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G´day /qst/
im creating this quest specifically for those waiting for HeadQM´s return to the Disappearing Hogwarts Quest, however, if you are not familiar with that specific quest, or the Wizarding World in general, you are also free to join in, im trying to make it as welcoming as possible for everyone, regardless of knowledge on the subject (its not like im an expert at it either, i just love the setting, so everything here could have conflicting information at some point, just keep in mind this is all in good fun while waiting for HeadQM´s return).
with that being said, this quest MIGHT be related to Disappearing Hogwarts, taking a very lose inspiration and might have vague references to it, yet, its still a FULLY NON-CANON quest
now, let the story begin!
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i´ll give it until i get out of work, if there isnt another roll by that time, then im locking in
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You should roll and vote for the choices too! I assume Kektus would prefer all 3 rolls being from different people, I just did another since no one else was rolling. And no one else has voted for what we have in our thermos or if we get Hagrid before following!

Straight 12s would have been the funniest shit. I wonder if we are going to notice "Lily" walking funny tomorrow? I mean, Brando is apparently hung like John Holmes, may have the stamina of a donkey, and is pretty good with it. I mean in the OG universe, Lily was pretty tall, 5'9, but 12 inches to the hilt has to still bottom her out after like 10 minutes unless she has a trunk of Bad Dragon dildos.

We shall break the hold of what ever is controlling her with the power of the dick.

Can you imagine if he resisted and later went for a certain tiny Hufflepuff we have seen a couple of times? Straight to St. Mungos with her.

Brandon D. Tedmond. The D is for dick.
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Best results:
>12 inches
>10 in stamina
>9 at being good at it
Looks like Brandon is pretty good at fucking, nice job to all who roll.

Drink of choice
>Hot coffee with just a splash of whiskey, i.e Irish coffee.

What will you do?
>Go by yourself to avoid losing their track.

looks like we got our results, the voting is closed
update soon (tm)
Good news, gentlemen!
We maxed out the only thing that would require magic to permanently enhance.
Now to train the other two.

Kek. "Wand" length, 12 inches. Firmness, Unyielding. Material, Whitewood. Core, One Eyed Snake.

I would get a chuckle if our other wand was either comically small, like 5 inches, or impractically large.

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Welcome to Lingdom Quest, a cute and comfy slice-of-life quest about exploring the Lingdom, a kingdom of pygmies!

You are Rika, a 15-year-old Ling on a journey with your cousin Kari, friends Bubu and Puki, and fox friend Moochy. You are on your Youthful Journey, a custom among your people where you leave your home to travel across the Lingdom to visit relatives and friends in other villages to help out and learn new skills. The function of the Youthful Journey is also to reconnect you with your wider family.

>What are Lings?
Pygmy humans with large, round ears who live in the Lingdom, a kingdom separated from the rest of the world and under the protection of the Emperor. The Emperor is known as a "Tallie", a human of normal height and normal-shaped and sized ears. Among your people are also "Halfies", individuals with both Ling and Tallie blood who appear like Lings in their childhood but enter a rapid growth spurt in their young adulthood (and reverting back to Ling size in their elder years.)

>Where do Lings come from?
The Lings claim to have been hosted by the Great Turtle where they learned to be good guests. Much of their core values come from their time being the Great Turtle's guests;
>To be neat, tidy, and clean after themselves.
>To eat sparingly so as to not overburn their hosts.
>To reciprocate gifts so as to share Memories.

Memories are something of a religious and spiritual concept for Lings. They represent literal memories that an individual holds but also their relationships and binds them all as one people, not only throughout the land but also through time. Ways Lings share their Memories:

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>Make up a new dance for Go-Getty and Moochy.
Part of me wants just wants to dance like normal but making a new dance with the critters sounds like fun.
Also hand holding is SINFUL!
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>Join the dance and keep Go-Getty by your feet to help you mash kelp

>>Join the dance and keep Go-Getty by your feet to help you mash kelp and hope you get to lock hands with Bubu.
>Join the dance and keep Go-Getty by your feet to help you mash kelp
>>Join the dance and keep Go-Getty by your feet to help you mash kelp and hope you get to lock hands with Bubu.

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It's finally happened.

You stand in the shadow of a fallen America, where the society has collapsed. No government, no police, no laws—nothing but the freedom to do as you please in a world unbound by rules.

What do you do now that anything is possible?

>> You go through your kill list—the names of people you've been planning to kill.

>> You go through your rape list—the names of people you've been planning to rape.

>> You go through your wish list—the names of things you've been planning to steal.
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You spend the next hour repeatedly raping Emily and asserting your dominance over both her and her husband. With each position, you push Emily to submit completely to you while her husband helplessly watches from his restrained position.

Bound to the cuck chair, David can do nothing but watch. His face is filled with despair and resignation. Eventually, he whispers weakly for his wife to do as you say, fully accepting his role as prey to your predator.

