In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.——————You are a crew member of the Claymore Class corvette, the Emperor’s Glory, one of the thousands of unsung workers on the mile long ship.The Glory was part of the fleet of sector Zeta-Zeta, one of the many sectors on the wrong side of the Great Rift, and among those who was left with no choice but to try to flee the doomed sector.The fleet was supposed to try to go through a thin part of the rift- but as many things had in this dark era, it gone terribly wrong. The storm scattered the fleet. Sensors and auspex failed, riots broke out as half the ship gone mad, you survive the week of hell.We just dropped out of warp. From what you heard is that the Vox is down and that the Astropath is unable to reach anyone.May the Emperor save us.——————Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6196336>>6196371Votes counted- writing.Can I have 2 Annons roll 6D20+4 (bonus +2 due to ambush).
>>6196452Forgot to mention- DC is 12
Rolled 5, 19, 20, 5, 11, 15 + 4 = 79 (6d20 + 4)>>6196452Ay, ay, Captain.
Rolled 9, 15, 13, 20, 18, 4 = 79 (6d20)>>6196452
Rolled 14, 3, 17, 1, 14 = 49 (5d20)>>6196497 9, 23, 24, 9, 15, 194 successes>>6196499 13, 19, 17, 24, 22, 85 successes (Winner)Rolling stun damage. Writing.
You're a young huntress! All the good men are gone in the baron's war. You must provide for the village.You have a short bow, a dagger and the knowledge of how to use them.Now go out there and catch some game!Choose your name.
>>6178478>The Wolf trail is usually a bad idea. It is the path people who don't know the woods well take and end up... well, dead. But you could chance upon something unusual there.high risk, high reward
>>6178477I don't think that arrow is going very far
>>6180569shut up chud, her archery is heckin valid okay
You are Tristain d’Rusalka, a noble from the United Kingdom of Fodlan born with unique abilities bestowed upon you by the Goddess. You have journeyed across the sea to the desert kingdom of Morfis after receiving an invitation to join a mysterious competition. Though you know little of the trials that lie ahead, the winner of this contest has been promised the hand of Morfis’ Princess, Yulia Xan Phanes, in marriage. Seeking adventures, thrills, and battles that would be worthy of your might, you embarked on this strange voyage with nothing but your trusted axe.Your journey took you to Ithaca, a research camp situated in the midst of a magical sandstorm that barred intruders. Shortly after your arrival, the camp came under attack by a clan of desert assassins. They kidnapped one of your companions, Alvin, and took over The Keep, a fortress where Ithaca’s researchers performed their most dangerous experiments. You and your companions stormed the stronghold, facing enemies that included not just the assassins, but also monsters, ancient spirits, and even a skeletal clone of yourself.Having rescued Alvin, you learned that he was the target of the assassins, who were seeking an object in his possession that would open the way to Tartarus, a great tomb that had been sealed away for thousands of years. With two more destinations to go before you reached Morfis, it was likely that you would face additional threats to your safety.But this was a prospect that excited you greatly.>Tristain d’Rusalka>Level 26/50 Lord (EXP: 60/100)HP: 54/54 (120%)Strength: 28 (65%)Magic: 18 (40%)Speed: 17 (30%)Defense: 20 (60%)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6196561“200.” Tobias says, taking a seat and closing his eyes. He runs the numbers through his head for but a brief moment. “We have 40 wyvern riders left who are capable of taking flight. The rest were poisoned by that damned whore. In addition, our infantry can field around 60 men. Lord Uriyan has brought with him 35 Almyran wyvern riders. Top quality, each man. Even if he decides to lend us his aid, we’re still outnumbered by quite a bit. We’d be relying heavily on these serpents that you claim to have won over to your side.”“Those serpents claimed to have around 100 warriors of their own. With them, the numbers would look at least a bit more even.” Alvin remarks. “Adjunct, what do you suggest?”“Attacking the hideout is a dangerous gambit. A successful raid on a stronghold of the Cult of the Serpent hasn’t taken place in over a hundred years. Even with the aid of our newfound ‘friends,’ we still hardly have an idea of the specifics of what we may be walking into. Still…I cannot stomach the idea of what they are doing. Turning innocent men, women and children into Terrors to strengthen their army…it’s barbaric. I’d like to wring the neck of this Marek myself, and the sooner the better. But I will defer to whatever decision you and Tristain make.”“Lord Tristain.” Tobias says darkly. “I am of the same mind as the Adjunct here. If they try to take us in Hima, I am confident we would smash them, with or without the help of your followers. But those villagers that were stolen fall under my protection. To leave them to their fate would haunt me the rest of my days. I am willing to mobilize my men and attack this Marek at his home, but I need your assurance that you can control these turncoat serpents.”Things had fallen on you. Whatever you decided on, the fate of Hima and the Cult of the Serpent would drastically change.>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.>B): Fortify Hima’s defenses and prepare for an assault.
