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No matter how many times you read the letter, it always hits like a blow from a closed fist – your father is dead, and your sister is missing. The House of Pale now rests upon your shoulders.

That's all the letter says. It's almost funny, how just a few words can bring your entire world crashing down around you. You don't even know who wrote the damn thing, although the letter is marked with the sign of the King's own office. Since the letter arrived this morning, your mind has been a blank. Now this, under the cover of darkness, a further message summoning you to one of the lecture theatres.

Brushing past the cowled servant who brought the unwelcome message, you force a suitably aristocratic sneer onto your face and make your way towards the mysterious rendezvous. You don't quite know what will await you there, but you're determined to meet it with the pride that your noble House once embodied.

Though you've told nobody else about the letter, the other students of Coral House sense your troubles and steer well clear of you as you advance through the darkened hallways with only the guttering flame of a single candle to light your way.

The first thing you see upon arriving at the lecture theatre is the white sheet draped across the main table at the furthest end of the room, and the suggestive shape concealed beneath it. Irrational though it may be, your thoughts leap to the most unsightly of assumptions as you stare at the unblemished white linen. Setting your candle aside and letting the silver moonlight guide you instead, you march down the stairs and reach out to rip away the sheet. Just as your hand brushes against the cloth, though, you sense another presence in the room.

“Young Master Pale,” the man begins, in his deep rumble of a voice.

You turn, studying the tall man with a cautious curiosity. He's dressed well, impeccably in fact, but his skin is a rare sight – as dark as polished mahogany. His hair, just as dark, is tied like bundles of stubby rope, and his face is virtually expressionless. “Isambard is fine,” you reply, after you realise that you've been staring in silence.

“Young Master Pale,” he repeats slowly, mournfully, “My name is Sakhalin. I have been sent to...”

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It's just like Ariel said – he holds the cards here. He knows something, something far more important than a few pieces of wrought metal, and he's only going to share that information on his own terms. You could inflict every torture known to man upon him, and he wouldn't break. He would chew through his own tongue before he reveals any more of his secrets.

“Fine. Have it your way,” you spit, “I'll get you that icon. But I'm going to do it my own way.”

“Do it however you wish,” Ionescu replies graciously, “The method does not matter to me. The end does.”

How very Galsean of him.

“Ah, but there is one thing,” he adds, pretending as if it's some fleeting afterthought, “One of my people will accompany you, as far as possible. He will be my eyes and my hands. He is young, yes, but capable. He may even be useful to you.”

“Useful,” you repeat, not even trying to hide the contempt in your voice.

“Useful, yes. A street rat has many skills that a nobleman does not,” the old man muses, “Mihail! Son, come here. I have need of you.”

“This wasn't part of the deal,” you warn, holding up a hand as another black-haired man emerges from deeper within the hovel.

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Thanks for running!

We're accumulating so many friends, soon we won't be able to pull off the edgy loner vibe.
>“This wasn't part of the deal,”
>“I am-”
>“Yes yes, you're altering the deal. I know how this goes,"
I love preempting other characters like this, godlike. Old man can take his Vader reference and shove it
>Local prickly bastard can't stop winning friends and influencing people
Never stops Batman.

Thanks for running! Was too busy to join in this time, but next time for sure.

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Your name is Marron and you're getting married soon. Due to circumstances outside of your control, you kept delaying proposing to Chouxcreme and your courtship lasted a bit longer than socially acceptable. Thankfully, it didn't take you too long to get used to living in Tarrasque and you managed to propose to your lady.

The wedding is scheduled to happen in the Azure season, when weddings are considered to be more auspicious. However, it is currently the Amber season, smack dab in the middle of the year so you have plenty of time to prepare for marriage.

