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A simple CIV clone with concurrent chess like combat and procedurally generated map. No dicerolling besides the map generation which doesn't involve the players.
A turn is done once all players have finished their actions or if the turn has been on for two days. The pace can be discussed further.

Pick a color and a corner. For now only 4 players as this is experimental and the map is quite small.


>Gather resources from your tiles each turn
>Gold is stored
>Food is not stored
>Settlements consume food and units consume gold
>Remaining resources can be spent on buildings or other actions
>Food deficit caps the production of gold from settlements by the available food production
>Gold deficit disables all actions that require gold
>You can expand to any adjacent tile at the cost appropriate to the terrain as long as there is either a settlement or fort within 3 tiles

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Wait I'm retarded; my name should be SeptentriEast
nice, just 2 more anons now.
QM, I'd advise to advertise in the /qtg/ thread. It's a great player catcher.
this, advertise your quest man

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You are Iwo Malinowski. Once, you were a police officer in Yetrizcy, capitol of the peaceful republic of Awsbet. You lived in a cozy apartment, shared with your younger brother, Karlo.

Awsbet was a quiet place, peaceful and a little backward, where people still rode horse-drawn carriages and used gas lights in their homes, taking their time to join the rest of the world in the coming future. It was a good place to call home... Until the Federation crossed the border in October.

Your small and outdated army never stood a chance before the Eortite Federation's mobile armor and machine guns. In just weeks, they swept through your nation and took the capitol, forcing the Premier to sign an unconditional surrender. As the first signs of spring emerged in Yetrizcy, the Federation's troops paraded triumphantly through Constitution Square and martial law was instated under the new Military Commissioner.

As the nation reeled from the shock, you and your brother were among the first to contemplate resistance. Together, you gathered a small group and planned your strike - setting a bomb to go off just as a handful of enemy officers were sitting down for lunch... It was a plan that left you as the sole survivor. Karlo, Paul, Triss and Harken were all gunned down by the occupiers.

But you refused to let their deaths be in vain. You pulled yourself up and started over. With hatred burning in your heart, you sought out new allies and met Aneta, a member of the university's Democratic Society. Together, you planned an ambush on Federation censors and stole away priceless relics of your nation's past from the Museum of Art and Civilization.

There's blood on your hands now. A military policeman and half a dozen soldiers have died at your hands, but the censors themselves escaped unharmed. All the same, you managed to escape the museum with ammunition, a plundered rifle and your life, while your accomplice hid the stolen relics.

Now you sit on your bed across from Aneta. She's a few years younger than you and as you watch, a few strands of auburn hair slip free of the bun behind her head, falling into her dark eyes and making her push them away with a huff. Her short skirt (barely below her knees-!) and shiny walking boots are fashionable, but she's still a working-class girl, in spite of her university education; you've never seen her truly neat and tidy. Then again, given your background before moving to the city was a full-on country bumpkin, you're not one to judge.

"So," she asks, "What went wrong?"

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"Now? Now I get some rest," you sigh, sagging in place as the fatigue catches up with you, crashing over the barrier of your adrenaline like a flood overwhelming a dam. "I'm starving hungry and exhausted ."

"Seriously? That's no fun," Aneta frowns. "Shouldn't we keep the initiative or something?"

"Fuck you, I didn't sleep a wink last night and I spent the morning getting shot at," you snort, shaking your head. "I feel like hammered crap."

"Alright, old man, I suppose we can't expect everyone to have the life and energy of us students," she chuckles, but her words are rather undercut by the cavernous yawn she's unable to suppress, covering her mouth and provoking the usual response from you in turn. "Alright, maybe you have a point... Should we meet up again tomorrow?"

"Killing their soldiers will have kicked a hornet's nest," you nod. "Curfew's gonna be even riskier than normal. Come on by tomorrow. If there's wanted posters with my face on them, I won't want to risk being seen. Tomorrow we can come up with some kind of plan for our next step."

"Alright. I'll stop by at eleven o'clock," she nods, standing up and rubbing her cheeks. She flashes you a nervous smile as you walk her to the door. "We actually made a start," she says in a quiet voice, apparently unable to actually believe it. "It feels good to not just sit and wait for the worst." She turns and shakes your hand with an increasingly elated expression. You'll be amazed if she doesn't skip on the way back to her dorm room. "Kings keep you, Iwo. See you tomorrow."

