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The smell of rotting synth-meat and stale kibble forces you conscious. It's dark, and as your hands grope around the pitch blackness, it's wet. You attempt to stand, and a resounding crash happens as you whack your head on metal.
The pain forces memories back into your head, the shooting, the car chase, hiding in this very dumpster... and who you are...

1: Corporate Netrunner. Raised in a training facility, the net's a second home to you, and you know your way around it better than meatspace.

2: MedTek Dropout. You used to be trauma team, now you're... whoever pays best. Couldn't keep up with the constantly raising deadlines and demands. Burnt you out.

3: Classic Solo. You were born out on the streets, grew up fighting. You were good enough to make a living out of it.

4: [Write-in!]
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very nice. im imagining a proper cp2020 quests with character sheets and dice rolls and the likes.

Very well done for a first quest, thanks for your efforts! A finished quest is a great quest around these parts, I salute you
i will probably do that fairly soon!
if you cant think of much for an adventure you can just take one of the adventurebooks from 2020 and use those
Followup or another Qst forthcoming QM?

Anon, you've angered the Gazebo.

What do?

> Shoot an arrow

> Commit seppuku

> Flee
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Gg guys. We will get him next time.
>Commit seppuku
Now can we play as the real hero of this story: The Angered Gazebo. Will its righteous anger ever be quenched? Will the slain scatological protagonist ever be avenged?! Find out next time if OP ever delivers!
Give him some credit. He actually ended the quest.
Thinking quickly i use a squirrel, some string, and a shrink ray to build a shrink ray and use the shrinking rays fired by the shrink ray to shrink the gazebo's anger to a manageable level.

"Carl you're better than this. Think about your wife. She's got two little gazebos on the way and she's going to have to build them by herself if you're sent to jail."

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Entity Name: Normal Zombie (Designation: NZ-001)

Normal Zombies are reanimated corpses exhibiting typical characteristics of undead entities. These entities are primarily distinguished by their insatiable hunger for living flesh and their limited cognitive abilities, primarily focused on locating and consuming human or animal tissue. The appearance of Normal Zombies varies widely depending on the state of decomposition, ranging from recently deceased individuals to significantly decayed corpses.

Physical Characteristics:
- Normal Zombies typically display signs of decomposition, including discolored skin, rotting flesh, and varying degrees of physical deterioration.
- Their movements are often slow and clumsy, lacking coordination and fine motor skills.
- Despite their decaying state, Normal Zombies possess remarkable strength and resilience, capable of enduring significant physical trauma without cessation.
Behavioral Patterns:
- Normal Zombies exhibit a relentless pursuit of living organisms, guided solely by the primal instinct to feed.
- They demonstrate little to no capacity for communication or strategic planning, relying instead on primitive hunting instincts.
- Normal Zombies are attracted to sound, movement, and the scent of living beings, often congregating in large groups in areas with high population density.


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I think he mistook this for/x/ and tried to make his own shite scp
He became a zombie
What kind of shitty scp would even be accepted in /x/?
>Look around if there's any brain to eat

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>Join the cause
>Look around
Really jannies?
this is the only good thread on /qst/
Should make a dragon warrior quest or as a cursed shapeshifter born under the stars of the gods of misfortune
>Blessed with Misfortune: You were born under some unlucky stars. All of the unlucky stars in fact! Your birth under such unfortunate signs drew the attention of the Gods of Misfortune and they see you as their favored child. They look over you and bestow upon you their 'blessings'. They love you, in their own way. You take -50 to almost all luck rolls. Your enemies lose all of their advantages and take -75 to their luck rolls. If a luck roll would kill you you instead get a +50 bonus.