Your stats are currently

Courage: 0
Love: 0
Reliability: 2

[[Al-Kimia Story has 4 different “Personality” stats.
Courage allows you to keep a cool head in stressful situations. Someone with low Courage would be cowardly, while someone with high Courage can keep their cool even when fighting a much stronger foe. People with high courage can also be reckless, ignoring fear even when it serves a purpose.
Love is the stat of passion. Someone with low Love can come across as cold and unfeeling while someone with high love can be bolstered by the feelings they have for others. People with high love can be flighty, pursuing one passion to the next and never settling down. Knowledge increases your affinity for acquiring knowledge. Someone with low knowledge can be stupid and forgetful, while someone with high knowledge can recall information quickly and dedicate themselves to study. People with high knowledge can be paralyzed by indecision from all the knowledge they hold.
Reliability is your affinity for learning about the mundane. Someone with low Reliability can have their head in the clouds while someone with high reliability can be counted on to stay steadfast in the worst of times. People with high Reliability can be bad at dreaming of a brighter future, preferring instead the certainty of the present.

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I am bring great dishonor on thread. Now do seppuku.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Oh dear
Well, at least we didn’t explode.
Unless the 1 critfails us.

QM, while I know this luck of the dice, I would like to note that losing after some random anon from the QTG came in to break the tie and pick the trickier option stings just a little more than if the actual players had chosen this course.

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You are Iwo Malinowski. Once, you were a police officer in Yetrizcy, capitol of the peaceful republic of Awsbet. You lived in a cozy apartment, shared with your younger brother, Karlo.

Awsbet was a quiet place, peaceful and a little backward, where people still rode horse-drawn carriages and used gas lights in their homes, taking their time to join the rest of the world in the coming future. It was a good place to call home... Until the Federation crossed the border in October.

Your small and outdated army never stood a chance before the Eortite Federation's mobile armor and machine guns. In just weeks, they swept through your nation and took the capitol, forcing the Premier to sign an unconditional surrender. As the first signs of spring emerged in Yetrizcy, the Federation's troops paraded triumphantly through Constitution Square and martial law was instated under the new Military Commissioner.

As the nation reeled from the shock, you and your brother were among the first to contemplate resistance. Together, you gathered a small group and planned your strike - setting a bomb to go off just as a handful of enemy officers were sitting down for lunch... It was a plan that left you as the sole survivor. Karlo, Paul, Triss and Harken were all gunned down by the occupiers.

But you refused to let their deaths be in vain. You pulled yourself up and started over. With hatred burning in your heart, you sought out new allies and met Aneta, a member of the university's Democratic Society. Together, you planned an ambush on Federation censors and stole away priceless relics of your nation's past from the Museum of Art and Civilization.

There's blood on your hands now. A military policeman and half a dozen soldiers have died at your hands, but the censors themselves escaped unharmed. All the same, you managed to escape the museum with ammunition, a plundered rifle and your life, while your accomplice hid the stolen relics.

Now you sit on your bed across from Aneta. She's a few years younger than you and as you watch, a few strands of auburn hair slip free of the bun behind her head, falling into her dark eyes and making her push them away with a huff. Her short skirt (barely below her knees-!) and shiny walking boots are fashionable, but she's still a working-class girl, in spite of her university education; you've never seen her truly neat and tidy. Then again, given your background before moving to the city was a full-on country bumpkin, you're not one to judge.

"So," she asks, "What went wrong?"

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Okay, I KNOW I typed the command right, what's going on? Oh and please ignore the ID flip... I swear it's still me.
>Fuck dice

You sigh and shake your head. "Makes sense. Eat up you two. A deal's a deal."

"Count your spoons before they go," Aneta mutters darkly as she leans against the wall, folding her arms with a frown.

"You think I've even seen silver cutlery?" you snort, rolling your eyes. An idea occurs to you as the boys finish up and you raise your hand. "Hold on one moment... Your father was a doctor, you said? Do you know if any of his old friends are around? Ones who aren't too thrilled about the Feds?"

"The doctor wasn't our dad," Mariaz corrects you quietly. "He was nice, but... He was never our dad."

