Ionia, a land of unspoiled beauty and tranquillity. The First Lands are not a single continent, but a vast archipelago of many great islands. Here, the barrier between the physical realm and the world of the spirits is thin. The people who dwell here do not plunder the land for all of its wealth, in an effort to satisfy their greed. Instead, the inhabitants of Ionia bend to the will of nature and make humble requests of it in return. They do not build their own houses, they petition the spirits of great trees to grow in such a way that they might shelter their families. They do not quarry for stone or mine for metal, instead they only take that which the land is willing to provide to them. By living in harmony with Ionia and the spirits that rule over it, the Ionians lead peaceful and prosperous lives, devoid of senseless violence and vice, free to pursue enlightenment and true mastery of themselves.Deva'le is a humble village, one of many that exist along the length of the great river of Navori, that flows through the province from the mountains in the north to the ocean to the south. The settlement rests in a lush and fertile valley, between towering hills that reach for the heavens, great crags that were sundered by an ancient conflict. Here, a hundred families enjoy the bounty provided by a tributary of the great river, and live truly tranquil lives. As long as they live in harmony with the spirits of the land, they shall never know suffering. This is what they believe with all of their hearts, as do most other Ionians.You are Nayen, a young man born and raised in Deva'le. You know almost nothing of life outside of the valley that the village calls home, and truly nothing about the wider world beyond the shores of Ionia. Yet out of all of the boys of your generation, you are the one of the few who possessed potential. The village elders identified your talents while you were still young and sought to train you, so that you might best serve your people and the myriad spirits of Ionia.Now that you are of age, what have you become?>A wind-weaver. You have been taught the graceful dances that please the spirits of the wind and allow you to bend the weather to your will, to bless your village with clear skies during the day and nourishing rain during the night.>A beast-speaker. You have achieved a oneness with the animals that call Ionia home. You are able to commune with them and earn their favour, to master them in a fashion that does not anger the patron spirits of these beasts.>A steel-shaper. You have studied the five elements and the bonds between them. By honouring these fundamental forces, you are able to forge truly marvellous tools that will stand the test of time and serve your people well.>A mischief-maker. You shunned your teachers and have no reverence for the spirits. You do not have the favour of Ionia, nor do you have any mystical abilities, but you are free, unbound by the dogma that shackles most Ionians.
>>6171404>You will obey. You will allow this metalworker of hers to teach you and you will delegate various tasks to the assistants that shall be assigned to you. You don't wish to upset the assessor with any sort of disobedience.
>>6171403>You will obey. You will allow this metalworker of hers to teach you and you will delegate various tasks to the assistants that shall be assigned to you. You don't wish to upset the assessor with any sort of disobedience.>Spend your nights studying the titan's sword and see if you apply any lessons that you learn from it to your creations. Try to copy the runes, see if you can replicate the steel – you are eager to impress the assessor.Can't we just do both? Get taught and work during the day, and learn about the runes during the night?
>>6171404>By day you will learn from Gloroteia's metalworker and train assistants as she demands, but under the moonlight you will study the titan's sword and learn its lessons in secret. Although you are forced to arm Noxian soldiers, the wisdom of the ancients shall not fall into barbarian hands.What >>6172194 wants, with the explicit proviso that we keep the sword a secret from the Noxians.
>>6172402Yeah definitely this.
Qm please come back... Don't be a fag like the other 3 quest that anons started and out of nowhere stopped updating, I was really happy there was a Runeterra quest
The Void is infinite. It is perfect Entropy, bringing an end to all eventualities.Chaos and Order, Time and Space, Life and Death. All are extinguished.Inside its vastness, there's no possibility of anything existing. Yet...Sometimes, something does.A new bubble has emerged. In its paradoxical, protective shell, a new reality is taking shape. You are one of its shapers. Most would call you a god and most would be correct. The power to create or destroy is yours to use as you see fit. Just remember, the bubble is more fragile than it seems, and for all of your differences, you and your fellow gods are an existential family.>God Sheet>Name: Your chosen identity. This can be anything, including a title or nothing, but nicknames from others are likely.>Visage: Your chosen physical form. This has no effect besides first impressions.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Is GodScribe alright?
Scribblin' ain't easy.
>>6191944>>6192045(He's fine. I know 2 days ago he got an outage. We should be getting an update tomorrow I think.)
I've had a lot going on recently. Mostly helping my younger brother with setting up his homeschooled girlfriend's first (surprise) birthday party and work. I apologize for the delays and fradulence in >>6188507, I was distracted and lost track of time. I'll try to get the update in by or on this upcoming Sunday. Thank you for playing, you guys are great.
