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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 758. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.


Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After a morning of revelations, Maza's tale of what happened and Karn's threat to his people. Of Chilli's near death, Caulifla's confession and the relocation of Karn to his new home location on New Salda, and a brisk morning swim, Ubo and his new companion Galatea joined Karn's family for a meal. After which she challenges Karn, wanting to see is he lived up to Ubo's stories. Karn of course agreed, using his power to excavate the future site of his city's arena with his energy by powering up to Berserker God. And as we rejoin Karn, you and the Kryptonian Galatea are going at it.

“HAAA!” she shouts, firing a rising strike somewhere between a hook and an uppercut with her left. Twisting her hips and throwing her shoulder into it, it looks like a powerful shot you don't want to take So you lowering your guard to intercept the punch, aimed at your ribs but as she smirks you realize that it will be a rising blow aimed at your jaw instead. But she's too fast, fist already past your body guard. So, instead of blocking the strike you lean back, turning with the shot to your jaw. Rolling with the punch, to avoid taking the full brunt of her strike head-on. Allowing your entire body to flow with the momentum she transferred to you with that strike, flipping around midair into a spinning left, your heel smashing into her temple. Knocking the woman staggering back as you finish the spin. “Haah, haah. You're well trained. Never fought someone who fights like you, not even Ubo.”

“You're not bad yourself.” you reply, retaking your fighting stance as she clenches her fists, clearly ready to try again as you hear Ubo shouting encouragement to her from below.

But what do you do?
>Rush and attack with your Djem So, overpower her with both skill and power
>Rush in and attack with Su Ma, use her straight-forward style against her by attacking from more unexpected angles and directions
>Defend, see just how much power you can get her to throw at you
>Evade, focus on dodging her strikes. See if you can evade everything she's got or if she can keep up the pressure on a defensive retreat
>Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, see how she handles some of your varied ranged options
>Other(write in)
>>Rush and attack with your Djem So, overpower her with both skill and power
>Rush and attack with your Djem So, overpower her with both skill and power
>>Rush and attack with your Djem So, overpower her with both skill and power
>Rush and attack with your Djem So, overpower her with both skill and power
Rush and attack with your Djem So, overpower her with both skill and power wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: 35
Third DC: 60
Fourth DC: 75
Rolled 68, 24, 91, 46 = 229 (4d100)

Rolled 52, 28, 82, 51 = 213 (4d100)

Rolled 89, 77, 32, 29 = 227 (4d100)

Also, as Berserker God as we transformed last time, this one's best of 4
Rolled 39, 62, 32, 42 = 175 (4d100)

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89/100, 77/100, 91/100, 51/100. Success, success, success, and failure. Impressive start, but it seems she adapts relatively well. Writing.
So she's not QUITE green as grass. I'd expect nothing less of Ubo's lady love.
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“But you're too confident in your own strength!” you shout, aura blazing as you dash forward before she can. Catching the woman by surprise, shocking her with your sudden burst of speed.
“Wh-?!” she exclaims, eyes widening as your left jab catches her square in the face. Snapping her head back, leaving her body wide open for your right shovel hook to the ribs. Slamming into her side just under her elbow, causing her to wince as you draw your left back for a hammer fist overhead. Which she sees coming, raising her arms in an 'X' block to intercept your blow. Your forearm slams into both hers, breaking through her hasty defense and slamming your fist down onto her right collarbone. “Gahk!”
“Come on, defend yourself!” you call out tauntingly, following up on the doubled-over woman's body with a right knee to the guts, folding her over and following up with a backwards right elbow to the back of her head. Sending her flying down to the ground, slamming into the crater your transformation caused and disappearing in a cloud of dust. “Is this all you've got?”

Silence hangs for several seconds, then your instincts warn you of incoming danger. Looking down at the thinning smoke you see twin points of glowing red light, flying back away from them a split-second before twin crimson beams of light shoot out from the cloud. Easily avoiding them, Galatea flies up out of the cloud, the red glow fading from her eyes as she rushes back at you. Right drawn back, projecting her next strike. Drawing your guard up you deflect her right with your left forearm, diverting her fist over your left shoulder, missing your head while twisting your upper body. Driving your right fist up into her guts, turning the full power of her charge back into her. Stopping the woman in her tracks.

“Khlurk!” she coughs, spitting up a few flecks of blood in her spit before you follow up your right with a left hook to the jaw. Knocking her back a step, Galatea stopping and resisting the force and coming back with a snarl and heavy left hook. “Khh! KRRR!”
“Hmph!” you exhale, firing off a lightning-quick right straight, fist slamming into her jaw. Your strike lands before hers does, snapping her head back. Which causes her body to recoil, her left fist missing your face by inches. Following up your right with a left uppercut to her left side turned to you, then another right straight to her jaw, staggering her once more. “Too slow!”
“GRRRR! HOW?!” she snarls, stopping her backwards flight and righting herself, reorienting on you. “Why? You're not that fast, I've hit faster fighters. So why can't I hit you?”

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“Because you're sloppy. You fight like someone who has gotten too used to being faster and stronger than your opponents. And now, against someone who is better trained and stronger, you can't even touch me.” you tell her, retaking your fighting stance. “If you lose the attitude and fight like you could lose, you'll be doing a lot better.”
“Me? Lose?” she replies, for a moment you think you've just wasted your breath. But then you see it. Something in her expression changes. It's a subtle thing, a softening around the eyes, a relaxation of tension in the face. But you realize she's understood you, taking a deep breath and relaxing herself with a sigh before raising her arms back up, taking her stance. “Now I get it. I see why Ubo's so impressed by you. Let's try this again.”

Retaking your stance, you see the woman's entire demeanor has changed. No longer does she seem as high-strung as before, no longer fighting with ego and anger. But she seems more centered, more ready to fight for real. Then she lunges forward, flying forward like a blur. Again you block her right with your left forearm, once more swatting her heavy right aside and bringing your left up in a powerful body blow. But this time Galatea raises her left leg, blocking your fist with her knee, stopping you. Leaving you wide open for her left cross to your jaw, spinning you in a full circle flying away from her. Only to see her dashing back in with another heavy right, you crossing your arms and blocking her more solid punch. You stop that strike, only for her to twist, firing a left uppercut with her full body, breaking your guard and knocking your arms skyward. Leaving you wide open, Galatea firing off a powerful double kick to your chest, sending you flying as the blow knocks the wind out of you.

“Kuuh!” you wheeze, allowing her strike to send you back for several seconds before stopping your flight, retaking your stance. “B-Haaaaah! Better!”
“Don't try and sweet talk your way out of this now!” she says, blurring back towards you once more.

How do you react?
>Rush and attack with your Djem So, overpower her with both skill and power once more. Show her that there are levels to this
>Rush in and attack with Su Ma, use her more linear, straight-forward style against her by attacking from more unexpected angles and directions
>Energy Body and defend, see just how much power you can get her to throw at you, just how strong this Kryptonian is compared to Ubo
>Evade, focus on dodging her strikes. See if you can evade everything she's got or if she can keep up the pressure on a defensive retreat
>Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, see how she handles some of your varied ranged options
>Other(write in)
>Energy Body and defend, see just how much power you can get her to throw at you, just how strong this Kryptonian is compared to Ubo
Let's piss her off
>>Energy Body and defend, see just how much power you can get her to throw at you, just how strong this Kryptonian is compared to Ubo
Let's see how you deal with something you can't break
>Energy Body and defend, see just how much power you can get her to throw at you, just how strong this Kryptonian is compared to Ubo
>Rush in and attack with Su Ma, use her more linear, straight-forward style against her by attacking from more unexpected angles and directions
Energy Body and defend, see just how much power you can get her to throw at you, just how strong this Kryptonian is compared to Ubo wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: 55
Third DC: 70
Rolled 82, 7, 14 = 103 (3d100)

Rolled 5, 65, 74 = 144 (3d100)

Rolled 94, 65, 52, 14 = 225 (4d100)

Third times the charm
Sorry I accidentally rolled 4 dices.
Rolled 27, 10, 66 = 103 (3d100)

Shit forgot the roll
So 94, dub 65, 74
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94/100, DUB 64/100, 74/100. Success, slight special success and success. Well done, seems she can't break you. Writing.
>94/100, dub 65/100, 74/100
These dice rolls look very good.
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“Give me everything you've got!” you shout, crossing your arms and drawing your aura in, activating your Energy Body. Condensing your aura around you into a suit of skintight armor, your energy humming as her fists strikes your crossed arms. But unlike before, you don't budge. Her strike doesn't even knock you back, which clearly surprises her as her eyes widen in shock.

“Wh-What?” she exclaims, gritting her teeth tries to uppercut her way through your crossed guard once more. Again her fist slams into the intersection of your arms, but this time you don't so much as budge. Which stuns her, Galatea freezing in place for two seconds before drawing her fist back, trying the same strike again. Putting even more power into it she draws her fist way back, rising from her ankles to over her head in a powerful smash punch. Which once more is stopped, you barely feeling it. And when your guard once more doesn't break, she backs off, taking her stance warily. “What the hell is this?!”

“The Energy Body. A defensive technique I've developed over my career.” you tell her, lowering your arms and retaking your usual fighting stance. “Makes me a whole lot harder to knock back, much less damage.”
“Oh yeah? We'll see about that!” she shouts, dashing forward in a blur. She moves far faster than you were expecting, moving far faster than before as she fires another heavy right. One you raise your left to block, but this time instead of deflecting her strike simply block it with your forearm. Stopping her most powerful strike so far with a single arm, halting her in her tracks. Her eyes widen, gritting her teeth before firing a heavy left hook at your head. Raising your right, you catch her fist inches from your face, stopping her next strike as well. “Grrrr! HAAAAA!!”

With a shout she launches into a seemingly practiced combination. Heavy right hook aimed at the jaw into a left cross also at the jaw followed by a right uppercut to the guts, each of which you stop with your hands. Fully stopping each attack short, the woman's frustration growing by the second as her rush is stopped short. You don't even back up, your Energy Body absorbing the shock of her increasingly powerful blows. With each strike you feel her strength grow, raising her power more and more with each attack. Drawing upon more of her power by the second, the woman keeps swinging, her blows getting more and more sloppy as she gets angrier. You're going to have to address this.

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“GYRRAAAA!!” she bellows, snarling in frustration she winds up a powerful right from all the way behind her and swinging a world-breaking haymaker at you. But that shot never lands, you popping her square in the nose with a quick left jab before the wild attack is even halfway towards you. Snapping Galatea's head back as you feel her nose crunch. Blood sprays as you break her nose, the woman flipping backwards a full three sixty once before recovering, shaking her head as she tries to focus.

“Getting sloppy and careless is the exact wrong answer to someone whose defenses are proving hard to break through.” you chide her gently, the blonde woman shaking her head another second or two before refocusing her eyes on you. Blood pouring from her nose, she gives you a bloody grin, retaking her stance. It reminds you of Nappa's, left arm straight out and pointed a bit down, right held back in a fist at the ready, knees bent and ready to either absorb the shock of a blow or kick out in retaliation. “Using more power is all well and good, but it doesn't matter how strong your attacks are if you can't land your shots.”

“Point taken.” she replies, dashing back in and going on the attack once more. She then charges back in, switching up her technique. She comes in with a pair of left jabs, both aimed at your face which you block with your right forearm, followed up with a heavy right cross that you catch with your right. Then, using your hold on her to pull herself closer, she goes in for a flying right knee to your guts, which you catch with your left hand, shoving her back away. But as you do, her eyes glow red once more, firing her twin eye beams at your chest.

With a split-second to react you pour even more power into your Energy Body, hardening it even further as her attack strikes your chest. To your shock, her eye beams are scalding hot, just like King Cold and Arctus' sabers, slowly burning their way into your Energy Body. But after a second of not doing damage she drops the attack, looking even more surprised.

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“That can even stop my Heat Vision?” she asks you, sounding genuinely surprised as she retakes her stance. “That's one hell of a defensive technique, you're certainly a fighter worth taking down.”

You're winning this little spar, but what now?
>Rush and attack with your Djem So, overpower her with both skill and power once more. Show her that there isn't a chance she can beat you
>Rush in and attack with Su Ma, use her more linear, straight-forward style against her by attacking from more unexpected angles and directions
>Evade, focus on dodging her strikes. See if you can evade everything she's got or if she can keep up the pressure on a defensive retreat
>Drop your Energy Body and keep your distance, use your energy attacks to see how she handles some of your varied ranged options
>You've seen enough, call an end to this match as it's clear she can't beat you
>Other(write in)
>Rush in and attack with Su Ma, use her more linear, straight-forward style against her by attacking from more unexpected angles and directions
Aaaaaaaaaand now for the changeup. Time to show her how well rounded a veteran should be.
>Rush in and attack with Su Ma, use her more linear, straight-forward style against her by attacking from more unexpected angles and directions
Keep her on her toes
>Rush in and attack with Su Ma, use her more linear, straight-forward style against her by attacking from more unexpected angles and directions
Rush in and attack with Su Ma, use her more linear, straight-forward style against her by attacking from more unexpected angles and directions unanimously wins it. Time to show her the difference in experience, roll me a 5d100.

First DC: 20
Second DC: 15
Third DC: 40
Fourth DC: 55
Fifth DC: 30
Sixth DC: 60
Rolled 12, 75, 26, 43, 68 = 224 (5d100)

Rolled 61, 99, 81, 98, 76, 67 = 482 (6d100)

Rolled 30, 88, 93, 91, 32, 75 = 409 (6d100)

Watch we crit, watch me nae nae
Missed the sixth roll friend, I mistyped the 5d instead of 6d before the DCs.
Rolled 94 (1d100)

Ah, shit, my bad.
Rolled 84, 68, 69, 50, 61, 88 = 420 (6d100)

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84/100, 99/100, 93/100, 98/100, 76/100, 94/100. Smashing successes across the board, with even a special success mixed in. Looks like this mix up is more than Galatea can handle, writing.
Awesome dice rolls.
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“If you can do it, you'll be one of only a few.” you reply, but instead of waiting launch yourself forward. Catching her by surprise, but she tries to catch you on your way in with a left jab. Using the Su Ma's more evasive technique you dodge her left on the outside, spinning counterclockwise around her fist. Before she's fully processed what happened, you follow up with a right, putting all the momentum of your spin into a jaw-shattering right. Snapping the smaller woman's head aside, but you're not done yet. Continuing the movement into a spinning back left elbow, your attack lands solidly on her back, folding her backwards as she groans involuntarily in pain. “But you'll have to catch me first.”

Your elbow strike sends her flying, Galatea recovering after a dozen yards and reorienting on you. Teeth clenched, clearly in pain, she doesn't even consider quitting. Instead she blazes forward, using her Heat Vision as she'd called it aimed at your neck. Again you dodge, this time spinning out around it clockwise as she closes in, right drawn back for a heavy right to the jaw. Seeing her attack coming you roll to your right, body moving horizontally under her strike. As your head lowers your legs raise up, and before she can figure out where the next strike will come from you fire off a left rising kick, left shin slamming into the right side of her face. Staggering the Tamaranean woman, yet still she doesn't yield. Bracing herself she recovers, twisting and firing a left at your back as you'd continued your momentum.

“GOT YOU!” she shouts, only for you to drop forward, again twisting in midair to go vertical to dodge her strike. You feel the shock waves, the sheer pressure of her punch cutting through the air against your Energy Body as you dodge her strike, then twisting your upper body clockwise. Spinning your right leg up into a roundhouse kick that catches her clean, heel smashing into her temple. This time she can't recover, your heavy blow knocking her out of the air, slamming into one of the large trees at the edge of the clearing. Embedding herself in the side of it, the splinters holding the dazed woman in place.

Taking a second to reorient yourself, getting the ground back beneath you you turn back to her, gauging the damage to see if she can continue. After a moment of not moving she blinks several times, regaining control. And with a snarl smashes her way out of the tree, but not immediately rushing back up at you. Instead, she turns to the tree, firing her Heat Vision through it like a cleaver. Cutting through the entire thing, catching it and holding it over her right shoulder like you do your own sword. Which is rather unexpected.

“Dodge THIS!!” she shouts, dashing back towards you.

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With a wordless snarl Galatea swings the giant tree at you in a diagonal overhead swing, which you dodge by leaning back to your left side as you twist clockwise, watching the ancient tree's bark narrowly miss you as it swings past. She swings it so fast, so powerfully that it creates almost a vacuum behind it, the air trying to draw you into the path it'd just gone through.

“Tch.” you exhale through clenched teeth, only to see her having already recovered, this time swinging the tree in a horizontal swing from her left, once more aimed right at you. So you drop a few feet through the air, continuing your movement by leaning back, again narrowly dodging the timber weapon. Flipping under it, however, you fully flip, planting your heels on the tree and kicking off it directly at Galatea. The extra force of your kick spins her a bit in the air, however she's learning. Using the momentum you gave her she doesn't try and stop it, instead spinning a full circle and bringing it back around from her left once more. So you flip once more, this time going over the attack and flipping forward. Watching the lumber club narrowly miss once more, finishing your flip and pouring all that momentum into your right heel, flipping forward into an absolutely devastating right axekick.

Your heel lands solidly on the top of Galatea's head, you feeling the shock reverberate through both your leg and your Energy Body. Slightly dampening the damage of your blow, but still carrying more than enough power to rock her. Instantly she drops the tree, her swing's momentum carrying it well clear of you and back towards the tree line as her body goes limp. Clearly knocked out by the strike, free falling towards the ground. Ubo moves to catch her, getting beneath her on the ground, yet to his and your surprise, she somehow recovers! Slowing her downward fall she gets her feet underneath her, landing softly on her feet and collapsing down to a knee. Hands on her head, not getting up. You drop down towards her and Ubo, your larger friend trying to talk to her and see if she's okay.

-ight? Can you hear me?” he's asking, only for her to reach up with her left, pressing a finger to his lips.
“Shhh. Loud. Hurts.” she says at barely above a whisper, you landing beside them. She turns, a hint of fear in her eyes before you power down, reverting to your base form before offering her a hand.

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“Not bad. Could use some work, but you could be a great fighter someday.” you tell her, Galatea's expression becoming unreadable for several seconds. She then accepts, grabbing your wrist and letting you help pull her up to her feet. “I can see how you got Ubo's attention.”
“Hahahaha, you don't know the half of it.” your friend replies, patting his woman on the back. Who still hasn't fully recovered from the heavy shot you'd gave her, staggering her a step. In that moment you see the sudden concern for her in his eyes, recognizing the love he has for her in an instant. To which you smile, glad your friend found someone special.

But what do you do now?
>Ask if they want to join you for training today, as you go train your students with Meloka
>Say your farewells for now, you need to hurry over to meet your students for your usual training time. Perhaps the last time you all train at this particular time, before you tell them about the new city
>Ask the two of them how their planet's doing, if that bastard Darkseid has tried anything else since last time or if he's been quiet on their end too
>Other(write in)
>Staggering the Tamaranean woman
We're beating her ass after she annoyed Meloka, so I can understand why you'd subconsciously think she was Blackfire. Still, lol.
>Ask if they want to join you for training today, as you go train your students with Meloka
We can catch up while we go about about our business, right?
>>Ask the two of them how their planet's doing, if that bastard Darkseid has tried anything else since last time or if he's been quiet on their end too
FUCK! Thanks for catching that one, I didn't even see it. Damn, guess I really did type that. Oh well.
Yes, but not as deeply. After all, you have to devote your attention to damn near a hundred students at this point.
On the topic of being overloaded as a teacher, are Karn and Meloka the only Saiyans that regularly oversee group training like this? Besides whoever's looking after the little kids during Oozaru training and tail conditioning I mean.
That Kan knows of. Others may, but he isn't aware of any.
>Ask the two of them how their planet's doing, if that bastard Darkseid has tried anything else since last time or if he's been quiet on their end too
>Ask the two of them how their planet's doing, if that bastard Darkseid has tried anything else since last time or if he's been quiet on their end too
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Ask the two of them how their planet's doing, if that bastard Darkseid has tried anything else since last time or if he's been quiet on their end too wins it. Writing.
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“So, how's your planet doing you two?” you ask them, then after a moment decide to clarify. “Not Krypton, you're both too strong to have been staying there lately. The other one.”
“Been relatively peaceful, all things considered. No new world-ending threats have shown up, just the usual nonsense.” Ubo says with a bit of a laugh. As he does you reach out telepathically, asking your wife to get a head start and get the students ready as you're going to be talking with these two a moment longer. She accepts, taking off and flying over towards the other side of the continent with your family. Leaving you and the new city-to-be behind, heading over where you can sense your students gathering. “What about you? Been a while since we last saw each other, what made you decide to move all the way over here? I thought you'd live on that little island the rest of your days.”

“Where to start?” you ask yourself, remembering everything that happened. “Did I tell you about the Universe Six tournament?”
“The what?” Galatea asks, her eyes wide. “There are six universes?”
“Twelve, actually. Well, there used to be eighteen, but...” you start, shaking your head. “Not important. But we beat the Sixth Universe in both of them, oh, and Freeza has decided to become a Destroyer.”
“Hold on. Freeza? A Destroyer? Seriously?” Ubo asks you, a searching look in his eyes as he meets your gaze. “Are you sure about this?”

“It was his choice. He decided that this was the path he would take to power.” you tell him, smiling a bit at remembering his declaration, the resolve burning in his eyes as he declared his intent. “I'm sure Whis is giving him hell up there as we speak. But what about you all? The other Kryptonians doing well?”

However, at this question Galatea looks away, a conflicted look on her face. Ubo, after a few seconds of awkward silence speaks up.

“Clark and Kara are both doing well. That was, well... One of the reasons we made the trip.” Ubo says, Galatea not turning back despite Ubo putting his hand on her shoulder. For a moment the two clearly talk telepathically, and when she doesn't turn around he continues, meeting your gaze. “See, Galatea wasn't born, not like us. She was created.”
“Created? What do you mean? Like B7, or the Scyther creatures?” you ask him, Galatea snapping to attention and turning around towards you with a strange intensity to her gaze.
“What do you mean, creatures?” she asks, fire in her tone. “Just because someone is made in a lab doesn't mean their life doesn't have value!”

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“Woah, easy. Calm down.” you tell her, both hands up in a gesture of nonaggression. You want to hear this out, not go back to fighting. Not yet anyways. “You mean they have the technology on that backwater to make life?”
“Backwater?” Galatea asks, her tone still offended as Ubo gently squeezes her shoulder, silencing her as he speaks up.
“Yes, while Earth may be far outside the PTO's reach, in fact closer to Lantern and Thanagarian territories, there are several amazing intellects on the planet. Between Luthor, Hamilton and Nuvo-Gen, Arrow, Batman, there are quite a few who could change the universe, had they access to the PTO's technology. If Lex got his hands on the bio labs here, there's no telling what they could do. With their limited technology, they managed to clone Kara, making Galatea.”

“So you're a clone? But why would that mean you brought her here just for that?” you ask, a sudden worry coming to mind. “Hold on. That doesn't mean-?”
“Yes, she has a psychic link to Kara.” Ubo answers, completely missing your sudden worry. You hadn't even considered that, more what happened when Daiko's team tried to duplicate B7. And how short-lived those duplicates were. “So, I brought Tea here to Raven, to see if she could do anything about the link.”
“Well? How'd it go?” you ask, turning to the blonde woman who shrugs.

“Dunno. It was mainly something that'd happen in my sleep. I'd see life through Kara's eyes, her feelings, emotions, everything.” she says, clenching her fists as a hint of resentment tints her tone. “I want to be my own person, not just 'Kara's clone'.”

