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The sun is shining maliciously over Corpus Christi. Local manpower had been sent out to rally in the northern Confederate states, leaving the city somewhat exposed to unwanted company. Van Cortlandt's gang has been patronizing the main street's vendors and establishments for two weeks now and even though they've been behaving, the city lawman Robbert Katz knew that it was only a matter of time before things kick off the hard way. Katz wasn't a man of patience and would have preferred to handle the dutch-born rogue his own way right away, despite the forty-four outlaws that surrounded the former. However, the sheriff was also receiving reports of a large Indian presence in the outskirts of the city, whose arrival strangely congregated with that of the Van Cortlandt's gang. Not wanting to commit to a fight on two fronts with limited manpower and resources, Katz was waiting. Maybe Van Cortlandt and the Indians were waiting for someone to make the first move too.

1) Robert Katz is the sheriff of Corpus Kristi. His personal trait is Old Dixie Down. As a veteran of the Mexican-American war, his trait makes him experienced with all types of western weaponry and makes winning over dixie hearts easy. The trait ensures that Katz, as any true southerner, stays rugged and enduring of hardship and the elements. He is also strongly prejudiced against colored folk of any kind, especially Mexicans. He has been performing his duties towards the city and it's citizens, the white ones at least, diligently for the last decade and has won the sympathies and loyalty of the populace and his men, which will definitely come in handy.

2) Lucas 'Lus' Bakker is one of Van Cortlandt's men. His personal trait is Cut Eyelids Staredown. His trait makes him a psychological menace that never plays around, never manipulates, never takes the back alley in order to gain the upper hand, but rather faces those against him in an unholy measurement of grit and balls, preferring to overwhelm them with his borderline psychopathic presence. His trait ensures fearlessness - his hand never shakes, his voice never cracks, his foot never stumbles in uncertainty. He sports a belt heavy with dozens of hanging scalps, a small one with Wichita braids interlinking with blond locks catches the eye instantly. He is on Van Cortlandt's good side, since both of them are Dutch and like to reminiscent about the old country.

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thanks for playing

It was Lus. What he is now is more of an Easter egg for the folks that read the novel
Out of curiosity, what would have happened had we beaten the DC?
Nicely done, good quest and good ending, if a bit abrupt. I also liked your other suicide witness quest, short and sweet. Big balls for running both at the same time.
Also the hundred little blood trees is very cool imagery.

I think it's a bit too egregious that he outright became the judge, but I interpreted it as something very similar to him. Another personification of war, strife and evil.

We did beat the DC, technically, since the roll was only needed if Billy Boy snitched, and that first 1 ensured he didn't.
thanks, the suicide witness quest was definitely fun.

Regarding the judge, I tried to find a different interpretation for his existence, not just like a devil or demiurge figure, but something that an ordinary man too can become if he finds the means to do so. Which would explain how people are seeing him everywhere and he "never dies". The actual body dies but when someone else performs the ritual he inherits the same characteristics, so 'The Judge' lives on.

The ending was a bit rushed, definitely, and the quality of the last posts dropped, as other quest ideas were floating in my brain but that's just my lack of proper commitment which is something that I have to work on. Either way I am glad you enjoyed
It is smart to end a quest if you get too distracted by something

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By popular(?) demand, it continues.
The Caretaker Quest shall move forward!


“Well, we have to work tomorrow, i think it's best if we keep it light for tonight”

“Aww come on, please don't ask for Butterbeer, that's no fun!”

“We can't go back drunk to Hogwarts, Olivia…”

“yeah yeah i know, you guys are boring…hey, i´ve got an idea!”
She quickly walks to the backroom, the sound of some glass bottles falling and rolling can be heard and just like that, she comes back.

“How about a middle point?” She pulls out a small crate with a cold mist leaking out of it.

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You decide that having a bit more of information about the school contraband operations isn't such a bad thing to learn, after all, knowledge is power and as a former Ravenclaw, you like that kind of power, maybe you could even use it to blackmail some students into working for you and make things a bit easier…that hat DID considered Slytherin for a brief moment after all.

As you follow the students back to their common room, crossing hallways and sneakily opening doors they just closed, you keep an ear up for whatever they are talking about.

Sadly, besides planning a couple of pranks (one of them targeted at you, so you made sure to file that up under the “very important” folder inside your brain) and general chit-chat, they don't mention anything interesting regarding Hogwarts contraband scene, they did, however, mentioned a rumor that made you curious about the staff´s happenings.

“Oh hey, did you remember to do your parchment for McGonagall's assignment?”

