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Looks like you've had long enough to process things but if it wasn't clear you're dead. Whatever life it was you were living before this, it doesn't matter because it's over. I'm no Grim Reaper, and there isn't a pit of torment or a hall of infinite good feelings, just another spin of the wheel. Maybe you're familiar with something like this from the imaginations of people in your old life, but to be clear your next life is going to begin and honestly it could be like anything. Some worlds have magic, some might be just like the one you left and others might not even have multicellular organisms and normally I can't tell you which you'll end up in, but the last few went uh, badly for the reincarnated so I'm going to be more hands on this time. In any case, you won't remember me or your old life. That's not to say you're starting off as a blank slate, you'll retain this level of consciousness even if you turn out an amoeba. Why? Because it's boring otherwise.

Anyway, I might as well let you choose.
>Pre-industrial Fantasy
>A Modern World
(Thought I'd try my hand at running something again because I had that itch and I'll never learn to do well if I don't try)
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>>Ask about resources to achieve the emperor's will
If he has any sense he can't expect you will be able to do what he wants all on your own so you ask about what will be made available to you to accomplish this task. To your relief he answers that all that is written on these Others in the empire is yours to study as well as ritual materials, living expenses and travel expenses. As a potentially powerful servant to the Emperor, you will now be borrowing some of his authority and status while acting on his behalf, but it also means you will be closely monitored and in a sense kept on a leash if you show any sign of disobedience. It still isn't clear where the lines are drawn and may prove difficult to navigate until you get the hang of it, but you suspect your situation is not much different from the mages now.

But you are welcome to live in accommodations that are slightly more luxurious than the lower level house staff for as long as you are not sitting on your hands. More specifically, you will have claim to one of the guest rooms to have to yourself, can request assistance to some degree by the staff and may dine after those of higher status have begun to eat. You will be taught matters of etiquette to avoid offending others or causing embarrassment but it's nothing unreasonable.

But where to begin?
>Seek sources that can tell you what the Others are
>Seek sources that can tell you more about their particular sort of magic
>Seek sources that can teach you more about the type of magic that is considered more normal
>Write to people (who?) to learn what has happened with them since the war ended before you look any deeper into this matter of Others
>Something else?
>Seek sources that can tell you what the Others are
You decide to focus on finding out what the Others are, and although the books within the Emperor's estate and the capital are many, you are ultimately forced to leave for other cities. Ultimately you spend months traversing Carthagos and learn from both written and oral sources to acquire as complete picture as possible. The answer you find may have given you more questions than it answered.

The Others are the inhabitants of another, parallel world to this one who are known to be tricksters and terrorize largely helpless folks in their plots and games. They come in many sorts that are distinct from each other and range from helpful if properly respected to extremely hostile but most love to make deals and most you should never make a deal with. Some can be repelled or slain by substances from this world and others can be restricted by rituals but without specific knowledge one can only hope they aren't targeted. Their deals are supernaturally binding and in cases where one is able to violate the agreement the backlash from the violation can be catastrophic.

Perhaps more personally interesting is that they are kin, a fact that has caused much distrust and fear as you traveled away from where you were more known. The reason for your mother's exile as you now feel certain it was are still unclear to you, but the power of their deal making magics could be reclaimed by you if you could figure out enough about them. While different matters, all things to do with the Others are related so you have gotten enough of an idea to feel certain that obtaining these magics is what the Emperor is after, but are you doing it just to survive, out of a growing loyalty to this country, or because you could avenge the slight against you and your family by turning these powers against the Others?

>Seek out sites connected to the Others and try feeling out your way to understanding them and their magics
>Dig deeper into sources on their deals and magics
>Look into the magic of this world in hopes it will help you understand the magic of that world
>Something else?
Apologies for my absence, I'll probably just have to be here when I can.
>Seek out sites connected to the Others and try feeling out your way to understanding them and their magics

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You are LCdr Dallas Annon of the Terran Protectorate Navy, and against the Captain’s wishes you are investigating the secrets at the core of the TPN Coober Pedy — the last live voidship in this sector of the ravaged galaxy.


Previously on Voidship Bridge Simulator…
For the first time since you received your late brother’s command implant, you remember your dreams. Nightmares, really, but not natural ones. For once you have awoken with your memories (mostly) intact; you can recall the simulated scenario forcing you into command of the ship and attempting to condition you into placing its well-being first. Guard — the malign intelligence behind these trials and the most functional AI subsystem remaining of the vessel’s defective ‘Trinity ShipOS’ — made the choice to seal away your mysterious new friend Peedee, which allowed you to escape the simulation to the waking world without a memory wipe. As the dream faded, you promised the young intelligence that you’d find and free her, and you’re determined to follow through.

It was not a clean escape, however. Immediately upon waking, you received an urgent summons from your Father — the ship’s Captain — a summons which it seemed the very ship itself was trying to make you late for, what with the unnatural shuddering, untimely full elevators and strange damage showing up in your path. When you finally arrived, your Father informed you that your implant had been compromised by the ship’s firewall — a fate he revealed that also befell your elder brother and had led to his untimely demise. Determined to keep you safe, your Father rewrote your implant’s registry codes and deactivated it. He ordered you not to share whatever restricted information triggered this episode with anyone, and to cease digging into the ship’s secrets lest he lose another son.

