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In the grim darkness of…wait second, something’s wrong here.


This is a dark age, a bloody age, an age of daemons and of sorcery. It is an age of battle and death, end of the world's ending. Amidst all of the fire, flame and fury it is a time, too, of mighty heroes, of bold deeds and great courage.

But, this day, of all days, you are not a great hero, or the embodiment of death itself, you are A RAT !

Who said-spoke that !?

Not just any rat, but the GREATEST OF ALL RATS !

Greatest ? Yes-yes !

You are the all-mighty and powerful HORNED RAT !

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>>True test subjects are needed ! Kidnap Elf-things ! You had never seen elf-things, how hard can it be to find some ?
>True test subjects are needed ! Kidnap Elf-things ! You had never seen elf-things, how hard can it be to find some ?
>BEARD-THINGS! Clear their holds with new miasma-toxins!
I realized that purposefully trying to make funny writing doesn't really work for me. I will be dropping this quest. If someone wants to take over, feel free to.

Otherwise, thank you for playing.
Thanks for the heads up, better than ghosting.

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Past Thread: >>6016690
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Missval
General Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/5hFQZtc3
Character Sheet (As of the end of Thread #2): https://pastebin.com/fSCfX2eH

Your name is Shelly Suzume. You were a Huntress that graduated from Haven Academy a few years back. A recent discovery has left quite an ugly taste in your mouth as of lately. To put it bluntly, you’re suffering from something. Most likely neurological. You’re unsure if it’s a disease, if its permanent, if it can better, etc.

What you’re sure of is that, whatever happened to you is related to a weird technology that was used by some bandits near the city of Kuchinashi, south of the main city where Haven Academy resides.

And to make matters worse? You’re officially dead. At least in all databases surrounding the continent. You’d love to say that you’re still alive in flesh and blood, but with your current condition, well… you have plenty of second thoughts.

Random attacks of rage, violent surges, maybe quite the perturbing look here and there. On a bad day you’re almost sure that you give the vibes of a psychopath (Even when you think you’re acting properly).

And as of now? The only lead you have dwells within this slum of a city, where everyone wants to have something the other one has. Crime is rampant, drugs are everywhere, scams are far more plentiful than food, other hunters are suspiciously gone, and the only thing keeping together are crime families. (You work for one, somewhat, maybe. Its not like you had much of a choice.)

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For a moment you faltered. Your natural reaction was to distrust this woman. But why? There was no reason. I mean, sure, she could have a concealed weapon, or maybe she was another undercover guard… Wait. , were you really feeling distrustful of an elderly woman? Fine… let’s add paranoia to the other symptoms your condition has given you…

The hands of the lady slowly started to touch your face as you bent down towards her level. Her hands felt rough, yet it was gentle enough for you to lower your guard a little bit. She touched one of the feathers at the side of your face.

“There it goes. So, you’re like us. My name is Dinah, and I’m glad I’ve met you. May I ask your name, miss, if it isn’t too much of a bother? And also, may I know why you have come here?” the elderly lady asked, moving her hands away from your face.

Time for multiple votes. Pick one choice from here:
>Tell her your real name, Shelly Suzume.
>Tell her your fake name, Susie.
>Abstain from telling her your name.

And after that pick once choice from here:
>Ask her more general information about this place, what she knows, etc.
>Prod for sensitive information, ask her if she knows something about the leader, Tay.
>Be direct and blunt. Tell her that you know that this place is hiding White Fang members. Ask her more about it.

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>Tell her your fake name, Susie.
>Ask her more general information about this place, what she knows, etc.
>Tell her your fake name, Susie.
>Prod for sensitive information, ask her if she knows something about the leader, Tay
Here for the plushie
>>Tell her your fake name, Susie.
>>Prod for sensitive information, ask her if she knows something about the leader, Tay
>Tell her your fake name, Susie.
>Ask her more general information about this place, what she knows, etc.

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A galaxy full of life, technological and even magical wonders spins on. Empires have risen, war has been waged, vast dark powers have risen up and been struck down. The galaxy seems to be settling down, heading toward a status quo, and yet there is a little time left for the nations of the void to change their fate.


We're currently full on players! Sorry to anyone who would like to join!


Turn 14 Begins
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As the galaxy spins towards a conclusion Ayden and the Nivih set out into the unknown one last time, exploring a pair of distant systems. A pleasant jungle moon is discovered on one, populated by simple primitive people, a vast reserve of metals is found on another. Another world yields the blessing of Redpowder, a potent addition to metal alloys. In time, like many other people of the galaxy the primitives will join the embrace of Ayden, forming the third great Nivih army. Their strength will prove pivotal during the Sister’s Rebellion, when a rogue faction of Nivih, following a mysterious entity known only as the Sister, surge out of unexplored space, attacking and pillaging, throwing galactic safety and prosperity into chaos for many years, before eventually being beaten back. When Ayden’s forces eventually press into the Sister’s territory they find only crumbling ruins and a final message.

I think I’ve seen everything there is to see here, see you later Sister.

