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>“Do you renounce Satan Russel Powell?”

>“You’ll do great things Russel Powell”

>“get to work Powell”
>“You don’t wanna do this copper…”
>”Welcome to Vegas, Pig!”

Born to the descendants of escaped Lousiana slaves. You are Russel Powell, rookie cop, recently embraced. And thrusted into the world of darkness against your will. How long will you last the nights of Vegas? How far shall you go into the treacherous pits of your sect and clan?

Choose what kind of Copotype you wish you be at the start
>Cowboy Cop: A Physical presence, a force of Nature, you are the first one in, and the last one out, you flunked high school and it shows
>Human can-opener: A Social chameleon, a nice joke, a soft smile, a suave retort, you make the criminals spill the beans all by themselves. You panic when bullets start flying
>Mind wide open: Exceedingly intellectual, esoteric and precise, you carry an encyclopedia all to yourself. Citizens hate your presence instinctually

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>Ally: Coroner friend
>Contacts: Local bookie, Unaffiliated hitman
>Streets: He did a few favors for some people, misplaced evidence here and there.
>Underworld: Negotiated and prevented a gangwar from erupting as a dirty cop intermediary
>Who: Someone who wanted justice but kept prioritizing other things until he was in too deep
moderate power ally
>Carl, an old Ghoul or bloodslave who serves another Master
>to whom your own Sire is a friendly inferior.
>He is almost sixty now, even with the preservative effects of his addiction.
>He has never impressed enough to be Embraced
>but he has no envy for you, only vicarious hope.
>He knows the current web of alliances, which strands weakening, where new ones wait to form
>He has your basic essentials and access to a Sanctuary
>wide knowledge of Vampiric powers, though not deep
>and theoretical knowledge on how to use some of them, though practically he can't use any himself.
>More than these he might not possess
>but likely he knows who might

contact 1

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sorry anon, this shit looks dead.

How was influenced gained
>He started small and violent, like most
>showing off to the bigger boys that he can shoot and kill just like them.
>Emptied a clip into a rival ganger in a rumble at age 10.
>That nigg bled out, and Russel bled in.
>From there, the normal course of things
>Russel grew big, good bones, made a little, fucked a lot
>and offed, directly and indirectly, a hundred other lowlifes like himself.
>Then he found out where the money really at:
>with the Cops.
>They got 3rd gen milshit for free, kept everything they confiscated, and had first dibs on in the towpark auctions.

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aww, I dint see

oh well.


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max martingale works at the dmv. there's a dog on the way to work that some crazy infects with rabies like they themselves infected themselves with rabies and then like drew their blood and injected the dog with an epipen and it bites max and he's out of commission for like a month but he survives and goes back to work but the tone has somehow shifted. he's spent the month walking around outside, so maybe he has a tan or his jacket smells. it was sure a weird month. he was followed more than once. second week he could barely leave the house and most days couldn't get up to get water until he really needed it. he could actually hear the neighbors gossiping about him and it took real effort not to make some kind of noise at them. he couldn't stand looking in the mirror. he felt so cooped up afterwards that he spent an entire week after that outdoors which probably helped the wound heal faster and he was back to work the monday after. the world felt bracingly threatening, like the pigeons are out to get him.

>It's Friday, you have to go to work on Monday. What do you get up to?
>>write in
>>write a poem or something
>>take a walk to the state line
>>go to the zoo
>>get some food, you didn't eat yesterday, though you're not hungry.
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When you notice the man from earlier who was walking the dog and he's walking towards you and gesturing towards the ground between you. It seems he left a debit card on the floor.
''That yours?'' ''Yep.'' The orangutan watches. ''Can you walk dogs in here?'' ''Yep.'' He's away.

You look at the bandages on your hand. ''No blood.'' The orangutan waves at you.
You might wanna slow down a bit, OP--/qst/ moves a little slowly and you gotta give people time to actually vote a bit or you'll just be writing a novel.

>Write-In: A walking alligator
>>>get some food, you didn't eat yesterday, though you're not hungry.
Lets buy a turkey leg while we are at the zoo
>write in

>a petting farm and shallow aquarium!!!

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PRELUDE Father took us to the foreign land,
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An unused location I had prepared, the Wheel Of Fortune, this location is based on Pacific Park the Ferris Wheel in Santa Monica, I deliberately chose it because it is sort of like that Lost Boys beach amusement park vampire film hehe, Euphoria the tv series had a cool fairground episode, the Santa Monica night beach was in the Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines videogame, but also because the Ferris Wheel echoes the one everyone remembers from post apocalyptic Pripyat exclusion zone either Stalker or Call Of Duty videogame levels hehe. I think in my setting the ferris wheel is fairly normal, just deserted at night, I didn't have the narrative outline fully prepared but it probably involved the Cartel, Pedro and Donnie and various gang wars. I had day and night versions of this map, there was also some secret subterranean sewer entrance that would take you to some passages into the Elbridge Colony Arts Residency Beach House (in case you didn't get an invitation, which luckily the anon players did manage to negotiate). The Finlay questline had some element of retrieving his lost phone from the Beach House, but I hadn't fully developed or elaborated the entire game interaction sequence.

