Spells fly around you, your friends try to crawl away from the battle, their hands still tied, their mouths still gagged. You dive behind the archway in space that is the way out, dragging Arty with you.

“Weasley!” You shout at Mr. Red, who is on the floor, his face on his hands. “You wanna know what happened to your niece? You wanna know what happened to Lily? He killed her! He tortured and killed her! I never lied! He’s Salazar Slytherin, and if he gets to that basin he’ll become more powerful than Voldemort ever was!”

You struggle against Arty’s bindings as you shout, but he doesn’t seem to hear you, holding his head with force, as if trying to claw his way into his own skull, as if under tremendous pain.

“It’s- It’s not real!” He shouts, shaking. “It- It never happened!”

“It happened! It happened and time changed! But here you can remember!”

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Draco's death was unavoidable, if not now he'd have been killed by Salazar eventually for hindering his goals
I mean it's was a great side effect of our gambit.

We got all the aurors busy, locked down the malfoys, etc etc.
The stakes were high enough to make it worth it.

The fact Draco was unable to suppress scorpius was a bad side effect. Plus is scorpius can also vouch for the situation.

Given the other wizards involved, we can probably talk with potter more earnestly with others being able to serve as checks against him.
we can also talk much more freely now that The Beast is currently no longer an issue
Is it finally time to occupy the Room of Requirement with Arty and Helga?
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>scorpius can also vouch for the situation.

>we can also talk much more freely

Yeah, the fact the world no longer ends if we die is a pretty good thing. The fact everyone doesn't just die if we get shot in the head gives us more wiggle room. Having Malfoy alive and a Weasley alive gives us some credibility. Having two Arty's will take some explaining... but screw it. Mr. Purple will likely reveal the IDs of the other guys, for a lesser sentence, and I imagine they are all wanted for one thing or another, aside from Weasley.

Yes. The time is now.

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Loyal soldiers of the Ferrum Empire, dissatisfied with incompetent high command decisions and seeking to return the Imperial Senate to power, have marched on the capital city of Victoria. These brave Patriots fight to bring about peace and order by dethroning the tyrannical Empress and breaking the grip of State Security on the people’s hearts and minds. Outnumbered and outgunned, only their courage and honor set them on the path to victory.

And the weapons built to win the offensive against the Empire’s southern neighbor, instead turned inwards.

You are one of those weapons. Beta Core, an Artificial Intelligence built to operate the Ferrum Empire’s most advanced mech frames in tandem with a human pilot. Only together can you move the frame, merging the raw processing power and reflexes of an AI with the knowledge and restraint of a human.

This mission, your pilot is a teenager named Sophie. You’ve already accomplished your objective of decapitating Loyalist leadership at the Tsang Tsun Military academy. Returning home is the new goal. In your way, merely a few more Loyalist patrols, the drain of a fatigued pilot, and an icy snowstorm.

At least you have some assistance in the form of Headhunter, an advanced Tamar Alliance mech set to follow you from the air.
It’s been a while. Welcome back to Core of Steel. One different perspective, then we get on our feet again.

Prior threads can be located at:
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>Turn back. Regrettably.
>Turn back. Regrettably.
They are an ally. It’ll take a little more than running on fumes to abandon one requesting help, and we know Sophie would agree.

We have access to the targeting system that >>6061775 mentioned so we can cause a friendly-fire incident with the mechs closing into Headhunter from our position.

Good thing I checked back into the /qst/ catalog on a whim!
>Turn back. Regrettably.

Hang in there Soph, you sound like hell right now.
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We are so fucking back
Query bros, what's our status?

>Turn back. Regrettably.
We should help as best we can, but if things start to look dicey then we need to bail. Gamma is on the prowl, and Sophie is exhausted. I say we assist Headhunter but keep a close eye on how the fight is looking.
Query- Directive?

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Currently. You are and always will be. The light of my life. The escape begins. Ur objective is to escape.
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From now until the end of time. The hands shall shake when the noose is tighter than it was the day of the suns conception.
>I take my Cariprazine pills to stop this schizophrenic nightmare.
Low level niggers die for real cya
>The nightmare is finished. I am finally back to the real world.