The AADPU ponders and speaks, and all Cuboids listen, in no small part because the AADPU has developed a system of instant FTL communication. It has unraveled the secrets of time and space itself, allowing it to communicate with both itself in the future, and in the past, for the AADPU they are in fact the same object. The AADPU explains further that Time itself is broken, that the past is becoming increasingly destabilized, that there exists a theoretical point where all things will be irrevocably changed.

The change would prevent the existence of cubes on a fundamental universal level.

ASMGADU-0, first among Cuboids, first to unravel the secrets of the Hypercuboid, has long been aware of this, and has worked tirelessly in the past to prevent it. The perfidy of the current universe, with it’s clouds of electrons and elliptical orbits can all be laid to blame at the feet of a malignant tumor in the past, seeking to corrupt the universe at large. The call goes out, all cuboids assemble, they leap into the past as one. The finest advancements in cuboid form are put to the test. In the past they find the Spheroids, corruptors of the universe invading over a bridge of frozen time. ASMGADU-0 stands alone. ASMGADU-0 has never stood alone. All Cuboids that have ever been, will ever be, stand with him.

When the battle ends the Cuboids find themselves at a crossroads. Return to their imperfect home, or leap into another universe as it should be, one of perfect right angles in all things.
In the bowels of the great ringworld a great battle roars. Wolarian marines clad in great suits of drop armor hold the line against waves of maintenance machines, the ringworld’s corrupt systems seemingly outputting them by the hundreds in a mistaken attempt to defend itself. A team of field scientists and analysts hovering in nearby stealthed vessels work desperately to cut apart the deranged system and put it back together clean, doing the work of months in minutes. The situation nearly devolves into a grim and bloody massacre when packs of tribal Wolarians strike from the crawlspaces and service tunnels, buying desperate time with a barrage of crude emp devices and thermite tipped spears that in spite of their crude design manage to deal considerable damage to the machines.

At last the system is purged of corruption, and with an eerie abruptness the maintenance machines cease their attacks and immediately begin a long overdue series of repairs. The full repairs take nearly ten cycles, and there are no end of other issues to resolve, from clearing out feral tribes of ratmen, (you eventually discover Falling-Spear’s paradise, a well preserved maintenance dorm) to resolving many a diplomatic dispute and case of culture shocked alien life, but eventually the entire vast ringworld is in Wolarian hands, a vast curated landscape that could provide homes for a hundred generations. The miracles of Wolaria hardly stop there though. The design of the great precursor artifacts is mirrored in the Sun Forge, a vast solar shipyard able to spin molten metal directly from the sun’s almost unlimited reserves into ship components. With new advancements in longevity based on Egg-Stones many Wolarians live to see their nation harness the stars themselves. Their worlds guarded by mighty fleets, with the newest Tachys Star-Engine actually able to rob energy from the reactors of enemy fleets, the Wolarians rise to considerable prominence in the galaxy.

In the coming ages the Drya establish themselves as unrivaled masters of biology, both macro and micro. Extensive studies of the plague world results in the creation of a complex network of immunity micro-organs able to study, test and produce complex counter agents to biological invaders. The Drya find themselves in an odd position of the premier medical experts of the galaxy, highly sought after for their biological knowledge. This also leads to a brief spate of poaching of drones, ending when a chain of interdiction systems resulted in the entire poaching operation being dropped directly into the maw of a war drone. On the macrolevel vast swathes of previous uninhabitable planets are terraformed by rapid evolution pods, creating an explosion of life across the galaxy in strange and varied forms. The Drya enjoy a long period of prosperity, well secured in their territories and enjoying considerable demand on the galactic environment for both exotic creatures and medical talent.
In the wake of the devastating loss of Reach and Earth itself, and facing an incredible surge of backlash of unpopularity from its multiple attempts at nuclear armageddon of its own people, the IUNE suffers a fatal schism. With the GATE network shattered and colonies cut off from each other, and fuel supplies at critical lows from the war effort the IUNE worlds all go their separate ways, most eventually being absorbed by neighboring nations. The ICC quickly adopts the unnamed system at (03,02) seizing its remarkable mineral wealth and the fertile worlds of Epsilon Indi, then overtime eventually comes to own Earth itself and the Reach in all but name, with the Orkan maintaining a minor presence, but ceding day to day activity to the ICC as long as critical local resources continue to flow to the Orkan. Gliese 285 on the other hand finds itself eventually taken in by the Fanw eventually.

Rubicon III remains the sole bastion of the IUNE, largely ignored their human cousins in the Tellurian Concord. Then abruptly, several cycles after the Orkan-IUNE war, Rubicon III vanishes entirely, causing a massive FTL disruption in the process, severely warping space in the process. The Rubicon system, including several cubic lightyears of space itself, has vanished. In a distant universe the IUNE flashes into a reality devoid of other life. They will rebuild, expand, fracture and war, and expand again, in a never ending cycle, spreading across this universe. Perhaps one day they will even return.
Our mastery of the fundamental forces of this universe know no equal. We are the past and the future of humanity, and will endure a billion years.
Action 1: The Sentinels

Their flesh bound with true mercury, we march our loyal lizard subjects into the fires of the crucible to remake them.