Incidentally, the Elbridge Colony does sort of exist in real life, I based it on the Macdowell Colony https://www.macdowell.org/ I met an artist who went there hehe. I think they have dropped the Colony name nowadays from the arts fellowship, which is why you must always refer and remind them of it, and continue to use the original historical name. I changed it to Elbridge because it sounds a bit like Cambridge lol, but also, this guy


Some other hidden references: I discovered that you can apparently lookup prisoner numbers in the United States for federal inmates.


So you can try this guy: >>6039761
hehe, or read this article
2024 Mar 21
>Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell would be gone in the first 100 days of a second Donald Trump term that would also include mass deportations of undocumented immigrants and more tariffs on Chinese goods, former White House economic adviser Peter Navarro told Semafor from the federal prison where he is serving a four-month sentence for refusing to cooperate with a congressional probe into the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol

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I was a bit thrown by the game choice and write-in suggestion of this anon on Shaft (1971)
>>6056935 lol and Richard Roundtree, but as a mark of my intense research roleplaying dedication I watched and absorbed the entirety of that film within the span of a few hours, the film made me slightly more racist against Italian people (I am very sorry, I also hate mafia films like the Godfather, insert Family Guy meme of how the film insists upon itself) but it is interesting, blaxploitation genre probably is not the type of cinema I would usually seek out hehe. Something I liked about that Shaft film is how he uses a BLACK revolver when doing police stuff, but then pulls out an unmarked WHITE / pearl handed revolver when he rescues the girl on behalf of the black drug dealer / gang boss, oohhh the symbolism. There is also that weird bit where they make the Black Panther rebellious revolutionary man? sleep in a little pink girl's bed?? and the end sequence with the firehose / improvised molotov cocktail is truly bizarre (it goes right down to like the last 2 minutes... you are desperately thinking... what are they doing with the firehose?? The film ends in like 60 seconds??? lol) I was quite impressed by how they frankly addressed racial issues in the film (eg the black people accuse Shaft of being a traitor, sellout to the police; he counters that the drug lord is just turning the black community into addicts, dope fiends) etc it felt quite raw and believable for the era

I discovered during the course of this game that impersonating latino or black people is really difficult and quite tiring lol, but arguably you cannot run an urban gothic / Vampire Masquerade World Of Darkness type setting without convincing portrayals of street culture or hiphop type influences. In fact, the look of 90s type hiphop videos, or that film like Juice (1992) I cited, is very reminiscent of the "Vampire Masquerade" world of darkness look, hence why I also included that hed(PE) music video (it isn't hiphop, but the singer is from California and sort of raps) the fashion in that video could be repurposed into various Vampire Masquerade gangs, street factions etc. I don't have much experience with rap or hiphop, I have only been to San Francisco not LA, so I just look up song lyrics lol adapt them and draw upon my videogame knowledge of playing the black guy from GTA V lol
Anyway, I am happy to stay in the thread for a while, absorb any feedback or criticism, answer any questions or share some of the other unused images / locations assets I had prepared for this game setting.

This time round, I used a lot of images from


The site is mostly free (maybe 1 in 10-20 images is paid) it is no signup, no login, and has already probably been heavily datamined by generative AI lol eg for LAION or other aesthetic datasets. I like images which are silhouettes or convey emotions and ambiguous abstract gestures or evocative feeling landscapes. I am trying to move away a bit from artstation, which has become saturated with AI art, but also, art which isn't AI there still adopts the AI gloss / unreal engine look aesthetic, the art has a lot of visual detail but the composition is poor or generic and has no feeling or mood, or embodiment of physical presence and possibility. Hence I am using unsplash, trying to source more images from actual real world places, actual photography. The good photos don't convey just a place or thing but the feeling too, they are often shot from unusual vantage or perspective (as an example, see this version of the Hollywood sign >>6059003 )

I also wonder if the music this time round suited the various scenarios, music can be quite personal lol everyone likes different things, but I tried to create some non-diegetic accompaniment, just as if the soundtrack was playing in a TV series or videogame cutscene. All my knowledge of contemporary music comes from films or videogames lol, so I don't know if the music I linked was already too cliched or familiar for this audience.

Anyway, thanks again to everyone who played and participated, I really enjoyed rising to the challenge of responding to all of your choices, write-ins and ideas!
I really really enjoyed this quest and I'm glad that I got to participate. Everything was very well executed, but to me the characters really stood out. You did a great job crafting realistic characters that closely resemble "people you would meet" (tm) in LA. That takes really skill and was definitely appreciated.

Sorry you didn't get to use the music system. It seemed like an interesting dynamic, but I'm not a music guy (barely know any songs and almost no lyrics) so I personally felt incapable of participating. But I like the gameplay potentially it sets up and, if you want, it would be nice to keep in future quests in case you do get more lyrically inclined players. Its nonuse in this one definitely is not for lack of interest, but lack of musical talent on the side of the playerbase.