Aneta heads down the stairs and you hear her apologize as she squeezes past someone in the narrow corridor. There's a pause, then a chuckle of laughter that you recognize as belonging to Artur, your neighbor. Given how you've pumped him for the mood on the street before, you've no doubt that rumors will soon start about you and Aneta, but hopefully that'll just obfuscate your meeting for more violent reasons.

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Your dreams are as disturbed as ever. The events of the day replay in your mind, as you remember driving your knife into those soldiers. Each one locks eyes with you as they die and you feel their polluted, final breath seeping into you, filling your lungs with their blood, soaking you until you barely resemble a human, hauling yourself through the cavernous halls of the Federal Museum of Censored Police Art. You pull your teeth out and jam them into the wicked rifle in your hands, bloody stumps chattering as you pull the trigger and send your priestly brother and his seven twins flying across the room in bloody chunks. The national anthem seeps from your throat like a thin thread, unravelling your voice into a stolen flag, which drifts to the ground like a carpet for you to wipe your gore-drenched boots on.

"Iwwoo... Iwwoo~!" A sing-song chorus comes from the spattered pieces of your brother's heads, giggling as they look at you with crazed eyes. "Kikikikikillerkiller. Killer like meee~!" The grouse he used to hunt come spilling through the windows, shattering glass and swarming you, peck-peck-pecking away as you scream without sound and swing your hands, fingers splitting open into gun barrels that bang-bang-bang-bang-!

You wake with a start and a strangled cry of shock. For a split second, the bitter taste of adrenaline fills your mouth, before you realize the copper tang is blood. You've bitten your tongue in panic. Cursing, you swing yourself to your feet, casting about for a weapon, before reality re-asserts itself and the gunfire of your dreams becomes knocking on the door. You blink the sleep out of your eyes and call out, asking who it is.

"Iwo? It's me," Aneta's voice sounds. "It's already eleven. Are you alright in there?"

Kings and Queens, you slept almost a full 24 hours?! "Ye-yeah, just give me a moment!" you call back, looking for your pants. Someone must have canned that beef badly to give you nightmares like that. Once you're halfway to decent, you kick the chair aside and open the door for her. Aneta's eyebrows shoot up at the sight of you before you invite her inside. "Sorry... Slept badly," you grumble.

"I can tell," she sighs and you notice the shadows under her eyes, undisguised by any makeup. "I didn't do much better."
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You invite her in and she shucks her coat, hanging it on a peg by the door, before nodding to the chair you blocked the door with. "Smart. The Feds are pissed, but the good news is I didn't see anything with your face on it. Seems the army got most of the attention. There's posters all over asking for information leading to the arrest of seven Awsbet soldiers and reminding everyone the Premier ordered them to stand down and surrender and how they're traitors to the nation for continuing to fight." She rolls her eyes and grins, looking elated. "I don't think there's a single person who's not cheering them on, privately of course."

You of course offer her some of your limited ration of coffee, apologizing that it's instant and she, just as naturally, assures you that instant is perfectly fine and graciously accepts. It's odd how little social rituals like that persist even through a war and provide an odd sense of normalcy to life. After you're more properly dressed and have got both yourself and Aneta something to drink, you take a seat opposite her at the kitchen table.

"So, what now?" she asks, taking a sip of the bitter brew.

"We've got options," you nod. "Could see if we can find the army, could find members of my old station. There's limits to what the two of us can do alone."

"I've been thinking about that," she nods. "My father was part of the labor unions. They weren't fond of police, but..."

"Hard times make strange bedfellows," you nod. It's been a while since a major strike, none since you joined the force, but police and labor unionists might as well be foxes and farm dogs for how much they are natural enemies. "Besides that, we need more weapons and a place to stash them, not to mention the relics we took-"

You're both cut off by a soft tapping on the door. Aneta freezes and reaches into her pocket, probably grasping the leatherworker's awl she keeps there. You tentatively approach the door and call out. "Who's there?"

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Aneta looks at you expectantly. What do you do?
>Let the kids in. You had a deal after all.
>Ignore them. You don't have any obligation to honor your deal and even with Karlo's ration card, you're hardly eating like a king.
>Tell them to come back later when Aneta's not here. Rumors are one thing, but no sense throwing fuel on the fire.
>Motion to Aneta to hide. If they see her here and overheard what you were saying, they could ID her to the military police.
>Threaten the kids to scram. You don't need the extra attention them being here will bring.
>Explain to Aneta and defer to her judgement
>Other (write in)
>Let the kids in. You had a deal after all.
We need more than two people in this little resistance cell, and considering their home currently is basically rubble, they might have a few issues with the occupiers.