"Kept us away from his friends too," Kris nods, looking at you with consideration. "We tried to play with the other kids, but not many wanted anything to do with a couple of 'drakes.'" He spits the slur and casts a dirty look at Aneta, who draws herself up primly and returns it with a frigid sneer. "...You two have something against the Feds?"

The room immediately tenses. Even Mariaz feels it and freezes, his spoon in his mouth as Aneta tenses like a spring. The kid's too damn sharp. You feel your lips suddenly grow very dry as you ask slowly, "And what if we do?"

He looks between you and Aneta, seemingly weighing his options. The young man doesn't trust you, but he clearly considers you in a better light than your comrade. At length, he takes a slow breath and speaks slowly and carefully, as if expecting Aebrith's sword to descend at any moment. "If I said... I was serious about wanting to rip their throats out... If I said I want to kill them for what they did to Doctor Kurek, what then?"

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>"...and what's your opinion on the matter, Mariaz?"
>You'll keep Mariaz out of harm's way, but he can be useful too. Enlist them both.
>"Get some things to defend yourselves with. Do your best to keep your head low. And for the crown's sake, Kris, don't make your brother a complete orphan. I don't want to discover your doctor friend standing over me at night slowly lowering a syringe towards my eye if either of you don't survive this."

You wake up with a throbbing head and a funny taste in your mouth.

It takes your eyes a moment to get adjusted to the darkness of the unfamiliar surroundings. The only motes of light come from fungi on the walls, dimly glowing lichens that give the unlit masonry the look of a starlit sky, if you squint hard enough. Just enough light to see the contours of hewn stone stacked up to make the walls and ceiling, held together by their weight more than any mortar or cement. Barely enough to make sense of your surroundings, but that might be for the best.

Your nose can pick up the dour stench of rotting corpses that hangs beneath the must of a mossy cavern. Drips of water into a pool ring out like a distance chime. The air feels still, weighing down upon you like a heavy blanket that refuses to let you stir.

The cold makes you shiver. The shivers return feeling to your numb body, and with feeling comes a soreness that seeps past every muscle and into the marrow of your bones. Your arms, your legs, your head most of all, the soreness brings a pain to every inch of your body that nearly makes you cry. To say nothing of your more delicate and womanly places; your bosom feels as though it's been savaged by a tiger, and the less you say about what you feel below the belt, the better.

You swallow dryly, and shudder at the taste.

Perhaps it's for the best that you don't know where it came from. Perhaps it's for the best that you don't remember how you got here, nor why you've not a stitch of clothing on your person, nor exactly how every inch of you - inside and out - became so terribly sore. Best to put such thoughts to the back of your mind, where they cannot bother you until you're safe enough to let it all out. You went beyond the Wardenstones to pick medicinal herbs, and you now know why the elders always warned you not to, that is all.

Yes, that is all. Consequences for girlish foolishness and ignoring the wisdom of the elders. You can live with a few consequences for your stupidity, you're a woman grown. Those thoughts steel you enough to let you pull yourself out from the shelter of an overturned cart, and pick at the corpses of your captors. (Roll 1d100)
>Kobolds. Lowest danger zone, worst equipment.
>Goblins. Low danger zone, poor equipment.

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Oh fuck, apparently the post I thought I sent didn't go through.

TLDR: this wiki was a clusterfuck. I think I should be able to post tomorrow though.
Waiting warmly.
Regrettably, I'm not going to have the time that I wanted to dedicate to running this quest for a good long while. Stuff has come up with life and work, and unfortunately the quest is what I need to drop. Maybe when I get some free time back, I'll pick up where this left off, but I wouldn't expect that for the rest of the year at least.

Sorry everyone.
it's ok. A shame the first interaction was axed early.
Damn. Hope you sort things out and come back to quest once more, your quests were a blast to play through.

See you, space cowboy.

