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When the Reapers arrived, entire nations were caught in denial, unwilling to accept possibility of a catastrophe of galactic proportions, even in defiance of factual evidence, as sparse as it may have admittedly been, and testimony of agents of varying integrity. Ironically enough, both those forewarned and those who refused to be had paid dearly together for their negligence. A cynical mind would accept such state of affairs with little surprise, and a clear prediction of what would come next.

In this event, the cynical mind would have been wrong. After a downright miraculous concert of unity and cooperation, albeit not without discordant tunes played by Cerberus or those who foolishly thought they could parley with an enemy interested in nothing besides carrying out their grim harvest, the galactic community did in fact hang together, in an effort spanning not only the known galaxy, but also eons of history by building upon legacy of countless precursors, in order to rescue their present and secure a future.

When this effort had borne fruit of victory, many of the cynical minds among those still around were perplexed and confused. Some had even, in ways of introspection, admitted to having been wrong.

However, as the cheers of victory slowly gave way to the reality of the vista of future laid out ahead, the bitter scent of nihilism began to worm its way back into the landscape.

Some embraced it more fully than others.

You are Eve, sometimes going by Eve Ferrum, an alliance infiltrator unit and an unchained AI, distant fork of a secret project of the Systems Alliance that made its way to Cerberus and then Alliance again, to be ultimately deployed in a semi autonomous mode in the galaxy's darkest hour after an elder cousin, if you could use that term, had showed her worth in service to Shepard's crew, and ultimately liberated when you personally demonstrated your dedication to the cause aligned with a friend and companion of yours, Henri Ford, the currently freelancing Xenoarchaeologist.

And through paths that would not be out of place in trashy paperback novels of yore, which lead designer of your particular branch had enjoyed alongside classics of vintage science fiction, you had found yourself in position of an infiltrator again, delving into lair of a renowned war hero with political ambitions and a proverbial ossuary on a dedicated mainframe.
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Rolled 88, 13, 23, 25, 4, 44 = 197 (6d100)

Well well well... alright then, let's see how this goes. I'll need some 4d100s.

Also, would you rather call

>Victoria Scout, your sister infiltrator, allowing you to share information much more efficiently. She has trust of her superior officers, though that trust may be rattled a bit through such direct approach from another unshackled AI.
>Colonel Graves, at cost of taking longer to relay the necessary information especially if he's busy right now, he will appreciate the courtesy of going through proper channels.
>someone else
Rolled 94, 97, 26, 3 = 220 (4d100)

>>Colonel Graves, at cost of taking longer to relay the necessary information especially if he's busy right now, he will appreciate the courtesy of going through proper channels.
Rolled 98, 67, 100, 72 = 337 (4d100)

>Colonel Graves, at cost of taking longer to relay the necessary information especially if he's busy right now, he will appreciate the courtesy of going through proper channels.
Rolled 44, 23, 41, 32 = 140 (4d100)

>>Colonel Graves, at cost of taking longer to relay the necessary information especially if he's busy right now, he will appreciate the courtesy of going through proper channels.
Rolled 10, 53, 12, 47 = 122 (4d100)

>Colonel Graves, at cost of taking longer to relay the necessary information especially if he's busy right now, he will appreciate the courtesy of going through proper channels.

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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 759. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting

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Well you're in luck, as someone's going to try and explain it to you when this next episode starts.
They didn't inherently know who did it. But once the survivors return, word will spread. Maybe, as the one who witnessed Karn do this is gone now.
Yes, one of Super's only real Villains.
IF it can rebuild a concept no one alive can now comprehend...
Or perhaps she simply has a lifetime of training to protect herself, and doesn't RELY on abusing such a power?
Glad you enjoyed.
Yes, but perhaps Chaya will immortalize it anyway with other merch?
>Creation Kais make new worlds and life
Yes. But it is less a question of their powers but more the difference between mortal and god Faith have.
>IF it can rebuild a concept no one alive can now comprehend...
Sounds like its less on the dragon and more on the summoner's ability to understand such a thing. I'm pretty sure that Earth Shenron has some degree of all-knowing considering the fact that he could recall an ancient legend that was entirely lost to time with ease. So I'm sure Super Shenron can comprehend the incomprehensible horror pretty well.
>Or perhaps she simply has a lifetime of training to protect herself, and doesn't RELY on abusing such a power?
I'mma say it, bad guys that regenerate in the blink of an eye get a negative reputation modifier. They're always the most sauceless, talentless little shits that don't know how to fight. And they have the audacity to be smug about how totally strong they are. No, bitch, you're just Godmodding on DOOM because you're scared the demons will hurt you.
>entirely lost to time
Not exactly. At least one being in the 7th universe still knew it, so the knowledge wasn't lost knowledge.
Yes, and some good guys too. Regenerators are boring, if that's all they've got. If they used this gift to become masters, that's one thing. But just not dying is lame.
So the Eternal Dragon just asks Zuno then
It's TIME: >>6192012

