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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 758. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting

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>To put it in game terms, I like to think of Chili as the "mid game" boss that is there to ensure you can actually play the game and aren't just cheesing.
In other words, he's the noob filter of the SCQ foodchain?
Not quite. He's like an optional secret boss who doesn't play by the game's 'normal' mechanics like the other Saiyans and ends up being either insanely difficult or just a difficult boss depending on level and gear. Imagine a Bloodborne boss in the first Dark Souls, or a zoner like Fighterz Freeza or Super Baby 2 getting transported into tekken or street fighter with all of their zoner ranged abilities grab combos, parry and super dash. He just has options you don't.
>stat check
No, Karn is more the skill check on top of a hyper-lethal battle, demanding you not give him an opening. If he gets you, you're done.
>noob filter
Would have to sit and think on this. Only using the quest's original characters, or the ones who have been significantly altered by quest events, maybe Maza or Broly? Turles would just be an attrition match, your attacks doing little damage. Chaya could be a good 'alright easy mode's over now, we're moving up into the real threats' tier decider. Because once you get past her level of power it's only VERY strong beings above her. Karn, Meloka, Freeza and Cooler, Caulifla...
>implying that the super secret postgame optional boss isn't Full-Vault-Use Potential Realized Prime King Cold

Nah, that's more of a gimmick fight. One who grabs different equipment depending on where he is in his treasure room where phase 2 and phase 3 begins.
It is time! Episode 226 begins right now!

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I mean, sure things aren't as great as they used to be, but it's not about that. We can't let ourselves get dragged down by nostalgia. It's about making up a new nostalgia. It's about moving forwards while also looking back at yourself as current ancestor. It's about a lot of things. Half-price hot pockets for one. Maybe some coffee as well. But what kind of coffee? Don't get distracted. You have work to do. Don't forget the work. Never forget the work. As long as you focus on the work then things can still turn out okay. It's not about you. It's about The Niceness.
Now what was I doing?
>Feeding the cat
>Taking out the trash
>Staring out the window
>No, it was something else. I was __________
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>Opt for a physical interrogation
For the love of God, have a lawyer present.
>Consent to memory extraction
they'll find out about Knape eventually if we try to hide it, and then they'll find out about our complicity in what he's doing. maybe this way the Niceness will be, well, nicer
>Pray to The Niceness
>Opt for a physical interrogation
>>Consent to memory extraction

They don't have all day, they'll check out what we saw and be on their way.

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Rolled 12 (1d20)

No oi ain't got no loicense. Your lack of perspicacity I find effluviating. I challenge thee to a gentleman's du-el!
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Rolled 10 (1d20)

rolly for the gyally demmies bruvs
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Rolled 12 (1d20)

Action: I cast Power Word: Remigration, and I need a will save against inevitability, a fear effect, at DC 18.
Bonus action: I cast my Zero Seats
Reaction: I activate Amerimutt Aura to make the Brit follow my lead, intelligence save on a charm effect, DC 18.
Movement: I use my F-35 of Flying to fly 50 feet straight up
Free action: I deactivate Amerimutt Aura and let him fall to his death
Sorry I deleted part of my turn.
Bonus action was to cast Zero Seats cantrip to give my allies advantage on electoral against him.

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The sky was dark that night, the artistic spirit of your people prey to a restlessness. Yet the night invites you to fight against the increasingly immoral titanocracy. You are a member of a small elite force of fey partisans attempting to reclaim a fragment of the world tree stolen by the outsiders. They arrived at the planet a decade ago, bringing untold destruction and suffering. Most of your family was killed by them. You want revenge.

You are:

> Risold. Can do strong water magic. Somewhat liked.
> Alhambra. Can do strong fire magic. Very disliked.
> Kanako. Can do strong plant magic. Very liked.

You currently have two companions you got at the Fairy Hole. Pick them from the following list. Having two or more fairies with similar powers grant Synergy:

> Nikka. Can do ice magic.
> Bordeaux. Can do mind magic.
> Flavoran. Can do air magic.
> Pistachy. Can do healing magic.

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You send:

Risold. Can do strong water magic. Somewhat liked.
Alhambra. Can do strong fire magic. Very disliked.

