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You were reincarnated into another world, got overpowered cheat skills, and were surrounded by hot women. Pretty bog standard isekai stuff, but you wouldn't change this life for anything.

Instead of spending your empty days alone in your room, you found purpose in this new life as a tinkerer and a pilot. Gone was your fear of intimacy, your wife carrying your child inside of her as the ultimate proof of that conquest. Also you had six wives, and they all happened to be your happily consenting slaves.

Hey, that's just how this world worked, you (probably) didn't make the rules. Your first wife did, along with the rest of the universe. Her name is Herta--the Goddess of Artifice and Creation--and she was the biggest masochist you knew. Despite all her quirks (and almost paradoxical arrogance) she was still your first wife and closest companion, happily following your every order. All of your wives obeyed and desired you, but none went as far as your cute goddess.

Yeah, life is pretty good.


You're in the middle of working yourself to a sweat, Lunacy Savantae giving you the energy and inspiration to create great things. You had already made a mech, a point of pride for you. Sadly it was locked in your estate's dock, too large to carry along. It might not be a terrible idea to make an airship specifically designed to carry it someday...
Anyway, you used iron ingots--provided kindly by your fit catgirl wife, Cattleya--and other materials for your latest creation: an airship.

(Used up 1,300lbs of metal ingots to create the airship)

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All done here I think
>"We should start thinking about preparing for our kids. Maybe set up rooms and make clothes for them..." It's important to discuss, and you want to plant the seeds of this topic in her mind.
This should send her into a right spin
>Tomorrow you'll fly this ship back to the mansion.
I think we're finished in Centria for now
Punish her while we can
>Tomorrow you'll fly this ship back to the mansion.
I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas!

I won't be giving these out often, but I'll gift you guys a single crit success to bank on a future roll if enough anons agree to use it.
Backing the consensus.

Merry christmas QM! Thank you very much for the gift.

>"What's Heaven like?" This whole talk about divinity and gods made you curious. Herta hasn't really talked about her home much

>Tomorrow you'll fly this ship back to the mansion.
Merry Christmas, QM

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"You are watching BNN, Brython News Network!" The words bouncing around the empty classroom, "Following President Saie'di's invasion of the tiny nation of Hajazz, Alliance forces have mustered along the border to drive out the Ashuri Ground Forces." You remembered the words that you told yourself back in the officer's academy: the best officers ensure the least amount of losses are required to accomplish their objectives. Pulling some strings, you managed to get your hands on an excerpt about yourself that higher-ups would look at before shuffling you around on your first combat experience.

>Name:[Lucian Bedford]
>Formation:[Taskforce Dragoon]
>Note:[Following the family tradition of the Saphidic North West from the Unified Estates of Merica, he copied his father and uncle, who would become officers in the Merico Army. Unfortunately, the stubby horns on his head are a dead giveaway to Tiefling ancestry, and he would face constant bullying from his peers. We believe that this has led to him being more than willing to take offensive options when given the chance. For this operation, such a trait will be a boon.]
>Difficulty:[Wolf] This is a traditional story of leading multi-national troops of the Alliance through a progressively harder war with plenty of firepower to compensate for any mistakes. Where things may get stuck, you can always rely on brute strength to overpower your opponents.

>Name:[Emilio d'Armas]
>Formation:[14e Legionnaire Chasseur]
>Note:[Although coming from potionally organized crime, his relatively rapid progress shows that he is one of the brighter graduates. The Extérieur Légion and the proud tradition of allowing any foreigner membership has worked in our favor this time. This operation will be the first time in over 2 decades that the Legion will be facing conventional warfare. We need officers who will think outside the box since we won't have an endless supply of resources at our disposal.]
>Difficulty:[Fox] The Ashuri Ground Forces you will face will outnumber you. They are entrenched, and you will be progressing through unfavorable terrain. You must be able to outwit and outmaneuver enemy forces if your Alliance forces are to stand a chance. Thankfully, at least all your troops speak the same language.

