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You woke up to an ocean of grey.

You, however, quickly corrected this assessment; this grey was of a rather light shade, with a small tinge of blue. You concluded that you were looking at the sky.

Only then you took notice of your body. You were lying on your back.

You heard the wind howling against… something. It sounded like grass. It made you cold. Very cold.

You tried to move, but your legs refused. It felt like they were stuck in the ground.

The mud felt grainy against your skin.

It took a while before you got to your feet. You haven’t done this in a long time. While you stretched your shoulders, you looked at your surroundings.

You were in a ditch of some sort. Looking over its edge, you did not see much more than a field. A field stretching far and wide like a vast sea with small islands of forest here and there. The only other thing disrupting this endless plain was a long, small hill with trees on it. These trees were arranged in a neat row. Curious. You didn’t remember trees standing in neat rows like that.

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Make your quest hornier

There's already a woman in it, what more do you want?
Not enough
Well, thank you for writing, and thank you for stating your intentions for the quest clearly instead of flaking.
>I hope I can one day revive this quest when the board is less dead
Lol. Good luck. 3-4 voters for all but exceptional quests has been standard for /qst/'s lifespan (source: active since 2018), and your update schedule was really slow on top of that. I mean no malice when I say you either need to adjust your expectations or try something else.

Thanks for running though.

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You’re ANTON PEAS: a loose-cannon cop with a hair-trigger temper and a hunger for justice… whatever the cost!

Wait, no… no you’re not–you’re a Grill Jockey at GREASE MONKEY: THE DEEP-FRIED EVERYTHING FAMILY RESTAURANT! Thanks to a demonic ritual gone wrong, you were whisked away to ZORAL: a fantasy realm shrouded in perpetual darkness–the surprise trip leaving you with a plate full of troubles and a head full of holes!

Dazed, confused, and bloodied by the local fauna (and a particularly feisty demoness named Rezalith), you somehow managed to stumble across some friendly locals… or rather they stumbled across you: there’s VOLKA: gentle giantess and Marshall of some kind of militia/neighborhood watch called THE LAMPLIGHTERS, TZAH-TZIE: a spunky bard that kinda latched onto you for inspiration, MOROOK: the stoic ranger and gatherer of alchemical regents, and the ever-grumpy OTI: a moody mage with an interest in your recently-acquired powers…

You heard right! Conveniently manifesting right before becoming a treat for the wildlife, the ability to summon fireballs from your fingertips has helped you out of a few jams… it’s a shame the gift might be demonic in origin!

Needless to say, you’ve been busy! VOLKIR, Volka’s adoptive father and potion seller has promised to assist you in finding a way home–for a price!

20,000 BELLS is his fee, and though you already have several leads on how to acquire said sum, the task is already shaping up to be far more troublesome than it appears. In an attempt to refresh an Innkeeper’s stock of booze, your journey took you to the DOCKS DISTRICT. What began as a simple sidequest has put you through the proverbial ‘wringer’--and might have even put you in the sights of unseen, but surely wicked forces…

Speaking to a shaky sugarseller, THIS is where your story continues…

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>Oti might have an idea or two!
Ask around before going to the bloody temple no?
>Oti might have an idea or two!
And anyway...
>Why do you think Jhairo’s a good option?
>>RED’s the best chance you’ve got right now. You ain’t getting rid of him.
>Oti might have an idea or two!
>Why do you think Jhairo’s a good option?
>Oti might have an idea or two!

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Bright dawning days and solar rays and high suns - and flashing blades and other things.

Looks like they're going to make a fight of it.
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>Move 5 hexes NE as we prepare for the assault.

Vitality 12/12 Stamina 8/8 Focus 10/10
Action 9 Speed 1 (oh, consequences)
Will 11 Health 10 Grit 10 Sense 10
React 9
Lethality 1d6 Threshold 1d6
Authority +1, Rep +2
Uniform, DR 2
Shortblade, Sharp

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Vitality 12/12 Stamina 13/13 Focus 13/13
Action 9 Speed 2
Will 11 Health 10 Grit 10 Sense 10
React 10
Lethality 1d6+1 Threshold 1d6
–Alchemineering Kit
Uniform, DR 2
Shortblade, Sharp
Shield [18 HP, 3 DR, +2Def]
Empty Pockets
2 Bandages, 2 Torches, 2 Bags of Salt

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I'm here, I'm here

Vitality 12 Stamina 13 Focus 13
Action 9 Speed 2
Morale +1
Inspiration 0.6
Reputation -1
Will 10 Health 10 Grit 10 Sense 10
React 9
Lethality 1d6 Threshold 1d6

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>In this year of the Empyreal and Icons above and below. I...WE are here!