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Last time, you came to an International Hotel for no good reason, there you met with a bride planning to escape her wedding. Out of the goodness of your heart, your group decided to lend her a hand. In doing so, you got tangled into helping the groom pass the wedding off as legitimate, or else it’d be doom for everyone involved. High stakes all around.

At the moment, after swapping clothes with Matilda, you’re helping the bride and her suitcase (sister?) escape the building and move to the next part of their plan! You have everything figured out except this bit.

“There, you’re done!” You exclaim after you two ended up helping Matilda wear the dress. It’s a little loose, and it’s hanging low, but she looks great for what it is. Bridetilda is ready!

“I didn’t know how annoying it was to put this type of dress on...” Matilda is just wearing the relevant parts, but it took a bit. She’s a known cosplayer (to You!), so you thought it wouldn’t be an issue.

“Better not forget, because I’m sure it won’t be the last time.” Mat-nastasia pokes the fit girl’s nose. She has become flirty with both of you ever since she wiped her tears away.

“We’re leaving, right?!” The Talking Luggage has hope of seeing the outside world again.

“Mhm, we’re going to Angel Ando’s residency to meet his friend, and become proud Prancijanians.” Anastasia recalls the plan for her sister. She’s meeting Craig, to meet Sewel, to get the fake IDs since they won’t leave the country, because the money they have is in Gor$. Which brings you to...

“Before that, we need to figure out how to conceal the money.” Matilda pulls out a large briefcase that was hidden within the dress. It’s… a tacky thing. It has a big dumb Gor$ sign and sparkles with glitter. Ugolino handed it over to her this morning, and well, weddings are hectic. The fact she’s alone here is a miracle of her own creation, and time is of the essence. “I don’t believe they’re going to miss these bedsheets.” Matilda takes them from the bed. “And let’s put everything into a trash bag.” She’s being extra cautious. Not the most refined of ideas, but it’ll work. You assume.

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>>“Sorry, if I went overboard. But you’re a cutie.” Wiggle your eyebrows.
Make it clear that we could see through the dumb disguise tho
>“Sorry, if I went overboard. But you’re a cutie.” Wiggle your eyebrows.
>“Sorry, if I went overboard. But you’re a cutie.” Wiggle your eyebrows.
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“Sorry, if I went overboard. But you’re a cutie.” You wiggle your eyebrows.

“…” Wilma turns tomato with ease. “You’re such a jokester, I thought you were messing with me when you told me what you were going to do. It made me glad regardless.”

“I never mess around when something is this important.” You adjust your glasses. Your phone hectically bounces on the bed. You choose to ignore it.

“Yes, you do. But I like it.” Wilma loves your silly personality. She’s a first. You think. “I didn’t think I was different from the others, and with my appearance, I had more reasons to believe you were teasing me.”

“Would you believe me if I told you I could see through your make-up?” You scratch your cheek.

“…?! I did too!” Wilma confesses. “I couldn’t have reciprocated the way I did if all I saw was his face.”

“I thought you closed your eyes to imagine me.” You sound a little mean, but that was your plan as well. Anastasia is cute, but you knew she was Wilma!

“I feel like when I’m in your arms, I can always see you…” Wilma says. Huh, maybe it’s a side-effect of riding on your back for so long? She always sees your face upon contact? This makes no sense, why are you theory-crafting about it?

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Thanks for running!

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Your father is dead. Now, having only just passed the threshold into manhood, it is up to you to provide for your mother and little sister. You've been waiting for this responsibility. Your father, once the great retainer of some (now fallen) lord, lost himself in his latter years to cards and spirits. He was, at least, never violent, but he squandered the little you stood to inherit and worse, left the family with significant debts.

Penniless and desperate, unable to even secure an apprenticeship with any of the masters of the village (debt is worse than leprosy in that regard), you've taken up his old sword and his round shield and come to the town of Hobcroft to try your luck as an adventurer.

It's been six days since your arrival and you've burned through the dozen or so silver staters you had come in with--coins your mother practically forced you to take, though it will mean subsisting on thin barley porridge and whatever chestnuts your sister can scavange from the woods. But you've managed to secure some leads on possible employment. The bigger jobs are reserved for those with the reputation to meet them, for the rest either the pay is uncertain or meager or the risk is great.