>>6195760(Cool! I honestly thought it was dead. Might want to consider making a new thread for the update and linking it here, this one probably won't survive another round.)
INSTRUCTIONS:Select a name, color, and location to start playingtype "dice+1d9999" to roll the dice for your number of attacks or defensesYou Will receive a BONUS for every PROVENCE you completely occupy>inb4Unlimited Water Travel is allowed
>>6179433the more things change the more they stay the same.This is just like how the EA game ended I think this board has RISK-fatigue because of the Straya campaign.I will refrain and I encourage everyone to refrain from opening a new RISK game until May.
>>6179625Was looking forward to joining an America map as the Oil Throne and coming for revenge.
>>6179634I might bring back USA RISK this summer.Maybe it'll become a Summerly /qst/ tradition
Quebec, à bientôt!GG everyone.>>6179649>USA RISK this summerWill look forward to it.
>>6179634>>6179634>joining an America map as the Oil Throne and coming for revenge.I went easy on you, bucko, but show your ugly head south of the (new) wall and you'll find the Commander in Chief a lot less welcoming than I. The glowis will be watching you, leaf.>>6179649>I might bring back USA RISK this summer.I'll be waiting for it, QM.
Ilvermorny Quest continues!Last time, the girls made it to America, got a cool car, started making friends, got in fights with big spiders, discovered a disconcerting fact of their ancestry, and send three guys to the hospital!Rules and character sheet: non-canon lewd-fic: was taught… well with a name like Lief, you didn’t really expect a black fellow. Half black?Whatever.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Rolled 40 + 15 (1d100 + 15)>>6196138>Auburey is too hesitant; she has her secrets. Likes you, is trying to think of you as her sister but there are things she has in her noodle she is afraid of you seeing if you are actually a Legilimens too. She is paranoid after all.
Rolled 75 + 21 (1d100 + 21)>>6196526
>>6196527Guess your sister is making the team.Still need another set of rolls. Maybe Jenn can redeem herself? Maybe her sister gets a 1 suddenly and gets to learn how to work a wheelchair vs being better on a broom.Also another vote or two, if anyone is lurking.The next update will likely be the last before I make a thread; I do seem to get more votes in a fresh thread.Also had my power go out and lost like a page and a half on a lewdfic with the little taco girl but oh well. I can redo it.>>6196184Yeah. Those are rookie numbers. Need to bring them up, kek.
Rolled 36, 43 = 79 (2d100)>>6196138>Auburey is too hesitant; she has her secrets. Likes you, is trying to think of you as her sister but there are things she has in her noodle she is afraid of you seeing if you are actually a Legilimens too. She is paranoid after all.
>>6196184>>6196526>>6196527>>6196737Looks like Emmy makes the cut, but you and the others really don't get a huge boost to your skills with guns. Maybe if it was knife fighting, Jenn would have rolled better, what with her being a Brit?I will keep the vote for helping Aubrey with some basic Occlumency open till like mid-morning or noon-ish in case someone else wants to vote, and because I just woke up and make a lot of errors if I start writing then.Yay, go Emily! At any rate.
The wretch stumbles through the woods, branches scratching at his face, as he tries not to trip on a root or large stone. The pangs of hunger are driving him mad. It is not easy to hunt squirrels and rats with a club and he has eaten the last of his acorns and berries.It is very dark here. Hardly anything can be seen. A glint of moonlight upon metal catches the wastrel's eye, and he spots a figure in the shadows, unaware of his presence. Surely this will be an easy fight?You sneak up upon the unexpecting foe! [bold]Roll 1d12[/bold]Choose an attack.> Strike him on the head> Push him to the ground> (Suggest)
>>6170388> Strike him on the head
Rolled 11 (1d12)>>6170388> Push him to the ground
>>6170492[green]Critical success![/green]He stumbles as he falls, twisting his foot on a tree root. His metal sword slips from his grasp and clatters away just out of his reach.[green]Free turn! Choose an attack:[/green]> Strike him on the head.> Hit him on the chest.> Strike his legs.
>>6170625>> Strike his legs.
>>6170625> Strike his legs.
You are Runner. This is your room. You get the feeling that a notable incident is going to occur today.
>>6172808>>6172862And pick up a BANANA to our inventory for later.
>>6172862>>6172893You choose a carrot and steak, a hearty no-nonsense meal. You possess impressive vitality and durability. You also stash a banana... somewhere? You're not really sure where it is, but you're sure it's on your person.
