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Unfortunately, you are a PRINCESS. You have been locked in a TOWER for as long as you can remember. Even though you don't know it, today is the day you come of age. This is also unfortunate. It would be a good idea to escape.

What do you do?
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> Look at the LIGHTY THING (chandelier). Did it move at all? Did it get closer? A huge ROC just flew off it!
> Pet the ROC. Backwards compared to how you would pet a WOODLAND CRITTER. The ROC is EVIL
> Look at how wide the LAVA PIT is. Could you safely YEET CHESTER across the LAVA PIT yourself?
> Ask the ROC for a ride to the other side if it's not too much a problem for it.
> Your DIET finally have some actual use! You probably won't burden the ROC too much
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The ROC has been enchanted by your song and lifts you and Chester the Marvelous up into the air.

Together you float higher and higher and higher and higher until you leave the story entirely.

The End
Damn, we never got to find out what was inside Chester.
Thanks for running, Anon!

Chester's a mimic, we would have been eaten.
Thank you for running QM!
This was pretty enjoyable, and made me nostalgic for the old 'save the princess' threads that were scattered around 4chan.

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The Brotherhood of Steel, a bastion dug into the sands of what was once California, an order of martial might and scientific brilliance. Since its founding after nuclear Armageddon its members have walked the wastes, their mission one of honor. Their deeds brought themselves glory, and a semblance of hope to the communities struggling to rise from the ashes of annihilation. But eventually this time of action faded, worry and doubt closing the Brotherhood from the rebuilt civilization. But in a time of great peril, where the threat of Unity and the super mutant stalked the land, it seemed that the wastes would bring one to revitalize the reclusive Brotherhood. Unfortunately this new initiate was of cold heart and bloody hands. Greedily he took the Brotherhoods’ finest arms and armor, and murdered one of the Chapter’s finest. The response was immediate, plotting elders and muttering paladins acted upon the attack, fanning a flame of vengeance in the hearts of the Brotherhood. The High Elder stepped down from his position, partly from the insistence of council, and mostly from his own doubt for placing his trust within the barbarous initiate. The council wasted no time, placing one of their most zealous into the position of High Elder as they solidified the position as supreme over the entire Brotherhood. High Elder Lamech heralded the Brotherhood’s transformation into the Steel Plague, and he set its soldiers out across the wastes to pilfer weapons and equipment from the scattered super mutant army. Finally he leveled the Plague’s awesome arsenal against the newly formed New California Republic, determined to smother the young nation for both mimicking the nation the venerable founder renounced and being helper to the vile initiate. However, Lamech’s identity as the face of the Plague has been his undoing. Prototype implants, slotted by the dozens into his body and mind to create a warrior worthy of the title of High Elder, have rendered him crippled with the disorder of epilepsy. He sits across from you now, staring at you with a slight grimace in spite of the cloth blindfold wrapped around his head. The hooded figures of the Elders face you as well, all attention turned to the subject of the conference. You have been given the honor of ascending to the position of High Elder…

>Elder: Another member of the Plague’s upper hierarchy, you are experienced in the power of command and your ascension is unsurprising. +5 leadership and knowledge rolls.
>Paladin: One of the Plague’s greatest warriors, you are the apex of the Plague’s martial might and your ascension is typical. +5 combat and leadership rolls.
>Scribe: The lore keepers and scientists of the Plague. There is little in the wastes that can match your knowledge, but your ascension is unprecedented within the Order’s history. +5 knowledge and technology rolls.
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Maybe we should consider cooperating and asking the other anons to change their tactics vote to something more sensible with the loadout we have? Also it's just us and the bodyguard we are configuring, if we get a melee loadout and an intermediate range bodyguard (it's an example roll with it), and choose ranged tactics, then we obviously bring ranged npcs and FIRES.
Dead already?
don't be so negative. You have to say dying

Sweet Jazz City has a new thorn in its side, a thorn that is just one of hundreds of mild irritants that for the most part even the police doesn't take seriously. You, however, are different than all the rest. As different as everyone is from everyone else, but more so! Most of your fellow blasters are doing this to be part of something, to have an outlet for their teenage angst or to ride through a midlife crisis, or worst of all just here cause they thought the uniform was cool (which it totally is but that's a that's supposed to be a bonus!)

You're here because you don't have any other option. Your Epithet, your parents never let you use it, never let you stretch your wings, never let you go all out. But here, nothing can stop you from doing what you wanted, nothing could stop you from unleashing your full power...except your curfew...and the fact your epithet wasn't the best...also the inherent structure of the Banzai Blasters making it difficult to really advance on your own...

