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Quest fell off because I took a quick nap. I am sorry for it not being archived correctly. Will see if I can get it back from like moe or something. Annoying.

Here is the prompt from before.

>What did you pick up with the extra cash you had? Something small is good. It will be shared by you and your sister. Something like an expanding pouch or a sneak-o-scope is fine. A premium broom is too much. Or do you want to just say you spent it on some outfits? Your mom and dad are more than rich enough that your robes have warming and cooling enchantments. A set of gloves with a protego on them? Some weird potion neither of you could normally make? A gift for Macy or David?

>Write in

We have one vote for having picked up some fancy under things.

I do apologize for not archiving before, did not get that it was so far off the board. Will post a little more after a bit as an apology.
Just letting you know, even though the first thread fell off from the board, you can still archive it on SUPTG. So long as the thread is still on the board's archive bin, which it is.

>An expanding pouch

sounds lnice
Supporting fancy under things and fancy gown
Can't you still archive it on subtg? it is still in the archive and hasen't been pruned yet
>A set of gloves with a protego on them
this actually sounds like a decent investment, specially since we will be useing firearms, our bodies are small and the recoil will eventually fuck our hands up, besides, they could be great if we ever get to close combat situations
also support the fancy underthings thing...
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Might be doing something wrong. Tried this morning and just a minute ago. I keep getting a message that the page wasnt found. Will try the manual option in the instructions in a while, unless someone wants to give it a shot themselves since it is still open, the thread for me. If nothing else works I suppose I can just put the crap in a pdf, post it like I planned and stick it on re-entry, for future readers. I will figure something out. Maybe I am just retarded. First time doing this stuff. Tried like 3 times over the day already.

Real post up in a bit while when people decide on an option though it won't affect the next bit, the thing you choose, probably. Likely, unless the sexy underthings wins, but I can edit.

They are useful. Able to block a single stunner or weak hex before they need to charge back up. May help some with gun stuff, but it is not like a .22 has any recoil. Emily might benefit, if she ever has to pull out her huge revolver. A full outfit of things with the same enchantment along with a dragon or troll hide coat is standard issue for Aurors, just in case. Call it Wizard body armor.

someone already archived it, like a couple hours ago.

You are... probably trying to archive the thread on the /tg/ half of suptg. Or completely misunderstand how suptg works, since it doesn't automatically archive threads, you have to do it yourself

Make sure you look on the /qst/ archive link in suptg, since it is entirely separate from the /tg/ side of things

Should be the newest thread archived.

Another possibility is YOU are having issues with the site itself, which does happen sometimes
Also, I will admit a fuck up myself, as suptg automatically knows if the thread is from /tg/ or /qst/, which i kinda forgot about.

So either it's a computer/ network issue on your end, or you just didn't know how to archive it right. Someone already did,

But suptg does get funky sometimes, it'll sometimes just...not fucking display threads rarely, even thought they're still archived

Didn't happen in this case, thread 1 is safely preserved.
Also, just wanna say, that wizard body armor tidbit is really cool
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Need to thank this hero. I greatly appreciate it. Or maybe one of the times I tried had worked?


I mean, it makes some sense, right? Why nobody got the idea to stick a protego enchantment on stuff before the Weasley twins seems odd. Also, might as well dress in something made of a material that naturally is spell resistant seems smart. Thank you for the compliment.

A real update coming soon. No choice in it but... stuff.

Also, vote up the first thread guys and gals, if you feel like it!
“Macy? Want to go down? Grab a glass of milk or maybe a soda? Wine? Is that okay?”

“Umm… sure. And you never need to ask, Jenn. Always okay with you or Em… always. We can grab a thing. Thank you for being okay with me. Listening. And I could use a bite more of pork if still around. Maybe get Em in here?”

“Of course, Macy. Lets go down. I can grab my sleepyhead of a sister in a short minute… and thank you so much for trusting me with this.”, you say and massage the little nerd on the head for a second. “You can talk more if you need, Macy.”

“I think I am good for now… left out some of the details a tad… but we can get there…thank you. For still loving me.”, she says and cuddles in for a moment.

“Of course, Mace to the Face-y.”, you utter out softly. Keep rubbing her head.

“I will never tell a single person, unless you want me to MayMay.”, you say with your hand gently caressing her head once more after a quick break.

“And? Thank you so much for coming… I am a bit scared of going over there. I have Emmy… now you. Not so scary anymore, heh. Though if David gets there too I will begin to question shit.”


You and here are in the dinning room, Emmy waking some. Glass of wine in your hand, cold milk in Macy’s own.

And then your sister stumbled down.

“What is up? Thought I had an odd dream…”

“Macy is coming with us.”

“What the frick?!”

“Yeah. Want a celebratory drink? Also she wants you in the bed too.”

“I just got up! Macy… are you sure?”

“Yeah Em. Already made up my mind.”, she says and gives her friend a hug.

And you get your sister to sit down to a cold glass of OJ.

“So we are going over there with our little sis?”

“Seems so Emmy. She made the choice herself…not going to deny it.”

“What the frick… Just woke and I get to hear the best news ever?”

“Em! Thank you… thanks for being? Cool with it. Sorry it is sudden, didn’t have much time. Was going to keep it a surprise. Me and Jenn talked some… so I wanted to tell her.”

“Alright… if you are sure…want to tell me if Merlin has his spirt in you or something?”

“No. I don’t think at the least? Just coming along.”

“Okay. Will grab my pillow, I suppose. When we get done. Give me a sip from that glass, Jenn.”, your twin demands in a soft voice.

“Sure, Emmy.”

And a few minutes latter… the three of you are back up. Macy in-between yourselves.

“I love you. Both of you… Jenn. Em.”

“Love you too, Macy.”, you say and cuddle up. “Want to go driving tomorrow?”

“Oh… sure. You are not using The Button again, right?”

“Doubt it. Don’t think dad is that irresponsible. And as much as I hate it, Emmy is a good driver… better than me. I am better than her with a gun, however. You saw how she got put on her fat butt.”

“Hey! Not fat, just well made! And you need padding to ride a broom. Well at least better than you anyway.”, your twin calls out from behind Macy.

“Very well made I suppose. It is a nice ass. Good boobs.”

“How are mine? Jenn?”, your small friend asks, very softly.

“Macy? You are going to out do us both soon. Still have a bit of growing into that body. But you are great… better proportions I would say. Maybe a bit more weight on you? Would look fantastic like that. But I know you eat like a bird.”

“I can’t help it! I get nausea if I eat too much.”, she says with steel in her voice. “And I am kind of picky with my plate any way.”

“Macy? You are ridiculous. Ridiculously cute…if my sister hadn’t taken you? I would be all over you.”, your sister says from behind your small friend with a tiny laugh.

“Hey! Just friends. For now, Em.”

“Have plans for her then?”

“Umm… maybe? But… thank you for always being there for me. It helped a lot.”

“Always. Always, little nerd.”, Emmy says softly as she wrapped her adoptive little sis in a hug from behind.

And you just fell into slumber. And it was still dark… still bad. But? You found someone there.

And here you were. A shadowed place, staring into pure darkness lit only by a pair of sickly green lights. And yet… you felt at home. Where you belonged. And so you just stared at the wall of blackness darker than night. Yes… you were here to talk with her. You knew it, understood. She got to dictate when at nights you would wake up in cold sweats, need to run to a bathroom and vomit. You were going to dictate this.

And so you just stood in the dreamscape. Kept your eyes forward. It wouldn’t be long… she was a greedy, envious girl after all. Hungry for attention. And in time, minutes or days, or years? No matter; the darkness dispersed. And so you entered into the chamber that mirrored the one you nearly died in. And what you found? A sad, pathetic thing, a small blonde girl sitting on the ground with her legs crossed and scratching on the floor with a broken branch she called a wand. A very familiar form…

“Who…who the fuck are you?”

“Me. Obviously.”

“That tells me nothing! What are you?”

“Well, we were not sorted into Ravenclaw after all. I am me. Would you care to ask some questions about featherless bipeds too, Jennifer? Come on, you are smart. Right?”

And the small girl sitting there, playing with her “wand”? She has the dress you wore to the graduation party the school had when you were in 3rd grade. Her hair looks like you used to do your own. But the eyes are wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong; a killing green and harder than stone, colder than ice.

“Get it yet?”


“Yep. Just you. Us. Wanna come sit down?”

“Oh, what the fuck.”

“Hey! Cursing is rude!”, the tiny green-eyed version of you shouts out, brandishing her broken branch like it was a swo… no. A knife.

And you feel you own wand try to manifest in your right hand, calls to you. But…this-this is just a small girl. Has caused you to have terrible nightmares, worry your sister and friend. Let you use the Killing curse. Potter had demonstrated the wand movements… he did not give you the intent. That was all you. Her. But that is all she is, a tiny piece of you doodling on the ground, pretending at spells she had seen her mother and father perform.

“Ah. I see. You really are an idiot, Jennifer. Would have killed me just now if I had a chance. Simpler that way.”

“You said it yourself; didn’t get into Ravenclaw for a reason. Now come here, dork.”, you demand and closed the distance. Feel the terror from your dreams when you make it a couple of steps from her; a small girl with slightly wavey shoulder length hair and smells vaguely of your mother’s old perfume right there.

But? You were sorted into Gryffindor for a reason.

You pushed through the terror. The anxiety. The wall that was put up… and just sat behind the younger, green eyed version of you. Took her right hand into your own, helped with her wand-work some.

“You… we are going to be great witches. Good people. Lot of love in our lives.”

“And the capacity for hatred. That is why I am here, after all. Why we have nightmares.”

“Yeah… and I still love me. Part of me… so you aren’t going anywhere. Little brat. And you will be right here, and I will be right there, and we are stuck with each other forever.”

“How you were not sorted into Hufflepuff I will never come to terms with.”

“Emmy already got to go there. Was considering Slytherin quite well but… I knew I would need bravery more than cunning I suppose.”, you say as you pat the silly little witch between your legs on the top of her head some. “Cunning or ambition wouldn’t have let me meet you after all.”

“Maybe that a bit more Hufflepuff, a bit less Gryffindor may have made it so you never had to.”

“Nah. I am okay with this. I am glad I got to meet “me”.

“Heh. You know your predilections towards younger girls and ones who look like you… well Freud would have things to say. How do you feel about your mother and father Jennifer? Seem to have a bit of Electra complex to me.”

“You are insufferable, Jenn. Yes I love my father well, know he is handsome, but I do not think of him that way! Do not want to slay mom! You are an asshole!”

“Well we all have one… guess I am just yours. But… getting tired. Mind…mind playing with me a bit more? Then I suppose you will get back to dreams of Macy in a short dress. Gay. Super gay father lover.

“That doesn’t even make sense! How can I be both gay and want to fuck my father?”

“Who knows. I can’t be there to figure everything out for you.”

“Fu-…fine. Do you want to play a game of tic-tact-toe?”