Well? How do you respond to this?
>Tell her that there's nothing wrong with being a copy, how one came to being matters less than what they do with the life they were given
>Ask if the cloning process was perfected, or if her body will rapidly deteriorate just like the other Saldamen did? Or if she doesn't know, to visit with Daiko's team. If anyone could either confirm or deny, it would be them
>Invite them both to come train with your students. You already have one newer student with the Shokan, having them join in for a day could be enlightening for them
>Other(write in)
>Ask if the cloning process was perfected, or if her body will rapidly deteriorate just like the other Saldamen did? Or if she doesn't know, to visit with Daiko's team. If anyone could either confirm or deny, it would be them
she doesn't know us enough for the whole "it doesn't matter that you're clone" talk to be effective
>Ask if the cloning process was perfected, or if her body will rapidly deteriorate just like the other Saldamen did? Or if she doesn't know, to visit with Daiko's team. If anyone could either confirm or deny, it would be them
She might have more pressing concerns than a psychic link right now.
>>Ask if the cloning process was perfected, or if her body will rapidly deteriorate just like the other Saldamen did? Or if she doesn't know, to visit with Daiko's team. If anyone could either confirm or deny, it would be them
>Ask if the cloning process was perfected, or if her body will rapidly deteriorate just like the other Saldamen did? Or if she doesn't know, to visit with Daiko's team. If anyone could either confirm or deny, it would be them
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Rolled 97, 58 = 155 (2d100)

Ask if the cloning process was perfected, or if her body will rapidly deteriorate just like the other Saldamen did? Or if she doesn't know, to visit with Daiko's team. If anyone could either confirm or deny, it would be them wins it. Writing.
Ubo will remember this
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“Wait, hold on a second. If you're a clone, did...?” you ask, voice trailing off as you remember talking with B7. How Daiko and the science team had been trying to 'duplicate' the success he was, but every time they were just as short-lived as other Saibamen. They could maybe get a week or two more out of them, but inevitably they would all fall apart within a month or two at the most. If she was created using the same sort of process, then her lifespan may be far shorter than she's expecting. “How long ago were you created?”

“...What?” she asks you, her tone more confused than offended. “Why does that matter?”
“Because our people here have been experimenting with cloning for over a decade, trying to recreate one of their experiments. B7, Ubo. But every time they try, the copies' lifespans are dramatically shorter, sometimes as short as a week.” you say, seeing the woman's eyes widen in shock. Having clearly never even considered such a thing, she looks down at her right hand.
“And if my lifespan was already accelerated several years, to be superior to Kara...” she mutters, you seeing the worry on her face. Which is when you get an idea, telepathically reaching out.

“Hey, Daiko. Are you guys busy?” you ask, thinking at New Salda's head scientist. “I have something that may be urgent.”
“Urgent? No, right now we have no pressing concerns from the higher-ups with urgent turnaround times. What is going on?” he asks, you relaying the situation to him. Through which you sense his rising curiosity and excitement, even more when you explain how she and Kara were linked telepathically on some level. “Worried about cellular deterioration? We can get her in and do a full physical. Even though her twin isn't here, with Ubo to scan alongside her we should be able to make sure her body isn't going to fail anytime soon.”

“Appreciate it Daiko, I'll bring them by shortly.” you answer, then before ending the link add. “And make sure the aerial defenses aren't active, as she's strong enough to hang with my Berserker God power and might melt the tower with her Heat Vision.”
“Understood, don't worry we won't shoot at you again. That was a one-time thing, just to make sure they worked.” he replies, you ending the link and addressing the two.
“Good news, we can get you checked out. Make sure this isn't a worry, and that you'll live a long, full life.” you tell her, both Galatea and Ubo looking to you as you lift up off the ground. “Come on, Daiko's expecting us.”

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Taking to the sky, Ubo and Galatea follow behind, you leading them towards the tower that was once a Covenant ship transformed into a respectable fortress nearer the Jiralhanae City than King Vegeta's. Flying over the forest, you expand your ki sense, searching for his ki and quickly finding him, flying over the mostly healed scars from the Battle of New Salda, the Glass Plain and arriving at the tower. Flying down, you drop to the ground, the door opening just as Ubo and Galatea land behind you.

“Welcome, welcome. Karn has told me all about you.” the Head scientist says, walking up directly to Galatea and looking her over. You can tell she's initially a bit weirded out, but as he walks around her, muttering to himself the way he does she relaxes. Almost as if this behavior is common to weird scientists the universe over. “Hrmmm, no visible deformations, any feelings of soupiness? Sluggish reaction times, delayed thinking, anything like that?”
“Soupiness?” she asks, Daiko shaking his head.
“If you were feeling it you would know, as no other term would fit.” he answers dismissively, taking some tool from his pocket and holding it up to her right eye. Peering into her eyes one after another, still muttering to himself he backs up. “Yes, you are unmistakably a clone.”

“What? How can you tell?” she asks, Daiko grinning and tapping the side of his nose with a wink.
“Come on inside, and we'll talk all about it. You too Ubo, your genetic line will be the base to see if her cells are dividing at a faster rate. Without the twin here, will need a genetic baseline from at least the same species.” Daiko tells him, then turns to you. “Should be finished in four, maybe five hours. Depending on how their bodies handle certain stimuli or not.”
“Appreciate it. If anything's wrong, let me know.” you say, then to Ubo and Galatea. “Good luck. I hope everything works out.”
“Thank you.” Galatea says after a moment's silence, nodding to you. “I... Appreciate your concerns.”

Without another word she turns to follow Daiko in, Ubo turning to you. He doesn't say anything, his expression equal parts concerned, confused and relieved. The two of you simply share a nod before he follows her in, the door sliding shut with a sealing hiss behind them. Leaving you all alone.

Well? What now?
>Head back to your students, you haven't missed too much time and can still participate for a while
>Go instead to King Vegeta IV, get the materials and construction team over to start the work immediately. Having another city built is exciting, and you're ready to get started on making it your new home
>Fly over to Raven, ask her about Galatea's mental link and what she did about it. You're curious how she could suppress or disable such a link
>Other(write in)
>>Head back to your students, you haven't missed too much time and can still participate for a while
>Head back to your students, you haven't missed too much time and can still participate for a while
>Head back to your students, you haven't missed too much time and can still participate for a while
>>Head back to your students, you haven't missed too much time and can still participate for a while
Cant ignore out students too much
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Head back to your students, you haven't missed too much time and can still participate for a while unanimously wins it, writing. Time to see if they perceive you differently, after your threat earlier this morning.
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With Ubo and Galatea going with Daiko, you turn your focus back to your students. Training hasn't gone on for too long today, and despite all else you have going on need to be there to teach them as well. So, your course decided you raise your right hand to your forehead, focusing on your wife's power. With a thought you Instant Transmission over to Meloka, finding yourself in one of the gravity chambers as your wife bellows out orders.

“Three three eight! Three three nine! Three forty!” she calls, each of the dozen students doing one arm vertical pushups in what feels like ten, maybe fifteen times New Salda's gravity. Your wife continues her count aloud, while calling over to you telepathically. “That was quick.”

You briefly explain what happened, seeing her expression darken a bit at learning what could be the woman's fate. Clearly not liking the thought.

“I'll go see how the others are doing.” you think to your wife, focusing on Goar's power you sense outside and teleporting over to him. Where you see him leading a group of the newer recruits on how to do the drop hip throw, with none other helping than the king's brother, Tarble. With the young royal being the one throwing the hulking figure of Goar over his shoulder, slamming him to the ground.
“GYUUH!” Goar wheezes, taking a moment to take a breath before sitting back up. “Just like that. Now, pair up. Tarble and I will be watching you all, now do it right!”

“YES SIR!” the younger one shout, but then freeze as they see you standing there. Everyone stops, staring at you nervously.
“What are you all waiting on? Hop to it.” you tell them, everyone jumping up to their feet and immediately moving. But something's wrong. You see their expressions as they move, a different type of nervous than you're used to. They seem almost... Frightened. As the younger students pair up Goar turns to you, a worried expression in his eyes. “Goar. Everything alright?”

“Yes general.” he replies with a salute, you raising a brow in confusion.
“General? What's with the proper attitude all of a sudden?” you ask, to which you see him visibly relax. He then leans in, whispering to you.
“That threat you made. What happened?” he asks, tone slightly nervous. “Who went after your kids?”
“Doesn't matter, Koruza killed them all.” you reply, both of the larger Saiyan's brows shooting up in shock. “But what does matter is that I've been too secluded on my island. But that stops today. At the end of today's training, I'll have an announcement.”

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“Well then, I'll be looking forward to it.” he replies, you letting him get back to teaching. Moving from group to group, your long-time students all don't seem nearly as affected by your threat as the newer ones, except for the Shokan woman. Who, upon seeing you nods once, a look of understanding. You never asked if she had family or not, and for a moment wonder if she has anyone waiting for her back wherever the Shokan are from. But she goes back to being Nion's assistant in teaching Su Ma to dodge her strikes, you continuing to make your rounds. Offering advice here, correcting form there, giving encouragement where needed. And once the hours are up, your students tired from a hard day's training, you take your usual spot upon the now-repaired gravity chamber, addressing them all.

“Excellent work today, all of you. As you all are no doubt now aware, I have made a rather bold declaration today.” you say to them, everyone's attention turning intense. “Due to events that have happened, things I was fully unaware of due to my isolation on my little island, things are going to change. And, first, is that my family and I have moved our home.”

Silence greets your declaration, you seeing the shock on many of your longtime students who understand how much you enjoyed your little island.

“My home is now on the other side of the continent, and not only that. But that King Vegeta has declared a new city to be built there, his plans already drawn up and being implemented. Soon, the new city will be built, and for those of you who wish to live there with us, I look forward to seeing you there.” you tell them. “Once I have more information to share with you all, I will let you know. But for now, rest. You all have worked hard, and earned it.”

And with your closing words, everyone starts talking among themselves. Questions fly back and forth, however after a few seconds the Shokan woman flies up, rising to bring her eyes level with your navel, not rising to stand even with you.

“What of me? Will one such as I be allowed to join your city, General Karn?” she asks, kneeling before you in the air.

>Tell her she will of course be allowed, everyone is welcome who will follow your rules
>Of course, each and every one of your students are welcome to join this new city
>Say that only if she is willing to work, to contribute to making this city great. You won't have freeloaders who don't contribute where and how they can taking up space
>As long as they treat everyone the same, be they Saiyan, half-demon, Haathe, or whatever, then they are welcome to live in your city
>Other(write in)
>>As long as they treat everyone the same, be they Saiyan, half-demon, Haathe, or whatever, then they are welcome to live in your city
>>As long as they treat everyone the same, be they Saiyan, half-demon, Haathe, or whatever, then they are welcome to live in your city
>As long as they treat everyone the same, be they Saiyan, half-demon, Haathe, or whatever, then they are welcome to live in your city
I like how Haathe gets her own designation.
>>As long as they treat everyone the same, be they Saiyan, half-demon, Haathe, or whatever, then they are welcome to live in your city
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Rolled 58, 91, 7 = 156 (3d100)

As long as they treat everyone the same, be they Saiyan, half-demon, Haathe, or whatever, then they are welcome to live in your city wins it. Writing.
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“As long as you, or whoever else wishes to join me in making this new city treats everyone the same. Be they Saiyan, a half-demon like my children Maza, Milha and Koruza, a half-Saiyan of another race, or even if they're someone without a race like Haathe.” you say, getting a few laughs out of your students. Glancing to your left over to her standing at the edge of the roof you're standing on, see she's blushing a bit in embarrassment. With a chuckle you turn your focus back to Sheeva and the rest of your students, continuing. “All will be welcome in this new city, as long as you treat each other well. If you treat everyone the same and with respect, you will be welcome.”

Silence hangs over the training grounds at your declaration, then after several seconds you hear Goar make a bold declaration.

“Then I will join you, my general!” Goar shouts, stepping forward and giving you a proper Saiyan salute. “I will join you in making this new city!”
“I will join as well!” Lattu, your longest learned disciple stepping forward as well. Following their example, the rest of your students who have all been with your for over a year also step forward. Declaring that they will all join you, along with several of the newer students as well who get swept up in the moment. But seeing all your warriors, those you have trained up in some cases for years and years say they'll join you, you feel a sense of pride. Knowing that they've all got your back and will follow you without hesitation causes you to raise your own fist, saluting them back.

“I will do my best to run this city to the best of my ability, to make that place worth living in for you all!” you declare, a cheer going up from your students. You then drop your salute, dismissing everyone. “But for today, go rest. When everything is finalized, I will let you all know.”

At this your students all start talking among themselves, several leaving together in groups. You notice Sheeva leaves with Goar and a few of his close friends, seems she's found her place among your students already. However, as they all start clearing out, Tarble flies up to you. The young royal's brows are furrowed as he flies up to you, looking concerned.

“Karn, is it true?” he asks you, looking serious. “My brother has authorized the third city?”
“Yes. Let's talk.” you say, tapping your head before continuing telepathically. Seems King Vegeta hasn't filled his brother in on the plan quite yet. Well, better now than never you reckon.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 228 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying this episode so far? Ready to see how things play out and find out when construction will begin? Will you want to keep your schedule the same as far as time, keeping the city up and active at night or have you and your people on an inverse schedule to the other half of the planet? Ready to set out your new daily routine, as well as potentially discovering another undiscovered secret on New Salda? All this and more when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues!
I'm not gonna lie, I kinda forgot Tarble was here. That works out nicely, because we're gonna need to build an admin team around us so shit can be run smoothly while we maintain some semblance of a schedule.
He's spent more time training with his brother and nephew than with your students, but did show up today. May or may not be related to what Karn did earlier that morning, but having allies is always important. Especially those with an aptitude for governance.
>or have you and your people on an inverse schedule to the other half of the planet?

This was part of the reason for building in this spot - always having a greater portion of the Saiyan population awake and alert in the event of an invasion, etc. Plus long-term it's just easier to be awake in the daytime and asleep at night.
Forgot to mention we’re resuming at noon EST, same time patreon poll closes.
Is a reason, true. Would make New Salda more ready for something like a Darkseid invasion at any time.
So what's the timeline for the city's construction looking like? Will it be complete before we go and visit Earth in a year's time?
>a year’s time
The construction team rebuilt the first city after the Battle of New Salda in two months. When they get the resources authorized and deployed to the planet, it’ll take weeks, maybe a month at most. Saiyan construction crews are a well-oiled machine, several of which are currently deployed off world to other construction projects. Some are even on loan to Dreadzone at the moment for their newest course, since for the same eventual price as his own employees they can have a new course done in months instead of a year+.
Fuckin' hell, that's something that's really easy to forget, just how insane Saiyan construction crews are. Probably where a good chunk of New Salda's budget comes from, thinking on it. I can imagine it's a big seller. If you want it done FAST, and you can afford the food budget being 2-3 times the materials budget, you can't beat Saiyan Construction(TM).
I mean, they are already being outsourced to Vox, who's to say they aren't being loaned out to other entities as well?
Looks like Sheeva might like Goar. Good for those two, they'll do well together. God this 15 minuet timer is aids. Damn Gookmoot to hell, I will not give emails out.
Saiyan's being mass production Space Dwarfs will never not be hilarious or more fitting from all the invasions.
GD....I NEED, to see a what if of Batman seeing Saiyan Construction crews showing up to Earth after a Darksied invasion and just fucking, eating, and rebuilding whole cities. Like all the villain groups making his worst nightmares come true as he tries to explain how bad it could be after Ubo called Karn up for a favor, and they're out there trying to trick Saiyans into giving them samples, just to be called beta bitches with no spine when they should just ask to fuck.
Nevermind, I gave a fucking email. Can't even post anymore without one.
>And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying this episode so far?
Very much.
> Ready to see how things play out and find out when construction will begin?
Yes. This is something interesting.
>Ready to set out your new daily routine, as well as potentially discovering another undiscovered secret on New Salda?
Are we building on some forgotten and forbidden ancient ruins of something build to contain something dangerous that should not be disturbed?
>Nevermind, I gave a fucking email. Can't even post anymore without one.
I did not give the email and I still post.
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I get the somewhat moronic logic of having a 15 minute timer to the cesspit that is /vg/ (I don't know what actually goes on in that board but I hear its that bad), but why in the FUCK did they roll it out to EVERY board, including /qst/? All it does in practice is fuck over legitimate posters that don't want cookies on their digital footprint and just leave the botposters and spammers to just time their scripts to start spamming every 15 minutes, or for the real freaks to use their ecker or whatever the fuck its called to bypass it entirely.
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How do I convince my brother to stop driving like his sister guys? When we said he needed to put a deer in the freezer this isn’t what we meant.

Everyone forgets how good Goku and Krillin were at construction with sub-100 powerlevels before even the first WMAT. Now imagine how fast Nappa, or even Raditz could go when their base movement speed was faster than the normal human eye could track. And I can hear the ad now. Complete with cheesy audio, like this absolute gem:
Very true. The head of that company is making good money. Perhaps, enough even to…
He likes her guts, she likes his power and build. Despite lacking in arms, his two are larger than even Goro’s four.
Have learned how to rebuild after catastrophic damage, but not space dwarves. They still live above ground and don’t use weapons, unlike tge real soace dwarves.
There may or may not be something in the works for later.
Still dunno what this is about, not seen that message on my devices.
Good, and yes SCQ leaning into civ territory will be… Interesting to say the least.
Well, you’re no longer living atop the M’lurnian ruins, I’ll say that much.
10/10 image, perfection.
Also as clarification, daylight savings happened so this episode’s continuation(and patron vote’s end) are in 2 hours 18 minutes
I couldn't get the fucking timer to stop showing up, not with a vpn.
Gookmoot wants advertising gimmies to send to users. That's why. Bots were never a issue to the piece of shit.
Only way to make the dumbass stop is let him pay out of pocket to fix his shit. Or take his license. Not many ways to fix stupid.
>How do I convince my brother to stop driving like his sister guys? When we said he needed to put a deer in the freezer this isn’t what we meant.
Perhaps recommend him to watch some YouTube car crash compilations? Maybe after seeing it he will be inspired to drive more safely?
>I couldn't get the fucking timer to stop showing up, not with a vpn.
That's sad to hear. Does 4chan accepts 10 minute emails? https://10minutemail.com/
Never heard of that. Just used an old burner that I don't look at anymore.

>with a vpn
Ah, there it is.
I think he thinks civvie vehicles are as crash rated as hmvees.
He drove in the ME on deployment, watching cilivian crashes won't do shit. He told me some of what he drove through.
Hadn't considered that, may put that in the back pocket if something happens on my end.
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“I see. That makes sense, it is the best option.” Tarble replies aloud after you finish telling him of your conversation with his brother earlier in the morning. “If you need anything, let us know.”
'Will do.” you reply, Tarble giving you a wave before flying off back towards the city. Leaving you, Haathe, and your family as the only ones left. “Alright, let's go back home.”
“Are we going to have to swim back again?” Okira asks, your youngest daughter clearly not enthused by the idea. Which gives YOU an idea, grinning at the thought.

“No, not this time. Instead, this time we'll be heading back over land.” you tell her, holding up a finger. “No flying.”
“What?” She asks, looking confused. “What do you mean?”
“If you fly everywhere, it doesn't build stamina. Instead we're going to run back.” you tell her, hopping down off the roof and taking off at a light jog. “Let's go, everyone!”

To which you hear your young children all jump down and follow after you, Haathe and Meloka joining in as well. Taking off into the forest, you all make your way across the continent, dodging between the massive trees as you all make your way back towards your ship. However, about three minutes in you find yourself in an unfamiliar part of the forest, the canopy a lot closer and the area above thicker, making a far darker shaded area. Nearly twilight in this spot of the forest, you slide to a stop, feeling uneasy. Your instincts warning you about... Something, but the warning is too vague to really help.

“Dad? What's wrong?” Karn Jr asks, stopping beside you. “Is there something up there?”
“There's something... Off...” you mutter, trying to place what feels so wrong. You sense Meloka's energy expanding, activating her Energy Shell to get a better feel for the area, anything that moves she'll know it. But the forest is eerily silent. No rustle of leaves, no calls from birds higher up in the trees or in the air, nothing. As if the forest itself is holding its breath in anticipation for whatever's about to happen.

But what do you do?
>Press forward, but tell everyone to stay on high alert. Something may be watching you all
>Call out into the forest that you can sense them, there's no use hiding. See if this bluff works, or if whatever's out there remains hidden
>Tell Caulifla and Haathe to Instant Transmission the younger children directly to the ship, leave this problem to Meloka and yourself
>Activate your Champion power once more, use your connection to New Salda to find out what's setting your instincts off
>Other(write in)
>>Activate your Champion power once more, use your connection to New Salda to find out what's setting your instincts off
>>>Activate your Champion power once more, use your connection to New Salda to find out what's setting your instincts off
>Activate your Champion power once more, use your connection to New Salda to find out what's setting your instincts off
Activate your Champion power once more, use your connection to New Salda to find out what's setting your instincts off unanimously wins it, roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 25
Second DC: 50
Third DC: ??
Rolled 16, 84, 50 = 150 (3d100)

Rolled 1, 13, 82 = 96 (3d100)

Rolled 54, 12, 19 = 85 (3d100)

Jesus these roles...
>54, 84, 82
We are saved.
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54/100, 84/100, 82/100. Near miss, but double success and a mystery. Writing.
Crisis averted, holy shit
the dice love to mess with our heart rate
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“New Salda, I need your power.” you instantly think, reaching out to the planet itself.
OF COURSE, MY CHAMPION.” New Salda's avatar replies, you instantly feeling power surging up into you. But more important than the power is the awareness, as you open up your ki sense to feel every living being around. Immediately you sense your family close at hand, but you also sense more. You feel the life in the trees, in the grasses, the tiny birds in the trees and the surprisingly powerful being hiding somehow beneath the large tree directly in front of you! And it isn't alone, you feeling a trio of much weaker powers you sense to be children, their ki different than the adults around. Also, you sense three more with the same energy in the close canopy above, maybe seven to eight yards above your heads. The ones above you, however, have concealed their power, masking their presence so well even New Salda's nigh-perfect awareness can't get a perfect read on their strength.

“What is it hun.” Meloka asks, your wife flying up and placing her back to your own. “What do you sense?”
“Three above. One with maybe children under the tree in front of me.” you reply, your children all circling close to you. Gathering around your back, under the protection of you both.
“What? I can't sense anything above.” she replies, which is shocking. But after a few seconds she speaks again, no doubt having increased her Energy Shell's range. “There they are. I think they might actually be natives.”
“Natives? You mean the-?” Karn Jr starts, only to get shushed by his older siblings.

“So, what's the play?” your wife asks. Which is a good question, as you aren't entirely sure. As they are, you doubt they'd be a serious threat, you could probably take them all out in an instant with a pair of Scatter Beams. On the other hand, they've not attacked, and from what you can sense are some of the last of their kind on the planet. There are a few more pockets of their race in the forest, but in total less than two dozen natives survived to now. “We just killing these things, or...?”

Well? What do you do, General?
>Wipe them out as efficiently as possible, they're strong enough to give the younger children trouble and live too close to your new city for safety
>Use your mental link with New Salda like you had earlier to address these beings directly, offering them a truce. They leave your kind alone, you'll make sure those of your city leave them alone as well
>Let Karn Jr, Okira, Maz and Kayle fight them, only intervene if your children get into any danger
>Tell Meloka to handle them, while you guard the kids. Shouldn't take her long to clean up
>Other(write in)
>Wipe them out as efficiently as possible, they're strong enough to give the younger children trouble and live too close to your new city for safety
Not taking any risks. No Saiyan blood will be spilled on this planet, whether it be by invasion, or natives.
>Use your mental link with New Salda like you had earlier to address these beings directly, offering them a truce. They leave your kind alone, you'll make sure those of your city leave them alone as well
>>Wipe them out as efficiently as possible, they're strong enough to give the younger children trouble and live too close to your new city for safety
>Use your mental link with New Salda like you had earlier to address these beings directly, offering them a truce. They leave your kind alone, you'll make sure those of your city leave them alone as well
>>Use your mental link with New Salda like you had earlier to address these beings directly, offering them a truce. They leave your kind alone, you'll make sure those of your city leave them alone as well
Use your mental link with New Salda like you had earlier to address these beings directly, offering them a truce. They leave your kind alone, you'll make sure those of your city leave them alone as well. Karn the Negotiator? Let's see how this goes, roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: ???
Rolled 25, 21 = 46 (2d100)

Rolled 51, 74 = 125 (2d100)

fuck me
Rolled 95, 84 = 179 (2d100)

We should've killed those fucking Wookers
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95/100, 84/100. Smashing success, writing.
>"Total Wookie death" he says
>after acing the roll for negotiations
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You're ready to go on the attack, to cut these potential threats down as swiftly and efficiently as possible. But as they don't immediately attack, you wonder if they can be negotiated with.And thanks to your rage-induced message earlier, realize that there's a way to handle this easily enough. Through your connection to New Salda you directly reach into the minds of the four unfamiliar bipedal natives. As soon as you do, you can feel their overwhelming terror. They are afraid of you, which you can use to control this situation. With your mind firmly connected to theirs you deliver your warning, words converted to emotions and thoughts they can understand.