But besides all that, you had no where to go but up!

What did you write in for your Epithet when you applied for your first uniform?

You have the ability to explode! Literally...When activated, your epithet causes you to unleash an explosive force will only grow stronger as you train. Currently, it leads to you instantly going unconscious when you use it, however it is powerful enough to blow open buildings, destroy cars, and anyone caught in a radius of 10 feet around you will usually be knocked unconscious as well, unless they have exceptional stamina. Begin with 5 Proficiency, 3 Stamina, and 1 Creativity.

Your ability is to polish things, making them smooth and often shiny. You can make a sidewalk smooth as glass, or make a rock shine like a mirror! You can use this to slide across the ground, to make things easier to push by weakening friction, or making reflective surfaces. However, for some reason you tend to slip more easily and you walk into glass pretty often. Begin with 3 Proficiency, 1 Stamina, and 5 creativity


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>>Play it cool for now, and show your reliability to them all. Longer to get any profit, but you can earn real trust and wait for the right moment to either screw over your captain or grab onto his coat tails.

Hope this quest is still alive. I keep finding quests right when QMs evaporate.
I miss Epithet Erased, it was a fun time.
If you miss Epithet Erased I can suggest a couple of epithet based campaigns by WarpedLamp (one of Jello's friends)
Also would be a shame if this quest ends
Jello has uploaded 2 episodes of anime campaign which epithet erased is based on, but the uploads are edited. and if you want to see the other episodes you might have some trouble since he hasn't uploaded due to spoilers for epithet erased
did you vote in your own quest? I am not sure if based or cringe
>Show off as much as you can
I am voting because.... yeah
I think there's a place where the rest of them have been archived somewhere but I don't have the link on me right now.

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You are the Bird Handler (禽師), a cultivator feared throughout the realm for your mastery over beasts avian.

Your hair, black as ink, sways in the wind like a battle standard as you ride on the back of your companion, Mokun (墨鯤), a legendary Peng (鵬) bird that has been by your side from your birth.

Where are you going?
>The City of Yi (毅城).

>The Iron Feather Sect (鐵羽宗).

>Red Saber Temple (紅刀寺).
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>Explain your grudge, if they react negatively attack Liu Tian directly.
I would prefer to avoid a senseless slaughter if possible, maybe they will let us duel it out, if not then so be it.
>For the thievery of my Bird
>For the impudent aidacity to attack me.for rebuking him
>For the inconvenience of coming to this mountain to settle my score
>I will have his head to sate the balance.

If they are shrewd, they will see thaynthey can measure his value vs the value of a treasure vs the risk of our move.
>Explain your grudge, if they react negatively attack Liu Tian directly.
>"I'll slay him in honorable combat to not stain your sects name."
+1 for this rhetoric.

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You are Special Agent Denny Cole. It's the 12:01 PM, March 22nd and you are entering the town of Twisty Pines.

You are here to solve a horrible crime. But first, what did you have for lunch?

-Raspberry Pie
-Ham Sandwich
-Boiled Egg
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Tell him you're special agent "YNNED" and that you left your license at home because you're undergoing a special town inspection operation that requires you to be as unburdened as possible. You would appreciate it if he didn't blow your cover.

If Ax girl gets suspicious just hastily wink at her in an angle that the cop can't look in.

Don't imagine her relationship with cops is the best but nothing good can come out of being on the bad side of cops for ol talkin' timber.
Snitch! Narc on ax girl and perform a citizen's arrest
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how dare you...
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you carefully approach the man in uniform and go on a quiet tangent.

"agent here, code YNNED.
on my pursuit of truth regarding certain unresolved murder case from twisty pines.
that gal.. my #1 suspect, i'm digging clues from her.
she has a mental condition. that turns her docile, cooperative to trees.. pines.
i'd be thankful if you went back to your day patrol, sir."


"you're only digging yourself in, denny."

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Mission accomplished. Denny? Never heard of him.

So where is this fabled pie man? You're a professional pie fanatic so a sample of that "pretty good" couldn't hurt, and perhaps this pie man has more info on an even greater raspberry pie. Inquire Axy if she could take you there pretty please.

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"How I wish there was an STC for hope."
-Attributed to an unknown Skitarii, Damocles Gulf Crusade

Now sworn to the path of the Omnissiah, you imagine - just for a moment - that you finally know what you are here to do.


