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Another day, another suit to stand and stare at while he clacks click clack clicks his keys on his little terminal.

Oh well. At least this one sprung for catering. Mark of a highly mannered client, isn't it?
File: Rules of Engagement 1.png (842 KB, 1292x872)
842 KB
842 KB PNG
This is all perfectly straightforward, Agents. Client's hired us as a roaming protective detail while he gets some work done and finishes up a big push on a code commit. That's why we set up this safehouse; it's nicely remote and isolated and should give the Client plenty of focus to get their work done.

Piece of cake! Just walk the perimeter, check the cams, be polite and professional, and if the Client has any requests, you just carry those out.

Yeah, I know, I know, it's not the most exciting operation and all, but we have to take what we can get, y'know? And he pays pretty well and he did spring for catering, which Johnson in Accounting says knocks like, 8.5% off of our operations budget. And he has that wide-screen in the lounge area, so maybe you can catch a movie or something to pass the time?

For now, just get settled in. Anyone have anything to report?

Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich
Rolled 6, 10 = 16 (2d10)

>Egg Sandwich
>I do Smoke but only when I need to think for a long time. This happens about twice bi-weekly. Social smoking only happens with Agent Holiday.
>I usually keep a manual and an emergency tool in my pockets but I usually let Agent Quill assign me something. She's nice like that.

#Agent Graphite
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Origami Folding 1
!Intelligence Analysis 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Egg Sandwich
Rolled 7, 10 = 17 (2d10)

#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich

> +1 Proficiency
> +1 Resist

>+1 CQC
>+1 First-aid

> Sleeps above the covers in his knickers with the windows open. Can't remember the last time he got a cold.
> Fine iron filings tug his waist pockets earthward. A lingering tradition from his youth in the old country, a precaution against strange wooden things. (2d10 roll)
Rolled 2, 8 = 10 (2d10)


I report that I will run out of origami paper sheets before this assignment is over.

Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 1
!Origami Folding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tuna Sandwich, no smokes
Rolled 3, 4 = 7 (2d10)

#Agent Evans
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich

Nothing to report over here. I think I might've missed the briefing on what you name yourself, though. You people all have stationary themes. Are we not meant to use our real names?

Uhh, I mean, yes of course I used an alias. Evans is- he's some other guy.

>Banana and Carrot Sandwich. Don't ask.
>Tried smoking once as a teen, swore off it.
Good to have you, Agents! I've got one order of egg, nothing for Vennsfield, one Tuna for Fold, and Evans we're good to go on the -- sorry this systemfeed is wonky let me just adjust for no no that is your actual order, huh? Just, just like that, huh? Wow. Alright. Sounds edible.


Well, while that gets handled, let's do the usual proper perimeter protection detail and slap up some node cams and finagle the grounds a little. The Client says we're good to do this, SO LONG AS WE DON'T DISTURB HIM, sorry, reading directly from this brief here I tried to do his accent don't know if I got it...

So, grab some of the remote cams and tippytoe them into places. If you've got the feel for it, maybe unlock a turret case or two. We haven't brought very many of those but standard operating procedure.

Finally, uh, well, I mean. . . Maybe there's something else you want to get doing?

>To take an action that requires rolling, you roll d10s equal to a pool of Intention + Secret. Sometimes, other stuff adds.
>7+ is great. 10s are double and tick a small boon. Slightly nicer stuff happens!
>1s are a complication. Don't worry about these, but they'll factor in if you're doing finnicky stuff.
>For now, Process + Meshops sets up cameras and some deterrent turrets
>But unless you really get into it, you'll still have time to do something . . . else? Maybe you have a door you want extra locked or maybe you want to be sure there's some bandages somewhere? You can try that too, if you're rummaging about anyway. Though you don't have to.

Yea, there's this dust mote floating in front of me. Permission to engage?
... Man I'm bored

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich | Smokes
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d10)

Oh, I know what'll be fun - just like last time. You can reboot the cleaning drones again again again again! I'm sure one of the times we do this they'll actually *do their job*!

I have a solution, Agent Fold, and it only took me four seconds to derive alternative operational methodologies to align our current tasking with the parameters of the field in relation to execution of the goal. Uh. You can use the sandwich wrappers for extra folding paper--

Don't sigh down the headset, I get it, I'm AS bored as Monarch and pretending that we're running out of light blue foldable paper is the most excitement this job's given in two days.

Uuuuughhhh look. Look. Well you can't *see it* but I've made a nice little crane, I'll -- here-- hang on I'll send you a picture.

Hey, look on the bright side, we've only gotta do this for another few weeks and the Client says we're home clear and he'll even pay us extra for good service. No no, ignore the sound of me grinding my teeth together in exasperation it's a... signal... issue...
Rolled 6, 2 = 8 (2d10)

>I am here too
>Omelette and ham sandwich
>Smoking kills, and I only kill enemies

Reporting: local HVAC causes drafts everywhere, what a hack job

>Set up a turret in the secondary lounge, up against the main lounge wall so i can see south into the hallway as well
Why here? Because I expect shenanigans. We have sandwiches for fuck's sake, this is a big red flag.

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich
Rolled 8, 3, 8 = 19 (3d10)

Forgot to roll for setting turrets
It's an acquired taste. No, literally, I think one of my implants altered my taste receptors.

I'll put a camera up on the inside corner of that entrance hallway. Outside corner of the sec monitoring room. It'll give us an idea of who's coming in and out, and might get an edge view into the Armory.
Nice work so far. Hey, has anyone see my all access additional? I lost it somewhere during the briefing earlier, and I can't seem to-- well, it'll turn up.

>Everyone gains a TRAIT
>Traits are permanent
>Lucky you!
Rolled 4, 10, 1, 8 = 23 (4d10)

I also appear to have forgotten to roll. Excuse me. Process 2 + Mesh Ops 2
File: Setup.png (1.06 MB, 2480x3508)
1.06 MB
1.06 MB PNG
Rolled 2, 1, 7 = 10 (3d10)

>Noting that Agent Mammoth as placed a Turret in the secondary lounge
>There is a reason for this camera plan but if I had to explain it...

Highrise Hallway: To look at the main entrance
Highrise Lobby: To see who comes and goes
Elevator Bays: There's always a slice rat in there or 2
Kitchen: Who's cooking? I hope it's not Ink again...
Solar Uplink: You know for some reason they love scaling buildings. Whether from below or from helo's

Entrance: Duh, the delivery man forgetting the order? I don't think so.
Mammoth Turret: At least paintball should be quiet enough not to disturb our boss
Turret near agent room: WE'RE TRYING TO REST HERE.

>Obviously, I can't place all of this alone but I can try my best? I will at least make sure the ones in the Highrise Hallway, Highrise Lobby, and Elevator are ready (Process 2+MeshOps 1)

>Would like to make sure the person we're ordering send a delivery man who knows the order by heart including the bill and what his name will be. It's in the App at least? He gets a tip if he/she performs a dance of his/hers favourite idol dance group (needs to tell us which one) at the entrance. Yes they should bring their music player/speaker
Rolled 3, 8 = 11 (2d10)

>Smoked brisket with spicy mustard and pickled onions on rye. Has slowly been increasing the complexity of his sandwich order every time he orders one.
>Only smokes when it rains. Swears the humidity gives the tobacco a whole new flavour profile.
>Makes sure to always carry an Ace of Hearts with him. Claims that it's lucky, but he replaces it after every mission.

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich
File: Coverage.png (1.27 MB, 2478x3503)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB PNG
Rolled 5, 1, 2, 10 = 18 (4d10)

What do you think I've been doing? I swear Tritach's gadgets break more than they work. These things are like... the cleaning drones of Theseus by now.

Whatever, I'm gonna go set up cameras with Graphite. Looks like he's got this down to a science though.

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich | Smokes

>Process 3+Mesh Ops 1, I think I'm doing this right?
Rolled 7, 3 = 10 (2d10)

>>6157556 (OP)
>Watercress Sandwich
>Don't smoke.
>Usually keep at least one thumbdrive or similar peripheral in my pocket. Sometimes blank, sometimes not.

Nothing to report so far, TS. Could you update me on the timeframe we're working with here?

#Agent Octant
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich
File: file.png (1.38 MB, 2480x3508)
1.38 MB
1.38 MB PNG
Rolled 7, 1, 3 = 11 (3d10)

>I'll help help set up cameras and turrets, and add a few more to Graphite and Monarch's plan (Process 3)
One more awry adjustment and surely it'll work this time. I'm not going to say 'promise' because you know I dislike lying to you.

Just... relax into it. A few hours. Days. Okay he's hired us for another two weeks or "until I am done with the calibrations of the first node penetration test", which, well, let's hope he ... calibrates fast.

Just tough it out for a little more, Agent Octant. You'll be okay. Look, just watch another movie or something you have all of them.


>While we go through the motions of setting up the last few cameras, a very overburdened delivery man carrying several bags slums it out of the elevator and makes gradual progress towards the door. He struggles under the weight of:

1x Egg Sandwich
1x Tuna Sandwich
1x Banana Carrot Sandwich
1x Club Sandwich
1x rather smokey Omelette and Ham Sandwich
1x Smoked brisket, the good stuff, with pickled onions
1x Watercress Sandwich. Guess someone is watching their figure.

Agent Vennsfield forgot to put in an order and as the tantalizing delivery of supplies wanders into the feeds shared by the cam network the gruelling height of that mistake gently makes itself known.

TS checks their monitoring systems and notes that Agent Vennsfield is displaying the classical signs of an acute blood sugar deprivation event.

>Agent Vennsfield, +12 Hunger


While the last cameras get set up, perhaps someone should accept the delivery, pay the guy and tell him that his dance moves are a pretty good match for the SKETCH HEROES Super Idol Group. Go Go Ganbatte Gamblerrrroooo!

>Adjusting some tech

Agents done planting tech and setting up systems can take a GENERAL ROUTINE ACTION, which may indeed include helping yourself to a delicious sandwich. Due to the ENORMOUSLY BORING NATURE OF THIS JOB SO FAR, you may need to engage in SOME KIND OF RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY to resist the onset of SHEER MUNDANITY.

( The inevitable onslaught of another 6 hours of Nothing Happening will dull even the sharpest of senses unless stimulated )
Rolled 8, 5, 5, 8, 7 = 33 (5d10)

Might as well help with setting up cameras. If we can spring for one more, it would be nice to have a camera covering the right side of the solar uplink. Either way,
>Processing 3 + MeshOps 2
Rolled 1, 5, 7, 3 = 16 (4d10)

>Have my C7 Service ready and hidden behind me and answer the door. React quickly with bullet to face and closure of the door if lets say enemies show up or the delivery man has an issue. Something amiss...? (React or Sense 3+Intel Analysis 1)
>Go accept the delivery, pay the guy with a very generous tip all paid by "Verdant Green" and whoever wanted to contribute to the tip. (I know I'm contributing. That was pretty good.)
Rolled 8, 2, 8, 2 = 20 (4d10)

>After finishing setting up the rest of the cameras, take my sandwich and pass the time by folding Origami. (Manipulation 3 + Origami Folding 1)

I'll pitch in, that guy went beyond and above.
#Agent Evans
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

Hey Vennsfield, want some of my sandwich? No? Your loss.

How about slapboxing. Anyone? It'll be some exercise, it's good for you.

Yeah, no. That delivery guy was struggling with just seven sandwiches. Our sandwiches would have to be MASSIVE for that to not imply some pretty dire things about his physique. Poor showing.
Rolled 3, 1, 2, 7, 10, 4, 3, 10 = 40 (8d10)

>Roll for Equipment (looking for a multi-tool, but all things have their purpose)
>Slowly eat my sandwich (3AL)
>Idly Think about the industrial process required to corn beef and how one could optimize such a process. (3AL, process 2, juryrigger 1, 3d10)
>Think about how I could develop a macro to auto-fill most of my required reports so that I don't have to spend so much time on paperwork (Process 2 + Meshwire 1 = 3d10)

#Tech Specialist Devonshire
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

H1: Sandwich (Corned Beef)
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich #Name; Vandian Army Knife/Multitool?
>Acquire sandwich
>Contribute to the tip
>Admire the scenery from the balcony (or the closest thing to it available)
>Idly contemplate potential routes of ingress from the neighboring structures while eating

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich
Rolled 1, 6, 4, 9 = 20 (4d10)

>For what feels like the 10th time just today, make sure the Panic Room is stocked up with everything that it would need should Panic ensue (unlikely). While you're in there, set up a camera. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 1]
#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich
H2 should also have been dedicated to sandwich holding for this post. Corned Beef is really a 2-handed sandwich.
Rolled 5, 1, 5 = 11 (3d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich | Smokes

...You know what? I bet I can...
>Monarch decides that since these cleaning bots are borderline useless anyways, he's gonna try fixing a camera to one of them. It's gonna look like the most conspicuous thing ever... this is more about practice than making something efficient and usable.
>Jury Rigging 1 + Manipulate 2
Rolled 4, 3, 7, 4, 5, 4 = 27 (6d10)

Oh, I ordered the triple extra plus supreme size. Slice 'em into extra bits you've got rations for days, Agents! It's genius!

Not that you'll need to be here for days I promise okay I'm going back on that promise immediately you can't see it but I had to cross my fingers. Sorry. I. I really don't like lying to you. Look, uh, it's a pretty big delivery on because I have to admit you might be here for a while


It's a pretty sweeping vista. Hey, that's... odd. Are you seeing this? Hey, Agent Mammoth, lean forward a little those six guys that just got out of the same car way down there below is -- false alarm. That was a golf club. Not a rifle.

All this waiting around has even me spooked.

Now that's a good thought, Agent. Actually, I think we can do you one better - plug that camera on that one one and duct-tape it down proper and I think we can get it to call up a sensor map of 'estimated dirt presence' then correlate the two. That'll get us statistical informatics AND visual. And what's dirtier than a group of gunmen with muddy boots coming to surprise us?


So far, so much nothing. The Client keeps doing some work. It's all rather trivial. Fantastic idea double-checking the panic room as well, it's important to ensure that if we do need to use it is in good, reliable shape. Almost as if doing this NOW precludes some kind of horrible tangent later onnnnnnnnn because YES agent Thorn, if I don't miss my mark this panic room is empty of all essentials and would function more like a tomb if anyone came into it.

Also what's that? You hear that beeping noise too? It's coming in sorta odd on the sensor systems-- hang I'll try to boost the feed.
No that's definitively signal feedback. Agent Thorn, trace that line - see if we've got something weird on board.


[ The over-excited delivery person gasps and doesn't know whether to salute Graphite or shake his hand or shout in joy. But well, hey, the client said "expenses reasonably covered" and this covers. The delivery of sandwiches is onboarded into the safehouse, as Agents go about bolstering the electronic net and fixing dead-angles. Or perform unlicensed cleaning drone modification.]


Sweet, sweet blessed delicious food. That makes ANY job go down faster!


Agent Mammoth enjoys the soothing breeze and the wonderful sighs, pondering avenues of attack. And the he spots something.

Please enjoy a delicious sandwich for a hearty +1 Confidence - and as we all know, Confidence makes you do everything better; so it simply becomes a flat +1dice until it slowly fades.

>Reaction Phase... [1/2]
Hey, Agents! I've... I've got movement near the elevator bays. Really good use putting those cameras up; looks like a hard patrol of tattooed people in suits just rolled into the floor all a-goosestepping. They've got "I break bones for money" coming off of them like cologne!

I've flagged them for analysis, and we'll know more in a bit. Estimates are they're definitively headed towards the door to our apartment, though! Graphite, look presentable!

They clearly don't know we know they're coming.


[Agent Ink ambles over to Agent Mammoth and taps him on the shoulder, leans over the barricade and breathes out some tension. Grins sideways. Good eyes there, Mammoth. THAT. . . is an observation post. And they've probably been at it for a while, but sheer luck of the draw you wandered over here now to look in their direction.

They're not moving right now. Definitively just in observe-and-report mode. Odds are they'll want to fire over a zipline and crash the party, given some signal or situation development. You thinking what I'm thinking?]


>Agents to act!
>Looks like that group of hardcases will KNOCK on the DOOR soon (either end of this phase or during, if you want to intercept them and talk).

See if you can convince them they've got the wrong apartment or something. If push comes to shove, spook them off.

Do not - *please* - do not start a raging firefight in the middle of the elevator lobby. Remember your de-escalation training!


>With 9 AL, you can take several minor and major actions. Movement is not restricted at the moment as no one is in Focus'd mode, so simply take whatever actions you feel appropriate.
Alright Agent, we just need you to--- wait. Why... Why does this say agent? You actually are registered as a technical support asset specialist. How did that happen? How did you end up on field duty? Tech Devonshire, keep your head down if something goes horribly wrong out there! This is field team territory! You belong behind a desk!!
#Agent Evans
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

I don't think answering the door in a spiffy suit and headset is going to do much to deceive anyone that this isn't the secured place they're looking for. Who reckons they can get changed the fastest?

Definitively not it. Nope. No. That's not what we do in the not-Evans family.


You know, it occurs to me that I have no clue what the eight Intentions are and what they're meant to cover or when they're meant to be rolled. This seems kind of necessary to participate. Can you run us through them?
Rolled 2, 2, 8, 1, 6, 8, 4, 4, 5, 3 = 43 (10d10)

FINALLY this job is getting GOOD!

>-Buff! Confidence+1 from the absolutely delicious sandwich.

>3 AL: Analyze the signal. What's producing it? Is it emitting it to somewhere in particular? Isolate it from its network if so.(Process 3 + MeshOps 1 + 1 Conf)
>3 AL: Breach and Clear the broom socket, C7 pistol in one hand, knife in another and immobilize the perp if there actually is a target in there. (React 2 + CloseQuarters 2 + 1 Conf)

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Confidence 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I
Don't worry about it, Agent Evans. You'll be fine. Just enjoy your banana-carrot sandwich and you'll be fiiiiine.
Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d10)

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 2

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Grilled Cheese Sandwich

>+1 to Proficiency and React
>+2 to !Acrobatics
>Grilled Cheese Sandwich
>I do not smoke
File: Broom Room Doom.png (89 KB, 1260x708)
89 KB
... What the starshiners anthem. Agent Thorn! Agent Thorn! That cleaning drone is connected to the meshgrid in the apartment you are not surprised okay but what if I told you that it's also broadcasting to a secondary location in intermittent bursts? The signalling you found was it communication!

That's not good; that include geocaching and locational data along with pattern-movements for the floor space of the apartment!

It might just be a marketing upload!

Agent Thorn, we need to THINK FAST

>Don't worry about AL for this next part

Do we:

A) Breach into it and see where it's sending the data, but risk letting the people its sending it to know? This would tell us what's going on!

B) Fry the on-board specs and corrupt the data-stream? Jam in through the access and I can upload a flash-viral down the way, it'll destroy whatever is on the other end but we'll lose the info bit. Also they might have defenses?

C) Read The Drone Its Final Rights then put three in its chassis, hard factory reset style? No working drone, no working drone data.

D) ... Just hit the off-switch it's right there. Turn the drone off, kill the feed, then we can go over this nice and slow later. Can't go destroyng client property, it's unprofessional, and besides, a full data-forensic check is by far the best way to get information. Sidenote: Competent meshoperatives install reboot subroutines in subborned systems, it might turn back on later.

E) Actually, Liren, I'm SO GOOD at my job that I suggest we... ???

>Do roll for any outcome
Is that some sort of a long arm I see in the agent bedroom? A Chirni, perhaps? The Hong might not be armed, but the HVAC team is probably packing more than hopes and dreams along with all their other gear. As with most forms of extra firepower, better to have it and not need it, eh? So, hope nobody minds if I...

>Go to the Agent Bedroom and strap the fuck up.
Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich | Smokes

Agent... Herbie! Begin your sweeping duties. Effective immediately

>1 Major action, take out and begin digging into that sweet sweet Club Sammich, might need to cut it up a bit with the knife...
...Shay *nom* Inky *ohm nngom* did the- *munch* did the client want us to keep this flat in order? *mmhgn nom* if those guys you're talking about want to breach *nom*... we oughtta make ourselves defensible.

>Minor action, check around for a set of keys (While still munching on my amazing sandwich, thanks Ink!), that could be used for the doors in this area of the flat. Might be a good idea to lock some rooms down.
Rolled 4, 5, 8 = 17 (3d10)

I suppose I should be rolling sense to check for those keys shouldnt i
Rolled 2, 8, 3, 7, 8 = 28 (5d10)

Alright, just a cleaning robot. No big deal. I got this.

>Turn the drone off, make sure it's off, and then sprint into the Panic Room, close the door so the data doesn't actually reach anywhere even if it turns back on and start working on a full data-forensic check. [Process 3 + Mesh Ops 1 + 1 Conf]
Rolled 3, 7, 5, 9, 9, 5, 10, 5, 1, 5, 7, 5, 8 = 79 (13d10)

>+1 Confidence. Delicious Egg Sandwich
>3AL: Make sure the door is extra locked down (Attune 2 or Manipulate 2+3AL?)
>3AL: Using the outside camera and the peephole project an Hologram of a Origami of a person that looks like highrise security leaning on the door (Manipulate 2+Origami 1+ confidence)
>3AL: Answer the door as if my voice was coming from the Hologram and try to redirect the Hong's to another building at best. (Manipulate 2+ Persuasion 1+ Confidence)
The sandwich of champions, I always say. Just add a speck of tomato and a little dripping of oh now I'm drolling at this command console damn you Agent.

Alright get in there.
Says here you've got a... Outstanding citation for not filling in your agent paperwork correctly? Is that so? Let's just handle that immediately, get you cleared for field duty proper.

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
“ What? I don’t think there’s any drawbacks to having my amygdala enlarged 13% and – AAAAHHHHH “

Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.

Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.

Unfortunately, you filled out your paperwork incorrectly as it's +1 to two DIFFERENT secrets (you'll learn on the job, and fast). We'll need to go over your file when you return from this op, but until you we do I think it's policy that I CAN'T TRUST YOU WITH A GUN

>You keep Acrobatics 2 though.

You can, though admittedly for 'minor' actions sometimes they just happen. So if you don't roll, there's usually still consequences. Rolling just sometimes helps.

As for the keys, we do have those and you can find a set. Mos of the doors in the safehouse is twin mechanical and electronic. They'll open on signalling from us (1AL) but you can lock them manually and then they need to be breached. They're obviously proper security doors, rated against small arms. We're not total fools.

Heyyyyy a fully automatic sub machine gun just conveniently left behind the mirror in the agent bedroom. I Wonder Who Had A Drone Smuggle That In There For You. Certainly wouldn't be anyone you *definitively* owe a favour.

Here, let me just pre-authorize a bunch of armory request forms. Though you'll need to provide your own signature.
In that case, I'm going to spend 2 more AL to lock the two doors to the Second Computation Bay... that looks important, I feel like we *shouldn't* let bad people in
In any case, Agent Evans, in case you are not actually fine try to recall your basic primer.

You generate a dicepool to perform an action that is worth rolling for by pairing one Intention with modifiers, usually a Secret that lets you do something interesting. Intentions on their own can be rolled fine if you don't have relevant training, because they cover a broad and varied skillset with many aptitudes. You are quite well trained.

Outcomes are directly based on the hits generate, each 7+ being 1 hit and 10s counting two. You normally "need to beat 0" to accomplish *something*, with more hits naturally simply being better. Some tasks have thresholds to accomplish.

*Intentions* let you roughly reference how, why or in what manner you go about doing something. You use React to react and be fast, you use Attune to feel out and intuit and get closer to something, you use Proficiency to display raw bodily motorics.

This lets you adequately perform a wide variety of tasks using basic interactions. Consider that you are trained in Close Quarters.

Profiency + Close Quarters is a basic damaging strike.

Sense + Close Quarters lets you suss out someone's training, things worth knowing about, how to approach something ("sense how).

Manipulate + Close Quarters would let you use precise force and careful maneuvering, possibly to force compliance from someone you have in a hold, possibly to wriggle out of a tight spot. Maybe offer the proper honorifics to a venerable Sensei and treat them with deft politeness.

React + Close Quarters lets you try a dodge in CQC - we'll get to that later, but it's a Response that you can set at the end of your actions.

Process + Close Quarters might make you feel like you don't know how to do that, but think of it as "process data related to close quarters" and you'll realize it tells you about raw information, techniques, tactics, stuff that you might 'know in the head'. You can also use this to work out an edge, gain an advantage, game someone.

This basic idea holds true across all Intentions, in that you pair them with Secrets to do "things within that category". You'll pick up the why and how of it over time, but that's the basic gist.

" Okay but some of these abstract "

Yes, Agent. For most basic operations you can rely on Sense and Proficiency and React, if all you want to do is spot an opening, hammer home then defend yourself.

But then later on, perhaps you'll come to understand that Attune + Close Quarters lets you attune yourself to a specific stance and mode of operation and lets you adopt a stance.


The golden general rule is that trying to 'game' the resolution mechanism mostly doesn't work. If you have a high React, you can't "attack speedily with React, the run away with React, then get ready to dodge, also with React". The system would just default to using your Proficiency for the attack, as that's total motor control.
Actually haven't been in there yet, Agent, and I don't have any data on what the Client wanted with his computational clusters.

According to Agent Ink, he's coding up some kind of enormously data-dependent architecture that's running pretty hot, processing-wise. The solar arrays on the roofs and the generators are meant to help offset the power burn of all his screens and terminals. I haven't had any look at his code yet, because he's pretty private about it.

My guess is most of his work is done in the main lounge. That couch looking thing with the pillows is actually a core processing cluster, cunningly hidden. But. The secondary computational core is probably relevant for his work, so I agree with your assessment. Keep bad people OUT of it.

I've got the most curious feeling that it's going to be highly relevant later, possibly as the Client moves from location to location to finish up? In some sort of... escort related manner? You run enough ops, sometimes you start to glean the shape of them.

Anyway, good. Lock it down tight and hang on to those keys!
Thanks, TS. If I didn't owe you before, I definitely do now. Right, so where do you want me to sign?
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich

>Move southward 9 spaces. In the general direction of the bank of red screened monitors. (-9 ALA)
Rolled 8, 6, 4 = 18 (3d10)

Oh would you look at that. As my callsign is Mammoth, that's the shenanigans!
Now I gather they would want to shoot a harpoon into that wall behind my back and zipline onto the balcony like cool operators they think they are. And it seems to me that the uplink equipment makes this nook with the table the only convenient spot for that. So if I move this table a bit to the side, one side of this nook will become even more convenient - and we'll know where to place a trap.

Do we have a trap though?
>Go to the armory and look for explosives or at least a bear trap, as well as some hevier firearms - 3d10 Sense
>On the way, recheck my assumptions about the potential zipline endpoint - 3d10 Process

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12
*Alive *Confidence

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich
Rolled 7, 10, 4 = 21 (3d10)

Should have been 6d10, wtf
Rolled 3, 1, 7, 5, 8, 5, 8 = 37 (7d10)

"A desk job eh? Noted. Reporting to the nearest desk. Over."
>Report to that big orange desk at Reception
>Boot up the computer, hearts, facebook, and my backlog of Tech Support tickets.
>3AL, Proficiency 3 + Persuasion 1 - if the Hong enter the apartment, welcome them and ask them how I can help them today. Act like a polite, professional receptionist. (4 dice)
>3AL, Support 2, Mesh Ops 1 (3 dice) work on my backlog of tech support tickets.

H1: Keyboard & Mouse
H2: Also Keyboard
B: Agent Suit
H: Techset Headware
Agent Thorn ducks into the panic room, and as the heavy doors slide shut, he drops from the tacnet. Ah, privacy. At long last.


Agent Graphite stalls the people at the door with unflinching politeness. They're... They're losing interest? Interesting data: that makes this group unrelated to the source of the strange signal in the cleaning drone. If they were tracking that, they'd know it was right here in this building. Okay, Agent Graphite, keep at it. Everyone play this cool and this gang of ruffians is going to just walk away.

(Devonshire throws in a few extra lines and the spare processing makes the holographic projection much, much more convicing)


Agent Octant find a cache, cunningly hidden away. Wonder if there's more of those in the safehouse? Now, Agent, polite reminder: we're still Condition Green. You aren't cleared to go full auto spray down hallways just yet.


Agent Monarch locks a door, deputizes a new agent and enjoys a resplendent sandwich. The stains on the workstation table will clean up in time, right? That's what the drones are for. The client can't mind. He said he really wanted us to use coasters, like, coast through life.


Tech Specialist Devonshire cracks on with it and fills out some outstanding issues. The cleaning drone routines need updating. And Agent Thorn has logged a request for "immediate intelligence analysis of acquired data-sample".

Also this console is... running very high spec genomic sequencing routine at the moment. It's not good for much high level work while that's going on.


Good work so far, people, good work so far...

Wait, Agent Mammoth - why is the armoury sealed? Try the code again. Devonshire add this to the logs, the armoury door access is borked. That's... weird.

Anyway, you can probably collectively wrangle it open; we set up the system properly earlier. You'll probably need a minimum of 3 Meshop hits (Remember your Processing), or some alternative methodology to get that door open.


>Agents to act!
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich

> Proceed to the end of the hall then walk east in the direction of the kitchen. (-9 ALA)
Please agent for the love of the stars, you don't have to track your movement in particular unless you're being told to do so.

I assure you, this is all tactically sound and sensible - you can simply take an action or actions you wish to perform and then you'll move to the area appropriate to do so.

Specific transit time and movement will matter a lot later, but right now we're loose and smooth. So you don't have to move in specific vectors unless requested.
Rolled 1, 9, 4, 6 = 20 (4d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2
1 Confidence [Temp]

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich [Half Eaten] | Smokes

Door's borked you say? Gimme a sec, I'll be right over. I'm sick of Drone Maint duty. Keep an eye on Herbie, that extra weight might not sit well with the little guy.
>3 AL, breach the armory door's access system, try and brute force the door's code to get it open. Is this networked separately from the rest of the door controls? Weird we wouldn't get notified about a system glitch.
Rolled 5, 1, 8, 8, 8, 5, 6, 4, 7 = 52 (9d10)


>3AL, Ops Deployment Credentials 1: Process 2 + Persuasion 1, prioritize Agent Thorn's request for "immediate intelligence analysis of acquired data-sample and outsource it for analysis off-site. Thorn was nice enough to send the request with one of those big red exclamation points, so might as well take care of it.
>3AL, Process 2, Meshops 1, RegIsFill Admin 2: keep working on clearing the backlogs. Run a single reboot of the cleaning network and then have RegIsFill duplicate my ticket resolution paperwork for the rest of the cleaning reset tickets. (I didn't roll for the Admin as I'm not sure how that works. Good luck Agent RegIs).
>3AL, Support 2, Persuasion 1: Forward Agent Mammoth's request for access to the Armory. Copy + Pasta the appropriate buzz words from previous similar request. Upstairs likes seeing requests that look the same as previous requests. Makes them more trustworthy, less needing of close inspection.
Rolled 10, 1, 9, 9, 9 = 38 (5d10)

Grand stuff, TS. Yes, yes, Condition Green. No shooting (yet), gotcha. Won't have to tell me twice.

>Minor: equip PDW. Hopefully it comes with sling. Adjust it to be nice and comfy.
>Minor: grab a couple of reloads. I don't believe I have any sort of LBE, so let's not bulge out the suit pockets with magazines. At the same time, who wants to get caught lacking?
>Minor: Move over to Mammoth. "Door giving you grief? Let me try."
>3AL, Process 3, Meshops 2: run a diagnostic on—and hopefully sort out—the armor door.

#Agent Octant
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Rolled 6, 2, 8, 5, 1, 8 = 30 (6d10)

Agent XXX-XXX, would you mind opening the armory door from the inside for me?
Or maybe I can try the backup mechanical lock. I've heard it's building code-mandated, surely NetTube wouldn't lie to me.

>Try to locate and pick the backup lock: Manipulate+Jury-Rigging+Kitfingers into lockpick+Confidence

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12
*Alive *Confidence

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich
Rolled 10, 7, 4, 3, 2, 10, 3, 4, 7, 10, 6, 3, 3, 10, 2 = 84 (15d10)

The rundown is appreciated. I was not fine. I was in fact mildly crashing out.

#Agent Evans
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

>3 AL: Okay, but /how/ was the armoury door sealed? (Process 2 + Mesh Ops 2 + Confidence 1)
>3 AL: What've we got going on in this here armoury? Anything that could come in handy if worst comes to worst? 'Cool' would be an amateur's descriptor, though it admittedly is a valued auxiliary benefit. Thus his questionable interest in close range armaments. (Sense 2 + Ballistics 2 + Confidence 1)
>3 AL: Wait no, not how. What's next? You don't just lock people out of an armoury as a funny prank, surely. (Attune 2 + Ballistics? 2 + Confidence 1)

"Guys, I have an access card. Come on, this can't be too complicate- ooh, okay. You seem to have that handled."
Rolled 2, 6, 4, 1, 4, 7 = 24 (6d10)

>3 AL: Use my SC Gland Augmentics to aid my memory recollection so I can remember my Meshops training better (Attune 2 + Respond 1)
>3 AL: Help Monarch try to open the armory (Support 2 + Meshops 1)

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 2

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Grilled Cheese Sandwich

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.
minus the Service Pistol in the inv
Yeah, it's pretty weird. That's "data monitoring system suffered acute failure" weird, which is usually byword for "hostile intrusion undermining the sensor specs" weird. We should have control over all the functions of this whole safe house. That's what makes it, you know, a *safe house*. If we don't have door control this isn't a secured position, it's a tomb.

Who are you talking to, Agent Mammoth? We don't have anyone by the ID active anywhere near the armory. Hey, hang on, what's that signature-- some kind of-- spook? It's very subtle but...

... I think someone's trying to jack into or sec monitoring. They might have sealed the doors to buy them some time. Fortunately six agents against one door is no match up.

Graphite, keep talking. Everyone else is going to be a bit occupied sorting out this armory situation.
Rolled 6, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 3, 5, 5, 9, 1 = 43 (11d10)

>3AL: Mark the Hong-8 Thugs at the door (Mesh ops 1)
>6AL: Keep politely denying the entry to the "Hong". (6AL+2Manipulate+1Persuasion+1Confidence)

Not on the list is not on the list and the name "Hong" isn't there either. Even if "Hong" did 'own' the place that doesn't make it so that they can enter unscheduled. If their boss was my boss, which I doubt, then it's to say that he will hear about this and more if they don't stop persisting whatever this is and do not leave back by the elevator they came through. There's a good 'Jolt' food and catering nearby (It's sorta far). Perhaps it would do them good to simply go get a sandwich there. They got a special for more then 3 going about too.
Rolled 6, 9, 7, 1, 5, 1 = 29 (6d10)

Alright, one threat neutralized. Time to make sure the rest of our equipment is okay.

>Run a diagnostics on the Printing Station on the balcony. Is it ready to go and what are its capabilities? (Process 3, Mesh Ops 1, Spliced Signals Acces I?, Confidence 1.

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Confidence 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I
Just keep me posted on whatever the monitoring system is telling you. If this is a hostile intrusion and not just some weird error, they might try and lock the doors now that they know we're onto 'em. Worried about that sec room ghost too. If someone is in there they'll have access to the camera feeds and totally compromise us.
Rolled 6, 3, 1, 3, 2, 4, 10, 7, 4, 4, 8, 8 = 60 (12d10)

Great work, Agents. That armory door didn't stand a CHANCE.

Looks like those Hong8 gangsters are clearing out. Good work Devonshire, Graphite. Mentioning the their boss of bosses was a solid move. They know to fear the upper ranks. That's definitively the last we'll see of them.


Evans, what's that? Hang on, that's a dataworm. Let me run the diagonistics on that - I think... oh that's clever. Hang on, Agents, I'm going to filter your feeds for a moment. Blink twice to turn the overlay on and tell me if you're seeing anything new.

>Reaction Phase [1/2]
Agents, I just busted a signalling mask off of a bunch of systems. Check your feeds - I think we have spies! Small, foot height scrubber-sucker spies! They're running passive scans on the environment.

I'm not sure I got all of them, someone out there is actively running interference.

Bust those dusters! Throw them in the panic room and their signals cut out. Try not to disturb the Client, alright? He's finally started WORKING and his briefing stressed the importance of his work.

The SECONDARY COMPUTER BAY is all clear - Agent Monarch checked it earlier.
MEDICAL is all clear, I triple-checked. No signals from there.
Those drones could be hiding anywhere else. Look around under small objects or alcoves.


The Hong8 gangsters are clearing off. Nice work. Full de-escalation? Not a single shot fired? See, this is why I put into our marketing materials that're professional professionals and let no one else tell you otherwise.


Tech Spec Devonshire, Agent Thorn, I'm running a sampling comparison on that file you sent me. It sounds like it was a live feed before it cut off. Systemics are picking up at least 8 different voices, gruff, male. Four mentions of 'arms' and one description, lovingly, of that corned beef sandwich Devonshire was devouring. Feed comparisons with the insight Evans just got us that the CLEANING DRONES have been MOSTLY COMPROMISED (except for Agent Herbie, who is a good boy) indicates we are actively being monitored by a... secondary force? It's a strike team, Agents !! They're scouting us out for a smash and grab! Knock their eyes out while I run some countermeasures!!

The signal wasn't sent very far. They're *in this building*. I'm running some more trace-works, it might be possible to isolate their network. Actually if you can get those cleaning drones in one piece, each one you fully capture lets us get +1d10 on countermeasures against whichever this is.


Agent Ink *requests* some assistance preparing a surprise for the threat vector on the terrace.


Agents, I see you've found the ARMORY now. Good work on that door. The cans and beans and spare parts are all yours to use, along with anything else. Unfortunately, LEVEL TWO equipment is restricted until we have proof positive this situation will turn KINETIC. So Agent Evans, take your loving eyes off of that polymer blade. Regulations states we cannot open the supply packages with equipment until confirmation of hostiltiies and active lethal threats. Director would have a field day if we did.

( I'm just letting you know here, by the by, that regulations apply to offical company issued gear... )


>Agent to act!
File: Tech Spec Deck.png (86 KB, 1024x872)
86 KB
In case those drones are too slippery, we might have an alternative pathway. The drone network has been finnnicky for days. The cause is obvious now, a slow insertion mesh-attack! The network specs aren't executing properly because all the new code and commands is gumming up the works. It might be possible to broad-link to the entire house network and issue new commands to every drone on it.

You'd need to link in manually to the house tech controls and then build up as much CONTROL as you can (eg: hits using available pools). At the end of the phase, the CONTROL executes if it's not contested and brought back down under managable levels by hostile operators.

Conveniently, the training manual states that one control is roughly equal to one alacrity, which should let you implement a major action insert with no more than 3 control and then that gets broadsent to the entire drone network through the console. Unfortunately, it's very likely that whoever tampered with the systems will notice a broad-based redirect like that and counteract it. So 3 control might not be enough, since they'll likely burn off a bunch!

Finally, less drones active should assist us in overrunning the on-board routines of any remaining. Given Agent Herbies clean bill of health, we can use him as a model for propagating a new workflow. Sorry that got technical, basically, the more of the drones you disable now, the easier it'll be to take control over the rest. Which also means if you don't disable any it'll be harder!!

Isn't tech support fun?
Rolled 7, 9, 5, 8, 9 = 38 (5d10)

>Sigh, put the paper on the table (I'll be back to finish you, little paper dragon. Duty calls.), telekinetically grab the drone that's next to me, throw it in the panic room. Take my sandwich with me, keep munching. (Manipulate 3, Telekinetic Projection 1, Confidence 1)

Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 1
!Origami Folding 1

H2: Half-eaten tuna sandwich
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I
Rolled 3, 3, 4, 3, 7, 7, 8, 4, 7, 10, 3, 4 = 63 (12d10)

>( I'm just letting you know here, by the by, that regulations apply to offical company issued gear... )
So if we pilfer anything, it's free game.

Well, no the legal consequences and liabilities are on us instead of the company.

You know, when it's put like that it sounds like a much worse idea than it originally did.

#Agent Evans
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

>3 AL: Head to the kitchen to grab buckets and flour. While I'm in there, scan about for any cleaning drones that aren't named Herbie. (Sense 2 + Mesh Ops 2 + Confidence 1)
>3 AL: Drag as many of those supplies over to the terrace as possible. (Proficiency 3 + No Secret? + Confidence 1)
>3 AL: Help out with whatever Agent Ink has in mind. (Support 2 + No Secret? + Confidence 1)

Agent Evans sighs. "Until next time, hybrid polymer blade. Duty calls."
It's a carefully measured dance! But in case you find yourself in a daring dance of death with a Chironan Corporate Samurai, you can be assured that the regulatory oversight paperwork empowers you to grab a knife from the kitchen and engage in a daring series of high lethality bladed exchanges !

Just, uh, don't discharge your level two firearm before the Director gives the all clear. Maybe beat the Samurai with a stolen knife first then we'll fasttrack the processing for reclassifying a kinetic event and... well... uh. okay when I put it like that it sounds a bit onerous, doesn't it.
Rolled 8, 3, 6, 10, 7, 8 = 42 (6d10)

Great job on the door, guys!
>Unholster pistol
>Bust into Sec Monitoring, put whoever is there at gunpoint (Manipulate + Ballistics?)

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12
*Alive *Confidence

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich
Rolled 2, 10, 1, 4, 8, 2, 8, 5, 5, 6, 4, 6, 8, 9, 3 = 81 (15d10)

So, what about that sling then, TS? As cool as it is to be walking about the premises, doing all sorts of mundane tasks while lazily holding a PDW in my left hand, it probably gets tiring after a while and looks sort of unprofessional.

"TS, I think I'm hearing something rattling about in the HVAC system. Could be nothing, but...any chance you could give us a look at a map of the HVAC system on this floor? Be good to know if the opposition has any additional ingress points into the safehouse."

>3 AL: Head to the workshop and quickly pin the rogue cleaning drone in the corner. Can't have it running away, now can we? [Prof 3 + Close Quarters 2 + Confidence 1]
>3 AL: remotely shut the drone down and extract any logs pertaining to communications between it and whoever's on the other side. Then go and chuck it into the panic room. [Proc 3 + MeshOps 2 + Confidence 1]
>3 AL: go to the lounge and continue enjoying my waterscress sandw—..."Ew! What a mess? Who did this? We're gonna be here for days, potentially, people! Days! Don't go turning the safehouse into a pigsty! If not our own comfort, think about our reputation as a professional outfit..." Seek out a broom and dustpan and clean this place up, what with the cleaning drones apparently being a fifth column now. [Sense 2? (gotta find the broom, ig) + Confidence 1

#Agent Octant
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirini AUPDW I 1xReload [30x1] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Rolled 5, 6, 1, 3, 7, 4, 2, 6, 9, 8 = 51 (10d10)


>3AL: Print a Cleaning Drone sized net to help with the rounding up of our interlopers, just in case they're slippery bastards. [Process 2, MeshOps 1, Confidence 1, S.S.A. I].

>3AL: Trying to not attract the attention of the HVAC repairmen, seize the drone currently sitting at our Signal Ops and throw it in the panic room. [React 2, Close Quarters 2, Confidence 1].

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Confidence 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I
Rolled 9, 8, 4, 9, 4, 10, 4, 8, 10, 6, 5, 2 = 79 (12d10)

>3 AL: Check the armory for any small mines or small remote controlled explosives. (Sense 2 + Ballistics 2)
>3 AL: Deploy anything found to the garden patch (ideally in a way that isn't obvious). (Manipulate 2 + Ballistics 2)
>3 AL: Assist Ink with any work she is doing in preparation. (Support 2 + Ballistics 2)

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 2

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Grilled Cheese Sandwich

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.
Rolled 5, 1, 8, 1, 2, 6, 1, 2, 2, 6 = 34 (10d10)

>Go to the Main Lounge
>3AL: Do not bother Verdant Green
>3AL: Catch the cleaning drone in the corner of the room (pic related) and go put it in the reset room (panic room). Don't forget to gently close the door to the main lounge. [Sense 3 or React 3+Closequarters 2]
>Go to Armoury
>3AL: Catch the cleaning drone in the South East corner of the room. Then go put it into the Panic Room. [Sense 3 or React 3+Closquarters 2]
Bag and tag 'em agents. Read those dustbreathers their RIGHTS, eh? Good work so far. That's concentrated most of the signals!

Mammoth, grab that one from the sub sec monitoring, check our knife and pistol bullet collection for anything odd, then go back to sweeping the perimeter.

We've still got some drones loose. I'm picking up some signals from the MAIN LOUNGE and the ARMOR--

Prescient Agent. Prescient work!
>... And the map was updating too!
>Good catch!
Spectacular work, Agents - touch and go there in the main lounge, but since Agent Graphite took TIME TO REMEMBER NOT TO DISTURB THE CLIENT, the Client was mostly undisturbed!

Alright, all those drones are bagged, tagged and gone. Now we only need something to restrain them in case they have onboard routi-- scintillating idea, Agent Thorn. A little old school, but it works. Net them down properly.

Okay, okay, okay, that was smooth and fast Agents. Let me run a sweep, I think we've got all of them...


>Reaction Phase [1/2]
Rolled 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 1, 6, 2, 1, 4 = 60 (10d10)

Agents, we have ONE remaining active drone. I've punched through its signal masking - someone go pick it out of the bathroom, please.


Agents, the hallway cameras are picking up movement. Someone just kicked in a grille and-- is that Mox Mimicry? Holy shit agents, we've got a famous journalist on premises!! She's-- wait why is she-- oh no Agents, I've run through her feeds and she's here for a SUDDEN IN DEPTH SURPRISE SCOOP on our CLIENT. Damn her legwork! Mox alway gets her scoop, she must have found out we were guarding the client. Look, she can come in, you can kick her out but she's pretty persuasive and will probably find another way around. Stall her or let her in or something but just DO NOT let the CLIENT'S FACE get DIRECTLY PLASTERED ON LIVE MESH FEEDS that would be maybe *not great* for OPERATIONAL SECURITY

Maybe you can setup an off the book interview? Fry out her electronics somehow?


