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In the dawn of civilization, where humanity takes its first faltering steps toward order and progress, you rise from the mists of obscurity, a being of unparalleled might and mystery. You are no mere mortal—your very presence inspires awe and terror. Whether born from ancient magic, forged in the fires of the earth, or summoned by forces beyond comprehension, your power eclipses that of the common folk like a blazing sun outshines the stars.

The villages are fragile and disorganized, their people too preoccupied with survival to dream of greatness. They huddle together, building simple shelters, planting meager crops, and whispering fearful prayers to spirits they cannot see. Yet you stand apart, your strength undeniable, your potential limitless.

The world itself seems to acknowledge your presence. The earth trembles beneath your steps, storms gather at your command, and the faint-hearted flee before your shadow. You see the cracks in the fragile order of early society, and you realize this nascent world is a blank slate—a canvas on which you can paint your legacy.

Why should you bow to the whims of lesser beings? With your gifts, you could forge an empire, become a deity in the eyes of mortals, or bend their fledgling societies to your will. Whether you will rule with wisdom and justice, reshape the world in your vision, or crush all who oppose you beneath your heel, the choice is yours.

But power does not come without its burdens. For all your strength, there is something within or around you that holds you back—a curse, a flaw, or a challenge that even you must face. This weakness, small as it may seem now, has the potential to unravel your plans if left unchecked.

The world is yours to command, but greatness comes with a price. What will yours be?
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Rolled 74, 96, 64 = 234 (3d100)

> Kill as many people as possible and escape once you're seriously wounded: A brutal, savage strike, not to finish the battle but to send them reeling. You will maim, burn, and destroy as much as you can, then vanish into the night before the tide of battle turns in their favor. The city will be left in chaos, broken, but not yet destroyed. Their wounds will be deep, and they will know that you could return at any moment to finish what you started.
The second and third option gives them time. Time to react. Time to plan. Time to recuperate.
I (assumedly) regenerate faster than them, so drawing this fight out only mitigates my advantage.

Also, separate of this decision, is it okay if I ask that the "though sometimes they are consumed in a darker act of ritual sacrifice. But you do not mind; you have eaten your own young before and found them delicious" either be retcon'd or some context be added so that they were already dead and then eaten instead of killing them for the purpose of being eaten?
If not, no biggie, I just like the idea that as a hydra, Evalla is overall very evil, but way more loving and sweet towards her own babies.
My vote is for:
> Decline to pay tribute, choosing to stand firm and face whatever consequences follow.
The plan would be to let them attack, and once they do, use that as an opportunity to destroy them while still maintaining the "moral highground". Destroying them is an excellent chance to display that we are benevolent but not soft or harmless. To be taken seriously as a threat, but still beloved by our own people.

As an extra option, we could also ask the people of the city what they would like for us to do. We probably won't care, but we can still pretend like their opinions matter to us. If they wanted something different from what we decide, and they ask why we didn't go with it, then we can just say something like "I later gazed into the future with my crystal ball and saw that that path would lead to something worse".
>Also, separate of this decision, is it okay if I ask that the "though sometimes they are consumed in a darker act of ritual sacrifice. But you do not mind; you have eaten your own young before and found them delicious" either be retcon'd or some context be added so that they were already dead and then eaten instead of killing them for the purpose of being eaten?
>If not, no biggie, I just like the idea that as a hydra, Evalla is overall very evil, but way more loving and sweet towards her own babies.

The context is that your species is asexual and very agressive. You just lay eggs whenever you feel like, and the tiny hydras can grow to become another creature like yourself who will challenge your rule. You end up killing all of them before they become a threat unless they flee beforehand, because it is not really possible to ensure their loyalty.

If you try to be loving with them they will simply devour you.
Ah okay, I didn't know that. My bad.
>Patch her up and ask her if she knows a way out of the temple. You tend to her wounds, not out of kindness but as a means to an end. You want to know everything she knows, to draw from her as much as you can. Perhaps, with her help, you can find an escape from this place, or use her as leverage to get what you truly seek. The opportunity to redeem yourself, to fix what was broken... or to destroy what remains.
I see little difference between option 2 and 3, so 1 it is.

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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian, Orkney and Camelot.

It's been an interesting week, you've sparred against Dread Agreste, learned a bit more about the personalities populating Camelot like the Candy Maker and Spy, tried to figure out more about the Romans and their empire and got gifted a very useful Relic by Emperor Lucius Hiberius.

Of course, getting something nice and useful doesn't mean that Lucius Hiberius is genuinely interested in befriending you. It seems more like the opening of trying win an oath of fealty to make her Kingdom more powerful. Also, she placed a bounty on capturing 'Queen Guinevere' alive because she fancies the boy... No matter how you think on that, it's not a comfortable discovery.

Oh, and you discovered that Avalon is the grave of many Lost Children gone widdershin'. You've learned the existence of such Blessed as King Urien of Gorre, Augustus and King Pellinore.


Better to focus on the potential to Gate to the island of Romulus through the escaped slave Arminox. The enslaved dollman escaped from the Roman ship, Zama, and is in your custody. If you get gather enough Mana, the Anarchists will attempt to make the journey.