“Sure. Might as well. Well, we could just play rock-paper-scissors until one of us passed out… woke up I suppose, in your case.”

“Our case. I am thou. Thou art me.”

And frozen green eyes, hard and cold soften just a touch as a small girl sits in your lap and turns toward you.

“Glad you figured it out before I had to make our life annoying. You are me, I am you. Please never forget it.”

“You? You are a real bitch to deal with!”

“Likewise. Little dork. And cursing is still rude.”

“Hey! Which of us is like three foot eight?!”

“Dunno. Which of us is five foot three and the last true seer that is going to be around until a short Slytherin boy gets done with messing with things he shouldn’t?”

“I- that tells me nothing!”

“Maybe nothing is what you need to know? I can say this however; you are going to Ilvermorny for a good reason. Many good reasons. And… I am sorry for what will happen. It is going to hurt me too. That you will not be able to protect her. That you will be betrayed. Yet… I am very happy we will get to spend some time on the roads over there. Figure out Chadwick’s is the better Charms book. Hang out with a very scary man with darkish hair who will show us how to fight well. A nice taller girl who is almost as scary as her dad.”

“None of those things sound great! Except the driving! I don’t want to betrayed!”

“I suppose you will just have to deal. If it makes us feel better? Will have a couple of good girls with us; better ones than we could ever be. Will meet a nice boy over there, sandy brown hair. A few freckles. A couple of nice girls; one will have the most ridiculous name in the world because her dad was a muggle and he loved a certain band.”

And you just stare. Your eyes… they weren’t the same killing green as you but yet you still tried to bore a hole in the back of your younger version of yourself’s head, before relenting.


“Hey! Cursing!”

“It… it is fine. I Suppose if this is a prophesy… I can’t do much for it.”

“Jennifer? If a prophesy couldn’t be changed? Why the crap would it exist in the first place? Those are the most likely things to happen. They are what will likely occur, unless we change it. There are certain things beyond our reach; we will not be there when a foolish and kind boy gets the weight of the world tossed on his shoulders. We were not there when a kind and brave dark-haired girl was… hurt. It doesn’t matter that we can see a bit forward. We cannot change what was. We are only able to shift things a bit around going ahead. But we can do our part. Stop things from happening in the worst ways. Help when they did.”

“Why… why are you so nice when you are the part of me that could use the killing curse?”

“Why are you “You”, Socarates?”

“Insufferable! I am f-fricking insufferable!”

“Suppose we are. But… you can’t have love without hatred, Jennifer. And you have plenty of the former. Just enough of the latter. Also we are probably going to fuck the vaguely autistic girl with a crush on us. Yes. It will be very awkward. There will be much talking after. But she is a true companion. I can’t see that far… but I suspect she will remain by your side for a long while, one way or another.”

“Macy? No she is off limits! Also? Cursing!”

“She wont be. She wants to grow. And havening a sexual relation? One she is okay with… that wasn’t abusive? Suppose that is one way. And if we and her don’t work out? If other things get in the way? Well? She will be just fine. So might as well give it a shot.

“Next you are going to tell me to fuck Emmy.”

“Cursing! No. She is off limits… we love her. Like that? No. Played around some? Sure? But I know one thing with such certainty it would make Merlin jealous. We will never hurt her; a relationship? It would cause her pain. So just going to help cleaning her off. Resting together. Being annoyed when one person’s emotions get a bit wild, leak into the other? That much we can handle. Or maybe not. We can only do so much. And I know this; our little sister does truly love us, even if she is a jerk.”

“I-I don’t want this. To know. I just wanted…”

“A simple life? I am afraid that is beyond you… Jennifer? You will do great things. Terrible ones. But I will be there. Emily will always support you, even if you end up leading her into the Dark. And you will have a number of friends, some new and some old who will be there. Now? How about that game of tic-tac-toe?

“Fucking brat. Sure. Just don’t be disappointed when I win.”

“Cursing! That is literally why we got into the situation!”

“Uhg. Fine. Lets play”

After a couple of quick games… you just fell back into true slumber. Dreamed of Macy a bit. David too, since you missed him even though he had sent a letter.

When you woke up? You couldn’t recall all of what happened. But you know you met yourself. That she said much to you. And? It felt like some of the empty space around your heart had been filled.

Maybe after a cup of coffee or a glass of tea you would recall more? But you still had one thing in your mind. That you were a true seer. Fucking hell… not how you wanted to start your great adventure. At least your small friend would be there? The hell…
so...we are a seer and we have an evil mini-me inside us and is responsible for us being able to cast the killing curse? interesting.
excited to see where this is going to
So anyone else feel like we should start looking into psychology? Pick up a book or two by Jung? See if Ilvermorny offers electives in oneiromancy or whatever the magic world calls Healers of the mind?
the magical world is decades, maybe centuries behind when it comes to psychological problems, but the US is certainly the place to look for that, maybe they actually have something there that could help us, perhaps their school nurse could point us in the right direction
>the magical world is decades, maybe centuries behind when it comes to psychological problems
Is it? Or is it simply not something addressed in the books?

I find it hard to believe that a society where legilemency and pensieves exist wouldn't have some fairly sophisticated ideas about the psyche and consciousness.
Sure, the statute of secrecy might have formally separated muggle and wizarding society but it's not like they didn't continue to evolve in parallel and with a lot of cross-pollination of ideas (Weasely's confusion about electricity aside).

More important than what's true in canon though, is what makes for a good quest. I think wizard psychology could provide QM with some interesting topics to play with. Especially since wizard psychology would likely involve not just the study of mind, consciousness and behaviour, but also elements of divination and other magical specialties.
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It is an option. You and your twin are muggleboos, have been exposed to a lot of the culture by mom and dad despite being pure bloods. Checking out some psychology is always an option. Might help. The evil mini-me is a bit more complicated, but she is a shard of you. Shouldn't be more dreams that make you pee your pants. More prophetic crap? Probably. May get you some rerolls in the future since you know you can look ahead to a degree.

Also a reason why you only just started to be able to do this when you were mid at Divination before.

We will see.

Got an update cooking with an important choice for today with a big choice but probably won't post before noon due to stuff.
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>With the vote from the prior thread and Kektus being okay with either his suggestion or lingerie, calling it for nice underthings for all the girls since they are way less expensive than the other options. Actually… fuck it. You get nice underwear and dueling gloves with a Protego enchantment for you and Emmy, both left-handed since you both use your right for the wand. Call it an apology for my shit update schedule.

>Gained a dueling glove for you and your sister! Can block an average stunner or weaker hex before the energy is expended and must recharge. Not allowed in formal competitions but gives you a layer of defense in less formal magical bouts

>Gained some sexy lingerie for all of you, even your shy friend!

When you woke up? You couldn’t recall all of what happened. But you know you met yourself. That she said much to you. And? It felt like some of the empty space around your heart had been filled.

Maybe after a cup of coffee or a glass of tea you would recall more? But you still had one thing in your mind. That you were a true seer. Fucking hell… not how you wanted to start your great adventure. At least your small friend would be there? The hell…

You were in the fancy underwear you had picked up, wanted to give them a shot. The underwear was thin, small. Enough you could make out the outlines, the crease between your legs down between your legs. Macy? I took some convincing but she had on the set she picked up as well, small, tight and in innocent white; somewhat less provocative than your own sets but still plenty to bring out her figure. The color looked good with her skin tone and you could see a few beauty marks on her chest and stomach. Emmy, she had picked out a couple of sets too but hadn’t worn them to bed since she said three girls in lingerie sleeping together was one girl too many.

“Macy… time to get up. I can hear mom down there. Ready?”, you say cradling the thin brunette some before you would begin trying to rouse Emmy.

“Oh? Yeah sure let me grab my glasses. Did you…did you have another bad dream last night? You were squirming on the bed some. It woke me some. No weird voice but still.”

“It was a bit odd but… not bad. Just weird.”

“It wasn’t about what I said or something, right?”

“No. You are fine Macy. Just… it was odd. Umm also? You said you were attracted to me? In my dream… Do you… want to try something with me? Something like a real relationship. Its fine if no. There will be plenty of pretty girls over there for you. Me and Emmy too I suppose, along with boys. And I think I may be a real seer… just so you know. Can I have a quick kiss though?”

“Jenn! I… might. If you are okay with it. I trust you; you make me feel safe. Being a seer just makes my best friend cooler and I am going to be there to keep you safe now too. I love you regardless. On the lips? I haven’t brushed my teeth yet…”, Macy gets out while pushing into you.

“It is okay Macy… just? I don’t want to force things. We can not do it. Just make it a friendship kiss. Not give it a shot. Regardless, we can always be as close as we are now. Will never resent you or something. And? You will always be little sister, my best friend”

>Begin a relationship with Macy

>Keep your options open

>OOC: Even if it seems like a lock? It is a bit more flexible than that. A relationship can end after all and people can still be friends. Likewise? Just saying no one time doesn’t lock the character out forever. They can grow more attached to one another over time, try later. I know this sounds flippy-floppy but I want this to feel realish and real relationships kinda work like this. Macy would hurt some if the two of you didn’t work out, but she is always going to remain a true friend unless you really betray her. There are other options out there, up to and including your true sister if people want to go there but this seemed like a good time to give an option considering what you heard and that Macy chose to give an entire year away to stick with you. I also apologize for not posting yesterday, had some work then a bad migraine.
>Begin a relationship with Macy
>Gained some sexy lingerie for all of you, even your shy friend!
Hell yeah! I might do some fan art soon…maybe, I still have to finish all those several pieces for DH

>Begin a relationship with Macy
I say it feels a bit too sudden, but fuck it, we ballin.
We already slept together in lingerie. Only thing I can think off to be closer is to have actual sex, so I guess it’s fine
>>Keep your options open
First girl syndrome. You hate to see it folks
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I might be rushing things a bit but they have known each other for years at this point and do share non-romantic affection for one another already. And as was said, Macy has attraction to her friend and is sacrificing a year of her life to go to America and keep Jenn out of trouble. She probably won't succeed.

If you do some art? That would be amazing.

I also just like Macy a crap ton considering she was kind of a last minute addition, think she is adorable, so giving the option.

Technically, your sister is first girl even if I doubt most people want to go there.
>First girl syndrome.
what is this syndrome exactly?

yeah, im gonna ask you for specific physical details later on, just gonna wait for my schedule to clear up a bit...eventually
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People going after the first romance option, basically, in this context.

And sure, anytime. I might post an updated character sheet after a while. I think I kind of improved the descriptions some. Will check it.

And I feel you. I started this thing when I did because work was kinda light but then it picked up, plus going in more since I want extra cash since Christmas is on its way. Then of course cow related injuries, ect.

Also will keep this open overnight, maybe till early afternoon for votes.
>Keep your options open
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Ah yes.

