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You are a D-Force Commander. Disposable Forces are used for dynamic, organic, clandestine, nontraditional, and extra corporate aquations where plausible deniability is required.

Recent activity on Venus has garnered significant investor interest, but a barrier to exploitation remains the planet's undesirable gravity and challenging domestic population. To this end, you have been hired to enact the will and desires of the board, and in turn, garner monetary compensation. The Uranian system asteroid colony, KhaieBalkh, will be the lynchpin of this operation.

Infiltrate KhaieBalkh, and override it's central administration to engage a terminal burn into a Venutian orbit.

Protect the primary D-teams after occupying KhaieBalkh.

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Rolled 14, 9, 14, 6, 10, 11, 9, 8, 14, 18, 16 = 129 (11d20)

Luftball and the ASS-drone would be modified for flight in the Venus's atmosphere while the rest of the Team decided they'd exit the colony the same way they got it: in a drop pod. There were plenty scattered around the colony after the initial invasion and moreso after the ship fall. The only unit that couldn't fit inside one was the Tank, so the turret was seperated from the chassis and placed in its own pod. Hopefully they wouldn't need it right after landing...

Rolling for:
>4d20 for the Tridents 1-4
>2d20 for the Tank chassis and Turret
>1d20 for Operators in a Technical (Adam, Beck, Claus)
>1d20 for Scouts in a Technical (Dee, Elvis, Floyd)
>1d20 for Railgun PG (Gianni)
>1d20+5 for Luftball (Hector)
>1d20 for Air Superiority Support drone
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Rolled 60, 9 = 69 (2d100)

(I didn't finish BD visual update yet.)
When Bed Dragon got up, the colony was in... a state of disintegration. Without thinking much, the merc started digging through the mech-part/power armor supplies and slapping whatever fit onto his exoskeleton. Busy turning himself into a walking tank, BD missed crucial parts of the colony's destruction and descent to venus. Meaning he was very confused when the building he was in suddenly exploded, revealing two exotic FRED units descending towards the planet.
One looked like a satanist had unwanted baby with a Bob Semple tank, the headset returning no information about its designated name, while the other was wrapped in what seemed like circus tent, which it was actively using as a parachute, challenging various laws of physics in the process. It had "CLOWN WORLD" spray-painted on the side. The former was roaring like one of the infamous giant bioweapons evolved on Naya Bombay (sadly lost to time), while the latter was honking and playing elevator music.
Just as Bed Dragon thought the view couldn't get any crazier, he noticed a blue figure in a very modest suit and space helmet was riding the hull of the colorful abomination, typing something into her holopad.
>Rolling for the destruction the shockwave from FREDs' landing causes
>Rolling for Bed Dragon's landing (he basically has a mecha-suit now)
The blue figure doesn't need a roll, she will be fine with some kind of cool plot armor. Will probably die later and get resurrected by the company. Whichever company is hosting her bioblueprint.
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>9 for survival
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Track 01 - THUNDER FORCE IV『Lightning Strikes Again - Metal Squad』

CapedZero Stood on the edge of a disintegrating cliff face. Re-entry plasma licked up off it as a shower of pulverized rock evaporated into mineral vapor. It's armored body and heat resistant cape weathered the effects as metal started to heat up, edges and corners glowing orange. A mechanical optic in it's sensor array scanned in the non visible spectrum.

"Commencing operation." It vocalized to no one in particular. It just sounded cool. It slipped off the cliff as the weight bearing section under it disintegrated. The machine began a frantic session of bullet hell as it attempted to stave off the deluge of weapons destroying the colony. It was absolutely futile, but also a good way to reduce re-entry mass.

The minigun was expended first, acting as a glorified bullethose it's tracer rounds disapere into the atmosphere, a few explosions popped off in the distance. The weapon was ejected and the rail pistol was up next, firing a few shot at specks far below, it was also ineffective and ditched. "Trash."

Reaching into it's cape the powergear produced an improbably large rifle, it's sensors now calibrated for this environment. The explosive rounds were fused for proximity, and exploded like flack rounds near the venutian aircraft, downing and damaging several before the barrel on the rifle melted in reentry. It too was ejected.

Cape flapping in the superheated winds the robot produced it's melee weapon with a flourish. A sort of rocket assisted war pick. Spun with a flourish, somehow this was the most effective of it's attacks. The combo count stated to go up as the descent was slowed with each attack, the war pick digging into aircraft to arrest fall inertia, slinging CapedZero towards an intercept with it's next target.

It landed ontop of the cockpit of a bomber, crushing the crew but somehow not the entirety of the controls. Looking down at the comparatively small authority stick, the machine gingerly, nay, daintily pinched it between two large metallic fingers and took control, guiding the sinking craft towards into a controlled crash. The plane skidded across rocky outcroppings and mud, before halting not too far from the SuperLooters.

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Please roll 6d20 for the survival of your individual operators and scouts.