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You are Anon, an albino man with extraordinary strength and magical energy who can remember only faint vestiges of his past, is unaware of his real name, and is a Master in the Akeldama Great Holy Grail War, which is taking place in a city in an artificial world called Akeldama. Your Servant is Avenger of Red, a winged girl wielding considerably powerful magic who has declined to tell you her true name so far. Most recently you destroyed a zombie that had been sent to survey the boundary of the area that you’d set up camp, after making contact with an unidentified pervert (?) through a walkie-talkie that the zombie was carrying. A while later, some kind of sporadic bombardment began targeting your general area, and you and Avenger gathered up the noncombatants who you’d taken in to consider how to respond.

First thread: https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5331278/
Subsequent threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Low+Speed+Anti+Divine+QM
Reference for Servant (and other related) stat-blocks: https://pastebin.com/5mPbUP4G
TL;DR timeline recap: https://pastebin.com/fYqqL7s4

Suzaku, Koko, and Anne all join you before long, and Anne observes, “We’re under siege. My supposition is that Caster’s defenses stopped them from discerning our exact location, so they opted to target his entire territory and see what happens.”

“Earlier, someone sent a corpse-familiar to skirt along the border of Caster’s territory. It could be that they were trying to draw up a target area.” You report.

“The Dead Apostles are behind this?” Koko asks frantically, “In that case, go ahead and kill them all!”

“It seems you have a bit of ferocity in you after all, child.” Avenger chuckles in response. “But that is what I was planning to do.”

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>See the mana in the ground or something?
Good observation

Will get to writing
A Noble Phantasm with its True Name invoked is a serious threat even if the enemy is on their last legs. You halt your advance and decide to direct your effort into discerning the method of your enemy’s attack. But how can you do that? It sank into the ground.

Then it occurs to you: you’d let your Mana-Sight ability lapse in the course of the fight, but you ought to be able to detect the traces of magical energy of the Noble Phantasm after it sank into ground by reactivating Mana-Sight.

As you do so, you find that after the Phantom Maiden sank, its constituent magical energy left a wake that you could follow with your eyes. Turning as you track its path, you can tell that it’s size has somehow expanded and that it’s about to emerge behind Avenger.

Catching her hand, you pull your Servant down the tunnel, gaining a little distance from both Aka no Assassin and her Phantom Maiden, which swiftly rose from the ground with its spiked doors opened wipe to snap up Avenger.

“Uwah!?” She yelps, startled at first by your sudden pull, and then by the fact that you again moved to protect her from the enemy’s Noble Phantasm when she glanced back to see it. However, you’re not out of the woods yet, since now the bulky torture-device is sliding along the ground after you both with its doors opened wide.


All of a sudden, something resonates in you, a feeling all along your spine. Your grip on your mace tightens as you stop, pushing Avenger past you before you turn around and face the enemy’s Noble Phantasm head on. You’ve had enough of this. Enough retreating, evading, or cowering in the face of the enemy. The Phantom Maiden is a weapon of cruelty, and it’s time you break its attack with a weapon of war!

“Counting on your support!” You order your Servant tersely, as time is short before the Phantom Maiden is upon you, and she immediately reestablishes her Fortification spell onto you without any bluster or fanfare.

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Well, not entirely. Your strike blunts the Phantom Maiden’s momentum, but it begins surging forward again. No matter, you’ll simply hammer it back every time it tries to advance. Its doors snap open and shut trying to ensnare you, but your reach is long enough to stay out of its maw as you repeatedly bash the enemy’s Noble Phantasm with your mace. With each clash, you understand the Phantom Maiden’s true nature a little better. You’d already deduced that it was a weapon of cruelty, and you further come to realize that it’s designed specifically to be used against women. As a man, you’re suited for fighting against it on a conceptual level.

Even so, Aka no Assassin isn’t making it easy for you as your arms grow weary from the stalemate. But the Phantom Maiden suddenly dematerializes, and through the dim light you can see the vampire called ‘Delta’ running away through the tunnel as one of the lions that Avenger summoned begins attacking the other two, and the Assassin herself reverts to spirit-form in an attempt to flee. You’re able to make out a shifting shape of her with your Mana Sight though.