“Dang it, i knew i was forgetting something, i'm gonna have to stay up finishing that, maybe i could ask her for an extension tomorrow…have you seen her at all today?”

“Actually, now that you mention it, i haven't, not since the whole thing with Peeves”

When you hear about Peeves, you freeze in place for a second, the usual goosebumps that come with the mention of his name present as always, however, this time, something else is in there, something in the back of your mind, something that feels like a repressed memory wanting to come out but you just can't remember properly.

You decide to shake it off for now, if you forgot then it´s probably not that important.

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For the next couple of minutes, you hear an obnoxious, monotonous, obviously rehearsed and hypocritical speech about being out of their common rooms so late and about her responsibility as Headgirl to report them.

“Hey, what is that?” She says.

“Oh nothing it's just-”

“Hey i recognize this…this is from the restricted section!”

“No! Lily! it's not! i swear is-”

“Give me that!”

You hear some sort of small shuffle.

“Is this…Do you have ANY idea of the trouble you are in?”

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>>”I should take a look around in the classroom, she was obviously interested in it.”
>”I should take a look around in the classroom, she was obviously interested in it.”
>”I should take a look around in the classroom, she was obviously interested in it.”

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Athkatla, capital of Amn, Faerûn

You find yourself in a private meeting with Elara Selemchant, Meisarch of the Council of Five, one of the most powerful figures in Amn's oligarchy. As an assassin and spy in her service, you're accustomed to these discreet encounters.

The room is richly adorned with tapestries and dark wooden furniture, flickering candlelight casting long shadows on the stone walls. Elara stands by a tall window, gazing out over the city before turning to face you. Her piercing sapphire eyes lock onto yours, her black hair streaked with silver, and her elegant, somber robes adorned with esoteric symbols.

"Good business, my lady," you greet her formally, bowing slightly.

She doesn’t waste time on pleasantries. Her eyes dart restlessly, betraying her distress. "There are no gnomes in Amn, save for those in Purskul. I’ve never cared much for their roguish ways, as they kept their distance from the capital. But recently, things have changed."

"A change?" you ask, feigning interest. You’ve learned that nobles often see the smallest inconveniences as catastrophes, and you half-expect her to complain about some trivial matter.

"Yes. One of their families, the Gemcutters, migrated to Port Nyanzaru, our colony in Chult. Through a series of successful scams, they've taken control of the region's economy and politics. We ignored it at first: cheap goods flowed to Amn, and we grew rich. Wealth is all that matters, after all. But now, their schemes have reached the capital, affecting reputable families. This cannot stand."

"And what sort of scheme are we talking about?"

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>"Lady Selemchant has sent us to find her daughter, Evelina Selemchant, and bring her back to Amn."
>using the bards art from honor among thieves for Orlin
You are a cool guy, OP. I liked the short character descriptions above.

Anyway, I've never read about this part of forgotten realms before, but it seems ripe for revolution. It would be a total sidetrack in the story, but perhaps for later... Definitely seems to be a high ratio of slaves to free citizens. A harper worthy endeavour indeed...

>"I don’t need your gold," she replies coldly, emptying his purse and the hidden gems she found under the bar onto him. "When you meet Mammon in the Nine Hells, you can give him your gold."
Damn! She would make a great paladin.

>"Lady Selemchant has sent us to find her daughter, Evelina Selemchant, and bring her back to Amn."
>"Lady Selemchant has sent us to find her daughter, Evelina Selemchant, and bring her back to Amn."
You good, OP?
Probably not

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Welcome! To the one Civ Thread that won't be abandoned. For you see- a long time ago there was a civ thread that was abandoned due to the responsibilities of relationships and employment. Rejoice! For I am unemployed, depressed, and lonely! In celebration, and as proof of my intention to be different than other civ threads- You will not argue over a civilization and a race for several days.

You're a tribe of Amorphous Sludge! Your noble "people" spend their days bathing in tainted magic springs left behind by wizards experimenting eons prior. Other than randomly spawning more Sludge, these wells are simultaneously toxic in a physical, and magical sense. Biologically, you're omnivorous scavengers capable of minor shapeshifting and communicate through sign language. Due to this inability to communicate, typical inhuman appearance, and disease being associated with Sludges; most other races see view them as non sentient and attack on sight. Thankfully, your tribe is housed within a cavern- subsisting off any creature or plant unfortunate enough to grow too close to the noxious fumes of the tainted magic springs.