>Name:[Alif Başir]
>Note:[Confirmed to be of Elfri ancestors, clan Başir is the direct line of the Mamaluk slave warriors from the time of the Ozerman Empire. It should come as no surprise that, like her mother, her grandmother, and all the mothers before her, she would have some tie to the military. Make sure she doesn't rise too far in the ranks. Her aunt, Derya Başir, was a member of the 4th army coup back in the 70's. We must keep an eye on her.
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>>[Hold Mizreq company and start the counter-attack!]
Looks like the Alliance's air game is even better than expected. We probably shouldn't have pulled off the AA, at least they would draw more fire if we kept them here, but there's still some of it kicking.
This is a fair bit worse, we can't be sure why they're attacking now or what's going through their commanders' head. If we break, they'll roll up everyone and chase us out of the smoke, and there will be precious little to stop their jets then. We have to rely on what intel we know is correct. Their air support is crap in this sandstorm. So they can't see us. And they're still multinational and lacking in cooperation and link on the ground without link to their commanders. In the heat of battle, morale plays an important role. They likely don't know about the ambush. If we counter and hit a weak spot, we can panic them, and they'll be the ones running around blind in the sand and crashing against defensive positions. A blunted attack is just a meatgrinder, after all.

>[Hold Mizreq company and start the counter-attack!]
At least appear to have a strong center, while Hisam pushes to what's left of Kitab and Feyadeen moves to pin what she can against Mizreq. Panic their flanks, appear as if we've weathered the barrage just fine and are pouring out from everywhere, let them dither and serve themselves up on a platter, then throw them out. If this works. If.
>>[Hold Mizreq company and start the counter-attack!]
>>[Withdraw Mizreq company to reserve lines and start the counter-attack!]
>not not

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Earth. Fire. Air. Water. Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world. But the new Avatar, a timid young Water Tribe girl named Itiqqa hasn’t even begun to master herself. Can she bring balance to the world?


Welcome to Avatar: The New Age! As the opening and name of the quest imply, this will be taking place in a similar timeframe as Legend of Korra, though Aang died a few years later and a lot of the stupid shit from the comics and Korra won’t be making an appearance. I’m not saying this will be a fixfic, but I am saying that the only good part of this franchise is the original series. A couple of Korra episodes and like 2/5ths of the contents of the novels are okay too, I guess. What I’m saying is, don’t expect magic carpets, dykes, enbies, or to be able to metagame too hard. Now, without further ado:


Previously on Avatar: During a tour of Air Temple Island, Ainu, a Kyoshi Warrior and new arrival in Union City, had a chance meeting with the new Avatar. The new Avatar, Itiqqa is a diffident young girl who feels unready to take on the responsibilities of the Avatar. Ainu, along with Itiqqa and Noyon, a streetwise teen Ainu met who turned out to be an airbender, quickly found themselves on the run from both the Union City police and the White Lotus who were both searching for the missing Avatar. After escalating encounters with the city’s gangs and the radical Equalists, the trio was seemingly saved by Tarrlok, a member of the United Federation Council.

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Failure, I'll update tomorrow afternoon.
How long was tomorrow?
Shouldn't have started a quest, wasn't ready. Maybe Saturday.
Hey just to let you know, I might be able to get an update or three out this week, but it's just as likely this thread doesn't get touched until the new year or not at all. I may even reevaluate if this quest, as it is now is worth your time and my effort. Sorry for a slow/nonstarter either way, though maybe it's for the best with this reception.
Most of us are still interested I would think. Understandable if you're busy at this time of the year though.

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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 758. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting

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24 hours to go!
>Which is why I had the artist capture that essence in the piece.
Yes. It’s a very nice art.
>Stopping his attack in place, keeping the swing from crushing the four of you with apparent ease. “What?!”
>“Really hun? You've been pushing yourself too hard, if this guy's power is enough to give you a challenge.” your wife admonishes gently, blazing her aura and shoving the large fist back.
I think it is good that Karn is pushing himself this hard. He is really not slacking so he can be ready when Freeza returns much stronger than last time because of training with Whis.
>Revealing Black, wearing the face of your long-dead mother staring directly at you, grinning that evil, wicked grin that doesn't match your mother.
Very good epilogue. Zamasu is hiding inside of a body of a person Karn would normally want to protect. This makes this situation even worse.
>Artwork by @Decial10
Great art. Is Amaya actually Chaya with a different name?
He killed this one.
True. When we hit the short timeskip and I can post numbers, gonna go crazy.
Yes. Amaya is the name Grandpa Gohan gave her. Her branching timeline is the one Karn sent her and Bardock sent Goku to earth before canon events happen. She's the one you saved from Hatchiyack back episode 99/100
It is time!