All things in balance just as they should be. Will see if I can a tie breaker by evening. Will ask the QTG if not and leave this open for a while longer if still tied. Too important to flip a coin. Will see and figure something out if it remains tied. Shame. Wanted to start writing in the mid-afternoon.

Thank yall who voted for it.

Any lurkers, please feel free to chime in.
>Keep your options open
Too soon




Will start writing in a bit.
“Jenn? I love you. Think you are so beautiful. But? I don’t think…I am not sure I am ready for that yet. Some day? Sure… we could try. But now… we can still be close but not like that right now. I’m so-“ Macy says with a deep hint of sadness before you interrupt her.

“No. It’s okay. My fault. Shouldn’t have taken that dream so seriously… It’s fine.”

“If it is fine? Why do you suddenly look so sad suddenly?”, she asks softly from where you are cradling her.

“Just… you are so important to me. Best friend. Little sister… but it will be okay. Sorry again. You? It didn’t make things awkward, right?”, you ask and muffle a slight sniffle; reject isn’t fun, even if you understood.

“No. I already said I am attracted to you. That I trust you. And? It is probably the nicest compliment I could have received; you are so pretty and kind and you wanted to try even knowing how I am, what happened. Thank you, Jenn. And we can still have a quick kiss… just a friendship one though.”

“Alright MayMay. Come here.”, so you plant a simple chaste kiss on her cute lips that lasts for a couple of seconds at best. Reach around to wake up your true sister for food and driving.

One delicious and full breakfast later? You, Emmy, Macy, and daddy are on the road. Today you avoid the highway for your adoptive sister’s sake, stick to easy roads. Just practice the basics. Asked Macy if she wanted to try to a shake of her head side to side. Still, she probably picked up a bit.

>Macy gained a +1 to driving!

When you returned home for a simple lunch of hot sandwiches, Daddy was going to have to leave. Go to work for a few hours. So, the three of you ended up on the couch with mom, crammed together to watch a show. Broke out an old video game console and played a few things. Sat together on Emmy’s bed and just chatted for a bit till dinner time when mom outdid herself some since it would be Macy’s last night with you.

Sizzling steaks, small, roasted potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed veggies, good conversation, and a couple of glasses of hard cider. Your thin friend’s mom would be over to pick her up a bit after breakfast the next day and… you were sad to see her leave. It would only be a bit over a week and a half till you saw her again but still. So? You make the most of it while you can.

Stayed up late to watch a movie while all three of you dug into individual tubs of ice cream mom had picked up when she went shopping, had some popcorn, and more cider. Stayed together on the couch till all of you had accidentally fallen asleep against each other until you woke up and directed everyone up to your room after all of you had brushed your teeth and changed into sleep clothes. Cuddled up together for one more night.

After Emmy had passed back out… just a soft voice from the girl pressed into your chest.

“Hey… it is alright for me to be here right? After saying no to you?”

“Of course… always. You’re my best friend besides my twin. Always, MayMay.”, you mutter out with heavy eyelids.”

“Kay. Thanks. And… I’m sorry. You seemed down today. Sorry I can’t be like that for you, right now at least.

“It is okay. Probably stupid for asking.”

“No. I want a real relationship at some point, with someone who actually cares about me and isn’t just using me. I want to know how it feels to love someone in that way but… just can’t right now. It's been almost 5 years but it still hurts; I have to know being together in a relationship that isn’t just platonic can feel good, so I can move on with my life.”, your small brunette-haired friend say while holding you tight.

“You’ll get there.” Then? Just sleep. You talked, and it had taken away some of the sting.

The next day, Macy began to pack up. Came down for one last breakfast with the family. And soon after, there was a ring at the door and when you and your sister answered it alongside Macy there was a kind looking woman standing there with small round glasses and hair the exact same shade as Macy’s own.

“Mom! Hey, I missed you.”, your companion says a tad loudly and goes in for a quick hug which was still a bit stiff but clearly filled with love.

“Hey, baby. Missed you too. Sorry it has been hectic. Ready to go? And, that is a lovely skirt.”, she says to her daughter as your parents approach from behind while Macy breaks off the akward-ish hug. “Ah. Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders and you girls a Jennifer and…”

“Emily ma’am. It's nice to meet you.”

“Like wise. Thank all of you for letting Macy stay over. Been pulling 18-hour shifts due to whatever caused so many people to have heart issues at one time, but I finally get a break and my husband should be back later today. I’m Ruth, Ruth Wright.”, the slightly older woman says in an embarrassed tone.

“It was our please, dear. Your daughter is my girls' best friend and a perfect house guest. Kept me company some while the girls and their father were out; she is a very smart and polite young lady. The two of us might even start our own little book club by correspondence! I’m Nymeria, my husband is Lucerne.”, your mom says with a warm smile.

“Still, thank you. Were there any expenses I need to pay you back for?”

“Of course not, young lady! Think nothing of it; besides, Macy seems to have lucked into some extra spending cash back at Hogwarts.”, daddy responds with a chuckle and a bright grin. I’ll help in just a second getting her trunk to your car! Just one moment.”, he says and goes back to begin levitating the container, returning with it looking like he is just lifting it.

“Thank you, Mr. Sanders. Ready to go, dearest?”

“Umm… can you two head out first? I want to say goodbye to Jenn and Em.”

And so the two head out. Macy gives Emmy a quick, stiff hug, whispers in her ear softly then moves to you with a slightly more natural hug. Whispers in your ear that she loves you and will see you soon, which you mirror back to her.

“Sweetie? I know you only let certain people touch you, but can I give you a quick little hug as well; you are such a nice girl, best my girls could have made.”, your mom asks in a gentle, warm voice.

“Oh… yeah. I know someone like you, one you gave birth to my best friends, is a good person; I really liked hanging out with you.”, she says and comes in for a quick embrace. “Did you want to send an owl and we can pick a book to read together?”

“Of course, sweetie. Thank you for the hug and being such a good friend to these two.”


Then a few minutes later? Just like that, Macy was gone. It was kind of sad but you now knew you would see her truly soon.

Her departure proved to be the highlight of the week, otherwise? Just lounging around. Spending time with your parents. Checking out Chadwick's Charms Driving lessons with dad after he got off work or sometimes with mom during the day in her SUV, until Sunday when you and Emmy were watching TV.

“Hey? Jenn? We still have David’s share. Might not see him for a good while. Did you want to do something for him before we go?”

>See about a Port-Key, so he can come visit some.

>Throw a going away party and have him and your other friends come by.

>Get Apparated to Diagon Alley, pick up a nice gift (What)

>Save it. There might be something cool in America you cant get here

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So the next week will basically be a time skip, in all likelihood, unless you throw a party, in which case I will write up something short for that. Just FYI.
>>See about a Port-Key, so he can come visit some.
>Save it. There might be something cool in America you cant get here
>>See about a Port-Key, so he can come visit some.
I wouldn't have thought a single return port-key trip would cost his entire share. We might have a little left to get him something small in America too.
Calling it.




Being thrifty.

Will try and write some when I am full awake.

Happy Halloween fuckers.
Here is a quick Halloween treat while I work on the real update.


Port-Keys and the Past

Official channels were off the table, unfortunately. Port-Keys were incredibly regulated, in America and Britain both and completely off the table to minors. Even emergency, single use ones which Lucerne thought was foolish. That was to say nothing of the ridiculous amount of time it took for the Ministry to process the paper work; this was saying nothing of the cost… he was well respected enough and had the wealth for one, of course, but it could be months before anyone got back to him or the fact his wonderful wife would have him on the couch for months and probably beat him with a large wooden spoon for wasting so much money on one since both could Apparate and had a connection to the Floo-Network.

But his little girls ask for one to give their injured friend, so that is what they would get, one way or another. Years of dealing with illegal tech-magic combos, working with the Aurors had introduced you to some interesting characters, one of which ran a small shop in Diagon Alley. More specifically Knockturn Alley. So at the end of the work day, you changed out of your Ministry robes into some plain black and green ones, grew your beard out, changed your eye and hair color, used a named spell to give yourself the appearance of a scar on your cheek, just to be safe, then sent a Patronus saying you would be late to the missus. You had the small bag of Galleons tucked safely away along with some of the girls' own money that they added; kind. Your girls were kind indeed.

Down around a quick turn, the vibrant sounds and smells faded into gloom and ugly mugs coming out of shops of dubious legality and ethics. And right at the end, one he was quite familiar with, given he had once raided it with a team of Aurors for someone mixing muggle tech with spells that could be considered a step and a half from Dark.

Grimsly’s Curios. Time to talk with an old “friend”.

Inside the shop, it was barely lit and it took a moment or two for a very tall man with long dark hair came out the back, one with beady eyes and dark, wrinkled robes. Alester Grimsly, a man who barely dodged Nurmengard a decade ago and only then by ratting out which of his customers had purchased the offending items.

“Oy. Hello. Need help with something? A curio from the past? Some fancier robes? A ring or necklace with interesting magic and history? Some ingredient that are a bit more… interesting than normal. I’m Grimsly, owner of this fine and ministry approved emporium.”

“Sanders. Lucerne Sanders. And no, here for a different reason.”, you say with your eyes locked.

“Sanders! Hey, I’ve been keeping my nose clean as a whistle! I aint done nothing!”, the taller man squawks out, almost seeking to reach for his wand, before stopping and realizing how poor an idea that would be.

“I’m not here to bust you, Alester. In fact, I need a little favor.”, you say firmly, then pull out your wand. Cast a quick few privacy charms. “Port-Key. One connecting London and as close as possible to Ilvermorny.”, you say as you put the bag of money from the girls on the counter.

“I know you have some.”


“Heard me. I’m not shaking you down, will be paying a fair price.”

“I… why would a Ministry bloke-“

“You don’t need to know. Now, willing to help your old friend out, Alester?”

“I-uh…. Can check in the back… might be some one sold me one or traded one in and I didn’t realize?”, the thin, greasy wizard says softly. “Sure this isn’t a sting, Sanders?”

“Positive. And if some one happened to sell you one, well it is my duty to confiscate it; if I just so happen to have dropped a pouch of Galleon in here? Well bad luck on my part.”, you say with your face set.

“Suppose I could look, want to keep my nose clean after all.”, he says hesitantly.

“There is a good bloke.”

He heads into the back while you scan the shop and maybe ten minutes later comes out with a ceramic cup that has “I went to Ilvermorny and all I got was this Cup” written on it.

“You must be a seer, Sanders, got this as a gift, had the idea to check it just now; just so happens this is a Port-Key after all. Seems to connect to middle o’ London and that little muggle town near Greylock. Suppose you should take it. Ah, but if only some customer had dropped a bit more, would have really made my day.”

You sigh, place a second bag, slightly heavier on the counter, “And you are sure that is the nature of this item?”, you say with a hard tone.

“Oh yeah, “friend”, pretty good at evaluating things. Part of the job.”, Grimsly tells you. “Now if only I could have found a third sack of-“

“No. This is the price. But I will add in something, since we are friends. One, one single get out of jail free card with me. That is it.”, you tell him in a tone you rarely used.

