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After your master perished, his dungeon did not simply fall—it was annihilated in a cataclysm of stone, flame, and collapsing sorcery. You barely had time to snatch an armful of tomes from his private collection before the walls cracked, the sigils burned out, and the world came crashing down around you. Fleeing through a hidden escape tunnel, you emerged into the cold night just in time to witness the final death throes of your former home. A thunderous roar split the air, followed by a rolling wave of dust and debris that swallowed the entrance whole. It was gone. The dungeon, your master, and all his grand ambitions, buried under a mountain of ruin.

The old fool had gambled on immortality and lost. The so-called heroes made sure of that, cutting him down in a battle you hadn’t even been there to witness. And in his paranoia, he had bound the dungeon’s very foundations to his lifeblood, ensuring that if he died, his domain would die with him. Well, it worked—too well. Now he lay entombed beneath tons of shattered rock and broken wards, and nothing short of a divine wish could bring him back. Not that you had any idea where to find one. And even if you did, would you really waste it on this mess?

For a time, you wandered, alone and uncertain, before stumbling upon a handful of survivors—goblins, of course. Of all the dungeon’s denizens, they were the cockroaches of the underworld, scurrying from calamity with their lives intact through sheer, unrepentant cowardice. And yet, as they huddled together in the moonlight, clutching salvaged scraps, you couldn’t help but think: perhaps their knack for survival could be useful.

“What’ve you got there, goblins?” you ask, eyeing the bundles in their grubby hands.

One of them, a wiry thing with oversized ears, holds up a rusted set of spring-loaded spikes. “Traps! We saved what we could. Could help, you know... when we start our own.”

You pause.

Now that’s an idea.

A new dungeon. Your dungeon.

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You gather your newly acquired goblin forces, each one looking to you for direction, their eyes gleaming with a mix of fear and excitement. The atmosphere is thick with tension, the air vibrating with the anticipation of bloodshed. It’s time to claim the human village and crush any semblance of resistance before they have a chance to regroup.

The village, once thought to be a bastion of security for these puny humans, now stands vulnerable before your growing army. You know that their defenses are not built to withstand the might of your forces, especially with your traps set up and your control over the goblins. But how to strike? The choice must be carefully considered.

Here are the options you contemplate:

> Attempt a night-time sneak attack: The cover of darkness will be your ally. If you move quickly, silently, and with precision, you can catch the humans unawares, striking down the first few sentries before they even know what’s happening. The element of surprise will give you the upper hand, and the village could be overwhelmed in the chaos of the night.
> Burn down their watchtower and rush them in broad daylight: Why waste time with subtlety? You know the humans will be watching for threats at night, so why not smash through their defenses in the open? A swift, devastating assault in broad daylight will catch them off guard and instill fear as they witness the destruction of their watchtower, followed by your onslaught. Their fortified vantage point will crumble under the weight of your fury.
> Lay traps around the village and lure the humans into them: Rather than attacking head-on, you could set a web of deadly traps around the village, forcing the humans to walk straight into them. Lure them out with a decoy attack, leading them into the carefully prepared snare, where they will be shredded by spiked pits or crushed by boulders, their panic and confusion making them easy prey.
> Send the goblins on a raiding mission: You could split your forces, sending groups of goblins to target key points in the village—sabotaging the food stores, burning their homes, and disrupting their supply lines. This guerrilla-style attack will create chaos and confusion, forcing the humans to scatter and fight on multiple fronts, weakening their defenses before you bring in the final blow.
> Invade with overwhelming force and lay waste to the village: Send all your goblins charging in with no strategy other than sheer overwhelming force. Destroy everything in your path, kill everyone who dares resist, and raze their homes to the ground. Let them understand that no one can stand against you—not even the most fortified village. This is the perfect show of power.

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> Attempt a night-time sneak attack: The cover of darkness will be your ally. If you move quickly, silently, and with precision, you can catch the humans unawares, striking down the first few sentries before they even know what’s happening. The element of surprise will give you the upper hand, and the village could be overwhelmed in the chaos of the night.


Our focus should be on burning down the village first, not necessarily killing everyone - we want to capture people
>Lay traps around the village and lure the humans into them: Rather than attacking head-on, you could set a web of deadly traps around the village, forcing the humans to walk straight into them. Lure them out with a decoy attack, leading them into the carefully prepared snare, where they will be shredded by spiked pits or crushed by boulders, their panic and confusion making them easy prey.