>>6173983>Go TOUCH GRASS
>>6173983>Go TOUCH GRASS>as you DANCEgotta keep it movin while we groovin
>>6175668>Equip WALKMAN
ITQ you will buy and sell goods, find a place to live, basic Jobs, and things to do to live through a zombie apocalypse. Zombies are slow. Plenty of things can maim or kill you. Zombie bites can be treated, but there are side effects, or you may screw it up and die. So let's avoid that, OK?You stand in line among several other people, anonymous faces, you didn't count them. You've not seen them before. Some in shoes, some barefoot, one with a blood stained spear, and all of you dirty and unwashed in the cool of the last day of December. You're on the outskirts Northwest of Houston in the shell of what was an old big box store, in the Greens Point area (Guns Point as the locals say). The proprietor has a fan blowing across the line of you, and he has been good enough to put up a pop-up tent outside the entrance to shield everyone from the sunlight, but it's stuffy with all of you crowded together and waiting. On either side of the Line, are cages full of dead eyed ghouls, locked in for now, but watching you.The Merchant calls out "Next" and you step up with your goods. You walk up to a bullet proof Plexiglass window with a pass through container, and big sign over the glass stating:>The outbreak was started on borrowed money, No Credit.You are yourself, just yourself. Your actions are your own choice, but the outcome is determined by post ID roll.Roll for your saleable goods layout by final digit.Subsequent rerolls to determine simple value, 2nd to last digit = quantity, final digit of simple pass fail 1-5 poor, 6-0 good1-backpack of junk, can be sorted for valuables2-live wild animal, must be examined to determine value3-Clothing, must be checked for damage4-Food, may be packaged or raw5-Contraban: cigarettes, alcohol, pornography, drugs6-Weapons: may be functional, broken partsComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6167937>[Descriptor]The first thing that happened. The first thing that was noticable, was the traffic stopped on a saturday morning. A dead body laid in the open, unshrouded by the mexican police force (it was all mexicans), and just like back home, they stood around and did the minimum they could get away with.The males were muscular, in a short brown fashion, covered in arm tattoos, and all wore their hair close cropped, or like aztec indians. The body on the freeway had been hit and split and hit again by trucks and more trucks and not a few cars, the smaller pieces. The merchant was on his way across town, from one place to another in a city wher3, even at 70MPH, everyplace was an hour away.A mexican woman with a badge picked up pieces of torso, and a hand and put them in an evidence bag. She couldn't explain what it was evidence of, she was just following proceedure, and didn't give any thought to the purpose or destination of the evidence she gathered.>Very important evidence, this clump of hair and asphalt mixed with blood and bone fragments, it's going to vlow the whole thing wide open. She's havr thought something like that, if only she liked old detective movies, and was fluent in English enough to be able to think it. But she only habla-ed, and that not even very well. Her tits were alright, if you were into brown flesh, but, well, nevermind.The Merchant was commuting and passed this woman, soon to be a Tia, to a jose' or a Maria, it was not to be known. The woman turned to a ghoul by that evening. The Merchant was asleep at the time, and done with his errands, and not knowing her, never knew that she was technically the second infected person in the whole houston. Pretty big coincidence eh? Pretty pertinent to the narrative, to have a pointless vignette wherein the author,>yours trulyRelates, in fiction, havkng seen a man splattered on the freeway, and using that terrible death as cheap, and yet relatable, filler for this interactive o line dice game.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6186369[5th+4th =14,you have to set the cigs down in the container to be retrieved later.][4th+3rd =9, the gun is loaded with as many bullets, and Xavier starts picking off ghouls from the office window.][3rd+2nd =9, Wyatt begins methodically knocking over and crushing the ghouls with the ambulance.]>Pete sighs as he realizes he left his pack in the ambulance. Could be worse, he would have needed to discard it before going into melee anyway. Stamina is the real killer when in melee against ghouls, moreso than carelessness for anyone prepared. Plus having several (dozen) pounds of crap on your back throws off your speed, swings, and dodging something fierce.>There's a popping noise from the building and a ghoul from the new group that just shuffled outside the container drops, as Xavier gleefully ignores the plan. At least Wyatt is handling things well and helping trim down the mob. Pete is trying to decide between saving his breath and yelling at the trigger-happy idiot when another shot rings out. This one reverberates a lot more. Pete dives for cover, trying to spot the latest addition to what seems to be turning into yet another messy outing. But are there really any other kind these days?