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Cizilivacionn therd, pink race and locate .
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>>Start a new civiliatizfno thera.
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chose race car driver and location
Skaven Necropolis
water elemental, volcano
So clever and witty.

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The Town of Mulekick. A bustling mountain town touting clean air, unpolluted rivers, and untouched forests. Shortly after your parents died, you moved here from the city for cheaper, simpler living.

One day while hiking alone on a popular trail behind your apartment, you catch a glimpse of a weird insect you've never seen before. You follow it off the path, and dirt turns to grass, and grass turns to brush. The beetle is many different shades of green, and seems fuzzy or even glowing. You jump over a pile of thin, fallen branches and trees stacked on top of larger logs, not paying attention to where you wander. The path is easy enough, as long as you watch your step. The bug gets tired of you tailing him, and flitters off straight up into the sky. You watch it ascend until it's a little dot.

When you look at your surroundings, you find yourself coming upon a clearing that leads to a rock face. A small cave covered in dead, dry moss, with an entrance you have to hunch to enter, taunts you with a piercing whistle. You look around, alone. You can't be more than ten minutes back to the trail. The sky is getting darker. Hunching down, you shine your flashlight into the cave, revealing that the cave gets big enough to stand in just a few feet deeper, and the moss gives way to stone and weeds. Intrigued, you decide you'll just check it out for a minute, and turn right back.

You take a deep breath and enter the cave. Then, you forget.
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>Thank Gertrude and assure her you're alright, corral her back inside and tell her you should've known better than to go back to the Express Wok downtown. "I heard they use rat meat," Gertrude adds.
>Thank Gertrude and assure her you're alright, corral her back inside and tell her you should've known better than to go back to the Express Wok downtown. "I heard they use rat meat," Gertrude adds.
When are we continuing?

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The radio whirs. A blur of signal messages appears on the radar screen. It looks like a seizing smile. You feel the warmth of the cannon's bracket mount rubbing against your leather boots. The air smells of gun oil. You lower your goggles and peer out over the horizon. A purple mountain lurches in the distance. You know that's where battle station omega is, but you can't see the cannons from here. You bite your lip expectingly. Hoping to see the yellow flash of combat. The signs of struggle are for you the only sign anyone else is alive. But no thunder cracks the sky. All is quiet for now. Maybe you should radio command just to free yourself from isolation.
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*laminated desk
A sharp crack echoes from your radar equipment like a log exploding on a fire. You narrow your eyes as red dots sing onto the scanner. Suddenly the yellow haze of the skyline is broken by shimmering steel. You grit your teeth. Wasps inbound.
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These alien life forms are pejoratively referred to as wasps. They resemble two plates slapped on top of each other separated by a large spinning metal blade. Reminiscent of drones from 21st-century warfare, these flying buzz saws rain death on the battlefield, self-destructing when in range of a target. They are the only enemy "personnel" seen thus far in the war.
Yellow clouds appear on the horizon. You hear the roar of cannon fire. Mushroom clouds puff up on the horizon. They look like sand devils or whisps of smoke, from a slow-building forest fire forming explosive lines in the distance. Row after row of these sand columns pop up, as the battle stations fire off.
>Now this looks like our job. Do we wait for radio commands or do we have pre-sighted coordinates for the wasps to reach before we turn that specific spot into an even deeper crater. I'm assuming that this gun wasn't built to be pretty, and with Wasps being the only thing attacking us, are probably meant to be used against them, but maybe I'm wrong and this isn't actually our job. If that's the case, I guess it's time to get some work done on that shawl!

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Previous thread is at the bottom of the catalog and OP will not return in time.
I'm rolling the game back to round 32 just in case


>EV 15 vs. Ayys 21, Hobbits 22; Ayys +3, Hobbits +25

>YM 15, PC 10 vs PG 35, Pine Gap +25, Cannibals +10

> Emus 5

type "dice+1d9999" in Options to roll the dice
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>16 days since last update
I'm moving the game forward

>Pine Gap is fucking gone
>The yellow menace donates their remaining 21 moves to the Cannibals own 20 moves
>The Club is Fucking gone
>The Emus move to thrust deeply into the Cannibals but only make a shallow cut (20) vs (13)
>The Ayy's fully clam NSW and donate their remaining 10 moves to the Hobbits who absolutely
violate the British with a total of 36 moves against their 0 defense; securing an additional +7 GET
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My gray Ayy
Why does your boarder resemble you?
Rolled 8034 (1d9999)

Take NC and give rest to cannibals.
Attack emubirds, at the same time offer them peace
Rolled 213 (1d1000)


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You dismounted from Scar with a little effort, turning to help the diminuitive maid who'd joined you down in turn. She probably could have gotten down on her own, but you'd be lying if you said your prior conversation hadn't left you more aware of her. There were too many implications for you to unpack right now, though... 'When you got time' was what you wanted to say, but the thought alone elicited a bitter chuckle.

While you had Asche firmly in hand, you took the opportunity to question her earlier reluctance. "Asche, be honest with me. If you and Maran seriously come into conflict, will you be okay?"