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Pick race and location
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> We have a different idea.
Time for top secret "Cunning Infiltration Agency" operations. Black ops, false flags, assassinations, Psy-Ops sabotages and such. We'll set the Dwarves and Gnomes against each other and let them start killing each other off on their own. At the right moment we'll go into action and finish them off.
In the meantime we'll try to get Gnome technologies, and learn the secret of the Dwarves' immunity to the worm's poison.
And finally deal with the overgrown worm.
Yes yes, we must be sneaky and cunning.

You create a brand new doctrine of goblin infiltrators! The top secret "Cunning Infiltration Agency", whose name is whispered in fear amongst your foes!

Well, or will be, once you accomplish some stuff.

You ponder how to set the Dwarves and Gnomes against each other.

From what you reckon, they have solid trade relations, with the dwarves supplying coal and metal to the gnomes' ever hungry machines.

How will you sabotage their operation?

The dark elves will supply you some poison if you need, and their Dark Magic can leave a goblin almost invisible for 24 hours or until it attacks someone.

"There is also a darker ritual, where you shed your mortal skin for a new one made of shadows and can disappear in the dark, even attack while cloaked in shadows! But you will feel unending pain, as if someone had ripped away your skin, and none of your physical longings will ever be satisfied!", says Arachna

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> Steal one of the gnomes machines and use it to murder some dwarves to place the blame on the gnomes.

We will impersonate the Nationalist Gnome Organization (NGO). We will prepare their propaganda materials about the superiority of gnomes over dwarves. We will hang up posters, leaflets, brochures in which gnomes insult dwarves calling them dirty and stinking because they do not wash their hands after doing a "2" in toilet. Then we will fake an attack of gnomes on dwarves.

The Cunning Infiltration Agency (CIA) sets its sights on sowing chaos between the gnomes and dwarves, targeting their trade alliance as the first step. The plan, dubbed Operation Coghammer, begins with a propaganda blitz to fabricate a gnomish nationalist faction, the Nationalist Gnome Organization (NGO). The goblins will create convincing forgeries of extremist materials—posters, leaflets, and slogans like "Dwarves: Too Filthy for Innovation!"—and spread them in dwarf territories to incite fury. To escalate tensions, a team of shadow-cloaked infiltrators will steal a gnomish war machine, repaint it with NGO insignias, and use it to launch a devastating attack on a dwarven outpost, leaving unmistakable traces of gnomish engineering. If the attack requires more precision, a volunteer goblin, subjected to the dark elves’ Ritual of the Shadow Wraith, will become the cursed assassin "Wraithclaw," eliminating witnesses and targeting leaders to ensure the narrative holds. To seal the deal, goblin agents disguised as dwarves could retaliate against gnomes, attacking caravans and leaving behind dwarf weapons and symbols, all while anonymous letters fan the flames of hatred between the two factions. The aim is simple: cripple the alliance, disrupt trade, and leave both sides too divided to notice the goblins' rise.

> Execute the Plan as Written: Begin with the propaganda blitz and move step-by-step through Operation Coghammer to weaken the gnome-dwarf alliance.
> Create Wraithclaw First: Test the effectiveness of the cursed assassin by sending "Wraithclaw" to assassinate key dwarven figures and instill fear before launching broader sabotage efforts.
> Steal and Attack: Skip the propaganda and immediately steal a gnomish war machine to attack a dwarf stronghold, focusing on maximizing destruction and blaming the NGO.
> Frame Both Sides Simultaneously: Divide resources to frame both factions at once—gnomes attacking dwarves and dwarves retaliating against gnomes—making it harder for them to uncover the truth.
> Gather More Resources: Delay the operation to acquire additional weapons, poisons, or dark magic rituals from the dark elves to ensure every step goes flawlessly.
> Write in
>> Execute the Plan as Written: Begin with the propaganda blitz and move step-by-step through Operation Coghammer to weaken the gnome-dwarf alliance.