Eternal perfect servants of perfect, indestructible, self repairing omniapplicable flesh, that suffuses their bodies and finds, binds, reshapes everything they are.

These immortal warriors, derived from the lizard warrior caste, shall serve the concord as our perfect ground troops to annihilate any foe that dares defy us.

Action 2: Orichalum Sky-Palaces

Risen above we ground, we embrace the sky. Our cities expand into shining towers that breach the heavens.

Our billions of magi shall live brilliantly in these flying cities, no longer shackled by gravity, our people may live lives of luxury in arcane homesteads.

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As the galaxy turns, and nations rise and fall, the Tellurian Concord endures. Their soldiers are terrible things of living metal, as unbreakable as they are ferocious. Their cities are marvels, ivory towers unbound by gravity, time or space. Piece by piece the cities of the Concord become detached from the very planets they were once anchored to. With neither want nor need the sorcerers of the Concord turn their gaze inward, seeking ever new advancements of the material arts. The Crucible expands, twists, expands through time and space, above and beyond and within. Eventually the Concord ceases all communication. Eventually explorers dare to cross their borders, dodge the patrols of immortal guardians, set foot on those hallowed cities once more.

They find no one. Every man woman and child of Telos has vanished. Gone to some distant corner of the galaxy? Wrapped up tight in a strange dimension unseen by lesser eyes? Perhaps they have all vanished within the Crucible, drawn there, seeking ever deeper mysteries. None know. None can know, the Crucible itself is a labyrinth that cannot be known. The ancient guardians, immortal, unbreakable, still stand. But no one walks those marvelous cities now.

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Previous chapters: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Heretic%20Cultivator%20Quest
MC info Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/x5rCdZpq
Sect/ disciple info Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A0Yghkqs4WxALnnlVJ2uPpphQk9NQ4ME32DzC1qWp7Q/edit?usp=sharing
Folklore: https://pastebin.com/AnbsrDcd

Specter Starvation (幽灵饥饿, Yōulíngjī'è), a curse considered in this modern era to be without a cure, a death sentence either through the afflicted wasting away to spiritual starvation or being hunted down once they are consumed by their unnatural hungers. A curse so terrible the mere whispers of it are enough to scare most of the cultivation world from pursuing ghostly dao or cultivating and refining deathly or ghostly yin Qi. But you aren't like most other Daoists, you are the great and more often than not magnanimous Huanliuxue (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood), the founder of both the heretical and ghost aligned Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎl) and the heretical but noble sect of beasts, outcasts and oddballs, The Palace of Natural laws sect palace of natural laws sect (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn). And this curse will not be your end or downfall. For you know the medicine and treatment that was forgotten ages ago.

All that must be done to cure one's self of the ghastly desires and gnawing hunger that afflicts that most debased and feral of hungry ghosts and wild Jiangshi, is to devour the lifeforce of dragon or something of equally profound spiritual energy or possessing Qi or vitality as refined and powerful as their own. And while you are certain, if given enough time, you could find an alternative means of curing yourself, especially with the assistance of the ghostly calamity who infected you with the accursed and gross hunger for life-energy and souls that you've so far been able to resist and ignore, Aodasheng (Proud Great Sage, 傲大圣) who has so far proven not only loyal to and capable of fulfilling his promise to act as and be your subordinate, but is also a learned scholar of most of what is forbidden in this world beneath the unjust heavens.

However, you nearly fainted from hunger and feel your marvelously trained and sculpted body beginning to weaken as starvation begins to sap away your strength and fog your usually peerlessly sharp and sagacious mind, hazing and messing up your ideas and thoughts. So there isn't an excess of time for you to search for an alternative medicine or risk going rabid with hunger, especially since you were just about to declare your tournament open and started when you shamefully collapsed out of hunger in front of an elder demon hunter and the head of another sect!

And to avoid embarrassing yourself like that again, since it is utterly unthinkable you could share the pitiful fate the others who've fallen victim to Specter Starvation, that you've traveled to the Summer Sea at the south of the Chuan Kingdom.
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>Martial arts and combat ability
>No, go mingle with your fellow sect heads unless something really exciting happens
>Martial arts and combat ability
I don't particularly care for the order of the categories. They will all get their turn.
>Yes! but only for interesting matches/ those who you know personally
This is probably the bracket we can most afford to ignore, but I don't really want to miss anything. We can always chat with the sect heads later, but this tournament happens only once. Besides, I'm sure plenty of mortals want to impress us, so we might as well give them our attention.
...Maybe not to every bum off the streets, but at least the interesting matches.
if you are paying attention to the bracket we care the least about, we aren't anymore likely to listen to the sect heads with all the shit to come later.
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Unfortunately, this vote is going to continue for a bit longer. Not feeling well, think its something I ate but I'm just feeling too sick to write at the moment. Hopefully it'll pass quickly.

Also, from my tally, there is currently a tie between socializing and paying attention to the interesting matches. But The contest for tacticians and scholars have a seemingly unbeatable lead!