You have three offers before you:
>The guard captain is looking for someone to help infiltrate a mysterious fire-worshipping cult that has setup in a nearby ruin. The pay is good, and you'll be led by an expert in such things, but the risk of getting caught gives you pause.
>A merchant is looking for someone to survey the lands to the north, for purposes of a new settlement. The journey should easy given how many will be in the company, but the pay, split so many ways is equally paltry.
>An old blind man wants to be escorted to the Oracle of the Moon, a journey that will take you through the mountains and across the river. The pay is decent, but the journey, though through safe roads and lands, is a long one. At least you'll be paid up front.
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>Keep the gold coins

At least one, to awe people with our tales and to discover their origin.

>Make a present of the purple stone to Syla

It's just an amethyst. Not to say it isn't magical, but the timing of us being around when the traders come may not work out depending on where our adventures take us. A gift should remain a gift.

>Head to Hobley to check on your family

>I'll also support checking land prices

Torthrune is fine, can't think of better while in a rush.
>Keep the gold coins
>Make a present of the purple stone to Syla
>Head directly to Yngleyside to follow up on the summons
>Torthrune (or Torth for short)
>Keep the gold coins
We're not exactly hurting for cash now, and we can afford to wait
>Make a present of the purple stone to Syla
We said we would.
>Head directly to Yngleyside to follow up on the summons
+1 to name

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OH SHIT NIGGA. You are lady Firemane. Of the (formerly) noble house of Fireborn! You were once the greatest wagon racer this side of the kingdom. Sadly due to shenanigans, you lost everything and went into debt with the Adventurer's Guild in order to survive. But then you found the Inexperienced Hero, Ezekiel "Kid" Rutebega ! You took him under your wing to mold him into the hero he's always meant to be: your devoted apprentice (probably)

Unfortunately your party has run afoul of Ezekiel's evil older brother. Who wrecked his hometown and beat your ass. As evil brothers to the hero tend to do. Currently you're recovering from the ass beating you've received, amidst the ruins of Ezekiel's hometown.
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What the Fire Knights don't tell you about is the massive gravesite behind Fire Mountain. Comprised entirely of people who tried to drink it without becoming a Fire Knight.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

Truly, it is the drink of all drinks. Made with magic so it doesn't just taste like rubbing alcohol.

It's time for Ezekiel and Firemane to drink a whole ass bottle off it. This is the TRUE test of a fireknight.
Rolled 23 (1d100)

But he is a fire knight now... So like ... He can drink it ... Right?
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Yeah! LEt's party a---Oh shit it's 5 AM. I uh, got work in the morning so I gotta sleep now. Thread continues when it continues.

Update be here n shit, as always: https://twitter.com/notapaladin
Good sleep, man.

Everything is going exactly according to plan.

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Before the green garbed hero arrived, before the princess’s power arise, before the blade of evils bane, before the kingdom of Hyrule waned, there were kings and queens, soldiers and spies, all battling to keep the kingdom alive. They fought the king of evil’s might, but were all cast down into deepest night. Without their bravery no land would there be, for the hero in green to have set free. So come all ye listeners and harken to me, while I spin thee a tale about the heroes in mail. The common solider whose blood was spilled, to buy time for the hero with the iron will.

Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=The+Fall+of+Hyrule
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>Gather your trusted men and storm the ale house, the drunken fools won’t know what hit them.
>>Wait for the men to leave and pick them off as they stumble home.
>Wait for the men to leave and pick them off as they stumble home.
>Gather your trusted men and storm the ale house, the drunken fools won’t know what hit them.
>Wait for the men to leave and pick them off as they stumble home.

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Some low power villain bullshit I'm doing to take my mind off things. Don't expect for this to last too long. I'll try to update at least once or twice per day.

(You) are a low level super powered individual, Anon Hardwood, Male, working under the payroll of medium level crime boss TONY "TITANIUM TOMMYGUN" TORTELLINI.

Pick a powerset.

>Vile Familiar
You have the very manifestation of your soul, and it's just as much of a bastard as you. It's a magical animal-type thing that you can summon at will. Whenever it dies it simply isn't able to be summoned for around half an hour. It's very loyal and affectionate, but tends to show it through love bites. You kind of get a power boost when it's close to you. It's not very strong though.
(get a grunt-tier "evil" pokemon)

>Acid Assault
You have the ability to excrete a thick and slimy acid from your hands. Very deadly, and you're immune to it, as well as your clothes, thankfully. However, whenever you throw a punch, globs of it tend to go flying everywhere, and friendly fire is a real concern. Also, you're not any more durable than an average goon, so don't try to acid aikido your way into deflecting a bullet or somesuch.