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In the Luxion Empire, convicted criminals are made to repay the damage they have done to society through labour. After all, the state cannot be expected to provide food and lodgings for free to the parasites of society at the expense of the honest contributors, to whom it gives no such luxury. The work done by criminals as atonement by law must be toward public services. Petty criminals are given the option to do manual labour for the duration of their sentence, building and repairing roads, walls, railways, and other public works. However the worst criminals, the murderers, the rapists, the traitors, if they are not executed, are made to join...
The Prison Battalion.

A lone wooden cart trundled along the old flagstone road, the bumps jolting the uncomfortable occupants in the back. You are one of these condemned men...

>Vateus Aren, disgraced former military official and convicted traitor. You were found guilty of aiding the recent failed military coup against the Empress. Normally a man guilty of this crime would be executed, however the evidence against you at your trial was not strong enough to warrant a death sentence. Only one conspirator named you as a co-conspirator, and all other evidence against you was circumstantial. This was, of course, because you are innocent.

>James Dixon, an innkeeper. You had always been an honest man and obeyed the law your whole life. But when you found your wife in bed with that louse, you lost control. The betrayal was too much for you. You admitted everything at the trial, apologised, and begged for the mercy of the court. At least they spared you the noose.

>"Quiet" Tom Wiggins, a serial thief and burglar. You might have landed a safer sentence on a chain gang if that last job hadn't gone wrong. But regrettably, that new crew were rookies. Regrettably, those idiots alerted that guard. And regrettably, you acted quickly and did what you had to do to stop the alarm being raised and stay free. Or so you thought. While you were preoccupied with hiding the body, you were the only one to not escape the warehouse before the patrol came in. Now you've copped a murder conviction, and you're guilty as sin.

>Ned Tanner, a simple tanner as your name would suggest. When girls started to go missing from your village, eyes were turned towards you straight away. You were always an outcast, always distrusted. Everyone always thought there was something wrong with you. Someone might have been forgiven for pitying you as a victim of baseless rumours, until the constables found the bodies in vats in your tannery.
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>Suggest we send out land and sea forces to harass the enemy as they approach.
No easy trips
The officers are quick to agree to harassing the enemy from sea, but are reluctant to risk sending their men out on foot. General Caskin relents and gives permission for a small force, including you and your men, to depart.

You lie in wait in the forest with your men. Everyone stays silent as the sound of hundreds of footsteps approaches along the road. As expected, the bombardment from the warships kept them away from the north coast and forced them to come this way. The first men begin to march past and you give the order to fire. Normally a good ambush waits until the main enemy force comes into range, but this isn't a normal ambush. After firing, your men immediately turn and run, and you follow them. Shots ring out from behind, but you don't look back. Since they left all their armour and gear but their weapons, your men are quick on their feet, and the trees are too thick here for cavalry to follow.
It seems like you've been running for ages, but they enemy troops are still in pursuit. You eventually reach a familiar rock formation and run through a gap to the other side. Your pursuers go to follow, but are shot down by the soldiers lying in wait behind the rocks. The survivors retreat to a safer distance and return what fire they can as their reinforcements arrive. Underestimating your numbers, the reinforcements fire and advance towards the rocks until a volley corrects their mistake. With more enemies arriving, they begin to coordinate and they divide their forces to flank you on either side. This is your signal to leave. Your men and the regulars fall back towards the southern shore. Taking the bait again, the enemy gives chase. You reach the beach and start to board the rowboats as the Bitar troops clear the treeline. Your men hold them back with musket fire as the boats push off from shore, and as more of them set foot on the beach they're hit by a volley of grape shot from the ships' cannons. They flee and the ships take you back to the town. All things considered the enemy didn't take significant casualties, but the distraction surely caused some disarray in their army.