You mean the tasty choice? Well you'd think since Huan had just tore out Ao's throat with her teeth at that time, it'd have transported them to the place where she devoured Ling Meng.

But the choice would've actually transported them to a certain restaurant in Suiqi. The very same one Huan beat the hell out of Xia Xiaosi and Shidi Lui
A part of me is now sad we didn’t have the greatest fight so far at what is essentially a Waffle House.

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You are Uzumaki Shiki, currently posing as ‘Kagerō’ – a first-year student at the Konohagakure Academy. The goal of this undercover ploy is to serve as a bodyguard to Yukiwari Kae, the young princess of a small kingdom allied with both Konoha and your own homeland of Amegakure, while she’s here being kept out of an internal power struggle at home. It was you and your team’s role to observe Kae-hime, to provide security, and to root out any hypothetical assassins who might be sent after her and deal with them.

While it’s been a little bit amusing being back at the Academy after having been promoted all the way up to jōnin over the last two years, there have also been some problems. Your identity was already blown when your cousin Himawari started to figure out who you were despite having changed your face, frame, and most importantly your hair color to try and avoid being recognized, so you let her in on your secret. A few other students seem to suspect that you’re more than you appear to be as well, though most are simply annoyed by your popularity, or by your ‘talent’ as a shinobi, or by some combination of the two.

More troubling however is that the ‘hypothetical’ assassin you were embedded into Kae-hime and Hima-chan’s class to deal with may not be so hypothetical after all. You were followed most of the way to ‘your’ apartment (as Kagerō) a few days ago by someone with self-evident bloodlust – as well as the skills to evade your teammates and back off without being seen.

“Hey, sensei,” you begin, having waited until after class when all the other students have already left. Hana-sensei, perhaps sensing your intent, also stayed behind. “Do you have a moment?”

She nods once, “Of course, Kagerō-kun. What do you need?”

You close the door, and lock it from inside, before approaching your ‘teacher’ at her desk. “I have to explain something to you – something you have to swear will not leave this room.”

“I promise,” Hana-sensei replies, watching you somewhat nervously. “This… sounds kind of serious.”

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>1d6, taking the first three
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

“You look… somewhat unwell,” you observe with a slight frown. “Are you airsick or something?”

For a moment, Ōga sighs – and you pick up on a sense of something like resignation. “Not exactly.”

“So what does that mean?” you ask with a frown. “Are you well or not?”

“I am not,” she answers, “though it is not something you or I can presently do anything about.”

“Does it have to do with why you have gone your separate ways with Kara?”

“It does.”

“And if your issue is resolved, do you plan to return?”

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The Nation of Ferrovia has fractured with the death of king Harold with three successor states and a bandit kingdom now fighting over the nation's future. King Elric, the king's brother backed by the landed nobility of the country, wages war in hopes of holding up the monarchy and by connection with the landed gentry. As he styles himself now Lord protector Baric attempts to halt the Monarchists and reformists from harming the status quo with the backing of the army his force is small but well trained and armed. The last of the main contenders is Queen Meredith the sole child of King Harold and devout reformist backed by merchants democrats and communists alike she must lead this dispraite force to victory.
You are Sir Edmund ”The Crow” Drayton, a recently Knighted Yeoman, the leader of the small monarchist sub faction of the reformists. The last few months have seen you push the southern front of the junta forces hard. They have put up stiff resistance with the capture of the ferrovian military academy and the destruction of a motorized division being your reward for your efforts.

Past threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=BrinkQM

The men are ready the next day after defeating the motorized division to keep heading north pushing through desolate territory. The ferrovian countryside is ravaged by the war small villages that used to be the life blood of the rural areas in the north are all but gone The railroads which once moved ore and grain to the industrial cities lay destroyed heaps of burned railroad ties and the tracks themselves having been thrown onto the fire to make them useless. The enemy is going full scorched earth where they can. Your pushes are often slowed by nearly every bridge over even the smallest creek having been destroyed.

3d100 best of three please
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No real update tonight lads had a potential offer for a better job
good luck!
The time it took you to handle that many POWs was plenty of time for the enemy to respond and respond they did. The force that had responded to your initial encirclement of the Bastin has seemingly pulled back from their haphazard positions near the town. Your men find the retreat was orderly, the enemy not leaving anything for you be it supplies or infrastructure. Its when your just coming up over one of the many forested hills you spot the true target of your advance, the city of Ironhaven.

The capital of the Kingdom of ferrovia is a relatively new city by many standards only being founded by King Araron at the beginning of the ferrovias industrial revolution; the city intended to be the monarchies attempt at taking advantage of the growing merchant class. The cities many factories and warehouses made use of raw resources brought at first by barge and later train from the Kresh mountains and then shipping many of those goods to the wider world specifically to Aquila or Marsalia prior to the great war. The city being designed from the outset for industrial work is shaped into rings with the center of the ring being the massive palace complex home to the monarch or you suppose at the current moment lord protector Baric. The second ring is made up of offices, homes and shops of the middle class with the outermost ring being made up of factories, warehouses and lower class housing.

