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There is silence.

Not even the wind is heard.

All conversations were interrupted by the great burst of light in the distance, and the sound accompanying it. It was strangely reminiscent of a firework, except for it's placement.

But the silence, as fragile and unnatural as it had been, is broken with the breathing, shuffling and other man-made sounds from the people around you as activity sparks once more in the hearts of people like a train getting out of its station.

You looked saw the individuals you--in your mind--had deemed as the Noirs; Shapes, a cautious idealist. The Lady, stoic and familiar with corpses. Albert, an old detective and ex-cop. Mike, the aggressive kickboxer. And Jamesfield, their leader.
Each of them said nothing, keeping an eye on either the place where a celebration was held for vague reasons, the same area where the flash of light had originated, or upon the two men, who went by the aliases of 'Knife' and 'Jack of Hearts', who had attempted to assault Jamesfield and the Lady. Said men were tied to a tree, harmless for now. But you could see the reasoning behind keeping an eye on them.
Yet the only emotion they showed was confusion.

Your name is Johan. But that's not important now. Your mind had other thoughts to worry about. The foremost being: What just happened?

>Go back there and see what happened. You aren't sure if there's anything to actually worry about, but there's a certain mime named Mimi you wanted to make sure was alright. Just in case.

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>Morning Brunch

You shall prepare yourself and obtain some breakfast at Dan's Grill, as per usual.

Getting ready was easy. Even though you'd slept in somewhat, the routine was the same. In your coat's pocket there was a packet of jerky, and you were half tempted to consume it due to hunger, but considered otherwise since you didn't want to ruin your appetite before going to Dingo's.

As your eyes adjusted to the light, you saw the receptionist was still behind the counter, still with that unmoving false smile. You wondered once more if she ever bothered to sleep.

You entered your taxi--after quickly reviewing the footage from last night and the day before, thankfully finding nothing--and started to drive. It was peaceful and familiar, something you felt like you needed after the madness from yesterday.

The restaurant-bar stood open, it's neon sign on display still. Not much activity was observable from the outside, but perhaps that was simply due to people leaving for work at this hour.

Parking your car next to one of the trucks, you approach the place without anxiety. An old pinball machine greeted you once again before the entrance, enticing as it was to have a quick game you didn't know if it was truly something you'd like to indulge in currently...


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-Grilled Steak Special
-BLT Sandwich
-Gyro and Kebab w/Side Salad
-Cheeseburger and Fries
-Beef and Bean Burrito
-Soda/Juice or Complementary Water for any made order

You didn't feel like it was that late already. Maybe they just had an early lunch here?

"I know that face, lad" the bartender said, an upwards twitch of his mustache as he smiled "you slept in and didn't find the time for breakfast, aye?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

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>"Really, there's no need. But thank you for the offer." (Make an order from the lunch menu)
>Grilled Steak Special and a Coke
We had a big, busy, stressful day. We should splurge.

>"Hey, did you happen to hear about the Noirs? I saw them yesterday, but we became separated in the chaos."
>"Really, there's no need. But thank you for the offer." (Make an order from the lunch menu)
No way am I gonna pass up on the gyro meal.
>"Speaking of, what happened back then? Inside it looked like some fireworks got misfired, but I don't know the official story yet."

This story was partially generated by AI whilst i was in an altered state of consciousness so i feel it fitting to be forgotten about here. Without durther introduction let me paste it here;

Selina Kyle, the infamous Catwoman, stalked the shadowy alleys of Gotham City, her whip coiled tightly at her side. Her eyes, gleaming like emeralds in the moonlit night, scanned the cityscape for any sign of trouble. She had heard whispers of a new contraption Riddler had been working on, something so ingenious it could redefine chaos. The Enigma Device, they called it, a tool with the power to hack into any system, to manipulate any mind, to bring any plan to fruition. It was a prize worth the risk.
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In a final, poignant speech, he spoke of the futility of their struggle, the hollowness of power, and the inevitability of their end. He spoke of the cycles of violence and vengeance that had claimed so many lives, including that of his dearest friend, the Joker. His words, broadcasted through the city, were the following;
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Vanity! Vanity! I say with my final breath. Utterly vain! Everything is vanity. What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun? Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again. All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear has its fill of hearing.
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What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new”? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. No one remembers the former generations, and even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them.
With those final words, two face coughed a final time, and fell dead from smoke inhalation, as his pagoda burnt to a crisp.
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The city was united under bane's daughter, who ruled untill her death in the year of our lord 2034.
>Chaper 1 : >>6132522 "the rape of catwoman"
>Chaper 2 : >>6132543 "the trooning of riddler"
>Chaper 3 : >>6132571 "author has a brief moment of clarity"
>Chaper 4 : >>6132618 "gotham city race war, part I"
>Chaper 5 : >>6132651 "gotham city race war, part II" (aka the tournament arc)
>Chaper 6 : >>6132796 "gotham city race war part III"

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Quest fell off because I took a quick nap. I am sorry for it not being archived correctly. Will see if I can get it back from like moe or something. Annoying.

Here is the prompt from before.

>What did you pick up with the extra cash you had? Something small is good. It will be shared by you and your sister. Something like an expanding pouch or a sneak-o-scope is fine. A premium broom is too much. Or do you want to just say you spent it on some outfits? Your mom and dad are more than rich enough that your robes have warming and cooling enchantments. A set of gloves with a protego on them? Some weird potion neither of you could normally make? A gift for Macy or David?

>Write in

We have one vote for having picked up some fancy under things.

I do apologize for not archiving before, did not get that it was so far off the board. Will post a little more after a bit as an apology.
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“Best mom. Best mommy too; that you for having us.”, Emmy says, holding a bit tighter than you to the small waif of a blonde.

“Exactly. Besides, if we slay you, it will be while you are awake. More dramatic that way, heh. Just needed some dad advice.”, you add. It was kind of a funny sight, really. You and Emmy were both taller, bigger than her now such that between you two, the petite woman was basically swallowed up between you, and yet she was so kind, and strong.

“Haha! I know. It’s fine. I love you girls. Now, if the meeting of your little cabal is done, may I have my husband back so we can finish our movie then head to bed?”, your mom jokes, pats your heads. So you and Emmy relent, head back up yourselves and then when you are back in your room? Hug and jump up and down happily for a second. Head to bed together.