We implement the plan step by step and observe what will happen. If necessary, we can always introduce changes to the plan on an ongoing basis, depending on the situation. In accordance with the CIA motto: Observation, orientation, decision, action.

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You’re ANTON PEAS: a Grill Jockey at GREASE MONKEY: THE DEEP-FRIED EVERYTHING FAMILY RESTAURANT! Well, you were, anyways. Thanks to a demonic ritual gone wrong, you were whisked away to ZORAL: a fantasy realm shrouded in perpetual darkness–the surprise trip leaving you with a plate full of troubles and a head full of holes!

You’ve only got one lead for making it back home, and it’s a pricey one: for 20,000 BELLS, VOLKIR: potionseller, retired wizard, and adoptive father of your new pal VOLKA will help you out, but as they say in your home dimension, ‘pimpin’ ain’t easy’!

Ruthless Gangsters! Ferocious Monsters! A City Spiraling into Anarchy! Toxic Brothels! These are just a few pitfalls you dodged so far in your quest for ‘Fat Stackz’, but all of them are dwarfed by your most pressing concern: the revelation that your recently-acquired MAGICAL POWERS were indeed provided by a DEVIL!

His terms are clear as crystal: once you’re dead, you belong to RED... but surely someone in town can help you out, right? That line of thinking brought you and your chums VOLKA: LAMPLIGHTERS GRAND MARSHALL and TZAH-TZIE: RENOWNED BARD, APPARENTLY, to the doorstep of OTI: THE MAGE AND UNTIL RECENTLY A TRAFFICKER! You wouldn’t exactly call him a friend, but your list of people who know a thing or two about demons is woefully small… and you get the feeling you’ve got a long night ahead of you!

Guided by the brisk evening wind towards a creaky old fireworks shop, THIS is where your tale continues…

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Why, head to Oti’s, of course! Woulda’ been easier if the schmuck showed up, but…

Tzah-Tzie shoots you a sideways glance as you beat a hasty retreat from the Belltower! “You really wanna talk to him again? He strikes me as the ‘cranky in the morning’ type, Ant…”

She might be right, you shrug as a fresh batch of Bellcounters clank past you in impression synchronization, but you’ll bet a few bells that he’s a nice guy once he warms up to ya! Seeing the Durher’s eyes light up like lanterns at the sound of the word ‘bet’, you break the spell by giving one of her foxlike ears a scratch!

Besides, you shrug, you managed to bag that Sorcerer’s hand back in the office, so-

“So we’ll use a sorcerer to find a sorcerer!” Exclaims the Spinner with delight as she bats your hip! “Brave AND smart, what a caaaatch~”

Yea, well… m-maybe, you smile with a nervous laugh! Truth is, the thing’s practically bathing your pocket in blood, so here’s hoping he’s willing to lend you a hand!

“Or take one!” Snickers the Spinner!

You don’t get it…

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You were too busy at the Belltower, you exclaim as you peel your face off of the Skog! Has he said anything since?

N-not that I know of…” Volka blubbers as the last few tears tumble off her tusks and land on the ground with a SPLASH! “I was on my way there now, actually… what happened at the tower?” Her yellow eyes light up! “D-DID YOU CRACK THE CASE!?”

Noooooot exactly…

By the time you’ve made it to Oti’s shop, you’ve conveniently filled Volka in with all the important details! Every single one! Yep!

“Hmm…” She frowns, her tail scraping frost away as it trails behind her on the cobblestone, “Dad might be able to track that hand too, but I think you made the right call, Rook…” She glances back at you with concern. “Is um, is TT doing any better?”

You’re not sure, you shrug as you give the girl’s limp form a few shakes as you drag her behind you, you kicked her a few times, but-

A ragged GASP signals the Spinner’s return to the living world, prompting you to let her tumble to the ground with a girly shriek!

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-ook a bit lost~” Croons a haughty female voice dripping with SMUG! “The BOZO CONVENTION’S right down the street!

“Really? Sorry about that!” Volka chirps as she moves to leave! “...Hey…”

HEY, you snarl as the girl assails you all with raucous, slightly-staticy laughter, that was uncalled for, Oti! You feel a tiny tug at your hip.

Pretty sure that’s that demon, Ant…


’That demon’ is REZALITH: SCOURGE OF CHAA’TAI, SNACK!” The greeterphone snarls, jostling on its moors! “You’d do well to remember that, assuming you LIVE that long, that is!” Clearing her throat, Rezzie’s voice takes a slightly friendlier tone! “Say, how’s the weather out there, hmm?