Vitality 12/12 // Stamina 13+1 // Focus 13+1
Action 9 // Speed 2
Will 10 // Health 10 // Grit 10
Sense 10 // React 9
Reputation 2 // Authority 2
Lethality 1d6 // Threshold 1d6

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>Previous thread

You are Amon. G Sus an orphan hobo in the Pokemon universe. After winning a dream vacation to Alola he's been wining and dining and getting it on with the ladies while a mysterious conspiracy seems to surround his seemingly "perfect" vacation.

>We are at 4 spaghetti points at the moment.
>Spaghetti points are used to determine how much of a fucking autist you are in dialogs and other rolls for good or bad. They can also be spent on Pokemon evolutions or new moves. So get em but spend them quick. 5 points for an evolution, 3 for a new move

Here is the team!

Foongus: Timid and cowardly, you met him at age 7 when foraging for food. You thought he was a Pokeball due to hunger and he ended up crying due to being afraid. You gave him a last morsel of food to calm him down and he followed you into the city. Now your bros for life. He's more brave during battles as long as its not TOO rough.
Ability: Effect Spore
Mega Drain
Stun Spore
Sweet Scent

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Rolled 36 (1d100)

Come on me boy. Ya can do it croagunk
>Christmas stuff. Will respond tonight. Merry Christmas niggas.

>Croagunk takes a duel gleam head on and takes 1 damage.

Croagunk braces for impact but cries out in pain. "Croagunk! Drain Punch!" Croagunk charges at Blissey and Ribombee blocks with Protect! "Now Poison Sting once Protect is done!" Poison Sting hits Ribombee dead on.

>Roll a 1d00 the highest number has the last digit of their post number for damage. Feel free to reroll.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

"Lets go Croagunk put your full weight on this sting!"
Rolled 83 (1d100)

"RAAAAAAAAAA" Scream for the power of friendship.

also merry christmas QM.

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You must dig.
You are alone.
Naked and Hungry.
She awaits you.
In the darkest reaches of Bothrou-dum.
Pick up your shovel.
Your pickaxe.
You have 1000 Days to live.

>Dig ( Tier 0 tools, 2 days)
>Dig faster (Tier 0 tools, 1 Day)
>Research (No innovation orbs in inventory)
>Scavenge (3 Days)
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>Dig faster (Tier 1 tools, 1 Day)
They are in the walls.
Ocean above, Ocean below
What is the sun? A distant memory
Who is her? Everything.
It shines upon your swarthy hands
A pearl of Knowledge swelling with tears
Moans, Groans, Cries and Wails
Of those before you.
All in the palm of your hands.

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>Research (1 Innovation Orb in inventory!)
>Research (1 Innovation Orb in inventory!)
>Research (1 Innovation Orb in inventory!)

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You are Charlotte Fawkins, dashing heroine, detective, adventuress, heiress, sorceress, etcetera. Three years ago, you drowned yourself in a quest to find a long-lost family heirloom; nowadays, you're just nobly causing solving problems with the help of trusty retainer Gil and snake(?)/father(?) Richard. Inexplicably, many people tend to "dislike" you, though you've never done anything wrong in your life.

Right now, you're hazy on what's happening.

I think I've done all I could do.

You're in your head. Something is in your body. Bone. Marble. Roses. You can't see. Something is the matter with your eye.

Shh. I'll take care of it. Give me a moment.

You are reaching into your pocket and taking out an eye and you are reaching into your socket and taking out the sun. You are putting the eye in the socket, and you are opening your mouth wider than it goes and swallowing the sun.

Fire and clarity return to you. You are Charlotte Fawkins. The lizard-thing, the Herald of the Bright Epoch, is in your body. You are in a tight space surrounded by Managers, which would ordinarily be frightening, but you remember. They worship you.

For now. I wouldn't press the matter. They are already resistant.

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>We've been told in thread 16 that "this is not a quest where we play optimally"
Oh, wow, maybe I was misremembering the Thread 30ish kerfuffle, because the Thread 16 stuff actually looks like what I was talking about. Thank you for digging that up, because it lets me actually pull what I said three and a half years ago. Which appears to be this:

>Okay, guys, let's sort this out. First thing: voting for optimal choices and voting for narrative choices are both valid positions, and both are welcome in this quest. I try to structure the vote options to account for both.