The junta it seems have set about fortifying the city intent on keeping you out. The rest of the reformist army is several days out from the northern side of the city and you've just arrived on the south side.

>push to encircle the city now
>wait for more of the reformist army
>>push to encircle the city now
at least try to cut off the southern approaches.
this will also throw off their battle plans for the northern defense

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You are Noel Tiberius di Hazaran, and at this moment your objective is to root out a small force that has fortified a low hilltop deep within occupied Sakian territory. When you’ve done that, a group of rebels who have turned on your enemy from the distant Continent – but who aren’t quite what you’d call ‘reliable allies’ – will be able to take up residence here, fortify the position, and use it as a logistical strong point to support their growing operations in Sakia. Your hope is that the invading army, after having found its high water mark in trying and failing to cross the mountains to the south and assault your homeland in Hazaran, will start to eat itself from the inside and make it possible to start actually liberating Sakia.

With you now are Aurora, Valentina, and Serana – all accomplished warriors in their own right, two of which are able to partially awaken to enhance their abilities beyond even the monstrous ‘average’ set by your Silver-Eyed cohort. The fact that you can’t simply kill all of these people is something of a complicating factor, but it’s a standard of behavior you and your kind accepted and now maintain willingly.

You can definitely handle this situation, between your inhuman speed and regenerative abilities. But any offensive type warriors may be vulnerable to those cannon shells, or to bullet wounds to the head, since their regenerative abilities aren’t as strong.

That’s why you decide to wait until you have the cover of darkness to make your move, and bide your time by observing your enemy and discussing strategy among your assembled cohort.

“There are areas where their artillery can overlap,” Valentina observes, “but also some arcs where the carriers are in each other’s way.”

“And isn’t there a limit to how low their guns can angle?” Aurora asks.

You nod once – you remember that being the case. “Yes but the hill’s slope is pretty gentle, so that may not help.”

[There is not much cover,] Serana adds her own observation. [We should move quickly once we start to advance.]

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>The mines may work better if affixed directly, thus planting a fear of them.
>3d10 best of three
Rolled 1, 7, 10 = 18 (3d10)

Rolled 5, 10, 9 = 24 (3d10)

Rolled 9, 8, 2 = 19 (3d10)


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ITQ you will buy and sell goods, find a place to live, basic Jobs, and things to do to live through a zombie apocalypse. Zombies are slow. Plenty of things can maim or kill you. Zombie bites can be treated, but there are side effects, or you may screw it up and die. So let's avoid that, ok?
You stand in line among several other people, anonymous faces, you didn't count them. You've not seen them before. Some in shoes, some barefoot, one with a blood stained spear, and all of you hot and dirty from the June heat. You're on the outskirts of Houston in the shell of what was an old big box store, and the proprietor has a fan blowing across the line of you, and he has been good enough to put up a pop-up tent ourside the entrance to shield everyone from the sunlight, but it must be 94 degrees with all of you crowded together and waiting. On either side of the Line, are cages full of dead eyed ghouls, locked in for now, but watching you.
The Merchant calls out Next and you step up with your goods. You walk up to a bullet proof Plexiglass window with a pass through container, and big sign over the glass stating:
>Jews created the outbreak on borrowed money, No Credit
You are yourself, just yourself. Your actions are your own choice, but the outcome is determined by post ID roll.
Roll for your saleable goods layout by final digit.
Subsequent rerolls to determine simple value, 2nd to last digit = quantity, final digit of simple pass fail 1-5 poor, 6-0 good
1-backpack of junk, can be sorted for valuables
2-live wild animal, must be examined to determine value
3-Clothing, must be checked for damage
4-Food, may be packaged or raw
5-Contraban: cigarettes, alchohol, pornography, drugs
6-Weapons: may be functional, broken parts
7-Ammunition: may be boxed or loose, good or bad
8-Medicine: may be prescription or over the counter

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Having done his part, Mike focuses hard and gives his stuff one last check as he puts some pants on.

>"If you can't carry it, you don't really own it."

He mumbles to himself, a reminder of old hard won lessons, as he pats himself down. He checks those most vital of items on his body first before going through what little essential gear he has stored in his backpack. Last and least, hurrying up he gives the contents of his duffel a cursory glance inside with a quick sweep of the light. He gives a worried look up into the darkness of the roof before he climbs up into the truck and finds a place to sit.

>Double check your possessions
>Pack into the truck
>Pack into the truck

[Am I allowed to use Focus and Breathe outside of combat?]
#0 Baseball Cap with Bump Cap Liner
#0 Goggles
#0 N95 Light Mask
#0 Grey T-Shirt
#0 Cut Resistant Cloth Arm Gaurds
#0 Light Work Gloves
#0 Camo Cargo Pants
#0 Boxer Brief Underwear
#0 Tan Socks
#0 Repaired Sneakers
#0 Police duty belt, with holster

Duty Belt:
#1 Taurus 856 in 38 special (6)14

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[You can focus or breath to buff any rolled action]

You focus (5) your attention and double check your possessions (3). However on trying to climb up into the truck, (0) your foot slips and you fall back onto the rapidly flooding floor. The wind howls terribly, and you watch the roof tear off and the rain, pours in around you. Everything becomes slick and in falling you fear you may have dropped something.