“Let us through. If you fight, you will die.” you tell them, then show images of where each of them are in relation to you. Showing them you not only know where all of them are, but that you aren't afraid. “Leave me and my family alone, and I will leave you all alone. But come after my children, and you will all die.”

You can feel their sudden panic and uncertainty, their FEAR through the mental link. But then the one underneath the tree, the no doubt eldest of the four adults responds, the mental link condensing their thoughts into words you understand.

“I remember you. You killed many of our kind, hunter. Thank you for leaving us be.” comes the reply, the mind most definitely that of a female. “You leave us and our children alone, do not hunt us, and we shall do for you the same. We wish only to live in our forest, as our ancestors have and seek no quarrel with your kind.”

“Very well, I accept.” you say, both telepathically and aloud. As you do, from the canopy above drops a massive native, who lands silently before you in a crouch as your children shout in surprise. You can even feel Meloka tense up, ready to battle. Its fur much darker than you remember their kind, eyes burning with anger but also something else as it rises up to its easily eight foot tall height. This one must be the eldest male, broad of shoulders and powerfully built. You step forward, offering the beast your hand as you hear several confused calls from your family behind you. The large creature steps forward, head cocked slightly at the sight of you. But with your minds still connected thanks to New Salda's power through the mental link, it can see your thoughts to understand the handshake. It steps forward as well and taking your arm in its hand. Shaking twice you release the beast, who steps back then crouches, leaping back up into the canopy with barely a sound. Not even a rustle of leaves as it vanishes from sight, you sensing it and the other two retreating into the tree before you to join their family. “Alright everyone, let's go.”

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“Is that it? Just like that?” Okira asks, sounding rather skeptical.
“We're not going to fight?” Maza asks you, sounding just as confused.
“I made a deal.” you say, giving the creatures' home before you a wide berth, continuing to head towards your home. “If we leave them alone, they will leave us alone. Now, let's keep going.”

Your family all quickly follow along, heading back to your new home. Less than twenty seconds after taking off, the forest lightens up once more, you all making your way back to the opposite shore. Emerging from the forest you see your ship, the sun starting to rise up over the horizon. Something your children notice immediately.

“Wait, it's morning?” Kayle asks, sounding shocked. “But we've been up all day! It can't be morning.”
“We are on the other side of the planet. Afternoon over there is early morning over here.” Okira says, trying to explain it. But your attention is focused on the energies you sense gathering in the ocean through your connection to New Salda. Hundreds of the frog-like Hydae have gathered, perhaps to try attacking your home. “Are we going to have to change our schedule to match?”
“Yes, our schedule is changing due to moving over here.” you tell her, not taking your focus from the shoreline. Meloka, your wife having known you so long recognizes something's wrong, reaching you telepathically to not worry the kids.

“What's going on? More of them?” she asks, her eyes going over to your ship as well. “Or something else?”

Well? What do you do? How do you handle this situation?
>It worked well enough with the other natives, see if you can persuade the Hydae to leave your people alone as well
>Tell everyone what's over there, say whoever kills the most wins and let your children go on the attack under your supervision
>Warn your children what is over there and to wait back here while you and Meloka go take care of this threat
>Other(write in)
>>Tell everyone what's over there, say whoever kills the most wins and let your children go on the attack under your supervision
>>>Tell everyone what's over there, say whoever kills the most wins and let your children go on the attack under your supervision
>>It worked well enough with the other natives, see if you can persuade the Hydae to leave your people alone as well
what goes through the minds of these weird fuckos
Tell everyone what's over there, say whoever kills the most wins and let your children go on the attack under your supervision wins it. Roll me a 5d100.

First DC: 15
Second DC: 30
Third DC: 20
Fourth DC: 45
Fifth DC: 60
Rolled 70, 26, 45, 75, 45 = 261 (5d100)

Rolled 36, 14, 86, 59, 84 = 279 (5d100)

I consider this akin to boar hunting.
Rolled 4, 30, 96, 37, 37 = 204 (5d100)

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70/100, 30/100, 96/100, 75/100, 84/100. Success, narrow success, success, success and success. Most impressive, writing.
Rolled 14, 61, 43, 95, 13 = 226 (5d100)

doesn't count but let's go
Nice rolls, couldnt roll due to the 900 seconds waiting timer, why is this even a thing?
Some kind of new anti-spam feature, supposedly it only kicks in once your cookies expire.
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“The Hydae are back.” you reply, also telepathically before speaking up, addressing your younger children. “Alright, training continues now. Be on your guard.”

Upon hearing this your youngest four all immediately tense up, unsure what's going to happen next.

“In the shallows, hundreds of the Hydae are gathering to attack our home. I need all of you to do your best, to defend it!” you call out, Kayle and Maz immediately transforming into their Super Saiyan forms. Karn Jr, your youngest Super Saiyan born clenches his fists, transforming in a flash of yellow-green, taking on his unique transformation while Okira doesn't transform, but she and her Stand Imagine Dragon nod to each other. “Whoever kills the most of them wins, but remember to not damage our home or hurt the planet. Understood?”

“YES SIR!” they all shout, and as one your children charge forward. Karn Jr, by far and away the strongest closes the distance first, taking less than a blink to cross from treeline to shore. His aura is so dense it actually pushes the sea back away from him, knocking back more than a dozen of the smaller creatures as well. Startled, they can't even react for a second as he finds his first target, leveling a finger at it with a shout.
“Death Beam!” Jr calls, firing a beam of energy from his outstretched right finger. Piercing straight through the face of one, the shot continuing through another half dozen and at least wounding them before Maz and Kayle have even arrived. But as they do, both fire off Scattershots into the sea, you sensing more than a score erased between them. Twenty seven kills for Maz, and twenty nine for Kayle.

Okira, however, doesn't approach the waterline, not directly. Instead, she flies out over the center of the group, arms spread as she and her Stand Imagine Dragon begin speaking in unison.

A CIRCULAR WALL OF FORCE THIRTY YARDS HIGH THAT LIVING MATTER CANNOT PASS THROUGH NOW APPEARS CENTERED ON MY HOME OUT TO A RADIUS OF THREE HUNDRED YARDS!” they declare, you sensing its arrival through your connection to the planet. FEELING the wall suddenly spring into being on your world, an unnatural thing that should not be. “IT WILL VANISH AFTER THEY HYDAE TRAPPED WITHIN IT ARE KILLED.”
“Good thinking you two. But don't forget to rack up your own kills too.” you tell her as you fly up to her, your daughter turning to you and smirking.
“Oh, they're not going anywhere.” she says as her powerlevel begins to spike, the sliver of the Berserker Soul within her blazing to live.

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You feel her power surge, flesh tearing as she explodes from within her own body, transforming into the first level of Berserker with a throat-tearing scream of pain and anger. Her voice deepens as her muscles swell with power, emerald aura blazing as her strength skyrockets.

“GRRRRAAAAAAA!!” she roars, streaking down towards the planet like a verdant comet. She strikes the water near a cluster of them, power exploding from her in an Explosive Wave on impact that destroys a dozen of the frog-like creatures, scattering another two dozen further away.
“Are you sure they can handle this?” your wife asks, flying up beside you and looking down on the unfolding carnage below.
“With the two of us watching over them, yes. As long as we protect them when necessary.” you say, gathering your energy into a finger and fire a Death Beam of your own, piercing the head of an axe-wielding one that had leaped at Kayle's back as she smashed two of their heads together in a spray of blood and bone. “As the spray hits her she turns, Kayle seeing your beam fading as you call to her. “Don't forget to watch your back!”

“RIGHT!” she calls back, going back to the carnage and tearing through another three in a second. Backhanded right chop to decapitate one, left hook through a second's guts and learning from her mistake kills a third behind her with a back kick, caving that one's skull in. As she does, Maz has taken a page from his mother's book, Energy Blades blazing fiercely in his hands as he spins through the Hydae. He cuts through them and their weapons with ease, cleaving each and every one that dares approach him with wide, spinning slashes.
“HRRRAAAAA!!” Okira bellows, roaring in anger as she rips and tears her way through dozens of them a second. Grabbing and tearing them in two as their weapons bounce off her. “GRRAAAA!!”

“So, which one of them do you think will kill the most?” your wife asks as they four of them continue carving their paths of destruction through the army of Hydae monsters. Karn Jr already has sixty eight, Maz and Kayle are tied at eighty apiece, and Okira, having started late only has thirty two. But as the four of your children give it their all, watching over them you see a dozen of their wizards once more beginning to cast in unison. You watch as they begin creating a black hole overhead once more, using the same Dark magic they tried against you earlier. Seems you may have to intervene a little more directly in this fight.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 228 paused-
And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy this episode so far? Ready to see if the kids can handle that Dark magic, or if you'll have to intervene yourself? Curious if Okira and Imagine Dragon's misspeak with their entrapping wall will have consequences, and why so many Hydae have gathered this time? Ready to get your new schedule set up, establishing your new daily routine and finding the best times for everyone? All this and more when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues!
So...does this mean she speaks bad dragon and kills with it?
What? Did you have a stroke typing this, or am I reading it wrong?
No, I know what he's trying to convey and it's still nonsense
Honestly, now seems like a good time to test whether or not our dragonbone dagger can absorb a spell like this.
Fucking Hydae, man. They're the New Saldan species that deserves extinction the most right now
Not really. Our kids are here. If it fucks up when we're solo we'll probably just get hurt pretty badly. If it fucks up here we'll probably get the littlest ones killed. No thank you.
I feel there's supposed to be a joke I'm just missing.
Small spoiler, but You're not going to get the chance.
>New Saldan
That's the neat part, they aren't native. They are an invasive species.
A good point, shouldn't needlessly endanger the little ones.
Berserker Girl. Bad Dragon. Angry Dragons. Skyrim and Dildo joke.
>invasive species
Riiiight, fishman ruins, that connects to the Dark. The Dark that is an interdimensional hole in reality. That fishman ruins were they are invading from. Is there another city entrance on this side of the planet?
>That's the neat part, they aren't native. They are an invasive species.
oh sweet mass genocide is totally justified now
I'm just more confused and a little disgusted, Okira is as pure as pure gets for a saiyan, second only to Meloka Wolbach.
Never played Skyrim, tried oblivion before it and wasn't a fan.
When the last entrance to the Dark was sealed, with the death and subsequent absorption of the Abyss Dragon by Aku, the Abyssal creatures still on New Salda were stranded. If they managed to open a new portal somewhere, however...
Ehh, Jr's the purest of the younger generation. Okira and Meloka Wolbach are a little too well-read to be as pure as he is.
I'm just glad we have confirmation the wookiees are still around and we agreed to leave the sneaky buggers alone.
I know, but the joke was there and I couldn't resist.
>Never played Skyrim, tried oblivion before it and wasn't a fan.
Fair, the only good thing about it at this point is the modding scene.
>If they managed to open a new portal somewhere,
And we have a swarm of Dark mages in the sea....
At this point its only fair, if they survive the purges, they can live. So long as they don't fuck around and find out.
>Okira and Meloka Wolbach are a little too well-read to be as pure as he is.
They got into Towa's old novel collection didn't they.
>Never played Skyrim
Skyrim is great if all you want out of an RPG is the ability to aimlessly run around Fantasy Scandinavia (or what Americans think Scandinavia is like) with no real progression or story. It's a pretty big game even compared to more contemporary open world titles, but there's almost no depth to anything in it.
Also pic related is what 90% of any Skyrim playthrough is gonna look like since most dungeons are either Nordic tombs filled with restless corpses and a crappy puzzle or dimly lit caves with giant spiders/bandits.
If you actually want to act out a role in a living world, be a part of impactful narratives, or engage in satisfying gameplay, you would be better served looking elsewhere.
There are a few, Karn has sensed them before through the Champion link but never paid them any mind.
As I've heard. Rip mxr
Yes. Maybe the Rak'kari would know if a new Abyss has opened?
Was Karn's MO to now. He left them alone, picked a training spot well away from them.
No, more like Raven's in the case of Okira, who copied her library book for book. As for Meloka Wolbach, well. The Crimson Demon clan were made by a Japanese man reincarnated with a special power and tried to copy many of the things from his world. Such as his lab having a controller needing the Konami code to open the door.
When it came out back in the day you were either a Skyrim player or Dark Souls player. And one of those was much more interesting to me, bet you can't guess which one.
What would Karn do if they tried to take Peanut the Squirrel from him?
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If he knew what the squirrel was and cared for it? Well...
>family guy smash cut to Karn and Golden Freeza cutting through the hundreds of Carnival Forever Requiem clowns to the Doom '16 soundtrack
>When it came out back in the day you were either a Skyrim player or Dark Souls player
It functions well enough as Baby's First Open-World RPG, which is probably why it got so popular. That and at the time (to casual audiences) it was a refreshing break from the Tolkien inspired fantasy that dominated the 2000's after the Peter Jackson trilogy.
As time went on however, people who stuck with Skyrim soured on it, and for very good reason I might add. Shit kinda aged like milk and was a portent of things to come.
It is a mary sue simulator, like fallout4. Last rpg with dialog that actually mattered I played was New Vegas, such a good game. Might do another run of that next year
>if a new Abyss has opened?
Not "if" but when it was opened. I'm convinced they already opened it somewhere. Hydae seem fanatical about the Dark and Abyss.
>you see a dozen of their wizards once more beginning to cast in unison. You watch as they begin creating a black hole overhead once more, using the same Dark magic they tried against you earlier.
They can do this quickly in combat. What could a hundred of those mages in unison do with their Dark magic while undisturbed by battle? I think one of the answers is make a portal to Abyss.
Once it's open more dangerous things than Hydae will enter. I know I have no proof but I think new gate to Abyss is already open.
If auch a wide, sustained gate to the Abyss were opened, Raven would have sensed it. And if that's the case, don't you think she'd have told you, who has already beaten back the Abyss?
I now have a burning urge to see Karn flatten Legate Lanius like a pancake while Frieza absolutely eviscerates Caesar in a political debate. Show those motherfuckers what a REAL tyrannical dictatorship looks like.
October's patron comm is now live, can you guess who Chaya will be dressed up as?

Ha! Karn and Lanius would get along rather well, once he knows his place. After all, Lanius also believes in might makes right.
Slutty [something]
>can you guess who Chaya will be dressed up as?
Black Dynamite
Not necessarily. But it is a fanservice suit for sure.
HA! Nice one
>If auch a wide, sustained gate to the Abyss were opened, Raven would have sensed it. And if that's the case, don't you think she'd have told you, who has already beaten back the Abyss?
Your argument makes sense and I cannot refute it. I agree. They did not open the portal to Abyss yet. However the Dark is surely spreading there where they dwell. The tree was tainted with Dark so quickly and had to be destroyed by Caulifa, but it shows how fast Dark can appear on New Salda.
>October's patron comm is now live, can you guess who Chaya will be dressed up as?
Tamaranean cosplay?
cant the scientists at the lab on New Salda just cook up a Hydae-specific super corona-AIDS virus and just airdrop it over the ocean so they all die? As much as I like hands-on pest control, its a serious problem that can't be handled with only our pair of hands
If they opened one, it would be a short-lived one like the one you've already seen them create. As of now, they lack any methods to create a sustainable link to the Abyss. They probably need a bigger power source.
And yes, that's why. With how fast it grows, Raven would have code red'd that immediately.
Ha, but no. Besides, the only Tamaranean she likes is Kori.
First, they need bodies to examine. Second, would need living ones to study, to see how their unfamiliar organs work and to test different current bio weapons' effectiveness on.
Can we take a Hydae hostage? Just whack it over the head or give it the ol' Cosby Con and drag it to the lab? If it tries magic, can't we just chop the hands off and rip out its tounge?
If you IC ever have a reason, you could try. If it survives anything you do to it and it doesn't suicide bomb itself.
Intermission this time’s going to be a little different, we have three different setups for future events so far.
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All I will say personally about election in US is pic related. But in more quest-relavent news, intermission's ready to go and dropping tomorrow morning around eightish AM. Tangentially related, for those who've read it, did you enjoy the patreon epilogue? How have you all been enjoying the opening act to this arc so far? Enjoying the character moments and interactions, seeing how well(or not so well) your kids are doing, and anticipating setting up your new city? Curious which of your friends/acquaintences will join you, or remain living in Vegeta City? Once that's handled and probably Chaya gets her solo match with Hit in, it'll be time to move into Act 2 of this arc. Debating on if we should have the first reveal of a new character be through epilogue or pov episode, like the first episode of the Black arc in Super. Let me know what you guys think, I'm still undecided how best to introduce Future Spoiler.
kek why would someone make that? Gold.
That week had so many memes, was fantastic.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 228 Intermission-


“Mrrrmmph. Guuuuuh!” you groan, slowly raising your head up off the table as you feel consciousness returning. And along with waking up, the moment you move your head, you feel a massive agonizing pain booming in your head. “Gaaaah! Oww oww owww, my freakin' head!”
“Hey, don't be so loud.” a familiar voice calls, her voice booming in your head. Turning towards it, you see Tanya in the kitchenette working the steaming coffee pot. The smell hits you a moment later, causing your stomach to grumble. “Viktoriya's still asleep, don't wake her up with all that shouting.”

“You're the one shouting.” you grumble, her voice making your headache even worse. But pushing yourself up, you slide out of the seat, looking around to see that Erza's no longer here. She must have left at some point. But as you stagger over to Tanya, hangover beating its drums inside your head, see that she's already gotten the coffee ready, as well as several pills for some sort of medication laid out on the counter. “What's this?”
“Hangover food.” she says, picking up a handful and giving them to you before pouring out some of the pot in an empty beer bottle, handing it to you as well. “Thank me later, once you're awake.”
“I could kiss you. Now I see why Visha wants you so bad.” you tease, swallowing the pills and following it up with the scalding hot leaf water, the fire lighting up your body from within. As you down the steaming drink you feel a haze lift from your mind, thoughts becoming clearer as the quick-acting medication takes effect. “So, Erza take off already?”

“She just left about five minutes ago. Something about family coming over, or something. But I'd thought your people wiped hers out?” she asks you, voice barely above a whisper. Which you're about to answer with your last trip to Namek, but before you can your head starts pounding worse.
“Oww.” you grumble in annoyance, holding your head in your free hand, wincing in agony. “Why do I do this to myself?”
“Because you like pain? Have poor impulse control? Easily succumb to peer pressure? I can keep going” Tanya replies dryly with her good-natured teasing condemnations, you chuckling in response because she's not entirely wrong. She knows you better than anyone who isn't family or Vox, having spent so much time with you.

“Mrrrhrrrrmmmmrrr. Mmmmmmm. Taaanyaaaa.” Visha mutters in her sleep, you both turning to the still passed out woman. Laying face-down on the table, empty drink in hand as she goes back to softly snoring. Still dead to the world.
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“So. What are you going to do with her now?” you ask, turning back to Tanya. Who, not only no longer in costume but dye cleaned out of her hair as well. Leaving you wondering also just how long she's been awake. “Going to accept her confession when she sobers up?”
“The words of a drunk aren't to be taken seriously.” Tanya replies, but you see the hesitation in her eyes. And you can't let this opportunity, HER opportunity go. So you reach out, clasping both Tanya's hands in your own and start staring straight into her eyes. Forcing her to meet your gaze.
“Tanya, please. Hear her out, at least. She wouldn't have said all that if she didn't believe it, deep down.” you tell her as seriously as you can. “Don't take her love for granted. You two could be really happy together. Unless...”

A thought springs to mind, one you hadn't considered during the party. But now sober and thinking more clearly, are able to recognize the hesitation in her face as she looks over to Visha's sleeping form.

“Unless you don't also like her back?” you ask, seeing the tiny woman's eyebrows shoot up as her head whips back towards you. “Is that why you've not gone through with it?”
“What? No, not that. She... She's a good friend. And I, well... I've never really been one for relationships.” Tanya answers you, her tone surprisingly frank as she looks down at the mug in her hands. “Even in my previous life, I never actually dated anyone.”
“It's not that difficult. Just be honest, consider her feelings, and be there when she needs you.” you reply, closing your eyes and sighing. Wishing you'd had someone to teach you that before you lost the love of your life to your own ignorance. “It's so simple, I'm rather ashamed I fucked it up so badly myself.”

“...That's it?” Tanya asks you, expression deadpan. “You're lying. It can't be that simple, nothing good is.”
“Trust me. It would be less embarrassing if there was some big secret I messed up.” you reply, turning and leaning against the counter. “Just go over there and be there for her. You wake her up by rubbing her back, whisper good morning to her and I guarantee she'll appreciate it. I'll leave you two alone a few minutes, you'd better have confessed to her by the time I'm dressed.”

“W-Wait, hold on!” Tanya says as you set your cup down and go, heading over towards your bedroom. Leaving her alone with Visha, the door closes behind you. Moving quickly you start taking the costume off, unclipping the straps from your chest to the 'skirt', lifting the mantled top off up over your head and setting it down. Dropping the undergarment off as well, you then take off the rest of your top, stripping all the way down before heading over to the shower. Only, as you pass by a mirror see the red still in your hair, realize you left the chemical remover in your training room. So you turn back to your door, bedroom door opening with a hiss.
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Seeing Tanya sliding back into her seat beside the still-sleeping Visha, you grin to yourself before turning, heading to your training room. That door opens as well, you going in and rushing over to your desk, grabbing the chemicals off the table and turning back to the door. It opens back up to a very hungover-seeming Visha, looking around in confusion. With a smile you turn away from them, giving the two women their privacy as you go back to your room. Your door slides shut behind you once more, you heading over again to your shower room with the armful of chemicals.

“Let's see if this stuff works.” you mutter to yourself, stepping into the shower and turning on the water. Scalding hot water washes over you, you taking a deep breath and sighing in content at the simple pleasure. You've never had a better shower than this one, with the dozen nozzles from different angles hitting you with water from several sides simultaneously. It washes over you, cleaning you far more thoroughly than any other shower you've used. Once thoroughly soaked you open the cleaner, it feeling like normal tail shampoo but it has a sharp, acidic smell. Taking it you then lather your hair up, scrubbing your head before moving your scalp back beneath the overhead nozzle, washing it all out of your hair and down off your body. “Well, here goes.”

You then step out of the shower, leaving the water running as you walk across the floor to the mirror, looking yourself in the face. And sure enough, the chemicals worked, your hair having gone back to its normal colors. But that's not all, you also notice your eyes have changed as well.

“What the?” you mutter, wondering how long it's been since your eyes turned back to solid black. No longer the crimson and gold of the Dark Side powers, they've gone back to normal. “No way, since when? Hrmm, I wonder...”

With a thought you decide to try something, focusing on your pain and anger over what happened with Raditz, diving into that darkness within you. And as you draw upon your own inner Dark Side your eyes change, turning from the solid black they were originally back to the Sith eyes you gained in your training under the Sith Lord Darth Bane's holocron. However, once you release your power, your eyes remain blazing with the Dark Side's hate and fury. Just as they have been for years. But what changed? How did they go back?
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“...Huh. Wonder why it does that?” you mutter, when suddenly inspiration strikes. In a flash you transform back up into your first divine form, half divine half Super Saiyan. But your eyes remain defiantly Sith. So, with another force of will ascend further, going into Super Saiyan Blue. Which causes your eyes to shift to azure as well as your hair, undoing your eyes' transformation. You look into your own eyes a moment, then with a sigh revert to your base form. Where your eyes have returned to their normal black. “Neat. I guess that's how that works. Wonder why though?”

The question hangs unanswered in the air as you flare your aura slightly, blasting the water off of you before going and grabbing the extra fuzzy robe you have hanging on the back of the door. Wrapping yourself in its smooth embrace before heading back to the door, opening it to see Tanya and Visha both staring into each other's eyes, talking in low voices to each other. And you can't help but smile, hoping the two of them find the happiness they seek. You may have lost yours but that doesn't mean you begrudge anyone else their happy ever after. Besides, thanks to Tanya, you're going to start working on your own. But you need to start making plans, if you're to announce your plans after your fight with the Sixth Universe's most deadly assassin, Hit. Once you beat him, you'll start searching for another person to fill the hole in your heart Raditz left.