Also, I'm the Shaft anon. I'm glad you were interested by the film. I personally love Blaxploitation as a genre so I'm a bit biased, but if you liked the social themes and rawness of Shaft, I would also recommend Shaft 3: Shaft in Africa, which is about Shaft traveling to Ethiopia to shut down a human trafficking operation across the Mediterranean and talks a lot of illegal immigration and worker exploitation.
Thank you very much for the kind feedback, and also your very interesting write-ins!

I have to admit, initially when I saw some of your ideas I panicked lol because I had no point of reference or preparation for many of them,, however, I think in the end they did take the story to interesting places!

My original idea with the songs developed from the dnd type spells "I cast MAGIC, TELL ME DM ALL THE INFORMATION REVEAL ALL THE GAME SECRETS NOW IS NPC LYING??" lol those spells, I had an idea that instead of magic telepathic omniscience, you would be able to infer something about the npcs, their disposition or trustworthiness from seeing their playlists. I remembered in Metal Gear Solid IV (the old man moustache Snake one) in the endgame you could unlock some emotion voodoo dolls, from Screaming / psycho mantis, there was a sorrow one a laughing one, I never actually went back and replayed the game after getting them, but it gave me an idea that a cool advanced version of the psychic music playlist would let you inject / hijack npc emotions by uploading your own songs etc. eg if you could demoralise them or turn them hyper aggressive against others etc.

As you mentioned, anons may not actually have such an extensive music collection.

Maybe what I should have done instead: just offer a preset menu selection of songs, let players choose one as an "emotional spell" to manipulate an NPC mood.

Near the end of this game, I was running out of music myself lol, I couldn't find enough appropriate music for some of the key scenes or other characters, it does take a lot of effort recalling films / tv / games. I was specifically trying to use mostly California type music (think anons recommended me some interesting music in the qtg, which I appreciated, but I was specifically trying to get the California beach goth type feel). Hence I was scouring my memory of Euphoria, The Idol, 90210 and The OC type tv series

Watching Shaft (1971) it resonated a lot with Wesley Snipes Blade (1998) which for me is one of the best vampire films ever (Blade is a deeply political film, compared to say Kate Beckinsdale Underworld or Tom Cruise Interview With The Vampire etc) Another intriguing "black goth" character, though somewhat underused, is the villain Judah Earl from the 2nd film, Crow City Of Angels (1996) this film had incredible atmosphere, fashion (Iggy Pop as a goth!) visuals. In my alt-reimagining of vampires, I tried deliberately to avoid the GOTHIC MIST VOODOO look, it nonetheless remains a very inspiring influence. The New York / Gotham skyscraper / ghetto thing is probably better suited for Vampire Masquerade world of darkness, I deliberately tried to move it to palm trees, sunny boulevards and beaches etc. Similarly the Arts Residency was a variant on the familiar Silent Hill / Evil Within creepy asylum, I tried to emphasise the modern corporate wellness / luxury rehab aesthetic instead for an alternative perspective

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Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%202nd%20Primarch%20Quest

Still dressed in her wedding gown, as you and her lay on the dewy grass, you meet your bride's gaze gently and look into the emerald sea of her eyes, seeing the somber golden glow of your own eyes catching the light of the setting sun reflected into them, golden fire and Emerald water mingled together like when the sun descends the horizon at the sea. The warmth of her touch radiates out and reaches deep into your chest as she lays practically on top of you, arms wrapped tightly around your midsection and her own body pressed against your own. The wind lifts the loosened flaps of your robe and plays through her hair as her request, her proposition settles into your mind and stirs a desire almost alien to your senses, an uncomfortable heat welling up from within your heart, fanned by emotion rather than instinct that were excised from you and your brothers at your creation. The whirlwind of passion, sweeping up the sparks of chaste love and stoking it to become a different beast entirely, altering its form and sensation but not its source.

And as the chilly touch of her fingers sends involuntary shivers down your sun warmed skin, your mind drifts, hazy already with the spirit known as love true and strong and further fogged by the peerless beauty and the tempting offer she has made, the coy smirk on her lips, the almost challenging look in her eyes. But it does not drift where the thoughts of other mens would be pulled and lured if they were in the same situation, rather, you day dream not of anything indecent or lewd, but rather towards a future that probably will never come to pass. Of a pack of merry minded children, with eyes of entwined emerald, gold and silver, taller than most, fast growing as you were, but unburdened by the grand responsibility and towering expectation of both of their parents. The man engineered to be a warlord, who'd prefer to spend his days wandering the fog dampened forests or tending flooded paddies of rice rather than shedding blood and committing war on a galactic scale, and the soul of a colony ship who had survived not only her passengers and crew but all of her civilization save a few of her family, but both who carried out their duties without complaint out of a shared love for humanity. A love rivaled only by the one they share, the love from which these imaginary children sprouted.