> Voting for exclusively terrible choices is also valid, given that they are voted for in good faith-- ie, they're what the voter truly wants.

>In addition, 'optimal' voting isn't out of character: Charlotte is equally capable of making good and bad decisions.

So... anon, I think you're also misremembering. By any chance, are you the guy who I told off back then? (No hard feelings if you are, it'd just explain why you got the wrong impression). There's no such thing as "this is not a quest where we play optimally," either then or now.

From what I can tell, my stance back then is exactly the same stance I have right now: optimal choices often exist ("try to structure the vote options to account for both"), but so do worse but more "narrative" choices, and I don't care which you vote for as long as your voting is done in good faith. I guess the only additional layer I have to add is that you should actually take a second to think through the options, then decide: maybe you continue to pick the interesting option, maybe it seems too risky or difficult or counterproductive and voting for it (and consequently failing) would make things less interesting. This might've kept your voting pattern exactly the same, which is fine. Who knows. But that's all I ask.

>I can't explain drinking from the blood pool in US

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>murdering Wayne
I prefer the term "defending Felicia with lethal means"

>drinking from the blood pool in US
I think this was done before anons really understood how bad the red could be

>constantly employing SV in any other way
Some of the more recent choices to use it are pretty confounding, yea
It's been very handy at some points though, like deleting Wayne and Headspace rampages

>just with kid gloves.
Or on acceptable targets

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>What did you think of NIGHTMARES?
Just realized I forgot to answer this, I really liked them too
Was I right on what nightmare belonged to who?
Yeah, pretty much. The order as posted in the thread* is:

I: Charlotte
II: Monty
III: Madrigal
IV: Eloise
V: Gil
VI: Branwen
VII: Real Ellery
VIII: Horse Face
IX: Richard

Not quite comprehensive (I think Pat, Earl, and Henry are some obvious omissions), but a pretty good sampler. I had fun writing them, especially since it's been months since most of them have shown up. (Well... until that last update!)

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You are a former knight. Your name? Well, that’s something you set out to make for yourself. You’ve been chasing rumors of an ancient artifact of unimaginable power, and now, at the end of your lead, you find yourself standing before a dark, dank cave.

Will you finally be able to crush all your enemies? Will the princess finally notice you? Will your dad finally start talking to you again, since you did that thing at his birthday that one time? or will this be your last quest?!
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Your sack seems to be upset with you about something!

You give the sack a half-hearted pat. “You’ll be fine in there, champ."

Alright, so… where would I be if I were a powerful ancient artifact?

> Let's go look for Da Chief, maybe he might know something.

> Let's just go wondering around this troll infested cave until something turns up.

> This is enough adventuring for one day—I'm pooped!

> Write-in
> This is enough adventuring for one day—I'm pooped!
I, uh think we have the artifact. Even if we don't, this cave is about to be pretty dangerous for us. Let's get while the getting's good, sell the lamp, and come back when things have cooled down. Maybe we can convince Mung to be our party-member or lackey, too?
>This is enough adventuring for one day—I'm pooped!
> This is enough adventuring for one day—I'm pooped!

Let us retire to a typical cod-medieval tavern.

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To everyone's horror and dismay, you are Nicole Smith. You are a SHIFTer, a human with anomalous abilities who has slowly been mutating more and more over the last few weeks. First it was horns, then it was fur, who knows what's next?

Will you even be human once all is said and done?

Regardless, this is good in your line of work as a Cleaner, a deniable asset used by massive mega-corporations called the Alphabet Companies and anyone else willing to pay you. Most of your jobs are from your Handler a member of a powerful family who asks you to check up on things or 'clean' up messes for him.

All of this is because in the City the massive megacomplex spanning across hundreds of thousands of square miles, being a Cleaner is one of the most efficient ways of making cash if you don't care about your own safety and you can't quite get an actual proper Corporate job. As for how said job is going...

You finally finished tracking down a very important briefcase for your Handler and, with little actual struggle, you retrieved it. Thanks to your job well done you have now gained access to him as a very powerful ally in the future.

After hanging out at the bar with your friends, you proceeded to meet a bizarre alternate version of yourself who was corroded into an anomaly. A mind fuck and a half later, you met a mysterious CEO who wants to help you but only if you can figure out who he is. Trying to push past everything weird going on you got your newest mission:

Harvesting resources from one of I-Corp's most rural, frigid subdistricts.

So far your job here has been going well. You headed to a nearby village to get some side work while exploring the rest of the subdistrict. You then proceeded to meet a Graverobber and negotiated information out of them, hunted down a bank vault filled with valuables, and helped an anomaly out hidden inside of a clock tower.