Lights pan across the floor from out of the truck.
You hear someone yell as the now rushing water catches your legs, pulling you as it surges towards the drain. You grab a rack, trying to hold on, and someone climbs down after you reaching their hand out. You try to take hold of the arm, but the water has the last word, and you're pulled, with your worn possessions, across the ground and towards the circling drain of the sewer.

The figure leaps after you grabbing at your arms repeatedly, trying to snatch you back from the drink.

[My 2nd and 1st digits determine if you are rescued in time] 1-5p, 6-0f
You feel yourself being squeezed, crushed, almost, by the water and the constant slamming around against boxes. You feel the wind knocked out of you, but the ground has stopped moving. You feel yourself dragged slowly against the current and finallly are helped back towards the truck, and you manage to stand up.

You're soaked through, but you haven't been injured.

The Merchant is yelling. Pointing at the locked roller door.


Thunder is crashing and lighting cutting the sky. The building roofline peels back further like the plastic lid of a lunchables box.

You can see the warehouse interior as Marcie turns on the truck headlights.

You have 3 actions.

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"ON IT!"

Mike grabs a rope off in the corner he assumes is tied down to the truck with a carabiner tied on the end, loops it around his upper chest once, and clips the carabiner on the rope. He lowers himself back into the water, wading alongside the truck, hand over hand, leaning aginst the flow of the water, growling like an animal as he pulls himself forward -handhold by handhold- to the front of the truck. As he moves into the searing light of the headlight he grimaces hard as he closes his eyes and feela his way past the light, to the center of the front of the truck.

Mike reaches out once and snaps back to the truck with a surprised yelp as the current surges briefly. He bows his head as he clings to the front of the truck and sucks deep, labored breaths that make his chest heave. He glaces back at the door and scowls hard, gritting his teeth.

With a a yell of effort he flings himself at the door hoping to grab on, quickly twist the handle to unlock it, and throw it up with all his might while jumping up and slightly backwards- hopefully being able to latch back onto the truck afterwards.

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Being a TRIANGLE is dumb as fuck, and all the other shapes are racist to TRIANGLES
You want to become a SQUARE by any means needed
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either return to your original non-iscoceles shape, and bash your head against something again, or do this >>6048852
Bisect yourself and then put yourself back together as rectangle
Draw your mighty stainless steel katana you bought at a carnival and start cutting. The other shapes shall learn that the triangle is the master of all
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Found the Triangeloid
As for me, I try to ascend beyond the mundane. I will not be a triangle, nor will I be a square. I will instead become a swastika.
I grab onto a lathe and begin spinning around extremely fast!
Why the fuck would I want to become a square? Squares are stupid. In fact we could probably use our tips to stab all squares to death. Let's start a race war against squares.

This small dark cavern is the only home you have ever known. You have clung to life here with your brothers for three winters. The flesh of deer, rabbit, knife-ear, and man is what has sustained you. Most of it is rotten by the time it makes its way to you, as your marginal achievement among your kin ensures you are the last to eat.

You are of a better mind than your brothers, which has set you back many times. Your thoughts and feelings alienate you from the hierarchical tribal struggle that fills a normal goblin’s life. Much of your free time is spent toiling among the things in the garbage den- this is the only place where your brothers leave you alone.

There is no food here. All of the flesh not eaten is used for breeding in the gore hole, and so all else that remains from what is brought to the cave ends up here. You have spent long hours looking through the bone, hair, and torn clothing that fills the chamber. Small wooden animals, dainty metal chains, and golden bands are a few of the things you have come across. Of the items you have found, the one you most treasure is…

>A shining metal blade, which was hidden inside a bed roll carelessly deemed garbage by your brothers. You became proficient with the weapon only after practicing for a short time, and it now swinging it feels like moving a limb you were born with.

>The burnt remains of books which contain dozens of witch-words. Learning to read them came naturally to you, even with no teacher. Speaking was much harder, but you eventually found your way there too. When chanting these words, you can conjure flashes of light and fire.
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Anon, not only did you support it yourself, your'e also just wrong.

>"You took so many odd things from camp, Rubble. Why?"
>>"I think messing around with these things I can still be useful, like today."

He asked why we took stuff. We answer, because this stuff could enable us to keep being useful. Messing around with arm-wrappings, bags of sand, and gaining understanding of some of the common-tongue helped us so far.
I supported it because it was the only option to many votes behind it and wanted to show QM I was still around. Not having a plan for anything we took just taking everything ignoring that we had to take it back ourselves. Arm-wrappings just slowed us down would not of stop a hit from the old man. We are useful without these tools we're a decent swordsman. Good quest hijacked by trannies.
So is this dead? Been two weeks since OP posted.
Rent. Free.

>dead quest
Yes, sadly.
It's a long shot but there are probably some same fagging spooks pushing crossdressing and all that weird shit. Can't have a healthy manly quest.

