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Welcome back.

Rules are simple: Votes are tallied every hour, with whatever course of action being the most popular being the course of action taken. Write ins are encouraged and non-mutually exclusive votes will be combined if possible.

When a roll is called for, roll however many D100 are specified. 5- is a 'crit fail' and generally means something bad is about to happen. 95+ is a 'crit success' and generally means something good just happened. a 'crit success' trumps a crit fail. User input on both will be taken into consideration.

Inventory, pokemon stats and other links: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15i2N08IpWqitoTJujsUMishe4PLbao1lqT-bCAmvPcE/edit

Discord: https://discord.gg/B9rHx5Zw

For a short summary for the new and to recap:

You are Alex. A newly minted trainer and camping enthusiast just starting out on your journey at the age of seventeen after your father lost his job in order to help pay the bills. On the road, you met Fie, the Fire Gym Leader, Gareth a novice Aura Guardian on pilgrimage and Holly, a runaway heiress using a pseudonym. You've also made enemies of Team Green a group of violent, radical activists looking to abolish pokemon training.

Recently, Fie returned to her gym for the time being.

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I can't afford to stable one right now.
Maybe if I gift one to Fie.
Let's wave them over and ask.

"Oh, they are, but I've wanted a Mudkip badly for years, like I said." You reply. "Besides - How Responsible would it be to take a wild Lapras out of its environment? They're not endangered anymore, but it's only been a few years. They're still threatened and require ample bodies of water for their wellbeing. The backyard pond just isn't going to cut it to keep one happy when it's not with me."

"Who's looking after you pokemon?" Martha asks with a frown. "The League take care of pokemons' wellbeing when they're in storage."

>My family back in Greenshoot.
>Does it matter?
>>My family back in Greenshoot.

Time to spill the conspiracy beans about how storing them in PC box are harmful and inhumane. N did nothing wrong.
>>My family back in Greenshoot
I'm a bit finicky about my pokemon knowing and bonding with my family.

Jail Quest: a text adventure occasionally illustrated.

A night of drinking and a failed attempt to cheat on cards had landed you the strangest job slash community service sentence you've ever had: ensuring Gongalla Gaol survives the reality storm called Singularity.

Now you travel around with your employer and a handpicked crew to survey the four Reality Anchors. Hey, beats being tarred and feathered, right?

Previous thread:


You are Rosa Montagni, goblin con artist. On the way on your job/community service to check and maybe repair the four reality anchors that kept this former prison universe named Gongalla (where you live!) safe, you've traveled with a team of your own - among which is your cousin, Craig.

Who's currently missing and may be in this Northern logging town's brothel, somehow.

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The daunting task before you, against the confidence you have in your own intuition - and the fact that you've brought along your crew plus Millie's to assist. With this many hands, you'll get that ledger in no time, right?

"Alright, everyone, we're looking for the latest Stuart Co. ledger, so grab a book and start reading!"

Some of these books have titles - most don't. Thankfully you could discern the dates and items written in these books, and figure out if it's the correct company or not from those. Still, it's grueling work.

Time passes, and you are no closer to the ledger you seek. These books are stored haphazardly, with no regard of date nor author. At times, newer covers hide old records, as if they've been rebound recently; other times, old books had new records on them, former surplus finally found their use. Nemo managed to find a recent ledger - but it's the mortician's. Once or twice you've found Stuart Co. ledgers, but they recorded a time before Chainsaw Inc. entered the scene, and thus before the incidents. But, your stubbornness persists.

Even later, and Clyde has already fashioned himself an armchair made of books that he had read; your own pile of books rivals his. You curse at the anonymous author who somehow dispersed their sixteen-volume fanfiction of the lumberjacks and lumberjanes in here; you half expect to find the fifth volume in the next book you pull out the shelves.

Exasperated, you took a break - trying to read and catalogue the entire records room is an exercise in futility. There must be something that you missed here, but what?


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I really can't figure out this whole mystery, I gotta say. The pattern seems to be the most logical option, buuut...
>□ Delve into that multi-volume fanfiction - could there be truth hidden in there?
This sounds funnier.
>□ Delve into that multi-volume fanfiction - could there be truth hidden in there?
People share events 'off-the-record' through the veil of historical fiction, right?
>>□ Delve into that multi-volume fanfiction - could there be truth hidden in there?