Read the previous threads at: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=False%20Woman

You possess an amount of Strain equal to your Conditioning score. When attempting actions beyond your current capacity, you gain a point of Strain. Attempting to Strain while at maximum Strain will result in a Strain Check. During a Strain Check, roll 1d10 for every point of the relevant Parameter. Results that are 6 or above count as one success. Results of 10 count as two successes. Three successes must be rolled to avert a critical failure. Fail or pass, after a Strain Check, you cannot Strain again until you restore your Strain by seeking shelter.

This quest allows you to designate a second-choice vote on decisions with three or more options before Write-Ins. When votes are totaled, the option with the least votes for it will be removed, with votes for that option instead being changed to the second-choice of those voters. Second-choice votes are also used to break ties. This helps increase the accuracy of votes, but is not mandatory. Please specifically mark your second-choice as such if you do so.

Vote stay open for a minimum of six hours, but will usually take longer.

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>>"I'll try my best to be specific."
>"I'll try my best to be specific."
>>"Thank you."
>"I'll try my best to be specific."
Apologies, there will be a brief delay as I have to take care of some prep.

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It's 2003, Halloween night. The spoiled young elite of LA is celebrating the holiday around a thematic smokey red pool, hidden deep in the Beverly Hills. The pool is in the backyard of a huge mansion, property of the soon-to-be senator of California. The latter is trying to work out the stress of witnessing his firstborn son volunteering in the newly started invasion of Iraq by participating in a snobby polo tournament, somewhere in Europe with his wife. Even though distraught, he knew volunteering was great PR. Today is also the twenty-first birthday of his second born, Braydon Sloan, and feeling the guilt of probable neglect, the soon-to-be senator wanted to appease his boy with carte blanche on all expenses while he was away.

Braydon isn't a jock, isn't a nerd, isn't particularly smart, isn't exactly stupid. His only feature that made him stand out is his beautiful facial features and impeccable Hollywood smile. That and his father's status made him a very appealing target for people with predisposition of being suckups, bootlickers and sycophants. Braydon knew somewhere in the back of his mind that his jokes shouldn't garner that much laughter, his style - that many compliments, his every request - getting 'yes', yet he liked the attention. He never received any when his big brother was around and he hated him for it, but now knowing that he is bathing in the black soot of burning oil wells who-knows-where he missed him very much.

The sun set three hours ago, the party around the smokey red pool grows larger by the minute with many youths dancing around, all covered in ironic scary attire, post-ironic lewd garments, outfits that tackle societal messages in a post-post-ironic way.

Midnight passes and a dressed up figure makes her way though the crowd.

>cenobite Sailor Moon (the real deal)

>gothic Sailor Moon (isn't depressed, just has that look)

>druggie Sailor Moon (is depressed and has that look)

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Rolled 2 (1d2)

>>6078249 | >>6078251 | >>6078297 | >>6078318 | >>6078331
1 for cenobite Sailor Moon
2 for junkie Sailor Moon

style: mix of both
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A tall slim figure walks confidently on the marble floors, high heels clacking loudly. She carries the smell of cigarettes, sweat and ecstasy leaving her body. Judging by their looks the men don't seem to mind it, which in turn brings a certain sense of disgust in her - against men and the culture that she has been rebelling against since the conscious start of her life. Yet, now she has a job to do and sucks it up somewhere deep inside her.

>Sailor Moon seeks out Braydon regarding his brother
Do you know why your brother deployed, leaving you to traverse the soulless LA pit by yourself? Looks like the biblical context of the contents laying on the bottom of the river Euphrates outweighed his obligations towards his younger brother...

>Sailor Moon comes as a stripper to the party
Garrett, one of the jocks in Braydon's friend group, decides that his boy needs professional attention, he hasn't been the same after the break up with Courtney a few months ago. Ironically, she is attending the party and a proper stripper trusting hips in Braydon's face will totally make her jealous

>Sailor Moon is a proper robber
Her dressed up figure is making way through the crowd, twirling elegantly between roided up werewolves, slutty nuns holding enormous injections squirting alcohol everywhere, buff neanderthals, bare chested 'arabian' women with the occasional black face. Finally she reaches the pool and lays comfortably on a beach sofa, waiting for her friends Sailors Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury in order to activate the next phase of the plan - the mystery of the Red Pool begins!