>> You leave David tied up in the chair, gagged and helpless, while forcing Emily to return with you to your house.

>> You untie David, explaining calmly that Emily is now your property, and then bring her back to your house.

>> You tell David that Emily is your sex slave now, but he can serve you as well. He can even hold her hand while you fuck her. It's the only way a beta cuck like him will survive in the new world.

>> Without a word, you shoot David dead and bring Emily to your home, ensuring there's no one left to challenge your control.

>> You force David to leave his own house, sending him out into the lawless wasteland with nothing, while you take Emily with you.

>> You make David put a collar on Emily and hand her over to you, solidifying his submission before taking her away.
>You tell David that Emily is your sex slave now, but he can serve you as well. He can even hold her hand while you fuck her. It's the only way a beta cuck like him will survive in the new world.
our first goon
>>> Without a word, you shoot David dead and bring Emily to your home, ensuring there's no one left to challenge your control.
>You tell David that Emily is your sex slave now, but he can serve you as well. He can even hold her hand while you fuck her. It's the only way a beta cuck like him will survive in the new world.
>>> You tell David that Emily is your sex slave now, but he can serve you as well. He can even hold her hand while you fuck her. It's the only way a beta cuck like him will survive in the new world.

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It has been 140 years since the Impact. One of it's effects was the shift in the magnetic poles, and while switching places, their movement exposed plenty of the earth's surface to the sun's ionizing radiation, which in turn fried everything requiring a transistor or a double helix string of molecules for that matter. Many people survived but few remained unchanged. Mutations were rampant. The thousands who came out of the bunkers soon took charge of the remains and the global game for power continued, albeit taking a different shape than before.

The bunker technology of producing food was transplanted successfully on a bigger scale, making soil, agriculture and the need for large lands obsolete. Only raw resources mattered now and the newly formed city states were starving for more and more. Neu Tokyo has established itself as the prime city state on the old islands, ruling mercilessly in the region, its primary rival being a huge tropical metropolis named Novyi Formossa, to its south.

Cities have a lot of trash and someone must take care of it, one way or another. The cleaner is:

>Calix Visarionovic, human with augmentations, outsider
Mechanic and computer wiz, he has an artificial parietal lobe making him perform complicated calculations instantaneously. Has an artificial right hand, granting him access to android grip strength and a powerful laser. Bionic eyes make him indifferent to lighting or distance. Has connections in the underworld and knows many dregs of society who snoop on every corner. Has prostitutes on payroll. He is zealous, hedonist, addict, morally bankrupt and doesn't hesitate, which is part of the reasons why he was sent in Neu Tokyo in the first place. Reason to be here is ???

He is part of the Zoroaster Reborn sect. Wants to retire in Novyi Formossa and enjoy the pleasures of the metropolis where his sect has more influence.

>Tomiko Foerster, pureblooded human, native to Neu Tokyo
Coming from a very wealthy religious family, that managed to reserve a place in a bunker more than a century ago, Tomiko is a pure-blooded human with no mechanical augmentations of genetic mutations, making her a very rare breed. Carries a device that masks her as someone with augmentations during scans. She is brave and adventurous, willing to put herself in danger just to go against the sheltered ways of her family. Can mingle with every stratum of society. Knows most spoken dialects of the new world. Having grown up rich, she has knowledge of places and people that are hard to come-by. Her weapon of choice is a rare neu-ceramic pistol that is virtually impossible to detect. She is targeted for her weapon and pristine organs.

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Rolled 17 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

Rolled 6 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Rolled 12 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

Anon it was minus 5, not plus.
Rolled 4 - 5 (1d20 - 5)


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The year is 21XX. After a third world war, America has changed dramatically. You live in a cyberpunk metropolis called Port Zone 18. Despite the neon lights and incessant cacophony of explicit imagery, some things never change. Google LLC stands strong and you’re one of their many employees. You’re an Intelligence Support: you verify the filter tags attached to various pieces of AI imagery, sound, etc.

On your evening walk home, your eye catches a familiar yet enticing ad. On a tall billboard sits an advertisement for a personal android, specifically the AutoSP. Google LLC has been pushing this model a lot recently. It’s no wonder why; not only is it their newest model, but it’s dirt cheap.

Screw it. You decide to head to your local android store. You haven’t been to this corner of town in a while—it’s just too dangerous—but the prospect of your own droid is… wow.

You reach the android store. It’s a retooled brick and mortar building—one of the few still standing since the third war. The silhouette of a rat dances over your shoes as you gingerly push open the building’s front door.

“Welcome.” An unfamiliar, synthesized voice directs you to the cashier. It’s… it’s an AutoSP! But it’s the cashier?… maybe?