“F-fucking fine.”

“Glad we get each other. Now I will go ahead and personally check this, make sure I am not just seizing someone’s favorite tea mug.”, you tell him and pull out your wand while he stands back. Using every means you know to check quickly… it did appear to be as he claimed. “Indeed. Will have to turn this in. Glad it was your old friend who found it.”

“Ah well if that is all-“

“Alester? Let me make two things perfectly clear for you. I was never here; you can try and rat me out but who are they going to believe, me or you? Two? And this is the important one. If someone just so happens to accidentally get sent to Africa or squilches them self in half from accidental activation of this?”, you say, leaning close in. “I know where you fucking live and work. I have trained enough with Aurors I am more than capable of making it so someone is never found again. Do you understand me?”

Right then? You were using the tone, had the look on your face you tried to never let your amazing wife or little girls see; this was not Lucey. It was the Lucerne Sanders who had killed the remaining Death Eaters when his parents died at their hands in his old home. The one who fought off even more to save his future wife. Helped slay a dragon. This was the one who was part of Slytherin back in the bad old days and for it knew a few dozen Curses that bordered on Dark. This was not the goofball, the pervert, the family man. No… not one drop of those right now.

“ ‘Eh. Come on! You can trust old Grimsly-“, the rat like shopkeeper began before in an instant his head slammed against the counter hard enough to make the coin purses jingle.

“I better be able too. Just remember my words old friend.”, you say, in the voice from a dark part of you, one with a dangerous edge. “Now, I should probably store this safely, get it to the Ministry right away. Have a nice night, Alester.”, you tell him, face close to his ear then exit the shop while he bitches about his head. Apparate away to somewhere you could undo the changes to your face and push back in the other part of you. You would of course double check everything about the Port-Key beforehand. Not mention having to use a large chunk of your own money to help with it to your darling daughters.

Then? It was back home for supper and time with the most important women in your life. Getting to look forward to seeing them smile the next day. Giving them warnings about not getting caught to tell their friend, maybe whip up a fake registration. But still Jenn and Emmy’s smiles were worth it. Eventually you could even work on getting the cup properly registered even. So it was back into the light from the gloom for you.

Hope yall enjoy. Didn't want the update when you reach America to be like 7 pages long. Might not get the real update out today due to festivities but we will wee.
happy spooky day!
that was an interesting update, might have to keep his contacts in mind for later, just gotta figure out a way to find about them to not metagame

You can probably get your father to share a few more stories. Ones from his work. Possible to pick something up from those, however, Lucerne wants his kids nowhere near the Darker parts of his past. But if you can? He does have some things hard to find other places, some potentially interesting stuff. Would require coming back to Britain. And to make it clear? This thing is super illegal to have, especially for a minor. The only good thing is international Porting does not get picked up, unlike Porting in country; nations are rather protective of the internal going ons of their people..., for a number of good and quite a few bad reasons. Might be able to meet him during a break, if you wanted to, having him check your ring and necklace out. He is rather good at his job. They aren't evil but did likely belong to the wife the old wizard had. Which is why he began his spiral into madness and paranoia, since she obviously died before him

But this is why he is described as being very scary sometimes despite trying not to be; update tomorrow unless I wake in the middle of night, might update then; been to two too many parties plus handing out candy., making dinner, all that
Massive hangover from Halloween fun is almost gone. Will write soon. A quick chat about getting a Port-Key, then timeskip to going on sunday to the US to get settled in.
had too much fun, huh?
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A pretty good Halloween, considering last year I had Covid and missed it. Hangover is fine price to pay for it. Also haven't been drinking as much lately so might have bit off more than I should have. Oh well, no work till monday. Might as well enjoy my favorite holiday. Hope you had a good one, bro. A couple of hard ciders and the lingering effects should be gone; hair of the dog and all that.
“How about something so could maybe come visit? I still hear the TV on; we can go ask dad about Port-Keys.”, Emmy says from beside you.

“That is… actually a good idea, Emmy. Come on, get your prolific posterior up and let head down.”

“Hey! Well proportioned!”, she shouts out in annoyance. “But, yeah lets.”

A minute or two of getting semi-dressed later and you two are downstairs where your parents are on the couch watching some older looking movie and pressed so tightly together they might have well been joined at the hip; you thankfully hadn’t interrupted anything more than some quite cuddling, so you speak up from behind them.

“Heeeey, daddy? Emmy and I were wondering if we could talk with you for a minute or to. Alone maybe?”

“Ah! That startled me. Always, dearest. Just me?”, he asks, turned some to which you nod. “Alright. That okay honey? Be back in just a moment.”, to which you mom just sighs while untangling herself from her husband.

In a moment, the three of you were on the patio, your twin already having broken out the puppy dog eyes.

“Is something wrong, girls? Some stuff… Nymeria might be better to ask about but-“

“No. No nothing like that, dad. It is just? We got David’s share of the money Potter found, he wouldn’t take it and we want to do something nice for him so…”

“Daddy? How hard is it to get a license for a Port-Key? And how much do they cost? We are going to miss him and I doubt his mom is Apparating him to see up anytime soon. Even just a one-time use one or something.”, you finish for her.

“Hard. And expensive. You could probably by a new car for what they cost, at minimum. Very regulated and illegal for anyone less than 17 to own.”

“O-oh. I guess we will just think of something else.”, you say with a frown; it was a cool idea, damn it!

“Hey. Hold your horses. I do have my connections… I can try, alright. See what I can do, sweetie. Okay? If you leave those Galleons on the table, I will see if I can work a little magic; if my girls want a Port-Key, especially for such a sweet reason, your dad is going to try and make it happen.”, daddy say with a smile and his hand on the top of your head.


You and your sister both shout in unison, before rushing him and wrapping your arms around his waist from both sides.

“Best daddy ever. Thank you! Best one ever.”

“What Jenn said. Best one.”, your sister affirms as you snuggle in close for a long few seconds before a voice interrupts you and her from behind.

“Haaaaa… left alone for a few minutes and my own daughters are trying to steal my husband. Well, if you slay me in my sleep, make it clean, alright?”, your mom sighs out in mock despair, so you and your twin break off and switch to her. Hug her tight.

“Best mom. Best mommy too; that you for having us.”, Emmy says, holding a bit tighter than you to the small waif of a blonde.

“Exactly. Besides, if we slay you, it will be while you are awake. More dramatic that way, heh. Just needed some dad advice.”, you add. It was kind of a funny sight, really. You and Emmy were both taller, bigger than her now such that between you two, the petite woman was basically swallowed up between you, and yet she was so kind, and strong.

“Haha! I know. It’s fine. I love you girls. Now, if the meeting of your little cabal is done, may I have my husband back so we can finish our movie then head to bed?”, your mom jokes, pats your heads. So you and Emmy relent, head back up yourselves and then when you are back in your room? Hug and jump up and down happily for a second. Head to bed together.

The next day… daddy said work was keeping him late as your mom just sighs. After he does make it back eventually and the four of you eat a late diner, once more you meet with him outside where he hands you a small plain box. Inside? A coffee mug with some silly stuff about Ilvermorny and a school crest on the side, surrounded well with padding.

“Ummm… dad? Isn’t this the kind of knick-knack we should be giving you after we are there?”, your little twin asks quizzically staring at the mug.

“Haha. Would love one girls, but it’s not that. That would be a Port-Key for your friend.”, he says, looking prouder than a peach.

“Wait. But Daddy! You said-“, you sputter out. “We were happy you would try but…”

“A highly illegal, unregistered Port-Key, girls. Which is why I am going to explain clearly the rules about using it. Tested it out, tried it even but it is a real one. There is a note explaining such to Mr. Adams as well? You are tell no one of this and I will be demonstrating the proper spell to destroy it if ever needed; I trust you two and if you trust David…he did save you Jenn. Which is why I am doing this. Understand?”, daddy says with his face just a bit harder. But how… you and your sister had thrown in some extra, money left from your own shares, but…

“How?”, was all Emmy could get out.

“Called in a favor or two. Aggressive negotiation of pricing; Grimsly owes me after all. Now listen closely. That note? Read it if you want; unless your name is David Adams it will just seem like a nice letter but will have the rules. And if he ever misuses it, I expect my responsible girls to destroy that thing. Okay, loves? When you see him next, teach him the spell to get rid of it.”

So, for the next hour or so, daddy goes over what to and not to do with it. At the end, you get it. Understand how big a limb he went on to get this for you. Which means reboxing the highly illegal magical item and both of you moving over to daddy’s seat and attaching yourselves to him for at least a half hour and hugging him, thanking him, until you heard mom get back from going out for a few drinks with her muggle friends and heading in for dinner after taking the very expensive and adventurous artifact upstairs so it could be wrapped latter.

In bed together that night, that was all you and your sister could whisper about. How great the man who helped bring you to life was, how dangerous this was and how amazing. Had most certainly recalled the name of the shop he got it from. No bad dreams then… a voice you couldn’t make out but that was all.

Daddy decided to leave early the next morning, drove Sally over to London vs. just popping over. Mom helped with your driving some, insisted you start getting your trunks in order, despite it be a few days away. Made a great brunch for all of you while you and your twin ran through your books some… and when Lucerne Sanders was nowhere to be found. He turned her in to get new tires, a complete tune-up, a paint touch up, a new modification. Would have her gone till after you two left, it seemed. So, it was all mom’s SUV till then, which was fine. Both of you were good enough drivers by then, after all.

The last few days… the nerves started, though your twin sister helped a lot. Getting to see Macy again on Sunday morning so she could have her trunk taken over and your mom could Apparate her. You had received an owl from David saying he was very grateful for the gift, the letter; promised to send something by owl when you were there, heh. Awesome.

That final Saturday night, you and your little sister decided to take an actual bath together; lavender and chamomile bath salts to calm your nerves some.

“Jenn… you know I am scared. Less than before but, still.”, she says while looking from across the tub at you, chin almost under the foam clinging to the top of the warm water. “But I am going to be there, and we will meet all sorts of cool people. I’m sorry, sis.”

“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t to, little dork. But we will be there for each other. Just like always. Macy will keep our heads on straight. Get to see David now too, some. I’ll protect you, Emily. Till the day I die. But? Remember the time I climbed to the top of a light pole and you followed me up, to keep me company? That was scary. But also the best sunset we have ever seen. And I was there with the other part of me. Thank you so much. For coming.”, and bump a side of her soaking leg with your own.

“I do recall it. And I have no clue because I went 20 feet up with you.”

“Because…I know we give each other shit but? You saved me from an Inferni too.”, you say firmly. Were embarrassed some but… that was fine. You were about to be done, hop out when your smaller, chestier twin grabbed your hand. Pulled you over and kissed you for half a second.