Nikka. Can do ice magic.
Bordeaux. Can do mind magic.
Flavoran. Can do air magic.
Keka. Can do weak transmutation magic.
Lizzy. Can do weak healing magic.
Narn. Can use weak slow magic.
Fandor. Can shoot magical spikes.

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Rolled 23 (1d100)

> Write in
Cast "The Dwellers Below"
If they're blocking our entrance for our away team, then:
> Attack the Skaven with magic
Kanako and Daryl are both unscathed, both Pistachy and Brika (aka both our medics) are alive with minor injuries, so we still have a strong defensive team. Bind them with vines and let the teamkilling tendencies of the Skaven to do our work for us.

If not:
> Ignore the Skaven.
> Attack the Skaven with magic

If possible, charm/mind control a few of them and set them on each other.
> Engage the Skaven with small arms
Turn invisible and use sniper rifles.

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Last year you moved to the small town of Bucoda, about 15 miles outside of Olympia in the State of Washington. Something weird happened. Well, it was a few months after you moved, and well, you saw a dinosaur ghost. You ran away. That night, the night you saw the dinosaur ghost, the earthquake struck that destroyed Bucoda entirely, so I guess you’ll never know what was going on. And honestly? I’m glad.
>put dinosaur ghost in inventory
>open inventory
>consume dino ghost

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Done as another 'proof of concept' quest, but with lower-quality art using the painter so as to give more regular responses.

Your name is Hope Bernice Jr., you're a 28-year-old lady restaurateur, and you're FUCKED.

Before you were spit out of a test tube, your mother, Hope Bernice Sr., decided she wanted a clone to take over the 'family business', [u]Hope Home Cooking[/u]. That clone, of course, was you. You didn't really want to yourself- you were hoping you would break it big in the corporate scene. Any job would have worked, just to get out of the hell that was Mossless Stone. It's certainly not mossless, but otherwise, there's no green at all in this ever-moving city.

No matter how hard you worked or tried, though, there was no climbing up any of those ladders. Even the desperate ploy of offering yourself as a kind of concubine didn't work- your nature as a clone cost you a head of height and ten years or more off your lifespan. Most fetishists with the money to spend spend it on virtual reality, to avoid the judgmental looks and awkward conversations.

After all of your options got cut down to the bone, you had to take over after all, crawling back to this shitty countertop spot that pretends to be a homey old-time diner but only has four seats. They're all diner-style barstools that provide two feet of eating space, with their backs to the street. There's rain cover, which is the only reason anyone would actually bother to sit down here besides abject starvation condition.

Thankfully, your mother is dead, so now you don't have to hear her screaming in your ear about how you're a failure of an inheritor. Unfortunately, your mother is dead, and that means that you're going to have to make this fucking place run all on your own. Also, she was a foot taller than you, which means you need to drag around a stepstool to do most of her jobs, which includes everything from taking orders to moving supplies to actually cooking the food. You're probably going to have to hire someone eventually, but you can't afford that right now.

In fact, you can't afford almost anything- you exist at the mercy of the corpo-government, which technically owns 'your' business. You're a franchisee of [u]Smiling Days Food Services™[/u]. Just to further kick you in the beans, most of your meat is supplied from failed clones- after all, clones are property, and they don't give a fuck about ethics. They were who Mom bought you from, and they put a device at the base of your skull that uploads artificially expedited training. It doubles as a phone and could theoretically be used as a kill switch or control your body like a puppet.

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Shame it was short, but I appreciate the closure, and your new quest idea at >>6114038 sounds cool.

Thanks for running!
+1. thanks QM
Neat. May you get a better future then you feared, Hope Bernice.
Don't forget to archive this
100% deserves it.

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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread(s)

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/6s4Xazmv
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

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Licorice is working on it: >>6122522
May need a tiebreaker for which event I focus my writing onto, by like 2 am or midnight. If not... well I suppose I will have to just deal with a double stuffind update as soon as they fix fucking my AC.

Once more, I appreciate anyone checking it out.

Still waiting for a review for how not good this is by someone way better than me.


