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Previous thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6085624/

Rules: Add one alteration per evolution, save in .png, don't evolve a creature if you were the one to evolve it last, link/reply to the creature you are evolving from.

A massive extinction event has occurred, a series of meteor impacts devastates the surface and raises the global temperature sharply, leaving plenty of space to be inherited by new life.
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The gradated mesoshrimp is a small, more densely-armored crested shrimp with especially beautiful colouration which it uses to impress mates. That extra armor cos in handy because, being smaller, it's easy pickings for larger relatives and other predators. Luckily, it is also fast, and surprisingly fierce.
>all but one shark species died out
nooooooo :(
The oceans are a bit of a nightmare right now anyway iirc. Just think, anon: that one species of amphibious land-shark can now eventually recolonize the ocean and diversify to fill all niches with fancy NEW sharks.
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These sharks have replaced their grabber with two teeth in an attempt to hit the gaps in >>6127046's armor
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Some of the descendants of the tall-tailed eye-slug grow truly tremendous upon the land. While when they are young they may be preyed upon, a fully-grown behemoth of this species dwarfs any other extant organism and has so few potential predators that it can lay flat until covered up by dirt. When thus buried, they resemble a forest of 'eye-leaves' shaped like great staring olives grows up across their back, with the greatest globes at the center; at the apex of their grove is a single towering 'tree' made of the long, stiff tails of these beasts, which always tilts and twists towards the sun to suck up energy. Their young often dwell upon their back for safety during these times, and some of them move with the when they eventually get up and move around.
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The terrestrial variants of the mesoshrimp develop scent glands repurposed from waste glands near the base of the leg furthering their social abilities and facilitating pack hunting. The scents draw in other shrimp for the hunt and mark territory and establish familiarity among individuals
You can't see it super well but the glands are green near the leg.
Since the neighbors of the slug trees are most likely their own offspring they evolve long vascular tentacles that they can link together to share resources. It's such an effective strategy that they begin sharing with any individual they can reach, forming large colonial structures that may one day evolve into one super organism.
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It didn't post my image
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The most aggressive lineages can take on even packhunting mesoshrimp, but only be increasing land-mobility and scything bite-force.
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These golden terror-jellies become nightmares of the shores and shallows, fishing about with their long, flytrap-like arms form the water's edge and also opportunistically clambering up to steal carrion or gobble up smaller land-animals.
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Some footed blungs develop heat resistant shells, changing their color, they return to the ocean and find sanctuary and transportation in the form of the tall-tailed eye-slugs. These giant creatures help the dark footed blungs reach new feeding grounds, and helps spread their offspring. This relationship is largely parasitic, as the added weight burdens the carrier, eventually resulting in death.
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Sandrus' grow long hairs along their thick upper appendage, these stick out of the sand while they rest or hibernate, allowing the creature to sense abnormal currents in the water. They use this to help identify prey or nearby slug trees. In both cases their hibernation ends abruptly, to stay aware until prey is close enough to reach, or to migrate to a slug tree where they can gorge themselves on dark footed blungs. Afterwards they return to shallow waters to hibernate once again.
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Toxic sand slobbers are quite successful in this new world, their bodies are poisonous to all creatures, and they have been the quickest to adapt to the heat. They use their new tentacle-tongues to sense sources of decay, corpses which they quickly envelop in large groups, once they've covered a body it's nearly impossible to remove them. In the sea they become the tail end of tree slug convoys, feasting upon the remains of dark footed blungs, their young, and even the young of tree slugs.
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Crowned Flhipers are named for their extendable "mouth-net", which when fully projected resembles a crown. They use this to capture larger swaths of nutrients. These opportunistic jellies gather loosely around tree slug colonies, feeding off the scraps that other species generate.
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Toothed Sand Slobbers might be the only creature to actively predate on Toxic Sand Slobbers, as they are the only creature that can safely consume them. They do much of the same thing that their cousins do, but they use their spikes to puncture the body of their competition, and then consume them along with their catch. Often times they become lost, lacking adequate navigation abilities, cannibalism among this species is common.

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