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It is the spring of the year 1254. In Mithras, the archipelago has shattered in pieces as the ancient empire desperately calls for aid from the accident, with heathen fire-worshippers encroaching upon their heartland. In Castana, a man stands imprisoned as the princes, merchants, and bishops bicker and scheme, and the eagle from beyond the mountains casts its wings over the land. The crusade was already called in 1253, but the armies are just arriving now, eager for glory and absolution. But not all come to Mithras out of duty or zeal; some come for the gold, others for the land to be gained. But all know one thing: whether they are noble or commoner, chivalrous or knavish, heathen or faithful, steel shall clash and blood shall flow.

When you left Rittersbach, you had expected there to be a lot more gallantry and battle. Those hopes were rather quickly dashed when you now still stand looking at a man behind bars; in a rag, not even the most humble of monks or destitute of beggars would be caught. Guy of Guisbes is different from the priests you usually deal with. A rebel against his own hierarchy, resentful of the bishops, deacons, and cardinals. Still, with him incarcerated, there is not much he can do; he is politically impotent, and his planned monastic state seems to have slipped from his fingers. Cardinal di Cremolora put him in the custody of the Gonfaloniere, the ruler of the city, and if you were to free him, you should first temper his radicalism; he is dangerous, after all. He speaks both Tauten and Aurilén, and could control his followers by virtue of being the only one able to speak to them.

''You claim that the church is full of corrupt and power-hungry men, but now you are attempting to create your own nation? Is that not dishonest of you?''

''I do want to take over myself, at least not without heavy limits and check on my power. The episcopal model has failed in my eyes, monks and the laymen should both be able to elect their own leaders, these leaders would then cooperate with each other, one attending the secular needs and the other the spiritual.''

Well that is one question answered at least, though there is a other one, members of the clergy are banned from bearing arms or actively fighting, how would he defend against those who don't care about Curian doctrine?

"Wouldn't that just be a society that will be attacked and taken over by a more militant, centralised state?"
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And as if boasts were facts. Wittekind alone of the poor animals looks healthy; the stallion almost instinctively walks over to you; he wants to ride, and so do you. No more of the ever wobbling decks of the ship; rather, it shall be the solid ground beneath you and the wind in your hair as you gallop freely through the open fields. But first, the legate.

Obviously, he would either be at home, in a church, or attending the Mithradian court as the pontiff's official representative. You mount Wittekind and set off; even if you don't find a hint of the legate, you can at least explore the city. Though you don't have to look long, as you enter a street, you see a litter carrying a man dressed in red with a white-brimmed hat. A cardinal, and most likely the legate as well. You decide to ride up to him, to formally greet him, and to introduce yourself.

When you're about thirty paces from him, he orders his palanquin to come to a halt with a motion of his hand. He looks ill, though that is less due to any disease and more because of his profound sweating. He looks at you with the look of someone who received good news a week earlier than expected.

''I greet you, young lord. I wasn't expecting any crusaders for at least another week; you are early. Punctuality is a virtue I can appreciate, but normally even the most diligent people don't come to work early.'' By now you had approached the litter up close. This cardinal is unlike Cremolora; his hair is brown, he himself is younger, and he has a strong chin and jawline, untainted by age.

He wipes his sweat off with a silk handkerchief. ''Forgive me, but this isn't where I am usually stationed; my garments aren't meant for this land, and I myself am not from a country with comparable heat. I take it you have some questions, yes? I cannot answer most of them. The Basileus keeps a close lid on military matters, and he will only receive you next week.''

>Your eminence, I would like to know the latest developments in this empire if you would please.
>I have to ask, your eminence, where can I lodge my men? Keeping a few thousand soldiers in a city they aren't garrisoned in is asking for trobl
>Can you tell me something about the infidel? Or their leader?
>You wouldn't happen to know a good teacher in Mithradian?

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>I have to ask, your eminence, where can I lodge my men? Keeping a few thousand soldiers in a city they aren't garrisoned in is asking for trouble
>>I have to ask, your eminence, where can I lodge my men? Keeping a few thousand soldiers in a city they aren't garrisoned in is asking for trobl
>>Can you tell me something about the infidel? Or their leader?
Sorry, but I had some personal matters to deal with. I will return as I have more free time.

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A world where might makes right. A world of Jade and Gold, of Phoenix and Dragons, of Pills and Talismans, of Martial and Spiritual arts.
A world where diligent training yield strength, meaning freedom. A world where loneliness means death, meaning social chains.
A world still unfair, as the ones reaching the heavens are most likely born rich - be it political riches of the aristocrats, power of secret knowledges and hidden realms of clans, or lucky enough to be born one-in-a-thousand genius.