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Space. The Final Frontier, or so some sailors call it. Beyond the outermost lip of the Earth, there is a black emptiness. The Prime Material Plane is, they say, suspended in an endless void. To those with the eyes to see it, through, and the means to survive it, there is so much more. In the skies above, there are Holy Lun and Holy Sol: the spheroid satellite-worlds of the Eladrin, or High Elves, and their divine creators. Beyond even these is the firmament—a great sphere, speckled with rotating stars. Beyond the firmament, above and below it, are the Divine Realms—the Heavens above and the Hellish Realms below.

And to some, a select few, even THAT frontier is not final.

Your name is Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann, half-human child of the Sylvan Elves of Dappulyet, Apprentice to the Archmage of Hawksong, and self-proclaimed Seeker of the Esoteric… And you are currently a little out of your depth.

You are presently suspended in just such a ‘place beyond’: in the aether-flooded ‘space-between-spaces’ which exists just outside of the firmament, yet not amongst the hosts of Heaven or of Hell. Rather, you float amongst the Elemental planes: realms of purest Fire, Air, Water, and Earth, which touch upon each-other across dimensions beyond the three which define your usual perceptual reality. An earlier brush with these same planes (and no small amount of study and practice, it must be said) ahs gifted you the ability to survive here…

>0/5 MP

…But not to navigate this strange space freely, nor to escape it now that you are here, and drained of all magic. The young woman floating before you in this strange space brought you here, clad in black, has the means to take you both back from whence you came. Her name is Izirina Henzler (though she was born with another), and she is both your master’s adoptive daughter and the woman you love. Or, well, one of two.

…Or should you now say ‘three’?
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>Live on as you are—shrunken, deformed, devoid of magic and incapable of Feycraft, forever separated from Izzy and Costella… But with Ayla, at least

Clone ez will be fine, he just needs some time to adapt.
>Live on as you are—shrunken, deformed, devoid of magic and incapable of Feycraft, forever separated from Izzy and Costella… But with Ayla, at least
>Demand OrigiTips to put their brain together with ours to do some Chimericism and some ritual attunement to make us able to do magic and less "goblinly"
>>Live on as you are—shrunken, deformed, devoid of magic and incapable of Feycraft, forever separated from Izzy and Costella… But with Ayla, at least
Im down for clone tips to be igor Tips, as long as this isnt our MC now, because if so then
>Kill yourself
if this is a repeat switch mc thing im down to live though, just not if Ezntreal is our MC now
Yeah this is why I didn't back the goblin juice

>Avenge yourself on the bastard fool who made you like this, and who stole away your life, your loves, and your magic, and take them back

Revenge couple
[Theoretically in time, but you have no idea if that would work.]

>Im down for clone tips to be igor Tips, as long as this isnt our MC now, because if so then
>Kill yourself
[He may well be the MC. I will count such votes as "kill yourself" votes, which is the only guaranteed way to ensure the feytouched, aethereal Tips is the one you control moving forward.]

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Your name is Johan. You are a taxi driver. At least that's what you tell yourself.
Memory isn't your strong suit.

Needless to say life has been strange recently, always taking the bend in the road towards that ever so elusive ending.

Feelings and thoughts both mix as a strange cacophony within the mind. Always going faster and faster with each moment.

Wearily, and almost lacking emotion, you go back to bed for a fitful rest after the events of the last two days.

>Dream (Johan will not recall this dream, but it will likely both help and hinder him subconsciously in the future).
>Do not (Johan will be well rested but won't feel as much in touch with certain attributes, for better or worse).
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>Breakfast Curiosity


>Eerie. So blue is tied to order, green to insight, and red to more impulsive, maybe unwholesome urges... Maybe.
This is surprisingly close to the truth, I will say that there's more to the colors than what was mentioned here.
You decide to drive towards Dingo's place once again.

It has certainly become a habit at this point, you think to yourself with some amusement.

You get properly ready and awake. And other than a few stifled yawns you feel prepared for the day.

Getting to the car and the actual ride itself are rather uneventful. You try to focus on driving, yet that dream kept bothering your from the back of your mind.
While you'd think this would help pass the time, it actually does the opposite, and the roads seem to stretch on for hours.

