>Six sisters peacefully coexist in a house- at least four hours a day, which is when everyone is sleeping.>No parents. No passive income. Cake is for special days only. The cake is rice with a candle, but with actual salt.-You are the youngest of the sisters, and also the smallest, by far on both accounts. You can't talk. You can't read or write. But you can, at least, throw silent tantrums.And your goal is to hold it all together.
The town's church was bigger than you thought. Arches, stained glasses, tall spires and stone statues seemed more like a castle than a church. Anne held your hand tight as you followed the priest inside the church. If being honest, the interior underwhelmed you. Save for the arches and seats, the altar lacked the ivory or gold. Instead, Wood and metal composition made up the... humble altar. All in all, the church did not appear in shambles but not fancy either."This is..."You expected something grander. An image of a painted ceiling suddenly flashed past your eyes. Gold crosses and men in thick armor with rifles in trenches. You rub your eyes, why did you know what they were? You noticed the priest's withheld frown."Nice." "Why thank you, where would you like to visit first? There is a small garden you might like, or the library, I'm sure holy scriptures will be most fitting for your growing mind." >Let the priest decide>The garden>The library >Write-in [ask for location and I will say whether or not that is available]
>>6186894>>The libraryKnowledge is power and all that.
>>6186894>The library
>>6186894>The librarytime to show off our smarts
The ISS Halcyon drifts silently through the vast emptiness of deep space, its engines emitting a low, steady hum as it approaches the source of a faint distress beacon. The signal crackles with distortion, warped by radiation and gravity fluctuations, but its origin is clear: the Ark Horizon. Once humanity's greatest triumph in interstellar colonization, the ark was a shining symbol of hope when it launched centuries ago. Now, it’s little more than a ghost ship, drifting perilously close to the event horizon of a black hole.In the cramped command module of the Halcyon, tension hangs thick in the air. A flickering holographic display casts pale light across the room, illuminating the image of the Ark Horizon—a behemoth nearly a kilometer in length. Its once-pristine hull bears the scars of its decay: dark scorch marks streak its surface, and strange, pulsing organic growths cling to its structure like a disease. The crew exchanges uneasy glances, the weight of their mission settling in.Commander Elise Kael stands at the center, her presence commanding even in the dim light. Her voice cuts through the silence, firm but not without a trace of unease. “Alright, team. You know the drill. We’re here to investigate the Ark Horizon, figure out what’s going on, and stabilize its course if we can. Our own fuel’s tight, so we need to move quickly. Priority one is restoring navigation.” She pauses, scanning the faces of her team. “And keep your eyes open—something about this doesn’t sit right.”As if on cue, the airlock hisses open, drawing every gaze toward the newcomer stepping through. Clad in a sleek, state-of-the-art survival suit, the figure moves with quiet purpose. They’re an intelligence officer, recently arrived aboard the Halcyon in an FTL escape pod—a desperate journey that drained nearly all its antimatter reserves. Their sudden arrival and mysterious assignment had already stirred murmurs among the crew.The officer halts just inside the room, their expression unreadable. In one hand, they hold a small, secure data module. “Commander Kael,” they say, their voice calm and measured, “I’ve been assigned to this mission. My orders are classified, but I need to reach the Ark Horizon’s mainframe and upload this data. That’s all I can tell you.”Kael studies them for a long moment, her sharp gaze probing for cracks in their composure. Finally, she nods. “You’ll follow my lead once we’re on the Ark Horizon. No going rogue, no surprises. Understood?”The officer inclines their head in agreement, offering nothing further. The rest of the crew looks on, uneasy but silent. No one speaks as the Halcyon drifts ever closer to the derelict ark, the faint pull of the black hole’s gravity beginning to make its presence known. Whatever secrets the Ark Horizon holds, they’re about to find out.
>>6173280> Open the blast door to press onward toward the Robotics and Drone Control module.We need to change the tactical situation here, maybe hack some drones, activate defenses?