Agent Ink reports movement on the terrace. Those ""technicians"" on the far end are opening duffle bags and getting into gear. Defintively a crash-and-snatch team. Fantastic eye spotting them earlier, Agent Mammoth. Intel says they'll be over here end of this turn, so set up to greet them. TRY not to DISTURB the CLIENT.

Interstingly, the drone feeds were all sending to a different source. I'm still trying to isolate it down. These people might not be the only ones on the prowl tonight. I'll double-check the feeds and see if I can find you what that's about. I'll crunch through it on my own, but if you want to give a hand, you can pile in and assist as well.

Anyway, here's my contribution
>Decode the drone specs [OpSupport 10]


Hey, Agent, uh, Client just hit the intercom... Anyone know how to make really fancy coffee? I mostly just drink the powdered stuff.


Rolled 7, 7, 1, 8, 3, 7, 10, 1, 2, 1 = 47 (10d10)

>Holster pistol in a cool way
>Catch the drone in the bathroom, use towel as net (Proficiency + Close Quarters?, 6 dice)
>Jail it
>Contribute to drone decoding (Support + MeshOps, 4dice)

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12
*Alive *Confidence

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich
"Darn! All at the same time?? Positively sucks! Ok here's the situation."

-Priority: Someone needs to go Brew the Coffee for Verdant Green. Just check a quick tutorial online if you're having trouble.

-Priority: A group needs to help Ink "Deal" with the Zipline Team. Hopefuly they had enough budget for silencers and muzzle flash hide. Kite them to a single area at a time if you don't want the reporters to get even more annoying. That or we could use it to our advantage to make a story.

-Side: Stall the reporters. Mox always gets what she wants so telling her she isn't on the list won't work. Best bet is to set up an interview in the in the Highrise Lobby so she doesn't spot the Spec Ops team. Disguise and pose as Verdant Green? Could work.

-Finally we just need to catch the last dron- >>6158321 Nice one Mammoth! Alright well we have 3 tasks so lets make it work! You don't have to declare much to me this is just a reminder. If someone wants to pose as Verdant me or Vennsfield can probably project a similar enough face that isn't him on you whilst you do the interview.
Wait, pose... as the client? Like some kind of body double? Agent Graphite, that's genius. That might work. We could feed any advanced biotech techno-jargon through a code agent and the mic system to make up for the speakers lack of insight, and for the rest, just hit her with the old 'No Comment' or flip it around on her.

Your holoprojectors can definitively run a proper facial mask, and Mox has some pretty advanced systems along with the cameras. Getting them to display a body model of the Client overlaid on top of an Agent is easy MeshOps. I can do that from here. Combined, no viewer (or Mox) would ever notice the Client isn't the Client, and if we control the feed by offering her an interview just tell her she can't air it until much later. She doesn't need to be live and if she's not LIVE, there's no location tagging to worry about. Hell, we could make it a condition of the interview.

That could work. That... could work.

But we'd need a speaker to front, and Mox is damn good at her job - she might throw a curveball or six if you actually run an interview.
Rolled 3, 8, 10, 3, 2, 6, 9, 1, 4, 10, 10, 5, 4, 2, 6, 6, 4, 9 = 102 (18d10)

>3AL: Do my bit for the drone decoding (Processing+Meshops+Conf, 6 dice)
>3AL: Can I run meshops on marked and tagged targets? If so, let's run some interference on the press camdrones. Degrade or outright shut off a live feed, if they have one going. (as above, 6 dice)
>3AL: put down the mop and equip the Chirni. Given that we've got an armed snatch team ziplining in, any chance we can up the condition a bit, TS? Raise it just a smidge? No? Well, either way, wait by the door to the solar uplink and rush to help restrain the uninvited guests when they trip on the "welcome mat" laid out for them by Ink & Co. (Proficiency? + Close Quarters + Conf, 6 dice)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1

H1 Chirni
H2 also Chirni
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirni AUPDW I 1xReload [30x1] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
No one's fired any shots yet, Agent. Technically. And that snatch-and-bag team might, technically speaking, not be trying to kill the Client. They haven't lopped a rocket through the window.

If you can convince them the gig is up, they might all stand down. Now if we open fire, they definitively will not. Basic psychology. Also, guns are loud. The Client is paying us for discretion. You've got this. Just be cool. Just be. Cool...
File: Covert Ops .png (105 KB, 1130x898)
105 KB
105 KB PNG
[Meanwhile, Elsewhere, in the closing moments before a feed cuts out]
Right, they probably don't want to kill the client, what with them being a snatch-and-bag team intending to—and this is me going out on a limb—snatch and bag the client. They might very well kill the hired help, though. The hired help in question being us, if that bore mentioning. We'll give peace a chance, TS, but please don't dawdle on the weapons-free authorization if/when we have eight armed interlopers on location and acting uncooperative. The one thing worse than a gunfight now would be a gunfight in which we die.
Agent Octant, I know-- I k-know, look, it's not even up to me, I just run the ops numbers and watch the dataflow, it's a directorate level policy.

It's also directorate level policy for you not to die in the field! D-don't go dying on me--- us-- anyone. Don't die, okay?? We'd all miss you.

I'm working on it! Directors keep throwing around "collateral damage" clause citations and going on about some kind of parking lot shootout that cost a few million in insurance damage.

( But keep in mind that SMG is, errr, strictly speaking not meant to be one site and doesn't have it's tracking or bioID authorization parameters set up. Some forgetful tech support staffer must have just sent it over without making sure it was locked into the authorization system... )
>But keep in mind that SMG is, errr, strictly speaking not meant to be one site and doesn't have it's tracking or bioID authorization parameters set up.
Oho, so it does. Thanks, TS. I owe y—...I mean, I owe the forgetful tech support staffer for their mistake, yeah.

>Safety off, chamber a round as part of equipping it in. >>6158336 Still not in a tremendous hurry to use it.
Rolled 10, 2, 7, 8, 9, 3, 9, 3, 5, 6 = 62 (10d10)

>3AL, Process 2 + Meshops 1 : Keep clearing those support tickets. Have RegIsFill copy-paste the resolution responses to any duplicate or near-duplicate tickets.
>3AL, Manipulate 2, Drone Ops 1: Wirelessly inject some code into those Hover Camdrones to slow burn their data, starting now. It will look like they are recording, but in a few minutes all their recorded data of the interview will be gone. Try to make it look like a software glitch. We can target ads to offer to sell them a software upgrade later.
>3AL, Proficiency 3, Jury Rigging 1 (for making new things on the fly) or Persuasion 1 (for knowing proper coffee ettiquette): Go make the client's coffee. Caribean Blue Bean 3#, 1 sugar cube, add milk, stir, 2 sugar cubes, stir. Deliver. Leave the rest of the pot of Caribean Blue Bean 3# for the other agents to grab when they get around to it.
"Your coffee sir".
Rolled 5, 6 = 11 (2d10)

#Agent Jack Oal
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Pathfinding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich

>+1 Sense, +1 Proficiency
>+1 Scrounging, +1 Pathfinding
>Maggot'y Meat & Moldy Peas Sandwich - The tommy shop takes near' all me' pay.
>Smokes but seemingly unable to, whether it be unforgiving work-hours or interrupted smoke-breaks.
>"Livin' in a shanty, feeding fleas. Shovelin' muck all through the day." (2d10)
File: Shocking Deveopments.png (309 KB, 1294x1042)
309 KB
309 KB PNG
Ah, Agent, welcome. I see you... picked up a rental suit... from the dry cleaning bulk goods store...

Glad to have you! Go grab a smoke break on the balcony and help out-- actually hang on I'm getting a priority note about that journalist-- and the coffee-- and the drones --- and the dirt.

Go do SOMETHING, Agent!
Rolled 4, 3, 2, 5, 4, 1, 6, 5, 2, 6, 6, 5, 10, 3 = 62 (14d10)

>3AL: Help with the Drone Decoding (Process 3, MeshOps 1, Confidence 1).
>1AL: Rummage in the Armory for a device focused on immobilizing an enemy (a foam gun of sorts, mayhaps). (4d10).
>3AL: Set up with the rest of the interceptor team by the solar panel, ready to act when the OpFor ziplines down. (React 2, Close Quarters 2, Confidence 1).

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Confidence 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I
Fantastic work, Devonshire. You even got the recipe right. That'll get the Client buzzing.
Rolled 8, 9, 2, 5, 3 = 27 (5d10)


Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2
1 Confidence [Temp]

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich [Half Eaten] | Smokes

Say, Command? How secure are the meshes on those newsroom drone cameras? If I could cause a failure or two in their systems maybe they’ll think twice before adding the client to the news cycle… hey who is this guy anyway that a lady like Mox is breaking and entering to get words outta them?

Anyway, sheesh team, I zone out for a minute and you all lock the fuck in.

>3 AL, move to Sec Monitoring
>3 AL, Do my part to help TS decode the drone feed (Confidence + Processing + DroneOps)
>1 AL, remote lock that door Herbie’s heading towards. Don’t want him cleaning up our little surprise for the infiltrators.
Wait a sec, hold the phone real quick, TS.
So if I disable my safety overrides, do I just become Peter Riviera from Neuromancer? Or am I getting the wrong idea about how the trait works? Do I only do this stuff to myself or can I extend it to others?
Rolled 9, 6, 8, 8, 6, 9, 7, 9, 8, 9, 5, 4 = 88 (12d10)

Alright, I'll get on the business of receiving her.

>3AL: Get an initial scan to process the facial features of a younger, neater? version of the client that will be processed for a holographic mask. Don't distract the client, just catch him as we are serving the Coffee and Use some of the photos we have in the suite (Process 2 + Meshops 1+ Confidence 1)
>Return to the entrance
>3AL: Put the Hologram of our favorite Origami Doorman back online. Maybe refine it a bit more. (Manipulate 2+ Origami 1+ Confidence 1)
>3AL: Distract and Delay Mox whilst the new and neat form of the client processes. Follow the script hope it works, be polite. (Attune 2 + Persuasion 1 + Confidence 1)

"Hold there. Name? Huh huh...Reporters? Oh Mox? Yeah I am a fan. No not a HUGE fan, just a fan. Just hold on a sec...Interview? It's possible I guess just a sec." 'Calls it in' "Say you didn't happen to go through a vent? Because security and the like... Yeah sure. Please hold on in the Lobby, Sir will be with you in a bit. I will not be answering questions for your interview. Would you like a water?"
Rolled 3, 5, 6, 5 = 19 (4d10)

#Agent Jack Oal
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Pathfinding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

#Overclocked Resonators 2

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich

>"Wuh-Wa-Huh? HUH? Again?! I've only had four hours of sleep, PLEASE!"
>3AL: Head towards the Kitchen at panic pace! I am so tired, I need coffee. I don't even know how I got here. (Proficiency 3+Scrounging 1?)
Rolled 5, 1, 1, 4, 4, 6, 3, 4, 5, 4, 2, 5, 3, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 3 = 65 (19d6)

#Agent Evans
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

>6 AL: Have a crack at the decoding. (Process 2 + Mesh Ops 2 + Confidence 1 + Drones Gathered 3 x2)
>3 AL: Keep an eye on the zipliners while I work, see if I can see any hidden weapons on them. (Sense 2 + Ballistics 2 + Confidence 1)

Evans hums the theme of a children's TV show to himself as he runs out of the attention span to not do that.
Rolled 6, 2, 2, 4, 10, 10, 8, 7, 6, 6, 2, 5, 9, 6, 10, 9, 10, 2, 4 = 118 (19d10)

d6s? Really?
Rolled 1, 5, 7 = 13 (3d10)

Forgot the +3 on the drone decode check.
Great book. Also yes. But it only works on you-- well -- okay so-- hmhm.

( Psst, hey, hey, Kowalski, go distract the compliance monitor for a moment )

Okay Agent listen, getting technical, it only ever works on you because you are the one with the system onboarded. However, as all Agents have an active TACNET and you are HUDLINKED, you could take an Support action to share your feed with someone else. This WOULD if you were running something strange sometimes be quite helpful. Just keep in mind that if you share virals, that's bad.

Let's take a step back. The Multimedia system, if you turn the feedback inhibitor safeties off, lets you pipe the full media experience directly into your consciousness. Truth is stranger than fiction but fiction can get pretty strange. You Attune to a specific stimuli, which can either be your own secrets (finding appropriate media) or something external in the world. If you WERE a cool noir agent, or, at least, could play one on TV, maybe investigation would be easier?

And yes, if you were running a bootleg memory adjustment and full sensory override system, you could then share that with someone else.

But just, look, if you ram eight sessions of BRACKER BRACKSON right into your neocortex and start dual wielding guns while spouting one liners, that might get dangerous. So ... be careful. Media contamination is a real threat!

>Attune + [XX] generates a pool of Media Experience, which may have... effects
>Once you have Media Experience, you can indeed share that with others via Support. You could even do it via Processing, if you were trying to upload it into someone in a hostile manner...
I see, I see. Whatever happened with my 2d10 pockets roll? Do I have a thumbdrive with some media on it, then? An empty one is good, too. Means I can start downloading stuff.
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Alright Agents, buckle down - they just fired a zipline -- Get ready !!


Good call locking down the doors, Agent Monarch. If any of them slipped past, they'd have to wire in first. Now we've got them right where we want them. Which is totally why you did this, right? No other reason? Right? I'm writing tht in the logs, that's why you did it.


Alright, good camera jumping people. And yes, you can use a MeshTagged target as the target for further intrusion if it's not shielded by a different system. Putting that camera in the hallway let us stilleto in to the Camera Operators feed controls. And that was one smooth e-shiv. We've got a major compromise. I've linked it to our systems. Monarch, punch it out to everybody.

Alright, fantastic work Agents. So long as that Breach remains, we should be able to edit what the camera sees live. And since the journalist is more apt to rely on that than their own eyes, well, heh, you know how it goes. Stall them for a little more and let Agent Graphite do the talking. We'll bolster up the feed on his holos and we're home clean.


I've sliced through the last of those drone brains encryption. Thanks for the assist, everyone. Let me untangle the data and lets see what we've got...

>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
Rolled 7, 3, 8, 6, 5, 10, 3, 5, 9, 8, 3, 2, 10, 9, 2, 4, 6 = 100 (17d10)

>1 AL: Rummage through the armory for flashsticks, both for traps and to keep on my person(Sense 2 + Ballistics 2 + 4d10)
>3 AL: Help Ink set up more preparations (Support 2 + Ballistics 2)
>3 AL: Hide and ready an action to throw flashsticks at the intruders coming in (React 3 + Ballistics 2)
"Sir, brace yourself. You may hear the sounds of some explosions momentarily. Nothing to worry about, I just wouldn't want to see you spill your coffee sir".
Agents, you may wish to briefly recall, in these adrenaline soaked moments, your basic primers on combat tactics in a modern agile environment.

>briefly put, a major action inflicts effects = hits, modified for tools and equipment. So Profiency 3 + Blades 2 rolls 5d10, gets 2 hits and with a Sharp 3 Knife then inflicts 2 + 3 damage on a succesful strike. Your basic hands are rated at 0, by the way.

>This holds for meshops and persuasion. Physical stuff is against Resilience, mesh-work goes against Firewall and Resolve damage is against your resolve.

>Pooled effect ticks up, and eventually cause Complications. Bad enough complications send you to the morgue; but even before then no one wants to be hit with "broken arm, -3 prof".

>However, the system is flexible - someone with Prof 3 Blade 2 can also in melee strike to feint, harass, control or improvise ("I jam my knife through the aquarium walls, so the water floods the scene and he trips"). You wouldn't gain the damage bonus from the weapon unless the universe feels its appropriate, but it's often very, very important to remember your options. If a hostile operator has DR 6 in heavy armor, you can barely damage your way through them, so get them on the floor first.

>Good luck!
The first hostile over the glass barricade lands in a smooth crouch, snaps off a quick finger signal for all clear. Turns his imagining spec sideways and sees four agents. Agent Ink offers a little grin and a wave then kicks a bucket of soapy water at him. Agent Butterfly sets off the flashbang trap. Chaos ensues as Agents pile in.


Tech Specialist Devonshire's coffee delivery seems to have perked up the Client's spirits. He's quite thankful. A thought rolls across the majesty of his mind and he adjusts a few mathematical terms on his operational desk. Something clicks in the depths of his mind. The great work, completing.


Mox Mimicry won't be dissuaded that easy, she's pressing on. But we've breached into her systems and can live edit the feed.

The OPERATOR is manning THE DRONES but we do have them subborned - we can take actions throug them directly if we want to. Otherwise, he'll just keep doing stuff. Journalistic stuff.

Agent Graphite knows its now or never - Mox Mimicry is too canny to be fooled by holo-projections much longer. If she keeps up getting in their face, she'll notice they're not real when she grabs for their arms! Better do something!


TS Liren reports she's filtering the signal we got her, and thanks for the assist in the doing. Got some ... repeating signatures in there. Definitively looped order codes. Not related to the gaggle of snatch-and-grab types in our terrace. No, this is far more upscale stuff. Singularity Cloud tier encryption. Proper operators.

What the... hell?


>Some agents in FOCUS mode. Should be all agents on the terrace.
>Recall that in FOCUS mode, 1 AL moves you equal to your SPEED.
>As per your COMBAT PRIMER, before engaging in melee, you can move your Speed as well. Might come in handy.
>White numbers near hostile operators indicate SHOCK. It takes a fair bit to out and out kill a man, but if you concuss them enough they'll drop like anybody. Due to the restraints we found, we can bag them then and ... uh... stuff them somewhere...
Agent Monarch, follow-up to your query. I've got a confidential source that tells me Mariers Despango of Singularity Cloud's Genetic Frontier Research Unit recently liquidated all his stock options and resigned from his post.

My confidential source is Mox, who just said that out loud -- I had no idea; it's not on any news outlet or corporate rumour board.

But I can do her one better and I am not jealous AT ALL.

Dr. Mariers Despango, 42, is a biological researcher who recently disconnected from Singularity Cloud's Genetic Frontier unit. Specialization: Advanced bio-informatics with a razor-sharp focus on cross-species genetic hybridization for immunological research. Translation: The kind of guy who sees DNA like legosets, all click and switch.

His research trajectory went from promising to problematic faster than a splice-gene mutates. Ehh? Eeeeeh? Over the past two years, Despango's been in a running battle with Singularity Cloud's ethics oversight committee. We're talking scorched-earth conflict - multiple internal infractions that've effectively nuked his career progression. The man's professional reputation is more radioactive than a forgotten reactor core, which is maybe why he wanted his reference file to be Green. You know, Uranium green.

Despango publicly argued for what he calls "adaptive human genomics" - essentially proposing that ethical constraints on human genetic modification are outdated. His core thesis is... Well, it's a little hairy, btu basically it reads like his stance is that we should be "upgradeable biological platforms" rather than fixed biological entities. The bioethics community basically considers him a walking nightmare because that's cutting it pretty close to extropian extremist philosophy and self referential bio-upgrades tend to knock you out of the cognitive ecology that the human species inhabits pretty quick. Sorry, that got technical: It makes you a little twitchy.

Good news, sorta, on his financial profile:
Our boy is drowning in debt. Owes significant sums to:

Hong-8 Triads
Yakuza syndicate
Unnamed "private investors"

But that also means he has enough liquid assets to pay us - uhh - which... he is. I hope. Shit no wonder this guy hired security, he's got a hit-list a mile long and it's GROWING.

No family. Zero. His work is his only relationship. Rumor is he's so deep in his research that human connections are just background noise to him. The kind of scientist who'd forget to eat if his lab equipment didn't have automated nutrition reminders.

So, uhhh.

... Man we gotta work on our client vetting oh man. Agent, I'll see if this is at all related to those drones you found. Look around for anything that might give us a bit of a leg up.
Rolled 8, 7, 3 = 18 (3d10)


#Agent Jack Oal
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Pathfinding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

#Overclocked Resonators 2
#Stimulant Overdose (+3AL for 4 Turns)

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich

>"What did they put in this coffee!? I'm feeling WIRED right now!"
>9AL: now suddenly extremely jittery and hyper-active, make way towards Workshop.
>3AL: ransack and scavenge the workshop for potential materials and tools to make barricades. (Process 2+Scrounging 1)
Rolled 2, 2, 8, 2, 2, 1, 8, 2, 7 = 34 (9d10)



>hahhaahahaha let's do that 3ALx3 more times for 12 dice total WOW I AM FORTIFYING THIS LOCATION
Rolled 6, 3, 2, 10, 7, 5, 5, 10, 2, 8, 8, 3, 6, 6, 9, 1, 7, 7 = 105 (18d10)

#Agent Evans
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

A bucket /into/ their faceplate, Ink? Really? That's so last decade. Watch this.

>3 AL: Step west and put a bucket /over/ the faceplate of the hostile in that hex like a big helmet that covers your eyes and has an annoying chinstrap. (Proficiency 3 + Close Quarters 2 + Confidence 1)
>3 AL: Throw/shove them into their buddy just northwest of them, then step west. (Proficiency 3 + Close Quarters 2 + Confidence 1)
>3 AL: Step northwest, then start beating on whichever one of the two is still in range after the throw. Preferably the unbucketed one. (Proficiency 3 + Close Quarters 2 + Confidence 1)
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich

> Approach the Kitchen. Open the kitchen door. Enter the kitchen. Approach the fridge. (-9 ALA)
Liren. I need roofies. I'm going to serve this Journo and her cameraman some of the ol' sleeper procedure. The insomniac amoniac. Do we have them on hand and will it somehow be a problem?
Brother, just eat some of someone's triple extra plus supreme sized sandwich at this point. You don't need to hunt the fridge, as much as a slow and careful approach is good operational procedure.
Rolled 3, 9, 1, 6, 5, 7, 6, 5, 7, 8, 4, 1, 2, 2, 6, 4, 9, 8, 8, 10, 6 = 117 (21d10)

>1 AL: "Put the weapons down! Get on the floor!" (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1)
>Gain 1 AL from demanding targets stand down before applying force
>3 AL: Shove [Throw] the enemy operator directly in front of me towards the other enemy that is faceplanted next to him. (Proficiency 3 + Close Quarters 2)
>1 AL: "STOP RESISTING!" (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1)
>3 AL: Step to and elbow drop the nearest prone enemy (Proficiency 3 + Close Quarters 2)
>3 AL: Grab [Control] the nearest active enemy and restrain them (Proficiency 3 + Close Quarters 2)

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 2

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Grilled Cheese Sandwich

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.
Rolled 9, 9, 2, 10, 4, 2, 7, 4, 5, 5 = 57 (10d10)

It's go time.

>1AL: [Target Acquisition] Aim at the guy NE of the guy complaining he can't see.
>3AL: Throw one of the foam grenades at him. [Proficiency 2, Ballistics 2, Confidence 1]
>3AL: [THROW] the guy to my SE into the sticky foam grenade discharge. [Proficiency 2, Close Quarters 2, Confidence 1]

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Confidence 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 2x Foam Grenades [3Chem, AoE]
I think I spent one too many AL. Can I push myself to do more?
Hey man, I'M the guy to your SE
Turns out the cardinal directions weren't in the training I received. Whoops!
>AMMEND: [THROW] the guy to my SW***
Rolled 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 3, 4, 10 = 61 (8d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2
1 Confidence [Temp]

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich [Half Eaten] | Smokes

>1 AL: Light up a smoke. I feel like I'm gonna be in the monitoring room for a while, might as well calm down.

I'm at Security right now, I'll see if I can't pull any files up from the place's IntraMesh. But with the situation we've got outside, I've probably done all I can to help with the decoding, Liren. Sorry.
>3 AL: Yea, this client is weird as hell. Might need to dig a bit into the his mesh to figure out more... let's be private about it though. Let's see if there's any old emails or... whatever this setting uses for private messaging. I want to get a handle on this guy's history a bit more. ...Maybe this is a bad job. [Process 3 + Mesh Ops 1]

Alright Graphite, listen, you're an aloof, unpresentable biologist with some extreme ideas you don't want to reveal to the media. Be curt, and don't give this lady any reason to stick around. Being standoffish and gross might help a little.
>3 AL: Support Graphite's scheme, keep the holodisguise on him, and feed him some info on our client so he can act in character. [Support 2 + Mesh Ops 1 + Confidence]
Not without a systemic core overrider dosage active, no, agent. Unfortunately.

" That sounded suspiciously specific "

Quite, Agent. Quite. Short-term retrograde amnesia is a common side-effect, but I'll cover the basics if we ever escalate to level 2. For now, dont worry about it. If you overspend your Alacrity, you simply Suffer The Horrible No Good Bad Awful Absolutely Horrendous Wretched Consequences-- wait actually DO worry about it!

Agent are you... announcing your moves? I-- Agent that-- they -- you d-- is that how that works? Agent, that's not what-- but it--

... huh.

Are you asking if drugging a micro-celebrity famous for her ability to apeal to the crowd is a problem, Agent?

Hang on I have a guy I need to call for stuff like this--
okay so they use the higher dosage?
yeah got it

Okay, Agent Graphite, Agent Holiday says hi, hopes you're doing well, and suggest you find a... I'll just send you my notes.


Cause any subject to inject a large amount of NERV-TRANQ (Common street names: Ghost Drop, Whisper, Fader, Dropknees) and they'll lose stats = Tranq level. Once higher than their Resilience, target is risk passing Out Cold and being functionally KO until it wears off in a haze of regret hours later. Even if it doesn't get them immediately, NervTranq in your system degrades performance, and incurs fatigue so target might drowse off.

Check medical. You'll need a quick-injector syringe and to get the dosage right, usually rated 1-20 + hits on the injection. Moxie has... moxie, so she might not go down easy.

Alternatively, Agent, and I'm notably sorry we're considering treating a journalist with actual integrity this way, you do have a gun. You could point it at her if you're alone and simply tie her up. We have control over the cameras, which means she can't broadcast.

Ooooorrrr... uh.

Get some tranq, drop it into her drink, and *be a well-mannered host*, Agent!
Rolled 4, 4, 10, 1, 1, 6, 6, 5 = 37 (8d10)

>3AL: Pick up a hot cup of pyramidal power coffee for myself, the good stuff in the kitchen that the client ordered
>3AL: Brew some decaf, add cream and sugar (Manipulate 3 for doing it right)
>3AL: Get some tranq, drop it into the decaf, pour two cups and go deliver them to Agent Graphite so he can be a well-mannered host. (Manipulate 3, First Aid 2?) Keep munching on the way (Three hands baby!)

Limit 12
Confidence 1

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!SC Spinal Augmentics [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 1
!Origami Folding 1

H2: Half-eaten tuna sandwich
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I
Rolled 6, 2, 3 = 11 (3d6)

>3AL, Process 2, Meshwire 1 - "Sounds like your system has been running too long without a defragmentation sir. Allow me to write you a defragmentation program to run in parallel and clean up your system. We also offer data processing services, but I am afraid that those would cost extra. Would you like for me to print some noise and vibration canceling panels for you sir? To block out distractions?"
>3AL: Process 2, Meshwire 1: Overwatch working on the data trace.
>3AL: Process 2, Persuasion 1: Overwatch putting in a request with Remote Ops. First to print some easy-install noise and vibration canceling panels that I can install against this person's wall. Secondly to send me a standard data services contract in case the Client wants some additional data services.
Rolled 6, 3, 1 = 10 (3d10)

File: Riddle Me This.png (2.48 MB, 1206x1018)
2.48 MB
2.48 MB PNG
Rolled 8, 10, 1, 4, 3, 10, 8, 8, 2, 8, 2, 9, 4, 10 = 87 (14d10)

Hang on, Agent Monarch. What's that file labeled PROJECT_FEYWILD?

He's doing genomic sequencing analysis on evey spare core in the apartment. That includes the Sec monitoring station. It looks like you have access you shouldn't have. Interesting. There's a lot of information here. Very strange cipher. The system is...

... wait hang on-- Agent-- AGENT--





>Quick! Input the 9 alphanumeric sequence shutdown code !!
>What's the shutdown sequence code??
>You're a hacker, you've got this!
You *don't* announce your moves? What kinda lame ass academy did you go to?
File: unapologies-majima.gif (6.34 MB, 640x360)
6.34 MB
6.34 MB GIF
Rolled 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 6, 2, 3, 4, 10, 8 = 52 (11d10)

"Alright lets start this interview. Thank you Fold."
>3AL: Attune myself to acting a bit like the Client except with a more "Host" sort of attitude. (attune 2+ Intel Analysis 1+ Confidence 1)
>6AL: Go do an interview in the Highrise Lobby. Make sure to serve the Journo and her cameraman the drinks. They must be thirsty. Respond to her questions by "I don't know" or "No Comment" or "what do you think?" spinning and turning the question back to her or answer questions by answers fed by Monarch. (3AL+Manipulate 2+ Persuasion 1+ Confidence 1)

"Hands off the guards please. That counts has a micro-aggression in their contract. Orikata. Orisue. (The guard Holograms) I'll take care of the guest please make sure we are unbothered. Miss Mimicry. I admit I haven't been expecting you but what else is new in this town?"
"Here, at least I'm a good host, hope you won't be too rude to drink it. Then we may begin so please don't waste too much of my time I've got important calls and the like."

#Agent Graphite
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 3 I Resist 2
!NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Origami Folding 1
!Intelligence Analysis 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Egg Sandwich
This is -ghk- what the fuck? Liren who the fuck- what the fuck...? This job is fucked if I have to deal with something like this.

That's obviously a **10** digit sequence, not a 9 digit sequence!!

>please excuse the TS, she's stressed


>access granted

... huh.
I’ve got a brain like a scholar, Liren… just don’t run tests on it. It’s not like you’re going to find an illegal mind melding augment in there or anything.
" Drop 'em, Agents. "

High flying fisticuffs, foam grenades and bucket based martial arts take stage as Agent Butterfly demands the attackers cease their aggressions. And thus, properly assured that we have performed as the regulation specifies and given them a chance to stand down, the field team strikes. The fact most of these operatives can't really hear any demands because of the flashbang is immaterial. Being hit in the face is the universal sign for SIT DOWN.


Agent Monarch performs HIGH STAKES DATAMINING and offers a side-hustle as a guide on the proper pronoucation of multicompound genetic cluster variability in third stage embryronic research (roll your rs), and that little nudge helps Agent Graphite sell the lie.

Agent Fold rolls up with coffee.


And the Client - undisturbed - with good tech support and better coffee - cracks his fingers, rolls his shoulders and types... a little more... code...

>Reaction Phase
File: Yggdrasil Access.png (2.07 MB, 1194x1024)
2.07 MB
2.07 MB PNG
Agent Monarch, what... is this? This is terrabytes of research logs on some kind of private pet biology project.

I need to make some calls. This is data so proprietary Dr. Despango must be stoopbacked from the weights of the NDAs he's had to sign. Unless... Unless this is all off-the-books?

Incredible find, Agent.


>Paydata acquired! Mission Bonus Objective Achieved!
File: Crane Team.png (122 KB, 792x1006)
122 KB
122 KB PNG
>" Everyone set? Right. Go for Contingency B "


Field Team, priority update. I've finished cracking the data shells on that compromised cleaner drone swarm. We're dealing with some heavy hitters here. Using a bit of careful sampling, I pulled some meshsignatures that looked familiar. I actually tussled with these people before; the signatures reminded me of something and I did a bit of digging.

I, err, don't have a good way of saying this, but we've got a multi-man hybrid tactical strike team inbound. You're dealing with the RED CRANES, under a field lead they've tagged as XXX-XXX, which has to be code for something even stupider. Their signature is so close to this building and we didn't catch them earlier because, err, field team...
File: Crane Team 2.png (83 KB, 1296x618)
83 KB
>"... well, field team. Uhm. They were shacked up in a set of vans on street level nearby. I'm sorry to say they may already be in the building "


Quiet, stoic professionals check their gear.
Run the numbers.
Integrate networks.
Spin up their companion drones.

Another day.
Another suit.

This is all going to be perfectly straight forward. Client's hired them to deal with a roaming loose element before he gets some work done and finishes a big push on a genetic code commitment the powers that be would rather he didn't. That's why they've set up near his safehouse. Luckily, this place is nicely remote and isolated. Lots of time before any authorities can respond while they get their work done.

Piece of cake, really. Just penetrate the perimeter, be professional, be polite, and have a plan to kill anyone they meet.

Pays pretty well and you have to take what you can get.
Signals moving, Agents! We've got inbound. And *this time* they're the BAD kind of inbound!!! I'm trying to throw the elevators for a loop to slow them down but they kicked me out hard!


Agents, good job handling that snatch-team on the terrace. By those tattoos and markers, these are Hong-8 hardhitters. The shape of it is simple: the ones at the door were the distraction, and then these guys were meant to hit the place and carry out Dr. Espango, err, the client. Verdant Green. We disrupted that op by turning away the frontdoor few and these guys decided to execute half their plan despite the lack of backup and direct eyes. Well trained people, but their gear is pretty low-spec.

The Riot Foam is going to disintegrate slowly, so you should probably restrain them. We also need some place to store 8 criminal commandoes until this all blows over.

Agent Ink says "she think she's got it", but maybe you want to get it yourself?


The Client is putting in a request for expedited assistence and he sounds... eager and... a more energetic than I've heard him in a while. Some processing just finished. Devonshires tech support was eminently helpful.


Agent Graphite, Fold, Monarch, good job handing Mox. She's out cold. But I wouldn't count her out yet. She didn't get the cred she got for nothing. Now please please please please PLEASE get out of the hotel lobby, I CANNOT slow down the elevators any more than I'm already doing !!

This whole operation is going pearshaped fast. Keep calm people. Okay, okay, I think we can safely say this count as an emergency situation. Director might get us for this later, but let's step it up a little, okay?

>Condition Yellow
>Core System Overrides now active
>Voluntarily get +1 Alacrity on your turn by taking +1 Strain; this stacks. Actions cannot repeat, however (so no +9 alacrity --> shoot 3x, unfortunately).
>Safeties are still on.

We have *LEVEL TWO* equipment in the armory. Let me get you a list, you, uh, you may... you may need it...


>Agents to act!
File: Lock and Load.png (111 KB, 1148x380)
111 KB
111 KB PNG
We've brought integrated chirnis, the smgs. Octant already has one, but there are spares. I also sourced some blades, tactical vests and assorted imagining and protective equipment.

Gear up with a Test, but be aware that doing so **ENDS YOUR TURN** as you strap on all the relevant kit.
Rolled 4, 7, 2, 9, 5, 8, 2, 5, 4 = 46 (9d10)

>3 AL: Help Ink restrain the losers (Manipulate 2)
>3 AL: Read the console for the data output of the Print Station (Process 2 + Mesh Ops 1)
>3 AL: Look through the armory for Advanced Field Gear - A blade and lightweight tactical vest (Sense 2 + Close Quarters 2)

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 2

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Grilled Cheese Sandwich

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit

> Open smartfridge. (-1 ALA)
> Withdraw sandwich from inventory (-1 ALA)
Bound in plas-wrap is an ornamental sandwich. It is comprised of worcestershire sauce and colored sand. A handsome culinary simulacrum to be certain, but decidedly deficient in terms of caloric content or general edibility.
> Extract some foodstuff the smart fridge (-1 ALA)
> Place Sandwich in the smartfridge. (-1 ALA) (-1 Sandwich)
An exchange. A compensatory gesture for the missing ingredients. It only seems fair. May it bring the client as much joy as I.
> Close smartfridge. (-1 ALA)
> Prepare foodstuff into a simple meal. (-3 ALA)
> Consume meal. (-1 ALA)
Rolled 3, 4, 10, 6, 4, 5, 8, 3, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8 = 67 (13d10)


It looked like Mammoth, Monarch, and Jack would handle the other three monitors, and Devonshire wasn't going to lean over their shoulders to get the readings. So instead, he decided to make himself useful.
>3AL, Process 2, Meshwire 1, Armory 4?: Grab an Lv.2 Electronic Warfare suite from the Armory & set up an EW station in the bedroom norht of Sec Monitoring.
>3AL, Process 2, Meshops 1: Trigger a Fire Drill on the elevator network. It won't slow professionals down much, but should still take a bit to open the physical cabinet and restart the elevators.
>3AL, Proficiency 3, Persuasion 1: Make a coffee run to other operatives, handing out whatever type of coffee they ask for.
Rolled 5, 1, 9, 9 = 24 (4d10)

probably needs an extra 4d10 for the armory?
Rolled 1, 3, 2, 4 = 10 (4d10)

#Agent Jack Oal
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Pathfinding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

#Overclocked Resonators 2
#Stimulant Overdose (+3AL for 3 Turns)

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Bag Full of Various Handheld Power Tools [2, +1CR]

>"Man, I seem to feel... strange. I'm so happy and jovial. Is something wrong with me?"
>1AL: Eat the Maggot'y Meat & Moldy Peas Sandwich, it seems to looks more appetizing somehow.
>9AL: Let's make it to those elevators! It seems like hostiles are coming! Woah, I'm wobbly. (Sense 3+Pathfinding 1)
>1AL: Smile to my fellow Agents as I shuffle way past.
>1AL: Suspiciously and Jittery'ishly
Rolled 8, 8, 5, 6, 3, 5, 8, 4 = 47 (8d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2
1 Confidence [Temp]

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich [Half Eaten] | Smokes

>3 AL: "Already on it, Mr Green. Devonshire, here's the readout from my end..."
[Read the data output from the Sec Monitor to Devonshire]
>3 AL: Cut the feed and the microphone connection from Mr Alex's camera entirely. This interview is over.
[Manipulate + MeshOps + Confidence]

>4d10: End my turn and disconnect from the Sec Station for a minute. Head down to the armory and pick up whatever might suit a modest drone operator. I should be able to interface with my drones remotely from the security room once I've set them up, right?
Rolled 9, 5, 6, 7, 9, 8, 10, 7, 7, 2, 5, 5, 8, 10, 9, 7 = 114 (16d10)

>3AP: Tie up the paparazzi and her cameraman. Keep munching (Manipulate 3, Confidence 1)
>3AP: Put them there, in this small room, out of the way of everything (what is this room?)(Proficiency 2, Strength 2, Confidence 1)
>3AP: Go to the armory, equip myself with a vest if we brought one that can accommodate my physiology, a helmet and a chirni. Grab extra clips and flashbangs. (Proficiency 2? Confidence 1, stocks 4)
Rolled 9, 5, 8, 9, 6, 1, 2, 10, 7, 5, 8, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 3, 10, 8, 5, 4, 8, 10, 1 = 164 (25d10)

#Agent Evans
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

>3 AL: Cut the zipline with some line shears that I definitely had on me the whole time and didn't use because I'm not going to fucking /murder/ these people by dropping them a few hundred metres. Let's not leave that around for someone else to use. (Support 2 + Blades 1 + Confidence 1)
>3 AL: Arm up for battle at the Armoury. (Sense 2 + Ballistics 2 + Confidence 1 + Armoury 4)
>3 AL: Right. I saw a very nice sword earlier. It's calling my name. Metaphorically. (Attune 2 + Blades 1 + Confidence 1 + Armoury 4 + I rolled five hits when I searched the armoury the first time and I was specifically told to stop looking at a cool sword, so I'm using a mix of creative license and a desire for a cool sword 5)
That's a lot of dice. Let me just summarise that so it's easier to process.

Cutting the zipline: 3 Hits including 0 Tens and 0 Ones
General arming up: 4 Hits including 1 Ten and 1 One
Finding a sword: 8 Hits including 1 Ten and 0 Ones
If the cheeky +5 from me carrying over the hits as extra dice actually somehow carries over: Add 3 Hits including 1 Ten and 1 One to the above
Rolled 6, 3, 2, 8, 3, 7, 3, 6, 7, 1, 8, 6, 8, 4 = 72 (14d10)

>Read the data output (Proc+MeshOps+Conf, 4d)
>Have a coffee (major action)
>Look in the armory for armor, automatic guns and foam grenades (Sense+Ballistic+Conf+4d as stated on the map = 10d)
#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12
*Alive *Confidence

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich
Rolled 5, 3, 7, 8, 7, 8, 3, 10, 9, 2, 10, 1, 1, 5, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 9 = 102 (21d10)

Level two, huh? We've got a wholeass strike team incoming and I've got a feeling they aren't going to be keen on asking nicely. I guess we'll go to level three when a tank or an attack helicopter shows up.

>3AL: Help disarm and restrain the Hong. (Support2+CloseQuarters2(?)+Conf= 5 dice)
>3AL: Look over their armaments. What were they working with here? (Sense2+Ballistic3+Conf= 6 dice)
>3AL:Head over to the armory and procure some armor, a tactical vest, more chirni reloads (anything non-frangible? the enemies are probably wearing armor), thermal-blocking smoke grenades? (Sense2+Ballistic3+Conf+4 = 10 dice)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1

H1 Chirni
H2 also Chirni
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirni AUPDW I 1xReload [30x1] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
>4 comps, 1 hit on 10 dice for the armory run
Rolled 6, 9, 1, 8, 4, 6, 3, 7, 10, 6, 5, 8, 2, 1, 8 = 84 (15d10)

>3 AL: Restraint the foam afflicted. [Proficiency 2, CloseQuarters 2, Conf 1]
>3 AL: Dig up any useful info from whoever these RED CRANES guys are. Any equipment or outstanding combat capabilities we should expect? [Process 3, Support Operations 1, Conf 1]
>3 AL: Gear up in the armory, focusing on equipment that would work for actively countering the RED CRANES, using the info I just acquired. Otherwise, focus on crowd control. [Sense 2, Ballistics 2, Conf 1]

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Confidence 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 1x Foam Grenades [3Chem, AoE]
File: Remember, no sandwich.png (135 KB, 1148x1018)
135 KB
135 KB PNG
Agent, that's not going to work! But conveniently,I don't think the smartfridge agentic autonomy systems is advanced enough to demand calorie based sacrifices. And hey, it looks like The Client has a lot of left over...

... oh no he's a researcher this fridge is full of liquid NUEL(tm) and nutribricks
Rolled 2, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2, 8, 9, 3, 10, 4, 8, 3 = 58 (13d10)

>Have the drones and Origuards follow.
>3AL: Stage a scandal in the broom closest between Mox and her Cameraman (Yes I will also go through any evidence in their pockets). Process/Manipulate 2 + Intel Analysis 1 + Confidence 1, 4 dice
>3AL: Coffee break. Savour it
>3AL: Get equipped in the armoury. If there is some holo decoys itd be nice. Prof 2 + Ballistics 2 + Confidence 1 + 4, 9 dice
>Tell Herbie to set himself to clean mode and come get equipped

#Agent Graphite
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 3 I Resist 2
!NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Origami Folding 1
!Intelligence Analysis 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Egg Sandwich
File: Hm.png (225 KB, 1308x1030)
225 KB
225 KB PNG
okay agent
listen to me
listen to me very carefully

sloooowwlyyyy put your hands up
don't make any sudden movements
and whatever you do
whatever you do

do not
for your gun
All geared up and good to go, are you, Agents?

We've got most of the data processing the client requested done for, but Agent Jack'Oal appears to have wandered off in a fugue state, ignored the Client's request, left the safehouse, and went to go stand in front of the elevator bays. He currently has roughly 31 guns trained on him.


Agent Vennsfield reports the kitchen is full of incredibly filly, nutrious and bland-tasting meals.


Mox and her journalist is safely stowed away in the broom closet, and it appears that Agent Graphite has -- WHAT-- WH-- WHY??
**WHY**?? NO

Low blow, agent! Low blow!
( It's pretty funny though )

Agent Ink reports the Hong8 snatch-and-bag team is safely restrained, guns kicked off the terrace, and some quick printed buckles have gotten most of them held down fine. As long the terrace integrity holds fine, they shouldn't offer us any further problems.


I've prepared a data-package on the RED CRANE UNIT for you; uploading to your tacnet now...

>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
Okay Agents, you're geared up and good to go. You remember the medical briefing on these nanocytic system injector syringes, right? Almost no side-effects. Promise.


>When Suited Up properly in the Armory, you can *choose* to inject a Factor. This lasts for this deployment. It's a free action as part of your gearing up (it's why the armory ends your turn, see). Just pick one as the first thing on your next phase.

>Factors add significant boosts to certain areas of activity. If you *complicate* or *boon* very hard, a Nanocytic Factor might flash-escalate and alter some conditionals. R&D is working on it.
Agents, given that things are about to get dangerous, it may be useful to recall your basic tactical primer on Response actions.

Set them at the END of yor turn. They don't cost AL; because you pay in Response - which you all have!

In conjunction with the primer on aggression, this gives you the basic battlespace operations.

You may wonder what happens if you don't get out of the way, or deflect, or someone gets lucky. Luckily, I've got you covered!
Look at them *move*. Professional. But they don't seem to know we've cracked their drone-sweep. They have a full map of the interior of the apartment and have planned their assault accordingly, but they do not have live information on our location.

I've worked up a profile and an assessment of their plans. I'll keep live updating it as they proceed. The Red Cranes are getting into position NOW and will breach at soon. They're likely to stagger this, as they favour multi joint advances. This means one team will breach, then the other will do so a phase later.

By my estimate, the team near the Secondary Computing Core will breach *first*. That will be at the end of this phase, I repeat.


AGENTS!!! The Client has decided to go get his code checked manually!!! He seems too obliviousy and focused on his work to notice all the dirt and sandwich crumbs, but someone get him back somewhere safe!!


Get into position and get ready. If you have any last checks or clever ideas, now is the time while they're getting set up.


Agent Jack'Oal, you seem to have slowed down the entrane team a little. Just play along. Whatever you do, do not reach for that gun. They're twitchy, this lot. They'd put you in the ground before you touched the trigger unless you're the fastest draw in the city.