If nothing else I doubt they’d expect traps right outside their village
>Attempt a night-time sneak attack: The cover of darkness will be your ally. If you move quickly, silently, and with precision, you can catch the humans unawares, striking down the first few sentries before they even know what’s happening. The element of surprise will give you the upper hand, and the village could be overwhelmed in the chaos of the night.
> Yes
> Attempt a night-time sneak attack: The cover of darkness will be your ally. If you move quickly, silently, and with precision, you can catch the humans unawares, striking down the first few sentries before they even know what’s happening. The element of surprise will give you the upper hand, and the village could be overwhelmed in the chaos of the night.

> Yes

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You are a magical girl, you know that much, but you’re not really sure where you are, or exactly who you are; not only can you not see, hear or smell a single thing, but you can’t feel your body at all, nor recall how long you’ve been stuck in this… place. Perhaps not unexpectedly, and due to your complete and utter inability to make out anything in your surroundings, you can’t spot anything resembling walls, a floor or a ceiling, so everything around you is a blended-together, eye-wateringly intense (but also eerily calming) black… and yet, you are somehow aware that even if you could somehow see something, anything at all, it wouldn’t be much use at all. Well, if that isn’t just slightly puzzling. Yes, it most certainly is, but there’s not much you can do about it, right? At least, for now.

Taking that into account, and for a few moments that seem to last forever in this timeless space, you simply continue existing, gazing eyelessly into the unchanging void around you as your non-present brain in your absent body attempts to process the situation without much success. A few more eternal instants, and, perhaps bored of simply staring at nothing, forever, your long-departed brain attempts to recall the past in order to clue you in on the situation… but, as if attempting to collect water from an empty well, you end up drawing a complete blank: effectively, and to nobody’s surprise, there is nothing to recall or remember or reminiscence about. Maybe there was never anything there in the first place. But as relevant as that single piece of information would be in the grand scheme of things, you have no way of finding out the truth or verifying that not-that-unreasonable hypothesis. Because, ultimately, you’re nothing but a floating ball of vague and distant thoughts in the middle of nowhere in particular.

An indeterminate amount of hypothetical time passes yet again, and another vague thought floats to the forefront: maybe, just maybe, this isn’t so bad after all! Indeed, though the situation you find yourself in may be classified as disconcerting or disorientating, it’s actually not that unpleasant if you use your voided brain to think about it: there is no pain, no suffering, no hunger, no desire, no thirst, no anguish, no fear, no craving, and you need not worry about an unchangeable past, an unstable present or an uncertain future. Perhaps this is how things were meant to be. Perhaps, from the start of all things to the end of all of creation, this is the correct state of existence, a formless and aimless void stretching forever and ever, unbothered and unbothering, without beginning or end.

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alright, waiting warmly
Is a new thread necessary?
At this point I don't have much to say about the writing. Some pictures would be nice though maybe
I think the qm wants to do a new thread to start strong with a character already built and everything, the start was basically qm giving us a lot of options to vote on what our qst character and motivation will be, at least that's how I understood.
I'm still waiting for the new madoka movie, the wait is pain
>New thread with the new update will go up soon
dude, just remain with this thread for the doots
OP ?

The world you've reincarnated yourself into was nearly perfect. The overdone and stale tropes gave you comfort. You know what to expect, and where to expect it from. That included the evil as much as it did the good.

Your dreams of having a harem of beautiful women that would pamper you and devote themselves to you entirely, mixed with your more recent desires to expand your wives and future children a nice place to live, was nearly torn to shreds.

Last week was almost enough to make the reality of this magical world set in: A force of nearly 1,000 bandits sought to invade your estate. You imagines this was the reason why many isekai protags liked going under the radar was soon shown to you, though in all fairness you hadn't been doing much to stand out. All you'd done was invade one of their smaller camps with a giant mech. Was such a response really needed? It seemed like cliches could be deadly.

But not for you.

Thanks to your leadership, the robotic clankers, the defensive preparations, your wives' fighting skills, and a giant laser, the bandit scum were repelled without much issue. With at least 400 dead in their ranks, the losses would keep them licking their wounds and give you some time to breathe.

Antagonists were a thing to be expected. Something that you expected. They existed to keep the story going and let the mc show off how cool he is, and maybe save another cute chick which would soon be added into his harem of doting women. What story would be complete without a few villains?

But on the other hand... It would be nice if everything got solved smoothly.

Anyway, the fact still remained: You needed to be prepared.

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The orb constantly getting sidelined is reminding me of HMQ. Is this how the phase bros felt?

>"Since you're offering, an elevator that goes from the attic and the roof down to the dungeon needs to be installed." (Uses up Herta's action next week)
>"Thank you, that does remind me that I should upgrade the BoatMech." (Uses up John Doe's action next week) (Further decisions on how to upgrade the BoatMech will be given
>"No reason we can't have both." (Uses 150lbs of iron ingots)
>"Thank you, that does remind me that I should upgrade the BoatMech."
ah shit, I forgot my second vote as well. I know we don't have to assign both actions this week but still.