[2nd+1st =15, the owner will begin sniping at your group from concealment on my next turn.][Since you put in the cover option, I'm writing him as having shot once this turn for it to make more sense to me]Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6188255The cigs are the good kind, Camel. It has been said, the only sort of cigs worth the smoking. Sadly, they must be relegated back to the shelf where you found them.Outside you hear a battery of gunfire over the groaning of the crowd, and the roar of the ambulance, and the wet sound of crushed watermelons.After nine rounds have sounded off, you peak out and see the (9) scattered corpses leading towards the office where Xavier, now with an empty gun, is shouting from the window, at the other 3 ghouls which he mangles and decapitates after (6) blows of his machete.Wyatt is surrounded by another (9) ghouls which you see him back up over after casually knocking them down with the ambulance bumper. Finally he spins a slight donut over the crushed crowd, before stopping for the cloud of dust to settle, and nothing else to kill.Unsurprisingly, the noise and gunfire draw another (9) ghouls. These are closer to you before you know they've arrived.You crack (8) blows out rapidly with your bat, knocking down and staggering the crowd, and though you land another (8) blows, none connect to heir heads.As you step around further you hear another bullet ricochet off the door of the container, causing you to dive back for safety (+3 calamity, until you leave the container), and you pull the door shut behind you.From inside the container you attempt, and succeed, at locating the hostile shooter (5) moving atop an oil tank.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6191141>[5th+4th =10, the dust cloud from the ambulance will make Wyatt hard to hit, +2 his calamity against sniperfire.]>[4th+3rd =2, the sniper cannot see Xavier.]>[3rd+2nd =5, the sniper will not notice Toffler +2 success and +2 calamity.]>[2nd+1st =5, there are no more captured ghouls to be released.]>Pete isn't much use right now as the battle stays ranged, and he isn't too keen on running down an aware opponent on very high ground, not when he has two much better shooters on his side. For now, he still has a ghoul problem, as altough the booby-trapped oil tank seems to have run empty, the ruckus is predictably making the area a hotspot. Pete takes a deep breath, thanking whover designed shipping containers to have pull doors on the outside instead of push, before cracking the door open just a smidge to try and get cheap shots at nine remaining ghouls. It"s a tricky thing, as he needs to quickly confirm a kill on a downed ghoul and pull it inside so they don't clog the door open. He can probably take one nine ghouls with how much space he has in the back of the container, but he isn't keen on testing it for now. At worst, he's keeping the ghouls off the others and maybe distracting the sniper.>Focus>Focus some more>Fight ghouls>Fight ghouls again ![Note on the NPCs, I do remember reading something of the sort when catching up on the very first thread, something about a car owner. I'll give you feedback if I have any! Unrelated, but does the draw ghoul action here mean keeping any present ghouls focused on me or drawing new ones? I wasn't sure so despite what I wrote I still ended up going for the double focus/double fight.]
>>6193145>[Draw Ghoul, which no one has ever invoked, brings new additional ghouls into the play field, which you can then dispatch and loot. To lead them toward or away from someone or some thing you would Distract Ghouls.]You find yourself fairly safe as the sniper's bullet careens off the door of the container (9). Xavier and Wyatt are not so lucky, as the sniper clips each of them (1) time. Toffler is, for all his stealth, unlucky as well (4), and the sniper hits lands a shot.You focus yourself and refocus, and as the ghouls swarm in you strike, dispatching (1) and then (4) more, through the open doorway.Wyatt makes it to cover (+3 calamity)Xavier, meanwhile scrounges around the office and finds (1) bullet, and then (4) more.[If my 5th+4th <=10, the ghouls you killed fell outside the container. If more, one of them fell inward, blocking the doorway open and it must be moved before you regain your +3 calamity][If my 4th+3rd <=10 the snipers bullet grazed Xavier, -1 calamity. If more he is bleeding, -1 stacking calamity.]Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
1: A Dangerous CityYou are a Private Detective living in Victorian London.Crimes are common and you are frequently called upon to assist the policemen in Scotland Yard. You have been a Detective for a few years now and by combining hard work with intelligence you have had a few successes in uncovering the information that has enabled the Police to arrest wanted criminals. This has earned you a good Reputation but you must be careful not to lose it: if you do Scotland Yard will no longer trust you to help them.One evening you are at home when Commissioner James Monro, an experienced Policeman, visits you."We would like your help again," he tells you. "A lunatic murderer called James Kelly escaped from Broadmoor Asylum for the Criminally Insane ten days ago. My detectives have investigated and found no trace of him. Perhaps if you look into the case you might be able to find something?”What do you do?REPUTATION is 3.A) Search for the escaped killerB) Turn down this case
>>6170258>A) Search for the escaped killer
>>61702712"I'll see what I can do," you tell Monro who nods.“I’m glad you can help," he tells you. "I’ll send a telegram to Dr Orange, the Superintendent at Broadmoor, asking him to meet you tomorrow. He can tell you more about Kelly.”The next day you take a train out to the Asylum in the heart of the Berkshire countryside. A servant from the Hospital meets you at the station and takes in a horse and carriage through the sleepy village of Crowthorne and up to the gloomy and looming concrete walls of the Hospital. You are shown directly into Orange’s office where the Doctor shakes your hand. He is a middle-aged profession with a no-nonsense manner.“I got Commissioner Monro's telegram and I will be glad to help you in any way I can,” he tells you. “We are all rather concerned here: James Kelly was one of our most clever patients and I believe him to be a real danger to the general public, especially women.”You nod and consider which questions to ask first.REPUTATION is 3.A) What is Kelly's criminal history?B) How did Kelly escape your prison?C) Where do you think Kelly will go now?
