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You are a Bridge Troll. A savage, dim, and obsessive creature that haunts the underside of many crossings; whether that be a simple log or a glorious bridge of stone. Recently you were forcibly expelled from the bridge that had been your family's bridge for generations. It was a creaky old-bridge that stood over an equally unimpressive river full of muck, festid mosquito nests, and troll droppings.

You hardly got any visitors to tax except for the occasional ne'er-do-el for whom speed and stealth was a priority over ease of travel. They rarely paid your toll but made for comforting if smelly meals.

However, after a survey of the nearby area by prospectors sent by the local lord (who paid your "troll toll" with mead and apples taken from the local village), the nasty almost-creek that was your home was found to host specks of silver and therefore a silver deposit.

After that you were promptly dislocated from your home by an "honorable" knight named Sir Flikker who enjoyed shouting about noblesse oblige and chivalry while chasing you. As if they cared about any of that when you were only harassing dirt poor peasants and not a host to valuable metals.

Now, after walking until your warted, ugly, and dull gray feet were full of blisters you feel comfortable enough to find a new home.

Which bridge do you choose?
>A sturdy log over a particularly wide and long ditch in the forest. Most of your visitors will be outlaws and woodsmen who typically don't pay taxes sadly. A benefit however there's little chance of facing any conflict from a lord or mayor here.

>An old splintery wooden bridge that's subject to a decent amount of foot traffic. You'd have to pick your battles carefully here, eating or taxing the wrong person could lead to knights knocking on your bridge.

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+1, but if the song sucks, we eat them.
>Let them compose you a song they'll play as a toll(increases infamy/fame)
>>Go back to sleep this is clearly a hallucination
>Let them compose you a song they'll play as a toll(increases infamy/fame)
>Let them compose you a song they'll play as a toll(increases infamy/fame)

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You remember parts of who you were, but thinking is hard. Quick, you must store that thought in the green, glowing bars of your prison before it leaves you.


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so ald would be a good option but required a setup. alright.
like I said anon, I wanted to bet on the database just because I didn't wanna nuke our army and like OP said, it could've worked with a setup.
You're such a little bitch.


>SECOND SEAL: Reality now relates to you. Your game world will affect reality in a substantial way.

Hopefully we can upload the game to mana crystals or something.

>THIRD SEAL: For a few hours, everyone will try their hardest to obtain what they long for the most. Justice's follower as well as yours will be affected.
And hey, CHAOS IS FUN.
Not that guy but I agree with saving third seal for when we really need it, as it seems to be a good panic button to affect Justice's followers right when we're about to die or right when we need an opening to win, especially since it only lasts a few hours

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Outworld client starting


[0]Neohuman Academia
[0]Mahou Shoujo Maido Royale
[0]Kaiju Relief Management
[x]Genesis_RPG . . .

Servers: public . . . private[x]

Insert Key: ************

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Far from the deep earth are shores caressed by sunlight, yet whom rose though smoke and pyre. Under the waves, scars braze the land, a union of the surface and the subterranea fire, setting the sea ablaze with magma and brimstone, and giving birth to verdant islands. The fast waves break on black sand, the breeze blows through the ample folliage, nurtured by the destructive forces emanating from the micro tectonic plates below. Monkeys swing from vine to vine, crabs climb for coconuts, kelpies trot in shade, but none of these are chosen.

A leathery hide slides across the sand, pushed by finned, webbed feet. A weak sight is meet with the refracted sight if the sun, it is their meaty wiskers protruding from their sleek shoulders that reveal them the world. Muscles contract and relax following small electrical discharges beneath their silvery skin. A head rises abose the water, the mouth opens, pale teeth shine in the light and a first breath is had. "Lungs... men of lung" their hearts tell them, that organ fizzling electric discharges in the water and air. And that thunder in their heart, willfully put there by a power outside their comprehension, said to them such...

>{Kthos, the Last}:


{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: how did the number of races doubled?
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Check Kickassia.
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: fucking hell that will be a bloodbath
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: I am betting on the spider-people.
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: just so we are all on the same page

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I’ll just tell one race something and let the anons do the rest and I choose… the scorpion people.

>”Do not fear death my children. For when you die, you just return to my icy embrace. This world is a prison you must endure and live on in until it’s your time, but when it’s your time you shall be returned into my infinite nothingness and become death. Rejoice! You live to die!
I'll also do one race, then.
>"Aranae", sung by the wind and the tremors of the earth, and that primordial voice told them such...
>{Kthos, the Last}:
>"The depths of the world you inhabit are my holy lands."
>"You will be the protectors and wardens of the deep earth."
>"For those whose lives end must come to lie in the earth as spirits. And they must not be disturbed, without a proper payment of Vitality."