>>6173287You decide to take a bold approach. "Open the blast door. We're pressing onward to the Robotics and Drone Control module," you say firmly. The hiss of the blast doors signals your next step, and the team moves swiftly, weapons drawn. As you enter the module, the scene before you is chaos incarnate. The entire area is teeming with the biomechanical creatures—at least a dozen of them, skittering over walls, floors, and machinery. Sparks fly from damaged terminals and severed cables, casting eerie flashes of light across the carnage. “Holy hell, there’s an army of them!” Sergeant Rook exclaims, her voice tense but steady. “Hold your ground!” Darius commands, raising his rifle. “Open fire!” The room erupts into chaos as plasma bolts streak across the space, lighting up the battlefield in bursts of vivid blue. The creatures screech in response, their biomechanical limbs moving at unnatural speeds as they dodge and weave through the barrage.> Roll 4d100 to attack the creatures. > Roll 5d100 if you choose to use your antimatter gun, but remember, you have only seven shots remaining.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Rolled 79, 75, 36, 45, 29 = 264 (5d100)>>6173722> To keep the creatures at bay.Gotta pull out all the stops against that many
>>6173868The plasma fire tears through the creatures, severing limbs but not quite finishing them off. Their screeches echo through the chamber, a mix of pain and rage. You fire your antimatter gun, but your aim is slightly off. The blast, however, is catastrophic—a massive explosion ripples through the area, damaging every creature within range. Startled by the sheer force of the weapon, the biomechanical beings retreat, their skittering movements growing frantic as they escape into the vents. “What the hell kind of gun is that?” Rook asks, wide-eyed. “Antimatter. Special issue,” you reply with a hint of pride. Holt chuckles nervously. “Those things looked like they’d seen a ghost when you fired it, Gizmo. Let’s get moving before they change their minds.” Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6173884>5 on the hauler, 2 on the cleaner, 3 on the sweeper
Another night, another job, another chance to let off some steam. This place is all algae in vats and pounding music, neon-stained walls to strobing lightshows, the kind of place up and coming new money goes to mingle with crashing down and falling old money. That guy in the corner? He's violating his NDA, trading trade secrets for a drink - and those two? They don't even work here, they just like to wear the clothes to pretend, maybe overhear some gossip. But you're not here for all that. All the intrigue and slow pulse-pounding joy of the dance and the band can pass you by. You're here for a job. Somewhere in this mess of mingling movers and shakers is a journalist, a source she's hunting and a whole gaggle of goons who'd rather she didn't. Time to dance, Agent. At least you get a bar tap this time...
>>6177303"They seemed very protective. Just worried about the possibility of aggravating them. Again, personally, I'd like a mission with no agent deaths, especially not agents getting turned into paste. I'm also seeing these rectangular White Moon units on my HUD? What are those? I'm still not familiar with all of ARC's designations."
>>6177297Does the tax code require that we carry these on a mission in order to get a tax writeoff or something? Also, is there a deposit on these Nondescript Blades? I'll be honest. I was busy looking at SunStock on my watch when Evans was giving that demonstration on edge alignment and talking about Kenji Sue.
>>6177303"Actually Liren, I do reckon it was 'They'. You see from what I understand the Stonedog Sentry is supposed to be a great merge of body and machine. The mind of a human supplemented with the wonders of AI computer engineering all wrapping up a beating heart of gold to the limit of cybernetics before you get called a extropian. Don't let the interlocking skin plates fool you. There is a person in there who can run so many calculations in the span of 0.0005 periodic seconds before you think about the next cup of flavoured noodles you will touch before reconsidering. It'll be chicken btw. They have emotions. Those emotions can be suppressed but the ones who invented the procedure liked the prospects of the future of humanity.">>6177300"All to say that as long as were not in their way or you know. Try to be petty enough to even attempt to scratch their paint like those steel vipers who found themselves completely k.o.'d we'll be fine. Stay out of their way and they'll stay clear of ours. Prove to them that were assets to protection? And they'll be glad to have our back. It's all calculations. And back then we were very close to beat the numbers enough for them to think we deserved a limo ride.">>6177308"It is a bit of shame. A lot of the deaths that have been happening in this team seem to be from totally avoidable situations. It's a bit peculiar. Maybe it really is the 'Team 3 curse' haiyah... As for White Moon. White Moon operatives are your actual domestic paramilitary terrorist movement with military training, gear and dedicated asskicking violence capability. To put it mildly, hitting a hospital downtown to draw attention to their cause is exactly the kind of thing of they'd do, and this makes the whole thing seem like one of their political setpieces rather than a corporate hit on anyone.""You get one guess as to who reached out to them to pull this stunt. Because for them? This is a great publicity stunt. Liren maybe as more to say but in my case this is probably the worse case of 'Code White' this hospital will see. And hey, stop enough of the terrorists and maybe they'll tick down one terrorism charge if we do it in style."