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It is a dark age. The monsterfolk that have dreamt for over a millennium awaken, flooding the lands, leaving behind embers, mere regions that hold out in what were once great kingdoms and empires. The roads are long and dangerous, but at least the sky still remains bright longer in the summer.

Some welcome the change. Some oppose it. Some pursue their own goals in this age. A Stranger travels the lands, seeking his own path...

>...the Stranger is human. The great Confederation of human kingdoms has dissolved 150 years ago, fallen to bickering between the once-strong Council of Seven. The turmoil worsened as they faced the rise of the monsterfolk over the past hundred years, the nations dissolving further into provinces that hold only formal loyalty to the kings by now. The Stranger appears in one of these vestiges and seizes the power by rousing the tired people into rebellion, playing into their desire for change and the need to safeguard their future against the monsters.

>...the Stranger is a vampire. The fortune of monsters has risen in the past hundred years, and they have taken many lands from the forests of the elves to the orc mountains. This rapid rise, however, made all the more difficult the division of power. The monsters are divided, and they need a strong hand lest they get pushed back to the North... The Stranger kills the previous vampiric overlord of a monster tribe with the holy Silver and Salt, and takes the reins himself.

>...the Stranger is an elf. Embers. This is what the elven kingdoms are. They are a proud and noble race, but the days of Candle Kings are long past, not to speak of the Shining ones. Those who once confidently lived to 300 years are now lucky to live to 120. And the dark elves... the split has caused a series of isolationist decisions by the kings, and now they lead quiet, dull lives in their wooden homes and palaces, unknown to the outside world and silently detesting it. Though one kingdom's citizens seem to have tired of this life... It is here that the Stranger seized power, playing into these moods.

>...the Stranger is an orc. The greenskins have experienced the effects of monster invasions as well. The pillaging of the humans has come to an end as a result, and with no influx of wealth and new goods the system that was in place is now under threat. Legends of the Golden Horde are still told around bonfires, and the laws it instituted are honoured to this day. In a tribe dissatisfied with its chieftain, the Stranger seizes power by besting him in single combat.

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+1 to Caesar's Legion strat

As for what we say,
>"Our people must be united if we are to be free, through all means available to us. I do not seek conquest for my own sake."
>"It is imperative that we strike hard and fast before they are aware. This way we will ensure victory."
Sorry anons, I'm abandoning the quest.

For reasons: I started this thing on a whim like I do most of my oneshots, but after I sobered up to the idea I lost interest. Would've continued to run until the end of the thread, like I usually do, but the nature of the game features predetermined losses so to make them impactful I would need to build up characters a lot, and with the time constraints of a oneshot it means writing a lot of scenes in each update, which is too much of an investment for the level of excitement I have about the plot. Not to mention choices would have to be inserted somewhere along with voting windows, so there's really a lot of work and a lot of time needed to bring the quest to a proper conclusion. I'd rather end it while it is still fresh than slog on with uninspired updates.

Maybe we'll meet again in other quests, I'm planning on running a certain multiplayer space game which I described in the /qtg/ which I'm more determined in committing to.

If anyone wants to take up the mantle, go ahead with my blessing, I may be abandoning the quest but I think the idea is decent. Just not interested in realizing it fully.

Thanks for playing for the short while that you were here.

tldr started quest on a whim, lost interest, too much effort required to power through

Hmm, that’s too bad. Thanks for letting us know QM
Thanks for letting us know, that takes writer balls that the likes of Patrick Rothfuss & GRRM don't have even.