The next day… daddy said work was keeping him late as your mom just sighs. After he does make it back eventually and the four of you eat a late diner, once more you meet with him outside where he hands you a small plain box. Inside? A coffee mug with some silly stuff about Ilvermorny and a school crest on the side, surrounded well with padding.

“Ummm… dad? Isn’t this the kind of knick-knack we should be giving you after we are there?”, your little twin asks quizzically staring at the mug.

“Haha. Would love one girls, but it’s not that. That would be a Port-Key for your friend.”, he says, looking prouder than a peach.

“Wait. But Daddy! You said-“, you sputter out. “We were happy you would try but…”

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So, for the next hour or so, daddy goes over what to and not to do with it. At the end, you get it. Understand how big a limb he went on to get this for you. Which means reboxing the highly illegal magical item and both of you moving over to daddy’s seat and attaching yourselves to him for at least a half hour and hugging him, thanking him, until you heard mom get back from going out for a few drinks with her muggle friends and heading in for dinner after taking the very expensive and adventurous artifact upstairs so it could be wrapped latter.

In bed together that night, that was all you and your sister could whisper about. How great the man who helped bring you to life was, how dangerous this was and how amazing. Had most certainly recalled the name of the shop he got it from. No bad dreams then… a voice you couldn’t make out but that was all.

Daddy decided to leave early the next morning, drove Sally over to London vs. just popping over. Mom helped with your driving some, insisted you start getting your trunks in order, despite it be a few days away. Made a great brunch for all of you while you and your twin ran through your books some… and when Lucerne Sanders was nowhere to be found. He turned her in to get new tires, a complete tune-up, a paint touch up, a new modification. Would have her gone till after you two left, it seemed. So, it was all mom’s SUV till then, which was fine. Both of you were good enough drivers by then, after all.

The last few days… the nerves started, though your twin sister helped a lot. Getting to see Macy again on Sunday morning so she could have her trunk taken over and your mom could Apparate her. You had received an owl from David saying he was very grateful for the gift, the letter; promised to send something by owl when you were there, heh. Awesome.

That final Saturday night, you and your little sister decided to take an actual bath together; lavender and chamomile bath salts to calm your nerves some.

“Jenn… you know I am scared. Less than before but, still.”, she says while looking from across the tub at you, chin almost under the foam clinging to the top of the warm water. “But I am going to be there, and we will meet all sorts of cool people. I’m sorry, sis.”

“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t to, little dork. But we will be there for each other. Just like always. Macy will keep our heads on straight. Get to see David now too, some. I’ll protect you, Emily. Till the day I die. But? Remember the time I climbed to the top of a light pole and you followed me up, to keep me company? That was scary. But also the best sunset we have ever seen. And I was there with the other part of me. Thank you so much. For coming.”, and bump a side of her soaking leg with your own.

“I do recall it. And I have no clue because I went 20 feet up with you.”

“Because…I know we give each other shit but? You saved me from an Inferni too.”, you say firmly. Were embarrassed some but… that was fine. You were about to be done, hop out when your smaller, chestier twin grabbed your hand. Pulled you over and kissed you for half a second.

“You took care of me plenty too. Never forget that, Jennifer. Always be there…

Then a few minutes of showering the suds left over off, you and your sister were in here bed for once. Agreed to wake early to make sure you were ready. And despite the anxiety, you felt peaceful with her holding you.

The next morning was indeed early for you, even if America time gave you some leeway. Much of it was making sure your hair and faces looked good, tossing a few more mementos in your trunks as well as your guns in locked cases. Then? A ring at the door. And when you opened it, a smiling Macy, concerned Ruth, and a worried man with square frame glasses and a full suit on whose twitchy behavior reminded you so much of Macy. And the girl herself? Cute as a bug. The colors suited her, and she had her nails done some, with a clear coat at least. Touch of make-up on. Silver bangle she got on one wrist. A little charm bracelet you picked up for her on the other. Had opted for a neck bow vs a tie.

So you just hugged her tight while daddy helped get her trunk in line with your own by the floo-place. And while the adults chatted some over coffee and toast, the three of you, Emmy, and Macy caught up some. Had a quick bite more of food. Then before you knew it? It was time to go. Macy’s parents hugged their girl goodbye, with her somewhat stiff but lovingly, with Ruth crying a bit. Shoved the luggage into the green flame after daddy had set the location to “Baggage and Sorting”. Felt Daddy’s hands on your shoulders while mom held Macy’s hand tightly. Then with a dry pop and the force of a cyclone, the world twisted around. A moment later you were somewhere else, a way station surrounded by trees with a new amazing scent in the air. You weren’t quite in Ilvermorny yet, but you could see the castle from where you were.

Maybe not as tall as Hogwarts but still huge, amazing, even in the distance.

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A few minutes of walking later… you were there, in front of four stories of concrete and stone in art deco. Daddy showed a badge to the middle-aged wizard at the front, and he lets you in.

“Now let’s see. 1st floor. Left side, 3rd row, 17th spot.”, he mutters to himself. A few minutes later you are there standing behind a vehicle with a tarp over it.

“Jennifer, Emily? Please close your eyes. Dearest? Macy, please don’t spoil it. Go ahead girls.”

And so you oblige. Stick your hand out, as does Emmy. And there is a loud sound. And a moment later? Something drops in your hands, something you are sure….

“Okay, girls. Open them up and look towards my voice.”, daddy demands with almost a chuckle. Then… when you open your eyes? In front of you is Sally, but “not” Sally. Sally wasn’t Gyffindor red with Hufflepuff yellow racing strips but still?

“Sally? What is she doing here!?”, you shout out and grip the small ring of keys you had instinctively clutched tight.

“Why wouldn’t she be here, Jenn? She’s yours and Emmy’s after all.”, Daddy says with a smile as Macy gasps a bit and mom just sighs.
ooh shit! we actually got the car?
i smell small road trips on the weekends for some reason

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"One lasting superstition among the people of Hyrule, is the belief that mirrors are portals to another world. According to myth, mirrors, when left in total darkness, show reflections of this other world. A world of dark shapes and shadows, a world wrapped in twilight."