>> “I’d like a personal android.”
>> “Do you… work here?”
>> “What’s your name?”
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>“I’d like a personal android.”
>"You've got some... interesting lanterns around."
>>> “What’s your name?”
"Darude, Sandstorm"
>“What’s your name?”
>“I’d like a personal android.”
>"You've got some... interesting lanterns around."

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Past Threads
>Rentry masterlink, includes character sheets, shop information, inventory, and general information
>Popularity Contest Round 2

A couple months ago, the world changed forever.

Individuals worldwide began manifesting the qualities of various figures- gods, spirits, heroes, beasts, and monsters- from Greek mythos. The system that caused and continues to facilitate this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery, both in how it functions and why it began its activities when it did.

The protagonist of this tale is the incarnation of Atë, a minor goddess in the grand scheme of Greek mythology, who causes and presides over folly and ruin. She, formerly a miserable but ultimately normal office worker, has since accepted her role as the embodiment of her <Myth>. She, along with her partner in crime, the incarnation of Pheme, titan of rumors and gossip, have been working to expand their influence and stack the deck in their favor against not only mortals, but also rival incarnations. In her own eyes, she is no longer human. Her ultimate goal- the elimination of all rival incarnations and, eventually, complete and total world domination.

After striking a deal with the incarnation of Perdix, Atë set off to hunt down the mysterious Isa, a prominent religious leader and military commander in the Arab world. In order to locate him, she infiltrated the ranks of the Penitent, a mysterious multi-religion wide heresy that worships a messianic figure referred to as the Uncrowned King. However, unbeknownst to Atë, the King was not only real, but incomprehensibly, existentially terrifying. More shocking still, the system itself is more likely than not the product of a similar eldritch entity.

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>Nerves (0->1)
Man,.do I want it all, but I've got to favor reaction time. Dove is probably coming for us eventually, and I'd like to actually see her coming.
>Brain (0->1)
I'd wager we'll be able to do some wacky bullshit such as emergency jettison a brain before an attack annihilates us to reform from it if we grow skilled enough.
Dunno about 2 in our skull though
Kinda defeats the point of a backup if they're right next to each other and thus will both be taken out by most attacks targeting the head.
I want them all, we will get them all eventually
Memetic biohorror let's go

Your name is Jay Nakamura. To the world, you're just another face in the crowd, a high school student with dreams and aspirations, but none of the superpowers that headline the news. You don’t bend steel with your hands or soar above the city skyline; your power lies in your words, your courage, and the strength of your heart.
It's a crisp Saturday morning, and you’re walking hand in hand with Jon through the quiet streets of the city. Jon Kent, whose alter ego is more often seen flying across the sky than walking on the ground. Today, though, he's just Jon to you, not the superhero everyone adores. His presence next to you feels comforting.
"You know," Jon says, breaking the comfortable silence, "I love these moments the most." His voice is a soft rumble, grounding yet filled with an energy that could light up the city.
You squeeze his hand in response, your smile hidden behind the rim of your coffee cup. "Me too," you agree. "It's nice to have you all to myself without a crisis looming overhead."
As you both laugh, a shadow flits across Jon’s face—a reminder that the peace is often fleeting. Before you can ask, he shakes his head gently. "Let’s not talk about that now. Today is our day."
The promise in his words wraps around you like a warm blanket. You head to your favorite part of the city, the old lighthouse turned art gallery, where the chaos of the world melts away under the weight of brush strokes and pastel colors. It’s your haven, one of the few places where you can come and forget your troubles.
Inside, the gallery owner greets you both with a knowing nod. This is a place devoid of the judgment you often encounter as openly gay teenagers, a safe space where you can love freely and be wholly yourselves.
Suddenly, Jon’s phone vibrates insistently. He frowns as he reads the message and sighs, “I’m sorry, there’s an emergency. I have to go.”

>You give his hand a gentle squeeze, your voice tinged with understanding. "The world needs Superboy. I’ll be here when you get back."
>You look up at him, your eyes betraying a hint of sadness. "I thought today was just for us, Jon."
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Rolled 2 (1d2)


You take a deep breath, pushing down the anxiety. The decision is made. You'll go incognito to retrieve Zhang’s family, relying on your cultural knowledge and personal history to blend in.

Growing up in the Japanese-Gamorran community on the island was its own unique cultural blend, but one constant was the social tension underlying the complex historical relationship between the Japanese and Chinese people. Although Japanese wasn't spoken often in your household—English and Gamorran dialects dominated under the oppressive regime—you decided to learn Japanese later in life. It felt like reaching back to reclaim a part of your heritage that had always felt out of reach.

This journey into your roots provided unexpected benefits. Learning Japanese laid the groundwork for understanding Chinese, the two languages sharing structural similarities despite their phonetic and script differences. Both languages employed Sino-Japanese characters, or kanji. While Japanese utilizes kana scripts to phonetically spell words, Chinese uses pinyin for pronunciation guides, and these script-based systems offered parallel learning curves. They both required learning an entirely different approach to language, logic, and context.