But you had a promise to keep, and the mysteries at the core of your voidship (and the ‘Trinty’ AI system) seemed directly related to your missing friend: PD-113. Despite the hindrance of your now deactivated command implant, you were determined to defy your Father and the ship’s AI and find the ghost in the machine. Stopping by the damaged section of the maze-like voidcore deck, you recovered a sample of strange grey goo that had leaked from the four diagonal gashes that had torn through the bulkhead like wet paper and were now being hastily repaired.
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Alright then, roll me a 1d100. Looking for 70 and below.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

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I'm never touching the die again.

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In the not so distant future, deep down under the ocean floor, humanity discovers a strange, anomalous substance. Once collected and brought inside the search vessel, the crew of the submarine (barring the captain) attempted to examine it further. However, when the container was unsealed, the substance instantly turned invisible and blended into the air. Ten minutes later, the captain walked into the room, worried about his crew, only to find them in a state of absolute madness. One was rolling on the floor sobbing, another was screaming loudly while covering his ears. Sitting amongst them and many other wailing men was a woman, the captain's daughter and a crewmate in training, who simply stared at him, with a huge smile on her face.

Liao. That's what we called it then, that's what we call it now. The etymology of this name is unknown, as is the person who named it. An extremely unusual substance, it is usually extremely toxic to humans, though once purified using a special machine it's capable of shifting itself into anything you desire at the cost of your life force. From a cup of water to a gigantic gattling gun. For unknown reasons, its negative effects are significantly reduced on female test subjects, with the purified version being especially harmless to young women.

Skipping a couple of centuries forwards, we arrive at the present time. The age of Sirius, our glorious Empire. Once the Liao had been "tamed" by humanity, it greatly helped our ascension into the space age. Leaving that decayed blue rock behind, we've spread far and wide across the galaxy, facing no competition along the way... Apart from our own kind, of course. Humans are that kind of animal y'know? When prosperity is at our doorstep, we immediately start fighting each other for the biggest slice of the pie.
Liao-powered tanks, spaceships and mechs were used at first in planet-wide wars for the control of entire solar systems, but there was one major problem. Although they were extremely powerful, they were also extremely costly, and not just in terms of money. Since machines do not have life force, it was common for soldiers to use animals, plants or even captured prisoners (extremely illegal, by the way!) as fuel to power their weapons, but even then they would barely last half a day before shutting down. Liao weapons are convenient for small scale conflict, but bigger and bigger weapons require more and more life force, rendering the substance itself borderline useless for large scale space battles.
That was, until a group of scientists from the glorious Sirius Empire had made a major breakthrough! Researching further into the connection between females and the substance, it was discovered that, using special devices strapped around their heads, girls from 9 to 20 years of age could tap into the Liao at a very minimal cost, one that could be easily satiated with a special carbohydrate, lipid and glucose diet. The young women of our nation had been given a blessing.
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>*[Pink] flies towards the escape ship meeting point, dragging [Red] with her!
>[Yeti]: "H-Hey, wait a sec, little girl! I'm still talking- Augh!"
As the Yeti tries to grab you again with its giant metallic hand, the other squad's Red suddenly dashes into its arm with all her strength, swating it back.
Anna follows behind you, flying alongside her Blue and shooting a barrage of bullets at her backside to prevent any enemies from following her. Both of your duos meet up at the gathering point by the ship, causing its door to swing open and for its hyperspace drives to begin activating.
>[Violet]: "A-And we're here! Man, today has NOT been my day, I thought that was never gonna end..."
Lily and Violet fly into the gatherin area, carrying the other squad's wounded Yellow in their arms. They quickly enter the ship safely strap her onto one of the seats.
>[Anna]: "C-Come on Riley! We're all here at the ship waiting for you!"
You look back over to the battlefield. The Red is flying around all over the place and repeatedly using POW! against the Yeti, preventing it from moving or attacking.
>[Yeti]: "M-Man, these toddlers are actually the real deal huh? Alright, time out, time out~!"
The robot makes a T with its hands, indicating the Red to stop attacking it.
>[Yeti]: "Alright, just so you know, I could totally kick your ass right now if I wanted to... BUT I'm getting bored and we already got the super computer thingie we wanted, soooo I'm letting you go for now! Come on, hurry up back to kindergarten~!"
The Red glares at the mech angrily for a couple of seconds, but after hearing Anna's incessant pleas for her to come to the ship, she simply clenches her fists and reunites with her team.
As the ship starts to slowly fly into the sky, you activate your loudspeakers and give out one final message.

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>[You]: "Man... I'm still kind of upset I didn't manage to protect that car..."
>[Lily]: "I-It ended up being a fake or decoy or something anyways, didn't it? At least that's what it sounded like from the message..."
>[You]: "Even so... I just feel like I failed-"
>[Sarah]: "Meeeh! Stop thinking so hard! The only things that matter is that we got out of the alive, and they all sucked ass!"
>[Violet]: "Not how I'd put it, but you're right. You did well, ma'am!*salute*"
>[You]: "...Mhmm-"
You look out your window as a loud explosive sound emerges suddenly from the planet's surface, followed by a large cloud of sand, debris and smoke billowing upwards into the air, spawning from the battlefield you were just in.
Before you can look at the situation with any more detail, the ship's space drives become fully operational and warp the ship far far away from that sandy planet.