>Population: 25 Amorphous Sludge (+5 per turn)
>Resources: Stone, Bone, Mud
>Food: 25 (+5 scavenged every turn) (-1 per 5 Sludge each turn)
>Structures: None
>Research: None
>Diplomacy: There is a village of dwarves near the cavern entrance and occasionally their children get lost. Due to the disappearances there is a guard outpost preventing us from exploring beyond the cavern.

You are Chief ______ as your people do not use names, nor titles- there is little distinction between any of you and identity theft is considered as rude as passing gas, so the actual Sludge in charge changes by the hour. What do you (or someone else) decree?
>We should make tools!
>We should make weapons!
>We should build something!

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>>We should check out that hole!
>We should build something!
slime hole.
>Welcome! To the one Civ Thread that won't be abandoned.
Truth is, /qst/ was rigged from the start.
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I feel like qst doesn't like civ threads maybe? I remember on tg there were long running civ games, even the ones I made at least lasted a few threads before I abandoned it.

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Hello again, good sirs and fair ladies, I am happy to announce you the thirteenth (it brings bad luck) chapter of our Quest, my VPN almost broke but finally I triumphed. So, where were we ? You were riding to see your orchard and just saw it, after many travels you were finally back to Local, Hosannah !

For those of you who are not yet familiar to this quest, because they had to oversee their peasants while they seeded and harvested or because they were busy in some feudal war (unfortunately Crusades are no more popular these days) here are the links to the previous posts.

>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5085315/ thread 1
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5134375/ thread 2
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5194246/ thread 3
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5314154/ thread 4
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5422744/ thread 5
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5422744/ thread 6
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5561322/ thread 7
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5561322/ thread 8
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5702984/ thread 9
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5785267/ thread 10
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5920163/ thread 11

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>Ask Rellik what is his place at his lord's court.
Lets get to know him
>Ask Rose about some matters of your future mariage.
To get her mind focused on something else
>>Ask Rose about some matters of your future mariage.
>Ask Rellik what is his place at his lord's court.

Where Rose and our union is concerned, I think now might be a good time to talk... FAITH.

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Welcome into the Bronze-Clay age of a far away unnamed star. After evolving in The Crack, the species known as Under Hunter reached Sapience and organized in tribes.
7 remains, struggling to cleanse the rot of a Nurgle-backed demonic invasion.

The WindPsykers, claymakers and locust of bad luck of GrassGreen
The Isolationist, God-among-hunter-walking of Ghostclaw
The StrongHunters, masters of the biggest spans of land, lords of BurningGrass
The Tzeench-touch opportunists of Jupiter
The Archers, Merchants, Slavers and Warptrailers of BadBack
The Farmers, one-with-the-Drifters of Whitemane
The scholars of Cerulean wise in the ways of gods and research

This should be the last thread of the Skirmish-tribe phasis thing.

Last thread : https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6037069/

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i smell demons of change
capture some and bring them to me, I would like to take a look at their souls
yeah, it would make sence when they first showed up in my lands it was from the east and south. the southern ones looked like badback Underhunters. I figured that it was a Jupiter false flag attack to worsen relations and drag them into a war with me.

all I've figured out is that kill the nobles in charge of the territory and look like people of neighbouring nations.
Your people are the beastmasters, correct. The Cerulan have thus far only tamed beasts of death. Your trackers and beast-catchers are welcome to join the inquisitorial bands. Multiple elements of Cerulan society are interested in understanding this new murder-cult through experimentation on its members. They're two legs though, so maybe the Cerulan tradition of dismembering rather than killing may work better than the Whitemane beast wrangling traditions? Feel free to surprise.
We are astral walkers, Faith-Hunter. 4 of our kind live in immortal daemon-like ice elementals that feed and sense souls. Our methods are quite crude, for this magic is young and hard to develop. But, besides Ghost Claw’s gods, no one else is as knowledgeable about souls as we are, for we were the only ones brave enough to practice possession
I’m not gonna wrangle them, I’m gonna sample them and Blank expose them
test, again.

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Seven thousand years have passed since your arrival at the Beta Sector. The children of Kara grew up into fierce warriors. Still, they point their swords at each other and know not the way Home.

You raised your Priestess from amongst them. The fairest maiden, pure and unspoiled by the evils of this dark world. She was trained since childhood for this role and there is simply no one else qualified.

You made her Warrior to fight against the Xenos. You made her Oracle to instruct the Sages. You made her Handmaid of the Mad Princesses.

Then it arrived the time when you could no longer deny her Birthright.

From the Ancient Lineage Of Kings, she claimed her position as the first Empress Of Mankind.

Sitting on her Golden Throne, she will rule for at least a Thousand Years, until the next Moot is summoned to decide who will take her place.