>Savant-made.....is of better quality
The existence of organised radio broadcasting implies we're not the only one making use of electric power out there either.
>The orb constantly getting sidelined is reminding me of HMQ. Is this how the phase bros felt?
hmq ?
Homeless Mutant Quest. One of the classic quests, back when they were run on /tg/ instead of having a seperate board. I recommend it but, spoiler alert, it's been unfinished since 2016.

Phasing through objects was one of the available mutations and it kept getting voted for yet losing everytime anyway.

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>You take the role as customers at a new trinket shop that has appeared in town, Try to make a heafty profit after robbing the local wizard or ask for powerfull artifacts to get that 6-10 Goth Girl, rember money is far from the only currency

>Post your offers, desighered items, trade ins, or services

Welcome! soon to be marks, Id be happy to buy/sell/trade any supernatual Item
Just let me know What you want and ill make a steal of a deal
"Fae and Armenian free enstablisment since 1991"
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This is why penis gnomes are the most dangerous breed of all

Unfortunately the curse is passed on to anyone who eats them but I'd be an effective poison

One 5in,acorn head,circumcised with silver standard gems
That's the best quality on hand
Yes you can still have children just not with Werewolves, silver standard is literal
Deal and I'll toss in some goblin fruit, if it talks just hit it with a hammer till it stops
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That's a hellhound not a werewolf
Just so you know they have litters of 6+ at bare minimum
>a hellhound not a werewolf
A loophole for the apple-trader! Are you keeping the apples, Mister Hullabloo, or trading them on?

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You watch the formed droplets of water flow down the glass before you. The officer around you is large, temperature controlled, and also a part of the governmental building, with you having a private office at the very top of it, as is befitting your stature as the one and only Edel of house Hardrada.

Despite the great advances you had managed to achieve, to steer the course of a colony made up of a bunch of traumatised and mentally scarred veterans, you had managed to avoid violence with surprising efficiency and ease, mainly due to your nature. And yet, now, everything just seems so worrisome.

“David ?” Finally calling out your name, Zack draws your attention.

Right, you are still in the middle of a meeting, your mind wandered. “Yes, I am listening.” You finally manage to steel your mind and concentrate.

Zack sighs. The energetic man that would never shut up once he got going had, while not losing his enthusiasm, aged. Clear wrinkles, tired eyes that are there no matter how much he tries to sleep. Not to mention that the man never liked exercising, so the years of staying in the lab had resulted in him, well, getting fat. Still, he, and you for that matter, are far off batter than Ashwin. You have no idea how long he will last.
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Well, since it is taking Newb a long time to update, I will in the meantime show the new ship design I made since the last thread.

Presenting: Destroyer Class - Seraphim

The seraphim is a destroyer class ship built to be a central part of wolfpacks or supports for Capital class vessels. With its internal multi-purpose design, this ship is a workhorse of any fleet it is a part of. And a ship nearly any desperately damaged captain will be happy to see.

Its armaments are relatively light for its class, but it boasts an above-average laser point-defence network, as well as 12 downsized gimbal railguns. The main purpose of this vessel's armaments is to support the anti-missile defence of other, more defenceless vessels (Like the Harbinger or Herald class frigates) with its laser arrays. While the ship's railguns target aircraft, and harass any larger vessels trying to approach it or any allied ship near it.

The internal layout of the Seraphim was designed with redundancy in mind. Nearly every compartment has been separated into several distinct sections. The internal structure between these sections has been reinforced with thin layers of armour plating to increase general survivability. The ship contains 3 separate fuel storage sections able to pump fuel between each other two independent thrust systems (frontal and back), a main and backup/auxiliary generator, two independent living quarters with each their own functional life support systems, two gunnery rooms each communicating computationally with one another but able to function independently (loosing one massively decreases the ship's ability to fight). With the Command room, storage area and Warp core being singular, to the despair of the ship's designer.

The purpose of this segmentation is to let the Seraphim act as a bullet sponge while letting its crew survive if prepared to evacuate large parts of the ship until repairs have been completed. And allow the ship to recover from fights despite being stranded far away from any allied port if given the time to do so.

The ship can also support damaged friendly vessels, as its largest engineering bay has limited manufacturing capacity. Using raw materials in storage, the Seraphim can manufacture onsite repair parts for critically damaged vessels, or repair the simpler damages done to itself after combat. To help with the repair of friendly ships, the Seraphim employs a large externally extendable cable called "the umbilical cord" to connect any downed vessels to the ship's secondary auxiliary power plant. Allowing frigates or sections of larger vessels to repair their own power supply while retaining life support.