>the Virisikiae have gained the traits: death worshippers, anti-materialists, focus(nothingness)
>the Aranae have gained the traits: Xenophobic(overworlders), aranae-centric, focus(fairness)

{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: Would anyone else like to wager who will win the Kickassia battle royale?
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: It's a sucker bet
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: buddhist scorpions are pretty cool tbf

irl came knocking so no real update today, feel free to give the lungmen something in the meantime, or not, that too is a possibility.
Also, how would you consider the descriptions? I intend for denser paragraphs like those for "in game" senctions, such as land descriptions and npc POVs.
I liked the paragraphs! The perspective they're written from is pretty good considering we're (presumably) just watching them from above, like cells wiggling around in a Spore game. The description of the scenery covers plenty, which gives a good idea of what their environments and lives are normally like, which in turn makes it easier to lead into setting a religion for their mindset.
As for the lungfish, I thought of a good thing to tell them:
>And that thunder in their heart, willfully put there by a power outside their comprehension, said to them one simple phrase:
>Don't let them kill you.

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Previous thread here: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5995153/

All threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=sci-fi%2C+VoidQM

In the last thread we re-adjusted ourselves to human life, met an interesting father-son duo, and prepared to breach the Melasthemae Curtain.

Ship: Heavy cruiser LDS Vanilla Skyline, Courageous-class
Captain: Commander Sylvia Thorton (yourself)
Crew: mostly undisciplined, enthusiastic
Engine: 95% efficiency
Railgun Turret A-1: 92% efficiency
All other systems operating at 100% efficiency.
Current Position: Molosses, Melasthemae Curtain.

Ship: Patrol destroyer LDS Chocolate Rain, Jaguar-class

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Sorry I have a major report coming up so I won't be able to post today. Hopefully I will have everything finished by tomorrow so the quest can continue.
Thank you for the clarification, it's a question I have been wondering over as well. It seems I will have to write more lengthy reminders whenever someone who has disappeared for some time from now on.
QM, Are you alright?
Thank you for asking. As everyone might have guessed, the curse struck again. Earlier this week, a library shelf filled with decades of red tape crashed onto me while I was doing research for my report. Thankfully, I only (emphasis by my doctor) got half a dozen broken ribs and a collapsed lung.
I'm currently recovering in the hospital. If I feel well enough, I'll try to get an update in either today or tomorrow. I might consider shortening the quest if this keeps happening.
Damn. My best wishes to you QM.
Have a good rest and get well soon.

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Through dynastic intrigue, rightful inheritance, or plain dumb luck you have found yourself in charge of one of the Imperium's millions of worlds. A position of much luxury but still with the responsibility of the Tithe on you. Will you be a great leader known throughout the ages or someone who is cursed by a thousand populist historians and preachers?
First though, there is something to be determined: What is the world you're running?
>[ ] Agriworld: Holodramas may depict these as a rugged paradise for a simple farmer, the reality is far more unpleasant.
>[ ] Paradise World: Known for it's raw beauty, this world has been mostly untouched aside from hotels for offworld noble travelers. It's only real industry is the service one, and the Sector very much wants to keep it that way.
[ ] Feudal World: Unscathed by the Age of Strife and uneducated, this primitive world is mostly left to it's own devices. Though protected by an chapter of the Space Marines as a recruiting world, they have little interest in assisting the planetary government in ensuring centralized control over the planet.
>[ ] Fortress World: Strategically important to the defense of the imperium, this world has more resources diverted to it than tithed, along with heavy Munitorium support. As Governor-General you will not need to worry about the Guard taking away your authority in wartime, but in turn you expect many of it's enemies to continually test your defenses.
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Mistake on my part again; it's only one action.
Yep, I noticed that with one of the stewardship actions having an X in them. Hence, why I put only 1 action for stewardship and not the mentioned two for that reason.
Will switching from 'Keep eyes on the skies' lose progress?
Is it possible to do both 'eyes on the skies' AND 'Reassignment to WORK'?
Assuming we can only do one action per 'domain' and we have not completed a few objectives previously chosen:
>Keep eyes on the skies (2/3)
>Forging Ties
>Raytheon's Industrial complex (2/2)
>His Holy Works
>Who’s Da Boss?

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Oh ok. Just Fort Up then.
An action marked with [x] is one that's already locked in. You're automatically spending an action to keep it going so you don't need to worry about it.