Oh uh, it’s… it’s a bit brisk, you reply, bu-

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>How do I know you won’t just kill me?
>Can TT and Volka come too?
Let us bring friends, or we'll know you mean us trouble.

We should probably play to her ego
>Geee, Rezzie, how did you manage to get free and imprison your own captor without your powers?

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Inhale. Exhale.

You stare at yourself in the bathroom mirror. It's smudged, spattered with god knows what but you still recognize yourself despite all the blood.

Kyle Mercer. 25 years on your way to Hell. Naked, splattered with someone else's blood. Again.

You're trembling, a mixture of nerves and adrenaline. Why? You're sure you're going to find out whether you want to or not. You had been planning on making changes in your life and maybe others. That's why you were going home, right?

You stare into your own pale eyes and see…well, not much. Vitreous orbs, your fleshy windows to the world. You look down at your chest and see your tattoo, directly over your heart. You got it years ago and it meant the world to you but you can't remember when or why.

It was an Ouroboros, black on pale flesh but now streaked with red. You wet your hand in the sink and wash the blood away delicately. The cold water makes you break out in goosebumps. You see the blood on your body is dried. How long have you been standing here? Whose blood do you have on you this time?

You shake your head trying to clear it. "Fuck!" You didn't bother wondering why you couldn't remember anything. It was a consequence of what happened to you when you were younger. The same reason your arms were dotted with circular scars from cigarette burns and small, hard crosses carved into you years ago. It was the same reason the skin across the left side of your face, running down your neck to your shoulder and peck, was shiny and taut. A cruel burn that left those parts of you without feeling. Your long hair only partially conceals the scar tissue.

"You can't desecrate the temple," she'd said. "Only decorate it."

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"I'd rather not stay and watch the creepy crawlies come out of their holes." You look towards the parking lot. "Let's get out of here before we get boxed in. We can grab some dinner on our way to Annie's place."

Annie smiles, apparently satisfied. "Great! I'll pay. My treat."

"We can pay for our own food," Candi says with what might sound like a friendly laugh to someone who doesn't know her.

"It's my treat," Annie repeats. You're not sure if she can't tell that Candi is annoyed at the implication or just doesn't care. "Since your guys are going to be my guests." And since her family has way more money than yours.

"Hey, I'm not complaining about a free meal," Lawrence says. Again, you're not sure if he can tell Candi's annoyed.

You find that, mercifully, the Eagle is not trapped. You pack in and go. Your ears are still ringing from the show and you're famished. Nothing sounds better right now than a big, greasy burger.

You go through the drive thru of a local fast food place and place a big order. Why not? Annie's paying anyway. She doesn't bat an eye as you go for a large combo, double bacon cheeseburger and a milkshake. Lawrence and Candi are more restrained but no one is really holding back.

"Here," Annie fishes a credit card out of her back pocket. It has her dad's name on it. Martin Liddell.

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"I had a good time," you say truthfully. It was a nice distraction from some of the shit going on. It came with its own trouble of course but you're also glad Candi got out. She had a lot of steam to blow off. In fact, you're not sure she's done.


The food arrives and you pass greasy bags throughout the car and head out. The Eagle smells like cooking oil. Candi and Lawrence dig in, crinkling paper wrappers and slurping drinks. You help yourself to a few fries as you navigate the dark, back country roads.

"It sucks I missed Red Angel," Candi says. "But I really liked that last guy."

"Yeah," Annie says, sipping her soda. "It was cool. Not my usual thing but I liked it."

Lawrence voices an opinion too but who cares. Soon everyone is talking about the show while you drive, trading opinions and opening up a little.

Annie lives between worlds. Her family has money but they don't live at the Lakefront. Instead they have a nice, old house in the hills not far from the Mercer farm. It was the last stop on your bus route before school so you know the way.

You roll up the winding driveway until suddenly you emerge into sight of the finely built home atop the hill. It's very elegant and everything the Truesdale estate wishes it was. It's nice but not ostentatious and it's very old, Federal style.

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>Whatever you want
>Heavy Metal 2000
Nostalgia bait
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>What about that Sopranos prequel, is it any good?

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About half a year ago, the world changed forever.

Individuals worldwide began manifesting the qualities of various figures- gods, spirits, heroes, beasts, and monsters- from Greek mythos. The system that caused and continues to facilitate this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery, both in how it functions and why it began its activities when it did.