Her Servants, the Atlantean Banshees, are the very embodiment of Karma. Anyone who touches them, will suffer the worst punishments imaginable in this life, and an eternity of unimaginable torture in the next.

God Wills It. So Be It.
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The contract has been made.
Submit your bodily measurements
What happens when all the xenos are dead? And how will we know they are gone?

You will no longer feel the grip of sin.

You will have clarity when making your every decision.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to save everyone.

Many people in this world have huge debts with demons, which they must repay before being released.

Though It is possible for me to forgive debts, I can only forgive everyone's debts in very special occasions.

This Will enrage the demons who will then become extremelly aggressive.

At this point it will be possible to get rid of them, but not earlier.

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Submit your measurements

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(POV shift: You are Kasimir Craney, part of a recon section led by chief explorer Serret.)

You adjust the plating of your protection suit. It is far too tight in some places, and far too open in others. You were just an infantryman a decade ago, so you were quite used to such suits. Of course, back in those days, the suits were of high quality make and actually comfortable, though they had impaired your movement a lot more than this suit, however, the large gaps in your joints that allow for such mobility make you still feel uncomfortable. It is hard to lose instinctual knowledge of using plating that now doesn’t exist to tank shots and make sure they are glancing at best. Now however, you had to unlearn something you had with you for your entire adult life.

Still, you suppose you are better off than those poor buggers. The men around you that you are commanding are all in bulky spacesuits, their movements awkward and each step has to be measured because if they slip, they are not getting back up in any reasonable amount of time in a firefight.

As you march ahead, you halt before a dead tunnel dog. You had been moving down for about fifteen minutes and had continuously run into a group or two of various dead animals. This one is no exception, frothing at the mouth that had long since dried out open eyes that seem to be rotting in real time and the bloated corpse is a mildly disturbing sight.

“Log, another dead one. Looks like a tunnel dog, body’s bloated. Time of death…uh…roughly three days.” You check over the interface before your eyes and log your finding for a future report. Command wants these tunnels cleared, so having a good idea on how effective the bioweapon was is considered a secondary, but an important objective.

“Sir !” You hear over the comm from one of your men. “Chamber ahead.”

“Roger. Weapons ready, fan out and secure us an entrance, keep your eyes on the ground and ceiling they have both diggers and flyers, want two men keeping an eye on one. Move out !” You quickly state raising your rifle and shouldering it, moving into the large open chamber.

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“David. Good news, bad news.” Stellan says, having finally connected to you.

“Shoot.” You quickly say, consulting the date streaming into the console before you in your command centre.

“They are beaten to shit and back. Bad news, they still have more firepower than us and they might be desperate, which, from my experience, makes the enemy damn harder to take down.”

“Any clue whom they fought ?”

“Gimme a sec…Ah, right, you should be seeing it.”

“I do.” You reply looking at the updated screen, now showing the enemy force in detail.

“You see that light cruiser hull there ? Its design does not match the rest of the warships, plus its colouring is different. Maybe mercs, but judging that its power output is similar to all other warships and just how badly it has been mauled, it’s probably a trophy ship. Our friends here must’ve picked a fuck of a fight.”

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>”Actually, it doesn’t sound like the worst deal. I’ll get Ashwin to look over any potential terms we might come up with.”

If shit fails and they asl too much
>From my experience, nobles like duels. Pompous nobles doubly so. I challenge him, and see where we go from there.”
hmm... see, if we say "Yeah okay we accept" then we are likely just going to get couped. for the simple reason that the people who left the Broken Empire, our military population, would likely rather fight tooth and nail than become citizens of the empire again. The promise of independence was one of the biggest reasons they all left after having been disillusioned with the Empire.

I am also a loot goblin and really want to kill these cunts for their materials.

>”We beat them bloody, that’s how. Scramble the fighters. They want a fight, we will give them one.”

My suggested plan of attack would be to first mock this Margrave into a charge, and then using our 27 fighters try to unload as many missiles as we possibly can shoot all into the weak spots, broken armor and thrusters of the capital ship. Do this until he is dead and then draw the surviving fighters back to defend the defence station from the enemy fighters and bombers.

If they still wanna kill us after their Margrave is dead, then with their capital ship dead our defence station has an actually pretty decent matchup against their cruisers and frigates. At least that's how I see the odds.
>”From my experience, nobles like duels. Pompous nobles doubly so. I challenge him, and see where we go from there.”
>How amusing offer. Your ship dont fool anyone, there is no protection under your king for us. Now if you want get your ships repaired and some hospitality we can talk terms as equals but not as your underlings. You are in OUR space now.