--YOU WIN [Ith Super Computer Escort Mission] !--
As a reward, you may pick one permanent upgrade to help you on your next battles!

>Bigger [Movement Range]

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I vote for the candy bar, useful little item.

>Sending poorly-trained troops to the front
>Explosive surprise
>What our enemies say about us
>HQ floors full of trash
I'm starting to suspect we might be working for the bad guys...
>[Sarah]: "*nom munch nom*Gahahahah!! What a first mission huh, Maria? *munch munch*"
Before you realise it, you're back in the millitary base's cafeteria, surrounded by your hungry teammates as they scarf down calory-heavy foodstuff.
>[Violet]: "*munch nom*Gonna be honest, I thought we were dead for a second. I can't believe they pulled out two mechs, including the freaking Yeti, just to beat us..."
>[Sarah]: "And they STILL lost! Gahahah! At this rate, this war stuff will be done in no time... Hey, Maria, are you listening?!"
While your companions celebrate your well earned victory, you stare at the other tables surrounding yours. Squads with one, two, or even three teammates missing from their tables. The remaining girls eat their feast slowly, poking at their cakes and puddings with their forks like a little kid does to the vegetables they don't want to eat. You notice a group of grown men walking down the hallway that connects the cafeteria to the west side of the base, carrying with them a black metallic box filled with wires and blinking lights.
>[Lily]: "What was in that vehicle that they wanted so badly anyways? Some kind of computer? That doesn't seem worth the effort to me..."
>[Sarah]: "Geheh,*nom munch nom* maybe it's gonna upload some secret code into our brains that turn us into war machines of death! *gulp gulp* Hah~, that'd be awesome!"
>[Lily]: "Th-That sounds scary!"
>[Violet]: "Don't put any ideas in her head *munch munch*, it probably just allows them to develop stuff faster than they would otherwise... Hey Maria, you should probably eat something..."
You look over at Anna's table, she chats up with her squad as she eats an entire slice of cake in two bites. She definitely looks more confident now than she did on the battlefield. Her Red holds her head in her hand and eats an ice cream sandwich while looking upset, she chokes on it after swallowing too much of it at once, causing the Blue next to her to bursts out laughing while slapping her back. The Yellow is nowhere to be seen.
Like a video going in fast forward, you're suddenly standing inside your dorm room with the lights off. You slowly take off your armor and put on your pajamas as you reflect on today's battle. As you lay down in bed, it begins to play out a soft lullaby and glow a warm, comforting cyan color. Crap, you just remembered how your bed broke last night and woke you up too early, is that gonna happen again? Eh, whatever, you're too exhausted to go ask someone to fix it. You close your eyes and melt away into the darkness of the night
Decided to wait until the thread reaches page 9 so I can make a new one and continue this. It was my first time trying a oneshot and clearly my slow release schedule doesn't really mesh with that kind of quest. We'll be back next week (probably)!
Here's the archive:
Thanks to the two anons and any potential lurkers for sticking with this quest for as long as you did, I knew the lack of preset choices would throw a lot of people off but I really wanted to maintain the squad management vibe it has right now, which I think is working pretty well!
Any criticisms are welcome as always, and I'll hopefully see you both next thread!

>Art: David-Marquez
>Alt-Text: Batman and Superman face off against a skull-shaped spaceship with tentacles floating in the sky.

You stand alone. Your allies have fallen.
The Riddler, your most cunning enemy to date, has merged with a seemingly all-powerful robotic being, and a massive Skullship is floating in the air.
This… Brainiac floats toward you.

Batman: What do you want?
Brainiac: To collect. This is a hostile universe. It is filled with organics dedicated to destroying themselves. Once I acquire this planet’s data, my Skull Ship will take its sample and I shall move on to the next planet.
Batman: Sample?

As if to answer, the Skull Ship flies higher. It splays its tentacles and they start to sparkle with purple lightning.

Brainiac: The only thing of value in this cosmos of infected rocks is the information your biologicals spawn. Once I finish absorbing the contents of your primitive networks, I will identify the optimal habitation for collection. It will be contained for future study, ensuring intellectual content is properly utilized.
Batman: You’re going to abduct an entire city?! With all this power, you could SAVE the world!

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If any 'mon series was to crossover and provider a League-level threat, Pokemon or Digimon would be up there. Animaniacs, though? I've got nothing for that. Im excited to see what wackiness we're in for.

This update has a scene showing Duacrd is technically good at giving information, but is a huge dick about it.

"Red X" is named after the Teen Titans (2003) episode. As I said before, I was taking some cues from that show for this Dick-centered sequence.