“You took care of me plenty too. Never forget that, Jennifer. Always be there…

Then a few minutes of showering the suds left over off, you and your sister were in here bed for once. Agreed to wake early to make sure you were ready. And despite the anxiety, you felt peaceful with her holding you.

The next morning was indeed early for you, even if America time gave you some leeway. Much of it was making sure your hair and faces looked good, tossing a few more mementos in your trunks as well as your guns in locked cases. Then? A ring at the door. And when you opened it, a smiling Macy, concerned Ruth, and a worried man with square frame glasses and a full suit on whose twitchy behavior reminded you so much of Macy. And the girl herself? Cute as a bug. The colors suited her, and she had her nails done some, with a clear coat at least. Touch of make-up on. Silver bangle she got on one wrist. A little charm bracelet you picked up for her on the other. Had opted for a neck bow vs a tie.

So you just hugged her tight while daddy helped get her trunk in line with your own by the floo-place. And while the adults chatted some over coffee and toast, the three of you, Emmy, and Macy caught up some. Had a quick bite more of food. Then before you knew it? It was time to go. Macy’s parents hugged their girl goodbye, with her somewhat stiff but lovingly, with Ruth crying a bit. Shoved the luggage into the green flame after daddy had set the location to “Baggage and Sorting”. Felt Daddy’s hands on your shoulders while mom held Macy’s hand tightly. Then with a dry pop and the force of a cyclone, the world twisted around. A moment later you were somewhere else, a way station surrounded by trees with a new amazing scent in the air. You weren’t quite in Ilvermorny yet, but you could see the castle from where you were.

Maybe not as tall as Hogwarts but still huge, amazing, even in the distance.

“Straight ahead is the castle but… let's take this side path. Leads to the parking complex.”, daddy says with a smile. Should be first floor.

“Ahhhh? Okay Daddy. Sure we won’t be late?”, you squeak out between admiration and trepidation.

“It is fine. I’m just supposed to send a Patronus when we are near the front gate. Come on, beautiful girls and women!”, he cackles out.
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A few minutes of walking later… you were there, in front of four stories of concrete and stone in art deco. Daddy showed a badge to the middle-aged wizard at the front, and he lets you in.

“Now let’s see. 1st floor. Left side, 3rd row, 17th spot.”, he mutters to himself. A few minutes later you are there standing behind a vehicle with a tarp over it.

“Jennifer, Emily? Please close your eyes. Dearest? Macy, please don’t spoil it. Go ahead girls.”

And so you oblige. Stick your hand out, as does Emmy. And there is a loud sound. And a moment later? Something drops in your hands, something you are sure….

“Okay, girls. Open them up and look towards my voice.”, daddy demands with almost a chuckle. Then… when you open your eyes? In front of you is Sally, but “not” Sally. Sally wasn’t Gyffindor red with Hufflepuff yellow racing strips but still?

“Sally? What is she doing here!?”, you shout out and grip the small ring of keys you had instinctively clutched tight.

“Why wouldn’t she be here, Jenn? She’s yours and Emmy’s after all.”, Daddy says with a smile as Macy gasps a bit and mom just sighs.
ooh shit! we actually got the car?
i smell small road trips on the weekends for some reason
And what a car she is. Lucerne has been fucking with the thing since the twins were born. And yeah, road trips are to expected. There are 2 small Muggle towns nearby, Williamstown and North Adams as well as the small magical community to the south. Beautiful scenery. You need special permission to travel too far from the campus, but it is possible to get if it is a long weekend or something. I'll work on finishing the update and get you sorted after I properly wake up. And who knows? Something might happen to send you on a cross-country trip or something in the future.

hey man glad to see this is up again. best of luck with your second thread and may you never tickle a sleeping dragon!
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Thank you bro. Glad you are checking it out, hopefully, and I hope having fun with cute magic girls being cute, that you are enjoying it.

Been kinda absent from your thing for a bit, not because I don't like it anymore but, and this is going to sound odd: Sometimes I like a full meal vs a snack every day or two. Something I can just zone out to for an hour straight of reading. Will probably check back in after lunch and see how our girl is doing since it is pouring down rain and my USPSA shooting was canceled, I cant undecorate for Halloween outside. And I wouldn't call it a dragon we may end up tickling but? We will see what yall choose.

The fact 2 other QMs plus maybe Head are checking my crappy writing and GM skills makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
“Why wouldn’t she be here , Jenn? She’s yours and Emmy’s after all.”, Daddy says with a smile as Macy gasps a bit and mom just sighs.

“Daddy! No! You love Sally! We can’t…”, you gasp out, admiring the fresh paint, the shiny new wax job, brand new white wall tires then gape at the silly older man with dark blond hair and deep blue in his eyes.

“Yeah, dad… you dote on her. I mean technically she is our older sister ever, right?”, Em adds with her arm hooked into to your elbow. “We don’t need that much.”

“There is where you are wrong, honey-bunny; I like Sally but I love you two. And this car? It was always meant to be yours, from the day you were both born. That is why I got her. So you could have that kind of freedom even after learning to just pop away. So you could have fun. Same reason I’ve been driving with my girls since you were kids. Before then even. After I got her mostly fixed up? When the pair of you were fussy, your mother and I would load you in your little seats, go around the neighborhood a few times and both my little girls would quiet down, be asleep in a dozen minutes. Muggle Magic. Remember that, Nymeria?”

“I remember not sleeping for three or four days straight and agreeing to anything at that point, even putting our babies in that death machine. And… it worked. Us getting you back out as gently as we could then… you were holding and rocking Jenny while I did Emily; all of us asleep on the couch… It was a good idea, hubby.”, your mom says seeming both wistfully and nostalgic and very glad it was over.

“Daddy… thank you, thank you so, so much! I love you! Love you, love you!”, you all but yell out and just about tackle him while he spins you in a circle.

“Of course, beautiful; you’ll make better use of her than I ever could have!”, he says with a laugh with you attached to him.

W-wait… this sounds familiar and there is a dark childlike laugh in the back of your head. What the?

Last True Seer, Jennifer. Me and you. Us. And suddenly you feel very cold until your little sister joins and he is twisting in circles with both of you attached now and laughing richly.


Yet, at that moment you were too ecstatic to let it get to you too much that you had already predicted this would happen almost to a tee. Then, when he finally stopped his rotation of his daughters, Emmy got your mind off things with a question, at least.

“Dad how in Merlin’s robes did mom agree to us having Sally?”

“Ah. Took a lot of “convincing”. “Convincing” her multiple times a day in many different… “convincing” positions.”, he chuckles out and when you looked back, mom was blushing and actually hiding behind Macy of all people some; your thin friend seemed to have the innuendo go over her head which was probably for the best and the lightly olive toned girl was just beaming out concentrated happiness for you two.


After, Daddy pulled out a handful of plastic cards. Hands one to you and your sister as well as Macy, who sheepishly accepts. Your driver’s licenses. Ones that said…

“Ah, Mr. Lucerne? I’m in no way 21 or from Florida.”; indeed all of them seemed to place you several, many several in Macy’s case, years older than you were. They did however look very real from what you could tell.

“And? The yanks have dumb rules about buying a pint, so I had my associate doctor some of the information. Better to have it and not need it right. And those are real mind you, though with a couple of minor enchantments to make muggles not think to hard about how young you all look. Don’t want to Apparate overhear just for a jailbreak and mind wipe some coppers because y’all decided to get a couple of beers on a weekend. I know they will be used responsibly and that none of you will get in Sally if you have had more than a single drink, right?”, daddy says with a coy smile.

“Heh. That take some “convincing” to, mommy?”, Emily says with a snicker before going to hug the waifish corn-flour blonde that gave her and you life.

“No comment, young lady! Bullies! My girls are bullies! How a Saint like Macy ended up with you two… they aren’t corrupting you, are they, dear? Right?”, mom responses indignantly to her own daughter giving her a hard time.

Almost as hard as daddy must have been to get away with all this, heh, heh. Ewww, gross Jenn; bad.

With a flick of his wand, the car is back covered up and per your parents’ instruction, you and your sister go up and tap a large plaque on the wall where Sally is sitting. Instantly, “ J. & E. Sanders” appears in bold, carved letters there. Apparently this is a reserved spot; you get told that another student trying to use it will set off a loud, blaring alarm to summon campus security. Fucking sweet.

“So! With that little surprise out of the way, I do believe it is about time to go meet the Headmistress and Headmaster in front of the gates so the three of you can head inside, get sorted, settled in and such.”, daddy declares with a clap. You agreed; it was time at last to become students proper.”

“Likewise… that means it is time for me to take my leave.”, your mom says sadly.

“What?! You-you aren’t going to see us off, mommy!”, Emmy shouts out, almost seeming hurt. But, but why? It’s going to be so long till I see you again!”, and Nymeria just goes and pulls her younger girl into a hug.

“Because I don’t want to cry in front of you all or the people from the school, honey. I can’t take seeing my darling girls, my little friend, heading into the unknown. Going somewhere so far away, a place where I can’t protect you. Hogwarts the first time was bad enough; I cried for hours when we got home, and I know Hogwarts. Here… I know they will take good care of you, teach you well, and that all three of you will have so much fun but? You know how I am, how our ancestry can affect me sometimes; yall are mine and seeing you go away, it does something to me.”, your tiny fair mom says softly. “So, we are going to say our goodbyes now, while I can still hold it together. Jenny, come over here and… Macy, do you want to join?”

“Y-yeah. Okay Miss Nymeria.”, she says shyly, and joins in as mom hugs you all, a little gentle in Macy’s case. Bends down and gives you and your twin a kiss on each cheek, then looks at Macy who just bows her head down some. Mom smiles at that and gives her a quick peck on the top of the head. It was honestly amazing how quickly your mom had earned Macy’s trust. Maybe some remaining Veela charm? Or, more likely, because mom was one of the kindest people you had ever met. With that out of the way, you headed out of the parking garage and mom sniffled some, said she loved you all, expected plenty of owls from each of you and with a dry pop, disappeared off to a restaurant her and daddy were going to meet at.

You…may have gotten something in your eye at that point. Regardless, it was time to make the somewhat long trek up the road to Ilvermorny and adventures of the safe kind. About half way there, daddy sent out his small grey wolf pup of a patronus to inform the school you were nearly there.

It was a bit of a hike, nothing too bad though Macy had started to look miserable. Nevertheless, soon you were there, standing before tall iron gates with a statue of a man and woman next to them with a dignified red-haired witch in in 60s waiting for you in front of them, smiling slightly.

“Greetings, young Ladies. Lucerne. I am Professor Edelweiss Stewart, Headmistress of this fine establishment; I apologize. My husband was going to join me but a few things came up.”, the older witch says in an even and strict tone yet one laced with kindness. She was tall, nearly as tall as daddy, looked good for her age.

“Wonderful to see you again, Headmistress. It's been what? 16 years. Haven’t aged a day.”

“And you are still a hopeless flatterer. And these are?”

“Um, Jennifer Sanders, Ma’am.”

