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Feels like yesterday when you discovered the chest with the old grimoires of your great grandfather hidden on the family barn. You read it with curiosity at first, and then you practiced it with intent. But after eight years of practice, all you managed to learn was a very minor spell.

> Fire magic
> Ice magic

You realize you need an actual master to teach you further, so you decided to travel. The chest is too heavy to carry with you.

> Bring your favorite grimoire along
> Better leave the grimoires where they are safe

Where will you head to further your magical learning?

> To the cold north
> To the verdant west
> To the desertic south
> To the savage east
>>6159023 (OP)
>Fire magic
>Bring your favorite grimoire along
> To the cold north
>>6159023 (OP)
> Ice magic
> Bring your favorite grimoire along
> To the desertic south
>>6159023 (OP)
> Fire magic
> Bring your favorite grimoire along
> To the desertic south
>Fire magic
>Bring your favorite Grimoire along
>To the desertic south
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Having learned a little fire magic (and almost burning down the family property several times in the meantime), you decide it is time to head South. The books told about powerful arcane masters who hide in these desertic lands, ever since a terrible time of persecution drove them to resistance amongst the shifting sands.
But first, you need to get out of the island where you live in.

The place is called Zerkar and you live in the tiny city of Fliberg, by the mountains. You need to head to a port city so you can catch a boat south.

The nearest port city is Rord, but it mostly only deals in local boating.

To really get out of the island, you mus reach either the town of Tario or the town of Semeria, the major ports of the island.

It is a long voyage by boat south, it can take a whole week.

Near Semeria, there is a small elvish settlement called Lenor. You never went there because the road pass through one of the many ruined settlements in the island, which are said to be home to terrible monsters who once rampaged through the island.

The roads were built a long time ago by an ancient empire.

You're currently at Fliberg, what do you want to do next?
> Choose an action or destination
Could we get a boat from Rord to take us to Tario or Acolas? If so, that’s my vote.
>Travel to Rord, see if we can get a boat to Taro or Semeria. If we are lucky, maybe a boat taking us south directly
Rolled 3, 12, 10, 14, 18, 10, 18, 15, 3 = 103 (9d20)


Alright, it is a 3 day trip so I will roll 9d20, one for each morning, afternoon and night. On a 1 or 20 something happens. 1 is generally something negative, 20 depends on where you are, could be positive.

You manage to walk all the way to Rord uneventfully.

When you arrive there, you look for a boat that can take you to Tario or Semeria.

There is a weekly boat to Tario that costs 1 silver. It will depart 2 days from now.

There is a boat to Semeria that costs 5 silver, upon demand.

You have 100 silver.

There is an inn called "The Old Boot".

The city has a very prominent temple, perhaps you could go there to pray and make a small donation.

There is also a modest marketplace, you could buy something needed there.

What do you wanna do?
> Take boat to Semeria
> Find an Inn and rest while you wait for the boat to Tario (2 silver a day)
> Go to the temple and make a small donation
> Go shop around
> Write in
>Go to temple and make a small donation
>Look for some temporary work while waiting for the boat to Tario
Some experience never hurt
>Go shop around
>Look for some temporary work while waiting for the boat to Tario
Learning about the area from the locals could open some doors in the future.
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You head to the temple intending to make a small donation. You attend the sermon and pray for awhile with the congregation.

Feeling your faith renewed, you donate a silver to the temple.

"It is rare to see you here, child. Been years since you last came to this town.", says the elderly priest.

"I don't have business here often. I'm headed south."

"South? To the great desert?"


"It is a dangerous place, you should find someone trustworthy who already traversed the trickster sands. I know a woman who did, but..."

"Who is she?"

"She was once an adventurer, a bard, but her entire party was wiped out. She became a recluse, pouring over old books, looking for clues on some kind of rare bird."

"And where can I find her?"

"Well... right here in the temple. She's always at the library, perusing our tomes. I'll introduce you."

The priest takes you to the temple library, dozens of thick tomes on various subjects.

"Selena, I'd like to introduce you to my good friend."

"Huh.... you look shady... what's your name, girl?"

> Name MC

"And what do you want?"

"I intend to traverse the great desert."

"The great desert... I've been there. Full of undead. Weird ones. Suicide going there without a priest."

> Would you come with me, Selena
> Ask the priest if he would tag along
> Ask them both if they have work for you
> Go look for work elsewhere
> Write in
>Name MC
>Would you come with me, Selena

"Would you come with me, Selena?"

"I can't... I'm researching... uh... a rare bird..."

"What kind of rare bird?"

"Well... if you must know... my research has pointed out that somewhere in this island lives one of the fabled 'eternal birds'. The desert people call them Phoenix. But the damn books don't specify where the bird nests, and it is too dangerous to just roam around by myself. The island is full of monsters."

> Offer to help looking for the phoenix
> Try to convince her to give it up and come with you
> Ask her what else she knows about the great desert
> Bid her farewell and go look for work elsewhere
> Write in
> Offer to help looking for the phoenix
Give us something to do while waiting for the boat.
>Ask her what else she knows about the great desert
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>>6159698 1
>>6159725 2

"What else do you know about the great desert?"

"Settlements are few and far in between. Without some kind of mount, your chance of survival is slim, unless you can produce water and food with magic somehow. Every night the undeads attack the people wandering in the desert. The natives light fires to keep them away, but it is a bonfire for a whole oasis. Usually we can't find enough firewood to make a fire when wandering through the desert, but a few torches could do the trick, if you're willing to stay awake all night. The travellers when they can't find fire or a priest employ a sacrifice. They all get into their tents and leave one person outside for the undead. They don't always find that person again the following day, and even when they do they are often insane. Sometimes the insanity goes away after awhile. Other times, it doesn't. Wandering alone in the desert is suicide, plain and simple. Most caravans travelling through the desert are slavers. They bring riches and slaves from beyond the desert to the south to sell, and return with exotic goods they can't produce."

"Do you know about any wizards there?"

"Indeed, there are plenty. The most common ones are masters of fire and necromancers. Both of them keep the undead at bay for others. Those are prized skills there."

> Go find work elsewhere
> Ask the priest if he has work for you
> Go to an inn and get some rest
> Write in
> Ask the priest if he has work for you

You ask the priest if he has work for you.

"Of course! The sun temple is always in need of more pairs of hands. Our apprentices go out to gather food and catalog the local plants and animals as often as they can. The problem is there are many monsters in the wilderness who often harass them, so they can only go out with escorts. You could come and help us in any way you can, and we'll reward you accordingly."

> Offer to go gather food for the temple
> Offer to help catalog the local life
> Offer to act as escort for the scholar apprentices
> You're not interested
> Write in
> Offer to go gather food for the temple
> Offer to act as escort for the scholar apprentices
> Offer to act as escort for the scholar apprentices

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