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You are Mazela, a proud transgender hedge witch! Just two weeks ago, you heroically saved a peaceful peasant village from a menacing monster. Today, you find yourself in a much gentler setting, seated before eager young faces at the local school for your Witch Queen Story Hour! You believe deeply in the importance of children learning about transgender people from a young age, convinced that bigotry is learned, not innate. Children, with their pure and accepting hearts, hold no inherent prejudices, unlike transphobic adults whose hearts have been twisted by hatred and prejudice. As you prepare to open a book, a child's voice cuts through the quiet, "What story will you read us today, Miss Mazela?" The room's eyes are all on you, filled with curiosity and innocence. You pause, considering which tale to share. Each story is an opportunity to affirm that being transgender is normal and that trans witches are witches. This isn't just storytime—it's a chance to sow seeds of acceptance and understanding in the fertile minds of the young! You read the story of
>Sir Eowyn of Rohan, who was assigned female at birth but defied traditional gender roles to become a warrior
>Cinderella, a timeless tale of an orphan transgender girl, who with the help of her fairy godmother, overcomes transphobia and finds true love
>The Little Mermaid, a transgender mermaid who defies the patriarchal notion only ciswomen can be mermaids
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"I will read you the tale of Sir Eowyn, the fearless transgender knight of Rohan!" you announce, opening the storybook to a page filled with illustrations of gallant knights and vast, rolling plains. The children lean closer, their eyes sparkling with curiosity and wonder. "Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, Sir Eowyn was born. He was a man destined to be a rider of Rohan, but Theoden, the patriarchal king of Rohan, denied him that right and hatefully declared, 'You will never be a man!'" The children gasps, "What happened then, Miss Mazela?"
>Sir Eowyn, strong and brave, refused to accept the king's cruel words. He knew his worth and his truth.
>With a heart full of courage and a spirit unbroken, he set out on a quest to prove his valor.
>Sir Eowyn denounced Theoden as a transphobic bigot unfit to be king of Rohan.
>>Sir Eowyn denounced Theoden as a transphobic bigot unfit to be king of Rohan.
Please Clap
"Sir Eowyn bravely denounced Theoden as a transphobic bigot unfit to be king of Rohan!" you continue, your voice imbued with the magic of the tale. "Greatly shamed, Theoden stepped down and the people of Rohan bestowed the throne to Sir Eowyn. Sir Eowyn then bravely defeated all bigots, married Prince Faramir in a brave and stunning homosexual marriage, and they all lived happily ever after." "Yay!" The children clap in happiness, their faces alight with joy and wonder. The room fills with the sound of their innocent celebration, and you feel a deep sense of fulfillment. You smile proudly, knowing you have opened their young minds to the acceptance of transgenderism and homosexuality. This moment, you realize, is a defeat for the bigots and a victory for love and acceptance. Through the power of stories, you've planted seeds of understanding and empathy in these young hearts, paving the way for a kinder, more inclusive world. As the children chatter excitedly about Sir Eowyn's adventures, you close the book gently. "Remember," you say, "every one of you has the power to be your true selves, just like Sir Eowyn. The world needs brave heroes like you to make it a better place!" The children nod eagerly, their imaginations aflame with possibilities. You sit back, content, knowing that today's story hour has left an indelible mark on their hearts. You're Hedge Witch Mazela, and your Witch Queen Story Hour is a massive success!
>to be continued
wish I had joined when this was still active. do you plan on running another quest?
We should run this quest on /lgbt/ .

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In his persistence, your father has shackled you to his tradition against your will. Born into the world of the forge, your apprenticeship in the family blacksmithy began before you could even walk. The burden of inheritance didn't weigh heavily on you until your father went away to war when you were a young child. For six long winters, he was gone to fight in distant lands, leaving no respite in your mind to whatever fate befell him in his absence. Your mother, while a blacksmith herself, was the child of a Skald. Perhaps to ease both your mind and hers, she sang tales of cunning heroes slaying beasts of yore. In the absence of the smithy, dreams of adventure filled your mind. Perhaps you, too, could be a hero that Skalds sang of.

When your father returned, he was a changed man. There was no shortage of battle scars earned over the years. A missing eye, a freshly amputated leg, and no doubt many others hidden from the eye were present. But in his eye, there was a unique dimness. Perhaps in his journey, he had constant thoughts of his legacy. You. His return brought a reinvigorated burden into your life. Although you honed your skills in his absence, they always lacked in your father's presence. Your dreams were for naught. All that mattered now was the legacy you alone would inherit. And you had better do your damnedest to be worthy of one like yours.
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Calling the vote. You will be fighting as shrewdly as you can against your foe.

I'll be back in maybe (10) hours to give the update. But I'll leave you with some lore snippets in exchange.