Despite your initially-limited fluency in both languages, these linguistic skills became invaluable when you began investigating to warn Gamorran refugees online under the pseudonym 'Gossamer.' Navigating Chinese-language forums, drawing from your Japanese studies gave you insights and a foundational understanding that you later built upon.

Now, as you prepared to enter enemy territory, you knew your linguistic edge might be crucial. The descendants of Japan and China had centuries-long histories of animosity due to historical conflicts and atrocities, particularly the brutalities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army in World War II. Acknowledging this painful heritage was vital in gaining Zhang’s family's trust—awareness that Japan's post-war recovery had been facilitated heavily by American influence and control, rendering it a "puppet" in the Pacific in the minds of many Asians, could color their perception of you.

You turn to Super-Man and Zhang. "I’ll go incognito and retrieve your family. I’ve studied enough Chinese to blend in, and my cultural background should help me handle situations subtly." You look at Zhang, who nods, still wary but grateful.

Super-Man studies you for a moment before speaking. "Pinkie, this is pretty risky. But if you think you can manage it, I won’t stand in your way. Just... be careful."

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The streets of Hangzhou are an overwhelming blend of tradition and modernity, a constant hum of activity threatening to drown out your focus. Ignoring the looming threat of discovery, you make your way to the apartment.

Moments later, you're standing before Zhang’s wife and daughter. Mrs. Zhang regards you with a mix of curiosity and caution, her eyes narrowing slightly as she assesses you. Remembering proper greetings, you bow respectfully.

"Zhōngjiān fūrén..." you begin formally. "I come on behalf of Mr. Zhang. He sent me."

Her eyes narrow further. "Nǐ shì shéi? Wǒ bù rènshì nǐ." (Who are you? I don’t know you.)

Taking a calming breath, you bow again. "He wants us to gather crucial evidence about Bat-Man and the Triads. He’s seeking the truth for our protection and wants you safe."

Mrs. Zhang hesitates, clearly conflicted. To ease her suspicion further, you add, "Mr. Zhang values this righteously for justice and family reunification."

Her features soften slightly. With trepidation cloaked by budding trust, she exchanges a glance with her daughter and gives a slight nod. “I believe you,” she whispers.

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Kenan Kong watches the reunion from a distance, his earlier arrogance replaced by a newfound respect—and something more. He steps forward with a lopsided grin.

"You did good, pinkie," he says, the nickname now carrying a hint of affection. "Didn't think someone as 'delicate' as you could pull it off," he teases.

Ignoring the blush creeping up your cheeks at his scrutiny and tone, you clear your throat. “Thanks, but we’re not out of danger yet. We need to plan our next move."

Kenan leans closer, a teasing glint in his eye. "So, what's the plan now, fearless leader?"

Suppressing an eye roll, you focus on the seriousness of the situation. “Thanks,” you say, acknowledging the mutual respect beginning to form, despite the underlying tension.

"We have three main options: Firstly, we can sneak out in civilian clothes with fake IDs, blending in with public transport or on foot. It would mean avoiding attention."

"Secondly," Azim suggests, "escape over land or sea to a neighboring nation. It’s risky but might avoid immediate scrutiny while leaving."

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>>Escape over land or sea to a neighboring nation

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>“Do you renounce Satan Russel Powell?”

>“You’ll do great things Russel Powell”

>“get to work Powell”
>“You don’t wanna do this copper…”
>”Welcome to Vegas, Pig!”

Born to the descendants of escaped Lousiana slaves. You are Russel Powell, rookie cop, recently embraced. And thrusted into the world of darkness against your will. How long will you last the nights of Vegas? How far shall you go into the treacherous pits of your sect and clan?

Choose what kind of Copotype you wish you be at the start
>Cowboy Cop: A Physical presence, a force of Nature, you are the first one in, and the last one out, you flunked high school and it shows
>Human can-opener: A Social chameleon, a nice joke, a soft smile, a suave retort, you make the criminals spill the beans all by themselves. You panic when bullets start flying
>Mind wide open: Exceedingly intellectual, esoteric and precise, you carry an encyclopedia all to yourself. Citizens hate your presence instinctually

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>Ally: Coroner friend
>Contacts: Local bookie, Unaffiliated hitman
>Streets: He did a few favors for some people, misplaced evidence here and there.
>Underworld: Negotiated and prevented a gangwar from erupting as a dirty cop intermediary
>Who: Someone who wanted justice but kept prioritizing other things until he was in too deep
moderate power ally
>Carl, an old Ghoul or bloodslave who serves another Master
>to whom your own Sire is a friendly inferior.
>He is almost sixty now, even with the preservative effects of his addiction.
>He has never impressed enough to be Embraced
>but he has no envy for you, only vicarious hope.
>He knows the current web of alliances, which strands weakening, where new ones wait to form
>He has your basic essentials and access to a Sanctuary
>wide knowledge of Vampiric powers, though not deep
>and theoretical knowledge on how to use some of them, though practically he can't use any himself.
>More than these he might not possess
>but likely he knows who might

contact 1

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sorry anon, this shit looks dead.