-Excerpt from "Folk Tales and Superstitions of Hyrule

Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=The+Fall+of+Hyrule
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Rolled 97 (1d100)

Well, not a total failure... Seems the dice are on the side of spookiness.
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The meditations work. As she concentrates Impa’s mind clears and she adopts a detached view of herself. Her heart still pounds rapidly in her chest, her skin clings to her cold and clammy, while her muscles remain tense and twitchy, ready run at the first sign of danger. Over top of those sensations however, is a feeling of insubstantiality. She feels thin, her reactions delayed, every move requiring deliberate focus to complete. Even the jumpy reactions of her strained nerves feels slow. Something is very wrong.

>Impa’s Courage and Power have been reduced to 1.

Extending her senses beyond herself, Impa can feel that same wrongness in the world around her. The dead leaves around her don’t crinkle as loud as they should. The air itself seems slow and sluggish. Distant objects blur despite her eye’s clear focus. What ever is causing this must be extremely powerful to affect an area like this.

Suddenly Impa spots movement in the direction of the house. Two figures, strangely distinct compared to everything else walk toward the house. They are humanoid, tall, with a strange two-tone skin of light grey and black. Odd cerulean designs pattern their abdomens and arms. Their faces are somewhat featureless with only slight suggestions of a mouth and nose but their eyes, pupilless orangish red stand out prominently in a world that seems to have lost most of its color.

The two creatures “talk” quietly to each other in a strange, distorted, and clipped tongue that Impa can’t understand. Watching tensely from her hiding spot Impa witness to the two figures approach the house. They pause for a moment at the threshold and peer inside. The two wait for a few more seconds, then step inside the house.

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>Move up and see what those two creatures are doing in that house. They aren’t like those Shadow Beasts so maybe you can get the drop on them.
>>You’ve seen enough to report on. Time to get out of here and out from under whatever is affecting you.

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Beware of the boy as he is boy no more, rather a man since yesterday. And any young man needs a young woman, the elder has been saying for months. Even though he still feels like a boy, no words in opposition leave his mouth as the matchmaking prospect make him excited in a novel non-boyish way. Miurne is her name, his childhood best friend and bride-to-be, the one who has been his dear friend for the past decade spent in these woods.

The terrain is mountainous, life here is rugged, the forty escapees are poor. Yet the sky is blue and untainted by pollution, their eyes see walls of woods and greenery every day, daily life is simple, distant are the memories of forced labor in the assembling of earth-flattening machinery of monstrous size, made specifically for planets considered worthy of becoming agro-worlds. But the boy doesn't remember all of that, he could barely walk when a group of families, including his, made their way to the other end of the planet on the backs of stolen Tauroses. He doesn't remember but people talk, he knows that sooner or later the ground beneath their feet will start to rumble, the earth-flattening machines will be here for his mountains, for his woods, for his Miurne, for him.

Certain event reminded the retched group of renegades of their vulnerability, certain event made the earth rumble. A bright red flight vessel painted a jet-black strip of burnt fuel across the sky a day ago, on the boy's birthday. The growling of overworked engines drowned any other sound, the tattered hull scattered in pieces all over the place, unable to withstand the atmospheric pressure. Finally the cockpit kissed the planetary surface with mighty force dozen kilometers away from their hideout. The adults in the renegade group were thrown in distress, a crashed vessel meant investigation. There will be a makeshift council tonight as to what measures need to be taken for everyone's security. Despite the calming words of the elder, the boy couldn't help but feel fear creeping in their camp.

Sunlight is still in abundance so regardless of circumstances when the land needs assistance, man answers, especially when his food is on the line. The boy is plowing the mountainous soil along with his father, strapped domesticated creature, native to this land, is pulling a plow.

Suddenly the boy hears an uncomfortable sound of metal hitting harder metal, the plow is dragging an object covered by a thick layer of dirt. He observes a prolonged object with unusual attachment.
>the boy cleans the sword [Sullied Sister]

Suddenly the boy gets a violent headache, the domesticated ox-like creature starts to behave erratically, dragging air into its lungs and exhaling with great force, anxiously. A few dozen steps in front of them a small item glistens red under the sun.
>the boy pockets the precious stone [Tourmaline of Rigidity]
>the boy cleans the sword [Sullied Sister]

I want to hit things.
>>the boy cleans the sword [Sullied Sister]
>the boy pockets the precious stone [Tourmaline of Rigidity]
>the boy cleans the sword [Sullied Sister]

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The world of Pavilion continues on. In the far east the gentle Venks enjoy an era of peace and prosperity, far from any who might menace them. They share the shores of the great lake with many a peculiar people, the ant legions of Skrit, the eclectic homunculi of Vitruvia, and the secretive shadow elves of Habitun. The decidedly peculiar east is separated from the west by the harpy supremacists of Guliseare who lurk in a great mountain range, though their home is threatened by the flames of war. Beyond the mountains are the human kingdoms, remnants of the Tellden empire. The mage lords of the Vizari, the holy legions of Barzaentine, the half orc knights of Orcmanie, the half elf aristocrats of Adenai, and the matriarchy cursed Ordelan. Nestled within them are the changeling city states of Tagaya. On the fringes of what was once the Tellden empire the brutal Domo beastmen and savage Krovian sharkmen lurk, waiting for their chance to strike at the world of men. Further still are the alien Krawl and the Urotti dwarves living on the edge of civilized lands.

As the spring of a new year dawns and the first green shoots appear, the leaders of the world must guide their people to the future, through vicious wars, delicate diplomacy, and past chaotic unpredictable disasters.

>We're currently full on players, apologies to anyone who would like to join

Night becomes day as a spectacular meteor shower fills the night sky, punctuated by the earth itself shuddering as great fiery stars strike the ground somewhere far to the south east. The air grows hot and mothers clutch their children tight as wisemen stare in horror. After three hours it ends as abruptly as it began. The mollucoids of Zelheim have been utterly destroyed, though whether it is by the callousness of nature, divine, or a mortal of terrifying power is utterly unknown. The following summer is hot and dry and the harvests slim.
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The courts of Ordalan are in turmoil, the trade with the north has not brought certainty and security, it has only made things worse. The reason is not the Orcs nor the Adenai, it's the Tagagayans. Reports of ridiculously one-sided trade deals, impersonations and selling of counterfeit wares. But worst of all, reports of their profane nature. Shifting bodies and complete disregard for our faith. All while reports come in of movements to the south, the beastmen are moving into the lands belonging to the southerners, and they are a rowdy folk, fighting amond themselves, and thus, all the worse when they decide to become a problem for Ordalan. Queen Leutgard has meeting after meeting to resolve issues, but eventually takes off to see to the issue up north personally.