Silent guilt shadowed her carefully neutral features. Your grip on her shoulders tightened, firmly holding her in place. She was going to answer before either of you left this spot, and you'd stare the ashamed maid down until she did.

"Mutual suppression is safe." She explained with a small voice. "To break her... Likely also mutual."

"..." You sigh, flopping a hand over Asche's head to ruffle her hair, much to her distress. By the time you'd worked out your irritation with the little maid, it would take her several minutes to try and right it all again - A task she reluctantly set about trying to do immediately.

While it felt heartless, you genuinely did not have the time to comfort Asche the way she probably needed; You couldn't even begin to guess at what had gotten so twisted up in her heart and mind over this past year as to leave her in the state she was in... For now, you resolved yourself to keep an eye on her.

Having appropriately scolded her, you left the maid to make herself presentable and turned your attention towards the pair of Resuri guards who'd kept a watchful eye on you since you arrived atop Scar. You couldn't recall if they were ones you had met the night prior when dropping off the drugged mayor. Did it matter? Probably not. That was sometime ago, though, so shifts had to have changed by now...

"Ser Valen." One guard nodded as you approached, his companion standing straighter at attention. "Welcome back. Please head inside, the meeting won't start for a little while longer."

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I dreamt Riz posted on the twitter that there was another update so I woke up to check the thread and it wasn't here.
valen even invades dreams, I had this too
rizz qm = evil sorcerer
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This is your life now, you subhuman mutt
Where were u wen valen was kil?
Forgetting is an integral part of playing Valen. It transcends the quest itself, expanding the scope of Valen into our lives.
You wait for threads. You forget plot points and minor details that can give Irue an advantage. You forget characters, especially if they are minor. You forget to reread old threads like you've promised yourself to. You forget to check the quest. You forget to check the twitter. You forget that ask.fm exists.
Am I forgetting something?

Rizz, this is phenomenal! We need to advertise in /qtg/ again, focusing on this feature.

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You are David Hardrada, founder of the colony of Thunor made up of ex-soldiers whom had laid stake to a world upon the edges of civilized space. Through struggles and dangers, you had found yourself, over a decade after setting first foot upon the world, hosting a foreign lord. Throughout the pleasantries, your empathetic nature had allowed you to read the man well enough to ensure you maintain a good enough relationship for the upcoming negotiations.

After you had retired after throwing a rowdy feast wherein people gathered, socialized, danced, and held a boxing match fighting each other to both went frustration and to have some fun. Unfortunately, you being born a commoner, you lacked the abilities to simply ignore a raging headache currently pounding and trying to break out of your skull. You once again find yourself having to carry out the duties as the reigning monarch (title pending) of Thunorians (name pending).

Trying to stay focused via the power of caffeine, you stare across the table at your counterpart - Margrave Mykell Oreskovich, a vassal of House Orion. Next to you sits your council, next to him sit all of the various officers whose names you, at this particular junction, are not really capable of remembering.

Much to your chagrin, Mykell appears to be entire nonplussed about yesterday, even though he drank much harder liquor than you had. The entire situation had now been more or less entirely dominated by Ashwin, your minister of foreign affairs, and whomever Mykell appointed. A man whose name you failed to catch, but his calm and even tone, similar to that of Ashwin’s actually, has been helping you keep yourself together.

Still, in matters such as there, potentially changing the fate of your entire peoples, it is only a matter of time before both you and the Margrave must make decisions upon the big issues. On this occasion – payment.

Warships are expensive, apparently. A lot more expensive than you had ever thought, being infantry, the most expensive thing you had personally had the displeasure of trying to replace was an APC, and were you damn glad that had not come out of your pocket.

Your scattered internal ramblings aside, even the rudimentary patchwork for the warships is going to drain your common material reserves and then some. Chances are the Margrave and his men will stay here a few months, and chances are, they won’t have enough food, or at least food that they are willing to eat, the same of course goes for water. One of the upsides of not being out in space but around the planet is unlimited shower rations, especially considering the fight these men and women went through.
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okay looking back on my late-night message I made some writing mistakes. Damn.

Anyways, to explain the "Imperial pillar" system I've been cooking. (I would be happy to hear you anons feedback on this idea)

Essentially, the Imperial pillar is a way to order land ownership and the responsibility by which people who rule others are ruled by.

It starts with the landowner. Land can be owned by a person, but any region and or section of owned land that has people living on it is under the administration of a noble who rules the area as the regions are split into administrative titles. These areas are subdivided into smaller and smaller regions. Each region owned by a noble who is subservient to the one above them.

A good example might be, that a jarl might control the entirety of 10 US states, but each state would be ruled over by a Markgreve, and each big city in that county would be ruled by a Greve. So for example, a (in this case a Lord/Edel noble) would rule over 200 people, a Hird/knight would rule over 2000, a Baronet/Lendmann 20000 and so on. This would change as some Hirds/knights might only rule over 5 lords/Edels, with the general number being around Min 3 to Max 15 vassals.