>>6196564>>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.We are a good guy, aren't we
>>6196564>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.Penelope is counted among our loyalist cult yes?
>>6196568Surely she'd be awake from the thrashing you gave her by then.
>>6196564>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.Hard mode, eh? I'm down. We'll need to genuinely get Eman's Chapter of the Cult of the Serpent on our side, and then protect them afterwards if they perform well, but I'm willing to tango.
Archive:>You are Son Peppa, Son Gohan, and Izumi Mahogany, children of Earth’s heroes, Maple, Goku, Acer, and Chi-chi>“Canon” has taken a radical shift from the series’ norm, you’re just one part of it, and things could go even further off the rails from here>Mechanics and character details in the pastebins here:Peppa: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6196208Don't forget to archive this
>>6196203Was a great time boss, so much fun was had. Happy birthday to you!>>6196223>>6196332How about you let the QM be the one to archive it next time?
>>6196560I linked to the wrong post
You were a black dragon, a terror that haunted the dreams of mortals, your presence alone enough to drive entire regions to despair. In other words, you did as a dragon does; you showed the weak why they ought to fear the powerful. And you took pride in it. Is it not a noble pursuit to teach those lesser understanding of the world?As a tuition fee you collected all things beautiful. Not only gold and gemstones, but also fine works of craftsmanship, be they arcane or mundane. And, of course, beautiful women, and the occasional men too. Although the fleetingness of youthful beauty made you indulge. After all, they weren't objects to keep forever.Of all things, it was that last fact that angered an elven goddess. You had always been under the impression that gods won't interfere with mortal affairs, and yet her avatar came to personally curse you.You were transformed into a weak human, a woman. Impeccable smooth and soft skin, shoulder long and equally smooth black hair, supple mounds on the chest, and just enough fatty tissue on the arms and legs to show generous nourishment the likes of which only aristocracy or clergy can enjoy among humans. And, while you haven't been able to see your face yet, you know without a doubt that the elven goddess has chosen your appearance to mock you. A beauty that you would go out of your way to collect for your hoard.That beauty is now adorned with leaves and twigs in her hair and scratches on her skin from traversing the forests undergrowth naked. You still think of this body as not yours, despite all the physical sensations to contradict it. The weakness, the cold, the pain. All sensations that you haven't felt in decades. You want your body back, and you want revenge on that goddess. You don't know how to do that. Informing the dragon god would be a big step, but right now you need to survive.
that was the last one for today, good night folks
>>6196435>Try to reasonHow on earth did he tail and sneak up on a natural hunter like us
>>6196435>throw dirt, run>>6196459Staying near a source of water is usually a bad idea unless you are certain nothing could take you even with surprise.
>>6196435>>Try to reasonI fear we will lose our backpack next if we try to run again
>>6196435>Fight with sharp rock
It was a dark and stormy night, not that you knew or cared about the weather. You were too busy having been reborn from your past life as a[ ] teenage McDonalds worker[ ] mid-twenties office peon[ ] middle-aged Hollywood star[ ] retired garbage collector[ ] write inAnd now, here you were - a wrinkly newborn, born into what you would come to know as a peasant family straight out of a fantasy world. Expect, if you were living a fantasy, you wouldn't be placing yourself in it as a peasant.Oh, well.Where does your family live, anyway?[ ] On a farm in the middle of nowhere.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>Focus on the enemy soldierYou squint at the armoured man, light catching off the metal as he holds the priest's head. Through the thin slit in his helmet, you can see two yellow sparks, glowing like the bird skeletons' eyes.As he calls out his demands, you keep your attention focused on him, tiny fingers clutching at your swaddling cloths, when another surge of information suddenly flares in your mind.+ Analysis increased to Lvl 1!× NAME: UNKNOWN× STATS: UNKNOWN× FACTION: Evil× DETAILS: UNKNOWN× Raise your Analysis or Perception to learn more!... Thanks, Analysis. Very helpful.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Rolled 42 (1d100)>>6177086We should focus on improving our hand-eye coordination now, while we have maximum neuroplasticity. If we lean hard into Agility and Dexterity, we'll have the potential to be a dangerous swordsman.