“Yes, of course!” Visha suddenly shouts excitedly, throwing her arms up and then around her smaller superior. Hugging her tight, you seeing Tanya wince before noticing you looking at them. Where her expression grows slightly annoyed, you waving teasingly to her before heading back to your room to give the two lovebirds some privacy for a bit. Yes, this next year. It will be a year of new beginnings, and you can't wait!


“Foolish humans. They thought they could kill the great King Piccolo.” the young offspring of the Demon King says, wiping the blood off the family he'd just killed off his hands. “I'll become even stronger. Strong enough to wipe all three of those worthless martial artists out!”

The faces of the trio, the triclops, the wild-haired, scarred man and the short bald one with the six dot scars on his forehead flash through the Namekian's mind, hatred and vengeance driving him forward.
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He will be the one to avenge his father, to undo the shame of King Piccolo's defeat at their hands at the height of his power. He must be faster, stronger, BETTER to take them down. Fighters like them, as powerful as they were weren't a thing during King Piccolo's time, even that bastard Mutaito couldn't fight him directly and had to resort to that damned sealing technique. But these three, they were by far the strongest humans he'd ever seen. And no matter what else, he WILL take them down. By any means necessary.

“Hey, who's there?” another voice calls out, one more of the weakling humans coming to confront him. With a contemptious sneer the reborn Piccolo fires twinned beams from his eyes, piercing through the man's chest and killing him instantly. Yes, he will become strong, stronger than those damned humans, stronger than King Piccolo after he fused back with his other half, stronger than anyone. This planet will be his!


“Damn those filthy Saiyans! I cannot believe I was nearly killed by those damned monkies.” the Tuffle Parasite mutters to himself within the confines of his temporary hideaway. Having left an 'offspring' or clone of himself behind in the most well-hidden place he could find, where no one would check, just in case. With Raditz' memories, King Kudamo had known the power of the Saiyans had grown exponentially since his own time, and would take no chances. But with his main body's swift, crushing defeat at the hands of only two Saiyans, he has had to revise his plans. Conquering the Saiyans and getting his revenge for what they did to his people will be more difficult than he first thought. But he won't give up, won't surrender until every last stinking one of them have been wiped out! He will bide his time, gathering his strength and hiding amongst the unsuspecting until the time is right. Until he has gathered the strength he needs to face the Saiyans once more, he will remain hidden. For, with the knowledge he gained from Raditz' memories, the power of godhood will once more be his! The Saiyans, the entire universe itself will tremble in fear of the name King Kudamo, the Tuffle race's vengeance reborn!

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 228 Intermission End-
While I’m glad for Chaya and Tanya and interested to see this bit with Dragon Ball Earth along with that mention of the unnamed namekian, I just sighed irl when I saw that last bit.

There’s nothing I hate more in the history of this quest then rerun antagonists and just like his bitch of a creator baby’s gunna keep stinking up the place long after flushed the piece of shit down the toilet.

Someone get a coat hanger.

No funny haha’s here that’s all completely literal.
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I'm glad to see Chaya's opening up again. I am NOT glad to see Baby pulling a fucking Nefarious.
Maybe if he wasn't such a little bitch like his genetic templates, he'd go out and do something with his short and miserable life that doesn't involve trampling over ours.
Also good to see Piccolo Junior evilmaxxing as God intended.
You knew deep down it was never that easy. Not for a creation Nefarious had his hands in.
On the plus side, you might get the killing blow next time.
Having her face-to-face was what she needed for closure, little as she knew it. Having Raditz tell her in no uncertain terms it was over forever instead of disappearing has let her move on.
>he'd go out and do something with his short and miserable life
Oh, he has plans.
>that doesn't involve trampling over ours
Without the Saiyan-Tuffle war he wouldn't exist.
And of course, have to grind to unlock alignment-specific abilities. Remember, he still has the mantle of Guardian, due to merging with Kami. You may get to witness an evil guardian deity.
>And of course, have to grind to unlock alignment-specific abilities. Remember, he still has the mantle of Guardian, due to merging with Kami. You may get to witness an evil guardian deity.
Honestly I must have forgotten or missed the post, but how did Demon King Piccolo get Kami to fuse with him? And how the heck did they manage to kill The Nameless Namekian? Bro was cracked by earth standards.
>And how the heck did they manage to kill The Nameless Namekian? Bro was cracked by earth standards.
They were android, remember? Also remember, the canonical "Piccolo" had Nail's power on top of Kami's. It stands to reason the restored Nameless Namekian of our timeline wasn't as strong as the one that would eventually emerge in the canonical one.
How? Well, it wasn't entirely willing involving more than a little blackmail. Especially after showing the Mafuba counter, showing Kami he had no win condition and then threatening Popo's life. Either surrender and let him rule, or be sealed away, the then-sealed Popo dies, and King Piccolo restoring Shenron before using the wish to forcibly absorb him and become one.
"But if I am pushed to this, I will be quite annoyed. And take my anger out not only upon this Lookout, but the Earthings as well. I will increase my terror every year for a hundred years, until even the most stalwart beg for the sweet release of death!"
Which, to a defeated and hopeless Kami was a good argument. Better to do his duty and spare as many earthlings as possible.
True. But while he went from somewhere weaker than Freeza's first form to tied with his second over a million powerlevel with Nail, going from that to STRONGER THAN FREEZA's full power, stronger than Super Saiyans and as strong as 17 is a huge jump. To be fair, I don't think Nail's power was that big a multiplier in the grand scheme of things. His level was 42000 at his peak, but when absorbed he was actively dying.
>To be fair, I don't think Nail's power was that big a multiplier in the grand scheme of things.
In my mind, the power granted from absorbing Nail fluctuated due to circumstances. Stay with me, because this is gonna be slightly convoluted.
If an "incomplete" being (like Piccolo Jr.) absorbed any Namekian, even one that wasn't their missing half, they would see see a massive (multiplicative) boost in overall power thanks to becoming what is technically a "complete" being.
However, were that incomplete being to absorb their original missing components instead (like Piccolo Jr. and Kami reforming into the Nameless Namekian), they would not only see a vastly superior boost in power compared to absorbing any other Namekian, but the benefits of absorbing doing so after that would be retarded (probably dropping to a 25% increase instead of a multiplicative one) since they are no longer required to make the being "complete".
>TL;DR: I'm pretty sure that the boost Piccolo was receiving from having absorbed Nail was massively toned down after he absorbed Kami and became a whole being again.
Been going over this argument, and I think you're close but backward on the big point.
>the power granted from absorbing Nail fluctuated due to circumstances
No, that's outright stated in DBS that it takes time for Namekian fusions to fully 'stabilize'. As we see from Ep 118 here:
This is why against Freeza Piccolo cycled through several wildly different auras in the fight in the anime. But even then, after the Freeza arc it wasn't "complete". Like the "Super Saiyan 3 is improperly channeled Super Saiyan 4" theory, without being a complete Namek he couldn't fully utilize Nail's power in their union. Giving a smaller boost, or more accurately half the usual boost. But when he fused with Kami, he was fully able to wield the power of the two Namekians. Which boosted Piccolo's power not only Freeza but past Super Saiyans all the way to 17&18s level. Instead of being overshadowed, Nail being added was multiplicative to the union's total power.

Good post, really got the neurons activating.
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And I dropped my picture like a moron
Also, 24 hours until this episode continues!
>going into Super Saiyan Blue. Which causes your eyes to shift to azure as well as your hair, undoing your eyes' transformation. You look into your own eyes a moment, then with a sigh revert to your base form. Where your eyes have returned to their normal black.
Interesting intermission and that detail about the eyes is nice too.
>cant the scientists at the lab on New Salda just cook up a Hydae-specific super corona-AIDS virus and just airdrop it over the ocean so they all die?
That is one possible option. Though remember a long time ago when Hive was attacking. At some point Chaya, Chilli, Broly, Caulifa and other kids were sent in space ships with Dreadzone cameras to deal with Hive. They succeeded. Do you think Hydae is something that children could use for practice of real battle? Or maybe they are too dangerous for this because of their connection to the Dark and Abyss?
>Tuffle Parasite mutters to himself within the confines of his temporary hideaway. Having left an 'offspring' or clone of himself behind in the most well-hidden place he could find, where no one would check, just in case.
That is very exciting that he is alive. I bet this time he will be very prepared before he reveals himself and when he does the battle with him will be much bigger challenge. The type of battle that will push Karn to his limits.
I have a little technical question about Tuffle Parasite. The one that Chaya and Karn killed is 100% dead, so much dead that his spirit is currently waiting in line to face King Yemma and to go to either heaven or hell. And the living Baby is a different being. An identical copy, but not the same one that Karn and Chaya killed.
Or is this the same dude that got killed but somehow his consciousness and soul now inhabits this new body? I'm asking this because he had this huge telepathic connection to all beings he infested, so I was wondering if his consciousness left his primary body for this backup one before he died.
>How? Well, it wasn't entirely willing involving more than a little blackmail. Especially after showing the Mafuba counter, showing Kami he had no win condition and then threatening Popo's life. Either surrender and let him rule, or be sealed away, the then-sealed Popo dies, and King Piccolo restoring Shenron before using the wish to forcibly absorb him and become one.
What an ambitious power gamer.
>Also, 24 hours until this episode continues!
Very nice.
Of course. After all, the third act villain doesn't just disappear in the first act. They have to act as catalyst for others' actions.
It is, but the question now is not how but why?
Well, the Hive possessed acidic blood that could melt their flesh if they weren't careful and got splashed. As Broly showed, defending his younger siblings.
Prepared? He's already preparing. After all, his hiding spot is only a temporary measure. He has to be readying himself.
Think of him like a Demon King Piccolo/Piccolo Jr type situation. Not identical, but possessing his memories, power, skill, etc.
Of course. After crushing the martial artists and Red Ribbon Army, he turned to take down his only weakness left: Kami.
A very small soon.
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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After sparring Galatea and learning of her origin, Karn took her and Ubo to the head scientist Daiko, to make sure her lifespan wasn't affected by her being a clone. With that done, Karn returned to his students, announcing the new city to them after training and inviting them all to live there with him. Then, after encountering some of the few remaining New Salda native beastmen he and his family returned to their new home on the far side of the continent, only for it to be moments away from a Hydae attack. Karn let his kids loose on them, the four younger ones all powering up and charging in. But as we rejoin Karn, the Hydae magic-wielders have begun casting the same Dark magic that nearly ended you. However, before you can act, your youngest, Karn Jr acts.

“I've got it!” he shouts, launching himself up into the air, throwing both hands out to his sides and creating twin orbs of power. Throwing both hands together he merges his power, creating a massive orb of condensed ki and firing it down. His emerald power blazes as he shoots it down, his blast striking that miniature Black Hole directly. You feel his power getting absorbed into that void, draining the power down into it. But that void wasn't as limitless as a true black hole, as your son's power is too much for it to handle. Filling it to the brim with power, but it tries to absorb even more. Causing Jr's power to explode out, destroying the dark hole in a fiery explosion. The blast also consumes the wizards casting it, as well as the nearest dozen other Hydae.

“Nice shot!” you call to him, your youngest turning to you and giving you a thumb's up before diving back down, causing another blast on impact with the sea.
“What was that?” Meloka asks, your wife not having seen that as your earlier fight had been alone. So, as the four continue carving paths of destruction through the creatures you explain what happened, how it had corrupted even your energy with Abyssal power, turning your own attack back against you. “And he managed to overpower that?”

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“Yes. Our boy's got quite a lot of power.” you reply, watching and carefully keeping count as the four of them continue slaughtering the Hydae. However, after seeing Karn Jr defeat their Abyssal magic, several tried to flee. Retreating from the site of the battle, only for you to sense them all running into the barrier Okira and her Stand had set. Keeping them all trapped, unable to flee to deeper waters. “They're starting to break.”
“Indeed. This won't last much longer.” your wife says, turning her gaze back to you. “So, which of them do you think will do the best?”

Which is quite the question, since there are so many ways to interpret it. But how do you answer?
>Maz, he and Kayle are neck-and-neck for the most directly killed, but he'll get more with his blades once they start piling up on the invisible barrier
>Kayle, she and Maz are neck-and-neck for the most, but she's more efficient with her energy attacks, getting more kills for less effort
>Okira. She may not have killed the most herself, but using her power to trap them all within this area has enabled a total victory and her Berserker power lets her keep up with her naturally stronger siblings
>Karn Jr. Destroying that Abyssal magic was no small feat, with that he no doubt saved his siblings from the taint of the Abyss
>>Okira. She may not have killed the most herself, but using her power to trap them all within this area has enabled a total victory and her Berserker power lets her keep up with her naturally stronger siblings
>Okira. She may not have killed the most herself, but using her power to trap them all within this area has enabled a total victory and her Berserker power lets her keep up with her naturally stronger siblings
She WAS the MVP here. Sometimes it's not about power plays or points scored, but getting everything set up so the whole team can truly dominate.
>Okira. She may not have killed the most herself, but using her power to trap them all within this area has enabled a total victory and her Berserker power lets her keep up with her naturally stronger siblings
I think Karn Jr did very well too and I agree that:
> Destroying that Abyssal magic was no small feat, with that he no doubt saved his siblings from the taint of the Abyss
But I guess I can vote only for 1 person.
Okira. She may not have killed the most herself, but using her power to trap them all within this area has enabled a total victory and her Berserker power lets her keep up with her naturally stronger siblings wins it. Now, roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 65
Second DC: 40
Rolled 24, 71 = 95 (2d100)

Rolled 2, 75 = 77 (2d100)

3 and 66
Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d100)

This genocide brought to you by the letter "O".
I am convinced my workplace is cursed. I only ever roll like shit here.
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24/100, 75/100. Failure and success, looks like you're distracted by the question and aren't paying attention, writing.
>Out of 200
You may be right, because DAMN. I think that's the lowest roll total I've seen for this quest on a 2d100.
More like your roll is brought to us by the number 0 and picked up some dust along the way holy shit
God damn, dude. Never roll again, next time I'll just do it
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“The best? Okira.” you say, your wife looking at you curiously. “She may not have the highest kill total of the four of them, but thanks to her, they're all going to get wiped out here and now. Without her, many of them would have fled and possibly rallied the others to come back in retaliation.”
“I, well. Damn.” your wife says, trying to find a counterargument but can't. “That's a really good point.”
“Second is Jr, because of stopping that Abyssal attack.” you continue, going over their performances. “That attack could have been devastating, but he halted it in its tracks. They all can kill these things, but those two contributions stand out the most to me.”

“Yes, they're all contributing in their own ways.” your wife says, her expression changing as she looks down with a frown. Reading her expression you turn, trying to see what worries her. And immediately see it: Okira is trapped!
“What the-?” you mutter, trying to make sense of how one of their mages conjured a bubble that managed to seal your daughter away. But then, seeing more than a dozen spear-wielders circle, readying to skewer her from all sides. And you see red. Before you even fully process what you're seeing you dash down, closing the distance in an instant. Before the mage trapping your daughter even knows you're coming you've closed in, right fist drawn back.

“HRRRAAAA!” you snarl, swinging your right straight down onto the top of the frog-like Hydae's head. Shattering its skull, liquefying in and causing the creature to explode in a spray of blood, bone and guts. Killing the mage ends its spell, your daughter roaring and letting her Berserker aura blaze. Knocking the spear-wielders over, then going back on the attack before they can recover. Not even recognizing you'd shown up to save her, rampaging out-of-control. Seems she's still lost to the blood lust of her transformation. So, instead of getting in her way you leap back into the air, turning your focus back to your ki sense to observe the battle. Maz and Kayle continue racking up their kills, going neck-and-neck as they use their different strategies. Maz continues spinning and slashing his way through, cutting down the Hydae piled up on the invisible barrier trying to escape.

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At the same time, Kayle is keeping her distance, using ranged energy shots and small Scattershots to take down Hydae by the score. But she's growing tired, her power flagging from the sheer amount of energy she's unleashed. Karn Jr, on the other hand, is clearly having fun. Laughing as he flies through their ranks, smashing them as much with his own aura as he is physical power. Clearly completely unafraid of these creatures, none of their attacks able to even pierce his aura.

“Junior's having fun.” your wife says as you fly back up to her, watching him crushing more than one being at a time with his attacks. As he swings, you see his aura striking more to the sides of his attacks. The sheer force and density of his aura crushing them without your son even touching them. “I still can't get over his power.”
“It's truly something.” you say as the remaining frog-like Hydae living drop to under three dozen total, then twenty, then one. The last of the creatures, seeing your four children all looking to it, decides to take itself out, stabbing itself through the chest with its own spear. Killing it instantly, the creature dropping limp as you and your wife fly down to the four of them. They did it.

But what now?
>Congratulate them, but instead of announcing who won ask them who they think killed the most of the creatures. See if they're honest, or even know how many they each killed
>Ask the four of them who did the best job, get them to try and see each other's contributions
>Announce the winner of who killed the most, but not only that congratulate them all on their unique contributions
>Other(write in)
>>Announce the winner of who killed the most, but not only that congratulate them all on their unique contributions
Fair is fair, we did say this was a contest about kill count. Maybe next time we could make it a race instead?
>Announce the winner of who killed the most, but not only that congratulate them all on their unique contributions
Now in Karn's defense...it was a pretty good question.
>Announce the winner of who killed the most, but not only that congratulate them all on their unique contributions
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Announce the winner of who killed the most, but not only that congratulate them all on their unique contributions wins it. Dad and instructor-ing time, writing.
>The last of the creatures, seeing your four children all looking to it, decides to take itself out, stabbing itself through the chest with its own spear.
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“Well done, all of you.” you say, Maz and Kayle already facing you both. Karn Jr and Okira both turn, but your youngest daughter is still lost in her fury. Growling, she takes a step forward, but after a moment hesitates. Seeing you and your wife, her mother looking at her, she seems to get control of herself a moment. “It's over, you can power down now.”

At this Maz reaches over, placing his hand on his sister's shoulder. She whips her head around, only to cock her head, watching in confusion as he powers back down to base. Kayle also powers down, Okira taking a deep breath and tries to do the same.

“Haaaaaahh.” she exhales, her power dropping as her body shrinks. Reverting to her own base form, it taking a few seconds for her muscles to fully shrink back to normal. Blinking twice, she looks around as if waking up from a dream, you recognizing the confusion of coming to after losing yourself in the rage. “Huh?”
“Welcome back kiddo. You did well.” you tell her, then to everyone. “You all did well. But one of you killed more than the rest. Junior, while you were the most efficient, you only killed a hundred and sixty seven. Okira, you did well with your Berserker power, and your barrier you put up before the fight boosted everyone's numbers, not letting a single one escape. But you only got a hundred and twelve.”

“Awwww.” she says, Junior pumping his fist as you then turn to Maz and Kayle. “You two by far killed the most, over two hundred each. But which of you do you both think killed the most?”
“Kayle.” Maz answers immediately, surprising his sister as she turns to him, your son panting and sweating. But he doesn't hesitate, continuing. “She was using far more power than I was. I was fighting to expend as little ki as possible.”
“Good answer, what do you think?” you ask, turning to Kayle. Who looks even more exhausted than her brother, while not as drenched in sweat and the blood of her enemies, her powerlevel has dropped substantially more than Maz.

“I think I did. But if there were another four hundred for us to go through, he would have won.” she replies, you noticing a trembling in her left arm. “I used everything I got.”

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“Excellent observation. And you are correct, you have the most kills by fifty two.” you tell her, Kayle pumping a fist in celebration. “You did win the competition, just barely. But you should pace yourself better next time, because now it's time to train.”

At this all four snap their gazes to you, expressions bewildered.

“Wh-What?!” they call, startled by your declaration, Maz recovering first and asking. “What do you mean, training?”
“Exactly that. We have to keep on top of our training.” you tell them, seeing their stunned expressions. “Threats that will come to destroy our world will not wait until you've rested and recovered from a long day. You all will have to be ready at a moment's notice. Which that moment is now! Prepare yourselves, it's time.”

But what training will you put them through now?
>Have them all swim back across the sea once more, push them physically
>Take them all into the gravity chamber, push their bodies to the limits
>Tell them all to come at you, sparring and teamwork practice time
>Other(write in)
"Connection error" my ass.
>Tell them all to come at you, sparring and teamwork practice time
>Tell them all to come at you, sparring and teamwork practice time
>>Tell them all to come at you, sparring and teamwork practice time
>Tell them all to come at you, sparring and teamwork practice time
Tell them all to come at you, sparring and teamwork practice time wins it. Roll me a 5d100.

First DC: 30
Second DC: ??
Third DC: 25
Fourth DC: ??
Fifth DC: 40
Rolled 93, 71, 89, 84, 65 = 402 (5d100)

Rolled 36, 72, 83, 56, 14 = 261 (5d100)

Rolled 95, 97, 26, 40, 41 = 299 (5d100)

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95/100, 97/100, 89/100, 84/100, 65/100. Three successes and two high mysteries, impressive. Looks like they'll learn a valuable lesson today, writing.

Niece's birthday party is apparently today, instead of the day it is and no one thought to give me a heads up until a half hour before starting. Judging by how long the last one was, I'm going to be back in roughly two hours to post this update.
Have fun.
Make sure you wish her a supremely happy birthday GD.
I'M BACK! Post'll be ready in fifteen minutes, tops.

Not at a place like that. But it's not about me.
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“All of you, come at me at once. Use everything you've got, go full power to try and take me down!” you call, powering up. Drawing upon your Champion form's full power, your deeper green aura blazes around you. Immediately Karn Jr powers back up as well, leaping at you before the others have even transformed. He rockets in, drawing his right back and swinging with his full force. Bracing yourself, you feel the force of his aura striking your first. His radiating aura is so dense it slams into you first, driving your heels into the ground as you absorb the blow. Only for his fist to then strike your guard, driving you back a foot across the ground before you're able to stop yourself. “Tch.”

“HRRRAAAAA!!” Jr bellows, twisting up with a left turning kick at your head. Raising your arm, you block both his aura and shin, stopping the second hit as both Maz and Kayle start flying forward as well. Golden auras blazing, you shove Jr away only for both of the twins to close in. Your son going low, kicking at your left ankle while Kayle goes high, arms crossed in front of her head as she tries a flying knee at your face. Checking Maz's kick with a short hop, raising your feet off the ground to dodge that, you catch Kayle's knee with your left hand and shove her back down. Sending her crashing into her brother as Okira flies in.

“GRRRAAAAAAAA!!” the tiny Berserker bellows, closing the distance and firing a wild, heavy right at your guts. So, with the Su Ma you twist counterclockwise, narrowly dodging her strike. Letting her sail past you without touching her, her own speed carrying her far past you before she can stop herself. “Hrrraaah?”
“Keep your focus.” you call out, only as you turn see Junior with both arms outstretched, power gathered in both hands.
“FINAL FLASH!” your youngest shouts, throwing both arms forward and firing a massive golden beam directly at you. And with only a split-second to act, focus your ki while throwing both arms out and unleashing your own power.

“Barrier!” you retort, shield coalescing around you. The golden torrent of power slams into your shield, which you'd expanded to guard Maz and Kayle, who're still down. Your son ends the attack, but before you can lower your shield both Maz and Kayle leap up towards you, both flying towards your face. With a right and a left, both aimed at your face closing in, you flip backwards. Narrowly avoiding their strikes you curl in, then lash out with a double leg kick. A foot slams into each of their torsos, sending both twins soaring into the sky.

“Kuuuah!” Maz exhales, wheezing as you wind him.
“Gyuuuh!” Kayle grunts, the two sent flying. Flipping around, you land on all fours just as Junior dashes in, right drawn back.
“GOT YOU!” he shouts, swinging down at your head.

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Unable to block his strike from this position you instead spring back, kicking and pushing off the ground from all fours as his energy slams into the ground. Making a shallow crater the size of your torso where your head was before his fist even makes contact. Flipping back once you land on your feet, retaking your fighting stance.