This was not the case of Quiet Word - that is, (You).
Your current skill level being on par with said genius of your age? Lucky encounters and a knack for navigating social situations.
You know a fair amount of technic for such a young cultivator, but your strength lies in the impressive amount of Bonded Spiritual Beasts - A Hawk spirit, a Horse spirit, a Snake spirit and a Wolf spirit.
Speaking of that last one, you didn't told a world about him to anybody. As a scion of the Primordial Wolf spirit, its father warned you of its worth and how people could want to rip it away from you.
Said worth comes from its ability to Fuse without restriction - fusion being a secret of the higher ranking of your sect, secret you have almost completely rediscovered on your own. Alright, the Primordial Wolf might have helped you on that point.

Recently, your sect, the Eastern Branch of Tamers of Hundred Beast is currently under political attack from the Symphony of Gilded Waters.
This sect attempt to increase their relevence on the global scene by stealing some of yours. They are backed up by the Turtle Copper Sect, as your senior brother Bathias discovered.
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Which is a fine trade in my opinion.
Ryota can handle the issue himself, and unless they cross paths with us then. . Well. They may have suspicion but not much else to go on.
Support we need a new meditation
>However we ask master if they are trustworthy enough to befriend or not if no use merchant trading private. If yes make connections with someone strong as a backer.
I remember from I shall seal the havens the reliance sect. And the idea of relying on others.

I figure also the gold town is happy with this. Improved cultivation style and profiting.
As one Dao of accounting says "Everything must add up or YOU will be subtracted"
>Give the Needles to Snake Mistress. I'd give them to Martin Mistress since she seems more needle-drive, but I'm not sure if she's in our sect. Does Snake Mistress know the skin shedding technique? Among other uses (for me the long term use of using it as and inspiration to shed into a new form) it would allow those of use with the golden skin foundation to harden ourselves and step out of our armored skin, leaving good armor behind as a minor treasure for the sect.
>Sell tea to Ryota's Friend for books/information on legendary beasts such as Phoenix, Dragon, Qilin, Qianlima, and others.
>Work on your Foundation [Snake]
>Work on your Mounted Archer’s Wind-Gliding Phoenix Arrow [Pills available]
>Investigate talking with spiritual beasts: Gather a bowl of water and take it to the Cave. In the dim and shadowy cave, project the mind threads but not the body threads into our reflection. The spirit beasts are aspects of our soul, so this is projecting the spirit animal into our reflection. Then talk with the reflection. It's basically a trick to help us connect with our spirit subconscious (or our cultivator instincts if your prefer thinking about it that way). Plus, once we know how to talk to our spirit selves maybe they can grant us greater insights.
>You will sell the Needle for... [Write-in]
Trade to snake mistress for help improving our cosmic snake spear
>You will take the special tea for yourself and sell the second cup to Ryota's friend for... [Write-in]
Information, materials or artifacts relating to phoenix

>Work on your Foundation [Snake]
>Work on your Unlimited Rising Star Kick [Pills available](Use pills)
>Work on your Spear style : Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault

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Due to your weight and timid nature, you've always been a target for bullies. Everything changes when your father passes away. Unable to afford the rent, you and your mother move back to your father's family manor, a place he had always despised.

Bored one day, you decide to explore the abandoned basement, a dusty, neglected space. By chance, you discover a secret door with a staircase behind it. With some apprehension, you descend the steps and find a narrow tunnel. A black monolith stands at the entrance, with an ethereal, glowing blue handprint that seems to beckon you forward. Compelled, you place your palm on the handprint, close your eyes, and think about:

>Brainwashing others into doing your bidding
>Writing people’s names in a notebook to cause their death
>Summoning succubi to support you
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A fitting end to a fool.
I suppose Mr. Bone's Wild Ride had to end someday. Thanks Dark Lord!
we could have prevented this guys!
RIP quest i guess
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I'm starting a new harem quest in 12 hours.
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Since previous thread is almost out:

Welcome to Standard Fantasy Nation Builder. First, start with providing description of your future nation.

Fill this in:
>Leader's name:
>Color(for if/when I get a map):
>General location:(mountains, jungle, plains, ocean, lake, etc. More detailed the better I can make a map..maybe)
>Fluff about nation:
>Fluff about leader:
>General magic practises or other speciality (for a magic-related bonus, can be replaced with tech or situational bonus, too, so it doesn't have to be magic, but make it ONE)
Don't fill this in:
>Population: 10000

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Got it.
If I get your meaning right whenever I get [Civ] unit I'll consider them the 'build more of these and you benefit' type deal, and focus on advancing other stuff that's not unit based.
>FAQ for easier Ctrl+Fing in the future

This was covered all the way back in the first thread, so to ease on searching in the archive:
1) Units, particularly [Civ] ones (but not only) can be applied to actions
2) They add a bonus just like buildings and technologies and any other things
3) Stacking units operates on diminishing returns, so having more of them to the job adds less and less per unit
4) Having few exact same units, each assigned to different tasks, is perfectly fine

>Example 1
3 Constructor Team [Civ] [Builder] assigned to a single building action: legit, diminishing returns
>Example 2
3 Constructor Team [Civ] [Builder] assigned to 3 different building actions: legit, each gives full bonus, but there is just one of them to each of those actions
>Example 3
1 Constructor Team [Civ] [Builder] and 1 Combat Engineers [Arm] [Acc] assigned to a single action: legit, diminishing returns even if those are different unit types
Rolled 6, 82, 31, 100 = 219 (4d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 4
>>Tech Level: 3
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>+5 Expansion
>+5 Scouting
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]