With that goal in mind and the return of the Guides from the Quarries and their resupply of Stones, you are ready to start raiding the World in the morning!

But first, you need to discover who died and cause the stars to fall. Yatagarasu the Guide has suggested going to the Temple...

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>The Mask, time to test it out...
>Gate Stones will allow a quick entrance into Avalon or the World. But where you end up will be random.
>Smoke Bombs are stones that emit clouds of white smoke and hinder sight, perfect for preventing mortals from seeing things they shouldn't!
>>The Mask, time to test it out...
>>Gate Stones will allow a quick entrance into Avalon or the World. But where you end up will be random.
>>A weapon from the stolen loot, a sword...
>The Mask
Live relic test
>Gate Stones
To gtfo fast on reaching them
>Smoke Bombs
Mitigate backlash
>The Mask
>Talking Stones
>Smoke Bombs
>The Mask, time to test it out...
>Talking Stones are like walkie-talkies and come in pairs, allowing you to communicate at a distance with your vassals.
>Gate Stones will allow a quick entrance into Avalon or the World. But where you end up will be random.

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-- -- -- ? X X X

You wake up before the alarm rings, that's a first. However, for perhaps the first time since you've been trapped in this timeloop, you look forward to today, that's because your spirit finally managed to get you a way to remember a certain someone. All that's written on that note is that you have a girlfriend, that you're forgetting her, and that you should not betray her trust here, but that's enough for you.

Sure, you can't remember her face, or what she sounds like, or what kind of person she is, or why you even loved her, but that's fine! As long as this note exists, you know that you have someone to come back to, so you won't do something you might regret later in this temporal prison. Speaking of temporal prison, now would be a good time to reiterate what you know about your situation thus far.

For one, it's possible for someone in the loop to figure out that something is wrong using those fumes that Claire inhaled. You're not sure how helpful of an info that is, but it might at the very least convince some people here of what you're going through. Another is that 'M', a powerful being you've interacted with for a short time, is as described by your spirit 'knowledgeable, powerful, immature' and to 'not listen to them, find your own solution'.

You've also found out that Claire has a crush on you, but you doubt returning her feeling is enough to get out of the loop, not like you would even if you had to. Worst case scenario, you can stall until a teacher wakes you up from this nightmare.

That should cover most of what you've learned about the loop, you cover your loop immune note with a book, so your parents don't mess with it, and get prepared for school. Usual banter from your parents, Claire waiting for you at the door, offering the brush- damnit, you forgot to brush your hair AGAIN.

Claire smiles at you on your way to school. "You look happy today, did something happen?"

You DO feel in a good mood now that you don't need to constantly strain your mind remembering that girl. You should ride that happy feeling while it lasts.

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You could pick something easy, or...

>Crime classification. Exactly what it sounds like, show up to the scene of crime, which can range from petty theft to outright assault, and note down what kind of spells were used.
>Middle school: Mostly meant to make sure none of the school's ressources have been stolen, but you might be asked to make sure to make a report on the runes around school too.
>Inventory ressource: Meant to check the store's inventory every night. You're expected to dispel illusion, or search for any signs of theft if possible. Simple, boring job, but it'll leave you a lot of time to do other things during the day.
>Crime classification.
Already discussing their home plans? Might as well just kneel and propose to her.

Also, merry christmas!
Merry christmas! I got a mousepad and some chocolate for christmas. Pretty good.
There's no way they won't get engaged before magic school ends
>Inventory ressource: Meant to check the store's inventory every night. You're expected to dispel illusion, or search for any signs of theft if possible. Simple, boring job, but it'll leave you a lot of time to do other things during the day.
since the AA squad also has to check for hidden spells and stuff, this fits
Merry christmas everyone

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...ah. It appears as though you are a THANKSGIVING TURKEY. Your demise is imminent. What will you do?

>Accept your fate.
>Do not.
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jk, thanks for running! Was a fun little miniquest.
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Thanks for running!!!
I had a good laugh from this quest!!!
Bro, roaches can fly. Don't ask me how I know.

But cute quest. Happy to have been a part of it man.
MOST roaches. The German species that lives in US homes, yes.

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His wail was liable to wake the dead. His brother and two others held him back with a tender expectation that any moment he might test their grip. He did. It seemed he might even make it to her, but his brother caught a wrist and wrestled him back. The muddy thoroughfare was laden with people, silent but for an occasional sob rising into the cold morning air. All eyes were on the palanquin.

It was flat, open-topped, solidly built, unadorned. On it lay seven bodies, eight now as the Sonziz lifted her into the last of the open space. Fourteen, maybe fifteen years old. The cheeks gave it away, though they’d already started to wither despite the effort put on her by whichever amateur took the task. Skin brushed and clean, powder and pale cream, lips daubed bright. The other half of her face was sallow though, lips receding, skin starting to fall down into the canyons of her skull. There was a harsh line at the nose where the amateur had stopped, shaken no doubt by the sound of the bell. Nobody expected a second tithe.

The man wailed again. Higher pitched than one would think him capable considering his bulk. He spilled small, fragile pieces of her name into his hands as the fight left him, drop by drop.