>Action 1: Establishment of trade with Barzae. Pelts and lumber for copper. Hopefully benefitting from the courtiers from before (turn 4).
While northward trade brings issues, owing in part due to us being strangers, Ordalan merchants instead try pursuing a trade relation with Barzae. Sturnes homes are repurposed into trading offices, warehouses are freshened up, worker contracts reviewed. Ensuring that the goods of Ordalan can flow smoothly. After this comes the establishment of receiving facilities in Barzae, as well as the means of transportation. Luckily the ready access to lumber makes the creation of wagons a lesser expense.

>Action 2: Emergence of Huskarls. Bodyguards of the noble houses, trained to detect and deal with changelings and tricksters.
As the reports come in of the misdeeds of the Tagagayans, people start to question if the Nixen they speak to are Nixen and not Tagagayans, or a puppet of them. This especially troubles the noble houses, whose dealings rely heavily on trust. Thus the various houses train oathsworn servants whose job is to detect if a Nixen is who they say they are, as well as confirm the identity of the nobles they serve. They are also tested to prevent infiltration of their ranks, making them the most trusted bodyguards a noble can get, thus given the best equipment and training the noble can afford.
>Action 1: A Steed fit for an Elf [Pre-rolled Mount Prospect]
in the hills to the north((west), the Drakon Opulus has kept itself hidden away from the eyes of men for a time unknown. These great beasts, 15 feet long, fly through the air and capture prey in their large, awe-inspiring jaws filled two rows of sharpened teeth, made for tearing sinew yet perfectly suited to piercing steel and breaking bone. Naturally, these beasts struck fear into it's first witnesses, spotting them return to their caves from a hunt from the other side of the valley.
As most good things occur, it was a stroke of luck that turned the Drakon Opulus into something closer than a fearsome foe. Wounded from a territorial dispute with one of it's own kind, an Opulus lay at the peak of a hill, it's pain made known with somber whines so pitiful it made men weep. A young man of the famously empathic Hardoni Twig was the one to close the distance, bringing food and water to the beast and cleaning it's wounds. Unlike common fauna, it was clear that the Opulus understood it's situation with a clarity that made it's intellect evident.
In a tale ripped straight out of a child's book, the bond forged that day was unbreakable. No longer was this young Leaf limited to seeing the world from it's roots - but atop his new steed could experience the beauty his ancestors forged from above. It would not take long for many more bold men to replicate this relationship. The Opal Dragons would not simply be chosen, however, but in fact would be the ones to choose their bondmate. A noble steed fit for a noble people was discovered.
[Yes, I used like 4 different names for the thing. No, I don't care. Pick one or make up your own, Swift. You're more creative than I am anyway.]

Action 2: Construct a Fort [See second post]
Tensions at the diplomatic summit for peace in the Mountain War had (as expected) begun to boil over. As an emergency, the head diplomat Patrocliot Gerevette sent home his son, Severiot, to inform the Maple Council of the need for emergency fortifications in the east. Were it simply for the Harpy's lack of cooperation, this would be no cause for alarm. However, the behavior of the Women to the east had been so outwardly irrational that it greatly exceeded the already great expectation of irrationality. This "princess" had drunk herself into a stupor, and shouted obscenities at the delegates! Their claims of warriorship and desire to kill were alarming enough on their own, but their blatant mercy towards the Harpys in conjunction with these first claims painted a picture picture most paradoxical. What were these women planning? As a result, a fort constructed nearby the river and Bahay would create the most defensible fortification possible. This military structure could house a garrison sizeable enough to contest and punish any attempts to cross the river, as well as create a significant obstacle to the plains and forests up north due to it's proximity to Bahay.
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>Action 2 Fort Placement
1. Roads to Ordelan Capital for trade

2. Oh Boy, time to start sending out missionaries!
Report on Lesser Activities to Cyra, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, bane of Kaenum, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth.

The lessers of the south have sent us a letter suggesting a discourse regarding the end of hostilities, one that would include all of the lessers currently against us. While I have little hope for a resolution, the chance of potentially getting the most threatening out of the war after our forces disappointing display is important. Though, the final decision is upon you, of course. You know what is best for all of us and Aelelox's will, after all. If nothing else, our prayers that have been answered will be beneficial should conflict continue. Similarly, the work of one of the council has made a deal with the lessers to the east. While I initially questioned this, the reason why was quite apparent when the strange magical liquids they come up with were shown to me. They too will be useful both now and in the future.

Your faithful servant, Kallixeina.

>Action One. A Lesser Proposition.(Build road depicted here >>6129358)
While their methods are unorthodox, the results one of the consecrated recently was able to gain from actually interacting with the lessers speak for themselves. For just a bit of iron, a major boon in the form of extremely effective plant growth elixir and bottled fire is at our talons. One for peace, one for war. And one arguably could be used for both to set up density perfect for a raging inferno. Still, to gain access to these materials we do need to actually trade for them. A small outpost on the border is to be set up, and a road through the hills to allow for the ease of transport of bars of iron and bottles of these potent elixirs. The prospect of potentially getting specially designed potions or just being able to benefit from anything new they make is also possibly useful. Though there are naturally concerns regarding interaction with those below us, but at least these people seem to know their place as servants, even if they are oblivious as to their rightful master.

>Action Two. Formation of the Tizzonarden.
The Moivadal are quite useful for discovering just what the lessers are up to. They likewise are quite skilled at remaining hidden and going deep into uncharted and unfriendly territory. Simply giving Aripan similar training for going into lessers lands but instead of giving a focus on cartography and record keeping teaching them tricks and tools to enact sabotage in all manners of ways, we can strangle our enemies logistics, destroy their production and even slow their reinforcements and supplies in the right circumstances, bringing the war to the enemies home all without directly engaging in combat. Of course, should they get caught, they are to try and cause as much destruction as possible before attempting to escape or becoming a martyr.