The protagonist of this tale is the incarnation of Atë, a minor goddess in the grand scheme of Greek mythology, who causes and presides over folly and ruin. She, formerly a miserable but ultimately normal office worker, has since accepted her role as the embodiment of her . She, along with her partner in crime, the incarnation of Pheme, titan of rumors and gossip, have been working to expand their influence and stack the deck in their favor against not only mortals, but also rival incarnations. In her own eyes, she is no longer human. Her ultimate goal- the elimination of all rival incarnations and, eventually, ascension to true godhood.

After a catastrophic failure in a confrontation with the outerversal horror known only by its title of the Uncrowned King, Atë found herself thrown out of her very plane of existence. Completely deprived of the System’s protections and powers, unable to restore her slowly depleting divinity, and trapped in a reality where everything, from the divinity to the air to the fabric of spacetime itself, is poison to her. With only death awaiting her in this foreign dimension, she must find some way to escape before her very existence is eroded into nothing.

Her only remaining hope are the records of the so-called Devil, a legendary sorcerer who supposedly attained something like godhood. Unfortunately, the only known archive of these forbidden texts is the Royal Vault of Malgha, one of the nations in this foreign plane and a fantastical parody of earth and its cultures. Fortunately, the human-esque nature of the residents allows Atë to return to her old tricks, lying and manipulating her way home.
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See, I figure if we get 10% stronger and they get 10% stronger, we started at 100 and they started at 10, so it's to our advantage.

Admittedly wiping out/consolidating control over the pantheon isn't even on my todo list anymore.
can we just conference with pheme first?
sure, Narges is the one with combat ability, but the rest will have tons of utility stuff
I don't mind thinking it over, but it's going to be hella sus if we don't lock down the pantheon bonuses immediately.

>Architect Grade Relic: <Mirror of the Infinite Self> (Divinity Stored: 0/100,000,000)

A cheap replica of the magnum opus crafted by a god from a different version of a different reality. Capable of viewing versions of yourself from across verticality.

>Fractalize (100 divinity per second)
Scans realities within 10,000 strata of yourself for realities which were once identical to your own at the moment of utilization at a rate of 1 new stratum per second in every direction. Does not permit viewing

>Nosy Neighbor (1,000 divinity per second per stratum)
Allows you to view the present lives of your vertical selves, with the cost being proportional to the distance between yourself and them

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>Congratulations! Your total authority slots have increased by 10!
>Congratulations! Your total miracle slots have increased by 5!
Holy shit it's the promised land.
>Pseudo-Prophecy (100,000)
Fucking hell, we could scan forward through our life, presuming the nearest strata are nearly identical. The cost is steep but the benefits could be god damn insane. Max level mastermind.

A new domain... I'm curious which of our abilities is which frankly. A flat bonus to our abilities would be great, though new tools would also be great. Part of me thinks we ought to do something like Shadows or Darkness, see if we can pick up more stealth tools. Or take something like Destruction or Chaos to amp up our wrecking ball tendencies.

> Gain the domain of Puppets/Manipulation
We're already spending a lot of time controlling people, might as well get influence for it, get traits for it, and get keystone abilities for it.

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Since it doesn't look like that there will be another LBCF post for me to participate in, I've collected the questions from last week's anchor post, and answers thereto, into https://www.emlia.org/pmwiki/pub/web/LeftBeyond.FAQ.html

I'm not very functional, and I am pretty sure that I missed some of the questions in the anchor post, so I had to use AI to suffice for some of the questions and answers. The answers are 100% my own but I used ChatGPT to make them grammatically coherent. I have also done this for this post.

If you liked "Left Beyond" and if it has made a difference in your life; if you cared at all about my work or my being; thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I'm now in Italy because I wanted to see a few things and be somewhere safe, and hug my family. So I will not be walking into the ocean for the King of Rust's coronation after all. I suppose if such a counter-historical event comes to pass, instead I will be walking into the lake. In my hometown there is a horrible mausoleum of a WW1 general, one of those who would throw men at machine-gun nests, facing a beautiful lake. It was a little tradition to go egg it in high school when people studied WW1. I think it stopped a few years after I graduated, but I am going to go egg it anyway.

Deus nolens exitus.

This may be the great filter. I hope we as a species and a collection of cultures make it through it.


Thank you to everyone who was there.
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Left Beyond was terrific.
>one QM who hasn't run a quest in 5 or 6 years comes back to post a cryptic message, without even a trip or anything to verify it's really them
>"I dunno chat, should I abandon the whole site??"
You won't be missed.
Looking at the wiki, it seems like he thinks the plandemic was real and he was considering killing himself because Trump is the US president again.
If you are the QM for Left Beyond I have to say great quest and it was a very thematic ending against the impossible.