Oh how vividly you can see them, racing through the mists and clambering up the hills of the valleys and rocks that dot them, swimming through the stream, laughing as they play with grown tiger kin who have escaped the monstrosity and crimes of their own parents and Space Marines taken from the battlefield and allowed to pursue arts besides those of the martial and killing variety.

A perfect world. That can only be an illusion. For perfection cannot exist.
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>Take Liberty and explore one of the worlds that weren't chosen for the initial official expedition
I've wanted to hang out with Liberty for a while, so why not now? Be the cool brother-in-law
Support because then we CAN be in two places at once!
>>Take Liberty and explore one of the worlds that weren't chosen for the initial official expedition
>Knowing that your sons are made rather than born, make preparations for means to select those boys who'd survive the process.
Support and
>Take Liberty and explore one of the worlds that weren't chosen for the initial official expedition
>Knowing that your sons are made rather than born, make preparations for means to select those boys who'd survive the process.

>Take your father to watch a martial arts tournament, that a few of the terran soldiers are partaking in

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Welcome into the Bronze-Clay age of a far away unnamed star. After evolving in The Crack, the species known as Under Hunter reached Sapience and organized in tribes.
7 remains :

The fire-mastering Blanks and WindPsykers of GrassGreen
The Assassin, Tool-wielding, Stone Huts lawmakers of Ghostclaw
The StrongHunters Kraken-riders feodal lords of BurningGrass
The Tzeench-touch expansionists, of Jupiter
The Archers, Merchants, Slavers and Warptrailers of BadBack
The Lunar Dahu and Stove Grove farmers of Whitemane
The elusive trapmaker, raven-priests Cerulean which integrated the Singers of Icey Ones, not without racial frictions.

Interrested in joining? Claim a trip and a name as a Lurker - impacting the world with random events.

Last thread : https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5997970/
Pastebin : https://pastebin.com/LLBm1mjj

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>Cerulan Civ. Action: Weapon Development: Vorpal Blades
>University Directive: Chemistry

The scions of Nurgle had proven themselves too tough to be pierced by spears and too thick to be routed by flanking. A newer more destructive weapon was called for. Flockwing showed the portal acolytes a new design. A miniature portal capable of being weilded by hand like a blade. It would transport a line of flesh to one of the sacred temple pyres to which the blade was linked in order to burn away the razor thin line of transported flesh. Flockwing said that others called this a Distortion Weapon, but she preferred to call the Vorpal Blades. Such blades had once defeated an ancient being known as the Jabberwocky, and so long as the priestesses were able to maintain control over them they would dismember the enemy with ease. After all, what metal, muscle, or fat could resist the effects or a shaped portal? Field test these blades to the east.

Meanwhile, in the Northwest, the Cult of Flayer Flockwing Agatha studied the fire fern and the stone and labored on a new sort of Hunter. The forbidden fire fruit would not remain out of reach forever.

I am open to requests for university study. For the first try though, the university study is chemistry. That should be broad enough to apply to most factions. Also, I plan on using it to develop explosives for war and peace.
The player are FINALLY harvesting the 40k kinds of natural Phosphex that evolve in the Frozen Hellhole
Sounds good to me chemistry. So no mercs this round..maybe next. Better ballistics for more efficient delivery of firey death upon nugle forces
Chemistry sounds like fun. I'll bring some firebombs and our first aid kit, which admittedly is just more fire.
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Becoming more acclimated to a high-altitude lifestyle, the Pongo will heed the guidance of our lord once more, moving to the east via webway. The main focus for this turn shall be rearming ourselves for war after our respite and extending (and simplifying/recording directions for) the warp path through the eastern mountains.

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You swallowed hard and nodded, your gaze skittering towards the monstrous figures closing in. The Demon King’s guard dogs were embellished with twisted marble horns, sharply tapered ears, and snouts etched with wrinkles, and weathered crevices filled with white moss.

Count Whiskers hissed in fear, the gargoyle silhouettes appearing in and then engulfing whole his wide cerulean eyes. You rocked in Miranna’s one-hand-grip, watching as she spread her wings wide and swooped towards granite beasts. Her scorching nails tore through the bewitched stone, sinking within and pushing the scarlet light out of every of its cracks. Her claws carved through the stone chest and neck, scooping out and hurling chunks of vermilion rubble into the air as if casting aside molten embers, as well as the beast itself. With a wild cackle, she plunged downwards, creating distance between herself and the two stone monsters.

You hesitantly shifted one hand from Whisker’s fur to slowly grip Miranna just above her waist. She snapped her head, but before you could retract your hand, she grasped it, pressed on it, urging you to hold tighter. The clouds melted away, bursting and vanishing into a shimmering silver-gilt mist as you soared and broke through them.

“You might need to hold on tighter,” Miranna said, fleeting smirk crossing her face as another gargoyle appeared behind her.

“You said their only interest are humans? They we have to make them think I’m not one!”

“That -would- make things easier, but how are you going to do that?”

“You don’t know?”