That's the end of this thread, thanks for playing!
Prison Battalion Quest will return.
thanks for running!
Thanks, QM. That was fun.
looking forward to it!

"The honour of knighthood came first among the civilised people among the Latins of the Middle Kingdom. The art of sword and lance was birthed in the iron years when the kingship was abroad with the barbarians. The Frankomen of the great kingdom have forgotten them, since - though we remember." - The Chronicle of San-Koryu Abbey, The Writings of St. Go-Apsimar the Bladesman

You drink from a laquerwood cup and hold your chest tight to keep from coughing. The conversation around you has dulled - your fellow gentlemen knelt at the low table have emptied their cups and plates both, and look around muttering as if not one has any further tale to tell - at last a young northerner, fellow with the Emishi look about him, looks to you, and asks if you've any tale for the company - from whence do you come?

>You are of noble blood, for certain, but from where did your family come?
>The northern marches of Kyumar, the great-isle, an aristocrat settled among the knights there when the shoguns first marched north.
>The Isle of Pearls, in the distant south - you are of foreign stock, merchants of tea and lacquer with the burghers of Baek and Sildon
>The Curia itself! You are descended from a distant offshoot of the consecrated line of Christ's daughter, from whence the Saint-emperors spring. Certainly you are poorer now.
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>Respect; you bloodied the man quite badly - to stand and apologise shows a strength of character - he is a man of honour, whatever your disagreements.
>>Respect; you bloodied the man quite badly - to stand and apologise shows a strength of character - he is a man of honour, whatever your disagreements.
>Respect; you bloodied the man quite badly - to stand and apologise shows a strength of character - he is a man of honour, whatever your disagreements.
He seems a good lad, took the beating like a man and still show proper decorum afterward. Let's get him inside for a drink and help clean up his wound.
>>Respect; you bloodied the man quite badly - to stand and apologise shows a strength of character - he is a man of honour, whatever your disagreements.
>Amusement; what nonsense people will perform. He's a good sport to take the loss.

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You wake up in a room with a small stool, a large artillery shell and a barred window.

What'chu gonna do?
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Well, now that we're good, let's start again. Properly introduce ourselves, and ask if she has any idea for their situation.
Great, now I feel bad. Alright.
Ask her if knows anything about the guy next door and if she saw how we came into this room. I assume she was already in the room before we got here.
>"Nice haircut"
turn 360 degrees and walk away from the shell
So you're moon walking?

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Nestled in the heart of the known world lies the vast and diverse continent of Telurya, a land where many races live side by side, each with their own customs, cultures, and ideals. From the towering mountains of the north to the sprawling forests and plains of the south, Telurya is a place of both harmony and conflict, where ancient traditions clash with new ideas, and untold adventures await those brave enough to explore its depths.

The continent is divided by two major factions:

The Northerners
In the frozen wilderness of the north, a proud and fierce people known only as the Northerners have made their home. These beasts, who come in all shapes and sizes—ranging from towering, muscular creatures to more nimble, wolf-like beings—are known for their connection to the harsh land that shaped them. Their society is built around survival, strength, and honor, where the bond between tribe members is unbreakable. Whether they are formidable warriors, powerful shamans, or expert hunters, the Northerners rely on their innate connection to the land and the beasts that inhabit it. They are a nomadic people, their clans spread across the tundra and mountains, always on the move, always adapting. While their ways may seem primitive to outsiders, they hold a deep respect for nature and the spirits that govern the land.

The Southerners
In stark contrast, the Southerners represent the more traditional races of the world—humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings. These civilizations have flourished in the more temperate and fertile lands of the south, where agriculture, trade, and magical innovation thrive. The Southerners are known for their advanced cities, rich cultures, and often complex politics. While humans are the most numerous of the southern races, the elves and dwarves maintain ancient traditions, and the halflings are known for their charm and hospitality. The Southerners value knowledge, diplomacy, and the arts, and their societies are governed by a mixture of monarchy, council, and merchant influence. Though they live in relative peace, the competition for power between these races is fierce, and not all is as harmonious as it may seem.