>Sailor moon is a blackmailer, coming with vengeance
Uhm, Braydon, you will have another brother... Working as a volunteer for Sloan 2004 "Criminal justice reform for all" election campaign, Sailor Moon gets coerced in sleeping with the senator and later finds out that she is pregnant. She is even more antagonized after realizing that the senator's campaign isn't for real social justice but rather a sneaky way of getting more cannon fodder in the military right out of jail for the ongoing conflict.
>>Sailor Moon comes as a stripper to the party
>Garrett, one of the jocks in Braydon's friend group, decides that his boy needs professional attention, he hasn't been the same after the break up with Courtney a few months ago. Ironically, she is attending the party and a proper stripper trusting hips in Braydon's face will totally make her jealous
>Sailor Moon seeks out Braydon regarding his brother

>twirling elegantly between roided up werewolves, slutty nuns holding enormous injections squirting alcohol everywhere
shouldn't this be slutty nurses instead ? since they're holding injections
i'll be here for you when you come back OP

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This is the story of young mages and malcontents, of strange friends and bedfellows, and of deep and mysterious arcana. It has been a comedy sometimes, a tragedy at other times, and a political thriller more often than you’d like. It has been a romance as often as not, and rarely has it been an easy or straight-forward one.

It is your story: the story of Ezreal Mious of Dappulyet, or Ezreal Van Houtzmann of the Hawksong Mages’ Tower, or ‘Tips’ to your friends.

When you were young, you dreamed of being a Life Mage—a healer, perhaps, or a master chimericist like your master. You achieved all that and more, but a youthful fixation about the Archmage’s daughter—your principle academic rival—set you on a path that has since defined your life. Chasing her secrets, you uncovered countless others:

The secret history of Hawksong’s highest nobility, of how they rose and (seemingly) feel, infiltrated and adulterated by dark forces from ancient aeons.

The true origins of life on the Priem Materia Plane, created from darkness and molded by alien forces—by your own gods, originating in some place beyond the spark-speckled night skin—Into something ‘better’.

The nature of body, and of soul, and how to mend, preserve, recreate, and duplicate them. The secret of to transform them into something new.

The means to escape fate, foil divination, and break the cage of predestination once and for all… To achieve TRUE freedom.

Some call you ‘Unseelie’—unholy, accursed, heretical, maybe even mad. Your own people—your mother’s people, the Sylvan Elves of your homeland—want to imprison you for your crimes you’ve committed and the danger they believe you pose. It hurts your heart to hear these accusations, and to perceive the growing gulf between you and they. To reconcile with the Sylvanfolk would mean a great deal: your spiritual reunion with the tradition you’ve long followed, but ALSO the possibility of your mother attending your upcoming wedding.

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>How did you like the quest over all? Did you have a favourite aspect or element ?
the relationship betweent the characters and the dice system "randomness" won over me over the threads

>Aside from typos, are there any major weaknesses you'd like to see me work on?
>No promises, but I'll try my best
just some decisions which weren't fully explained, but the last one like this was at thread 5/6 iirc so nothing major

>Did you have a favourite character?
Zizi, Tips and Costela

>Do you feel Tips' characterization shone through, or did he come across as just an avatar for player choices without much of a 'voice' of his own?
he had his own voice for a long time

>Did you enjoy his relationship dynamics?

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>How did you like the quest over all? Did you have a favourite aspect or element?
Decently entertaining. My favorite part would be the “dialogue boss battles” — the talk with costella & izzy, negotiations with the death cult, and anything with choice manipulation. Figuring out what spells to use in actual boss battles was also fun.

>Aside from typos, are there any major weaknesses you'd like to see me work on?
What I thought was long were too short and what I thought was short went on too long.

This mainly applies to the goblin wastes of 7-8, and the star construction in particular. It felt - really - convenient that the slavers camp had a really old, really important relic sitting there. I felt like the sand elves should’ve been the main intrigue, the mountain acting as the main hub area and going on more specific quests / getting more info there instead of a first-try stumble into the chest & rod.

The settlement with Carlos was a part I felt got cut short. There wasn’t much back-and-forth with the family and their mage. Felt like a missed opportunity for another dialogue boss battle.

Although I have noticed it less now, there were moments where the narration lingers on a topic for a while but doesn’t say much. Most recent being the council’s descriptions; you don’t say much on the details of their clothing, just what you’re - supposed - to feel when looking at them.

“Elfmaid draped in garments woven from flower petals and leaves excuses an inner glow.”