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You cast your downwards to his axe, noting each meticulously honed scallop.

With a swallow, you said, “I wasn’t sent here by anyone, jailkeeper. I’m innocent of wrongdoings.”

“Warden Sarem,” he said, his breath drawing heavily. “And no one enters these prisons … by mere accident.”

“I assure you, warden Sarem, I assumed this was where the Grub Hag would be at.”

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“Why is that?” you asked, beginning to make your way to ascend the uneven steps out of the foul-smelling dungeon.

“The Demon King is quite forgiving … of his servants’ failures. We seldom get one … who I was -asked- to kill.”

“And the humans?”

“The humans?” —Sarem inhaled within a laughter— “Never. No human ever entered … the Banefroth Citadel. No human has ever been imprisoned … in the Banefroth prisons. Do not speak of humans … before the Demon King, newcomer.”

Was the Demon King’s hatred for the humans that profound? You couldn’t say that you had experienced any of it personally—

Something fell from your leggings, clattering off the stone steps and rolling downwards before Sarem snatched it up.

It was the runic stone you happened to take with you from Miranna’s room—by accident—one that sang the magical music.

He recognised it too, lifting it close to his eye and lowering his tone. “This is Miranna’s,” he said, his eyes flickering crimson. “Why … do you … have it … demon?” His breathing grew tense but controlled.

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>Claim that you found it on the ground and chose to pick it up on a whim.
"Who is Miranna? Are you two... together?"

+1. She's a birdbrain who just handed thes eto us willy-nilly. She carries them around for battle music. It's all very plausible, methinks.
I suspect he's her brother, rather than a lover, but that just makes it funnier.

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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

Having dealt with the aftermath of Umo Shadowhearts death and clearing of the burial chamber, you continued dealing with the sudden appearance of Thrall by making Taretha Foxton the happiest women in the world as she got to see her "little brother." While you wouldn't endorse Thrall’s plan of attempting to liberate the Internment Camps, you tried to get him to realise the magnitude of said task.

Krix Wiklish finished his rockets as well and for the most part you dealt with many mundane and normal duties until news came out from Alterac. Ogres had attacked Gallows Corner and driven the Syndicate forces there out. Riding forth, you succeed in defeating a force of kobolds and ogres, but Malevus got wounded in the battle.

Now the summer is here, nearly. Just a couple of days and you can hold the meeting with your officers and advisors. You weren't sure of many things, but one thing you were sure of.

It will be a busy summer.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

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Rolled 3, 7, 9 = 19 (3d10)

Rolled 9, 9, 4 = 22 (3d10)

Rolled 5, 8, 2 = 15 (3d10)

Rolled 1, 10, 5 = 16 (3d10)

No update today, absolutely knackered from work. First phase of the combat is in Alric's bag and with the crit he has the advantage. I will try to write the update as soon as possible tomorrow.

Known to most street-wise as “Meepis” , you dove headfirst into a dungeon rumored to have a powerful artifact amulet, capable of granting you riches, strength and wisdom. You mostly care about the rich part!

Disowned and exiled from most places due to your miscreant nature, this is a rather golden opportunity just for you!

[Previous thread[s] = 1st thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5966131/

2nd thread:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5999826/ ]
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i don't see much point in any of equipment as well.
but plenty of utilities that might come in handy.
bottle of ales- has potential to aid our dance with drunkard improv, (sort of like 醉拳). i feel usk would love this approach.
prepared torch - there may be some darker area later on, and can be used as an offense against elemental foes.. how vulnerable we were to ice?
dried jerky - satiation level is a bit hungry, one of these could fix that.
chalk- draw circle in the ground and you're safe from spooks (ok this one is just fooling around)
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>>6064408 - >>6064752 - >>6065486
You help yourself to the list again and don’t really see anything interesting when it comes to the equipment that’s being sold here, most of it you bet you’ll have some real difficulties wearing or outright just won’t be able to equip!

You ask the shopkeeper what's the deal with the dagger. “Da dagger? Eh, if you’re askin’ about the material its just simple iron wit’ a wooden handle, nothin’ special i know but it beats havin’ nothin’ if ya lose your main weapon, or so i’ve heard.” Good to know, however…

Ultimately, you decide that for now at least you’re just going to buy the leather cuirass, you’ve seen those things before and you feel like it’ll help you feel safer around all sharp things residing in the dungeon.

“I’ll take that boiled leather cuirass.” you say firmly as you look around in your knapsack for the money. “Leather cuirass? Comin’ up. Payment is up front after I show ye’ I have what ya want.” The merchant eventually comes back carrying the fabled leather cuirass, you lay neatly the 27 pence needed for the transaction. “That’ll be tweeenty-seven pence, thank ye’” he looks over at the counter and pauses to look at it for awhile. “Ye’ dats right, if ya could just slide it over that’d be perfect” you comply and so does he, letting the cuirass through an opening. You assume that it's the hole that you saw to the side of the structure.

You pick up the leather cuirass!