Agent Graphite, it's not displaying, but you should consider yourself equipped with a TacVest and 3x HoloProjectors, which your innate systems can link to and cause to display things at range. When you use them to assist your projections nearby, you gain a bonus. There were also 3x FeedNades [6 Visual, AoE], which display a pre-programmed audio-visual display in a large area once deployed.

The coffee was really nice.

Agent Thorn, it's not displaying, but I have you as equipped with 3x Foam Grenades [Chem 3, AoE], a tactical vest and a MultiSpec upgrade for your Techwear Headset

>Techwear [MultiSpec 3]

They're likely to deploy smoke and chaff variants, and this should allow you to scope right through it. Unfortunately, we only brought the one. Fortunately, you can share your feed with all other Agents. The Multispec will interlock with your Mesh and Support Ops and let you Mark targets with significant additional effect, beyond any filtering it does.


It's finally HITTING

>Any Agents who enjoyed a nice, savoury coffee break gain STIMULATED [+3/3]. That's +3 AL for 3 turns, counting this turn too.


AGENTS, once they BREACH, you may need to FOCUS A LOT. So get into position now!

>Agent Jack'Oal is in Focus mode, for obvious reasons.
Rolled 7, 4, 5, 2, 2, 5, 2, 9, 10, 6, 7, 9, 2, 10, 7 = 87 (15d10)

#Agent Jack Oal
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Pathfinding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

#Overclocked Resonators 2
#Stimulant Overdose (+3AL for 2 Turns)

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Bag Full of Various Handheld Power Tools [2, +1CR]

>1AL: raise hands slowly
>1AL: pray (aim towards the two red cranes attempting to restrain me)
>3AL: as my hands come up, send out an electrical current to those two scary "tax collectors" trying to arrest me. (Proficiency 3 + Resonators 2)
>1AL: hug (but not physically touching) close to one of the Red Crane's bodies so I have something to protect me as they start shooting (Speed 1?)
>3AL: hopefully with the electrically-charged environment, magnetically propel one of the red crane's bodies ragdoll'ing into one of the crowds aiming at me (southwest one to be specific). (Proficiency 3 + Close Quarters 2)
>3AL: attempt to launch a nearby bench or any movable piece of furniture into the other crowd aiming at me (southeast one with the spooky 'Agent XXX-XXX') (Proficiency 3 + Close Quarters 2)

Also, scream and cry internally, how did I get here, I didn't even have my smoke-break and I'm running on four hours of sleep. (im not entirely sure how possible these actions are or the limits of my resonators but ill learn as things progress, right?)
Dammit Agent, you have to pay taxes! We're a private military security contractor firm, it's taxable income! You--

Oh nevermind !!


Agents, Jack'Oal needs some assistance in the lobby! The Camnodes have visual on several hostile operators - you can *try* to mess with their signals, maybe buy him four more seconds of being conscious!
Rolled 2, 1, 10, 4, 4, 6, 1, 7 = 35 (8d10)

>Implant Resiliency Factor
>3 AL: Read the console for the data output of the Workshop (Process 2 + Mesh Ops 1)
>3 AL: Escort The Client back to the Main Lounge. (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1)
"Sorry for the delay sir, I just finished reading the loadout myself. There's no need for you to leave your workstation."
>3 AL: Barricade the Kitchen door (after Vennsfield leaves). (Process 2)

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 2

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Vest [3DR Kinetic] I Cool, NonDescript Blade [Sharp 2, Bleed on 10+] I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Grilled Cheese Sandwich

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.
Rolled 3, 10, 8, 1, 10, 10, 5, 8, 6, 6, 10, 6, 4, 3, 5, 2, 7, 7, 5 = 116 (19d10)

>Move to Security Room Computer
>3AL: Use Cameras and access to Agent Jack's tac rig to Project an hologram of Orikata with a monoedge sword looking like he's about to stab someone about to put down the breacher charges. This is a distraction.[Process 2+ Origami 1+ Confidence 1]
>3AL: Use the Camera in the Hallway behind the Kitchen East side. Project the hologram of Orisue with a gun Telling the Red Cranes to stop and get down on their knees (He wields a minigun). [Process 2+ Origami 1+ Confidence 1]
>3AL: Spool up the Turret at the entrance on Overwatch. (React 3+ Ballistics 2)
>3AL: Agent Herbie, report to the Armoury and get geared up. AI and Lirens choice (Process 2 + Mesh Ops 1 + Confidence 1)

#Agent Graphite
Limit 12
+3/3 Stimulated

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 3 I Resist 2
!NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Origami Folding 1
!Intelligence Analysis 1

H1 Chirni
H2 ^^
B: TacVest [3DR Kinetic] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirni AUPDW I 2xReload [30x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 3x HoloProjectors
Rolled 3, 3, 6, 3, 4, 2, 10, 1, 9 = 41 (9d10)

>-Notify Command that we don't seem to possess a Response stat
>-Implant Resiliency Factor
>Run to Workshop and help Agent Butterfly with the data (Support + MeshOps = 3d)
>Scrounge the workshop for wire and impovise highly visible but incredibly numerous fake booby traps (Manipulate + Jury-Rigging = 3d)
>I will in fact spend a second action on the above (3d)
>Set up behind a corner near the entrance to the panic room and lockdown the workshop entrance (left open)

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12
*Alive *Stimulated 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

H1 Chirni
H2 ^^^^^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Vest (3DR)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Chirni AUPDW | 2xReload [30x1] | 3x Foamball (Chem3, AoE)
Well, it's called a "Response" but you do have a "Respond" stat, Agent Mammoth.
Rolled 10, 10, 7, 10, 5, 10, 9, 1 = 62 (8d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2
1 Confidence [Temp]

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [SkimmerSwarm RID]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich [Half Eaten] | Smokes
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drones

Injection can wait one. I've got a process here, I need to set up first!

>3 AL: Back to SecStation. I'll have a good handle on things from there. I'll have to operate the drones in areas with camera vision though. I trust my fellow agents can manage covering other rooms, hopefully.

>6 AL: Set up SkimmerSwarm Drones in the yellow marked positions. 6 in each location. These little guys seems like they'd be best used in an ambush to shock REDFor operatives, giving BLUFor Operatives a chance to disarm and subdue them.
[2 Manipulate + 1 Drone Ops + 1 Confidence x2]
File: Swarm.png (1.77 MB, 2406x3435)
1.77 MB
1.77 MB PNG
My HUD must be on the fritz... I swear I sent this order with a visual...
>Implant Strain Factor, btw
File: file.png (230 KB, 876x619)
230 KB
230 KB PNG
Rolled 4, 8, 3, 7, 1, 3, 2, 10, 3, 2, 6, 8, 10, 7, 7, 3, 10, 1 = 95 (18d10)

>Resonance Factor 1
>3AL: Inform the client that he's about to lose the Secondary Computation bay, followed shortly by the kitchen and maybe the workshop, and he should redistribute the tasks and data to the rest of his network, fast (Manipulate 3, Mesh Ops 1)
>3AL: See if I can improve the barricade in the workshop (Manipulate 3, Strength 2)
>3AL: Ditto for the new barricade on the kitchen door (Manipulate 3, Strength 2)
>3AL: Set up one or two extra turrets, leave the door wide open, stand in cover on the door's threshold (near turret 1) (Manipulate 3, Mesh Ops 1)
>Respond: Throw a flashbang at their face if they breach the inner walls/door. Telekinetic projection for a better throw.

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
Stimulated 3/3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!SC Spinal Augmentics [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 1
-Resonance Factor 1
!Origami Folding 1

H1: Chirni Advanced PDW [2P, 30Am[Franq] Burst 2, FA 10, Acc1]
H2: -------
H3: Stingball
B: Vest (3DR) | Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 2x Chirni Reloads | 2x Stingballs [Stun 4, AoE]
Rolled 11, 17, 12, 15, 8, 2, 2, 13, 1, 17 = 98 (10d17)


>3AL : Using the camera that's pointing to the elevators, try to hack into the systems of the group of soldiers pointing their guns at Jack. If we have systems that control our weapons telematically maybe they do too? Lock them out of their rifles. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 1, MultiSpec 3?].

>3AL: Help out with the barricade in the kitchen [Support 2, Jury Rigging 1].

>3AL: Hack into the camera feed of the bottommost Red Crane about to breach into the computing bay. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 1, MultiSpec 3].

>Set up next to Agent Fold.

Reaction: If they breach the inner walls, mark the group breaching using the camera feed I just set up so Fold can throw good! If not, use your own visual confirmation for marking. Keep in mind the MultiSpec bonus.

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 4x Foam Grenades [3Chem, AoE]
Rolled 9, 10, 10, 7, 1, 1, 7, 4, 2, 10, 1, 9, 5, 10, 7, 1, 4 = 98 (17d10)

Wow, fucked up my dice real bad there.
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit

> Leave Kitchen. Approach the door of the Agent Bedroom. Enter Agent bedroom. (-9 ALA)
Rolled 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 9, 5, 4, 2, 5, 2, 8, 6, 1, 2, 4, 5 = 111 (18d10)

>Resiliency Factor 1
>3AL: Mess with the visual feeds and targeting systems of the Red Cranes aiming at Jack. (Process+MeshOps+Conf, 6 dice)
>3AL: Let's track down some real gritty high-speed low-drag door-to-door arcology-to-arcology megacity urban combat media. Seem like the kind of stuff that could come in handy. (Attune+Ballistics+Conf, 6 dice)
>3AL: Move out of the Armory and into the connecting hallway. Crouch down next to the door leading to the workshop. Force a safety override on the leftmost elevator, making the door close (somewhat hard) on the Red Crane that's gormlessly standing there (Process+MeshOps+Conf, 6 dice)
>Respond: Lockdown the locked (heh) door leading to the Workshop with my PDW.

#Agent Octant
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni
H2 also Chirni
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x1] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 3x Smoke Grenades (fr fr)
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Thanks Agent, recieved!

Agent Butterfly, that did it - Client Verdant Green notes his processing pipeline is integrated completely and judging by the tone in his voice, he's pleased with the result.

Now get him back to the lounge and out of the line of fire. Clients have no sense of self preservation !!

They are quite adept at swarm-style ambushes, yes. Unlike anthroform models I'm afraid the skimswammers aren't very armored, so they're relatively easy to disable. That's why there's so many of them. Together, they can accomplish all kinds of things.

But Agent Monarch (teehee now the monarch of a swarm, oh, let me write that down, that's good), don't underestimate the versatility of the average stigmergy drone swarm!

When acting autonomously, they use their raw numbers to take actions, as each swarmlet participates in some larger operation.

>So 4 of them roll 4d10 per action, working together on some task; this caps at swarm 6.
>you can submit a task to idle swarmlets with 1 AL (mesh act). Generics are fine "send 3 to cover that angle"

That *can* include "swarm someone in melee" or "generate a mark on that target". When you then pilot them directly, you're functionally treating them as an extension of your body using DroneOps. If you guide them in proper, Profiency+DroneOps on your end and then enough swarmers can actually debiliate a large formation. Or at least, inconvenience one.

>Take a major action, get Intent+DroneOps+Swarm# d10, carrying out some specific task.

From the SecMonitoring hub, you've got wide-field control over every electronic system in the apartment. One benefit here is that you functionally always have vision to your drones. They're linked to the SecHub, and you. Another one is that -- well -- hmh.

Agent, once you have a minute try [TS veers off into techno-jargon]

>Processing+DroneOps spins up a short-lived pilot-programme you distribute to the drones under your control, based on hits. This lets you "add" a quality by generating a skill they use = hits on your roll - such as Sensors, Dodge, Melee, etc. It's part of what the RID interface in your headset does!

Oh he is not going to like those news...

Rolled 5, 7, 2, 10, 5, 1, 2, 4, 7, 2, 5, 10 = 60 (12d10)

>Grab some netting and adhesive from the Armory (jury rig 1, sense 3)
>Grab a shotgun from the armory (ballistics 1, sense 3)
>Set up a mesh net on the kitchen wall to delay the breach there. Something to hold the wall in place after the demo charges shatter it. (Jury Rig 1, Proficiency 3)
>Set up at the orange desk.

"Thank you Agent Butterfly".

H1: Coffee
H2: Keyboard
Knees: Shotgun (or other appropriate firearm)
Head: Upgraded MFSL2
Body: Agent Suit
With a flick of a switch doors slam shut across the entire interior of the apartment. Total interior lockdown. The Client - Verdant Green - trembles with rage at the temerity of the dogs who would yap at his heels. Doesn't they know how hard he works? How much he's sacrificed? He'll never give it up. He'll never give her up.

Agent Fold tries to placate, succour, calm him down, inches a little closer to the override switch. The Client slams the panel that conceals it shut and reaches, instead, for his revolver drawer. They want to play rough? He can play rough.


Doors are barricaded and things are locked down. Agents Butterfly and Thorn pile some chairs and tables on the kitchen, as Agent Vennsfield squeezes past them, still licking the last nutri-sludge off of his fingers. Unfortunately his progress is impeded by the lockdown procedure.


Agent Jack'Oal puts his hands up, takes a principled stance on civic responsibility, executes a perfect judo throw, and then stands still in the middle of a lobby surrounded by hostile forces on all sides.

His allies, working overtime, jump into action, slamming a signature mask on him to deter any smartlink locks and marks and make target acquisition much, much harder - at least this way, they might not hit him as well. Others try to jam guns, fry systems, but there's so, so many Red Cranes and so few of us- -- but it might all buy Jack'Oal a second or two more!


TS Devonshire finds a shotgun, looks a little old, and can't make it to the kitchen because of the lockdown. Damn. Oh well. Back to the work station. So much tech support to do!


Holographic projections blur into half-life on the hallway, little constructs. They might deter and confuse for a moment. Perhaps it'll be enough...?

Agent Fold - Agent Fold-- HE'S GOT A GUN!!
Agent Fold-- Don't panic. Maybe he-- NO ! STOP! HIM!

( But the distance is too vast, he kicks the chair back in a sudden rush, stumbling, laughing, teeth clenched around the sharp end of the revolver, Agent Fold lurches forward, spinning up the telekinetic projector, grasping at air, the Client stumbles in the lurching grasp but jives sideways and the few pounds of pressure that decides whether a man lives or dies strikes home. The hammer comes down. A man's life ends, as Agent Fold half jumps forward, a momentary breath too slow. )

Agent Fold?
Agent Fold!
Talk to me! What's happening??

... Oh no. Agents. Agents, the client just flatlined himself !!
UHhhh... Agent Butterfly? Could you try and override the lockdown on that bathroom door? I'd prefer it if my drones weren't just useless in there...
Dammit! Fold! Override the lockdown! See if he's got a memory chip or something we can-- maybe he missed a vital organ okay no that's a lot of brain matter! Focus, we need to--


( With a spray of fragmentation and a sundering series of cacophony crumps, THUD THUD THUD, small explosive packages packed into the workstation render it from a state of the art machine to a series of broken scrap. Agent Fold stumbles, slamming against the wall from the shockwave, fragmentation scytching across his skin )

... okay. D-doing it manually then. Alright. Okay. Okay. Well.

We still have the SecMon station. That one has primary control over the internal security. We... we can work with this. Is everyone good? Are there any other bad shocks springing from the cupboards?

Fold, talk to me man. Are you alright? Fold!

Agent Monarch, you're at the security monitoring post. Listen very carefully, we're going to need you to override a full internal lockdown. Luckily this one shouldn't be-- okay it's rated for biohazard control, which, apparently, he had? In this safehouse? We have GOT to start vetting these clients better.

Okay, listen, this is what you're going to want do...

>[Breach Phase to come]
Keep it together, Agents. This... this is pretty bad. But we've got a fortified position --- uh -- w-we may need to consider some kind of extraction. Uhm.

Wait, no, no, the data -- all the work. He took out the main lounge terminal but there'll be copies! Copies of his data and informationcs on the secondary units he was having to additional work! We can salvage this; biotech R&D pays millions for novel research insights. We... -- can find... some...

... Agent Octane, I'm picking up some very strange pingbacks on your feed. Is that... What's that noise, Agent?

>Terrible cliffhanger for +8 hours
Agents, the situation has gone a bit sideways but we can still recover this. I've marked the secondary computation units on your HUD, the ones Client Verdant Green were using to run his genomic sequencing. Acquire the data from them, *then* scramble the consoles somehow. Of course some of these work-stations are useful, so you may wish to wait on scrambling them just yet - once you take them out, we can't use them either.


Agent Monarch, good job lifting the primary lockdown order and squelching that biotech alarm. Last thing we want is SWAT knocking on the doors and a national emergency. Unfortunately, the security system has teeth and we'll have to open the internal security doors manually as well.

AGENTS, each LOCKDOWN'd door has 5Node integrity. Burn through it mesh-wise and the lockdown is lifted for that door. Alternatively, you can try to pop the control panel on the doors manually with Proficiency, if you're up close. This is bound to be easier, bypassing the electronics, but the ANTI-TAMPERING may complicate your day.


We've got intruders INSIDE the apartment. They've taken the secondary computation hub. The Lockdown is slowing them down enormously though!!


Agent Jack'Oal's vitals are spiking! But spiking is good! Spiking is alive! Spiking is ALIVE!!!
>Agent Jack'Oal takes 5 shock, as the Red Cranes cannot acquire a target lock due to his signal mask and miss all their shots and so have to rush him manually and beat him.

>5 SHOCK: Reduce it with damage resistance and roll your Resist as a 1 AL minor action that you can repeat. Accept remaining shock as Injury. Until you do this, you take Shock as penalty to all actions. Note that you *can* therefore often MOVE while Shocked; letting you extract from a bad situation. Allies with first aid kits can also help enormously. Because you have Shock Penalties until its handled, First Aiding your own shock is tragically difficult. You can treat the Injury that it leads to, but as you might expect, treating your own injuries is a little difficult too.


[Agent Ink]
" I've got eyes on the printer station. Leave that one to me. Anyone have an exit plan? "


Agents, I'm working on an exit plan! Just, uh, hold on! Nothing more can go wrong, right??


Agent Octant, that strange signal is still near you. I've tried to isolate it out but it's... almost like I've seen it before. It's matching something in our datasystems but I'm not getting what; the medical bay is a shielded environment and there might be something strange going on in there.

>STRESS is a bit like shock, except it's the Resolve variant and it just hits you directly. It converts, on its own, to all kinds of fun mental breaks. Encouraging allies can support you to deal with your stress, or you might get your shit together some other way.

>Of course, rugged action heroes like you don't need to worry about Stress; it doesn't look good in the movies, so you took a lot less than you might have...
>Once STRESS spikes pasts your limits, all kinds of fun compromises occur. While STRESSED, the universe watches your *complicatons* a little more carefully and you might stumble a little more.

>Generally speaking, however, consider Stress less immediately dangerous than direct injury-shock. Though a lot of it at *once* tends to cause people to twitch, stumble or mess up.

>Hey maybe that's why the system tracks Manipulation and Support - you can do this to hostiles. Did, even, because that hologram with a minigun was quite frightening.


Agent Fold, your vitals are off the charts. Focus. Alright? We're right here with you. Nothing you could do. Dr. Espango was a noted eccentric and judging from the files Agent Monarch recovered, and our intel-sweep, his recent run of running up debt and excluding himself to focus on a pet project indicate megalomania and a certain consequence-limited choice-theory of mind. What I mean to say is that he thought in clean, sharp angles and black-and-white ultimatums.

Hearing this crash-team was coming to take his tools and toys must have made it seem like he only had one way out.

People like that exist to hammer the world into new shapes; you know what they say about unreasonable minds.

Pay him his last respects, then please take a breath and get OUT of that OFFICE, we NEED YOU.


Agents, I've updated the assessment of the Red Cranes projected path. The internal security lockdown will slow them down, but they're still going to breach in a staggered pattern.

Kitchen is next!

I've been doing all this on my own, and I'll keep it up, but I've shared the TACTICAL feed with you as well. I'm working remotely and limited by SIGNAL, but you can see the Tactical Dicepool Value and current Signal on your HUD. Flash me a direct request if you have one, and I'll handle it. If not, I'll improvise on my own.

>Tactical control online
>If multiple requests come in that are contradictionary, it works like a vote system.
>You don't need to roll the dice, but it is useful to know what the pool is.


You got it, people? Get that data, scramble those consoles, then get out somehow. We're working on an exit plan, but bright ideas are welcome!!


>1 AL moves you your speeeeeeed.
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49 KB
Blink twice to align your GPS positioning system with the world, Agents!

>Directions match the grid, so 111 is three steps NW.

>When moving, consider 111 334 or other notions like it. For longer distance movement, NWNWNWNW has a slight possibility of being glitched
Rolled 2, 3, 8, 2, 7, 1, 9, 6, 5, 5, 9, 2, 1, 9, 9 = 78 (15d10)

#Agent Evans
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1
!! Lethality Factor 1 (This mission only)

H1 C7 Service Pistol (18 shots, Stats unknown?)
H2 MonoEdge (Penetrate 2, Bleed on 9+)
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) + Vest (3DR Kinetic)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: 3xReloads for C7 [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

>Implant Lethality Factor 1
>1 AL: Snag a Chirni mag to pass along to someone later (Sense 2 + Ballistics 2)
>1 AL: Move 2
>1 AL: Give Octant a couple words of encouragement (Support 2 + Persuasion 1)
>3 AL: Let's take a peek at this here lockdown control (Process 2 + Mesh Ops 2)
>3 AL: Okay come on, really, open up for me here (Process 2 + Mesh Ops 2)
>1 Respond: If anything comes flying at me, DUCK

"Okay, Octant, can you hear me over this thing still? Good. Let's crack this door so we can link up to get some asses kicked."
Rolled 8, 6, 7, 9 = 30 (4d10)

Right, and the +4d10 from the Armoury.
Agents, I just checked the logs and it appears I never confirmed your mission deployment tools.

I'm sorry for the oversight. Here's the generic specs on the C7 Pistol, the service knife, your commset and the laundry cleaning instructions for your suit.

Because this is all the same for all of you, you don't have to note this down.

Particularly sharp agents might wonder what the difference is between Pierce and Sharp - they're kinetic terms for the type of injury that follows and the general use you might get out of something. A sharp object has a better time destroying things, because piercing attacks tend to leave smaller wound channels. When you're striking human opponents this all washes out, because injury is injury. But for instance the knife would be better at hacking away at a thick groove but the pistol might punch directly through armored glass better.
Rolled 2, 7, 8, 1, 8, 2, 1, 3, 10, 6 = 48 (10d10)

"Shit's gone pear-shaped, TS! The bastards are shooting Jack and there's...something in here with me! Does this call for upping the fucking condition?! We're blowing this joint anyway, aren't we? Fuck the collateral! We're in deep enough shit as it is."

>3AL: Move 666
>3AL: Override the lockdown on the door next to me. (Process3+MeshOps2, 5 dice)
>3AL: Keep downloading more action stuff. How about the one where a bunch of space marines have to fight all those nasty aliens at an abandoned colony? Best sequel of all time, some say. (Attune2+Ballistic3, 5 dice)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stressed 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni
H2 also Chirni
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x1] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 3x Smoke Grenades (fr fr)
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse

"Alright, hold on, I'll try something on my end."

"By the way, it's Octant. You know, the navigational aid. Octane is that other asshole..."

Alright, so that's how the deep immersion works for the multimedia system. How about the more standard use cases. You know, what happens mechanically if I want to, say, find and blast 250% bassboosted earrape metal pipe falling sounds to distract or startle someone?
You startle them. The noise output is extreme and they're likely to get stressed - or distracted. If you can pipe the sounds through a camnode or other electronic, it's more distracting. Otherwise you'll lead them right to you. In general, it's Manipulate attempt, to either distress or distract or generate a noise in the environment for others to investigate. But this ins't the only use of the system; multimedia also includes a lot of data and informatics and "How to" videos. Get to the kitchen and you can probably improve a mean pie with some home-cooking instructionals.

In general, speakers and external systems have higher output than your physical body, though, Agent. The multimedia system is mostly wetware - you don't have output channels. But if you can acquire those, you can pipe whichever sound you like through them. And you can use the techwear headset and your own implants to play noises quite loudly around yourself. Just be careful with that one, you might blow out your *own* eardrums!

Though you could probably hook up through Agent Graphite's holoprojectors and display a movie pretty convincingly.

In case that noise in the medical bay turns out to be some kind of sharktiger hybrid with claws and octopus tentacles for manipulation, you can try a sound based deterent as well; mimic a low frequency hertz and it spooks animals.
Rolled 3, 3, 10, 1, 8, 4, 7, 6, 9, 5, 6, 3, 9, 6, 5, 7, 3, 5, 8, 5 = 113 (20d10)

#Agent Jack Oal
Limit 12
5 Shock

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Pathfinding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

#Overclocked Resonators 2
#Stimulant Overdose (+3AL for 1 Turns)

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Bag Full of Various Handheld Power Tools [2, +1CR]

>1AL: scream in pain, everything hurts, ow-ow-ouch (Resist 2)
>3AL: hug tightly to one of the Red Cranes attacking me, he's my friend now (Resist 2? + Close Quarters 2)
>1AL: scream in pain again, everything still hurts, ow-ow-ouch (Resist 2)
>3AL: try to magnetically launch both me and my buddy towards the middle elevator (should be southeast of me) (Proficiency 3 + Resonators 2)
>1AL: scream in so much pain, this hurts so much you have no idea, ow-ow-ouch (Resist 2)
>3AL: try to forcefully slam the elevator doors shut hopefully my new ""friend's"" body cushions this landing because there's no brakes on pain train (Proficiency 3 + Resonators 2)

(i think this is how it works, right? im in so much pain i have no idea)
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit

> Move to the tile directly to the north. (-1 ALA)
> Move 112 22 (-5 ALA)
> Prepare a cup of coffee. Savor it. (-3 ALA)
Rolled 4, 5, 5, 10, 5, 1, 3, 5, 1 = 39 (9d10)

Welp, that's a useless position now. Let's do something else

>2AL Move 2W to the console
>3AL Swipe the paydata from it
>3AL Via the camera in the vestibule, try to hack a Red Crane's targeting software so that it shows the reticle 30 centimeters to the right, intending to redirect the fire into another Red Crane
>3AL Repeat with another Crane

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12
*Alive *Stimulated 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

H1 Chirni
H2 ^^^^^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Vest (3DR)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Chirni AUPDW | 2xReload [30x1] | 3x Foamball (Chem3, AoE)
Rolled 7, 8, 8 = 23 (3d10)

>4 AL: Move 544 5
>3 AL: Pop open the control panel and lift the lockdown on the door (Proficiency 3)
>2 AL: Move 46

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 2

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Vest [3DR Kinetic] I Cool, NonDescript Blade [Sharp 2, Bleed on 10+] I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Grilled Cheese Sandwich

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.
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It's important to remember to have a break to savor the little things, Agents.

Agent Vennsfield, you are *Focused*. You hit on 6-10 (each Focus expands hit range by +1). For as long as it lasts.

Agent Vennsfield, you are stimulated. +2 Alacrity for 2 turns.
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173 KB PNG
Rolled 3, 9, 4, 4, 6, 6, 8, 4 = 44 (8d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2
1 Confidence [Temp]

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [SkimmerSwarm RID]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich [Half Eaten] | Smokes
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drones

“I know it’s a long shot, but what about Moxie’s infil route? You think we could take the vents out? I’ve lost the outside cameras aside from one. Last I saw they fell for some of the holo projections though.”

>3 AL: Well, I’m here already, let’s get that data from here. No frying this console yet though, I still need it. (Process 3 + Mesh Ops 1)
>3 AL: And you know what? Now might be a good time to put a program in those drones. It’s been a hot minute since I used these things, might be a little rusty… (Process 3 + DroneOps 1 for a Close Quarters program for the drones… if I’m reading that post right)
>2 AL: TF, help me out with getting a signal ping in Medical. Octant is just standing in front of an open door and can’t see anything. Maybe we’ll get something with a scan?
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I could really go for a cup of coffee right now.
Agent Monarch, I've got a read on that abnormal signature in medical. And a pathogen alert count. The environment in there was hermetically sealed for a while and something has built up in the air. HVAC filtering is taking care of it now, but I don't recommend staying in there too long - you might catch some kind of cold. I'm running better specs now. The signal is.... alive? Definitive signs of humanoid morphology. Switching to thermal reads now, I'm tasking a drone fly-over. Hold.


Agent Jack'Oal, listen to me. The Red Cranes have remote control over the elevator bays, but you are IN the elevator. Access the control panel MANUALLY and override the remote; get the doors to close or go to another floor or something! ANYTHING


Two data packages recieved, Agents. Fantatic work. Scramble those terminals when you're no longer needing them. Anything will do. Alternatively, place some sort of explosive (foam or standard grenades will do) next to sensitive components and remote detonate them later.

We can also attempt to mesh-burn the whole data infrastructure, but without physical destruction of the storage elements, recovery may be possible if they task forensic specialists to it.


>Taking this one a little slow - any Agent that hasn't acted can take an action.
Rolled 3, 1, 9, 1, 3, 8, 8, 2, 5, 10, 4 = 54 (11d10)

>2AL: Move to Lockdown door South of SecRoom
>7AL: Burn through the Lockdown (2 Process+1 Mesh Ops + 4AL)
>3AL+1Strain: Make my way to the Workshop FAST (Speed 1 + Closequarters 2 + Strain 1)
Rolled 8, 8, 5, 1, 7, 4, 6, 1, 7, 8 = 55 (10d10)

Agent Monarch, good call on the vents. I'm calling up the building specs now. I'll mark any relevant ones on your system. It may be rough, but it could be possible.

You'd need to head lower, then exit on another floor. The central systems will vertical out at some point and you'd fall to the basement, which at this level would break every bone you have. Exiting out through another floor then taking the stairs to get to ground level would, however, be more managable.


... what the stars am I looking at...? Ugh, I feel like I'm in a bad action flick. There's gotta be a way to enhance that imaging. Come on, come on -- yes I have requested airspace passage for a flyover drone I've already submitted the paperwork you can't-- come on!!
. . . what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuu---
Rolled 5, 7, 7, 9, 3, 5, 6, 6, 1 = 49 (9d10)


>3AL: Override the security lockdown to the bathroom door so the swarm of drones can roam freely. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 1, SSA 1 from the drones being nearby?]
>5AL: Move 54543.
>1AL: Pump up Butterfly by claiming with utmost confidence that we are definitely NOT going to die here. [Manipulate 3, Support Opps 1]

Reaction: Throw a foam grenade down the hallway once the Red Cranes breach through the barricade.

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 4x Foam Grenades [3Chem, AoE]
Agents, Red Cranes have breached the kitchen!
Agents, Red Cranes have bypassed the Second Computer Core lockdown, they're in the Worksho-- Agent Mammoth, your decoy worked. They're slowing down and calling for their demolitions expert. They're too worried to proceed!

Agents, we still need that data but its looking like a lost cause. Find a way to extract it and if you can't pull it off, find a way to scramble that console!


Agent Jack'Oal, do something! Kick the control panel! Agent, get up off of the floor and *move* or you are going to be CAPTURED.

( You could always accept being captured )


Agents, I've got... signal eyes on something, but I had to cycle through several imagining specs to get it. It's not showing up on thermals. It looks like ... a person. Like, some kind of... cat... person.

I think we're looking at Subject FETCH. He was keeping her-- it-- them-- here. All along. Subject is restrained, but I'm seeing a lot of struggling movement; it's bolted to some kind of medical chair but its making its way out as we speak. Very flexible. It's going to break loose any minute now. There's no telling what it'll do, this is unprecedented territory!


Agent Monarch, I've found the full specs for the building vents and I'm cross-referencing the ones that are viable now. We'll have an exit strategy for you all soon.

For now, HOLD TIGHT and HOLD ON, Agents!
Keep it together!!


[Agent Ink]
" Hey, uh, Vennsfield. Get me a cup of coffee then clear the central hallway. I'm going to buy us a few minutes from that kitchen team... SO, MR. HONG8 OPERATOR. How would you like to go home to your kids? No kids? Home to your drug stash? Eh? Sounds good to me, let me jus help you with those restraints, no harm no foul, no one died, yep, anyway, take the left exit, that's the one over there, let me see if I can lift the lockdown for you... "


Agents, Ink has some kind of plan. Please please please don't let Ink have plans. Ink's plans never go according to plan! Either convince her to drop whatever idea this is --- she's going to lead the Hong8 troopers right down the hallway into the kitchen breach team!! - or, uh, well, okay, that's not... it's not actually...

... that might work.

>Ink is probably amenable to being told not to do this, though?


Rolled 1, 7, 4, 7, 6, 3, 4, 2, 6 = 40 (9d10)

Devon, I'm leaving the console to your discretion

>3AL Try to remotely get the paydata from the workshop
>3AL Try again
>3AL Try one more time

Okay, now I'm really leaving it

>3AL Move 3NE, take cover behind the table
>R Lockdown the kitchen door

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12
*Alive *Stimulated 1

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

H1 Chirni
H2 ^^^^^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Vest (3DR)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Chirni AUPDW | 2xReload [30x1] | 3x Foamball (Chem3, AoE)
Agent, it's too much to mesh peer-to-peer at our signalling speeds; we can extract it remotely and I'm working on it as we speak but the data-load is larger than expected and there's no telling what we need. You'll have to extract the salient memory storage systems physically, which is why getting there is the better option!

We can extract it with 10 hits on a MeshOp, but for now, maybe try another approach?

>2 Hits so far
>Feel free to redo your turn, given this information, if desired.
I only did it in the first place because I didn't know what to spend 9AL on, given that I intended to lockdown
Rolled 9, 1, 7, 5, 6 = 28 (5d10)

#Agent Evans
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1
!! Lethality Factor 1 (This mission only)

H1 C7 Service Pistol (18 shots, Stats unknown?)
H2 MonoEdge (Penetrate 2, Bleed on 9+)
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) + Vest (3DR Kinetic)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: 3xReloads for C7 [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

Ink is... well I mean, /I/ wouldn't do that, because we become targets as soon as they realise that they aren't actually just getting released, but... eh, I've got a catgirl to worry about.

>6 AL: Move 133 333

"You want this door open, Graphite? Okay. By the way, watch out for the genetic experiment in the next room. Anyway-"

>3 AL: Pop the control panel and get the door open. (Proficiency 3 + Mesh Ops 2)
What is all the yellow wiring in the workshop? Is it safe to walk through?
It's fake booby traps currently scaring the Cranes into staying in place. Completely safe, but walking through them will give up the ruse.
Rolled 5, 2, 10, 2, 2, 5, 8, 2, 6, 2, 1, 6, 10, 9, 5, 9, 8, 5, 5, 3, 3 = 108 (21d10)


>3AL: Using the camera in the kitchen as visual aid, turn off the safety on the stoves and ovens and get a gas leak going. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 1, MultiSpec 3]
>3AL: Help out on extracting the data from the Workshop. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 1, SSA 1 from the drones in the room, MultiSpec 3]
>3AL: One more time! [Process 3, Mesh Ops 1, SSA 1 from the drones in the room, MultiSpec 3]

(I'm honestly not sure if I'm applying the bonuses here correctly, MultiSpec said I could pair it with Mesh Ops but this is kind of an ungodly amount of dice? Feel free to yell at me if this is not the intended way.)

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 4x Foam Grenades [3Chem, AoE]
File: Electronic Lockpick.png (64 KB, 838x572)
64 KB
Doors open!
Get that data, Agents!!

>Evans takes one shock from antitampering complications.
I'm thinking of opening the door and throwing a flashstick or three in. Maybe the ruse will be maintained if they can't see?
Bad phrasing on tacticals part, and we'll blame tactical - eg - ME.

*Gear* provides flat bonus to *outcome*, usually. So MultiSpec actually provides +3 automatic hits/effect *if* the action it's used for succeeds and it's something it can help with.

Consider, then:

Sense 2, you roll 2d10, you get 7, your actual "output value" is 1hit+3Multi.

You try to mark an opponent with Process+MeshOps, 4d10, get 2 hits, actual output value is 2hits+3 = 5.

This naturally makes it much harder to shake off, though if someone resists with 2 hits they do cancel out your targetting. It's a sensor system, so anything data-operations related it can do and provides the effect bonus for.

The trick to gear items is that you can, if you're doing "Improvisational" stuff, also use your Intent+Gear (Or Secret+Gear, for the really improvised stuff) and then you roll that many d10 but do not get the bonus value.

Eg, if you were doing
Process3+Multispec3 = 6d10, to "rejigger the detection system for metalfinding", you'd roll more dice but not get the +3. But you might passively adjust the system for later operations. For something as passively useful as a Multispectrum Sensor, you don't often want to do this, but it's an option

(Your knife has Sharp 1, so Proficiency 2 + Sharp 1 lets you actively cut throughs into shape, if you're building creatively. For offensive use, Profiency 2 + Close Quarters 2 rolls 4d10 then delivers hits+1 'sharp' damage to the target)
Rolled 6, 7, 8, 10, 10, 2, 4, 3, 8 = 58 (9d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [SkimmerSwarm RID]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich [Half Eaten] | Smokes
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drones [CQC Routines 1]

“Graphite, I’ve got an idea. I’m unlocking the door. Giving you maybe 30 seconds to get that data.”

>3 AL: TS, help me out for a second here. I’m gonna try and remote access the workshop lighting system and shut them off. Make it even harder on the Cranes. [Manipulate 2 + MeshOps 1]
>3 AL: Send in the Workshop drones, ambush, harass, shock. [Manipulate 2 + DroneOps 1 + CQC Routines 1]
>3 AL: Remote override the workshop wing doors, open the door in front of Graphite [Manipulate 2 + MeshOps 1]
The door in front of Graphite is already open >>6159635
>Mobile’s a real bastard when it comes to posting things on time
"Knew I should've worn my rubber gloves," Evans says as soon as the residual spasms subside, as though he did not briefly plug himself into a high volume and throughput electrical system.
Ah, that does make more sense, thank you. Should I reroll my post for clarity's sake or are you good on that front?
Rolled 3, 3, 7, 6, 5, 3, 5, 10, 2, 9 = 53 (10d10)

It's alright Agent, fantastic effort. I'm hammering the environmentals now.

I'll treat your Remote Override as +1 to the Data Grab [=3], is that alright?

I can sort it out on the display I read over here to update your tacticals, but if you'd very much like to - and because every other Agent seems to need to right now - you can redo your turn, Agent Thorn!
Rolled 10, 9, 8, 10, 2, 8, 9, 10, 4, 1, 2, 6, 1 = 80 (13d10)

"Hold on, Jack. Data package coming your way. Yes, just ignore the viral warnings your system's throwing. It's legit. Just trust me."

>3AL: Pipe all the highly-immersive multimedia Action experience into Jack's mind. (Support2+MeshOps2, 4 dice)
>3AL: Are there any intact speakers left in the Second Computing Bay? If so, here comes 300% bassboosted_earrape_metalpipe.mp3. (Processing3+MeshOps2, 5 dice)
>3AL: Pipe the Action movies into Evans' head as well. (Support2+MeshOps2, 4 dice)

"That sounds like a great plan, Ink. Go for it."

#Agent Octant
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni
H2 also Chirni
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 3x Smoke Grenades (fr fr)
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Rolled 10, 2, 5, 8, 4, 3, 9, 8, 10 = 59 (9d10)

>1 AL: Move 6
>1 AL: Take Cover at the wall, making sure I'm not exposed when the door opens
>3 AL: Pop open the control panel and lift the lockdown on the door (Proficiency 3 + Motivation 1)
>3 AL: Blindly chuck a flashstick across the workshop (Proficiency 3 + Ballistics 2)
>1 AL: Close the door

Should be clear, Graphite, get that data!

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 2

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Vest [3DR Kinetic] I Cool, NonDescript Blade [Sharp 2, Bleed on 10+] I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Grilled Cheese Sandwich

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.
That works… seems like I just registered the antitamper system activating. Weird
Rolled 10, 9, 3, 9, 3, 1, 8, 5, 3, 1, 2, 8, 10 = 72 (13d10)

Here you go then, now with a not crazy amount of dice.

>3AL: Using the camera in the kitchen as visual aid, turn off the safety on the stoves and ovens and get a gas leak going. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 1]
>3AL: Help out on extracting the data from the Workshop. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 1, SSA +1d10 from the drones in the room]
>3AL: Mark the Red Cranes overwatching for Graphite to have an easier time dodging their fire if he does decide to go for the physical pickup. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 1] (+3 MultiSpec).

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 4x Foam Grenades [3Chem, AoE]
Rolled 8, 8, 10, 10, 9, 6, 3, 1, 9, 10 = 74 (10d10)

>3AL: Toss a Feednade at the Red Cranes in the Secondary Comp. Bay: Audio ["GRENADE!! GET DOWN!"+MULTIPLE BASS BOOSTED VINE BOOM EXPLOSION SFX.MP4] and Visual is bright disco lights (Prof 2+ Ballistics 2)
>2AL: Carefully move to the workshop console whilst keeping low from shots
>6AL: Connect with the Workshop Console and Acquire the Data (Proc 2+ Mesh Ops 1+AL3)
>1AL: Put the Workshop Console on Scramble after the Data Transfer
>+3 Strain: Dive back out of the workshop into the Hallway and make my way to the Main Lounge

#Agent Graphite
Limit 12
+1/3 Stimulated [LAST TURN]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 3 I Resist 2
!NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Origami Folding 1
!Intelligence Analysis 1

H1 Chirni
H2 ^^
B: TacVest [3DR Kinetic] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirni AUPDW I 2xReload [30x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 3x HoloProjectors | 2x Feednades
Rolled 4, 8, 8, 5, 1, 2, 1, 4 = 33 (8d10)

#Agent Jack Oal
Limit 12
4 Injury

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Pathfinding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

#Overclocked Resonators 2

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Bag Full of Various Handheld Power Tools [2, +1CR]


>3AL: while on the ground, launch my ""friend"" (the Red Crane on the floor with me) into elevator's doorway / path of fire (Proficiency 3 + Close Quarters 2, [2] MagRes?)
>3AL: that should buy me ample seconds to heave myself upwards and get up- OW-OW-OW-OUCH, EVERYTHING HURTS
>3AL: how do i work this thing-a-ma-jig, i dont get all this 'control panel' business- what the hell is an "remote control" or "manual operation"- you press button and it closes- right? (Proficiency 3 + Bag Full of Various Handheld Power Tools (i mean one of them has to help, right?))
Rolled 5, 10, 1, 6 = 22 (4d10)

>2AL: Move 66
>3AL: Search Green's office for anything useful (Sense 2)
>3AL: Search again, there's gotta be something (Sense 2)
>4AL: Move 1666

What the fuck. What the fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck, he's dead. It's FUBAR, it's all FUBAR. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
Stress 6
Stimulated 2/3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!SC Spinal Augmentics [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 1
-Resonance Factor 1
!Origami Folding 1

H1: Chirni Advanced PDW [2P, 30Am[Franq] Burst 2, FA 10, Acc1]
H2: -------
B: Vest (3DR) | Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 2x Chirni Reloads | 3x Stingballs [Stun 4, AoE]
Agents, I was going to save this for the Psych Eval later, but since Agent Octant has kindly chosen to share his multimedia internals with the team at large . . .

Conditions around here are really equal to values that adjust situations. You might even call them... Stylings.

That "Action" brand of media you're sharing around so liberally? Yeah, it... it might have some, uh, side-effects. But damn if it doesn't make you look cool while you walk away from explosions or spout badass oneliners!
Rolled 3, 1, 2, 5, 10, 3, 8, 3 = 35 (8d10)

oh no, i have retroactively roll more dice that MAY cause irreversible harm to oneself and my greatly please CompanyCommand with my suffering, its SO OVER

+Injury 4, +Injury 4
*MAY greatly please

also what does the dice gods mean by this? injury comps while doing kung-fu, injury crits while fumbling on a elevator control panel
No, Agent. Don't roll the Injury dice unless you explictly want to -- Agent -- Agent the thing you just tried to do is use an Injury flavour for something it's **REALLY NOT** going to help you with, every hit there would **deduct** from your performance.

Gruesome injury does not help you fight!!
Don't touch those Injury Dice unless you really know what you're doing! Gruesome physical harm is not a boon to 80% of your common field activities!!

... Agent, why am I getting-- are you listening to -- AGENT!! AGENT JACK'OAL


>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqe7jPX6DQY [Embed]


That new generation of immersive-AR-VR simtech coming out of Tunis is *dangerous* in the wrong hands!!

I'm calling in an industrial accident anonymouslyt! We're getting ambulances on the scene, maybe some police. It'll help you clear out of there in the chaos and by the stars I hope they can scrape Jack'Oal off of the pavement. Oh no.
I've lost Agent Jack'Oal' signal!!!

We've got the data from the Workshop! I'm converting the remote intrusion to a scrambler virus. Let me nudge it a little-- Score! It's clean! Agents, we've got the Workshop Data!

Incredible work!


Agent Fold, good find. Take anything you want as a 0AL action. Strange, he doesn't seem like the type to enjoy chocolate bars. And why would he... is that a ... hm. His multimedia systems are full of old sappy period dramas. A lot of long form serials.

Those chemical mixtures might be what he was analysing. Definitively bring those.

Under the pillows on that couch is an access port - it's a deep storage data core! Paydirt, Agent!!


I've got eyes on the kitchen, they're slowly down to deal with a sudden gas-leak!!


Agents, that intrusion team in the Computing Core is -- Huh. Vine boom? I see you are a man of culture, Agent Graphite.


Agent Evans, I'm registering a seriously unusual spike in your neurological wave patterning. Agent Evans? Agent Evans?

>Going in one more round when you don't think you can. That's what makes all the difference in your life.
>Agent Evans, you've been *infected* with 80'ies action cheese. Try to keep the desire to spout oneliners to a minimum


We're getting the data together over here, Agents. Good work so far. Steady on...