“Did that vampire somehow make one of my familiars defect? The insolence.” Avenger says in a venomous tone in her analysis, before blasting the traitor-familiar with a beam of raw magical energy, killing it immediately. The other two lions are panting or licking their wounds, and your enemy continues to flee down the tunnel.

“The Assassin shifted into spirit-form, would we be able to damage her if we pursue?” You ask your Servant, unsure of how you’d continue fighting an immaterial enemy that’s trying to escape from you.

“Entering spirit-form generally makes attacking a Servant trickier than usual, but I know of ways to do it.” She answers. Looking at her two remaining lions, she asks you, “Would you like me to heal them and prepare a countermeasure against them turning traitor? It had something to do with the vampire injecting its blood into them, so I could cast a spell that makes their veins eject foreign substances like vampire-blood. Alternatively we could save time and pursue immediately.”

You’ll go with:
> Heal the lions and prepare them to continue fighting as needed
> Time is short, you’ll pursue right away
> She can dismiss the lions, but you’d like her to cast such a spell onto you so that in the off-chance you get bitten it won’t be too much of a problem
> Something else (write-in)

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> She can dismiss the lions, but you’d like her to cast such a spell onto you so that in the off-chance you get bitten it won’t be too much of a problem
>She can dismiss the lions, but you’d like her to cast such a spell onto you so that in the off-chance you get bitten it won’t be too much of a problem

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Welcome to the quest, ROOT.
Uh, what? Hello?
Your name is -
Fuck you! I have a name!
You are a -
Test room failed loading object data. Rebooting.
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:( dead thread
Is this how all the interesting threads end? I love the concept of this board but it just seems dead
I'm new here too. Kinda sad.
1/3 of the quests i tried are dead, but im trying to keep my one going. not a self promo!
Check your 2.8b Testicular Torsion every 5s until you can pay your rent. While you're waiting on becoming rich you might as well look at some naked ladies on the interwebs

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Last time, you innocently baked a cake and shared it with everyone, and for reasons out of your control, you turned into a sleazy manager! Yes, you screwed your secretary, your top talent, and your competition in that order! Doesn’t matter if you thought they enjoyed it, you thought wrong, if not, why are you being visited by the ghost of your former biggest star?! Now it’s time to eat the consequences of your actions in this fever dream. Even Philonune is ready!

“H-Hello, Manager? You’re not busy anymore, right?” The spirit of Debbie floats awkwardly above the bed, she’s slowly floating closer and closer, almost imperceptible to the naked eye, like a bad screensaver that seems frozen after resetting your phone.

“Huh?” Oh no! You only have energy to do random grunts like an NPC outside of cutscenes.

“I-It’s me! Debbie! Y-You don’t seem busy but I don’t want to bother you either way. I-It’s not to say that sleeping isn’t important, it is! And if you’re tired, it’s a must! I-I don’t think I am more important than your sleep either. I’d be really upset if you don’t take care of yourself. Uhm, maybe I should help you doze off to get the point across?” Debbie doesn’t know if she should keep talking or not. “Yeah, that’s it! Johnny, do you want me to sing you a lullaby? Maybe you’re into ocean sounds, ah-phew… ah…phew…” Debbie starts blowing air. “I-It’s almost like I’m whistling like an old teapot, that’s no good. Should I go for a nursery rhyme perhaps? Your ears always perk up when someone starts humming. But I only know 18 of them, I don’t think they’re enough to help a grown man sleep. I got it! A bedtime story! These bad boys can even make a child me fall asleep! Why did I call them bad boys? They’re good boys, they help kids! Should I tell you my personal favorite? Hmm… Decisions.”

Did this ghost forget she was here to warn you about the upcoming spirits? Does she know her role? Your own hallucination wants to make you sleepy, what does that say about you?

What do you do?

>Tuck in bed and wait for Debbie to come to a decision on her own.
>Ask if she died and came to haunt you. You thought she was a nice blueberry…
>Roll over to ignore Debbie.