This continues up to the highest ruler. AKA us which would be the emperor or whatever our title eventually might be. Ships would also count as land in this case, as people who are on a ship for more than a week would be seen as temporarily living on it and anyone staying on the ship more permanently is of course still a resident of our nation. Thus anyone who rules over the ship as its captain is also a noble.

To enforce our will, there will be created a pillar of government called the "Imperial Pillar" which governs the actions, judgements and appointments of councillors to nobles.

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To this end, all jobs which are required by its population are under their noble's custodianship, and cannot be owned by a private corporation. A sort of pseudo-unionization is enforced by the imperial agent, where Veterans of each job type are empowered to collectively choose a representative to their local noble. Land titles greater than that of a simple lord have these representatives as well, with their representatives being chosen by the representatives within each title within the greater title. (A candidate cannot be from another work branch. So a doctor cannot represent the engineers)

This is done to give nobles of any given title level have council on the potential consequences of their actions. as well as to create the system in which nobles are ennobled. The Imperial Academy.

The Imperial Academy is an arm of the Imperial Pillar, where candidates chosen by nobles are trained to become leaders of men. The Imperial Academy is not a specific location or structure, but rather a system where noble candidates, who are either children of noble parents or non-nobles with a note of recommendation from a noble are given tutelage under teachers of philosophy and workers from different walks of life. Over several years, the candidates will be watched over and moulded as well as possible by working the jobs their subjects partake in, such as medical care, farming, military work and everyday bureaucracy. The final test of their education being if they can put their morals above their own needs.

The philosophy drilled into the candidates could be boiled into mantra's like:
"your duty to the people is eternal. Your work is their happiness. their misery on your shoulders"
"If men are to fight for you, make them do nothing you wouldn't do yourself"
"to live comfortably while even just one subject lives squalidly is a failure of not just your morals but also actions."

Essentially enforcing a mindset of frugality, self-sacrifice and responsibility. If candidates are unable to do this they will seen as unable to become a noble and are disinherited from any form of title control. They can still own money and trade, but cannot act in ways that rule over other people.

After being granted or inheriting an administrative title, a noble will then be watched over by their title's Agent, who reports back to the local headquarters of the Imperial Pillar. At these headquarters, Agents can report activity which seems to break the rights of citizens, and over several days a 10+ group of agents of equal rank to the claimant agent determine whether it is grounds for punishment to the noble, if it was justifiable or if it would be deemed. If a noble is deemed worthy of de-crowning a military force would then be mustered and the noble either killed in battle or taken into custody and made to pay for their crimes.
To shorten it way down.
Nobles are not independent. Each of them in this system is the executive arm of the state representing the highest ruler and imposing the state laws. Meanwhile, Imperial agents who are chosen through internal tests of moral character and psychological conditioning interpret our word and guide local rulers towards acting how we wish. with each noble needing to be tested thoroughly before ennoblement.

I will also at a later point write about some ideas for a constitution. But for now, this is my idea for the Imperial Pillar.

I would love to hear feedback since I'm probably overlooking massive flaws. Also sorry for any mistakes I might have written, I was busy and haven't been able to put a lot of work into looking this text over too many times :/
Could you specifie what you see as beneficts of this? As i see it bring more bureaucracy and spying of our people.
And why would one want to be a agent?
well, ideally I think it would take the noble system as it exists and shift it to more state-centric. Make us as the leader of our nation be the centre of cultural and legal unity within our government.

One of the major problems of the noble system is that it separates leaders into their own realms and makes the nobles feel separated from the rest of humanity due to their class. That has. Ideally, the Imperial pillar, especially the academy and de-crowning, would enforce a state-central mindset where nobles are not growing their own power bases but instead see themselves as instruments of the state, working towards a greater goal. Agents co-ruling title lands as the administrative branch while the nobles act as the executive branch.

And well, I thought people would want to be agents mostly because it would give good benefits. Since agents would act like administrators of local areas and extensions of the crown authority they'd have good salaries and good pensions at the lowest level, with higher levels of agents having the power to requisition things of importance to their job like ships to travel back and forth between planets. Think of it like higher-level Agents being almost like inquisitors from 40k in terms of the crown authority given to them to investigate and judge nobles and other agents. With high-ranking nobles being the ones with the crown authority to order new buildings be built at lower levels and glass planets at higher levels (if I keep with the inquisitor comparison)

I don't have it all ironed out as of yet, but that's at least what I think is potentially beneficial compared to the base noble system we've currently got.

What do you think? I haven't got it all worked out yet, but I think it could work well. Although I might also just be totally lost in the sauce when it comes to understanding the consequences such a system might have.

Your conscienceness bumps into something, and you realize, with a start that you are alive. You marvel at this for a moment, but it takes only that moment for the crushing silence to announce itself, a thing you could feel, even when formless, crushing you, hurting you, forcing terror into your small reality.

Then, with a horrid, lurching sensation, your body is forced upright as your alien anatomy imitates a gasp as vents across your form open with a start and gulp down fetid, dusty air. Your joints crack, loudly, your eyes slough off their protective film, and on its own, your clawed hand reaches up to the side of your head. Tender, near-spongy, you recognize the feeling of a still-healing wound.