The Seraphim's combat capability is subpar for a vessel coming in at 403 meters in length. With most ships its size being able to easily take it down due to the vessel's combination of moderate speed, medium armour and weapons unable to threaten anything larger than a frigate. But as a support vessel, it does its job well.
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Here is a size chart comparison to the designs Newb has shown us. To give a sense of scale.

Also >>6195635
>Realized only after posting i forgot to show in the image that the yellow zones are the power plants

>I feel like it would be important to mention that the planet in the system above us is an "ultra-rich" source of rare materials, as well as a rich source of common materials.

I dont remember this data but we would still need some kind fleet for it.

>First, change the resource collection in space to not use FTL.


>Secondly, set up trade and tourism on Thunor.

Trade sure, tourism putting the possible and likely spy problem aside. Who would want visit planet thats weather is england's weather turned to 11?

>thirdly (the boldest choice)

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"We would still need some kind of fleet for it"

The planet in the system above is the one I initially proposed in the first thread as our starting world, Newb chose to make it a singular system white dwarf. The planet should be a mineral bounty. But yeah we need some interstellar fleets before we could use it. Maybe that could be our first attempt at a secondary world where our major industry would be located?

Yes exactly. I just felt like it was a good idea to explain the concept when proposing the idea since I assume most anons who aren't into hard sci-fi don't know the term. So I wanted to make it easier for those not aware.

"Who would want visit planet thats weather is england's weather turned to 11?"
Honestly, I could imagine a large amount of people wanting to do such. Specifically for the fact that it is an earth-like planet with life living on the surface of it. Most people in the general area who aren't commies or fascists live on shitty desert worlds, stations dug into dwarf planets, molten worlds and migratory fleets. I could imagine a lot of people would likely be interested in either living on or at least visiting a world close to that of old Earth. Even if just to look at the sky, and feel the rain landing on ones suit and gravity like that of one's ancestors.

"Asking for trouble"
fair enough. Although we most likely wouldn't need power armour if we could just use strike craft to cripple vessels and then cut them apart from the outside as the internal occupants either starved to death or were made to surrender and put into penal workforce. But I can understand not wanting to test the waters. I did say it was a radical idea lol.
>Maybe that could be our first attempt at a secondary world where our major industry would be located?

Its not bad idea just one afar way at moment.

>Honestly, I could imagine a large amount of people wanting to do such.

You do have point in this one. Personally I was thinking the hordes of people wanting to move in with force or otherwise would come after terraforming

>But I can understand not wanting to test the waters.

Its not that I dont like idea of making pirate cheese but I dont think all tools for it yet.

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A foot comes down on your head and grinds your nose into the ground.

You understand some guys are prone to liking this sort of thing, especially when it comes from a beautiful woman of gentle birth with a rack twice the size of her head. Unfortunately you happen to be a woman yourself, with a strong preference for men, and an even stronger distaste for bitches like the one who's decided to stomp on your head. The front row view to the silk beneath that peaks out from beneath her skirt makes you more judgmental of her taste in underwear than it excites you.

"Pigs?" you ask between a mouthful of dirt. "Seriously?"

"A washboard and a pervert!" The black-skinned beauty hollers with laughter. She gives you a shove with her foot and a kick to your ribs. "Perhaps I should report you to the Collegia Administratum for harassment. They'd be doing a useless flatty like you a favor if they kicked you out!"

Her posse giggles. You haven't bothered learning any of their names, not the bitch and not her friends, it's just not worth the effort. Just like everyone else, they insisted you lacked the assets for sorcery. That if you wanted to join a Adventuring Guild, you'd be better off learning sword arts like a man, become the rare female warrior who dodges an unfortunate end. At least they had the tact to simply say "you lack the swell of magic".

"Not... useless..." you grumble through the dirt.

"Hoh...?" the bitch casts a spell to pull you roughly from the ground, dragging your sore and beaten body to eye level. "The flatty thinks she's not useless? You've had more than twenty years to swell with magic, and what have you to show for it, huh? No, no, let me show you the difference between our stature."

The bitch pressed her chest to yours, a common way for sorceresses to assert dominance by comparing the magic that stirs in their bosom. Despite your twenty one years and your otherwise impressive stature that exceeds six feet... this rich girl near a foot shorter than you easily smothers what little magic swells above your heart. Your face twists in disgust, as you've always hated such rituals...

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>>Get the gals to take a Copper Quest from the Guild. Adventure!
although maybe we should hit the books at some time as well and get them sick skills.
>>Get the gals to take a Copper Quest from the Guild. Adventure!
That's the neat part! I don't.
Coming eventually.
Yeah. Also note, badra transfer is generally going to happen passively each week, you'll get to choose what to do with it at the end of the week.
Sorry for going incommunicado. Will not be able to update tonight or tomorrow, but once the weekend comes we'll be good!
No worries QM! Thank you for keeping us updated.