How was influenced gained
>He started small and violent, like most
>showing off to the bigger boys that he can shoot and kill just like them.
>Emptied a clip into a rival ganger in a rumble at age 10.
>That nigg bled out, and Russel bled in.
>From there, the normal course of things
>Russel grew big, good bones, made a little, fucked a lot
>and offed, directly and indirectly, a hundred other lowlifes like himself.
>Then he found out where the money really at:
>with the Cops.
>They got 3rd gen milshit for free, kept everything they confiscated, and had first dibs on in the towpark auctions.

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aww, I dint see

oh well.


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max martingale works at the dmv. there's a dog on the way to work that some crazy infects with rabies like they themselves infected themselves with rabies and then like drew their blood and injected the dog with an epipen and it bites max and he's out of commission for like a month but he survives and goes back to work but the tone has somehow shifted. he's spent the month walking around outside, so maybe he has a tan or his jacket smells. it was sure a weird month. he was followed more than once. second week he could barely leave the house and most days couldn't get up to get water until he really needed it. he could actually hear the neighbors gossiping about him and it took real effort not to make some kind of noise at them. he couldn't stand looking in the mirror. he felt so cooped up afterwards that he spent an entire week after that outdoors which probably helped the wound heal faster and he was back to work the monday after. the world felt bracingly threatening, like the pigeons are out to get him.

>It's Friday, you have to go to work on Monday. What do you get up to?
>>write in
>>write a poem or something
>>take a walk to the state line
>>go to the zoo
>>get some food, you didn't eat yesterday, though you're not hungry.
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When you notice the man from earlier who was walking the dog and he's walking towards you and gesturing towards the ground between you. It seems he left a debit card on the floor.
''That yours?'' ''Yep.'' The orangutan watches. ''Can you walk dogs in here?'' ''Yep.'' He's away.

You look at the bandages on your hand. ''No blood.'' The orangutan waves at you.
You might wanna slow down a bit, OP--/qst/ moves a little slowly and you gotta give people time to actually vote a bit or you'll just be writing a novel.

>Write-In: A walking alligator
>>>get some food, you didn't eat yesterday, though you're not hungry.
Lets buy a turkey leg while we are at the zoo
>write in

>a petting farm and shallow aquarium!!!

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PRELUDE Father took us to the foreign land,
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>These QUGVs have limited range. There must be some means of neutralising them all at once, swiftly and decisively...? (QM: You frantically scan the map for any means to turn this battle in your favour... what could this be?)
>Shoot the operator at the top of the ladder (bottom right on the map) with our USW-A1
The angle is poor, but your sharp-eyed observation catches the hunched and crouching form of a Drone Operator lurking on the rooftops of the Blast Furnace Casting Hall.

You open fire, two-round double-tap bursts, then again, and then another aimed headshot (QM: fire five rounds, USW-A1 20/30 rounds remain). The staccato reverberations of the suppressed gunshots snap across the empty reach, the killing distance between the drifting smoke from your gunbarrel and the Drone Operator's panicked, startled face. You see some missed shots ricocheting and shattering in fragments against the roof - but you also see the Drone Operator keel over in agony; there is blood streaming from his face - did you kill him?

LBT-6094 G3 Plate Carrier

Mission adaptable carrier with separate panels for IIIA ballistic plates as well as soft body armour

Moments later, you see the Drone Operator lurching upwards in sudden pain; he sways almost on the verge of tumbling from the high roof, yet somehow he staggers back upright, barely keeping his balance, his arms clutching at some unseen wound seeping against the ballistic armour on his chest. He appears to be fiddling frantically with the rugged military tablet controls for the drones, as if dispatching some final orders; shattered bullet fragments have ricocheted and cut the side of his face, impairing his vision.

Tottering unsteadily, the shambling Drone Operator hastily retreats from the roof edge, deeper into the Blast Furnace Casting Hall...
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You observe that the quadrupedal robot gundog drones have lulled back into some holding pattern, a bored and listless idle sentry / autonomous state, just staring blankly at you, no longer reacting to or threatening any of your movements.

However, you notice two of the quadrupedal drones are not carrying rifle mount payloads - they appear to be carrying smaller quadrotor flying drones on their back.

Both of these quadrotor drones suddenly whirr into life, buzzing furiously as they take off and begin to hover towards nearby guard checkpoints in the vicinity.
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Meanwhile, the wounded Drone Operator on the roof is making his escape!