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I'm planning on ending a long hiatus.

A few years ago I was running an OC Cape Quest called 'With Great Power'. It did okay until I burned out, then got a job, and then burned out again. It's always been in the back of my mind though, so I decided to bring it back. It being literal years since I last ran it though, with the player base long since dead, a recap thread seemed like a good idea.

So what is 'With Great Power'?

For one, despite the name its not a Spider-Man quest.

Set in Chicago, you play as Eric Miller/Hotspur, a teenage boy recently empowered in an event called the Chicago Explosion. A mysterious cosmic phenomenon, the Chicago Explosion has empowered hundreds of people seemingly at random across the Midwest, and as time goes by there are signs of it spreading across the world. Most of these newly empowered people just want to stick to being ordinary people, a small number though have taken up the mantles of heroes and villains. Called 'parafreaks' by some, they've already become the center of some serious political attention, with conspiracy theories and the media stoking fear and suspicion against this small group.

(Yeah, its very X-Men. Mutants without other super powered people running around.)

Meanwhile there are hints of a far more dire, cosmically significant conflict at hand. Something called the Druj is infecting the world, its tendrils corrupting every day people. Eric's sometime ally, James Green, the recently empowered Red Wizard, knows more than he does. What Eric has figured out so far is its connected somehow to ancient Iranian mythology and religion, specifically the Zoroastrian teachings.

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Principal Bernice Wrightson

A small woman with a lot of grit. Has threatened to expell Eric in the past.

Vice-Principal Jonathan Getty

Heavily involved in the school theater productions.

Mr Edmund Nfume

Science teach and basketball coach.

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part of doing these recaps is also about getting my own head fully back into this world.

thankfully I should be good to swing back into the quest either tomorrow or the day after.
no fcking way, used to be there way back, glad too see you again QM
and we're back!

I dunno if it was really worth doing a recap in a separate thread but why not.
To any anons who aren't sure about reading this, you really should, it's great!

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Last time… Last time was a mess, you thought you’d be relaxing after successfully crashing the wedding, but it was anything but that! The thrills of life don’t care about comfy times, and as the Great Patriarch of Coziness, this deeply upsets you. But all hijinks are over and done, you’re truly winding down in your hostel room with the couple of girls you shared the Mobile Home with: Wilma and Matilda, the renowned Wilmatilda duo.

Anyway, drinks were had, beds were put together, and ramblings began, leaving you in your current situation. Your friendly neighborhood greedy girl demands you compare her chest size with the Tomato’s, claiming that her own are not as pronounced as her friend’s. This whole tirade started because Matilda doesn’t believe you should say she has big boobs. Or something, she’s drunk. Okay, maybe not drunk, but she is drinking. Wilma is naturally turning into a tomato at the request.

“I said compare them.” Matilda demands her hypothesis be confirmed.

“...W-Why are we doing this?” Wilma doesn’t understand.

“I’m setting the record straight.” Matilda says, annoyed this is even a question. “No more doubts. No more opinions. Just cold hard facts.”

“T-That doesn’t answer my question. But if it makes you happy...” Wilma doesn’t want to deal with a violent drunk.

“And you want me to judge them?” You? The silly man? You don’t know if Matilda is serious.

“Yes. Who else?” Matilda crosses her arms.

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This whole thread has been foreplay!
OP ALWAYS DELIVERS! We are truly blessed!
Pretty good. Though is it really a threesome if the only shot with the two girls at once is the final one?
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See you next week!

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The last of the fuhrer's folly is at hand; the German race to be at the end of International interests. Those few twelve years not a slave - a judenfrei state - but it appears the Lord Christ has other plans for the German nation. As if predestined, the seed of Jacobin, long excommunicated from Abraham by their rejection of the Cross, have converged together and sent forth the satanic forces of democracy and communism to bring ruin to the last of the Lord's favored government - autocracy. It appears usury and human sin is far mightier than the virtues of the Reich, and so truly, the world deserves another century of Christlessness.

Indeed, the Jacobonite truly hate us all, but it was our fault for being so enticed by their Luciferian calls of freedom and equality. Perhaps, this race embodies the serpent in the garden, and it is no more their fault as it is all of mankind's fault for trying treason against God's natural order. The rally call of Babel is at hand, and the last of Imperial Christendom shall see its death. Emperor Constantine's work shall now slumber and give way for a new era of pagan imperialism - secularism. Democracy is truly hell - it had crucified the Christ and gave us Barabbas. Another rape of royalty and Europe shall begin - another Reign of Terror, another murder of Bourbons and Romanovs, and another Gates of Toledo shall be at hand.