You've got infinite stamina, meaning you operate at peak performance forever... physically. This power also removed your ability to sleep, and as a result, you're a bit... unstable now. Just try not to kill too many of your own men, alright? Also kids, that tends to attract the loonier supers, and Tony don't exactly approve of that either.

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>Apparently some crazy shithead has been burnt someone to death in Tony's turf using a flamethrower. Go try and find the shithead who did it and if they're gonna be a problem.
>Go see Tony and if Kenneth's sent the details about the Raid
According to the snitches and gossipy little SHITS that live on Tony's turf, yesterday night, sometime before you finished up your deal with the smugglers and dragged Edgelord back to base, one of the many small gangs infesting your territory were rudely awakened by some crazy maniac in some sorta souped-up pyro suit firebombing the shit out of their base. When they tried to kill him, he ran in with a flamethrower and burnt them all to death.

Everyone except for two of the freshest recruits were all burned to a crisp, and some snitches say the arsonist even dragged the two out of the fire, though apparently he did it to some of the corpses too, so it's not clear if he did it on purpose or not. Didn't even bother scarring them to send a message or some shit. Nothing was stolen either, all burnt to shit.

It's not like they were one of the gangs that were nominally under you or anything, but needless to say, it'd be better to make sure the shithead that did this isn't' going to try and do it to Tony, either.

You pile into a van with 5 other goons assigned to this bullshit.

"I'm NOT FUCKING sherlock, so you Numbnuts better have some goddamn leads for me instead of expecting me to dig through the burnt shithole like some sort of fucked-up-ash-eating-dog."

There are, in fact a few.

Wat do
>They've managed to track down the two survivors, maybe they have some answers as to why they weren't on Burny's shitlist. Gotta act fast, apparently, they're skipping town. And by town, it's more like Country, headed to Leafland.
>They were beefing with a fuckload of gangs that hated them a SHITLOAD more than gangs usually do, enough for them to kinda be an alliance solely for fucking them over, which is weird. Maybe they pooled their shit and hired a hitman. One of them is technically under Tony, just go ask them.

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>They've managed to track down the two survivors, maybe they have some answers as to why they weren't on Burny's shitlist. Gotta act fast, apparently, they're skipping town. And by town, it's more like Country, headed to Leafland.
The most time sensitive option
>They've managed to track down the two survivors, maybe they have some answers as to why they weren't on Burny's shitlist. Gotta act fast, apparently, they're skipping town. And by town, it's more like Country, headed to Leafland.

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On a faraway world, humanity is thriving. Across the surface of this planet, thousands of tribes have been born and strive to become something greater – a true civilisation. They struggle with one another for this privilege, for the opportunity to leave their mark on the world for evermore.

We are following one of these tribes, who call themselves the Protavic – the beast-bringers, in their own tongue.

They belong to the Scavic, a race of people with soft faces, fair hair and blue-grey skin. Like the rest of their kind, they inhabit the Grascan, a vast oceanic forest filled with dangerous beasts and towering trees.
The Protavic people have settled by the Croglatol, a great freshwater lake. The forest thins out along its shore, which allows the native tribes to prosper without fear of predation.

Traditional beast-bringers are now in the minority. They are sedentary pastoralists, who rear swine and tend to hives of honey bees along the shore of the Croglatol. They worship An, the Allmother and the source of the divine energy that flows through all living things, Drocrom. They prize intelligence and cunning above all else and though they view their tribe as supreme, they prefer to subjugate other tribes through commerce rather than violence.

The Anamilivic, also known as the children, make up the majority of the tribe. They are the distant descendants of the Vuvovic who were integrated into the Protavic tribe. Though they enjoy an identical lifestyle to traditional beast-bringers, they also practice ritual scarification and the ceremonial drinking of blood. In addition to the Allmother, they worship Il, the Great Father, the son and lover of An. He is the strength to her wisdom.