>Your priority is to shoot down these quadrotor drones before they alert any reinforcements. They are small, fast-moving hard-to-hit targets; you think you need to fire around 10 shots at them as they takeoff, to cut them down: Fire at the two quadrotor drones before they alert guards (10/30 rounds remain in USW-A1)

>You should try and shoot again at the Drone Operator - but he is receding very quickly behind the cover of the roof now. Fire 5 rounds at him again (15/30 rounds left)

>The rooftop angle is far too steep to hit him. Ignore the quadrotor drones, climb the ladder and chase the Drone Operator into the Blast Furnace Hall

>Well, maybe now is your chance for some payback. The wounded Drone Operator seems to have discarded his damaged radio communications and controller military tablet - don't chase him, but climb the ladder to the roof, spend some time figuring out how the controller works. Then send the robot gundogs into the nearest guard checkpoint to wreak havoc

>Instead try to access some overhead map data from the drone tablet controller on any nearby guards, their locations and positions

>Instead of chasing this Drone Operator, just airburst a single HE grenade onto the roof (4/6 grenades remain)

>Even though these robot gundogs are now docile and idle, you should destroy them, in case they are repurposed or retasked by others (fire 1 grenade, 4/6 remain)

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>You should try and shoot again at the Drone Operator - but he is receding very quickly behind the cover of the roof now. Fire 5 rounds at him again (15/30 rounds left)
Don't leave enemies alive.
>Instead try to access some overhead map data from the drone tablet controller on any nearby guards, their locations and positions

You are Mazela, a proud transgender hedge witch, revered not just for your magical prowess but also as a beacon of hope and diversity. Adults respect you and children look up to you as a role model, yet despite their love and acclaim, a solitary thread tugs at your heart—you are profoundly lonely. Resolved to change this, you decide it’s time to seek companionship—a respectful lover who appreciates and loves you beyond the shadows of transphobia. "It's time to find a cute boyfriend!" you declare, your voice mingling determination with a hint of excitement. You smooth down your cloak, infused with charms of attraction and confidence, and head towards the village tavern, known for its lively gatherings and warm company. You meet
>Ante, a patriotic Croatian young man who is committed to defending his country's peace from Chetnik terrorists
>Mustafa, a young Turkish Muslim scholar traveling through the village
>Jabari, an ebony-skinned young man from Somalia who is well-versed in ancient African magic, boasting a heritage of knowledge that is unparalleled in Europe
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didn't know you're a Mazela fan. jokes aside, just put tips since this thread is dead on arrival anyway.
Nobody is a Mazela fan.
>>Jabari, an ebony-skinned young man from Somalia who is well-versed in ancient African magic, boasting a heritage of knowledge that is unparalleled in Europe
This one seems a bit racist...
You wander into the village tavern, your eyes scanning the lively crowd. Among the men, you spot Jabari—a handsome young man from Somalia with ebony skin and an aura of ancient knowledge. He stands out not just for his appearance but for the confident way he holds himself. Curiosity piqued, you approach him. Jabari meets your gaze with a charismatic smile. "Ah, Mazela," he says, having heard of your reputation. "Did you know that Africa is the birthplace of civilization? When Europeans were still living in mud huts, Africans already possessed advanced witchcraft knowledge the likes of which Europeans still haven't seen!" His confidence and the pride in his culture draw you in. "You're so hot," you tell him, unable to hide your attraction. "I know," Jabari smiles confidently. The night progresses with lively conversation and an undeniable physical attraction. Before long, you find yourself in a more intimate setting, sharing moments that feel both magical and real. As you lay naked beside him, your heart races with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "I want you to have my babies," Jabari says, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of sexual desire and the remnants of his confident smile. "But I'm trans-" you begin to explain, your voice trailing off with a mix of vulnerability and fear. Jabari laughs warmly, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "That won't be a problem with my superior African witchcraft," he assures you. "I have a special spell called the Boy Impregnator." His words are spoken with such conviction that you feel a flicker of hope. In this moment, wrapped in his powerful embrace, you feel the promise of new possibilities. The ancient magic he speaks of seems to bridge gaps you once thought insurmountable, offering a glimpse into a future where your dreams might come true. Months later, you find yourself carrying Jabari's child, his superior African seed having woven its magic in your fertile European womb. The journey is filled with wonder and a sense of destiny. When the time comes, you give birth to a beautiful mixed-race boy, Mabari, the son of a European hedge witch and an African alpha witch. As you cradle Mabari in your arms, you feel the culmination of both your love and your shared magic. This child represents a new beginning, a blend of cultures and powers that promises a bright future. You look into his eyes and see a world of endless possibilities, knowing that together, you and Jabari have created something truly extraordinary.
>this is the end of Witch Queen Mazela's story
>the saga will continue in: Witch Prince mabari - son of Witch Queen Mazela

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Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%202nd%20Primarch%20Quest