Absolute rulership is anathema to the evildoer.

There, in the siege of the capital, Soviet shells strike besides you. Brick and shrapnel fly and rip through grey matter - your grey matter. Your soul leaves the flesh, and with one last whisper, you shall join the Church Triumphant - as so God ordains.

Not yet.

With one blink to the next, scenes of smoke and fire give way to a view of a cathedral - the Lord's temple.

"Summoning complete." To your left, a row of templars are at a sword rest, and to your front, a lady.

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A dead quest, I guess
OP has black person work ethic baka
KEK 100% Rhine Bastard Energy
I want to believe.
Me too...

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You are a D-Force Commander. Disposable Forces are used for dynamic, organic, clandestine, nontraditional, and extra corporate aquations where plausible deniability is required.

Recent activity on Venus has garnered significant investor interest, but a barrier to exploitation remains the planet's undesirable gravity and challenging domestic population. To this end, you have been hired to enact the will and desires of the board, and in turn, garner monetary compensation. The Uranian system asteroid colony, KhaieBalkh, will be the lynchpin of this operation.

Infiltrate KhaieBalkh, and override it's central administration to engage a terminal burn into a Venutian orbit.

Protect the primary D-teams after occupying KhaieBalkh.

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Didn't think to ask; do you want a table to pull units from based on the most current events, or do you have an idea of what you want to do?

>just go with what exists
>get custom

If you don't want a table, just look through the thread and see what you want to loot. Its all there for the taking. If there is some enemy unit you like, just let me know, a quick backstory and you are good to go.
Welcome back man. Don't sweat it. You can come back anytime.

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(2) Looters- For a D-trooper they are barely human after a series of deep "refurbishments" at the meatworks. Stronger, smarter, faster, and more resilient than their peers their psychological tendencies for looting and hording remain a hallmark of their template along with a slightly cocky "can do" attitude. They specialize in indoor combat. A looter comes equipped with a vast arsenal of multi purpose tools and weapons. Silenced carbine, chain knife, enhanced monocular, detpacks, med kits, trauma packs and more. They have a lot of pockets and something useful in nearly everyone.

Exo frame- A former hallmark of the looter, rendered redundant after their upgrade. Equipping this frame massively increases their strength, and more importantly, carrying capacity far beyond their already prodigious baseline.

Plasma Lance- Particle lance. Takes a while to set up but will punch through armor and cover. Silent.

Heavy auto rifle- A depreciated vehicular weapon in the face of rail and high energy options. Cutdown and refit for "light" infantry use. Field trials have resulted in positive feedback with burst fire clearing out groupings of enemies, and entire floors, light office walls, doors, and most problems. "This right here, its my problem solver."

(4) Marauder- Massively armored, and grotesquely strong. None too fast but with enough onboard power to support a jump pack. The Marauder is a dinosaur on the modern battlefield. Outclassed by more expensive PowerGear, and less flexible than it's more conventional D-troop relatives. Equipped with a heavy anti armor rifle known as the "pogo stick" and a boost pack, it can endure suicidal one-way situations and arrive to land a killing blow. Some commanders find that its simple and straightforward capacity for violence is where it shines and can leverage that to devastating effect. Recently the Marauder has gained a bit of a second life moonlighting as a heavy weapons platform.

Gatling cannon- An absurdity by any standard, the Gatling cannon has no place in an infantry role, but here it is. The Marauder's inbuilt stabilizers and strength allow it to make this a viable solution for reducing enemy infantry to paste, or eroding armor through weight of fire.

Macro Pucks- An AKSG classic. The low velocity macro puck fits neatly on the Bost Pack of the Marauder, providing a massive general-purpose explosive.

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(4) Universal D-troop- Quite literally built from all the lessons learned of the previous units. The "Uni" comes equipped with a Gen 2 hardsuit with onboard power second in class only to a full Marauder suit and enough strength to rival an exo equipped looter. Armed with a silenced LMG and complimented multi purpose robotic claw and cutting tool the Uni stands to adapt to nearly any combat zone or role.

Beret- A symbol of authority and general badassery. A requirement to be considered a looter.

HIV (Hostile Intervention Vehicle)- a small AI drone.

Technophage- A larger robot with basic manipulator. Complex decision-making and improvisational capabilities. Your D-trooper lite.

Detcase- A suitcase full of explosives.

Exo Arm- A sympathetic Exo arm and sword attached to the back of the troop. Field modifications have included an extra gun.

Catail Jammer Array- Prevent detection and interfere with electronics. Backpack mounted.