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"You sure your guy can pull it off? This is not your average Silky or Jack Frost meat here."

"You are welcome to go out there in his place, Ogata. Let's see how far can you go before you get torn to shreds. I can taking the safest option here and you should be grateful for it."

"Fair. Alright, Mitu, Carve him up."

"mYy PlEaSuree ahahHhahaAaeeeëëëë"




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You lose fifty Macca.

"Bless you, human. Your good deed will not go unnoticed." satisfied with your small donation, The angel had flown away to the east. Would you ever see her again? Time would only tell.



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>>Stick to the plan, draw your blade against him and his two demon buddies [Unfavourable outcome]
Nah, I'll win.
>Stick to the plan, draw your blade against him and his two demon buddies [Unfavourable outcome]
>Stick to the plan, draw your blade against him and his two demon buddies [Unfavourable outcome]
father created no coward

Each knock on the door approaches your brain one at a time and prying apart the plates of your skull to slip in. Your skull slams back together, the sound of the knock echoing inside your head. You groan and shift from your bed, bottles clinking. The knocking on the door continues, insistent, like it was prepared to do this all night.

It takes a moment for the red blur in your eyes to focus into the shape of 5:00AM. God, fucking, fuck was someone at your door at 5AM!? You've got work in two hours, a hell of a hangover, your stitches ache and some fucker is at your door, STILL KNOCKING.

> Somewhere in these bottles is enough oblivion to get to the start of the work day
> Wait it out. They have to stop eventually, right?
> Grab and load your crossbow, because apparently armed and in underwear is how you answer doors now.
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> Weren't you supposed to drop by and get your stitches out that day?

No reason to take unnecessary risks- if we wanna last in this business, we gotta take very good care of our health
>get your stitches out
Dr Elf has a work ethic that will make him rap our hovel door at 5AM. If we stress him less he might dislike us less. And if stitches get left in too long they get pus-y. Let's not do that in case we need to chase something down the sewers.

In passing, ask Dr Elf how to get fewer stitches. From Jorhounds, say. And sexy men with Mesmer powers.

And the grass muck he gave us worked wonderful. Does he have anything helpful in surplus from his doctor's bag? A little expired but still good? Maybe we can scurry for him a little in payment.

If we pick up some faerie first aid knowledge and supplies from Dr Elf we'll be more well rounded when "what's the worst that can happen?" happens, which seems to be the typical Saturday night for us.
>> Maybe you should burn a stone or two on something?
>> Weren't you supposed to drop by and get your stitches out that day?

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Select race and location

> Slime girls
> Post Apocalyptic Ruins
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The Slime Girls of Krunkorak live happily frolicking amidst the ruins of the ancient Ork city of Tuhnkamort.

They eat Fresh Leaves with Butter, and raise Cows and Apple Trees.

You are the leader of the Slime Girls, a powerful magical slime called Andrezza.

Your people tell you they see Elves coming from the south with fire in their eyes. The humans from the East also have bad relations with you but for different reasons.

To the west, there is the Vast Ocean, where the Merfolk Queen rules with an iron fist.

To the north there is the Kekaddian Portal, a gateway between worlds, guarded by the Dragon of Eternity. However, the old dragon is very sleepy, so your sneaky slimy scouts can sometimes get through.

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You took the bait.
I think tranny spammer baited the QM.
damn, one of the first times where the voter was the one who flaked instead of the OP, damn sad to see.

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Your name is Johan. You are a taxi driver. At least that's what you tell yourself.
Memory isn't your strong suit.

Needless to say life has been strange recently, always taking the bend in the road towards that ever so elusive ending.

Feelings and thoughts both mix as a strange cacophony within the mind. Always going faster and faster with each moment.

Wearily, and almost lacking emotion, you go back to bed for a fitful rest after the events of the last two days.

>Dream (Johan will not recall this dream, but it will likely both help and hinder him subconsciously in the future).
>Do not (Johan will be well rested but won't feel as much in touch with certain attributes, for better or worse).
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Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 The Witching Hour - Take Two
>2 Keep It Consistent

Writing. Might take a bit.
Another Witching Hour.