Rolled 16 (1d100)>>6177086>What is your development goal for the next two months of life?Speech. Communication’s probably the best thing we could learn while we’re still just a helpless baby.
Rolled 46 (1d100)>>6177086>>6177090 +1
>>6177090Supporting.Quest seems dead though.
It is the autumn of the year 1254, Anno Curia, with winter approaching ever so slowly from the frigid north upon the normally so pleasant valleys that you have nestled your armies in. There thankfully won't be much snow like there is back home. Nor will it be so cold as in Greifswald, but nevertheless you want to be prepared for the inevitable.Yet there are dark clouds already gathered over the Mithradian Archipelago; the infidel has been put on the back foot. But now it is the crusaders themselves who threaten to jeopardise the war effort, and Mithradianans themselves have proven no aid either. That one of them has declared himself king is perhaps the worst thing that could have happened at that moment, but it would seem that ambition has won out over nobility in the hearts of man.For now, you can only watch the developments down south with caution. Montpelerin has carved out for himself a very rich realm, and he will entrench himself in it with every day that passes. Your hopes are now focused upon the other three 'big' leaders of the crusade, Marlwick, Castelanne, and Westernesse, and the unaligned knightly orders. There are a lot of players in this game, you have found, and a lot of them are completely untrustworthy.Yet that is not all that you are concerned with, nor is it the biggest problem ever. If you can manage to build a coalition of northern crusaders, you could force Montpelerin to come to terms; aside from that, you could also stand stronger against the imperial government, the Doge of Alotoro, and the infidels themselves. Though with the campaigning season behind you, it will have to wait until next year.Now, you are combing through the bowels of a palace built upon the ruins of an ancient fortress, searching for any clues that may help you achieve your goals. The forge that you found there could serve as the main supplier of arms for the campaign of next year. And indeed, it is a grand thing; the furnaces stand empty, their mouths cold and deprived of their molten metal. The anvils and their tools stand rusted and decayed. Whatever was left of the products stored in the storerooms had also rusted. Getting this place running again might require you to invest some significant resources, both material and human, into this place. But there is an anvil unlike the other. Not black and metallic, but marble, with golden engravings. It emits a faint golden glow with a soft metal hum. It is broad, heavy, and pristine, untouched by time and neglect. A hexagonal hole in the middle, or perhaps it's better to call it a slot or a keyhole.Obviously something belongs there, but when you came down here the first time, you couldn't find the damn thing; you discussed it with the Vilicus, a being who fills the same station as the seneschal back home. Nevertheless, after consulting him and looking around for any place such a thing might be stored, you, like many before and after you, spend a few hours in silent suffering searching for the key
>>6195745>The palace guard captain said that the regular guards are on the eunuchs side, but he didn't say anything about the Varangians. I want to meet with them.
>>6195745>The palace guard captain said that the regular guards are on the eunuchs side, but he didn't say anything about the Varangians. I want to meet with them.Save the sewers for an emergency. Besides, they may be watched, once the runaway's disappearance could not be explained any other way.
>>6195745>The palace guard captain said that the regular guards are on the eunuchs side, but he didn't say anything about the Varangians. I want to meet with them.If they are like in history they are fiercely loyal to the emperor.
>>6195745>>The palace guard captain said that the regular guards are on the eunuchs side, but he didn't say anything about the Varangians. I want to meet with them.
>>6195745>>I want to meet with the Senate. They are formally still the highest legislative power in the empire.