>>6177308No, we make them in house.>>6177308White Moon Cyboforms. I'm not yet sure how many have been deployed to the hospital or what the groundside situation is, but Metroplex has had two encounters with White Moon cells with cyboform backup and so I am including them on the estimated paths. I'm currently trying to get as clear a signal as I can to adjust for local conditions.What they are is a parallel development path to remote infantry drones, though usually cyboforms are enhanced, vat-grown, synthetically adjusted or cybernetically augmented biological systems with a sizable adaption or incorporation of tech. They rely heavily on Instincts and are prone to aggressive displays if not managed by a handler, but the White Moon uses them a lot because they are producible at scale and disposable (in their opinion) and have a lower industrial footprint than RID drones, which require a signficantly larger industrial base to effectively produce, maintain and operate. Each cyboform system is paired with or trained to operate with a small cell of operatives, and you get a lot of leeway in the mission profile they can accomodate given a lot of the routines and decisions are handled by the biological components. We've talked before about how RID systems struggle in totally novel situations, well, Cyboforma don't have that precise problem though they may manifest behaviour that is decidedly undesirable. >>6177324You're right, Agent Graphite. I heard they grow so used to their exo-armors that the pair together - bio-exo suit and human mind - become a larger whole. Unlike the Extropians though, they can always take... the gear.. off. I'm not sure any of them have ever really returned to civilian life but it remains a possibility, at least. You can't quite say the same for Extropians.As for the White Moon, you're... correct again, Agent. Yeah. This is the worst case of Code White this hopsital will ever see if it's lucky.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6177371Good work so far, Agents. Let's keep it up and keep it moving, yeah? You're doing great!
Your name is Cheryl Elmore. You are a Peace Keeper of Panopolis, stationed on level 4, the monetary and human-resource capital of the city, and currently you do not know what to do.Before you, a man is using his body to keep an older woman cornered. He mentioned some money she owes his “organization”, and then using his straight razor, pantomiming shaving motions on his face, saying what a shame it would be if he slipped and cut her face.“It would be just like that- whoops! Whoops! Unless you got that money we talked about, maybe I'd be a bit more careful, capisce?”Is he attacking her? Is this a threat? He isn't directly causing harm but... that poor woman! Your training did not cover this, didn't cover most of the stuff you're dealing with on level 4. Criminal families, extortion, and organized violence. It's nothing like punk culture on Level 5...https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5826377/
>>6196061Set a trap
>>6196061>Set a trapTrust our training tapes. Specificaly, Home Alone.
>>6196061>Too risky; run out the back and retreatDude has captured the delidiner intact. Maybe he'll just take it over.
>>6196274OR leverate the fact that he beat The Mask to rebuild his punk army, using the delidiner as a base.
>>6196061>Set a trap
Your name? Tiara Boobowski, Tiara the Manx, Princess Tiara, whatever, you were supposed to be Sonic's girlfriend but... Honestly you're not sure what happened with that, some dumb thing about "Your zone no longer existing" from some multi colored Sonic Wannabe. It was kind of annoying. You've mainly been slumming it here with your dad for as long as you can remember. It's nice enough, a lot of other people live here, there's some jerk Nack and his sister Nicolette always running around. A lot of folks who look like Sonic or act like Sonic but you know they aren't your Sonic. When you woke up today you didn't expect anything to be much different than normal. "Good Morning Tiara." your father Gazebo remarks "Hm." you nod in response, blankly staring out at the bustling city-space overlooking your home. You peer down. There's a Vector walking hand in hand with a Vanilla, a version of Cream with them, you see an older Tails fly past a younger looking Sonic and... Wait a minute... who is that? On the street below you see a hooded figure, not too uncommon a sight, any wanderer from any zone could be wearing a hood but something about the energy in this one was... off? If you didn't know any better... You'd think that there was a red glow around them. "Tiara?" your father asks "Is something the matter?"> Go down there and investigate guns blazing> Go down there and investigate, being stealthy> Leave it be, not your problem.
>Leave it be, not your problem.
>>6172883>> Leave it be, not your problem.
>>6172905>>6172906> Leave it be, not your problem. "Nah pops, there's nothing wrong." you respond.You wander back to the table where he sets down some breakfast"You seemed to be deep in thought." he asks "I guess." you say back flatlyHe sighs "I am sorry that this is what we are resigned to Tiara, you know that if it was up to me we would have a proper zone to call our own. But the Zone Cops, they don't take kindly to stragglers."You scoff "I could probably get them off our tail." Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6173343>You'll stay up here, wasn't your problem before isn't your problem now"Hey dad, did your hear that loud noise? Sounded like an explosion or sumthin."