Neat. You leave it hanging on your counter. You focus your mind to remember what that witch archsivir said when using this wand… Telum? You’re pretty sure it was that. Alright, that’ll be what you say to sell this thing off. You tell the shopkeeper to watch closely as you proceed with your act.

Taking a few steps back so it's all visible and aiming at a wall, you yell “Telum!” as you hold the wand as a spear. A peculiar sensation on the back of your mind happens, it feels as if a bump just happened inside of it, like if someone tried to open some door but to no avail. The wand’s orb color flashes into a multitude of different ones before turning greyish and returning to its usual pinkish.

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So we can't use it. Stupid Archsivir and their stupid junk.
>sell the cruddy wand, you have no use for it like this
I believe it's time to get a move on.
Hmm, if we sell the wand for 8 pence that'd only put us up to 11, and we are a bit peckish...maybe grab a ration of jerky as well. It'd be nice if we could get a torch actually, >>6065486 was right in that it might be nice if we had something for ice. But he said no haggling...oh well.

For now just the food would be good. The shopkeep's been really nice to us, give him a smile and friendly wave before we leave. "My name's Meepis, by the way!"

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A quest where we build an original fantasy setting. Post ideas, as things develop I’ll compile it all into a timeline and map.
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The greatest necromancers are vampires, and vampires are a failed attempt at replicating a deific transformation. Vampires worship the Sun
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The uniting monomyth of the Hoon peoples occupying the Great Earth region of the main continent.

>In the time when man was Soil, working only Clay, four gods descended from the Blue (air, wind; atmosphere) to the Green (vegetable life; earth, soil; matter)
>Tabaq of the Thinking Cloud
>Djandja of the Seeing Cloud
>Affyun of the Dreaming Cloud
>Yaot of the Questing Cloud
>Said they to themselves
>How shall we return again among the clouds
>Now we are hurled down to this Green?
>For surely now we are gross flesh
>And none but White (light; spirits) may dwell with White.
>They conferred to silence until despair
>when they saw the Children of Annunn, the Favorites of Agamm: the race of Man.

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... ...
>With regard to the recent rumor in East Shoreland
>Namely the appearance of a novel new Smoak
>going by the gutter soubriquet of Mæthe
>meaning "Craze" in Mephite Pidgin
>I have extended my own inquiries
>and found the claims alarmingly and excitingly true.
>It is a rockform, as sugar, but ground easily and evenly as salt.
>The imbibing vehicle is a short pipe with a large intaking bulb, usually clay, as its smokers are invariably poor.
>The immediate effect of a single draught, not half a pinch by hand
>Is invigoration, joy and strength
>to which all other kinds of Smoak combined, and the sum of all consumed in one's life
>are shamed to nothing
>as Hag Lamelh before Hesperia.

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I think I know who you are... My immersion has been ruined.
Ill kiss you on the mouth faggot

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Greetings, /qst/. I'd like to play a game.

Recently I stumbled across pic related, a science fantasy wargame someone has been cooking up, and has grabbed my interest for the past few days. While a Tabletop Simulator mod has been released, I have no one to play/learn the rules with. Would you all care to join me in learning how to play?

>The border regions between The Ebon Forest and the Intermarine have always been sights of skirmishes and conflicts between the two rivals. This morning is no different, as two patrols of either side, each thinking that this stretch of dirt rightfully belongs to them, encounter one another. Soon, the sounds of early birds will be replaced with the staccato chatter of machine guns and snarls of bloodthirsty beasts, and the stench of burning flesh...

Which army do you profess to be from? (I will take control of the one that you do not pic, don't worry when it is time for list building I do my own before I look at your)

>Federal States Army
Human forces in Union uniform, with decent Infantry and a wide variety of Armor to play with.

>Army of the Ebon Forest
Wolfmen in Strichtarn, what they lack in armored punch they make up for with ferocity of Tooth, Claw, and ATGM

Resources: https://firelock-team.itch.io/firelock-198x-09-public
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I wont spoil what is waiting in the grass, but the standard Lupar infantry stats are pic related.
He everyone, QM here.
It has been over 8 days since the last post was made, and I can only asume that this is because of lack of interest on the players part. I don't blame you all for this, and looking back at my post I feel like I was trying to lead the players into certain answers, or that most of my answers to your questions were "No, you can't do that" or "Thats a pretty bad idea". Is this accurate?