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History casts a long shadow.

You’ve lived in that shadow for your whole life, tarnished by your father’s sins and misdeeds. But he lived in a shadow of his own, as had his father before him. Your entire family has carried the same burden, your blood poisoned by the taint of ancient decadence and illicit affairs. Rot, as Elle’s prophecy claimed, spreads from the tree’s roots. Not for the first time, you wonder how your father felt about it. Did he turn and flee from his tainted lineage, or did he embrace it? And what of you, what will you do?

Outside your bedroom window, the dense forest waits like a symbol of everything within your heart – one of the crude metaphors that your father used in the dreary poetry of his youth. Dark and dense though it may be, you finally know the path that leads to its heart. You know what awaits you within, a secret entrance to the Demesne and your lost sister. Yet, faced with this reunion, with the other half of your soul, you’ve hesitated.

What are you afraid of?

The forest is not empty, not without life. You know this now. You’ve seen the strange creature living within it, yet you feel no fear. Even knowing how the creature was able to lift Daniel aloft and throw him about like a doll, you know that it means you no harm.

The same cannot be said for anyone else, however.
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We should probably make a visit to miss Phalaris again. She's the only wildcard that Gratia doesn't know how to get to. I'm sure finding a way to seal off the dimension would be right in her wheelhouse.
If she could do that, wouldn't she have done so when Papa Pale told her about the extradimensional horde of horrors?
Thanks for running!

>Which goes to show that, if nothing else, he’s a terrible judge of character.
Bard's protagonist power is clearly at work here. More seriously, I'm guessing Cato has probably learned about some of what Bard has been doing since the start of the quest and figured out that he's a tsundere who does care about his friends. He'd presumably know about the Iron Keep at least if Moreau ever filled him in on what we did.

Part of the reason why we left her alive was because her research might be helpful, but she hasn't found a way to deal with the Strix yet.
From what I remember her mannequins were supposed to be soldiers that couldn't feed the Strix since they couldn't feel anything, but that didn't work out since them being empty allowed them to be corrupted.
Thanks for running!

I've been wondering about a possible connection between The Pale Inheritance & Moloch's old quest Into The Skies, since both feature ancient white stone structures, vaguely associated with the religious authority of their respective settings. Wonder if they're both ultimately the product of the Giants?
Some of the gods are the same, or similar, too. I've been wondering if the connection is thematic or if we're dealing with a secretly shared timeline or multiverse of some sort.

Another night, another job. The White Moon? Hitting a hospital downtown to draw attention to their cause is exactly the kind of thing of they'd do, and this makes the whole thing seem like one of their political setpieces rather than a corporate hit on anyone. But we know better - right now, witnesses we need are in danger, swept up in the grandstanding statements of armed paramilitants and gangers gone gun-mad. So your job, Agent, is straightforward in its excess difficulty: simply get in, get to the people in danger, and get them out.
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Rolled 1, 5, 4, 2, 8, 1, 5, 6, 3, 3, 9, 3, 8, 1 = 59 (14d10)

>3AL: (Process 5 + Hardlight 1): There is a HiEx about 5SE and 1S of my Node. Toss it south. Ideally I'd like it to end up 9 hexes south of its current position. C.
>3AL: (Attune 4 + Technopathic Manipulation 1 | Jury-Rigging 1) Hardline into the data jack at this desk that I'm on and take over the local network. I want to save and shut down the payment processors and commendeer their processing power. G.
>1AL: (Support 2 + Swarm 2, not rolled)Tag 2 Swarm to rescue Monarch. T.
>1AL: (Process 5 + Swarm 1, not rolled)Tag 1 Swarm to Mark all hostile Cybroforms. T.
>1AL: (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1): Tell Agent Mammoth to keep up the good work. T.

Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

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Hang on is this a --- the -- oh. Uh... W-wait! We can -- splice it into the crowd control units. Agent Roma, do we still have access to riot control coffins E through H?
One was dodged - you see it now covering the width and breadth of the room behind the cyboform.

The other was inside the area of a Chaffbomb, which went off first and knocked out the electric ignition for the foam grenade, which meant the mixtures didn't mix and the onboard detonators didn't kick off. Dud'd out.
Sure we do. I put them all into stasis mode because the e-ghost was operating in the area and I was anxious they would slide in a backdoor I wasn't watching.