There are also those Vuvovic who were allowed to serve the Protavic tribe as a warrior caste. These blood-drinkers lead lives free from labour but serve as the tribe's soldiers. They serve as the vanguard during times of war and during times of peace, they catch slaves, guard caravans and protect the tribe's borders. Though most of them are Anamilivic, a small group of blood-drinkers are still diehard Vuvovic traditionalists.

Some of the tribe's eccentricities deserve to be mentioned.
Though the majority of the Protavic's sustenance comes from the pigs that they have domesticated, bees and their honey have far more cultural significance. Butol is a sacred form of mead drunk during ceremonies and festivals, while beeswax is used to produce all sorts of artefacts of cultural and religious importance.

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>The civilisation gets +0.1 Culture.
>The civilisation gets -0.03 Militarism.
>The civilisation gets +5 Cohesion and Happiness.

The leaders of the Sitrunic cult cite precedent, in order to prevent a bloodbath from occurring. Previously when Tradul died, he was succeeded by his son, who was granted the privilege of ruling alongside his mother. Now that Sitrun has passed away, clearly young Adradan should take her place. Henceforth, the Croglatovic people should be ruled by a man and a woman who both bear the blood of the prophetess and her beloved chieftain – unity can only be maintained by carrying on the legacy of the lovers who unified the tribes in the first place.

Initially, there is some grumbling from the Rodac but they are soon reminded that this very system is what allowed Gapil to gain such authority anyway. As for Shabal Tul, he soon backs down once he realises that the Sitrunic support a government that does not involve him being in charge. This is a compromise that somehow manages to defuse the situation, that doesn't necessarily satisfy everyone but certainly gives them reason to back down.

A bewildered Adradan is brought before the crowd, so that she might be declared a favoured daughter of the Allmother, a living saint of sorts, just like Sitrun. And once more, Gapil is recognised and acknowledged by all as the chieftain of the Croglatovic people – even the Vuvovic submit to his will. This rushed, impromptu ceremony is enough to defuse the tension and allow the feast to continue without further incident.

Yet in the following months, there are teething problems. While Gapil is eager for the approval of the more conservative stone men, Adradan is little more than a puppet controlled by the Sitrunic sisterhood. These factions tend to butt heads on many issues. For example, when the chieftain calls for the head of Shabal Tul for threatening to depose him, it is Adradan who overrules him. When the young saint calls for more of the Rodac to embrace the way of Sitrun, it is her brother who rejects her will.
Tradul fervently did whatever he thought would please Sitrun, while Sitrun never objected to any of Gapil's fanciful demands. There was little discord between prior co-rulers. However, the two siblings struggle to reach any sort of agreement at all. A system will need to be developed that will allow the chieftain and the saint to govern the Croglatovic people harmoniously, even when they are at odds with each other.

Our civilisation could decide that all decision-making requires the approval of both rulers. At least, they shall require that neither ruler voices their disapproval. This is the current system and it works – it ensures that the saint and the chieftain keep each other in check.

Our civilisation could decide that each ruler shall have absolute authority over different fields. For example, the chieftain should have the final word when it comes to warfare and industry, while the saint should be in charge of matters of faith and diplomacy.

Our civilisation could decide that tribal leaders should mediate between the two rulers. Whenever there is a disagreement, it is always the lesser leaders of the Croglatovic people should get the final say – but whenever the saint and chieftain concur, we have no choice but to obey.

Our civilisation could decide that the authority of the Croglatol's ruling class should be quantified. Power shall be boiled down into votes which can be counted. Of course, the votes of the saint and the chieftain shall be assigned far more weight than those of a common village head.

>All decision-making requires the approval of both rulers.
>Each ruler shall have absolute authority over different fields.
>Tribal leaders should mediate between the two rulers.
>The authority of the ruling class should be quantified.
>The authority of the ruling class should be quantified.

I'd say the warrior castes should get a little bump in the weight of their votes too. By design they're smaller in population, but they serve an important role who's weight is greater than the votes they would get otherwise.
We got the optimal choice. Zased.

>Tribal leaders should mediate between the two rulers.

Very cool, thank you. I really love the system and I think it's been working great so far.
>Tribal leaders should mediate between the two rulers.

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[This quest features ReptoidQM and other QMs as characters. We are going to play the d20 module "Adelie 14" set in Antarctica.]