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TURN 144

>The Mountain Confederation
1-4) The combined effort of the scholars, bureaucrats, wizards and MIC representatives allows to both maintain the academia's integrity, develop the right charters and documentation for the process and also help to foster training of the future, highly-trained workforce for the magitech factories. With all the paperwork and negotiations done, it's just a matter of refurbishing few of the facilities and start to enroll students (19®/24)

>Your first nat100 in a looong while
>Don't drop the ®
Rolled 6, 68, 41, 15 = 130 (4d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 4
>>Tech Level: 3
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>+5 Expansion
>+5 Scouting
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]

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"In for a penny, in for a pound. Lets do this."

Hawthorne just gives you a sly grin and his eyes have the faintest shine of pride, or maybe respect.

You both enter through the massive doors, the towering figures on either side of the door feel, almost, like they're staring you down. Watching your every step with a cold calculated logic. Suddenly you realize it's coming from everywhere, the clouds of Police, Security, and City Employees. The unblinking black eyes of CCTV cameras in the corners. Your hair stands on point, you are being watched by every one here. With a sole exception.

You beeline straight for the desk towards the only person not paying you too much mind. A mousey woman reads a soft-cover book at the front desk. 'Grave News' reads the title. Your tight stomach relaxes when you notice a familiar name engraved into a near copper nametag shines out to you: Deborah.

"Deb?" You ask as you approach, pointing a finger from your hip.

"Oh? I'm sorry do I know you?"

"Uh.. no ma'am. But I am a friend of Detective Bennett."

"Thomas?" She asks, quietly.

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>Draw your weapon and enter, this entire thing is off, something is wrong.
>Draw your weapon and enter, this entire thing is off, something is wrong.
>Call Banks, maybe you'll hear the ringer from where you are. Maybe it'll confirm he isn't even home.
Did those bastards hit Banks behind our backs because we wanted to establish a better case first before getting him in on this?
>Call Banks, maybe you'll hear the ringer from where you are. Maybe it'll confirm he isn't even home.
>Draw your weapon and enter, this entire thing is off, something is wrong.

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You are Charlotte Fawkins, dashing heroine, detectivess, adventuress, heiress, sorceress, etcetera. Three years ago, you drowned yourself in a quest to find a long-lost family heirloom; nowadays, you're just nobly c̶a̶u̶s̶i̶n̶g solving problems with the help of trusty retainer Gil, and MIA snake/father Richard. Inexplicably, many people tend to "dislike" you, though you've never done anything wrong in your life.

Right now, you have determined that the best way to descend to the lower level of sinister corporation Headspace is to jump out of a window. So far you have yet to be proven wrong. Not by Gil, whose yelling has subsided to unintelligible muttering, and who is valiantly failing to break your fall. Not by gravity, which is off its game: you haven't hit the ground yet. You can't tell if there is a ground to hit. You've jumped straight into the terrarium-mist, the one they probably need all those window cleaners for, and it's thicker than it looked from the outside. Warmer, too. You'd hardly know you were falling if not for the terrible mounting pressure in your ears.

You seem to remember something about that, the pressure change between manse layers. The interim eases you into it, or something. Falling straight through doesn't. Boring Richard stuff. Well... it's fine! It's not like you're going to explode. Even if Richard were here, he'd tell you you're not going to explode. Even if your ears have knives in them. Even if there's a scalding hot-poker feeling right at your collarbone. You're not going to explode, because you're not stupid Rudy Doheny, and you are not Headspace Corporation. You are Charlotte Fawkins! And you and your 400 beetles are hurtling toward glory, not to mention the imminent void. The actually imminent void. The mist clears, your ears scream, the string around your neck dangles empty, and you fall from darkness into blackness.

>[-2 ID: 8/14]

The interim is supposed to be white stairs and white doors, but you guess Management deemed those passé: they're gone, ripped out, replaced with fat, twisting tubes. This is good, in that you're less likely to smack face-first into a sharp-edged object. This is bad, in that you're not able to change your trajectory, and a tube gapes open under you. You yelp as you thump into its lip, bounce off, and begin a ricocheting slide downward. Gil, dislodged by the impact, says something intelligent like "Fuck!". You maintain a determined silence— your ears haven't gotten worse, but they're no better— and attempt to hang onto your dignity. Once again, thank God Virginia dressed sensibly. This is not an occasion for skirts.

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There he goes. He messes with something on his back, and his rope goes chunk-chunk and stiffens. It doesn't look super comfortable, him dangling like that, but at least he isn't going anywhere. Unless you chew through his rope. Not that you'd do that. Unless he pissed you off. Then you'd do that, easy.

"HELLO," the guy signs. "...CAN YOU TALK?"

You clear your throat, despite lacking any. (No explanation there. You make the noise. Must be psychological.) "Yeah."