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Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%202nd%20Primarch%20Quest
You are Lieren of Nothing, the second son of the emperor of mankind, Husband of the motherly and fierce Kanzeon, close personal friend of the emperor Long-Jia Jinhai and his grand architect and head of the Long-Jian ministry of development, head of the wanderers in the fog sect of psykerists who cultivate their will and self-control under your careful and diligent guidance, master of the second legion of your father from terra's space marine, and friend of mankind and kindly aliens wherever they may be found, and many other things, including the creator of the Nameless, an hidden organization of spirit hunters now under command of the advisor and close confidant of the emperor of mankind, Malcador,

Currently, you are on the bridge of the vessel containing the heart, soul and mind of Liberty, the youngest of Kanzeon's sister, who has come to see you as her elder brother and not simply in law. The two of you are floating above the odd world sharing Shangrala's sun, given the somewhat foreboding epithet of the black abyss by astrologers and researchers plotting your countrymen's first, stumbling steps into the cosmic realm. It is strange, in a galatic sense not only because it is wreathed in constant storms, but because it is seemingly a world formed entirely of water. And stranger still, it is wreathed by a ring formed of the remnants and wreckage left behind from a great stellar battle, celestial battleships and cosmic warmachines that resemble no design or blueprint in Liberty's archives or your own memories. They are not Aeldari and do not even resemble the kind of craft in which dwell your emerald eyed bride or her surviving sisters.

"I agree, let us investigate the wrecks, I've never seen any vessel, void worthy or not, of their make, and the battle scars they bare demand closed inspection, and their may be clues of their origin within what remains of the combatants that crewed these ships in their finale battle" You answer, smiling warmly and brotherly as you expertly avoid bringing to attention the ghost signals that frighten Liberty so much, for the time. You keep an eye on the faint signal pinging on her advance and arcane sensor array, making a note of it and locking the internal sensor arrays within your raiment of star-metal, that with a thought you adapt and change into a air-sealed space suit with a rounded helmet of see through emerald glass. Just to keep yourself from being exposed to the vacuum of space, you are confident you would survive it and the lack of breathable oxygen, but confidence is not cause for incaution.

With a delight squeal and a cheer, Liberty leaps off of your back and runs off towards the nearest wall, carelessly opening her internals to the airless void and causing a number of stray parchments and baubles to be launched out into space.
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>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey. And then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...Somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so
>>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey. And then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...Somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so
>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey. And then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...Somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so
That one matriarch who's so excited to read is adorable.

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A loud rumbling reverberated through the ground. Each second, another bang could be heard, as the rumbling got closer and closer. And as it got closer, a voice could be heard alongside each bang. The abandoned hallway shuddered, as the bangs got closer by each minute. Until finally, some of the rubble that blocked it was blown to the side and a dim light appeared. Dust filled the dark tunnel, blocking out the single source of light which came from an ornate lamp hanging from a staff. "Finally! That took way too long!" A female voice would say, as a small figure walked from the tunnel. She flapped her wings, blowing away dust and rendering the hallway more visible. "Geez, what a mess this place has become! That demon must've done an awful amount of damage to the facility after escaping us!" The voice said again, as the figure would look around a little. "I wonder which part we've ended up at and how long we were stuck down there."

Soon after, a far taller and more powerful figure would emerge from the tunnel. She walked gracefully into the tunnel, wiping away some of the rubble which had coated her clothes. "Hmmm, this place looks like it might be near the combat sector. I do not see anything suggesting we are close to any other location." The two would carefully look around, before the smaller one spoke up quite cautiously. "Do you think Tengri is okay? The power's out, and the place clearly took a terrible hit." The taller figure scoffed, approaching a wall and feeling it. "I imagine he made the wise decision and sought shelter. That, or he is also somewhere down here. Hmmm, perhaps he may also be with Titania? He did say she was perhaps the only one who could deal with that monster." The shorter figure would seem a bit more pessimistic. "Given how trashed this place is, I feel like Titania didn't succeed. I mean, not even we could deal with that thing! All our blows just did... nothing to her!"

The tall figure would contemplate for a moment, before letting out a sigh. "She is still out here somewhere, I'm afraid. After all, we were stuck for days, perhaps even weeks... yet nobody came over to save us." She'd turn to her smaller friend, looking down with a serious expression. "I feel like we have underestimated our situation. We weren't just stuck in an unreachable spot. After all, we broke through it after quite some time and with little issue. No, I fear that there is a greater tragedy going on. That we are some of the only survivors." The smaller girl would gulp a bit anxiously. "D-Do you think Tengri is dead?" The taller figure looked away, before responding more hesitantly. "I cannot tell for sure. What I can tell, is that we need to make our next moves carefully, and not let our guards down. If we see anyone who looks like a threat, we should opt to treat them as a threat, until it is confirmed they are friendly."
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>>Tell her that you do indeed wish to keep going now. Maybe give her some intel about where the other girls were, in case she wanted to spend her time away from all these godawful flies. (Write in what you'll tell her.)
Tell her it's not safe to be with us, Feng's crew is after our asses and some guys from blackstar are keeping a eye on us, but the girls will take care of her, give her some directions on how to reach them, perhaps give them a call and let them know we got another subject coming. Before she goes ask her if she knows anything about a shadow subject with psychic abilities, the one which "attacked" us back them.
okay, time go get going now. Back to the Queen business.
>Tell her that you do indeed wish to keep going now. Maybe give her some intel about where the other girls were, in case she wanted to spend her time away from all these godawful flies.
If you want to accompany us, you're quite welcome. Feng Zetian has done some very awful things to a lot of people since the disaster, and we're out to stop her - any information about her and what she can do would help us bring her down and you're probably more familiar with both her and the place down here than us. If you don't want to tag along, do you mind if we ask you a few questions about her? After that, go to the vat room, into the vent, up until the cool S doodle, turn right at the Kilroy, branch left at the dickbutt and you should come to the safe room and we'll see you later. You may want to grab a hazmat suit in case people pick up on the, uh, odour.