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The crowded street is now eerily empty. No cars, no struggling D-Corpers trying to get to their job, nothing. The buildings around you still have their weak lights on but it's like you're somewhere you're not supposed to be.

"Psst." POI, who has been really quiet, finally speaks up to your group. "Alert. Alert. Spooks are getting rowdy. Alert. Keep your eyes open.

"Is that-" "Don't question it." "Her powers are weird like that." Clover and Kiara, who have both dealt with DISASSOCIATION before, wave off Seath's concerns.

Where to next, Nicky?

>STYGIAN WATERING HOLE. A local bar known for having popular with criminals and syndicates. While it could provide back alley info, there's also a sentient anomaly there.
>ROASTED SOUL CAFÉ. A coffee place associated with the rich and famous. Max should be able to get you into this. Gives you a chance to use that coffee coupon and to talk to some rich people who may know something.
>BODY GRINDSET GYM. You have Seath now. Maybe you can bum off his gym membership to get GAINS?
>ZENITH HOSPITAL. A Z-Corp hospital working to help out the poor and desperate of D-Company. Seath says he's heard the rumors about this place and he's a bit worried about if they're true or not.
>[CLOVER'S MAP NOTE] ABANDONED KETSUK ESTATE. An estate of a formerly wealthy and powerful family known for having fox-based bioaugments. May offer some useful bargaining chips and lore about D-Corp + Clover.
>[UPGRADED MAP] NOWHERE. An ominously named stretch of D-Corp highway that has been consumed by so much darkness, it may as well be a void now. Seath, Benjamin and Kiara really want to check this place out.
>[SIDEQUEST LOCATION] ELEUTHERIA APO FOS. A massive slum that has taken up 10% of the land of this District. Operated by at least five different Syndicates. Darker than usual even by D-Corp standards.

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>ENCHANCED GAUZE ROLL x2 (-2 GAUZE ROLLS, -PEARLY WHITE MUSHROOM. Can be used to heal 2 FLESH, remove a crippling injury, or to remove 2 CRIPPLING INJURIES if the person is under the influence of UVX items.)
>SWEET COMA (-SWEET DREAMS, -1 out of 2 DREARY BLUE MOLD, -1 out of 4 WARM SNUG HUG. Heals 5 FLESH and RESTRAINT with no downside!)
Bram'vesh fucks are gonna DIE and we're gonna LOOT their shit and RESCUE that dog
We get two of these in one go, nice
This'll get Lex or Benedict or STEADFAST RESOLVE Maruyama back to full enough in one go
Switch to

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Connection established!

The screen flashes on and a smooth practiced voice travels out.

“Good ~ Morning, Salcot! I’m your host, Mike, who is joined today by Deputy Sarah. Today at Half-lid News Network, we have a loaded headline to get through, so let’s go at it.”

“Today an official report of vigilantes taking shots at various criminal gangs infesting Darkrock has turned into an all-out war between the two with police getting involved at the scene! Why don’t you tell us more about that Deputy?”

A small woman in a police uniform is shown on camera.

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+1 lmao
I'll support this

Votes counted, but no update due to thanksgiving. Happy Holidays.
appy give thanksing, man

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The child stumbles up the worn cracked steps. She drops one - then two - small pieces of hardened flax-bread into your offering bowl, ringing it like a gentle bell.

"I'm lost..." she whispers, balling her fists in a semblance of prayer. "...please...please..."

You wish to tell her that you control naught but the soft noonday breeze and the flow of dew upon bladed grass. You wish to tell her that you are a god of nothing.

But your voice vanishes between the tall, rustling trees. It has been a very long time since you last heard a prayer.

>[SUNWARD] - Help her look sunward. [-1 FAITH]

>[SEAWARD] - Help her look seaward. [-1 FAITH]
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Apologies for the delay everyone - I promise that the new thread will be up tomorrow, or you will have legal right to hunt me down.
We're waiting...
We're glad you are ok and working on the new thread, QM. We REALLY enjoyed this one.
I'm so sorry (again) I had an extra clinic shift tonight. I promise that a new thread will be up tomorrow.

Sorry again.
Better move quick OP. We are hunting you down.