The balance between these two factions has been a fragile one, and as tensions rise, the future of Telurya hangs in the balance. Will the Northerners push southward, bringing their savage strength to bear? Or will the Southerners find a way to coexist with the beastly tribes, or perhaps even unite against a greater threat?

Select a faction, a theme appropriate race and a biome. If you so desire, point out in the map where you want to start out.
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You hesitate. “It was just a kid. A scared kid.”

He snorts, his voice rising. “Exactly! A kid, a merchant, an adventurer... they’re seeing how far they can push us. Testing our boundaries! And when we don’t push back, they’ll take more!”

You shake your head, exasperated. “You’re paranoid, lizardman. Not every elf is a spy. We’ve lived in peace for years.”

The lizardman slams the butt of his spear into the ground. “Peace? You’ve forgotten the past, but we haven’t. Elves are always scheming. I say we strike first before they overwhelm us!”

Your brow furrows. “You want to attack the elves?”

“Not yet,” the lizardman replies, his tone steadying. “First, we need to know where they’re coming from. We can’t fight what we can’t see. But we will not wait until it’s too late.”

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>Offer to Send Some of Your Scouts Alongside the Lizardmen
The threat of an elven invasion, no matter how real, must be investigated. Sending some men to accompany the Lizardmen is a good way to show trust, which we will need regardless.
> Offer to Send Some of Your Scouts Alongside the Lizardmen: If the elves are a real threat, gathering intelligence together might strengthen your alliance. The swamp’s peace is fragile, but this could secure it.
how we doing, qm?

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In the world of Hainei, there are many groups in many places, always stirring with machinations unfolding as they move. The goals of the many often lead them into conflict. The probability is always high.


This quest is a side story that takes place in the universe of Chaos: The Quest for Redemption. New readers are encouraged to start from the beginning to grasp the context of what you are about to witness.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Levelman
Questcord: https://discord.gg/JFAMdJskHn
Wiki: https://chaosquest.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page
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Mizoguchi clenched both of her fists tightly. She peered down at her feet, shaking uncontrollably. "...s-s-someone had the gall to make me a big deal when I sh-shouldn't have been.... i-it all went to my head..."

She raised a hand, brushing aside her locks of silvery hair as her blue and yellow eyes stared skyward. "...I... I'll confront you... Krina. I'll stop you... from using me like a pawn... ever again!" She silently swore to herself.

(Unlocked Superboss 2/2)
(Visit the map marker titled ??? post-game to challenge Krina)
(Permanently locked secret upgrade: Undefeated Mode Form)
(Permanently lost main quest companion option: Catastrovania)
(EXTRA EVENT: I'm a Samurai, but not that kind. I get it now.)

She's given it some thought, and, yeah, there's no getting the past back. But, she reckoned that Cat had a point, and now that she's seen enough, she thinks it's about time to really embrace it. What little remains in the junk data, maybe she'll do some of that stuff again. But the rest of her life? Is what she's going to make it from now on.

"I finally found something I really enjoy..."

With a huff through her mechanical lungs, she steps out of the shop she entered, past the bead curtain it had for a door. Her blade reflects the sunlight with a glint, and she pinches the tip of her cap, hiding her face as she approached the others. They looked up at her, all having wondered what she'd stopped off to do here in the Capital.

She lifts her head and lid. A smile paints her face.

"S-Summers...?" Catastrovania stuttered.

She had discarded her Samurai armor, gotten rid of it all. Now, she wore something she had decided on herself. Matching grey cap and jeans, a short oriental coat over her flashy new teal varsity jacket and the leotard undergarment to cover her delicate frame. The dark blade of Koimaru was resting on her shoulder. She had let her hair down from the ponytail, it dangled freely behind her head from under the cap.

"Sup." She said, shocking them all. She stepped forward.