But that is all you recognize. You had been laying in a deep depression, in the center of the chamber, a thin green film at its base. The air is still, the room dark, and dry. It seems to be a Zerg place, but a dead one.

You resolve the tangle of your many legs beneath you and rise to your full, regal height. In the horrid quiet of both your mind and your surroundings, the little knowledge you have seems overly loud:

You are a ZERG BROODMOTHER. An alien horror, a proud servant of the QUEEN OF BLADES. Veteran-organism of a hundred worlds and countless battles. Psionic extension of the living will of the Swarm. Your purpose, is to not only tend to the HIVES and its HATCHERIES, but to direct their living products in battle.

But all that seems far away right now. If the agonizing silence is anything, it's proof that you are alone on this world.

>What should you do first?
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Rolled 15 (1d20)

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Your mind slams into the Overlord, and for a moment you feel the seething chaos. It riots and spits in your psychic grip, an animal in a trap. The Zerg beneath hiss in agitation.

With the merest exertion of effort, you crush its resistance. An instant of relief from the tortured mind is drowned out in your own pleasure. As the Overlords consciousness recedes, it's psionic net becomes your own. Your whole world expands, and the psionic resonance of your new possessions finally chases away the worst of the quiet. Your mind touches theirs and you tower over them.

You order them into your escort and even with the lot of you wounded, the feeling of being surrounded by Zerg, of being in control, is incomparable.

Triumphant, you continue to the Biodome. As expected, it is day before you finish clambering across the ruins. Your new Overlord rises with the dawn,
Its vision filling in your mental map of the ruins. Finally, you breach the threshold of the dome.

It is barren, burnt, metal skeletons outline where plants grew, once. But your senses inform you: there is viable biomass nearby, but partially sealed off.

With a sense of giddyness, you single out a larvae. You reach into its tiny mind, into its very cells, and upset a particular balance. A spark of excitement is felt for a moment, as its body begins to sweat off ooze and shudder. Substituting the slime from creep with your own enzyme-laced spit, the larvae spins itself into a bulging egg.

Within moments it is too big to hold, and it thrashes as the larvae inside takes itself apart, allowing the bizarre reactions within to re-make it into what you willed.

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order it to expand make some zerglings
>The pre-mind of the Hatchery reaches out- what do you will of it?
::Create Drones, obviously.::

::Wounded children of the Swarm, there is creep here. Come and burrow in it and take refuge from the storm. We grow again.::

The hive is malnourished. While the creep could gather sunlight, there is no sunlight to be had in this storm, and in any case a hive always needs workers. The drones will nourish our warriors while they heal.
>shelter all the zerg in our caverns
>morph workers to mine gather nutrients and minerals

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A cataclysm has struck and every civilized nation you know about has been destroyed. You can't manage magical contact with your Guild either, so the thing must have been worldwide. Monsters show up all over the place.

After running for many days, you find a small enclave in the woods who seems to be surviving, but only barely. After using your magic to repel the attack of some monsters, the locals decide to make you their leader.

You are Shoshana Darkberg, the Beguiler.

There are about thirty or forty people total, hard to tell.

How will you survive the post apocalypse?
> Get everyone together around a fire to do some headcount and skill assessment
> Find a safer place to spend the night, the middle of the forest seems dangerous
> Put people on watch and go to sleep, tomorrow you will see what you do
> Write in
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> Pick a few volunteers and go after the monster: Form a small, brave group and take up torches and weapons to track the creature.

We don't need everyone, we just need a few that will become the foundation for future warriors. The creature will be eventually return when it gets hungry again.
I wonder how awkward that is for one of them to be a Noble but not the other two. Bastard halfbrothers?
Heh heh. I could see a merchant being the brother of a noble - money ties and whatnot. Then you just have the one brother who likes to build aqueducts and stuff lol.
>Pick a few volunteers and go after the monster: Form a small, brave group and take up torches and weapons to track the creature.

We have a better chance of catching up as a small group.
You good bud?

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>Welcome, to a horror themed world of Angels, where faith is strength. And humanity has been forced to ascend to a higher plane of being, a creature of Concepts and Marrow. Where you will fight with Blood, Faith, and Bone. Where the human question has been long since erased and replaced with a new one.

The sound of sole on pavement filled your ears as did the incessant beeping of horns and chatter of the sea of people as you wade through the tsunami of life, ignoring them as you begin your morning commute to work. A cup of coffee in your hand as a substitute for a healthy sleep schedule. The morning commute that is as familiar as it is soil crushing. You rub your eyes with your arm as you feel them begin to itch in the cold October air. However the ache did not go away, feeling akin to the bastard condition known as the migraine.
You sigh and wipe your eyes as you feel your eyes start to water…and then the tears came, and wouldn’t stop. Sobbing fills your ears as you blink through the waterfall’s of your salt as they stream down your face. The sea of people has stopped as everyone has suddenly begun to weep.