Your tomboy childhood friend tells you she has a boyfriend now. You're shocked because you've grown up together and always saw her as a boy but now that she has a boyfriend you feel jealous? Did you start seeing her as a woman and fell in love with her without realising? Is it too late now that she is dating someone else? What do you do?
> You can't lose her. You confess to your childhood friend you're in love with her
> You try to move on without your childhood friend. Even if you can't be with her anymore you want her to be happy
> You try to break them up
> .........
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Kek the delinquent did become the prison bitch. Also good job op for the short and sweet quest and not giving up after 2 posts like other flakes..
This is the canon ending
Will you write it out, QM?
New quest idea: I'm an NTR Hentai Bully jailed for rape and my cellmate is Fleece Johnson!?
Write it

Wetting your lips, you once more take stock of your audience, scrutinizing their features. The eyes of these children watch you expectantly, waiting for you to offer them a glimpse of a world that they could only imagine. It is true, that you are strange to them; that much you have already acknowledged. Yet the gravity of your position becomes apparent to you only as you wrack your brain in search of a suitable subject to speak at length of.

You, Jezyrene Delyl, are the sole link between the culture of your people and these impressionable little ones. Raised isolated from their kindred in the Underdark and deprived of the teachings of their ancestors, they are surfacers in all but appearance. These unforeseen circumstances evoke an unusual sensation that radiates out from your chest, a burning need to remedy this error.

"Once, tens of thousands of years ago, when dragons still ruled the Realms, our people came to this world from another and made our home here. We found a place in a far-off land and built a country for ourselves, the ancient realm of Ilythiir," you begin, drawing upon the education that you received in centuries past. "This is why the true name of our people is the Ilythiiri."
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>I recall her mentioning that she has a man when we first spoke, although I have yet to see him at all.
>She supposedly knows how to use a weapon. I wish to see for myself how awful her technique is - we shall spar.
>I would know what became of her mother's remains, and the sword Nelgetha. It would be a shame to allow such power to go to waste.
>Last night I was told that our culture was lost to them. If she is to lead my odd surfacer kin, then I will simply have to teach her how to be a proud Ilythiiri woman.
We will achieve this by...
>She supposedly knows how to use a weapon. I wish to see for myself how awful her technique is - we shall spar.
and at the end
>Suppose that, hypothetically, there was another such as myself born into the Lolthite teachings. One whom I believe deserves a chance to turn away from them as I have...

(Unless we can only choose one, in which case just the last one.)
If we can only choose one…
>Suppose that, hypothetically, there was another such as myself born into the Lolthite teachings. One whom I believe deserves a chance to turn away from them as I have...
If it’s the usual three choices, the other two are…
>Last night I was told that our culture was lost to them. If she is to lead my odd surfacer kin, then I will simply have to teach her how to be a proud Ilythiiri woman.
If she wishes to help others like Jez, she should learn the context of where we’re from.
>She supposedly knows how to use a weapon. I wish to see for myself how awful her technique is - we shall spar.
I kinda wish her mom was still around, it’d be fun learning how these surface IlythiirI fight, and to incorporate some of them into our dances.
>I would know what became of her mother's remains, and the sword Nelgetha. It would be a shame to allow such power to go to waste.
>Last night I was told that our culture was lost to them. If she is to lead my odd surfacer kin, then I will simply have to teach her how to be a proud Ilythiiri woman.
>She supposedly knows how to use a weapon. I wish to see for myself how awful her technique is - we shall spar.
Vote closed.

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Part 5 has successfully loaded!

Character sheets, shopping lists, and more: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V0eqo-5JEuUwZ-AODD9jkxGMwEhkvn77?usp=sharing
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Lodestar:%20Dawn%20of%20a%20New%20Age

Last time, we took control of Captain Ramza Valentine as he navigated the social structures of a Gaoth Raidship. Having joined them on a successful hunt that ended in the execution of every single black pirate serving aboard Captain Lore's ship, the sickened Ramza was invited to join in post-mission celebrations aboard the Skyseer by Captain Jaghatai. There, he learned the finer points of one of the games native to Gaoth, purchased a handcrafted Concertina from one of the soldiers playing music for the party, and ended the celebrations by getting blackout drunk to forget the ruthless slaughter he'd seen just hours ago. Upon waking up, he was back upon his ship with the Skyseer nowhere to be seen, and Aito's own ship was fixed up enough to set sail once more.

Once he was on his way back towards Threespice, he encountered a True Dragon inhabiting the icefields that seems to have been responsible for hunting the local monster population, and attempted to entice it closer to the ship to harvest one of its valuable parts without having to hunt it. He saw minor success in that he was able to acquire some of its hairs that snagged on the ship, but more valuable was perhaps the demonstration of the curious creature as it emulated the function of Ramza's mageblade without needing one of its own - one disconnected from its body, as well.