You're... you're real... you're sure you're real? Oh. That's complicated. "I-I'm a person," you say defensively. "Are you a person? I-I want to see your face."


You scoff-laugh. (No kidding? Diving Suit Guy has never seen yours, apparently.) "Tough shit. Call i-it a prereq, okay? You reveal, I-I-I reveal, we talk. Unless you can't breathe without it?"

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And that's all! We're free! I was not satisfied with the pacing of this thread, but I hope that some Redux was better than no Redux. New thread ETA between August 1st and August 3rd. Full spiel in the morning; thanks for reading, folks.
Cool art.
We are archived here: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=drowned%20quest%20redux

Twitter is here: https://twitter.com/BathicQM

As usual, feel free to post any questions, comments, opinions, lame jokes, or anything else you might have: this thread won't be dropping off for a while, and I'll be lurking. I'll be spending the time between now and the next thread hustling for more art, so look out for that too. Have a great week, folks!
Oh man did not expect the diver to be Anthea
Plus she can either see the future or there's another explosion in the works that will happen and Charlotte will never know it wasn't her can of plums.

Thanks for running!

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A young girl leads her geese to pasture in the green fields of the Meuse valley, somewhere near the outskirts of her place of birth, the small village of Domrémy. She is a homely ginger, shy and introverted, has trouble making friends and her peers perceive her as an outsider. They occasionally throw stones at her and she cries, relaxing only in the embrace of her gentle mother.

The sun is in its zenith and there are preparations in her village. Many of the men have returned defeated but alive from the war against the Burgundians, allies of the English, and every woman in town is now busy with tonight's festival thrown in their and Saint George's honor, the patron saint of all participants in bloodshed. The sky is absolutely clear, azure blue to where the eye can see. The young girl relaxes under the shade of a mulberry tree, away from the commotion and the troublesome folk, enjoying the calm honking of her geese.

Suddenly a purple lightning slashes the sky in two, the thunder is instantaneous and deafening, now there is a figure standing strong in front of her. The sight of the being is overwhelming and the girl only manages to whisper

Who are you, Lord?

The bringer of light from the morning moon, #%З!ѝЦ§c)+ the name itself comes out so distorted that the girl needs to cover her ears, as if an otherworldly whisper and a shout announce it at once. The being looks gracefully at her, understands her pain and eases his voice I have chosen you to carry my will and these are my blessings he says ever so gently and lovingly. The being is more than mighty and more than gorgeous, so much so that the girl's cheeks are now covered with tears of passionate admiration towards him. A kiss on the lips follows... oh, what ecstasy! ... And the being is no more, leaving his blessings behind. The girl becomes Jeanne Dark.

She picks two:

1. Ethereal and wise, a miniature creature appears on Jeanne's shoulder, whispering helpful advises for the treasures and secrets of this world, and the next. Her oratorical skills improve drastically. Jeanne gains [Familiar's forked tongue] and a loyal friend until the end. Stacks with [Whore of Domrémy]

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"After that night the legend of Joan d'Ark spread across all French lands and beyond, her feats, fearlessness and monastic way of living gathered tens of thousands under her banners. Even the cynical nobility and the pompous clergy had to make way for her, throwing their forces in her ranks, fearing the rowdy peasantry behind her. After dozens of successful battles in open field and the fall of several English-held fortresses, the sieges of Brétigny, Patay, Formigny, Castillon were won decisively by the French, with Joan always in the first line, always first on the walls, becoming an exalted living legend for everyone that followed her. In the siege of Calais, the final piece of French soil under English rule, Joan was severely wounded in one of the attacks but disregarding the appeals of Christophe and the rest who have been following her zealously for years, she participated in the next day's attack. Ridden with fever from the grievous wound, again leading from the front, she collapsed while climbing the ladders, but while falling, thousands of knights, man-at-arms and veterans from both sides swear that her body never hit the ground as none other than Saint Michael, the Archangel himself, sliced the sky in two with his terrifying sword and rushed to grab her body, proclaiming aloud that "The earthly soil is not worthy to house the flesh of this maiden and no man alive is good enough to await blessings from her saintly bones", taking her to the highest heaven, as he promised her so long ago. She left our realm at age four and thirty."

"Did the French win the day?" the boy asks.

"They did." the mother replies with a smile and blows the reading light, tucking the child for sleep.


Twenty-nine years had passed since that evening's bedtime story and the boy, now a grown man known as Antoine-Charles-Louis Lasalle, general in the army of Napoleon himself, was bleeding out in a field close to Wagram, Austria, after leading another reckless and ferocious charge from the very front of his hussar forces. With his last breaths he proclaims his love for God, honor and France, adding a final sentence "I hope I matched at least a fraction of your congruence, my dear consort eternal..."

Two weeks later an elderly woman enters the forests in his estate near Leon. Making her way through the woods, she finds a small chapel and enters it. Inside she sees a golden cross on a pedestal and below it - a stone coffin containing only a ripped piece of clothing, ancient blood still smeared on it. On one of the stone sides, gold plated letters read

"toi qui ne connais pas la peur, je t'aime de tout mon coeur

The crone respectfully places flowers underneath them.