"Dick Gravestone" is a supervillain alter ego from the Teen Titans Go episode "Snuggle Time" (written by Ben Gruber).
This continues the quest’s adaptation of more obscure or mimetically disliked DC properties (such as the Shucmacher Films and “The Batman” KidsWB series.)
I felt it would be fun to play a comedic character more seriously and I like a decent amount of TTGO episodes.
The better-written ones have a shitposty energy you would see on a fun /co/ thread or in early Adult Swim spoofs of Hanna Barbara cartoons.
Had this won, the infiltration of the auction would be similar, but without the element of Dick being tempted by the power of the Xenonthium.

"The Teen Wonder" was a name given to Dick in 1970 by Frank Robbins.

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Dick feeling the intoxicating power of the Red X suit and downplaying it to Ducard was me having fun with the internal narration.
I like little fourth-wall tricks like that.

A core element of the Batman mythos was theatrics. Batman was born at the theater after all.
Alfred was Shakespearean trained, many villains treat the job like performance art, and Dick his staunchest ally, was a circus performer.
The self-serious Ducard suggests a cape sarcastically only to have Dick get one for real was a fun way to play up this theme.

The Second Hand is an organization from the Tim Seely run of Nightwing.
They were selling black market Supertech in Bludhaven at parties auctioned they called "Black Bacchanals.”
It turns out The Second Hand was The Secret Agency Spyral.
This is similar to how the government was involved in the super arms trade in this quest.

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“Blas mir id Schueh” is a Swiss German phrase literally meaning “Blow my shoes.” Its meaning is akin to “I’ve had enough” in this context.
Chotzbrocke is a Swiss German term meaning “piece of vomit” used to describe an unpleasant or abrasive person.
German is the most heavily spoken language in Switzerland, with French as a distant second.

“I recognize some of those words” is a saying I absorbed through pop culture osmosis which I have now learned is based on the line “I know Some of Those words.” from The Good Burger film written by Kevin Kopelow, Heath Seifert, and serial abuser Dan Schneider.
The rule I have for this quest’s pop culture references is that they have to be to things that either have been confirmed to exist in DC stories or are Time Warner properties.
The Good Burger and Breaking Bad nods were slips from this policy.

Henri Zola is the government name of Bete-Noire, a French supervillain who debuted Justice League of America Vol 2 #54 by James Robinson, Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, Andrew Dalhouse& Rob Leigh.
He is a crime lord from Marseilles who has shadow manipulation powers.
This sequence serves as an origin story to him gaining them (in the comics he debuts already empowered.)
This arc had me do a LOT of digging to find suitable French villains but I liked the lineup I came up with.
A shadow guy running a Black Bacchanal just seemed fitting and moving the market to France let me give it a bit of old-world aristocratic decadence often associated with France.
Lexcorp is Lex Luthor’s Company that debuted in Superman Vol #416 by Elliot S! Maggin, Curt Swan, Al Williamson, Gene D'Angelo, and Ed King.
There it was an offhand reference made in a flash-forward story. It would gain more focus in the Post-Crisis Superman stories that made Lex a corporate mogul.
Kord International is a variant of “Kord Industries” the company run by the second (or third depending on how you count) Blue Beetle Ted Kord.
It debuted in Blue Beetle Vol 6 #1 written by Len Wein.
Blue Beetle has a lot of connection to Europe in the comics and later in this arc, a Blue Beetle villain becomes a central figure.
Waynetech is a branch of Wayne Industries that focuses on research and development.
The specific name is from Batman Vol 1 #443 written by Marv Wolfman, though a predecessor “Wayne Research” debuted in DC Special Series Vol 1 #27 written by Len Wein, where The Incredible Hulk of all People was an employee.
ARGUS is a US Government agency that debuted in Justice League Vol 2 #7 by Geoff Johns, Gene Ha, Art Lyon, & Pat Brosseau.
In well-worn comics tradition, it’s the DC comics version of the Marvel group SHIELD, a government agency focused on Superhero stuff.
(DC of course has had SEVERAL similar organizations but I get the feeling Johns was interested in a more direct MCU ripoff).
In Batquest it is more focused on superscience research, fitting given its name currently stands for Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans.
US weapons being at the auction is a “clue” that the US government was deliberately funneling weapons to Europe to destabilize it, though I hadn’t fully sketched out that plotline at this point.
I am a bit surprised so much of this arc “worked” since I was writing it as I went but I guess when you study what you’ve already written for days and days you can make connections that feel natural.

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A quest about reincarnating in another world. Certain things will be randomly decided like your parent's professions, nature and terrain of the village etc.

Worth of not is that picking options that get the character killed will usually just result in them dying and a new one being made or the quest ending.

For now the first choice in the quest is:
> Who were we in the real world?
- propose who the person was pre reincarnation you can do as little as just a job title orexpand more. Once we have 3 people agreeing on that we will proceed.

Every person posting please also roll 1d100, the first 6 1d100's will decide the hair colour, eye colour, village terrain, village size, mother's occupation and father's occupation.