You rub your eyes, and with a groan you turn off the alarm clock. Despite really feeling the exhaustion now, you still power through it. You stand up, and turn on the lights, eyes blinking and straining to adjust from the change in brightness.

The hotel is quiet, you can hear the singing of the crickets and it surprises you how they're still alive despite the cold weather. Looking around the room shows nothing particularly concerning, even going as far as to check under your bed and behind the furniture. You decide to open the curtains and look outside again, and are greeted once again by nothing except the lights from the outside. It's both too bright inside and too dark outside to see anything of interest.

Sighing and turning the lights back off, you wait for your eyes to adjust again to get a clearer picture of the outside. As you do so you can't help but feel like you're going to fall back asleep at any minute now. You try to keep yourself awake by humming a familiar tune that you can't put a name on but it ends up almost backfiring and making you more tired. And like before, you can hardly make out anything outside due to the darkness enshrouding much of everything. There are a few lights here and there, and a sidewalk can barely be seen if you look from a certain angle, but otherwise there isn't much that can be helpful.

You're awake now, and it's still dark out.

>Go outside again, like you did last time. Surely something different will happen this time around? Maybe you could check your taxi again?
>Take a drive outside. You may be tired, but it could be interesting.
>Return to bed. You shouldn't even be up right not. (Do you want to get up at the usual time, or at some other hour?)
And happy 4th of July to all the Yankees!
>Go outside again, like you did last time. Surely something different will happen this time around? Maybe you could check your taxi again?
>Go outside again, like you did last time. Surely something different will happen this time around? Maybe you could check your taxi again?

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Your name is Marron and you're getting married soon. Due to circumstances outside of your control, you kept delaying proposing to Chouxcreme and your courtship lasted a bit longer than socially acceptable. Thankfully, it didn't take you too long to get used to living in Tarrasque and you managed to propose to your lady.

The wedding is scheduled to happen in the Azure season, when weddings are considered to be more auspicious. However, it is currently the Amber season, smack dab in the middle of the year so you have plenty of time to prepare for marriage.

Your stats are currently

Courage: 0
Love: 0
Reliability: 2

[[Al-Kimia Story has 4 different “Personality” stats.
Courage allows you to keep a cool head in stressful situations. Someone with low Courage would be cowardly, while someone with high Courage can keep their cool even when fighting a much stronger foe. People with high courage can also be reckless, ignoring fear even when it serves a purpose.
Love is the stat of passion. Someone with low Love can come across as cold and unfeeling while someone with high love can be bolstered by the feelings they have for others. People with high love can be flighty, pursuing one passion to the next and never settling down. Knowledge increases your affinity for acquiring knowledge. Someone with low knowledge can be stupid and forgetful, while someone with high knowledge can recall information quickly and dedicate themselves to study. People with high knowledge can be paralyzed by indecision from all the knowledge they hold.
Reliability is your affinity for learning about the mundane. Someone with low Reliability can have their head in the clouds while someone with high reliability can be counted on to stay steadfast in the worst of times. People with high Reliability can be bad at dreaming of a brighter future, preferring instead the certainty of the present.

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love the comfy feel of that game. I don't usually play games past the ps2 era of video games.
You should pirate more games you want to play, provided your computer can run them
>> Take on more regular jobs in order to give Choux the best wedding you can afford (Reliability+1, Chouxcreme affinity+1)
>Take on more lessons in the guild so you can take on more well paying jobs reliably. (Knowledge +1, Reliability+1)
Glad to have ya back.
> Spend time getting to know Chouxcreme better (Chouxcreme affinity +2)
If our main character is going to get married, he needs to take steps to know his future wife

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Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Levelman

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I agree with this. Poison damage is fantastic and Null light would be worth taking even alone.
You know, hyper, your points are good and we need a poison specialist anyways. Let’s bring Furry Krueger to our team.
'You have truly endured a lot, Morwenna. I'd hate for you to get into more harm than you've already been through... but if this is truly what you wish for, in order to protect your own people, then I suppose it is right to let you fight the good fight with us.'

Morwenna gasped.

I smiled and raised a hand, she was taken aback by it, so Jenk urged her on with a little nod. Morwenna took my hand in both of her claws and shook it, held it tightly for a moment. I didn't even feel bad from her blighted touch.

[MORWENNA] "Z...Zss... th-thank you Muna... Thank you sssso much! I promissse. I... I vill be usssseful. I vill help you. I vill do all I can!"