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>Did you enjoy his relationship dynamics?
They are interesting. Costella is nice. A little too nice for her own good, but entertaining nontheless. Izzy - being the menhera she is - does make it unnecessarily difficult for me to like her. I never liked the decision to attune Izzy to Costella; she never liked her sexually to begin with. Another lie to support something more useful, I suppose.

Polygamy is a hard thing. That much is conveyed well, and I appreciate it.

>Were there any lore aspects you hoped to have cleared up or clarified which I didn't address? Any other questions about places, characters, etc.?
I don’t really care much about the deities and whatnot, and I suspect the doings of Zithzi and Carazzi will be explained later, anywayz

>I try not to bog things down with too much 'meta-textual' stuff or artsy-fartsy 'moral of the story' stuff, but I did include some deliberate themes, literary motifs, and allusions to real world stuff here and there where I thought it was interesting; did you pick up on any of it and, if so, did it add or detract from the story for you?
I can’t be fucked to list all the irl influence I think you might’ve added right now, but I notice a recurring them of “things being used and discarded because they’re not useful to the government right now.”

The goblin town in hawksong. The whole journey to get the prince and its fallout. Banelight’s star. Costella. (From Izzy’s POV.)

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Thanks for running.
Sadly, a bit burned out on my side too - too much to answer the block of question. I'll try to get to it when I'm better.
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>Cousin Addy
More of a throwaway reference, though certain choices would have seen him doing things like attacking the Hill or Tower, or staging a revolt on the Hill. He's just very easily worked up by foreign or non-human things.

Probably the hardest thing for me in this format, since I atruggle to keep things rolling briskly without feeling like I'm leaving out parts people want to see more of or (worse) railroading everyone.

>the council
If you'd opted for a less cooperative approach, you would have seen a bit more of their personalities (if not necessarily their outfits) as you tried to win some over with particular arguments.

>creampie fetish
Based, but I really don't set out to write smut (whatwver that one prude-anon in the QTG might say), and even the pastebin was just to avoid another Volume 8 situation, not because I wanted yo be especially pornographic. Not thay there's anything wrong with that, obviously, but it's not what I'm trying to do here.


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A proud Ninja stands alone, locked in a small room. He needs to find a way out.

>What do you do?
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>Demand to be let out of this cell
Ask what the hell all of this is about.
Stare/observe at the shorter individual and the just as they are about to speak say "Hi, how's it going?" in the most cheerful voice you can.
Hey sorry for the lack of updates. I think I bit off more than I can chew. I was busy with school work and other projects. I think I’ll post a few more updates and then I’m going to be taking a hiatus to learn new software. I will be posting this on a website when I’m posting updates for now.
No prblem, have a good one.

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Your name is Fido Ballthrow, and you're sixteen years old. A long, exciting, awesome summer has begun! You're quite sure it's going to be filled with lots of fun, parties, and flirtatious high jinks with attractive girls! Yeah, no. Things like that don't happen to you, and the world is going to end in a few years anyway.
You've been out all night. Or at least long enough for the sun to rise and the water to start glimmering. A normal teenager would be worried about their mother yelling at them when they get home, but your mom would probably yell at you either way. Hell, she'd probably yell at you for coming home too early. You could have had a night of new experiences by taking shrooms, but because you didn't wanna make your friend (and crush) Felino uncomfortable you decided you wouldn't do them. Your "friend" Little Pat is pretty pissed at you for this, but your other friend Eric was pretty chill with it considering he was the one who actually brought them. Now you stand by the lake, your "friend" Pat standing on top of a rock he could easily fall off of like an idiot. This is nothing new.
Previous threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=downerquest
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You tell Alice about Lily's interest in horror movies and music and mention to Lily that Alice used to be into the Civil War...
Alice is slightly surprised by this. "You actually remembered that?" she seems almost touched for a moment, but soon her expression becomes serious and displeased once more, "Whatever.."
Lily looks towards Alice.
"Civil War, huh? I liked that one movie... what was it? The Undea-"
"The Undead Rebels?"
"That movie was very historically inaccurate."
"Well, no shit, it was about zombies. I mean... crap... crud... whatever."
You suddenly stand up, exclaim that you'll go make breakfast, and leave the room. You enter the kitchen and pour a couple of bowls of cereal. Thank God you were able to find a reason to get out of that room... and you don't thank that guy very often.
Okay, okay, you finally have some time to think. Jesus, this is gonna be a long day. You're sort of happy she showed up because now you get to see her before the world ends... but you're also unhappy... because now you have to see her WHEN the world ends. You have to watch her die after everything you've done... or, well, not done. And after everything that's happened... Is it even possible to make up for something like that in a few days? Is there even any point in trying? Plus now you have to see Felino and Jon and that's sure to open up some old wounds... even though you are kind of excited. Okay, what now?
>Call Felino