I will not present the full rolling tables, but generally low number is something bad, high number is something good.
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>try to talk with the Silver Pheasant company leadership

>hope it's nothing and just hope for the best
>Try to make your parent's company switch from dealing the the SIlver Pheasant company to the 400 Ruby Lily Company instead

>give yourself time to get a better plan (involving visiting a Fey maybe)

All the other options seem like low likelihood options. I’m sure one of the fey has experience hiding pacts from the church. I don’t know the consequences of having a pact forcibly removed, but I’m sure it’s not good.
>inform your parents and try to feed them false recipes by controlling their work
>try ask the Pixie to break the pact temporarily to escape suspicion (unlikely success)
>try to talk with the Silver Pheasant company leadership
>Talk with Pixie Princess if you are caught then no more statues. Meaning you are bored, ask if there is a way to hide the contract from the church.

If not suggest making two statues for a temporary broken contract. And then to resume the same contract. Or finding someone of her affinity to make a contract.

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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian, Orkney, and Camelot.

Yes, you decided to add King of Camelot to your titles. Why not? No one is going to stop you.

You charged back into the World to hunt down a terrible Wyvern who ate two of your vassals and fled into a strange and terrifying manor. It turns out this manor contains yet another monster from Avalon, and it has managed to trap you. This unknown and unseen opponent has driven your guide away with fear.

On top of all this, you also have to deal with the Errant Knight Gareth. While she was willing to partner up with you to defeat the Wyvern, you weren't able to convince her that another enemy was trapping everyone in the manor.

Yes, that's right. There are not one, not two, but THREE problems that need excessive violence to resolve. So far, one is dead; two more to go.

You don't want to fight Gareth right now but she refuses to cooperate. It takes a Binding Vow to stop her from attacking you away.

Now you've got to go and gut the dead Wyvern to see if your devoured Baphomets survived...


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What does our throne look like?
You have two thrones. One made of wood that can be carried to various locations in the castle or outside. It's used for this feast.

One shattered white marble one, partially repaired by using gold to glue together the stone fragments. Like kintsugi but unfortunately I have no images to sort show you what it looks like. That throne needs more repairs and gluing back together.
>You have two thrones
>July 24th.
new thread is up

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Oh no, Anonymous! It's past midnight, and you're about to go to bed when you suddenly find yourself thrust into a session of the video game SBURB! The meteor is approaching fast and you need to prototype your Kernelsprite before it's too late! What will you do?
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> Wait, I've got it!
> I'm locking it in! That's my final answer!
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See you guys soon!
yeah, see you next time
See you QM! This was a fun thread.

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You sit against a pale oak. From atop this hill, you take calm survey of the few hundred souls gathering in the open valley below. Most of them probably made it through, you thought. The recent hop to this new otherworld took a lot out of you. At least you landed here, on this solemn hill, away from the masses whose lives depended on your power. A small reprieve from the crushing responsibility of shepherdship.

Movement in the wilted grass catches your attention. A slithering, baleful blot of deep purple inched its way towards the gathering crowd. It hardly manages a snail's pace, far flung from its all-devouring cohort to the west. These hops must be wearing you down, your ironclad grip on the Vice loosening bit by sacred bit. You extend your hand over the squirming evil and curl your fingers into a claw. Panic overtakes the blot as your sacred power pulls it through the air and into your open palm. It twists and writhes pointlessly against the only force it truly feared. A stabbing pain shooting through your arm confirms its imprisonment. You turn your palm over and give it a tired look, and your palm stares back. Your eyes are lost for a moment in the impossible depths of the well inlaid into your palm. Subtle whorls churned endlessly along its walls, a sense of vertigo creeping up as you glance closer to the center of the maw. It was near empty, you sense, the morsel you just captured breaking down somewhere deep within. The sharp pain from before settles in, festering in your wrist and chest; a persistent ache that would last until the captured Vice was completely broken down. Truthfully, though, you found the churning pain somewhat calming. A small drop compared to what came before, and surely pales in comparison to what lies ahead. For now, in this moment, on this hill, under this tree, there was peace, paid for with simple pain.

You enjoy the calm for a few moments more until the pressure of reality sets in. Pressure from the west, the ravenous corrupting wave of Vice surging forth, tearing this fresh otherworld to pieces, breaking down existence itself in a mad dash to complete its unholy mission. Pressure from the north, those wayward souls clinging onto life in the wake of the world’s end, in need of a hopper to guide them. Pressure from the east, the Holy Font calling to any shepherds that remained, pulling them inexorably forward. There was no room for complacency anymore, especially not for you.
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Your flock will carry a piece of Gio’s culture with them, it’s only appropriate that you leave something of your own here, should the unthinkable happen. These weary souls can fill this role, relieved of the exodus; for their own good and the good of the ‘van.

You turn away from the beleaguered ‘folk and to Gio. “Would you have them?” you ask, already sure of his answer.

His flair and confidence wavers. Eyes wide and watery, Gio can only muster a thoughtful nod in your direction. He straightens up and steps forward, gathering some courage to face his would-be citizens.

“Rise, rise my friends and take heart,” he beckons. The ‘folk break from their prostration as their new king continues. “I’m only too glad to have you! Join me, not as servants but as kinsmen. Share with me my duty to this finest of cities. We’ll stoke the fading flame of civilization together!” He walks among them, offering some foreign gesture of blessing to each as he passes. Their nearby friends and kin sweep in to say their final goodbyes as Gio returns to your side.