Despite this, you find yourself back at Dingo's.

Immediately you notice the flurry of activity in the place. You could assume the festivity has brought it about.

Interestingly in front of the restaurant there is a group of people playing with the pinball machine. Although it would be more accurate to say that some are attempting to play, while others just tilt it or can't get the machine to start working without a kick.
Most notable among the people there was someone you could only describe as a 'Greaser'. Pompadour, mullet, sunglasses, and sporting a dark leather jacket, he had a strangely imposing aura around him despite being no older than nineteen. He leaned against the wall and aloofly smoked a cigarette.

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>Sit at one of the stools and make an order. (The usual, or something else?) You may be able to talk to some of the customers or the bartender there if you wish.
The usual.
>Sit at one of the stools and make an order. (The usual, or something else?) You may be able to talk to some of the customers or the bartender there if you wish.
Usual order, and a stack of pancakes for the table the Noirs are at. We'll join them when they get their complimentary treat.
>The Usual

I'll write sometime tomorrow. I'm too tired today to write coherently and will probably pass out in the next half hour lol
I'll also combine ordering a stack of pancakes for the Noirs if there aren't any objections.

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Cursed from birth with silver hair, the sign of evil influence, you play as Argia Candente, a Knight-in-training determined to help your family, show your valour… and make your first friends.

# # # # # #

Welcome to the second thread of the thrilling adventures of our beloved silver-haired doofus, Argia Candente! Last thread has seen your retarded QM finally learning how to roll dice, and has left us facing the confrontation with the cult of the Seven Sisters…

>Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6012263

>Voting Link: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Silver%20Knight%20Quest

(for those not familiar with suptg— thanks to everyone for voting!)

Update schedule: usually one update per day. May be multiple posts, depending on narrative pace and player interaction. I will do my best to reply to questions and suggestions though.

As for what happened last time on Silver Knight Quest…

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Kind of similar to how much you want Salicera to stick around… and Soralisa as well.

You close your eyes focusing on the sweet smell of rosagra. You are still alive, so Rubida must know what she’s talking about. Her words about that scent also stir something else inside you.

“Have you ever felt a road smell like rotten eggs?” Salicera’s words from the other night still sound weird. Weirder than most things about her.

“What? No. I don’t think that is anything that ever happened. Something else you made up in your delusions, Candente?”

“No, it was something Salicera said to me. That’s her smell of home to her. I found it most peculiar.” A pause as you consider your next words carefully. “Was she ever… weird with you?”

“Weird how? She is a genius, she can be a bit eccentric. I believe it’s part of her charm to be fair. A country bumpkin like you.”

“Hmm.” You let it slide for now. Maybe you should ask her tonight. There is so much you don’t know about her and you find yourself more eager to know.

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>>You ask Rubida to come back and help you dress up and cover your hair with a towel. Perhaps Maduan won’t find your exposed chest obscene, but your Candean soul certainly does. And this way you can hear more about the festival from the townspeople themselves.
>Without a certain angel to blocker due
>You ask Rubida to come back and help you dress up and cover your hair with a towel. Perhaps Maduan won’t find your exposed chest obscene, but your Candean soul certainly does. And this way you can hear more about the festival from the townspeople themselves.
let's hear from the folks. btw no biggies OP
>You ask Rubida to come back and help you dress up and cover your hair with a towel. Perhaps Maduan won’t find your exposed chest obscene, but your Candean soul certainly does. And this way you can hear more about the festival from the townspeople themselves.
>You ask Rubida to come back and help you dress up and cover your hair with a towel. Perhaps Maduan won’t find your exposed chest obscene, but your Candean soul certainly does. And this way you can hear more about the festival from the townspeople themselves.