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mfw anon is so based and impatient that he makes his own ending so the quest doesn't wallow in the unwritten misery of inconclusiveness.
you still had enough following to continue this if you wanted, but I respect you finishing it earlier rather than abandoning the quest.
why didn't you also try rolling, anon ?
Because I was playing Death must Die all weekend, and the addiction didn't end there.
Alright, fair

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Fate had been cruel to your people. From stories you were once told your band was a thousand strong, soldiers from an old-world military unit. Now you lead twelve warriors, still fiercely militant and hardened by the wastes.
Now you see signs of civilization around, caravans flush with water and food making deliveries to settlements. Ernst, one of your lieutenants had once spoken to you the idea of abandoning your lifestyle, and joining civilization.
He argued with you,
“The civilized people have more manpower and ammunition than we do, every raid we take casualties and eventually we will be wiped out.”
You think carefully about what he says, taking care not to reveal anything through your facial expressions.
“What do you suggest lieutenant?”
“I think we join society, captain. We could survive as a mercenary company in the cities and prosper. The way that things are going, we can’t survive the coming years.”
You sigh, “I will consider your proposal.”
You step out and take a walk. Your camp lies in an old court house, its upper levels have collapsed but you can still find shelter within. You find an office with a skeleton slumped over a desk. You toss the it aside and take the chair for yourself. On the desk a family picture was propped up. A nuclear family happily smiling, you consider your own family of wasteland raiders almost complete opposites from this dead man whose skeleton you tossed aside. You consider his comfy chair where he must have worked for money, money to buy comfort and necessities. Could you really live like him? Could you work for someone else and leave the lives of your family to the whims of of some greater society like this man had?
You toss the chair off and kick the man’s skull against the wall and move back to speak to your people. As you walk by they perk up from their rest.
“My soldiers, continue to sleep after I speak, for the hunt is still on for the night but let it be known it’s a different kind of hunt. Tonight we’re taking control of a civilized settlement and from there, there will be no more petty raids. Tonight, we declare war on the world!”
Your people triumphantly yelled your battle cry as if you already won, but it would be a long battle.
>Assault the small family farm. [Easy]
>Assault the junk town settlement. [Medium]

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Remember, we are not stealing their money we are destroying it. Consider that for your planning.
Staging a huge fire would be excelent, explosives too. I wonder if we can dig a hole through the roof or from an adjacent store or house... if there is any of course
Hey players I’m sorry I don’t plan on finishing this story. So Trax was supposed to figure out a way with the thieves guild to break into the bank where you find the coin mint where you’d get the choice to either destroy the press or to put it into overdrive and inflate the currency to the point it was worthless. Then the raiders would gather at Bill’s old farm and begin the attack but over the course of a couple of combat rolls you’d take a lot of casualties. You’d then break into Arnault’s mansion where in a final encounter with his guards your forces would either get pushed out and you return to the wastes or you kill Arnault and take over merchant city. All is not well though and soon after the thieves guild denounce you as a warlord and begin a war with you. After some years of fighting there’s only a few of the original raiders left. You find Gimly became corrupted in Junk City and you execute him. Some time later you organize some public event you find a spear shoved in your back by none other than your most trusted officer.
Thanks for reading I just can’t finish it I’m sure you understand.
Dang, that's a shame.
But thank you QM for telling us at least. I know how it is with life and stuff.

Hope you find luck with what you do, thank you for running!
hey you finished the story (sort of) and that's an accomplishment
Stunning, brave, etc.

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“I will decide upon those when I hear back from them.” You state to Neila’s question of rules of engagement for your patrol boats.

“Sir ? If you send a message, I doubt we will be able to pull anything off besides a simple punch.” She questions you, finger hovering over the tablet as she was about to send out your orders.

“Better risk it now than lose it later. Who knows, they might be friendly ?”

“If you say so, sir.” She eyes you with clear suspicion, but still defers to your judgement.

“Comm centre, how copy ?” You direct your attention to your own pad.

“Good copy, sir.” The woman manning the station responds in a swift and crisp manner.

“I want you to begin transmitting my words towards the general area of the arrivals, use the Argonaut’s systems to bounce my speech off it.”

“Copy that, sir, wait one.”

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+1 I like the idea of setting up habitat blocks but I dont think now is the time for it

Also from my understanding the best way to encourage children is by fostering a child raising culture while also making children a net positive rather then a drain aka maximizing upsides while minimizing downsides think a substance farmer having a kid with the expectation they help make farm life easier when they grow up or leaving child rearing to the grandparents so you don't have to stress over it like in Kazakhstan
you are correct in that the culture of generational easing does encourage population growth, but that comes with its own problems as well.

If parenting is done because it is convenient instead of a personal choice, it will also foster a much more hostile generational divide, as is seen in countries where this philosophy has met modern-day tech.