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>Bring breakfast back into the living room
>Bring breakfast back into the living room
>Bring breakfast back into the living room

It has been 100 years since ancient beings, known as the Old Ones, walked the Earth with their two strong feet. Now they are gone and we animals now rule the remains that they left behind. With our new knowledge of sword and sorcery, we were able to survive in peace for a while, but then came the three factions.
The Apes: Strong giants, claiming to be as just as the old ones and believe they should be the ones to rule over the new world.
The Pigs: An intellectual but slothful group who wish to rule the world with an iron hoof and remain kings while the others remained as dumb animals.
Then there the Lizards: A fast and large group that want to set the world a blaze. Trying to forget the harsh past that the old ones left.
All three sides wishing to go war and destroy one another to bring in what they believe to be true peace.
But, unbeknownst to everyone, there was another group. One that was trying their best to find a way to heal everyone. To bring back order.
You found it.... and now you are taking care of it.

A D&D Homebrew Adventure.

Previous Quests:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20Awakened
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Hydrate and survive
Is Mog on Monday a Mong? Or does Monday with Mog become a Mogday? Questions, questions... Moggin' Day.
>Found out it was Stomach virus more than likely
>Head to bed feeling dehydrated and like shit.
>Into the dream void while listening to music.
>Usual I am back in college and doing work I apparently missed bullshit.
>Except this time me and my family are either actual D&D adventurers.... or we're just larping.
I mean that's new but Wat?
>Ask if I can join this adventure.
>Before dream mom can actually answer...
>Real mom wakes me up with news that a cat was locked inside my dad's car and we need to get it out.
I don't know if that was an actual call to adventure or my sickness hallucinations but I oddly find it amusing.
I am here
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How wude! (read in the voice of Jar Jar Binks)

T'is indeed a Moggin' Day, yesterday.


No session today, I think? QM is still sick with a stomach virus. Though if there is a session today, it'll be a short one from me, as I made plans for today under the assumption that our host was too sick to run today.
You better be resting and taking measures to get well

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Do you ever want to just . . . start a riot?
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. . . Sometimes, lies accrue in threads too.

You don't have until next week.


But, at least, and this is no lie, we will be taking things very nice and veeeeerrrryyyy slooooooowwwwww.
Fuck off with that emotional manipulation bullshit.
I do not care about you, or your life, or your ordeals.
They are not my business.
My business is me, my life, and my ordeals.
And I do not expect you or want you to care about any of that.

We come here on relatively even ground. You cannot run your game without players, and we cannot play a game without a GM.
Just as you expect some basic decorum from your players we expect fairness and consistency. Not to have you project the bitterness of your dissatisfaction onto us, not to serve as punchingbags for whatever RL bullshit you are working through, NOT to have the metaphorical sandcastles we've been spending weeks working towards and planning spitefully kicked into our faces for... whatever spurious reason you might concoct for yourself.

If this is going to be the standard of conduct you hold yourself to then consider me ejected from this game because I am not putting up with it.
Thanks for playing!
You should join the new map.
Join the dicksword too.
Miscommunications happen. You’d be welcome !

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You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. He goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!


Last time: Ben brought his newly evolved plant friend Donny to the Sanctum Sanctorum for a check-up with Doctor Strange, but was instead welcomed by an enthusiastic Rintrah and an agitated Wong. There, Rintrah put Donny through a series of tests, and, with some convincing from Ben, got him to agree to keep coming back for additional tests going forward.

Once he and Ben returned to Central Park, he and Abe built a basketball court and invited the Heroes for Hire out to play a few games with the Morlocks, and anyone else who was interested. And thanks to Ben's exhilarating mirror match with his own clone, and the presence of several local legends like Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Misty Knight, and--for some reason, Screwball---more and more people began pouring into the park to spectate and take part in the day's activities.

But the one thing he hadn't been expecting was the arrival of the Avenger---"Mantis"! The strange green woman kindly greeted the Spider-People, gave out some truly ominous advice in the form of fortune telling, and received some free tortas for her troubles. Afterwards, Joy dragged her off to show her around the park, and the Parker boys set off to deliver some food to Cindy, Pei and Nature Girl.

