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Known to most street-wise as “Meepis” , you dove headfirst into a dungeon rumored to have a powerful artifact amulet, capable of granting you riches, strength and wisdom. You mostly care about the rich part!

Disowned and exiled from most places due to your miscreant nature, this is a rather golden opportunity just for you!

[Previous thread[s] = 1st thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5966131/

2nd thread:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5999826/ ]
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Rolled 2 (1d3)

Rollan for buckler bash
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Please dice, let us roll higher.
Rolled 7 + 1 (1d12 + 1)

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[Sorry! Been a bit busy lately but things are starting to lighten up]

[As a reminder; I typically try to at least update once a day. Though since things have been coming up I've taken around two or so days to do so. If I ever were to not update after a third day of an update, you can consider me dead]

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A quest where we build an original fantasy setting. Post ideas, as things develop I’ll compile it all into a timeline and map.
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The greatest necromancers are vampires, and vampires are a failed attempt at replicating a deific transformation. Vampires worship the Sun
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The uniting monomyth of the Hoon peoples occupying the Great Earth region of the main continent.

>In the time when man was Soil, working only Clay, four gods descended from the Blue (air, wind; atmosphere) to the Green (vegetable life; earth, soil; matter)
>Tabaq of the Thinking Cloud
>Djandja of the Seeing Cloud
>Affyun of the Dreaming Cloud
>Yaot of the Questing Cloud
>Said they to themselves
>How shall we return again among the clouds
>Now we are hurled down to this Green?
>For surely now we are gross flesh
>And none but White (light; spirits) may dwell with White.
>They conferred to silence until despair
>when they saw the Children of Annunn, the Favorites of Agamm: the race of Man.

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... ...
>With regard to the recent rumor in East Shoreland
>Namely the appearance of a novel new Smoak
>going by the gutter soubriquet of Mæthe
>meaning "Craze" in Mephite Pidgin
>I have extended my own inquiries
>and found the claims alarmingly and excitingly true.
>It is a rockform, as sugar, but ground easily and evenly as salt.
>The imbibing vehicle is a short pipe with a large intaking bulb, usually clay, as its smokers are invariably poor.
>The immediate effect of a single draught, not half a pinch by hand
>Is invigoration, joy and strength
>to which all other kinds of Smoak combined, and the sum of all consumed in one's life
>are shamed to nothing
>as Hag Lamelh before Hesperia.

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I think I know who you are... My immersion has been ruined.
Ill kiss you on the mouth faggot

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Greetings, /qst/. I'd like to play a game.

Recently I stumbled across pic related, a science fantasy wargame someone has been cooking up, and has grabbed my interest for the past few days. While a Tabletop Simulator mod has been released, I have no one to play/learn the rules with. Would you all care to join me in learning how to play?

>The border regions between The Ebon Forest and the Intermarine have always been sights of skirmishes and conflicts between the two rivals. This morning is no different, as two patrols of either side, each thinking that this stretch of dirt rightfully belongs to them, encounter one another. Soon, the sounds of early birds will be replaced with the staccato chatter of machine guns and snarls of bloodthirsty beasts, and the stench of burning flesh...

Which army do you profess to be from? (I will take control of the one that you do not pic, don't worry when it is time for list building I do my own before I look at your)

>Federal States Army
Human forces in Union uniform, with decent Infantry and a wide variety of Armor to play with.

>Army of the Ebon Forest
Wolfmen in Strichtarn, what they lack in armored punch they make up for with ferocity of Tooth, Claw, and ATGM

Resources: https://firelock-team.itch.io/firelock-198x-09-public
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Oh, in that case nevermind.

Instead, can we use a movement token to have the state grenediers inside the APCs dismount?
Mad a long post about how loading and unloading only happen at the start and end of the movement phase but then I re-looked at the rules and was completely wrong
Your leader can only Brigade once so you can only dismount one infantry this turn, who can move, but take into consideration that mounted units can still fire small arms while inside a vehicle, while also benefiting from their armor (though if the transport goes up in flames, so do the mounts). Transports also have designated entrance points, in our case they load and unload from the rear arc.