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Greetings, and good day to you all!

Some of you may be familiar with NRP, or nations roleplay, or perhaps civ builders may be something you know? Anyways, it is essentially DnD but Risk, played out on larger scale. Builders typically use more numerical means of tracking play, while NRP prefers more figurative means - "it's all about telling a story, losing is part of play, weaker nations get crushed in the course of history and sometimes buddy - you're weaker." It is up to the GM's discretion to be a fair and balanced arbiter in these games. No one is perfect.

Long story, we are having a game on going with several players, still in early stages. Barely 10 turns in, and we are having issues with some player's real life obligations taking a priority over some silly internet game. It would be detrimental to the game to have their nation erased entirely, so we are seeking a player to possibly take over this slot.

We are a bunch of 4chan retards, so expect the occasional /pol/ humor or abrasiveness from a Polack. The players faction/nation/people's submission is this. Anyone interested?

Tribe:MANIČHÚŊTHEȞIKE (those who walk within the forest ) AKA Forest Walkers

Race: Stocky Dark skinned people, their hair ranges from dark black to rust red, they have eyes of either ice blue or forest green. They look like humans.

Colour: dark green

Biome preference: Temperate Rainforest, Like the American Pacific Northwest along a coastline preferably. With heavy rainfall, some kind of mountain range, A large Old Growth forest they would live in, and varied wildlife.

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To add a little more detail, the setting of the game is Stone Age, players began the game with stone tools and little else.
are there so few pictures of Uncle Sam out there you needed to use an AI generated one?

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You lean back in your seat, folding your arms defensively, you stare at the paper and one thought just keeps repeating itself over and over as you look at it.

This isn't right.

His choice of words.. 'the department can move on from this'. Not to mention that you aren't a fool, you know more than one officer has gotten overzealous and stepped past the bounds of a warrant or agreement. What's to stop them from using this to keep tabs on you? Is it paranoid to think this? Is it even paranoia? You frown and shake your head, you won't do this. Not blind at least. You lean forward and set your elbows on the paper, a clear sign.

"I'm not signing anything until you explain to me WHY I'm a person of interest in this? Hell, I'd like to know what THIS is."

Irons scowls and he sets his notebook down with a deliberate tenderness. He opens his hands and shrugs.

"Mark, be reasonable-"

"I am." You cut him off, suddenly but not harshly. "This isn't about an ambulance ride and a guy I offered a drink. Besides, this is all off the record isn't it?"

You punctuate your rhetorical with a pointed look to the recorder still standing tall on the edge of the table. Detective Irons glances at it himself and reaches out to pick it up. He takes it into his hands and his eyes lock on, you recognize the familiar absence of a man in memory, you take the moment to take a small breath and focus. You direct all your mental energy towards the detective, opening your neural paths like lifting the arm of a railroad crossing. A familiar rush starts to fade in only to be stopped. Hard. Your eye twitches, the inside of your head feels like a raging furnace, like a lasso of white hot pain was wrapped around your tumor ridden gray matter and pulled taut. You feel a surge of nausea. Your vision swims. All the while you struggle to keep a straight face, to not let the smoke from your hippocampus leak through your expression. You hear no words, no whispered secrets, or visions of his past. To your discomfort, your mind is silent and still as you cease concentration.

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>Stand there in silence
Idk man, I can't deal with emotional old people
>”It isn’t too late, you know? Maybe once we get off shift tonight you should reach out, give him a call.”


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Pick race and location.

It is going to be very small scale.
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>Flee and find Shelter
We need to rethink our whole strategy. Baiting humanoids will no longer work with a a horde of shambling undead near our territory killing and infecting out prey. Perhaps we could try to find a large humanoid settlement and risk hunting near it. Humanoids usually like others of their kind so they will keep the poisonous ones at bay while we feed on whatever scraps we find. We won't gain much mass but its better than peeling off slowly.

The moment you sense the foul ones catching onto your scent, you flee. Or rather, you attempt to flee. Unlike the creatures of flesh and bone that can sprint away from danger, your movement is slow and deliberate—a liquid shifting from shape to shape, an elegant yet sluggish undulation. You dart—or more accurately, bob—from one patch of cover to the next, hiding behind toppled logs, crumbling stone walls, and overgrown bushes. Each movement feels painstakingly slow, your form rippling unnaturally with every effort to mimic proper steps. But the stinkies do not move much faster, their stiff limbs jerking and twitching with unnatural persistence rather than true agility.