You are Tristain d’Rusalka, a noble from the United Kingdom of Fodlan born with unique abilities bestowed upon you by the Goddess. You have journeyed across the sea to the desert kingdom of Morfis after receiving an invitation to join a mysterious competition. Though you know little of the trials that lie ahead, the winner of this contest has been promised the hand of Morfis’ Princess, Yulia Xan Phanes, in marriage. Seeking adventures, thrills, and battles that would be worthy of your might, you embarked on this strange voyage with nothing but your trusted axe.

You vanquished a group of pirates that attacked your ship, making several new allies: Alvin, a merchant captain and ‘Adjunct’ of the Royal College of Sorcery, May, a stowaway and thief of remarkable skill, and Adeline, a knight from a disgraced noble family.

You then arrived in Solis, a port city, where circumstances brought you into confrontations with both the locals as well as other contenders for Yulia’s hand. Your strength saw you through these trials, and you acquired additional allies: Cassius, a Morfisian Sorcerer with an admiration for Fodlan, Elric, a young Fodlan noble with little ability, and Cuthbert, a war veteran and Elric’s bodyguard.

After stocking up on supplies and choosing one of two travel routes, you and your party were ready to depart for Morfis, the City of Illusions. In 30 days, the competition would begin in earnest. But for now, you must travel through the desert, facing any perils that may come your way.

>Tristain d’Rusalka
>Level 24/50 Lord (EXP: 0/100)
HP: 51 (120%)
Strength: 26 (65%)
Magic: 18 (40%)
Speed: 14 (30%)
Defense: 20 (60%)

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Maybe! Maybe not. He may have found a way to get by.

He got the Byleth doll he wanted as a kid, complete with an attachable Sword of the Creator.

Sure, let's see.

Adeline: She respects Tristain as a warrior and knows he’s well-meaning, even if he is stubborn and hard-headed. She’s having a difficult time acclimating to things, as she’s usually always been alone. She still considers Tristain an enemy she’ll need to beat to win the Competition.

May: The most loyal to Tristain. Grateful he saved her life and gave her a sense of purpose, as well as potential future opportunities.

Cassius: Respects and likes Tristain. Is open about the fact he’s here mostly to learn more about Fodlan, as well as to potentially get in the good graces of the future king.

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>I wonder if there’s anyone around who could have done that though.
it May, right? everyone else is accounted for. Wonder where she is hiding it

We clearly need to max her Support tier ASAP, since if its not her she can help us "acquire" it.
>B): Choose the Speedwings (+2 SPD Permanently)
Reducing the chance of being doubled is more important than the MAG boost. He can compensate with his crest.

>I wonder if there’s anyone around who could have done that though.
Right another reason to meet up with Bronte ASAP - her mother and the supreme leader of the church are besties and Bronte could easily have smuggled in the Wind Caller's Genesis under the guise of a regular magic tome.

>I wonder if she kept up with her training…
Tristain vs Blair where Blair starts with a massive extra stat boost because Tristain called her a hag to her face kek

I'm actually really looking forward to seeing where he goes now that he has his new sword.
>B): Choose the Speedwings (+2 SPD Permanently)
It's definitely interesting to see what the party thinks of Tristain-- makes me wonder how much those thoughts will change as their Supports develop further.

As for the audit, I'm glad to be of service! As stated, I'll try to keep it updated with each thread that goes on so that any discrepancies that pop up can be fixed on the spot rather than tallied at the end. Of course, I would appreciate other anons' help ensuring the numbers are straight, as usual.

Tristain being on the slower side (but not as slow as say, an Armor Knight) definitely makes sense-- between Resolve and the Crest of Indech, he certainly has his own way to compensate for it.

It's hard to quantify it, but I'd say that a lot of Blair's strength comes from her solid statline and sheer versatility in combat options. Strong speed, solid bulk, high mobility, and the ability to hit either DEF or RES as the situation suits it... Blair could do it all. Even if she doesn't have the same destructive power as a Crest User, she definitely earned her spot as a Fire Emblem Protagonist. Hope she's kept up her training! Makes me wonder if we'll get Blair or Winona as a Gotoh near the end-- they're basically Archsages with S-Tier magic now, and watching them dust off their old gear to help one last time might be fun.

Watching Tristain expand his kit will be fun too. The Level 24 Blair in my previous post was all the way in Thread 8, so Tristain's got a lot of room to grow in that regard. He'll probably get Valflame later on, just like his granddad, but it might be fun to see his other spells. Meteor or Rexflame, maybe? Plus whatever S-Rank Axe or Holy Relic can be found in here...