'I'm glad to have you on the team, Morwenna.'

Deep inside, I felt Ela-Re stir.

[ELA-RE] "Hold on, hold the phone now. THAT is the Beast Goddess of Blickery, source of the Beastkin blight, and we are shaking her hand?! She is... on friendly terms with you? I don't get this! I don't understand! What in the heavens is going on here?!"

[JOCO] "We redeemed her."

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>Time to find Morwenna something new to wear.

>Describe, or better yet draw the outfit Muna thinks would suit Morwenna. The Beast Goddess is rather fond of her purple striped pattern so don't forget to appeal to her taste!
>Additionally, since her "hair" is actually just a fur wig, you may take some creative liberties and make her a new "hairstyle" on that bald skull of hers. Otherwise, don't touch anything on her head if you want to leave her "hairstyle" the same.

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Behold, the WendiGOAT!

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Last time, the secret behind the mysterious hidden room was revealed: You live in a former military base! Also, the ‘speed hobo’ Ichie decided to learn how to use her flame under your wing. Since your apartment is occupied due to a professional inspection and a tiny remodeling, you went to Matilda’s dojo to kill time.

There, you’re welcomed to a concerning sight, Lord Gargoyle is unconscious! He’s on the brink of death in a futon, wearing robes like a ghost. In better news, Wilma’s hair is messy again! Wait, no, your eyes played tricks on you… It’s half messy. It’s better than before, that’s all that matters.

“Who is that?” Matilda doesn’t like the idea that Oliver is bringing more homeless people into the dojo.

“It’s Lord Gargoyle! I mentioned him before, Master! He helped us in our last mission where we soundly defeated Suan De and her forces of relative evil that don’t match our own.” Oliver reminds the ‘Tilda about the Villain’s help. If Lord Gargoyle was conscious, he’d agree.

“We’re not evil, Oliver.” Matilda prefers to be morally gray.

“And that’s not accurate regardless.” Suan De doesn’t remember any of these bums helping you kick her ass. Judging by her face, she’s mildly concerned about Lord Gargoyle.

“Heh.” Matilda likes seeing the former assassin being mocked.

…Ph-Johnny?” Wilma didn’t expect you to be here. You acknowledge her with a powerful hand wave.

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Fun thread QM, I recently finished reading all the archives and I am finally up to date, it's been really fun, and I quite liked some of the stuff that you have done, it's some genuinely impressive stuff that you have been able to keep up doing this quest for close to 7 years so I hope you are having fun, I may do my own draw-quest one day but I am really new to the board, but I got a heavy boost of inspiration thanks to the sheer effort that you have done for all this time that you have invested in this place, keep up with it and take your breaks
Thanks for running
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Thank you for being here and playing, truly! I need to make it a habit of answering everyone's messages.


I'm glad to have you on board! I wouldn't be here if I didn't enjoy it, I'm more surprised that everyone is still on this journey after so long, it warms my cold heart. I'd love to check out your quest when the time comes!
It will take like one year because I know shit about drawing lmao, at least it will give me some time to figure out stuff for what kind of quest I would like to make, and also what it would be about with characters, lore, and worldbuilding included
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Have fun! Learning is brutal, but if you keep at it every day even if just a little, you'll get good before you realize it. And well, in a year's time, I don't think the quest will be over, so I'll be here waiting.