With the absurdly long list of people you rescued from prison, you were bound to have some heartfelt reunions. Families were torn apart, romances were put on hold, and friendships were about to be lost to time. But not now, the bittersweetness of mending these bonds taste delicious! Yet, some are built better than others. The reunion of the Strangeloves has been long overdue before you even touched your first flame, and it was as touching as you wished it to be — you can’t imagine how Constance feels. And, well, Oliver and Jaylene, they are… well, not the most anticipated one… But that doesn’t mean it’s undeserving of a nice conclusion.It isn’t as easy as it sounds. Long ago — after you touched your first flame — the despicable Jaylene invaded this very place (technically not this one, the old clinic) and tried to kidnap the sweet Constance. You had to give your word that Jaylene is Raccoon Tier threat level and friendly at that. One thing led to another, and now you’re learning about Odetta’s medical records through Kata, and in this very tale, a hidden truth has been revealed! The one Judge of enormous ears is related to the rest of the Larsens! Indeed, Esperanza is Jaylene’s aunt! You have no idea how she relates to Agent Spooky, but it might hold some significance!It’s so obvious looking at her now… Jaylene’s ears are as huge as Esperanza’s! Even the nose is similar!“We didn’t know Odetta’s name back then, but once we figured it out. My other cousin Heidi made the connection. I took care of Ms. Odetta Larsen here… And my uncle did the same with a poor girl named Esperanza Larsen… She’s your aunt, isn’t she?” Nurse Calamity retells with gusto.“I-I had another aunt…?” Jaylene can barely keep her mouth shut from this revelation.“Yeah, another one that you didn’t get to meet because of some freak accident. Great.” Odetta assumes something terrible happened to Esperanza. Which is kind of right!“Tstststs… Johnny, did your mind get blown away from something else aside from our beauty?” Misty teases you. Seems like she’s spending a lot of time looking at you. “You appear to be a little… distracted.”Maybe you should bring this up, maybe you should wait for later. Either way, you must say something…Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6177896>“Trust me, she’s not the bad guy of the story. She was framed.” Vouch for your bestie! Maybe add context.>Ask Craig about that magic punch we learned from that one prisoner>Ask Craig about the possibility of bringing in new tenants. You remember he told Suan De there isn’t much space, but it doesn’t hurt to ask!
Not to make everything center around you, but after all you went through today, you’re not in the mood to explain. You’ll leave it for later.“She’s my bestie, yeah. I’m sure you’ll know about each other as the night goes on!” You prefer to move on than to get into details now. You’re here to relax… by watching horror movies! Besides, Crossbill being your friend is the most important detail of them all.“Yeah, kid, that’s the spirit! A friend of yours is a friend of mine!” Craig has never ruined a vibe if it isn’t important.You’re inside Ajna’s apartment, the living room has been set up to have the TV as its main display, aside from that, the place doesn’t look that different from back during the auditions. You can tell the lights were off before you stuck your nose in here. A chat breaks out after Craig brings some drinks for everyone.“Thanks for having me, folks. I appreciate this a lot.” Crossbill is both casual and polite. You’re not used to this. “We’re going to get along, I guarantee it.” She winks.“L-Like Craig said, a f-friend of Johnny is a friend of ours!” Ajna is happy to welcome her. The fidgeting one is really healing beyond anyone’s expectations!“Haven’t met a person the kid hasn’t been able to get along with.” Craig laughs. That’s a big fat lie, you hate Conti.“You’re one to talk...” You chuckle. Poker Nights are a chaotic pot of different personalities.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6178300“Thought he was dead.” Craig thought he’d never hear this name again. “And aye, I have heard of it. Who didn’t back then? It was his controversial moment. A knockout punch that didn’t make contact won the title bout. The press was pissed that they never caught the money shot, then they rolled the tapes, and it all turned into a big conspiracy. Match fixing and all that.”“Huh, that part I didn’t hear…” You didn’t get much of a backstory.“You said that he taught you it?” Craig crosses his arm. “Part of the demon stuff, huh? That sure puts things in perspective. You gotta show me sometime later.”“I did invite him to a Poker Night.” You adjust your glasses.“Cool, old rivals meet.” Craig grins.“Y-You never t-t-talk about your past as an athlete…” This is the first time Ajna is hearing any of this.“Never enjoyed it. Got me what I have, so I don’t hate it.” Craig shrugs. “The spotlight is not for everyone.” Maybe you should change topics.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6178301Thanks for running
>>6178301Thanks for running!
With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 759. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.Character sheets and other info: https://controlc.com/46ec566dhttps://pastebin.com/u/GrandDragonQMArchive:http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=Saiyan+Conqueror+QuestHelp fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQMQuest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):>30 minute vote times>Pick ONLY ONE option when votingComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6178197More than zero, most likely. And some you may not expect.>>6178252>We're going back to training in the next session.Best not assume you know what is coming. After all, it could be nightmares beyond your comprehension.>>6178254True.>>6178292What a good show. We need more like it.