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There is light in this world, even if you have to search for it.

That's what Juno said. Strange words, coming from someone like her. It's as if you've been given a rare glimpse at what lies beneath her spiky armour, at the gentle yearning at the core of her being. There's a part of you that wonders if this might all be one of her games, but... it doesn't feel that way. These rare moments of sincerity have a certain unmistakable feeling to them.

“I had a lot of fun! We should definitely do this again. Although...” Elle muses, picking up the empty bottle of wine and studying it, “Maybe a little more moderation next time.”

Daniel groans from where he lies on the couch, covering his face with his hands. “What did I do to deserve this?” he mumbles to himself.

“You've done nothing, clearly. For no reason at all, you've woken up with a terrible hangover,” you taunt, “Life truly is unfair.”

“Just leave me here,” he moans, “Just let me die.”

“I'll keep an eye on him,” Jan assures you, giving the soldier a sympathetic look, “You go on, don't worry. You are right though, Miss Legrasse, we SHOULD do this again. It was nice, not having to think about... well. You know what I mean, I'm sure.”

You've all got things that you'd rather not think about. Sometimes, it feels easier not to think at all.

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Setting down your backpack to use as a rough cushion, you sit and watch as the Galseans wander aimlessly around the swamp. As they walk, you try and look for anything out of the ordinary. Even if you can't see it directly, whatever IS is, you still hold out a vague hope that you might be able to sense something – or perhaps even the absence of something.

But no. The ground here is, perhaps, slightly more uneven than the otherwise flat swamplands, but even that might just be a trick of the eye. Perhaps it was always this bumpy, and you're just looking for something that isn't there?

With a soft sigh, Elle sits down beside you. There's no use in her searching too – as a fellow child of Agoria, she's just as blind as you. You're vaguely relieved to see that she's just as frustrated as you are, even if she IS hiding it a little better. “Be honest with me,” she whispers, “Was your father the sort of man who would send people chasing off after a false lead? Is that the sort of thing that would amuse him?”

“I don't think anything amused him,” you answer, letting out a heavy sigh, “I don't know. If he left a false lead at all, it would've been big and obvious – a very clearly worded diary entry, left right where we could find it. This map was well hidden in the Demesne, and it was in a code that only his closest friends could decipher. No, there's something here. We just... we just need to be patient.”

“Mm,” Elle agrees softly, “...I should've brought a book.”

“I think that was the only thing Alex DIDN'T put on his list,” you remark with a wry smirk. You start to say something else, only to bite off your words as you see Mihail frantically waving to you.

“Hey, HEY!” he calls out, cupping his hands around his mouth and shouting to you, “Stairs! We've found STAIRS!”

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Thanks for running!

Why’s it always gotta be the spooky underground caverns
The truth is buried beneath ages of manufactured history.
Wasn’t there some element of this in Moloch’s last quest too?

I vaguely remember an entire city being stolen away by spirits. Anyone who managed to look upon it would also be taken. Maybe something similar happened to the Phalaris, since they apparently share a world.
That would be more on the side of the demense and the emanations.

This one is sounding a bit more like the ancient city with the ritual for creating a new god or something.

Summary: You are Ninety-Nine, a tyranid hybrid made to combat the tyranid

She had to stay strong. This level of isolation was nothing compared to the roaring flames of battle. Ninety-Nine avoided the people in the ship, though once a day she moved with the servitors and pretended to be one just to feel part of a brood. Ninety-Nine watched the servitors move inside a cramped hallway. The ground suddenly rumbled.

“Translating into real space.” The ship’s vox announced.

The ship’s interior pipes and walls creaked heavily. Ninety-Nine whipped her head left and right in panic. Suddenly, the sounds stopped. There was a pulse of silence before the ship’s quiet hum resumed. She shrugged and followed the servitors until they reached a wide space, where tech priests and skiitari gathered. Ninety-Nine climbed on top of a cogitator, then grabbed onto a pipe above, then skulked in the dark to find a way back into her room.

“Subject Ninety-Nine to the command deck. Subject Ninety-Nine to the command center.” The voxes set in many corners announced. “Subject Ninety-Nine to the command deck. Subject Ninety-Nine to the command deck.”

Thanks to following the servitors, Ninety-Nine knew the basic layout of the ship, enough to know the important locations filled with people so she could avoid them. First, Ninety-Nine returned to her room to retrieve her hooded robe, then arrived at the command deck.

Gotta hide it, need to hide it…

As she walked, Ninety-Nine tugged robes to cover her hands and her tail wrapped her waist. She was at the command deck, though she was not sure what she was supposed to do.

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The difficulty level is fine, the thread's just populated by absurdly lucky fuckers.
Worry not, their fortune cannot hold up infinitely.
Yes, that's correct


Health: 50
Agility: 4/10, [+ 2]
Intelligence: 7/10 [+3]
Strength: 9/10 [+4]
Senses: 6/10 [+ 3]
Sneak: 5/10 [+ 2]
Here's hoping, I want to actually dwindle down that hp for a bit. She is incredibly lucky
Nice dubs, but nah we are going to win forever.
>Ninety-Nine scrambled for her weapon then fired again (Difficulty Roll, High)

If we beat him, i want to take his helmet and bring it back to the fortress to show to the other astartes we beat an heretic.

Join at any time!
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Rolled 7, 4 = 11 (2d10)

High towers and thick wall! Life in abundance! Finally, my station in life matches my worth. Soon I shall reclaim my birthright!

"Ahahhahaha!" I can hardly contain my mirth.

From the central tower I spy a formation of fine crystal jutting out from the earth in jagged spikes over the canopy of kloned overgrowth, from which I can fashion an all-seeing eye. A tool I will sorely need, as the centuries of abuse I have endured have left my body weak, and my mind frayed from intellectual pursuits. If only I had pursued raw animal instinct and sharpened my tactical mind! Bloody cunning will be needed to take back the Belt.

'Damn you Längsnūz'

The other keepers would be no issue, my greatness surpassed them. No, my destiny was to retake the galaxy from the Archnemesis!