You size up the derelict, still unsure of his true intentions. “Assure me of their safety, Gio. Swear you’ll uphold at least this part of the mission,” you demand. Whatever pomp the derelict responds with, you’d be remiss not to ask for some promise from him. These are your people, your sacred responsibility. Gio, as dismissive as he is of the vicar’s and their vision, must acquiesce to at least this.

Gio matches your stern eyes with a new softness. His regal veil, his bitterness towards the vicariate, his eccentricities set aside to reveal something genuine. “The mission… It’s been years since I’ve reckoned with it. Seeing your people, and your zeal to protect them… It reminds me of those first naive promises I offered my flock. When they died, so too did my naivety.” He glances over to his tearful new citizens, a glimmer in his eyes. “And damn you, you threaten to restore them both.” He lays a palm to his chest, a gesture not Otmon nor holy, but simply human. “I swear to guide and protect them always, till the world’s end and after.”

He omits God from the shepherd’s oath, but it’s enough to meet your demand. “Guide them well, Alltask.” You motion for your retinue to move out. ‘Folk peel from their kin and march on, tossing back parting waves and prayers as they go.

You take one last look at the dead city before you cross into the jungle. Faded, stark white masonry towers over droves of echoes. In the center, Gio and his new citizens huddle together, an island in this sea of unlife. Their presence would restore more warmth to this place than paints and trinkets ever could. Perhaps even Gio’s addled mind and iced heart could be tempered by their light.

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Preparations to uproot the camp and move on are well under way. Progress is somewhat stalled by the excited chatter resonating from the ‘folk rejoining from Otmo. They regale others with tales of Gio’s city and its stunning riches, tame echoes, and vibrant colors. Baubles and treats spread among the people with striking efficiency; years of close collaboration stymied any attempts to hoard such riches. Along with Gio’s more material gifts of food, supply, and livestock, the people’s confidence swells, even despite the recent attack.

Lars Lurenson, your attentive bookkeeper, leads you to the heart of camp. “Only two lost to the Vice, Sir Palmfast. Rather surprising. And the nature of their attack– Well, I thought it best to show you before I assert any uneducated theories.”

You meet up with the leaders of your ‘van, all assembled before the shredded remains of the night council’s tent. You thought most of the flying Vice’s fury landed on the magi camp, but seeing the devastation here…

You pass by Chern Du, heavy heart hidden beneath a guise of serenity.

You pass by Lillian Newsaint, Vice sample in hand, eager to wring it of secrets.

You pass by Turl, content in victory and hegemony.

You pass by Vonus, ever obscure, accepting his place in Turl’s shadow. For now.

You pass by Erben Tol, antsy, yearning to rush into the unknown reaches of the otherworld.

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Imma wrap up the first thread here. I’ll draft up a proper OP and have thread two up when I get back home to more stable internet, probably next week if everything lines up properly. Thanks for reading!
Thanks for running!
Spiffing job so far QM!

Take your time! Rest well!


It's the 747th year of the Empress' Calendar. The months of Ascending Fire fill the air with heat and humidity. Even on the Blessed Isle, which typically enjoys moderate temperatures all year, the citizens suffer as the night fails to bring them sweet relief.

But few are in so much pain as one of the scions of House Mnemon. This woman of unusually pure blood, for one born outside The Realm at least, married into the house just a decade ago. Her husband, grandson and direct descendant of Mnemon herself, paces back and forth outside her room. He stops only when a howl is heard from inside. His hand lays on the hilt of his sword, though it is of little use now. Powerless, he turns his attention inwards and does the one thing he hasn't done since he was but a child, and prays to the Elemental Dragons for fortune.

Inside his wife fights what is, undoubtedly, the most important battle of her entire life. She must bring the newest Prince of the Earth to Creation, it is her duty. But she does not fight alone. By her side are four midwives, two dozen servants, two astrologers waiting for the miracle to happen, and even a sorcerer, one of her husbands relatives here to assist if needed. It is a long, drawn out battle that rages for hours on end, but finally, after much pain the first cries of the newborn prince much of the tension vanishes from the room. Already the astrologers frantically scurry to record the exact second and date of the child's birth, so they may create a horoscope for it and divine its future.

"The birth happened at night, when the sky was clear. Most auspicious. And look: a shooting star, good omen. Ah, and it was born under the sign of The Banner in its ascending aspect! The child is assured to have a most grand destiny indeed!"

"M-Master? If one shooting star is auspicious, what does two mean?"

"What? By the dragons! That means-"

The lady of the house almost immediately began screaming once more. Another baby was on its way. Twins they are. This second one however came out much quicker. The midwives joked about how it must be missing its sibling. But some of the servants were worried. The Scarlet Dynasty always welcomed multiple births, as it means more dragons. But some more superstitious, some would say "heretical", people think it a bad sign. Some folk tales speak of the favor of Heaven being divided between the two, or one receiving nothing but good fortune while the other only ill. The Dynasts pay little attention for such nonsense.

"How… are they?"