“Come on, not like that. Fight me together, not one or two at a time!” you call to them, the three reforming around Okira as she turns back towards you. But before she can launch herself at you, Junior reaches over, grabbing her by the shoulder. She whirls on him, expression softening as she recognizes him through the furious haze. He then leans in, whispering something you can't hear. But she clearly does, grinning maniacally as her aura blazes. The other three all turn their attention back towards you, auras blazing before, as one, they all charge together. “Yes, better! Bring it on!”

You don't remain stationary, rushing forward and meeting their charge. And with this more coordinated attack, all four of them setting their pace around Okira's violent charges, they all begin to push you back. Forced onto the defensive, you barely manage to keep one step ahead, blocking their furious joint assault. The fighting drags on and on, you forcing them to keep up the attack. Because every time one relaxes you capitalize on it, breaking down their formation and knocking them all down into the ground.

“Don't give up, your siblings are relying on you! Don't think you can let them take the weight off your shoulders!” you'd ordered the first time, leaping back a few yards and resuming your stance while they all pull themselves back up off the ground to get back to it. After the first time, they all tried a little harder, yet as tired as they are from fighting the Hydae can't sustain their efforts. Each time one falters you knock them all down, resetting the fight. And by the time your training with the four of them is drawing to a close, well over another hour has passed, if not two. After knocking them all down for a final time you sigh out, powering back down as the smells of food from your ship's mess hall have begun wafting out. “You all did well. Now, go wash up, it's almost time to eat!”

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“Yes sir!” they shout, your children, those who haven't powered down already powering back down and all rushing inside the ship. With a sigh you power down as well, starting a bit as suddenly Meloka Instant Transmissions back to your side. You'd been so involved in the lesson you hadn't noticed she had left, something you decide to make a mental note of for later.
“Everything good?” you ask, Meloka nodding.
“Just fine.” she replies, but her expression seems a bit distant. Something's clearly troubling her, despite her best attempts to hide it from you

But what do you do?
>Ask her what's going on out here, where it is just the two of you and can speak freely
>Wait until you both are sat down to eat before telepathically asking what's going on
>Say nothing, if she wants to tell you she will when she's ready. Just tell her whenever she wants to talk you're here
>Other(write in)
>Ask her what's going on out here, where it is just the two of you and can speak freely
>>Say nothing, if she wants to tell you she will when she's ready. Just tell her whenever she wants to talk you're here
>Ask her what's going on out here, where it is just the two of you and can speak freely
Ask her what's going on out here, where it is just the two of you and can speak freely wins it. Roll me a single d100.

DC: 25
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Rolled 30 (1d100)

Oh man whats this nervous energy im feeling
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Rolled 87 (1d100)

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70/100. Success, writing.
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“Mel, what's up?” you ask, your wife raising a brow slightly. “C'mon, how long have we known each other? I know when something's bothering you, you can tell me.”
“Well... It's about Broly. I just got back from his new home.” your wife tells you, you raising a brow at this. “He wanted to ask me about, well...”
“About what?” you ask, curiosity growing by the second. “Meloka, what's going on? What's got you like this?”

“He didn't want to announce it yet, wanting to save the news when they're more sure. But he needed my advice for, well... What Kori needs in eight months.” she says, you not understanding what she means. Staring blankly at her, your wife sighs, leaning in and whispering softly. “They think Kori's pregnant.”
“Really? That's wonderful news!” you reply, but seeing your wife's troubled face reign in your excitement. “Isn't it?”
“If they were here, yes. With all the good doctors and the tech, to make sure they're okay. But being out there, in the middle of nowhere nearest nothing, what happens if something goes wrong?”

“Then we'll show up and bring them both here. Broly and Kori can always find their way back on their own, they do it often enough.” you tell your wife, hugging her to you, trying to comfort her. “We may want them all here, close at hand. But we have to let them grow up on their own sometimes. If they stay here, in our shadows, they'll never fully grow. We wouldn't have gotten where we are today if our own parents were all over us like that.”
“Maybe.” Meloka replies, not sounding fully convinced. But without any other argument she relents, sighing in frustration. “I know. But I still want to be there for them.”
“And we will be. Whenever they need us, we'll be there. After all, we're always only a call away.” you tell her, then with smooth, practiced precision sweep your wife up off her feet, carrying her in your arms. And even after all these years, still gets a small blush out of her. “Now c'mon, let's go eat.”

Wordlessly you both go inside, you carrying your wife to the mess hall as she leans into you. Closing her eyes and breathing in content, you also feel rather content with how the day is going. Heading to the mess, you and your younger four children, along with Caulifla and her friend, Tatsu and Tomi, and even Camali are here, you all devouring another excellent meal by Silver and his team. As you eat you wonder how your other children are doing. How Chilli, Chaya, and Broly are, what their lives away from you all will look like in a few more years. And what the future could hold for your other kids as well, what paths they might take that you've never even considered. As the meal comes to a close, however, another mind reaches out to your own. None other than King Cold himself, reaching out directly!

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“General Karn. I'm letting you know that I have sent the data to the pods approaching that far off planet, named Eee-arth.” the true, behind-the-scenes ruler of the PTO says. “And, from what the deep range scouters can detect, sense another.”
“Another?” you ask, not entirely certain what he means. “Another what, King Cold?”
“Another power. One who is even stronger than the last.” comes the reply. “It is making no efforts to hide itself, already its might has risen nearly to that of its predecessor. Whatever that powerful being is, it will no doubt be waiting for you when the time comes.”

“Excellent. And you said they'll be arriving in a year's time, correct?” you ask him, and can almost see him shrug.
“The data is all sent to Vegeta, he'll give you the details.” King Cold replies, then after a moment adds. Almost as an afterthought, but you can almost hear his smirk. “After Cooler returned, he went straight to bed. Slept for seven full hours before returning. Well done.”

And with that he ends the mental link, feeling yourself smirk. Despite how aloof he tried to portray himself, how not all-out he'd been fighting, knowing you'd pushed him to exhaustion does mean that this training will be worth it. For both of you.

“Haaaaah! That was delicious!” Maz exhales, waving to the kitchen as he calls. “You guys did great today!”
“Yeah! Keep up the good work!” Kayle adds, turning in her seat to look back towards them.
“I'm exhausted. I can't wait to lay down and go to bed.” Okira says, which does bring a thought to mind. Adjusting to your new schedule will be tough, but should you start today? Keeping them all awake longer, to go down only when the sun does? Or let them adjust at their own rate, once you've got a set schedule moving forward?

Well? How do you plan on adjusting to this twelve-hour difference?
>Keep them up today, once the sun sets you'll all go to bed to jump start adjusting to this new time
>Slowly push back your time by the day, within a couple weeks or months your family living here will have fully adjusted
>Let them all adjust at their own pace, but as for you yourself stay up until the sun goes down and then go to bed yourself
>Ask everyone how they want to adjust to this new sleep schedule, see if they have any ideas
>Other(write in)
>>Ask everyone how they want to adjust to this new sleep schedule, see if they have any ideas
>Ask everyone how they want to adjust to this new sleep schedule, see if they have any ideas
Damn, what the fuck is going down on Eee-Arth?
I forget karn knows at least of humans and that humans come from Eee-Arth, as far as karn knows that planet is DC Earth, and he may very well also think the jojos and kars comes from there, which makes it a massive shitshow of a planet.
>Ask everyone how they want to adjust to this new sleep schedule, see if they have any ideas
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Ask everyone how they want to adjust to this new sleep schedule, see if they have any ideas wins it. Getting others involved, may be a skill to refine for the near future. Writing.
>Getting others involved, may be a skill to refine for the near future. Writing.
Man. We're gonna need a primary assistant, a bodyguard, an office and administration building, a nice desk...
Time to go looking for the oldest tree on the planet. Old growth hardwood with that super tight grain is fantastic, it needs less maintenance and looks gorgeous with almost any finish.
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For a moment, you consider making a plan to start adjusting, after all over here it's just now early morning. But then a thought hits you: why don't you ask them how you should do this? They're the ones who're going to have to adjust as well, why not ask everyone on the ship? With that thought in mind, you focus your ki sense, finding whoever is currently on the bridge to find Orlen there. So, you give him a quick telepathic call, telling him your plan. To which he readily agrees, and as you end the link he opens the ship-wide comms, calling out to everyone.

“Attention. All crew, report to the mess hall. Repeat. All crew, report to the mess hall.” Orlen says, then ends the communication. Everyone looks around confused, but your wife immediately turns her focus on you. Staring hard at you, as she clearly knows you're up to something.
“What's that about?” Maz asks, looking to his twin. Who turns back from the kitchen and shrugs, slumping back in her seat.
“What's this?” Okira asks, looking from the speaker to you. And as she looks at you her expression changes from one of confusion to anticipation, clearly recognizing your intent. But Junior doesn't, getting up out of his seat.

“Who was that? I'mma go find out-” he starts, you holding out a hand to him. Which causes your children to all freeze, everyone else realizing you'd called this meeting.
“We have something important we need to talk about. All of us. So, would you sit back down?”
“Huh? I mean, sure.” your youngest replies, sitting back down and looking expectantly to you. But you don't say anything else, waiting on everyone to pile in. Which they all do, everyone getting in with Dr. White and Haathe bringing up the rear. Once everyone's inside and seated you stand up, everyone's gaze going to you as you begin to speak.

“As I'm sure you all are aware, it is only morning now.” you say, getting a few chuckles from some of the older crewmates. “Despite the long day, we've been asked to not only take up position here by King Vegeta the Fourth, but to also adjust our sleep schedule appropriately. To always have some of our people active and alert, leaving no windows for others to sneak onto a more undefended planet. So. With that said, I am open to suggestions on how to change our schedule. TO more easily adjust to flipping our day/night cycles, adjusting to this new time. If anyone has suggestions, let us all hear them.”

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Silence hangs in the room for several seconds, no one speaking up at first. The first to speak is your youngest, Karn Jr standing up in his seat.

“How about we stay up all night?” he asks, you all looking to him. “If we stay up all night, then go to bed when the sun goes down, then we'll all wake up when the sun comes up again!”
“Or we can just start turning back our mornings by maybe an hour a day?” Okira counters, also standing up. “Turning back our schedule a half hour to an hour a day for twelve days, we'll then be on the new sleep schedule.”
“Adjusting in smaller intervals does aid in making such a shift permanent. And being outside as the sun goes down does aid in adjusting to a new schedule.” Dr White adds in. “We can adjust the ship's day/night cycle to match as well, aiding in the shift.”

“I say ya just adjust it now. Let everyone adjust at their own pace.” Silver says, calling from his position in the doorway. “Get the schedule in place, but let everyone adjust at their own rate. Some may adjust better over time, others will want to immediately shift and fight to maintain it.”

Several murmurs of ascent go up at Silver's suggestion, you seeing that the large majority of your crew agree with his sentiment. Nods and whispers go out among them, you thinking that this is decided.

“Very well. I'll leave you all to adjusting at your own rate, but the main ship lights will be set to the new day/night cycle.” you say to your crew and family. “Main functions will now be set to this new time, but you all are free to adjust at your own pace as long as all of your duties are properly handled. Now, does anyone else have anything to add?”

No one answers, you then clapping your hand once.

“Very well. Thank you all for your time, that is all. Go back to whatever you were doing.” you say, dismissing your crew.

But what about you? How will you personally handle the transition?
>Keep yourself up until after your usual morning training time that Cooler may show up for, then tell him the schedule change before heading off to bed. Fighting him twice in one day will wipe you out
>Slowly start pushing back your time, waking up earlier and earlier over the next several days until you're now on the new schedule
>Start pushing back the time you go to sleep, staying up later and later until your body has adjusted forward
>Other(write in)?
>Slowly start pushing back your time, waking up earlier and earlier over the next several days until you're now on the new schedule
Leaving this vote open another ten minutes, if we still only have one vote then it'll win by default.
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Rolled 50, 83 = 133 (2d100)

Guess you're the only one still up, so your vote wins by default. Writing.
You beat me to it. Was going to second that vote anyway.
The night shift giveth I suppose.
It's day-time here in Aus. I just missed the voting period because I was filling up a paddling pool for my dogs. Starting to get fucking hot again.
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While you probably could push yourself, forcing yourself to stay awake, instead you decide to instead push back your time. Waking up earlier and earlier, going to sleep earlier and earlier until you've adjusted your own personal schedule. Which means you're going to bed, turning and heading towards the door as some of your crew and family mutter to themselves. Exiting the mess hall you make your way to the showers, stripping down and quickly washing the day off of you. Then, once clean you head off to your room, opening the door. Opening with a hiss, you close it behind you, getting into your bed and flipping the light switch with a small telekinetic effort. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you sigh out, allowing yourself to drift off to sleep.

Which comes instantly, you finding yourself floating in an unfamiliar void. Immediately you feel something's wrong, something is watching you. Looking around, you don't see anything anywhere. But can't shake the feeling that you're being watched by something beyond your understanding. The feeling is uncomfortable, but after a minute of feeling yourself being watched and nothing making itself known, you close your eyes in this void, drifting off into an even deeper sleep. Consciousness fully fades, the next thing you know you are waking up. Eyes snapping open, you wonder why you feel slightly unsettled. You remember laying down to sleep, then immediately you find yourself awake now. Looking around, your wife is asleep by you, but Towa is nowhere to be seen. Probably still in her lab, you sneak up out of bed, dressing quickly in a training uniform. Leaving your weapons behind, you quickly make your way out of your ship, going to the entrance ramp. Thankfully, they'd left it closed, you then reaching out with your ki sense.

Expanding your awareness, searching for anything outside, you don't sense any Hydae close to your home. Nodding to yourself you hit the release switch, your landing ramp dropping down to the ground. Walking down, you reach back up with telekinesis, throwing the switch once more. Causing the ramp to rise back up, sealing your ship once more behind you. Then, taking to the air head off into the forest, flying quickly to your usual training spot. And as you land, the moment your feet touch down send out a telepathic message. And a moment later sense another power appear by you. Smirking, you recognize the power immediately. And as you do, a familiar form appears where you sense the energy.

“Mornin', Lord Cooler.” you say, clenching your fists and readying yourself. “Are you ready to get to it?”
“Always ready to show my superiority.” Cooler replies, flashing up to his Golden Form. “Prepare yourself!”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 228 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone ready to start preparing the new daily schedule going forward? What new trainings are you looking forward to, or other activities besides training you seek to add to your daily schedule? Ready to start getting a city made, gathering your students and others who wish to live nearer to you? And most importantly, have you been enjoying this episode? All this and more, when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues in 12 hours at Noon EST!
>but after a minute of feeling yourself being watched and nothing making itself known, you close your eyes in this void, drifting off into an even deeper sleep

If Karn didn't have his power, he'd never survive a horror movie.
Or maybe he's just channelling his inner skyrim npc
Well you cannot sleep when enemies are nearby. So clearly it was just a voyeur.
With Karn's instincts, he can to a degree sense 'intent'. Who or whatever was watching him clearly meant no harm, so Karn let it go. Better question is, what void did he end up in?
Ha! Something may have been trying to reach out to him, but whatever it was, it couldn't reach him.
>Ha! Something may have been trying to reach out to him, but whatever it was, it couldn't reach him.
Might be a good excuse to meditate in a particularly FORCEful area, see if that doesn't clear up the signal a little bit.
Just as a bit of OOC knowledge, you DO NOT want whatever that was to reach you. Not like that, while you're relatively defenseless.
All of our knowledge is Ook knowledge. We're a monkey.
Duly noted. Anyways on to more pressing issues, like laying the groundwork for our fledgling city.
We should probably coordinate with Vegeta and get a preliminary list of required positions for the third city's council and administration. After that we make the openings public and oversee the selection processes...which might take a while, but I figure training might be postponed for a week or two anyways if our students might also be part of the construction crews.
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>The feeling is uncomfortable, but after a minute of feeling yourself being watched and nothing making itself known, you close your eyes in this void, drifting off into an even deeper sleep.
I'm very curious who is it.
>And most importantly, have you been enjoying this episode?
>What new trainings are you looking forward to, or other activities besides training you seek to add to your daily schedule?
I know this may sound strange, but is it possible for Karn to get more training in telepathy from Raven? Could he be better at this than he is now? Get a little closer to her level? If he is going to be responsible for this city it would be good for him to be able to detect when somebody lies to him. It may help find people like Majin Ozotto and other body snatchers.
>Ha! Something may have been trying to reach out to him, but whatever it was, it couldn't reach him.
Someone from another timeline or universe?
>Just as a bit of OOC knowledge, you DO NOT want whatever that was to reach you. Not like that, while you're relatively defenseless.
Yet Karn's instinct did not detect hostility. What could it be?
>We're gonna need a primary assistant
Candidate for this just showed up. He seems very trustworthy. We will hire him, right?
Vegeta's already done all the planning, just have to let the city establish. As for leadership, that'll be up to Karn as events unfold.
Not really. The time investment it would take would have a direct impact on his development in other areas.
It was -a- void. What lives in nothing?
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>It was -a- void. What lives in nothing?
I searched for entities related to the void and I found few. They seem to be also connected to the concept darkness and/or death. I'm not sure if was any of the beings I found, but would it be plausible to say that maybe Abyss just called?

You haven't encountered whatever this was. That you're aware of at least.
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“Bring it!” you reply, ascending to your Berserker God form in a blaze of emerald power, kicking off the ground at him. He launches himself forward towards you, the two of you clashing with mirrored shoulder charges in the middle of the clearing. The shock wave blasts out, the two of you trading blows at full speed. Giving it all you've got, the two of you spar for well over an hour. Fighting to the point of nearly gassing out, as your match comes to an end you both are standing a few yards apart, gasping and trying to catch a breath. Then, with a wordless mutual agreement you both power down, Cooler raising a right hand to his forehead. “You're getting better at this. Give it a few months and I'm sure you'll be a real threat.”

“Hmph.” Cooler replies, then without another word uses his Instant Transmission to leave your world and return back to his father's home, presumably. As the days pass and the two of you continue your daily sparring, at first your schedule is in constant flux. With your sparring matches with Cooler taking place later and later in the morning, then the early afternoon, all the way until the evening when the sun's setting on your home. Until you've finally adjusted, swapping your day/night schedule. Now, instead of it being your first training early in the morning, sparring with Cooler is your final piece of training for the day. Allowing you to give it everything you've got left, fighting him with all the gas left in the tank. Fighting to exhaustion, collapsing along with Cooler upon your wife or one of your kids coming to find you, to tell you supper's ready. At first the emperor wouldn't join, but with the knowledge of it being Silver's cooking, he finally gives in, joining in once every few days to enjoy some of the best cooking in the universe before leaving, returning to wherever else he has to go. Only for you to head off to bed, sleeping through the night and waking up the next morning ready to go.

While you were adjusting to this new schedule, however, construction soon began on the city. The very next day after deciding your new schedule, the first construction team arrived shortly after Cooler had left. The leader, a shorter, hard-eyed woman walking forward to approach you. While her power isn't anything extraordinary, she carries herself as someone who knows their business and doesn't have time for nonsense, her serious expression like an approaching thundercloud.

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“Roccoli, at yer service General.” she'd said, you both shaking hands. Her grip doesn't match her powerlevel, the hands of someone who has a lifetime of work. “We're gonna get the ground dug out and start laying the groundwork according to the king's plans. Unless you have any changes you'd want to make?”
“Changes? Not anything I'm aware of.” you reply, but with a flash of insight then add. “Unless there's anything wrong with the plan that you think needs changing?”

“Nah, not me.” she replies, you seeing a smile in her eyes that doesn't quite reach her face. “Just wanted to make sure you weren't some asshole who'd change a perfectly-good plan just to say ya did somethin'. Now, get on outta the way and let me an' the boys get to work.”

Well? How do you react to this?
>Do as she asks and simply get out of the way, keep your family and people out of the way to let the pros do what they do best
>Ask if she's willing to take your younger kids on, at least for this project. Show them something other than fighting
>Warn her of the Hydae, that if anyone sees the frog-like creatures gathering to get the message to your ship. You'll come and deal with them yourself so they can keep working
>Ask her if she wants you to call in your students, those you're training to help accelerate the project as they're good at following orders
>Tell her if she need anything to reach out to either you or your crew on the ship, they'll be able to assist her
>Other(write in)
Is the website down? Test
>Ask if she's willing to take your younger kids on, at least for this project. Show them something other than fighting
Maybe Okira would be interested? Also where is everybody?
>Ask if she's willing to take your younger kids on, at least for this project. Show them something other than fighting
>>Ask if she's willing to take your younger kids on, at least for this project. Show them something other than fighting
Who knows, one of them might have a knack for it.
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Rolled 86, 52, 50, 57 = 245 (4d100)

Ask if she's willing to take your younger kids on, at least for this project. Show them something other than fighting wins it. Writing.
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“Will do, however...” you start, the woman raising a brow as a thought comes to mind. With the universe turning as peaceful as it has, there isn't as much a need for warriors now. Having your children able to fight is something they'll need to keep themselves free, but having something else they can do could be necessary. Chaya with her Dreadzone business, Broly off being a captain, Chilli as guardian of the Crimson Demon Village and ruler of his world, your older kids have all found their places in the universe. Maybe branching out a bit will be good for your younger ones. “Need a few extra hands?”

“Sorry General, but you're too strong. Won't be able to handle the materials without shattering them.” she tells you, not understanding what you mean. Seems your reputation of helping precedes you, even moreso than the threat you'd made to the planet.
“I didn't mean mine. I was wondering if, at least for this job, you'd be willing to take on my younger children?” you ask, Roccoli raising a brow at your question. “Will be good training for them in controlling their power, and who knows? One or two of them may want to take on more projects with you. They can follow orders, just tell them what to do and they will.”
“How many?” she asks, you taking a moment to telepathically reach out to the four of them, calling your youngest all out to start training before answering her question.
“My four youngest. Maz, Kayle, Okira, and Karn Jr.” you tell her, watching her face. You see her brow furrow a bit more before stepping forward, lowering her tone as she whispers to you.

“What are you playing at, Karn?” she asks, voice low and dangerous. “After your threat to everyone, you want me to be responsible for four of them? You trying to get one of my crew killed or something?”
“I just want them to get a day's work in. You have my permission to keep them in line should any of them get rowdy, just no maiming or permanent injuries.” you tell her, trying to assuage her worries. “They're good kids, shouldn't cause you any trouble. If they do, let me know and I'll handle them.”
“Hmph, I see.” she says, taking a step back and looking you over. You can almost see her perception of you shifting. “Well, I'll give 'em a shot.”

At this you hear the loading ramp of your home begin to descend, you both turning to see the four of your youngest children running down. Only to slow their run as they see Roccoli's and her team.

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“Dad? What's going on?” Maz asks, the four of them coming to a stop by you. “Are they the construction crew to start the city work?”
“That's us. Name's Roccoli.” the woman says, looking over the four of your children. But stops as she sees Jr's hair, raising a brow. But she doesn't comment on it, continuing to address them. “So, you're the new hires?”
“Hires? Wait, is this today's training?” Okira asks you, the most well-read of your younger children already realizing what your plan was. “You're going to have us help build the city?”

“That's the plan. Today the four of you will listen to Roccoli here, take your orders from her and do what she says. Construction's hard work, and I expect you four to work hard. Any questions?” you ask them, your four looking between each other a few moments. Until Jr raises his hand, you addressing him. “Yes, Junior?”
“Do we really get to help build the city?” he asks, eyes sparkling with excitement. Seems he's very eager to get started. “Really?!”
“Of course. All of you do what she says, and don't break anything you're not ordered to. And do your best.” you tell them, turning to Roccoli. “Need anything, give me a call.”

“Alright, enough standing around. Let's get to work!” Roccoli calls out, her crew going into action. “You four kids, with me. Let's see what you four can do.”

You leave the four youngest under Roccoli's supervision, allowing them to help in building the city in which they'd live. After the first day, tired and sweating but all with proud smiles on their faces as you'd returned, the ground work had been completed. Much of the area was dug out, large tanks installed beneath some buildings and pipes running towards different things that you don't understand. But as you'd returned, the four of them going back into your home to wash up and prepare to eat, Roccoli'd approached you, a serious expression on her face.

“So, how'd they do?” you'd asked, only for the woman to give you a small grin.
“Those lil brats of yours are quite somethin', General.” she says, dusting her hands off on her thighs. “Mind loaning them to me again? Could use the four of 'em to finish this city project out a few days ahead of schedule.”