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Adventure Time,
C’mon grab your friends
We’re going to very
Distant lands. with
*** the ***,
And *** the ***
The fun will never end,
It’s adventure time!
>[input adventurer identity]
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Ok my character is super mega mike and he fucks all the princesses or something like that

>Attempt to possess the leading penguin

>"Taking too long, Mike." Fire at the leading penguin in an attempt to end things quickly
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Noted, SuperMegaMike was Michael's extremely likeable older brother who had canonically fucked every princess at least once before ascending to the 50th Dead world.
>Attempt to possess the leading penguin

>"Taking too long, Mike." Fire at the leading penguin in an attempt to end things quickly
Take him down while the penguin is being possessed.
support perfection

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A simple CIV clone with concurrent chess like combat and procedurally generated map. No dicerolling besides the map generation which doesn't involve the players.
A turn is done once all players have finished their actions or if the turn has been on for two days. The pace can be discussed further.

Pick a color and a corner. For now only 4 players as this is experimental and the map is quite small.


>Gather resources from your tiles each turn
>Gold is stored
>Food is not stored
>Settlements consume food and units consume gold
>Remaining resources can be spent on buildings or other actions
>Food deficit caps the production of gold from settlements by the available food production
>Gold deficit disables all actions that require gold
>You can expand to any adjacent tile at the cost appropriate to the terrain as long as there is either a settlement or fort within 3 tiles

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sure. we only played a little after all. just going with the changes we did along the game and a possible reduction in sea tiles appearing will change things greatly. a shame we didn't manage to get 4 anons like you planned.
Feel free to advertise again in /qtg/ saying you starting a second round.
Any new happenings ?

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Select race and location
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damn, one of the first times where the voter was the one who flaked instead of the OP, damn sad to see.
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You send a group of your sneakiest slimegirls to the north to check what lies there.

It is a frozen land filled with wonders, but you endure a few casualties as some slimegirls become hard blocks of ice! The remaining slimegirls eat them for sustenance and continue on their path.

After a long trek, they finally arrive at the Shrine Of Eternity, the only settlement between your lands and the portal where the Dragon of Eternity lives.

In there you are welcomed by the Fairy Queen Rosana.

"What brings you here, little slimes? Aren't you far away from home?"

> We want to enter the portal
> We desire to learn cold magic
> We need help against our enemies

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> We desire to learn cold magic
>We desire to learn cold magic
Yous took the bait.

Each knock on the door approaches your brain one at a time and prying apart the plates of your skull to slip in. Your skull slams back together, the sound of the knock echoing inside your head. You groan and shift from your bed, bottles clinking. The knocking on the door continues, insistent, like it was prepared to do this all night.

It takes a moment for the red blur in your eyes to focus into the shape of 5:00AM. God, fucking, fuck was someone at your door at 5AM!? You've got work in two hours, a hell of a hangover, your stitches ache and some fucker is at your door, STILL KNOCKING.

> Somewhere in these bottles is enough oblivion to get to the start of the work day
> Wait it out. They have to stop eventually, right?
> Grab and load your crossbow, because apparently armed and in underwear is how you answer doors now.
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>> There were pictures of squirrels. Chewing a man's face off. Big squirrels.
>You remember, with concerning clarity, a discussion on knife fighting underwater.

Oh. Oh god. Like a fish head bobbing out of the water, there was the memory, the promise, the detailed description of how important it is to take into account reactive force when stabbing a sea serpent and avoid getting spun and disoriented. Advice you remember clearly despite hearing it while emptying your stomach of bile into a toilet. There was... yup there's a memory of you making a promise to go with her on a boat, to a patch of rocky flooded caves. What the fuck were you thinking?
That's it for this thread, getting busy unfortunately. See you around.
Archive it

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"You sure your guy can pull it off? This is not your average Silky or Jack Frost meat here."

"You are welcome to go out there in his place, Ogata. Let's see how far can you go before you get torn to shreds. I can taking the safest option here and you should be grateful for it."

"Fair. Alright, Mitu, Carve him up."