As we resume our adventures, the crew had just arrived at Threespice once more. There's no time to rest, however, as Ramza has a plan for the next immediate course of action: finally acting upon that Recruitment plan that Lobo gave him and filling up your roster of men, as you have three entire ships to see to now. There is only question that remains...who will we be playing today?

>Ramza Valentine. You're cocky, charming, and killer with a Mageblade.
>Val Lasombra. You're great with magic, but even better with a pistol. Not one for words, you think actions speak much louder.
>Gigas. You've yet to meet anyone that can best you physically, or resist your infectious cheer.
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>Switch to Ramza, play through his torment of a hundred interviews.
We can endure.

It is now canon that even Black Pirates feel bad for taking advantage of Gigas’ poor memory and help if they can. Yay for small wins.

Maybe she saw some things in there she’s hoping he remembers to make him more like her.
>Switch to Ramza, play through his torment of a hundred interviews.
This'll be good.
Thank you for the pity points, I was about to lament.
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Happy 4th of July, lads! Celebrate your freedom by eating good food, just to shove it in those damn brit's faces that they're busy eating MUSHY PEAS and BEANS instead of delicious steaks and juicy burgers!
Sorry to my readers that are from the fictional continent of "europe", but my freedom genes are fully activated today!
Bold word from someone of the colonies.
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Get him, boys.

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You can't help but chuckle. "Yes, it is a big deal. You can not only see Spirits but can speak with them. Even I can't speak with all of them and I had to die and be blessed by a Dragon to even begin to understand them. This is unprecedented and quite possibly undocumented." You explain as you finish another set of steps and move down. "Just how long have you been able to do that? Was it when you became leader? It could be your natural abilities being heightened by assuming responsibility of one of the holiest, former holiest, sites in China."

"Waitwaitwait! You can't start asking questions! I don't have my materials!" Ming says waving her hands to get you to stop. "I need my books! I need ink and brushes and...I'll be right back!" She says standing up and running back up the mountain. You shake your head in amusement and watch her leap from rock to rock all the way back to the Jade Palace.

It doesn't take long for Ming to return, arms full of empty scrolls, ink bottles, and a various other writing instruments. Fortunately for you, you had done this exercise long enough that you had made significant progress on the steps. You were about 2/3rds down the mountain steps. "Ok! I'm ready to do some research. Let's see..." Ming sits down and crosses her legs rather than trying to sit politely. Her tail swishes from side to side and she plays with her hair as she thinks. "I think I remember noticing movement near the end. A few weeks before the city was attacked." She says as she starts quickly jotting down notes. "I just thought it was me being tired or maybe it was Xin just trying to scare me."

"Xin? I don't think they're capable of such a thing." You muse. Ming throws an empty scroll at you.

"You need to pick that up now and behave." She says. "I don't know when I was able to talk to them. I just kind of always have been."

"What about the bigger ones? Do you see big ones?" You ask. Ming shakes her head.

"No. All I see is small ones." She says. You think for a moment.

"But there are bigger ones. Do you ever see anything bigger? Maybe like a large gust of wind that seems to move like no breeze should or something more dragon shaped?" You ask. "Some of them look a bit humanoid but eventually they start to become less and less regular shaped." You explain, waving your hands vaguely to indicate the strange forms spirits can take.

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>Explore the area a bit. See if we can find a few fragments of the alter to put back together.
>When we're done, Call out to him. "Great Shenlong, Master of the Wind, Your friend is here to answer your summons and offer what solace he can. Please, reveal yourself!"

He will hear us from his grove.
Going to try and at least tidy up the altar. Writing.
You look at the devastation around you. You were no artisan nor a crafter so you had no idea what parts belonged to the altar or what belonged to the little homestead Bao had built for herself on this island. Still you felt compelled to try your hand at repairing the ruined altar. You grab pieces you think might have been part of the original structure but after a few moments, you realize that the exercise was a futile one. Still, you couldn't bring yourself to give up so instead you do your best to try and build a tiny shrine as best you can. Grabbing fallen twigs and with some sharp stone you managed to make some tinder. On a hunch you dig around the debris and manage to find some small fire starting equipment possibly meant to light candles and incense. With your small little offering fire, along with a few odds and ends you manage to scavenge. You give a small prayer to those who were lost before standing up and calling out into the heavens, "Great Shenlong, Master of the Wind, Your friend is here to answer your summons and offer what solace he can. Please, reveal yourself!"