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[If it weren't for your Trait's FIGHT -1 modifier (and in following turns, your Skreaming Pond's -1 mod), you would have been able to claim 2 territories this turn. Neat, almost! Maybe you could look out for some Spyglass Orbs on the Map, or a pricy, juicy Proat Shake at Parthenomerchandise, coming in an unknown amount of turns!] Längsnūz grabs a gamma telescope and counts the legs on Cimar's flying minion...

Unlike the Gene Stealer's Free Action from its Trait, the Saboteur's Free Action will take effect at the end of the round. And I believe Cimar is targeting your GROW rather than your KP bank. You capitalize on the fabulous sale at Parthenomerchandise!

ArchMerchant Pawnzo intrudes again on every Keeper's mind and transmits an item list. "Not sure how much of this stuff will be coming in, coming in, okay? Or how much I'll charge for it on sale, until it gets here. But maybe this price list can help you put some plans together. Yes, yes, together..."

Sign Up/Turn 1 will be open for another 24+ hrs.

Here's a sneak peek of one of the possible Basic Klonez, which hatches from a Basic Egg. It's a hideous concoction of clever yet intuitive biological insights. It's got the hulking body of a shrew, the writhing tail of a vole, and the cute yet deceptively fierce face of a mouse.

Each one you Keep will give you GROW +2 as all Basic Klonez do, and for its unique Species Bonus, if you decide to Breed it with another Klone Species, it guarantees the maximum output of 5 Golden Eggs!
I'll be postponing/cancelling this game due to low player count. I'll be workshopping it and maybe try to muster players in advance elsewhere in the future or just run this elsewhere or just throw it in the dumpster. Thanks to the 2-3 of you for playing.
Thanks for running Längsnūz! Sorry it didn't work out.

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ITQ you will buy and sell goods, find a place to live, basic Jobs, and things to do to live through a zombie apocalypse. Zombies are slow. Plenty of things can maim or kill you. Zombie bites can be treated, but there are side effects, or you may screw it up and die. So let's avoid that, OK?

You stand in line among several other people, anonymous faces, you didn't count them. You've not seen them before. Some in shoes, some barefoot, one with a blood stained spear, and all of you dirty and unwashed in the cool of October. You're on the outskirts Northwest of Houston in the shell of what was an old big box store, in the Greens Point area (Guns Point as the locals say). The proprietor has a fan blowing across the line of you, and he has been good enough to put up a pop-up tent outside the entrance to shield everyone from the sunlight, but it's stuffy with all of you crowded together and waiting. On either side of the Line, are cages full of dead eyed ghouls, locked in for now, but watching you.

The Merchant calls out Next and you step up with your goods. You walk up to a bullet proof Plexiglass window with a pass through container, and big sign over the glass stating:
>The outbreak was started on borrowed money, No Credit.
You are yourself, just yourself. Your actions are your own choice, but the outcome is determined by post ID roll.
Roll for your saleable goods layout by final digit.
Subsequent rerolls to determine simple value, 2nd to last digit = quantity, final digit of simple pass fail 1-5 poor, 6-0 good
1-backpack of junk, can be sorted for valuables
2-live wild animal, must be examined to determine value
3-Clothing, must be checked for damage
4-Food, may be packaged or raw
5-Contraban: cigarettes, alcohol, pornography, drugs
6-Weapons: may be functional, broken parts

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[Damn you, 9 roll in the 3rd slot!]
>Drink clean water to parch my thirst. I assume there won't be enough to take with me, so really savor what's left as it drains out of the recently shrapnelized bottles
>Search GRAY (Storage) - under the sink(s)
>Search GRAY (Storage) - in cabinets
>Make an inventory
>Count the zombies
>search for sour candy
>search for sour candy
>search for worms
>say "Trick or Treat!" swap my stash with Pete's pile
>give everything to Jack
You manage to bandage the cut with some of the drapes (3). But the smell will still attract ghouls and mosters.

You tie more trip wires in the hallway (2), this time in front of a chair.

[If my 5th+4th <=10, all the thugs will fall in a group on the tripwire. If more only one will fall]

You've dripped Blood around the trap as well, notthat you notice it much, but it serves as the bait of choice for ghoul hunters.

[If my 4th+3rd <=10 Ghouls will be drawn to this trap while the thugs are tripping. If more they will arrive later]

You try to sneak outside, but you're on the upstairs bedroom (9) and there's nowhere to go.

Downstairs you hear the trio of dindus moving up the stairs up towards you, and at the base of the stairs you hear the twitching and hyperventilating of freshly reanimated boys thrashing around.

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>Search for sweet candy
>trade with the Merchant
>Sort through pile to make sure the candy is good, and toss whatever isn't
>give treats to Jack

[Wyatt, please stop trying to trick the fey/hallucination/spirit of Halloween, or we'll never be rid of it!]
>Okay. Ghouls in the house, and you're upstairs, Pete. Great. Now, what do things look like outsi-

>At least this makes them better targets?
>Why yes, Pete, the *supernaturally glowing eyes* on the *litteral walking dead* outside accompanied by *a giant floating pumpkin* are a good thing actually. This is great! Everyhting is coming up Milhouse!

>Pete takes a few deep breaths as he withdraws from the window and towards the stairs, letting the sounds wash over him, aiding to paint a mental picture as he figures out this mess.

>Two prongued idea, then. Fortify the stairs, act as an anvil while the ghouls press from behind as a hammer, forcing the intruders to retreat. Then it's just ghouls in a chokepoint with height advantage. You've done better in worse engagements.
>Second part, use the time the barricade buys to pick a window, pick a solid anchor point, and fashion a sheet rope, to be used when the coast is clear or if the position is breached.

>Honestly, at this point Pete is all but willing to write off the damned carts and just leave, and maybe torch the house. But part of him is a completionist and wants to wrap up everything, and another part would rather not have to wonder if he burned a wounded opponent alive in there. There are lines one must consider, no matter the circumstances.

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With the end of the Unification War, the fires that once ravaged the now-independent Night City ceased to exist, leaving broken fates and untold damages in its wake. Both sides saw themselves as victors, but ultimately, the corpos came out as the ultimate winners; Arasaka was once again able to extend its tendrils around the West Coast, rearing its ugly head and imperialistic ambition to make the old United States blush at the thought. The more things tried to change, the more they stayed the same.

