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Risk Straya is going pretty slow so I'm opening up a parallel game
This map was proposed by TED during the summer game and I've been excited to see it played

Select a name, color, and location to start playing
type "dice+1d6" to roll the dice for your number of attacks or defenses
You Will receive a (+1) for every area you completely occupy (Marked by the thick boarders)
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Give me red and start me in west Chyna
Rolled 1 (1d6)

Nikka Whiskey Rebellion



Not sure if you need a roll yet but here's one just in case. For too long have inferior whiskeys polluted the palettes of the Asian people. The Nikka rebellion will not be stopped by the government, the paranormal, the extraterrestrial, or, and may Buddha forgive me for uttering the name, Suntory. We will bring good taste with fire and sword.
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Otomo Clan
Buzen, Kyushu

God and anime are on my side.
>Societies have quickly broken down and insurgents have quickly risen to power

>The Anglo's roll a 6 and and take the northern regions of Chyne
>They also move on to take formerly Chynesse regions from Russia
>Will a Russian force rise up to defend the Mother Land?

>There's a roaring in the east
>In the mountains of Hokkaido, a man of taste has risen a rebellion
>Fire and Whiskey sure to pour through the country

>In the south, a clan rises up to take Kyushu
>They are very confident

I intend to update the game once a day, but if everyone responds fast enough I'll update twice a day
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Rolled 4 (1d6)

Take the rest of Kyushu, then to Shikoku.
Rolled 6 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

Complete Chyna then move down into Korea, soon Japan shall be made into Hapan.
What the fuck, I love you too dice.
Rolled 1 (1d6)

Complete the takeover of Hokkaido, every distillery must fall under our sway.
Fuck you luck thief, give me back my luck.
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Don't think I will

The real book cover has tits on it poser. My uncle gave them to me last year.
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>Establishing their control of Kyushu, The Clan begins their capture of Shikoku.

>The Red terror continues
>Eastern Russia has been taken into the the Chyneese fold and North Korea is almost fallen to the Anglo's
>Is a new century of humiliation upon this land?

>Fire is brewing and Whisky is aging
>Barrels of fire are being prepared for the day of rain
Rolled 5 + 2 (1d6 + 2)

Continue south, conquering the rest of continental Asia. How will the royal navy ferry my troops to Japan?
Once Japan is mine I shall reclaim those books as war spoils.
>Not a 6
I've been betrayed by the dice.
Rolled 6 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

Complete the taking of Shikoku with Chugoku next on the list.
And any spillover to march into Kansai!
Rolled 4 (1d6)

It's cold in Hokkaido...all alone. But the whiskey warms brothers! Head South!
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Name: Yuru Shingen
Color: Yellow
Location: Yamanashi
For too long have Japan have stuck in this stressful and fast-paced society, I will bring comfiness to Japan with the power of camping, nature, and a ton of delicious Yamanashi food and wine - and violence too, I guess.

Finnokorean Hyperstate

The Red Terror must be contained at any cost lest our people suffer a terrible fate. If we must return to the ancient ways of our ancestors, then so be it.
Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d6)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Forgot we're rolling from the start.
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Last available colour get

Kyoto Imperial Free State

However you'd describe what we've got left. Turquoise?


Anarchist imperialists! The divine person of the emperor must be kept pure, and the only way to do that is to ensure he has absolute power in a state that doesn't exist. Liberty and The Divine Sovereign!