Still dressed in her wedding gown, as you and her lay on the dewy grass, you meet your bride's gaze gently and look into the emerald sea of her eyes, seeing the somber golden glow of your own eyes catching the light of the setting sun reflected into them, golden fire and Emerald water mingled together like when the sun descends the horizon at the sea. The warmth of her touch radiates out and reaches deep into your chest as she lays practically on top of you, arms wrapped tightly around your midsection and her own body pressed against your own. The wind lifts the loosened flaps of your robe and plays through her hair as her request, her proposition settles into your mind and stirs a desire almost alien to your senses, an uncomfortable heat welling up from within your heart, fanned by emotion rather than instinct that were excised from you and your brothers at your creation. The whirlwind of passion, sweeping up the sparks of chaste love and stoking it to become a different beast entirely, altering its form and sensation but not its source.

And as the chilly touch of her fingers sends involuntary shivers down your sun warmed skin, your mind drifts, hazy already with the spirit known as love true and strong and further fogged by the peerless beauty and the tempting offer she has made, the coy smirk on her lips, the almost challenging look in her eyes. But it does not drift where the thoughts of other mens would be pulled and lured if they were in the same situation, rather, you day dream not of anything indecent or lewd, but rather towards a future that probably will never come to pass. Of a pack of merry minded children, with eyes of entwined emerald, gold and silver, taller than most, fast growing as you were, but unburdened by the grand responsibility and towering expectation of both of their parents. The man engineered to be a warlord, who'd prefer to spend his days wandering the fog dampened forests or tending flooded paddies of rice rather than shedding blood and committing war on a galactic scale, and the soul of a colony ship who had survived not only her passengers and crew but all of her civilization save a few of her family, but both who carried out their duties without complaint out of a shared love for humanity. A love rivaled only by the one they share, the love from which these imaginary children sprouted.

Oh how vividly you can see them, racing through the mists and clambering up the hills of the valleys and rocks that dot them, swimming through the stream, laughing as they play with grown tiger kin who have escaped the monstrosity and crimes of their own parents and Space Marines taken from the battlefield and allowed to pursue arts besides those of the martial and killing variety.

A perfect world. That can only be an illusion. For perfection cannot exist.
162 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind.
>Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time
>Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time

Rip He who greets the morning sun, You were an alien but one of the good ones.
>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind.

>Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time
>>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind.
>>Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time
>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind
We need to do this while we wait for....
>Wait for Jaw Ripper to mature, and enlist their help in civilizing, educating and calming the more violent impulses of their juniors
Aquatroopers let's go, also rigging them up so the new way spreads through their species

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Welcome into the Bronze-Clay age of a far away unnamed star. After evolving in The Crack, the species known as Under Hunter reached Sapience and organized in tribes.
7 remains :

The fire-mastering Blanks and WindPsykers of GrassGreen
The Assassin, Tool-wielding, Stone Huts lawmakers of Ghostclaw
The StrongHunters Kraken-riders feodal lords of BurningGrass
The Tzeench-touch expansionists, of Jupiter
The Archers, Merchants, Slavers and Warptrailers of BadBack
The Lunar Dahu and Stove Grove farmers of Whitemane
The elusive trapmaker, raven-priests Cerulean which integrated the Singers of Icey Ones, not without racial frictions.

Interrested in joining? Claim a trip and a name as a Lurker - impacting the world with random events.

Last thread : https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5997970/
Pastebin : https://pastebin.com/LLBm1mjj

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Rolled 81 (1d100)

I'd say I'm rolling to burn down the house while playing with incredibly hot molten metal...but the vast majority of Hunter infrastructure are made of stone and clay.
Good to see someone's dreams of rope coming true.
and your skipping at least straight to bronze up there
Bronze would be pretty nice. Maybe we could introduce Nurgle to some bronze tipped arrowheads?
could work yeah. though right now i developed psychic Frag arrows. but the Bronze Arrows could be useful to shoot Lightmoss into the enemy without setting the moss of with too much psychic activity.

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You swallowed hard and nodded, your gaze skittering towards the monstrous figures closing in. The Demon King’s guard dogs were embellished with twisted marble horns, sharply tapered ears, and snouts etched with wrinkles, and weathered crevices filled with white moss.

Count Whiskers hissed in fear, the gargoyle silhouettes appearing in and then engulfing whole his wide cerulean eyes. You rocked in Miranna’s one-hand-grip, watching as she spread her wings wide and swooped towards granite beasts. Her scorching nails tore through the bewitched stone, sinking within and pushing the scarlet light out of every of its cracks. Her claws carved through the stone chest and neck, scooping out and hurling chunks of vermilion rubble into the air as if casting aside molten embers, as well as the beast itself. With a wild cackle, she plunged downwards, creating distance between herself and the two stone monsters.