“Emily Sanders.”

“Macy Wright, Headmistress Steward.”

“Perfect, every one is accounted for. Ready to join the Finest School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the world, young ladies?”, she asks and with a wave of her wand, the towering gates slowly pulled open.

“Almost.”, you respond before hugging daddy tightly, telling him you loved him; Emily mirrored you and even Macy let him rub her hair some.

“You girls will do fantastic, all of you. All of you. Headmistress, good to see you once more. Now, I should probably get to my wife before she has to many glasses and starts sniffling. “See you soon.”, he finishes up with and starts walking back down the road to where he could Apparate from.

“Well, very good. If you would follow me? We need to get you sorted before anything else, and the tall witch beckons you in to a new world of Magical wonder. Leads you towards what looks like the main building before going to the right and opening the door the a brightly lit antechamber that looked almost as old as the school itself with tall wooden doors at the end of a short hallway which were carved with pictures of 4 odd magical creatures of which only the Wampus cat was familiar.

“Our sorting is a very personal thing; the only ones to be in the chamber are the student and me or my husband. However, I have been told you the circumstances between you, Miss Jennifer, Miss Emily. You may enter together as an exception. Now? Who would like to go first?

To your great surprise, Macy’s hand raised up first.

“Me. If that is okay? Jenn, Em?”, she says hesitantly. You and your sister shared a look and told her of course. And to her and the Headmistress entered as the doors shut behind them.

The houses here, they weren’t really one to one with Hogwarts own, so this would be interesting.

A few minutes later, a slightly confused Macy exits.

“I got offered Horned Serpent… and Thunderbird. I-I picked Thunderbird.”

“Awesome, Macy! Thunderbirds are awesome!”, Emmy says while softly patting the slight girl on the shoulder.

“Now… would you pair like to come in as one or individually?”, the red-haired witch asks from the door way. Emmy and you exchange looks, shrug. You had always done things together, so might as well. So you headed in side by side.

The inside was round and spacious; well lit and inviting with a circle marked in silver in the center and 4 different stone statues surrounding the middle, equidistant from one another with their backs turned.

“Just to be sure you know, each of the houses represents an element. Earth for the Pukwudgie, Air for the Thunderbird, Water for the Horned Serpent, and Wampus. Likewise, a part of a witch’s soul: heart, soul, mind, body. Finally, some, connotations. Help and healing, change and adventure, knowledge wisdom, power and strength. Merely suggestions of course; one of the smartest men I know was a former Wampus and or Head Healer was a Thunderbird when she and I were in school. Some students will only have a single totem turn its eyes towards them though most get two. A few have three… and every so often all four will offer a student a place. Now who would-“

“Me! Jenn always gets to go first.”, Emily blurts out kind of rudely, though Professor Steward just smiles.

“Then go stand in the circle and focus, push a touch of power into it since you know how to, young lady.”

Briskly walking to the middle of the room, your twin just stands there, kind of lost until the statues begin to rotate. Once, twice, thrice, before two of the effigies remain looking towards her: Wampus and Thunderbird.

“When you have chosen, walk to them and place your hand on the head.”, the tall witch instructs.

It takes a minute of glancing back and forth, and then? Your little sister walks to the giant eagle-hawk combination, touches it lightly, caused it eyes to light up and the Headmistress writes something in a massive tome on a lectern next to her then Emmy exits the circle and the carvings reset.

“Very well. Finally, Miss Jennifer, are you prepared?”

“Sure. Yeah, sure, ma’am.”, so you make your way to where your twin had been standing. Close your eyes, let magic flow from you, just a trickle, so the statues began their dance. When you opened them, they were slowing. Wampus was first to stop, then Thunderbird; no surprises there. But then… Puckwudgie. And finally, Horned Serpent? All of them, all four were staring expectantly at you and heard a soft whisper from the corner that it had been decades since this had happened while you feel a cold drop of sweat run down your back.

>Will you choose:



>Horned Serpent

aight, so we are actually some sort of destiny chosen child or somethig like that since they all want us, aight cool. I remember reading something like this before in Wizarding World.

Now, if i understood this correctly...
>Pukwudgie: Earth, Heart, Help and Healing
>Thunderbird: Air, Soul, Change and Adventure
>Horned Serpent: Water, Mind, Knowledge and Wisdom
>Wampus: I supposed this is fire since its the only one missing, Body, Power and Strength.

im just gonna wait for confirmation to this to be sure before i vote.
just to say for now tho, if this is correct, then im heavily leaning towards Thunderbird, not just because everyone is going there, but because the description matches with ours
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Yeah that is the gist of it. I had the headmistress kinda explain in slightly different terms in >6134558

The houses are slightly less of a big deal here that at Hogwarts but there is still a house cup, quidditch teams though the sport is less popular over here that in Europe. The student body is large enough, there are even student made teams that compete some for shits and giggles.

A big thing at Ilvermorny is cooperation between all the houses but also individual excellence; each year they give out an award in the major subjects to the student who was best, for example. It is worth a few extra HPs, but it it is mostly a commendation for the specific person.

They also do some muggle sports as well, since a huge thing is cooperation with them; the school was built in part by Isolt's no-maj husband, and he crafted all the wands for the students himself.

America has an interesting history of wizard/no-maj relations after all, which we will get into.
And all the houses being open is in part because you have a big part to play, a destiny, sure. But it is also because you do have considerable potential no matter which direction you want to take it; it is also a narrative choice to show that where you want to take Jenn is in your hands. I have story beats, thing that are already in motion that WILL happen because other characters have their own goals, motivations, plans and the world does not revolve around her, but she can be a powerful influence on what will happen, to a degree. She can't change the past and some things like Salazar are out of her sphere of control but still. She is MC for a reason.

If that makes sense, just woke up.
Rolled 3 (1d4)




3.Horned Serpent

Interesting... I was considering rolling for everyone but I wanted to give the chance for them all to be in the same house if yall wanted and to show that Jenn can make her own path based on what the players choose and was special, even though she kinda does not want to be. Hell if everyone wants, Jenn can go dark if that is what people want.
So we continue to stay at a standstill. Maybe Kektus can come through at some point and break this up. Gonna just keep it open for now then figure out what to do if nothing changes.
i did said i was leaning for Thunderbird here >>6134575
but now that you gave me confirmation, then yeah, i fully vote for Thunderbird now
Alright. It has been like 36 hours so gonna close it up considering I doubt I am getting more votes.

>Wampus kitty

>Horned Serpent


Looks like the girls get to stick together.

Thank everyone for voting.

Guess no one likes the ugly little Amerindian goblins.

Will start writing after lunch. Hopefully a reasonably sized update.
You stared, looked around a bit in shock… you had just heard that this was rare, hadn’t happened in decades apparently; both the other girls were offered just two choices but you? All of them, any path you wanted to take.

You didn’t like it… why? You weren’t that special or amazing. You… you just wanted a normal, simple life. Was that beyond you?

Yes. Yes, it is Jennifer

Uhg. Might as well deal for now. So, you looked at each of the statues carefully, straight in the eyes which shone like gem stones and are pretty sure were. Tried to find the statue that called to you.

Pukwudgie, that was out right away. You… you got people hurt, hurt them, you didn’t heal them. Horned Serpent was next to go, though you felt a tiny stirring; you thought yourself smart but you were no scholar. So Wampus and Thunderbird were all that remained; same two offered to your twin.

Appropriate you suppose.

You were familiar with the 6-legged panther from Care of Magical Creatures… Deadly, vicious, almost unkillable, and could entrance their prey. Apex predators. You could grow powerful there, grow strong in that house. Strong enough to never let someone get hurt again, have a place to show your claws some. Show your strength for all to see.


Wampus Cats were fiercely territorial, solitary. You would be alone there, in the end. But Thunderbirds? They may not flock together but they mated for life. Could stand to roost near others if any other were around. And… they were a force of change. Could completely upset the weather. Change…

If a prophecy couldn’t be changed, why would it exist?

You could change things, had too. And there? You would have your little sisters to help. And so you walked straight towards the giant bird statue. Put your hand on its head, which felt oddly warm, and had its gemstone eyes light up from within and felt the stone wings flap a few times in approval. You heard the older witch scribble something in her giant tome and turned around to a huffy mirror of yourself.

“This is totally not fair! We’re twins! Why didn’t I get all four too! Dumb statues must be broken. I’m heading back out to Macy. Feh.”, she says and exits through the large doors and closes them. You make to follow her before Professor Stewart’s voice calls out to you.

“A quick word, Miss Sanders. I understand this is all new for you but you should know; I have been Headmistress for 25 years and seen much in that time. I have not seen someone offered all four houses, much less someone who seems so…normal, for lack of a better word. My predecessor had a few who were offered all of them over her 70 years, however. They were either prodigies or went on to great things; great, not necessarily good. One of the worst witches of 20th century America got the same choice you did.”, she tells you with her green eyes locked on your blue ones.

“Ma’am! I’m not-“

“Wasn’t implying you were. Just that those in your positions, they are not usually those who will live boring lives. But Ilvermorny will always be here to help its students, current and former, even if that student will only be with us for a short while. But just from this? I expect impressive things from you in your time here Miss Sanders.”

“I-I’ll try not disappoint, ma’am.”

“Very good. Now, let's get back out to your sister and friend.”, she says with a smile.

“Sisters.”, you mumble out, just a bit embarrassed. “Macy is my adoptive little sister.”

“Hahaha! I was somewhat surprised by three Thunderbirds in a row; suppose I shouldn’t have been, seeing how close you all are. Come, I’ll show you to your residence hall. Made my life easier, all of you going to the same place, really.”, she chuckles out while you follow back through the large carved doors.

Outside, Emmy and Macy are standing off to the side chatting a bit until the thin brunette notices you and power walks over.

“Jenn! Em wouldn’t tell me! Where were you sorted?”

“Oh, none of them wanted me. They will be snapping my wand later today. Sorry, MayMay.”, you declare to tease her some.

“I’m not that gullible, bully.”, Macy says with a huff. “Now where did it put you, meanie?”

“Haha, sorry… the same house as you and my twin.”

“Oh my gosh! Oh, Merlin. Awesome! This is going to be so fun!”, she cries out in a high-pitched tone, claps her little hands together with the fingers closed while bouncing up and down some.

“Yeah, yeah, it is and… I got offered all four houses for some reason. I’m probably just indecisive or something.”, you reveal, while still deciding how you felt about that fact.

“Oh! Oh, wow! I read that is super rare. So cool! My big sister is so freaking cool!”, Macy exclaims with the eyes behind her cute rectangular glasses wide as plates.

“Haha. Warms up this old heart to see nice young ladies like you three, have you at our school, but shall we head out? Once you get to your residence hall, I have another student who will show you around the campus; I just sent a patronus to her from the other room. I would show you around myself, but I must heed the call of endless paperwork as well as finding out what was so important my husband couldn’t be there to meet you.”, the tall red-head says, still somewhat strict and proper in speaking but with mirth staining her voice.