The winds pick up and lightning streaks across the sky. Thunder explodes high above you as the skies seem to scream out in anguish. There is a roar that reverberates throughout your very mind and soul and Shenlong ascends from the sea of clouds. You stare in the infinity as the endless coils of the Lord of Wind shift, ravel, and unravel upon themselves as the head slowly descends down from the heavens towards you. "Shenlong! Would that we could meet in better times." You shout upwards. "When I heard you called for me I came right away to offer whatever could to ease your pain!" A bolt of lightning strikes the ground a few feet away shattering a log and sending splinters everywhere. A fire bursts froth but it's immediately smothered by a combination of the intense wind and rain that suddenly overtakes the small island. Shenlong roars once more before his voice and presence brings you to your knees.
"Tai Lung. Long have you been a friend to me and my children. You have looked after them, treated them as equals and with respect. I now call upon you now not as a friend but as my champion." You hear both above and behind you. You manage to shift your body enough to see Bao approach you. The wisps that flowed out of her eyes now a burning flame, her hair ragged and messy and her clothes torn and aged. Her face is twisted in fury and grief while tears not her own pour from her face as she speaks in both their voices. "Long have we tolerated mankind's presence upon the other realm since our departure generations upon generations ago. In return for their worship we blessed them with the means to sustain themselves, with protection from misfortune, with good health. But this sacrilege goes too far! Our children slaughtered! Their lives twisted into a foul mockery of the natural order!" Shenlong roars once more and more bolts of lightning strike the island. "It is clear that they no longer deserve our blessings and will retreat into this realm forevermore. But I will not stand idly by and allow this injustice to go unpunished! I call upon you, Tai Lung, find those responsible for this crime and kill them! Let their souls be rent from their corpses so that they may face eternal judgement at the hands of their victim's fathers!"

You struggle to remain on your knees as you feel the situation start to spiral out of control. If the dragons left the world completely, you had no idea what would occur. Could life even continue? Would they simply be at the mercy of entropy? Who would the people turn to in their times of desperation?

>What do you do?
>Write in
Fuck. I don't really blame them, because he's a right to be angry. But to allow this would be. . Catastrophic. I've got to go some old testemant shit.

>"Great Shenlong, You would have me slay every man, woman and Child that touches the soil? Render them all dead whoever feels the sun on their skin, air on their face or stone under foot?"

Give a pause for him to deny, or ask what the hell we mean when he's given somewhat specific directions anyway. But if he says No, then refrain with
>"Then You wish for every soul in china slain"? And after another refusal, we can ask again about mongolia, or about the ignorant of the tribe who have nothing to do with it but be related. Best move to the counter before his temper frays.

>"If these people are not guilty, why ought they be punished? Are Bao and I the only souls left on the world who are considerate of you? Shenlong, I'm sorry for what happened on the mountain, for the pain it caused you, the deaths of my friends and Sang Po and my stupidity in allowing it to happen under my nose. But while your anger and hurt is more vast than I could fathom in an eternity of meditations, I know that extends to your mercy, your love and your benevolence too. Don't give up on those who still hold true to you, People like Bao's mother, Like the Library and it's peoples, Like the old monk of Zhangzhi [I've no idea if that's how you spell the triad city]. In ages to come your wrath will cool and the Monsters who've done this will be in the grasp of the courts, please, Do not reject a world with good for all the bad which surrounds it."

That's the first part. . . for what he asks of us. . . well shit, we came to offer him what would ease his pain. And he seeks vengence.
Could make an argument for his ageless nature, that the wheel turns slowly but inevitably. But he knows that.

The pragmatists choice is just dispatching Renshu and Xin. But that'd be violating their promises to our own convenience.
So instead. . .

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You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. He goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!


Last time: After Ben caught up with his clone brother, Abe (A.K.A. Spider-Man), he recruited the Thief Girls to look into the production and distribution of an addictive drug targeted towards mutants called "Kick". Then, he requested that Ember's first act as a Desperado be to use her powers to remodel Central Park into the greatest Halloween attraction known to man.

And with all the help Ben's been giving the Morlocks, Callisto finally admits to being able to trust him completely. Although, the fact that Ben had just revealed his name and face to her somewhat helped with that declaration.

But what of Iara's revelation of Donny's return? Will the Morlocks be able to comfortably move out of Central Park? Will their plans to profit off of Ember's powers pan out, or will it blow up in their faces?

And will Storm ever recommend the Desperados' services to her colleagues.

Find out more in the latest issue of…MAXIMUM SPIDER QUEST!

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“Do you think you can do me another favor?” you asked.

Ember gave you a hesitant look and a cautious nod.