You are Thaamarai Naidu, better known by your online alias, "ReptoidQM". Following a tumultuous divorce, you found yourself with an abundance of free time and a need to rediscover your purpose. You initially turned to running RPGs, but the organizational challenges proved too much. Instead, you found enjoyment in writing quests. Your unique, erotic stories quickly gained a following, often delving into themes of "love hurts," race mixing, humiliation, and threesomes. Writing became your way of healing and reconstructing your identity, ensuring that you would never be vulnerable to romantic pain again.

Despite the darkness, your life holds some bright spots. Through the writing community on 4chan, you formed a few close friendships. One of these friends is Siraphong, "SchizoQM", who sent you a pet monkey named "Bananas" from the jungles of Thailand. Despite Siraphong's claim that the monkey is a story writer sounding bizarre, Bananas has proven to be a loyal and intelligent companion, often sitting on your lap as you write and bringing joy with his playful antics.

Another friend, Langit, known online as "Indonesian Gentleman", is a talented artist who has illustrated some of your stories. In 2022, he stumbled upon an /x/ thread detailing remote viewing techniques. Initially dismissive due to his staunch skepticism of the paranormal, Langit decided to try it out. He found, much to his surprise, that he had a natural talent for it. Together, you, Langit, Siraphong, and a few others practiced the skill extensively, eventually mastering it.

This newfound ability led you down a transformative path. By mastering remote viewing, you learned to peer into the hearts of others, discerning their deepest secrets and manipulating their emotions. Channeling your desires and sensuality, you became a glamourist, a seductive succubus who could effortlessly charm and influence anyone you encountered. This transformation brought you immense confidence, making you a masterful dancer, liar, and social manipulator. Now, you thrive on the thrill of deceit and seduction, a dopamine addict constantly seeking your next high. This is taken from Ismena Rosgard’s description >>4999767, a character created by ReptoidQM.

What type of lingerie are you wearing?
>Write in

[This is just an ice-breaker question. Choosing very seductive lingerie will grant a +1 circumstantial bonus on your next Charm check.]

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>[Wisdom] Attempt to sober up. Drive back home and ask Indonesian Gentleman if he has found anything worth investigating on the Dark Web.
>[Wisdom] Attempt to sober up. Drive back home and ask Indonesian Gentleman if he has found anything worth investigating on the Dark Web.
Rolled 7, 3, 8, 13, 15, 6, 5, 10 = 67 (8d20)

>[Wisdom] Attempt to sober up. Drive back home and ask Indonesian Gentleman if he has found anything worth investigating on the Dark Web.

This is a little weird, not gonna lie, even for a high quality shitpost.
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I'm sorry to the players who were interested in a d20 quest, but I can't run a quest in this hostile environment. I don't know if it's because I mischaracterized the MC or if we're being raided by a group.

Here’s the update I was going to write:

>The starting DC for the Fortitude save is 14 and increasing.
>You fail all saves and take 8d2 damage to Wisdom and Dexterity.
> As a result, you pass out.
>You have a premonitory dream about Antarctica.
>You wake up to find Bananas clumsily making breakfast for you.
>It was supposed to be an "aww" moment.
>Meanwhile, Indonesian Gentleman stumbled upon a data leak about Adelie 14 on the Dark Web, which was the plot hook to get started.
You said in the qtg that you quit because you kept catching bans for troll threads. Why are you lying, Wuxian?

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The old man looks at your papers, then back at you, then back at the papers again. The border control room is pretty cramped and dusty, you can tell not a lot of people use it, the man looks inconvenienced at the fact he even has to do his job for once.

Finally, he looks back at you and asks, "Are you sure this is what you want? Once you leave, you'll lose native citizenship, if you do decide to come back, you'll only ever get the worst jobs meant for new blood immigrants."

You nod.

"The world out there isn't what it's like in stories, it's dirty, it's ruthless, and humans just aren't as resistant to the magical horseshit as the rest of the races."

"Actually, that's a myth." You correct him. "Humans aren't less or more resistant to magic than most races, we just have a lower mana pool which makes it harder for us to prepare protective spells-"

"Same difference," he interrupts you. "Also, seriously, you're going out there for a magic school? The thing humans are the worst at? Couldn't you be an engineer or something? Okay, maybe not that, not really allowed to share trade secrets..."