Fill out the state around Kyoto!
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Fuck the Spam filter
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I spend more time reformatting that post than researching and writing it
Rolled 2 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

Without any other path forward than through the Yuru Shingen, the Otomo march against them.
Bruh, are you naval invading me when the anarchists are right there?
Rolled 3 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

Everything has been set on fire up north which was fun for a while, but now its too hot. Conquer southward to find a better climate!
Rolled 5 (1d6)

I guess we'll repel the sudden and rather uncomfy surprise attack by the Otomo. Rise, people of Yamanashi, defend our sweets and alcohol.
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Chaos and disorder! Marvellous! Expand south to fill out the state, and defend the western border.
Rolled 5 + 3 (1d6 + 3)

Crush the Koreans and work them to death building new roads and bridges in my ever growing empire.
Rolled 1 (1d6)

Our purpose made manifest. All for the sake of deterring the anglo, if even for a sliver of a second. Defend against the inevitable.
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>Fighting tooth and nail against the terrible odds, the FinnoKorean Alliance has been buck broken by the superior Anglo
>(5 + 3) attacks vs (1) defenses
The Green Color is once again available

>With orders to march, The Otomo clan somehow ended up in a navel siege against Shingen
>(2 + 3) attacks vs (5) defenses

>"They would mix they're Whisky with gunpowder"
>"If it caught fire, that was the Proof"
>(3 +1)

>With their enemies diverted, the Kyoto Anarchists Fortify their region to shield themself from the approaching storm.
>(2) Otomo bonus's have been compromised
Since it's going to become relevant
I will allow ALL naval attacks.
Any sea bordering territory may attack any other sea bordering territory
Rolled 3 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

Attack again!
Does anyone wish to barter for my assistance?
Rolled 4 (1d6)

March north to fill in the empty land - any excess naval invade around towards Tokyo province. The emperor sends an appeal to all fellow Daimyo and Whisky-merchants.

The Anglo is coming, comrades - finish up your duels with one another and get ready unless you wanna get buck-broken like the Koreans did.
Rolled 3 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

March south to fill out the province, but don't go beyond to the next one border. Tokyo whiskey is SHIT!
Making Whisky the official ceremonial drink of the Imperial Court
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>Korea just showed up to give the Anglos a free win
Ok then.
Counter attack. Don't let the barbarians from the west taint our land.
Yamanashi is willing to listen to the Emperor's command, but only if we get the two provinces in our region back. We're all gonna need a +1 to even have a chance at joint attacking the Anglos.
I seem to have two excess point so I'm sending them straight to take land in Kyushu as retaliation for them disrupting my comfy map painting plan.
Rolled 4 + 4 (1d6 + 4)

It is reported in korean, prostitution contributed 25% of the GNP for the nation. Lets make is 100% this time around for their crimes against the British. It is time to move onto Japan.

Too much slander is being levied against us, it is time to close those lying mouths and silence their lying eyes. Attack Kyoto, time to bring them to heel. Let us bring our revenge to Japan.

I am willing to give the captial to anyone who wishes to help me.
It is a noble tradition, both for Japan and for the Anarchist Movement, to lose and die 'gloriously' for the cause.

Daimyos, brewers and anti-imperialists all; there's one province on the mainland for each of us - pick one and get to it if you want a shot at winning - we can beat each other to death after.
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>Their boarders being continuously compromised, The Ottomo continue there naval adventure in a completely different region
> (3 + 1) attack vs (6) defenses
>The Ottomo have lost all their bonuses
>At the same time British boats have crossed the strait with a massive (4 + 4) attack
>The Otomo capital is lost but the Anglo's do not collect their bonus - Yuru Shengin has held the last sliver of the island!
> (1) attacks vs (2) defenses

>With the massive amount of Chaos, The Rebels and the anarchists are seeking to expand their territory
>Skirmishes occurred while the boarders were being settled
> (2) attacks vs (1) defenses
Why did I attack the Otomo? I wanted to attack Kyoto
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I made a big mistake
Rolled 2 + 4 (1d6 + 4)

Kill Kyoto, use rest of my roll to defend.

Otomo, I'm willing to trade the provinces you used to hold.
Rolled 5 (1d6)

Oh good lord, the Emperor is going to die. I strike the anglos to reclaim the two provinces in my region, any excess will go towards supporting the Emperor's attack/reclaiming land for him.
Banzai. You just need to roll more than a one to hold Kyoto and reclaim your provinces now., Kyoto
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d6 + 2)


Finish claiming the 1 territory in the Tokyo province then sail across the sea and assault Vladivostok!