"mYy PlEaSuree ahahHhahaAaeeeëëëë"




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>Forage for more grapes [low chance of small amount of DF]
>Don't use Joesphine's services
Don't know how to say this but I am extremely busy even for my daily 10-30 mins session. I don't want to flake but at the same time I literally don't have time for any of my hobbies because of my work and real life. What do you guys think? Technically speaking, I can go for an update once every three to five days but that will most definitely kill the pace. I am at loss here.
i don't really have trouble following quests that slow, and I can't really advice you on anything except do what you are comfortable with, and if you gotta leave to do your business than that's what you do. the board will still be here when you are ready
Real life comes first

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Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Levelman

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>Operation: Understanding
Let's work our way up
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[Access Granted]


Establishing connection
[07:00 - x/23/4999]

Updating agenda...
Priority at hand: Beastkin Awareness.

Our establishment upon Blickery has long become used to the sight and presence of Beastkin, but we must admit that not all of our members are comfortable around the Beastkin, among those outside Blickery. If we are to hope to one day share our goal and operations with the Beastkin, we must find a way to incorporate them that will be accepted readily by our members. Additionally, we also seek to bring society to a familiarity with the Beastkin that will not provoke reactionary outrage or elicit the unnecessary excavation of bad memories and emotions surrounding the now finished Beastkin crusade. We acknowledge that many in Siegesia and Shengesia have suffered in the past as a result of the crusade, but if humanity is to ever move on along with its offshoots, we have to show that the needless violence has ended and that reformation has truly transpired, for Beastkin to ever thrive outside of Blickery.

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There are still many things to consider within this proposal. Some Beastkin have bodies that are far too mutated for their own good, which, even when corrected by surgery, may remain immobile or incapable of operating. For example, there is a Beastkin on record within Blickery Township notable for possessing only legs, and no arms. Such corrective surgery may leave this Beastkin two legs short in order for them to resume a bipedal posture. Although prosthetics may help to alleviate such troubles that a lack of mutated limbs bring on, prosthetics may not respond well to their semi-undead flesh.

Additionally, their bodies are resistant to anesthetics, meaning that surgery is guaranteed to be painful for them to undergo. However, local mediums in Blickery may be able to substitute this via rural alchemy, producing substances that induce deep sleep within recipients.

Additionally, some conservative Beastkin may view it as the outside world continuing to undermine them regardless of the fact that Morwenna is now on our side or not. Third parties from the continental area may accuse us of conducting Beastkin instrumentality, the same way the Khanate does.

However, it cannot be denied that giving the Beastkin improved bodies via surgery will be helpful to both themselves and their chances of mingling with outsiders. Improved looks through beautification will make them more appealing to interact with.

1. Proposal.
>We reject Krina's proposal unanimously.
>We accept Krina's proposal unanimously.
>We reject Krina's proposal on the grounds that the operations would be inhumane due to pain.
>We accept Krina's proposal with a certain clause. (Input)

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Last time, the secret behind the mysterious hidden room was revealed: You live in a former military base! Also, the ‘speed hobo’ Ichie decided to learn how to use her flame under your wing. Since your apartment is occupied due to a professional inspection and a tiny remodeling, you went to Matilda’s dojo to kill time.

There, you’re welcomed to a concerning sight, Lord Gargoyle is unconscious! He’s on the brink of death in a futon, wearing robes like a ghost. In better news, Wilma’s hair is messy again! Wait, no, your eyes played tricks on you… It’s half messy. It’s better than before, that’s all that matters.

“Who is that?” Matilda doesn’t like the idea that Oliver is bringing more homeless people into the dojo.

“It’s Lord Gargoyle! I mentioned him before, Master! He helped us in our last mission where we soundly defeated Suan De and her forces of relative evil that don’t match our own.” Oliver reminds the ‘Tilda about the Villain’s help. If Lord Gargoyle was conscious, he’d agree.

“We’re not evil, Oliver.” Matilda prefers to be morally gray.

“And that’s not accurate regardless.” Suan De doesn’t remember any of these bums helping you kick her ass. Judging by her face, she’s mildly concerned about Lord Gargoyle.