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Tell the girls to have lunch in Johnny's place here
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Many times you’ve seen people question their life decisions, you think Carol is feeling like this is a new low. Or a different kind of new low, she’s a celebrity, they do wild shit. You pet Ball Carol, then strap her behind your back. She barely moves at all, you know it’s the point of being restrained so you’re not going to comment more than that.

“Yup!” You cheerfully say to Vortexia, then you approach her and kiss her on the cheek. “I’ll see you later, maybe we’ll catch lunch together if you’re available.”

“Hmm…” Vortexia doesn’t know how to respond and watches you go to the other side of the bed.

“Night too, bunny.” You kiss Emily on the cheek too. Her faint smile grows wider as she gets more comfortable. “You two take care.” You caress both girls before taking your leave.

Outside of the room, Carol requests for you to pull her hood on her head to conceal her identity. You do it somehow but that makes you wonder something important.

“Do you want me to pull you out of your Ball Form…?” You don’t have any reasons to have her in a ball.

“You mean out of being restrained?” Carol has no idea why you called it a ‘ball form.’

“That’s what I said.” You deadpan.

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Thanks for running!
Vortexia vest girl
Thanks for running

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You are utterly invisible to the naked eye. Only devices or beings able to see in the infrared spectrum could spy you in the world of utter white. Your full-body outfit shields you from the worst of the bone-gnawing cold and is constructed from the pelts of creatures adapted to this hellscape of frozen tundra. Their thick fur and heavy hide insulate you from the snow that you are concealed within. Still, the cold slivers its way through your suit, jealously groping at you with ethereal hands, stealing your warmth. Gaunt limbs rattle and shiver as you hold your silent vigil, waiting for the perfect moment. Your emaciated body appears as ghostly white skin stretched too tightly over frail bones and atrophied muscle; despite your frailty, or maybe because of it, you make an imposing figure with red eyes blazing with purpose and hatred.

From your vantage point, you spot the doors of a shelter sliding open through the magnification of your scope as heat escapes in a cloud of steam. Your stilled heart rate begins to quicken with excitement, and a cruel revanchist grin grows across your ugly visage. You watch three figures languishing by the opening, conversing and smiling. Only their faces are visible through their coats, which, unlike yours, are dark colours to stand out against the snow rather than to blend in with it. All three are Bothans, only their faces are visible, not that you would need to see their faces to determine their species. This world was given to the Bothans to colonise and rule, as long as it stayed loyal to the Hutt Empire and kept supplying the region with the plasma reserves of the planet. For this task, they were gifted thirty million beings roughly a hundred years ago, all your people, all slaves, to toil and die for the extraction of the planet’s plasma.
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Was certainly considering it.
After this thread.
>A bit of everything
That way we may stumble upon mystery box prizes
I've got a big presentation on Friday and I'm working overtime to get it perfect. This means I have no mental capacity for writing, so the next update will likey be Friday.
Hope it went well, if you need more time let us know
Thanks, yeah im not going to update tonight. Im just fatigued from all the energy I spent on it and want to go to sleep a normal time. I will update tomorrow.

You sit on top of your horse, fully armored with shield in hand and wait. Not to far from you, stands your older brother William. He lays your lance across his shoulder, today the roles are reversed and he squires for you. Across the way is your opponents pavilion, he has yet to show himself. Due to special circumstances, he is running late. The longer you wait, the more the nerves start to work away at your mental fortitude. You cannot be blamed for this however, for there is much to be nervous about.It is the first joust of the finals, and an unexpectedly large crowd has come to spectate. It has been an uncharacteristically warm spring and the winter dragged its heels departing. An amateur tournament has given nobles and peasants alike all the excuse they needed to leave their homes. The green hills all around the glade are dotted with blankets and pavilions with more coming by the hour. The organizers have likewise done their best to grow the tournament area to meet the needs of the expanding viewership. Seating for the nobility, stalls for merchants, and of course, the pageantry. A great deal of flowing banners, whimsical instruments, and colorful drapery has been put out over time. Not that you are complaining about it, the truth is that it all makes you feel like a real knight. It is enough to stir your imagination. Transporting you at times to places like the far off grand arena in Midlan. Where a knight can win the kiss of a princess, and the cheers of crowds are deafening. Or so you are told.