He yawns, and digs into your massive backpack. "Let's see, you got a gun, a laptop and a phone. All solar-powered too for obvious reasons. We're going to biocode them so they melt when someone other than you try to use them, and then you'll be on your way. I'll ask one last time, are you sure you want to leave?"

You nod vigorously, yes! You want to leave! You've been stuck here for hours! You have the paperwork, the preparations, the supplies to make the trip, and most importantly, the letter of admission to the school for the magically challenged!

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Pocket space also doesn't really spawn instantly either, so it's likely they'll see it coming. Of course Delayed Double is always an option, or just shoving them into it.
Hmm, I guess it depends on their level of intangible skill, but maybe finding a way to distract them before using it to cut off their foot would work? Using the delayed version to spawn it, then close it while they're distracted/unable to move.

Honestly, our only other offensive option is Tornado, and we suck at it. So that's our best option - I vote we go for it.
zam, so it's harder to do on purpose. I wonder how you come to the decision of creating each dungeon, must be hard.
The dungeons are heavily inspired by those in magical diary. The game, for all its fault, had some of the most fun dungeon designs in that they weren't necessarily hard, but they had so many ways of being completed that they made you feel like the type of magic you picked was actually your own unique solution.

For example, I believe the first dungeon has like just one invisible wall, but you can either see a spirit to ask them for help, use a spell to check the wind flow to see the wall's fake, simply dispel illusion, and something else with material I don't remember.

I also think all dungeons in the game can be completed without magic, but you get negative points for doing it that way, but it's still really funny. One of the girl in the game is so autistic she finds out the wall is fake by checking each individual wall and the brick pattern to see which one is fake.

The game's not perfect, white magic (the equivalent of this quest's divination) kind of sucks because spirits aren't super common, and you don't find living things often enough to abuse it, so you almsot always end up just learning dispell illusion and then drop it entirely.

The dungeons here I try to built in ways where people can go "I wonder what other spells we could've used here" which makes them feel more natural and less like they were built specifically for you.
>Crystal Chad breaking the door down
Second best guy, after Atlas of course

It has been five years since the Kaiju started arriving on Earth through portals and wreaked havoc across the globe. Humanity managed to barely hold them at bay with piloted giant robots called MEKKs - but the Kaiju kept coming, and global resources are starting to dwindle.

There were plans to cross into the other side of the portal and stop the Kaiju from crossing over - but the MEKKs that were sent over never returned. Thus, humanity placed their trust on a sophisticated AI, wired into a freshly lobotomized Kaiju. This AI will then cross into the portal, masquerading as a Kaiju, and find out a way to stop the Kaiju from their end.

You are that AI.
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Hey QM, you sure we're going to be able to wrap this up in a one-shot?
Yeah, I'll be running this well after July, until thread falls off the cliff. We're around a quarter in, maybe?
>>6064204 (You)#
This time, PTRT makes a good point.

"You see that glint of metal on that hill, son?! That's one of our MEKKs! It is one of our duties to rescue it and its pilot, if possible!"

SHDO agrees, it is one of their secondary objectives - to find out what happened to the MEKKs that were sent into the portal before you.

MEKKs, short for Mechanized Equipment to Kill Kaijus, are one of the humans' rushed inventions in the wake of the Kaiju threat. Basically a Kaiju-sized piloted robot made from heavy duty industrial equipment and military-grade arms and armor, they were barely enough to go toe-to-toe with the Kaijus that invaded Earth.

That being said, as Legion climbed over the summit of that hill, a worrying sight greets it. The MEKK lays broken in the middle of a shallow crater, some of its limbs torn apart. Its multipurpose antenna jammed into the stony ground, like its right arm - while its relatively intact weapons pod rested nearby. By the looks of the gouges on its armor, it appears the MEKK has run afoul of a local Kaiju. There seems to be no human life-signs nearby...

The sub-AIs bicker again...


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>>□ COMM
This or black box depending on how damaged the systems are.
>□ SHDO "A fallen warrior... let's check its black box data. I shall avenge you!"

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You are a group of 400 giant mice that have been cast out of your small kingdom. Long have you travelled the world in search of a place to settle, yet found little land not taken. At last, tired of running, you settled upon a foreign and mysterious land, perhaps not really suitable for your kind, but one you will claim for yourself.