Furthermore, if I were to try and finish this story line in another thread, what kind of format would you all prefer? The same as this? A more vague text base quest where you're not worrying about every little placement? Or should I go insane and try to emulate the famous "ASHEN DAWN" quest format, with each anon taking control of a small unit? I'd first ask that quests DM if its ok to ape that style

Even if you do not wish to continue, I do genuinely thank you for playing with me.
I'd like to see a continuation of this. I think the low player interest is a number of things, first is strategy quests are always small, second is this is an unfamiliar ruleset that we have to get our heads around, and third is there's not much of a story to care about, at least not yet. Thanks for running in either case anon, and I'd be up for playing again if you want to continue it. Format would be up to you, maybe something a bit simpler than this and slowly introduce more complex rules, or something completely different, your choice. I think a lore primer would help for player retention too.
Honestly go for it anon, I liked reading it, but I think the best way forward would be asking broad general questions about our forces and less nitty gritty what specific unit moves where. Hell you could probably get away with only one set of questions per battle then do a dramatic write up, or you could focus more on the strategic situation and let players make decisions their while keeping the battles themselves more in the background.
It's just a hard style of game to run. I personally enjoyed it, but I just didn't have the time to dedicate to actually learning the rules enough to participate

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The old civilizations have fallen. The race of men that once solved the riddle of steel depend once more upon the ancient elements of stone and fire. The common enchantments of the last age have become forgotten sorceries. The great cities have returned to dust.

Tonight your tribesmen convene to pass judgement on one of their own. The council sits in a ring. In the center kneels the accused, his arms and feet bound by blackberry vines that menace with thorns. Behind the council, in a much larger ring, are the women and the children, each sitting with a small gathered pile of stones. Silent, but trembling with anticipation.

>You sit among the council, beside your father the chieftain
>You sit in the outer ring, a child trying to appear brave
>You sit in the center, as the accused
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>> You can't sacrifice your father. Leave the forest.
>You can't let your father or Rima come to harm. That only leaves you. Flesh for flesh.
One week. Total qm death

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On the Island of Guyot, farmers ply the field of beachgrass with specially made fish bone combs, to harmlessly pull the seeds from the stalks as to not harm the precious plants. The harvest this season seems adequate. Behind them, young children follow to pick up any fallen seeds and to drive away pests. Underneath the blazing arid sun, the farmers wear their hats and work slowly as to not sweat themselves too much, the nearby picnic is all ready for their next break.

Down off the high top, there is a commotion in the village along the beach and docks. What, has a ship come in from the Black Ocean? Carrying goods for trade or Sweetwater, from the Fruit-Barons? No- it seems a young woman is finally giving birth. This is a happy occasion, and she is about to hold a newborn baby boy. This will be you, as you have not yet been born.

But alongside your mother, there will of course be a man, and from his profession will influence the future course of your own life. What kind of man is your Father?
>Naval Officer (Highest Skill, Lowest Luck)
>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)
>Escaped Slave (Highest Luck, Lowest Wealth)
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NGL, this entire event is downright comically evil. I've read stories of rich people tossing coins to the poor to see them squabble but this turns ridiculous with the MC putting himself down. It reads like THAT FUCKING FAGGOT EVERETT WROTE THIS PART.
Sounds fair.

This society IS reall awful, though. The bitter losers make a lot of sense.

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Along the way to Good Teeth Island, you come across a large ship that is not moving at sea. It is flying a white flag.

"Huh. I think they're hagfishing. Look at all the choppy water around their craft."

You're familiar with the practice. Hagfish are one of the most commonly fished type of sea-life on the Black Ocean. Not only are Hagfish very common, they can be brought to the surface in a great feeding frenzy by dumping any kind of food off the side of a ship. Hagfish slime is essentially to creating sails and sea-cloth, and their meat and skins are commonly used as forms of food and clothing, even if it does result in an ugly gray. Slimy skinned eels may not sound appealing, but it's often the best form of protein you can get, since Whales don't exactly grow on... sand.

"Captain! Do ye wish to Swoop them?"
"Ahh, you know more about fishing then stealing, I forgot. Hagfishing is expensive, what with all the bait overboard, and gets their whole deck slimy and chaotic with the eels wriggling about, they can't easily launch boats or make sail- why many don't like to be caught while Hagfishing. But the eels are slippery beasts and always goes towards the freshest bait. They already drug the eels up from the bottom, we can throw out a comparatively smaller amount of bait to draw the eel-ball over here, net them, and run off with the majority of the catch; while leaving them with a slimy hull!"
"The cargo hold is full anyway.."
"We could toss a box of seed as bait, best thing to give up, and then replace it with fresh caught eel! I'm sure it will go for more at any port, even Good Teeth."
"You're starting to sound like Bones now. It's that White flag that's giving me pause. If there is a Lady Death on board, does that mean they're starving? Why else would they be stopped? I'll not be stealing from the mouth of babes."
"Twas merely a suggestion, Captain... Besides, many sailors put up the white flag when they ain't in any position to fight to beg for mercy. If pirates ran up on them now they couldn' do much to resist, so it makes sense to white flag even if they got no such sensitive passengers. It's your call, after all."

Yet another opportunity on the high seas. You know you'd be extremely worried to come across a ship while in the middle of Hagfishing. What should you do?

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>Launch your boat and go talk to them
Hold up, if they're starving, then it's a perfect time to sell them shit at a higher markup.
>Launch your boat and go talk to them

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The saga continues. Warlords, rich and fat from plunder, leaders of great hosts of chaos, as usual squabble as they march forwards.
Welcome to a bit of a filler thread. Here, I'll finish off Ivan's raid, however it goes, and let the following interactions and scheming of the warlords.
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Thanks guys.