You are Nicole Smith. You are a SHIFTer, a person capable of using anomalous abilities to alter the world around you. You are a Cleaner, a deniable asset used by massive mega-corporations called the Alphabet Companies and anyone else willing to pay you. Most of your jobs are from your Handler, a member of a powerful family who asks you to check up on things or 'clean' up messes for him.All of this is taking place in the City, a massive megacomplex spanning across hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions of square miles. Being a Cleaner is one of the most efficient ways to make money in this continental sized megacomplex if you know what you're doing.You get the drill.As for how that job is going? Not half bad!You teamed up with a group of revolutionaries down at an abandoned underground facility and dealt with a handful of anomalies down there. In the process of working with them, you brought a soviet soldier from WW2 back into the future through anomalous time travel means. You proceeded to head to a rave to unwind, got a new body for a body possessing ally to control and started to prepare for your next mission. This was hampered a bit by your apartment complex and the surrounding block turning into rubble thanks to the Spooks trying to mess with G-Corp.You carried on regardless and started your latest mission: Checking up on your Handler's extended family to see how they're holding up. You have to travel all across the City to do so but the first stop at Q-Corp was quick and easy. You had to kill a sniper and deal with an android trying to defame you but you easily secured the first Foxtrot. That's when you moved to D-Corp for the second one.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Where to go, Nicole? Choose your last location, you'll head to L-Corp after this. >[UPGRADED MAP] [SIDE OBJECTIVE] REAPER'S EMBRACE. A large mass grave deep in the center of the subdistrict. Rumors say one single man is responsible for the deaths of 90% of the people here. You could acquire a new PERMANENT ally here. More help is always wanted.>[UPGRADED MAP] PLANTINUM HILLS. A small but prosperous town due north directly ran and owned by R-Company. Could be a good place to spend and gain some favors to help out in future exploration both here and in L/M-Corp.>PALM OF GOD. A large archeological/mining camp that's the host of a massive relic rush on par with old world gold rushes. Hey, maybe you're lucky enough to strike gold.>ANGEL'S MAW. A former religious site popular with L, N and O-Corp that has sadly been abandoned. Could give some lore on the aforementioned districts, might help you deal with Gabriel later.>BLOOD DEBTOR INC. A traveling caravan with the express purpose of spreading awareness of bounties they want fulfilled. Could have a LOT of sidequests that you could fulfill in L or M-Corp >Just fucking leave this district. You have the target in possession!!! (You'll head to L-Corp next.)--------Looking back at it, I think this is the longest mission you've been a part of. Granted, it's been three mini-missions stapled together and a lot of side objectives eating up time and my schedule has gotten completely out of wack due to life issues. Point stands.So, as a compromise, I'll compress L and M-Corp into one section. In universe, their districts border each other. Out of universe, M-Corp will just be treated as a short 'optional objective' on par with, say, the gangbangers in D-Corp instead of voting for whether you'd want to visit there after L-Corp. I apologize for the delays, by the by. We'd probably be here over, like, a week ago if I was more stringent with my uploads.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6196478>[UPGRADED MAP] [SIDE OBJECTIVE] REAPER'S EMBRACE. A large mass grave deep in the center of the subdistrict. Rumors say one single man is responsible for the deaths of 90% of the people here. You could acquire a new PERMANENT ally here. More help is always wanted
>>6196525+1Meet Vincent and GO
>>6196478>I apologize for the delays, by the by. We'd probably be here over, like, a week ago if I was more stringent with my uploads.You're still cool QM, please don't burn out
The Church of the Sun uncovered an ancient secret about the world - the gods created a powerful ritual which when successfully performed can make a continent raise from the sea floor, but by doing so one or more existing continents might sink! Further research is needed, but it is possible that all major cataclysms in the past were caused by someone performing this ritual.The ritual was uncovered by translating slabs from an ancient underwater Nagah temple recovered by an intrepid group of adventurers. According to these texts, the ritual can only be performed once per millenium at most. According to the sages calculations, the most recent ritual... was already performed a few years ago and no one noticed.So there is a whole new continent somewhere in the Endless Ocean to be settled!The Church of the Sun loses no time and finances an expedition to the unknown continent. Ten vessels, each with 200 crew, are sent to colonize the new land.Many stormy months later, about half of the vessels crash land against the rocks of an unknown continent.Sick, starving and cut off from the rest of the world, the new colonists must decide how they are going to live from now on!But they must decide quickly - the land ahead is unforgiving, and all kinds of amphibious creatures are already beginning to claim it for themselves.The people decide their new city will be called Naga. They get together and decide on a system of government.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6184658Year 27You send troops around the siege area to figure out where the snakes are coming from. There is a vast marshland filled with them! Tens of thousands!Our luck they're really slow...The snakes eventually give up and go home and the siege is broken.> Prepare a massive incursion to cleanse the land of these ungodly beasts> Tell the priestesses to do some fertility rituals, we don't have enough numbers for this> Leave the snakes alone for now> Write inComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6184660>Tell the priestesses to do some fertility rituals, we don't have enough numbers for thisMore babies is always good.>Train shieldbearersTime to bulk up!