Well? How do you respond to this?
>Absolutely, it's a deal
>Thank her for the opening, tell her you'll talk with them tonight and let her know in the morning what you've decided
>Tell her you appreciate it but for now they need to focus more on training
>Other(write in)
Tremble in fear at my mighty mspaint skills!
>“Do we really get to help build the city?” he asks, eyes sparkling with excitement. Seems he's very eager to get started. “Really?!”
Note to self, get that kid some indestructible Legos.
>>Thank her for the opening, tell her you'll talk with them tonight and let her know in the morning what you've decided
At the end of the day, it's up to them.
>Absolutely, it's a deal
>Thank her for the opening, tell her you'll talk with them tonight and let her know in the morning what you've decided
What's the average power level on Roccoli's regular crew anyways?
>>Thank her for the opening, tell her you'll talk with them tonight and let her know in the morning what you've decided
>Tremble in fear at my mighty mspaint skills!
Nice smile.
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Rolled 7, 97, 98 = 202 (3d100)

Both of Roccoli's faces are edits, taking the knife out was a pain this morning. But glad you appreciate it. Anyways:
Thank her for the opening, tell her you'll talk with them tonight and let her know in the morning what you've decided wins it. A good answer, one that will let you see who is interested and who isn't, writing.
>7, 97, 98
Seems that one of them doesn't enjoy the work. But who?
>Both of Roccoli's faces are edits, taking the knife out was a pain this morning.
At first I thought you found this picture >>6138913 on the Internet, and in ms paint you just turned her smile upside down. But knowing that you removed the knife, I appreciate it more.

>Seems that one of them doesn't enjoy the work. But who?
There are Maz, Kayle, Okira, and Karn Jr, but there are only 3 rolls. Perhaps Karn Jr enjoys it so much no roll is needed for him.
>he asks, eyes sparkling with excitement. Seems he's very eager to get started.
I think there is no dice roll for Jr.
okira mad she cant mold reality to build the city because doing it like that isnt up to code, even if she includes a stipulation to make it up to code
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“Appreciate the offer. I'll talk with them over supper tonight, see what they all think.” you tell her, knowing that, from the faces you saw, you're sure at least one will want to continue helping. “And whoever wants to keep at it will be free to.”
“You know, you're a bit different than the rumors would have suggested.” she replies, nodding once before turning, walking back to her crew. “Until tomorrow.”

For a moment you consider inviting them all in to eat, but seems they've already gotten a fire pit going, roasting a rather large beast you don't recognize on a spit. So you head inside after your own long day of training, heading to the mess hall and sitting down to eat. Your youngest four join a moment later, Tatsu and Tomi along with your wife a bit after them as you all begin to eat.

“So, how was it?” you ask, not needing to specify. Junior immediately answers through a mouthful of food, muffling his voice. Causing you to chuckle a bit before gently reprimanding him. “Eat. Then answer.”
“Mmmmhmmph!” he replies, going back to his meal. Finishing his bite he then speaks up, clearly excited. “It was great! We got to dig out the foundations, got to lay the water and sewage pipes, preparing the ground for the 'crete foundations, it was amazing!”

However, his expression then falls a bit, slumping a bit in his seat. Clearly thinking this a one-time ordeal. Holding in your news, you then turn to Okira beside him, who also, to your surprise, seems rather content.

“I actually rather enjoyed myself as well.” she says, feeding a bite to Imagine Dragon before continuing. “And Boss Roccoli said that my Imagine Dragon was the best assistant she's ever had after we fixed that one mistake.”
“It was an accident!” Maz shouts with more than a little heat, clearly agitated with what happened. Silence echoes after his declaration, everyone who wasn't with the building team looking to him questioningly. He sees you all looking, getting even more defensive. “What?”
“What happened?” you ask him, Maz sighing and slumping a bit in his seat. Clearly not happy, but after a moment begins speaking.

“I broke one of the pipes. One of the big ones that'll run beneath the main road.” he says with a defeated sigh, looking down. “Roccoli said not to take it alone but to move it with a team, I said I could carry it by myself, like a stupid. Picked it up by the middle, but the weak pipe snapped right in two when I lifted it up!”

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“Yeah, the construction stuff are surprisingly soft.” Kayle adds in. “She had us picking up stuff until we didn't break them before we were allowed to move stuff and not just dig out the areas. After that one Maz was only allowed to dig and carry over the shipping crates of materials from the other city, since they're more durable.”
“The containers are made tough so that if something happens to the ship and it depressurizes, the containers will still remain sealed and protect the cargo.” Okira adds, surprising you she knows so much. You shouldn't be surprised, yet her depth of knowledge does still startle you from time to time. “They're much more durable and harder to break.”
“Stupid fragile pipes. Why aren't THEY made out of what the containers are?” Maz complains, crossing his arms in annoyance. “Wouldn't have broken then.”

Well, it would seem that MOST of your children enjoyed their time building the new city. And know without a doubt the majority would enjoy going back and continuing the job, at least until it's done.

But what do you do?
>Tell them all that, at Roccoli's request, they're going to continue their training under her, at least until the city's built. Maz may be upset, but this is exactly why this is training. Following orders is an important part of being a good soldier as well, and his own arrogance nearly cost them
>Let them know that everyone who wants to keep working on the city will be allowed to, Roccoli's allowing them all to come back and see who wants to keep going
>Ask them one by one if they want to continue, and those who do tell them they can. If anyone doesn't, you'll have to think of some other training for them in the interim
>Other(write in)
>>Ask them one by one if they want to continue, and those who do tell them they can. If anyone doesn't, you'll have to think of some other training for them in the interim
You think he might have had an easier time carrying it with telekinesis?
>>Tell them all that, at Roccoli's request, they're going to continue their training under her, at least until the city's built. Maz may be upset, but this is exactly why this is training. Following orders is an important part of being a good soldier as well, and his own arrogance nearly cost them
it pays off i think
>Picked it up by the middle, but the weak pipe snapped right in two when I lifted it up!”
That ain't a weak pipe kiddo, that's material science and physics. The stress point being in the middle just increases the amount of tension it's under, combine that with the acceleration from being lifted and snap city. He'll learn. Or not.
Possibly. If he carried the entire thing, and didn't just try to hold it in one spot. But he's upset because he thought he knew better and was proven irrevocably wrong in front of everyone. He's still a younger kid and that was the most embarrassing thing he's ever had happen to him.
>that was the most embarrassing thing he's ever had happen to him so far
But jokes aside, I'm sure he'll look back on this one day and laugh.
>Tell them all that, at Roccoli's request, they're going to continue their training under her, at least until the city's built. Maz may be upset, but this is exactly why this is training. Following orders is an important part of being a good soldier as well, and his own arrogance nearly cost them
Tell them all that, at Roccoli's request, they're going to continue their training under her, at least until the city's built. Maz may be upset, but this is exactly why this is training. Following orders is an important part of being a good soldier as well, and his own arrogance nearly cost them wins it. Well, let's see how the dadding goes, roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: ??
Rolled 39, 83 = 122 (2d100)

Rolled 60, 11 = 71 (2d100)

Maz may be embarassed now, but I think once he realizes Roccoli doesn't care and would still appreciate his help, he'll get over it.
Rolled 20, 92 = 112 (2d100)

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60/100, 92/100. Success and very high mystery, writing.
“Well then, I've got good news for you all.” you say, your children's gazes all snapping towards you. “I was talking to Roccoli after you all finished up today. And, at her request, you all are going to continue your training under her. Working to build this city until it is complete.”
“WHAT?!” Maz shouts, tone furious but his anger is drowned out almost immediately.
“YAAAAAAAAAAY!” Jurior bellows, throwing both hands up in the air excitedly. Even Kayle and Okira seem excited too, though their reactions are far more subdued. Immediately, seeing the others' reactions Maz grumbles, crossing his arms and slumping further in his seat. “Is it true? Really really?”

“Really.” you tell him, turning your focus to Maz. Who doesn't meet your gaze at first, but after several seconds raises his gaze to yours. Sensing you looking at him, he doesn't seem happy. “Until the city's done, your help has been asked for.”
“Wait, me?” he asks you, looking genuinely surprised. To which you nod.
“Of course, she wants all four of you back.” you tell him seriously. “She did say all of you.”
“See? I told you it wasn't that big a deal!” Kayle says, slapping her twin on the shoulder with a laugh. “C'mon, 'pipe guy'! Chin up!”

Maz grumbles at the nickname, you immediately understanding why he was in such a bad mood as the other two parrot the name. Which brings you back to your own youth, when things like this would happen. Leyas was called rock teeth for weeks, you remember seeing similar looks on his face like Maz currently has. He may be annoyed and embarrassed now, but in time he'll grow to miss these times. You just hope that you can keep these days peaceful like this, with no world-ending threats or vicious beings with a vendetta against your own race.

After the meal that night and each night after you would shower the day's training off, getting to bed earlier and earlier until after a few weeks your schedule was fully shifted. Moving back the time until you'd wake up with the sun, sneaking out of your ship in the early morning to watch the sun rise over the ocean. It may not be the sunsets over the sea you'd watch with your old man, half a world away. But as you watch the sun rise, you feel this is the start of something different. Something new. The beginning of a new chapter in your life, the dawn of a new age. Turning from the rising sun, you turn into the future, ready for the challenges this new chapter of your life will bring.


-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 228 End-
And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy this episode? Ready to start putting together your new daily schedule, what you'll train when and possibly with who? Curious to watch the young ones' progress helping build this city, and to see what your older children are up to? Are you also wondering if Maza will want to take a hands-on approach to helping your city run, or if he'll remain resolute on leaving to go establish his own domain? Ready to see Meloka Wolbach and Kazuburo's reactions when they see your new home for the first time, not to mention Chilli and Broly? And speaking of, are you excited for the second Saiyan-Tamaranean halfling to come along, and do you think Turles will move to your city as well? So much to get to and so little time, we'll have to wait and see what happens next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!
Speaking of Chilli....
Epilogue, I promise. May have two epilogues this coming week, if an artist pulls through. Took a $30 gamble, let's see if it pays off.
>And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy this episode?
I did.
>Ready to start putting together your new daily schedule, what you'll train when and possibly with who?
Yes, looking forward to it.
>Curious to watch the young ones' progress helping build this city, and to see what your older children are up to?
Yes very much.
>Are you also wondering if Maza will want to take a hands-on approach to helping your city run, or if he'll remain resolute on leaving to go establish his own domain?
I'm was waiting to find out his reaction since the idea of new city became known. I also wait to find out what Koruza and Milha think about all of this.
>Ready to see Meloka Wolbach and Kazuburo's reactions when they see your new home for the first time, not to mention Chilli and Broly?
Of course.
>And speaking of, are you excited for the second Saiyan-Tamaranean halfling to come along,
Girl? Boy?Twins?
>and do you think Turles will move to your city as well?
This would be nice.
Glad you enjoyed. The half-demon children's reactions may be unexpected, in a good way.
On first time parents? Could they handle that many? Is Kori expecting even more than that?
Which of Karn's friends decided to move and if so or not their reasons may be telling
I don't know if this is canon or not, but don't Tamaraneans have like 9 stomachs or something? Who's to say they only have one uterus?
I dunno if mainline canon but have heard that specific one about stomachs before. Which explains why they can keep pace with Saiyan dining habits.
>and do you think Turles will move to your city as well?
Depends on how much he's been hanging out with Bardock. I still feel really bad about all that by the way, we gotta find an excuse to touch base about that one of these days.
Speaking of, he’s not back from his visit to Raditz’ new planet yet. Wonder if everything’s going well over there…
Hey GD, stupid question, but which of our kids are proficient with Hamon?
Also, is Karn aware of the long term benefits of consistent Hamon usage after mastery? Or did the late Guardian and Raven neglect to tell him about that?
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Finally finished the archives and I gotta say I love this quest and am pleasantly surprised that you're still at it. Shit's longer than War and Peace, which is just how I like my fiction, and you've done a good job welding a bunch of disparate canons together without sacrificing fidelity.
Broly. Tatsu and Tomi as well, they discovered how much more effective two bodies are than one in perfect sync back before Dumplin happened. But no one really has a need for it currently. Saiyan lifespans already spend the majority of their time in physical prime.
Welcome in, glad you've enjoyed the ride so far. Before the reveal of why the universe is so fucked up, I had to really struggle keeping that secret. But now that you're here, what'ee some of the highs and lows that stood out to you? Always enjoy getting fresh perspectives on SCQ
>what'ee some of the highs and lows that stood out to you?
Lots of stuff, but the one that always sticks out to me is Guldo tricking Babidi with a marker.
It was such a hilariously mundane way of defeating him, but one that fit well with their personalities. Of course he's not going to double check when the unappreciated fatty seems to fall under his spell, and Guldo is exactly the sort to try such a banal solution to a serious threat.
For the more dramatic stuff, I'd say the Siege of New Salda. Having a marathon where despite all the cool stuff you do and all the enemies you kill, everything still steadily goes to shit because you're just one guy against a planetary invasion fleet. It drove home how Karn does have limits and how no matter how strong he is personally he's going to need to rely on other people at some point against enemies that can shrug off millions of casualties as a mild dent in their forces.
More generally, I'll repeat what I said about the fidelity to the various canons and getting them all to mesh together plausibly. Ubo being a Kryptonian, Aku being a fragment of the Dark, Kars deciding to get on the Kai train because power, it's all handled quite plausibly, which is remarkable considering just how much stuff has been introduced so far. Everybody (and every faction) reacts to everything else as they personally would rather than how the plot demands, and the value of that to a good narrative can't be overstated.

The mess with Chaya and Future Chaya. The problem wasn't giving her a bad outcome, it's that said outcome hinged on a pivotal event that happened offscreen that the players had only one chance to do damage control about, but without any hints that something so serious had happened in the first place. Naturally, the players felt cheated out of something they had put major effort toward fixing, because what happened was only a few steps removed from DM fiat. That said, I think the recovery went pretty well, and that part of Chaya's arc ended rather gracefully.
Sorry if you figured all that out a long time ago, it just stands out as the one part of the quest that I had a major issue with.
My most Toriyama moment I've ever had, that was so much fun. The Siege was something else, damn near drove me crazy keeping all those moving pieces in line.
>Everybody (and every faction) reacts to everything else as they personally would rather than how the plot demands
This is what I personally think too many people miss, especially modern screenwriters. Keep your characters consistent, even if they're growing and changing. Moments of decisions good and bad have to make sense from their own perspective, to fulfill their own goals.
A lot of people didn't like that along with you, didn't like having no control over the situation and minimal imput on the outcome despite efforts to fix things. But I enjoy hearing even the furious perspectives at the time, it means that you somewhat feel how the character should in those moments. Like the Ubo mystery box I pulled way back.
Epilogue I of II dropping tomorrow morning, I know a lot of you have been waiting for Chilli's return. Going to be a two parter, since it's such a long one.
I think now would be a great time for a uniform vote. Surely our fit can use an update?
I vote for the most deviantart OC saiyan outfit possible. Something with chains and a leather jacket.
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lol, even better;
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Yeah gimme a covenant energy shield and a belt to hold it. Nothing else.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 228 Epilogue-


“You failed. Not only failed, but lost your tome to that demigod. And now you're dying from your own Death Magic.” Jergal says to you, sounding genuinely disappointed. “Such a shame. I had high hopes for you.”
“Dying? No, I'm not dying. My sister will-!” you start to protest, but a glare from the hollow eyes of the Final Scribe silence the words in your throat.
“Even a god cannot heal Death. And you have a shard of your own Death Magic still within you.” he says, as suddenly a skeletal hand appears in the air, tapping you on your bare chest. At the point of contact you can feel it, there inside you. Less than an inch from your heart, you can feel it. Death, radiating from the shard of one of your crystal blades infused with it and slowly spreading. You can feel its influence spreading like a disease, killing you from within. “There is no saving you. Without the strength to awaken, you will waste away until Death takes you. Your time in the mortal realm is over.”

His words strike with such finality that, for a moment, you believe him. But then your anger surges, no way in hell are you going out like this! Not without a fight! There is still one way you can be brought back, a special failsafe you'd built into the very fabric of your home. And if your body is still there, then there is a chance.

“Maybe, but is my body still at my home?” you ask, catching the Final Scribe by surprise. Actually stopping his writing hand a moment, you caught him so unprepared for your question. Then, with a long, weary sigh, conjures that skeletal hand once more to continue his writing, reaching into his large desk and drawing out a scrying orb. Setting it and the cushion beneath it on his desk, he lazily raises a finger to it, causing an image to coalesce. Sure enough you recognize your bedroom, remodeled from the large open room it was originally to a smaller room, to also have the kids with their own rooms on the same floor. Laying in the bed, you see your wife holding your hand in both of her own, trying to keep her tears in.

“Please. Please, come back to me.” she says, you feeling your dying heart break at seeing how upset your wife is. But before you can focus on that, suddenly your daughter bursts into the room. Immediately she seems terrified, shouting.
“MOM! Something bad's coming! All the birds are flying south away from the evil, it's really scary!”
“Meloka Wolbach? Wha-?” your wife asks, expression growing deadly serious as she realizes what you already know: Velsharoon is coming to finish the job.
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You see your wife overcome with fear, her terror at realizing what's to come scaring your daughter. You struggle as hard as you can, trying to force yourself to awaken, but it's hopeless. Trapped in the void between life and death, unable to protect your family.

“That's not good.” Meloka says, her expression growing serious and resolute as she readies herself to face what's coming. Alone. “Stay with your father, I'm going to the roof.”
“But-!” your daughter shouts, only for your wife to go over to her, placing her finger on your daughter's lips.
“No. Now is not the time for arguing. If your father wakes up, you have to tell him immediately, understand?” your wife tells her, you releasing a huge sigh of relief. She remembers! “Tell him that I'm on the roof, and that- That I love him.”
“Mom?” your eldest asks, suddenly seeming equally confused and terrified. But your wife doesn't comfort her, taking up her cloak, staff and hat before heading out of your view, leaving you with just your daughter over your body.

“She remembered. Now I just have to hope it's enough.” you say, Jergal tilting his head slightly with an ominous creaking noise you interpret to mean he wants an explanation. “When anyone channels the power of the leylines through my tower, as long as I'm within it, it also sends a small surge of power into me. Enough to wake me up if I'm unconscious or otherwise incapacitated.”
“...So what?” Jergal asks you, not sounding impressed. “What will that do, waking? The more you exert yourself the faster you accelerate Death through your blood. You cannot survive your injury.”
“Sure I can. I just have to remove the source of the Death, right?” you ask, Jergal nodding ever-so shallowly. “Then I'm set. I just have to wake up, and I'll live.”

“But then what? You already lost my tome, not only that but gave my spells to the enemy.” Jergal says, you sensing a fury you've never felt from the ancient god before, an anger that reminds you of your father's own when he's lost to that Berserker God form. Angry and alien, with no compassion or recognition of you whatsoever, seeking only to destroy what it sees. “You have failed.”
“Give me just this one chance, Lord Jergal. If you do not bind my soul here while my body still has life, I'll not only get the tome back but kill that bastard this time.” you tell Jergal, meeting the deity's gaze. He seems unimpressed with your resolution. But, in the orb you see your daughter holding your hand, looking so desperate as she looks upon you. Pleading silently with her eyes for you to get up, to just GET! UP! And then, you feel it: Power.
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Raw, unfiltered power directly from the crossing leylines of one of the most magically-abundant planets you've ever visited swells within you, making you feel more alive than you have in days. Strength floods into your body, you meeting Jergal's gaze.

“Excuse me, my lord. I'll be right back.” you say, focusing all this strength inwards, drawing upon strength you didn't know you had. Forcing your dying body to move, to fight, to LIVE! Everything goes black, Lord Jergal's domain disappearing as everything becomes pain. Your entire body feels as if it's dying, which is fair considering it is. You give everything you've got, the power of the converging leylines thrumming in you to rise! But you lack that strength, settling instead for giving your daughter a sign. With all you've got you try clenching your fist, getting just a twitch. But with that twitch, you feel her sudden focus, your daughter shouting to you.

“Dad?!” your daughter asks, voice full of hope. “DADDY! You gotta get up, please! Something really bad is coming, we need you!”
“KRIIIIIIIIIIIIN!” something screeches shrilly, a moment later intense light is shined in your face. Causing you to wince, and as if by reflex draw your right over, shielding your face from the rays.
“DADDY!” Meloka Wolbach shouts, tears running down her face as she buries it in your chest. “I knew you'd wake up!”

“Hey. Mel-Kiddo. Wh-Where?” you manage to get out, every syllable a herculean effort. Who knew dying made living so difficult?
“Mom's outside on the roof, fighting the bad guys coming.” she says, pulling back to look you in the eyes before continuing. “I was going to school, when I saw all the birds flying south away. It didn't make any sense until Ifeltwhat they were running from.”

At this she hugs herself, rubbing her upper arms and you desire nothing more than the strength to hold her, to comfort your daughter and tell her everything's going to be okay. But you still don't have the power, your body still trying to keep living with everything it's got.

“Something bad is coming. Something really, really bad.” she says, once more meeting your gaze. Eyes wide with terror and fear, but also hope. And belief. Belief that, no matter what, her father can protect her. That YOU can save the day, can save her. “Can you stop it?”
“Of course. I'm your grandpa's son. I can't lose, not when someone threatens our home.” you tell her, adjusting to using so much power and focus simply on keeping your heart beating despite the Death spreading within you more by the second. With a grunt force yourself upright onto your hands, meeting her gaze. “Can you go get me my sword and staff?”
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“YES! I'll be right back!” she takes off with a shout rushing up to the next floor in a blink. Leaving you a few moments to force yourself up. But you just can't not without more power. And, almost as if on cue, your wife once more draws upon the tower, using it to channel those leylines' might into her for use in her Explosion spell. The power surges up into you as well, giving you the might you need to push yourself back to your feet. Just as soon as you're up, sighing out in exhaustion your daughter comes flying back to you, freezing in place as she looks awestruck up at you. And, for just a moment, feel a small smile start. Wondering how many times your own father felt the same way, overcoming what you all thought was impossible.

“Here!” she says, holding both sword and staff. With a silent nod take the sword in your right and staff in the left, giving her a small smile before taking a deep breath. No more time to recover, it's do or die. And you're not going anywhere.
“That's better. Now, let's go see what your mother's blowing up.” you say, trying to lighten your daughter's mood a bit.
“Come on, Modoriiromoukin!” she calls, a large crystal bird landing on her shoulders. Huh, guess the Raptite finally hatched. Slowly, your body still not fully recovered enough for strenuous effort like running yet you start walking to the stairs, feeling your wife gathering her power once more. Again the might of the convergent leylines is channeled within you, and each time you feel stronger. Less like a single breath away from dying, and more like you can really do this. But it's still slow going, by the time you get to the roof of your home up two floors your wife has fired a total of eight Explosions.

Emerging onto the roof you see she's exhausted as well; panting heavy and using her staff to keep her from falling over and collapsing in exhaustion. But, before you can say anything-

“MOM! MOM! LOOK!” your daughter shouts, Megumin turning worriedly towards your daughter. And when she sees you up and moving tears form in her eyes, trembling in exhaustion and relief.

Worriedly, your mother turns, but you see her eyes widen in shock as she sees your father there with you. Tears start forming in her eyes, your mother looking like she's about to cry.

“Hey hun. Sorry I'm late.” you apologize, Megumin's tough facade shattering as she breaks down. Dropping her staff she rushes over, hugging you to her as if she's afraid you'll disappear into the void if she releases her grip even a little. She sobs, an ugly sound as she lets out all the frustration and worry, the fear you would die and leave her and the kids. But you just hold her, not speaking a word. Saving your strength, until you feel it. That same aura you'd felt before: Velsharoon has come.
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Everyone on the roof freezes, you seeing Meloka Wolbach look to you worriedly.

“Thanks for doing your part, but take a break. I am here now.” you tell your wife, who pulls herself from you with a look of stunned astonishment.
“The hell you are, you're barely standing. Much less in any condition to fight.” your wife says protectively, clearly not wanting to lose you again. “We have to evacuate everyone, get our people to New-!”
“That won't be necessary. Just give me a moment, and I'll be ready.” you say, holding out your staff and sword to her. Which she takes, you sighing out and relaxing your body, transforming. Rejecting your mortal flesh and taking on the wholly magical form of the Archon. Then, before anyone else can react, draw your left hand up and drive it straight into your own chest!