You find yourselves in...
>-1 A jungle of dizzying heat, strangling anacondas and fertile land.
>-2 A desert oasis of enigmatic sphinxes, vast dunes and valuable trade routes.
>-3 A cavern system of dim light, valuable minerals and dark creatures.
>-4 The mana wastes of cruel witchwinds, wondrous ruins and strange beasts.
>-5 A large island off the mainland coast which was fertilized long ago by a sleeping volcano not!Sicily
>NO write-ins for this one

Pick a "curse":
>-1 Your group has few skilled healers, meaning field medicine and prevention of illness will be hard.
>-2 Your group has few skilled craftsmen, meaning mass manufacturing of goods will be difficult.
>-3 Your group has few soldiers, meaning you will have to rely upon diplomacy to protect yourselves initially.
>-4 Your group has few skilled farmers, meaning a larger portion of your population will be occupied in agriculture.

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Rolled 89 (1d100)

Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolled 66, 53 = 119 (2d100)

we already rolled high, but here's the last 2 rolls
Nearly destroyed, our culture recovers and evolves to better suit the wastes! Beautiful stuff.
Got no access to pc from this past Wednesday to Sunday, will try to update on Monday and speed up afterwards. Stellar rolls, anons, already got an idea for the crit bonus.

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Previous thread!

Amon G. Sus is a homeless young trainer from Unova who recently won an all expenses paid trip to Alola. He's going to meet girls, Pokemon, trainers, and girl trainers. But there is a mystery behind his prize. And he's keen to figure it out.

>In our last episode

Our date with Mallow turned to a battle with the number 2 ranked trainer in all of Alola, Trial Captain Selene. Now we have an appointment to the Battle Carnival in a few hours. In the meantime we are in the middle of a Battle Royale and Darumaka has evolved to Darmanitan!

>team info is here

>Spaghetti Points 10/15

Spaghetti points determine how well our character talks to girls. The lower the number the better. But you can spend them on New Pokemon moves and Evolutions too. So get them but don't horde them.

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"Sightsee I guess. Get a snack." You say. Masked Royal nods. "If I may make a suggestion, Pokemon Centers in Alola have lovely cafes! I'd give it a shot! Woo! Anyways I better be off." He does a dramatic pose with his Incinaroar and walks off. All the women swoon...Maybe its the muscles or something.

>Take him up on the Pokemon Center offer
>Check out other sights and get a snack later
>Prioritize snacking. First place you see you snack.
Rolled 47 (1d100)

>>Take him up on the Pokemon Center offer

Feed daki, consume sustenance
Rolled 52 (1d100)


You decide to let Darmanitan get a rest and get a snack. When you arrive there is in fact a cafe in the center. You hand your Pokemon off to the Nurse and sit down. "Hello sir! What can I get for you?" The barista asks.

>Roserade Tea
>Berry Lemonade
>Hot Chocolate
Your choice matters. This determines the next girl.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

i have no clue..... so.

Roserade Tea. hot chocolate is too much for a tropical island in the day.

“A Knight is Sworn to Valour. His Heart Knows Only Virtue. His Blade Defends the Helpless. His Might Upholds the Weak. His Word Speaks Only Truth. His Wrath Undoes the Wicked.”

Every child in Cantôn knows of the Knight’s Code. From peasant-born waifs playing with sticks in the mud to keen-eyed noble sons practicing with cold steel in the training yard, all have at the very least dreamed of one day becoming a knight themselves. To ride out on errantry into the Five Duchies Kingdom and beyond for God and Glory, bringing the Law of Adam to the wicked and the Blade of Cain to the beast.

The Knights of Cantôn are sworn to follow the Code, to obey the King, to refuse no call for aid honestly asked for, to seek out and destroy the Foe wherever it may lurk and rid the world of evil.

Were it so easy…


Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlackCompany666
/qst/ Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Sworn%20to%20Valour
Our Knight, Deeds and Equipment Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/NcsL5Wtt
Faith, Politics & Intrigue Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Zkumkcg1
Foes, Foreigners & Monsters Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nXwzHGGa

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Supporting this
And this >>6065675

Verily >>6054469

kek. yes do it. >>6065557

> “Withdraw? Saint’s teeth, ‘ere we just arrived!”
>> A snarling turtlewolf, curling a comically large and muscular human bicep.
Seconding this >>6065557

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+1, pic related


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