You are a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. One day, while on your way to class, you notice some rich students, James Potter and Sirius Black and their lackeys, cruelly tormenting their classmate, a poor kid named Severus Snape, by force-feeding him soap and levitating him, suspending him upside down in mid-air, exposing his dingy underwear to the girls, including Snape's childhood friend and crush, Lily Evans. To add insult to injury, James Potter is telling Lily if she goes out with him, he will never hurt Snape again, publicly emasculating and cuckolding him. "Who wants to see me take off Snivelly's underwear?” James Potter laughs cruelly, asking his cheering lackeys if he should humiliate Snape further by exposing his genitals to everyone watching, including the girls.
>You step forward, risking their wrath to defend Snape.
>You remain in the shadows, ignoring the sexual abuse.
>You join James Potter and Sirius Black in bullying Snape.
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"Uric Botesdale from Hufflepuff." You are a pureblood wizard from an old and wealthy wizarding family, but you despise seeing the less fortunate being tormented. You take a deep breath, knowing there's no turning back now. "What you're doing isn't just bullying, it's assault," you declare, your voice steady. The murmurs in the crowd grow louder, some students looking uneasy, others avoiding eye contact. James steps closer, his wand still pointed at the suspended and helpless Snape. "And what do you think you're going to do about it?" he sneers. Sirius Black's hand moves to his own wand, clearly prepared to back up his friend in whatever comes next. Around them, the other lackeys like Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew seem less sure, their expressions tinged with nervousness. They had anticipated another quick, unchallenged round of bullying the impoverished loner from Slytherin, not a fight with a wealthy, well-connected, pureblood wizard from Hufflepuff. You take another step forward, refusing to be intimidated. "I’m going to stop you," you reply, raising your own wand. The tension in the air is palpable. James's sneer falters as he realizes you’re serious. For a moment, the courtyard is silent, the only sound the faint rustle of robes and the distant chatter of other students unaware of the confrontation. Sirius glares at you, his wand twitching. "You're outnumbered, Botesdale. Walk away while you still can," he warns, but there’s an edge of uncertainty in his voice. Remus and Peter exchange uneasy glances, clearly torn between loyalty to Potter and the growing sense that this has gone too far. You glance at Snape, still hanging helplessly in the air, and then at Lily, who is watching with a mixture of hope and fear, her fingers inching towards her own wand. "I won't walk away," you declare, your tone unwavering. "This stops now." The crowd shifts, some students stepping back, sensing the imminent clash. James's wand wavers slightly, and you see the doubt flicker in his eyes—the nervous face of a rich bully who wasn't expecting to be confronted by someone of his own social class and power.
>Roll a 20-sided die (d20)
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>"Come on, just let him down."
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>"Who do you want to be, James Potter? Because you still have the option to be noble and admit when you were about to go to far and back off."
Rolled 15 (1d20)


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Dreams die with time.

When you were young, you dreamt of being a Sorcerer King, like those of stories from before the Collapse. Of wielding power akin to that of the gods themselves, living forever, and ruling wisely.

Over time, these dreams matured. By the time of your mid-adolescence, many of your peers were already working in family business or taking higher courses, provided they were blessed with intellect or wealth. You were preparing to enter the Academy, study magic and eventually help people like the responsible adult that you were expected to be.

Yet these aspirations were not to last. Optimism quickly turned to confusion, then to despair. The sheer amount of work and talent required to succeed once you passed the entrance exams was astounding. The meditation techniques were hard to get a grasp of, and your focus wavered often. Maybe you had taken a place intended for someone else, because you witnessed how others bore a much lesser burden of practice and theory required to advance.

Well, it didn't matter anyway. The expulsion letter ended your possibilities of a career as a licensed mage.

You kept studying still, working menial jobs and spending your free time reading whatever magic tomes were available in the library. It wasn't much. You learned to meditate properly, little by little, and taught yourself some cheap tricks like lighting a fire without flint or creating a mote of light instead of a lantern. But the publicly available knowledge was little, and soon you had to look for a proper job when your mother wouldn't support you anymore.

And when it dawned upon you that you would be stuck in the same place for the rest of your life like the rest of your peers if you didn't do something, you went away, leaving your family: your more competent and serious elder brother and your mother - to fend for themselves.

The tricks you learned in the libraries were a bit useful. Some down on their luck adventurers hired you as cheap magical support for their expeditions. It wasn't much, but it was honest work, and you learned bit by bit again, picking locks, evading tough enemies and besting weak ones with your dagger.

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Rolled 18 (1d100)

Rolled 7 (1d100)

Alright, I'll roll the last one to begin writing.
meh we still got two rolls


>46 - Adrien's roll, failure
>4, 18, 7 - your rolls, failure

As you utter the arcane words of the Smoke scroll, your palms begin to feel strange, as if touching something fluffy and soft. Once you finish reading, torrents of smoke starts spewing out of them. You stretch out your arm towards the bug chamber, and the hallway fills with fumes.

It continues like this for half a minute or so. That's really quite a lot of smoke. Once the effect of the spell ends, you hastily ascend the ladder while the bugs die or awaken.

What follows exceeds your expectations. Waves of these white insects pour out of the entrance, skittering towards you two. Adrien gets to work with the rake, scraping furiously at the little critters, killing dozens, then hundreds in minutes. You stomp with the snowshoes in turn, smashing packs of them once and again.

Yet the tide doesn't stop, and soon a few of them make their way up your pants and onto the shirt. Even with the protection of clothing, their bites are nothing to scoff at, and you wince in pain whenever one happens.