>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
>Any Agents who hasn't acted can act.
File: MultiMedia.png (211 KB, 944x908)
211 KB
211 KB PNG
[A thin, wiery looking man, elongated and sharp, intent eyes focused on a smaller... woman??.. curled up on the couch. They're watching some kind of media. The man is Dr. Espango; by his expression he is not particularly interested in whatever movie is being shown]


They've got automatics!





>Agents to act
Agents, I've finished my analysis of the building vent systems and some semi-viable escape paths for you. Make it to any vent access grate and pop it open with some tools or equipment, and you can possibly exil through it.

The elevators - as demonstrated by Agent Jack'Oal - remain viable.

We STILL need that data, however! Hold on just a little more! Keep it together now, alright?

I'm *trying* to track that breach team in the Secondary Computation Core, but you understand there is such a thing as a *too* noisy environment, right?

It looks like they just missed Agent Graphite because Agent Evans - I am not dignifying your updated meshID - stepped into the line and plugged the gap.

Those Breachers have shields, but the mono-edge can actually cut through it. Still, they're very resilient. Sheer firepower is unlikely to get you very far; try something else. Those shields have 14 Resilience Limit, they practically double the robustness of someone! And that's before the armor!

I've called in an emergency industrial elevator accident. I'm expecting the authorities to respond. Once they arrive on scene, our window to escape will likely broaden due to the confusion. But it's unlikely that CraneCommand or whomever they work for will let everything go without a serious fight.

*Scramble* those data-terminals if you can. Judging from Dr. Espango's research notes, we do not want this stuff to end up their hands. That can lead to NOTHING good.


TUNE IN NEXT TIME IN FOR HIGHRISER III: Return of the Revenge of the Bride of Legsweep (Escalated Series)

Rolled 5, 2, 5, 8 = 20 (4d10)

>4AL Move SW 3E, hidden by the Cranes' own smoke
>1AL Transform finger into lighter
>4AL Grab a pack of coffee filters, ignite it, throw it into the kitchen full of gas (Proficiency + Jury-Rig)
>R Dodge to cover

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

H1 Chirni 20/30
H2 ^^^^^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Vest (3DR)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Chirni AUPDW | 2xReload [30x1] | 3x Foamball (Chem3, AoE)
Rolled 10, 7, 8, 9, 1, 7, 1, 6 = 49 (8d10)

>3 AL: Use SC Gland Augmentics to flood my system with hormones to GO FAST (Attune 2 + Respond 1)
>6 AL: Move 121 111
>3 Strain: Sprint to the WNW (the left side of the hallway, north of the station) (Proficiency 3 + Acrobatics 2)

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 2

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Vest [3DR Kinetic] I Cool, NonDescript Blade [Sharp 2, Bleed on 10+] I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Grilled Cheese Sandwich

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.
Rolled 7, 4, 6, 6 = 23 (4d10)

>1AL: Move 6.
>1AL: [Aim] at the kitchen entrance.
>3AL: Throw a foam grenade to block the way into the hallway from the kithcen.[Proficiency 2, Ballistics 2]
>5AL: Move 121 121
>3 Strain: 166.

Reaction: Shoot back at whatever's shooting at me!! Ahhh!!!!!
#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 4x Foam Grenades [3Chem, AoE]
Rolled 6, 8, 9, 3, 5, 8, 8, 8, 1, 7, 10, 2, 5, 9, 9, 1, 5, 6, 4 = 114 (19d10)

#Agent Evallone
Limit 12
*Alive, 1 Injury, 2 80s Action

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1
!! Lethality Factor 1 (This mission only)

H1 Red Crane Shield, hopefully
H2 MonoEdge (Penetrate 2, Bleed on 9+)
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) + Vest (3DR Kinetic)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol | 3xReloads for C7 [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

Evallone has trained with the Japanese masters and put his hard-won skills to work to clean the streets of San Diego, and now he's here to clean these streets of... of the Red Crane Katanas. He knows how to do this.

>1 AL: Holster my C7
>3 AL: Grab the shield off the shieldman in hex 4 of me and take it for my own. I am a modern day knight. (Proficiency 3 + Close Quarters 2 + 80s Action 2)
>3 AL: Strike the shieldman in hex 4 of me with the MonoEdge. Mmm, good make. Must be Muramasa. Wait, no, I'm the hero. It's a Masamune. (Proficiency 3 + Blades 1 + 80s Action 2)
>1 AL: "YOH FAHTHAH DIDN'T MAKE IT! CAHM WITH ME IF YOO WANT TO LEEHV!" (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1) to establish good relations with FETCH
>1 AL: "CAHMAAAHN, WE HAVEN'T GOT AWLL DAY! MOHNAHK, GET A MOOHVAHN!" (Support 2 + Persuasion 1) to inspire Monarch to hurry up scrambling the electronics and hustling over
>1 Respond: Parry with the sword and block gunfire with the shield I hopefully have, more or less an Intercept
Rolled 1, 7, 2 = 10 (3d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [SkimmerSwarm RID]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich [Half Eaten] | Smokes
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drones [CQC Routines 1]

"Liren, what are we gonna do with Subject FETCH? Leave it for this Corpo cleaner team to handle? I'm not gonna go outta my way to help the thing, but it is a major miracle of bioengineering from what I read, and a bioterror vector if left in a residential district."

>3 AL: Lock and rig the Security console to detonate the next time someone attempts to access it. A few crossed wires and some gunpowder from my service pistol rounds should be enough to destroy the console and give whoever tries to take a look a nasty scar... [Manipulate 2 + Jury Rigging 1]
>1 AL: Send bathroom swarmlets a general order to engage Red Crane in the kitchen.
>5 AL: Move 553 32

"Heading for the vents on the overhang. Seems like the best place to fall back to."
Rolled 8, 4, 6, 3 = 21 (4d10)




>... uhm
>... do... something?
Is there anything preventing me from just grabbing everything? Inventory limit?

And did my stress spontaneously drop to 3?
No, Agent - you can more or less stow everything. The more you carry the higher the odds something breaks if you get into trouble, though.

And it dropped because you aren't experiencing anything horrendously stressful. The mind has a recuperative response. It can knit itself back together.

Agent Mammoth lights a pack of coffee filters on fire, and hucks them into the burgeoning thermal smoke. One of them bounces off of Agent Butterfly, who has chosen to flap his wings and is practically flying across the hallways, running low and gunning for the exit. Agent Thorn follows, at a much more stately pace, wheezing from the smoke.


In the hallway, a transgenic experimental subject (??) looks up, liquid twitch quick, and locks oddly purple-sheened yes on Agent Evans, who hollers. Yes. She wants to live. She very, very much wants to live.

And strangest of all: The hollering accent reminds her, of longer safer nights, watching strange creatures frolic on the flat window to the world. She liked those nights. She felt safe.

Red Crane Operator Tarosi Nakam, four year veteran of urban encounters and with two outstanding distinctions for courage under fire screams as he falls back. Some part of him is probably thankful for his healthcare. He's going to need it. That sword almost took his arm off at the shoulder.


>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
>Agents that haven't acted can act.
Rolled 4, 8, 7, 9, 9, 2, 6, 2, 7, 10, 1, 1 = 66 (12d10)

>0AL: Grab everything
>1AL: Move 4
>1AL: Liren, please perform Live Metrics on my location, I could use the help with
>3AL: Get the data [Process 3, Mesh Ops 1]
>3AL: Rip the door open with my mind [Manipulate 3, Telekinetic Projection 1, Resonance 1, Stress 3]
>1AL: Liren, can you please open the door north of Agent Herbie?
>1AL: And can you monitor the area around Graphite, Evalione and Octane with Live Metrics?
>1AL: And can you do the same for Mammoth, Butterfly and Thorn?
>1AL: Move 1

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
Stress 6
Stimulated 1/3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!SC Spinal Augmentics [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 1
-Resonance Factor 1
!Origami Folding 1

H1: Chirni Advanced PDW [2P, 30Am[Franq] Burst 2, FA 10, Acc1]
H2: -------
B: Vest (3DR) | Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 2x Chirni Reloads | 3x Stingballs [Stun 4, AoE] | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Snackbar (chocolate) | 1x Picture, holo, old | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | 2x Unknown compounds
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9+2 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit

> Pick up the Coffee pot. (-1 ALA)
> Pick up the small table at 4 by the leg (+1 Strain) (-1ALA)
> Walk 334 4 (-4ALA)
> Smash the coffee pot over the head of the nearest Red Crane (Proficency3+CloseCombat3) (-3 ALA)
> Pull the coffee-concussed man into an standing armlock. (Proficency3+CloseCombat3) (-3 ALA)
"No Solicitors."
> Violently throw the armlocked operation into the rest of his fireteam. (Proficency3+CloseCombat3) (+3Strain) (-3 ALA)
> Utilize the small table as a shield. Attempt to block incoming hostilities. (-1 Respond)
Rolled 5, 3, 4, 7, 2, 4 = 25 (6d10)

>(Strain reduces by 1 because of Implant)
>Coffee not working anymore
>3AL: Move Herbies door
>3AL: Open the Lockdown door (Process 2 + Mess Ops 1)
>3AL: Get myself to the main lounge through the Western Entrance Fast (Speed 1 + Closequarter 2)
Rolled 9, 10, 8, 9, 9, 10, 5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 5, 5, 7, 6, 3, 6, 4, 7, 3, 5 = 131 (21d10)

>(meshops 1+4 eq, Process 2) Disengage the lockdown on the two northern doors. If needed, have RegIs duplicate the code from the right door to the left door. Those Hong are in a hurry to leave, better let them go.
>(mesh ops 5 + manipulate 2)Join the multi-media war by casting Meet the Pyro onto the optics/tac net of the Red Cranes.
>(mesh ops 5 + process 2) Finish up these outstanding tickets.

Do you believe in magic?
My apologies Agent Mammoth. I was busy clearing up these bloody support tickets.
Rolled 7, 3, 5, 10, 2, 8, 4, 6, 10, 1 = 56 (10d10)

On it, Agent!
Oh I can't fault you for that, I know how it is
Rolled 9, 1, 10, 9, 8, 8, 6, 7, 3, 5 = 66 (10d10)

Agent Devonshire, you need to SCRAMBLE that CONSOLE - good work on the doors, though!


Agents, we have most of the data and we even score some extra. Time to make ourselves scarve, you feel me? The third breach time has just made it through the front door and they're being *supervised* by that corporate hotshot - Agent XXX-XXX - he's got meshcloaks so rough I can't even tell you his ID, it's literally showing up as XXX!

The turret slowed them down some and painted their visor a lot, hit them a bit. But they'll make up for lost time now! Worse, the breaching charge knocked down the wall to the lobby north; they're sending off a split team to pincer!!


Agent Fold, those vials - the data read from the unit indicates they're protein-compounds that the genomic sequencing was related to. There's a connection between those vials, subject FETCH, this FEYWILD project and Dr. Despango. He was talking about 'it being stable' before he... earlier. He was talking about stability earlier.

Advanced improvised gene-sequences are notoriously unstable; without a few million years of nature's private R&D the long-term effects of germline editing are hard to predict. You might try to reduce incidences of iron-deficiency and find out you're accidentally also transcribing in new cancers at a significantly accelerated rate. Stable neoGenetic viralmarkers is a cash prize. I think that work - those vials - best intelligence would indicate it relates to the Genetic Frontier Research unit at Singularity Cloud.

I don't think the Red Cranes are here for Despango at all. I think they're *here for those*!! Keep them **SAFE**!!


Agents, I've lost visual and signal on Agent Vennsfield!!

>Followup Phase [2/xx]
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183 KB PNG
Your world becomes a fragmented circus hallway of smoke, stinging the eyes, burning the throat. Drones buzz around, discharging lightning. Vague shadows move ahead - behind - a strike comes in, you ward it off with a table, you swing a coffee pot into a masked face, a man rolls back, a woman shouts, a gun rattles. You feel the THUD THUD THUD impact of plastic deterrent pellets into your back before the nodeturret spins down, recognizing your FOF signature. The press of bodies ahead is red gleaming masks on shades in tactical gear; you can barely breathe.

An environment like this would normally confound the mind, reducing Focus, but from your savory coffee ritual earlier, you maintain a clear cut edge, evening out the sheer confusion, the concussive noise, the think gunk.

But it's so, so hard to move in here - and they're not stopping. The techwear HUD tries to filter, flitters, distant tactical reaches a hand down through the smoke and flips your imaging systems to a thermal composite of overlaid fractal patterns and light and the darkness clears - you kick a man in the chest, swing your coffee pot, nudge a table into someone's chest, and they're still coming and those guns are now, in the press of it, frightfully close.


[Agent Ink]
" Terrace rooftop clear. Field team, you need assistance in there ? I'm hearing a lot of gunfire... "


Agents, move -- Agent Evans can't hold that doorway forever, they just blew through the ballistic shield!


Agent Monarch! DUCK!!


Agent Butterfly, your vitals are --- you are vitals are... Agent Butterfly, I am going to *turn off* your vital monitor and I am not going to comment on your high three digit BPM. I don't know what you just did to yourself, but whatever it is, I think I might want some for those extra long six week shifts.

Agent, you have doped your system on a mass dosis of noradrenaline. You have a functional speed value of 3. Every alacrity moves you 3. And you can - of course - use that Speed as either an Intent or a Secret to accomplish generic major actions for 1 AL.

However and it's a big caveat your body might move fast, but the environment is constrained. You're going to slam into walls and bounce off of corners because at the speed you're moving you're going to build up acceleration!

Which is to all say - if you angle yourself sharply, complications might occur. You can *step carefully*, doing 1 move for 1 Alacrity, but you might as well exploit whatever it was you did to yourself before it wears off. Just be mindful of how fast you end up going! 3 Alacrity into 9 tiles of movement is going to generate 9 tiles of momentum - the faster you go at the end, the more things might go wrong!

>EG: your total move value at the end of a turn rolls a pool to test for complications; the above 9 would roll 9d10.


Tech Support Devonshire, I am noticing you have filled Mammoth's firearms discharge report despite that not being on the docket for tomorrow. And you've organised the picnic. And laid out a menu plan for the next two weeks. And booked Evans a medical checkup for the shock damage. If you're running out of backlogged paperwork, I've got something of mine you can have a look at ...


>You're obviously still in FOCUS MODE.
> Slam the tablecorner down onto the collarbone of the Red Crane at 4. Release the table upon contact. (Proficiency3+CloseQuarters3) (-3 ALA)
> Punch the Red Crane at 5 in the throat as hard as possible. (Proficiency3+CloseQuarters3) (-3 ALA)
> Grapple the throat punched operative, seize control of his rifle. (Proficiency3+CloseQuarters3) (-3 ALA)
> Full auto burst into the other armed Red Crane Operatives in the hall. (Proficiency3+Ballistics2) (+1Strain) (-3 ALA)
> Position the grappled operative such that his body blocks his allies from firing on me. (-1 Response)
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZImgGi10iv0 [Embed]

daaa daaa ddeee daa-- why... you know what I'm going to stop asking.
Rolled 4, 9, 5, 10, 2 = 30 (5d10)

Oh, looks like the door isn't in lockdown, how convenient.

>2 AL: Move 212 121
>1 AL: Move 1, slowing down
>1 AL: Open the door
>1 AL: Move 12
>1 AL: Move 1
>3 AL: See to exiting through the vent (Proficiency 3 + Acrobatics 2)
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124 KB PNG
Rolled 3, 5, 6, 6, 9, 7, 6, 9, 10, 7 = 68 (10d10)

>1AL: Liren, please lock the door in front of Mox Mimicry, we don't want her wandering into the crossfire, do we?
>1AL: And keep monitoring the area around Evans
>1AL: And Venssfield
>1AL: And me
>1AL: Move (Squeeze) 6
>3AL: Fold a barricade out of the furniture, at some distance behind the door that's about to be blown open (Manipulate 3, Telekinetic Projection 1, Resonance 1, Stress 5)
>1AL, 2 Strain: Move 116, take cover
>Reaction: Toss a stingball with my iron hand when they breach, telekinetically adjust the trajectory (Reach 2) (Strength 2, Projection 1, Resonance 1)

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
Stress 5
Strain 2

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!SC Spinal Augmentics [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 1
-Resonance Factor 1
!Origami Folding 1

H1: Chirni Advanced PDW [2P, 30Am[Franq] Burst 2, FA 10, Acc1]
H2: -------
B: Vest (3DR) | Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 2x Chirni Reloads | 3x Stingballs [Stun 4, AoE] | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Snackbar (chocolate) | 1x Picture, holo, old | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | 2x Unknown compounds
Correction: My strain is now 4
Rolled 4, 6, 1 = 11 (3d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [SkimmerSwarm RID]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich [Half Eaten] | Smokes
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drones [CQC Routines 1]

>3 AL: Shut this door behind me and lock it. A turn of them needing to unjam it will buy is what we need to get to the terrace. [Manipulate 2 + MeshOps 1]
THE PAST is a GAPING PIT, the SHAFT of a DARK elevator - sometimes - all you can do is... HIT ROCK BOTTOM. You hit the key for the high rise, living your penthouse life with your penthouse dreams, the city like stars out of the vista of your lobby. And them. Bang. The muzak stops playing.

And you fall - you always fall.
The past is a gaping pit, the maw of an elevator shaft, and even if we rise, we only ever delay the fall.

Get up, Special Agent Jackal
The ground floor is no place to die

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cznpPMomJXw [Embed]
Rolled 5, 5, 8, 8, 7, 9, 5, 6, 5, 7, 10, 7, 10, 10 = 102 (14d10)

>(5 meshwire, 2 Process) Finish up with the support tickets
>(5 meshwire, 2 process) Disable the safeties and set the Station to mine cryptocurrency and send it to one of my bonus accounts in Tunis. Intent is to cause a hardware meltdown. Have RegIs continue to overclock while I abscond.
>1AL, Pick Up shotgun
>Move East and overwatch the corridor with the shotgun. Don't shoot Fetch.

H1: Shotgun
H2: Also Shotgun
B: Suit
H: Fancy Headset
I realized that moving costs 1 AL per move x speed, so I don't have the AL to overwatch. Therefore, please cancel the overwatch action.
Rolled 9, 8, 6, 2, 6, 8, 3, 3 = 45 (8d10)

#Agent Jack Oal
Limit 12
14 Injury
6 Action

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Pathfinding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

#Overclocked Resonators 2

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Bag Full of Various Handheld Power Tools [2, +1CR]

>3AL: move 6-1-6 (behind the pillar towards the northwest)
>3AL: while it might not be as effective, holy CRAP i'm in SO MUCH PAIN, use the aid kit on myself to patch-up some wounds (Support 2 + First Aid 2, Aid Kit?)
>3AL: im not sure if i can perform this action multiple times but I'd like to spend this time recovering -- while I still have the chance (Support 2 + First Aid 2, Aid Kit?)
Rolled 9, 10, 5, 9, 1, 7, 7, 5, 8 = 61 (9d10)

>3AL: Move 233
>3AL: "It's time for a *smoke break*" Throw what's almost definitely a smoke grenade into the workshop. (Proficiency3+Ballistics3+Action3, 9 dice)
>3AL, 3 Strain: "C'mon, let's blow this joint!" Move 221 211.

#Agent Octant
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni
H2 free because I'm an action hero and action heroes hold SMGs with one hand ;)
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 2x Smoke Grenades (fr fr)
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
You overwatch with Respond (and it's called Lockdown here)
Forgot the reaction.
>Respond: Avoid
Constrained environment.
Multiple threat vectors.
Poor visibility.

Is that worse for you?
. . . or for them?
Rolled 7, 10, 3, 8 = 28 (4d10)

>1AL: Shout down the hallway at Fetch and co. to move, move, MOVE! [Manipulate 3, Support Actions 1]
>8AL: Move 611 611 21

Reaction: Throw a, you guessed it, foam grenade at the breaching team if they manage to make contact.

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 3x Foam Grenades [3Chem, AoE]
Rolled 5, 1, 8, 6, 9, 4, 1, 3, 3, 8, 10, 1, 3 = 62 (13d10)

... that's not a smoke grenade.
Rolled 7, 6, 6, 1, 2, 7, 9 = 38 (7d10)

#Agent Evallone
Limit 12
*Alive, 1 Injury, 2 80s Action

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1
!! Lethality Factor 1 (This mission only)

H2 MonoEdge (Penetrate 2, Bleed on 9+)
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) + Vest (3DR Kinetic)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol | 3xReloads for C7 [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

>3 AL: Don't bother trying to get around the shield, just throw him into his buddies, or at least into the room. (Proficiency 3 + Close Quarters 2 + 80s Action 2)
>5 AL: Move 332 32
>If Thorn gave me bonus AL or something, just keep going towards the secondary lounge as far as possible
>1 Respond: Dodge
Agents, all data secured and all terminals scrambled or good as. Fantastic work!! Mission parameters complete! We've got no more reason to hang around here for the moment, so *get out* !

Authorities have pulled up front of the apartment complex, response ambulance and single police cruiser. They're not taking my call of a industrial elevator accident that serious. But residents will have heard all this gunfire anyway, and once the SysWatch starts correlating incoming noise complaints and other reports, they'll upscale their response to this section of the metrogrid anyway.

It's always preferable not to be too near the scene when they arrive in force, right?


TS Devonshire, I've marked your full report stack and I've recieved your code commit. This looks... Hm. *Huh*.

Integrating into the systems now!


Agent Butterfly, that hatch-grille on the major ventilation system is triple secured and double-bolted. And it has hexagonal screws. It's specifically designed to make it really, really hard to do what we want to do - we'll need more hits to break it open and gain access. Good starting effort though!


Agent Fold, your vitals are spiking erratically. Breathe, Agent. Breathe. We will get through this. Watch your stress respone - the adrenaline can get you out of a bad spot but running yourself nerve-ragged compromises your long-term performance!


Agent Octane... w... what was that-- did-- oh no.
Oh no that's Meriesweather's cranked up deployable ! That's not meant to be in your shipment! Yes, Agent Evans, I'm sealing those doors now! We wouldn't want to get splashed with *that*


Agents, I don't have signals nor eyes from Vennsfield other than his vital monitoring and basics. That chaff-smoke is messing with signals. Secondary source analysis from your feeds indicate he's literally still kicking in there.

Vennsfield, if you can hear me, you have to move! Your extraction window is closing!


Agents, flyby drone is picking up a... very large signature.

>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
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171 KB PNG
" IIIIIIIIII-- *click* nah senpai, I don't blow "

Hardened Red Crane operators glance back at the table. The grenade comes to a rolling slow stop.
Special Agent Jackal rolls forward, forcing bruised limbs to work and battered lungs to breathe. It's like walking handsomely across glass, barefooted, in some kind of highrise high tower shootout.

Cameras clock his meandering path (of course, naturally, stylishly, from all the best angles). Recog filters spin - the *goons* in the lobby shout goonishly and raise their guns. Their ilk always does. What wicked fault of the soul possess a man to become a mere henchman when he could be an action star?

Your gun stares forlornly at you from the middle of the killzone, forgotten. Clarity lost. So many things are cleaner down the barrel of a gun.

But it's no matter. You can take them. One v Nine? They should have brought more MEN

( oh my god you are in SO much pain holy shit for real oh fuck oh god oh lord oh stars oh shit is that supposed to be bleeding oh my GOD when you move your FINGERS it makes a kind of rustling paper crinkle sound AAAAHHHHHHHH )

>Moviestars to act
Agents, did that grenade just say 'I suck' and explode into a high liquidity multi-hue sensor-masking paint?

The breachteam in the workshop is blinded! It took out our camera too!


We've got breachers in the hallway!

We've got breachers in the secondary lobby by the Client's bedroom! They detonated a secondary charge! Agent Fold, your barricade is the only thing that kept them from pincering us! Good thinking!


Agents, I'm tracking *armour piercing munitions* from small arms - the Hong8 are NOT equipped with subsonics and silencers. Your vests might not stand up to being punched by penetrating bullets like that, though if you DO get hit it's small mercy the wound channel is usually much smaller.

I've got Agent Vennsfield back on specs!
Agent talk to me!
Agent, you're in the -- bathroom?

Agent, your feed is a mess. You've got subdermal bleeding from impact shock. You've been SHOT, Agent!
>Remember to account for Shock on turn start, please.


The Skimmerdrones are slowing down the breachteam in the kitchen! The foam is warding them off! And the... Hong8 appears to have seriously distracted the rest!


Agents, I've got a -- huh

Sooooo that... must be CraneWing.

We, uh.
We should leave.


Agents, I think subject FETCH just shrugged of six rounds to the chest with a little whine and a roll of her shoulders. Her -- it's -- their?? internal circulatory system must have autonomic compensators and a shock response that's several times the human baseline!!!

TS Devonshire, thank you for fixing the backlog and helping with some light on the run field calibrations of our equipment. I've updated the tactical assessment suite with a few new features.

Appreciate it.
File: Hit it.png (80 KB, 914x584)
80 KB
Agents. That's a multirole air and ground supremacy fighting vehicle. And I'm sure it has more Red Cranes in the back, waiting. They won't dare to use heavy munitions in a neighbourhood like this (think of the scandal) but the imaging specs and small arm support is still enough to seriously ruin our day.

I am turning on the Redliner, agents.


Agent Graphite, you have a Strain Factor active.

Count it as Value 2 going forward.
"That's my secret, TS...I'm always redlining...


"...what does Redliner do again, TS?"
Rolled 10, 2, 2, 5, 10, 3 = 32 (6d10)

>6AL: Run and Gun Towards the Vent Grate where Agent Butterfly is. C7 Service. Suppressive Fire against the Red Cranes at the entrance (Prof2+Ballistics2)
>1AL: Knock down the water bucket on the way towards them (Prof2?)
>2AL: Keep going for the vent
>2AL Move 2W
>4AL Throw a foamball into the hallway south
>3AL Move 2W NW
>R Dodge

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

H1 Chirni 20/30
H2 ^^^^^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Vest (3DR)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Chirni AUPDW | 2xReload [30x1] | 3x Foamball (Chem3, AoE)
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When the Redliner inhibitor is switched off, spent Alacrity can boost action pools freely.

Which is to say, Agent, that every 1 Alacrity is +1d10 to an action. This is usually for moments of intense hyperfocus but the strain is enormous, but it lets you do, say

>9 AL: do the thing [process 3 + meshops2 + 6alacrity] 11d10

hyperfocus on specific actions.

At Conditon Yellow, the Core System Overrides are active and you can take 1 Strain to get 1 Alacrity. Actions cannot repeat, so no taking 12 strain to attack 4 times.

At Condition Red, those system inhibitos are disengaged. Keeping them on is likely to be more harmful than the environment around you.

That means Strain'd actions can repeat, and that Alacrity can boost actions freely.

You can infer, Agent, that this means

>9 AL: do the thing [process 3 + meshops2 + 6alacrity] 11d10


>9 AL: do the thing [process 3 + meshops2 + 6alacrity] 11d10
>9 Strain: And this thing [Prof 3 CQC 2 6Strain] 11d10
>6 Strain: And I gotta move over here
>3 Strain: And I gotta hit that switch [Manipulate 3] 3d10

You take 18 Strain, but you've just performed 3 turns worth of actions in one condensed moment.

Strain, like everything, is enormously bad once its past your limits. It's omni-limited, so it simply has to go past any limit. And any action you take while strained can lead to complications. The above might very well heatshock your systems from the energy expenditure and flash-fry your organs, or other horrid outcomes.

That's what comes with safeties off. Sometimes some people want to be a hero.

There's limits to this kind of thing. Complications accrue.
No, no, I understood the mechanics. The question was purely in-character :P
I didn't, so thanks for the write-up
Rolled 2, 6, 8, 5, 8, 3, 1, 6, 2, 6, 5, 8, 3, 5, 3, 3 = 74 (16d10)

>1AL: Step 4
>3AL: Full Auto mag dump the Cranes that bust through my barricade (10+20 ammo spent) (Proficiency 2, Ballistics 2, Halved, +10d10)
>1AL: Encourage FETCH to run behind me (Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1)
>4AL: Grab a clip, reload
>Reaction: Covering fire


#Agent Fold
Limit 12
Stress 10
Strain 6

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!SC Spinal Augmentics [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 1
-Resonance Factor 1
!Origami Folding 1

H1: Chirni Advanced PDW [2P, 30Am(Franq) Burst 2, FA 10, Acc1]
H2: -------
B: Vest (3DR) | Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 1x Chirni Reloads | 3x Stingballs [Stun 4, AoE] | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Snackbar (chocolate) | 1x Picture, holo, old | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | 2x Unknown compounds
Rolled 6, 9, 7, 10, 1, 9, 6, 6, 7, 8 = 69 (10d10)

>5AL: Move 121 12
>4AL: Throw Prank Grenade at Cranes. "Think fast, dickwads!" (Prof3+Ballistics3+AL1+Action3, 10 dice)
>Respond: Avoid.

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Action 3
Stress 3
Strain 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 1x Prank Grenades
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
If I ran in to sword them after this grenade, would it have already gone off, thus sparing me from the effects, or would I be running in to get blinded by paint as well?
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
5Strain (+6)

Alacrity 9+2 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit

> Breathe. Diffuse shock through Resist. (-1ALA)
> Carefully snatch a limb of the nearest Red Crane corpse and drag them into cover. (+1Strain) (-1ALA)
> Quickly pat down corpse. Take all grenades. (+1Strain) (-1ALA)
> Pull the pin on every pilfered grenade and lob them into the intersection to the south of the suppressing fireteam. (Proficency3+Ballistics2) (-3ALA)
> Sink back into cover and look away. Wait for the grenades to detonate. (-0ALA)
> Enter a full sprint and charge across the corridor. Shoulder-check the deteriorating foam blocking the entrance to the kitchen in an attempt to burst through, bowling over anyone in the way. (+4Strain) (-3ALA+6)
> Keep in close proximity with Red Crane Operatives to dissuade others from firing upon me. (-1Responce)
Second last action should be marked as:
> (Proficency3+CloseQuarters3+6ALA)
Grenades - and most explosive weaponry deployed at scale - resolve their effects a little staged. Usually, first bits then full bits next phase at the "start", which overlaps with the "end" of yours. Remember that the turnbased structure of these interactions is, for most intents and purposes, a convenient media fiction. So in truth it's all concurrent with some actions taken in it. They're not, hmhm, 'instant', Agent.

So the paint grenade will detonate soon, now that it's been deployed, but the deployment is immediately after most Agents have acted, Agent. Just as someone laying down a spray of suppressive fire in a hallway and you then runnig through it would place you at risk of being shot in the back of the head. In a sense, you're acting simultaneously with it, but timing your actions to reduce the danger because the universe is kind.

So if you place yourself in the area *right now*, you risk being splattered with paint.

The resolution step for explosives gives some people some time to respond sometimes, depending on speed and initiative. Eg, if you throw a grenade at someone's feet, they might kick it to clear it (Doing this is *incredibly* dangerous, needs a good amount of hits and you don't want to complicate. So it's not recommended)

Reverse it, it might make it easier to operate on. If a grenade lands at your feet, thrown by hostiles, it'd go off at the "start" of the agent phase; which incidentally is also when you take your turn. At the start, right? It wouldn't be an 'instant hit' for 20physical explosive damage. That's not how grenades work!

The timing of it works out such that if you move away and change position, you might clear the blast-zone. If you dive for cover, you might clear the blast zone. If you drop down on the grenade, you might save other people.

In this case, Agent Octane has thrown one of Meriesweathers paint-prank grenades. He lands 4 hits, 1 complication, having thrown without acquiring a target, so with half a pool. That means it's gone off target, and the 1 complication is relevant for the timing.

The 4 hits does... some stuff... Meriesweathers personal projects being what they are. The Breachteam flinch, dive for cover, roll away from the grenade, they're *responding* to it - and taking their lockdown attacks against Octane as well. That's part of the hits he gets on throwing it; in this case the 4 hits means it does confuse them a good amount and the 'early staging' is that it influences them to duck.

Then once all agents have acted, concurrent with the Reaction phase, one ""reaction"" is that grenades go off properly!

For responding with grenade throws, like Agent Fold did, note he throws it then it cooks off at the start of the Agent turn. Which anyway is right when hostiles have moved into the spot to hit them with it.

If this is all complicated, just think of it like this: Try to avoid going into the area of live grenades.
Rolled 3, 4, 5, 9, 9, 5 = 35 (6d10)

Thanks, TS.

#Agent Evallone
Limit 12
*Alive, 1 Injury, 2 80s Action, 2 Stress

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1
!! Lethality Factor 1 (This mission only)

H1 MonoEdge (Penetrate 2, Bleed on 9+)
H2 Service Knife
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) + Vest (3DR Kinetic)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol | 3xReloads for C7 [18x3] I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

>6 AL: Move 111 122
>3 AL: Retrieve a Stingball Grenade I definitely had on me the whole time and huck it into the Red Cranes. (Support 2 + Ballistics 2(?) + 80s Action
>Respond 1: Duck back around the corner if shot at

"This maight STING a littuhl."
Rolled 6, 10, 6, 2, 3, 3, 1, 5, 7 = 43 (9d10)

#Agent Jack Oal
Limit 12
7 Injury
7 Trauma
6 Action

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Pathfinding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

#Overclocked Resonators 2

Inv: 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Bag Full of Various Handheld Power Tools [2, +1CR]

>3AL: i need my pistol back please before they start SHOOTING at me, attempt to magnetically attract the pistol towards me (Proficiency 3 + Scrounging 1, [2] MagRes)
>3AL: move move move move NOW!!! oh my god it hurts so much (6-6-1, around the pillar)
>3AL: overclock those resonators and try to fry that camera overhead of me (Proficiency 3 + Resonators 2)
Agents! DON'T CROSS THE LOBBY, it's a KILLZONE! Suppress that overwatch first or you're deadmea--

Yes! Just like that Agent Fold! They can't line up proper shots while they're ducking!
Good work, Agent Graphite!

Mind those shots! Bullets have the right of way! I'm registering impacts-- everyone good? Everyone good?

>Agent Fold takes some shock
>Agent Butterfly takes some shock
>Deal with it the usual way; armor applies to each instance obviously


Agent Vennsfield, those grenades cleared the hallway, move - time it! I'll get the remaining drones to provide cover for you, so on three? One - two-- YOU STARTED EARLY!! AGENT!!

( Red Crane B Lead gets to experience something new tonight: one of his troops being shoulder-and-knee-slammed into a wall by a man in a suit )


>Reaction Phase [1/xx/Slow]
>Agents that haven't acted PLEASE DO SO, I'm taking this one a little slow. So it's more of a part way update?
>For... reasons...

Agent Fold - Agent Fold! That... Subject is looking at you. It's not worried about the bullets. I don't think it fears those very much. It's -- is it sniffing? Agent Fold, it's sniffing! It's got some kind of scent trail! Agent Fold, what's in your pockets?!
Rolled 9, 1, 10, 8, 2 = 30 (5d10)

>9 AL: Get that Vent Open NOW (Manipulate 2 + Speed 3)
Rolled 1, 8, 5, 1, 10, 2 = 27 (6d10)

Just read the bit on redliner, adding the 6 Alacrity
File: Feeding Time.png (26 KB, 548x356)
26 KB
Rolled 7, 6, 4, 5, 9, 10, 9, 3, 2, 9, 9, 9, 6, 6, 8, 1, 6, 1, 7, 2, 10, 10 = 139 (22d10)

" Skrrrrr!!! "

>3 AL: Sense the Chocolate
>3 AL: Cross the room
>3 AL: Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it. [Prof 6 + Fingers 4]
>3 AL: Throw the ape at the other ape so they stop making so much noise [Prof 6 + Claws6]

#Transgenic Subject FETCH
Limit xx
2 Adrenaline
4 Mutability

Alacrity 12 Respond 3 Speed 3

Attune 3 I Sense 5 I Support 2 I Instinct 4
Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 6 I React 6 I Resist 4

!Claws that Catch 6
!Selves to Sheds 4
!Fingers, to Feast 4
!Tongue that Tricks 4
!Mind, to Marvel 3
!Heart, to Heal or Hate, 4

C1: Claw, 3 Sharp, Bleed 9+, Lacerate 10+
C2 Claw, 3 Sharp, Bleed 9+, Lacerate 10+
T: Reach 2, Flexible

#Amygdaloid Compensation 3
#Nervefire Overrides 4
#Twin Parallel Processing
#Cerebellum Uptake Integration
#Endocrine Systemics Optimization 4
#Strength 2
#Agility 2
#Mutability 4
#TG [Sharp Claws, Flexible Tail, Resilient Skin, Compensatory Organs, Dense Bones, Metabolic Resistancies, Reaction Suites]

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [SkimmerSwarm RID]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Club Sandwich [Half Eaten] | Smokes
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drones [CQC Routines 1] [Engaged

>3 AL: Move 111
>1 AL: Coolly drop my smoke, stepping over it to put it out
>3 AL: Draw Service Pistol, switching the safety off

“No time to save Herbie. Damn shame, gonna hafta work on some other drones back home.”
Agents! I've run the numbers! If you keep it tight and focused, you can all make it out of here now! Agent Butterfly JUST about punched that exit open! What a hero! Holy shit! I -- sorry! Edit the logs! I don't like cursing! GO GO GO!


Agent Fold! Agent Graphite! Talk to me! Thats going to leave a bruise!!

>Stray shots clip Agent Fold, then he gets thrown
>Stray shots clip Agent Butterfly, almost screwing up his work
>Agent Graphite gets collided with
>Armor applies to each instance, but you still gotta deal with any overflow or take some injuries


Agent Vennsfield! That's a multiple-on-one in a constrained environment and without the smoke they have you at a mild disadvantage! You're doing *great*! Come on man! GET OUT OF THERE!!

>Agent Vennsfield gets clobbered, stabbed and clobbered again - though he does ward off a strike with a body and flinch out of the way of a kick
>That B Lead was ludicrously lucky. Apparently he's a REAL pro


Agents, all those flashbangs and paint... bombs... messed up the breach team in the secondary lobby! They're completed blind at the moment! Good window!!


>Updated OPFOR for 'mission relevant' areas
>Assuming most agents want to escape?
The world feels so much surer with a gun in your hand, the rugged slickproof grip of the machined veneration of all of mans faults fitting into your hand like a glove. You make it sing. You can't NOT make it sing.

The GOONS don't take kindly to it.
Their ilk never do.
You gotta moxie. These chumps twobit henchmen can't be what kills Special Agent Superspy Jackal. The President needs you! For the thing! THE THING!

>Moviestars to act
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d10)

>3 DR Armor + Resiliency Factor 1 Reduces 5 Shock to 1
>1 AL: Resist Shock (Resiliency Factor 1 Auto Success) (Resist 2)
>1 AL: Move 3


>3 AL: Help Fold up
>1 AL: Move 6
>3 AL: Scurry into the vents
Rolled 4, 4, 10 = 18 (3d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [SkimmerSwarm RID]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes |
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drones [CQC Routines 1] [Engaged]

>3 AL: Remote access the large view screen in the (former) Client’s room to show “I RULE, RED CRANES DROOL”… in comic sans
[Process 3 + MeshOps 1]


Madam President of the Shadow Council, this is Super-Secret-Special-Scout-Spy Jackal Jackhammer, I'm Initiating Black Dawn Protocols and Going Dark. This is a Contingency 404, Code: Bad Blood. (what the hell am I even saying, what does that even MEAN???)
Rolled 4, 6, 3, 10, 4, 5, 3, 1, 4, 10 = 50 (10d10)

>3DR, shock reduced to 1,2,3
>3AL: Resist the three instances of shock (Resist 2 x3)
>2AL: Move 66
>1AL: She got the chocolate, good girl, ouch, now she really, really needs to come with us (Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1)
>3AL: Scurry nto the vents, go go go!

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
Stress 12
Strain 6

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!SC Spinal Augmentics [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 1
-Resonance Factor 1
!Origami Folding 1

H1: Chirni Advanced PDW [2P, 30Am(Franq) Burst 2, FA 10, Acc1]
H2: -------
B: Vest (3DR) | Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 1x Chirni Reloads | 3x Stingballs [Stun 4, AoE] | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Snackbar (chocolate) | 1x Picture, holo, old | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | 2x Unknown compounds
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9+2 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit

> Diffuse shock through resist. (-2ALA)
> Grapple Red Crane at 4. Joint lock his arm and slam his head back into the wall. (Proficency3+CloseQuarters3) (-3ALA)
> Using the insight gathered when savaging grenades off his comrade moments earlier, locate the grenades carried by the grappled operative and pull out one of their pins. (-1ALA)
> Unbalance then Shoulder Throw the grappled operative onto B Lead. (Proficency3+CloseQuarters3) (-3ALA)
> Make a break for it. Sprint 333 34. Dive into vent. (+5Strain) (-5 ALA)
What the hell are you SAYING what does that MEAN Jack'Oal-- you turned your signalling off! Agent! Agent we can't track you if you---!


. . . [You cut her out]
. . . The lobby stretches before you like a chessboard of DESTINY. Nine enemy operatives - ha! More like nine walking corpses who don't know they're already dead. Three EMTs strapped down like forgotten luggage, their eyes wide with a terror they can't quite comprehend. Two doors: your exit strategies, your portals of potential, your quantum tunnels of tactical supremacy.
You adjust my cufflink. It's not just a cufflink. It's a STATEMENT.

Please. I've got MORE control now than I EVER did. Every synapse is a weapon, every thought a tactical missile. These poor bastards think they've compromised ME? I'm REWRITING the entire operational playbook RIGHT NOW, in real-time, with the precision of a surgeon and the swagger of a jazz musician improvising a death solo.I catch my reflection in a brass elevator panel. Is that... am I GLOWING? Probably. Tactical radiance, baby. The kind of luminescence that makes lesser agents weep and international crime syndicates tremble. "Gentlemen," I mutter to the unsuspecting operatives, "you have NO IDEA what's about to happen."

And then I/You/Agent Jackal SMILES.


Rolled 9, 5, 5, 10, 1, 3, 9, 9, 10, 6 = 67 (10d10)

#Agent Jack Oal
Limit 12
7 Injury
7 Trauma
6 Action

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Pathfinding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

#Overclocked Resonators 2

Inv: C7 Service Pistol | 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Bag Full of Various Handheld Power Tools [2, +1CR]

>1AL: spin around, looking northwards
>1AL: aim at the red crane towards the left/northwest
>3AL: shoot him dead with my C7 Service Pistol- Violence has Escalated. (Proficiency 3 + Ballistics 2)
>1AL: snap aim to the other red crane (right/northeast) harassing those INNOCENT BYSTANDERS- protect the people.
>3AL: double-tap that guy dead! (Proficiency 3 + Ballistics 2)
Rolled 6, 4, 9, 10, 6, 9, 10, 3, 4, 8, 7, 10 = 86 (12d10)

Trying NOT to put on a SHOW is it? You're the SUPERSTAR, BABY

Action is no longer a CHOICE


Rolled 4, 4, 8, 2, 2, 4, 2, 6, 6, 3, 7, 6, 4, 5, 1, 10, 3, 1, 9, 9, 6, 1, 2, 9, 10 = 124 (25d10)

#Agent Jack Oal
Limit 12
7 Injury
7 Trauma
6 Action

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Pathfinding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

#Overclocked Resonators 2

Inv: C7 Service Pistol | 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Bag Full of Various Handheld Power Tools [2, +1CR]

>1AL: aim at the red crane laying down the suppressive fire, we can't let that continue!
>3AL: double-tap them dead! (Proficiency 3 + Ballistics 2 + Action 6)
Rolled 10 (1d10)

forgot 1 dice, i think
Rolled 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 8 = 19 (6d10)

>5AL Grab a foamball, aim and throw to block the Cranes' line of fire (Proficiency + Ballistics?)
>R Evade

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

H1 Chirni 20/30
H2 ^^^^^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Vest (3DR)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Chirni AUPDW | 2xReload [30x1] | 2x Foamball (Chem3, AoE)
Rolled 10, 9, 4, 1, 5, 7, 6, 7, 10, 4, 3, 9 = 75 (12d10)

#Agent Evallone
Limit 12
*Alive, 1 Injury, 2 80s Action, 2 Stress, 1 Strain

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1
!! Lethality Factor 1 (This mission only)

H1 MonoEdge (Penetrate 2, Bleed on 9+)
H2 Client's Prized Sword
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) + Vest (3DR Kinetic)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol | 3xReloads for C7 [18x3] I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)


>3 AL: Move 666


Is that... another sword?

Is that /multiple/ other fancy swords?

What kind of hero doesn't use two cool swords if he can?

>1 AL: Pick up a sword
>3 AL: Move 6, then attack a Red Crane with my swords (Proficiency 3 + Blades 1 + 80s Action 2)
>2 AL, 1 Strain: Attack a Red Crane with my swords (Proficiency 3 + Blades 1 + 80s Action 2)
>1 Respond: Intercept/Parry

"I hope you dohn't get too cuht ahp ahbout this. It's nahthing puersonal."
Rolled 8, 1, 2, 9, 4, 10, 3, 10, 3, 3, 9, 8, 5, 3 = 78 (14d10)

"Heh...now that's what I call a...paintful experience..."

"...but you jokers ain't seen nothing yet."

>1AL: Stressed? What the hell? Special Agents don't get "Stressed"! Octant may get worried over nothing from time to time, but *Octane* is quite literally built different! (Resist2+Action3, 5 dice)
>4AL: Move 2111
>1AL: acquire target, the blind, clustered up cranes.
>2AL, 1 Strain: Move 1, Full-Auto fire at the cranes. (Prof3+Ballistic3+Action3, 9 dice)

"Welcome to the party!"

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Action 3
Stress 3
Strain 4

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni (20/30)
H2 ^^^
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 1x Prank Grenades
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Forgot my Respond, again.
>Respond: Lockdown the breach.
Agents, pilfering from the dead is -- oh nevermind!!