“Great. Here’s what I need…”


You swung through the park, faster than you normally would, but not so fast as to arouse suspicion. You had to make a conscious effort to avoid using your newfound power of flight to propel yourself through the air.

That, and you didn’t want to set any trees on fire by accident. Your control was far from perfect, and you were still working on developing those skills.

Similarly, Ember wasn’t terribly confident in her ability to create whatever you asked. Which, in this case, was a jamming device to halt Screwball’s stream and momentarily distract her.

After everything you’ve seen, you had every confidence in her. But just in case something went wrong, you sent her ahead to intercept the criminal e-celeb. You couldn’t afford to leave that particular stone unturned, and you had your own signal to pursue.

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What will you say?

>”Remind me to buy that girl some pants with pockets.”
>”I think we might need to have a talk with Iara about responsibility. At least where other people’s stuff is involved.”
>”You’re a lifesaver! I wish you were around when I lost my keys the other day.”
>”You didn’t happen to notice someone else using a phone here, did you? Other than Screwball and Spider-Man, I mean.”
>”Are you planning on starting an All-Morlock Tennis Team? Am I too late for tryouts?”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:

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>Call Ember, tell her the backup plan isn’t needed now. Though if she still wants to figure out the other signal you’d feel better about it.
May as well stop the potential disaster I helped set in motion.

>”Remind me to buy that girl some pants with pockets.”

>”You didn’t happen to notice someone else using a phone here, did you? Other than Screwball and Spider-Man, I mean.”

>”Are you planning on starting an All-Morlock Tennis Team? I feel gypped! I put in my application a while ago and you never followed up.”
Referencing our game with her where she thrashed us.

>”Got any basketballs around? I know it’s not your thing, but it’s easier to play b-ball away from proper courts than most other sports.”
Dare we start the mutant basketball league from a prior thread?
>>”Remind me to buy that girl some pants with pockets.”
>”You’re a lifesaver! I wish you were around when I lost my keys the other day.”

>”Remind me to buy that girl some pants with pockets.”
>”I think we might need to have a talk with Iara about responsibility. At least where other people’s stuff is involved.”
>”You’re a lifesaver! I wish you were around when I lost my keys the other day.”

Callisto really is best girl, came in clutch

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Because why not.
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Awww fuck it's the classic teenage girl scenario
If I can't tell my bro something he likes is shit, we're not bro enough, but for teenagers especially these things can hurt, sometimes it's just a matter of taste
Better to be honest than lie though in my opinion, though you could always word it in a way that doesn't sting as much
Also some other deep seated issues but I don't even know how to handle those so I won't, it's not me that has to deal with it :P
>"You know how I like breaking into shit constantly? Like it's an addiction? Hell, I haven't even broken a single lock once today and that might be why this day has been ass."

>"I think treading upon forbidden land and abandoned ruins is fun. Crackas would say that I'm being a criminal and a nuisance. That's the thing: anything that you like will be cringe to someone else, so you might as well keep your mouth shut or else someone might say that every aspect of your being is cringe and sucks."

>"The main difference between us, and Nazis, is that what we like doesn't hurt others or ourselves. I make sure to keep my targets to abandoned or low-frequency places so I don't get caught, and I never steal. Kuro likes Anime, Manga, and Weeb shit. She doesn't hurt anyone by enjoying it and it enriches her life by making her happy and occassionally teaching her life advice."

>"In all honesty, you ain't wrong for spitting from the heart. You just gotta learn that other people's hearts are different than yours, they don't speak the same language as yours. Once you have good Heart-to-Heart communication skills, you can tell all the niggas you want that their stuff is cringe and they'll listen to you this time. But you better be ready for what they'll say back."

>Do I even know what Blanc likes?
>If not, ask "Speaking of: What do you like, my Blanc Nigga?"

If only the Désirés could be as empathetic as the Imeredalas. Unfortunately, things will be even harder for us, but I will try to keep this family happy.

How ironic that a girl who specialises in breaking into things has the task of strengthening and reconstructing something as fickle as family. But perhaps that's why my wish involved reconstruction as well...
fuuuuuck i didn't make it to post miharus
miharu in the morning!
My dad not being around is expected, he's a cop.
But Shaniqua isn't here yet... I fear the worst might have happened to her.

Do we not all have deep-seated issues? I just have the unenviable responsibility of dealing with multiple people's.

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Last time, you and Suan De chased a hobo girl named Ichie across the city and its sewers, who was demonically possessed by a ghost of allegedly evil nature (Hell bent on revenge of some kind) that was sealed in the secret room your apartment supposedly always had. It was a thrilling, disgusting, and unnecessarily difficult chase that left you on top of a random building in front of the homeless shelter. After using diplomacy effectively, you convinced the ghost to relent control of Ichie’s body.