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Rolled 40 (1d100)

It's not!
On the off-chance you see this before I can bang my head against it, can I get a FRED, remake that's unnecessarily demonic and edgy with massive skull in the middle? I need a gimmick for the holoFRED. Also what's BedDragon doing?
>Rolling to see if Bed Dragon made it back to surface
As a wash of gamma rays and high energy particles wash over and through BD, he enjoyed a brief nuclear assisted tour of the colony. There was more of a mild irritation than any panic, his neural spike was radiation hardened and still transmitting, anything fatal could be rectified in the next round. The view wasn't bad all things considered, but the impact hurt. He was out for a while. Mumbling D-troops, surgery, machines, more voices. Why the fuck hadn't they just killed him on the spot and did a re-gen? At least get it over before the shadow wizards started whispering again.

(When BD next awakes it will be in whatever equipment you devise. Mechs, FRED, or otherwise.)

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Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%202nd%20Primarch%20Quest
You are Lieren of Nothing, the second son of the emperor of mankind, Husband of the motherly and fierce Kanzeon, close personal friend of the emperor Long-Jia Jinhai and his grand architect and head of the Long-Jian ministry of development, head of the wanderers in the fog sect of psykerists who cultivate their will and self-control under your careful and diligent guidance, master of the second legion of your father from terra's space marine, and friend of mankind and kindly aliens wherever they may be found, and many other things, including the creator of the Nameless, an hidden organization of spirit hunters now under command of the advisor and close confidant of the emperor of mankind, Malcador,

Currently, you are on the bridge of the vessel containing the heart, soul and mind of Liberty, the youngest of Kanzeon's sister, who has come to see you as her elder brother and not simply in law. The two of you are floating above the odd world sharing Shangrala's sun, given the somewhat foreboding epithet of the black abyss by astrologers and researchers plotting your countrymen's first, stumbling steps into the cosmic realm. It is strange, in a galatic sense not only because it is wreathed in constant storms, but because it is seemingly a world formed entirely of water. And stranger still, it is wreathed by a ring formed of the remnants and wreckage left behind from a great stellar battle, celestial battleships and cosmic warmachines that resemble no design or blueprint in Liberty's archives or your own memories. They are not Aeldari and do not even resemble the kind of craft in which dwell your emerald eyed bride or her surviving sisters.

"I agree, let us investigate the wrecks, I've never seen any vessel, void worthy or not, of their make, and the battle scars they bare demand closed inspection, and their may be clues of their origin within what remains of the combatants that crewed these ships in their finale battle" You answer, smiling warmly and brotherly as you expertly avoid bringing to attention the ghost signals that frighten Liberty so much, for the time. You keep an eye on the faint signal pinging on her advance and arcane sensor array, making a note of it and locking the internal sensor arrays within your raiment of star-metal, that with a thought you adapt and change into a air-sealed space suit with a rounded helmet of see through emerald glass. Just to keep yourself from being exposed to the vacuum of space, you are confident you would survive it and the lack of breathable oxygen, but confidence is not cause for incaution.

With a delight squeal and a cheer, Liberty leaps off of your back and runs off towards the nearest wall, carelessly opening her internals to the airless void and causing a number of stray parchments and baubles to be launched out into space.
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>If they are not trusting a gift, we could make a trade instead. They seem to have travellooted a long way to get here and must have information about other star systems that we could use.
>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey. And then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...Somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so
>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey. And then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...Somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so
>>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey. And then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...Somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so

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A loud rumbling reverberated through the ground. Each second, another bang could be heard, as the rumbling got closer and closer. And as it got closer, a voice could be heard alongside each bang. The abandoned hallway shuddered, as the bangs got closer by each minute. Until finally, some of the rubble that blocked it was blown to the side and a dim light appeared. Dust filled the dark tunnel, blocking out the single source of light which came from an ornate lamp hanging from a staff. "Finally! That took way too long!" A female voice would say, as a small figure walked from the tunnel. She flapped her wings, blowing away dust and rendering the hallway more visible. "Geez, what a mess this place has become! That demon must've done an awful amount of damage to the facility after escaping us!" The voice said again, as the figure would look around a little. "I wonder which part we've ended up at and how long we were stuck down there."