>>6177492Interesting epilogue and nice art.>>6178372>Best not assume you know what is coming. After all, it could be nightmares beyond your comprehension.I thought we just had that with Meloka Black's visit.My captcha is "G0KU88". I think it maybe a sign or something. Anyway SOON
It is time! >>6178649
The era you're in began thirty years ago, A wealthy businessman by the name of Johan Mezzer, Who had held aspirations of exploring the cosmos had found allies in the political sphere, would be autocrats and industry moguls had agreed to back his ambitions in exchange for the resources they'd needed to carry out their own desires.And so, through his wealth, His influence as the world's wealthiest man, Humanity was united into the Iron flag federation. And Johan was given the greatest scientists each nation that allowed his influence had to offer in order to research and develop the technology needed to explore the stars.. However, His ambitions outweighed his patience, Corners were cut, The phrase 'good enough' uttered a fair few times too many. Leading to the conditions of the nearspace colonies, And the lunar cities to be barely livable. .The resulting unrest dug the state of this era an even deeper hole, With Johan developing the deadly 'Mobile suit' technology to suppress the dissident, Even so, A few rebels on the moon managed to capture one of these suits, And replicated it utilizing a ferrous metal found only on the moon for armor plating. These rebels would proceed to drive Mezzer and his budding Spacian nation away . The moon-folk having taken to calling their stretches of cities the 'rabbits colonies' Their own mobile suits, Called 'G-strafers' Valiantly defending their independence from their founder's ends. This defiance had paved the way for other insurgents in the colonies too far for Mezzer's iron grasp to matter, New Liberatatia: A veritable navy oh space pirates, Dozens of crews, each with their own desires dreams and ideals, bound together to protect these things from would be oppressors.And the Colonial separatist union: A more organized group of insurgents that have banded together in an effort to actively liberate the colonies, And create a more permanent, Stable solution to the issues of this era with no hope. This terminal centuryBefore we are introduced to our hero, We must take a vote. What faction was he born to? And what is his allegiance at the start? this result will be determined by the first ten replies.
>>6172965"We're all in this together, right? I'll have her back so long as she has mine. Say, you got any idea how the Captain feels about this mission?"
>>6173007"I'd say he's pretty confident. Five large battle ships, twice as many smaller carriers, more mobile suits than you've probably seen in your entire time training., given the rabbits never have more than a few dozen mobile suites active at a time. We should be able to crush em with sheer numbers ""What about all the casualties. I heard they were outnumbered three to one last time, and still managed to win" Making Pyotr chuckle "Well yeah, never said it'd be easy. but the ozkarbit and it's contemporaries represent a major push in mobile suit technology. Now that it and it's brethren are the standard defeat with a force this big shouldn't even be possible"The more the man talks the more at ease you feel. The man stands up, and heads to the restroom, you suppose that nature calls Who do you talk to next?
>>6174036Captain Petrikov, or alternatively, any mechanic we know will be working on our suit.
>>6174620You begin approaching the captain, As he overlooks the progress of the touch ups ona machine you haven't seen before"So, IS this that new machine i heard about?" You question trying to break the ice."That'd be the case new meat." He replies a bit coldly. "Its our key to victory tomorrow, I can feel it in my bones."You look over the thing, High performance machines , As they were designated Held no specific purpose, Rather they were prototypes, looking to gain approval for mass production.Of course, The technology generally had to be simplified for ease of production and maintenance, But still, Whatever came of these field experiments was usually something good. "So, Uh, Whats it for?" "Its meant to be the next line of general purpose machines, Designated EE-HP 012," He states "But, the soldiers that did the initial tests have taken to calling tt the Molot."The hammer eh? Given the size of that gun you can see why. "You sure its gonna be enough captain petrikov?""Its gonna have to be, But Pyotr is a hell of a wingman, if it all goes to hell, He'll be around to drag us out."Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6175600Sorry for the delay. Yeah, we can ask him about Draganov.