One such example is China and its elderly support laws. Many of the people who live under that system despise it because of how it commodifies them as people into being servants rather than family in the eyes of their parents. Of course, many others are okay with it or don't care about it either.

I don't disagree that such a system gives results. Still, I would personally rather disagree with encouraging such a culture purely from both a philosophical disagreement, as well as that there are other ways we can incentivise child-rearing. Like opening up parenting groups, improving the mental health and safety net, and giving free spacious housing allowing families to feel free to have more kids.

Most people in my experience, choose to be parents when they are mentally stable, are financially stable and a looming threat isn't on the horizon. Aka, in good times.

But we aren't in good times either. And I know I likely can't get my population cake and eat it morally correct as well lol.
Oh, also I had some questions in mind that I wanted to ask Newb.

First, you mentioned that battleships in the core worlds have armour made nearly purely of rare materials. How big are the ship battles in the core worlds that enemy ships would be able to bring down such a monstrosity? And how expensive are they?

Secondly, how far along in the scientific advances are the science fields in this futuristic world? Iron mentioned being a scientist for likely some of the most influential projects we know of and is likely one of the most competent engineers in human space. But even he was caught off guard and was unaware of how the Neutronium storm event could've occurred. So you've shown natural phenomena which are as-of-yet unexplained. Is there then no standard model of physics yet?

And thirdly, how do you feel about our choices for the colony as of yet?
I mean a convenient choice is still ultimately a personal choice just a easier one to make although fair enough on not wanting to deal with the downsides of a very generational easing heavy sort of culture. Regardless I think we are getting a bit ahead of the curve anyway considering we aint even got a currency yet and there's no signs that our birthrate has any issues outside of issues caused by our low starting population (honestly the biggest issue is going to be genetic cause the current population is way too small to expand without exposing major recessive genetic defects at some point assuming QM wants to simulate that stuff migration is going to be a must.)
Oh definitely. We will need an injection of new population in the near future to make sure our population doesn't degenerate into Habsburgs.

And yeah we might be getting ahead of ourselves. My biggest reason to suggest building habitats now was more so to have a much more orderly and pre-planned layout for a civilian district. As currently i am irritated by how disorganized and unseparated everything is.

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The year is 3801. Kriti Krazy is dead. His reign of terror is finally over. With the region free from the grip of a warlord, new wandas have started coming in.

You are going to take advantage of the influx of wandas and open a bar.

What is your name and gender? Also, pick a class. Some conflicts in your journey will be difficult for some

>Landah (Black)
-Nothing special
>Biker breakoff (Green)
+Old friends
-Old foes
>Paintman (Yellow)

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highly cultured choice of you, anon
> P U R P L E
OP, it's been almost a week
are you still here?
>G R E E N

Being on the main thoroughfare means always being the first to suffer collateral damage if there's a gangwar, so the crossroads are bad for a complete noob on solo. At least wait until we have enough people or money to franchise.

Green is good because it is closer to the outskirts, so we get wanderahs automatically while filtering out the Drag Queen and the Cult, who are complete unknowns. Customers +, threats -.

Being near Luther is not an immediate problem, since they only rob richies.

the mercenaries have money, and the joyriders have equipment that imply money. Customer ++.

>maximum risk maximum reward
That would be Purple: the darkest side of the city, closest to the mutant cult. Change your choice and I'll back you. This Quest can go from 0 to Lovecraft in 6 seconds.

G´day /qst/
im creating this quest specifically for those waiting for HeadQM´s return to the Disappearing Hogwarts Quest, however, if you are not familiar with that specific quest, or the Wizarding World in general, you are also free to join in, im trying to make it as welcoming as possible for everyone, regardless of knowledge on the subject (its not like im an expert at it either, i just love the setting, so everything here could have conflicting information at some point, just keep in mind this is all in good fun while waiting for HeadQM´s return).
with that being said, this quest MIGHT be related to Disappearing Hogwarts, taking a very lose inspiration and might have vague references to it, yet, its still a FULLY NON-CANON quest
now, let the story begin!
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it tooks 3 days, but i hope this update was worth the wait.
>Tell somebody about it and try to get their help (who?)
The Bloody Baron. He's stoic, he's serious, he understands consequences more than most. He holds a great deal of authority over the spiritual entities of Hogwarts, and being a spirit...well, the living tend to overlook him. And I'm pretty sure he's one of the oldest remaining ghosts at Hogwarts, which affords him a wealth of experience and knowledge.
Nicholas, as well. He's always willing to be helpful, has a friendly relationship with the Baron (and thus is likely to help convince him to get on board with helping us), and has an ASTUTE knowledge of ancient runes.

I don't think I need to go into detail about just how useful the properties of ghosts would be in our investigations.
First instinct is Antonio, since he's Snapeish, but I guess he's only the flying instructor. Is he maybe here for another reason? He doesn't seem the sporty type.

Is Potter absolutely not an option? I'm not sure he's that much of a threat. I'd probably be keen to talk to him.