Except, when they arrived on the scene, it became painfully obvious that Cindy's training session hadn't been going well.

Will Rintrah uncover anything troubling about Donny's new condition? Will the dark future that Mantis foretold come to pass? How does The Slayer's future affect his own? And will Luke Cage ever be able to show his face in public after getting outplayed by a girl half his size?

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re reading my comment, i cant fucking understand it myself, sorry. i meant, that if somebody like caps, fought him fist to fist, i could see them taking that kind of damage, but daredevil is still a normal human, we shouldnt have the -10 as modifer against him. skills and experience cant narrow down physical superioty.
Nah it's okay, I get you. In a normal world, that kind of matchup would be unreasonable. But this isn't like our world. In most comic book stories, you have normal humans surviving a crazy amount of damage from powerful people. The standard for "Peak Human" has been pushed so high, that it might as well be counted as minor superhuman attributes. Characters like Batman and Daredevil shouldn't be able to do the things they do, but they can, because the writers and readers accept that such things are possible for people that are at all in any way gifted.

Thus, I'm treating these characters as low-level metas, since their feats alone qualify them as being above normal humans in most cases.
So, it's been a little while since my last update, and we've got two votes that are ultimately conflicting. Would you like me to combine them with the next update, or would you like to wait for more votes to roll in?
I'll support this to get things moving
>Leap from Gingerbread to Gingerbread using momentum, your clinging ability, superior coordination, and your enhanced strength to maim and destroy them.

Very well! I'll post a decently sized update tomorrow after work!

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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

The Stonemasons had finally all arrived at their new home. A large tent city had formed next to Dawnholme, row upon row of all sorts of tents housing families and friends. Over three thousand and three hundred souls were now living in Dawnholme, making it the largest town in all of Hillsbrad. And soon Dawnholme will be the greatest town in all of Híllsbrad as the Stonemasons are working on building new infrastructure and housing for everyone.

For you the end of the spring was a busy time as well. All the summer preparations were finished, the meeting was had and decisions regarding the future were made. You would join the Durnholde campaign against the gnolls, you have to join it not just as a good neighbour, but to prevent the plans Lord Colonel Garithos of Regional Defenders has. For he wants to replace Lord Blackmoore and take Durnholde Keep for himself.

Though not everything was bad news. Malevus had found her courage, giving her permission for you to court her and words cannot describe how happy that made you.

Oh you also fought a laughing orc and took him as your prisoner.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

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Thanks. Yeah if the westernmost or easternmost gets attacked by a large force they will be in a tough spot, though thats weighed against each of them being about 200 men since the RD brought about 400. I consider it inevitable that these wings will bleed as the campaign continues, so I figure let the RD suffer the brunt of the losses to preserve our strength for the decisive battle with this sort of formation. If Alric gets there and saves them before they break good, if he gets there to drive the enemy off their corpses then they failed to hold, failed to spot the enemy etc.

Though if we go for the optimal wing of lighter troops and officers who can pull off these maneuvers its probably doable for us if we want to risk it. So of lighter units we brought 25 Bandit Rogues, 20 Crossbow if they count as light, 35 Archers, and 40 footmen but 10 of those are the Elite Royal Foot Guards so lets call that 30 if standard count as lighter. So 60 at min up to 110 of our own troops. Then Gravis with the 5 knights with Alric and Malevus, and if we bring any of the Mages for fire support or in the Alric Group. Then if we can get Foecourt and the Freelance Knights that would be a workable little group. Plus we will have Madam Judy to help with our casualties.

Those numbers aren't great but supposing about a third of what would be Reginald's 200 should be light troops its not too bad, though we end up relying on them to pull their weight and working together. Reginald comes along with us to keep his portion of RD light troops in line since its a very sensitive and high skill job to earn some glory, which should be fine he would be a great replacement for Garithos.

The Number 1 Column will probably just rely one Garithos unless Blackmoore feels like sending his light troops over under whatever officer he can trust with his troops, which I guess would probably be Redpath lol. Going to be interesting on that wing as well.
>>Sit by Blackmoore's side like he wants. Make a statement of your intent to have a major role in the campaign.
You answered him with a faint smile, as the officers and men in the room moved towards the table. It was better to not make too big of a deal about yourself right now, at least not yet. Taking a seat and allowing Sir Foecourt and Redpath to sit between you and Blackmoore, you saw him frown a bit, but he didn't say anything.