I better update the Andrei pastebin now

Random Thoughts time. Given how affection- and touch-starved the subjects generally were/are, I think many of the friendly or neutral ones would be super weak to physical affection or some positive affirmation. Also, Feng's name - while Zetian probably refers to the Chinese empress, Feng is a very common Chinese name I can't definitively place. My first thoughts go to Feng Yuxiang because I play too much Kaiserreich and he fits the theme but there's many other famous Fengs to choose from.
send her on her way to meet with the others and goooo
I'll change my support to this. Better to try and get something from her rather than just leave.
>Given how affection- and touch-starved the subjects generally were/are, I think many of the friendly or neutral ones would be super weak to physical affection or some positive affirmation
I mean, that's been a thing from thread one. Our first two subjects basically got forced gunpoint to follow us but now they seek to help us no strings attached and you saw how even a random subject been keeping that lost blackstar guy or how Ano was when she was asked if she wanted to leave us, hell even Morgan who said she was gonna keep with us for just a while seems to be a basic squad member at this point. If they didn't get corrupted like most of Elbrus/Hapi/Feng etc we can just try to swing our charisma and get our Free Labor/Future Lodgerites.

I was inspired to do this by Henchman quest made by Axis-QM (R.I.P) This my first time doing a quest thread, but I have done writefaggtory on /tg. So, bear with me.

You are Rodney Eliot Grayne, you go by Eliot for short. You always felt you were 'misplaced' somehow. As you were born with severe vitiligo. Which made you the target of bullying during your younger years. However, you were born and raised in a middle-class family in Pittsburgh. You had everything he could ask for and more. But you had nothing to your name. Nothing that was truly your own. This created an inferiority complex and extremely entitled individual. You believed the world owed a debt for the trauma, and you worked very hard to prove it. Your parents and family were supportive, but distant. Not really knowing how to relate or even deal with you. True friends were few growing up, and fewer towards adulthood.

Now in your mid 20’s, you have created a persona to hide your ego. Some may call it arrogance, but you make it up for it by being extremely resourceful, a silver-tongued bastard with an intelligence to boot. Now working as a software developer at Star labs in Metropolis. It's almost time to clock out and you decide to...

>Go directly back to your apartment. No need to stay here longer than necessary.

>Walk around the city for a bit. Staying in an office all day will make anyone go crazy.

>Head to the local watering hole. One of your actual friends is in town to celebrate his marriage.

>Stay over to get some work done. It won't cost S.T.A.R anything more since you're salaried.
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supporting this
>>Don't put the ring. Don't play the hero.
It seems the stealth plan is game. Voting is closed.
You told yourself that wouldn't be the hero. That you wouldn't involve yourself with this and keep your head down. You could just put on the Ring and leave this all behind you. But something gnaws at you. These people broke into your workplace; right before some of the biggest deadlines of the year and they just think they can waltz in? With no qualms or repercussions? Get out of town! They're going get what's coming to them!

You place the Ring, power surges with righteous fury. You cannot be seen. If you value your identity being kept a secret. Publicity is the last thing you need.

>'Hey Ring, I'm in a tight spot. Think you can get me out of this?'

'Yes, scanning surroundings. ...Scan complete. There are 25 assailants within the building, many are fighting off law enforcement. The Kryptonian is nearby as well. There are 7 hostiles within immediate range. How do you want to proceed?'

>'Keep it nice and quiet. Make me invisible like last time. Oh, can you make change my voice and hide my face? I really don't want to give away any clues behind.'

'Understood, stealth mode engaged. You may phase through solid objects to further your mission.' The capability of the Ring gives you the biggest smile.

'Hey, who are you talking to? Get the fuck out before I-! He's gone! Where the fuck did, he go?!'

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You are...not Tai Lung however much you wish you were.

You are, on the other hand, bleeding, tired, and standing before a group of men who wish to kill you and everyone in the city. Especially the group of people trapped in rubble behind you. You flourish your katana for a moment before flicking it clean of blood and sheathing it. Every fiber of your being screamed to simply move forward and cut down those before you. You already took several lives today, what did it matter if you took more? It seemed like no matter how hard you tried you were always going to be a killer. Now was high time that you stop pretending to be something you're not. Still, you somehow could not bring yourself to do so. You just can't help but thinking about what Tai Lung would think of you. The mixture of frustration and confusion at your inner conflict causes you to smile at the irony at it all. It seems like in the end, you were simply a failure in all aspects. A killer who couldn't bring himself to kill. A broken, failure of an assassin that was burdened by feelings. You couldn't help but scoff and laugh at it all as more invaders arrive while you draw a line in the ground. If you were to die a failure then at the very least you hoped it'd look like you died a good man.