But the story didn’t end there, Ichie herself wasn’t cooperating in the way you needed. A very stubborn gal. You wanted everyone to retreat back to your apartment since you’re all soaked in sewer water. Showers are a necessity.

But she wasn’t hearing it because she’s a snobby pants and couldn’t go out there drenched and stinky (Even though you’ve seen her rummaging through garbage), the thing is you can turn people invisible, but she’s so narcissistic, she never heard your proposition until you abruptly showed her by making her hand invisible. That bluescreen’d her. Once that happened, you just grabbed and took everyone to your apartment.

You were willing to carry them both, but Suan De declined, merely using your shoulder for support. She needed to touch you anyway if you all wanted to leave the building without being noticed, but you could tell she was leaning on you. She was too tired after saving everyone from the sewer geyser.

It was taxing on your body, but nothing that bad.

You’re all back at your apartment! All safe. All smelly. You’re glad Ruby didn’t see the hole! Phew!

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. welcomes the gang. He notices the smell but doesn’t care all that much.

“...Who should shower first?” Suan De expects order.

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With no other options left, you all have to leave the apartment. Craig says that he’s going to check every room in the building, he’s suspecting that this isn’t the only hidden room in the building. He’ll start with yours, so, it's goodbye for now.

You propose to the hobos to go to Matilda’s dojo since it’s awfully close to here, and it used to be your base. Naturally, you give your Martial Arts Teacher a call to arrange the visit, and she agrees to it on the condition that you cook dinner. You accept, but have to do a quick store trip to get the ingredients. It doesn’t sound like she’s there at the moment, so this detour will give everyone time to get there.

And yes, all the girls agreed to come over. Ichie doesn’t mind as long as she conceals her appearance (she’s wearing one of your hoodies), Suan De is curious about what this supposed Dojo looks like, and Ruby... uhm… does not want to be left alone. That simple.

Eventually, the gang arrives at the dojo. You introduce everyone to your blood sister, the only one who didn’t know her is Ichie. Matilda seems to have just dropped by.

“I didn’t know you two knew each other!” You had no idea that Matilda and Ruby have some story together, you don’t recall this at all.

“I have run errands for everyone in your little group, Johnny.” Matilda doesn’t find it surprising if you paid attention. You thought the extent of the ‘Matilda and Osgood’ interactions peaked here when she and the others beat the shit out of him for what happened to Ajna! Good times!

“Yes, we exchanged more than pleasantries a couple of times.” Ruby smiles. “I thought she would get rid of the van, silly me…” Her smile vanishes.

“How’s your hobo doing, Johnny?” Immaturetilda strikes again as she asks about Suan De.

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“Woah! This little hut is so much nicer than what I imagined!” Ichie is impressed by the place being clean. “I’m Ichie Saionji! It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

“Hello. Saionji, you say?” Matilda is less than cordial for some reason, but Ichie is too busy living in her own world to care.

“Yes, the sole heir I may add!” Ichie says with a smile. By the looks of it, Matilda wants to tell you something about your newly acquired hobo.

Before you can get into anything, Oliver rushes over with an expression that can only be described as panicky!

“Master! You’re finally here!” The former terrorist shouts. “You brought Johnny and his pals too! Good! It’s a huge emergency!”

“When is it not?” Matilda is used to this guy being all melodramatic.

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Thanks for running!
Would you mind drawing all the characters in the old style for one thread?
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I already did that for the Vera threads!

(We will most likely return tomorrow in a new thread, sorry for the hiatus!)

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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/6s4Xazmv
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

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From my limited perspective, it's a matter of a strong opening post + little to no character gen to get swamped in + regular updates. Get all three and you'll probably get some players.
It's my experience that with an unknown/untested QM, a quest will get many votes if the premise is easy to understand and exciting. Thoughbsome of it is luck, too, and a goodnopening post is more likely to snag someone who gives it a quick glance. Same with an OP image: it isn't the be-all end-all, but in the fiest few days when it's building steam, a distinct and eye-catching OP is kore likpey to get curiosity clicks.
New quest The Pale Inheritance is now live: >>6052154

Check it out!
Late have I waited for more Moloch kino.

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In the year 1987, crime and corruption in America is an epidemic. Drugs and guns flow into the country from everywhere in the world, and the gateway to it all is the coastal paradise, Heat City. This is a place of shining high-rises and shadowed alleys, sunsets and smog, neon and blood, ruled by ambition and greed and power. Here in Heat City, you can get whatever you want -- if you can pay the price.
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" Got it! Are you going to do something--- HOLY SHIT "

Kit ducks. It seems the survivable thing.