As people took their seats, several servants came walking into the room carrying trays of glasses and pitchers full of wine. Filling the glasses, they gave them to you, leaving the pitchers for those who want to start the day drinking early.

You looked around the table. Garithos was nearly next to Blackmoore with Captain Reginald and the remainder of his knights crowding the opposite side of the table. Sergeant Maxwell and the rest of the freelancer knights took the furthest seats while Cromwell sat next to you.

"A toast to the campaign!" Blackmoore proclaimed and raised his glass.

"Prince Perenolde, you don't want the campaign to succeed?" Garithos asked with a mocking tone as he noticed you not having touched your glass.

“Colonel Garithos, last time I raised a toast around this table, one of us ended up dead.” You replied with a deadpan tone and stared at him.

One of the Regional Defender officers nearly choked as he had taken a headstart and started to sip the wine already. Everyone around the table stared at the man and when he didn’t seem to fall over dead, you took the glass raising it.

“To Durnholde and victory.” You said rather casually.

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“If we defeat the gnolls, they can’t attack the farms.” Garithos pointed out.

“Correct Lord Garithos, but as you can see, the previous expedition didn’t range too far into the gnoll territory. We defeated them in the field and destroyed their large camp.” Langston told him.

You remember fighting against the gnolls with Jaina and having your men help the Durnholders. Langston had been there and had been quite shaken after having survived the battle.

“Then we will finish the work Lord Uther started.” Garithos said and continued. “We should take our men, march into the gnoll territory, burn down their camps and draw them into a battle they can’t win because they can’t just let us stroll around their territory. After that, we can just mop up the stragglers.”

On paper that wouldn’t be a bad idea, but you knew that there was more to this than just marching there and going to battle. You had fought against the gnolls in the Uther’s Expedition and later on the other side of Darrowmere River where you nearly died. It wouldn’t hurt to ask some questions or point things out before making the tactical choices. But maybe you shouldn’t ask too many questions unless you want to annoy Garithos and others?

>Point out that the ancient forests are deep and you wouldn’t be fighting on your own terms. Tell them about your experiences against the gnolls. Including the fight where you nearly died.
>Mention the presence of the Syndicate on this side of Darrowmere River. You found their corpses in the forest where you fought the gnolls.

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We can probably rely on Garithos and Blackmoore to at least manage to walk in the general direction of the enemy, ha. And we definitely should take Redpath's soldiers with us, they should be quite familiar with the locale, unlike the RD, at least I imagine it to be so.

We should probably stay away from the north, we don't want to spook the orcs and the Syndicate too much.
>Ask about the South Durnholde Hills. Is it an empty place or what? No signs of gnolls there?
>Other, write in
>"What Colonel Garithos had said would have been true if we were to fight a civilized nation that values its territorial integrity. Gnolls are scavengers led by the strongest and meanest of their packs, they will fight only when they think they can win, or unless cornered and they will flee should they see that they cannot. In battle, they prefer to rely on ambushes and shock and awe approach, overwhelming their enemy before they can respond. Therefore, any notions of them trying to prioritize their territory or keep a sense of pride should be discarded. The gnolls would absolutely let us wander in circles throughout the forest until we ran out of supplies and strength, even if we do burn a camp or two along the way, they will run and then counterattack our least fortified forces. Trying to chase them or herd them is a fool's errand as they will fall like sand through our fingers. What we need to do is present them with a vulnerability that they will seek to exploit, making them commit to a battle that will then be turned against them."

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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice

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Immortality? Cosmetic changes? Recreating weapons from long ago? The ability to read minds? Who knows?
>as much as the OG dragon team
They don't abuse them as much as Bulma, that's for sure.
Wishing for ever growing power, to further consolidate rule. Ensuring the Cold Clan's reign never ends, or so they hope.
He should wish for a fucking girlfriend. He's our homie, but I've noticed a distinct lack of him interacting with damn near anybody else casually ever since he started crashing on New Salda.
This is all a part of my plan to give Frieza something tangible to fight for, as opposed to more abstract concepts like pride or control.
No, nothing like that. Although...
While we're on the topic of Frieza and socializing, we're good friends and all, but there's more ways to bond with your fellow man than training with him. Like getting shitfaced or fighting an entire bar of surly aliens.
Honestly, we should get some disguises together and hit up the capital city with him one of these days.
It is time! >>6082595

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