“OH GODS NO!” your wife shouts in terror, dropping your weapons as your daughter cries out in confusion and terror. But you tune them out, reaching around inside yourself for the shard of Death, which itself didn't convert into mana with the rest of you. You find that piece of Death, it's power still radiating through you even in this form. With a tearing pull rip it free, drawing the tendrils of Death snaking through your body out with it. Immediately you drop the shard, your crystal clattering onto the ground at your feet. “Wait, what?” Is that-?”
“One of your crystals?” your daughter continues, you addressing them both in your most serious tone.
“Don't' touch it. That crystal was imbued with Death.” you tell them, your wife's face snapping up to your own immediately as she realizes what happened. “And now that it's gone, I can be fully healed. Megu, get the Blessing.”

“Of course.” your wife replies, rushing back downstairs to your room, where you keep one Divine Blessing. Courtesy of your sister, who gave each of her siblings one to keep somewhere safe for emergencies. While your wife does that you turn to your daughter, kneeling before her and placing your ephemeral hands on her shoulders.
“Everything's going to be fine now. Your Daddy's got this.” you tell her, watching in relief as your daughter's worries and fears melt away, replaced by the childlike belief that her father is invincible, that no bad person can beat him. And you hope it's true, rising and turning to face Jergal's rapidly-approaching army. If he came from the north, it means his soldiers trekked across the frozen tundra. An area inhospitable to most life, but where hardy ursine creatures as well as powerful dragons live. And as you watch, see a sight you remember from your youth, a nightmare made real.
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“Woah! Undead dragons!” your daughter shouts, sounding surprisingly happy upon seeing such harbingers of doom. Even being close to Velsharoon, with all the Negative energy he outputs simply by existing they're all far more powerful than 'normal' skeletal dragons, not to mention all his other minions which must measure in the tens of millions as their army approaches. But you're not backing down, this is YOUR home. And you're going to do whatever it takes to kill him.
“Chi, here!” your wife calls, panting in exhaustion as she makes it up the final steps, only to trip. “SHIII-!”

You try to move, but are still recovering and too weak to react. But your daughter isn't easily catching her mother as she twists, using her body to shield the bottle from the impact. Only for her impact to not happen, Meloka Wolbach easily catching her.

“Got you!” you daughter shouts, clearly enjoying helping when things are so tense. Fighting the pain still flowing in your veins, you still reach out, patting your daughter on the head and congratulating her.
“Good save kiddo.” you tell her, Meloka Wolbach looking up to you, beaming at your compliment. Helping her mother stand back up you sit down, and with a sigh power back down. And feel the pain of what you did, blood spraying from the now-gaping hole in your chest.
“Chilli, here!” your wife exclaims, kneeling as she unstoppers the bottle, pouring the divine elixir down your throat. The divine fire burns on the way down, that warmth spreading throughout your body. Setting fire to the deathly chill throughout your body, cleansing you of the Death that nearly took you. The fire purges your body, the heat dying down after a moment and leaving you feeling better than ever.

“That hit the spot.” you say, feeling stronger, SOUNDING stronger as you stand with ease. Cracking your neck, you turn to the two most beautiful women in your life, hugging your wife and daughter to you. “Thank you, both of you. Now, leave the rest to me. I will take care of this.”
“Go get'em Dad.” Meloka Wolbach says with a grin, her crystal bird cawing into the morning sky. Releasing them both you turn, calling your weapons to you once more. Moonlight in your right, staff in your left, blade growing out from it with just a whisper of power.
“Come back to me.” Megumin says, you glancing over your shoulder and nodding to your wife. And turning back, as the undead dragons fly closer, you begin drawing upon the leyline yourself. The entire tower thrums with power as you draw upon the world's might, leveling your staff at the nearest of them. This time you're going to kill this undead bastard, going to make your world safe for your family. No matter what it takes.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 228 Epilogue I End-
Chili, you do know that you can call reinforcements if the necromantic demigod is spanking your ass, right? Jergal's not going to think you're a weenie for asking Karn for help, he'd appreciate that you weren't taking dangerously unnecessary risks against one of his enemies.
That's the problem with this opponent in particular. He's a VERY powerful caster who can cast multiple spells similtaneousy. And Karn can't block two separate instant death spells with the Spell Breaker. If Karn goes, he would have certainly died. But Chilli has a plan. He's made his home unassailable, through some pretty unconventional means. Means no other spellcaster would EVER consider.
He can't ask karn for help, but he's got goddess caulifla, Goddess Chaya, and Sorceror Milha to rely on as well.
None of who are even resistant, much less immune to Death magic which Velsharoon now has. Caulifla and Chaya, as full blown Goddesses are super weak to it, the weapon to slay gods. Thanks to his failure. No, he can't risk any of his family paying for his mistake. But, like a real wizard has made plans for such a terrible possibility. He'll have to enact the failsafe. Step 1 of which is activating his barrier around the Crimson Demon Village itself, protecting it with Chaos from what he's about to do.
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>implying karn dying would save velsharoon from the GOD-SHATTERING ANGER karn would be feeling hearing that he actually did kill his child (even if he got better)

Oh and
>mfw chili actually did die for real for real
>mfw chili actually did die for real for real
Funny thing is he didn't. Got close, but his heart was still barely beating. Jergal THOUGHT he was dead, having Death inside him and actively killing him is usually guaranteed. But Jergal didn't know about the failsafe Chilli built into his home. Have faith in Chilli. After all, Velsharoon is walking straight into a trap designed to stop even Lord Jergal if the Future Chilli future had come to pass
This time Chilli gets the lair actions instead of Velsharoon.
>And Karn can't block two separate instant death spells

If dragon ball has taught us anything, it's that a big enough power level means you get to just ignore your enemy's dweeby little magic abilities. Just ask gumball vegito about the smackdown he laid on Buu. Oh, you stopped time Hit? Well did you consider that I'm strong as fuck and just don't care?
That's why Death magic is such a problem. You don't get saves, you can't power through with raw power and determination, you just die. Especially if you have methods to guarantee it, like Ainz' "The Goal of All Life is Death" class ability. The show doesn't do it justice, that man killed the grass and dirt, he even killed the very air with Cry of the Banshee's Death aoe and turned it all to dust. And he's not nearly as powerful as Jergal himself.
So what you're saying is we need to raise our power level even higher?
I feel like these abilities have one glaring weakness against Deathless entities such as Aberrations, though. Things that exist in or have been changed by areas outside the boundaries of the universe and are intrinsically incompatible with the concept of Death. Or, you know, anything that's legitimately Immortal with a capital I.
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Will Chaya feel better about the breakup once Raditz' hairline starts to recede even further?
What I'm saying is let Chilli handle magic wielders and you can handle the physical threats.
>and are intrinsically incompatible with the concept of Death
Very few beings are. Even gods as powerful as Beerus, as Dumplin, as Zen-Oh can be killed. Even the Angels are susceptible to Death.
>anything that's legitimately Immortal with a capital I.
Death magic works on immortals. Death magic is an Aspect divinity, meaning as long as mortals believe in death as a part of reality itself it has power. Like gravity, light and dark, creation, Destruction, etc. That's why the Reapers are so feared, bringing death to those who seek to escape its grasp.
Ha. We'll see what happens in Act II, Chaya may meet someone unexpectedly close to her, making her situation more...complicated
When I say capital I immortal, I mean "This nigga used the dragonballs" or even "This nigga used the SUPER dragonballs"
Which, you know, grants actual immortality in the form of no longer being capable of dying. The original definition that so many works of fiction have gotten wrong.
If something can die, it's mortal, if you go by the true definition.
As far as I know, the only way to become truly "immortal" is to gain total dominion over "death". Something you only get by becoming a God of the Death domain OR by coming from a higher plane of existence and just being able to bend reality (and by extension, death) effortlessly.
Yes. Zen-Oh didn't KILL Zamasu at the worst arc conclusion ever, as even he couldn't. But instead he unexisted him, the rest of the timeline was just collateral damage. But Death magic works differently than Erasure. It becomes a battle of Faith. Do more souls believe you immune to the concept of death than those who believe in death itself? No? Then you die, regardless. Concept, or Aspect divine powers function differently. They have the collective weight of reality itself backing them, and it takes very specific, precise countermeasures to beat. Usually another Death God's blessing.
Yea, but even fifth dimensional beings like you-know-who aren't even immune to Death. Becoming immortal to mortals and becoming immortal for deities are two entirely different tiers. But even Garlic Jr still lives.
I think true immortality means beyond the scope of life and death. Most "immortals" are still alive. A real genuine true immortal would not be alive or dead. Because they are not bound by concepts such as life or death. This is kind of hard to articulate or even grasp because, surprise, we're mortal. It's like asking someone to see a color that doesn't exist. You can imagine something like another color that does exist, but very few can actually imagine a color that truly does not exist. The same hangups happen when you try to imagine something truly immortal. We are limited by our own perceptions.

It's some real zen buddhist shit. Don't make no sense. Which is why on this episode of "shower thoughts with anon" I am shedding this mortal coil and becoming one with the karmic wheel.
Yes, which is again why Zen-Oh couldn't simply kill Zamasu. Despite all his power, Zen-Oh couldn't kill the Kai because Zamasu was truly immortal. To get rid of him he didn't kill him, just undid his entire existence. Which, to do that, Zen-Oh had to ERASE THE ENTIRE REALITY of that timeline. Mortality doesn't matter when you become not.

But for a Reaper of Jergal, it becomes a contest of Faith. Your faith and those who believe in you being immortal vs the faith in death itself to take anyone. Remember, gods don't play by the same rules as mortals. Especially not for Aspects, deities whose role play a pivotal part in reality itself functioning. Usually the Reapers are only dispatched for deities who're trying to become immortal, living past their time and refusing to die their natural deaths. Reapers kill the deathless, that's their job. At least the job of the oldest, most powerful Reapers. Too many immortals running around destroys the balance.
>performs open heart surgery on himself
Badass. Just like his father. But I really thought that Velsharoon got his ass kicked already, how did he come back and swipe the Death Magic tome?
I get that it isn't chump-tier Hogwarts magic, but it really blows having such a glaring weakspot in our build, and doubly so that it can make us a liability in a conflict like this. Is there anyone that conspired with Velsharoon that we can strangle for threatening our family?
>But I really thought that Velsharoon got his ass kicked already, how did he come back and swipe the Death Magic tome?
Chilli never actually fought Velsharoon himself, he only faced an avatar. And at the end of the last one, where Velsharoon orchestrated the thievery of his Crystal Stars, we don't see that battle. Only the aftermath, where he collapses in his home. Long story short there he fled, barely escaping with his life.
>Is there anyone that conspired with Velsharoon that we can strangle for threatening our family?
Most of the underlings he brought into his scheme are dead. Either by Chilli, Ainz, or Rimuru's hands(or stomach). If Chilli finds whoever SENT Velsharoon to this plane, to his world, however...
If Velsh' didn't outright kill whoever summoned him, that poor bastard is gonna wish he had when our boy gets his hands on him.
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With how you all are underestimating my boy, I have a feeling most of you aren’t ready for Thursday. He’s going to show just how powerful a PREPARED wizard is on his home turf. And how to use some of the powerful items he made with his father-in-law(and for a few even Kazuma)’s help. A bit of a leading question to think on, before we get to the actual fight. How do you stop a wizard who can cast their spells through being silenced and immobilized, not needing materials, gestures or even words?

If they’re still alive and not one of the tens of millions of undead he’s sending at Chilli. Or worse, already actively wishing for death.
Antimagic Field
>How do you stop a wizard who can cast their spells through being silenced and immobilized, not needing materials, gestures or even words?
By being a filthy blue-decker.
Well, you can't cast spells where magic doesn't exist...
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>How do you stop a wizard who can cast their spells through being silenced and immobilized, not needing materials, gestures or even words?
Ask Guldo to bully them. The marker is optional.
Such a thing can be counterspelled.
Back when I played it wasn't blue, but in mono-red Daretti.
A very good point.
>On first time parents? Could they handle that many? Is Kori expecting even more than that?
More than that? That's very interesting. If it turns out that Kori and Broly will have three perfect little girls it is going to be almost impossible for me not to call them Powerpuff Girls. Or Rowdyruff Boys it will be three boys.
>Which of Karn's friends decided to move and if so or not their reasons may be telling
I'm curious if Leyas and Sarada will be interested in living here.
>Speaking of, he’s not back from his visit to Raditz’ new planet yet. Wonder if everything’s going well over there…
Oh no. Somebody ambushed them.
>“That's not good.” Meloka says, her expression growing serious and resolute as she readies herself to face what's coming. Alone. “Stay with your father, I'm going to the roof.”
That should be Megumin here. Right?
>Worriedly, your mother turns, but you see her eyes widen in shock as she sees your father there with you. Tears start forming in her eyes, your mother looking like she's about to cry.
These 2 lines seems like they are suddenly from Meloka Wolbah's perspective.
>And you hope it's true, rising and turning to face Jergal's rapidly-approaching army.
It's Velsharoon's.
>this opponent in particular. He's a VERY powerful caster who can cast multiple spells similtaneousy.
That's impressive. I know it is probably incorrect to think about this in video game terms, but Velsharoon seems a very difficult enemy that will give Chilli lots of experience if he wins. Seems like the enemy where even 1 mistake is instant death.
>If Chilli finds whoever SENT Velsharoon to this plane, to his world, however...
Velsharoon seems like some final boss tier enemy, yet even he is just a pawn. It is worrisome, because it suggests that someone who sent him is even more dangerous. It makes me wonder if it is connected to those hidden factions from other timelines.
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>most deviantart OC saiyan outfit possible.
New outfits from DeviantArt have arrived.
Not always. There's actually a fair few items that generate Antimagic Field automatically. You can't counterspell items usually.
Also creatures with natural, always-active AMF. Such as Beholders.
>New outfits from DeviantArt have arrived.
I was gonna say "That's not DeviantArt, that's all AI slop!", but then I remembered that's about all you can find there nowadays.
That's what I get for not proofreading the post. Dammit, going to be rereading the five posts for part 2 I have so far after work before I start typing more. Good catches, and yes.
Well, Tamaraneans aren't known for twin births. But Saiyans clearly are far more so.
If/when Bardock returns, someone should check on him and everyone in that team. Just to be sure.
>but Velsharoon seems a very difficult enemy that will give Chilli lots of experience if he wins
Not incorrect at all, from Ainz' appraisal of Chilli's power. However, Velsharoon is ALSO Raid boss-tier. Although he is from this timeline, else during the first battle Chilli's demonic seal for his Supervillain power Towa gave him would have activated. So at least he isn't any more overpowered than he should be.
No. Only Caulifla gets the armor, and she makes it herself.
You say that like a being who had been around since 2nd edition doesn't have ancient ways around modern antimagic.
Glad I never swam those waters
>Glad I never swam those waters
Say what you will, but for a brief window of time, it was where most of the best illustrators on the internet gathered. "Was" being the operative word there, but you get my point.
Artstation seems the better site now - lots of professional concept artists - but even it is being inundated with shitty AI output at this point.
>Artstation seems the better site now - lots of professional concept artists - but even it is being inundated with shitty AI output at this point.
If all you want to do is look at pretty pictures, yes. I will say though that as an illustrator, ArtStation is pretty awful for actually generating a following, IE, an audience, since the people who actively use the sight are industry illustrators and industry hopefuls.
This is why most artists opted for something like Twitter instead. Or at least they did before the algorithm killed engagement across the board and Musk's policy's kneecapped the site's functionality, causing a slow migration towards BlueSky.
>You say that like a being who had been around since 2nd edition doesn't have ancient ways around modern antimagic.
You say that like Counterspell isn't some new fangled magic that existed in a TERRIBLE state in 3e (you had to prepare the exact same spell being used and recognize it being cast before you could counterspell it) and subsequently got drastically improved by 5e. Ancient Magic isn't always better, as we can see there. Sometimes developments in spellcraft can drastically improve things.
As well, Antimagic Field has been around since 2e, and itself has undergone some minor improvements in the form of an obscure combination with a globe of invulnerability to form Trebbe's Antimagic in order to protect from things both magical and mundane. It's actually believed that Trebbe himself was the founder of AMF to begin with, along with the lesser-known Anti-magic shell, the INCREDIBLY well-known Identify, a plethora of scrying magic, the ever-resourceful Globe of Invulnerability, and the Weird spell that's capable of killing entire crowds purely with illusions.

I lost track of my point there for a second with nerdery. Anyways, what's important is that antimagic field IS ancient magic. Netherese, too! It's hard to beat the developments of THE ancient magical empire Netheril.
Kind of proving my point there. He's been around long enough to watch magic itself develop over time, and knows all the ways it works and how to exploit it. After all, Velsharoon's ultimate goal is to achieve true immortality through any means necessary.
>After all, Velsharoon's ultimate goal is to achieve true immortality through any means necessary.
Don't wanna deal with Death? Just go somewhere Death doesn't exist.
No, not in the 'Death cannot reach me while I stay here in this one tiny place and have no power' immortality. But in true immortality, BEYOND the concept of living and dying itself as one anon put it. Not locking himself away for eternity in seclusion, never doing anything else. Velsharoon's quite the ambitions being, a mortal who rose to divinity.
My boy Trebbe could kick Velsharoon's ass! That so-called demigod thinks he knows magic, but he never even sat in on one of Karsus' lectures. OR aced his class on Metamagical Theory.
Or learned how to watch his step. Soon.
This part 2 is unironically 11 posts long. THIS is why I split the epilogue into two parts, will proofread each one before posting in the morning, around 8ish am EST.
I expect Jojo/HxH levels of strategy and subsequent explanation of events. Velsh is about to get brained on.
>tfw all the bony bastard needed to do was blow up the castle to death by lifting it off the ground and cooking it
Truly he never thought to use a hammer for such a big nail.
> HxH levels of strategy and subsequent explanation of events.
I’m not writing war and peace here, already had to fast-forward through literal HOURS of the battle to get to the good stuff. Velsharoon has a LOT of minions for Chilli to cut through.
When you’re saying hammer for nail all I can imagine is using Meteor Swarm like a space hammer, “How about the second meteor Chilli?” ass moment.
Sometimes the answer is simply apply more gun. Them smartypants usually forget that.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 228 Epilogue II-


“Dark Magic: Black Hole!!” you bellow, leveling your staff at the approaching horde of undead, skeletal dragons. Drawing upon the leyline confluence beneath you, drawing the natural mana up through the tower you made, you fire off your first attack. Creating a point of infinite darkness, a point of nigh-infinite gravity and Dark, it immediately begins drawing everything in. The dragons roar as their bodies are sucked down into that point, consuming two dozen in an instant and swallowing double that before your spell ends, leaving only the furthest to your left four still approaching.

“YEAH! You go Daddy!” your eldest, Meloka Wolbach exclaims as you sigh out, already feeling exhausted.
“Chi?” Megumin asks, going to you and placing a hand on your back. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah.” you reply with a sigh, despite the Divine Blessing fully restoring your body from the damage it took, you haven't rested since your first battle with that demigod. But tired or not, that monster and his army of undead are here now. And you have to stop them. “Just gotta pace myself.”

“Hey, Dad. How come you don't use that one corpse-exploding spell?” your daughter asks innocently, you wincing at the question. But as much as you don't want to tell her you failed, she must know the truth. And having bought your village a few minutes by taking down the nearest corpse dragons, you have time to tell her the truth. So, you turn to her, kneeling and setting your staff down, placing your left on her shoulder. “Daddy?”
“I lost it. The monster coming, he stole the Tome of Jergal from me.” you say, your wife gasping in shock as your daughter's eyes widen. “The demigod lich, Velsharoon. He nearly killed me. He's the one who left me in that condition, impaling me with one of my own Death Blades and breaking it off within me. And if I don't kill him, I won't get it back.”

Silence hangs in the air at your declaration, but you see your daughter's face change. Going from worried, to terrified, then to resolute. Little brows furrowed, lips pursed in the most serious expression you've ever seen on her face. And despite how serious she looks, your little girl is still the most adorable in the whole world.

“I'll help.” she declares, immediately turning and climbing up on the rampart to your surprise. You feel the tower thrum with power, your daughter drawing upon the converging leylines to empower her magic. “This one's for hurting my Daddy! Go back underground where you belong, stinky skeletons! EXPLOSION!!”
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Drawing upon the confluence of leylines' mana, your daughter unleashes the single-largest blast you've ever seen from her. The Explosion is nearly the size of her mother's own, fired off right in the middle of the remaining undead dragons. Reducing them to atoms, your daughter then swaying on her feet a moment before falling back. Lunging forward you catch her, keeping her from falling and cracking her head on the floor by dropping your weapon. Looking down, she has a dreamy smile on her face, a look quite reminiscent of her mother's own when using her full power.

“Wow. That was. Awesome.” Meloka Wolbach says, eyes focusing after a moment on you. “Did I...Get 'em?”
“You got all of them. Good job kiddo.” you tell her, her smile growing larger as she closes her eyes. “Go on and sleep, kiddo, I'll handle the rest.”
“Go... Get... 'em...” she says, yawning as she relaxes. Looking to your wife, she nods back, walking over and picking your already-sleeping daughter up in her arms.
“Are you sure about this?” she asks you, you nodding to her as you stand back up, taking up your arms once more. Seeing how resolute you are she still doesn't seem convinced, worried no doubt due to how close to death you'd gotten. “Can't you call your family for help? If anyone can help, we should-”

“No. I can't risk any of them.” you say immediately, shaking your head. “None of them have any magic defenses, not against Death. Not Chaya or Caulifla, not my mother, not even my father. No, I am the only one who can fight him now. If I can't stop him, no one can.”
“I believe in you.” your wife says, stepping forward and kissing you. For just a moment everything else vanishes, your world shrinking down to just you, your wife, and now-sleeping daughter between you. Then she pulls back going to the door. “Do your best hun, and make sure you come back to me. To us.”
“I will. No matter what, I promise.” you reply, tower thrumming as you tap into that power once more. Your wife, with a final look goes back inside, shutting it behind her. Sealing your home from outside influences, protecting them all from what is to come. Now it's just you and the undead horde, which means it's time for you to do what you must. But first you have to protect the village, and so you reach out to your apprentice, who has been trying to telepathically contact you.

“Master! What the HELL is that?!” your apprentice, Alimar Zorc calls out to you, his mind nearing a full-blown panic as he finally feels your mind connect with his own. “What in the nine hells is coming?”
“Velsharoon. The lich demigod, and he's here for me.” you reply, feeling him immediately channeling his power to come help through the link. “No. I need you to activate the village Barrier. This is going to get ugly.”
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“Crystal or Chaos?” he asks, the question hanging in the air between you a moment. You know he's trying to gauge the threat with this question, but have to answer honestly.
“Chaos. This thing's powerful, I'm going to have to use my trump cards.” you tell him, immediately feeling your apprentice's worry. He's the only other living being besides your wife to know anywhere close to the full extent of your defenses, having helped in crafting a few of them. “Possibly all of them.”

“I understand. Good luck, Master.” he replies, and before you can answer he ends the link. A moment later you feel it, glancing down towards the village you've sworn to protect and watch as it is engulfed in a rapidly-expanding dome of Chaos. The mixing Light and Dark completely consume the Crimson Demon Village, temporarily severing its ties to this reality entirely for the next eight hours. Now, no matter what happens in this battle, the Crimson Demon Clan will survive. Only one last piece to put into play.
“Milha. I need your help.” you think out to your half sister, the half-demon living in Axel with her girlfriend in the Dustiness family's manor. With her family home there and Darkness' team's manor in the same city, the two of them settled there and live not among the Crimson Demon Clan. Although they do visit quite often, Yunyun wishing to spend time in her childhood home as well, Kazuma's team chose not to settle here as well. Which, for your plan is a good thing. “I'm going to have to activate my fail safes, are you busy?”