I was going to save this for the next movement round, when some units have fired and revealed themselves, but you have a couple options here: You can have a stand up firefight with the enemy, your transports and dismounts trying to out shoot the enemy squads, safer but may take a few turns. You can floor it towards them, taking advantage of improved close range accuracy and your "Assault Dismount" special rule, though this may put you in range of counter fire. Or you can leave one or two squads on the objective and then drive the rest of your forces to help your right flank.
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I wont spoil what is waiting in the grass, but the standard Lupar infantry stats are pic related.
He everyone, QM here.
It has been over 8 days since the last post was made, and I can only asume that this is because of lack of interest on the players part. I don't blame you all for this, and looking back at my post I feel like I was trying to lead the players into certain answers, or that most of my answers to your questions were "No, you can't do that" or "Thats a pretty bad idea". Is this accurate?

Furthermore, if I were to try and finish this story line in another thread, what kind of format would you all prefer? The same as this? A more vague text base quest where you're not worrying about every little placement? Or should I go insane and try to emulate the famous "ASHEN DAWN" quest format, with each anon taking control of a small unit? I'd first ask that quests DM if its ok to ape that style

Even if you do not wish to continue, I do genuinely thank you for playing with me.
I'd like to see a continuation of this. I think the low player interest is a number of things, first is strategy quests are always small, second is this is an unfamiliar ruleset that we have to get our heads around, and third is there's not much of a story to care about, at least not yet. Thanks for running in either case anon, and I'd be up for playing again if you want to continue it. Format would be up to you, maybe something a bit simpler than this and slowly introduce more complex rules, or something completely different, your choice. I think a lore primer would help for player retention too.

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The old civilizations have fallen. The race of men that once solved the riddle of steel depend once more upon the ancient elements of stone and fire. The common enchantments of the last age have become forgotten sorceries. The great cities have returned to dust.

Tonight your tribesmen convene to pass judgement on one of their own. The council sits in a ring. In the center kneels the accused, his arms and feet bound by blackberry vines that menace with thorns. Behind the council, in a much larger ring, are the women and the children, each sitting with a small gathered pile of stones. Silent, but trembling with anticipation.

>You sit among the council, beside your father the chieftain
>You sit in the outer ring, a child trying to appear brave
>You sit in the center, as the accused
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>> You can't sacrifice your father. Leave the forest.
>You can't let your father or Rima come to harm. That only leaves you. Flesh for flesh.
One week. Total qm death

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On the Island of Guyot, farmers ply the field of beachgrass with specially made fish bone combs, to harmlessly pull the seeds from the stalks as to not harm the precious plants. The harvest this season seems adequate. Behind them, young children follow to pick up any fallen seeds and to drive away pests. Underneath the blazing arid sun, the farmers wear their hats and work slowly as to not sweat themselves too much, the nearby picnic is all ready for their next break.

Down off the high top, there is a commotion in the village along the beach and docks. What, has a ship come in from the Black Ocean? Carrying goods for trade or Sweetwater, from the Fruit-Barons? No- it seems a young woman is finally giving birth. This is a happy occasion, and she is about to hold a newborn baby boy. This will be you, as you have not yet been born.

But alongside your mother, there will of course be a man, and from his profession will influence the future course of your own life. What kind of man is your Father?
>Naval Officer (Highest Skill, Lowest Luck)
>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)
>Escaped Slave (Highest Luck, Lowest Wealth)
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>Interrogate the two captured pirates to see if they'll join your crew instead
>Grill Squint over his pirate knowledge
But only if this is in a nice sense of like faining his knowledge; I don't want to interrogate him about his past or nothing
>>Interrogate the two captured pirates to see if they'll join your crew instead
...Going a little slow for that "island hopping ocean adventure" I was going for, huh.
I'll update in like 15 hours btw normal time. Skipping today for 4th of July.

You were shipwrecked on a deserted island with other survivors.

>It was a family trip
>>possible survivors: dad/mom, stepdad/stepmom, brother/sister, stepbrother/stepsister, aunt/uncle etc

>It was a school trip
>>possible survivors: classmates, teachers, friend, bully, crush etc

>It was a prison ship
>>possible survivors: serial killer, mass murderer, spree killer, cannibal etc

>write in
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>Organize a Class Action
you be a lawyer, do what you do best. SUE!