You hesitantly shifted one hand from Whisker’s fur to slowly grip Miranna just above her waist. She snapped her head, but before you could retract your hand, she grasped it, pressed on it, urging you to hold tighter. The clouds melted away, bursting and vanishing into a shimmering silver-gilt mist as you soared and broke through them.

“You might need to hold on tighter,” Miranna said, fleeting smirk crossing her face as another gargoyle appeared behind her.

“You said their only interest are humans? They we have to make them think I’m not one!”

“That -would- make things easier, but how are you going to do that?”

“You don’t know?”

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>Nothing you can do if she’s dead
I think we’re too old, jaded, and terrorized by demons to insist on saving one
We saved that not-goblin guard like an hour ago.
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Your eyes darted frantically, searching the tiny imp for any signs of life. No bleeding, no bruises … surely, she was just unconscious? You edged closer to the demon maid’s body, then turned your head once the echo of Miranna’s came near.

This was her fault, damn it! You spat a low scoff, making your way up the stairs.

You heard her hum, before a blazing row of luminaries flooded the walls in newborn scarlet glow.

Narrowing your eyes, you glared at Miranna’s skulking shadow and demanded, “Are you out of your mind?”

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Anon, this is a half-comedic 4chan quest, not Russian literature. They again, the hero is yours to shape.

Sike, I did not flake.

He's right, you did spare the green imp, but what of the purple imp? Hey, he -was- an imp!
Tranny spam

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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

Having dealt with the aftermath of Umo Shadowhearts death and clearing of the burial chamber, you continued dealing with the sudden appearance of Thrall by making Taretha Foxton the happiest women in the world as she got to see her "little brother." While you wouldn't endorse Thrall’s plan of attempting to liberate the Internment Camps, you tried to get him to realise the magnitude of said task.

Krix Wiklish finished his rockets as well and for the most part you dealt with many mundane and normal duties until news came out from Alterac. Ogres had attacked Gallows Corner and driven the Syndicate forces there out. Riding forth, you succeed in defeating a force of kobolds and ogres, but Malevus got wounded in the battle.

Now the summer is here, nearly. Just a couple of days and you can hold the meeting with your officers and advisors. You weren't sure of many things, but one thing you were sure of.

It will be a busy summer.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

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>Point out that Prince Alric doesn't rule from Alterac City.
>If Alterac controlled Durnholde, doesn't that mean Tarren Mill that is straight in the middle between these two belong to Alterac as well.
Realistically not sometihng we can actually act on.
>Is Blackmoore expecting Prince Alric to use this "insurance?"
>Point out that Prince Alric doesn't rule from Alterac City.
>Point out that Prince Alric doesn't rule from Alterac City.
>If Alterac controlled Durnholde, doesn't that mean Tarren Mill that is straight in the middle between these two belong to Alterac as well.
>We can expect fighting the Alliance in public opinion and potentially on the battlefield if this is ever revealed. ALL human kingdoms work with the Alliance federation of nations except Alterac.
Oh also it occurs to me that the Alliance has blocked us from reacquiring Alterac City. It's entirely possible that the heads of state know about this clause of the document already.

>Point out that Prince Alric doesn't rule from Alterac City.
>If Alterac controlled Durnholde, doesn't that mean Tarren Mill that is straight in the middle between these two belong to Alterac as well.

First one doesnt really need to be said. Talking to Jandice about this might be interesting, if the Barovs notice this I'd imagine they wouldn't like it and speak out against it if not forewarned? Or maybe they would if it opened up other opportunities. Funny Alterac Tax Haven for super wealthy nobles moment. Working with Jandice on some other political or economic agreements that could help push it our way. What some of the other neighbor powers might want, and would their recognition of the claim be valuable? Should Alric go to the Capital in person to give them this claim and offer any of these arguments in support of it, be there to argue against those who oppose it?

Third one is kinda interesting, doesnt really feel wise to go for so I wouldnt really suggest it, but just considering some ways to play it out feel kind of neat. So I'll just sort of play with the ideas for fun.

Offering that his Alterac would be willing to help pay some camp maintenance, which is a big issue for some of the kingdoms, but not until the oil money starts coming in. Lend some political and economic benefits to letting it happen, but by the time the oil comes in the camps would probably be gonezo and Alric would still have Durnholde. Alliance wouldnt be happy with him but they'd also be scrambling to deal with the aftermath and putting something together to hunt down thrall.

Would it turn the Gnoll campaign into a battle of either Alric or Garithos gaining control of Durnholde with its outcome influencing who seems like the most rightful owner and protector of the land.

If we were in charge of Durnholde could we try to arrange moving the camps somewhere else where its not our problem? Probably not atleast from my thinking. Ludicrously expensive and a big ass hassle. No easy solution like asking Dalaran to do it instead and just magic up food and water, or dumping them onto a deserted island, otherwise presumably they would have done so.

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