Into the vents, down the shaft, throug the old systems, kick open the grille there --- yeah! Like that! Should take you straight...


>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
>Agents who haven't acted can act.
Rolled 9, 3 = 12 (2d10)

Ah yeah. Like that. That'll make for one kickass close up scene. Ignore the fact it clipped your leg. Obviously in real life it would be insanely stupid to dive headfirst through suppressive fire. You'd die


>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
Agent Evans, simultaneously wielding multiple blades looks fantastic in the movies, but it's very hard in real life!

( Tactical's opinion may be as it is, but despite that, a Red Crane operative bleeds his last at Evans feet, cut from twin sides in one smooth stroke )

Agent Evans, watch it! Don't get exposed! The foam is going to cut off your retreat unless you're-- holy other of -- enhance.

*Agents*, that's a Singularity Cloud operative! The Red Cranes are being directed by an SC Spook! Dr. Despango's a -- were -- Singularity Cloud Frontier Genetic Research. What is he doing here? Hang on I have to run some numbers -- I think -- with the materials that Agent Fold has recovered and that transgenetic specimen in tow... The files; the data, this project Feywild.

Agents!! Agents!! Priority update! The Red Cranes aren't here for Dr. Espango or his data! They're here for the RESEARCH SPECIMEN! They must have decided Dr. Despango finally ran out his remit and came to shut down his operation personally. But think about what that means. Agents! They *knew the location of this safehouse*! They were *waiting for him to finish something*; they were monitoring him -- us -- the data! It's a setup! The man's dead in his own office and his data mysteriously disappears as a group of Hong8 gangster come to collect on his sizable debts, Singularity Cloud liason and pet mercenaries arriving just a moment to late to save the "famous" Dr. Despango. It would have played incredible well in the papers-- there's a *journalist right here* to see it all! They don't do stuff by half measures. I bet if we root around, we'll find that Mox' credible source is some anonymous SC Intelligence Asset.

They were going to tie this whole thing up in a neat bow and the only thing that's stopped it is because Dr. Despango couldn't afford to hire premium level security and sent his contract-brief to us for review.


Agents, listen up: SC Corporate Level Intelligence Assets have *intense* implant regimens and proprietary access; those glands that Butterfly is so proud of? SC Glands? That's SC for *Singularity Cloud*! He might look human but he's got more biotech in him than any ten of us put together, they're not all chrome-and-metal heads out there.

Get out! This is MILES above our paygrade!

( Tactical's opinion might be what it is, but even so, the thin man in light tactical gear has drawn a knife with a soft smile. Steps neatly past a Red Crane operator trying to get paint off of his facemask, cuts the air around Agent Evans lazily. Blade edge almost - but not quite - too quick to follow )

This isn't-- this can't-- holy shit.
holy shit.

we're *witnesses*

>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
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fifteen minutes of fame.
it has to end.
Hey, we ARE premium level security!
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What's this, an ability he's using or something? His name revealed now that we're close to him?
Swords meet knife meets sword. Trying to score a line through the foam and the fighting shapes, agents fire a few shots. The Red Cranes keep their heads down, licking wounds. Elsewhere, a gunfight resounds. Someone screams. It cuts out.

A gunship - Iron Talon class - roars up over the apartment highrise, engines thunderous, pilots cursing a sudden slight hiccup with one intake thruster as they stabilisize

Below, more cars pull up. The authorities, arriving in more force. Ambulances. Police. All the heavy hand of the state. Or other things with pretensions of being one.


[Agent XXX-XXX]
" Good technique. You interested in a new line of work? "

He's barely breathing hard, for all that he does have a thin line cut across his tie. The monoedge went through the ballistic ceramic plate he's wearing like it wasn't even there. But he's smiling. They always smile like that, like they know a joke you don't and are waiting patiently on the punchline.

Adjusts his multicompound googles. Beneath them, he has a few days of stubble and that fucking smile. Clearsight system. One of the more expensive sensor kits around. He filters out the noise of the environment automatically, cuts through chaff, adjusts for motion. Integrates information into the flow of things. Right now, he's probably seeing the projectile trajectories of Mammoth's bullets as thin lines where no man should be, the sharp edge of Evans sword as a projection of possible probable pathways to avoid.

Suppression and weight of fire, the paint, the noise, the smoke, the flashbang, it makes the Red Cranes behind him almost inoperable, too stunned, concussed, confused.

Not this guy. To him it's a *data-source*.


>Agents to act
>Offmap Agents are still signal-linked to local agents. You can act as tactical facilitators using MeshOps; if you so wish. Unfortunately, off-map, much like TS normally is, you're Signal Limited.
>Luckily, you can read "signal" as "alacrity!" and just take a turn, using skills as relevant.
"We gotta get out of here! Let's go, let's go!"

>3AL: Move 222
>1AL: Oh, hey, someone dropped a Chirni here. Yoink.
>1AL: Move 1.
>3AL: scurry into vent.

"Hey, TS, something's spiking on my bioreadouts. Throwing you some numbers; tell me what it is."

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Action 3
Stress 3
Strain 3
Adrenaline 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni [13/30]
H2 a second Chirni
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 1x Prank Grenades
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
#Agent Evallone
Limit 12
*Alive, 1 Injury, 2 80s Action, 2 Stress, 1 Strain

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1
!! Lethality Factor 1 (This mission only)

H1 MonoEdge (Penetrate 2, Bleed on 9+)
H2 Client's Prized Sword
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) + Vest (3DR Kinetic)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol | 3xReloads for C7 [18x3] I Aid Kit I Banana and Carrot Sandwich | Armory Access Card I (Major action to test Support and pull out + use a small item that was definitely on me the whole time. Secrets can impact, but results not guaranteed)

"AHNEHSTLY? Yah, a littuhl. Wahn of my cahleagues messed with my maynd and now ay cahn't stahp tolking like a knahckowff Ahnold Schwarzenegger. Ahctant's a good gahy and hahd thah best intehntions but he really drahpped the boll on that one. Plahs the jahb gets in the way of my eenterusts. I jahst layke swoords, mahn, baht I haf to go faynd wahn neelly every fahking tiyme."
>Abandon building by the quickest possible route.

:Reading thread now.
Rolled 2, 2, 5, 8, 6, 5, 3, 4, 8 = 43 (9d10)

>9 AL: Perform an intrusion on Agent XXX-XXX's headgear, displaying a sudden jumpscare to fill his vision and blast death metal through his audio at max volume (Manipulate 2 + Mesh Ops 1 + 6 Alacrity)
Rolled 6, 5, 10, 1, 3, 6, 3, 8, 3 = 45 (9d10)

>Move 3 to the NW (the 1 direction)
>9AL - Blind the Thin Man by having his sensors massively uptake the delicious flavor of the corned beef sandwhich that he so disdainfully walked over. Delicious Data Burst Thin Man. Maybe this will convince you to eat.
Or not to eat because you won't expirience anything else so delicious again outside AR.(Mesh Ops 3/Jurry Rig 1, Manipulate 2, rolled 9 dice)
>3AL, leave through the vent
A multi-sensory attack.
Gets them six times out of ten, Agent. Corporate spooks like that love their advanced vision modalities. Something about being a capitalistic sociopath raised above the mere mass of men induces a certain need to look at the world oddly.

Great work, Agents! That slowed him down !!!
>Monarch, Graphite, Fold, Octane, Thorn, Vennsfield, Butterfly

Tech Supports

Experimental Transgenic Subjects (??)

... confirmed out of the immediate operations area! Ink told me to tell you she'll find her own way out, something about getting caught up in a VTOL situation and crash-landing a paraglider in the middle of a SWAT team.





OCCUPANTS DO MANY, MANY OTHER THINGS THAT ARE QUITE USEFUL. Someone's gotta floor the accelerator and make that jump!

PROCESS, MANIPULATE, PROFICIENCY, RESIST and your SECRETS are very useful. SOMEONE'S gotta lean out the window and fire the pistol at the gunship, right?


You gotta shake the police cordon, the Red Cranes and their sensor-grid!!

Finally, time for my acrobatic skills to shine.

>Take a motorcycle
>7AL Run to the vent
>2AL + 1 Strain Transform fingers into friction pads and slide down the vent like a badass
>Get into a van's driver's seat

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

H1 Chirni 20/30
H2 ^^^^^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Vest (3DR)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Chirni AUPDW | 2xReload [30x1] | 2x Foamball (Chem3, AoE)
Rolled 8, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 9, 10, 4, 8 = 55 (11d10)

>Hop into a van.
>3AL - Bring Fetch with me. Promise her some chocolate and fish once we get to my house. (persuasion 1, Manipulate 2)
>Let anyone else to wants to hop a ride in the van.
>1AL - Ask ReIsFilled to send the Police reports of an invisible catgirl a few blocks away in a random direction other than the one we are going. (RNG take the wheel).
>3AL - Juryrig a police transponder to get us through the barricades by switching my headset to Police mode (Juryrig 1 + Process 2).
>3AL, Enable the Van's shimmerfield to appear like a different vehicle and drive away smoothly (someone else can do the actual driving if they want). (Meshops 3, Process 2)
Oh, and tell Agent Herbie that he's a good Agent. Yes he is.
Agents, remember your basic primer on vehicle handling, right? You do. I mean, come on, Vehicles are just tools. Sort of. Much bigger, larger, heavier tools that you're... inside.

Because you're inside it and piloting a vehicle, you use it's qualities as references. A standard motorcycle (Sorry, I couldn't get any of the souped up versions) for instance, has this array:

Speed 4, Handling 3, Stability 2
Stunt 2
Seats 2

You'd drive it with Proficiency, you'd do split-second stunts with Reaction, you'd diagnose issue with Process, you'd fine-tune it with Manipulate, same Intentions as you always use.

Speed, Handling and Stability (and Stunt, sometimes), are, however, what you roll additively as the second component of your pool. No matter how good you are at Mechanical Engineering, you can't make a Speed 1 vehicle move at Speed 4, by rolling Profiency + Mechanical Engineering. Doesn't make sense, Agent! You have to operate *the tool*.

Instead, to pull off a speedy operation, you'd do Proficiency + Speed. Or to jerk and jive out of the way of incoming danger, Reaction + Speed. Your intentions, the vehicles attributes and specifics.

( Cunning mechanical engineers could, of course, push the engine to perform better, *altering* the Speed, then use it at a higher function... Your Secrets are still valuable! Just not for DIRECT vehicle operation, often!)

*However*, if you have advanced training in using these things - or DRONEOPS - you can go *fully manual* and treat these characteristics as *flavour dice* to your pool of Intent+PilotingSecret. Pushing it to some new level of potential. Trained professionals at this sort of thing pull of stuff you wouldn't *believe*. Naturally, if you're eeking out extreme performance doing Proficiency3+DroneOps2+Speed4, you're inviting extreme complications.

The same goes for other "niches". Yes, that means you can do React+Acrobatics+Stunt or Speed to do some serious wild stuff on a motorcycle. But just be *careful*, Operator. You don't always have to FLOOR IT.

Meanwhile, *stuff happens* - the Stability is functionally a vehicle's Limit for dealing with sudden stuff on the road. Slam into a bad patch of road, get 3 points worth of trouble, a Stability 2 motorcycle might not be so easy to control. The same goes for other qualities, so they pull double duty - it's *easier* to pull off Stunts on a motorcycle

Recall that incoming stuff that pushes past your limits get complicated fast, so the way to think about this is that if you get rammed on a motorcycle, take 6 Impact, bring it back under control to 3 Impact with a quick Handling roll, you still have 3 Impact past that Stability 0 that has to go somewhere. Good odds it'll manifest in a complication, **damage to the driver or occupant** or sudden vehicular problem.

... Now who's taking the genetic abnormality who has never been inside a moving vehicle before and driving her -- it -- they -- OUT of here??
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Made it without even breaking a sweat - were you always this tactical, Agent Mammoth?

I volunteer to take the geneic abnormality who has never been inside a moving vehicle before anddriver her OUT of here.
I actually seem like the best driver present on account of my 3 React, so maybe get into my van?
>Get into the soon-to-become clowncar that is Monarch's van.

I can't wait for today to be over.
Sure. Let's ride together. I'd rather computer than have to use my Proficiency to drive.
I meant Mammoth!!!! I can't read!!!!
Can you find us a route that takes us underground? I don't like that IronCrane thing
Maybe. I did just burn 9AL and tasked RegIs and rewired my headset to be Police oriented though, so if no one else has darkweb-mapquest maybe use your phone-a-Liren?
" . . . Huh. Well. Alright then. "

>Sheath Knife

" You know, I always ask but no one ever says yes. I do mean it, it's hard to find good talent in this line of work. "

>Scratch chin, crack neck a little.
>Shuffle feet awkwardly

" ... Well! Welcome aboard. You know, I think we might have a lot in common. I like swords too. There's something nicely *simple* about putting yourself up against another soul, focus and will, an edge and just you and them and the moment. I mean I spend MOST of my time filling out reports on counter-intelligence operations work so all this "

>Wave hand vaguely, indicate assault team, apartment, Dr. Despango's distant remains, the rubble

" It's a chance to get out of the office. Stretch my legs a little. Get hands on. Though, I promise you, I'm not a micromanager type. You do what you do best, sign some NDAs, come in for a few screenings and I think you and I and everyone else will get along great. It's a whole new future, you know. A whole new tomorrow. A vast cloud of potential, waiting to be harnessed. "

>Deliver company spiel. Make it sound good. Manipulate 3 + Advanced Market Operations 3

" So... Brain virus, you say. Memetic cognition hazard? There's some new tech out of Tunis I'm quite interested in, actually.... why don't you and I step into the hallway and have a good long talk about our benefits plan and your new place in the bright shining future of tomorrow, Mr. . . Evallone?

One step at a time, yeah? "
Rolled 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6 = 13 (6d10)

" Oh, one more thing. We gotta get you a better class of suit "
> Take a motorcycle.
Don't forget to wear the helmet.
Ackshually, I have Proficiency 3 *and* React 3, AND I can give her a healthy appreciation for life with Acrobatics 2. Clearly, the catgirl comes with me.

I don’t actually care that much about the subject if you really want her
Rolled 1, 2, 10, 9, 9, 4, 9, 3, 4, 7, 4, 6 = 68 (12d10)

On it, chief.

>3 AL: Scour the net for topographical data of the local area: tunnels, parking lots, covered alleyways, anything that would be low surveillance both from cameras and from the air. [Process 3, MeshOps 1].
>3 AL: After locating a possible route to get us out of trouble, start on working on clearing the way (make sure that street lights are always in our favour, etc.). [Process 3, MeshOps 1]
>3 AL: This van wouldn't happen to come installed with any weapons would it? Check around in the inside. [Sense 2, Ballistics 2].

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 3x Foam Grenades [3Chem, AoE]
Hey, did anyone see Evans make it to the duct? We're missing Jackal and Evans...

>Get on Mammoth's bike. Ride Along time baby.
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==Field Phase End==

1 (7.6%)

1 (7.6%)

2 (4%)

32 (73%)


==Collateral Damage==
849320 USD, estimate

==Collective Weeks of Hospitalization==
4.8, increasing

CS -3
Red Crane +1
Hong8 +1



>Proceeding to Chase Sequence
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d10)

#Agent Hazard
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Pathfinding 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich

>Toasted Mayonnaise Sandwich
>Smokes only when things get really bad.
>I'm a reasonable man being made to do unreasonable things but... I'm also on a budget. (2d10)
Apartment is clean, Agents! Get through the building, duck the cordon now that Ink has started a distraction getting tangled with a SWAT team and their impromptu hostage negotation situation in the hotel lobby with those EMTS, then *get out of there*

I've lost signal on Agent Jack'Oal and Agent Evans. I'm not... sure what happened. Agent Jack'Oal cut himself off, but Agent Evans went dark - one moment his vitals were registering and the next I'd lost net access.

I'm sorry, Agents. We'll... We'll arrange something. W-when you make it out of there. I promise. Just make it back alive, alright? This night has been rough enough as is.

I'm plotting a route for you and I've started hammering metroplex SysWatch with a string of bogus emergencies and looped calls. It'll draw some of the response off of you and clear a path. Red Crane Command is unlikely to let us go as readily however, and they know we have Subject FETCH with us. And the FEYWILD data, both of which seem enormously important to them. However, I think I've got us an angle - but you're *going to have to trust me on this one*.

The Hong8. They were setup to fail. Mox Mimicry was clear in that apartment fed their location by the Singularity Cloud Counterintel unit - Haze Six - and *meant* to arrive in time for the Hong8 to execute Dr. Despango, then witness them in turn being taken into custody (and disposed of later, I presume) by the Red Cranes, hired by CS but likey posing as Dr. Despango or the apartment's private security.

So, I propose we... simply tell the Hong8 Oakheart this. The Boss of Bosses isn't going to take that insult lying down easy, and if we feed them the data from your feeds its quite convincing. This'll buy us passage through their territory and if there's *one group* in this city that knows how to shake a tail it's the Hong8 and their smuggling connections. Of course, if the Boss of Bosses doesn't like what we're selling we're in for a bad time.

Great plan, right?

*Alternatively*, I've started plotting routes that have a higher chance of success. We only need to escape the sensor-net and any immediate pursuers. Then we can lose them in the metroplex and go to ground while we find out what to do next. You'll have to drive more and there's going to be more barricades, but on the other hand, we won't have to tangle with the Hong8 and their Hundred Hands.

What do you think, Agents? Easy but complicated or hard but simple?

>Probably a good idea to voice an opinion.

The less favors we owe to a mob of hired killers the better. I say we run this solo, we've made it this far on our own.
Thanks for running.
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Finally, I'm going over the logs and feeds and data. Multitasking a lot here. Long night, right? Well, not longer than yours.

I've got some commentary on three salient facts which I think you should know.

Comparing datasamples from Agent Fold, the apartment safehouse, our biometrics on Marcier Despango and other vitals with socio-economic metrics, I can confirm that Dr. Despango was not married, had no lovers and was, to a fault, vehemently isolationalist. I am informing you of this because it's saliently relevant for the . . . her . . . It? Subject FETCH. I can't be certain because the signal can't handle the scale of the upload, but even so, some sampling makes it clear: A significant chunk of her genetic material is related to what we have one file for Dr. Despango's biometrics. The other 87% I'd say 'God only knows' but I sincerely doubt God had anything to do with it, Agents. The man had no wife, but I'd make the claim you're being acquanted with his... daughter.

Agent XXX-XXX had a significant type BELPHAGOR ARmask. His metrics all deadened around you That kind of counter-intruder remote active feedback is high spec. So that means corporate spook. I can tell you with a little bit of digging that I'm 79% upper confidence band certain we're dealing with Mr. Nakamura, of Singularity Cloud Grey Ops Counter-Intelligence and Consolidated High Impact Market Penetration. CHIMP Ops is, well, come on Agents. They're not doing soft sales techniques in that department. You know what they do. I'm informing you because Mr. Nakamura's record is a neutron star of *problems*, the few bits we can find. Berlin? Greywash Moscow? The Finland Sole Situation? Point is, heavy hitter. And he's not operating alone. He definitively has backup and ressources. But he's still using Red Crane operatives and mercenaries, and I've got nothing on Singualarity Cloud corporate nets or contacts.

That leads us to the third and most salient fact:

I don't think this is a fully sanctioned operation. We're caught up in some internal scuffle, and I'm going to venture a guess that this FEYWILD research is in the middle of it. I'll see what I can do with the files Monarch uncovered while you make it out of there. Then we'll take it from there, okay?

No, err, stress, but I get the feeling we're not about to have it quiet for a while.


In monitoring your feeds, perhaps you'd care to elaborate why you...

>Field Deployment End
>Side Objectives Hit!
>Well Done Agents, You Earned A Performance Bonus
>Upgrade a Secret!
>You can actually acquire new secrets too, just bumping them up from 0. Check the starting list, or offer your own - TS will likely adjust them to be system appropriate, eg, we don't have 'Advanced Clown Makeup' but we do have 'Impersonation', which covers.
>Ink Survived!
>She mentors in: Crash Synchronicity or Improvisational Improbabilities
>... uhhh
I recommend checking both us and Fetch for tags, resetting all our electronics to clear data trackers, and cash purchasing an alternative transport vehicle.

We don't have anything against the Hong, so feel free to let the know that they were set up. We don't need to buy smuggling at the moment. Fetch is valuable and might tempt the Hong into pocketing her as a bonus.

How is the SC aqua-net, and do we have reasonable access to a submarine? Preferably one not swarming with spiders. Also, at some point I'd like to arrange to pick up some additional water, chocolate, and fish to feed to Fetch. We don't know when she last ate.
Rolled 3, 2, 9, 2, 2, 3, 8, 9, 8, 3, 2, 5, 10, 7, 10, 5, 5, 8 = 101 (18d10)

>Hop into Mammoth's car
>1AL: Give the old holo picture to Fetch
>1AL: Think about the analgesics. How easy would it be to knock her out if she becomes too agitated during the ride, for how long, and would there be any side effects? (Process 3, First Aid 2)
>1AL: As above, think about the nerve stimulants applied to myself (Process 3, First Aid 2)
>2AL: Try to keep Fetch calm. She can have another chocolate when we park if she doesn't cause trouble in the meantime. (Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1)
>3AL: Fold a simple origami cat. If Fetch shows interest, show her how to do it. (Manipulate 3, Origami Folding 1)
>1AL: Folding calms me down and I need to remain stressed. Remember the last moments of Fetch's mad scientist dad, ruminate on what else might go wrong. (Process 3, Persuasion 1)

We rule! Thanks for running Command. I found both class 3 and class 4 drugs though.

The more enemies our enemies have the better. Ring up the boss of bosses.

Limit 12
Stress 11
Strain 6
Injury 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!SC Spinal Augmentics [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 1
-Resonance Factor 1
!Origami Folding 1

H1: Chirni Advanced PDW [2P, 30Am(Franq) Burst 2, FA 10, Acc1]
H2: -------
B: Vest (3DR) | Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 1x Chirni Reloads | 3x Stingballs [Stun 4, AoE] | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Picture, holo, old | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | 2x Unknown compounds
Yes, and I found a cool hat.
I'm more than fine with taking the Hong8 route. I don't mind the gangs as much as some do.
...I wonder if they still run that holo-tattoo shop on 63rd, I wanted to get one when I was younger, never had the cash to pay the Hong bouncer though.

+1 DroneOps

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [SkimmerSwarm RID]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes |
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drone [-]
> +1 CloseQuarters

> Please tell us why your field performance merits this advancement
My performance speaks for itself.
For more information, consult Red Crane's Intrusion Team Bravo.
Whoever is left.
>Ah, right, why my performance merits advancement.
I reckon my drone distractions speak for themselves, did plenty to help the team when Red Crane attempted their break in. My Mesh performance was exemplary as well, to be frank, but I feel like I need the training in Drones to be more helpful in hostile situations. Mesh training can come at a later date...
>Writes Monarch to Liren, as he speeds through city streets behind Butterfly
>Telekinetic Projection 1->2
Opened a door, moved furniture, I think it qualifies.
>Reread the Manual on the way here. Thanks Agent Quill.
>Hop on a Motorcycle.
>MAKE SURE THAT I AM WEARING A HELMET, KNEE AND ELBOW PROTECTORS (Surely it's what the armory at least provided?)
>Start the engin-
"Liren? Don't be to be overbaring but WHY ARE THE ROZZERS IN RED?? WE'RE THE ONES BEING OPPRESSED BY RED CRANES LAST I CHECKED??? Also we shouldn't just run at the after the Mob jussst yet. Maybe it would be good to make further analysis in all this data before we bet it all on the fail mafia, boss of bosses."
>Opinion is Hard but simple

>Increment the Secret of Origami Folding from 1 to 2. Origamis we're instrumental to contributing not only to the confusion among the Red Cranes rank and distractions but also help in terms of applying Holograms in a way that permits disguises or even false objects that are not there. From a distance and from up close. Even buying 1 second of distraction or misguiding others is a lot. Origamis help understand the shape of holograms. Intertwined together.
>Take up Ink on her offer to learn Improvisational Improbabilities. I mined crypto and am into jury rigging. Why not find the 1:1,000,000 path to jury rig reality?
After all the meddling under pressure I did of all things electronical I'd wager my MeshOps going up by 1 isn't too much to ask for.
Good call TS. I'm... I'm so used to being the only one who -- it's -- ahem. Sorry I. I can be professional. I am professional.

We don't have a submarine, but the bay waters are crawling with Hong8 smugglers. SC... Not so much. They're a corporate entity, so they do do bulk good transport but it's not like they have fishing boats in the harbour for fun. They're into biotech. Worst we'd run into of their ilk is six grad students studying marine biology.

That said, finding a submarine this time of year in this economy? Out of our price range. But you do bring up an interesting angle - I've got a line on some yachts. Boats. That sorta thing. We could take a few weeks at sea, swing by international waters. If we stuck up on sundries beforehand, it'd be the last place anyone looks.

As for gear for subject FETCH, you're right on food. Trouble is we don't know her biochemistry. What if standard amino-proteins interact badly with her endocrinology? hormonal profile? Diurnal rhythms? We don't know, and until we run some tests and chew through more of Dr. Despango's research data we can't know. It's one of the problems with full transgenics. We have a million years of shared evolutionary history with the biosphere of this planet. Nature's R&D is red in tooth and claw, I agree, but the end product is at least something that all sorta fits together. Subject FETCH is... She's... It's...

She's not a new branch on -our- tree of life, TS Devonshire.

She's a second *sapling* in the garden of it. We're dealing with novel factors here. Knowing she-- it--- they-- FETCH likes chocolate is a valuable datapoint, but we don't actually know if its nutrionally biased, pavlovian conditioning, genetic control markers. Housecats cant eat theobromin. They lack sweet taste receptors and their digestive systems metabolizes it at a significantly reduced rate, increasing the bio-active half-life. Messes with the system, induces all kinds of problems. Deadly in some cases.

But then look at FETCH. Agent Fold took a tumble. It detected the chocolate bar across the room, TS Devonshire. During a gunfight. I don't know any chemoreceptor capacities that can even do that. Through Agent Fold's clothes. Is it that sensitive to micro particulates? Was it vision based? You could tell me FETCH can hear the way the chocolate wrapper rubbed against Agent Fold's tactical plate and I wouldn't be able to say you were wrong. My point here isn't that we can't know and shouldn't do *something*, my point is that novel territory is naturally hard to navigate. There's no map for this.

Let's start with water and chocolate. Dihydrogenmonoxide shouldn't have any bad interactions with any biological system, and she willingly sought out chocolate herself. Fish we'll... See about.

Did you? Apologies, I might have lost it on the feeds. Can you remind me?

I'm fairly sure there's no classification for the novel protein compound samples in those vials.
Meanwhile NervTranq is technically available over the counter, if you know the right pharmacy and a Class I security license. No, that's not an admission we provision our less than lethal chemical grades by corner-store pharmacy. But I'm not saying we're buying the high end stuff off of factory suppliers either. ahem.

Live and kicking, last I know. They do this thing with particulate metals now. Magnetically reactive and AR linked to a control unit ; you get the holo projections *and* variable skin pigmentation. I hear there's people out there who never put on pants. They just show you pictures of it. And of course any Hong8 proper member wouldn't be caught without at least half their skin covered in Linage lines. You might know about that than me, Agent!

Good call, Agent. I'll do what I can from here. We can always contact the Oakheart later. It's probably good to reach out and issue an official apology anyway, just to preserve our face. I mean that literally and socially.

The Metroplex SysWatch's finest boys in blue, well. They're not really after us. Yet. I've marked them in red to indicate you should avoid them. I can adjust the HUD to display a different colour if that helps.

The police are actually present due to the ambulance call in, noise complaints and gunfight. The cordons and barriers they're setting up is standard practice. If you play it smooth and sure enough, we *could* make it past them without rousing any further notice. But on the other hand, we're covered in blood and spent bullet casings, your suits are wrecked, you're almost all wounded or hurt, and you're transporting a novel lifeform currently chirping away at Herbie in the back of a van. Any police beat officer knocks on the window for a license check we're going to be jailed for a thousand years on Suspecion Of Being Up To No Good.


i--I--uhm-- agent it's--- it's company procedure I h-have to follow the manual I was very impressed b the wa-way you, uhm. uhm.

i'll just f-fill this out as "no further comments needed" a-and, uhm. attach some... video materials.

Of course TS.

"Techwear Headset [MFSL2]

On MeshOps, provided flat effect = value if action succeeds. Allows the compiling of advanced viral vectors (Process + MeshOps) that gain autonomous AL = Hits, or Attuning to specific Operations. (Attune+MeshOps), hits become bonus to any type of action but complicaitons may reduce efficiency in other areas).

Is a cool hat. Assists with providing Tech Support.
Random though, if this is not a fully sanctioned operation, what if we instead went the Hard and Complicated route of going straight through Red Crane territory? They'll never see it coming, and it might make this more visible in their organization than they bargained for.
Random thought*
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1, 2

Implant 1-2 already active!
#Just That Good
“Ghost? Ghouls? Goblins? Pfh. I’m the guy with the gun”

Discount offensive major actions by 1 AL
Take a major action to *Focus*, getting +1 Focus temporarily.
Push It: Once a turn, reroll any 1 set of dice but you keep all 1s and 10s from the first.


offensive major actions are usually 3 Alacrity, so you discount them down to 2. The Focus is not "offensive", so it costs 3 AL like most other things. Offensive is both kinetic and meshops, and you can even squeeze in that it applies to being very intimidating. Push It works best after your post, just activate it if you want to use it.


I've got you on feed, Agent Hazard. Thanks for keeping the cars warm.
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"Hmm. Put them in semi neutral sun yellow or orange. Classic colours for the fuck around find out kind. But they could make for untimely allies if we play it right. I do believe we're about to break more then huh..."

*Counts to what seems to be 110 in binary*

"I think we're about to go over more then 5 traffic laws and that's me laying it down easy for the new bloods. (You should probably remind them about the lawyers and how some of them didn't get that entry package.)"
Intriguing plant, Agent Butterfly. I can see it working. It would certainly bring attention and focus to the Red Crane operations. Hm.

It would be dangerous though.

Consider that Mr. Nakamura and whoever in Singularity Cloud backing him has reached out and hired the Red Cranes to perform tasks for them. Red Cranes might not be remiss to mentioning that they have a large scale personalized contract and working relationship with Singularity Cloud. That sort of thing sounds good, PR-wise. Makes them seem big and important.

So we roll in, we draw attention to them, to it. The Red Cranes might not care. They're simply doing a job they've been hired to do. Mr. Nakamura and his backers would care a great deal, because it brings attention to the Red Cranes that they do not want. They're likely to rapidly distance themselves, minimize their supposed involvement.

That part works in our favour. But if so, the Red Cranes might seek to capture or harm us to win back Mr. Nakamura's good graces. They might also refuse to do any more work, and we're home free. But even if we get the Red Cranes off of the board, we'd still have to deal with Singularity Cloud and Mr. Nakamura. And surely, he can hire other mercenaries or contractors or outfits.

And now he knows where we are and what we're doing. We try for safety in the public eye, but it's also a spotlight that illuminates us and blinds us to danger. They could come at us from many, many angles. And what would we say about subject FETCH? Singularity Cloud in general, and certainly Mr. Nakamura's people, could claim copyrights or patents or involvement. Maybe thank us for finding it, pat us on the back, do a big public speech, and then six months later have us quietly shot.

Still, going fully public is an option. We know Mox is investigating a story. If she leaks that the Red Cranes were involved in this downtown shootout and Dr. Despango is dead in it, the authorities will get involved. And certainly if we step forward and release all data and videos and such, it makes it apparant something is going on. internal controls at Singularity Cloud *would* kick in, Mr. Nakamura and his people would be constrained, the Red Cranes might back off.

... But then we're telling the world we're holding on to, uh, the first transgenic intelligence on the planet?

It'd be a **tighrope walk**.

If we had information that Mr. Nakamura and his backers had hired the Red Cranes but there was a split in the organisation, that some part of CraneCommand weren't supporting them, your plan would work better. But we don't yet have that information. If we had proof of it or someone to approach for finding out, we could definitively approach the faction arranged against Mr. Nakamura inside the Red Cranes and point out their poor performance and misuse of personnel.

But dare we hope that such a faction exists? It's a lot to take on faith...

Got it! Certainly, I wasn't suggesting we *fight the law*
That's crazy, wonder if Lin Lei Wu still runs it, he must be pushing 110 with his augs... Lineage Lines? The ones triad inductees get with their animal totem holo-tattoo? The ones they do in micro-tattoos now? The one's that look like *barcodes*? If I remember my old gang-recognition class from my days at the SysWatch academy right, it literally carve the names of the person who took you in, and then the person that took them in, and so on and so forth. I thought those fell out of fashion, guess I haven't kept up to date with my gang culture knowledge... last time I saw one was in Like a Triad.
Agent Butterfly has a salient point about attention, certainly. The police will simply be doing their job of keeping order. They might not be our allies in the classical sense, but neither need they be our enemies.

If we release the data we have - anonymously - to their investigative desk, perhaps someone in the organisation is looking for reason to investigate Singularity Cloud or the Red Crane group? It'd call the police down on them, and make them more visible. Force whichever next move they make to be a little more subtle, or perhaps cause them to break into infighting. If the authorities are roused enough, they'll come down hard enough to make any problem we're causing seem miniscule.

Minor drawback though. No matter how well we anonymise and scrub the data, feedstreams can be reconstructed by forensic data scientists. And you can be assured Singularity Cloud and Red Crane both have those. They'd categorically end up knowing more about us and our capabilities.

But... hmhm. It might be worth it?

>Call Attention To All Of This?
>Might be complicated . . .
"Well another option is that well...we... Ok 'I' did manage to grab Mox and Cameraman Alex's Number from his cam drones if we're to go full whistleblower...or semi-whistleblower. Don't have to mention the interview or the compromising video. You know I'm beginning to think we have a LOT of options here."
You guys are... back earlier than expected. Where's the client- What the hell is that /thing/? ...You know what, nevermind. I've been staring at pavement long enough.
"Iht's... it's Evahll-"
"Evans, actually. Good to meet you."

>Go with him.
Let's do it hard but simple.

>MeshOps 2 -> 3
The huge AR mask on Jack? The metal pipe soundbomb? Action movies piped into the minds of at least 3 operatives? Yeah, I did some MeshOps.

>Ride double with Graphite
>Procure advanced motorcycle riding instructionals via the multimedia suite and share them with Graphite.
>Procure "Fleet & Ferocious: Half the Wheels, Double the Trouble" (a poorly-received motorcycle-centric spinoff. Great handling of high-speed bikes by the stunt team is widely seen as the only redeeming quality of the film).
>Heyyy, Graphite...if you want something a little "extra", I could make it happen for you. Just mind the risks, buddy.
>Pipe the movies into Graphite's brain. If he want to, ofc.

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress 3
Strain 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni [13/30]
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I 2xChirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 1x Prank Grenades
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
I have a suspicion the Boss of BOsses might not appreciate Ink's Operation Hong Meatshield

I feel like my escape route gave me new insights in Climbing

>Call Attention To All Of This?
Their attention will be on us anyway if they want FETCH



Mammoth [Driver]
Single Remaining Skimmerdrone

Hazard [Driver, Lonely]


Good show, Agents. . .
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Alright, steady -- while we resolve any lingering --
just roll out off of the street, adhere to the traffic regulations and inch your way down past the road. Whole place is starting to swarm. Gunfire, bomb threats and large scale industrial accidents will do that. There's a hostage situation brewing in the lobby. Looks like the Red Cranes got stuck with three response EMTS. It's making everyone itchy.

Subject FETCH appreciates the extra chocolate ration and seems as calm as anything now that she's chewed on it. It's watching all the world with wide eyes, softly chirping at Agent Herbie sometimes. Right now it's intently locked at looking at Agent Fold, creasing the corners of a cat.

Thorn is acquiring topological data - Agent, we're preparing a proper survey and route check as well. Good effort. From your current location, once you get out of the hotel and apartment-plex plaza, it's a relatively straight forward route through mostly okay streets. There's a few parks in this area and more greenery than usual. Good view from on up high.

TS Devonshire, I wish we had access to shimmerfields, paintARs, obfuscucoatings or thermooptic camo, but unfortunately all we've got is a van that might need some service and whatever skills you bright to the table. No guns on this thing either. Its' . . . it's a van, agents. We'll get you something slick and smooth NEXT time, promise. But trying to get a bead on the police commnet is a brilliant idea. See if you can steal some access now that we're closer to their perimeter barricade. Mesh operations security routines roll new encryption at randomized intervals, so we'll need a fresh filch from one of the ones already auto-updating with access to their net. Otherwise we're going to need to contend with metroplex' hardened cybertech security and breach into the old fashioned way, and that's a hassle and a half.

( Good advice, if you ever find yourself fighting commandoes with techwear again - grab the comms headset off of one of them and we can clone their access credentials, it's a thousand times easier than trying to intrude into the network remotely )


Okay Agents, Tech Support, Subject, that nice man in the Metroplex uniform at this barrier wants one thing and one thing only. A good reason that you're not going to disturb the rest of his night. They're alread dealing with a hostage situation, gunship report sightings, elevator industrial accidents and otherwise.

The issue might be you're a van full of guns, gear, grenades and slightly stained suits. Errhh... T-try your best, most winning smiles.


>Van #1 to find a way past this barricade
>Take a turn! Talk a bit! Start a shootout! Ram the barricade! Be cool, just. . . Be cool!
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Personally, Agent Hazard, I'd look on the bright side. Like the fact you're travelling with plenty of legroom and no one is going to comment on the music choice!

Man, do these queues take forever or what?
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( Slightly more agile operators simply weave through traffic, smoothly. )

( No reason for you to get into trouble )
We did have a driver on standby
Guys, I think we got the wrong van

>Let's check any local stations or networks, see their music selections, tune up the volume to max.
>Sunglasses on.
>Take out a cigarette, get that dirtbag look nailed down.
>Lower the driver side window, arm resting outside the van.
>Slowly look over towards the passenger side window, lower that down.
Rolled 1, 3, 3, 1, 9, 5, 3, 1, 7, 7, 10, 4, 9 = 63 (13d10)

"...Well...Hmm." *Sigh* "Ok lets do it. Just for this time but you better wear a helmet because of the risks. Don't want to blow this checkpoint just because they barricaded."

>3al: Be polite by NOT SMALL TALKING to the Police. We're both on the clock here, it's a waste of both our times (Resist 2+Persuasion 1)
>3al: "Officer would you kindly open this barricade so we may go about our day?" (Manipulate 2+Persuasion 1)
>3al: Deduce a path for my motorcycle to go past this barricade (Sense 3+ Intel Analysis 1)
>Ah, I believe I made a mistake earlier, I did wish to go on Butterfly’s cycle, oops must’ve misspelled his name

#Agent Cheddar
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Support Operations 1
!Intelligence Analysis 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Turkey Sandwich | Smokes

>Turkey sandwich... guess what type of cheese it has
>Chain smoker
>Like carrying a book on me to pass the time
Rolled 8, 3 = 11 (2d10)

"Graphite...I'm wearing a bulletproof vest and have an SMG slung over my shoulder...

"...just drive through the fucking checkpoint."
Rolled 3, 1, 3 = 7 (3d10)

Hello officer! What seems to be the problem? We're in a hurry to get to a cosplay convention, this little girl here is due to take part in a fursuit contest and we're being late! She's been preparing for it since last year!
>Bullshit our way out, Manipulate + Persuasion
This is why we check, Agent! Good catch!

Agent Hazard is very lonely, it's true...

... though it seems he had Agent Cheddar to keep him company. Good time to get some reading done.

8, 3
4C: [ScanCloud RID] 3
You have a small swarm of flitdrones linked to your systems. Direct them (individually or as a group) with 1 AL, or take direct control as a major action, testing your pools but at the drones location(s). Bring more online as a major action; though note the default value of this trait sets the “standard” the system can handle.

( Drones provide vision and you can take most actions ‘through’ them. If they’re around you, they passively support actions taken. The system is actually flexible enough that you can assign drones to people too (“>1AL: send a drone to Agent Despin”) and then the drone sticks to them and assists. )

... Just letting you know here, Agent, that much like how Agent Monarch compiled some data for the skimmerdrones, Flitdrones can accept payloads and packages. It may even be possible to cause them to aggressive self-detonate, acting as small scale flashbangs unles you've tinkered with them.
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Agents, I've squelched the metrics on one of those Scandrones so it's not going to notice the firearms. RECENTLY DISCHARGED WEAPONRY is wha the police call 'circumstantial evidence'; nudge those drone specs before they inform everyone you're carrying weapons!


Good, good, making progress. They're shifting the barricades. That queue behind us must be reason enough. Just nobody flinch and we're home fre--

No! NOnonoonoo! That guy just turned around! What is he, new on the force? Up and coming detective? Cosplayer?? he wanted a look at the FETCH' 'suit' and now he's noticing all the blood!



>Complication Phase
>Agents to overcome
Rolled 7, 3, 6 = 16 (3d10)

Oh she's not mine, that's his little sister *point at Thorn*
And thanks for the compliment, I made that blood! It's our ace in the contest, she's cosplaying Murdering Chomps, have you seen it? It's so cool, in Season 4 they...
>Attempt the Annoying Nerd Defence
Rolled 4, 8, 7, 6, 8, 2 = 35 (6d10)

>spoof the camdrones scanning me and graphite (Proc3+MeshOps3)
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Let me just wrangle the feed, Agents - sorry about that. Scandrones would detect enhanced nanocytic activity, so let those systems rest for a moment.

I am not picking up all that much metroplex chatter. Generally, that's a good thing - SysWatch has all kinds of tools they can throw at us if we catch their attention.

Good work, good worrrkkk, keep at it - those ScanDrones seems to have Firewalls in the 6 range. Must be new upgrades. They need a *little more* of a nudge...
Rolled 2, 6, 2, 2, 4, 2 = 18 (6d10)


>3AL: look at the officer, focus-in on him like he said something unbelievable (Focus)
>3AL: "You kiddin' me, right?" glance around as if disappointed and contemplating, look for exit points, path of least resistance (Sense 2+Pathfinding 1)
>3AL: "You hearin' this guy? Wants to perform a search AT THIS TIME OF DAY." get riled up. get angry. you /really/ don't want to talk to me guy. (Manipulate 2+Persuasion 1)
Rolled 7, 6, 4 = 17 (3d10)


re-rolling the second action/set of dice with 'push it' (i think that's how it works right?)
Just that good, huh.
Rolled 6, 7, 10, 3, 7, 6, 3, 9, 7 = 58 (9d10)

>3AL: Help out Octant and Graphite with their last remaining drone. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 2]
>3AL: Lean into Mammoth's lie, act the overprotective big brother, make the cop uncomfortable and cut the convo short so we can move on: 'Hey, you're not checking out my little sister, are you?' [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1]

>3AL: "Tsk." Look at my watch, trying to assist in Hazard's attempt to make us look too bothered to be searched. (Support 3+Persuasion 1)
Rolled 4, 2, 8, 10 = 24 (4d10)

i'll get rolling down eventually i swear
It's an acquired trait. What often trips you up will be that capitalizing D in Dice makes it fritz, so simply stick to the slow and sure dice+xd10
"Heh, catch your eye did I officer? I've taken this baby through the whole catalina strip in 3 minutes."

>Close Quarters 2 -> 3
Using novel melee techniques on live armed gang targets resulting in their neutralization.
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Good work Thorn, that did it! Just be cool-- be cool-- uhh someone stop FETCH from chewing on the seats. I don't think that'll...

Alright, Agents, I'm calling up the routing specs for now. Just proceed at your own pace, alright? Here's the situation...
Thank you officer, have a good day!
>Smoothly and disciplinedly roll forward
>Wipe cold sweat once out of sight
No chatter? Little odd, I thought there'd be more talk about Ink's shenaniga-

...Hm, guess I muttered that out too soon huh? I think I heard their captain up there yelling about something.

"Thanks for the go ahead, coppo. I'll be sure to ride carefully."
Breathe, Agent, Breaaatthe..



AGENTS! Welcome to the lower central Metroplex. I've piped fresh telemetry to your HUDS. For obvious reasons, we are running *OUT* of synch with local GRIDGUIDE systems. This means that live traffic data and total telemetry suffers a little. But on the other hand, the authorities or Red Crane or Singularity Cloud cannot live-track our vehicles.

I've reached out to the Hong8 Oakheart, the Boss of Bosses, and I am waiting on a response.

We'll take this in stages. First, we need to clear the incident area of our recent escapade. They're setting up barriers and swarming in more troopers. And that GUNSHIP is still out there, along with who knows what else Red Crane will dig out. They want Dr. Despango's data and Subject FETCH very, very badly.


So: Standard police cruiser systems have rough sensor-ranges equal to 3 Standard City Units. SCU's are a term d'art, don't worry about the exact distance. What we want to do first of all is be in a place where as few police sensors overlap our location as possible. Give things time to settle.

Once we know we're clear of any pursuit, we can head elsewhere and away. Perhaps the Hong8 will have responded by that time. They are telling me they're working on something, and that they are interested, but they are 'verifying' something from a 'Bladed Thought'. Which I think is Hong8 speak for asking war-stance questions of their thugs. My guess is it relates to the Hong8 team in Dr. Despango's apartment.


So, basic vehicle operations.
9 AL, as usual. You move 1 per spent AL, as at SCU scale all vehicles really move the sameish distance. But getting there in different ways matter.

Vehicles cannot turn on a dime, and there's other traffic and obstructions to contend with. You move *forward* into your front three tiles usually. Anything more wild turning wise calls for a HANDLING check (you can let me worry about those, but awareness helps).

I've marked most major roads and arties. On those, it's standard operations. Offroad or thoruhg smaller alleys or in other environments, you may need handling tests or others to deal with risk factors. So if you plow a straight line through an urban market, you might risk hitting something.