Confusion and panic took hold as you stopped your march, the loud crunching of metal is heard as a nearby taxi collided with a streetlight, a middle aged face comes up from the air bag with tears streaming down his face. Despite bleeding from his temple and one eyes now swelling her gets out of the car and cranes his neck skyward.

That’s when for some reason you look up, your not sure why but your out stretched neck now refused to move, with a side eye you can see others doing the same, all with a look of fear and confusion on their faces. The sky, began to bulge downward as if the clouds and sky were some linen screen. Like a cloth filling with water it bulked downward, it grew, the improbable bulge’s size now scrapping against structures meant to touch the sky’s. It’s seize grew width growing behind your sight from your place in the concrete jungle. The cloud still moving on it as if it were a mere screen.

Which is when it burst with a deafening sound. One akin to a scream. Blood fell upon the city like a flood filling it as people and vehicle alike were flung amount its rapid stream’s. You are swept up and pushed against a pillar, you can feel your ribs and legs being crushed slowly by the onset of copper liquid. The pillar behind you holding the humble family owned bookshop’s ceiling suddenly crumbles atop of you. Your vision black as pain sears into you.
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Rolled 7 (1d20)

So we have 3 actions. No action can be repeated.
That mean the opponent can't move more than once.
We are 2 meters away thanks to our <<Wing Jump>> non-action. We have the focus of our opponent, which might have a greater Movement Speed than us.
We can burn only "2and half" actions because of Rotten Madness
Thus I'll vote for :
>Move action : 1 meter away from foe
>Troop attack action : attack with the Steedless rider
>Troop movement action : prepare the farthest rider to take a backstab position after ennemy's action.
Also, didn't quite took time to word it... But this smells as a Gud Quest, New Flesh.
Wait, where did all the players go? Where did QM go? Am I now alone on that board?
You're not going crazy, Anon. It just takes time sometimes to reply.
Maybe the lack of voters scared the QM and prevented him to run the combat encounter?

Or an early case of The Curse?

Your name is David "Gunny" Rockefeller, no relation.
A veteran of the united states marine corps, you find yourself in a far-out situation after an all-too-close encounter of the third kind!

In the last thread you captured some live samples of the insects infesting your station for Lyna to study, giving you a bit of information on an otherwise unknown threat.
You also managed to get your mom into custom skinsuit, which has more or less returned her mobility to her, allowing her to walk and act on her own.

After that, you spent a fair bit of time checking on equipment and training the new pirate raiders for the upcoming extermination campaign.
The topic of marriage also came up with Cylia, from whom you learned that Caithans mate for life, and her staying with you forever was just a given in her mind.

But then, you learned something unpleasant that you're currently in the middle of blocking out of your mind forever.
After a quick little three or four day mental breakdown, you drowned yourself in Kyla's embrace and forced yourself back onto your feet.

SHODAN hasn't spoken to you much since then, but the other girls have been taking good care of you.

You decided that the only way to pull yourself up was to just move, and with work to be done in the bug squashing department, that's what you decided on.

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>Keep going along with your escorts over there, hope they get you where you need to go
They think we died? Hah. It takes more than that to put David down.

The urge to just sneak out and cause some kind of trouble is strong, but your will is stronger.
You stick to the plan and maintain your image of a barely-intelligent ape man, covering your head back up with the sack.

A few minutes pass before your escorts finally come to pick you up, by which time the cleaners have long since fucked off.

"Sheesh, what's his problem?" Dee grumbles.

"He's just doing his job, 21." Dum sighs.

"Well i didn't bring him onto the station! How was i supposed to know he was pumped full of dark matter?!"

"You don't have yell. Let's just drag them to the incinerator and..."

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I can finally post again. I got an extended vacation for posting i'll concealed nipples in a blue board. Technically there was a shirt over them but you know, wet fabric...
So, without finding a way to operate this tram or similar we are screwed because there is no way we get ANYWHERE in this thirty-fourtymaybe hundred? kilometer wide donut. And snatching a grey to force them to operate the tram is one thing, because another is ensuring central control doesn't vent the cabin or accelerates us to crazy speeds just to then stop and flatten us like a pancake or just disables the system while we use it... we need enough chaos to overwhelm GRAYS. We need david to unlock as many AI cores as possible at the same time and wing it.
>i'll concealed
ill concealed, sorry sorry
Merry Christmas guys!

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There are times, yes, where you wonder what it is that made you come here. A short month ago, you helped a man by the name of Cephalas escape from both his brother and the empire he was rebelling against. With him out of the picture, you quietly assumed control over the meagre force he was to raise here in the valleys. As such, you have made yourself at home in this half-ruined barracks of the Mithradian Empire, not that it is of much joy to one such as yourself, and you can see why Cephalas was eager to be rid of the place. The git had seen fit to drink most of the wine himself, it seems, considering the amount of wine-stains in the cloth of the curtains and bedsheets.