>>Dance Ritual
>>>You start performing an awkward but culturally sensitive dance, chanting, "Ooga booga, lawyer in the mud! Ooga booga, don’t spill my blood!"

The serial killer, school shooter, spree killer, cannibal, mass murderer, and the island savages all stare at you in awe (or something like awe) as you chant and dance.

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>>"Leave me; I have become one with the jungle!"
>"Leave me; I have become one with the jungle!"

However, please take my card if you happen to need any legal council, oh wise reenactors of the jungle.
>"Leave me; I have become one with the jungle!"

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The saga continues. Warlords, rich and fat from plunder, leaders of great hosts of chaos, as usual squabble as they march forwards.
Welcome to a bit of a filler thread. Here, I'll finish off Ivan's raid, however it goes, and let the following interactions and scheming of the warlords.
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Nice, now I just need a Roppsmenn Z'ra to put in power in Praag.
Sounds a plan, hope to see it when it goes up.

Hey anyone here interested in rolling for some chaos over in another thread? >>6048525

i dont think we have many nurgle worshippers here. but the Qm is hoping for some difficulty for his players.
Thanks guys.

Have a picture of some freshly painted Skinwolves for your troubles
Fucking siiiick dude

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In the dead of night, you're jolted awake by the uneasy feeling of being watched. As your eyes adjust to the murky shadows of your room, you find yourself locking gazes with a colossal, round head sporting unnervingly large eyes—a demon that has inexplicably materialized at the foot of your bed. "Really?" you think, stifling a groan. "Can't even a person get a decent night's sleep without some demon staging a bedroom invasion?" Your heart pounds, not just from fear, but also from the sheer absurdity of your midnight visitor. You consider asking her if she's lost, or perhaps here to offer a particularly bizarre form of therapy, but then again, how does one even begin a polite conversation with a creature from the depths of hell?

>Inquire about its identity.

>Question if it has mistaken your residence for another.

>Inform her that your no-solicitation policy extends to demons, and your soul is not on the market.

>Reach for your medication, as it typically resolves such encounters.

>Offer her a cup of tea and ask if she likes board games.

>Write In
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>old version Jenny
She looks silly but also kind of cute.
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I wouldn't be running a Psycho Jenny quest if I weren't a degenerate myself

Pic related
>a bit harder to lewd
That's generally the idea to avoid getting the thread taken down.

>Write In
Let's see.

You don't want to catch heat from the mob or gang chapter.

>Cut right into Jenny doing demonic mind control to our manager to give us a pay raise at walmart
It'd have to be very subtle.

We may have a better picture if Jenny tells our character what applicable skills she has and if she can transform into anything that isn't going to scare children nor Mrs. Gonzalez, the kind old lady on the same apartment complex floor that goes to church every weekend and gives out tamales every Christmas.
What a cutie, you wouldn't know she's from a fucked up gory OVA if you didn't know beforehand.
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>The group has just defeated the main antagonist.
>The kingdom is saved; time to party.
>Wake up a day later, with no memory.
>The group finds itself outside the gates of the kingdom.
>Also, now they're short a member.
>Get back inside the kingdom.
>Locate the missing group member.
>Figure the sequence of events before blacking out.
>Settle your bar tabs.
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>take a wizz.
Clear our bladder and then maybe find something greasy to eat
QM? You still alive?
Dang I guess it is over.
I'm almost tempted to take over since I like the premise, but I have some things to do today.
Abandon your responsibilities to be our entertainment!

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"You can offer a million prayers to the Omnissiah, dust the chapel and perfect the rites and get no closer to truth. Our prison of ignorance is not something we can travel beyond. The key we've lost is more than something drifting in the void."
-Anonymous Explorator, disavowed by council edict

A change of fortune diverts you from the cliffs, to a place you never expected to be - the heart of the Omnissiah's worship in Odrev. Once you arrive, though, you find it increasingly difficult to focus on what's literally before you.


Read the previous threads at: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=False%20Woman

You possess an amount of Strain equal to your Conditioning score. When attempting actions beyond your current capacity, you gain a point of Strain. Attempting to Strain while at maximum Strain will result in a Strain Check. During a Strain Check, roll 1d10 for every point of the relevant Parameter. Results that are 6 or above count as one success. Results of 10 count as two successes. Three successes must be rolled to avert a critical failure. Fail or pass, after a Strain Check, you cannot Strain again until you restore your Strain by seeking shelter.