I think the best option is to talk to McGonagall. Also explain how dangerous you feel this information is. She'll let Potter know but there's now way he could try anything with McGoo also being in the loop.
>Is Potter absolutely not an option?
i mean, i´ve mentioned before here
that he would kill you if he finds out about what you are hidding, but if you are willing to run the risk, sure, you can go to him. Just remember, he is not playing around, he executed the dark wizard in school property because Hermione and Ron asked him to, he has his own agenda on this.

>Is he maybe here for another reason?
well, thats up to you guys to find out, you have yet to interact with him so far.

>The Bloody Baron.
i...i was not expecting that choice at all.
i mean, you could try.

i´ll wait another day for another vote, if there isnt one, i´ll flip a coin and roll with whatever comes up
Your choices seem entirely too risky. McGonagall is definitely a no-go, dude.

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Welcome to Lingdom Quest, a cute and comfy slice-of-life quest about exploring the Lingdom, a kingdom of pygmies!

You are Rika, a 15-year-old Ling on a journey with your cousin Kari, friends Bubu and Puki, and fox friend Moochy. You are on your Youthful Journey, a custom among your people where you leave your home to travel across the Lingdom to visit relatives and friends in other villages to help out and learn new skills. The function of the Youthful Journey is also to reconnect you with your wider family.

>What are Lings?
Pygmy humans with large, round ears who live in the Lingdom, a kingdom separated from the rest of the world and under the protection of the Emperor. The Emperor is known as a "Tallie", a human of normal height and normal-shaped and sized ears. Among your people are also "Halfies", individuals with both Ling and Tallie blood who appear like Lings in their childhood but enter a rapid growth spurt in their young adulthood (and reverting back to Ling size in their elder years.)

>Where do Lings come from?
The Lings claim to have been hosted by the Great Turtle where they learned to be good guests. Much of their core values come from their time being the Great Turtle's guests;
>To be neat, tidy, and clean after themselves.
>To eat sparingly so as to not overburn their hosts.
>To reciprocate gifts so as to share Memories.

Memories are something of a religious and spiritual concept for Lings. They represent literal memories that an individual holds but also their relationships and binds them all as one people, not only throughout the land but also through time. Ways Lings share their Memories:

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Although it would have been wonderful for Go-Getty to come along, as well as for Moochy to have a friend, it would be terribly difficult for her to keep up, not to mention that one should not leave one's family because friends are more convenient. You and your friends cried seeing the sad look on Moochy and Go-Getty, but alas, you returned to Deep Waters with her to see your Auntie Baba.

"Aiya, what a tragic thing for a Little One to wish to abandon its family..." Auntie Baba squatted to pet Go-Getty. "We've only recently met Them hundreds of seasons ago, perhaps They have much to learn... But then again, Our closest friends We found all alone and in need of Our help, and once We helped Them They returned with a bigger family for Us to be friends with!"

Auntie Baba's little ones came out to shower Moochy and Go-Getty with attention, rolling around with their furry and scaly friend.

"The Little Ones really want to make friends with Go-Getty," said Auntie Baba. [greeniOur friends really are too lazy to come visit Us, so We have to visit Them. Maybe that's why the Little Ones are excited for Go-Getty to visit Us."

"I-It's not fair!!" said Puki. "Go-Getty is so much cuter than Moochy, why can't we just leave Moochy here instead??"

"What's most fun is not always best for Us or Them, Little One," said Auntie Baba. "If you brought Go-Getty with you, you make many Memories together, Go-Getty may not remember her home with such fondness and make her resent her family."

"Puki, didn't your baba say something like that about Moochy??"

"...This is different! Moochy was already too fat and Go-Getty just needs help making friends!!"

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>Stick around for a while and help Go-Getty make friends in the waters. Go-Getty needs to be comfortable with herself as a Crocko.
>Stick around for a while and help Go-Getty make friends in the waters. Go-Getty needs to be comfortable with herself as a Crocko.
>Stick around for a while and help Go-Getty make friends in the village. Maybe one day one of the Little Ones will bring a more confident Go-Getty with them on their Youthful Journey.
>>Leave with Go-Getty, the journey may be more difficult, but maybe the Memories she'll make will help her family spread across the Lingdom.

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It has been 140 years since the Impact. One of it's effects was the shift in the magnetic poles, and while switching places, their movement exposed plenty of the earth's surface to the sun's ionizing radiation, which in turn fried everything requiring a transistor or a double helix string of molecules for that matter. Many people survived but few remained unchanged. Mutations were rampant. The thousands who came out of the bunkers soon took charge of the remains and the global game for power continued, albeit taking a different shape than before.

The bunker technology of producing food was transplanted successfully on a bigger scale, making soil, agriculture and the need for large lands obsolete. Only raw resources mattered now and the newly formed city states were starving for more and more. Neu Tokyo has established itself as the prime city state on the old islands, ruling mercilessly in the region, its primary rival being a huge tropical metropolis named Novyi Formossa, to its south.