You crack your knuckles and push the pain lancing all throughout your body. A real hero would give a speech right now. Something that inspired hope in the weak and drove fear into those who wished to do wrong just like Tai Lung would. But you were not Tai Lung and you weren't a hero. You were just someone who was too tired to think up false platitudes for the people around him. You hold out your hands and ready yourself before shouting to the heavens, "You have one choice! Flee now or I'll line the streets with your broken bodies!"
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>Pull ming back, but have Xin hide close by to observe. Anything shy of a death, we'll just have to let happen to spare them a reprisal attack. But we can always deal with them in vigilantee style later.

My thought is that if we let them be, then they will be able to see us or avoid us as they wish, but Xin can act as a safety net for the villagers. Given we have a great issue in letting things just. . go.
"Heads up. I think we have trouble coming." You say. "Xin. Go tell Ming to come back and keep an eye on the situation. Don't intervene unless you suspect they're aiming to kill. We don't know what's going on but we don't want to risk some kind of retribution against these people for our meddling."

"Those guys don't seem like they're the type to pull their punches." Xin Lan says as they leap over the fire and run across the surface of the water to get to Ming. By the time they reach the other side, several of the men have gathered outside to meet the new strangers. They weapons they had at their sides could barely be considered a tool for self defense let alone one of war. Perhaps they would be enough to discourage a confrontation for another similar group but you doubt it would help much in the face of the arsenal approaching. You strain your ears to listen as you see Xin Lan pull at Ming's sleeve.

"Time to go. Big guy says it's my turn to tag in."

"What? No. I'm staying here in case something happens."

"Precisely the point. I'm here to keep the peace if our visitors intend to take things to the extreme but other than that we're supposed to keep our heads down."

"I can understand them and you can't."

"And violence is a universal language. I'll be fine. Now go. Trust me."

Ming looks less than pleased but they quickly begin to make their way around the lake. Xin Lan quickly dips behind one of the buildings and vanishes from sight. You suspect you're going to get an earful soon but you'll deal with that later.

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The armed man's head snaps to the side as Xin Lan flies through the air to drive their heels into his chin. A knife seemingly materializes in the knee of another armed man, a thin glint of a wire flashing in the light, before the rabbit bounces off it's target and drives another knife into the shoulder of a third man. Everyone else's mind finally seems to catch up as screams begin to fill the air just as the wire attached to the first knife is wrapped around Xin Lan's current target's neck.

The man flails as he switches between trying to remove the knife from his shoulder and the wire around his throat. The combination of this and the second man writhing in pain from the knife in his knee causes the wire to tighten. The three remaining men finally draw their weapons and move into attack. One reaches down to grab and nock an arrow but stops, his arm seemingly locked in place. He begins claw at his arm with his good hand and you can see three thin needles protruding from the joints, two in the shoulder and one in the elbow. Ming rushes out from behind one of the buildings with three more between her fingers as her other hand digs around her bag for more.

At this point, the strangled man begins to collapse causing Xin Lan to rip the knife free from the second man's knee and loosen the wire to get moving again. They flip through the air and grab the bowman's spear, spinning around and kicking him in the back of the head. The fifth man rushes forward and attempts to run Ming through with their own spear but she manages to step aside just as she draws another set of needles. She plunges one into the spearman's dominant elbow then expertly flicks two more with her off hand into his other elbow and knee. With a solid kick to the gut, the spearman falls down winded and unable to move anything but their right leg.

The last man doesn't have enough time to react before he is instantly taken down by one last handful of needles from Ming and having the back of his thighs cut by Xin Lan. In total, the fight took less than a minute and left 6 men wounded. To the villagers, it must have seemed as if their attackers suddenly collapsed.

"See? I had this handled." Xin Lan says as their blades seemingly dematerialized with a simple flourish.

"Right. Do you even know what happened?" Ming snaps back as she throws a handful of bandages at the bunny. "Make sure they don't bleed out. I'm going to tend to the elder."
"My cuts are good! The wounds just need bandages. They won't bleed out." Ming looks across the lake and shoots a glare at you. Xin Lan simply shrugs in response as you look at them. You sigh, and make a note to let Ming know that she might have experience but that fight was still above her skill level. She was going to have to temper her urge to help people with what she could actually do which was admittedly a bit hypocritical given that it was you who was doing the lecturing.