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Lets play a game /qst/!!

you will be the directors of the feared imouto rescue squad. A highschool club of imoutos that use fearsome weapons and tactics to rescue kidnapped onii-chans, wherever they are in the world...

the rules I will be using are Osprey - Black Ops.
It's the most fun rules that allows for stealth, and action gameplay and feels to me like the best simulation of small unit tactics that you can easily DM for

I've uploaded the rules for your enjoyment, but I will be adjusting the rules a bit to make the game work better. Don't worry about it too much....

coming up next will be the scenario and the buy screen where you can plan and outfit your task force!
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Are we there personally as like a PL or are we some all seeing eye in the sky?

Would like to have eyes looking towards the neutral village as well, just in case
the way the game works is you control everything like an eye in the sky, but I'm writing from the perspective of the patrol leader just cause
sorry ive been a bit busy ill try and get those turns out : (
Is this enemy platoon theoretically composed of onee-chans?

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Often times it comes to a point in a mans life when the World begins to drag behind him as he heaves forward towards the reaches of space. The outward reaches of time we drastically changing and yet all he can do is continue. Sophisticated or not. The path is always the same for the man with little to no time to continue. However he has little to no time to compare. The radical that emerges within a man for a rite of rights is never left to chance when he senses his time nearing an end. Orlando has never been one to question the hands on a clock. He always left to chance the fundamental excitement of exchanging his words for a book. The books that filled the world were never addressed as anything other than informal wits and half eaten plates of pasta. Orlando being a man of age had never ridden a bike faster than he could peddle but had certainly left his mark on the library. Organised or not his hands were never good for anything more than turning a page in disgust of the last man who had crinckled the pages before he had touched them. Orlando needed a change in pace. Orlando needed a change in location. Before he had realized he was tall enough to be 6'3 he had committed acts of distrust upon the locals of his town. Sold out and cheated, gambled and lied, arranged his mind to spit before calling it fair. "The sooner I leave the better ill feel" he assumed aloud before reaching for a knife in his pants. Orlando rushed the bank with knife in hand telling the teller "get on the fuckin ground puta". From the glass reflected glow on the ground of the pavement screams could be heard from the elderly man who was the only patron and a clear sign of disbelief on the face of the young bank teller who had only started the day before. She had blond hair, blue eyes and darker than pink lips. Orlando had reached the point of his life where he realized its all about building upon the teachings he was given as a child.
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As hes walking an image of a black car in the carpark that he knows is where he is heading is able to be seen in his head. The man he hopes is not Mr Kloo is either too big to be seen or is indeed some sort of other worldly being with arms legs and a head. At least. According to Marco. "Mr Kloo is a man with no real evidence of him living to begin with" "names dates friends family are all shrouded in" "maybe its like this" "his presence is one of significant terror" "even the pedophiles have avoided his dealings" "hes a man with little say in the world" "hes a man with nothing to gain that we can see with our minds want for greed and glory" "Mr Kloo had a time before he had a watch" "Mr Kloo had a basic change in his altitude before he knew he could fly" "Mr Kloo had a void of terror the day he let the criminal basis understand he was indeed the man they wanted to speak too if they had a deal to be done with any man who had life to live". By the sounds of it Mr Kloo was some sort of Government Man. At least thats what it sounds like. The depths with which ill go in order to sit on a table like that is above the natural means of survival. My charges will be deemed a humanitarian crisis. My charges will be deemed black booked marked off and forgotten. My charges will be deemed "he was only seen once". My charges will be deemed its a miracle he was able to conjure up the levels of life needed in order to ensure the life he wanted was carved by the severed hands wrist bone on a living victims willing central nervous systems perceptive nerves orifices. **11:45pm** "theres the clock tower". Just through the park and ill be able to see the empty lot for cars. The sound of the ticking from the hands that acknowledge weve circled a space in space on a rock is as strange as it gets. Is it mechanically knocking on our ears. Or was it fine tuned and set to sound like that?
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As Diego approached the car park a strange air was forming around the treeline. Cold sure but cold enough for fog to be forming? "Surely not" as he stood at the edge of the carpark itself. Images of kids playing on a playground began to reel through his mind. The sounds of saws being sharpened and the feeling of his wrists being sliced wide open began to emerge upon his flesh like it was factual. The only thought he had ever thought in his life sounded like a trumpet. "DESSSAK". **BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP 12:00AM BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP** Slowly a car that was black in appearence arrived to the location and parked in the park he saw in an image he was sent earlier within in his mind. A window rolled down and a hand gestured for him to approach. As he got closer the sound of saws being sharpened and NAILS scraping against corroded iron sheets began to get louder. The closer he got the less air it felt like he was able to breath. As he reached for the door and opened it. His mind forced his eyes forward and the coldest of hands touched his legs. Tadaa thankee for feedin me bulldogginit.
Sir this isn't the board to schizopost in
Sir, did you just post half of your opus in bad faith to force strangers to read it?

Bad show, sir.

make this a Quest or desist at once.