>>6184660> Tell the priestesses to do some fertility rituals, we don't have enough numbers for this>Build Chitin TroopersTroops armoured in chitin may be the only option we have on short notice to be able to deal with the snakes in close range.
>>6184660> Tell the priestesses to do some fertility rituals, we don't have enough numbers for this>Train shieldbearers
>>6184660> Tell the priestesses to do some fertility rituals, we don't have enough numbers for this> Train troops (child soldiers)Maximize forces!
The Third (don’t ask what happened to the second) Thread in Fatale Albion!The First Thread: Threads by Lumina Canima: (please do not skip this)◕ Fatale Albion is a Spin-Off of Lumina Canima’s “Meguca Royale”, taking place in the U.K. Three players have already been selected in the first thread, one has quit and another took their place in the second. They each will answer to their own prompts with their own characters. This Quest will have major spoilers for PMMM, so if you haven’t watched it yet and don’t want me to ruin it for you, watch it right now or else. If you still want to read and participate in this quest then I’ll have something to show you.◕ In the previous thread, the Witch was “Neutralised” and every civilian lost in the woods had been evacuated. Now the main concerns are whether Alba Appleton should follow up on Marisa’s invitation, and how Abigail is going to explain her deal with Claire. Along with Stephanie’s reaction to the “Soul Gem Talk”.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6192070After the call I realize I'm not at all dressed for a date and fuss with Claire hastily going through my wardrobe for something that's cute but not too gaudy but not too relaxed but I want to look nice but that one's too pink but that's too dull and isn't that skirt way too short, it barely reaches my shins?!?Ok, so, I'd like to talk with Oliver about what I learned about all this magic stuff, vent to him about how disagreeable some of the magical girls are, the tragic case of the witch (which I will tactfully omit how we dealt with), and whether I should open up about this with my father who definitely has no experience about this stuff. It's not like he knew anybody that was magical right? I've never even heard of magic until the kyubey thing came to me, so there's no way it's common at all... even if somehow a witch comes every two days. Ah... this is all so serious. We should also just talk about less world-shattering things, try to relax some. Maybe there's a movie coming out soon we could watch together? Oliver always knows what to say, he can probably help me calm down.
guys i'll take a minute while marie is cooking. mihanon caught me on twitter and we've been having a chat, and i kinda got to wonder, regarding the original unholy sextet: do you guys still even remember at this point? like, do you still care? cause it's been a while, and i was wondering if an epilogue or something is long overdue at this point since you guys stuck to the end and i couldn't deliverjust in case yall niggucas still lurk the marienas's trench
>>6193441Rita will always remember...Rita will always care...I miss you menhera motherfuckers
>>6193441I'll never forget dude. Even if we wait our whole lives, even if the honeymoon phase already passed. The original story was eight years for Homura and aeons for Madoka, and for the fans it's been 14 to get some fucking closure. There's no end to it. We just gotta hope.