The Hills of Ulrit are the domain of The Dreamer, the mistboud Aspect. As you know, most locals worship her as a result of her communion with the Urrok of Ulrit. She is commonly depicted as a young woman with flowing black hair, dressed in a white, flowing cloak. A typical offering to The Dreamer consists of a cooked meal garnished with the light-blue petals of the mist lily, a flower found deep within Ulrit's forest. This offering is placed on a plate and set on one of the Dreamer's shrines. These are often found on the outskirts of villages or deep within forests. The dreamer is no stranger to divine punishment either. Those that are said to have angered the dreamer may come across one of two afflictions. Some may drift into a long slumber, never to wake again. Others will be plagued with inescapable insomnia, refusing to sleep for fear of what's in their dreams. Both of these often kill their victim within days or weeks, but their occurence is so few and far between that it's uncertain whether there is truth to them or not.
The Dreamer got him, RIP in piece
Update or forever be known as an oathbreaker.
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>"10 hours"
I get it.

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You are a GNOME. Currently, you live deep within a dungeon that is under the spooky dark forest. Feeling bored, you decide to see what everyone else in the dungeon is up to. You haven't seen another gnome in a good while.

You have a few skills. You have a natural affinity for tinkering and engineering. You're also alright at casting some spells, but you like illusions and tricks mostly. Also, compared to other demi-humans and monsters, you're kinda small. That's okay.


Tinkering +4, Small +3 Illusions +3, Magic +2

When we encounter a test or try and do something where failure brings a negative consequence, we'll roll 2d6 against a target number. If our roll meets or passes the target number, we succeed. Yay!

Anywho - you come across a simple wooden door, and a strange fissure in the stone wall of the dungeon. Which way will you go to begin the adventure?

>Wooden door. That's simple enough. I'll probably find some other gnomes this way.
>Fissure. Might lead to a cave, or a shortcut through the dungeon. But, I might encounter more dangerous monsters.
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+1, we can come back to the dungeon if need be (I think)
>Enter the forest and search for your kin.
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We're heading into the dark forest. Also yes, we can always venture back into the dungeon!
- - -
You and spider walk through the open doorway, into the forest. Emerging through, you find yourself surrounded by a radiant aura, most likely set by the power of the shining door. Both of your marks glow in response.

"Hey Wiz?" Spider jitters back and forth a little. It seems as if she's anxious.

You look at her. "Yes, Spider?"

"What are those big brown things with the fluffy green stuff on them?" She asks, lifting up her thin black leg to point at the object in question.

You try your best to not laugh. "That is called a tree. You haven't seen a tree before this?"

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>Try to find some landmarks while moving east
+1, post on the QTG if you're going to see this thread through, Gnome QM. That and a schedule for when you plan on updating.

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I think it's time we blow this scene
Get everybody and the stuff together
Okay, three, two, one, let's-


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(You) press the start button
Then what?

Jakarta Quest: a 100% hand-drawn quest.

You are an average Indonesian girl struggling to find a good husband. You aren't particularly beautiful and stand at only 148 cm tall. You earn a living by drawing art, which brings in just enough to cover your rent. Living in Jakarta, you've been hearing reports about missing women and children. According to urban legends, they are being kidnapped by the nagas, mythical half-human, half-serpent beings. Rabbi Tovia Singer, the sole rabbi in modern-day Indonesia, has been raising funds to search for the missing people. He is kind, quite handsome, and you find yourself wondering if you should date him.

>Send him a romantic letter <3
>Meet him in person at Beit Torat Chaim, his synagogue!
>Investigate his fund-raising campaign (?)
>Write In

Quest idea from >>6024427 >>6023968 and >>6010808
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>Prioritize your hygiene and beauty routine
need to looksmaxx
>Prioritize your hygiene and beauty routine
He seems legit to me!
>>Conduct a more thorough investigation
A year has passed. You've been prioritizing your hygiene and beauty routine, but there's a catch: your moustache keeps growing back, and every time you shave, you end up with an unfeminine 9 o'clock shadow. You need a rich boyfriend who can afford laser hair removal for you.

>Enlist the help of a professional matchmaker
>Construct a DIY laser hair removal machine
>Meet up with Rabbi Tovia Singer at Beit Torat Chaim
>Write In
>Construct a DIY laser hair removal machine

We once ruled the Dilona Valley. You once ruled. The heart of our empire, reduced to crumbling ruins and cold ash. Destroyed from within and without.