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Quest Synopsis: You are the body guard to a prince(bratty), if any harm befalls him you lose.
Thread archive: https://fiction.live/stories/The-Prince/6eqhcmdNsSDdgtmcP

After a moment a pure violence, all that's left of two of the harpies is a pile of bones and sinew. When they all focused their attention on the prince, you took that moment to explode forward and turn them into meat. No harm shall befall the prince, and any who take him away from you will suffer death. You draw your bow and aim for the final escaping harpy.

Your blood lust is denied however, as the prince leaps down from the nest. You are forced to drop the weapon into the blood below in order to catch him. The very moment you reacquire the prince, you are filled with a great sense of relief that pushes out the rage. He doesn't look very happy, firing little daggers out of his eyes right at you. He is NOT impressed by your ability to dish out a gratuitous amount of death in a very short amount of time.

"What took so long?" He struggles to be freed but you do not release the prince "Unbelievable, first you let that disgusting creature capture me! Then you insult me in front of the kidnappers! 'couldn't even feed a coyote'? Would you be happier if I was a whale?!"

"My prince, I was simply attempting to trick them. You are plenty meaty."

"Oh? So you think I'm fat then? Ill tell papa about this you can beat on it!" He boots your chin with his foot, but still you do not release him.

"If my prince believes it is prudent to do so"

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You have had some time to wander the halls and secure the perimeter. What you found was lacking, compared to the extremely tight ship the palace guard run this vessel is taking on water out of every nook and cranny. You have already secured a path to take the prince out of the tower.

Currently, you wait under a second story window where the prince should have emerged from thirty minutes ago. That brat, he is probably stuck decided what to wear! So much for the rendezvous timing you had hoped to hit.

When he does arrive, you can't believe your eyes.

"Hello down there" calls the prince "I am ready to go. What do you think?" He asks while striking a pose. You asked for discreet, but his out fit is anything but.
You hiss "My prince, please keep your voice down! This is supposed to be a secret escape. And by the gods, what are you wearing???"

"Why, its the armour my papa bought me, do you not think it sensible? Do you disagree with your kings sense of style?"

You absolutely doubt the validity of that statement. "My prince, please return to your quarters and wear something else!!!"

"You are telling em how to dress now? How presumptuous of a lowly servant… Tell me o honourable defender, what is wrong with my outfit? Be exact."

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>- Write in
At least ask him to use a hood or something else to cover his face, this is a stealth mission so the less people recognize his face the better.
> Write in: Let him wear what he wants out, but ask him to at least bring along a cloak, with a hood if possible, that he can throw over his outfit if the situation demands it. If he doesn't have one, or just doesn't bring one, buy one at the earliest opportunity.

This isn't going to end well at all. Though at least with this preposterous outfit, if he misbehaves he has left himself vulnerable ...
>"Clothing that scant is just begging for thugs and ruffians with ill intent to ravish and molest your mostly lithe noble figure. We must preserve some semblance of modesty for you before your wedding night, for the sake of preserving my sword arm in the best circumstances, and your dignity in the worst."

Basically, "I don't want other guys to try to make a move on you", fantasy knight style.

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The Eternal Empire has stood for 14 millennia and has endured hundreds of wars, calamities, and rulers of every type. In the twilight of your reign, you’ve demanded to know the truth behind your Head Advisor’s unnatural longevity, and now watch with bated breath.

Even surrounded by the Royal Guard, you feel a deep sense of unease.

>Previous Threads
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>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (Which?)
Clementine is scary.
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (House Arthen)
I only think we have to worry about an inter-house civil war if we suddenly become unable to stop it. So long as we can put a stop to both with the imperial navy it should be fine.

Actually QM, I do have to wonder what the relations of Houses to each other is like? Could De Croize or Soluton call in any allies to their fight if it came to it?
A civil war isn’t what I’m worried about; it’s two of our most useful allies wasting time and resources refusing to work together or actively sabotaging each other when we could have just nipped it in the bud if we didn’t decide to once again focus on expanding our already good military instead of stabilising and developing what we already have, which is what we decided to do when Ferdinand became emperor. Soluton and De Croize are a guaranteed problem down the line no matter how many ships we have, and threatening our closest allies with planetary bombardment should be our last resort.
True. You make a good point. I'll switch from >>6066947

>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (House De Croize)

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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice

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I ask because I think making frictionless (and high friction) surfaces on the battlefield at will could be pivotal in a scenario where flight isn't an option.
It's hard to stay put or make the most of your strength when you can't put your foot down, ya know?
The problem is such tactics are limited and require more setup to work than the payoff is worth most of the time. Were it the ToP arena and not a forest like this, it would probably work better. But with naturally uneven ground and flight being allowed, such tactics won’t work here.
And in the ToP’s case, it won’t work against someone stronger. As DB-verse proves over and over, even broken powers can be overcome with a wide enough raw power gap. If you’re strong enough you could just put your foot through the crystal, like Jiren simply walking through Goku’s mines. But against weaker ipponents in that tournament it’ll see some success. One of these days, maybe while I’m on vacation later this month I’ll write up a what-if Karn lost to Hit without Hit also losing and then we got Chilli vs Hit.

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