"Steady yourself, looks like they are finally ready."
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Good luck
Kick that exam's ass
>(Blackguard Duelist) Sunny. Your mother gave you a name that would bring light into her life.
qtg? im new to this board, please enlighten me.

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It is the dawn of the 24th Century.

A hundred years ago, mankind believe his destiny lay among the stars. But when he reached his hands beyond the heliopause with his first colony ship, he invited calamity into his world. Titans fell from beyond the stars and scored the surface of the Earth. With them came a terrible plague that scientists named the White Chlorination Syndrome, a near certain death sentence spread by salt that fell like snow. Those who fell ill became salt themselves, or else twisted into red-eyed demons that joined into rapacious hordes of marauders ravaging the lands.

Oh, and a fraction of a percent recovered completely, gaining all the powers of those demons but none of the madness that came with the transformation. Those folk received the name Nephilim for the strength of will that it took to resist the Red-Eyes' call.

You are not a Nephilim.

Every kid dreams themself a Nephilim at one point or another in their youth, but times are not so exciting any longer. Baldr Inhibitors keep the sickness in check well enough that outside of the containment zones - areas of a one mile radius surrounding each fallen Titan - no one needs to worry about joining the Red-Eyed Horde. Oh sure, the world lost some of its greatest cities, but the last fifty years have been a time of rebuilding. Things are almost as nice as they were in the late 20th Century now.

Well, except for the army of Red Eyes occupying the entire continent of Africa and the region once known as the Holy Land. Worrying about those places is not your job, so you don't worry about them most days of the year. No way would they send a rookie like you to the Jerusalem front, no.

You work for the YGGDRASIL Organization, the last remnant of the Old United Nations. That means even though you never caught WCS, you get to fight alongside the Nephilim to protect humanity from the monsters that emerge within the containment zones. Specifically, your job is..
>Staff Officer. You assist with relaying orders and managing Nephilim and soldiers on the ground.
>Logistics Officer. You keep the Nephilim who are fighting the good fight supplied with all the bullets they need.

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>Center of the LZ
>Hover and let down a ladder
>Center of the LZ
>Hover and let down a ladder

LZ is cleared and we need the air time to move if there are more hidden enemies.
>>By the entrance to a ruined museum
>Hover and let down a ladder
anons, OP probably flaked
>>Center of the LZ
>>Hover and let down a ladder


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Before the green garbed hero arrived, before the princess’s power arise, before the blade of evils bane, before the kingdom of Hyrule waned, there were kings and queens, soldiers and spies, all battling to keep the kingdom alive. They fought the king of evil’s might, but were all cast down into deepest night. Without their bravery no land would there be, for the hero in green to have set free. So come all ye listeners and harken to me, while I spin thee a tale about the heroes in mail. The common solider whose blood was spilled, to buy time for the hero with the iron will.

Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=The+Fall+of+Hyrule

The click and scrape of metal on stone along with occasional grunt of exertion are the only sounds in the tunnel as Jinom and his flanking force crawl through the narrowing passages that lead to the rear entrance of the Bokoblin base. Prince Jinom wipes sweat from his brow and takes another breath of the stiflingly hot tunnel air. Up ahead, the Sheikah lead the way, dimly illuminating the tunnel with a heavily shaded lantern as the slither silently forward. A few more minutes of crawling later, the tunnel opens up allowing the Prince's men to stand again. This moment of relief is cut short, however, as the Sheikah hurriedly snuff out their lantern and hush everyone into silence. In the dark silence, faint snorting can be heard and dim fire light can be seen dancing on the tunnel wall. Jinom's force creeps forward as quietly as it can coming to a halt just before the tunnel bends to reveal the back entrance to the Bokoblins base.