The Mithradian conscripts he managed to skim from whatever half-dead village he found them in are scrawny, poorly trained, poorly equipped, poorly led, and above all else, their morale is face-first dead in the gutter. Their horses are suited for ploughing and draft work, not war. Your Tauten troops, by contrast, are the finest and perhaps most heavily armoured host within the mountain walls that you now call your home. You wouldn't trust the Mithradian levies in battle, let alone in an independent operation, so you keep them at the base, repairing the building and training. Even then, the language barrier between the two groups has left you doubtful as to their effectiveness in the field when they have to cooperate in joint operations. Hopefully that day will be far off.

Aside from that, there are other matters to attend to. Your mainline communication with the rest of the crusaders has been poor, not because of the enemy harassing your messengers or anything, but because of the remoteness of your position. Most of the crusaders chose to march south, where it was expected the bulk of the infidel's army was located. You haven't received any report about anything, but you have barely been here a month, so you hope to at least receive some news before the direct passes in the mountains snow in, which would make your lines of communication even longer.

The supply situation is calm for now; you bought up enough salted fish along the coastal towns before you went inland, but if you are going to stay here for a longer period of time, it would be a good idea to send some men into the few remaining cities and villages to buy up supplies if the need arises.
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Alright, just a heads-up, I have an exam week coming up, so I won't be updating for a while.
>Research the maps
You have more trust in your ability to read the archives than in your ability to calculate the future stance of the stars. Thus you find yourself at a wide table upon which you may lay the chart with the stars.

As the shortest day is in the last month of the year, you look for the charts with the XII or 12 written upon them. Though you delve through the archives like a university student does through his textbooks, you do come to some interesting conclusions. Firstly, during that month, once in every 128 years, a bright comet would visit the northern hemisphere. So the next appearance would be in 1278, about 24 years from now. But that isn't relevant to what you want. Indeed, your other discovery was the more important one; the solstice is on the twenty-first of Nivosus (XII). Which is about two months from now. On that day, then, you should visit the mausoleum, though it might not hurt to go there beforehand; after all, you have two months to spend, and you have other duties that need attending to. In the meantime, you write down the information on a piece of paper before you decide to leave the library for now.

You decide to go downstairs, to the undercroft. You haven't been there yet, you and wi It is not necessary to visit the mausoleum two months in advance, as there is still plenty of time to prepare and gather more information before the solstice. And you wander about, under the great arches that keep the roof up, you come across the place where they heat the baths, as well as various storage rooms and dour grey rooms, abandoned rooms where the personnel once would have lived, the wine cellars, not in the glass bottles you know them in, but in the amphoras of old, the reek of fermented grapes still clings to the air, even if most of the amphoras have lost their contents.

Finally, you come across a great hall, dark and tall. With great anvils, bloomeries, and other tools of the blacksmith trade scattered about, in the storage there lay heaps upon heaps of rusted, unused legionary helmets, armour, and weapons. The forge here lies still. Though you do notice a hammer-shaped slot upon the head anvil. Perhaps it is a lock? And the place will be reactivated if you find it?

>Find the vilicus, to see what he know about it
>Perhaps their is a spirit of the forge as well, see if its there.
>Walk away for now
>Try to find a keycabinet within the palace.
>Find the vilicus, to see what he know about it
>Perhaps their is a spirit of the forge as well, see if its there.
>Try to find a keycabinet within the palace.

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"The United Kingdom is home to many different kinds of dangers.
In particular, York and the area surrounding it have a Witch Manifestation every = days. Magical Girls are a needed resource in that area, but are volatile within it.
I would wish all living there good luck, but luck will not save you from their clutches."

- Excerpt from The "Territory in The U.K Guide" by £&!*@ *&"^^#@

"Life really can be pretty fairy-tale like at times, if you just try hard enough!"

- Miharu Fukugawa's Mind

"This new world is full of grace and wrath alike. I prithee a grand question: What to do to remind the world of virtue and modesty?"

- Viktoria Walker's Current Dismay

Previous (and first) Thread:

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Her Soul Gem was already almost pitch-black as she was running through the forest. She was trying to put as much distance from herself and civilisation as possible, before tripping and falling into a puddle of mud.
”Why did I have to be so weak? Why couldn’t I just make friends, or relationships in a regular way?" Claire’s past thoughts resounds through the space.

Now this was news to Abigail.
𐤌 ”Making friends the regular way? How did you normally do it?” 𐤌
ʘ ”That was my Wish. My Wish was simply ‘To have a lot of friends’. Pathetic, I know, but I was very lonely. I think I still was and just didn’t know." ʘ

Claire laid down in the mud, and cried. She bawled and lamented not only her fate, but the fate of others. She was going to transform into a Witch, and inflict suffering on them that they didn’t deserve. She might- no, she WILL hurt Oliver, and she was going to hunted down like the rabid animal she was by another group of Magical Girls, if any exist any more in York. Could she just put herself out of her own misery? She tried to think of how, but at that moment she was completely consumed by Grief.