Section 1: The OutbreakJace had never been one for superstition. He’d grown up in a small, sleepy town where the biggest event of the year was the harvest festival. Life was predictable. Until that morning.He'd been in the kitchen, brewing a pot of coffee, when the first reports hit the radio. The news anchor’s voice, frantic and shaky, had warned of a rapidly spreading virus. The government wasn’t yet calling it an outbreak, but it wasn’t hard to guess that something was terribly wrong."… citizens are urged to stay indoors. Avoid contact with the infected…"Jace had turned off the radio. It wasn’t the first time a scare like this had been reported. Bird flu, swine flu, the countless outbreaks that always ended in nothing more than empty warnings and public hysteria. But this was different. The strange look in his neighbor’s eyes, the unnatural stumble of a woman down the street, something wasn’t right.By noon, the world was already changing. Sirens began wailing, emergency broadcasts flooded every channel. By 3 PM, it was clear: the virus had spread rapidly across the country, and it wasn’t just another flu.Jace’s phone buzzed. It was a message from Sarah, his girlfriend of three years."Jace, I’m scared. I’m at my apartment, I don’t know what’s happening. Please come get me."
>>6170282>Tell her to block the door with her fridge, dresser and couch. Raid your house for supplies and if you got a tent take it. Rice, water, canned food. Take the fire escape and head to the roof. Grab a good weapon and wait till I arrive. Idk how high her apartment is from the pictures it's muti story.Also if she has a rope or bed sheets fashion into a rope. And find something strong enough to make a hook. Throw it into the roof and climb op or a ladder would work. Or moving a dresser or something below to climb onto. Give or take she's 5+ ft and the gap is 12 feet extra two feet from arms she'll have to make up 5 go climb to the top.
>>6170282>Take the back alleys and side streets: Jace knows the city well and figures the back roads may be less congested. However, these routes are dark and dangerous, especially in a crisis like this. He'll have to navigate on foot or in his car through areas that aren’t well lit, and there’s a chance he’ll encounter the infected in places where they won’t be easily avoided.
>Reach out to Chris, Take the Back Alleys, and tell Sarah to block her door with her fridge.Regardless of what Chris says, we still have to get there, and going on the main roads is suicide. But it's pointless to go if Sarah is going to be dead by the time we get there, she needs to at least barricade herself in.
Coming up next on AMC's The Walking Dead.
>>6171924Nah fr
You are a Cutémon!You are one of the rarest types of mon: a mon that looks like a cute human girl!Like all mons, you gain energy by fighting and defeating other mons. Your trainer is the human boy Joe Apple of Patina.
You follow Joe down a hallway and then you see a doorway and when you get closer you can see the crowd of humans and you walk out onto the arena floor![SFX: cheering]When you look around it seems like all the humans are looking at you!You wave at the crowd and the cheering gets even louder!Joe looks at you and smiles but then suddenly all the lights turn off and you hear a loud voice over the speakers! You can't help crying out but nobody can hear you because the voice is so loud!"Welcome, everyone, to a very special tournament."It's Donaldo!"We promised you human-type mons, so let me personally start this tournament with a match you won't ever forget." A spotlight shines on Donaldo holding a hanging microphone and next to him is a big Gumdroop and Ourobros and then a mon that looks like a human girl with long blonde hair and gold horns walks out into the spotlight!Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Rolled 84 (1d100)>>6196072>Encourage Onlion to fight Ourobros (roll 1d100)I'll follow Joe's lead
Rolled 67 (1d100)>>6196072>Encourage Onlion to fight Ourobros (roll 1d100)Onlion is brave!
Rolled 90 (1d100)>>6196072>Encourage Onlion to fight Ourobros (roll 1d100)
>>6196072>Encourage Onlion to fight Ourobros (roll 1d100)
You are the leader of a group of monsters trying to survive in a land overrun by adventurers. These adventurers, skilled and powerful, hunt down any creature in their path. The world around you is dangerous, not just because of the heroes, but because of the harsh environment itself, where monsters like you are seen as obstacles or targets.As the leader, it's your job to keep your group alive. With limited strength and resources, you must outsmart the adventurers who want to destroy you. Whether it's hiding, using the terrain, or relying on your companions' skills, every decision counts.You're not just a leader, but a strategist and protector. Your group looks to you for guidance in a world where they're outclassed, outnumbered, and hunted. The odds are against you, but with cleverness and resilience, you might survive long enough to show that even the weakest monsters deserve to live.Are you> a warchief> a shaman> a matriarch> a beastmasterWhat kind of monsters are youComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Rolled 3, 10, 2 + 9 = 24 (3d10 + 9)>>6171936>>6171931the pregnant goblins murder our inner patrol and our sick goblins, when our outer patrol finds them they said it was to feed their babies, which they just gave birth to, and the inner patrol were trying to stop them from killing the weak goblins to feed the new generation. +50 food.> murder them> let them live3d10+9 goblins are born!The goblins that went out to start the fire return with 180 units of lumber! The fire is stoked up for now! 3 of them do not return, there is talk of Wolves.Your dire rat bites you! You are wounded! Dire Rat Attitude 5/10Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Rolled 3 (1d30)there are 24 babiesbabies eat half the amount of foodnext month they will be children, eating regular amount of foodin two months they will be juvenile, doing half the amount of workin three months they will be adultrolling for threat
Rolled 50, 63, 29, 95, 18, 30, 53, 52, 28, 21, 96 = 535 (11d100)>>6171961> let them liveSurvival of the fittest.>1 Healing>5 Tend to animals>5 Tend to fire>5 Inner Patrol >7 Build Traps for the wolfs.