**Passengers** can take their usual actions as well - mesh ops, get gear stowed, read a book, have a snack, engage in a high octane firefight with hostile elements trying to intercept you...

You'll figure it out. Just remember your stunt driving lessons!

METROPLEX CHATTER will increase over time if we violate a hundred laws. Police cruisers isn't the only thing they have out there.

Barriers and blockades and obstructions can be bypassed in a lot of ways. Remember that you can also sometimes simply go around, off-road, cutting through alleys - but this is not *always safer*.


>Agents to move
>6 AL: Move 556 655
>1 AL: Slow down to turn
>2 AL: Move 34
We're taking it nice and slow for this one - for starters. I mean, you wouldn't want to violate traffic regulations straight off the get-go, would you, Agents?

>This is a lot to internalize so take it slow and sure. If you make horrid mistakes, the system will resolve actions mostly positively.

>There is not, ultimately, that much difference between piloting man and piloting meat. Think of the "vehicle stats" as the vehicle's Secrets, and you, the pilot, as the person providing the Intention.
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Rolled 8, 5, 6, 8, 8, 1, 2 = 38 (7d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [SkimmerSwarm RID]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes |
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drone [-]

>1 AL: Stow C7 service pistol, I drew it in the building, forgot to mark it as being in my hand, my bad.
>1 AL: Deactivate SkimmerSwarmer. it's served its purpose, and a single drone is nice to have in my pocket, not nice to be taking up Techset dataspace.
>1 AL: Pop open my aid kit, cradling it in my arms to avoid losing anything important.
>3 AL You've got a nasty gash on you there, Butters. Let my try and take care of that, don't want you losing feeling in your arms while we're driving, do we? [Support 2+First Aid 2]
>3 AL: Compromise a few traffic cameras on the way out of the city. Getting a view of any cars that might be pursuing us. [Manipulate 2 + MeshOps 1]

"How do we feel about a route like this, fellas? Uploading it to your Techsets now. We head due south, and split up into groups once we hit traffic to throw off any pursuers. We can re-converge on the Oakheart's location once we're in the clear."
much appreciated
Why that weird loop around a barricade, when there's a direct road past it?
Shakes tails, I guess. I haven't actually been in a car chase before, Mammoth. If we want to take the direct route that's fine.
We're being tracked from the air, I'm not sure we can shake it like that
It is sensible. Straight-line movement in totality is easier to track, and we don't quite know if they'll pop in more barricades or shift people around. And the Red Cranes are still out there. merging into traffic and moving in unpredictable patterns could reveal tails.

Also, admittedly, being *closer* to barricades also fuzzily implies presence of obstruction - the road rolls right past it and you can pass the barricade with no problem on that road at the moment, as far as we know, but expect to find a police cruiser or beatcop unit in that region as well. Perhaps other things. Being further away from obstructions is also good - some of them REACT

I don't have eyes on the IRON TALON yet, but Ink did foam the engines so they might return soon. Red Crane - and certainly Mr. Nakaramu from Singularity Cloud - is likely to be deploying satscan assets, local contacts and the panopoloy of the authories as well. We're being tracked by . . . everything.

Those city cameras? They're probably spinning up meshdaemons to filter for our faces right now.

It's okay, we have countermeasures.
In this case I'll support Monarch's route
Might as well get these drones up and running.

>3AL: Bring a flitdrone online
>3AL: Bring a flitdrone online
>3AL: Bring a flitdrone online
Woah -- Agent! Sorry, I was unclear, perhaps; the 3 standard complement is already online and ready for orders. An action like *that* would be digging into the stash and trying to bring some more online, tying them into the swarm. You'd do a Processing roll, perhaps add a secret. For repeat actions like that, just roll once and the result applies in totality with some positive mods for repetition.

You can do this (now's a great time for it) but you do have 3 Flitdrones active standard, ready for orders.

If you activate 3 more, you're 'double' the swarmnet capacity of their usual nodebrains. So they start being a little fritzy. Bring more online and it's triple the swarm, quadruple, well, you're only carrying so many and they can only process so much.

Absolutely a thing you can do - and it'll work - but feel free to take another turn in light of this information.
Rolled 9, 1, 2, 7, 7, 6, 4, 7, 5, 3, 4, 1, 10 = 66 (13d10)

"Stand by for data package, Graphite. Oh, and ignore any viral warnings your system throws up. It's all legit as can be. Trust."

>3AL: I'm on a bike. A fast bike. And I'm being chased by a helicopter and men with guns. If this doesn't scream FLEET & FEROCIOUS: HALF THE WHEELS, DOUBLE THE TROUBLE, I don't know what does. Fire up the multimedia suite. Safeties? Where we're going, we don't need safeties. (Attune2+environment)
>3AL: Alright, now take all of that and pipe it straight into Graphite's brain. (Support2+MeshOps3, 5 dice)
>3AL: While we're at it, get on spoofing sensor returns from our group of vehicles. Probably gonna need some help on this one. (Process3+MeshOps3, 6 dice)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Strain 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni [13/30]
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I 2xChirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 1x Prank Grenades
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Rolled 5, 5, 8, 2, 3, 2 = 25 (6d10)

Silly me, how could I forget about my already active drones?

>3AL: Have a flitdrone trail our car, watching for anyone potentially tailing us. (Sense 2+Support Operations 1)

>1AL: Send a drone to assist Vennsfield since he's all alone.

>3AL: Tinker with the remaining drone, attaching my Service Knife to it. (Manipulate 2+Support Operations 1)
Rolled 1, 7, 2, 10, 4, 4, 10, 2, 5, 10, 8 = 63 (11d10)

>3 AL: 'Hey Fold you look pretty banged up. Lemme take a look there.' Treat Fold's injuries as best as I can. (Support 2, First Aid 2, x1 Aid Kit).
>3 AL: Look up Mox's website? Livestream? Is she running a program on everything that's happened yet? (Process 3, Mesh Ops 2).
>3 AL: For the first time in the last few hours relax. Try out one of those viral meditation tricks. (Attune 2).
>9AL: Follow the route proposed by Agent Monarch here>>6161161
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9+2 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 4
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit

> Cruise 655. Comply with traffic law. (-3ALA)
> Cruise 3. Take a turn. (-1 ALA)
> Cruise 5. Take a turn. (-1 ALA)
> Cruise 543 3. Comply with traffic law. (-4ALA)
That's it, Agents. Slow and steady does it...


>Traffic Phase [1/xx]
>Agents who haven't acted can do so
File: Breaking News.png (166 KB, 838x990)
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"Live from the 57th floor of the Apex Spire, this is Mox Mimicry with breaking news on the Despango case. What you're seeing now... well, viewers, I hardly know where to begin."

Camera drone pans slowly across the office's massive window wall, the city's neon sprawl reflecting off scattered laboratory equipment. Red flickers stain the scene.

"Dr. Mariers Despango has been found deceased in what appears to be... let's just say the authorities will have questions. But that's not the story here. The story is what's missing."

The feed re-focuses on an elaborate desktop setup, holographic interfaces flickering with static, debris and shattered computing equipment strewn about.

"His triple-encrypted research station has been completely wiped. And I mean professionally wiped - we're talking military-grade data erasure. The kind that leaves digital scorch marks and stains on the carpet."

Camera sweeps to broken sample containers, their bio-hazard seals compromised by some errant thiervy.

"Personal work samples? Drugs? The man kept a small functional labratory by his station, and by my look, it contained genetic samples. The stuff he was so famous for? But chat, it's all gone. But here's where it gets weird, folks. Whoever did this left... well, let me show you."

The feed pans up to the massive media screens dominating the wall. Grand letters flicker in.

"'I RULE RED CRANES DROLL' - an anagram, maybe? A code? Or someone's idea of a calling card? The letters are written in what appears to be holographic projection display - that's Chironan Corporate Multimedia Suites for you viewers at home, they're one of our stream sponsors. I use their stuff! Each "letter" is actually thousands of microscopic data packets, but they're corrupted. Deliberately, I'd bet."

Close-up on a scattered collection of origami cranes, made from what appears to be research papers

"And these... someone took the time to fold his research notes into perfect cranes. Perfect. Each one exactly identical. That's not human work, viewers. That's machine precision."
Drone returns to the cityscape view

"Whatever happened here... this wasn't just a break-in. This was a message. For whom? That's what we need to find out! "
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"Moving into what seems to be Dr. Despango's private quarters... and viewers, the violence that took place here tells its own story. Or should I say, stories?"

Mox navigates through the twisted metal of the security door, scuffling for a moment, laughing as she gets caught on some twisted bit of metal. With a quick skip she's through and into the room beyond. The feed wavering as she catches her breath.

"This door wasn't just breached - it was... peeled. The kind of force we're talking about here, well, let's just say your standard military-grade cyberware doesn't leave these kinds of marks."

Camera pans across floor, capturing shell casings glinting in the emergency lighting

"High-caliber casings, some kind of custom load... but that's not what catches the eye. The whole room is splattered with what my sensors indicate is a cocktail of industrial lubricants and smart-pigment paint. Classic counter-surveillance tactic, folks. Whoever did this knew they were dealing with next-gen security systems."

Drone focuses on the displaced bed, then sweeps to the sword display case

"Dr. Despango was known for his collection of historical Japanese swords. Several pieces are missing - and judging by the display data, we're talking about the Edo period masterpieces. Fascinating choice of... souvenirs."

Camera hovers over the pristinely clean section of floor

"And here's where it gets truly bizarre. One patch of floor, perfectly cleaned. A mop and bucket left behind like some kind of... what, calling card? Professional courtesy? Next to scattered sandwich crumbs and... hold on..."

Drone zooms in on a paper fragment

"Is that... an origami instruction sheet? In the middle of what looks like a tactical assault scene?"

Wide shot of the chaos

"Someone came in hard, fast, and professional. But they also took time to clean a floor and fold paper. I've covered a lot of crime scenes, chat, but this... this is something else"
>1AL: Tune the radio to Fever 105
>8AL: Follow Monarch and Butterfly in formartion
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305 KB PNG
"And now we're on the terrace, chat. The night air carries that signature mix of ozone and neon that marks our city's skyline. But something's... different here. You see what I'm seeing? Come on, take a guess. No, I'm not talking about his petunias. Though actually those are not petunias, they're important subaustralia glassgrass, lemon-scented. Enormously finnicky stuff, though it seems to be thriving. Guess the late Dr. Despango had a dab green hand."

Drone pans across the terrace, focusing on the partially dismantled HVAC system

"Someone's been busy with the ventilation system. Professional work - they knew exactly which panels to remove. An escape route? Perhaps. Though you only really get man-sized convenient escape vents in the movies. And it's hard to imagine a professional attacker not simply rapelling off of the building."

Camera sweeps across the scattered debris. The scene stained with bits and fragments, soap, water and... sandwich?

"Riot foam residue everywhere, breaking down into that characteristic crystalline pattern. But look closer - flour, soap suds, water puddles. Almost like someone was... cooking? Or maybe creating cover? The tactical minds among you might recognize this as old-school counter-surveillance technique. Mess with thermal imaging, confuse motion sensors. You get small gritty particulates all over someone's haptic feedback suit and the smartlinks tend to fritz out trying to track it all. "

Drone focuses on overturned furniture and plastic fragments

"Signs of a confrontation, but... gentle, if you can call it that. No blood, no bullets. Just the remnants of a flashbang and... well, would you look at that."

Close-up on the half-eaten sandwich

"Ham and omelette sandwich. Still relatively fresh. Someone's dinner got interrupted. Rather domestic touch for what we're led to believe was a violent break-in, wouldn't you say?"

Camera rises, capturing the sprawling cityscape

"Dr. Despango's... passing... raises questions. A brilliant mind who fell from Singularity Cloud's grace, found dead. And though he's not around to answer questions about his research, it seems he might not need to, because it vanishes too. Convenient timing, don't you think, chat?"

Slow pan across the chaotic scene

"You know, in my years of reporting, I've learned that sometimes chaos has a pattern. Sometimes it's a little too... perfect. Makes you wonder about those Red Cranes, doesn't it? About who this mysterious 'I' might be. About why a top-tier mercenary team would leave behind such... specific evidence."

Final wide shot of the city at night

"Dr. Despango sought to push the boundaries of human potential. Perhaps, in the end, those boundaries pushed back. Well, sometimes the obvious answer isn't the right one. But what do I know, chat? I just report the news, and mimic back what I see, right? "

"Uh, but I gotta... uh. GO!! This is Mox Mimicry, signing off. Back to the studio! And... keep asking questions, viewers. "

Feed cuts
"...I think I just became a fan."
"Don't become a Huge fan. Those guys are weird."

>9AL: follow after van 1
"Step on it brother, get us the hell away from those Cranes. If they get too close I'll try to start a distraction."
"...Cheddar, I think the Red Cranes may or may not be on our tail specifically, we might have to shake 'em away from the main group..."

Rolled 9, 5, 6, 6, 10, 4, 3, 1, 4, 8, 4, 7 = 67 (12d10)

Agents, good work so far. Obeying traffic regulations might slow you down a little, but sticking to roads and playing it safe also makes sure the metroplex police don't have any reason to stop or ask questions. Because we're not connected to GRIDGUIDE to avoid any large scale tracking, if they ping our vehicles to request ID and license specifications, I have to improvise those on the fly. And there's nothing - NOTHING - Metroplex police hates more than vehicles roaming the urban zone not hooked into their pet all seeing eye.


The Oakheart of the Hong8, the Boss of Bosses, has let me know... No, let me start over. He's let some internal person know, who let somene else know, who let someone else know, who made a teahouse proprietor send me a message saying that she would be delighted to extend an invitation to tea at the following addresses, if we can arrive without too much damage to the property. We should not worry about bringing company, because teap parties can be more exciting if there are many more invited.

I am going to go out on a limb and say those are safehouse locations in areas and jurisdictions where the Hong8 are confident the police won't follow and where they know they can hustle us elsewhere if they need to.

The teahouse proprietor also asked me if I'd kindly pick up some dry cleaning and some packages on the way, be a dear, she said, the smallest of favours, the tiniest of detours.

You understand how these people work, I think. It won't be an insult or enormously impossibly rude if we don't manage. But it shows a certain willing if we try. I asked her if it tealeaves or *tealeaves* and told her we don't do narcotics smuggling runs because Agent Holiday made us all promise. She said it was tealeaves. But her accent was a bit weird. So it might have been dry cleaning. Point is, it's not *drugs* and it shouldn't be contraband either. But still... That's getting a little -extra- involved... But on the other hand, having the Hong8 owe you a favour is the kind of thing that opens up doors. The big, glitzy golden ones.


I've got pingbacks on spec systems from active meshscanning. Idle metroplex commschatter mentions they just let a 'search team' of 'intelligence officers' into the 'incident area'. I've looped a camera feed from that section and analysed the vehicles. We've got Red Cranes, likely moving to assist the team alread at the apartment complex. No sign of their gunships yet.

Or... Agent Ink for that matter.
What's she up to?
>what IS she up to? [12d10]


Agent Hazard, Agent Cheddar, you're inside the SENSOR RANGE of those new arrival Red Crane cars. This isn't an instant defaet, don't worry. There's a lot of urban life to chew through. But it does mean they're actively spotting, searching and navigating the area. And they're closing in! If they make contact or INTERCEPT you, you might get in a fight!

[This is FEVER 105, bringing the FEVERISH HEAT]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TRsFGIkuuQ [Embed]
Regarding your earlier queries, Agents...

Fetch pocketed the holo picture. She didn't say anything. You didnt know she had pockets. But you find her touching a part of her scraggly rags, thoughtfully, every now and again.

Analgesics, I wish I knew. Her biochemistry is by definition unusual. There would be side effects to any medicine we gave her without a full workup of her profile. But on the other hand, she has at least some genetic similarity with animal life, templated off of it. NervTranq works by reducing signal pathways across nerve transmission boundaries, and so should still have an affect. But expect it - and most things - to wear off quick. Her innate RESISTANCES would likely function has hard reduction to any drugs.

As for stimulants, you have those in your aid kit, Agent. You take them with First Aid or inject them into others, and it either helps them recover, get up, shake off fatigue, or helps you move faster and do more at the cost of crashing later. Try not to abuse the modified reavestimms. An injection gives you Adrenaline. Back to that in a moment.

Proper motorcycle padding is essential to safety. Look at Agent Vennsfield's good example!
Origami folding was instrumental. It remains so. And if you ever need to make tight, precise turns in complex space, well, origami folding helps.

Ink can't tell you what that's about because she's not here, but I've watched her work before, and I think I have an idea how she does what she does, Tech Support Devonshire. It's important to understand Ink's talents aren't "magical" or anything like that. Instead, she sort of ... has an enhanced sense for small coincidences and possibilities and an incredible grasp of timing.
>Improvisational Improbabilites lets you try to do the same thing - you target the environment (mostly) or a target antagonist (rarely) and you exploit an opening. Perhaps you put a broom down by the door earlier, and as someone kicks in the door, it turns out that the broom tangles in their legs? Ink is always moving and adjusting and setting things up. Most of her stuff never works, but you don't notice. She adjusts an ashtray a little to the left, and in bar-fight, it means she can crack someone over the head with it. But if a fight never breaks out, how would you tell?

>There are many, many uses for this trick, but the most common use is to "interact" with people through the environment, if you or someone else has interacted with it before or if you have means to do so. 'I shoot the fusebox to short out the lights' kinda thing. Other tricks rely on timing, lucky coincidences and a mixture of the two. Improv benefits heavily from targetting items and objects and specific situations, so even low dicepools can have higher payoff.
>Assuming they get their route entirely correct isn't going to work every time, Agent!
I seem to have taken 2... Stability? damage, is there a recover action I can take, does that recuperate automatically, or is it just down?
You would be informed if that was the case. It's Agent Monarch, operating local system and checking for tails - and he helps uncover the Red Crane cars you see now.
>9 AL: Move 555 556 616
Say, Liren, since I've got some downtime right now, can you give me a brief on what else I can load into my headset? What's the range of this thing? We've got a team full of action stars, and I feel like I might be the only uh... "Netrunner", if you call em that in this part of the world, here, if you get the reference?

Experimentation is nice and all, but knowing where to start is better...
Rolled 9, 7, 2, 8, 10, 9, 1, 3, 9 = 58 (9d10)

>Swap our vehicle registrations with nearby similar vehicles. (Meshops 1 + Process 2 + headset 2)
>Infect the systems of the swapped vehicles with a registration generator so that they keep switching their registration (Meshops 1 + Process 2 + headset 2, similar to RegIs)
>Write my after action report and share my template with the other members of the crew. Be sure to report the surface-level turncoating of Evens and no known formal resignation or submittal of proper notice. (Process 2, Improvisational Improbabilities 1: as I set up HQ's development of anti-Evans countermeasures in case we cross paths again).
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 4
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol Components I 4xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit

> Cruise 323 . Comply with traffic law. (-3ALA)
> Cruise 3. Turn off the main road. Carefully navigate through backstreets and alleys. (-3ALA)
> Park just before entering the high density traffic zone. Unload and Dismantle C7 Service Pistol. (-1 C7 Service Pistol) (+C7 Service Pistol Components) (+1 Reload) (-3ALA)
Oh, sure Agent. Let's talk about Compounding.

Your basic action resolution loop uses Intention, and you can then add a Secret. For MeshOps, Processing is often the key intention because you are operating on vast orders of data. Pause a second here and realize that's not the only option - Sensing for electronics is helpful, as is Manipulating data quickly and smoothly, resisting intrusions, reacting on the fly to new developments, or attuning yourself to specific operations of code. You might even do Proficiency+Meshops to handle physical electronics and signal operations.

But that's an aside.

Your Techwear Headset comes with programmability. This is because we don't know what you might need in the field.

On the base level, Manipulate+MeshOps would deal Hits to interact with a file. Suppose you wanted to live-edit the feed of a hostile camera. But you can clearly develop, acquire, loan or create tools that make this task easier. Editing program suites exist, Agent, right. I'm using one right now!

Well, I spin one up with

>Processing+MeshOps: Compile an Editing Suite

I get 4 hits, and I distribute them into a level 2 editing suite with 1 rank of shielding. Now my Techwear Headset has that. Techwear [Editing 2+Shield 1]. Next time I need to edit a lot of files quickly, I roll Manipulation+MeshOps, and I can tag in a tool to get +2 hits/effect on success. Just like how guns are rated 2P for 2 Piercing, or a dangerous sword might be 3Sharp or other such notions. Agent Meriesweather used Profiency+Chemistry to make those improvised paint grenades at a workshop earlier.

But let's not get too lost in the weeds. The basic meshop Suites you can reliably generate and should focus on at your scale would be:

SHIELDR - which wards off intrusions
STILLETO - which codes for offensive extra oompfh

Or, like Tech Support Devonshire did, a shortcoded temporary datasprite with a specific function, such as Search or in his case Admin. The little creature then has a dicepool of that value generated - let's say 3 - and rolls 3d10 to perform tasks for you, independently.

You can also - like you did earlier - compile DroneSuites that give drone-swarms temporary enhanced functionality. Naturally, the amount of things they can run at once is limited.

If you want to get deep into the offensive code engineering, you can also code up a VIRAL. Distribute points into Viral, then fire it at a target like someone might throw a grenade.

>3AL: Spin up a Viral vector (optional: 'focused on deleting/editing/crashing/attacking). Process+MeshOps 5d10, gets 3 hits, generates lvl 2 viral
>3AL: Fling Viral vector at hostile Tacnet, Manipulate+MeshOps, 6d10, gets 4 hits for deploying the level 2 viral. Perhaps the opposition defends, maybe zeros out the hit, the viral scatters and hits an unintended target. Maybe it hits the tacnet directly, embedding into a hostile agent.
When Agent Jack'Oal was in the hotel lobby, you half used MeshOps to harass and attack enemy systems. That's a direct linear skill penalty - you're degrading their systems.

You also spun up a temporary AR mask for Agent Jack'Oal, a short-lived positive mask that makes it hard for systems to 'target acquire' him, as you provide data on where not to be. Halves attackers ranged pool because they can't acquire a target. That's helpful. That's a direct supportive action.

>Support + MeshOps: Mask Agent YYY

Every time someone tries to lock unto the agent, the Mask degrades a little. But fighting off 4 smartlinks saves peoples lives!

You can spin one up as well and use it like a program, instead of a short-term linear floating positive effect.

>Process+MeshOps: Generate an AR Mask Suite [6d10, gets 3 hits --> lvl 2]

Now attempts to Mark you with Meshops that don't breach that Mask slide *right* off, and if people try to acquire you as a target for guns, they have to spend more Alacrity (+2, to zero out the Mask).

Someone else might breach it with basic counter-intrusion, fray it over time, or have other ways of bypassing it. It's not foolproof, but it is useful.

But all those Media operations that agent Octant is doing in gross violation of governing safety protocols and his warranties? They work on the same logic. His ability to 'generate' certain traits or attributes is simply different from yours, based on other skillsets and tools. Agent Butterfly can flashflood his system with a wide variety of effects, which mechanically resolve in the same way, though the things he can actually do is clearly different from others. I'm saying all this because it means if you end up in a workshop somewhere wondering if Proficiency+Ballistics lets you fashion a low-brow silencer for the C7 Service, or if you can field-strip it and repair 3 points of Jam in case something in the mechanisms goes wrong, well, the answer to both is yes.


It's not as complicated as it appears at first glance. MeshOps (and ResOps) are probably the more innately flexible. If you start trying to field-adjust your C7 service gun in the middle of a firefight, obviously something has gone terribly wrong.

If you try to load a thousand programmes, you don't have the memory to sustain them - your Limits can't bear it, and for the specifics of adjusted trait ratings, your limits are given by your Secrets doing the thing.

" But Liren, how do you know if I want linear incremental effect or if I'm trying to generate or build something more permanently defined and you should compound the outcome " ?

I don't know. You should be specific. You should also know that you don't get a choice for a lot of these things because the universe resolves the action in the way most sensible for what you are trying to do.
Rolled 8, 3, 8, 4, 1, 4, 2, 5, 4, 4, 2, 7 = 52 (12d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes |
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drone [-]

Interesting crash course, Liren. So putting that into a practical, (and tell me if this sounds wrong) let's say I...

>3 AL: Analyze street layout, generate a mesh of likely routes the Red Crane interceptors may take. [Sense 3 + MeshOps 1] (Linear)
>6 AL: Dedicate Techset processing power to compile a short lived, but very viral programme, specifically to compromise civilian phones and launch phony emergency calls to draw Metroplex towards the Red Crane's routes. [Process 3 + MeshOps 1] x 2 (Compounding)
File: Traffic Jam.png (851 KB, 1322x1038)
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851 KB PNG
Stupid Metroplex Traffic!!
Do the Vans & Bikes have mesh memory to host daemons (especially shield/camoflage demons?).
My sandwich... It was innocent!
>Drive SE 2SW
>Slow down
>Drive E 2NE
>9AL: Move 5E, 2NE, 2E
>Follow image
"If it'll get the boss of bosses off our butt and on someone else. Maybe it's worth the detour."

>9AL: Drive 545 465 455 (straight down the road)

"Seems like heavy traffic up ahead. Do we have an ene destination planned in mind? city outskirts? river front? out-of-the-way industrial or construction area?"
Rolled 5, 5, 2, 2, 8, 2, 8, 2, 4, 2, 9, 4, 6, 10, 7, 5, 10 = 91 (17d10)

>3AL: create a sensor spoofing meshdaemon, masking this motorcycle from (red crane, if it is possible (and advantageous) to be discerning) sensor pings. (Process3+MeshOps3, 6 dice)
>3AL: Hack the traffic lights as Graphite approaches the high-density area so as to make our passage through it easier. (Process3+MeshOps3, 6 dice)
>3AL: Tune the multimedia experience in Graphite's head to enhance the effect somewhat. (Manipulate2+MeshOps3, 5 dice)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Strain 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni [13/30]
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I 2xChirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 1x Prank Grenades
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Rolled 9, 1 = 10 (2d10)

"Oh dear late again maybe boss won't be mad... Nah they never notice i'm late. Wait i know i wasn't late just arriving from another mission yes yes that's it nice. Surely i am genius always just when needed yeap lets go."

>Fish and meat sandwich
>Smoke? why yes but only with good pipe and good stuff none of the dollar store crap
>The agency support guys are always nice and pack something useful for me. I have full trust in them succeeding again this time.

# Agent Leone
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1
!Acrobatics 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich
Agents, I've got eyes on that IRON TALON gunship again! It just requested urban patrol priviledges with Metroplex Air Traffic Monitoring and it was granted! Took an eight minute delay, but granted. I think someone in SC is leaning heavily on the MetroPlex, they're pretty finnicky about airspace national sovereignity in the central city limits. Makes government beaucrats nervous to see gunships zipping about.


Agents, Red Cranes have patched up the holes we punched in their commsnet by going in through the cleaning drones. However, they haven't found all our little spies yet. They're sending out sweeper patrols to the cover the area.

TS Devonshire's got one of them distracted with that registration trick. But that means their CounterIntel has our numbers and signatures on file. Be careful getting too close to Red Crane sensors, they'll likely do their best to Sense you!


Agent Butterfly, that's a heavy congestion zone. Go around! GRIDGUIDE would have warned us and directed you to an alternate path, but if we connect to GG all our vehicle signatures become index searchable and everyone will be on us in seconds.


Agent Hazard! THAT'S NOWHERE NEAR A STRAIGHT LINE!! You cut through an urban market! That's offroad driving! You almost hit that old grandmother! AGENT! AGENT SLOW DOWN


Agent Vennsfield, the C7 is a compact and ergonomic pistol. And the ceramic-polymer alloys should, in its stripped state, make it nigh undetectable to almost all scanners. You'd still be found out on physical search, but as far as the universe reckons those bits in your pocket are various scrap electronics and personal goods. Most drones won't even think twice.


Speaking of drones -- Agents Hazard, Cheddar, Leone, they've tasked a flyby on your location. Don't panic. They're correlating statistically aggregate information in your sector and isolating your particular brand of trouble. MetroPlex is *busy*. There's eight crashes while we had this conversation, one of which warrants involvement of insurance and the rest of which pass by like an automated incident report. Just try not to draw the eyes of the grid too much.

Your firewalls also cloak you against hostile mesh activity, feeding irrelevant bogus data back.

You can enhance this - as Agent Octane and TS Devonshire are doing - and it'll assist in avoiding scans and trouble.


Agent Graphite?
Agent... Agent Graphite?

Agent Graphite this is NOT THE TIME to be doing 120 km/h traffic interweaving! Agent Graphite you're going too fast too furiously!!


>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj-oMWpf-RM [Embed]
TS, the Meshfire Suite loaded into your headset provides "flat" effect to hostile intrusions and digital damage along with general manipulation.

You don't have to roll it. In fact, you can't! Think of it as.. the... damage?? of a 2P physical gun. Same thing.

Your Swap gets 2 hits, then the Meshfire throws in 2 more effect, taking you from 2 to 4. Your Infection gets 4 hits, then the Mesh throws in 2, taking you to 6. In aggregate, you generated enough "punch" to ram through the civilian level firewall systems (around 4 each) and distribute a decoy package to 3 decoys.

Thank you for the templated action, by the way. I am... Sorry to hear about Agent Evans. I'll see what I can do. We're blocked out of his systems. As I said, they went dark. I think it's natural that they would if he joined the opposition, because they'll have asked him to disable all internals.

We'll prepare some work here at HQ. We have his profile, and if he informs SC or the Red Cranes about our operations and capabilities then we know what he might tell them. Thank you.

Agent Leone, I've asked agents Hazard and Cheddar to pick you up. Meet them at the corner of -- yeah that's the one -- the careening car being scanned by a drone. GET IN. I've got your specs here, looping you into the syste--

UNCC [Combat Chromatics 2, Agility 2]

Advanced implanted visual system adjustment lets you treat all Sense rolls as a minor action, tune your senses to specific outputs and filter out distractions and chaos.

Advanced neuromusculature adaptions lend you enormous agility. Take ‘AVOID’ Response for free each turn, and otherwise employ extrahuman agility when you take actions.

>CC 2 and Agility 2 provide 'flat bonus' to areas they concern, but you can turn on manual mode and treat them as one part of a dicepool (React+Agility: 'go really fast'). This can lead to complications.


... Oh huhhhh. One of the Thirdgens, huh? Well, you'll find this line of work is much like the last one, except people might genuinely shoot at you less.
Nope, not going through this traffic
>Drive SE SW 2SE E SE 3E
Rolled 9, 2, 5, 7, 3 = 26 (5d10)

Proficiency+Handling check on the turn
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992 KB PNG
Agent Mammoth, you've gone off the main roads. Cutting through the park or urban alleys is a good idea to shake pursuers - the speed penalty makes it hard for them to FLOOR IT and catch up to you.

Mind your vehicle handling, however - sharp, rough turns are obviously harder on off-road terrain and there can be other risk factors.

I've tasked Cheddar's trailing flit drone with masking your signature against that cruiser. Any follow you want or need is on you.

Good driving, Agent. Little bumpy but smooth. I'm sure the rental company won't mind.

If you guys want to stop for snacks, I know a good place in the park that sells churios and...

... not the time? Right.
Rolled 10, 7, 6, 6, 9, 8, 5, 2, 9, 10, 2, 2 = 76 (12d10)

>3AL: Work on further masking our signature in conjunction with the meshdaemon. (Proc3+MeshOps3, 6 dice)
>6AL: Help navigate the local entanglement by hacking surrounding cars and infrastructure; switch up traffic lights, lock up breaks to let us pass, etc. Any (unfortunate) crashes caused by this will *hopefully* not impede us and draw on police resources (Proc3+MeshOps3, repeat action, 6 dice)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Strain 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni [13/30]
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I 2xChirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 1x Prank Grenades
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Rolled 7, 8, 8, 4, 9, 6, 1, 5, 7 = 55 (9d10)

>3 AL: The Hong8 must have enemies, any big players that we should worry about as we're helping them out with their tealeaf business? [Process 3]
>3 AL: Think like an SC agent. Any chance that they might have also approached the Hong8 and provided them with a better offer than us? Are the Hong8 to be trusted? [Attune 2]
>3 AL: Boost Cheddar's drone's masking capabilities against that cruiser. [MeshOps 2, Support Ops 1, Spliced Signals Access +1d10 from the drone?].
Apologies, Gentlemen. It seems I haven't fully acclimatized to driving here. I'm so used to driving in the middle east... the backroads of Tunis... every inch of road is a battleground! You must act fast and aggressive... and sometimes driving on the curb.
Mr. Nakamura has, without a shadow of a doubt, Agent Thorn, approached the Hong8. I think that's what their 'Bladed Thought' stall response was about. They had to debrief their people, see if they got out alive and if not how much of an insult it would be to let it pass.

I'm thinking the tightrope walk we have to walk is that so long as the Hong8 think they can use us to get one over on SC, they'll oblige us. We're little playing pieces they can use to get revenge. They're... prickly about honour. Well, or justice? I'm not sure of the terms, they don't do courts. But if they let percieved insults go unpunished their reputation suffers. I've got a feeling about something though, I'll investigate a little. The teahouses we got listed are teahouses. I think I went to one once. But they're in a neighbourhood known for a statistically higher than average reported amount of late night brawls. I think it's possible the Hong8 have sent us to safehouses in a region already crawling with their knifehands. Not to ambush us though. It's... possibly an insurance policy, and a hope that SC comes after us and they get to demonstrate their concepts of face and not losing it. If so, we'll need to maybe squirm out from under an active firefight. But that wouldn't be all bad. At least as the giants brawl, we'd get out.

I'll have a look around. Maybe you can think of something too?

Otherwise, I'll work up a profile on the Hong8 and their typical competitors for you. The Boss of Bosses, well, they do rule the black markets. You don't get to have a title that grand if you don't. But even so, the old Oakheart isn't unassailable. There's recently been a shift. The 'Ndrangheta are riding high on the wave of the new Tunistech. It's cutting into everyones slice of the pie. . . Same stuff Octane is using, funnily enough.
Rolled 7, 8, 5, 5, 7, 3, 10, 1, 5 = 51 (9d10)

>6AL: Move 3SE, 3NE
>3AL: Preplan a pathing to the Hong8 pick ups. (Sense 3+Fleet Furious 4+Origami Folding 2)
"The roads are just like Origami folding, don't cut too sharp or it will be ruined..."
Rolled 6, 10, 7 = 23 (3d10)


>3AL: need my undivided attention for this, seems like I'm just not used to these kinds of roads- they turn in weird places, the signs and road symbols are all inconsistent! (Focus)
>1AL: drive 5
>3AL: attempt to cross the traffic (Proficiency 2+Handling 1)
>2AL: drive 5-5
Rolled 7, 8, 5, 3, 1, 6, 1, 1, 2, 7, 2, 9, 4, 9, 8, 5, 8, 9, 9, 10, 4, 1, 10, 4, 1 = 134 (25d10)



Rolled 1, 4, 8, 2, 10, 9, 1, 5, 2, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 3, 10, 6, 7, 3, 10, 4, 4, 3, 6, 7 = 149 (25d10)






We need to-- HOLY SHIT
HOLY FUCKING SHIT-- Focus Liren, Focus--



Agents, Metroplex Control is spinning up! They're activating the traffic flow control systems! They're locking down chunks of the Sections four through nine! They're dispatching drones! They're activating VTOL systems! They're calling in more officers! We're getting ambulance requests! Automated medical evacuation drones are arriving on scene! Foam barrier dispensers are activating! GRIDGUIDE is issuing an all hands harmonica pile up warning!


Agent Graphite, BRAKE-- BRAKE!!!

Oh, phew. Okay. Okay. You made it just in time. Unfortunately you got locked in when the flow control barriers activated. Bypass them somehow! Get OUT of there, Metroplex is about to come down like a rod from an orbital kinetic satelitte!


The Hong8 are moving to a better location to arrange for pickup, but they're nervous about sticking around. I'm getting some chatter!



Agents, as I was... saying... *civilian drivers* are not action heroes. If you take out their control systems most of them aren't even in position to be handling the steering. GRIDGUIDE is meant to compensate for that but multiple point failures in the telemetry induced all at once causes criticality issues. This is way, way, way worse on the busiest major roads. Please please please please please do not get hundreds of people maimed in horrendous accidents, they're just trying to go about their daily life. They don't deserve to get saddled with a few million in medical debt or car insurance problems for your *convenience*, what's wrong with you?

I'd understand if it was the Red Cranes or something but -- why-- why would you do this? What'd they ever do to you? Just go around, Agents, or plot a better route, or take a side-street. Don't go hacking into traffic control systems on a highway!

>Feel free to go again if you've already acted.

>I guess I just drive southwest by 1? wait in traffic until there's a chance to cross?
Alright breathe. Breathe.We're in control. Okay. Okay.

Listen, Agents, at least a major intercity traffic block will draw in Metroplex' attention. And it looks like that Red Crane cruiser I'm picking up is stuck behind four stalling delivery drones.

This is ... pretty bad... But at least it'll get everyone's attention. And GRIDGUIDE is going to compensate, so the high density traffic will break up and flow elsewhere. That's going to clear out some of the other roads, make things more passable.

Agent Mammot getting off of the roads and into the park was a decent idea in this context. The dense traffic surrounding the park will clear up soon; at the end of this phase the city-flow will re-orient.

And if they're all being drawn to these sectors, there won't be as many responders available in other places. The Teahouses we're looking for are in quite far away from this... situation.. So that part will definitively be more quiet now.

It's almost funny, actually. GRIDGUIDE's been on the fritz globally ever sine that op in Tunis. I guess this is just... uh... a continuation of that.
Well, you can weave in and cross yeah. If you want to drive carefully, take a major action to obey all governing traffic regulations. The high density zones are just intensefully of traffic. Stuff happens in them - a risk factor.

If you stay where you are, traffic will re-orient around at the end of this phase.
But taking it slow always means less odds of danger.

You're doing fine. At least now there'll be some... re-orientation of intercity traffic. Maybe it'll work out?

Anyway, if you have spare Alacrity you don't *just* have to drive, either. You can still take all other actions.
and that would be a prof+handling right? (-1 because of where I ended up)

do I roll for the 5d10 risk factor or that's the world's problem?

also where's that snackstop that sells gold churious you talked about, I'm hungry now that you've mentioned it
*GOOD churios (though i will now retroactively accept the typo as GOLDEN churios)
Rolled 5, 10, 6, 9, 6, 4, 7, 10, 8, 2, 2, 8 = 77 (12d10)

"TS, I...uhh...




>3AL: subvert the barrier ahead of us to make it easier for Graphite to maneuver past it. Raise it up behind us. (Proc3+MeshOps3, 6 dice)
>2x3AL: feverishly scrub the evidence of the blatant act of cyberterrorism and make us seem like totally innocent bystanders (Proc3+MeshOps3, 6 dice, repeated action)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Strain 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I 2xChirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 1x Prank Grenades
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Okay, if, hypothetically, we all get fired, do you think we can go look for work as a group?
>Drive E NE E
>Wait for that brief moment when GRIDGUIDE stopped the traffic but hasn't reoriented it yet
>Use it to cross the road and Hit It NE
Not sure what to roll in this particular case
File: B-Rothskies.png (2 MB, 1194x1014)
2 MB
Oh, there's a lot of street vendors in that section but actually, Agent, if you're in the mood for snacks I, uh, I might... know a place...

I think they'll do churrios if you ask, but on the other hand, they also do other stuff...

Correct, Agent!

What would happen is you would move through the area, the Risk Factor would rear its head. This happens on the backend. It's not all bad, it's just "risk". It's like if you ducked into an arae of gunfire. There's a chance something happens.

Meanwhile, actively, if you do, say, advanced stunt driving ("I roll Proficiency+Handling to smoothly serve through the traffic, shaking tails, driving further west"), the handling difficulty makes it a little harder in high density zones. And you in particular have -1 handling this turn, so it's quite challenging.

Just moving through the area with basic movement is actually probably more risky though. Every zone you pass through has that risk factor!!! If you're taking major actions to drive a certain way, you sometimes get benefits, or bypass the danger. Like, I don't know, dodging through a zone of high suppressive fire.

Consider something like:
>Prof+Handling: Pull away smoothly from the drones and drive west

You pull into traffic smoothly, you shake off some tracking and there you are.

Still, there'd be a risk factor. You can roll as the very last thing, if you pass through risk factor area and want to. But don't sweat it, just leave it to the universe.
Sorry for you shouting at you, Agent. That was... surprising. We've all crashed out one intercity traffic network in our time, though, and twice on Sundays.

I've not detected any causalty reports so far. A few broken bones and a LOT of internal foam and cushions activating. Metroplex' shift response from pre-activation because of our earlier calling of an ambulance and sightings of a gunship in the area actually seems to have worked out in our favour. They were already monitoring this section.

I hate to say it, but this might actually turn out to be a boon. If we can avoid drawing much more attention, they'll be occupied controlling and managing this, and they'll definitively be busy finding out what's happening around Apex Rise and the odd situation up here. If we *wanted* to draw attention to the Red Crane operations and Dr. Despango's demise, well, it doesn't take an underpaid detective to work out a sudden flash-crash nearby probably factors in.

get those barriers down and let's move on.
"No sweat, TS."

"Look, I know I already owe you a lot, but I'll owe you even more if help keep me from being dinged for cyberterrorism and several hundred counts of reckless endangerment. Metro's cybercops are on my cyberass after that stunt and I don't think I can bleach the trail all on my own."
Rolled 3, 3, 5, 8, 10, 6 = 35 (6d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes |
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drone [-]

>3AL: Mask our bike's signature further as we head into denser traffic areas. Let's get a move on, Butterfly. Take nice and slow... [Process 3 + MeshOps 1]
>3AL: Support Butterfly's driving. Point out gaps in traffic our smaller bike can slip into. [Support 2]
>3AL: Liren? Could you boost my signal range for a few microseconds? I'm going to fling this viral into that Red Crane interceptor on the near side of the bridge. If they get the cops on them for a phony emergency call, we could make it past easier.
Rolled 3, 9, 4, 6, 10, 9, 3, 9, 9, 1 = 63 (10d10)

Now that's thinking with mesh-vector interception. And I think the whole zone is about to get a *lot* of calls already. It fits into the background traffic. Good work, Agent.

Let's see what I can do for your signal purity.
Rolled 8, 5, 5, 7, 5, 2, 3, 2, 7, 1, 2, 4, 7, 2, 8 = 68 (15d10)

>3AL: Deploy the projection of a spoof Hologram to catch the attention of Drones elsewhere then us. (Manipulate 2+ Mesh Ops 1)
>6AL: Navigate Handling in the Gaps of the Barricade to arrive at the pickup point. Try not to be too conspicuous. (Prof 2+FF4+Handling 3+3al)
>1Strain: to keep heading in direction of the Hong8 pick up point I preplanned.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Whup, those new protocols of Devonshire's... Sorry, taking some getting used to. I don't really, uh, work with... uhm. Well.
Rolled 4, 1, 7, 1, 8, 4 = 25 (6d10)

Draft Proposal for the Re-Draft of the Working Title: "Agent Hazard attempts to cross a busy intersection" Ver.3

>3AL: stare with hollow eyes and soul at the mind-numbing traffic ahead (Focus).
>3AL: inch southwest ever-so-slowly, waiting for a moment to pass traffic. (Proficiency 2+Handling 1)
>3AL: inch southwest even more slowly, we'll spend half an hour here if we have to. (Proficiency 2+Handling 1)
Rolled 3, 3, 8 = 14 (3d10)


Push It: rerolling the first set of dice.
Rolled 3, 6, 5, 2, 10, 7, 5, 7, 2, 6, 6 = 59 (11d10)


>3 AL: Contact the Hong8 goons we have to hit up on their boss' orders. Everything okay on their end so far? [Process 3, Support Operations 1]
>3 AL: Lend some bandwidth to Monarch for his barrier lowering operations. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 2]
>3 AL: Enjoy the park view. You don't drive through one of these every day. [Attune 2]
Rolled 3, 6, 9, 6, 10, 5 = 39 (6d10)

>3 AL: Pull out of traffic to the 2 (Proficiency 3 + Handling 3)
>2 AL: Move 11
>3 AL: Drive carefully through the construction site 6 (Proficiency 3 + Handling 3)
>1 AL: Move 6
Rolled 9, 10, 2, 10, 6, 1 = 38 (6d10)

missing dice
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 4
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol Components I 4xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit
> Listen to the sound of all hell breaking loose and the neighbourhood ahead entering a vehicular deadlock. (-0ALA)
> Turn off the bike's engine. Locate a nearby awning to sit beneath. Lie low. (-3ALA)
> Make use of the downtime. Attempt to treat some injuries. (Support2+FirstAid3) (-3ALA)
> Rest for a time. (-3ALA)
Rolled 8, 3 = 11 (2d10)

"Wow this traffic seems so slow by the way hi thanks for picking me up. As Liren said name's Leone. But seriously i think i walked faster than these cars move currently. You guys want part of my bread?"

>1 AL: Lean between the front seats
>1 AL: Assist Hazard in spotting opening in traffic
>3 AL: Start eating my sandwich
>1 AL: Offer part of it to others they seem hungry/tired something for sure

#Agent Leone
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1
!Acrobatics 1
*UNCC [Combat Chromatics 2, Agility 2]
Advanced implanted visual system adjustment: Sense as minor action. Focus on specific types.
Advanced neuromusculature adaptions: Free avoid response on per turn. enhanced agility on actions
**Manual override: Use as dicepool. Can lead to FUN

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich
Rolled 4, 9, 1, 2, 1, 9, 1, 10, 4, 9, 7, 7 = 64 (12d10)

>Convert some of my bullets into a dragon's breath round for the shotgun (Juryrig 1 + Proficiency 3)
>Interact with Fetch to see if she is willing and able to communicate with us apes. (Persuasion 1 + Sense 3)
>Access the Spare & Repair kit in the back of the van and verify that our spare tire, tire iron, etc. are in good condition. (Sense 3 + Jury Rig 1 (Or Drones Ops 1 if automechanics is more related to Drones than Jury Rigging)
Look, sometimes communication is complicated, OK?
Good work Agents. Well, except for that actual cyberterrorism incident that has caused Metroplex Chatter all across every line and made them launch patrol VTOLs. They don't have much sensor capability, but they're not hunter-seekers, they're problem solvers. They've got full access authority over most infrastructure systems, so they handle hotspots.


