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>Previous thread

You are Amon. G Sus an orphan hobo in the Pokemon universe. After winning a dream vacation to Alola he's been wining and dining and getting it on with the ladies while a mysterious conspiracy seems to surround his seemingly "perfect" vacation.

>We are at 4 spaghetti points at the moment.
>Spaghetti points are used to determine how much of a fucking autist you are in dialogs and other rolls for good or bad. They can also be spent on Pokemon evolutions or new moves. So get em but spend them quick. 5 points for an evolution, 3 for a new move

Here is the team!

Foongus: Timid and cowardly, you met him at age 7 when foraging for food. You thought he was a Pokeball due to hunger and he ended up crying due to being afraid. You gave him a last morsel of food to calm him down and he followed you into the city. Now your bros for life. He's more brave during battles as long as its not TOO rough.
Ability: Effect Spore
Mega Drain
Stun Spore
Sweet Scent
And Clear Smog

Was met a few months after Foongus. Some faggot with green hair saw you looking for shelter in the rain and offered you Castform to turn the days sunny after "hearing the voice of your Foongus...you meet weirdos amongst the homeless. It worked too! He gave you your original 6 Pokeballs too as means of apology for not being able to do more. You never saw him again. Castform is chipper and sunny! Which is odd given how much he feels like a bag full of water. He always tries to cheer you up! He is pretty bad at battles compared to the rest of your team. He lacks the "killer instincts" but he's loyal!
Ability: Forecast
Weather Ball
Sunny Day...that's about it.

A spacey chill Pokemon you met him during training Castform and Foongus. You tried to battle him but he kind of just...laid on his back. You tried catching him and it worked. Then when a wild Purrlion tried to steal the berries you scrounged up he Low Kicked the fuck out of it and sent it running for the hills. He seems...odd. Very much at his own tempo and logic. You haven't exactly figured it out yet but he's still a loyal companion.
Ability: Poison Touch
Poison Sting
Drain Punch
Mud Slap
Flew into town after a particularly bad storm hit through the desert region. Which happens from time to time. You rescued him from being stuck in a tree and he joined you in gratitude. He's the most protective and on guard of your Pokemon. His Whirlwind attack has kept wild pokemon at bay and Hypnosis has kept would be scroungers from taking your shit.
Ability: Wonder Skin

A sweetheart Pokemon who loves to fuss over you being clean. Was met as an Azurill who smelled Foongus' Sweet Scent and tried to suck on its head only to find a lack of nectar. You tried to fight it but oddly Foongus' grass type attacks did nothing. Clear Smog however knocked her out in one shot. She was a bit slow to befriend but she came around once you shared a soda you found. Has a huge sweet tooth and uses Water Gun to keep you clean. Unfortunately Water Gun doesn't make for good drinking water. She fusses over you appearance too making sure your clothes don't look TOO scraggly even though your wearing donated clothing. Evolved one day after successfully knocking out a wild pokemon.
Ability: Sap Sipper
Water Gun
Helping Hand

You caught him after defeating it with Azurill. Its a trickster and loves to play pranks. Very easygoing trusting in its luck and not really...really thinking things through. When the going gets rough though he can't be intimidated and doesn't flinch!

Evolved during the first Battle Royale Amon entered!
Ability: Inner Focus
Work Up

Spaghetti Level 3

>Previously you got on a Ride Pokemon Charzard with Mina to go get her wallet from her house. Your scared out of your mind...

You grasp Mina tightly as you scream your lungs out. "Wow you sure hate flying huh?" She says nonchalantly as you take off. "Can you lower your arms a bit? Right on my chest." She says with a smirk.

>Beat a 70 or spaghetti drop and possibly worse
>Roll a d100
Rolled 26 (1d100)


Feeling lucky today

put it in the Options Box
Rolled 9 (1d100)

Sorry its been a while
"Oh shit I'm sor..." you let go without thinking and end up falling off! Your freefalling about a hundred feet off the ground and over the ocean before Charzard grabs you. "Hey are you ok?" Mina says nonchalantly.
>Nearly throw up, fight to keep your stomach contents to yourself.
>try to shout back but keep your eyes shut. this is even worse than flying on its back.
>"I- I-I....I think so.... This is why i hate flying."
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Rolled 67 (1d100)

So looks like amon is getting a bike instead of flying.
a million Pokebucks? In this economy? Maybe one can be rented for cheap. or we find a bike voucher and get one for free. would be nice. a man can dream.

The two land in Seafolk Village. A bunch of boats, floating houses, and the odd boathouse surround a sprawling network of bridges and piers connecting them all. "Welcome to Seafolk Village." Mina says as Charzard puts Amon down then flies away. "Nice place right? Lots of good places to paint the boats."
>wIith trembeling legs go onto your knees and grasp at the ground for a bit. Its still moving but still its solid ground. "I dont get why people like flying...... but the place looks rather nice yeah."

then become embarassed and jump to your feet trying to look tough again. "You rather like painting yeah. do you make your living with it? Or more a hobby?"
Rolled 65 (1d100)

i just dont learn do i.
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>Clutch the railings until the vertigo leaves.

"Looks like a great spot to fish out lunch. Do ahh you fly here o-often?"
>Responding tonight. Sorry. Work is a bitch...

"A bit of both? But truth is I just like to paint. I feels nice to get better and better at it." Mina says. "Often times I would end up painting the same thing over and over again here. Not much around besides boats and water type Pokemon you know? Here. My house is this way." She leads you along.

>Any questions or are you ready to keep going? Battle is coming up.
Rolled 11 (1d100)

>"Alright.... do the fish here taste good?"

>ready to go. Just some small talk for the road
>I had some writers block. Bad case. I'll update in a few hours, but please assume animals do not exist in Pokemon world
then why is Magikarp called he fish pokemon?

;) just kidding i get it. thought to use it more as a catch all term for pokemon people might eat that looks similar to earth fish.
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Fuck I blanked. Im so sorry. Its been rough.

You eventually get to her house and she goes inside to grab her wallet. "Wait here a minute. My parents aren't home so I don't wanna bring you in without asking." She steps inside. Suddenly a bug type Pokemon appears. It buzzes around you curiously. You pull out your Pokedex. "Ribombee. The Bee Fly Pokemon. Bug and Fairy Type. Ribombee can sense when people or Pokémon are feeling down, and it will cheer them up with handmade pollen puffs. It makes many different varieties, some used as food and others used in battle. Ribombee pollen puffs are very nutritional and are used for medical and cooking purposes in Alola." It examines you like its trying to get a measure of you.
Rolled 84 (1d100)

"Oh... arent you a cute one..... I am feeling better..." look in our pockets for a snack or something to offer this curious pokemon. better stay on its good side if its from around here. especially since it seems to be very comfortable around here and it might be its home.

No sudden movements or we get stung and lose out of the honey.
Mina steps outside. "Oh hey Amon, I see you've met my friend. This is Ribombee. My Totem Pokemon. As a Trial Captain I have to train them and take care of them. Local trainers complete the island challenge and have to battle Totem Pokemon. I'm the second to last. I used to be the final challenge but when Selene took over the Dragon Trial she became the last. It says a lot. My Trial is a rematch against the other captains and she's still the best."

>Ask about Totem Pokemon
>Ask about Selene's deal

(Whatever you do afterward the battle begins)

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