[Run to the train]

"Out off the way punks!"

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 10/14, Edge 4/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2-1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn, Ammo 2), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move

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Rolled 7, 4, 4, 3 = 18 (4d10)

Type: Brain
HP 6/7
Edge 7/8
Move 5[4]
Defence 3[5]
Crit 8
Stats: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 2
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit, Smoke Grenade 2/3, Frag 2/3Grenade
Special Talent: Infiltrator

>Edge 1 Move W W

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I just realized I do not in fact have a molotov, curse my high ass, Ninja Ninja throws an empty bottle at her

"...Ah fuck I thought I had a molly"
Hard 0[1] - HP [8/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6[5]
Sharp 0 - Edge 1/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

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Looks like you've had long enough to process things but if it wasn't clear you're dead. Whatever life it was you were living before this, it doesn't matter because it's over. I'm no Grim Reaper, and there isn't a pit of torment or a hall of infinite good feelings, just another spin of the wheel. Maybe you're familiar with something like this from the imaginations of people in your old life, but to be clear your next life is going to begin and honestly it could be like anything. Some worlds have magic, some might be just like the one you left and others might not even have multicellular organisms and normally I can't tell you which you'll end up in, but the last few went uh, badly for the reincarnated so I'm going to be more hands on this time. In any case, you won't remember me or your old life. That's not to say you're starting off as a blank slate, you'll retain this level of consciousness even if you turn out an amoeba. Why? Because it's boring otherwise.

Anyway, I might as well let you choose.
>Pre-industrial Fantasy
>A Modern World
(Thought I'd try my hand at running something again because I had that itch and I'll never learn to do well if I don't try)
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>>Ask about resources to achieve the emperor's will
If he has any sense he can't expect you will be able to do what he wants all on your own so you ask about what will be made available to you to accomplish this task. To your relief he answers that all that is written on these Others in the empire is yours to study as well as ritual materials, living expenses and travel expenses. As a potentially powerful servant to the Emperor, you will now be borrowing some of his authority and status while acting on his behalf, but it also means you will be closely monitored and in a sense kept on a leash if you show any sign of disobedience. It still isn't clear where the lines are drawn and may prove difficult to navigate until you get the hang of it, but you suspect your situation is not much different from the mages now.

But you are welcome to live in accommodations that are slightly more luxurious than the lower level house staff for as long as you are not sitting on your hands. More specifically, you will have claim to one of the guest rooms to have to yourself, can request assistance to some degree by the staff and may dine after those of higher status have begun to eat. You will be taught matters of etiquette to avoid offending others or causing embarrassment but it's nothing unreasonable.

But where to begin?
>Seek sources that can tell you what the Others are
>Seek sources that can tell you more about their particular sort of magic
>Seek sources that can teach you more about the type of magic that is considered more normal
>Write to people (who?) to learn what has happened with them since the war ended before you look any deeper into this matter of Others
>Something else?
>Seek sources that can tell you what the Others are
You decide to focus on finding out what the Others are, and although the books within the Emperor's estate and the capital are many, you are ultimately forced to leave for other cities. Ultimately you spend months traversing Carthagos and learn from both written and oral sources to acquire as complete picture as possible. The answer you find may have given you more questions than it answered.

The Others are the inhabitants of another, parallel world to this one who are known to be tricksters and terrorize largely helpless folks in their plots and games. They come in many sorts that are distinct from each other and range from helpful if properly respected to extremely hostile but most love to make deals and most you should never make a deal with. Some can be repelled or slain by substances from this world and others can be restricted by rituals but without specific knowledge one can only hope they aren't targeted. Their deals are supernaturally binding and in cases where one is able to violate the agreement the backlash from the violation can be catastrophic.

Perhaps more personally interesting is that they are kin, a fact that has caused much distrust and fear as you traveled away from where you were more known. The reason for your mother's exile as you now feel certain it was are still unclear to you, but the power of their deal making magics could be reclaimed by you if you could figure out enough about them. While different matters, all things to do with the Others are related so you have gotten enough of an idea to feel certain that obtaining these magics is what the Emperor is after, but are you doing it just to survive, out of a growing loyalty to this country, or because you could avenge the slight against you and your family by turning these powers against the Others?

>Seek out sites connected to the Others and try feeling out your way to understanding them and their magics
>Dig deeper into sources on their deals and magics
>Look into the magic of this world in hopes it will help you understand the magic of that world
>Something else?
Apologies for my absence, I'll probably just have to be here when I can.
>Seek out sites connected to the Others and try feeling out your way to understanding them and their magics

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