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>Stamina Level: Starving
>Map Position: T4: Capital Entry

>Select events to view.
> • (STORY) The Tower of the Gods. (T5: Axis Mundi)
> • (EXTRA) Golden Treats. (T4: Capital Entry)
>• (EXTRA) Golden Treats. (T4: Capital Entry)
>• (STORY) The Tower of the Gods. (T5: Axis Mundi)
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(EXTRA EVENT: Golden Treats)

In the portion of the Heavenly Capital they found themselves in, a popular confection was steamed creamy custard buns. These perfect buns were a fluffy round ball of sublime dough filled with a sweet golden center. They couldn't help themselves but indulge the confections before they boarded their last lift going towards the Axis Mundi above. Their buns varied in size, but all were right large and plump.

"To victory!" Jake said, raising his, as if making a toast.

"To friendship!" Hylan chirped.
"To our lady!" Faeryn mewed.
"To cats one and all!" Monroe said.

"Hmph. To giving them black eyes and bloodied noses." Summers said, raising hers.

"Tch... to camaraderie, I guess..." Catastrovania said, raising her bun.

Seannsa already took a bite. But even as the crumbs fell, she wasn't deterred from raising her own bun to the circle they had formed.

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Risk Straya is going pretty slow so I'm opening up a parallel game
This map was proposed by TED during the summer game and I've been excited to see it played

Select a name, color, and location to start playing
type "dice+1d6" to roll the dice for your number of attacks or defenses
You Will receive a (+1) for every area you completely occupy (Marked by the thick boarders)
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Rolled 6 + 7 (1d6 + 7)

Wasn't Nikka giving up last post? If not continue the attack.
I wasn't "giving up" limey, I was withdrawing to atlantis.

I wasn't kidding about using my action to sink Hokkaido to the bottom of the sea.
Don't think you can make whiskey underwater, it'll leave us to dominate the market.
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It's over
The game I thought would play for 50 rounds has ended in 10
>In a last act of drunken defiance, the king has sunk his kingdom into the ocean so that not even the dust of the Anglo's could touch it
>Total Anglo supremacy has been established

Thank you fellas
It's been good
Cheers op, cheers everyone else.

The conception. The miracle of life. This is where it all begins. You are the egg that was released at the right time and you are the first successful sperm to meet the egg. You start your existence now.

>Roll 1d2 to determine if you implant successfully in the uterus.
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No worries, welcome back!
>Stare down Catto
welcome back no worries! Hope you had a nice trip
>>Stare down Catto
Any idea when we're starting back up?

The light of the full moon shines upon you and your peers as you stand in the open courtyard of the academy. The sky is clear, with not a single cloud to obscure the gaze of the stars.

A name is called---but not yours---and a child steps forward onto a stone platform.

"Place both hands on the orb," says the archmagus.

The child complies. As his palms make contact with the glass-like surface of the orb, a faint white glow lights up from within its hitherto pitch black interior.

The light gradually grows brighter until its luminosity stabilises, whence it begins taking on a pale blue sheen, like that of hydrangeas. Throughout the entire process, the child remains motionless, as if in a trance.

"A very fine result." The archmagus strokes his long grey beard. "Welcome to the academy."

With a gleeful smile, the child skips back to the crowd and more people are called. Not all elicit a reaction from the orb, but among those that do, the light emitted varies wildly in brightness, colour, and intensity.

Finally, it is your turn. The orb up close is far larger than you expected, almost twice the diameter of your thirteen-year-old cranium. You glance at the archmagus. His figure towers over you; and from where you stand, his visage appears obscured by the wide trim of his pointed hat.

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>Amidst a community of so-called “exterminators,” who make their living off eradicating certain pests (some of the magical variety) that show up in the labyrinth from time to time.
>With a circle of underground alchemists who independently produce potions of all sorts for anyone willing to pay.
>With a circle of underground alchemists who independently produce potions of all sorts for anyone willing to pay.
>Amidst a community of so-called “exterminators,” who make their living off eradicating certain pests (some of the magical variety) that show up in the labyrinth from time to time.

>With a circle of underground alchemists who independently produce potions of all sorts for anyone willing to pay.

Alchemists win this one. No post today. I have an exam tomorrow.