Now time to work on lewd fics for a while, have a shot of Robitussin and a Motrin. A cigarette. A beer. Some gabapentin. Xanax. methocarbamol. And think about the fun people you are getting to meet no matter what choice wins. Have most of one written up if a certain choice wins. Have ideas for others if those choices win.
thank god, im going to have to manually save and archive the quests to my harddrive incase this shit happens again.
funny, the new thread i created for part 3 of the Caretaker Quest (live now) pushed part 2 out of the catalog, poetic
anyway, as i was saying, part 3 of the Caretaker quest is now live!
your (not) girlfriend is VERY mad at you for being forced to grope a student right in front of her!
what will you do to calm her down?
vote now!
I've started a quest about an ill-fated space voyage and trying to make the best of a deteriorating situation.

Genre: Low Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, Action
THEME: War, Monster, Incest, Death

Once upon a time, in a dark chamber of a filthy dungeon, there lived an abomination born among humans – you!

Your first home was a parish in a small village, where you and the old priest took care of each other. There was also a woman who visited the chapel frequently, bringing things for you.

But some accidents in your youth culminated in your expulsion and made the old mausoleum in the Zold Viz swamp your new home. You can’t leave the ruins, and you survive like an underground animal.


Sometimes, humans pass by in search of treasures, and you let them venture further into the dungeon, only for them to be killed in the next rooms. When they stubbornly challenge you, they are also injured and killed. What else could you do?

Aside from that, you don't get many visitors, but goblins and kobolds speak to you and feed you in exchange for favors.

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>investigate (You alone)
>Ask Sadrak to scout ahead
>Ask Sadrak to scout ahead
Closed votation. Please wait a few hours for the next update :)
To be continued.


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A website that allegedly grants you the ability to resurrect the dead…

Such a thing could never exist but…

What if it did?

What would you give to bring back someone who died?

Would you be willing to squash the hopes of others with a similar dream?

This is the story of those foolish humans who attempted to do just that, and the wicked beasts that prey on their naivety.

DIGIMON: Dead Site is an interactive narrative based on the Digimon media franchise. This story does not take place in any particular continuity, and will not necessarily follow every rule set forth by existing works. This author is more concerned with writing a fun and engaging story adjacent to a franchise that I have enjoyed since childhood, than writing plausible fanfiction that slides perfectly into canon.

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would we have gotten a Kiyome romance route if we'd chosen to be a lesbian?
Thank you for running, though I will warn you /qst/ is slow enough that this thread will last a few more weeks (however I can see the appeal of a good book end)
I’m guessing if we use Survive’s categories We’re effectively on the Moral Route with Harmonious being a close second

Kiyome would be a romance option for straight male, but wouldn't have unlocked as early as Anji did.

Talked about this in the general thread, but I'm mostly doing it cause i like keeping stuff separated and organized nice. Double dipping a thread just feels gross to my brain even though I know it's fine. Future threads may be longer, all just depends.

I'm fine, some family stuff but nothing serious, thanks for the support

You are L2S Trollslayer Fiona Jarnafeldt, and you have a very simple job today.


Unless you have surprise assignments to suppress escaped monsters that are researched for their exotic physiology, scour the wilds in search of illegal tunnels into the stormdrains underneath the rainy city of Helsinki where thousands of excess humans gather to survive, or test esoteric technologies that are powered by your own biological processes created at the behest of the director of the Stormwatch, you have a very simple day ahead of you.

As Winter comes, so does the march of Helsinki’s Stormwatch against the underground city of squatters that lurk underneath the pristine, clean, and self-sufficient city. And while the nation of Helsinki is well equipped to commit a total pogrom with advanced weaponry, regulations on gas emissions by the global environmental regulating body, Mother Nature’s Providence, enforce that the city be taken by boots on the ground with bladed weapons in hand made from entirely recyclable materials.

And you have been assured this is the biggest opportunity you have to earn an L3 position. With L3 comes the rights that those in the past used to enjoy; the right to start a family, mainly. You are, haha, incredibly lonely. You see things, sometimes. A child of yours, yet to be.