A year later, the post-war reconstruction is going slow, too slow as many believe. The city council prefers to focus on efforts irrelevant to the common citizenry, who are poorly defended by the understaffed NCPD, bleeding numbers to gang wars that shall shape the city's underground for years to come. The disease is rampant, the birth rates are failing, and the people choose to dig their heads deeper into their BDs, jerking away all their problems. In other words, there's no better place to call home for the downtrodden.

It won't be *your* home for much longer, however. Not with the injuries you've sustained - a hole opened in your side, a bone poking out of your elbow, and an opening in your frontal skull that bled down to your mouth, with a coppery taste reminding you that it'll take just a little longer before you'll draw your last breath.

With the last of your strength, you dragged yourself into this cold alleyway, down where the sewage went, to escape the unfolding chaos on the streets. Something about a Cyberpsycho escalating a fight, and a truck flipping over. Finer details are eluding you, and so far, you've only been able to flip yourself on your front, staring at the steam escaping from one of the manholes.

Details are all mixed up in your predicament, but there's nothing to lose in watching your life flash before your eyes. In your delirious state, you recall that you are. . .

>Adam Kisiner, a mediocre accountant who endured a string of failures before ending up in the reopened Arasaka America, grinding through the corporate ladder for survival. A man who never learned to live, only to fight, now bleeding out on a nameless street, never able to taste the fruits of liberating his soul.
>Philomon Steele, formerly a young revolutionary who abandoned his passion in pursuit of med school. Result? Cushy job as a surgeon at MT, putting limbs on and off all day. He had it all - a girlfriend, a group of friends, a future to look up to, and it all has been severed in one fine stroke. A death full of regrets is the worst kind of death a man can have.
>Imaeda Yasotaro, a self-proclaimed hooligan with no future. Nevertheless, he attended the Night City University with ferocious zeal, all to achieve the approval of his demanding father. Said father once asked him to deliver an innocent little package to a buddy, a fixer, which led him to this tragedy. Dying by the orders of an old man. . . story old as time.
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Ugh IP change, I'm >>6128360 >>6128018
That might work. If the storage for such eyes wasnt burked deep inside their braincase

Its me. With a change in ID due to being on mobile
Huh. I was sure my id would have changed by now
>Hippocratic oath means nothing in today's world, but disregarding it completely won't fix anything. Restrain him and his buddies, and let the badges handle their outburst. Maybe they'll bribe their way out, but at least they'll taste the boot of law.
Break their bionics so they can't misuse it again.

>Knock on their heads hard enough that they won't remember a thing, and hope that they don't have recording devices in their eyes. Hopefully.
Once again, destroy independent bionics and electronics, especially those with recording and/or communication functions.

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…


>>REACAP of the last thread:

The Jedi Knight FARREN GAELLE has returned to the planet AMAGI, where the JEDI TRIUMVIRATE eagerly awaits his arrival. With him are the survivors of the ill-fated KESSEL CONCLAVE, saved from the treacherous plot of JEDI MASTER SHADDAY POTKIN. The TRIUMVIRATE now counts seven new Jedi among their ranks, potential mentors for a new generation of younglings, and a massacre at the hands of DARTH VADER has been narrowly averted.

Bound by a self-imposed exile from EMPIRE space, Farren and his retinue have pledged their service to the MYLAR STAR ALLIANCE. At the command of SUPREME ARCHON KAULES KEIMANN, they undertake a vital mission to deliver aid to the famine-stricken planet ULSIND, devastated by the ruthless TOFF during the Alliance’s OPERATION SPHERE.
But in the far reaches of a nameless system, an UNKNOWN ENEMY stirs. Awakened from a millennia-long slumber, a LIVING SHIP of coral and FIERY DEATH threatened to annihilate the convoy. Farren, confronting an enemy INVISIBLE TO THE FORCE itself, fought with skill and determination. Though poisoned and wounded, he emerged victorious, narrowly escaping death.

Now, with his strength renewed, Farren turns his focus to the training of his young padawan, CEYLA VIKOL, preparing her for the ways of the JEDI SHADOWS as DARK FORCES loom on the horizon...

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>Snakebite greentext
...I hate that I have a pair of Youtube shorts in mind for this.


>Just absence. You know a door is there, you just can't see it.
That's what the costumes we'll make for it will help with. Also, learning animal friendship might help with eventually developing Vongsense, so let's talk to the Kakari Shamankas about that when we get back.
And relevant picture... AGAIN.
Piss as a cure has got to be one of the greatest fumbles in history. Fuck I love bad medicine. Funniest shit.

I also don't know why but I had the thought that tractor beams would probably help us deal with other smaller Vong ships. It'd at least slow them down a little, right? Has to. I wonder if Bee has thought of any countermeasures or strategies.

What are the odds we even run into the Vong again anyway? Total pipe dream. Never gonna happen again.

Snake Snake? Snake Snake!? SNAKE SNAAAAKE!!!
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Here's the list of all the Blazing Chain Fleets. You got this information from Ingmar and the prison warden back on Amagi.

>Arcblade – formerly led by Adacap Tybalt, they were neigh exterminated in the civil war and scattered to the corners of the Unknown Regions.
>Blackshackle – after the death of Great Khanu Zonsen, Blackshackle has been split into two factions: renegades loyal to Zonsen, and loyalists to the Chain.
>Dreadbones – known for her brutality and bloodthirsty persona, Adacap Uruvi commands both fear and respect from enemies and allies alike.
>Grimlight – worshipers of an entity known as Void, Adacap Rast and his fleet are as secretive as they are faithful to their god in the black hole.
>Kryatspeak – an oddity in that Adacap Zamarl seldom raided, opting to lead his fleet as mercenaries across the Unknown Regions.
>Lonemarch – the smallest of the fleets, Adacap Badue values meritocracy and quality over bloating his ships with incapable dregs and flotsam.
>Moonfury - weary of their nomadic lives, Adacap Nedelcu and his fleet began to search for habitable planets to settle and colonize.
>Novagleam – sustaining severe casualties in the civil war, Adacap Avori and her fleet are the Chain’s most prolific raiders in the Unknown Regions.
>Starsong – obsessed with breeding lineages of Force-sensitives, Adacap Karling suffered a scandal when his firstborn lacked any talent in the Force.
>Thrunehaul - having disappeared towards the galactic north-west after the civil war, Adacap Drue and her fleet are presumed to be dead.
>Warchain – with his father’s death in the civil war, Adacap Xui took his fleet and disappeared into Wild Space to recover in relative privacy.
>Voidheart - a fleet with origins found in outcasts, dregs and slaves, Adacap Notha wages a fierce guerilla war against Ebruchi and Vaagari marauders.