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Don't worry take your time
Hope that heatwave is over Loom, what would Jet do if he was hit by a heatwave? Kaya powered AC? Alchemy Gatorade? Sex with his wife and he goes into a catatonic state until the heat goes away?
New thread here. Now that the weather eased up a little and I'm not horribly hung over from the weekend. Apologies for the delay but we really did experience one mean motherfucker of a weather these past weeks

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Welcome Captain, to the ruins of the universe.

It has been decades since the arch-traitor HECATE and her co-conspirators cast down GREAT PSYDON, the first and greatest of those wizard tyrants, and sown their poison among the stars...

Now the cosmos is ravaged by evil in all its forms and PSYDONIA's survival grows more uncertain by the day...

In the midst of the gloom, rumors speak of the last treasure of the dead Witch-Tyrant, the incredible object of power known as *FORTUNA.* Many have gone in search of it, but none of them have returned...

Weary in desire and desparation, you gather your belongings and your crew, eat what may be your last planetside meal, and set off once more into the endless REACH...
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>Can I get an at most 25 word summary of your backstory. Time is money.
backing >>6065952
as well as
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Archived. Page 10... Home...
I'm very pleased with the progress of the thread, even with my absences, soap-based and otherwise. I'll keep going until page 11, then take a few days break while enjoying fabulous Las Vegas with my family.
1. Please read @mulet Quest by @non and Cleaner Quest by HandlerQM. Very good work, and they are good men.
2. The setting is primarily based upon BUGCHUD! as well as inspired by SS13 and its various servers. I looked at BUGCHUD!'s political compass and I was struck by lightning to start DISFORTUNA. You should read BUGCHUD! here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LUvcSCse5tuT0eSeKDUVH0njoFTuN97hXft-hTt8lLg/edit?usp=sharing
3. The skeleton/plot was disembowled from FORTUNA. I dislike the nihilism and aggressive homosexuality of the MSPaint comic, so I went ahead and took what I liked.
>How do you type so fast?
>Are you a robot?
>What's with all the fire?

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Despite everyone living in the massive megacomplex called the City saying it's a very bad idea, you are still Nicole Smith. You still have your anomalous powers and you still have the voices screaming in your head.

You're still a Cleaner, a a deniable asset used by massive mega-corporations called the Alphabet Companies and anyone else willing to pay you. Most of your jobs are from your Handler a member of a powerful family who asks you to check up on things or 'clean' up messes for him.

Over the last few days, you've had a lot on your plate. You explored an old, nearly abandoned W-Corp mine in search of a missing girl from the prestigious Vanni family while trying to avoid the other corpos who were trying to find the missing girl as well. On the way down, you managed to find out how corrupt the mayor of the town was and that the missing girl came down there under false pretenses.

You then worked together with the corpos to let the mayor die while they clean up the mess left behind. You managed to find out what W-Corp's singularity was in the meantime and after everything settled down, you gave two of your allies (Max and Benjamin) an injection of ICP Energy to awaken an anomalous Spark in them. Who knows what will develop of this? Hopefully the couple is happy with the decision they made.

After a series of tense dinner discussions and corporate negotiations, you found an odd satellite in the middle of your district and the question on who owns it and why it exists lingers in the back of your mind. Before you can think any further on it, you then prepared to investigate a series of mysterious tunnels that were propping up all over J-Corp's district to find out what the hell is going on.

Now that you're exploring with six of your allies, including a weird cowboy and a schizophrenic mess of a woman from W-Corp, you found out that it's from an old P-Corp facility trying to unseal itself after decades underground. If you don't stop it, you worry that the intense amount of A-Energy leaking into the air will destroy the surface. It's already raining a lot and from what you know, the rain is caused by the A-Energy being let out.

So be it. Anything to wash out those god damn Silver Agents hunting you. You'll make sure they'll drown down there.

ARCHIVE: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Cleaner

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28+9+5 = 42. Two item consumed, you'll get the most info you can out of the weirdo rich people.
Thread's archived. Taking my week long sabbatical to recharge. 729 posts is good enough for my ego.
See you guys around and thank you for playing.
Thanks for the Run QM, finally caught up a little bit ago and hoping to make good on 50 million threads of Our Favorite Schizo.
Good thread, thanks for running and take care of yourself
Godspeed QM, have a good week.

My morning shit will not be the same without you.
It's going strong and you're exercising control over the group pacing. Thanks for the thread and 100 years Nicole.

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Last thread: check the catalogy

Back, had a medical emergency, sorry for abandoning the previous thread.

You have made it to the good will, and decide to enter .... (1/2)
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You enter to see a regarded employee, and a organ!!!

Its a hundred buckos doe, and tou have 10 cents to your name, there is a variety of other objects you can pay to help your journey

Gun: can be used 3 times to kill a thing
Chair: can be onced to kill a thing
Bong: learn secrets and special dialogue
Organ:(ends quest)
>Bong: learn secrets and special dialogue
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Drew this hours ago but dorgot to post, sorry!

>you feel a sense of knowledge about subraus.
>you feel a sense of knowledge about subraus.
Is this a voting option? I don't get it.