To make this attack possible, a great understanding of the city’s current layout, population, and demographics have to be taken. Rather than rely on vision from easily sabotaged cameras, this strange thing called “WiFi” can be used to detect people through walls with comparable quality to thermal imaging. This can be used to scan the current physical layout of the Undercity, and establish its current capacity of fighting-age adults and any trained - or even consciously cooperative - aberrations.
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Bringing up Jousten is a massive trap since we're being recorded live RIGHT NOW
>>Ask Lorppo why it’s covered in gunshot wounds
we already know the answer, but this is the safest question to ask rn
>>Say Tahti and Sisu are precious, and if Lorppo had any part in their upbringing, praise it
+1 both
>Say Tahti and Sisu are precious, and if Lorppo had any part in their upbringing, praise it
>Thank the two children for the lovely conversation and politely get the fuck out

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On a small island island chaos reins as many bronze age city states fight over supremacy.
Can you bring peace to the land with cunning, plotting, and risk-taking? Can vanquish your enemies, solve crises, and unite the people?

Players will control the same character, and actions will decided with consensus, the first action to get seconded will be carried.

The lore details will expanded when relevant, but this setting does not have magic. Also, on this island, there are six groups of people.

To get started you need to roll 9d6, to determine the starting position.

1st roll determines your role, those being:

>1: mercenary (+3 WAR, +3 WAR, -3 RES)
>2. knight (+3 COM, +3 BRA, -3 STA)
>3. priest (+3 STA, +3 CUN, -3 COM)
>4. lord (+3 CUN, +3 WAR, -3 CHA)

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No need, I'm fine with the pace. I meant that things are moving quickly in-fiction. The Castrian armies already on the move, to the point where Hecarel considers our capital already as good as gone. Basically we're starting in control of our character *very* close to a major inflection point. It's just a bit shocking, I thought we'd have more downtime to map out the taking of our throne, with the main plot/conflict initially being us having to manage intrigues as we attempted a coup. Instead we started out with the war being already in motion, on the day of, practically.

Ah, figures. I was guessing it was a small city, given the tiny hinterland. Just thought it'd be bigger than 5000.

>accepting a foreigner
I thought it unlikely, given that the culture map doesn't have a ton of overlapping territory between cultures. And no visible cities that have a different culture from their ruler.

>island or continent
It's an island, I'm pretty sure. Check the first image. The bottom right image has our island highlighted in green. We're the biggest island in an island chain off the south of the mainland. You can also tell by the measuring scale up top given in kilometers.


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To be sure, I got this right.
Your decision is to sail to Cinsura?

>It's an island, I'm pretty sure.
Yes, it's size of Sardinia. Mainland next is the size of Greenland.
Unless the other anon wants to go with some other plan, yes.
Set sail
You, and your retainers sail to Cinsura successfully.
As you march through the city of Cinsura, you find a surprising amount of dead men, women, and children on spikes.
However, sitting on the throne of the subkings of Cinsura, you do not find your grandfather there, but your cousin, Lestel.

>"Dear, cousin, what a surprise it is to see you here at this critical time."
>"Things are not great... Those filthy Castrians disturbed the peace of your brother's reign by marching on Donura and besieging it."
>"Our grandfather marched to relieve the siege, but that might not be sufficient, supposedly the Castrian army is formidable."
>"He took with him, most fighting men we had, only leaving me a meager 100 men to manage this city in their absence."
>"But I became afraid the many Castrians migrants here would be boldened to revolt if Donura would fall, so yesterday, I decided to purge the Castrians within Cinsura,"
>"Unfortunately, some 500 managed to escape into the mountains, and I'm beginning to fear they might return with revenge."
>"What do you reckon we should do?"

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This quest takes place in a near future hypercapitalist reality where you are a nihilistic man just trying to get by. However, your life is turned upside down when you are told you have what is essentially psychic powers. I have never made a quest before and I'm not sure if people are gonna be interested since this is OC and I cannot draw. That being said I'll set the scene and if you guys are interested please reply with what you do next. I will pick the option I think is most interesting.