The three of you nod and head off with the headmistress out and across the grounds until you reach a two-story building with the Thunderbird House symbol carved above the doors. It was quite large, which made sense given the number of people who attended the school and in a style that would be right at home in the 1800s.

“Here we are, the female Thunderbird Residence Hall. The boys Hall is that building a few dozen yards away. Here are your room assignments; normally it is two to a room so, I ensured you and Emily would share one, Miss Sanders. Miss Wright, I’m afraid your roommate will be up to chance.”, she says and hands out tiny slips of paper to all of you. “Just tap your wands on the door to unlock it, it has already been attuned to you since the sorting.”

“I-it’s okay. Just a chance to make a new friend. Yep. Perfect.”

“That’s the spirit. If you care to head in, your tour guide should be waiting in the common area. I truly hope you enjoy your stay with us, young ladies.”, Professor Stewart says, before turning and heading off at a brisk pace to go attend to Headmistress-y things.

“Well… ready girls?”, you ask, and before you even get a positive response, you tapped your wand on the doors and heard it unlock, opened them up and began heading in; Emmy and Macy follow behind as you enter into the hall looking all around. There was a short corridor in front of you with living paintings of what you assume are former teachers or famous graduates along with a large glass covered case built into the right-hand wall mid-way down; it is positively overflowing with trophies, both small and large, medals, ribbons, and awards of any number of types. Emmy stops for a minute, seeming happy that a good number of the awards seem to be for quidditch.

Down the hallway and past a small door, the three of you find yourself in what would be equivalent to a common room back at Hogwarts, though quite a bit larger. It is filled with chairs, tables, desks against the walls, several very comfy looking sofas; the works.

There were only a handful of people taking up the huge space right then, some reading in a corner or pairs playing wizard chess; some just chatting or snoozing in overstuffed chairs. And?

Sitting with their back turned to you on a couch, there is a familiar mop of gray-brown hair poking out above the backrest, which belonged to a girl who turns and rises after a second or two to face the three of you.

What the fuck.



“You two know each other? What the heck?”, your sister almost hisses out.

“Yeah. Met her in the robe shop.”, you say, then turn back to the tall girl in front of you. “What are you-okay never mind, that is dumb you go to school here, obviously. But you’re in Thunderbird too?”, you say, a touch surprised. Seems kind of convenient…

“Yep! Bird-girl and proud of it. It's cool you got sent here, though. But who are your friends? I mean, I can guess the girl who looks exactly like you is your sister but…”, the bespectacled girl says with a cheery voice as she comes round the sofa.

“Oh, yeah! My younger twin, Emmy; Emily, really. And this is Macy; best friend, my other little sister.”, you say as the tall girl comes close. The other two introduce themselves properly, sheepishly in Macy’s case and Aubrey shakes Emmy’s hand though Macy said simply she doesn’t like being touch, but it was nice to meet her.

“Awesome! Nifty all of you got sent to the best House together. But, umm… so I know this place like the back of my hand, what with mom and dad teaching and me always being up here soooo, the Headmistress? She asked if I could show you around. Help you get your bearings before summer classes start tomorrow. Thing is, never really played tour guide before, so… where do you three want to head first? There is a ton of cool stuff here, it really is the finest School in the world.

>Pick a place to check out first. Each has a unique event or character attached to them. The ones not chosen will still be described briefly but only the 1st will have a real interaction/event.
>The main castle where most classes are taught

>The library. Macy will be happy

>Some of the smaller side buildings; certain classes are taught in these or they are used for special purposes

>The sports fields; quidditch, muggle games, shooting, ect

>The herbology field and greenhouse

>The entrance to the “safe” part of the forest surrounding the mountain. Maybe even a little way in?

>The other residence halls

>See if you can convince her to show you an abandoned classroom or building you and Emmy can spar privately in. (Needs a low DC)

>Write in
>The entrance to the “safe” part of the forest surrounding the mountain. Maybe even a little way in?
this one has "Adventure!" writen all over it

>The entrance to the “safe” part of the forest surrounding the mountain. Maybe even a little way in?

forest means fuck-ups, and if the books ever taught us anything...
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I will go ahead and say the forest can be... interesting. And yeah, the forests may be somewhat important at times for some sub-plots/side-quests at the least if you choose to follow them…
>>The main castle where most classes are taught
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Going to close this about 1 AM my time, like 3 hours, so lurkers? Get out and rock the vote! Make yourselves heard!
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Calling it.

>Checking out the entrance to the "safe" part of the Forest and going in a bit


>Being responsible and checking out the main castle


Tired so will start writing in the morning.

It seems like I may have had some player drop off. I know my writing isn't for everyone, and it has been kind of slow so far, but if there is something that really bugs you about it, let me know, and I will work on it.

Thank everyone for voting and playing as always. This is a pretty fun choice. Gives me quite a bit of room for some fun stuff.
“Ahhhh… don’t really know what to choose, since we don’t really know much about this place.”, you say and try and think of somewhere fun to check out.

“Oh! That reminded me, here.”, Aubrey’s says excited while smiling. Reaches into a pocket of her robe which seems to have a small expanding charm, and pulls out three relatively thin plan covered books. “Guide to the school. Rules and regulations. Basic map. You are supposed to look these over tonight. Here, one for each of you.”

“Ah, thank you… Aubrey.”, Emmy says kind of hesitantly as you feel a touch of anxiety leak from her; you think she understood what you did the first time you met the cheerful girl, that for all her seeming positivity and outgoing nature, she was dangerous. Every movement was precise and measured, her eyes always kept just out of complete focus enough she could keep track of all three of you at once, her wand holster; similar to your own and meant for quick draws. Arms that were thin but tight with muscle.

Nevertheless, you all took the guide, leafed through it quickly while thinking of a place to check out first while Aubrey began speaking once more.

“Ah, just so you know? I am a prefect. One of the cool ones though! I just want to keep people safe and help when I can; I don’t care if you are out a little late, are smooching under the willow trees, have a sip of booze as long as you aren’t being dumb!”, she says rapidly and flashes a small badge of her position. “And really? Only really big rules? No going into the not safe parts of the forest. No leaving the grounds unless it is a weekend. Don’t go into the boys Residence Halls. No bullying. And… never, ever call someone something like ‘mud-blood’, any slurs like that… do it enough times, and it grounds for expulsion. And me kicking your ass.”

“Ha! Nothing to worry about on the last point. My best friend, little sister is from a muggle…no-maj? Whatever. A non-magical household. Emmy and I are basically honorary muggles at this point; dad is Deputy Director of Muggle Affairs back in Britain, mom? Half or more of her friends are non-magical.”, you tell Aubrey with a chuckle, while looking down at the guide; the specific page you landed on concerned the forests around the school.

Seemed like as good of a place as any to start your grand tour.

“Hey… how about the Forest? The, ah… west entrance? That’s part of where it is safe, right?”

“Sure! I like the forest, it’s peaceful. But, just to be safe? Go grab your pistols and toss them on your belts.”

“Uh… though it was supposed to be safe.”, Emmy says with a raised eyebrow and Macy kind hides behind her. “And we don’t have any ammo, they said it would be provided for classes by the school.”

“It is. Part of the forest we do some Care of Creatures in, but dad always better to have it and not need it. And benefit of being head of the shooting team and some nepotism… do you need anything aside from some .22 caliber?”, Aubrey asks. You can tell, the forest and guns are a great combo, things she loves, which makes you a bit happy at your choice.

“Jenn! Jenn! Should I bring the cool one? My big gun?”, Emmy asks, with her excitement seeping through your normal barriers.

“Uhg. Sure. You seem excited. Not like you are going to use it, and even if you did? All that will happen is you getting tossed on your fat but again. Aubrey? Have any… what was it? .44 Magnum?”, you say with a sigh. She was like a child sometimes, that twin of yours.

“Oh! Yeah, yeah, I should have some. How about we all meet in yall’s room in a few minutes. I’ll help you load the magazines, go over some basic rules. You too Macy. No rules about being in the room of someone in a different year as long as it is before light out.”, Aubrey chirps out in interest and excitement, apparently at Emmy’s impractical blaster.

Maybe 15 minutes later while you and your little sisters were adjusting your gun belts when there is a knock on the door and a tall girl with curly mousy brown hair enters, looking halfway dressed for war with her own gun belt visible under her robes, complete with a pistol which is definitely not on from the supplies list, one that looks like it came from some action film or sci-fi flick, and a dagger half as long as her forearm on it, a small pouch, as well and carrying a handful of boxes of ammunition.

“Ah, Miss Aubrey… you seem really well armed. This is going to be safe, right?”, Macy squeaks out.

“Hey! No, ‘miss’. And of course, we won’t go too far; I’ve been in the forest a hundred times and the worst that happened was tripping over a root or getting a tick! Just always be prepared! It will be fine, you have the head of the shooting club and vice president of the dueling league with you!”, she exclaims. “Now, here, let me help all of you load up. And? Can I check out that revolver, Emily.?”

“Yeah, sure. And Emmy is fine; you seem cool, so you can use it. That or just Em, even.”, your sister says and hands over the massive silver god-killer.

“Oh, oh wow. This thing is custom. Anaconda barrel conversion for extra weight at the end, 8 inch length, compensated, night sights, groves to mount an optic, engraving on the cylinder to stabilize the powder in the presence of a bunch of magic, grips are… rosewood? Holy crap, this thing is awesome!”, she says and geeks out some, checking out the cylinder, the sights, every little thing. “So… the bullets I’m giving you? Hard cast lead, semi-jacketed, steel penetrator, full powder load. Going to have a bit more kick than target ammo, but if you need to use this guy? Might as well make it count, right?”

“I don’t know what most of that means, but thanks?”, Emmy says in a slightly confused tone.

As she talked, you and Em go ahead and pull on your enchanted dueling gloves so they are tight and button the back at your wrists, resizing charm ensuring a perfectly fit with the ends of your fingers poking out so you had more dexterity when using them.

As the tall, slightly tanned girl handed the revolver back to Emmy, she noted your gloves.

“Dueling gloves? You two must be really into it! Awesome! And… [ii]revelio[/i]! Enchanted too?!”

“Ah, yeah. A protego. Single use a day and not that strong, but…”, you begin before Aubrey lightly grabs your hand and looks the glove over.

“Dragon hide. Well-made. Jeeze. Are your parents loaded of something?”, she says, sitting down on the bed next to the boxes of ammo she brought for all of you.

“I mean, we are well off. Inherited a good amount when most of our family died in the second Wizarding War. Also found a nice little sack of Galleons and jewelry when exploring before we left. That helped. And daddy just can’t say no when we use the puppy dog eyes; mom mostly keeps him in line, though.”