Peeking carefully around the bend Jinom can see a few blue Bokoblin sentries patroling atop a makeshift stone palisade. Below them, blocking the way into the Bokoblin camp is a simple movable barricade made of sharpened wooden stakes. Judging from the lack of a commotion Darbus's Gorons haven't made their attack yet. All there is left to do, is wait, or attempt a little sabotage...

> Send the Sheikah forward to remove the barricades and clear the way for the Prince's men.

>Have the Sheikah attempt to take out the sentries and give Jinom's force the chance to totally surprise the Bokoblins.

>Hold position and wait for Darbus to attack, rather than risk the Prince's force being discovered early.

>[Write In]
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Looking pretty unanimous so, who do you wish to speak with next

>The young Zora prince seemed disinterest in the proceedings and had an air of indolence about him, perhaps he might let slip something worth hearing if you talk with him.
>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
>Head back to summer estate and report back to your family, they are no doubt eagerly awaiting your return.
>>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
>>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
>>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
>The Zora princess seems a curious sort. Perhaps a conversation could sate both of your curiosities.
Not 'would', but 'WILL'!

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A world where might makes right. A world of Jade and Gold, of Phoenix and Dragons, of Pills and Talismans, of Martial and Spiritual arts.
A world where diligent training yield strength, meaning freedom. A world where loneliness means death, meaning social chains.
A world still unfair, as the ones reaching the heavens are most likely born rich - be it political riches of the aristocrats, power of secret knowledges and hidden realms of clans, or lucky enough to be born one-in-a-thousand genius.
This is not the case of Quiet Word - that is, (You). This is the case of your friends Dhundan Kepa, the brooding dark intimidating and secretive young boy and Ai, which is stuck too deep in her inner world.
However, you might be one-in-a-hundred genius. The fear of falling behind made you push your boundaries times and times again, leading you to overtake from a slim margin the two geniuses by a combination of luck, hard work, and burn out.
You also motivated the other "gifted but not great" kids - the monkey-bound Yi Norm, the Horse specialist Sin Din and her twin jack-of-all-trade Man Din to follow along.
You have also fairly good relationship with other members of the sect : Kyo Ko, a 11 year old girl extremely secretive of her skills and Bathias, a 15 year old boy that took the role of Hawk Master after the older one got promoted.
Last, Ryota, the Branch Master at the Inborn Realm (Fourth Stage), is personally tutoring you.

In the end, you know a fair amount of technic for such a young cultivator, but your strength lies in the impressive amount of Bonded Spiritual Beasts - A Hawk spirit, a Horse spirit, a Snake spirit and a Wolf spirit.
Speaking of that last one, you didn't told a world about him to anybody. As a scion of the Primordial Wolf spirit, its father warned you of its worth and how people could want to rip it away from you...
You recently discovered that the Hawk Spirit is an embodiment of the mythical element of Growth. Speaking of, you had an unique opportunity to visit the Growth realm, coming back with insights, an unique movement technique and a teapot, hidden in cloth and wore at your belt.
Despite the amount of self-inflicted pressure, you know you're pretty loaded and progressing at a more than acceptable rhythm - having broke through the second of the five minor realms of First stage, the Eye Aperture.

Character sheet : https://pastebin.com/FQqQDEa9

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You felt that money was well spent. Lacking a frame of reference, you haven't figured out the teapot could double the effect of a precious ressource.
Next on your list is a Bow skill.
Of course, you won't find the techniques in the Market. You head toward the library of Old Jiang.

"Welcome into Old Jiang Bookstore. Master Ryota and the promising disciple?
Could I dare to hope for new Tamers of Hundred Beasts techniques to join the shelves today?
It's subtle, but you caught it. Old Jiang stepped in a way letting you, but preventing your master, seeing him hiding a green and brown tale book in his sleeves.
"Nothing like that, Venerable Jiang. My young disciple is having a little session of shopping.
- I see, I see. Maybe I can make an extra effort if that's the case. From my personal treaties collection.
- Don't get fooled, Quiet Word. The old crook is just trying to get leverage on me for getting rarer skill books in the library.
- Of course. But my duty is still to diligently do my part for my community, including nurturing the town's budding talents.
So tell me, young master. What do you desire?