>Your name is Tobias Lee. You work on the docks in the midsize Cellophane city. You're a college drop out and spend most of your time smoking weed and dicking around with your coworkers.
>You had big dreams of academic success when you were younger, but the stress of trying to get ahead in life was too much for you. Your life is simpler but it still sucks ass.
>The city is filled with homeless people, crime and sleazy salesmen. You repeat this to yourself mentally while trying to tune out whatever the woman in front of you is trying to say. She doesn't look particularly shady, but nobody normal puts on business casual clothing while following a guy around in a parking lot complex.
>You just got off work too. After quickly getting baked that is. You're trying to get on your scooter and go home but this lady just won't stop talking. To make matters worse, she grabs your wrist and starts shouting. You're getting sick of this. What do you do?
>Jerk wrist away and yell at the lady
>Vent all her problems to her incoherently while yelling.
Sorry for the late reply

>You try to wrench away your arm from her grip. There is a struggle for a few moments. Despite her size she's unusally strong. The moment causes you to focus more on your surroundings.
>"Sir... Sir! This is a lawful order... comply"
>You're not interested in what she has to say though. It's getting dark and you don't want to be accosted even more today. You shout some combination of profanity and "get off me" but it comes out a little more slurred than you would like. You don't feel very good and are starting to wonder if you were laced.
>This is unimportant though, as you hurry to your bike and drive down to the next floor of the parking complex. However, there is a man in sweatpants and a wife beater standing there with a smirk and his arms folded. He's a little short, muscular and his buzzcut is dyed white. Judging by his knuckle tattoos and the fact that he (along with some orange road barricades) are blocking the exit, you suspect he is that woman's contingency plan. This dude seems intent on blocking your path. What do you do?
>push buzzcut man over so hard his skull breaks on the ground
>bike away
>start poorly dancing to confuse and piss off the man

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Music play as you come into Shanghai Airport.
*Bong ding dong ding, ding ding dong ding dong dading*
Ah! China, world middle country.
Good news in TV. America finally kow tow to Beijing! China culture is now aknowledge as number one in world.
American have selled cultural good to China Company. Now we have all Superhero!
Superhero? They are like Cultivator but make by jew.

Now you also Superhero in China!
Just say me:
>Social Credit Score (it like alignment, high is good, minus is villain)
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"Weed that stick up get plucked. Stick of bamboo grow best in bamboo grove."
>Man has point, fashion mask from Jianbing

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>y u no mask

>Comrade of the same womb (同胞), a Gallant (君子) lives Glorious, Transparent, Upright and Forthright (光明正大)
>It is only the Exploiter and the Stooge that cover their faces!
>because their deeds are Unpresentable (见不得人) and they know they are Thieves (賊)!

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A corpse looks into a flickering black glass.
It ponders what could have been, had it not wasted its life.
The illusion prevails until the glass stops flickering.

Your tired muscles are reinvigorated as you spot the Burg on the horizon. Many horses and mules follow you, but you are the only rider. Looking at their saddles stirs melancholic memories of your companions.
At a calm riverside you make camp.
You stare at your reflection in the still water.
What do you see?

>a Knight
>a Hunter
>a Cleric
>a Beast
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If you liked this quest here are some recommendations for similar stuff. All of them have an english version of some kind:


Vermis - Most of the pictures from this quest are taken from here. There are two books in the series, you can find them on archive org.

Unteralterboot - My previous quest. Content Warning: Anime Cringe. Kind of embarrassing in retrospect, but it was fun. I flaked from it, which I'm not proud of, but in retrospect I think it reached a decent ending scene with the Paris chapter.

Árvácska - Old hungarian book about a naked little orphan girl travelling the countryside. She behaves very accurately to real life, something I appreciate in this age of "uwu lolis" that don't act like real children at all. It gets very dark, but I would still consider it a children's book. There is also a movie version (see below).


Made in Abyss - Big recommendation. Dark Fantasy with Children. Excellent setting. But it does have the same problem as all other Animes: There are Traps, Shotas, a Mommy character, and all that crap. The cute Lolis and Furries make up for it.

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QM forgot to add this in the prologue but the girl was definitely stolen by witches for insolence of attempting to live in the wilds with a cripple basically.

Also nice little one shot qst qm.
Aww, how sweet. A happy ending! Even has the requisite dark fantasy sleaze to it.

Thought it'd be longer, what with that item selection choice. What would've happened had we chosen to kill the princess early on, or chosen to abandon her at the end? Would we have continued to play as a blood hunter/hopeless adventurer?

