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Previous Thread: >>6149613

You don't know exactly how to introduce yourself if you don't know anything, so you just ask her if she's got any ideas.
She doesn't.
She didn't even know there was somebody in the other room, and she says she only woke up after she saw you.

You sigh and surrender to a moment of unknowing while both of you stand around. You don't know anything, she doesn't know anything. It's like a frustration you've felt before, and yet you don't know if you've felt anything before you woke up. You hope maybe things become more clear as this series of events unfolds itself, and you're also not sure if you knew what you meant by that.
>>6157326 (OP)
Ponder your lack of arms
I mean, try to see if the other guy can hear us
We're back.
I'm not sure if I trust the other guy but it doesn't seem like we have a lot of option.
>>6157326 (OP)
Fuck the giant bullet.
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You jump up the stool and ask that puffy hair guy if he can hear you.
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That's a little mean, anon
>Yeah, I've actually heard you and the other feller for a while, but I didn't want to interrupt anything.
You don't really like the way he talks.
>What's your name anyways? Mine's Jim, I think. I don't really know to be honest.
"I'm FrUmEnTuLa(?), do you have any idea why we're here?"
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You tell him you don't have a name, and ask him if he knows any more about what's going on than you do.
>Well, not really, I'm just as confused as you probably are. There's nothing in my room besides a red button, and I don't remember a single thing besides my name and flashing lights.
...Have you tried pressing the button?
Ask him for some privacy because we're going to be having some loud sex with the artillery shell
Oh, it's this QM again. I remember when they ran a Quest with trepanning or something.

You're terrible to play with. You suck as a QM. You still can't make at least a decent Questing experience. Please go and stay go.
Ask the curly haired gentleman to push that red button to see what happens, and then give >>6159455 a very rude gesture
Have him push the big red button

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