>>6170277>A) What is Kelly's criminal history?
>>6170277A) What is Kelly's criminal history?
The cough comes out silent this time, it's timbre lost among a sea of sounds, the moaning too. There to the left girls are beating deerskin drums barehanded. Young naked women run around and shriek a song on a forgotten dialect, filling the air with potent dread that alarms the heart to beat faster. The trusts gain vigor. The wives are to the right and guide a stallion in estrus, yoked in a plow that pulls through the barren stony earth, they encourage and tease the animal while it shows its frustrated strength, they mock it whenever the plow slows down and give his member a few jerks for encouragement to go faster again...The men are wind beaten and watch from afar down there at the beach, where the ship waits patiently, after all too much masculine energy will disrupt the synergy of the feminine ceremony.A fire rises swinging in all directions, it's almost dawn, it needs to be fed more to match the upcoming sun.In the center of all this mad cacophony a man and woman become one, naked and bruised, moaning and grunting, they lay under a pregnant mare held in place by old crones, all in order to create a life. And behold! In reaching their peak a crone splits the belly of the mare and profound quantity of liquid goes all over the two lovers. All that is female in attendance stops it's doings and howls a hair raising shriek, the ceremony is complete. There, covered in bright red arterial blood, covered in dark venous blood, covered in placenta and guts the two beloved are as if wed again and kiss most tenderly. The woman's messy white hair is now red and sticky with coagulating blood, she takes great care in not spilling the seed inside of her and raises crossed legs on the carcass of the dead animal. Somewhere in the far distance Thor approves with a thunder, she caresses the hammer resting on her breast.A short cough, and she announces "From this day forth I, Rannveig, will no longer be known as Purple-Eyed, but Blood Bride! The bride of my noble jarl... "
>>6171420shit is getting serious
That Shield-Biter bit is absolutely siiiick
naked fanatics hnngggggg
there might not be updates in the next couple days cause qm is lazy with chores
Just be sure to return when you can, these qsts are highly interesting.
You are Malkuth, a necromancer bound by duty and ambition, serving a master consumed by the quest for eternal life. This dark figure, driven by the allure of lichdom, has uncovered tantalizing rumors of a lost tome: The Art of Phylactery Manufacture. This ancient grimoire, said to contain the secrets of crafting a lich’s eternal vessel, disappeared when an arcane library deep in the desert was ransacked centuries ago. Your master, unwilling to let such a prize elude him, has entrusted you with the mission to recover the book—at any cost.To ensure your success, he offers you a choice from his treasury of magical artifacts. Each staff is a masterpiece of necromantic power, attuned to different forms of undeath:> The Staff of Bones, amplifying your control over skeletal warriors. With it, you could command a disciplined army of 100 skeletons, their sharpened blades and shields unyielding in battle.> The Staff of Decay, allowing you to dominate 200 zombies. Their relentless, shambling forms would overwhelm foes with sheer numbers and tireless resolve.> The Staff of Shadows, granting mastery over 50 shadowy wraiths. These silent, spectral assassins strike unseen, dragging their victims into darkness.Also decide if you are male or female and your name.