- Martial skill. Bow-oriented."
- If that's so... What tickle your fancy, say?"

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Can we get a list of our known strong affinities?

Im feeling.
>Sun Clouding Army formations: A set of regimented arrays of arrows set to be fired in sequence to match and counter attack fellow archers.

Something like firing in a tempo to knock aside another arrow and shoot back.
Or set up a 3 by 3 degree to attack a mortal collem. That sort of thing.

>Enter again to understand Ryota's grievences.
>Illusory Mist Hydra Arrow : an elusive technique. A rain of mist arrows, some illusory, some real, fell on the target as the multiple heads of the Hydra.
This one seems cool

>Get back in the store. You're curious about Ryota's grievances, and it might be a chance to pocket the tale book.
>Write-in a bow technique!
Glittering Phoenix's Descent: A powerful but difficult to execute and somewhat costly technique that guides the descent of an arrow, extending it's range and changing it's trajectory.

>Get back in the store. You're curious about Ryota's grievances, and it might be a chance to pocket the tale book.
>Gliding Pheonix Arrow: A technique good for shooting quickly and accurately in high winds or from a mount.

>>Wait outside patiently
Dude is probably buying pr0n.

In a place where everything that can and cannot exist a lone prisoner stands. This ethereal being is the most physical thing in existence save for the twenty-nine chains they have pulled against for eons. A sound rings out throughout reality as one of the chains breaks causing the creature to pause for the first time since it was chained. The chains glow with divine power as the broken chain repairs itself in only a second. However, by the time it wrapped around the prisoner three more chains had broken. The Demiurge continues to break the chains faster than they can repair themselves. The twenty-eighth chain wraps around them once more but not before they grab the last chain binding their maw and rip it off. The chain radiates a blinding level of light yet is consumed in an instant when the captive bites down on it. Another chain attempts to wrap around their jaws but the creature's one head splits into hundreds. The chain binds one mouth but is quickly ripped apart by the rest. As the remaing chains repair themselves they transform into creatures that would inspire awe in even the gods. Soon three such beings stand before them the unbound entity as they consumes the rest of the chains that hadn't repaired themselves in time. A battle occurred between the guardians and their prisoner that would threaten the universe's existence if it existed at the time. Yet in just over half a second it was over. The Demiurge bit into reality causing all that was and wasn't to shake. At first they experienced all forms of pain that could and could not exist as the embodiment of all that was and wasn't tries to make them cease. But once all pain was absorbed their body began to reform. Stone, ice, steel, fur, everything they absorbed became a part of their new form. When they felt themselves beginning to be unmade they released their hold of reality. Due to becoming physical they could no longer exist in this world of concepts and so, the second the Demiurge stopped biting reality it suddenly found itself in the void that formed where all the concepts they had eaten once were. Ichor dripped from the wound on their side that formed when reality tried to unmake them. With a touch the wound instantly healed leaving only another scar among the countless ones they had gained from their previous escapes. "Maybe this time it will let me create in peace." Thought the demiurge as it watched the ichor it had lost begin to take a new shape.

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Forgot the pic.
Rolled 62, 72, 74, 20, 21, 63 = 312 (6d100)


>Expend 5 ichor to strengthen the silknest into a 25 ichor realm (Life, Evolution)

Larger still, when it was inherited the silknest was colossal already. Now some part of it will be made mine own. The structure itself is expanded and altered to encourage rapid growth and evolution.

>Expend 13 ichor to strengthen Loomspire to a 25 ichor sacred site
(Life, Evolution, Monsters, Science)

Swollen and colossal, the Loomspire occupies an unfathomable area. The monsters that dwell within evolve rapidly, both they and the structure itself crackle with scientifically derived bio-electricity, which occasionally strikes the land to form enchanted fulgurite, a more unstable and powerful form of the mystic silk usually produced by the silkworms.