Thanks for running!


Ah, I remember this. Nazi lolis in the navy, right? Never actually participated, just skimmed.

>all this other shit

QM...you are a real degenerate. Genuinely. I don't know what to say. Stand proud! (I gu~ess)

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>Thought it'd be longer, what with that item selection choice
Yeah I did have some ideas for more enemies and dungeons and potential story arcs, but since I won't have as much free time now, I decided it's best to deliever a good finale, end on a high note
>What would've happened had we chosen to kill the princess early on, or chosen to abandon her at the end? Would we have continued to play as a blood hunter/hopeless adventurer?
You'd be shocked how little I planned ahead. When I started the quest I only knew that I wanted the reveal at the end of the first day, that you were actually an assassin sent to kill someone.
But I never expected anyone to actually vote for that option.
If it did happen I would have continued anyway, probably, but the quest would have become much more grimdark and pointless instead of this kind of hopeful ending. Just dungeon delving until you roll badly or die or something like that lol
>Ah, I remember this. Nazi lolis in the navy, right? Never actually participated, just skimmed.
Yeah. Actually had a lot more voters, strangely. Maybe anime loli is just more appealing to most people than screenshots from a 40 year old movie (paнee paнee yтpo is the movie's name btw)
>Brother, I've played both and I don't know what you mean about them not being roll to win.
Rolling is still OP in those games, but it's not the only thing you can do. What I don't like about the newer games is that every encounter goes like
>enemy attacks
>enemy attacks (but this time with a longer animation)

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You wake up. This is the cause of no small distress.

In the first place, ships don’t, as a rule, wake up. They don’t have eyes or limbs or skin either. But looking down with your newfound eyes, you have a body that is by all appearances human, warm and soft and pink and squishy but firm underneath, with a great mass of thick navy-blue hair falling down to your chest. You are dressed in a rather tight-fitting white officer’s summer slack shirt and a black skirt open up the sides to your waist, with black leggings underneath and polished black shoes on your feet. Although hard to judge without a reference, your proportions suggest you are quite tall, as tall as anyone that had sailed among your crew.

In the second place, you should be dead. Your last memory - or log entry, at any rate - is from February 3rd 2017, the day of your final decommissioning. Yet, as you listen to the GPS satellites orbiting far overhead, they say that the time is 0742 1st August 2027.

What the hell was going on? Had you been repaired and recommissioned? No, that couldn’t be - even if the USN were in the most extraordinarily dire need it would still have been easier to build a brand-new diesel carrier than try to recommission an old nuc tub like you, assuming you hadn’t been scrapped entirely by now, and at any rate not even Uncle Sam's most ingenious contractors could turn 95,000 tons of steel into something the size of a normal human. Even so, here you are, alive, and you can still feel your hull, somehow impossibly compressed into this new body. All systems were nominal, reactors newly-fuelled, all airframes fresh and in flying condition, armoury, fuel bunkers, and stores all full. In fact, you felt good, better than you can remember feeling since, well, maybe ever. There wasn’t a spot of rust or squeaking hinge or missing fleck of paint anywhere. You’re definitely alive and in full working order, and in a way it should not have been possible for a ship to be.

Was this the afterlife, maybe? Somehow that didn't feel like the right answer. Looking around, you see nothing but blue blue sea, shallow and crystal clear, evidently some tropical lagoon, and though you seem to be standing on top of the water without issue, the sight of white sand and coral barely a fathom deep is a little unnerving. You try listening again to the GPS sats to get a fix on your location, and find your confusion and concern only deepening when you match coordinates to charts: you’re standing in Bikini Atoll. And, listening to your other comms systems, you hear nothing else at all except encrypted satellite traffic. On the ground is radio silence. True enough, Bikini was remote, but the Marshall Islands had tens of thousands of people living not too far away, and nearby Kwajalein had a Navy missile test range. How could there be literally no one here?
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Sorry folks, I'm working on it, been out of town and busy for the last few days
That's fine, life happens and this seems like an intensive quest to run.

Hope you come back and, if not, thanks for running this one
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Yes. Life is... life. I personally am enjoying this well, so ganbatte Nukeman!
QM Lives!


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