His breath began to race, the fact that she was being taken becoming real. It did to everyone eventually. Some small, small spark of hope blossomed in him. It did for everyone, eventually. His eyes turned towards you. Everyone’s did, eventually.

“M-marcel! You can’t let them! She was free…they can’t take her, we already paid. P-please. GIVE HER BACK TO ME!”

He lunged for the palanquin with every mote of wrath left to him. He slipped his brother, the butcher, and the chandler, red-eyed with wet cheeks. He reached for her before you could speak…but it wasn’t fast enough, it never was. One of the Sonziz moved like a sunlit snake and the man’s arm was cracked in half at the elbow, flapping back toward his shoulder as the momentum spun him into the mud at your feet. The splatter sprayed out over your boots, his stoppered breaths made bubbles. He started crying again as you lowered yourself to sit on your heels.

“It’s over, paire. It’s over. There was nothing you could do. Remember that.”
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You do you man, we can wait.
Righto no problem
Thanks for the heads up OP. Good luck with the rest of work.
> I've got an update written that I'll put out tomorrow
Merry Christmas Spook

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The stars blur past you as you make a tight turn around a barren moon. Your ship, the Viper Strike, hums with the familiar sound of its powerful engines, the vibrations running through your hands as you grip the controls. Your HUD flickers, updating the mission log: Locate General Raxos Valen and neutralize the threat.

But something doesn’t feel right. Your sensors ping, picking up an unusual anomaly just beyond the asteroid field ahead—something's off. There’s a faint distress signal, masked by an interference wave. It's not on any of the known frequencies and definitely not part of the bounty.

Curiosity gnaws at you. You've spent enough time navigating the underbelly of the galaxy to know when something doesn’t add up. This signal—it's too deliberate, too hidden. Whoever sent it didn’t want anyone to find it, and that’s exactly why you’re headed toward it now.

The stars ahead shimmer with a strange intensity, and as you glide into the uncharted nebula, you spot a debris field. Wreckage from what appears to be an abandoned research station. But there's no sign of Valen or his fleet.

Only more questions. You bring the Viper Strike in for a closer look, weaving between scattered metal pieces as the ship’s sensors try to lock onto the distress beacon. The signal grows stronger, pulling you further into the depths of space.

Suddenly, a new message flashes across your console:

“If you’re reading this, it’s already too late. The Core is real. Valen must not find it. You are the only one who can stop him.”

Your breath catches in your throat. The Core. You’ve heard rumors, old whispers about a powerful artifact capable of manipulating space and time. You didn’t think it was more than myth.

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alright, roll me a dice to determine what you find

1 - it is a girl
2 - it is a guy
3 - it is a monster
4 - there is a contamination
5 - the pirates get loose
6 - you activate some kind of beacon by accident
Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Rolled 2 (1d6)


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Welcome to QUEST ART GENERAL, a quest for showcasing the art of your quest and its characters! Players of all skill levels are welcome!

Quest mechanics:
1. Don't be a spamshit. Multiple posts are fine but keep it below Souv level.
2: You are free to draw/post work of others' characters, but no begging.
3. Keep it SFW. This is a blue board. If you feel the need for otherwise, link it in the thread so it doesn't get nuked.
4. No dramafagging/vendettafagging, or blatant shitting on others' art. Again, this is a quest to draw and vibe about art, /qst/ OCs, and their respective lore.
5. If someone does give you fanart of your quest/character, be sure to thank that anon for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :)

Drawing Resources:

> https://alexhays.com/loomis/

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Merry Christmas from Loxxie and Roxxie--that Santa bastard's gonna get what's comin' to him!
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Very soon.

I do have a question for you and the other anons, though. For Loveless Gal 4 (and potentially future quests), would you prefer

>2-3 days / 1 update* (about 3-4 posts’ worth) + art


>1-2 days / 1 update (same post length) but fewer drawings
>1-2 days / 1 update (same post length) but fewer drawings
This would be my personal preference.
It’s up.

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Drive safe, everyone!

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Welcome back.

We're back. Sorry for the long hiatus but life got a bit hectic there.

Rules are simple: Votes are tallied every hour, with whatever course of action being the most popular being the course of action taken. Write ins are encouraged and non-mutually exclusive votes will be combined if possible.

When a roll is called for, roll however many D100 are specified. 5- is a 'crit fail' and generally means something bad is about to happen. 95+ is a 'crit success' and generally means something good just happened. a 'crit success' trumps a crit fail. User input on both will be taken into consideration.

Inventory, pokemon stats and other links: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15i2N08IpWqitoTJujsUMishe4PLbao1lqT-bCAmvPcE/edit

Discord: https://discord.gg/v8nRWG4p

For a short summary for the new and to recap:

You are Alex. A newly minted trainer and camping enthusiast just starting out on your journey at the age of seventeen after your father lost his job in order to help pay the bills. On the road, you met Fie, the Fire Gym Leader, Gareth a novice Aura Guardian on pilgrimage and Holly, a runaway heiress using a pseudonym. You've also made enemies of Team Green a group of violent, radical activists looking to abolish pokemon training.