If we install a new cognition core to manage the cluster I expect the adaptive hardening will keep them out. Do you want full access?
> Two units split off. (1ALA)
> All split off units, prime all grenades in internal storage to detonate. (1ALA)
> One split off unit, grapple then tightly cling onto the cyberform's forelimbs. (1ALA)
> The other split off unit, grapple then tightly cling onto the cyberform's stinger tail while its distracted. (1ALA)
> Remaining units, while the cyberform is distracted fall back NWx1, Nx2, NEx1, SEx1, NEx1. Use the door as cover. (3ALA)
> Prime a foam grenade. (1ALA)
> Fire the grenade at the floor at SWx4, NWx1. Seal the breach in the wall. (3ALA)

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2:03 PM, 1/12/2030
The siren rings. You and your crew run to the entrance. 3 people have barged in. You pull out your gun, and so does your crew.
What do you do?
>Switch to knife
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The bargers attack you. You run away. They steal your items.
>Shoot up the place
They all drop dead like gooners. Story ends. >100M copies sold
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Map of laboratory, gray lines are doors, black circle is where you are.
Go into the center room.
Area is blocked. You can go in later.

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You are Angus the Archmage.

In your youth, you used to research spells that enlarged creature's anuses.

Then you got okay with your sexuality, that you are actually a voyeur who enjoys watching large insertions.

You filled an entire level of your tower with just people that love stuffing their butts with large stuff, and helped then further with magic so they can stuff even larger things up their butt.

But that was youth folly. You're now after True Power. Ancient interdimensional artifacts.

Which artifact are you going to go after next?

> The Ring of Infinite Pucker
A golden ring that glows faintly with a cosmic energy. When worn, it slowly expands the wearer’s, uh, "dimensions" to fit into interdimensional portals more easily. Overuse may cause some discomfort but provides a +2 bonus to Charisma when dealing with extraplanar beings who appreciate flexibility.
> The Cloak of Void Passage

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> The Belt of Elastic Resilience
> The Chalice of Cosmic Expansion.
>> Orb of the Expanding Horizon

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You find yourself in front of a mirror. You can’t seem to see anything else. You don’t even feel anything.

You wonder around a space of a black void. But every time you lose your train of thought, you appear back at the mirror. When you look back at the mirror, it slowly starts to crack.

The mirror’s reflection shows only a Red Cross. Nothing else is reflected.
Who are you?


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… are ALIVE.

You’re are LIV, and you feel ALIVE.

As you those word fill your head, you can feel sense of pride. You feel emotions. Your head gains beautiful strains of hair. You can hear the sound of silence in this void. Then in the mirror, you see you have a VOICE, a smile.

You put your hand on the mirror to feel pride in your appearance. Your hair, your smile, and your body. A grin starts to emerge before you even know it. Out of nowhere, the mirror cracks as you’re sent flying. Unable to comprehend what just happened.

You open your eyes to see a place of white. You’re on a platform floating that seems to be one of many. This is the first time you can see colors, first time you can feel, and the first time you hear other sounds.

There are many other platforms in the air, some huge as islands, and other small like a room. This place is chaotic.

What do you do?
>wander around
describe what you do

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>>wander around
Somersault and try to talk
>wander around
Dance sister Liv, 'fore to live is to feel the blood pump in your veins and the heart to beat like an organ possessed
I got sick. So it might take a bit for an actual update.

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I'm tired of uncertainty, is anyone still here?
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Nihm dealer
Gotta go now.
Have things to do, but you may all talk among yourselves. See you all next Tuesday.
I think I'll pause for tonight too, see you next tuesday anons
Cool beans sorry for not being present had college stuff
"A pawn of some alien, evil god. Demons." Mog replied to Wallace as he came back from the kitchen.

He handed Caramel a bowl of weak porridge, something that would go down easily. The strange idea of her not feeling right in her own body perplexed him. He still wasn't sure it wasn't just a fetish thing. Still, he supposed he should take it seriously, she certainly seemed to, after all.

To Maggie's question, he answered "That we know of. I'm sure there are more, they had a whole plan and everything. Many of Kuma's raccoon subordinates were infected as well. If they are infiltrating the city for their ritual or whatever, then there must be others that were worth infecting."

Thanks for running QM. See you next Tuesday!

Take care everyone, have a good week. I'll see you all next Tuesday!