As for the relics... it's probably Bronte with the Wind Caller's Genesis, but it wouldn't surprise me if Clay managed to squirrel away the Blade of Moralta. We know Arios has the Thunderbrand, and Lorenz's sister or cousin has the Thyrsus... The Cormac/Scratch kid probably has the Mercurius too, though that one's just a nice sword rather than a holy relic. Makes me wonder if when Rex killed Indech, if any of his bones were taken to be forged into a new relic-- if that's even possible.

And thank you as well! I missed the first thread, but I'm glad to be here now. Enjoy your holiday break!

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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 758. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting

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Yeah I think they call that autism.
I do not think it is possible to call autism. It does not have a phone.
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Why I didn't even watch, sad. But, as we all know...
Depends on the training and the complexity of what you're listening to. But generally Karn's trainings are either very intense or are heavy meditation, requiring absolute focus to reign in the Berserker Soul.
It begins! >>6142505

What the name implies. I'm trying to get over some GMing nerves and figured, what the heck? Why not a quest.

Most of these don't make it past chargen so I'll keep it simple: pick a feat, a race, a background, a class, and (optionally) pitch some backstory. I'm completely down for homebrew and I'll use 5e because basic.
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Rolled 3 + 4 (1d4 + 4)

oh and also this roll
Sharmk is dead >:^)
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The thrashing of the shark stills, its black eyes relax, you feel the beat of its heart stop as your poison takes effect, you untangle yourself from your prey and undulate your coils to push to the surface, lungs aching for air as your barbarian rage dies down, satisfied with the death of the shark.

As you reach the surface you see the crew of the ship watching with anxious or interested eyes.

"THERE! See! See there! Throw the poor bastard a rope!"

"He's bleeding!"

"Sure that's not from-?"

The shark bobs lifelessly next to you, drawing gasps and a pistol shot. But when they realise it's dead there are sudden cheers, laughter and, yes, a rope thrown to you. The captain leans over the rail and grins.

"Let's negotiate~"

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it's something we're already good at, we get to see the world, and the crew can still kill us if we say no. it's no contest. we take the job but watch our backs.
>Take her hand and shake it, carefully. "Looks like you've got yourselves a hunter."

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It's Friday night. You've got two ice-cold six-packs of spicebrew perspiring on the left side of your shirt. This weekend will be the same as every other weekend. Getting blackout drunk. Alone. In a one-room apartment in the shadiest corner of Coruscant. This is your life. It's just what you deserve.

"If you're having a party, I could come back later." A man emerges from the shadows of the disorientingly long hallway. He has on plain clothes but the rank badge below his left shoulder marks him as an Imperial officer. For a moment you think you're in trouble, but there's far too many rank tiles to bother with a lowly bureaucrat like yourself.

"What do you want?" you ask.

"To talk. In private. If you're expecting company..." He nods pointedly to the cans of spicebrew.

>"Piss off."
>"Why not? Misery loves company."
>"If this is about the Lera incident, I had nothing do with that."
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Bro please come back the 15 min captcha wait is gone..
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Thanks for getting my hopes up for nothing
Jesus Christ. that's indeed bad.
To be honest, I've been keeping the same tab open and using the same Wi-Fi, but it might be horrible if you have dynamic IP. But considering you have the same ID, maybe just keep a tab open?
try this: click "get captcha" first and then start typing up your update. I figure the 900 seconds should pass by while you're busy typing it out and revising it

For centuries, in the cradle of civilization, the faith of man has been rocked back and forth like the salty tides of the Red Sea.

Once the Gods of the Old Age allowed themselves to be conquered by modern kings, mankind found itself without purpose or direction. Soon, mankind realized they were yearning for supernatural intervention.

Minor Gods arose from man's abundant faith and began to learn to enforce their divine will as belief in them grew. In their nascent state, the Gods do not yet have the power to directly speak or show themselves to mankind, yet they still find ways to lead new believers to their Domain and Commandments. Which Gods will be elevated into the Pantheon of this New Age?

In this quest, each player takes on the role of a God, and attempts to expand their supernatural reach. Players can join at any time!

Create your God!
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It appears our QM still hasn't come back. Everything good OP? You can tell us if this is too much to run
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I thank you for inviting me. I might join if you make a thread here, but with a gimmick that makes the lack of discord appropriate.

It seems like the curse got our QM, such is the way. No more intermission, I am working on making my own quest...
You could probably make this in ss13's tileset...
Well there definitely needs to be some sort of external medium, and discord is just the more convenient one so alas, a lack of discord means you'll be heavily disadvantaged compared to everybody else, due to how I'll be handling actions. Not like it's ready immediately though

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