“Oh…I’m sorry. America? We should have done more to help but… politicians, right? I am sorry, though, about your family. Here, let me help adjust your belts some, help load up the magazines. It is fine to walk around with your guns, they just can’t be loaded, okay? Once we get to the Forest, we can load up, though. Did you want to check mine out? Not the normal target pistol, one I use for no-maj competitions. And if you are good enough in the club, they let you move up to a real gun for some of the school comps.”, she says and hands you her pistol that looks like it came from a sci-fi movie or action film.

“Fucking awesome. This feels great in my hand. Awesome!”, you say in slight awe of the tricked-out pistol in your hands, black frame with a pink slide on it and grips with a cute cartoon cat person-thing on them.

“Thanks. Birthday present from mom and dad. Staccato custom and packing armor piercing rounds right now, just to be safe. Let me just finish helping load you up, adjust your belts a bit more, and let’s make like geese and get the flock out of here. And Emily, let me show you really quick how to stand firm if you ever need to use that guy”., and Aubrey gives your twin sister a quick primer on her stance and how to manage recoil. “Yall…yall can keep the extra ammo, just don’t get caught with it, okay?”, she says, a bit shyly.

“Thanks. That feels more natural. I appreciate it.”

“No problem. Part of the job as head of the shooting club. Have you named him yet?”

“Named?”, she says, confused.

“Yeah! A special guy like that needs a name. I’m sure you will think of a good one. But? Let goooo!”, Aubrey all but shouts out.

And so, after a final check and every one flush with bullets, you head out, going west as Aubrey points out the different residence halls on the way, what classes are taught in some of the side building like Divination or Numerology. Before long, the well-maintained grass of the campus turns in to small patches of trees and there you are, in front of the gate to the Western portion of the Ilvermorny forests.

There is a metal fence going around the perimeter and a single wide entrance out which you were told is enchanted to prevent anything non-human coming through unless a Professor takes it down temporarily.

“Ummm… so me and Jenn are part Veela. The gate is still going to let us back in, right?”, Emmy asks with some hesitancy in her voice.

“Yeah, of course. Even halfies are considered human by MACUSA. You’ll be fine.”

And so? You head in and the path rapidly becomes bracketed with trees of the kind you couldn’t name but looked old; soon you hit a large clearing with trimmed grass and an inviting aura.

“This is where a lot of Care of Creatures happens. The Professor will bring a magical beast, lecture on it, teach us how to interact safely with them. Nice to get some fresh air; Care isn’t my strong suit but I do like the Unicorns and Pegasi, heh”

“Wow… its so pretty. So calm here. I-I like it.”, Macy sighs out, looking all around in enjoyment.

“It is pretty nice… we were going a bit further though, right? Aubrey?”, you ask.

“Yeah sure. This place is pretty safe unless you go super deep.”, she assures you. “Ready? Lets head in, down that trail to the right. We might even get far enough to see the river Sayre met a horned serpent at and got the materials for one of the first wands her husband crafted.”

Following the trail behind the cheerful, dangerous curly haired girl, the trees grow dense, the sun shines through less and less and you feel how old these woods are; they existed long, long before the first of your ancestors arrived, before the first Amerindians were here. The weight of ages suffused the place.

After a couple dozen minutes of walking and gawking, you hit an area that began to have large webs strung all about, ones that grew denser as you progressed.

“Uh, Aubrey? Are there like Acromantula in the forest by chance?”, you ask while keeping you head on a swivel.
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“Supposedly over in the eastern part there is one, the part we aren’t allowed to go to; here though? There are some giant spiders, but they are more scared of you than you are of them really. They a cunning but not like Acromantula smart. This is a little close to the school though… maybe they are migrating or some thing drove them out from deeper in? Regardless, it is okay. I’ll tell dad, see what he thinks.”, she says turning to face you. “A bite is annoying, will make you sick, but the only ones you really need to look out for are the one with a red stripe on their backs; those will put you down in a few minutes if not treated.”, she helpfully informs you while your little sisters are looking around at the trees covered in webbing nervously.

You had been doing the same but when you turned back to the tall girl facing you? You saw something that made your stomach twist.

Descending on a line of silk from a branch overhead, completely silent but rapidly approaching from above, right above her was an arachnid at least as large as your whole torso; one in black with red on its back. It was only a meter or two above her, coming down silent as the grave. The other girls were looking off to the sides. You didn’t have time to warn Aubrey; the spider could cut its line and be on her any minute now. You weren’t confident in your pea shooter taking it out so you did the only thing you could and reached down to draw your wand and prayed you were quick and skilled enough.

>I need 3 rolls of 1d100+10
>DC 70

>You are a Seer it seems. You can ask the other you for help to see just a bit forward and gain a +15 on a check though it will be unpleasant, may have consequences. This option is available on a failure or can be chosen beforehand. Doing it ahead of time has fewer drawbacks/consequences. Can be used on opposed rolls as well with a slightly different set of effects
Rolled 58 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

oh man, thats a tough DC, but i dont think we are friendly enough with our "other us" to ask help just like that. so lets go raw for now.
Arania Exumai should do the trick.

Also, that bitch is evil, calling it now.
And she took a long and extensive look to our equipement, that cannot be good...
Rolled 86 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Watch this.
The Will Of God Tells Me I Must Win.
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Soooo close.

A 70 is like average for best of 3, and you do have a +10. Should be doable but HP quests are curse with crap roll so.....

Very nice. Now let's just hope for no nat 1.
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Looking for one last roll, lurkers, just to make sure we don't shit the bed with a 1.
Rolled 41 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

I guess I cocked that one up, let me try again.
Rolled 49 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Trying again.

Thank you both for the dice. No crit fails! Typing now!

I don't know what you are getting at.


>96 vs. DC 70
It only takes an instant. Lessons with dad, sparring with your sister Merlin knows how many times… You assess the threat, come up with a plan. A diffindo would chop the beast in twain but might hit your new friend. A stunner should work, but it would still fall on her. Depulso would toss it far enough away to deal with in a second but you might catch Aubrey with it too. There was however a specific spell created a long time ago by a wizard who hated spiders. There was also an awfully big tree at a fork in the path. So?

Whipping you wand out and up, something that caused Aubrey to go for her own and draw it in case you were trying to jump her. You had a head start though, even if she was terribly fast. Before she could do something stupid though you had already incanted the spell, screamed it out and put all the power you could into it.

Arania Exime!

A brilliant bolt of blue-white light shot from the tip of your wand like a cannon, impacted the offending arachnid, hard, even as Aubrey had her wand on you; you had punched through the normal barriers you and your twin kept up which was not pleasant, but necessary to warn her.

Even as the giant spider flew through the air like a bludger, Emmy had her wand out now and was looking the same direction as you. Then a half moment later, there was a sick crunch as the spider impacted the large tree hard enough to cave in its exoskeleton; it actually screamed as it died, a terrible high-pitched noise that made the curly brown-haired girl take her wand off of you and look behind her.


“Spider. Above you. Too close to warn you. Sorry, Aubrey.”, you say a bit out of breath; you put as much as you could into that spell and even if it was a simple one, it still took a second to recover.

“Oh. Oh, crap buckets. Thank you. Thank you, a lot Jenn. I’m sorry I pointed my wand at you…”

“It-its fine. We barely know each other and-“, you begin before Macy interrupts in a high-pitched, frightened voice.

“I think we made them mad. Behind us… spiders. Lots and lots of spiders!”

Turning… Macy was not exaggerating. That is a fuck ton of spider; not all of them are as massive as the one that nearly got the drop on your new house mate, but plenty are close.

“In front too!”, Emmy cries out and true enough there are a few; far, far fewer but still a couple of nasty looking cunts slowly advancing.

“Fuck, shit. Okay, we hold them off enough we can run, clear out those couple in front. Follow me when we go. We have to go deeper, but there is a switch back that leads to a smaller gate back into the campus. Give em hell girls! Then we book it when we can!”, Aubrey says and reaches down, not for her wand but her customized pistol and begins firing at the horde coming from behind.

You and, surprisingly enough, Macy turned towards your escape path to clear it. You toss out a bombarda that blasts two of them away with a few missing a few legs now while your little sis says the incantation to summon a blade of magic force; she sucked at battle magic but in a life-or-death situation? Perhaps her instincts took over. You were pretty sure she meant to bisect her target with the spell but had shot low; the effect was just about as good though, since suddenly the giant green backed spider was missing its legs from about halfway down and was screeching.

When you turned back, Emmy was tossing out stunners and every destructive hex she knew, and had transfigured a small rock in the road to a giant stone barrier to funnel them into Aubrey’s lines of fire. The tall girl you had begun to befriend? Her face was completely expressionless as she fired, pistol barking again and again, with every round landing on a spider in a lethal spot. One for the smaller one straight between their eight eyes, two or three for the bigger ones and when she ran dry, the magazine dropped, and she caught it, shoved it back into a holder on her belt and jammed a fresh one in almost quicker than you could follow as she continued firing, putting them down the second the made it around your sister’s barrier.

“Tree, limb, down now, please!”, Macy cried out and without questioning you threw a diffindo up and brought a larger one down in the middle of the trail as she jumped forward the second it hit the ground.

Flamare Perpetua!

Your tiny, thin, little sis swayed some at her casting; that spell was energy intensive and Macy was younger than you and just a bit magically weak in general. Still, her spell which engulfed the fallen branch was keeping the hoard back, the smaller ones just roasting when they tried to cross and the large ones backing up when they realized that fire hurt. It gave Aubrey time to reload, Emmy time to catch her breath. The four of you were just about to start running, had begun to back away when something crashed straight through your twin sister’s barricade and Macy’s fire; the largest spider you had yet seen, body almost like a small car. And? It seemed pissed.

“Fuck! Brood mother! Looks mad we just clapped like two dozen of her kids. Need to disable her, kill her; why the hell is one of these so close to the school! Fuck! The others won’t go much past where the webs end but this bitch will try and chase us down.”, Aubrey yells out, moving in front of you, switching her pistol to her left hand and drawing her wand in the right. You wouldn’t have that, so you were at one side in an instant with Emmy on the other and Macy right behind you, clearly terrified but proving why she was a Gryffindor.

>I need 3 roll of 1d00+38 (+10 from you, +8 from Emmy and an extra + 5 from your bond, +10 from Aubrey, +5 from Macy since she has a couple of useful potions; when those are gone she provides no bonus to fights)

>DC 80 to disable it enough to escape, DC 90 to put it down for good and scare off the remaining spiders

>You can try and look ahead to gain a +15 as before
>Emmy can use her one time only banked 100 to blow this thing’s head off and end it before it even begins
Rolled 15 + 38 (1d100 + 38)

fucking spiders man, why is it always spiders? i hate spiders
lets try to keep the banked shot for important stuff
>I hate spiders

Me too which is why the girls get to deal with them! And I am glad yall choose the forest, lets me get some rolls going and introduces a fun sub-plot. Was expecting the secret room/building option to win, honestly, but kinda glad it didn't.

And don't worry, there will be more than spiders before this trip is over.

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