>>6193441Told ya
It is May 19th 0079, of the Universal Century, five days since your first two missions and the Federation's first victory against Zeon in the Australian front. Brigadier General Warren Keller organized scattered Federation forces into a formidable fighting force, launching an operation to retake a major port base in Brisbane to re-establish supply lines with the mainland Federation forces and build a solid foothold to reclaim Australia from the Spacenoid invaders. Though Keller received credit for the victory, you are still widely recognized for the vital role you played in the Battle of Brisbane. For your pivotal contributions to the battle- successfully shooting down two Zakus, saving the lives of your squad mates, and convincing the Zeon base commander to surrender peacefully to prevent further bloodshed in a massive battle, you earned two promotions and a few shiny medals that you don't quite know what to do with. You are now Corporal Jag Rommel- squad leader of your own anti-Mobile Suit specialist unit, one of three squads that make up the 7th anti-MS platoon lead by your former squad mate Yunnus Wynn. It's something you're still trying to get used to, both in responsibility and the way others now treat you. For your nearly unbelievable contributions, you have started to become a bit of a folk hero to your fellow infantrymen. The pressure of their expectations bear down on you, adding to the weight of the lost souls you feel obligated to carry on your shoulders. Not only that, corrupt officers are beginning to pester and harass you. Some covet the fame and achievements you've achieved, convinced that your glory is nothing but tall tales and stretched truths that you somehow got Keller to believe. After all, how could a fresh recruit achieve so much in so little time, in the profession with the highest mortality rate? Whatever the case, it sickens you that even in such dire times, there are those that only think of themselves and what they can stand to gain amidst the horror and bloodshed, but you try to keep yourself centered and focus on your goals.It is currently midday, and you are:>Out for a walk, thinking about the last time you spoke with Will and Helena>In the mess hall, listening to Gaspa entertain the other soldiers as he recounts the Battle of BrisbaneComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6178605>>6179201>>6179498His actually talked about why and shit like that in the past in chat, However his been fucking gone for awhile from his update.His talked about running or importing it all over to the site though at some point in the possible future. nobody ever goes for the best girls.
yo..... still unsatisfied ?
everything okay qm?
Sorry for the silence, everyone. It started out from several rewrites, but I’ve gotten really preoccupied dealing with life shit after I lost my computer and half my shit in a fire. I swear every time I try to start a quest my life goes to shit. Maybe I’ll try smaller updates so I just don’t leave you all hanging after I get home tonight.
>>6188711that sounds awful. Its not a problem for posting if that happened is reasonable that you want to take care of that first.just wondering if you where still here, so thanks for posting. i hope things get better
WELCOME TO THE AMERICAN FEVER DREAM.Have you ever heard such an eye-catching phrase? The poster before you certainly draws the attention of anyone who notices it. It's endearing, even. Yet you are filled with regret every time you look at it --- the landmine loaded with high-explosive cynicism could blow up in your face if you let your gaze linger upon it for too long.You walk backwards, plunk yourself down into your office chair, and let out a long exhale out of deep relief, having finished moving the last of the boxes to your new Office in District P. Your wandering eyes drift upwards, following your invisible breath as one would follow a rising trail of cigarette smoke. Sometimes, it's important to mindlessly contemplate the eroticism of ceiling tiles. And some other pleasant-sounding nonsense.Anyway.You suppose you should introduce yourself.OFFICE CALM (Atrium Carceri, Cities Last Broadcast, God Body Disconnect - A Thousand Empty Rooms) are JOHN SMITH or, to put it another way, MISTER ANONYMOUS. Your name is not terribly important these days.But, in the gaze of others, the work that you do has earned you the moniker of a TROUBLESHOOTER. Someone who finds trouble, and shoots it.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6187739>Shoot this guy in the head for punching you in the back of your head. Justice, City style.Get fucked
>>6188705Can we do this after we interrogate him or if he refuses to talk?
>>6187739>>Interrogate the robot about the independent mission.Then>>6187762
You're Larry, the hill giant, just chilling in your hill when suddenly you feel an ominous sense of impending doom, as if the entire world is going to collapse and reality is about to end."I'm hungry," you say out loud.You open your giant sack to see if you have any food left. Nope, no food—just a bunch of worthless silver you accidentally got when you ate a merchant.Well, time to get some bacon. You grab your club and decide where you're going to get your next meal.> Into the nearby farmland. You could steal a cow. It's pretty safe, but the farmers might get angry. > Into the forest. You could club a bear, a boar, or a wolf to death and eat it, but you might get harmed. > Ambush another caravan. With some luck, you can eat a horse, an ox, or a donkey, and put the merchant in your sack. > Write in.
>>6173690> Go around the swamp through the westSwamps gross, go around…
>>6173690> Go around the swamp through the eastWe probably need to wipe our ass after taken that big fat shit. Elves are the perfect size and shape for cleaning our crack
>>6173690> Go around the swamp through the west>>6174056While I don't disagree with you thicket of trees are a bother to traverse, and a human noble wearing finery would serve just as well for asswiping purpose.