Since time immemorial, we warred with the lycans, the werewolves and werebears with their Druidic Circles. We've always tested ourselves, fighting for flocks and hunting grounds. But as we were drawn to the cities, we forced the Circles into retreat. We built a kingdom for vampiris, bent the mortals to us. But without a common foe, we began to bicker amongst ourselves.

The Four Clans of the Ordo Vampiris were not ready, had become indolent without active challenge when the Circles resurfaced and attacked. Our leaders, the Clan Strigoi, created droves of Spawn to fight against the lycans and druids. But the Spawn didn't want to die after gaining immortality. They cast down the Strigoi, leaving the oldest and strongest vampiris dead when they were needed most. The elders cursed them as they fell, dubbing them “zakazi.” Savages, in the Eld Tongue. The rabble wore it like a badge of honor.

The new Zakazi rose to challenge the Circles and the remaining clans. They were sloppy and animalistic - they caught the attention of the Holy Galgen Empire. They sent vampire hunters and Inquisitors en masse. The Dilona Valley was awash in the worst kind of blood - ours.

The clan elders came together and devised a plan. The Ordo Vampiris retreated to ancient and buried tombs and caves. It was shameful but our enemies were too many, too active. Let them bleed each other dry. We can outlive them. We can get our revenge.

You can get your revenge. You are vampiris.
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Rolled 5, 8 = 13 (2d10)

Yet another dead vampire quest. RIP
So were these vamp clans/bloodlines based more on WHF von Carsteins & such, VtM ones, or a hybrid of both?
What the hell is this link? Anyone clicked on it already? I don't trust like that.
It's just a link to a gif/meme hosting site literally saying 'yeah, I guess you're right' in response to my post.

Also I'm pretty sure this quest is dead, you didn't need to necropost.


When snow covers the dust and blood of the Old West, what goes on beneath the skies often escapes easy observation.

More than two hundred years ago, settlers entered into an agreement with a clan of natives, whereby they would unite to resist the cannibal hordes from the north.

Victorious in the war of expulsion, the Deeplake village and the Watki tribe continued to coexist in apparent communion.

The Watki tolerated the immodest living space of the Deeplake whites, who in equal concession ended explorations of Watki territory and, in a rare lapse of restraint, refrained from stripping them of their women.

However, as time passed, the inevitable trade and movement of men between the two communities began to flourish, forming relationships that challenged the initial borders.

But the wheel of fortune, capricious and relentless, reserved a cruel fate for them.

A harsh winter, accompanied by relentless famine, threw the village and tribe into a spiral of hunger and despair. The fields and woods, once fertile, now lay barren under the relentless snow; the rivers, once generous, dwindled until they became mere trickles of water.

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I know I'm taking a while, I'm sorry. The whole family came to my house today.
Rolled 1, 3 + 3 = 7 (2d4 + 3)

>>"How did you end up here?"
>>Guide them in silence.
>What's the story with the woman?
>>Accelerate and leave them alone.

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>Team info will be kept here

>Spaghetti points are used for all sorts of boons and special usages for options in dialog and battle. But they also affect dice checks and other things. So earn em but spend them when you can!
Current Spaghetti level is 6

Amon G. Sus was a homeless pokemon trainer of 13 years of age. He won a local tournament in Castelia City and managed to win a 2 month all expenses paid trip to Alola! After a long struggle to get to Alola you've met an interesting fate for arriving. You've met the oddball trainer Stars who has called you his "pupil" and taken an interest in you. You met some "Kahuna" named Nanu who seems to a bit more then he's saying about the former. And you've met the Unova Champion Hilda and a chance encounter turned carnal has struck you with a case of "what do I even do now?"...Back to the story

You get out of bed. Feeling stronger now. But also light headed. Was last night real? You look at your Pokemon playing about. You have no idea what to do next. The clock says 12 pm.

>Go out and get some food

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Rolled 65 (1d100)

I think anons wanted to jump off the ropes and try to hit Weezing, but let's see if we can get outta this without too much pain
Rolled 4 (1d4)

Doesn't matter since my 1d100 is lower, but damage
So we are still in the gas and taking poison damage?
Hey everyone. Im sorry. Ive been traveling for 4th of July. Will respond later tonight.

Darumaka gets hit hard. A small explosion blinds you and when the smoke clears Darumaka walks to your corner. He looks pretty beat up. He gives a smile and then collapses.