This quest allows you to designate a second-choice vote on decisions with three or more options before Write-Ins. When votes are totaled, the option with the least votes for it will be removed, with votes for that option instead being changed to the second-choice of those voters. Second-choice votes are also used to break ties. This helps increase the accuracy of votes, but is not mandatory. Please specifically mark your second-choice as such if you do so.

Vote stay open for a minimum of six hours, but will usually take longer.

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>[Genolysis] Using the hoists took too long, so you had simply lifted the heavy gears yourself.
>>It was only a complicated procedure if you were worried about getting it wrong. You memorized it instantly and had executed it exactly as you were told.
>It was only a complicated procedure if you were worried about getting it wrong. You memorized it instantly and had executed it exactly as you were told.

Great update!
To be fair, it's only heresy if you get caught. This is just what A-4 did- there is a difference between the two.

>>It was only a complicated procedure if you were worried about getting it wrong. You memorized it instantly and had executed it exactly as you were told.

Welcome back Qm

Times are tough. It seems like no one is making any coin everyone is practically starving. It's almost winter here in Rupit. You are
>a Miller's daughter. Not yet suffering from starvation but still poor
>a orphan girl. Taken in by the local nunnery. Poverty and chastaty are the vows you hold close.
>a dukes 4th daughter. You have no place in court life but you neither hunger nor want. Life seems meaningless.
>a poachers daughter. You want not for food or clothing yet you lack for all else.
>a gaurdsmens daughter. You have the needs but life is drudgery.

One hours from post to count votes if anyone is interested.
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>Dwarves who can grant the wishes of others
>>the smallfolk who told you of the son of Pluto who lives in the woods
>the smallfolk who told you of the son of Pluto who lives in the woods
>>Christ an his lessons on how to live
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>chronos who ate his young
And Zeus who killed Uranos. We can usurp our father's house as well as any son.

It's New Year's Eve, 1995. You're sat alone in your shitty apartment with the lights off and a warm bottle of bottom-shelf champagne which you stopped drinking four hours ago. It was too sweet, and drinking it straight from the bottle made you a little too depressed to actually finish it. Your tv is set to static. It's more comforting than watching all of the actual celebrations, which you despise of course, and helps you fall asleep on most other nights.
You get up from the floor to check your answering machine. Still only one message, the one where your ex dumped you.
You go back to your bed and slump down on it face-first. How the fuck did you fuck up this bad? It feels like the only thing you have left is your job. Your ex took all your friends with her, your family... well, the less said about them the better, but you don't even have a pet to come home to. Hell, you doubt anyone would even miss you if you were gone. Do people at work even know your name? You have to wear a name tag everywhere...

Maybe you'll turn your life around tonight. New year, new you. Start with a new name perhaps? What kind of a name do you want, that would suit you?
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Remove our shirt and tie it like a loincloth. We're going Bronza Age

> Cyrus gives no fucks, Cyrus just keeps on walking without his pants
Intriguing, I never knew that's what it meant.

You are a noble human male paladin, sworn to protect the innocent and deliver justice. Today, you learn that a small tribe of cannibalistic greenskin orcs has been terrorizing a nearby human village. "This cannot stand!" Naturally, you mount your destrier and ride to their aid. With a sword in hand, you engage the orc tribe, cutting down their warriors. Eventually, you face their chieftain, Azov the Defiler, and after a fierce battle, he falls to your blade.
But instead of scattering in fear, the orcs do something unexpected. One of them steps forward, speaking in a gruff voice, "You killed our chieftain. By orc law, you are now our chief, and his wives are yours!"
You gulp. What in the world have you gotten yourself into?