>>6168867You are Anais Lothaire de Stael, a necromancer of formidable will, granted the Staff of Bones by your master. With this artifact, you now possess the ability to command an army of 100 skeletons, their iron will and unwavering loyalty fueled by your dark magic. The journey to the desert has been taxing, but you have finally arrived at Parma, a bustling city at the edge of the sands. With 1,000 gold at your disposal, you must prepare for the treacherous and unknown expanse that lies ahead. The desert is unforgiving, and your choices now will determine how well you fare against the dangers of both the environment and its many creatures. > Buy a camel (50 gold): To traverse the desert more swiftly and conserve energy. > Steal bones from the local cemetery (risk of getting caught by authorities): To fortify your skeletal army with fresh materials. > Buy blades and shields for your skeletons (20 gold per set): To make your skeletal warriors more effective in combat. > Pay for drinks and gather rumors (10 gold per day): To uncover local knowledge about the desert and the lost arcane library. > Buy supplies (1 gold per day): Food and water for survival during the journey. > Hire mercenaries (20 gold per day per mercenary): Spears or arrows to bolster your defenses against mundane threats. > Write inYou may choose more than one option.
>>6168890Hmm.Let's stay the night in Parma and rest, since we've only just arrived here. Better regain energy for the long trek across the desert. And spend 10 gold buying drinks for people at the tavern that night.Tomorrow, we'll buy a camel and 5 days' worth of supplies, then leave very early.Stealing corpses from a cemetery... Yeah, no! Let's be an elegant necromancer and try not to be a menace desu.Buying gear for my skeletons... Let's buy two sets of gear for now (2x swords, 2x spears, 2x shields). It would be unwise to buy too much weapons as it would arouse suspicion. "What's a young lady doing with a whole baggage of weapons enough to arm a battalion?!" Yada yada. Let's play safe for now, we don't know where we are. Also, how skilled are these skeletons? Can they use bows and arrows? Are they as intelligent as a normal but trained soldier? Because between my skeleton soldiers and mercenaries, I'd trust my skeletons any day. Mercenaries are generally suspect.>Write-in:For the remainder of the day, Anais takes it slow and easy. She tries to find out more about the city of Parma, and this stranger land she's in now. She purchases a meal, gets a clean drink of water, and stays in the shade - avoiding the extremely hot midday sun. She looks around. Is there a library here in Parma? If not, she simply heads for the city square to see the vendors and locals walking about.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6168909>>6168909Extra considerations:How do people in these lands feel about necromancers and dark magic in general? Are they tolerant, or even okay with it? Or will they burn me at the stake if they see me walking around with a guard of skeletons? If so, then I'll opt to stay cautious for now (as I've stated.)Parma is a "bustling city" - this implies there is at least some form of merchant traffic going in and out of it, with how lively it's described. If possible, I want to find out more about this city first before leaving it. Going into the desert without any prior knowledge is foolish! Let's try to find a merchant who might be able to give us a *map* of this region...The Staff of Bones... The skeletons it can summon, are there any more details about it? If I summon one skeleton, does it magically dig itself out of the ground? Or do I need materials, like a corpse or skeletal remains beforehand? How long does a summoned skeleton stick around? A day? A month? Indefinitely? Maybe a 'human' lifespan? I want to give my skeletons name and maybe make them a side character heh. Ajax the Skeleton!Lastly for now... I'm assuming skeletons are summoned by the staff 'naked' - that is, without armor or anything. If so, then maybe summoning one or two, and dressing them up in cloaks should be good for now as companions. Ajax the Elder and Ajax the Younger. Like from the Iliad desu. Even better if they're semi-sentient skeletons who can think and have slight attitudes, instead of just drones. That would be hella fun.
>>6168909I'll said for our gear we'll buy 6 sets : 4 shields, 2 spears, 2 sword, 2 bows and quiver.>120 Golds.5 days of rumor>50 Golds2 Camels>100 Golds20 days of supply>20 goldsTotal : 290 gold
>>6170073+1 support this actually!
The first thing you are aware of as you gain consciousness is that you are lying face down on a gritty sidewalk. The second is that four people are around you, looking concerned and asking if you are okay.Are you? It takes you a second to get your bearings. Who are you?>Please Choose a gender>Please Create a name. You are a human being living in a mid sized city in the southwest United States.>Please Carefully assign these five dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, and D12) to these stats (HP, STRENGTH, INTELLIGENCE, DEXTERITY, CHARISMA).>Please Care about one of these things more than the rest (Art, Literature, Film, Cooking)
>>6170083Nine points of damage.Sorry for the slow reply, I managed to cut off the tip of my thumb in a mandolin slicer yesterday. Anyway! eyes blaze. Runner's high, a second wind, a surge of adrenaline. Sorenson in front of you, hasn't even bothered to get the details of Erika's face right. Looking Glass spins up behind him like a mad carousel before unleashing a brutal punch to the back of his head, then pulling his center of gravity down fast, just in time to meet your rising knee. His face makes a sound like a coconut being hit with a hammer.What Drives you, Leila Lawdowne?Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6170346>>"Nobody impersonates my friends you sick fuck!" (Love)
>>6170346>>"You lying ass! You've made people suffer with your Anima! All for your own selfish goals! It stops here!!" (Justice)
>>6170386"Nobody impersonates my friends you sick fuck!" You declare as Sorenson falls to the ground. Your two stomach wounds are bleeding heavily, your shirt has a growing red stain across it. You sit down on the floor, clutching at your guts. You feel very sleepy.You see the bailiff running back in and talking on his radio. You see Erika, the real Erika, run up and hold your face in both hands. "Leila! Talk to me! Are you okay? Leila!""Hey, boss. I missed you..." you murmur, touching her cheek and leaving a streak of blood on it.And then things go dark.