>>6174078Humans are a bit bulkier than elves though so sticking one in for a proper deep cleaning is a lot more painful
>>6174056+1 for elven asswiping
Long ago, this continent flourished under the reign of an advanced magical civilization, one whose unparalleled mastery of arcane arts allowed them to command the very forces of the infernal. These sorcerers bound powerful demons to their will, using them as tireless servants and conduits for their magic, reshaping the world with an almost godlike touch. Yet, their dominance was not eternal. The heavens shifted in a cataclysmic cosmic conjunction—a rare and chaotic alignment of celestial bodies that unleashed devastation upon the land. The intricate bindings that held the demons in servitude shattered like brittle glass, freeing these vengeful entities. With a fury born of centuries of bondage, the demons tore through their former masters and their grand cities, leaving only ruins and death in their wake. The continent, once a beacon of wonder, became a forsaken wasteland haunted by demonic predators.In the vacuum left behind, other civilizations across the world began to thrive. No longer overshadowed by the oppressive might of the sorcerer-lords, they grew in strength, ingenuity, and independence. The title "Demon Lord," once signifying a mighty magician who ruled with legions of infernal minions, faded into myth.Generations later, tales of the fallen land's treasures and mysteries lured colonists from a distant western realm. Driven by ambition, desperation, or the promise of glory, they boarded ships and braved the seas to claim these cursed lands as their own. However, they were not fools—they knew the dangers that lurked. Among their number traveled a single, resolute Demon Hunter, sworn to protect the settlers and face the infernal beasts that still prowled the shadows.That Demon Hunter is you. But who are you, truly? > Duelist: You are a master of agility and precision, wielding twin blades in a deadly dance. A small crossbow rests on your back, reserved for moments of dire necessity. Armor slows the nimble, so you wear little, relying instead on your speed and skill to outmaneuver both demon and man.> Arbalest: A sharpshooter of unmatched precision, you carry a colossal crossbow capable of devastating power. Its dual firing modes allow you to strike with singular force or unleash a volley of smaller bolts in rapid succession. Close combat is not your strength, but a short sword at your side provides a last line of defense.> Peace Priestess: Blessed by divine grace, you walk unharmed among the demonic hordes, shielded by the Goddess’s Pact. As long as you do no harm to any living creature, no demon may lay a hand upon you. You carry no weapons but hold a satchel of healing potions and the knowledge to brew more. Instead of battling demons, you barter with them, offering your own blood in exchange for their magical aid. Yet, mortals are bound by no such covenant, leaving you vulnerable to human threats. > Write in
OP ?
C'mon man
Welp, a shame this was short-lived
>Previous Thread on Alola Quest, Amon G. Sus, trainer extraordinaire, and homeless boy gifted with a 60 day all expenses paid vacation, found himself in a mock Totem Battle against Totem Ribombee! It's Blissey Partner hit the field. Can your Croagunk defeat such an impossible foe?Croagunk managed to make more of a glancing blow to Blissey but it still hurt. The two back off away from Croagunk and give Croagunk another opportunity to strike. If he's quick.>Blissey 12/15 hp>Ribombee 16/20 hp>What next?
Rolled 4 (1d100)>>6193627i am sure about the plan. try to hit em when they are pulling in the air to turn into that tornado. use it to slingshot a huge cloud of spores right into their faces. before following up with Clear fog. i assume they will take at most two hits to defeat our good fungal boi but we might be able to inflict some more damage before it defeats us. best case for that is getting a debilitating status effect lets hope and pray to arceus?
Rolled 36 (1d100)>>6193652+1pray to knock out one of them
>>6193729>>6193652>>6193627>>6193729"Use as much Stun Spore as you can! As much Stun Spore as possible! Go all out!" Amon says. Foongus shoots a massive amount of spores but the cloud is being rained out. If it isn't utilized soon it won't even matter. Pelipper flies away upwards. It aims right above Foongus. "Foongus return!" You return Foongus. "Go Darmanitan Psychic and pull Pelipper down into the cloud!" You send out Darmanitan who wastes no time. He glows purple and raises a hand into the air and Pelipper looks surprised as Darmanitan manages to pull it into the spores. "Now crush it!" Darmanitan puts the squeeze on Pelipper...>Roll beating a 80 or else something bad will happen...
Rolled 6 (1d100)>>6195774Lets goooo
Rolled 69 (1d100)>>6195774You have activated our trap card