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The world lived in a magocracy for as long as anyone can remember, the upper classes being those who have mastered the arcane arts and the rest of society being the peons who would do their dirty work. Every settlement had a powerful wizard who was the lord protector over the people there, with life and death authority. Many of those wizards used their prerogatives to do horrifying experimentations with the people.

One day, some kind of disruption in the flow of mana cut off the wizards from their powers. The people rebelled and started to murder their wizard masters.

What every wizard learns from basic arcane theory is that the energy that power magic has to come from somewhere. Most wizards drain the metaphysical plane of demons, just "below" our own world. This causes destruction in large scale and chaos to unfold there, but the wizards don't care - it is just a bunch of demons. But this simply ceased to work on that fatidic day, and most wizards were unable to adapt quick enough.

Many have heard some rumors that some wizards managed to retain part of their powers by using alternative sources of mana.

You're one such wizard, and your powers come from the forbidden art of:

> Soul drain. The soul of a being is located in their head, so if you capture and shrink heads you can use people's heads as material component for spells. Works with monsters and animals, but they tend to have far less mana than humans. The head of a wizard and some magical creatures causes far more powerful effects to occur.
> Blood magic. Blood contains a little bit of magic. By spilling copious amounts of blood - yours or someone else's - you manage to cast the simplest of spells. More complex or powerful spells require large amounts of sacrifices, preferably in rituals, so that you can muster all the power.
> Mana powder. By turning anything with magical powers into a fine powder and snorting it, you can use magic for a very short time. Grinded dry brains, dry blood, broken magical items, mana crystals, demon horn - anything with magic can be snorted and turned into magical power.
> Write in
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>Claim to be a lost traveler looking for the nearest village, hoping to avoid suspicion.
It’s been days since the slaughter, surely they’ve stopped looking for survivors

You force a weary smile, keeping your posture relaxed as you meet the fisherman’s gaze. “I’m just a traveler, trying to find my way to the nearest village,” you say, feigning a casual tone. “I must have strayed too far into the woods.”

The fisherman narrows his eyes slightly, studying you for a long moment. Then, with a small shrug, he gestures with his chin toward the distance.

“Oh, you’re in luck then,” he says, adjusting his fishing line. “There’s a village that way, just a day or two on foot.” He then nods toward the river behind him. “Or if you follow the water downstream, you’ll reach another. That’s where I came from.”

You keep your expression neutral, but inside, your mind churns. You know exactly which villages he’s referring to.

Rodrom—the village you barely escaped with your life—and its neighbor, Zapia.

Zapia had once been protected by a wizard, much like your own master. A minor apprentice of some long-dead archmage, his power was enough to keep the village safe from the dangers of the wild—monsters, bandits, and worse. Alone, he could have laid waste to entire hordes of attackers, his magic the only thing standing between civilization and ruin.

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> "I’m a bit tired. I think I’ll rest here for a while and continue on later." A way to stall for time and gather more information. Maybe the fisherman will talk about what’s happening in the villages.
>"I’m a bit tired. I think I’ll rest here for a while and continue on later." A way to stall for time and gather more information. Maybe the fisherman will talk about what’s happening in the villages.
> "Thank you, I’ll follow down the river." You keep your cover and move on. The river might provide a safer route, and Zapia could have useful supplies—if it still stands.

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The porcelain hordes are pushing from the north, east and south while the ever dwindling numbers of defenders, still loyal to the four, die, one by one, to stem the unending tide.

Last thread:
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shit. i hope i didnt come across like a total asshole.

i dont want to play for you. i could have given a lot more advice if i wanted to. but you and others are also players here.

in this case i couldnt keep my mouth shut, seeing you run your mammoth into the jaws of doom when every other enemy is too slow to keep up with you.
It’s okay! I’m aware I’m playing suboptimally, and I’m very grateful for the help! You didn’t sound like an asshole, don’t worry
we might wanna keep our warlords somewhat back so we can double back to the southern river to reinforce the infantry armies i plan to send down.
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(White, Yellow, Orange, Red, purple, Blue)
The forces to our south-east are gathering, but they are not yet fully arrayed for combat. And so units of Chaos Knights rides forward, to shatter the porcelain lead, with fresh and ready units following them up and breaking their flankers in turn. Is the position ideal? No. But better to start moving before the Porcelein horde are fully assembled and arrayed in position for full assault, and use the strength of massed Cavalry upon the open plains before the attack on Chamon Dharek truly begins...

Pretty cool!
I Need to work on my Moustache! More! MORE!
That is amazing! I love it

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