Have a picture of some freshly painted Skinwolves for your troubles
Fucking siiiick dude
Tracked down some lore on Minor Chaos Gods/Chaos Godlings:

Do any of them stand out to you anons? We could certainly expand on them in the course of this Qst. Most of them need Sacred Numbers, Daemons, Tribes & Cults devoted to them, etc. I filled in a few blanks myself:

Ans'l (Warhammer Artist ref)
Sacred Number:
Worshippers: Chaos Warriors with Spikey Armor

Atagro- Chaos God of Beasts
Aspects: Morghur, Raptor God of the Naggarothi Troglodytes

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Hey, sorry I disappeared on you guys. RL and some other stuff killed all thought of continued participation. I'm afraid I won't be coming back, just wanted to let you know instead of just ghosting. Have fun!
sad to hear. make sure to take care of yourself and stay safe.

>The group has just defeated the main antagonist.
>The kingdom is saved; time to party.
>Wake up a day later, with no memory.
>The group finds itself outside the gates of the kingdom.
>Also, now they're short a member.
>Get back inside the kingdom.
>Locate the missing group member.
>Figure the sequence of events before blacking out.
>Settle your bar tabs.
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>take a wizz.
Clear our bladder and then maybe find something greasy to eat
QM? You still alive?
Dang I guess it is over.
I'm almost tempted to take over since I like the premise, but I have some things to do today.
Abandon your responsibilities to be our entertainment!

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"You can offer a million prayers to the Omnissiah, dust the chapel and perfect the rites and get no closer to truth. Our prison of ignorance is not something we can travel beyond. The key we've lost is more than something drifting in the void."
-Anonymous Explorator, disavowed by council edict

A change of fortune diverts you from the cliffs, to a place you never expected to be - the heart of the Omnissiah's worship in Odrev. Once you arrive, though, you find it increasingly difficult to focus on what's literally before you.


Read the previous threads at: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=False%20Woman

You possess an amount of Strain equal to your Conditioning score. When attempting actions beyond your current capacity, you gain a point of Strain. Attempting to Strain while at maximum Strain will result in a Strain Check. During a Strain Check, roll 1d10 for every point of the relevant Parameter. Results that are 6 or above count as one success. Results of 10 count as two successes. Three successes must be rolled to avert a critical failure. Fail or pass, after a Strain Check, you cannot Strain again until you restore your Strain by seeking shelter.

This quest allows you to designate a second-choice vote on decisions with three or more options before Write-Ins. When votes are totaled, the option with the least votes for it will be removed, with votes for that option instead being changed to the second-choice of those voters. Second-choice votes are also used to break ties. This helps increase the accuracy of votes, but is not mandatory. Please specifically mark your second-choice as such if you do so.

Vote stay open for a minimum of six hours, but will usually take longer.

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>>"I must admit to an interest in the reliquary."
>"I would rather focus on my faith."
“I would rather focus on my faith.” You reply. “While holding such a relic is a great honor... it is ultimately not much of a... relationship with the Omnissiah. Not compared to what I can do in the forge."

There were a few murmurs of approval among the crowd, though you weren't sure if you had only impressed a few or you had impressed many - and the rest had simply forgotten to speak with flesh voices. “Well said.” The Magos spoke up again. “I understand you have sworn the first vows of the Machine God but recently?”

“That is correct, adept." You nearly hazard ‘magos’, but elect to use the more general title just in case. “I am to understand that I am formally an initiate, now.”

“That is also correct.” He nodded in agreement. “Too soon to see if you will better serve the Omnissiah as a technomat, too early to call you an apprentice.” He coughed. “Apologies, I forget our formalities-”

“Allow me, Metallurgicus.” An esteemed looking techpriest rose from his seat. His robes were longer than the other gathered techpriests, made from velvet instead of the normal spun fibers that even Magi wore. And yet, he did not seem especially more augmented than any other techpriest there. Beyond a rack of candles that bobbed behind him on a stabilizing arm, he bore no especially notable augmetics. He stepped forward from his chair, but not into the center of the impromptu meeting circle himself.

You had already greeted the council chamber at large once in this meeting, but drop into a brief curtsy as he stepped forward.

He nodded to you, then cleared his throat. “Tankborn series A, unit number 414, designation Lebesnati- speaking on behalf of this temple's reliquary, this unit takes from you the ceremonial founding plate of the lost Warlord-class Titan Corvus Lictor, giving thanks to the Omnissiah for seeing fit to return this relic of His to our hands. It shall be stored in our reliquary as is our right, but with thanks.”

You note that nothing in that language specified that you had a choice in the matter. Not that you were necessarily complaining. In lieu of having anything useful to say, you bow your head in acknowledgment.

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>>Shoot Korash-22 a confused look.
>"...er, Forge Master: will I still sleep in the forge?"
Not the greatest opportunity, but it is an indirect show of faith and devotion that may be recognized by some in the 'audience'.

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