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You are still William sparred with self-lighting firefighters, beat the shit out of the voices in your head, and now preparing to go back to university that descended into a multi-way gang fight.
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Pulling out of his memory vision as William takes a quick glance at Rose as she is mentally concentrating on drawing the sending cantrip in the air as she continues talking to her boss. Looking half exhausted and angry as she pours in all her attention and focus staring into a wall as a bead of sweat rolls down on her forehead. Turning his head back to the box William grabs the next memory strand as he opens his eyes underground with torches holding a light spell illuminating the area around him. To see another fighter instructor giving the basics of how to use momentum of an attack to carry your body and weapon around your body to squeeze in another hit in. Using your strength and angle to spin along your heel by adopting a looser footstance to help in positioning without getting your foot caught on the ground. First by pre-clearing the area around you by moving into a new area then burning some of your stamina to sweep your feet around your holding area. Ensuring the ground is cleared of obstacles and having a pre-grooved area to help guide your momentum rather than relying on the ground to be safe to spin in.

Blinking the darkness away William feels a sense of pride at all the knowledge he gained knowing mobility is a great first and last option hoping the rogue skills will be able to help keep him alive a bit longer. Feeling a tap on his shoulder as an exhausted Rose points William toward the boss’s door as both make their way inside the room. To see the same old blond boss on his desk with a look of anger and concern written on his face.

“I hate that I have to involve the fae again but we are already going to lose this cell and can’t afford to let Astra finish their striker and fighter research. I can’t guarantee your safety with the fae as they are very easily bored so do everything I say. Do Not Speak A Word, and let me do the speaking as they will try to make you to talk and force a deal on you if you speak out.”
“Sounds simple enough.”
“Fae aren’t simple but let's get this started anyway.”

Standing up from his desk the boss gestures the duo toward a corner as he spreads powdered glittering sand along a square shape with his agents standing inside. Carefully drawing runes along the square protection circle as he exits the room to bring out bags of blood to line his entire room into another protection circle. Drawing runes faster in blood as he cuts a small hole in the bag and squeezing it out like a frosting bag as he lines the floor with blood runes taking an hour to finish.

“Is this really that dangerous?” Asks William a bit nervous at all the preparation he is seeing.
“Very dangerous as I had to call in an evacuation and have multiple Dark Star spells ready to pop when shit goes wrong.”
“You mean if?”
“No.” Adds the Boss as he returns to work.

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Pulling out a small knife the Boss slashes open his hand as he draws the fae’s name in some kind of unknown language. Bursts of green flame pop up from the name as reality cracks a bit in the middle of the room as dark light peeks through reality. Hairline cracks spreading in the air as night descends into the room as a loud shatter echoes as corpses of knights slump along the floor. Eyes. Dozens of eyes trace along every inch of the room as it takes in the atmosphere as a chill runs along William’s spine. Seeing translucent wings not flutter but hover above the ground as water or fluid sloshes inside its body as it sits on top a pile of corpses with armor and sword in their hands. Very old mummified corpses with brown flesh stuck in screaming postures as they look up into the night sky. It turns his gaze downward to look at everyone present as the Boss matches its gaze, Rose flinches back, as William turns his sights downward as he takes quick glances to its shape.

“The new toy asked for me? Well I am delighted to grace my presence to you William and I have to say your little sideshow started off strong but running away instead of fighting those golems? That was such a tease and I expect better next time.”

-”How do you know that?”
-”Fuck you I can’t guarantee shit.”
-”I will try.”
-Write in

part 4
Yes. But I don't want to stat out a warlock and we'd be massively out gunned since warlocks only have what 3 spells per short rest... where as with sorcerer we have like 20+ or so + sorcerer points with metamagic. And subtle metamagic means we don't have to speak spells (silence doesn't fuck us) or move our hands (restraint or loss of hands = no spells cast).

And I knew Mac wasn't going to do it.
Qm we wants shadow sorcerer not le fae warlocks.

>Well shit boyo. The goal was to observe and report. Not clap golem cheeks. I'll break one just for you though in exchange for Devils sight. (Trying to bargain with it). But I don't think that's what you really want.... perhaps a nice fresh mage body to play around in...? that one looks like it's past it's expiration date... I know the perfect one. (Mac I'm thinking of a Coven)

If we can shadow beast a Coven then magic jar them we can steal this thing a body. That'll give us an infiltrator and something to gather some juicy Coven info for us.