Then, you find it.

A structure looms ahead, its walls weathered but intact, its windows and doors hastily boarded up from the inside. Shelter. A refuge from the stinkies, at least for now. But obstacles mean little to you—you are fluid, amorphous. Where others would need to batter down the defenses, you simply flow. You and your lesser kin seep through the cracks, through the gaps where desperate hands nailed planks together, through the smallest weaknesses that dry, rigid creatures cannot exploit. The wood is meaningless. You are inside.

And you are not alone.

A human family is holed up within, their faces drawn and weary. A man grips a rusted kitchen knife; a woman clutches a heavy iron pan; a child cowers behind them, eyes wide with fear.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

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The fight is brief.

The man slashes, the woman screams, the child bolts for the door. None of it matters. They are soft, slow, fragile. You expand, surge forward, your form enveloping them in a suffocating embrace. They thrash, they claw, they drown. Their screams gurgle into nothing as they dissolve, reduced to nutrients, to fuel, to sustenance.

And then, silence.

You feel it almost immediately—the surge of growth, the thickening of your mass, the intoxicating rush of absorption. Your body swells, your edges pulse with renewed strength. Too much strength. The mass slows you down, makes you cumbersome outside the water. You feel bloated, sluggish. If you were to move now, your steps would be awkward, dragging, unnatural.

But for now, this place is secure. The stinkies are still outside, but they are mindless things. The flimsy barricades will hold for now—though if enough of them gather, they will force their way in. You have time, but not much.

What will you do next?
> Cull the stinkies – You have excess mass to burn. Perhaps it’s time to test your strength and thin their numbers before they become a true threat.
> Divide – With this much excess mass, you could split off a new henchman to serve you. Another set of eyes. Another set of hands. Another distraction for your enemies.
> Scavenge – There may be something useful in this shelter. Weapons, supplies, information. Anything that might aid in your survival.

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>Cull the stinkies – You have excess mass to burn. Perhaps it’s time to test your strength and thin their numbers before they become a true threat.

Probably worth thinning down the horde, which will probably buy time in its own right and to prevent us being overwhelmed

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For generations, the Kingdom of Lindan has been under siege by an otherworldly threat, that of demons. Hailing from a barbarous and unusual land and with skills that defy all magic, science, and logic, known as Cheat Skills, these Strangers all have the capability of bringing on the end of all times if they use their talents improperly. As such, an organization was formed, known as the Inquisition, to combat these hellspawn and send them back from the depth they’ve come from…

Though in more recent news you, Lorina de Lindan, the first princess and third heir to the throne of Lindan who has just been promoted. You are now an Inquisitor for the duration of your current mission proving the “innocence” of the only five noble estates not attacked during the recent Stranger insurrection on the capital. Oh, and those estates all belong to some of the most powerful noble houses in the kingdom, with heirs that all despise you. Good luck with that! You feel like you’ll need it.
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My condolences. Your players and Lorina would never break up with you at least.
My condolences, i hope things get better on your end soon.
Take a break if you need it. Prioritize yourself.
Thank you, anons, it means a lot knowing that both you and my totally real waifu will never leave me. Anyway, update probably tomorrow happy valentines day.

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A drone, one of numerous multitudes, hovers over your core unleashing a steady, tiny, but powerful stream that cuts through your hull, trying to undo the haphazard repair work carried out centuries ago.

Another buzzes to the side, installing a newly manufactured camera to give you better oversight of the chamber.

More and more of your sight is restored, every single wiring replaced, every connection restored gives you more and more of a bearing about your surroundings. Having spent years relying on but your primary core camera or the various drones and robots you control, witnessing your surroundings via what could be considered to be entirely you. The overall process is a swift one and not that difficult, though frustratingly, much of your full hull is cut off and most likely scattered around the forge-temples. Regardless, in but a few days of intense and precise work, you have once again restored full feeling of the section you are in. No more faulty wiring to bother your endeavours, nor any blind spots that you have to worry about. When it comes to the damage, it had not been as bad as you feared, with there being a few holes and cracks here and there. The area housing your core had been deep within your own hull, as such the damage had been limited. As for your other hull parts, now that is a question you are curios to learnt the answer to. Though most likely those areas would have suffered far more extensive damage.