Turns out the King was right, Tokyo whiskey fucking sucks! Too warm to properly distill the good stuff. Russia however...now that is a cold fucking country, brimming with whiskeybility.

The King sets the ships on fire and sails there, hopefully they last long enough to make the crossing.
I accidentally deleted my own vote when I meant to delete it in another thread https://archived.moe/qst/thread/6147965/#6151851
This is what I get for doing things with only a few hours of sleep.
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>He was dearly loved
>He was wanted for this world
>But he could not hold on
>With out a roll for Defense Kyoto is consumed by the ever growing Red Cancer

>Barrels labeled "Whiskey" were found along the Russian coast
>When the Anglo's opened the Barrels, Fire poured out and compromised their bonus

>Taking advantage of the situation, The Otomo consolidate their position and regain some bonuses
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Oh fug, the Emperor has fallen! Avenge him!
We march to reclaim the last province in our region and sending out any remaining force to reclaim Kyoto.
Rolled 3 + 3 (1d6 + 3)


Continue on the warpath in Russia, handing out free whiskey samples as we go.
Rolled 6 + 4 (1d6 + 4)

Otomo you can have all my Japanese land if you join the war on my side.

Retake Russia that's my priority.
I love you dice, you've been so good to me.
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>With the power of dice
>The Anglo's retake their lost territory and Defend against all attacks
>All according to plan

>The Otomo clan slept in and forgot to fight anyone
>Nobody fought them either
Rolled 5 + 5 (1d6 + 5)

Put everything into killing Yuru, they are lazy and refuse to work, I shall put them in camps that ensures productivety. If I win the conflict put what remains in defence against the Nikkers.
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d6 + 3)

NOOOOOO The crazed whiskey zealots will not give up the snowy wastes of Russia. Back into the fray. Back!! Conquer all the way to the capitol!
Rolled 4 (1d6)

If we die, we die with honour! Charge!
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>The Yuru Shingen is fucking gone
>All attacks are are repelled
>The Otomo clan still haven't woken up
>Who will end the mad mans reign?
Where can a hero rise up?
>A small island off the coast of Korea is unclaimed
>Maybe an army can rise out of the sea to fight this consuming fire

If I ever run a game with such a small map again I'm adding a (-1) for every capital captured
Rolled 6 + 6 (1d6 + 6)

Snatch that small island, there can be no other victims. Body slam into the Nikkers, take the small three tile province.

Regarding a -1 per capital, doesn't that kinda punish success? I've been rolling very well this quest: 6,6,5,5,4,2,6,5. On average dice I should have lost the 2v1 against Yuru and Nikkers.
It's more about encouraging diplomatic play
and putting more focus onto area control
>6 + 6
Come on man
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>6 + 6
Rolled 5 + 3 (1d6 + 3)

Sink Hokkaido beneath the waves of the pacific in a glorious, whiskey fueled explosion. The secrets of the King die with him and all his people, whether they like it or not!

Seriously though its over. GGs.
>Seriously though its over. GGs.
If it's gg before round 10 are we going to run it back or are we satisfied with how things turned out?
I mean Im happy about winning
I'd be down for another Risk but we don't need a run back I don't think. At least I don't.
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alright then

Round 9:
Rolled 6 + 7 (1d6 + 7)

Wasn't Nikka giving up last post? If not continue the attack.
I wasn't "giving up" limey, I was withdrawing to atlantis.

I wasn't kidding about using my action to sink Hokkaido to the bottom of the sea.
Don't think you can make whiskey underwater, it'll leave us to dominate the market.
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It's over
The game I thought would play for 50 rounds has ended in 10
>In a last act of drunken defiance, the king has sunk his kingdom into the ocean so that not even the dust of the Anglo's could touch it
>Total Anglo supremacy has been established

Thank you fellas
It's been good
Cheers op, cheers everyone else.

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