>What do you do?
>Gather the group and go across the lake. It seems like trouble was just in the cards today.
>Give Ming and Xin Lan some space. You don't want to scare the villagers by bringing the rest of your group.
>Head over yourself. You think it might be the right time to teach Ming a new lessons. Interrogation techniques.
>Write in.
>Head over self. Time to give interrogation lessons.
>After we get information from the enemy, we can interrogate the people living here using friendlier mehods

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The badge's cool metal feels smooth against your fingertips. The chilled damp air of the basement flows in and out of your nose smoothly and slowly the scent around you shifts from mildew and old detergents into Linen with undertones of wet garbage. The almost eerie silence of the basement gives way to a slowly growing rumble of rain on metal. You keep your eyes closed and let your muscles relax as you slowly and naturally shift into a new posture. Straight back, chin down. An unease grows in your stomach, a sour knot tightening and releasing in pulses. The twisted cousin of butterflies.

A thin layer of moisture forms between your fingers and the shield clutched in your hand. You feel a spreading dampness over your shoulders and forearms and as you open your eyes you find yourself staring at a familiar door, but beyond it, instead of dust and loose trash, neon signs blink in the face of a black Gotham night.


You turn your head slowly and recognize the toothpick gnawing face of Gorchakov. The neon reflects off his oiled hair as he checks a small black pager clipped to his waist.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, sir?" You find yourself asking, anxiety plucking at your vocal chords.

"You gotta relax, partner." Gorchakov chuckles as he types out a message on a cheap flip phone. "My ticket got stamped recently, I'm moving up to detective any day now and you're still in the minor leagues. You tryna walk a beat forever?"

"No, sir. I just.." The words trail off. The knot tightens. This doesn't feel right.

"You're just scared of some slangers, I get it. You're right, we should get out of here. Let em do their work." He scoffs as he stuffs the phone into his jacket.

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Also yes to the Batman cutaway, I want to see how much seething he has to us finding the bug in our home.

Also question, QM: do we know what’s been the biggest and most recent public (or at least known to police) Batman caper ? (E.g save two boats of prisoners and civilians recently). I want the public temperature about Batman
Also a realization: why have we not used our shivers on the doohicky Batman gave us? We could find out some info about 1) if it has more bugs 2) get a scoop about Batman’s tech.

Worst case scenario- we ask Question to sweep it for bugs if he hasn’t already
>>Grab a beer and a seat, everyone is in their own heads right now. The situation just got so much larger, it's only natural to need some time to take it in. (Skip to when Document is assembled.)
Talking about feelings? Sign me right out.
And since I'm a contrarian today, I'd take a huntress PoV. What's her big plan now that she did a 180 at the finish line with mandragora?
I doubt bats is "seething". I'd expect something like "Bummer. Oh it's Q, haven't seen this guy in a while"
If this guy is smart enough to predict the stock market why does he need to steal anything at all lol
>Catch Grey outside for a chat, ask him what's got him coiled so tight? Is working with Question really this unsavory to him?

Kind of a shame that Q microwaved the direct communication channel we had with Batman.

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Unfortunately, you are a PRINCESS. You have been locked in a TOWER for as long as you can remember. Even though you don't know it, today is the day you come of age. This is also unfortunate. It would be a good idea to escape.

What do you do?
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> Look at the LIGHTY THING (chandelier). Did it move at all? Did it get closer? A huge ROC just flew off it!
> Pet the ROC. Backwards compared to how you would pet a WOODLAND CRITTER. The ROC is EVIL
> Look at how wide the LAVA PIT is. Could you safely YEET CHESTER across the LAVA PIT yourself?
> Ask the ROC for a ride to the other side if it's not too much a problem for it.
> Your DIET finally have some actual use! You probably won't burden the ROC too much
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The ROC has been enchanted by your song and lifts you and Chester the Marvelous up into the air.

Together you float higher and higher and higher and higher until you leave the story entirely.

The End
Damn, we never got to find out what was inside Chester.
Thanks for running, Anon!

Chester's a mimic, we would have been eaten.
Thank you for running QM!
This was pretty enjoyable, and made me nostalgic for the old 'save the princess' threads that were scattered around 4chan.

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The Brotherhood of Steel, a bastion dug into the sands of what was once California, an order of martial might and scientific brilliance. Since its founding after nuclear Armageddon its members have walked the wastes, their mission one of honor. Their deeds brought themselves glory, and a semblance of hope to the communities struggling to rise from the ashes of annihilation. But eventually this time of action faded, worry and doubt closing the Brotherhood from the rebuilt civilization. But in a time of great peril, where the threat of Unity and the super mutant stalked the land, it seemed that the wastes would bring one to revitalize the reclusive Brotherhood. Unfortunately this new initiate was of cold heart and bloody hands. Greedily he took the Brotherhoods’ finest arms and armor, and murdered one of the Chapter’s finest. The response was immediate, plotting elders and muttering paladins acted upon the attack, fanning a flame of vengeance in the hearts of the Brotherhood. The High Elder stepped down from his position, partly from the insistence of council, and mostly from his own doubt for placing his trust within the barbarous initiate. The council wasted no time, placing one of their most zealous into the position of High Elder as they solidified the position as supreme over the entire Brotherhood. High Elder Lamech heralded the Brotherhood’s transformation into the Steel Plague, and he set its soldiers out across the wastes to pilfer weapons and equipment from the scattered super mutant army. Finally he leveled the Plague’s awesome arsenal against the newly formed New California Republic, determined to smother the young nation for both mimicking the nation the venerable founder renounced and being helper to the vile initiate. However, Lamech’s identity as the face of the Plague has been his undoing. Prototype implants, slotted by the dozens into his body and mind to create a warrior worthy of the title of High Elder, have rendered him crippled with the disorder of epilepsy. He sits across from you now, staring at you with a slight grimace in spite of the cloth blindfold wrapped around his head. The hooded figures of the Elders face you as well, all attention turned to the subject of the conference. You have been given the honor of ascending to the position of High Elder…