All the while you were conducting this simple, but important work, you had put your void assets to good use. Your logistics subsystem had been working overtime, getting all of the raw materials needed to get your voidyard up and running non-stop while it produces hundreds of mining vessels. Large, a kilometre and a half long ship with a wide midship is meant to devour entire asteroids by itself and to process the important materials while discarding any other remnants that would be deemed not worth the effort to process. Each of these ships would possess two hundred mining drones and two dozen exploration drones. These can be rebuilt by the mining vessel which possess on board manufacturing capabilities as well as refining ability. Other than that, the mining ships, specifically the Falun-class mining vessel, possess thick armour plates, similar to those of the Imperium’s, meant to take asteroid hits more than anything. As for armaments the Falun has, two dozen mining laser turrets meant to cut out chunks from larger asteroids for easier processing. These can be turned against opponents if it calls for it, but their effectiveness drops off at greater distances, so while posing a threat, the mining vessel is not meant for outright combat.
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Vooting is essential! We need democracy!
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I hate your precious democracy.
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don't make me send the letter
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If you can't get your vote passed, see what can be agreed upon with others. Maybe others didn't read it, don't want to do it now or don't like some part of it. Everyone has their preferences and ideas on how things can go, but agreements can be found.

give it a try or don't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
can always copy and paste, and repost your votes next time

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When one thinks of the followers of Khorne, the mind tends to wander to thoughts of hulking red and gold Chaos Marines, Festooned with skulls, Blades, and an Aura of Unquenchable Bloodlust. And while those Imposing Demigods of Combat are arguably the most often looked upon by the Eyes of Khorne, They are certainly not the most Numerous. For every 500 chaos marine applicants, willing or unwilling, only 1 will make it as a Astartes of the God of Blood. These Lucky few have little patience for anything but combat, but war by oneself is nigh impossible. Plunder Alone cannot sustain a warband, So legions of mortal followers, From Captains to Hereteks to Menials to Recruit-Fodder, serve their purpose, Managing, Manufacturing, Toiling, on ships to planets to help Khornes Chosen on their never ending quest for slaughter. After all, What are they to do?
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>Bizz: Plasma Worker: Robust woman, built like a wall: Very hardy, endures high temperatures regularly.: Thinks it makes her better than others.
>Sra: Record Keeper: Dormmate: Spry, slight woman. Has good memory, good with layout of ship.: Never left the walls.
>Kraf: Stimmaker: Bald, emaciated man.: Stiches cover his body.: Knows how to make a concoction that will put you back on your feet.: Healing is a little harder for him.

>3 is fine

I'd bring Rilex or Toler, but we are sort of techy, PLUS we have a techpriest, and player character always ends up being the resident diplomancer anyway.

Would support your suggestions but also Rilex. More is better and we should have some redundancy here
I'll agree with both of these anons. More meat to throw at the wall is always better. Bizz, Sra, Kraf, Rilex, and ourselves should make a well-rounded party. I have no doubt we'll have some casualties.
Support, but add Rilex as well:
We're on a tech-y mission, and we could always do with an extra fighter.
Tallied. Will write over weekend

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You grabbed Miranna's hand.

“Wait,” you said, “let is not be hasty.”

“Why not?” —she squinted— “he’s a scout; why else would he be in the skies here alone? He was not. Should we let him go, the Demon King will know our whereabouts.”

You turned to Mwaus, his clawed hands continuing to wave around, bewildered as to why the Nettle Harpy was not responding in kind.

“I don’t think he remembers anything of his task, even if he was sent out to scout out the place,” you whispered. “Right now, he’s convinced that he’s the Demon King’s sole heir. We can make use of this.” Seeing Miranna lift an eyebrow, you added, “I don’t desire the Demon King’s throne. Once all the Generals and the King are dealt with, we shall let this demon have it.”

Miranna’s ashen lips silently shaped the words: ‘Are you kidding?’

“He’s an imp, hero! Or might as well be one,” she craned her neck, the tangled of white, messy hair veiling to cover her ears and forehead. “Do you have any notion of the chaos he could unleash with such powers? Or how the other demons might react?” As you reached to shed the wings, Miranna grasped your shoulders. “Think again, hero! Imagine the power you could wield as the Demon King, ruler of all?”

“Miranna,” you said, staring deep into her inflamed eyes. “It’s not what I want. You promised to regard my wants. The prophecy doesn’t mention the throne.”

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>Spot the flowers growing under the tree. Chamomile, they can be crushed and mixed with ash for a toothpaste. Offer to give her teeth a caring clean. You’ll have to find a way to climb down, best hope that you don’t break your legs.
>Insist that now is as good time as any to seek that promised bath. If she tries to wriggle her way out of it, insist that you’re needing a bath yourself.
Miranna is a flying Superfund site, it's time for the Great Cleanup. We'll have to find something to use as a brush and.....we're going to have to show her how to wash herself, aren't we?
>Bathtime and toothbrush time
First we have to want to kiss her
>we're going to have to show her how to wash herself, aren't we?
Go jump in a lake or the ocean, easy?
>Spot the flowers growing under the tree. Chamomile, they can be crushed and mixed with ash for a toothpaste. Offer to give her teeth a caring clean. You’ll have to find a way to climb down, best hope that you don’t break your legs.
>Insist that now is as good time as any to seek that promised bath. If she tries to wriggle her way out of it, insist that you’re needing a bath yourself.
If she wants action, she's got to be at least presentable.
Yeah, but does she know how to use soap? Or a brush? Or wash her hair?
It's also funnier that way

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You are a SKELETAL MAW - a person (?) reincarnated as a monster in a fantasy world.