Soon after, a far taller and more powerful figure would emerge from the tunnel. She walked gracefully into the tunnel, wiping away some of the rubble which had coated her clothes. "Hmmm, this place looks like it might be near the combat sector. I do not see anything suggesting we are close to any other location." The two would carefully look around, before the smaller one spoke up quite cautiously. "Do you think Tengri is okay? The power's out, and the place clearly took a terrible hit." The taller figure scoffed, approaching a wall and feeling it. "I imagine he made the wise decision and sought shelter. That, or he is also somewhere down here. Hmmm, perhaps he may also be with Titania? He did say she was perhaps the only one who could deal with that monster." The shorter figure would seem a bit more pessimistic. "Given how trashed this place is, I feel like Titania didn't succeed. I mean, not even we could deal with that thing! All our blows just did... nothing to her!"

The tall figure would contemplate for a moment, before letting out a sigh. "She is still out here somewhere, I'm afraid. After all, we were stuck for days, perhaps even weeks... yet nobody came over to save us." She'd turn to her smaller friend, looking down with a serious expression. "I feel like we have underestimated our situation. We weren't just stuck in an unreachable spot. After all, we broke through it after quite some time and with little issue. No, I fear that there is a greater tragedy going on. That we are some of the only survivors." The smaller girl would gulp a bit anxiously. "D-Do you think Tengri is dead?" The taller figure looked away, before responding more hesitantly. "I cannot tell for sure. What I can tell, is that we need to make our next moves carefully, and not let our guards down. If we see anyone who looks like a threat, we should opt to treat them as a threat, until it is confirmed they are friendly."
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I would if she wasn't wielding a still very sharp tailblade. It would be funny.
Whilst I really, really, really wanna write for the quest right now, I'll refrain from writing an update tonight. For one, I need to sleep early tonight, given that I'll give my first lesson as an actual teacher tomorrow and I wanna be mentally prepared for that by getting some good sleep.

Secondly, I still wanna see a bit more consensus regarding what you'll do with Vinisha. >>6106179 is currently leading, but given the diverging suggestions which have been made so far, I'll give it an extra day of discussion and thoughts.
Hey dude best of luck! That's super exciting and I wish you and your students the best.

Hope it goes well QM!!!
I will stick to what I said about just going our own way rather than starting shit when we have stuff to do.
Sure let's go for it, at this point the harem allegations aren't gonna go down and our folks gonna tease about it till the mission's end but as long as our team is fine with it I won't bitch about it.

I was inspired to do this by Henchman quest made by Axis-QM (R.I.P) This my first time doing a quest thread, but I have done writefaggtory on /tg. So, bear with me.

You are Rodney Eliot Grayne, you go by Eliot for short. You always felt you were 'misplaced' somehow. As you were born with severe vitiligo. Which made you the target of bullying during your younger years. However, you were born and raised in a middle-class family in Pittsburgh. You had everything he could ask for and more. But you had nothing to your name. Nothing that was truly your own. This created an inferiority complex and extremely entitled individual. You believed the world owed a debt for the trauma, and you worked very hard to prove it. Your parents and family were supportive, but distant. Not really knowing how to relate or even deal with you. True friends were few growing up, and fewer towards adulthood.

Now in your mid 20’s, you have created a persona to hide your ego. Some may call it arrogance, but you make it up for it by being extremely resourceful, a silver-tongued bastard with an intelligence to boot. Now working as a software developer at Star labs in Metropolis. It's almost time to clock out and you decide to...

>Go directly back to your apartment. No need to stay here longer than necessary.

>Walk around the city for a bit. Staying in an office all day will make anyone go crazy.

>Head to the local watering hole. One of your actual friends is in town to celebrate his marriage.

>Stay over to get some work done. It won't cost S.T.A.R anything more since you're salaried.
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>Put the Ring on and quietly scope things out. Stealth takedown!
Playing hero at work isn’t worth the hassle the wrong type of attention might bring, but we really don’t wanna be saddled with any extra work if this ends up affecting our department. …and I guess it would be bad if your coworkers got hurt. Let’s end this quickly and with as little fuss as possible.
I'd support this if we don't do the takedown stuff. If the ring has stealth/invisibility stuff then we should use that to leave.
Otherwise, my vote is for:
>Don't put the ring. Don't play the hero.

If we want to be a good person and save people, then that's fine, but not when it jeopardizes our secret identity. We can be sure that they don't know Eliot has the ring, because if they did, they'd have already grabbed him from the crowd or even broken into his home the previous night.
If we use the ring for anything other than stealth, then people will be able to narrow down the list of possible owners reeeeeeal quick.
>Don't put on the ring. Don't play the hero.
Luthor's gunning for us, and trying to pull a Clark Kent at our workplace is a quick way of blowing our cover
>Don't put the ring. Don't play the hero.
Well if they're not going to hurt anyone then we might as well just let them steal whatever they came here to steal. Sounds like star labs problem to me.
supporting this

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