“Chilli? What's going on?” she replies, you watching from your tower as an absolutely massive army of undead crest the hill. Millions of bodies pour over the ridge, overflowing with necromantic energy and storming down the valley towards the Crimson Demon Village. Or, rather, where it was. Seems the bastard was trying to attack them first to draw you out, as you'd expected. You fill your half-sister in on what's happening, feeling her worry then terror at what's coming. But even knowing the risk, still chooses to help. “What do you need?”
“Velsharoon is powerful. He's got more magic than you, me, and the entire Crimson Demon Clan have put together. I have to cut him off.” you tell her, outlining your plan. She listens, growing increasingly worried as you explain it to her.

“That's insane. Are you out of your mind?” she replies when you're done. “If this doesn't work-!”
“If it doesn't work, then take everyone you can and flee this world. He's got my tome.” you tell her, and silence hangs between you both as she immediately gets the implications. All the time she'd spent reading the spells in it before Towa's Lab had been connected with this reality means she now fully grasps the scale of how bad things are, and what's at stake. “Can you do it?”
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“Of course, just give me the signal. And... Good luck Chilli.” your sister replies, ending the mental link. You take a deep breath and sigh out, going over all the enchanted items and preparations you'd made just in case a deity had come for you. Although you'd expected it would be Jergal, had Future Chilli's fate happened to you as well, you'd secretly hoped you would never have to do this. But now that it's come to this, you're thankful that you had planned for just such a situation, drawing upon the leylines once more as you ready yourself to set the stage for your victory. Stepping once more up on the rampart, weapons down by your sides, you take another deep breath before unleashing the spell that could decide this entire battle.

“Crystal Magic: Paledrake's Lair!” you call out, raising your staff while firing your spell. From the base of your tower crystals grow along the ground and spread, crystallizing everything. Channeling the full power of the confluence, mana storming through your body like a firestorm as you channel it through your staff out into the world. You watch, vision flickering as the crystals expand down the mountain, reaching the Crimson Demon Village. Your crystals cannot cover the Chaos magic, instead growing around it as you channel more and more of the leylines' power. For over two minutes you keep channeling the magic, filling the entire valley with your Paledrake's Lair spell almost all the way to the ridge the undead are pouring over from until the strain becomes too great, pushing the limits of mana too far until something gives.

Luckily for you, the fail point isn't your weakened body, but the strain is too great for your staff to bear. Causing it to detonate two-thirds of the way up the haft, breaking your concentration and ending the spell. Collapsing back-first flat onto the roof behind you, you simply lay there a minute, catching your breath. You've never channeled so much power in so weak a state, the effort leaving you feeling physically exhausted. However, you feel magically recharged, the overabundance of mana still coursing through your veins. Amplifying your recovery, you taking around twenty breaths, slowing your heart rate back down before rising up to your feet to inspect the damage. Unfortunately, your staff is toast, you tossing the broken end back onto the roof behind you. Something to repair later, if you get a later. But it did its job, you looking down and seeing damn near the entire valley covered in your crystals. Perfect.
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“Heh. Counterspell THAT, asshole.” you mutter to yourself, knowing that the demigod will have a far greater time removing your Paledrake's Lair than countering it. Since his magic focuses more on necromancy, enchantment and conjuration than abjuration, your already-existing crystal constructs were far harder for him to deal with in the last battle. But now that the battlefield is set to your liking, it's time to start taking out the trash. You have to clear away his army, sweep away the rabble before Velsharoon will face you directly. And with your declaration, using your Paledrake's Lair once more, he now knows that you lived and will want to come finish the job. “Now, let's see how they handle this.”

Focusing on your spread crystals below, you shape a dozen crystal dragons' heads up from your crystal ground before the approaching horde. And with a roar the constructs unleashes their crystal breaths in unison, bathing the zombies in Crystallization. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of the zombies are crystallized within seconds, trapping them in place and forming a short wall of statues. One that forces the zombies behind them to shuffle through and climb over those trapped within the magical crystal to advance, but as they do they become crystallized as well. Drawing upon the power of the confluence these attacks don't draw upon your own power, but quickly halt the undead advance as your Crystallization spreads like a disease. Halting the first offensive in its tracks.

“Let's see what you do about this.” you mutter, waiting for Velsharoon's reaction. Which doesn't take long, as you sense a surge of his dark power. Then, to your surprise that same dark cloud rises up over the edge of the ridge, pouring out into the valley. You feel that dark power empowering the undead, strengthening them as it even seeps into your crystals. Corrupting them, turning them Dark. You have to stop that, else it could render your Paledrake's Lair worthless. You have to stop it, and now. “Light Magic: Sunwall!”

Drawing upon the powers beneath your feet once more, you fire down a beam of light directly from the sky, the light crashing down upon the edge of the ridge. The light banishes the Dark, reflecting and refracting through the crystals. Banishing the Dark that had started corrupting it, causing beams of light to fire out from it. Destroying hundreds of the undead, not making a noticeable difference in their numbers. Your beams of light continue raining down for several seconds, until with another dark power Velsharoon ends your light. But then you realize it wasn't Velsharoon himself who ended your attack, as thirteen powerful liches, even possibly demiliches crest the rise, all immediately turning their focus on your home. You can feel their hostility, their hate, their wrath directed directly at you and your home, watching them all raise their staves. Now the real battle is about to begin.
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Instead of facing them directly in a contest of magical power, however, you use the first of your trump cards. Most of your Crystal Stars were known, hanging low enough in the sky to be seen as a display of power. But one of your Stars were much further from the planet, far away in the upper atmosphere. Locked in geosynchronous orbit directly above your home, a watchful sentry protecting your home from just such threats. And one that you'd told no one about, not even your wife. As the liches all start raising their staves, forming their own Dark Hole above them to no doubt send at your tower in an attempt to kill you or at least destroy your ability to most efficiently channel the power of this world, you raise your free left hand to the sky, then point it at them in a shape of a gun.

“Bang.” you say, activating the defense. Far in the upper upper reaches of your planet's atmosphere, your Crystal Star fires a single shot. The single crystal reaches terminal velocity in a second, and right as the enemy casters are about to fire their spell, you see it. Streaking through the air like a crashlanding Kryptonian, your spear from the heavens descends, slamming into the crest of the rise where the liches are gathered. None of them even realize what is about to happen before your pillar slams into the ground, obliterating not only the Dark Hole, but the liches, and even the entire hill they had just crested. Bracing yourself, a second later the shock wave slams into you and your tower, the air knocking even you back a step. But you keep your footing, watching as the smoke slowly begins to clear. “Heh. Your move, asshole.”

And so the battle continues for the next three or so hours, Velsharoon throwing threat after threat at you. But you counter them all, wielding the mana of your world to slay the otherworldly monsters and fiends, devils and dragons and other beings he sends after you. But as the battle continues, your body starting to actually thrum and vibrate from the sheer amount of mana you've channeled through your body. And that's not the only change, you finding your awareness slowly expanding. At first your awareness was only the area within your Paledrake's Lair, but as the battle continues, your connection to this world's mana deepening, you become aware of more. On Rimuru's continent he and Ainz are battling to take control of the final Crystal Star under undead control at the site of your first near-fatal battle with the Lich Demigod, Velsharoon, not having brought your weapon he conquered here to your home. No doubt afraid you would have turned it against him once more.
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However, most importantly, you can now more accurately gauge Velsharoon's power. And even with the raw power of your world backing you, the gap in raw magical power is insane. Even if you, Ainz, and Rimuru all combined your mana pools, you STILL wouldn't have enough raw magical power to match him. No matter what you do, your magical power will never compare to him. Which is why you have to change the game, bait him in while he thinks he has the advantage.

“Time to start.” you say, placing your palm on the roof of your home. Activating the second piece of your plan, drawing up from the depths of your freezer beneath the planet the sphere you'd created. A sphere of absolute cold, drawing it from beneath your home and out into the plain just to the north of the village, right behind the line of Crystal Dragon heads you'd created. Immediately, once it rises out, ice begins to grow out across your crystal plane. Freezing everything around it, even the very around it how cold that thing is. The chilling sphere even freezes the mana itself in the air, rendering it unusable to any mage near it. Then you activate the tower's other defense measure, your defense grid.

Rays of energy shoot out from the ceiling of your tower, arcing lines reaching out from your home and strike the outer edges of your Paledrake's Lair. Forming a sphere of protection around your home, further dampening any mage's ability to draw upon mana. You continue summoning more of your magical creations, like the Thorn of Amethyst, Damping Sphere and Sphere of Resistance, objects that siphon away mana whenever anyone tries casting spells near them, as well as the Nether Void stone and even a pair of Lodestone Golems. Made of a special ore, one with natural mana-absorbing capabilities, these sentries draw away even more mana. Objects no sane mage would ever employ, as they weaken one's own casting ability as well as everyone else within range. But that's all part of the plan.

“Now to get him over here.” you mutter, sighing out in weariness. However, before you can start, see a large, flaming skull fly over the crest of the crater, flying relatively quickly directly towards your tower. You stop, curious what he's cooking up. But as it gets closer, you sense barely any power whatsoever from the skull. It flies directly to you, stopping just short of the range you would attack it at. The skull's mouth then opens, and the demigod's voice speaks from it.
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“You have done well, to get this far, Crystal Sage. I had thought you dead, but this is quite... Unexpected. However, I have grown to like your determination and power. And so, I will offer you a chance.” he says, surprising you. An offer? Really? After all this, he really thinks you'll join his side? “Submit to me. Surrender this world, and I shall grant you the immortality of lichdom, and the chance to find TRUE immortality at my side.”
“You really think I would fight this hard just to join you?” you retort with a scoff, and somehow the skull's bony brows furrow. “If you want my life, you're going to have to come and take it yourself. So how about you stop wasting everyone's time and come get me?”

Then, before he can respond you raise your staff, burning the last of your mana to fire a simple Sunbeam. Vaporizing the necromantic construct with Light magic, obliterating it completely. That's it, you're out of mana. But not out of options, kneeling down and picking up the shard of Death-infused crystal from where it had landed earlier. Then, gripping your blade and taking a deep breath, you roar, unleashing your energy and transforming.


Golden and green aura blazing, you ascend directly up into your Primal form. Power surges throughout your body, transforming you from a nearly-dead wizard to the peak of your Saiyan power, fatigue gone. Your ki, stamina, everything is restored as you take on the strongest power a Saiyan can achieve on their own. However, as you do, you feel something else. All the ki surging throughout your body isn't only your own. Through your heels, planted firmly on your home, you feel more energy surging into you. Billions of different ki, energy from all the living beings of this world are pouring into you as well, further strengthening your body and enhancing your power greater than it has ever been before.

Immediately you recognize this power from what you'd heard your father say, and it seems, thanks to this battle, that your planet has recognized YOU as it's champion. Further bolstering your confidence, causing you to smirk. However, as you do, suddenly you sense it. Velsharoon is coming. Turning your gaze back towards his power you see the demigod himself approaching, standing atop a massive undead dragon as it crawls across the ground. The dragon is MASSIVE, its head large enough to devour the entire Crimson Demon Village in a single bite before noticing it isn't a single skeleton. But a mass of skeletons, tens of millions of people's worth as the massive creature makes its way to your home.

“Alright, it's time. Are you ready Milha?” you ask, sensing your half-sister's attention suddenly snap from what she and Darkness had been doing to you.
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“Yes. Ten seconds.” she replies, and even scores of miles away you feel her power surge as she transforms. Rocketing towards not you, but to the hidden cave only those of your blood can enter, to activate the final piece of your trap. But you can't let Velsharoon think this is a trap, and so after a couple seconds you leap from your tower, aura blazing as you focus your energy into your blade. Moolight glows with power, you leaping forward directly towards the demigod. Looking all the world like a warrior trying to make a heroic last stand against a being too strong to defeat, but unable to surrender or retreat.

“HRRRAAAAAAAAA!!” you roar, unleashing your most ferocious war cry as you swing your blade. Firing a shining blade of moon energy down towards the demigod. But Velsharoon doesn't even seem concerned, raising a hand idly to counter your attack with his magic just before it hits. But when it doesn't work, you see the sudden panic in his eyes. And before he can react, your attack strikes true square in the back of the neck of the bone beast.


The blade of magical energy explodes, knocking the lich god down on his face and carving a decent chunk out of the spine of his supermassive skeleton dragon. Killing the creature, and causing it to begin collapsing. Bewildered, Velsharoon pushes himself up to his feet after the giant skull conglomerate lands and raises his free hand towards you, the other holding your tome and snarling the words you feared the most:

“Death Magic: Dust to Dust!” he calls defiantly, sounding confident in his victory. However, once again his spell doesn't work, Velsharoon looking completely stunned as his spell fizzles, barely more than a flicker of power in his palm. Only to see frost forming on his left hand, the ice crawling over his wrist and up his arm.

Realization dawning, you see him start trying to open a Gate, to magically teleport away from you and this situation. But, just as he tries it, your sister activates the spell. The absolutely massive Glyph of Warding you'd inscribed in the ground beneath the Crimson Demon Village's entire valley, the delicate crystal array spread beneath the ground and stored with one of the most powerful spells you'd learned from Ainz activates. A dome of shimmering emerald magical energy springs into existence, cutting off the entire valley from all means of magical travel. No Gate, no dimension hopping, not even the Time Patrol can get into or out of this space now, the only way in or out is through physically walking through it. The undead demigod's eyes snap to the barrier, recognizing what's happening with a look of panic on his face.

“That's right. This time, there's no escape!” you roar, dropping towards him. Time to end this, once and for all! “HRRRAAAAAA!!”
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With a roar you channel your ki into Moonlight once more, firing another blade of explosive magic at the undead. Who grits his teeth, channeling a surprising amount of magic just to create a simple shield. One that catches your attack, your projectile blade detonating on the shield and consuming it. However, the shock wave from the blast sends him crashing through the rapidly collapsing bone construct. Over and over you fire blasts from Moonlight, wave after wave slamming into Velsharoon's body and exploding, blowing more and more bones away from him as his body is battered through his construct and all the way to the ground below. Chasing him down as you fire your slashes, you then close the distance, driving your blade through his chest, pinning Velsharoon to the ground.

“This ends now!” you snarl, shoving the blade deeper, crossguard striking his ribs as you pin the demigod to the crystal-covered ground. But that's when he springs into action, swinging his right hand up at you. Grasping for your leg, shrouded in necromantic energy, if that hit you it could spell trouble. But as a Primal Saiyan, he doesn't even get close, you easily leaping back away from his hand. “Tch. Too slow.
“I won't fall here! Not to the likes of YOU, Reaper!” Velsharoon snarls, pointing his negative energy-clad hand at you as he shouts. “Finger of DEATH!”
“GYAAAAAAAAH!!” you cry out in pain as necromantic energy floods your body, the unbearable pain knocking you out of the air and sending you crashing to the ground. Curling up around yourself reflexively, the pain of feeling your body dying from within dropping you out of your transformation, reverting back to your base form. For several seconds you're unable to act, but then it's over. Gasping for breath, you roll onto your back, only to see the demigod has drawn your blade from his chest, now standing as he starts walking to you menacingly.

“How fitting. To be killed by your own blade twice. This time I shall ensure it is permanent.” Velsharoon says, clearly confident in his victory after dropping you. However, even through the pain, you'd managed to keep your left hand wrapped firmly around that shard of Death, all you need is one shot to put him down. “Farewell, Reaper. Your corpse will make a fine zombie.”

And as Velsharoon lifts your blade overhead, readying a killing blow, you act. Springing upright you dash in with all the speed and power you've got, driving that shard of Death-infused crystal sword blade directly into Velsharoon's skull.
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Immediately the corpse screams in agony, black smoke pouring from the wound as it recoils. Dropping your blade behind its back, both hands instinctively go to the injury. The point of your sword effortlessly pierces into the cracked crystals, the demigod trying to stagger back away from you only to trip over your sword, falling over it onto his back and clutching at his head.

“Gyuuuuuyaaah?!!” he shrieks in agony, rolling on the ground as you find your footing, standing back up to your full height. Chest heaving you watch as his entire skull is turned to dust, the body falling limp and unmoving as the rest is then slowly dusted as well. Only for a cloud of necromantic energy to rise from the corpse, taking the form of a skull blazing with emerald fire, while more 'normal' flames blaze in its eye sockets.
“FOOL! Did you think me bested?!” the demigod's avatar bellows, but you're already on the move. Reaching out with telekinesis you grab the ancient tome Velsharoon had stolen from you last time, drawing the book into your left hand. “That body was merely a vessel! You cannot kill me!”

“Then let's find out!” you declare, drawing upon the power of the ancient tome, Death magic flowing through you and giving you just enough mana to fire off one last spell. “Death Magic: Dust to Dust!”
“What? No! NOOOO!!” the spectral skull bellows as it begins disappearing as well. With an unholy shriek is takes to the sky, trying to outrun your spell but it's too late. With seconds the immaterial form is turned entirely to dust, leaving nothing behind. And just like that, he's gone. It's over.

“PHEEEEEW!” you sigh out in exhaustion, collapsing onto your hands and knees. As you do, trying to catch your breath you see the frost from your Winter Orb start climbing up your body, threatening to ice you over as well. With a weary sigh you push yourself upright, taking a deep breath then Ascending back into your Primal form once more. There's still a lot to do, like hunting his Phylactery down before he can regenerate so you don't have time to just laze around. Once all this mess is cleaned up, THEN you can rest. But first, you have to share the good news, reaching out telepathically to Megumin, to Meloka Wolbach, and to your half-sister Milha. “It's over. We won.”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 228 Epilogue II End-
Absolutely stunning work from the young man. He truly is a champion worthy of the name.
Now, to figure out if Velsh was stupid enough to have his phylactery built on this planet.
Why are immortals such rat fucks trying to squat in the land of the living? Is it because they know they're wasting their life but are too chickenshit to make a personal sacrifice to change it for the better?
He proved he not only has what it takes, but also WHAT it takes to earn that title. Demigods function differently than 'normal' liches, so Chilli won't be able to find it in the mortal plane. But Jergal was watching and waiting. With his own plan, should Chilli defy the odds and succeed.
Velsharoon came down because Chilli has been mowing through his disciples in the mortal realm. Not only on his planet, but across many worlds. Chilli became a problem that needed dealt with.
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Cauli's boyfriend is certainly a lucky man.
Raging jealousy vs cute out of 10, excellent.
Under 24 hours until the next chapter of Karn's life begins, ready to set the new training schedule?
Train your MIND just as much as your BODY. Karn will finally learn basic math. Hit the books while hitting the gym. If you can do a pushup, you can do a pushup while flipping a page. Or just listen to an audiobook!
The whole "training this at the same time as that" idea isn't bad if you don't care about compromising the results of either endeavor.
There's something to be said about the mind-muscle connection in regards to strength and conditioning training, as well as the discipline that type of constant focus on the movement will develop. Having an audiobook going might help you zone out and get through it, but you might be losing something in regards to overall effectiveness as a result.
You want the best results out of training, you need to be 100% focused on it specifcally.
>Although he is from this timeline, else during the first battle Chilli's demonic seal for his Supervillain power Towa gave him would have activated. So at least he isn't any more overpowered than he should be.
Yes, but you said:
>If Chilli finds whoever SENT Velsharoon to this plane, to his world, however...
I was thinking that maybe this somebody who send Velsharoon was not from this timeline.
Very interesting epilogue and very impressive fight from Chilli. How shocked is Velsharoon when it comes to the outcome of his battle with Chilli? Were other beings aside from Jergal watching this combat? Are the surprised by what Chilli did?
Great art.
>Under 24 hours until the next chapter of Karn's life begins, ready to set the new training schedule?
To elaborate more on this, I'm not opposed to Karn dipping his toes into more scholarly pursuits, but I'd rather not do it in such a way that gets in the way of our regular training.
Maybe Cold and Vegeta could just throw some recommended reading our way and we chip away at it when we have some free time.
Karn knows numbers, all PTO soldiers do. Powerlevel reading was key to knowing where you ranked, if you didn't recognize someone new on a post. Doesn't know say geometry or calculus, but enough of the basics to get by.
The downside of split trainings is halved results.
The emphasis on plane there was on purpose. Who would send the demogod of liches after the undead slayer? Who does Velsharoon serve?
Yes, he showed off not only his power and arsenal, but also his mind, his cunning and ability to plan. Utilizing a strategy no other wizard would dare employ, not unless they had a tremendous mana source worth at least a whole world. Velsharoon knew fighting a wizard in his own lair would be difficult, especially when he realized Chilli was 'fine' but wasn't aware of the Divine Blessing able to COMPLETELY heal Chilli from (most of) the effects of holding Death within his body.
>Were other beings aside from Jergal watching this combat?
Oh absolutely. Most deities, if not directly watching themselves, had eyes on both times Chilli fought Velsharoon. A KNOWN god killer and a god come to blows, everyone's watching. And yes, especially after his first loss. Most were more surprised he SURVIVED DEATH, something even they cannot do. Which may or may not have a genetic reason...
With all the NEW responsibilities Karn's going to have, free time will become a luxury. Between his massive family, his students, and now a city too, he'll have less personal time than ever.
Chilli knows Hamon right? I feel we should have a good ol TED talk on the usefullness of being able to heal whenever you need too.
Also full on territory changing is wild. Chilli is a certified madlad.
Rods of God. RODS OF GOD! And is Chilli slowly becoming his worlds Champion like his Dad?
Ayyyyye, he is our Son. Go get em. He got his own Siege of New Demon Clan Village...does Vox have cameras here?
THAT'S OUR MAN, go gank the respawn point!
Soooo, does this mean the boss is going to go bauble hunting like a yardsale scalper?
>I feel we should have a good ol TED talk on the usefullness of being able to heal whenever you need too.
Doesn't stop Death, he tried.
Well, he not only had a leyline to draw upon, but a confluence. His tower was built atop an intersection of several leylines, which are what he draws the power for his home from. Leylines are basically underground rivers of raw mana, usually element or attribute-specific. But drawing upon all that power gave him quite the boost. Similar to Karn using Karn Jr's power right before the Battle of Conton City to spread his power amongst so many others.
Yes. He's had these for a while, but figured keeping the Crystal Stars VISIBLE from the ground was a better deterrent and threat projection than fear of the unknown. So many world leaders watching the destruction of the Demon King's well known supposedly indestructible barrier was enough of a statement. Also:
No. In this battle he fully BECAME the Champion of his world. Just as Karn did against the Covenant.
This isn't the first battle for his village he's won, and wouldn't have been the first he won single-handedly without the villagers even knowing. And no, Chilli refused. He didn't want his private life on camera, had enough of that during the Hive War he and his siblings went on.
While HE can't stop Velsharoon far and away in the divine realm, Jergal has many other Reapers. The oldest and strongest of which would recognize Caulifla's Darkmoon power.
Okay, so is this fucker gonna act up and try to jump her?
I also remember the punished Chilli timeline where they dropped the Blessing. Glad to see our grandbaby save the day.
>Utilizing a strategy no other wizard would dare employ,
No other wizard is as Jacked as a Saiyan. Brute force and an enchanted item is a wonderful catch all solution to full on anti magic areas.
>And yes, especially after his first loss. Most were more surprised he SURVIVED DEATH, something even they cannot do. Which may or may not have a genetic reason...
They better not try to stud him for those sweet sweet anti death Gains. Those genes are for Megumin Exclusively.
Why would they? Reapers go after beings who’re trying to escape Death, either through immortality or other means. Ascending to godhood however is a fully legitimate method to extend one’s life.
True, few wizards without backup would ever attempt to cancel spellcasting. Save for those who know the Vow of Silence from ancient times.
What he has is something they cannot replicate in this iteration of reality.
No, he himself was killed by an undead champion long, long ago. But he did have his own Reapers, although in those days they had a different name and a more… Active role in delivering Death.
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A deep roiling disgust is welling up in me as the aftertaste sets in. I regret even pirating that garbage.
You're looking at maybe a 5% decrease in efficiency at MOST (and that's pushing it) by listening to an audiobook while working out. Certainly not a 50% decrease just because you're training your mind at the same time as your body.
>he doesn't understand the mindset
Look, I'm not gonna belabor the point, but I'm firmly of the opinion that time spent training should be done as laser focused as possible.
Yeah I think they call that autism.
I do not think it is possible to call autism. It does not have a phone.
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Why I didn't even watch, sad. But, as we all know...
Depends on the training and the complexity of what you're listening to. But generally Karn's trainings are either very intense or are heavy meditation, requiring absolute focus to reign in the Berserker Soul.
It begins! >>6142505

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