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As you keep walking deeper into the library, the books are getting...weirder. Some titles you notice include "Knitting with dog hair.", "How to talk to your cat about gun safety." and "Who cut off Grandpa's head?". It has been a while since you saw anyone else and you can't see an exit or sign in any direction

>Look for a book about your situation
>Just keep walking, you're bound to run into someone/something eventually
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> Look for random books that look interesting or helpful in your daily life
Well, the tie has been broken either way but I'll roll next time it comes up, if it comes up again.

You go over your options for a while but eventually you decide that since you are in a library you might as well look around for books, who knows what you'll find in this place after all. Not wanting to lose the only exit back to your world that you know off you memorize the titles of some books in the shelf in front of it.

Unfortunately none of those seem very helpful what with them being titled things like "Cooking with bellybutton lint" and "Gerbils, the licorice of the animal kingdom". You do find it a bit odd you're in a cookbook section right now and wonder if you're still close to where you found "How to use the interdimensional library", but you quickly find an open spot on another shelf where the book fits perfectly leading you to assume that is where it belongs.

Hoping you're right you set out to find some books that will hopefully improve if you ever get back home.

Once again roll me 1d10 BO3
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 4 (1d10)


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Previous thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6085624/

Rules: Add one alteration per evolution, save in .png, don't evolve a creature if you were the one to evolve it last, link/reply to the creature you are evolving from.

A massive extinction event has occurred, a series of meteor impacts devastates the surface and raises the global temperature sharply, leaving plenty of space to be inherited by new life.
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As a further adaptation to parasitism, some of their descendants' bottom nub becomes encased in an increasingly sharp and pointed secondary shell, from which they can extrude a raping, tongue-like organ to lap up blood and dead tissue, or use in tandem with heir sticky feet to help anchor themselves.
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The four eyed Flhipers can see in multiple directions to easier spot prey and predators
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Since this lineage is already being pressured by predators who cannot be assed about their toxins or warning cooration, some lineages dispense with both in favor of a more cryptic color scheme and sharper senses. Their ancestral blues and gelatinous inner tissues show through a translucent waxy cuticle now.
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And what poison-proof predator lineage could precipitate such transformations as >>6132754 and >>6132848? Why, the rocket-slobber, of course! These guys are unlikely ape-predators of the deeper ocean at this point, prying up parasitic blungs like >>6132515 and >>6128361, sifting the soil for larvae of >>6128045, but most enthusiastically of all hurtling themselves, propelled by a stream of violently-ejected waste-debris, at any passing golden flhipers or latticefish. These pigs of the sea will eat ANYTHING.

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>Design (D): Jonathan Hickman.
>Alt-Text: An infographic map of Earth labeled “The World” separated into differently colored sections.
>Dialogue Samples: Jonathan Hickman, Kurt Busiek, Bill Everett.


The System is Broken.

After decades of war, the world was rebuilt on a new axis.
The Great Powers carved the planet between them and the Globe spun on this Great Wheel.
But the rise of a new form of power has broken the balance holding up the planet. Atlas has fallen, now is the Age of Marvels.
You are the leader of one of the new superpowers of this world.
The choices you make will affect the fate of the planet and the cosmos beyond. For one of these factions may become the...


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>Alt-Text: Comic art of Apocalypse and Magneto shaking hands.
>Pencils & Inks: Andrea Di Vito. Colors(C): Laura Villari. Letters(L): Dave Sharpe. Script (S): Christos N. Gage
>Dialogue Samples: Alan Davis & Terry Kavanagh. Christos N Gage.

Apocalypse (in bold): I see the real you. You hunger for honor. At times even reach for it. But it is nothing compared to your thirst for revenge.
Magneto (in red): And what do you know of revenge? Of pain?! I can sense your power. Yet you stood aside and did nothing when that metal beast murdered my brotherhood!
Do not weaken yourself with sentiment. You survived because you are strong. You are worthy. That toy was merely the first of this feeble planet's backlash against its betters. There will be more. And if you seek to avenge your fallen brethren, you will NEED more.
You would join me in my war?
If it is war you seek, War is what you shall be.

With your minds' connected you flood the mutant’s brain with memories.
He sees you crushing Aegean chariots, sees you clash with gods on the shores of Lundenburg, sees you breaking The Impaler before you.
And through this all, he learns War. Through this all, he BECOMES War.

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>Art: Alex Ross
>Alt-Text: Painting of the Fantastic Four. For astronauts, led by Reed Richards who gained superpowers in space.

August, 1961

The day has come. The brightest of this planet reached for the heavens and returned with the gods' fire.
The Marvel Age has begun.

Nathanial Essex (in quotation marks) “Can you believe this? I spend decades trying to crack induced mutation and some poindexter in a rented spaceship becomes a mutant by ACCIDENT!”
A MuTATE, not a Mutant. No amount of sapiens technology could recreate our natural gifts.
“I have a lab in New Mexico that says otherwise.”
I can rip you to atoms with a thought!

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Starting with this update, I will try to make it more clear who is talking.
The perspective will sometimes shift between characters we are currently POV as Apocalypse.
When we shift POV again, I will tell you. I have also added clarification for whose dialogue is whose.

Dialogue Samples are my term for when I adapt lines of dialogue from the comics tv shows films etc.
For example, a lot of this Magneto and Apoclaysoe sequence is inspired by House of M Civil War, written by Christos N Gage.
When a post uses someone else words' I will give credit to them.

This post inspired me to make some bonus content. Expect it sometime this weekend.
>Hold off on direct conflict. Keep assembling The Twelve.

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