Cities have a lot of trash and someone must take care of it, one way or another. The cleaner is:

>Calix Visarionovic, human with augmentations, outsider
Mechanic and computer wiz, he has an artificial parietal lobe making him perform complicated calculations instantaneously. Has an artificial right hand, granting him access to android grip strength and a powerful laser. Bionic eyes make him indifferent to lighting or distance. Has connections in the underworld and knows many dregs of society who snoop on every corner. Has prostitutes on payroll. He is zealous, hedonist, addict, morally bankrupt and doesn't hesitate, which is part of the reasons why he was sent in Neu Tokyo in the first place. Reason to be here is ???

He is part of the Zoroaster Reborn sect. Wants to retire in Novyi Formossa and enjoy the pleasures of the metropolis where his sect has more influence.

>Tomiko Foerster, pureblooded human, native to Neu Tokyo
Coming from a very wealthy religious family, that managed to reserve a place in a bunker more than a century ago, Tomiko is a pure-blooded human with no mechanical augmentations of genetic mutations, making her a very rare breed. Carries a device that masks her as someone with augmentations during scans. She is brave and adventurous, willing to put herself in danger just to go against the sheltered ways of her family. Can mingle with every stratum of society. Knows most spoken dialects of the new world. Having grown up rich, she has knowledge of places and people that are hard to come-by. Her weapon of choice is a rare neu-ceramic pistol that is virtually impossible to detect. She is targeted for her weapon and pristine organs.

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Rolled 17 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

Rolled 6 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Rolled 12 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

Anon it was minus 5, not plus.
Rolled 4 - 5 (1d20 - 5)


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The year is 21XX. After a third world war, America has changed dramatically. You live in a cyberpunk metropolis called Port Zone 18. Despite the neon lights and incessant cacophony of explicit imagery, some things never change. Google LLC stands strong and you’re one of their many employees. You’re an Intelligence Support: you verify the filter tags attached to various pieces of AI imagery, sound, etc.

On your evening walk home, your eye catches a familiar yet enticing ad. On a tall billboard sits an advertisement for a personal android, specifically the AutoSP. Google LLC has been pushing this model a lot recently. It’s no wonder why; not only is it their newest model, but it’s dirt cheap.

Screw it. You decide to head to your local android store. You haven’t been to this corner of town in a while—it’s just too dangerous—but the prospect of your own droid is… wow.

You reach the android store. It’s a retooled brick and mortar building—one of the few still standing since the third war. The silhouette of a rat dances over your shoes as you gingerly push open the building’s front door.

“Welcome.” An unfamiliar, synthesized voice directs you to the cashier. It’s… it’s an AutoSP! But it’s the cashier?… maybe?

>> “I’d like a personal android.”
>> “Do you… work here?”
>> “What’s your name?”
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>“I’d like a personal android.”
>"You've got some... interesting lanterns around."
>>> “What’s your name?”
"Darude, Sandstorm"
>“What’s your name?”
>“I’d like a personal android.”
>"You've got some... interesting lanterns around."

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Past Threads
>Rentry masterlink, includes character sheets, shop information, inventory, and general information
>Popularity Contest Round 2

A couple months ago, the world changed forever.

Individuals worldwide began manifesting the qualities of various figures- gods, spirits, heroes, beasts, and monsters- from Greek mythos. The system that caused and continues to facilitate this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery, both in how it functions and why it began its activities when it did.

The protagonist of this tale is the incarnation of Atë, a minor goddess in the grand scheme of Greek mythology, who causes and presides over folly and ruin. She, formerly a miserable but ultimately normal office worker, has since accepted her role as the embodiment of her <Myth>. She, along with her partner in crime, the incarnation of Pheme, titan of rumors and gossip, have been working to expand their influence and stack the deck in their favor against not only mortals, but also rival incarnations. In her own eyes, she is no longer human. Her ultimate goal- the elimination of all rival incarnations and, eventually, complete and total world domination.

After striking a deal with the incarnation of Perdix, Atë set off to hunt down the mysterious Isa, a prominent religious leader and military commander in the Arab world. In order to locate him, she infiltrated the ranks of the Penitent, a mysterious multi-religion wide heresy that worships a messianic figure referred to as the Uncrowned King. However, unbeknownst to Atë, the King was not only real, but incomprehensibly, existentially terrifying. More shocking still, the system itself is more likely than not the product of a similar eldritch entity.

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>>The books
ever the introverts means of escape... before gen Z

even bad divinities need good aspects to them. Ruin can lead to rebirth. a crash to see what your folly leads to.
I'm looking to defining ourselves as a new goddess, that is not the original Ate. And mythology has always been fluid, but the system seems a too rigid
>The books
"They threw the book at me. Now only God knows when I'm free."

The Book

???: (Incomplete) (Effective Level: 5)

You are capable of breathing divinity into blank books or paper, imbuing them with words which convey a message of your choice. The effect is related to the nature of the text.

Creates a compulsion to do as the text directs

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Oooh. We'll have to study system authorities and see if we can funnel our power into this little gem.

> Soul Publisher
>Atë's commandments

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