>Elder: Another member of the Plague’s upper hierarchy, you are experienced in the power of command and your ascension is unsurprising. +5 leadership and knowledge rolls.
>Paladin: One of the Plague’s greatest warriors, you are the apex of the Plague’s martial might and your ascension is typical. +5 combat and leadership rolls.
>Scribe: The lore keepers and scientists of the Plague. There is little in the wastes that can match your knowledge, but your ascension is unprecedented within the Order’s history. +5 knowledge and technology rolls.
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Dead already?
don't be so negative. You have to say dying
This is late coming but I'd like to apologize and confirm the quest is done. This was my first civbuilding quest and I've found out I wasn't too prepared for it. Trying to figure out a good system for combat that could work for individual and semi-large fights, while keeping a brand of violence fitting the isometric games was something beyond me. Furthermore I had trouble charting a civbuilding system to fit the current state of the game while being transformable to a larger scale latter on, as well as difficulty in how to reach planned story beats and locales in a non-disruptive way. This compounded with moving late last month prompted me to put off trying to work something out, and as time went by I found myself less willing and more unable to brainstorm anything satisfactory.

I would like to again say sorry to my players, doubly so for the late response. My final request would be that if anyone has any readings for quests like these I'd greatly appreciate if you shared them. The quest will probably not return soon but I would still like to try my ideas and there seems to be an audience.

Sweet Jazz City has a new thorn in its side, a thorn that is just one of hundreds of mild irritants that for the most part even the police doesn't take seriously. You, however, are different than all the rest. As different as everyone is from everyone else, but more so! Most of your fellow blasters are doing this to be part of something, to have an outlet for their teenage angst or to ride through a midlife crisis, or worst of all just here cause they thought the uniform was cool (which it totally is but that's a that's supposed to be a bonus!)

You're here because you don't have any other option. Your Epithet, your parents never let you use it, never let you stretch your wings, never let you go all out. But here, nothing can stop you from doing what you wanted, nothing could stop you from unleashing your full power...except your curfew...and the fact your epithet wasn't the best...also the inherent structure of the Banzai Blasters making it difficult to really advance on your own...

But besides all that, you had no where to go but up!

What did you write in for your Epithet when you applied for your first uniform?

You have the ability to explode! Literally...When activated, your epithet causes you to unleash an explosive force will only grow stronger as you train. Currently, it leads to you instantly going unconscious when you use it, however it is powerful enough to blow open buildings, destroy cars, and anyone caught in a radius of 10 feet around you will usually be knocked unconscious as well, unless they have exceptional stamina. Begin with 5 Proficiency, 3 Stamina, and 1 Creativity.

Your ability is to polish things, making them smooth and often shiny. You can make a sidewalk smooth as glass, or make a rock shine like a mirror! You can use this to slide across the ground, to make things easier to push by weakening friction, or making reflective surfaces. However, for some reason you tend to slip more easily and you walk into glass pretty often. Begin with 3 Proficiency, 1 Stamina, and 5 creativity


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>>Play it cool for now, and show your reliability to them all. Longer to get any profit, but you can earn real trust and wait for the right moment to either screw over your captain or grab onto his coat tails.

Hope this quest is still alive. I keep finding quests right when QMs evaporate.
I miss Epithet Erased, it was a fun time.
If you miss Epithet Erased I can suggest a couple of epithet based campaigns by WarpedLamp (one of Jello's friends)
Also would be a shame if this quest ends
Jello has uploaded 2 episodes of anime campaign which epithet erased is based on, but the uploads are edited. and if you want to see the other episodes you might have some trouble since he hasn't uploaded due to spoilers for epithet erased
did you vote in your own quest? I am not sure if based or cringe
>Show off as much as you can
I am voting because.... yeah
I think there's a place where the rest of them have been archived somewhere but I don't have the link on me right now.

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You are the Bird Handler (禽師), a cultivator feared throughout the realm for your mastery over beasts avian.

Your hair, black as ink, sways in the wind like a battle standard as you ride on the back of your companion, Mokun (墨鯤), a legendary Peng (鵬) bird that has been by your side from your birth.

Where are you going?
>The City of Yi (毅城).

>The Iron Feather Sect (鐵羽宗).

>Red Saber Temple (紅刀寺).
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>Explain your grudge, if they react negatively attack Liu Tian directly.
I would prefer to avoid a senseless slaughter if possible, maybe they will let us duel it out, if not then so be it.
>For the thievery of my Bird
>For the impudent aidacity to attack me.for rebuking him
>For the inconvenience of coming to this mountain to settle my score
>I will have his head to sate the balance.