Rolled 28 (1d30)>>6171991you let the murderers liveunattended, the babies start killing each other! three of them die before the inner patrol can stop them +6 fooda bunch of wolves wander into our territory and eat 3 goblins and wound 2. There was no outer patrol to warn us!you gather 15 units of lumber. 1 goblin never returns.you make some traps for the wolves! you manage to capture one wolf, who falls in a deep hole and can't get out!the leader fully heals from his wounds!Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Rolled 81, 61, 67, 87, 93, 92, 83, 27, 70, 99, 85 = 845 (11d100)>>6172435>10 Set hunting traps.>1 Maintain fire.>2 Outer Patrol >2 Inner Patrol>2 Tend to animals >3 Make Weapons
Last one didn't go too well. We can always try again.I still only wanna run civilized races, but I'll tweak the system a bit, it was kinda clonky last time.Select race and biome from the picture.
Rolled 1 (1d2)>>6172425you contact the dragonyou arrive at a section of the magma caves filled with dragon whelps and fire elementalsyou try your best to convince them that you want to see the dragon for a diplomatic proposal, but they ignore your pleas and attack your peopleyou are forced to flee for your lives!1 - you manage to bring the gifts back2 - you lose the gifts as you escape hastly
>>6172425>>6172428Your settlement lies in ruins, a grim testament to the chaos that has befallen your people. The once-thriving hub of dwarven industry and culture now stands as a shattered remnant of its former glory. Collapsed tunnels block key passages, precious resources lie buried beneath rubble, and the air hangs heavy with the acrid smell of destruction. Survivors move among the wreckage, their faces etched with exhaustion and despair, while the wounded are tended to in makeshift infirmaries. > Start rebuilding in the same place: Despite the destruction, this location remains strategically valuable and rich in resources. Rebuilding here would mean restoring what was lost and proving the resilience of dwarven ingenuity. However, the effort will be long and arduous, and defenses will need to be bolstered to prevent future calamities. > Search for a better location deeper within the caves: Perhaps this tragedy signals that it is time to move on. Venturing deeper into the labyrinthine caverns might reveal a site more defensible or abundant in resources, offering a fresh start. Yet the journey will be perilous, and there’s no guarantee the new location will be any safer. > Fall back to the grand halls of Karadur, your ancient home: The ancestral halls of Karadur, long abandoned but still revered in dwarven lore, might offer sanctuary. Its towering columns and carved stonework stand as a reminder of past glory. Retreating there would preserve your people but require significant effort to reclaim and restore the ancient stronghold. > Write in: Propose an alternative plan, such as venturing into the surface, creating a temporary outpost while scouting multiple potential locations or negotiating an alliance with a nearby faction for mutual support.
>>6172425> Offer to hire individual trolls instead: Attempt to negotiate with smaller groups of trolls, reducing the overall cost but possibly limiting the strength of their support.This is the only viable option.> Start rebuilding in the same place: Despite the destruction, this location remains strategically valuable and rich in resources. Rebuilding here would mean restoring what was lost and proving the resilience of dwarven ingenuity. However, the effort will be long and arduous, and defenses will need to be bolstered to prevent future calamities.Tough run for our sweaty dwarves. How many died in the disaster?Action 1: BreedAction 2: reclaim settlement
>>6172452>Tough run for our sweaty dwarves. How many died in the disaster?Only a few distracted or unlucky dwarves. There was lots of early warning so they just grabbed what they could and ran away when the magma started to rise.