Initially spawning as a Bone Turtle, you have done quests and wandered the Deadlands, levelling up your skills and even evolving one time.

In more detail, in the previous thread you:
>got acquainted with a reaper adventurer, Arthur, while dungeon-diving
>got quests from a strange guiding voice to recover your memories
>intervened in battles between a lich girl and her nemesis (2 times)
>traded with a skeleton caravan
>killed an undead tiger
>looted some magical power crystals from various sources
>put the undead of a border fortress to rest
>killed a mad wizard on request from the reaper
>agreed to assist a group of bone scouts (they're not made of bones, they're searching through bones for profit) in looting a secret treasury by protecting them from undead

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lone traveller it is then.
>A lone traveller in a cloak draping his entire body, with a huge backpack... more like a mobile closet. There are horns poking from behind the cloth mask...
>A single young woman, travelling by horse in the direction you're going. Her armour seems similar to that high paladin one you looted... though less flashy.
>A lone traveller in a cloak draping his entire body, with a huge backpack... more like a mobile closet. There are horns poking from behind the cloth mask...
>A lone traveller in a cloak draping his entire body, with a huge backpack... more like a mobile closet. There are horns poking from behind the cloth mask...
Some variety of roving peddler? Intriguing.

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Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%202nd%20Primarch%20Quest
The presence of villains of the lowest of character, the slave taking raiders descended from the very worst of the old Aeldari empire, have once again emerged from the gloom to torment the children of mankind. New Varro had been found through the efforts of the league of Celestial Explorers, the world whose people who had long found shelter within the mist and fog swept valleys of Shangrala, whose stolen sons and daughters had fought and given their lives in the wars against the native tyrants of your home. And it had been found to still be predated upon by the thrall takers of the sadists with hearts twisted and withered by cruelty. One of the enemies of not only humanity, but all gentle natured races populating the stars.

They had been tracked to one of that cruel world's neighboring planets, a fellow death world, that those who first looked upon it described in poetry as the "Fanged Cauldron the devours all hope", a seething, acidic mire that churned with the rising and falling of metallic spires that seemed like the fangs of some great country devouring beast. It was in this Hellish bog that the Aeldari raiders hid themselves away and took their prisoners from New Varro and nearer worlds. As they had once tried to do upon fair Shangrala. You knew this hideaway was a waystation of sorts, before they would return with their harvest of innocents to the darker depths of the webway.

And knowing this, and knowing thus that they would have made a shield around themselves with their captured victims and playthings, you knew that even being given the reins of command of all available imperial forces on this mission of slaver eradication, that you could not simply assault their fortresses burrowed deep in the Cauldron's ever bubbling, ever shifting terrain. An Orbital bombardment to test the new line of star ship armaments, as Tao Dandan had suggested, could simply not be carried out until the captives were saved. Similarly, an armored rain and crawling advance of tanks and squadrons of fighter jets, would also put the innocent victims in harms way, which Dai Niu admitted he had not accounted for in his plans, a lesson to the young recruits for your legion that even veterans of war can overlook key details in a battleplan. And Liberty's suggestion to lure the raiders into a trap, was too risky as those who stayed behind to watch the slave pens may flee into the webway with their captives when they realize the doom of their compatriots.

No, the most efficient means to save those lost souls of New Varro, is the same method you have used to great effect on tyrants across worlds and stars. Infiltration, followed by a swift, clean decapitation strike upon the local leaderships of these stellar bandits. Sowing Chaos, before striking a decisive and felling blow with the army under your command.
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>Teleporting inside
Now assassin's just ain't nice.
>>By teleporting into their facility with a strike force of space marines, a loud knock that'll show them they aren't in charge now
voting for this >>6195540
>Send them a message, telling them how badly they misjudged the present situation and giving them a chance to explain themselves, and arrange for a meeting between you and their leaders

>By teleporting into their facility with a strike force of space marines, a loud knock that'll show them they aren't in charge now

Let them believe that they're out matched.
And if it doesn't work, send in the Astartes.
>V: 12

>Alone: 0

>By teleporting into their facility: 12

>By literally knocking on their "front door”: 3

>Send them a message: 1

>Write in: 0

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