> 1. "I... I don't know much about orc law. I'm not sure how to handle this."
> 2. "Listen, it's not about you. I'm into supple human women, not seven-foot-tall sturdy she-orcs."
> 3. "I have feelings for a human girl. An orc harem isn't something I can deal with right now."
> 4. "Well, if that's the law... I guess I have no choice."
> _
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beautiful art, are you indonesian gentleman by any chance?
I appreciate the compliment anon.
I'm not indonesian gentleman, I QM the Fate Akeldama redux quest that's been off the board for a while (but hasn't been abandoned).
I've also been entertaining the thought of writing updates for this quest if the QM doesn't come back soon.
The next 4 panels are coming along well
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Tallying the votes
1, 3, 5, 6
1, 2, 3, 6
1, 2, 3, 6
1, 4, orc splitter
orc splitter
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, orc splitter

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"Unff!" Urza grunted as you wrestled her to the ground. "Not bad human, your speed surprised me." Locking your lower back in place with her strong legs, she adds, "But if speed is all you got, you won't stay on top for long." Trying to dig her clawlike fingernails into your shoulders, she pulls you toward her face until you can feel her warm breath as she says, "And we're not stopping until I'M satisfied!"

"I'm drawing from a lifetime's supply of erotic energy so don't worry, I'll have more than enough endurance to handle you. Try to keep up." You banter back.

"We'll see how long you stay this cocky." She scoffs, but her fierceness lapses in a moan as you ramp up your efforts.

The intense ordeal lasts for hours, and you find yourself getting a mite annoyed at the orc tribe's hooting and hollering as they give unsolicited live commentary. It also strikes you as a questionable custom that even the small orclings feast their eyes on the torrid display. Urza struggles hard to get on top of you and regain dominance, but she's unsuccessful in the end. Thoroughly exhausted, Urza submits and acknowledges your human paladin supremacy.

You get a peculiar premonition as you finish, where the phrase "Title Unlocked: Orc Splitter" solidifies in your mind for a good few seconds before fading. What could it mean, you wonder. Urza meanwhile lies peacefully on the ground with a smile and vacant expression on her face.

Having regained his senses after being bonked on the head, Gnomeberg presents you with a medal for race-mixing, colonizing the orcs, and being of great service to his tribe. He also calls you a 'real mensch', whatever that means.

Urza, recognizing her womb has been fertilized by your superior human seed, pledges her undying loyalty to you, solidifying your rule over the tribe.

You ask your horse if he is proud of you. He neighs indifferently in response.

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Amazing, IT LIVES! In that case,
> 2. You order the tribe to follow your example and give attention to their mates... in private. Striking down Azov and about a dozen of their warriors put a noticeable dent in their population.
> 3. You'll ask an elderly orc what brought them to these lands in the first place. Orcs haven't been common in your kingdom of late.

Herr Mannelig, herr Mannelig, will you be betrothed to me?
For that, I offer you gifts very gladly
Surely you can answer only yes or no
If you wish to or not

To you I wish to give the twelve horses [palfreys]
That go in the grove of roses
Never has there been a saddle upon them
Nor a bridle in their mouths

To you I wish to give the twelve mills
That are between Tillö and Ternö
The stones are made of the reddest gold
And the wheels are covered in silver

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There was a better story about this situation, where a christian knight falls for a beautiful pagan goddess who requires he worship her, but begins to regret his decision and wants to return to Christendom. Telling all this to a Bishop, he gets told off for being a retard and is told that there is no way that God would ever have him back, gesturing to his staff, he says "it would be like this staff, made from a tree felled a decade ago, suddenly sprouting leaves."
The now depressed knight, thinking there is no hope, goes back to his goddess.
The next day the bishop wakes up to this staff sprouting new leaves. He sends an envoy to catch up to the knight to call him back and appologise, but neither he nor the goddess are ever found.
I'm actually assuming that an OP who had one option instantly end the quest didn't have too much else planned for the other option.
Sounds like a bad end to me.
That's sad desu. Hardness of hearts and all that.
Definitely would have been a good way to explain that better before hand, and just to make myself feel better, I’m taking that as the canonical ending because you barely let anyone else vote before you took 4 results over a poorly worded choice and gave a result that feels more like a punishment rather then a happy ending that we had no knowledge would not be the case.

"Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! My name is Oak! People call me the Pokémon Prof! This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokémon! For some people, Pokémon are pets. Other use them for fights. Myself… I study Pokémon as a profession. First, what is your name? Right! So your name is


This is my grandson. He's been your rival since you were a baby. …Erm, what is his name again? That's right! I remember now! His name is

Now, which Pokémon do you want?

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Let's name our Ghastly Fart while we are at it.
Guess this quest is dead.

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