“Heh.” Matilda likes seeing the former assassin being mocked.

…Ph-Johnny?” Wilma didn’t expect you to be here. You acknowledge her with a powerful hand wave.

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Fun thread QM, I recently finished reading all the archives and I am finally up to date, it's been really fun, and I quite liked some of the stuff that you have done, it's some genuinely impressive stuff that you have been able to keep up doing this quest for close to 7 years so I hope you are having fun, I may do my own draw-quest one day but I am really new to the board, but I got a heavy boost of inspiration thanks to the sheer effort that you have done for all this time that you have invested in this place, keep up with it and take your breaks
Thanks for running
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Thank you for being here and playing, truly! I need to make it a habit of answering everyone's messages.


I'm glad to have you on board! I wouldn't be here if I didn't enjoy it, I'm more surprised that everyone is still on this journey after so long, it warms my cold heart. I'd love to check out your quest when the time comes!
It will take like one year because I know shit about drawing lmao, at least it will give me some time to figure out stuff for what kind of quest I would like to make, and also what it would be about with characters, lore, and worldbuilding included
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Have fun! Learning is brutal, but if you keep at it every day even if just a little, you'll get good before you realize it. And well, in a year's time, I don't think the quest will be over, so I'll be here waiting.

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Dreams die with time.

When you were young, you dreamt of being a Sorcerer King, like those of stories from before the Collapse. Of wielding power akin to that of the gods themselves, living forever, and ruling wisely.

Over time, these dreams matured. By the time of your mid-adolescence, many of your peers were already working in family business or taking higher courses, provided they were blessed with intellect or wealth. You were preparing to enter the Academy, study magic and eventually help people like the responsible adult that you were expected to be.

Yet these aspirations were not to last. Optimism quickly turned to confusion, then to despair. The sheer amount of work and talent required to succeed once you passed the entrance exams was astounding. The meditation techniques were hard to get a grasp of, and your focus wavered often. Maybe you had taken a place intended for someone else, because you witnessed how others bore a much lesser burden of practice and theory required to advance.

Well, it didn't matter anyway. The expulsion letter ended your possibilities of a career as a licensed mage.

You kept studying still, working menial jobs and spending your free time reading whatever magic tomes were available in the library. It wasn't much. You learned to meditate properly, little by little, and taught yourself some cheap tricks like lighting a fire without flint or creating a mote of light instead of a lantern. But the publicly available knowledge was little, and soon you had to look for a proper job when your mother wouldn't support you anymore.

And when it dawned upon you that you would be stuck in the same place for the rest of your life like the rest of your peers if you didn't do something, you went away, leaving your family: your more competent and serious elder brother and your mother - to fend for themselves.

The tricks you learned in the libraries were a bit useful. Some down on their luck adventurers hired you as cheap magical support for their expeditions. It wasn't much, but it was honest work, and you learned bit by bit again, picking locks, evading tough enemies and besting weak ones with your dagger.

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>Take the kitten with you to a city with the intent to give it away for a profit.
>Take the kitten as a pet. It could grow into a powerful ally.

we're making savings on scavenging already. Just keep it up a couple months, feed the kitty a bit of the savings, and after that she can catch her own grub in the wild. 1/2 ilb of poor fish a day works for a house cat, and we might get chicken hearts and liver for a song.

If we have a predator animal with us, we won't get (fully) surprised by something like a basilisk suddenly appearing. Or a ghost.

@QM: Two waterproof hooded cloaks for just 6? Nice.
Changing my vote >>6065352 to
>Take the kitten as a pet. It could grow into a powerful ally.

>Take the kitten with you to a city with the intent to give it away for a profit.
Giving notice I've got no access to pc from this past Wednesday to Sunday, so update will probably come on Monday and then I'll try to speed up with them and go back to post every day or 2 schedule. Thanks for playing so far, anons.
>Two waterproof hooded cloaks for just 6? Nice.
For 12. Adrien bought one on his own for 6 here >>6058441 then you bought one for 6 later.

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