>>6170831...Was this intended as an 'end' to the quest, OP?
You're the leader of a barbarian tribe that recently found a new continent full of ancient catacombs filled with loot. Though there is some weak undead in there, it has been a breeze to acquire the loot, it is just that there is an awful lot of it.But on your third trip to the island to grab loot, you find a bunch of wizards snooping around. You promptly attack them, but the damn wizards are crafty, they use their ranged spells to murder many men ten times better than them with their cowardly witchcraft.You cannot allow those wizards to keep breathing, you must put an end to their magic. Worse still, some useless trinkets from the ruins seem to empower greatly the wizards, making them even more dangerous.One of your men discovers that if we break the artifacts, crush them to powder and snort the powder, we gain a temporary powerful boost in battle!So now we have a good reason to collect all those trinkets!You have two boats, 40 men on the island and 200 food (each 1 food is food for one man for one day).The trip between your home and the island takes 1 week, so if you send for reinforcements, they will take at least 14 days to arrive.What do you do?Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6169736At first you make an endless carnage, but the waves of natives coming your way tire you up.Two men end up dead under the relentless bludgeoning of the natives, who fight with clubs and sometimes even rocks.At some point the natives figure they had enough deaths and flee though.200 lumber100 food15 menComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6169749> Gather lumber to build a shipAll 15 men.
Rolled 3, 43, 46 = 92 (3d100)>>6169767
>>6169767>>6169768You gather 120 lumber.The old sage approaches your men, he seems to have no ill intention. He is carrying a big gem, like the ones found in the catacombs.He motions for you to pay attention.He drops the gem in the ground and starts chanting something or another in his language.Suddenly, something weird like a smoke but odorless comes out of the gem. The weird cloud of smoke wanders about. It moves towards the sage. The sage says some imprecations and it moves away from him. It then moves towards your men, but the sage gets between the thing and you and say more imprecations. It then enters a tree. Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Rolled 28, 16, 78, 38, 53, 11 = 224 (6d100)>>6169772>Gather lumber to build a ship5 men.>Search for the wizards to put an end to their misery10 men.
I feel like running a civ thread, but I want to run one with civilized races. You may pick amongst the races from the picture only.
>>6169701>Fight to the death
Rolled 73, 69, 49, 69, 47, 32 = 339 (6d100)>>6169719You decide to fight to the death! Roll 3d100 for success!I'm rolling for the enemies.
Rolled 27, 40, 69 = 136 (3d100)>>6169733Check this 300.
>>6169735You fight bravely but the odds were overwhelming.Whoever was not killed was captured and enslaved by orcs.Your corpses fueled the armies of Ktulon, the Devourer, an ancient evil that lurked in the ruins near your original base, home to many necromancers and undead.GAME OVERI just don't get why you didn't increase population throughout the gameplay. I think next time I will call the option to increase population "Breed" like in old times, maybe you'll pick it more often.I'll start another later. Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6169742>I just don't get why you didn't increase population throughout the gameplay.There is other more interesting things to do than "press the population button", when this SHOULD be automatic (in my humble opinion)Like come on, halflings MUST be told to have kids?AND we did right here >>6168989Here >>6169007 you said:>Next turn population will increase.Yet it remained at 300 ever sinceI get you want to have a "numbers go UP" game, but certain things should be automatic.It was fun while it lasted, but I do get a feeling you didnt want to continue running this quest, and thus decided to push overwhelming odds.
Time for another civilization quest! But first, I need to know what kind of civilization game do you want to play, so please answer the following questions.