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Merry christmas, SuperBusy (and you too, random qst player)
I know this quest have like 2 and a half regular player left, but the notification of a new episode of Alex' adventure always bring me joy.

Merry Christmas all.

Update a bit later.

"Not if it'll be a problem." You reply.

"Alright but just a quick one on one. No badge either. If I battle you for a badge, I'll be here all night." Fie's dad replies. "You want to make any switches, or d'you have the pokemon you want to use on you?" He asks.

>I'm good to go.
>One second...

Present Team:
Rascal (Braviary)
Nika (Riolu)
Piker (Feebas)
Volta (Luxray)

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>I'm good to go

Go, Rascal!
Merry Christmas to you all too!

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The world felt unreal, a dizzying descent into chaos. You were walking home from school, your mind preoccupied with trivial worries—homework, what to eat for dinner—when a drunken man staggered into your path. His glassy eyes locked on you, his movements unsteady but deliberate. You tried to sidestep him, but he lunged, grabbing your arm with surprising strength.

"Get off me!" you shouted, kicking and struggling against his grip. Despite your resistance, his sheer weight began to overpower you. Panic surged as you realized this wasn’t just a random assault; his gaze was wild, feral. He lunged for your neck—not to punch or grab, but to *bite.*

A blur of motion interrupted your terror. Uzuma, one of your classmates, appeared seemingly out of nowhere. With a fierce yell, he tackled the man, dragging him off you. Relief flooded you, but it was short-lived. The struggle turned gruesome as the man sank his teeth into Uzuma's arm, tearing into flesh.

"Run!" Uzuma shouted, his voice strained but urgent. Without thinking, you obeyed, adrenaline propelling your legs forward. Uzuma was right behind you, clutching his injured arm, but as you ran, his pace slowed. His breathing grew labored, guttural.

"Uzuma?" you called hesitantly, looking over your shoulder. To your horror, his face had twisted into something inhuman—his eyes glassy, his teeth bared in a snarl. He lunged at you with unnatural speed.

Heart pounding, you sprinted down the street, weaving through the chaos. The world had descended into madness. The once-familiar roads were now filled with grotesque creatures—people turned into monsters, their flesh mottled and decayed.

You darted into an alley, your chest heaving as you screamed, the sound echoing off the narrow walls. Just when you thought all hope was lost, a door creaked open beside you. A man, dressed head-to-toe in latex, peeked out. His appearance was bizarre—like he’d stepped out of some underground nightclub—but his wide, fearful eyes reflected your own terror.

"Get in!" he hissed, pulling you inside. You stumbled into a dimly lit stairwell and followed him down into what could only be described as a dungeon. Chains, whips, and all manner of equipment hung on the walls. You hesitated, thinking you’d traded one nightmare for another, but the man was oddly gentle. He stammered as he spoke, his voice nervous but kind.

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You approach the rusty ladder cautiously, its rungs swaying slightly in the wind. Up close, it looks more fragile than you hoped, with patches of corrosion eating into the metal. The ladder is bolted to the edge of the building, and while the bolts seem intact, the aged structure makes you second-guess its reliability. Below you, the monsters' screeches echo, growing louder, as if they’re closing in on your current location.

You glance at the girl, who’s standing a few steps behind you, clutching her arms as if trying to hold herself together. “It’s not perfect,” you admit, gesturing toward the ladder. “But it might be our best shot to get out of here without being cornered.”

She hesitates, staring at the precarious path ahead. “What if it breaks?” she asks, her voice trembling. “What if we fall?”

You grip the top rung of the ladder, testing it with your weight. It creaks under the pressure, but it holds—for now. “We don’t have a lot of choices,” you reply, trying to sound confident even as doubt gnaws at you. “It’s either this or waiting for those things to break through the door.”

She swallows hard and nods. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

You instruct her to go first, reasoning that it’s better if you’re behind her in case she slips. She’s reluctant at first but eventually grips the sides of the ladder, her knuckles turning white as she begins to descend onto it. The ladder wobbles slightly, but she steadies herself and starts climbing carefully toward the other rooftop. You follow close behind, your heart pounding with every creak of the metal beneath your feet.

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You push yourself up the remaining rungs, your breath caught in your throat as the ladder tilts slightly to one side. With a final lunge, you grab the edge of the adjacent rooftop and pull yourself up, rolling onto the concrete surface just as the ladder breaks free from the far wall. It crashes noisily into the alley below, sending echoes reverberating through the urban canyon.

Breathing heavily, you and the girl sit in silence for a moment, staring at each other. “That… was way too close,” she says, her voice trembling.

You nod, wiping the sweat from your forehead. “Yeah, but we made it. Let’s hope this rooftop is safer than the last.”

You stand, taking in your new surroundings. The adjacent rooftop is in slightly better condition—less debris and no immediate signs of monster activity. However, there’s no clear path down from here. It looks like you’ve traded one rooftop for another temporary refuge.