Adrien is not faring so good either. Raking means he is rather immobile, so the bugs can climb him easier. Though to his credit, he seems to hold up well, not even grunting from the pain.

You notice the smoke escaping slowly not only through the entrance you guard. There are, apparently, other ways into the hideout, scattered around the mound several dozen meters apart. You notice out of the corner of your eye the matriarch emerging from one of them behind the trees.

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>finish what you started
aah aah fkn

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In the grim darkness of…wait second, something’s wrong here.


This is a dark age, a bloody age, an age of daemons and of sorcery. It is an age of battle and death, end of the world's ending. Amidst all of the fire, flame and fury it is a time, too, of mighty heroes, of bold deeds and great courage.

But, this day, of all days, you are not a great hero, or the embodiment of death itself, you are A RAT !

Who said-spoke that !?

Not just any rat, but the GREATEST OF ALL RATS !

Greatest ? Yes-yes !

You are the all-mighty and powerful HORNED RAT !

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Yes-yes, my children, work-work your magics through my blessings. Make-make disease to bring down and kill-kill elf-things !

The Horned Rat happily rubs its paws at the scene before him.

Despite the occasional explosion off in the distance, a sign of the on-going civil war, great effort had been undertaken. The grey seer had rallied another twelve of his ilk to conduct the ritual. Numerous warptokens had been “appropriated” from the dead Clanlords for this most fetid of tasks.

Large bubbling cauldrons glow green as the grey seers continuously inscribe the Horned Rat’s symbols as other mystical incantations onto the cauldrons. Stirring the pot, the grey seers continuously channel their magics into it all the while, other ratmen are rushing around, going up and down the shoddy platforms leading to the top of the cauldrons and the various side buildings.

Throwing in various magic components: a witch’s hand, a vial of troll blood (yes, including the glass), a rather hefty lump of warpstone, an entire skaven…hmmm ? Oh, he slipped in. The grey seer in charge of the cauldron just shrugs his shoulders after a moment of thought and continues stirring.

Coughing heavily, the lead grey seer overlooks the surroundings, his eyes burning from the still all-encompassing smoke and the raging fires somewhere far off.

“What is taking so long-long ?” The leading grey seer asks clambering to the top of one of the cauldrons.

Another grey seer grunts in annoyance. “No test elf-cattle.”

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To know the strength of the disease however, it must be tested, more thoroughly than a couple of slaves forced to drink the poisoned chalice.

As the grey seer listens to the pained screams, he ponders over the solution to large-scale testing:

>Slaves ! Slaves solve everything, what a wondrous institution it is ! Keep throwing them at the plague until you get the results that you need.

>There’s a civil war in the city. Test the disease and bring back order, what an intelligent idea !

>True test subjects are needed ! Kidnap Elf-things ! You had never seen elf-things, how hard can it be to find some ?

>The nearby under-cities are full of skaven, which means they are full of your rivals ! What better place to test the illness ?

>(Write in)
>>True test subjects are needed ! Kidnap Elf-things ! You had never seen elf-things, how hard can it be to find some ?
>True test subjects are needed ! Kidnap Elf-things ! You had never seen elf-things, how hard can it be to find some ?
>BEARD-THINGS! Clear their holds with new miasma-toxins!

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Past Thread: >>6016690
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Missval
General Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/5hFQZtc3
Character Sheet (As of the end of Thread #2): https://pastebin.com/fSCfX2eH

Your name is Shelly Suzume. You were a Huntress that graduated from Haven Academy a few years back. A recent discovery has left quite an ugly taste in your mouth as of lately. To put it bluntly, you’re suffering from something. Most likely neurological. You’re unsure if it’s a disease, if its permanent, if it can better, etc.

What you’re sure of is that, whatever happened to you is related to a weird technology that was used by some bandits near the city of Kuchinashi, south of the main city where Haven Academy resides.

And to make matters worse? You’re officially dead. At least in all databases surrounding the continent. You’d love to say that you’re still alive in flesh and blood, but with your current condition, well… you have plenty of second thoughts.

Random attacks of rage, violent surges, maybe quite the perturbing look here and there. On a bad day you’re almost sure that you give the vibes of a psychopath (Even when you think you’re acting properly).