𐤌 ”So you didn’t want to inflict suffering on others at first. You wanted to reduce the damage done but failed. You implied before that the actions you take when of sound mind is what represents you. This is what you did before turning into a Witch. You ran away, you lamented the suffering of others, and you even contemplated taking your own life to avoid hurting others.” 𐤌
Abigail reaches her hand out towards Claire.
𐤌 ”So please, won't you please make this stop? Return it to normal? I... my powers are new to me, but they seem to have to do with connecting people. I'm not much good with... boys... but maybe I can help you find someone. Please Claire, let's try to fix this. I want to help you." 𐤌
Claire takes Abigail’s hand in her own.
ʘ ”You don’t need to apologise. It wasn’t really your fault. Oliver chose you, I just needed to respect that but I couldn’t. That’s a ‘me’ problem. ʘ
ʘ ”I can stop this, but I’m afraid there’s no getting better for me." ʘ
𐤌 ”W-what do you mean?" 𐤌 Abigail was getting worried. Especially with the last thoughts Claire had in the past.
ʘ ”As far as I know, there’s been no case of a Witch going back to normal. Or even integrating into society. We terrorize and kill people as our Grief, anxiety, and hatred consume us. The best way of ending this would be… ending this" ʘ
𐤌 ”Wait, no! There has to be another way, you don’t need to do this! I-I could figure something out!” 𐤌
ʘ ”It’s cute that you have such optimism. It’s a sign of inexperience, but you should keep it. It will help you get through the future anguish you will go through. But for me? Hopes of the future are dangerous illusions." ʘ

>The future for Claire looks bleak. Can you even help a Witch? How? Try to convince her there is a way forward for her besides death.
"It might be true that no Witch has 'gone back to normal', but has anyone tried? Has anyone reached out to them to try to help them? Has any Witch tried to return to normalcy? Even if you feel completely alone right now, *I'm* here for you Claire. I am your advocate. I know you can get better, because I know your heart is good! You don't really want to hurt people. You might feel awful right now, but that doesn't mean there isn't a future! You are in control of your actions. You can choose to stand down. If you really feel like you are at the end of the line, then what's the harm in trying? If this is the end, then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from making the effort. Imagine the future friends you could make, the boy you could meet. Imagine what your example could mean for other Magical Girls falling into despair. You could be the first to show it *is* possible to live and be happy, even when life puts you down so harshly. Imagine the hope you would inspire, the lives you would save! I can't promise it will be easy, in fact it will probably be very hard, but I'm here for you. Please Claire, let me help you."
"Hold on. Hold the fuck on, now. You, with the bow. What the hell do you mean by 'kill her in order to continue living'? What's that all about?"
Pheeew! Good thing that all eleven of them are in the same place, that takes a whole lot of risk and scouting off my back. And that landing! Just what is going on with me today? Everything just feels so... Right. A lucky star's on my side, for sure. Or a lucky talking furball, at least - Those have to be lucky charms in some cultures. Weird that I've never heard of them. I can't say the same about those seven tangled messes. And that prickled lass... Owch. If that's the condition she came out of after being carved out by the teachers I definitively don't want to see the mess they'll leave behind. Okay Alba, use your newfound sixth sense... How do I get them outta there? Brute handiwork won't cut it here so I need to be smart. My reputation's also at stake after announcing myself to everyone in that, frankly, embarassing manner!
Think, Alba, think!
O-Ok. Ok... So this greenery is (as much as I hate to admit it) kind of cursed, right? That makes everything here stronger than your run-of-the-mill counterpart. Then, I supppose I could try to climb back up a tree, grab ahold of some of those inhumanly resilient vines and remodel them into makeshift rope. Shifting through the branches, I could tie a Constrictor Knot all the way up there, and then toss the rest of the cord downwards... Wait what the hell is a 'Constrictor Knot'? Ugh... Er-... ANYWHO. That thing. I'll make sure my mates catch the rope and try to help them climb up and outta' that pit one by one.. They might strain their muscles, but hey, it beats whatever mess the teacher would make with those little scissors.
>Britain is Cursed
Stating the obvious.

It is the year 2907 A.D., humanity, initially flourishing out in the cosmos, has begun to turn on itself, civil wars, secession, profiteers of the industrial war complex, the galaxy was growing more dim as colonies stopped being made, and danger was around every corner.

You are Erik Bridger, high schooler, senior and an all around ace student. Anti-social but proficient in your work, you were soon, and expectantly were 'offered' an position amongst the Mobile Response Force. Said organization being your systems version of the military, an cog in machine serving the Independent Communion of Stars, ICS. An fanatical organization that uses faith to inspire and control the masses to the leadership own ends.

Though he cared for none of this as he looked at the holo tablet he was reading, listing several positions available for Erik to join thanks to his exemplary grades, he was allowed to pick his poison...

[A] Infantry(Join the rank and file on the Frontline in service of the Communion!)

[B] Mech Pilot (Learn the ropes of mech warfare and outmaneuver and overpower your enemies!)