TS Devonshire, I wish we could make dragonsbreath rounds but there's no workshop in the back of a moving van. Sorry. You'll need to stop on the way to do your shopping, uh, maybe hold ten on that one. But the [Repair Kit 2] and the [Spare Parts]are there, which means any damage to drones or van you *can* fix if you need to.


Agent Thorn, I've got a line through to one of the Hong8 Operators. Goes by the name Ten Steps in Sure Shadow, and I think you're supposed to say that, but I've got him marked as Tenner in my contact file and he doesn't seem to keep up on the formality. He's actually interested in talking, because apparently there's a ... slight hiccup.


Agent Butterfly, Agent Monarch, smooth driving there. We could make spare cashflow uploading *that* to driver's ed feed sites, get people some dashcam footage in how to cut through construction yards. Well. Okay. Maybe we don't do that.


Agent Monarch, I boosted the gain on your signals and bounced the viral through the metromeshnet. We just managed to connect without too much data loss. One of the banes of modern system intrusion, really. The more nodes we tunnel through, the more reactive feedback gets to analyse our data patterns. This time it seems to have worked, though.

>[Traffic Phase 1/xx]
" This is Mox Mimicry, still live but... keeping my voice down. Just emerged through what I can only describe as the most uncomfortably maintained ventilation shaft in the city."

[Camera drone captures Mox's final awkward shimmy out of the vent, then pans across the lobby scene]

"The lobby of Apex Spire presents a very different picture from upstairs. We've got SWAT, EMTs, and... interesting... Red Crane operatives. Working together like old friends. That's... unusual. They usually bully each other. No Fed likes working with people who don't kiss the flag and probably have better dental"

[Drone carefully moves to capture the elevator bay]

"One elevator shaft is... well, 'destroyed' might be an understatement. Initial analysis suggests a fall from the 57th floor. The impact crater tells its own story. But here's where it gets interesting..."

[Camera focuses on bullet damage near the elevator]

"These impact patterns... someone came out fighting. The spacing suggests... defensive fire? Moving while wounded, maybe? But look at the height variation - our survivor was still combat-effective after that fall. That's some serious hardware they must've been running."

[Panning to the body bags]

"Eight casualties. Carefully documented and wrapped. But notice how the Red Crane operators keep checking them? Almost like they're making sure of something. Did they lose friends today? "

[With a twitch, the camera-feed sweeps across destroyed security infrastructure]

"And this... this is methodical. Every camera, every terminal, every digital eye in this lobby has been systematically destroyed. You might think that's in the chaos of combat - but no, look. Few bulletholes, little collateral damage. That's precision strikes. Someone didn't want any record of what happened here. Do you think it happened before or after the elevator apparently crashed, chat?"
[Quick pan back to the elevator]

"Think about it - you survive a 57-floor drop, try tofight your way out while wounded, but take the time to destroy every recording device? While being shot at? Sounds desperate. Sounds maybe a smidge superheroic. Sounds a little unlikely, but I'm sure if you check your feeds tomorrow that'll be the story the insurance company gets told."

[Camera returns to wide shot of the lobby]

" If you're just joining me, am I right if I say this... this feels like watching a play where someone forgot to remove the stage directions? Everything's just a little too... precise. Now, the Red Cranes do good work, I'd never publically admit to besmirching their name, but you gotta be some top-tier security talent to defend the lobby this fiercely but forget to arrive in time to save Dr. Despango. Well, at least they got who-ever shot him up. You know. All eight of them. Not that I remember seeing any bullet casings in his office, chat... "
" Oh, would you look at that guy. Looks like he had a rainbow party, chat. Look, the EMTs arewheeling out a paint-splattered operative.
Our friend here seems to have had a close encounter with that same counter-surveillance cocktail we saw upst-"

[Loud crash as something falls]

"...oh. Well, viewers, I appear to have-"


"Now gentlemen, is this really necessary? I'm just a humble journalist pursuing truth in our troubled times-"


"The public has a right to know- hey, careful with that drone, it's worth more than your annual sala-"

[Feed terminates with a sudden static burst]

File: IntendedPath.png (248 KB, 485x566)
248 KB
248 KB PNG
Check the pathing Operator, my movement should have been "211 66" in total, which is not reflected in your image
Had to navigate around a cement pit, Agent. Riskfactors and zone difficulties - take what you can get.


Agents, the Iron Talon is conducting a wide area sweep! It didn't penetrate our firewalls or masks, but they're tuned to our signals specifically. If TS Devonshire is right about Evans, he mut be feeding our encryptions routines to them. I've compensated on my end but we can't take much more of that before it marks us completely. Burn off some tracking or clear the area!!


The ... mega... pileup... has re-oriented traffic flow throughout this whole sector. And its drawing in sizable metroplex responses, leaving you more freedom in other areas. You might even get away with simple infractions now. They've got other things to worry about.


Agent Hazard! Cheddar! Leone! B-Rothskies is near you, it's, uh, it's a noodle place but nevermind, of particular much more salient importance is the fact that there's a dragnet heading towards you! A police manhunt! No! Not for you! Some lunatic robbed a bank and is trying to outrun Metroplex' finest on foot, using parkour! They're chasing him along! He's got some kind of enhanced bionaut augments, he's leaping all over the area! They're heading in your direction!!

Try NOT to be swept up in a manhunt! Maybe go for some noodles?


Agent Monarch, that squealer viral seems to have seriously inconvenienced the blockade at the bridge.
Agent Butterfly, there's a secondary Crane unit heading towards another bridge section. Likely to establish a control point. They're narrowing our mobility field. You'll need to get there ahead of them or find some way to shake them out of it.
Or it'll probably be a fight!


Agent Graphite, the rendevouz is up ahead. I forwarded your folding patterns to Tenner and he's good to meet you. Agent Thorn got them moving ahead of time, but apparently there's some kind of trouble? I can't listen in on their meshnet, you'll have to make the call on whatever it is yourselves.

( Okay, I lied, I can listen a little. I've marked a series of hospitals and clinics on your HUD, but any choice is up to you... )


Agent Vennsfield, you're having a vacation in what is a serious hot zone. Turning off the motorcycle is preventing them from narrowing it down, but the amount of police and presence in that area is causing statistical permutations. What I mean is that sheer chaos and random chance means you'll be found, probably. Dip into a shop or something, act like a tourist. Find some way to fit into the urban background!!


Agents, uh, subject FETCH is... getting agitated.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKG5Wv5rWxs&list=RDGMEMS5MTn5PN5WJmowOZKRa5Rg&index=28 [Embed]
Rolled 1, 6, 6, 3, 7, 7, 5, 8, 3 = 46 (9d10)


>3AL: Turn carefully into the side-road where B-Rothskies is situated on. (Proficiency 2+Handling 2)
>3AL: Move west and look for a quiet preferably out-of-the-way place to park this armoured van, in the backroads and byways. (Proficiency 2+Pathfinding 1+Handling 2)
Rolled 2, 5, 7, 6, 9, 3, 7, 2, 7 = 48 (9d10)

>Attune to the police signal (meshops 1, Attune 2)
>Clear some tags (meshops 1, process 2)
>Ask Liren for some secret police info to weave into these tags so that we could reasonably be believed to be running the tag from this van. (Persuasion 1, Attune? 2)
Rolled 3, 2, 9, 3, 3, 9, 3, 4, 6, 1, 2, 7, 10, 9, 6 = 77 (15d10)

>2 AL: Move 12
>3 AL: Merge into traffic 1 (Proficiency 3 + Handling 3)
>3 AL: Zoom across the bridge before the crane car gets here (Proficiency 3 + Speed 4 + Acrobatics 2)
Rolled 8, 2, 8, 3, 8, 1, 4 = 34 (7d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes |
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drone [-]

>3AL: Up the ante on the masking. We're heading straight for one of the Cranes. [Process 3 + MeshOps 1]
>3 AL: Compromise the local traffic systems on this road. Make sure we have a green light once we hit the turn. [Manipulate 2 + MeshOps 1]
>2 AL: Liren! Crash that Crane's systems, haywire switch... crash out... whatever you call it! We're almost home free with my part of the data!
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 4
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol Components I 4xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit

> Slip into a nearby shop and blend in with its clientele. Consider purchasing something to help cleanse the lingering aftertaste of Nutribrick. (-9ALA)
Rolled 1, 9, 2, 6, 1, 3, 9, 4, 9, 8 = 52 (10d10)

"Shit, we can't ride triple on this bike! We have aid kits; gonna have to treat 'em on-site. C'mon Graphite, let's do this!"

>1AL: Remote Operations. "TS, we're somewhat occupied with triage. I'm still trying to shake the tail, but we could really use your help here!". (TS to help burn off Tracking)
>1AL: quickly download (and share with Graphite) extra information on triage in adverse conditions.
>1AL: ready the Aid Kit.
>3AL: Treat Slim Grace. Do something about the Vitalbleed. (Support2+FirstAid2, 4 dice)
>3AL: Keep masking our location from the sensor pings. (Process3+MeshOps3, 6 dice)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Strain 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Aid Kit
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I 2xChirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 1x Prank Grenades
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Rolled 1, 9, 8, 2, 8, 2, 2, 2, 2 = 36 (9d10)

Calm down, girl... no, don't turn off the rear camera... or turn on the wipers... agents, help
>6AL Drive 2NE 4NW, weaving through the sprawl (Proficiency + Handling, I assume, 5d), stop near Slim
>3AL Provide first aid to Slim (Support + First Aid, 4d)
Rolled 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 4, 2, 2, 4, 10, 1, 8, 5, 7, 6, 10 = 80 (16d10)

" Skrkrkrrkrk? "

>3AL: Poke that thing [Instinct 4]
>3AL: Pull at that thing [Instinct 4]
>3AL: Stick my head out the window and catch bugs on my tongue [Instinct 4]
>3AL: bite Agent Thorn, he looks edible. No? Sorta tastes like synthleather. not bad. [instinct... 4]

#Transgenic Subject FETCH
Limit xx
4 Mutability

Alacrity 12 Respond 3 Speed 3

Attune 3 I Sense 5 I Support 2 I Instinct 4
Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 6 I React 6 I Resist 4

!Claws that Catch 6
!Selves to Sheds 4
!Fingers, to Feast 4
!Tongue that Tricks 4
!Mind, to Marvel 3
!Heart, to Heal or Hate, 4

C1: Claw, 3 Sharp, Bleed 9+, Lacerate 10+
C2 Claw, 3 Sharp, Bleed 9+, Lacerate 10+
T: Reach 2, Flexible

#Amygdaloid Compensation 3
#Nervefire Overrides 4
#Twin Parallel Processing
#Cerebellum Uptake Integration
#Endocrine Systemics Optimization 4
#Strength 2
#Agility 2
#Mutability 4
#TG [Sharp Claws, Flexible Tail, Resilient Skin, Compensatory Organs, Dense Bones, Metabolic Resistancies, Reaction Suites]

Why are you chirping? Aren't you a cat?
>Meow at FETCH
Rolled 8, 10, 9, 1, 1, 5, 2, 8, 9, 2, 6, 7, 9, 9, 9, 3, 6 = 104 (17d10)

>3 AL: Counterattack FETCH's biting with nonstop petting. Maybe that'll get her to calm down a bit? [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1, Confidence 1].
>3 AL: Scan the nearby area for any hits similar to Agent Octant's signature, trying to locate any 'Ndrangheta stragglers with Tunistech implants. Don't want to get ambushed while we treat the Hong8 wounded. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 2, Confidence 1]
>3 AL: Start packing the heavy package into the van. (Casually scan the package once I'm out of sight of the Hong8 members, what are we transporting here?) [Process 3, Mesh Ops 2, Confidence 1].

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Confidence 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I 3x Foam Grenades [3Chem, AoE]
Rolled 6, 1, 10, 7, 2, 3 = 29 (6d10)

>3AP: Remove some of the tracking on us (Proc 2+Mesh Ops1)
>3AP: Strap both Light Packages to the Motorcycle
>3AP: Provide emergency Treatment to Slim Grace (Support 2+ First Aid 1) focus on the Trauma
Agent Butterfly, Agent Monarch, good driving. The initial package blew their sensors and I've tripped up the traffic control systems in that area! You're clear! I'm note detecting any further metroplex officer in that sector -- they've all been called east-bound to handle unexpected interactions! You're homefree--!!

SWERVE!! Difficult terrain, those high density zones! Well no matter, you're just stuck behind some traffic droe--

Agent Monarch! Agent Butterfly! I've got an incoming signature from a SECOND VTOL!!


Agents, I've got a ping on the Hong8 location. Guiding you in now. Get the gear strapped and move, this is no place to linger - it's all urb sprawl and bitgang warzones.

That man is in a bad way, but you've stemmed the worst of the bleeding. That episde of Dr. Mansion turned out to be surprisingly informative. Though maybe triple dosage stimms will do for shot up soldiers.


Agent Thorn, that's. . . Carpets. They're transporting carpets? Looks like good, high quality silk and high thread count, with embedded AR lights and some art stylings. Early Carthegenian style, if I don't miss my guess. That's not drugs. Why are the 'Ndrangheta willing to kill for this? How does that--

filter that signal again, Agent Thorn. Incredible work. You seeing what I'm seeing?


Agent Vennsfield, I don't know how you did it and at this stage I'm too afraid to ask. Just... sit back and enjoy your coffee. You j-just--you just...

Half the Metroplex police sensors, GridGuide, overwatch and the drones are looking for errantry in that sector and you just... walk into a coffee shop and give them the slip? It might be time for a sandwich. I'll spot you the cash, you've earned it.

Just... hang out for a few hours while the world settles, alright?


>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
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AGENTS! You've got an incoming team of 'Ndrangheta heavy hitters! Agent Thorn pinged their specs and you've got - what - two minutes advance warning? BUCKLE IN!!

Good work, Agents! Nothing worse than being ambushed! I think the Hong8 moving to meet us in a different location than planned drew them out of hiding and gave their trial away to the 'Ndrangheta! You've got Ties incoming! And the Metroplex authorities are too tied up in handling that crash cavalcade west of here!

... all clear on the driving front, Agents.

Agents Vennsfield is clear, though there's no way he's extracting in the middle of this crash investigation.

Agent Monarch, Cheddar, Leone, either make for the Hong8 safehouses, get to a point to assist the other van team, or lay low in that noodle place until all this blows over.

Agent Butterfly, Agent Monarch, the VTOL is problematic but you're in the last inning. I've asked the proprietor of the teahouse to prepare for your arrival and mentioned the slight hiccup, but they they said they have the "right brew for that situation too". You might be able to chance it?

If not, uh, well, maybe head due west and fade into the traffic for a while, though you'll need to shake them somehow. Could loose them in the intercity tunnels or lay low, but they're getting aggressive.

>It's not like highway stops - you could exit off of the map, though that converts your valiant 'escape' attempt to a check vs pursuit at VTOL speeds.
I propose we don't stay and fight. Let's load the package and scram!
By the way, does anyone have a feeling these carpets contain a visual memetic hazard? Just me?
>Reload Chirni, stow half-empty mag

"I don't know about you guys but I'm going to try out this wok stew I've heard about. I'm starving."

>9AL: Disembark vehicle and make the trek to B-Rothskies on foot.

"...I wonder what's all that noise? Manhunt? Gridguide lockdown? Doesn't seem like anything to do with us though!"

Shit-eating smirk, none the wiser.
Rolled 4, 6, 10, 2, 1, 9, 9, 3, 10, 8, 7 = 69 (11d10)

>1AL: "Yo, Graph, catch!" Pass the spare Chirni to Graphite.
>3AL: Lights. Camera. Action??? (Attune2+Ballistics3, 5 dice)
>1AL: Talk to the Hong. "What's the play? You gonna get out or stick around and fight it out?"
>1AL: Ready my Chirni.
>3AL: Deploy AR Mask meshdaemon. It weaves AR Masks (predictably), starting with me and then working its way down the agents and allies in proximity. (Process3+MeshOps3, 6 dice).
>Respond: Avoid

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Strain 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni [13/30]
H2 ^
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Chirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 1x Prank Grenades
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Rolled 7, 7, 4, 4, 6, 3 = 31 (6d10)

>rack gun, with intent
>whistle the signal for ‘mess ‘em up’ [6d10]

“ Been chasing us all day trying to get back what we stole from them. Might as well finish this here. Would appreciate the assistance. If not, we’ll try to clear you an out. You signed on to drive, yeah?

Though I doubt the Ties will pay that distinction any mind “
"Shit, should we help our buddies with that ambush?"
"Nah, noodles sounds good."

>9AL: Disembark vehicle and follow Hazard to the noodle shop.
Rolled 6, 2, 5, 9, 4, 7, 3, 1, 9 = 46 (9d10)

"You're right. I just drive. Help me get your friend up on my back seat and I'll try to get your tea leaves get to destination."

>1AL: Pass the spare Chirni back to Octant or someone that really needs it more...Like Jim.
>2AL: Safely strap Slim Grace in Morning on the seat of the Motorcycle
>6AL+3Strain: Drive to the Hospital 1SW, 2SE, 5SW, Try to be careful and drive to ensure Slim is ok. If were stopped tell the Police were in a hurry. This person is injured and not feeling well you should help instead of stopping us. (Proc 2+FF 4+ Handle 3)
Alright, let's *not* give untraceable advanced PDWs to criminal elements. Octant will be taking that spare Chirni, please and thank you.
Shake them? Are we detected somehow? I thought we had crossed the bridge without the Crane Car noticing us. They shouldn't know we're here right? Why wouldn't the gunship go east to where there's heat building up?
Rolled 4, 1, 9, 4, 7, 10, 6, 7, 2 = 50 (9d10)

>1 AL: Hand one of my foam grenades to whichever Hong8 soldier looks the most competent. "I wish you the best in your endeavors."
>3 AL: Advise Mammoth on the path of least resistance through the enemy, taking into account the amount of equipment they're carrying. [Support 2, SupportOps 1]
>3 AL: Make sure FETCH's seatbelt is nice and tight, the ride's about to get bumpy. [Manipulate 3, SupportOps 1]
[Extra dice is confidence 1, forgot to write it down]
Rolled 6, 3, 8 = 17 (3d10)

>3AL: Teach Agent Herbie a digi-song developing algorythm to test on Fetch to keep her occupied. Ask Herbie to play with Fetch. (MeshOps 1 + Process 2)
>10 AL +/-: Help load the heavy carpets into the van. I could try rummaging for sharps and bits to strew around like lego blocks waiting in ambush for unsuspecting feet, but firstly, I'm concerned that would violate some sort of inter-state treaty related to landmine usage, and secondly we aren't necessarily sticking around, so I don't want to leave such dastardly traps around to trouble civilians. (I guess that this would be Proficiency 3 + Jurry Rigging 1 to fit the boxes in the van, but not sure how this is intended to work, so didn't roll).

>Hand 1: tea boxes
>Hand 2: tea boxes
>Head: Headset
>Body: Suit
>Back: Shotgun
Active search zone patterning, Agent - there’s one VTOL active east-wise and the Red Cranes are spreading out across the area. Standard operating procedure. They don’t know your precise location but they know you’re here and that they can narrow down areas by isolating where you’re not. They’ve already cleared chunks of the urban landscape! And don’t underestimate the sensor and tracking capabilities of modern advanced attack systems. Those Red Cranes at the bridge are likely to inform CraneCommand the barriers mysteriously engaged and the other team is going to report their systems started sending random reports to GridWatch.

So the VTOL system operators will correlate those, correctly assume it’s enemy action and start searching for us. Then their augmented sensor systems will narrow down the possibility space. They haven’t found us just yet because we’re actively shaking off their attempts but each action so doing builds data.

Agent, they won’t head east because by the rings of water we put into motion they know they’ll need to maintain a spread search. And they know they’re getting closer.

Elementary fact of counterintelligence: On a longer time scale active search beats strealth, always. They only have to get it right once. You’ll need to get it right every second.

No chance they missed a high speed motorcycle tearing across a bridge. It’s a pattern. They only don’t know it’s us specifically. But Agent, data mining and correlation gets them there!

You’re not home free at all! Every second in the open increases your danger!
Rolled 5, 2, 5, 10, 3, 7, 2, 8, 9 = 51 (9d10)

Hm... tempted to want to see what the Hong8 have that can deal with a VTOL, but I think it might be slightly safer (and better long term) to not use a favor and intentionally draw the VTOL to our position.

>3 AL: Leave the highway 1 (Proficiency 3 + Handling 3)
>1 AL: Park at a sandwich shop, facing 6
>3 AL: Assist in masking the bike's signature (Manipulate 2 + Mesh Ops 1)
>1 AL: Enter sandwich shop and lay low
You know it would have been cool to see that chase. Augmented people have some neat tricks up their sleeves.

>AP1: check our surroundings to see if there is anyone suspicious around
>AP1: focus on hearing out if the escapee is approaching by tuning out un related noises.
>AP7: follow others to eatery
Agent Butterfly, Agent Monarch, you've been made!! I'm working on throwing the sensorlock! Do something on your end! I told you to shake it!!


Agent Leone, Cheddar, Hazard, try ordering number #11...


Agents, I've got mutliple signatures moving in on your location near the Hong8. Agent Thorn's specs were good - I can iron them out for you. They've got some low level cloaking, but I think we can punch through it. I'm updating your filters... now.


Agent Thorn, those carpets. They're... carpets. Right, okay, yes, but patterned ones. I think they're... A retrograde analogue way of storing sensitive information. Memeplexes. If they were stored as digitalized data, there's a chance systems interating with them would be infected. You have to transport such things in an inert format. I think the patterns on them correspond to specific program instructions.

You have to avoid damaging them, the more of the pattern is lost the worse the read is. And, err, try not to... look at them too much? The instructions are usually meant to be scan-readable, but the human brain has a pretty high spec computational ability for handling spatial operations and if you think the wrong thoughts here you might catch a bit of stray idea.

What are the Hong8 doing with these?


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Agents! The filtering worked! They're MUCH closer than we thought! WATCH OUT!!


Agent Thorn, good call on securing the subject. I think TS Devonshires instructions to Herbie calms her.. down? I wonder if they're communicating somehow. She's been chirping ever since it meet Herbie. It's not actually chirping, it only sounds like that to us. It's really high frequency data bursts, it's how the cleaning drones communicate situationally complex information when cleaning larger areas.

If you have a minute, try filtering through Herbies internal commslog? I... I feel mad for suggesting it but... No, it's probably nothing.


Agents, remember that van is ARMORED. By my scan most of these 'Ndragheta goons are bringing low calibre firearms easy to smuggle and hide. They might not penetrate the van. Though of course 'bullet resistant' doesn't mean bullet immune.

I'm tracking some higher tier weaponry, assault rifle variants, I think. And a lot of swords. The Ties have been branching out.

These are pretty heavy hitters. Lightly armored, all suits and ties, but don't underestimate their reflexes. And I think they're running bootlegged TunisTech Memeplex Modulators. They might have some seriously bad programmes loaded in there - Agent Jack'Oal style.

You've got a shit position, but spot of utility: the lights are off in that parking section. They can't actually SEE YOU yet that clearly! Try not to step into anything too bright, or backlight yourselves. It's going to make shooting you easier!

>Agents to act!
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Agents, psst-- agents-- Agents you're-- it's obviously a non-smoking noodle shop! C'mon! C'mon I go thereeee ageeeents you're embarasssiiiiing meeeeeeeeee
Rolled 3, 8, 2, 8, 8, 1, 9, 6, 5, 3, 9, 3, 9, 8, 3, 5, 3, 3 = 96 (18d10)

Route received, Thorn. Ready to floor it as soon as you're finished.
>-Assume gun was readied last turn; if not, take Strain to ready
>3 round burst at hostile 3NW 4W
>3 round burst at hostile 8NW 4W
>3 round burst at hostile 7NW 5W

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

H1 Chirni 40/30
H2 ^^^^^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Vest (3DR)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Chirni AUPDW | 2xReload [30][15] | 2x Foamball (Chem3, AoE)
Rolled 10, 10, 2 = 22 (3d10)

Extra dice for bursts
>Reaction: Lockdown
Got it, Agent! Good move! But, uh - are you-uhm-- you're leaning out the window, right? This is still a rental vaaaaaan

I'm going to assume you're learning out the window, all cool!

( If you like, you can include a SOP in your character conditions somewhere, short for Standard Operating Procedure.

So like. SOP: Lockdown

Would mean that on any turn you don't notice anything else, you are assumed to be readying. weapon for lockdown. It might save you some missed reactions )
Rolled 7, 10, 3, 4, 4, 1, 9, 9, 7, 3, 5, 8, 2 = 72 (13d10)

>3AL: Procure and share with the Hong the optimal time-sensitive load/unload routines for sensitive cargo. (Support2+MeshOps3, dice 5)
>1AL: Move 6.
>1AL: Target Acquire the Black Tie pair overlooking the van (the Tactical and Commando pair on a roof (?)), Move 5.
>3AL: Full Auto fire the Black Ties. Move 5. (Prof3+Ballistic3+Action2, 8 dice)
>1AL: crouch down and take cover behind the axle/engine block of the car.
>Respond: Avoid.

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Strain 3
Action 2

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 Chirni [13/30]
H2 ^
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I 2xChirni AUPDW I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Watercress Sandwich I 1x Prank Grenades
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Rolled 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 1, 6, 1, 10, 6, 1, 3, 8, 8, 1, 7, 7, 9 = 91 (20d10)

>Free: Tell Slim to hold on tight to me and his wounds.
>3AL: Avoid getting domed and do a 360 degree donut to spook and create smoke (prf 2+fast 4+handling 3+agile)
>!FLOOR IT. CONVERT 3 Handling to Speed for 7 SPEED
>3AL: GO GO GO (Hit it: Move 3+FastFurious4+Speed 7 hits) outta here
>3AL: Navigate towards a close hospital (Sense 3+fast 4+intel analysis 1)
Rolled 5, 10, 5, 1, 9, 8, 5, 3 = 46 (8d10)

dice for the Navigate
>Note: 1 Strain is reduced from Implant
Rolled 5, 1, 1, 4, 2, 8, 8, 9 = 38 (8d10)

Holy shit what the fuuuuuu---

>Hold On For Dear Life

#Slim Grace In Morning
Limit 8
*9 Injury, 5 Trauma, 1 Vital Bleed
#Wounded 2

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune - I Sense 3 I Support 1 I Process 1
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Takedown Tactics 3
!Run And Gun 3
!First Aid 1
!Small Unit Tactics 3
!Persuasion 3

#Hong8 Uplink
#Urban Warfare
#Mean Streets, Mean People

H1 Streetniner [2P, 18Am, Burst 3]
B: Gangthreads, Cool Tats
H: Cool Glasses, Comms

Inv: 2x Reloads [18x2] I Cigs x3 I Knife I
"Hahaha sorry. I sometimes forget this rule is inplace with some establishments. No hard feelings i hope. Anyways we'd like to order i've heard good things about your number 11."

>AP1: Put out the pipe
>AP3: Show them we did not mean to insult (attune+persuation)
>AP5: Do order with smile
Rolled 5, 9 = 14 (2d10)

" Mmh... Mh? Mhm! "

>The knives, the KNIVES
>What's he chopping?
>W-what's that... s-smelllllll
Rolled 8, 4, 4, 2, 9, 3, 9 = 39 (7d10)

>1AL: Sigh deeply, putting my cig out.
>1AL: "Hi, I'll get a uhhhhhh... Number 11."
>3AL: Move flitdrone that's watching the van to above the shop, watching for any movement outside. (Sense 2+Support Operations 1)
>3AL: Potentially try to scramble the sensors of the VTOL homing in on Butterfly and Monarch's bike (Support 3+Mesh Ops 1)

"My bad, I just kept smoking for that dirtbag look, kind of reminded me of the bad times."

>1AP: Put out the cigarette
>1AP: stow away the used cigarette in ziplock 'evidence' bag.
>1AP: then tuck that away within my suit-coat.

"...I'll also have #11, got recommended to try it by a... co-worker? colleague? someone that yells at me? it's a complicated business relationship."

>6AP: find a place to sit and wait patiently. Before things feel too awkward.
Rolled 4, 1, 9, 1, 10, 1, 8, 1, 6, 3, 1, 6, 1, 9, 2, 3 = 66 (16d10)


>3AL: Simulate and broadcast a Metroplex "YOU'RE UNDER ARREST, STAND DOWN" specifically to the 'Ndragheta goons to intimidate and run them off. [Manipulate 3, MeshOps 2, Conf 1].
>3AL: Cause a street wide blackout. [Process 3, MeshOps 2, Conf 1].
>3AL: Help our guys load the carpets into the van. [Proficiency 2, Support Ops 1, Conf 1].
Rolled 10, 5, 10, 3, 1, 9, 5, 8, 4 = 55 (9d10)

>Quick-scan the Tie network (Meshops 1, Process 2, Headset)
>Ask TS Liren to engage any bio-locks on the Tie firearms to keep them from shooting us. Lend my law-enforcement attunement if I have it. I'd do it myself, but my rig is already running hot. (Persuasion 1, Process 2, Headset?)
>Ask TS Liren to deactivate any local gunfire-auto reporting systems in the area to keep our firefight from drawing more attention. (Persuasion 1, Process 2, Headset?)
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Steady work, people !
TS Devonshire, we've found their network and I'm updating the specs now! Took out some guns as well, though they'll reset their systems! But now that we've got a line in you can hammer anyone they're connected to, using those two as an intrusion vector! Slap a VIRAL in there!

Agent Thorn! Agent Thorn!! Lights = 0, not Lights = 1! You turned them on!!

Agents, I'm suppressing the local sousvailence systems, and this part of the urbansprawl is used to ruckus. With Metroplex' distraction elsewhere, we **should** be okay! As long as nothing explodes or catches fire! Thermals show up on satwatch system real easy.

But faking a police response ought to still throw them, Agent Thorn! I'm boosting your output; we can use the van systems to broadcast a larger message along with any lingering metroplex systems. Let's see if it shakes them a little!!

>[Reaction 1/xx]
>Agents who haven't acted can, indeed, act...
Rolled 2, 4, 3, 9, 6, 7, 10, 7 = 48 (8d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes |
Drones: SkimmerSwarmer Drone [-]

Stopping in the middle of being pinged, what the hell did you think would happen? AND WE'RE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE SAFEHOUSE! GUN IT!

>6AL (compounding): Spin up another Viral. Fuck... uhhh, we'll make this one engage the VTOL's onboard warning systems (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5Z-d1Zx02o). [Embed] Provided they haven't been overridden already! I really should've specialized in MeshOps! [Process 3 + MeshOps 1] x 2

>3AL: Throw it at the VTOL, ASAP!
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Steady work, Agents. Good talking there. And thanks for putting out the cigs. B-Rothskies is a quiet little place. I go there to unwind. No meshcams, no autoprinters, no electronics, it's a like a place out of the previous century. And they make all the food by hand! The menu varies a little daily, but the #11 is the standard broth-and-bread-and-soup with a side of lemon-tea, and you get these teriaky fried beef bits that are quite good and it's very nice, try the mushroom sides-- sorry I'm rambling.

Agent Cheddar, I've run your code through Agent Butterfly and Monarch's systems. Good eye: it's defrayed the locking of the VTOL slightly. The tacnet is still connected, so you obviously *can* run counterintel and other ops for other agents even if you're not in close proximity.

Makes you a poor dinner partner, but saves lives -- wait hang-- uh-- the F-flit drone is-- oh no. Oh no!
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Agents! Agents no! Not B-Rothskies!! The fiend!

He's-- it's-- Dammit, Agent! It's some kind of extropian supernaut! Jacked to gills crazed-outta-the-skill transhumanist! I keep telling people to get psychological profiling when they for Class VI augmentics! He's--- he's running some kind of bootleg TunisTech filter, it's totally taken over his mesh-systems! He thinks he's in some kind period piece and he's ancient cimmerian protagonist! H

It's--- that's the--- the Flitdrone is picking up MULTIPLE inbound Metroplex Officers!!

*Agents*! That's the manhunt that's been going on for the last three hours! Be cool, Agents! Be cool! The police isn't here for you-- but-- but t-those people. B-Rothskies! He's going to start a bender or cause an accident or get Metroplex Tactical called down on you!

Whatever you do, Agents, **watch it**! He's not going to respond like a rational actor, his brain is cooked on viral memetics!

Agent Cheddar, I'm loaning the Flitdrone' vision specs. I can keep a trace on Metroplex Tactical responses and watch the perimeter for you. So far they're keeping their distance. Probably worried about accidents!

>Agents to have a nice and pleasant dinner.
Rolled 10, 8, 9, 7, 10, 3, 9 = 56 (7d10)

>3AL Move NE 2NW, sit on the carpet
>1AL Open window
>1AL Acquire the guy SW whose link got turned off
>3AL 6 rounds suppressive fire in that direction (Proficiency + Ballistics + 3 extra dice for autofire)
>React: avoid

Limit 12
Stress 11
Strain 6
Injury 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!SC Spinal Augmentics [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 1
-Resonance Factor 1
!Origami Folding 1

H1: Chirni Advanced PDW [2P, 30Am(Franq) Burst 2, FA 10, Acc1]
H2: -------
B: Vest (3DR) | Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 1x Chirni Reloads | 3x Stingballs [Stun 4, AoE] | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Picture, holo, old | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | 2x Unknown compounds
In case I've forgotten to grab the SMG, I have 1 AL unspent to do just that
Rolled 8, 4, 2, 3, 7, 10, 4, 6, 6, 8 = 58 (10d10)

So much for a pleasant meal.

>3AL: Remembering my TTRPG days from college, I prepare myself to get into character and try understand this freak's vibe. (Attune 3+Intelligence Analysis 1)
>3AL: "W-welcome valiant hero! I'm the local bard, perhaps you'd like me to sing your praises? Ah but I've left my lute right outside in that van over there, perhaps you could grab it for me while the bartender prepares your mug? " (Manipulate 2+Persuasion 1)
>3AL: Prepare to summon my stabber flitdrone from the van if this goes horribly wrong. (React 2+Support Operations 1)
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Good work agents, keep it up! They're still loading those carpets, I think they'll have them in there by the end of this phase !

Those Tie Guys are *bad news* though, it's all... tactical and stuff. They're running some seriously souped up reality filters and using the metrics to coordinate their responses!

You fried two of their systems though, and those guys are doing a full reset and their units have been compromised. Guns are offline.

Agent Mammoth, MOVE, they've got a bead on you! Those [TACTICAL] goons! They're carrying rifles! They'll go clean through the armor! The pistols, maybe not so much-- and that guy with the SWORD? He's just going to stab you! Duck and twist, agent! Duck and twi-- smoooooth! Yeah ! Like that !!

Agent Graphite is clear of the zone!

I'm squelching any sousvailence sensors and keeping this firefight contained. No Metroplex chatter on this so far! Let's keep it that way!

The Cloakid Maskdaemon is masking your presence. That and the lack of light is preventing their shooters from TARGET ACQUIRING you, so if you stay in cover you're going to be a lot harder to hit. Good combo there, agents. Though if they close the distance, it might not hold out.

Agents, the overwatch positions on the east is-- what is he doing, that's not commando or tactical-- that's -- did he just half break his leg? Pain doesn't seem to have slowed him down, I don't think he's feeling it!

Agents! Agents! Threat vector east! They got Jim!! Keep that guy away from the carpets! And the people!

Devonshire, Thorn, someone! Try to get those Tactical people knocked out of the net, lock their smartlinks or something, those guns are **bad news**!

Agent Fold, that was some good shooting.

Subject Fetch is... watching all this, like it's a show. For a transgenic new sophont first of its kind on the planet it has a very... weird response to danger. Doesn't seem bothered though. That's good for us.

>Agents to have a shootout!
Uhh, huh, uhm, sorry Agents, seems I forgot to press 'play' on Agent Thorn and TS Devonshire's fake Metroplex soundfile.

It's still loaded in the car systems but things got KINDA COMPLICATED there for a second!

>Oh well the file is still ready!
Rolled 5, 10, 2, 4, 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 7, 7, 10, 6, 7 = 86 (15d10)

>3AL: 6 round burst (not suppression) at Tactical Tie 4W 1SW (7 dice)
>3AL: Use my awesome spinal augmetics to reach out of the window, grab the swordsman's sword and take it away (4 dice + 2 flat bonus)
>3AL: Now chop him with his own sword (4 dice + 2 flat bonus)

Limit 12
Stress 11
Strain 6
Injury 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!SC Spinal Augmentics [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 1
-Resonance Factor 1
!Origami Folding 1

H1: Chirni Advanced PDW [2P, 12Am(Franq) Burst 2, FA 10, Acc1]
H2: -------
B: Vest (3DR) | Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I 1x Chirni Reloads | 3x Stingballs [Stun 4, AoE] | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Picture, holo, old | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | 2x Unknown compounds
Rolled 10, 6, 10, 8, 1, 8, 1, 3, 3, 9, 3, 7, 5, 2, 6, 9, 10, 7, 4, 5, 9, 2 = 128 (22d10)


>3AL: If they're coordinating their actions these TACTICAL goons must be connected to the same TacNet. Spin up a viral payload that focuses on spreading to as many people as possible, opening backdoors for more targetted attacks. [Process 3, MeshOps 2, Conf 1].
>3AL: Activate the fake Metroplex soundfile. [Process 3, MeshOps 2].
>3AL: While the goons are distracted or trying to track where the Metroplex agents are, throw the viral payload at one of the Ties that has already been broken into by Devonshire for ease of access. [Manipulate 3, MeshOps 2].
>3 Strain: After the payload spreads through the enemy use the opened backdoors to lock them out of their guns, focusing the people currently shooting at us. [Process 3, MeshOps 2, Conf 1].
Rolled 10, 10, 4, 2, 10, 8, 3, 6, 7, 6, 4, 1, 5, 7 = 83 (14d10)

>1AL: Acquire swordsman
>3AL: 4 round burst swordsman (8 dice)
>5AL: Ready, acquire and throw a foamball 11 NE 2E, aiming to cover both tacticals on that roof (6 dice)
>Reaction: avoid

#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

H1 Chirni 17/30
H2 ^^^^^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Vest (3DR)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich | Chirni AUPDW | 2xReload [30][15] | 2x Foamball (Chem3, AoE)
>React: avoid here too
Rolled 6, 6, 8, 5, 9, 7, 5, 10, 8, 10, 6, 10, 7, 5, 3, 3, 6, 7, 9, 6 = 136 (20d10)

>1AL: Acquire target, Commando Ties on the other side of the car. Move 1.
>3AL: Toss prank nade over the top of the car at the Ties, Move 1. (Prof3+Ballistics3+Action2, 8 dice)
>3AL: Try to disable the northernmost of the western Tactical Ties' link. (Process3+MeshOps3, 6 dice)
>2AL: Move 21
>3 Strain: Multimedia Filter Injection attack! Override the eastern Ninja Tie's filters. Crank it waaay past his safety limits! (Process3+MeshOps3, 6 dice)
>1 Strain: Draw C7.
>Respond: Lockdown. Anyone approaching the driver's side of the van.

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Strain 7
Action 2

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 C7
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I 1xChirni AUPDW [0/30] I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse

"...Wait... I know how this usually goes... He's crazy and he's gonna start trashing the place- then there's a gunfight escalation- MY FOOD."

>9AL: start eating all my food before it's too late, It's good stuff! never waste good food!
Rolled 3, 7, 5, 5, 4, 7, 4, 6, 2, 4 = 47 (10d10)

"This is Devonshire. I am noting a distinct lack of desks in this area. In lieu of desks, I will be providing physical support. Over."

>1AL - Equip Shotgun, both hands
>3AL (Ballistics 2, Proficiency 3) Fire Shotgun at lone Black Tie to my SW (I believe that they are at direction 6x4, direction dir 5x2).
>2AL - Move 2 hexes SE to stand next to agent fold.
>1AL - "Jim, please literally fall back sir".
>3AL - (Ballistics 2, Proficiency 3) Shoot shotgun at the Ninja harassing Jim.
>Defense: Take Cover
Location of shotgun stats.
Rolled 8, 7, 2, 4, 4, 7, 5, 7, 1, 10, 2, 10, 7, 10 = 84 (14d10)

>3 AL: Move 211
>3 AL: Keep my eyes out for unideal traffic situations I might get stuck in (Sense 2 + Handling 3)
>3 AL: Gun it down the highway (Proficiency 3 + Speed 4 + Acrobatics 2)
Thanks agent, enormously helpful.
"Well that truly is one tuned up individual. Hey Liren can you access the visual data from my implants through this head set maybe?"
"Ok my friends head back towards me try to be safe. This man seems battlehigh."

>AP1: Tune visual reseptors on target focus on augment type and possible weakspots. (Sense 2 + MeshOps 1)
>AP1: Tell people to move towards back of the shop maybe there's a way out. (Manipulation 2 + Persuation 1)
>AP3: Wire my info to team and Liren (Process 2 + MeshOps 1)
>AP3: Move between modder and clients.
Rolled 9, 5, 3, 10, 3, 4, 5, 3, 6 = 48 (9d10)

Missing dice
Agent Butterfly, mind the speed limit! MIND THE SPEED LIM-- you know they're probably more like... guidelines anyway.

It's like a high score, right? I mean you get on a motorcycle becaus you want 3 to be the first digit in your three-digit km/h.


Agent Graphite, you're tearing down the road - good work avoiding any issues, but there's so many sensors in that area they're picking up your movement and flagging it as unusual. Roll into the parking lot at Voltmin General - I've called up the specs for their trauma response chief of staff; ask for Dr. Laskone by name and refer to account Nine-Chevron-Star- Dash-Four. I set up, uh, three minutes ago and it should link to a shell company of a shell company and ensure our friend Grace gets good enough service so long as they don't run a super indepth background check. I've got you both down as carpet import sales people.

You'll need to feed them SOME KIND OF LINE when you check him in, but handle that part and then our bogus paperwork should get you settled.

>[Reaction Phase 1/xx]
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Package is loaded, Agents! I repeat! Package is loaded! I'm recalibrating the route, based on Agent Thorn's specs! Get outta of that killzone!!


That shook them! No crooks like tangling with the heavy hand of the law!


>[Reaction Phase 1/xx]
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Agent Leone, that's a classic Extropian. He's gone a little too far on his augmentics and has probably developed disassociation issues and serious body dysmorphia because of it ( though they're not all like that, so I shouldn't stereotype). Thanks for the data, I'm sharing it with the team now - he looks like he's disabled the safety switches on his augments; he won't notice the damage its doing to him if you bait him into rapid movement. And his twitch impulse control will be poor, he almost *has* to react to incoming rapid reaction stimuli.

Be careful though! That same setup means he's going to hit like a freightrain; he's swinging that stop-sign around like it's nothing!

( Agent Hazard, I did tell you that was good broth, didn't I? )

Agent Cheddar, good impulse. The knife-filt drone was in your pocket all along, I've activated it for you. Get him talking and believing his own story and he's going to be easy to handle. Whatever you do just don't stand out and draw his atten--

Agent Leone!

>[Reaction Phase 1/xx]
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Agents! Packages are in! Get out of there! Floor it! I've retraced Agent Thorns' route! But the other package; it was thrown off when Agent Graphite zoomed out of there like a bat outta hell! It's not mission critical or anything, but-- well--


Agent Mammoth! Agent Mammoth! Your vitals are spiking! You've been shot! Don't panic!!
>Remember to account for Shock
>You're BLEEDING! Big bullets there, they punched something vital! During Reaction phase Bleeding increments Injury = Value. You can *Resist* this, trying to clasp down on the wounds, but that obviously takes Alacrity that might be better spent on other things... Maybe get an ally to patch that?


Agents-- Uh-- Uh-- AGENTS


>Grenades have an 'initiative step' function, as per: >>6160318. The grenade here scored 3 hits, which means the 'difficulty' of acting -before it- is 3. You need to reduce that to 0, somehow, or it'll cook of among you. While some grenades are hackable ,this one doesn't seem to have a signature. So if you grab for it with React+Close Quarters and get 1 hit, there's still 2 to go...

>Someone can, of course, dive on the grenade. That'll concentrate the detonation to one target.


Agent, that Metroplex soundfile and the viral-vectors along with the mesh attacks are playing merry hell on their systems. Unlike the Red Cranes, these 'Ndragheta aren't professional multidomain operatives, they're quick and nimble but their IT security infrastructure leaves something to be desired!

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Agent Leone! Agent Leone! He was just about to turn around and go get a lute somewhere out there in the vast wide world but now he's coming straight at you!!

Agent, you DO NOT want to be anywhere within the arc of that swing!!

Nooo! B-Rothskies rustic tables and fine dinner service! That *monster*! That *vandal*!

>Agents to have a nice, pleasant dinner
Agent Butterfly, Agent Monarch, the Viral and the combined meshattack threw the VTOL systems into evasive operations. It's lost its tracking lock on you. Get out of there. I'm sending you a generic route. Once you're sure you're not being followed, curve back around and get to the Hong8 Teahouse.

>Agent Butterfly Clear
>Agent Monarch Clear
>Perform one last Test to fully escape; combined Threshold 5.