If they are shrewd, they will see thaynthey can measure his value vs the value of a treasure vs the risk of our move.
>Explain your grudge, if they react negatively attack Liu Tian directly.
>"I'll slay him in honorable combat to not stain your sects name."
+1 for this rhetoric.

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You are Special Agent Denny Cole. It's the 12:01 PM, March 22nd and you are entering the town of Twisty Pines.

You are here to solve a horrible crime. But first, what did you have for lunch?

-Raspberry Pie
-Ham Sandwich
-Boiled Egg
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Tell him you're special agent "YNNED" and that you left your license at home because you're undergoing a special town inspection operation that requires you to be as unburdened as possible. You would appreciate it if he didn't blow your cover.

If Ax girl gets suspicious just hastily wink at her in an angle that the cop can't look in.

Don't imagine her relationship with cops is the best but nothing good can come out of being on the bad side of cops for ol talkin' timber.
Snitch! Narc on ax girl and perform a citizen's arrest
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how dare you...
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you carefully approach the man in uniform and go on a quiet tangent.

"agent here, code YNNED.
on my pursuit of truth regarding certain unresolved murder case from twisty pines.
that gal.. my #1 suspect, i'm digging clues from her.
she has a mental condition. that turns her docile, cooperative to trees.. pines.
i'd be thankful if you went back to your day patrol, sir."


"you're only digging yourself in, denny."

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Mission accomplished. Denny? Never heard of him.

So where is this fabled pie man? You're a professional pie fanatic so a sample of that "pretty good" couldn't hurt, and perhaps this pie man has more info on an even greater raspberry pie. Inquire Axy if she could take you there pretty please.

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"How I wish there was an STC for hope."
-Attributed to an unknown Skitarii, Damocles Gulf Crusade

Now sworn to the path of the Omnissiah, you imagine - just for a moment - that you finally know what you are here to do.


Read the previous threads at: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=False%20Woman

You possess an amount of Strain equal to your Conditioning score. When attempting actions beyond your current capacity, you gain a point of Strain. Attempting to Strain while at maximum Strain will result in a Strain Check. During a Strain Check, roll 1d10 for every point of the relevant Parameter. Results that are 6 or above count as one success. Results of 10 count as two successes. Three successes must be rolled to avert a critical failure. Fail or pass, after a Strain Check, you cannot Strain again until you restore your Strain by seeking shelter.

This quest allows you to designate a second-choice vote on decisions with three or more options before Write-Ins. When votes are totaled, the option with the least votes for it will be removed, with votes for that option instead being changed to the second-choice of those voters. Second-choice votes are also used to break ties. This helps increase the accuracy of votes, but is not mandatory. Please specifically mark your second-choice as such if you do so.

Vote stay open for a minimum of six hours, but will usually take longer.

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>>"Thank you."
>"I'll try my best to be specific."
Apologies, there will be a brief delay as I have to take care of some prep.
I can't believe Bentus is fucking delayed
I s-swear I'm working on it, I just n-need more time, boss!

I'm looking at the catalog position and I think funnily enough we'll probably cross threads at the next important narrative beat due to the delay.

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It's 2003, Halloween night. The spoiled young elite of LA is celebrating the holiday around a thematic smokey red pool, hidden deep in the Beverly Hills. The pool is in the backyard of a huge mansion, property of the soon-to-be senator of California. The latter is trying to work out the stress of witnessing his firstborn son volunteering in the newly started invasion of Iraq by participating in a snobby polo tournament, somewhere in Europe with his wife. Even though distraught, he knew volunteering was great PR. Today is also the twenty-first birthday of his second born, Braydon Sloan, and feeling the guilt of probable neglect, the soon-to-be senator wanted to appease his boy with carte blanche on all expenses while he was away.

Braydon isn't a jock, isn't a nerd, isn't particularly smart, isn't exactly stupid. His only feature that made him stand out is his beautiful facial features and impeccable Hollywood smile. That and his father's status made him a very appealing target for people with predisposition of being suckups, bootlickers and sycophants. Braydon knew somewhere in the back of his mind that his jokes shouldn't garner that much laughter, his style - that many compliments, his every request - getting 'yes', yet he liked the attention. He never received any when his big brother was around and he hated him for it, but now knowing that he is bathing in the black soot of burning oil wells who-knows-where he missed him very much.

The sun set three hours ago, the party around the smokey red pool grows larger by the minute with many youths dancing around, all covered in ironic scary attire, post-ironic lewd garments, outfits that tackle societal messages in a post-post-ironic way.

Midnight passes and a dressed up figure makes her way though the crowd.