> Search the new rooftop for supplies or another escape route. Look around for anything useful—tools, weapons, or another way off the rooftop, like a fire escape or another ladder.
> Signal for help. Use your phone flashlight, reflective surfaces, or create noise to try to attract the attention of any helicopters or other survivors.
> Barricade and prepare to defend the new rooftop. Use debris or anything else available to secure your position and prepare for a potential attack from the monsters.
> Explore the building below. Look for a way into the structure beneath this rooftop, searching for shelter, supplies, or a safer route to ground level.

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> Search the new rooftop for supplies or another escape route. Look around for anything useful—tools, weapons, or another way off the rooftop, like a fire escape or another ladder.
>Search the new rooftop for supplies or another escape route. Look around for anything useful—tools, weapons, or another way off the rooftop, like a fire escape or another ladder.
Signalling is useless for now, smoke signals may be worth it in the future as you can see smoke from miles away.
>> Search the new rooftop for supplies or another escape route. Look around for anything useful—tools, weapons, or another way off the rooftop, like a fire escape or another ladder.

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**Chapter 1: Blood and Ashes**

It was early dawn when the abbess had roused us. I was still rubbing rheum from my eyes when we'd unceremoniously shuffled out of sullen halls of St. Elise— the orphanage I'd spent the 16 years and three seasons of my life— and into a truck, cramped and packed with about two-dozen or so prospective soldaten for the Emethian war-horde.

The gruel we'd eaten early in the morn stung acrid at the back of my throat for each lurching turn we took towards Raubzpich. I was doing my best not to stain my clothes, pressing my face into my moth-eaten rucksack with the little belongings I still had. I remember the deafening pitter-patter of rain against canvas, the flickering shadows cast by the singular swaying oil lamp illuminating the cabin, and the occasional flash of lightning that burned through my eyelids before the boom of thunder would rattle my bones. When we'd arrived at our destination, they said it was only noon, but the storm had blocked out the sun, and I could scarcely avoid tripping over my worn shoes as we were herded into the fort, a lumbering crowd of children no older than eighteen, shivering and smelling of rain trudging through the mud, following the lights of the officers like giant silken moths.

We were first forced to relieve ourselves of our belongings, then our hair, then our clothes. After that, we were *inspected*.

No, measured. Holes violated, eyes, ears, teeth, and gums scrutinized, dark blood drawn and spit collected into twin glass vials. The crook of my elbow still stung when we were forced into the showers, as the mage who'd drawn my blood took a sample of my humors twice after the first needle had bent painfully into my flesh.

I shuffled under a waiting showerhead, averting my eyes from the nude forms of conscripts readily chatting away around me, preferring to stare at the blotches of scarlet rushing down my skin, between the tiles, and into the drain. I reached out, fingers grazing the copper dial, twisting it slowly. My eyes fluttered shut as a torrent of warmth surged over my skin, driving the chill from my bones. St. Elise didn't have warm baths, just a rag and a bucket you had to draw water from the well outside yourself.

I wasn't quite sure if I could get used to the life as a conscript just yet, but this was a definite plus.

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I wouldn't be against optional rerolls. Will we be able to bank them? Will this be Bo3 or 1 roll per prompt?
>Might lower this to 6 votes moving forward
/qst/ is very slow, but with consistent quality and speed this is a decent number of votes to expect.
This is a pretty slow board, even six votes would be considered high

The reroll idea sounds good, and yes we can roll d10s
I am alive, cur. Be patient.
Guess not

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The city of Astralor has long since fallen from grace. Its towering spires, once symbols of unmatched power and wealth, now loom over a decaying labyrinth of corruption, darkness, and despair. The elite indulge in their decadence within gilded halls, while the streets below fester with the forgotten, the damned, and the desperate. Beneath the glittering surface, there is no light, only shadow — and in that shadow, The Hollow Garden thrives.

The Hollow Garden is a brothel like no other. Here, the city’s most powerful men and women come not only to satisfy their desires but to bury their darkest secrets. And for Agna, a woman cursed with a strange gift, those secrets are what keep her alive.

Agna’s eyes do not see what others see; they peer into the soul. She can read the deepest desires, the unspoken fears, and the hidden truths of anyone she touches. This ability has made her both a prized possession and a prisoner to the city’s elite. The powerful come to her with their burdens, seeking release — but it is Agna who bears the weight of their sins, their shame, their hidden cruelties. It is a curse that leaves her cold, hollow, and disconnected from the world around her.

She plays her role, feigning a life of luxury and submission, but always with one foot poised to flee. There is no escape from Astralor, no way out of the prison she has been trapped in — until one evening, when everything changes.

A figure steps into The Hollow Garden. The Collector, they call him. His presence is unsettling, a chill in the air that clings to the skin. His eyes glint with knowledge and power far beyond that of any mortal. And he has a proposition for Agna. A dangerous proposition.

"Your gift is wasted here, Agna," he says, his voice smooth, cold — as if the words themselves are laced with poison. "I seek to bring down the corrupt rulers who have enslaved us all. But to do that, I need someone who can see beyond their masks. Someone who can guide me to their darkest secrets. You, Agna, are that someone."