[C] Other (Write-In)

(First time so advice and criticism appreciated)
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>[A] CWM-01K Bombarde(Artillery)
Big guns. Big boom.
[C] CWM-01X Guiltias(Close Range Engagement)

Believe me, FIRES is not what they describe it to be.
It's all about artillery.
>[A] CVM-01K Bombarde(Artillery)
>[A] CWM-01K Bombarde(Artillery)
Let's go, QM. 3 days and counting.
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>[A] CWM-01K Bombarde(Artillery)

Also, I vote for this to be our mexh's appearance

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Last time, you challenged the Warden who reigns over Fire Field to a dangerous duel of the highest stakes and risks! You two will face each other in a game of Guess Whom is it?! An original game without a trademark that you can sell to children of all ages… Except the ones who like to eat the tiny pieces of everything, like Ame when she was a little more little and you couldn’t play with your line of plastic construction toys — you’ll never forget the day you had to close down Johnny Airlines™ because that tiny bear kept trying to eat your plastic passengers! They were paying customers, how dare she?!

Regardless, the birdy bird moves back to Quye as his side of the board hasn’t appeared yet. The two communicate briefly, a drastic change is about to happen…

Flatly, Quye doesn’t want to play the game proper, but the challenge still goes. To make a long story short, you’re playing Guess Who? on Single Player. By relinquishing his role as an active competitor, he negotiated rules changes:

>You’re going to play on Quye’s turf on Floor F.

>The Prisoners (and some volunteers) will *actually* come over to be a part of this. They will help you out.

>During Phase 1, the game revolves around you asking 5 questions to the Prisoners. They’re forced to answer earnestly. This extra information will come in handy for Phase 2 later, so use them wisely. Or don't! You never won a game of Guess Who? by knowing any of those losers' jobs!

>During Phase 2, it’s the proper Guess Who? gameplay everyone knows and loves. You ask yes or no questions to figure out Quye’s chosen one. He *can’t* lie.

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“Actually, I am!” You say to them, then turn to Quye and the bird. “For my reward, I want you to let everyone here go. That includes every single prisoner who played with us now, Rolling Thunder, me, and my buddies.”

The prisoners are getting way too excited with your request, almost to the point of disbelief. But it needs to be agreed upon though.

“...Consider it done.” Quye saw this coming. “Bring them out. I’ll make sure no one interferes. Just… leave soon.” He doesn’t want to see your mask anymore…

“Huh?! I’m leaving so soon?!” Carmella can’t believe it.

“Bro, I’m shaking. Look at my arm! Goosebumps!” Dylan is in awe.

“Me too! Didn’t even notice until you said it!” Roundbert shows his arm.

“Same.” Squarefelix shows his arm too.

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“Shame I don’t share the same privilege, but to see the sun again is enough for these brittle bones…” Wigmar sounds hopeful for so little.

“At long last, I’ll pay them a visit. I know her well. My lovely wife can’t rest peacefully without her final goodnight kiss.” Solomon looks forward to seeing his family’s grave. He’s in for half a surprise…

“You won’t be alone, I’m sure my daughter misses me the same.” Walter nods to the old man with aviator sunglasses.

“Family… Perhaps Rahul needs to reevaluate his objective.” Rahul misses his own.

“Is it too late to congratulate you on your victory?” Agent Mage asks. “Because I still have confetti under my sleeves.”

“Allow me.” Annelien throws confetti from her shoulder pads all over the room.

“W-Woah! Didn’t see this one coming!” Crossbill doesn’t know what to expect from the weird gal.

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Nice! Thanks for running!
Thanks for running
Thanks for running

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You are Kara Zor-El, one of the last living remnants of the once proud Kryptonian Empire. When you were but a babe, the empire fell. You were taken in by another of its remnants: The artificial intelligence known as Brainiac. It nurtured you when you were little, taught you lessons of your Kryptonian heritage, trained you to fight as they did. Direct and unforgiving.

As you grew up, Brainiac reestablished the Empire. He started out only with a few derelict space stations and ships and soon grew to encompass a few systems, bringing under heel various civilizations who owed their growth to Krypton. They were rebels, traitors, they refused Brainiac’s mercy and Brainiac taught them to respect their betters.

You watched it often, orbit bombings. Wars fought between Kryptonian war machines and whatever these species could muster. Whole species punished to toil to pay back for their crimes. Your heart hardened, the Empire was in dire straits, terrible things had to be done for a brighter future.

Soon enough, you were convinced. Krypton had to return. The resources and skills of the civilizations that once bent the knee to the homeworld had to be united to continue its purpose. To expand, to enlighten.

And you reached adulthood. 21 years of age in Kryptonian society. Brainiac outfitted you with an armour made of the best composites from the New Empire, and the most up to date technological advancements the AI could muster.

“Zor-El.” His robotic voice rang from the comms console below you. “My most precious asset, how I longed for you to feel the pride that stems from fighting for the Great Cause.”

“Thank you, Brainiac.” You replied. “I have anxiously waited for this day myself.”

“It is good to hear. Allow me to remind you of your mission: You will be dropped into the government building of the Kazarrian Empire, the foremost polity on planet Racker V after the Empire’s collapse.”

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When are we starting back up?
OP where are you ?
out for spooks
It's over, isn't it?
his bones were rattled

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