>cenobite Sailor Moon (the real deal)

>gothic Sailor Moon (isn't depressed, just has that look)

>druggie Sailor Moon (is depressed and has that look)

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Rolled 2 (1d2)

>>6078249 | >>6078251 | >>6078297 | >>6078318 | >>6078331
1 for cenobite Sailor Moon
2 for junkie Sailor Moon

style: mix of both
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A tall slim figure walks confidently on the marble floors, high heels clacking loudly. She carries the smell of cigarettes, sweat and ecstasy leaving her body. Judging by their looks the men don't seem to mind it, which in turn brings a certain sense of disgust in her - against men and the culture that she has been rebelling against since the conscious start of her life. Yet, now she has a job to do and sucks it up somewhere deep inside her.

>Sailor Moon seeks out Braydon regarding his brother
Do you know why your brother deployed, leaving you to traverse the soulless LA pit by yourself? Looks like the biblical context of the contents laying on the bottom of the river Euphrates outweighed his obligations towards his younger brother...

>Sailor Moon comes as a stripper to the party
Garrett, one of the jocks in Braydon's friend group, decides that his boy needs professional attention, he hasn't been the same after the break up with Courtney a few months ago. Ironically, she is attending the party and a proper stripper trusting hips in Braydon's face will totally make her jealous

>Sailor Moon is a proper robber
Her dressed up figure is making way through the crowd, twirling elegantly between roided up werewolves, slutty nuns holding enormous injections squirting alcohol everywhere, buff neanderthals, bare chested 'arabian' women with the occasional black face. Finally she reaches the pool and lays comfortably on a beach sofa, waiting for her friends Sailors Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury in order to activate the next phase of the plan - the mystery of the Red Pool begins!

>Sailor moon is a blackmailer, coming with vengeance
Uhm, Braydon, you will have another brother... Working as a volunteer for Sloan 2004 "Criminal justice reform for all" election campaign, Sailor Moon gets coerced in sleeping with the senator and later finds out that she is pregnant. She is even more antagonized after realizing that the senator's campaign isn't for real social justice but rather a sneaky way of getting more cannon fodder in the military right out of jail for the ongoing conflict.
>>Sailor Moon comes as a stripper to the party
>Garrett, one of the jocks in Braydon's friend group, decides that his boy needs professional attention, he hasn't been the same after the break up with Courtney a few months ago. Ironically, she is attending the party and a proper stripper trusting hips in Braydon's face will totally make her jealous
>Sailor Moon seeks out Braydon regarding his brother

>twirling elegantly between roided up werewolves, slutty nuns holding enormous injections squirting alcohol everywhere
shouldn't this be slutty nurses instead ? since they're holding injections
i'll be here for you when you come back OP

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This is the story of young mages and malcontents, of strange friends and bedfellows, and of deep and mysterious arcana. It has been a comedy sometimes, a tragedy at other times, and a political thriller more often than you’d like. It has been a romance as often as not, and rarely has it been an easy or straight-forward one.

It is your story: the story of Ezreal Mious of Dappulyet, or Ezreal Van Houtzmann of the Hawksong Mages’ Tower, or ‘Tips’ to your friends.

When you were young, you dreamed of being a Life Mage—a healer, perhaps, or a master chimericist like your master. You achieved all that and more, but a youthful fixation about the Archmage’s daughter—your principle academic rival—set you on a path that has since defined your life. Chasing her secrets, you uncovered countless others:

The secret history of Hawksong’s highest nobility, of how they rose and (seemingly) feel, infiltrated and adulterated by dark forces from ancient aeons.

The true origins of life on the Priem Materia Plane, created from darkness and molded by alien forces—by your own gods, originating in some place beyond the spark-speckled night skin—Into something ‘better’.

The nature of body, and of soul, and how to mend, preserve, recreate, and duplicate them. The secret of to transform them into something new.

The means to escape fate, foil divination, and break the cage of predestination once and for all… To achieve TRUE freedom.

Some call you ‘Unseelie’—unholy, accursed, heretical, maybe even mad. Your own people—your mother’s people, the Sylvan Elves of your homeland—want to imprison you for your crimes you’ve committed and the danger they believe you pose. It hurts your heart to hear these accusations, and to perceive the growing gulf between you and they. To reconcile with the Sylvanfolk would mean a great deal: your spiritual reunion with the tradition you’ve long followed, but ALSO the possibility of your mother attending your upcoming wedding.

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More all the facets of elf society as seen in this post
The celestial priests, the Rangers, the Kuttralas Cult, others we never even saw...They were very fleshed out despite our regrettably low levels of interaction with them.
I'm curious how you feel about the other elven societies seen: the Ashurati and Drow?
Ashurati were cool
Drow are miserable creatures of darkness
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bodes ill for the sort of elfiness you'll likely run into in Cambion Quest...
Never mind on checking out Cambion Quest then

jk :^)

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A proud Ninja stands alone, locked in a small room. He needs to find a way out.

>What do you do?
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>Demand to be let out of this cell
Ask what the hell all of this is about.
Stare/observe at the shorter individual and the just as they are about to speak say "Hi, how's it going?" in the most cheerful voice you can.
Hey sorry for the lack of updates. I think I bit off more than I can chew. I was busy with school work and other projects. I think I’ll post a few more updates and then I’m going to be taking a hiatus to learn new software. I will be posting this on a website when I’m posting updates for now.
No prblem, have a good one.

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