> Join The Collector’s plan: Accept the Collector’s offer and use your gift to uncover the city’s most guarded secrets.
> Refuse and escape: Walk away from the Collector’s proposition and attempt to flee Astralor.
> Confront the Collector: Reject both rebellion and escape. Dig into your own past, uncovering the truth of your curse and the dark forces that have shaped your destiny.
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You let Mikhail's words settle between you, his desperation palpable in the still air. His confessions had painted him as a man drowning in his family's shadows, longing for a light he’d never known. This, you realize, is the perfect opportunity. You lean forward, your tone soft but brimming with conviction, your eyes locking with his in a way that lets him see only the promise of salvation.

“Mikhail,” you say, your voice smooth as velvet, “I can help you. But running isn’t the answer—not yet. Your family’s reach is too long, their grip too tight. If you try to escape on your own, they’ll find you, and the consequences would be...” You let the words trail off, your expression grim enough to fill in the blanks. “But with me, we can build a path together. One that doesn’t just free you physically, but releases you from their hold entirely.”

His breath hitches, a flicker of hope mingling with the fear in his eyes. You can see his vulnerability, the cracks in the armor he’s worn for too long. You press on, your voice a melody of comfort and strength. “You’re not alone, Mikhail. I see you. I understand you. And I won’t abandon you to their world.”

The promises you weave are calculated but convincing—salvation, liberation, a fresh start. Each one binds him tighter to you, like strands of silk slowly wrapping around his soul.
Over the next weeks, you slow your search for the Aetos family's secrets, wary of drawing too much attention. Mikhail, meanwhile, becomes a frequent visitor. He returns to you again and again, each time craving the mind-expanding effects of your specialty concoctions. The potions don’t just intoxicate him—they make him feel alive in a way he’s never known. Under their influence, he confesses more of his thoughts, his frustrations, his dreams. It becomes clear he’s growing dependent, not just on the potions, but on you.

His visits becoming less about his needs and more about your growing influence over him. You have him wrapped around your finger, his every move dictated by the promises and illusions you’ve so carefully crafted.

With Mikhail firmly in your grasp, you know it’s time to progress your plans. His information about the underground rituals remains frustratingly vague—sewers, basements, caves. You need confirmation, a clear lead to pinpoint the location. Confronting another member of the family would be risky; the Aetos are dangerous and cunning, and the last thing you need is them joining forces against you. Instead, you consider subtler avenues.

> Make Contacts Amongst the Guards: The guards who patrol the Aetos estate are privy to movement and logistics, and one of them might know more than they should about the family's secrets. Their loyalty is to gold, not blood—convincing one of them to share what they know could provide the confirmation you need. A few well-placed coins and a persuasive touch could buy you the answers you're seeking.
> Make Contacts Amongst the Maidservants: Those who serve in the shadows of the Aetos estate often see what others overlook. A maidservant might overhear whispers or stumble upon forbidden areas. If you can gain the trust—or the fear—of one of them, you could learn invaluable details about the rituals. Their knowledge, born of silent observation, might be the key to unlocking the location.
> Visit Your Potion Girl: Your supplier has always been resourceful, her concoctions pushing the limits of human perception. If she has something more potent, something that could loosen tongues or heighten awareness, it might be your best tool. You could use it on Mikhail to dig deeper or save it for someone more knowledgeable within the Aetos orbit. Either way, a visit to her could provide you with the next step in your arsenal.
> Visit Your Potion Girl
Dose him and send him deep, to go spy on his family ties and return with their secrets. Tell him that if he can find the source of their power (maybe a certain book...?) he can be a real member of the family and finally have the respect and status he deserves.
>Visit Your Potion Girl: Your supplier has always been resourceful, her concoctions pushing the limits of human perception. If she has something more potent, something that could loosen tongues or heighten awareness, it might be your best tool. You could use it on Mikhail to dig deeper or save it for someone more knowledgeable within the Aetos orbit. Either way, a visit to her could provide you with the next step in your arsenal.
>Make Contacts Amongst the Guards

You are falling from the sky. The terrible howling of the void fills your head - you stare fixedly at the blue-white wanderer, Kar Moraeg, the planet below, and ignore the voices from between. Your distant home, the green pearl, falls away into the dark between worlds as you drop like a thunderbolt. Solar sails fan between your limbs, and you have a moment to turn before the sky-fire burns up the sails.

>Turn north, aim for the snows.
>Aim for the warm swamps of the inner belt
>Let the Moraeg guide you as it will
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>You have no idea of the conditions you've arrived in - try to communicate while your senses awaken.
>You wish only to find a way out of the swamp to somewhere more stable - a cavern or den to settle in.
>The sense of power in feeding is immense - you pursue more prey, to grow stronger.
>You wish only to find a way out of the swamp to somewhere more stable - a cavern or den to settle in.
>>To study the frog-men. Learn - see if they have magic or gods, better meals.

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After arriving in Teraburg, a city teetering on the brink of chaos, the party was forced to seek refuge there, but tensions rose quickly. Caleb, afflicted by a ghoul curse due to a vampire’s bite, was taken to the city dungeons, while the rest of the group, including Gris, attempted to find sanctuary. Meanwhile, the kobold in your group, wary of human cities, stayed hidden in the outskirts.