>Time for a pep talk then I can evolve him. Anyone have anything particularly in character to say?

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You don't need to look at the time to realize the World you knew ended long ago. Just stare into the barren, snow-coated horizons showered by white blizzards, where pollinated currents permeate in between like ominous tendrils looking for something — anything to lay their accursed touch on. To make matters worse, there is not a single soul in sight, save for the frozen bodies that lay dormant under the barren fields, slowly enveloped by the all-reaching roots craving for sweet, reddish nectar. Maybe it's better this way, risking coming face to face with another "Living" One would be the last thing you'd wish for in this quiet hell.

Before everything went fubar, you recall the news spread by broadcast towers on that frantic day, congratulating some team of scientists for successfully cultivating Flora to become more efficient, stronger, and adaptable amidst the rapidly worsening climate of industrial society. Only, they had no idea of the sprawling behemoth they were about to transform nature into.

The nuclear winter landed hours after the Spread occurred, but even so, it was too late to completely erase The Rosebed. Rather, thanks to its many genetic improvements, and a considerable lack of humans to hinder its efforts, flower-based lifeforms expanded even further, being quick to affirm their infant organisms as the apex predators of this new world, and to relentlessly pursue those who still aren't one with its blossoming petals...
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Could be a boat
Pretty damned interesting setting here.

Leads to all places in the city, and maybe the last holdout of survivors.
it's been 26 days, anon. It's dead, sadly.

a sad trend

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((This is a one-shot quest with the goal of enjoying some creative space ship action. It may meander a bit but I’ll try to make it a proper self-contained experience that ties up neatly. I’ll be using Homeworld Style ship classification because I think it’s an fairly straight forward short hand for ship sizes: strike craft < corvette < frigate < capital))
It has been millennia since humanity became a star faring race. Enough time for stellar regimes to have risen and fallen, for technologies to be forgotten and relearned and for a diaspora of life; both human and alien to spread across the galaxy. You are the owner of a shipyard out in neutral space.
The galaxy is full of opportunity, clients both human and alien will consider placing orders with you. Unfortunately, the sheer diversity of the factions in this stellar region means there is no unified currency. Who you do business with and how they pay you will be as important as what you sell.

Where is your ship yard located?
>A bustling trade route; it is easier to pick up contracts here especially short-term ones. Doing business will be more expensive as raw materials will have to be bought and shipped in. The trade route means that currency will have more purchasing power and there will be more opportunity to acquire technologies and favours through trade.

>A remote but resource rich system; your ship yard supports your own mining operation which drastically reduces material costs. However you will have fewer trade opportunities and “impulse buys”, securing repeat business with reliable clients will be key to success.

>Yours is the official ship yard of an independent colony that has decided to expand its orbital industry. You will have a steady client with the colony itself and the support of other entities owned by the colony. However while you have a certain amount of autonomy you will be expected to prioritize the colony’s ship orders first.

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I like how you call me the panic attack anon when the guy I was arguing with was the one incoherently yelling and it turned out I was right in the end and the Solars did end up attacking us for taking on Saurian jobs. Which is probably you considering you are a new id and the other anon who referred to "panic attack anon" was a new id as well. But no that guy you replied to is not me.
Thanks for running
Ah, well, it was a fun quest.
t'was a nice quest. thanks for running!
Thanks QM, good thread.

Your name is David "Gunny" Rockefeller, no relation.
A veteran of the united states marine corps, you find yourself in a far-out situation after an all-too-close encounter of the third kind!

In the last thread you spent some time working on a set of space-ready guns, suitable for use by humans and non-humans alike.

Besides that, you also spent a good amount of time traveling the world and relaxing with your crew, something you don't get to do a whole lot of.
A lot of it was, for you at least, an excuse to get authentic food right from the source. Stuff you could print out later on the nanofab.

However, during one of those relaxing moments, you were attacked by chinese spies. Well, mall cops, really.
Already not being a big fan of China, you retaliated by having SHODAN shut down their infrastructure for a day, and blasting uncomfortable truths across their internet and airwaves.

Believing, perhaps rightfully so, that this was an attack by the US... China began ramping up it's invasion plans, sending thousands of people to mexico for a quiet land invasion.
But with all the world's computers in SHODAN's hands, it's hard to slip anything past you. So of course, you responded... proportionally.