>>6169416I'm takingbanditswild wolvesgiant spidersbandit kingbandit ambushoutlawsthievesThis region really has a bandit problem due to the trade route.>>6169419Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Alright, so we have:Leader (name it, choose character class, lv 3)Population 901 (700 Farmers, 100 Artisans, 50 Healers, 50 Warriors) + 1% pop growth (per action spent)Army 20 Swordsmen 20 Longbowmen 10 CavalryFood 1450/1800 (+10% farms +10% beehives, 350 surplus) 350/2160 Food stored (food reserves equal production +20% granary) Stockpiles 300 Lumber 300 Stone 300 Metal +110 (Artisans +10% bonus)Silver 1,000 silver + 115 (artisans +15% bonus)Constructions: farm, granary, lumber mill, stone quarry, iron mine, forge, blacksmith, tavern, market, trade post, library, shrine, barracks, training grounds, watchtower, herbalist's hut, sawmill, beekeper's hut, tannery, stable.Technology agriculture, basic mining, bowmaking, bronze weapons, hunting, pottery, stoneworking, masonry, domestication, wheel, writing, primitive education, trade routes, fishing, herbal medicine, primitive religion, woodworking; currently researching: nothing (+30% research speed)Trade Routes: None! (bandit infested region)Magic known blessings: trade, healing, wisdom; active blessings: wisdomResources nearby river, depleted mines and quarries, nearby forest, merchant routeThreats bandits, wild wolves, giant spiders, bandit king, bandit ambush, outlaws, thievesComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6169580>yesLooks good to me, QM>two actions per turnThis seems like a good balance without being unwieldy.For turn 1, I suggest:>Research <Calender>>Build 5 farms if allowed for 500 silver, keep 500 silver in reserveComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>6169580>YesActions>Two, but one additional for events, when they occur>F: Research>B: Improve army
>>6169580> Yes, let's roll with it> Two
The quest for the Gems of Power consumed your master's entire existence. His life revolved around collecting ancient tomes about these mystical artifacts and gathering resources for endless expeditions. The gems became his obsession, his curse.When he finally uncovered the location of the first gem, bitter disappointment awaited him. The precious stone rested in the possession of Archmage Mykor, a wizard whose reputation for power was matched only by his desire for solitude.Your master refused to let decades of research go to waste. He spent months preparing, strengthening both mind and body, before challenging Mykor to a duel for the gem. The Archmage declined repeatedly, but your master's relentless assassination attempts finally forced his hand.You were there the day of the duel. You witnessed your master's final moments as Mykor's awesome powers reduced him to ash. The Archmage, weary of the bloodshed, declared he would accept no further challenges. The gem, he announced, would either be destroyed or hidden beyond mortal reach to prevent such madness from claiming more lives.Years have passed since that day. Your master's estate was sold to settle his mountainous debts, leaving you nothing but a chest of worn books. You've kept them in your merchant's wagon as you traveled the trading routes, building a modest but honest living.Yet the Gems of Power remained a persistent whisper in your thoughts. Then one day, while studying your master's old texts, you solved a riddle that revealed the location of the Fire Gem. It lay hidden on a frozen island in the far north, deep in barbarian territory.Now, as you stare at the decoded message, you know your life as a merchant must end. Your master's quest calls to you, demanding completion. The search for the Gems of Power beckons once again!
>>6167272You’re definitely right, anon. It’s clear that there’s at least one anon running multiple AI quests simultaneously (this QM probably being him) - I count at least three on the board right now. Although I doubt there’s any way to enforce the etiquette you suggest, since at least some of these AI quests are being run in actively bad faith in an effort to swamp the board with low-quality quests and drive down player participation here. Unfortunately, there’s no way to reason with such a person anyways - if they had a healthy or more normal mindset they wouldn’t be trying to kill /qst/ to begin with.
Rolled 1 (1d2)>>6167240>>61672681 - reconsider2 - join
>>6167837"I’ve come to realize that facing a necromancer might be more than I can handle, my friends," you said, taking a deep breath as you reconsidered your place in the adventuring group. The weight of the decision hung heavy in the air, and you glanced around at the determined faces of your companions, each ready to confront the darkness.The priest, with his wise and steady demeanor, placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "We understand your concern," he said gently. "Not everyone is prepared to confront the sheer terror that comes with the living dead and the dark magic that animates them. It takes a special kind of courage. You have my full blessing to step back, son. Focus on what you feel you’re truly ready for." His words provided a sense of comfort, allowing you to move forward with your decision.Will you seek one of the other groups?> Seek the group with the elf> Seek the group with the dwarf> Call it a night, come here some other day> Write in
>>6167839> Seek the group with the elf