In Teraburg, Gris fell gravely ill, bleeding uncontrollably due to her resurrection through dragon blood. The group sought out a priest who, recognizing her unique predicament, provided her with a small vial of dragon blood—the last in his possession. He explained that Gris must consume dragon blood every few days to survive, a harsh reminder of the consequences of such a desperate resurrection. Despite her own financial struggles, Gris donated her last coins to the priest in gratitude, determined to support his work in the underfunded temple.

The group then negotiated Caleb's release from the dungeons, convincing the chief guard with a bribe and promising to take Caleb out of the city. Recognizing the dangers in traveling on foot, you purchased a wagon and horse, equipping yourselves for the journey ahead.

Before leaving Teraburg, you encountered a dark elf named Zamora, fleeing accusations of poisoning the local baron. Zamora shared her life story: a pacifist alchemist with seven children from various human partners, she had fled the oppressive society of her kind. She carried an adamantine charm—a gift from the Spider Mother—that extended her already long lifespan. Though cautious of bringing more trouble, you invited Zamora to join your group, valuing her skills in potion-making.

As you traveled, the bard in your group often sang alongside Gris, their music a welcome distraction from the hardships of the road. Heavy rain on the first day slowed progress, and on the third day, you passed an abandoned, fire-damaged tavern. It was there that you decided to summon Nabi, your dragon companion, recognizing that Gris would soon need more dragon blood.

Nabi, nearly recovered from his previous wounds, arrived but seemed uneasy, sensing danger. Moments later, a wyvern rider appeared on the horizon, circling ominously. The wyvern was massive, much larger than Nabi, and clearly searching for an opening to attack. Caleb speculated that Nabi had been fleeing from this creature when summoned.

Realizing escape was unlikely, you organized your group to prepare for battle. Ruth and Megara began crafting a powerful spell, while Zamora readied an explosive potion. Nabi and Caleb stood poised to defend, while Gris aimed to strike the rider if necessary. The wyvern descended, its screeches piercing the air, targeting one of you. The battle loomed as your party braced for the deadly confrontation ahead.
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gonna go on a short hiatus, I'll probably be back next week, a bunch of irl nonsense is consuming too much of my time
It happens. See you next week!
QM curse. Take care and see you then, happy thanksgiving.
You doing good champ?

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Pick race and location
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Rolled 1 (1d3)


1 - skirmish and seek magical beast pelts
2 - get greedy
3 - snag noblewomen

Erlund paced along the sandy beachhead, his boots crunching against the pebbles, his face drawn tight in thought. The port city of Eryndor loomed in disarray behind him—columns of smoke rose into the air where fires burned in the chaos, and the shouts of battle echoed from narrow streets and high cliffs. His men looked to him for orders, some clutching their wounds, others restless for further commands.

"The elves are regrouping," Olaf growled, wiping a streak of blood from his axe. His face bore a grim expression. "They’re smarter than we thought. If we stay clumped together, we’ll be surrounded like cornered wolves."

Erlund nodded, his icy gaze fixed on the enemy lines forming in the distance. “Then we don’t stay together.” His voice carried the weight of authority, and the men nearest to him straightened instinctively. "We’ll split into small groups. Harass them. Bleed them. Make them think we’re everywhere at once." He turned to Sven, a tall, wiry man with a face weathered by years of raiding. “Take your men into the cliffs and keep those archers busy. I want them looking over their shoulders, not raining hell on us.”

Sven grinned, his teeth flashing like a wolf’s. “Aye, warchief. They’ll wish their bows were swords by the time we’re through with them.”

“Olaf,” Erlund continued, turning to the burly warrior at his side. “Take your group into the eastern alleys. Hit them where they gather, but don’t engage too long. If they chase, lead them in circles. Keep them busy.”

“Aye,” Olaf replied with a curt nod, hefting his axe. “We’ll carve some fear into their ranks.”

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Roll 1d6 for each group to determine their success.

Sven's Group - Skirmish in the Cliffs
1. Catastrophic Failure: Sven’s group is ambushed. Half of his men are killed by elven arrows, their bodies lost to the cliffs. Survivors flee back to the beach in disarray.
2. Heavy Losses: The elves outmaneuver Sven’s group, using their intimate knowledge of the terrain. A third of his men are killed, though they manage to hold the elves off long enough for a partial retreat.
3. Mixed Success: Sven’s group is bloodied, losing 20% of their warriors, but they succeed in keeping the elven archers occupied. Sporadic skirmishes keep the enemy distracted.
4. Solid Success: The skirmish ties up the elven archers for hours. Sven loses only a few men, and the group disrupts elven formations significantly.
5. Great Success: Sven’s group outmaneuvers the elves, cutting down many archers while losing only a handful of warriors. The enemy’s ranged capability is severely crippled.
6. Heroic Success: Sven leads a masterful ambush, slaughtering an entire contingent of archers. The cliffs fall silent, and the elves are too disorganized to counter.