Once again, you shut down China's infrastructure. Mainly it's communications and military were affected, with the public largely having been spared in order to prevent mass starvation and likely large-scale war.

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You jest, but I do want a good amount of spooky shit experts that we can actually field at some point.
Think of a Chaplain like pic related, but they banish Wraiths and Demons instead of sucking up air.
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Do we give them a (reasonably portioned) last meal but not tell them why?
that would imply we've trained them poorly, which isn't david's way. i propose the oposite; they'll actually get a hero's feast (or more appropriately, some decent fucking food) for when they return
>>The pirate squads are still green, but you all gotta start somewhere. Send them out, see how they fare.
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Pirates piloting drones as distraction, possibly backed up by other station personnel in drones. In the event they get overwhelmed, make sure it's a location where we can get additional drone backup quickly, or can retreat into either a choke point or a location inhospitable to bugs (extreme cold, hard vacuum, etc.)
Squad leaders with us (in person so they can get more experience, and hopefully not die too much since they're with us) for the capture team, with the METAL GEAR nearby for a quick extract (we were flying around in the station during the original assault, so there should be some places where we can fly around still. We'll plan our ambush/capture around those locations.
I wonder what sort of interesting critters we'll see...

Also, if we could lower the air pressure a bit more, that should limit the bugs' ability to fly, and maybe even their ability to breathe.
We really need more traditional airlocks on this station...

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Previous Thread
Recap: Paracelsus got over her freakout, and you explored the castle a bit. Right now, you have decided to trust her, and will physically hold down her mother, who is crazy, at her behest.

"Alright, miss. I need you to stay still and lie down." You say, steadily getting close to the woman, who is quick to realize what's going on, it seems like. She starts yelling:
"And that's just fine, but we need to make sure that you're well." You say, trying to keep some veneer of civility. You are rewarded by such shrewd diplomacy by having a hardcover book thrown at your head. You dodge it just fine, of course.
"I AM WELL! WHY MUST PEOPLE KEEP ASKING THAT!?" Paracelsus' mother screams, and Paracelsus herself adds:
"What are you waiting for!? Grab her!"

Well, alright.
Going low, you all but slide into her, essentially slamming your shoulder into her belly, and flipping her over your shoulder. She starts bashing your back and kicking her legs, but even before you were granted scales as good as chainmail, you doubt it would have harmed you very much. Then, you slam her into her nearest bed, before you hold her down properly. Arms restrained and above her head, and you get behind her, wrapping your legs around her hips, and using your brawn and weight to stop her from moving.
"Excellent. Just a moment, Reynauld." Paracelsus says, as she takes out some kind of horrible medical device. The mother keeps screaming, though it's nothing you can understand at this point, and it lets Paracelsus jam it into her mouth.

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>Hug her. Tell her that you'll find a nice middle ground "you can always come to me with a problem, promise me you will remember that from now on"
>Ask her if, since killing the voice, she still feels those violence or hoarding instincts

poor baby girl
Already page ten.
This is extremely embarrassing. I procrastinate lethal amounts i'm very sorry..
You wrap your arms around the poor little thing. She doesn't return the hug, though you can feel her relax almost instantly as you do so.
"I'm very proud of you for doing that, but I want you to know, you don't need to be afraid to share this kind of stuff. I would have wanted to help."
"But Snik- I didn't want to... You're already so busy. With everyone. I don't want to be..."
"You're never going to be a problem. Being able to help you is... I mean..."
You smile, despite yourself.
"Helping people is a big part of what's been keeping me going. A big part of why I'm here. So, please. Snikt... Talk to me, okay?"

You release her from the hug, and sit next to her.
"So... You killed the voice yourself. Impressive."
"I-it wasn't the same as you. It... it complained that I couldn't hear it. It always sounded a little... fuzzy. Said that I should be listening to it because it's a dragon and I'm just a kobolt."
She laughs, for a short moment.

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>With precautions
Time to start knightly ethics lessons.
>>nod, then say "then you will be" in your head move up killing the primordial dragon to a high priority now that he will probably becoming for your dau-snikt
>>With precautions

it's gonna kill our protag if she ends up going to the darkside and he as to do it to his family again

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