After this exchange it's time for round two with the soul parasites.
-”How do you know that?”

Nice and neutral, maybe he'll tell us how he's watching everything. Otherwise I'd rather not talk unnecessarily and let the boss do his thing.

First thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/78475385/
Part 2: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/78533839
Part 3: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/78583130/
Part 4: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/78620743
Part 5: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/78673520
Part 6: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/78741798
Part 7: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/78798673
Part 8: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/4766508
Part 9: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/4801549
Part 10: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/4864481
Part 11: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2021/4980716/
Part 12: (Forgot to archive it waaa)

And the New Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bjwNytCRYR

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Personally think we should you the "Steal" to better leverage the "Recruiting". Who better to put in charge of 'mostly' self perpetuating fleet?

Either that, or use it as a selling point for them to be recruited.
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"recruit" first, but I will say that "enslave" is probably the most important on the list.

The dark throne is too valuable to be lost to the sands of time, but so too is the severed empire's raw might of numbers. Taking the severed empire first would cause too much noise to go without detection, unless your plan is to gain control of it early only to leave it be.
finally managed to post
> Recruit
Noted, Overwhelming the folks want me

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Summer has finally arrived, and with it, the chance to dive into the digital worlds that promise adventure and escape. You’re Jack Malone, a high school sophomore with time to burn and not a lot of cash to spend. After hearing the buzz about *Battle for Athera*, the latest MMORPG captivating players across the globe, you’re ready to give it a try. The game boasts sprawling landscapes, intense battles, and a unique twist: you can choose to fight for justice as a valiant hero—or embrace the darkness and play as a monster.

But there’s a catch. Playing as a hero costs a steep $20 monthly subscription, not to mention the temptation of endless microtransactions. With your wallet nearly as empty as your fridge, the choice is clear. You'll be starting your journey as a monster. It’s free-to-play, after all, and you relish the idea of clawing your way up from the bottom, earning your power the hard way.

The game boots up with a fanfare of orchestral music, and soon, the character creation screen appears. Five grotesque, low-level monsters glare back at you, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

The question looms: Which monster will you choose?
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Dead quest?

You approach a kobold vendor with a sack full of rat pelts and fangs, your inventory brimming with the spoils of your grind. The vendor, a scruffy-looking kobold with a chipped tooth and an oversized leather apron, greets you with a wide grin.

“Well, look at all this! Got a heap of treasures, do ya?” he says, rubbing his hands together eagerly. “I can take that off your claws for some silver. Always in need of crafting materials around here.”

You hand over the loot, and he counts out a small pile of silver coins, sliding them across the counter. “By the way,” he continues, “for a bit more coin, I’ve got this fine iron pickaxe. Perfect for mining your own metal and gemstones. Save yourself the trouble of hunting for rats all day.”

Intrigued, you ask, “Do you happen to have any gems that I could use to enhance my weapon? Maybe something compatible with this essence I found.” You pull out the Agile Essence to show him.

His eyes glint with interest. “Ah, that’s a nifty little find! Well, I do have this small amethyst. If you infuse it into your blade, it’ll grant you a once-a-day healing ability. Useful in tight spots! And if you combine it with that essence there, it’ll make the cooldown on the healing effect a bit shorter. Nice little combo.”

Your excitement dims when he adds, “Problem is, all the stuff you brought me? Doesn’t quite cover the cost of this beauty.” He holds up the gem, letting it glint in the dim cave light. “Tell you what, though—I’m starving. You bring me 10 pieces of cheese, and it’s yours. Rats drop the stuff occasionally, so it’s not impossible.”

You frown, considering your options. “Is there no other way? Maybe I could trade the essence to sweeten the deal?”

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I had forgotten about this quest.
> Grind rats until you collect 10 pieces of cheese for the amethyst.
> Grind rats until you collect 10 pieces of cheese for the amethyst.
Let's get that bread, f a m. Err, I mean, that CHEESE.

Also, welcome back QM. All well?

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