Olaf's Group - Skirmish in the Eastern Alleys

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Rolled 2, 4, 6 = 12 (3d6)


Erlund's Group - Hunting for Magical Pelts
1. Catastrophic Failure: The glowing beasts are fiercely guarded by elite elven warriors. Half of Erlund’s men are killed in a brutal ambush, and no pelts are recovered.
2. Heavy Losses: Erlund’s group finds the magical beasts, but the elves defend them ferociously. A third of his men are killed, and only a few pelts are taken before retreating.
3. Mixed Success: Erlund and his men recover a small number of glowing pelts but suffer significant casualties in the process. 20% of the group is lost.
4. Solid Success: Erlund’s group fights through light resistance and successfully captures several glowing pelts. Casualties are minimal.
5. Great Success: The group locates a trove of glowing pelts guarded by only a handful of elves. They return with a bountiful haul and minimal losses.
6. Heroic Success: Erlund’s group not only retrieves a massive stash of glowing pelts but also uncovers a hidden treasure trove of elven silver. Losses are negligible.


Olaf's group has +1 on its rolls due to veteran warriors.

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You awaken to the silent hum of machinery and the steady glow of sterile lights that fill every corner of this strange, alien space. Metal walkways crisscross above and below, a network of endless conveyor belts and surveillance systems operated by your captors. Towering, grotesque figures, their flesh a sickly green hue, ooze with a slow, deliberate fluidity. Multiple bloodshot eyes blink in unison, casting a constant, watchful gaze across the vast chambers. These creatures wear space suits that are patchworks of bronze, copper, and chrome—complex machinery wired directly into their monstrous forms. Each suit bristles with countless mechanical arms, giving them an eerie sense of omnipresence and control, as though they can tend to a thousand tasks without breaking their unfaltering stare. (edited)
[10:56 AM]
You feel the cold weight of a chrome band encircling your wrist—a mark of your confinement here. Those around you bear the same bands, a bleak symbol of silent obedience enforced by an unseen power. You’ve heard the stories whispered among the other prisoners, stories of those who dared to question, resist, or tamper with the prison’s foreign architecture. They were met with a swift, merciless end. When the guards’ many eyes flare with a chilling, synchronized glow, the chrome bands activate. Screams echo, bodies contort, and in a matter of moments, defiance is met with decay—an agonizing transformation into a hollow, desiccated husk. The creatures show no remorse, no satisfaction, only a detached, mechanical precision. They are not here to study you or to torture you beyond the confines of this silent surveillance; they simply enforce.

This place is no ordinary prison. The boundaries of your cell are undefined, seemingly open, yet escape is a mirage. These beings, with their many eyes and tireless gaze, create an invisible barrier as strong as any wall. No one recalls how they arrived in this forsaken place, only that they are here, caught in a web woven by creatures who need neither rest nor relief. They do not seek to understand you or make you suffer.

In this cold, alien confinement, surrounded by unfamiliarity:
Who are you?
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I'm the anon who pitched Noethwest Jones, so I suppose that woukd be who I made/described, and following a plan involving slipping some sort of sedative or poison into the food and then trying to find the central console to disable our cuffs, before they catch us, woukd be good.
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Wow I got really confused and thought you were two different people posting, so sorry about that... let's fix that...
Northwest Jones approaches Xal'thor and Grak with a plan utilizing both their ideas...

The hum of the alien machinery continued, ever-present, as Xal'thor and Grak huddled closer around Northwest Jones. His suggestion hung in the air, and for a moment, both Xal'thor’s scaled face and Grak’s furred one reflected quiet consideration. The plan to combine their efforts—Grak’s scheme to poison the food and Xal'thor’s to locate and sabotage the control systems—sounded plausible, even clever.

Xal'thor was the first to break the silence, his forked tongue flicking as he spoke. “A coordinated effort… Yes, it could work. If the poison creates enough panic, the guards will be distracted. It’s the only way anyone could slip away unseen.”

Grak grumbled in agreement, his claws flexing as he rested them on the cold, metallic table. “The paste is tasteless and reeks of their arrogance. They won’t notice it’s been tampered with—at least not until it’s too late.”

Xal'thor nodded, his voice a measured hiss. “While the chaos unfolds, someone must reach the control room. It will be heavily monitored, so stealth is essential.”

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>Try to coince Vrix to administer the food; no need to tell her about the additive elst she chicken out, just tell ehr it's a peace offering
>While she's doing that, Jones and anyone feeling steakthy enough to accompany (probably not the big fuckoff space-sasquatch, but who knows) can wait for the panic to begin, then sneak off to find salvation
Tradition here is to include a vote prompt at the end of each updates, so anons knw hen you're ready for a vote.
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I will be a rolling meat blob, I would like telepathy only in the sense of communication and maybe minor forms of manipulation, whenever I stop to speak to someone I have an inexplicable mass of hair on whatever is topside like hair
Name: Gureglam "Jim"
Species: Meatform
Goal: Meet a hot space babe and woo her despite my grotesque appearance

Also OP, as a QM you have a numer of tools in your options arsenal including a built in dice roll system which I encourage you to utilize, as another anon pointed out a good idea would also be to include options for actions players can take
Also Id note having multiple player characters may prove difficult if this is your first quest
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another acceptable image

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