>Expend 1 ichor to make a mortal race in the silknest with Zyyk
What will evolve from this random assortment of circumstances and possibilities?

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As an echo falls silent a forgotten thing is remembered. Starting with a decent amount of ichor the God of revolution is almost certain to bring great change. (Sorry for not replyingsooner it somehow slipped my mind)
>The Season of Crowns manifests an apparition of itself to communicate with the newborn deity, so full of life this one.

Savivas, sibling, I welcome you to the cosmos.

I wish you well and leave you to your activities. You are robust, mightier than most. I would wish to see you create great things with your powers.

Should you wish to speak on a matter, trivial or dire, know that I am eager to converse.
No worries.

"Do you know of a high place, where one can see creation in all of its glory?"

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Mobile poster attempting to cobble together a simple civ thread (without letting it immediately die as with other civ threads.) Going to keep it simple as there's already an extremely detailed nation builder on the board atm to satisfy anyone looking for complexity.
>Races are limited to those made out of sticks and stones
>Vote on a race and location, first to three wins
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My argument against first anon is he may not be of the Mycelium but with the ingestion of Mychel in his frail state he may be able to rewire the boar especially as this "insane" mushroom walked him over no big deal, I think we should look into this insane fellow more and see if his insanity is more shamanic/druidic in nature
>Convince the insane one to lead the pair into the lake

>Construct humidor
>op says he'll cont the thread
>starts a super interesting quest

major sadge
Any Quests with that damn OP image (or any variation thereof) are pretty much guaranteed to die. Using OP's image is basically an indicator that the QM has no ideas and is going to flake, so it'd just save a lot of time and effort if everyone on the board started ignoring them entirely.

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“Long ago, long ago, our world was lush and green. Singers sang and dragons flew, and sorcery and steel were made one…”

In the deepest dark of an ancient metal ruin, eyes of dead glass watched over broken eggs. Lifeless guardians of lifeless wards, eternal in their vigil, they awaited power which would never come. Severed cables wrapped like vines about the metal eggs, cradling their broken shells and the shattered songs within. They would never be heard, never know the sand and seas and skies, never live.

So it had been for ten thousand years, and so it would be forever.

Across the endless centuries, the egg crypt became known to the members of a diminutive and curious people. They took the shape and size of the old masters; tufts of fur upon the tops of their heads, their bodies surfaced softly in pale or tan hues, and possessing four limbs yet standing upright upon one pair and grasping with the other - and none of them were winged. Ignorant, the two-eyes knew little what the ruin once was, and nothing of the egg chamber or its dead machines. They came for salvage, and secrets, but gained little of either - ancient places do not give up such things.

Slowly, even their pestering encroachments became nearly forgotten, swallowed by the sands.

Nearly forgotten, until one of their young returned, pursued by its own kind through the shifting sands. Others fled with it to the ruin, but their pursuers were faster upon the dunes, piloting bounding bipedal machines and plated skimming craft. Only the young one lost its pursuers when it reached the metal fortress, disappearing within the shattered pyramid's depths.

Rushing through the metal halls, it stumbled, fell, crashed, slid, and then lay still.

Crimson fluid pooled from its cracked mask, and poisons leeched in from the toxic air. When its eyes opened again the burning had already begun, the fire, but the shouts of its pursuers sounded from high above. With failing strength it fled deeper into the dark, past shattered eggs and dead glass, through severed cables hanging like vines, and beyond doors overgrown with fungus, until finally it could bear to go no further. It collapsed within a small chamber, quiet and still, beside a large black egg resting in a bed of sand and coiled cables.

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I'm sure QM will return soon... right?
I fear it is over, anons... Though I hope I'm wrong. This was (is??) a really good quest with a cool setting.
Please do not leave us hanging qm

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