>>6172454Hmm, better than I thought. Well, as our population grows, we should be able to throw more dwarves at the reconstruction effort. Demography is destiny, as they say
Prologue.====You are Nathan Drake. An ordinary person. Ordinary looks, ordinary life. At least, you think so, because you can’t remember.No, not that Nathan Drake from the video games. You’re from Earth, so you know the reference.You can’t remember anything else. As you open your eyes, you find yourself lying on the grass. You’re in the middle of a forest. The sun mercilessly shines over your face, prompting you to get up. It must be around midday.How unlucky. You can’t remember anything, and you don’t know where you are.Where are you? You look around. Tall aspens with white bark and golden leaves tower over you. And though the sky still looks like it’s summertime, you wager it must be fall, since the leaves have already turned.You feel thirsty. Instinctively, you get up and start walking. One direction leads deeper into the woods. The other, towards a clearing. A way out of the forest, heading into an open area. As you’re still a bit disoriented, you can’t be sure of your location.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6193579>Say nothing.>You admit that you are planning on going after Eléonore. You'll leave as soon as you're prepared enough to hit the road.KillKill KILL
>>6193579>Say that you had some help.>You assure her that you aren't leaving, at least not yet. You still need to train the little magical skill you have at the moment.Good to see this back.
>>6193579>Say nothing.>You assure her that you aren't leaving, at least not yet. You still need to train the little magical skill you have at the moment.
>>6193579>Say that you had some help.>You admit that you are planning on going after Eléonore. You'll leave as soon as you're prepared enough to hit the road.
>>6193572Oh, and welcome back. Glad we're still kicking!
Your name is Johan, a taxi driver that unfortunately attracted the strange and bizarre. And you were currently on a date. Or what may as well be one.A certain playful and mischievous mime, whom you happened to meet by chance a couple of days ago in a carnival, was sitting on a chair close to your own, you were both on a table for two. Her name is Mimi. The two of you seemed to bond well, despite not knowing each other for long. This may not be much of a surprise, considering you escaped a fiery inferno with her."Johan?"And yet, here your mind strangely wandered. It went to the past, one perhaps not too far away. You recalled a melancholy smile that greeted you, a woman with golden hair, and a box filled with ammunition."Johan!" a hand's waving calls you back to reality. You stare at a fair skinned young woman, two green eyes stare back at you with some concern. A frown adorns her thin lips."My apologies," you said "I must've been lost in thought."It was a bad habit of yours to do that. You hoped it didn't mean anything serious. Perhaps you should start eating more...You both smile at each other, and she giggles silently. A thought emerged--why did she tend to be so quiet? She was energetic in basically all other things.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Rolled 16, 15, 11, 19 = 61 (4d20)>>6193267>Sure, give him the jerky. He was hungry, was he not? And you still had so much food.>You and Mimi would split up. One of you would take Dingo up to the surface, while the other would look for Ryan. (Who goes where?)Mimi can get him out, and Johan can look for Ryan.
Busy week, QM?
>>6193275>>6193299>Jerky Cycle>>6193275>Bartender Breakout>>6193299>Split The PartyI'll probably have time to roll and write today, but again no promises.>>6196279Yes, unfortunately.
Rolled 2 (1d2)>>6196317>1 Both To Ryan>2 Split HelpWriting. Hopefully will finish soon.
>>6196860Thanks for the update! Sorry to hear about your unfortunate week.
Your grandfather was an adventurer and your father ressented him for it, because he was never at home. He didn't want you to become an adventurer, rather wanted you to tend to the family farm. But one day when you found a chest with some equipment from your grandfather, you realized you had to go out in an adventure!You found (Choose one):> A +1 dagger and a handful of minor healing potions> A Shadowed Leather Armor +1 that subtly blends into shadows, granting a +2 bonus to Stealth checks.> A Cloak of Protection (+1 AC and saving throws) and a lantern that glows brightly for 8 hours per day without fuel.> A Bow of Precision, a +1 longbow that grants advantage on attack rolls made at long range.> An Arcane Compass, a magical compass that points toward the nearest source of magic. Also functions as a spellcasting focus.> A Dagger of Returning, a +1 dagger enchanted to return to your hand immediately after being thrown.> Write in (one or more magical items worth no more than 1,500 gold)All your life you've been preparing for this moment, in a sense. For you trained to become:> A Fighter> A Rogue> A SorcererComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Rolled 19, 16, 5 = 40 (3d20)>>6191127Skyler shoots the cultists twice and Valjan hits one with his heavy mace!
Rolled 5, 1 = 6 (2d8)>>6191128Skyler hits both arrows!Rolling damage 2d8+8
>>6191131Skyler kills one of the cultists, the other is wounded but alive.It is your turn, what will you do?> Draw your weapon and engage them in combat! (select one dagger, magic dagger, mace, quarterstaff)> Cast a spell (Mind Sliver, Chaos Orb, Shield, other)> Write in
>>6191135>Draw our magic dagger and try and pommel strike them into unconsciousness. We need to ask questions!
>>6191135>>6191137 +1