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Long Night Edition

>What is this?
"The Mystery Dungeons 2e" is a text-based role-playing game created to expand on the setting created by the spinoff series, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. This has no story relation to the first quest, and is its own new story. Players still isekai themselves into the world and become Pokémon, going on adventures with their newfound guild mates! SFW ONLY

A deeper explanation of rules, related pages, and whatnot can be found here:

>I'd like to participate!
Currently, we're at full capacity as far as threads on /qst/ are concerned. However, there's always the chance that space for another player may grow in the future, or that you simply wish to play outside of /qst/ and the quests hosted here. There are other ways to participate, about which you can learn and do here: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org

>Okay, now what?
After you've read up and familiarized yourself with the rules and setting, be sure to hop into the Element: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org. Everything that doesn't involve Main Quests occurs here and is helpful for coordination.

Character sheets and the guide to making them can be found here: https://rentry.org/tmd2many_characters

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"You were about to evolve, dude. Get stronger, taller, that sorta thing. Aaaand ya cancelled outta the thing."
"Right, evolve. so becoming the next stage? that would..."
>ish pauses, or rather. stops. before progressing onwards at a speed clear to be "get that out of my head"
"H-hey wait! It was just a joke, I'm not really gonna call you that.....unless!?"
>he calls as he gives chase trying to catch up, trading one angry cat for another
>Evan watches his whole team run off
"Okay. See ya later then, guys..."
>Evan looks at his frozen cloth-hand
"Wait, now how am I supposed to get this stupid crap off!?"
>Evan sighs and walks after Ish. He knows he ain't gonna catch him until he stops running
Mohka got himself a cold by digging in the snow... he hates the cold, why would he do this? He feels like banging his head against a wall...

>Mohka levelled up! Move learned: Headbutt

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It has been 100 years since ancient beings, known as the Old Ones, walked the Earth with their two strong feet. Now they are gone and we animals now rule the remains that they left behind. With our new knowledge of sword and sorcery, we were able to survive in peace for a while, but then came the three factions.
The Apes: Strong giants, claiming to be as just as the old ones and believe they should be the ones to rule over the new world.
The Pigs: An intellectual but slothful group who wish to rule the world with an iron hoof and remain kings while the others remained as dumb animals.
Then there the Lizards: A fast and large group that want to set the world a blaze. Trying to forget the harsh past that the old ones left.
All three sides wishing to go war and destroy one another to bring in what they believe to be true peace.
But, unbeknownst to everyone, there was another group. One that was trying their best to find a way to heal everyone. To bring back order.
You found it.... and now you are taking care of it.

A D&D Homebrew Adventure.

Previous Quests:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20Awakened
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Feeling kind of sick myself. Might be food poisoning. Not 100% sure. Shivering even though I am covered up in heavy covers. I think I'll take a week hiatus.
Hey man do what you need to do. thanks for saying what was happening. I hope you get well soon.
Get well buddy, my chest cough is slightly worse than yesterday, so the hiatus will do me well as well. See you both next week.
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Do NOT use my cat for the OP, btw.

Is it always this warm out here? The sun beats down on dust and debris and all the curling, serpentine line of soldiers strung out behind you. Each and all sweat-stained and wind-bit, tramping down the well-trod road to the Spanways. The churning deluge sometimes slaps a wave against the dug canals and water-kissed channels, the spray a miracle of sudden damp and briefly respite from the sun on high.

Up ahead, the morning mists swirl around another of the Grey Commitees wonderful projects. The Spanway. Marble-wrought, concrete-secured, ten pillar strong bridge of bridges, high, vast, imposing, rated for storms, shocks, waves, earthquakes and if the builders knew their worth perhaps even enemy sabotage, invasion or the breaking of nations.

Capture this side and the Sparksworn are denied the South.
Capture this side, and Legion High from distant Fideli Gate can send in more supplies, more troops, more reinforcements.
Capture this side, and the civilians in the region can pass by on the highway and properly evacuate what is rapidly becoming a loud, active front in the on-going River Wars.

And if we capture this side.
Then perhaps we can capture their side too?
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S-sir! Neither sludge nor slime nor hail nor hell shall stay these forms about their business. P-please. Let go of my neck.

( a-and, uh, eh, uhm. Sign here. And here. )
Rolled 3 (1d5)

# Drakothraen, "The Heavies 8"
Authority 11 Reputation 9 Wealth 10
Scholae Traine - The Scars - Legio Ferrata
!Legion 1
!Military Affairs
[Listen Up!]
[They Wrote A Book On That]
[Best Parts of Valor]

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#278th Blade-Holders
Authority 8 Reputation 10 Wealth 13 insight 1
New Model Soldier- Red Market Markers - Rebus Pathfinders

!Houses (2 total)
[Tricks Of The Trade]
[Cold Coin, Warm Hearts]
[Hazard Payment]
[Volunteers] + Theurgic + Outlander

Returning to get paid and get more men!
Quiet now! The enemy is near...

Authority 8 Reputation 11 Wealth 10
New Model Soldier - The Scars - Rebus Pathfinders
!Military Affairs
[Tricks of the Trade]
[Cold Coin, Warm Hearts]
[Last One Out]

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Seems like this didn't even get over the starting line before keeling over.
A shame, the last thread was fun.

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