And as of now? The only lead you have dwells within this slum of a city, where everyone wants to have something the other one has. Crime is rampant, drugs are everywhere, scams are far more plentiful than food, other hunters are suspiciously gone, and the only thing keeping together are crime families. (You work for one, somewhat, maybe. Its not like you had much of a choice.)

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A soft and warm feeling could be felt on top of your left shoulder. It was Rufus. His sulking expression didn’t change at all. “Don’t worry, kid. I’ll take it from here. There’s no need for more violence. No more, please.”

“Rufus, you’re alive! Thank goodness. Now care to tell this bratty child to play with some dolls or something? You and me have business to discuss. The serious and unpleasant kind.” The man in front of you said with clear vile on his tone of voice, spitting to the side. If looks could kill…

>Let the man and Rufus discuss whatever they have to discuss, but stay close. His protection was important. And you could use your enhanced hearing if anything suspicious was cooking.
>Insist on being present on the conversation. You would not let this man intimidate the kind soul that was inside. You feared for his safety, after all.
>As much as you hated being against the wishes of the big man, it would be better to just send the thugs away. Maybe if they knew how dangerous you could be they would live both of you alone.
>Other (Write-in)
>Insist on being present on the conversation. You would not let this man intimidate the kind soul that was inside. You feared for his safety, after all.
>Let the man and Rufus discuss whatever they have to discuss, but stay close. His protection was important. And you could use your enhanced hearing if anything suspicious was cooking.
>Let the man and Rufus discuss whatever they have to discuss, but stay close. His protection was important. And you could use your enhanced hearing if anything suspicious was cooking.
>Let the man and Rufus discuss whatever they have to discuss, but stay close. His protection was important. And you could use your enhanced hearing if anything suspicious was cooking.

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A galaxy full of life, technological and even magical wonders spins on. Empires have risen, war has been waged, vast dark powers have risen up and been struck down. The galaxy seems to be settling down, heading toward a status quo, and yet there is a little time left for the nations of the void to change their fate.


We're currently full on players! Sorry to anyone who would like to join!


Turn 14 Begins

>Free Building Action: Ellinikon Carbon-Capture Biofuels.
Though the terraforming of Ellinikon has taken the world into a habitable condition, the atmosphere is still heavily carbonised to an extent that presents problems for the nascent Wolarian communities. Fortunately, the planet is now home to the greatest University in the League outside of Aetha itself; and under their instructions land on the planet is set aside to grow carbon-intense crops from which Biofuels can be easily synthesised; to both reduce the atmospheric choke and provide liquid thruster-fuels for our fleets and transports.

>Action 1: Enhanced Void Protections - Fleet Complexity 2
Wolarian research into slipstream protections have shown us ways through which the beings of slipspace might be deterred and Starship hulls might be protected from their entry as well as better constructed to minimise presence within this adjacent dimension. But since this process is going to necessitate a redesign of propulsion systems for any future vessels commissioned along with substantial adjustments to the hulls, the scientists of the league first work to devise ways through which more components might be.

>Action 2: Expand to (16,7)
We press onward, to see what wonders the Galaxy might still hold for us to find.

>'New Worlds Festival' Funding
With the treasury fairly healthy, permission is given and funds are readily and generously allocated in a one-off sum to allow us to enjoy this one-celebration of our expansiveness.

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You're a new professional wrestler making a name for yourself in the independent scene. You're in-
>American Indies (Pro Wrestling Route)
>Japanese Indies (Puroresu Route)
>Mexican Indies (Lucha Libre Route)
>British Indies (BritWres Route)
>Another Territory
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>Luchador films (or Lucha Libre films) are Mexican professional wrestling/action/science-fiction/horror films starring some of the most popular masked luchadores in Lucha Libre.
>The luchadores are portrayed as superheroes engaging in battles against a range of characters from spies, to vampires and Martians.

>You were granted extraordinary powers by ancient Aztec magic, a mystique often chronicled in documentaries featuring legends like El Santo and Mil Máscaras (Lucha Libre films or Lucha Underground Route)
>You were orphaned due to indiscriminate narco killings, taken in by a monastery, & inspired by the Conquistadores & Almogavares of Spanish history; now you wage a crusade in service to Dio, helping orphans, inspiring the youth to stay away from cartel life
>You are a vigilante from the borderlands, waging a one-man war against the drug cartels (Luchadores as Superheroes Route)
>You are a third-generation luchador, proudly upholding the storied legacy of your ancestors (Non-Kayfabe Wrestling Route)

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