Agent Graphite, you're coming up on Voltmin General. Remember: Ask for Dr. Laskone and reference the account number I gave you. Should be all clear - Metroplex is going to be busy with incoming crash cases due to Octane's cheeky little worst-traffic-accident-in-six-months. You can fill in among the broken bones and so on, no one is going to notice. Park the motorcycle somewhere and hang out for a few hours. Hospital cafeteria food isn't so bad, but you can make do.

Alternatively, rip west and get that package to the Hong8, but I'm detecting some serious blockages on the way. Agents Hazard, Leone and Cheddar could probably use the assist though.

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYwr9rMZ3rc [Embed]
Rolled 1, 10, 6, 5, 10, 1, 8, 6, 2, 1, 6, 3, 4, 6, 9, 9, 10, 10, 1, 1 = 109 (20d10)

"Dev, we're getting the fuck outta here get o—...ohshitgrenadeee...!"

>3AL: grab and chuck the grenade out of the righthand window. (React2+CQC2+Action2, 6 dice)
>3AL: Bayesian Filter Poisoning attack! The ninja's filters should be close to capacity. Bombard them with corrupted multimedia data packets to overload them completely and crash his system. (Process3+MeshOps3, 6 dice)
>3AL: Jump into the driver's seat and—as soon as Devonshire gets on—just floor it, taking the optimal escape route out of here. (Prof3+Speed2+3, 8 dice)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Strain 7
Action 2

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

H1 C7
B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I 1xChirni AUPDW [0/30] I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
Rolled 8, 4, 9, 4, 10, 3, 4, 10, 8, 5, 5 = 70 (11d10)

>3AL: Using the stolen sword, fricking cut the grenade in half together with the fuse before the flame reaches the detonator (4 dice)
>1AL: Acquire ninja
>3AL: Burst the last 6 rounds into ninija (7 dice)
Rolled 7, 7, 10, 1, 5, 8, 3, 10, 6 = 57 (9d10)

>Remember I have Resilience Factor 1
>9AL: Resist shock. This should give me 9 free hits if I understand this right
Rolled 4, 10, 10, 1, 6, 9, 7, 3, 10, 9, 1 = 70 (11d10)

>(Ballistics 2 + Proficiency 3) Use my shotgun to shoot the ninja trying to get into the vehicle
"Excuse me sir, but you did not present your ticket. Permission to board is therefore denied.
>Enter the van
>(Persuasion 1 + Manipulate 2) Invite the Hong8 to come with us if they'd like.
>(Process 2, Meshops 1) Play police sirens at high volume into the ears of the snipers.

Once we get out of here we should probably use the repair kit to fix our blown tire.
Rolled 10, 3, 8, 8, 5, 8, 2, 3, 6 = 53 (9d10)


>3 AL: Last test to escape (Proficiency 3 + Speed 4 + Acrobatics 2)
Rolled 1, 1, 5, 2 = 9 (4d10)

>Throw a few last virals out to further obfuscate our escape. [Process 3 + MeshOps 1]
Rolled 9, 10, 5, 8, 8, 1, 1 = 42 (7d10)

Oh god he's even bigger up close.

"Guess we're getting into this. I'm gonna try to distract him!"

3AL: Dive behind the counter to the direct north east, out of the way of the swing. (Proficiency 2+Close Quarters 1)
3AL: Drive my knife flitdrone around the Berserk's head to confuse him. (Support 3+Support Operations 1)
1AL: Grab my C7 Service Pistol.
1AL: Well the shop is gonna get fucked up anyways so... lighting up another cigarette.
Rolled 2, 9, 6, 8, 4, 8, 4, 1, 7, 4, 5 = 58 (11d10)

>3AL: Scan the grenade and send the specs to Agent Fold for him to cut it in the most efficient way. [Process 3, SupportOps 2, Conf 1]
>1AL: Duck and approach Mammoth.
>3AL: Perform emergency first aid for Mammoth with whatever I have on hand, rip appart my tie and suit if I have to. [First Aid 2, SupportOps 2, Conf 1]
Rolled 1, 5, 8, 7, 2, 8 = 31 (6d10)

"We didn't need to do this but you ain't really giving me lot of options here big guy."

>AP1: Equip service knife It's not that much but helps with the armor a bit.
>AP3: Move E x3 go low with an combat roll (Proficiency 2 + Acrobatics 1)
>AP3: Slash at the big guys legs to Harass him. Considering the ignoring of damage this could worsen the damage he causes to himself (Manipulate 2 + Blades 1) Move SE
>AP1: Grab a Knife or something similar from table next to me
>AP1: Say "Impressive power but it seems you lack control."
>Take the free avoid from UNCC he's not done yet
Rolled 4, 10, 3 = 17 (3d10)

#Agent Hazard
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Pathfinding 1

#Just That Good

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich

"Hmm. Hmmmm. Yeah, this isn't gonna work."

>1AL: Pause eating, stand up.
>2AL: Move 2-2, upto a B-Rothskies staff member.
>3AL: Snap direct eye contact with a staff member. (Focus)
>3AL: "Hello, yes- stop panicking- do you have a backdoor to this establishment?" (Manipulate 2+Persuasion 1)

"...Do you also do take-aways?"
>Minus 1 Strain
>3AL: Reduce the tracking by scrambling the signal emitted whilst were at a stop sign.
>0L: Cruise 1SW, 1SE, 1SW into Voltmin General
>3AL: Park in a well hidden spot. Then transport Slim Grace to trauma response reception. Keep the package in my back pack
>3AL: Ask for Dr. Laskone, when asked refer to account [9>-4] Nine-Chevron-Star- Dash-Four. "Haiyaah me and my friend we're making deliver in bad neighbourhood or something. Take a break to grab a bite so I go grab some for us both but then loud noise. I come back to vehicle and find Slim like this. Haiyah, unfortunate. Unfortunate. Bad day for delivery." Get Slim in then go to the rest area and blend in. Maybe get a slight wardrobe change, grab a bite at the cafeteria. Fold some Origami for sick kids. Let the heat die down (Attune 2+ Origami 2)
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Hit it; a line of shimmering, fritzing out metroplex systems in the wake of your passing...
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Voltmin General is a relatively upscale private hospital for the discerning client. They run emergency services for this area, of course, as is their basic healthcare duty, but the magic incantation of Nine-Chevron-Star- Dash-Four opens doors to vast, clean lobbies where pleasant, polite professionals make inquiries about the nature of your bone integrity...
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Without a monomolecular blade, cutting through the fragmentary casing of modern deployable munitions is remarkably hard. Some might even say impossible. The cleaving edge parts some of the outer layer and then the kinetic force of the impact converts it to the worlds worst bat, the grenade slamming off of the internal window as agent Octane floors the accelerator and Thorn clamps down on Mammoth's profuse bleeding.

TS Devonshire calmy aligns his shotgun. The Ninja-Mafia-Man there is good at countermeasures. Evasive sort. Some sort of... code... ninja.

He breathes in.
Sometimes you have to reset a piece of tech manually. He squeezes the trigger. The shotgun booms, enormously loud in the confines of the speeding van - the Ninja flies off of the roof, thrown into an awful stumble by the impact of pellets.
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Octane throws the whole van into a sharp curve - Fold grabs unto the carpets to keep them from slipping. The grenade rattles around somewhere in the undercarriage. Thorn helps, clasping a hand to Mammoths neck arterial, highlights the damn thing on the shared agent network, adds a sizable amount of expression marks. Mammoth manages a weak kick, Fold lurches off of the carpets as Devonshire grasps for Herbie to keep it slipping into the night.

Instinctively, Fold throws the grenade with the augmented manipulator, extra strength pitch. This time, it goes *through* the weakened window, hammered earlier by the impact of high calibre bullets. A very surprised 'Ndragheta thug aligns his gun on the passing van but immediately realizes he has much, much bigger problems.
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Agent Hazard!
Agent Hazard!!!
Stop Drop And Roll!

Agent Leone, he's coming for you! You hit him with a knife! He's barely taking any injury but that and the flit-drone is harassing him! He's forgetting his limiters! His system is tearing itself apart!


>Agents to have a nice, pleasant dinning experience
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Agents, I have most of you clear of any immediate radius of interception by Red Crane operatives or Metroplex officers. Agent Butterfly and Monarch are westbound on the intercity artery, fading into the signal stream of the vehicles out there. I've looped their signals through the Squealer viral and most pursuers have been distracted by the bogus signals.

Agent Graphite and Slim Grace In Morning have arrived at Voltmin General and inducted into the healthcare system. I've spun up falsified records and tempory ID signatures. They'll fade into the background of the collateral accidents and increasing emergencies of the pile-up near Sector 7.

Agent Vennsfield has been shifting through coffeeshops in near the central plaza and avoiding direct contact with any pursuit.

Agents Thorn, Octant, Mamoth, Fold, TS Devonshire, Subject FETCH and Agent Herbie have made it away from direct contact with the 'Ndragheta attack squad. Due to the buildup of metroplex activity in Sector 7, I've plotted an alternative route heading north by north-east, to curve around the current distracting public emergency and approach the Hong8 Teahouses from a safer angle.

Last Bar has pinged me to let us know they used the distraction of the 'Ndragheta thinking Metroplex was about to come down like a hammer to escape westbound. He wanted me to thank you for specifically disabling the 'Ndragheta systems in that vector, as it made escaping the killbox much easier. They've taken light scrapes and some bruises, but they are, in fact, all alive and are currently heading towards a safer location.

We've recovered 4 / 5 of the Hong8 packages and 8/8 of the Hong8 Operatives, so the Oakheart can have no ill word for our professionalism or willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty.

I'm still getting elevated stress signals from Agent Leone, Agent Cheddar and Agent Hazard.

Everyone else is... clear! We made it! YOU made it!!

Light damage sustained to most systems, and the core implant overriders are showing clear sign of enormous use. Agent Octant blew out his internal relays in that last push and Agent Mammoth's vitals are fluctuating, but having SIX bullets in your sternum will do that to a man. Agent Thorn is prying them out as we speak and then the immunoboosters and Resilience Factor should make sure he's right as rain.

Fantastic work agents. Stay low, stay mobile, stay moving, and then reconvene at the Hong8 Teahouse.

Liren out.
Corporate has better throw one HELL of a picnic after this
==Field Phase Partial End==

0, approximate, pending review (0.0%) [!!!]

0, approximate, pending review (0.0%) [!!!]

7 (5%)

42 (11%)


==Collateral Damage==
3.4 Million, tentative, approximate, not fully accounting for psychological profiling, healthcare costs, car insurance claims, public infrastructure restructuring, Metroplex ops deployment budget...

==Collective Weeks of Hospitalization==
47.5 years, totalled across sector population

==Commutes Disrupted==
74% [!!!]

==Federal Terrorism Charges==
1, tentative, approximate (so far)

CS -3
Red Crane +1
Hong8 +3
Metroplex -2
Sector Government, -2
National Intelligence Service, -2




>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JVNSoBtQwk&list=RDGMEMS5MTn5PN5WJmowOZKRa5Rg&index=24 [Embed]



**All Agents off-field and safely out of the line of fire may see Debrief procedures, to your left.

**All Agents off-field and safely out of the line of fire have been credited +6 Credits, above and beyond the payout for the Debref Procedures, for the insight, utility and operational edge gleaned from acquired paydata.^

**All Agents off-field and safely out of the line of fire may, if desired, take any final desired pending actions, call outs or 'I am sure to note that I's.

^Please note that Credits are just a way to keep score, and perhaps splurge on desired microtransactions and fancy peruvian coffee.


TS will debrief you properly once everyone is clear of the active area and we can go to ground in the Hong8 safehouses.
Rolled 8, 4, 6, 9, 4, 10, 6, 2, 1 = 50 (9d10)

#Agent Hazard
Limit 12
Injury 3 Fire 4

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Pathfinding 1

#Just That Good

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich


>3AL: Get out! Get out of there, get out of the fire! (React 3)
>3AL: Start rolling around on the floor, THE FIRE IT STINGS. (Resist 3?)
>3AL: Keep rolling around on the floor- damn it all my clothes are ruined. (Resist 3?)
Rolled 8, 1, 9 = 18 (3d10)

Push it! for the 3rd set of 3d10s
Rolled 3, 8, 4, 1, 5, 4, 8, 3, 4, 8 = 48 (10d10)

#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol Components I 4xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit

> Final actions
Travel to 3 on foot.
Retrieve Motorcycle.
Cruise to the Hong8 teahouse.

> Physical Therapy (10 Strain)
Park in a lightly trafficked backstreet a few blocks away from the rendezvous.
Rest eyes while monitoring chatter over comms.

> +1 Resist
The Verdant Green job.
Enduring the enmity of two paramilitary striketeams.
Leaving with a handful of bruises and nicks.

> Feedback
No comment.

> Submit Intel
No comment.

> Compensation
Gain +16 Credits
Rolled 10, 6, 3, 4 = 23 (4d10)

>Thank Agent Thorn for timely first aid
>Psych Screening for my 4 Stress
>+1 Resist - shrugged off 6 bullets in the sternum
>- Grenade maximum range needs to be explicitly stated so the user does not overestimate their abilities. IMHO
>- Throwing grenades is very slow at 5 AL. The necessity of acquiring target for grenading is also not clear from the rules
>- The Chirni seems not very lethal and agents don't carry nearly enough ammo to disable the average opposition force.
>Intelligence Debrief:
>- I have a suspicion that subject FETCH was originally a cat and not a girl.
>- Agents changing allegiance could be avoided with higher remuneration and nicer picnics
>Get paid: +16 cr
Final stats:
#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0.2 | 16 credits
*Alive *Pissed

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

H1 Chirni 17/30
H2 ^^^^^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Vest (3DR)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Chirni AUPDW | 2xReload [30][15] | 1x Foamball (Chem3, AoE)
I was going to save this for a day, but ah, what the hell.

Merry Christmas, agents!
Rolled 7, 5, 3, 9, 3, 4 = 31 (6d10)

Agent, as you take 8 Shock, you have -8dice on all actions before you handle the shock in some fashion. Which usually involves applying any damage reduction and deciding whether to Resist injury with 1 AL per or accept the Injury.

The only thing you've accomplished now is to make everything worse for yourself, because you just took 3 major actions to roll 0, 0 and 0 dice.

The Shock automatically converts to injury - unresisted as it is - pushing you to Injury 6 (you're wearing a DR 3 vest). The Fire increments to 6, you're still in the fireplace, and rolls 6d10.
#Agent Hazard
Limit 12
**ON FIRE !!!!!!
Injury 8 Fire 6
You end with a total of 8 injury, 6 fire, but at the very least the staggering ordeal of pain is by now so intense your system cannot track it and you have no Shock to deal with.

Please take another turn, Agent, and perhaps kindly consider removing yourself from the active source of a flames directly exposed to your face.

I'm tracking a water barrel to your 2, and an aquarium to your far east. If you do not wish to STOP, DROP and ROLL [Resist+React], you can perhaps make use of the water???

You should deal with the fire before it gets worse, it's about to cook off your ammo.
Bah, forgot to add Climbing again

Final stats:
#Agent Mammoth
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0.2 | 16 credits
*Alive *Pissed

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Climbing 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger into simple tool for 1AP

H1 Chirni 17/30
H2 ^^^^^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Vest (3DR)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Chirni AUPDW | 2xReload [30][15] | 1x Foamball (Chem3, AoE)
Rolled 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 2 = 17 (6d10)

my bad TS, shouldve probably asked for clarification before taking my actions

>3AL: get out of the fireplace? (React 3?)
>1AL: move 2
>3AL: roll around on the floor? (Resist 3?)
Rolled 2, 8, 5, 4 = 19 (4d10)

"Leone we need to disengage, those cops will be here any second. Run for the door, I'll have my drone keep distracting him. Hazard are you- WHY ARE YOU ON FIRE NOW?!?"

>3AL: Keep up the distraction with the flitdrone, focusing on getting the berserker's attention off Leone. (Support 3+Support Operations 1)
>3AL: Move 555
>3AL: Move 555
Rolled 8, 10, 9 = 27 (3d10)


push it! second set of dice
if i can still do it? i think? its a new turn right?
Do I get any bonus for making it without even taking a single scratch? Heh heh...

>+1 Process
I think my work in cracking that code, along with the virals I've had to spin up speak for themselves. I'm gonna be focusing pretty heavily on Mesh work from here on in, I suspect. It's only natural I'd have to take some training in informatics

No comment.

>Submit Intel
It seems like the Cranes are susceptible to low-level mesh infiltration. Either this wasn't their A-Team, or their systems are in serious need of defensive investment. I'm also uploading *everything* I managed to extract on FEYWILD. Regarding this, from what I've analyzed, FETCH appears to have been spliced together with Octopus camouflage genes, immortal jellyfish genes, echolocation, and a bird's magnetoreception, that's being able to sense and react to the earth's magnetic field, if you didn't complete physics class, Liren. There could be other genes stuffed in there, but this is all I'm able to access with my part of the data.

> Compensation
+16 Credits
Rolled 6, 5, 7, 1, 5, 5 = 29 (6d10)


Thorn sits back with a sigh of relief as he hears the Hong8 made it out fine at the same time he extracts the last bullet out of Mammoth's sternum. With Liren's message signaling the fact that the hardest part of the night is over he rips in half the playing card that had been sitting in his back pocket the whole time.
"...Not bad for a team running on adreanline and spite."

>Psych Screening:
1 Strain only? Everything fine on this end, Doc!

Would love some more Signal Ops goodies. Something to counter the freaks like the Ninja and the Barbarian specifically would be golden.

> +1 Support.
Have worked in cooperation with other agents numerous times through the whole operation (Scrambled signals, lowered barriers, extracted bullets, marked grenades...).

>Intelligence Debrief and Final Action:
-Liren mentioned that there was something funky going on with Herbie's chirps. Maybe now that we have some downtime I can try and decode it. [Process 3, MeshOps 2]
-I had a pretty good look at the carpets the Hong8 were interested in. Now obviously I don't know the R&D costs but a suit made with a similar info-filled fabric could have some interesting capabilities if we play our cards right.

>Get paid: +16 Credits.

Stats as of now:

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0 | 16 credits

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!Spliced Signals Access 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I 3x Foam Grenades [3Chem, AoE]
Rolled 1, 4, 8, 3, 9, 5, 4, 3 = 37 (8d10)

>Medical Care: None. I'm in perfect health. I think that my highest conditions were Focus 1, Confidence 1, and and Mask 1. I'm doing my part to keep my medical premiums low. I guess I'll roll against metal Confidence 1 + Focus 1 (first 2 dice)? Alternatively, that UNCC Deep Morphology Variability seems useful and I've got some Attune that I'm note using, so if Medical covers installation of the rig, I'm willing to put this UNCC tech into my body. I like the UNCC line in general. Are we friendly with them?
>(Proficiency 3 + First Aid 2 + Repair Kit/First Aid Kit) Assist Agent Octant with fixing their blowout.
>Performance Review: +1 Proficiency. For shooting that ninja with a shotgun & moving those heavy carpets.

Gear Assessment: The DS9 Reacher P Shotgun is a good weapon, with the obvious downsides of being a longarm and requiring a high skill to achieve the best success. A true Shotgun Surgeon could use it to devestating effect.

Gear Assessment: The MFSL2 Headset is a good workhorse headset. It would be valuable to any mesh-specialist. I wasn't able to figure out the attunement featue, possibly due to lack of effort and viable samples.

Our signal ops seem fine, but we haven't been facing hostile spiders thus far. We are commendeering armory improvements from the battlefield.

Suggestion: Subject Fetch needs a full diagnostic of her innate biology and any sybiotic digestive flora to determine what she is able to eat.

Intelligence: The Ndragheta seem to be using skill-softs to adopt persona such as Ninja and Warrior. Developing a counter-viral to 'soften' their skillsofts into the non-violent versions could be helpful (ie. turn the parental controls back on and set the skillsofts to avoid actually hitting things with violence. Look cool, don't act a fool and hurt the other kids).

#Tech Specialist Devonshire
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3+1 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1
!Improvisational Improbabilities 1

H1: Aid Kit
H2: Repair Kit
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MFSL2]: On MeshOps provide flat effect on success. Can compile advanced viral vectors using process + MeshOps which gain autonomous AL = hits or attuning to specifica operations.

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I DS9 'Reacher P, 9/12 ammo, Multi 10+, Stun 10+

3-1 Ops Deployment Credentials 1: As a major action, put in a request for support based on your pool. It arries at the end of the phase. (seems like I can use this to order gear or ask HQ for help)
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UNCC are reliable enough partners - United Nations Core Corporates is a grab-bag term for a vast and sprawling network of individual suppliers and providers amalgamating under a general regulatory oversight board and ruleset. I think the Deep Morphology suite adjustment is based on European Space Agency based research into beyond-frontier living conditions and acclimatization routines. I'll send you a phamplet, it makes for fascinating reading.

As for covering the cost of the procedure, indeed Agent, though some of it will have to be out of pocket. Er, hence the, uh, three credit extra cost. I'll get started on the request.

There IS something odd about Herbies chirping. It's actually a high pitched data-transfer compressed into a single ultrafrequenc burst, we're only picking up the lower scale harmonics with human-range hearing. It's part of a system to integrate information from multiple domains, though it's surprising to me that Subject FETCH is seemingly... responding.

You have some field samples, Agent Thorn, so I'll run some analysies of them overnight and see if we can decompress the samples. I don't think Herbie is neccessarily 'communicating' but... Something is odd about it.

It only really started after this mission, around the time we uncovered the cleaning drone botnet.

As for the TunisTech implants, I actually have some relatively benign news for you. Though it's still being finalised. The Oakheart, or, well, his Master of Tea Ceremonies (please hear that as 'elite level weapons smuggler') suggested they might be willing to share some of their hoped for acquisitions from our 'tealeaf' delivery. I've got some suites spinning up based on the first batch of decoded metrics, psych-composite sociobehavioural techs. Theoretically usable to load low-tier social manipulation with an additional temporary kick.

As for suits from the fabric, I think I see what you're getting at - basilisk hacking visual perceptive systems with intrusive patterns is *supposedly* state of the art TunisTech, a sort of high level aggregate of particular patterns that produce an aversive effect in the human visua-spatial system. I haven't... heard anyone actually manage to produce things in that space, it's all theoretical, but I think the idea is plausible. Still a lot we don't know about that line of development. It's all so... new. And the 'Ndragheta and other elements are scrambling to maintain their monopoly so uncovering the specifics takes long R&D time.

We might not be able to make suites - but I think we can kludge-hack a parallel by kludging together some holoprojection systems and embedded them in a standard suit. It could dial the proper patterns towards any detected humanscale observer. I'll... hm... I think there's some fertile ground there, Agent.

Thank you Agent Monarch, I'm going through the data-stream now. Magnospherical navigation, though? I wonder why.
I'll composite everything with TS Devonshires work up of Subject FETCH's biochemistry profile and as much genetic analysis as we can manage in the time available.

I think the files in total is likely to inform us what Dr. Despango was aiming for. Something has been scratching at my mind all night, and I think finally worked it out as I was pouring myself another cup of coffee. Wet-sample biological lab setups have cash burnrates in the high millions and require fairly intense procedural protocols to avoid cross contamination and leakage and other issues. And Dr. Despango was running all this out of his apartment? His medical suite was well stocked and state of the art, but it also looked ramshackle. You didn't get much time to investigte, but I've run the feeds through from when you passed by the corridor and a lot of it looked improvised - plastic sheeting to maintain cleanroom, loose wires, adjusted bolts.

Working theory is that the apartment complex was not Dr. Despango's main labratory. I think he took Subject FETCH there to faciliate some procedure, or possibly to help it recover after one? **If** so, there's a chance that locating Dr. Despango's actual labratory or working site will reveal significantly more. One thing that also stands out is that the R&D cost for novel frontier research isn't exactly trivial. He owed money to everyone, but relatively modest (comparatively, I mean) living conditions. So did he have partners? Backers?

If we isolate any known biomarkers that other researchers are affiliated with, it'll narrow down the field.

As for the Red Cranes, it's my understanding they're a light tactical unit with an emphasis on mobility operations. I think we lucked out - they weren't loaded for a throwdown but to handle relatively light security elements in a constrained urban environment. We run low footprint tech by neccessity - makes the job easir - but if their datamass were configured for full war-scale operations, secondary sensors would probably detect the signalling, packages or communications. Ironically it's hard to hide warfooting level jamming. Metroplex probably would have questions.

Also, hey, don't underestimate how many codehours we put into this toolkits! I'm pretty proud of the setup! Not my fault the rest of the universe hasn't learned to operationalize datasphere interactons! I hope they never do, it's one of the few edges we have!

Frangible rounds for low-level penetration in urban environments are by design not that lethal, Agent. They're meant to avoid overshooting into nearby residential areas. I'll see what I can do about the lethality issue, but the Red Cranes did deploy with modern light kinetic encounter tactical gear and full security plates. That's *rated* against small arms calibre smgs!

As for FETCH being originally a Cat... that's...
that's. . .

. . . huuuuuuuh.

Not transgenic. Genesplice. Transspecies uplift! Feywild. Old stories - r-right, agent? The king of the faries! They, uh, they-- the hill. They dance on a hill and if you get drawn in you come back different! Changelings! People kidnapped by the king of the faries and brought beyond the hedgerows to the fairy realms, they come back changed, they're changelings! Fetch! That's the-- the the-- the thing! the thing! The fake person thing! The fairies make it out of cobbled together bits and pieces and strewn about bits and *animal parts*!!!


Agent! He took a cat beyond the hedge and adjusted its-- he-- they-- this was on feed! AGENT FOLD! I NEED YOUR FEED!
Dr. Despango has definitely spliced something else into Fetch. Chocolate is toxic for cats, after all
File: Beyond the hedgerows.png (698 KB, 2008x1084)
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698 KB PNG
Become! What *we* can *become*!! He said it! He took a gun and put it to his temple and he was smiling and he said Wyld and he said *we*! *WE*! Become! CHANGE!!


It's a reproducible process!

Subject FETCH isn't a novel speciation event induced one time and grown over years, that's why his lab setup in the apartment is so low-spec!! She's-- it'!! It's PROOF OF CONCEPT!! He was keeping-- it- her-- them--the THING!! The subject!! In medical! He was keeping her in medical because he was monitoring biosigns after taking it out of whatever nutrient environment it grew it!! When it was a cat! The chocolate! It's a *novel gustatory impulse* to a creature that otherwise has a lethal immuno-response to theobromine! That's why it's relativel benign around people! It's *pre-domesticated!*

That's why Singularity Cloud wants it! Agents!!
It's not proprietary frontier genetics research in a single package well yes it is that too but it's a process! Subject FETCH is the test-case for a novel trans-gene treatment procedure!

He said stable, when he was comparing data! He was talking about Subject FETCH! Stable genetic sequencing with low base rate of negative mutations! No cancers, no immuno-issues! He did the thing somewhere else then pulled out and moved to his apartment to take samples and see long-term viability in a less-than-totally-sterile environment, how she reacted to dust and -- that's why he had so many cleaning drones, he was keeping the whole place spotless because he was worried about inducing a immuno cascade! He was acclimatizing FETCH to real world conditions. Outside of a proper labratory! Aack!

It's a cat!
Agents! Was a cat! Definitively is no longer a cat! A cat given some kind of beyond-state-of-the-art treatment, peptides, injections, whichever, and it manifests in **this**.


*What we can become*


Lock down that Subject and don't let it out of your sight and for the love of the stars do not let it bite anything we don't know if it's *infectious* and I'm not talking about rabies here I think the Changeling process is germline stable and *transmissible*!! What we can become! Wyld! He's going to drag the planet kicking and screaming into the vast blue wonder--

I'm going to need to check some of these __files__!!
Welp, toxoplasmosis has just become worse.
...yeah, one last thing Liren?
Please do more thorough background checks on our clients next time.
You know what, Agent Thorn.

yes i think i will.
Rolled 6, 3, 1 = 10 (3d10)

"Got it heading out"

AP3: Taunt the Ronan "Yet too fast to lose to you wouldn't you say (Manipulate 2 + persuasion 1)
AP3: Move 334
AP2: Move 44
AP1: Say as i barrel through the ruined door to cops outside. "You're Metro guys right your missing wrecking ball is hot on my tail!"
Free: Avoid from augments
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File: Order to go, please.png (95 KB, 998x652)
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Rolled 4, 2, 7, 5, 10, 9, 10, 7, 9, 10, 2 = 75 (11d10)

Agent Hazard? Agent Haz...

oh :(
File: AGENT HUD - OP END.png (115 KB, 701x633)
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115 KB PNG
All... active... agents clear of the incident area.
Proceed to safehouse, Agents.

Tallying final ops report.
I'm, uh. G-going to... pour out a glass here.
Rolled 3, 6, 3, 7, 3, 7 = 29 (6d10)

>Physical Therapy (6 Strain)
>+1 Processing (my handiwork will likely be admired on nationwide TV for a good couple weeks)
>+16 Credits
File: Teahouse Ceremonies END.png (713 KB, 1060x1020)
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713 KB PNG
We... made it.
Okay, we had some hiccups on the way but we made it.

Welcome to the Hong8 Teahouse, Agents. Contract killers and smugglers and blackguards they may be, but they serve a fine meal and at least they're honourable enough sorts. In a sense.

Slim Grace in Moring and Last Man on Last Street in Last Bar put in a good word for you. That, and the packages being handed over to their Master of Ceremonies ensures they'll treat you as honoured guests.

Uh, that.. uhm. Listen it's a sixteen course meal and skipping out early is a bit of a faux pass, socially speaking. Have some tea, lean back, and let the stress fade a little.

You've **definitively** earned it.

I'll get to work on that analysis of Herbie's signals, FETCH's biochemistry and other inbound issues.

==Field Phase End==

2, 16% [!!!]


7 (5%)

43 (11.4%)

==Collateral Damage==
3.6 Million, tentative, approximate, not fully accounting for psychological profiling, healthcare costs, car insurance claims, public infrastructure restructuring, Metroplex ops deployment budget...

==Collective Weeks of Hospitalization==
51 years, totalled across sector population

==Commutes Disrupted==
79% [!!!]

==Federal Terrorism Charges==

==Active Encountes With Armed Police Officers In A High Stakes Situation==

CS -3
Red Crane +1
Hong8 +3
Metroplex -1
Sector Government, -1
National Intelligence Service, -1





>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKG5Wv5rWxs&list=RDGMEMS5MTn5PN5WJmowOZKRa5Rg&index=28 [Embed]




>Please fill out END OF DEPLOYMENT paperwork
>Please provide any feedbac on equipment and tools, it's the only way Liren will know how to source different things!
Riiight, feedback. Knew I was forgetting something.

With whatever faction of SC we're going up against is playing for keeps, C7 and PDWs aren't going to cut it. We'll need more firepower, yes, but turning our next encounter into an all-out battle should be something we try to avoid. Though sourcing more powerful weaponry and defensive equipment would still be desirable, more capable electronic warfare platforms and drones would maximize our advantages over the Red Cranes.
File: NEXT TIME, ON....png (150 KB, 701x633)
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I've done some preliminary data operations, but I'm still chewing through the rest and following up on some leads.

Based on TS Devonshire's suggestions and with a prelimary genetic sequencing from samples (though incomplete, still waiting on large factor modelling), I can conclusively suggest that Subject FETCH needs novel amino-acid compounds. And that she had several traces of dog fur on her skin, along with a choice selection of other adorable critters. So on a whim I ran through some informatics queries, and I think I've got a lead on a local night market that traffics in animal specimens. If Subject FETCH has traces of bits from there, might be it's where Dr. Despango either had a workshop, knew some people or acquired samples.

We go, we ask around, we get as much information as we can *and* we get Subject FETC some materials we can use to work up something she can actually eat before she gets, uh, catty.

Luckily, Hong8 locals are pretty immersed in that environment so they'll be providing us a LOT of ground-side intel.


I've traced back the flightpattern of the two IRON TALON Vtols the Red Cranes deployed, along with some low level data operations on the agents remaining at Apex Rise. Their public media campaign is slowly working and it seems Dr. Despango's demise is being written off as a Hong8 influenced debt-related liquidation. They're coming out looking kinda like heroes, especially since the 'foul attackers' then caused a 'significant traffic event' to 'cover their dark clutches'. Media words, not mine. They pulled a forensics team out of Dr. Despango's apartment and moved to a secure holding facility in the sprawl. Very, very out of the way, minimal external footprint, shell company of a shell company of a shell company.

So, you know what that means: PMC blacksite. I bet you it's an archival and processing facility that Mr. Nakamura is using for his Red Crane related operations, tying into all this Frontier Genetics business. Obviously, it'll be guarded.

But it's the last thing they'll expect us to do, right?


Finally, I've put a few feelers out for Mox. Her intel on Dr. Despango's quite private residence, lucky arrival and follow-up reporting on the event is actually running a little counter to the official media campaign. I don't have any hard data to suggest it, but I've got a definitve feeling that's going to be a thorn in the side of Mr. Nakamura, Singularity Cloud and the Red Cranes. Murdering her on camera is probably out of the picture, but there's a lot of ways to threaten, silence or intimidate a witness if you're a creative, morally bankrupt sort. So I figure we bust two birds with one throw: We'll setup an overwatch cordon around Mox, keep her relatively safe *and* use this as a chance to lean on her in relation to her sources, her information and what else she knows about this whole thing. Can't be too sure anything bad'll happen. But. . .

. . . Well, Agents, that's up to you. You're the ones doing the field work.

What's your take here?

>Maybe throw in a suggestion, have an opinion or slide out a vote with the Hong8 tea appetizers
Let's check out the market. The girl gotta eat.
Agent Thorn will, in one of the very brief moments he isn't stuffing his face with dumplings and stuffed eggplant, show his approval of the night market operation.

"Still, don't we have any spare teams that could keep an eye on Mox? I know it's not our fault that she got herself into this mess, but she's at least *trying* to do good work here, even if it's just to get her ratings up. I feel pretty bad leaving her out to the wolves..."
>Medical Care
No injuries besides emotional scars.

>+1 Support
Providing support with flitdrones seems to be my specialty, definitely learned some new techniques from this mission.

>+16 Credits
#Agent Cheddar
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 2 I Support 4 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Support Operations 1
!Intelligence Analysis 1
4C: [ScanCloud RID] 3

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I I Aid Kit I Turkey Sandwich | Smokes | 16 Credits

Cheddar eyes the food in front of him. No noodles... Thank god.

"I'm also in support of Operation Hedgetrimmer, getting that thing food seems like a high priority. I prefer operating in open areas too."
Agents, you should be aware that the medical services provider list I attached earlier, was, uhh, well, you see, if you want to, we can make some... arrangements. The Factors should have mapped your system by now and the activation of additional subsystems shouldn't unduly stress your physiologies.

Field Grade One, see.

Here, let me forward you the warrantry, you can check it over dinner

>Which is all to say that as 'partial' reward for pulling off at mission with high 80% objective success rate and minimal casualties and collateral, you can, if you want, acquire an additional implant - capping at 2 - and change any you have around.

>The advanced medical procedure is *additive* - you trade in an Intention for +1 Implant. This does stack, but it does cost 3 credit each time - and do try not to zero out your dicepools. It kills you if an Intent hits 0.
Nothing says 'relaxing' like getting your insides rearranged.

>Add Hong8 [Needler Swarm 1-6].
>Exchange [Spliced Signals Access I] for 4C [Systemic Injection Vector 2].
Really splurging on us huh Liren?
We're heading to the market next, I think. Seems like a good call to grab that 4C Profiler.
Rolled 8, 2, 1, 3 = 14 (4d10)

>Psych Screening (4 Strain)
Just give me some peace and quiet and some paper and I'll be fine.
>Manipulate 3->4
I threw things around with force and precision. My last talk with the client could have gone better.
We could use more tactical options, I'll vote for a Tac Ops focus.
Did we analyze those unknown chemicals I found in the doctor's office? Do we know what they do?
>Credits +16

I'll hold off on the implant decision for now
We have... not. Some sort of novel compound, I think? Looks like solution contained archae and enzyme cofactors. Unknown biomarkers, no known match for the enzymes profiles. The archae are.. distinctly related to deep sea archae(/bacteria) cultures found around some active geothermal vents - extremophilic archae. Looks like they're relevant for industrial biotech production of denaturation resistant enzyme compounds. Hey, hm, that... octopus genomics. FEYWILD. Jellyfish. Echolocation. That's all deep sea aquatic environments, isn't it? It's one of the last unexplored frontiers on the planet, other than deep rainforests. Oh, anyway, without a full lab workup I can't be sure but I'm starting to...

Okay, uh, agents, bio-endocrinology 101 here and please do me the courtesy of pretending I am not liberally qouting from a series of scholar-geists and articles I've just called up.

Microbiota and epigenetic expression actually relates to archae - you have a few in your digestive tract. Mutalistic symbiotic co-evolution.

These don't match any known profiles but I think I see it. They're synthetic, derived lifeforms. I bet you this is how Dr. Despango -- the cat. Subject FETCH. Agent you're looking at a immuno-booster, functionally, a cultivated batch of neuropeptides, amino-acid compounds, enzyme cofactors and the micro machinery in living form, the archae, to ensure a viable homostatic rhythm. I think it's, uh, I think.. she... it... they...

I think it maintains FETCH's microbiological climate. I can't be sure, but you could try feeding her some. We know she's too different to be negatively affected by 99.8% of the biosphere so anything too problematic should be biologically inert to her. Send the rest my way for proper analysis.

If I'm right, it helps her maintain her metabolic pathways. I think it's a limiter - if she's germline stable she's functionally, uh, uhm, eerrhh, uh, well, when a boy cat and a lady cat loves each other very much, hum, so, uh, long-term population dynamics and, uhhhh-- so-- s-SO to maintain control if it escapes into the wild, outside of labratory conditions, maybe it's a population level control switch? Breakdown its ability to onboard nutrients and maintain cellular balance over time?
Tech Specialist Liren, by long-term population dynamics, do you mean SEX? Do you mean these compounds were developed in case of MATING to alleviate potential issues stemming from UNRESTRICTED COPULATION?
Ageeeeeeennnnnntttttttttttttttt p-please s-stop the targetted advertising filters are already locking dangerously close to my search pattern typology for 'feline', 'mating' and 'gestation' and I'm learning all kinds of horrifying new things about what you can do with advanced level 3d virtual reality modelling and haptic feedback suits and a sufficiently motivated hobbyist fandommmmmmmm

why is knowing what knotting is mission critical ops insight heeeeeeelp
Uh, what's it gonna mate with, TS? Isn't it the only one of its kind out and about right now? This is a fifth-order concern, if anything.
That said, I'm glad nobody injected unlabeled experimental drugs without first finding out what it is. Can you imagine? One of us injecting catgirl birth control? The outfit's reputation would be done for. We'd never hear the end of it.
Yeah, and if the modification can really be passed through bites like Liren suggested, then hypothetical TRYSTS is no factor regardless of the amount of LOVEMAKING that could realistically occur.
Right, in case of the subject escaping, a catgirlification outbreak is a bigger issue than it potentially getting down and dirty. Still, we should hold on to that vial of kitty Plan B. Could be more to learn about the subject's biology after further analysis. And it's certainly better off in our hands than with the Cranes.

induced ovaluators epigenetic sequencing markers hormonal profile reactions to specific trigger points invasive hybrid species transmission mumble grumble mutter why are these DIAGRAMS so DETAILED aiiiiieeeee

I'm throwing this work station INTO THE SEA


*transgenic catgirl biological microclimate stabiliser due to innate characteristic protein-folding enzyme defieciency* not *birth control*!! killswitch? limiter? immuno-booster? cell senesche switch preventer???

hard limit on population size development if they drop dead in two months from badly folded proteins! develop their own version of horrid prion problems! not hormonal profile adjustor not birth control like -- fu-- immunosuppressant for cancer patients!! Old sick grandmother take syringe feel better! Can't produce compounds required herself!! Go to long without it? sprawl boom botch cancer out the wazoo keel over dead dead dead dead all germline transmitted biomarkers with same sequencing, eg, all, dead dead dead, neat, tie in a bow, no run-away --






Catgirlifcation prevention switch is Wyld Compound!! Population density escalation unviable so long subjects unable to produce required bio-active compounds innately!
Life, uhhh, finds a way
I'm PRETENDING I didn't just have to sit through the last hour and I've asked Agent Holiday to light the workstation I was using on fire then throw the ashes into the sea then *boil the sea*.


Night Market Elated-Reprieve-From-Sorrows-Many-Chased-By-Dreams-of-Encroaching-Dawnlight, or, Night Market Reprieve Chaser is operates under a Hong8 business license. It's their turf.

Given how much favour the Boss of Bosses feels for us at the moment and our positive reputation, along with a few kind words from Slim Grace In Morning, Tener an, Jim and Last Man in Last Man on Last Street, we've got a few good *ins*.

Now, just because the Hong8 claim the night market as their turf doesn't really mean they rule it with an iron fist. They prefer a hands off approach, probably thinks it boosts entreprenurial spirit. The actual market is a hundred - a thousand? - bit shops, part places and weasely vendors in an evershifting conglomeration of commercial excess and a french kiss-with-a-compliment to the creativity capitalism can incentivise.

Lucky breakthrough on the last ... inquiries ... means I think I know what we're looking for, though this place is so sprawling that we're bound to find five other things as well.

While we're in the area, the Hong8 Master of Ceremonies for this teahouse we're crashing in has a small request. He's being prickly about the details, but I'll forward it to your systems once he's talking. I've let him know we'll at least look at it, since I figured that opened more doors than giving him the hard no. No pressure on actually *doing* whatever it is he wants, Agents. There's a fine line between working smoothly with powerful forces and accidentally ended up part of their posse, and although the Hong8 aren't the worst people around I get squirrely with the idea that someone out there thinks we're part of their knife-crews.

It's an open air market with a profusion of stalls, constant goings on and a hundred - thousand? - civilians flowing through at any moment. Lots of local mesh spam, lots of nooks and crannies, lots of everything.

Spec up for a quick, investigative, social, subtle time. No call for the biggest guns on this one, you'll be twiddling your thumbs in the van for hours if you come loaded for bear. MetroPlex,the Hong8, any local smalltimers, debt collectors, bully boys, mercs, marauders and maniacs are going to come down like a ton of bricks if anyone starts a massive shootout in the middle of a civilian space. That kinda thing gets your face thrown up all over the social feeds with labels like "Domestic terorrist" and "Manhunt" and "lifetime behind bars".

I'm not saying don't bring anything. We'll slide a few extra tools in the cars and go in lowkey. I'm just telling you that if you're bringing heat, try to bring something with a lower profile.
I'm throwing you some specs groundside for the lay of the land.

Proper brief to follow. For now, get your kit squared away, bandages applied, try some of the tea, and so on.

Maybe if you've got some choice commentary or feedback or suggestions, now might also be the time?

Otherwise, I expect ops prelimary analysis to be done in 24-48 hours.

Oh, and can someone, uh, check on Subject FETCH? Just... make sure it doesnt bite anything. Or spits in any food supply. I'm not entirely sure on the whole 'contamination vector' theory, but I think it's best if we don't take any chances. Maybe see if you can source some more chocolate?
Rolled 8, 7, 1, 5, 10, 5, 2, 10 = 48 (8d10)

>Psych Screening (Fleet/Furious 4 and 4 Strain)
"So I just drove you know?"

"It turns out not only firing your weapon but driving is very much physically demanding on the body. I've displayed what I think is an adequate amount of proficiency in both but I may need some time to apply myself. Still, mostly a stellar performance if anything."

"I got a lot of mileage out of these Feednades and less so from the Holoprojectors. I'll work on the latter I guess but the Feednades could do perhaps with something that provides more...shock? Stun? Heard sound vibrations can give headaches or induce slight sickness. If kept to a certain threshold I'm pretty sure it could be useful for that purpose? That's the extent of my equipment feedback."

It's probably been said but [How did all these people come upon the information of Verdant Green being in that location? Did he forget to turn off his locator on his socials or something? Hong8, RedCranes and even Moxie???]

The Roombas seemed to be prehacked, if this as already been looked into...

+16 Creds Baby
No such thing as too many drones.
>Add 4C:[HazeOrb RID]2.
>Implant Spliced Signals Access I
Question is, what *isn't* a mesh-signal in this day and age?
>Obtain 4C [Meshed ThermoOptics CamoCloak 2]
>Obtain Attentional CoProcessor
Factory level backdoors or careful prework. The Red Crane intrusion ops are pretty good. They likely had Dr. Despango under survailence for a while, timing the development of Mox Mimicry's arrival, the Hong8 debt collection team, and their PR efforts to make it seem as if he died of, uh, unfortunate entanglements.

Because our Agent Nakamura / XXX XXX works with Singularity Cloud it would be apparent that he kept track of one of their star researchers. This whole thing has likely been brewing for a while. It goes some way to demonstrate the internal tensions in SC over the feasibiltiy and applicability of Dr. Despango's research.

Good feedback, Agent. I think we can do something about their payload.

Most things have at least one - that's what makes the Spliced Signals system so relatively useful. 'Nearby' is usually counted as reach = value, but particular powerful signals get a bonus at larger distances. Signals don't 'repeat' stack from the same 'source', so 2 friendly agents is +2d10, not +1d10 for their systems, their gun, their knife, their grenade, their commsunit for a total of +22939d10 total.

Enjoy your teabreak, Agents?

>>6164729 →#p6164729
Rolled 8, 5 = 13 (2d10)

>Get Physical Therapy (2 Strain)

>Proficiency increases by +1 by virtue of my exemplary performance in vehicle handling and maneuvering on the crowded highways and the construction site.

My personal firearm was missing due to not being assigned one. This is clearly a fault in our quartermaster distribution and nothing to do with any personal paperwork problems. We should make sure all agents have a full outfit of field equipment before deployment.

Also, I give the motorcycle a stellar review, it is an amazing vehicle that every Agent should drive. We should get more of them and train more on them.

>Get Paid: +16 credits

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