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Times are tough. It seems like no one is making any coin everyone is practically starving. It's almost winter here in Rupit. You are
>a Miller's daughter. Not yet suffering from starvation but still poor
>a orphan girl. Taken in by the local nunnery. Poverty and chastaty are the vows you hold close.
>a dukes 4th daughter. You have no place in court life but you neither hunger nor want. Life seems meaningless.
>a poachers daughter. You want not for food or clothing yet you lack for all else.
>a gaurdsmens daughter. You have the needs but life is drudgery.

One hours from post to count votes if anyone is interested.
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>Dwarves who can grant the wishes of others
>>the smallfolk who told you of the son of Pluto who lives in the woods
>the smallfolk who told you of the son of Pluto who lives in the woods
>>Christ an his lessons on how to live
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>chronos who ate his young
And Zeus who killed Uranos. We can usurp our father's house as well as any son.

It's New Year's Eve, 1995. You're sat alone in your shitty apartment with the lights off and a warm bottle of bottom-shelf champagne which you stopped drinking four hours ago. It was too sweet, and drinking it straight from the bottle made you a little too depressed to actually finish it. Your tv is set to static. It's more comforting than watching all of the actual celebrations, which you despise of course, and helps you fall asleep on most other nights.
You get up from the floor to check your answering machine. Still only one message, the one where your ex dumped you.
You go back to your bed and slump down on it face-first. How the fuck did you fuck up this bad? It feels like the only thing you have left is your job. Your ex took all your friends with her, your family... well, the less said about them the better, but you don't even have a pet to come home to. Hell, you doubt anyone would even miss you if you were gone. Do people at work even know your name? You have to wear a name tag everywhere...

Maybe you'll turn your life around tonight. New year, new you. Start with a new name perhaps? What kind of a name do you want, that would suit you?
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Remove our shirt and tie it like a loincloth. We're going Bronza Age

> Cyrus gives no fucks, Cyrus just keeps on walking without his pants
Intriguing, I never knew that's what it meant.

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You are a Bridge Troll. A savage, dim, and obsessive creature that haunts the underside of many crossings; whether that be a simple log or a glorious bridge of stone. Recently you were forcibly expelled from the bridge that had been your family's bridge for generations. It was a creaky old-bridge that stood over an equally unimpressive river full of muck, festid mosquito nests, and troll droppings.

You hardly got any visitors to tax except for the occasional ne'er-do-el for whom speed and stealth was a priority over ease of travel. They rarely paid your toll but made for comforting if smelly meals.

However, after a survey of the nearby area by prospectors sent by the local lord (who paid your "troll toll" with mead and apples taken from the local village), the nasty almost-creek that was your home was found to host specks of silver and therefore a silver deposit.

After that you were promptly dislocated from your home by an "honorable" knight named Sir Flikker who enjoyed shouting about noblesse oblige and chivalry while chasing you. As if they cared about any of that when you were only harassing dirt poor peasants and not a host to valuable metals.

Now, after walking until your warted, ugly, and dull gray feet were full of blisters you feel comfortable enough to find a new home.

Which bridge do you choose?
>A sturdy log over a particularly wide and long ditch in the forest. Most of your visitors will be outlaws and woodsmen who typically don't pay taxes sadly. A benefit however there's little chance of facing any conflict from a lord or mayor here.

>An old splintery wooden bridge that's subject to a decent amount of foot traffic. You'd have to pick your battles carefully here, eating or taxing the wrong person could lead to knights knocking on your bridge.

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+1, but if the song sucks, we eat them.
>Let them compose you a song they'll play as a toll(increases infamy/fame)
>>Go back to sleep this is clearly a hallucination
>Let them compose you a song they'll play as a toll(increases infamy/fame)
>Let them compose you a song they'll play as a toll(increases infamy/fame)

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You remember parts of who you were, but thinking is hard. Quick, you must store that thought in the green, glowing bars of your prison before it leaves you.


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If only ALD worked with us instead. We could have combined forces to turn the planet into the ULTIMATE map by harnessing the extreme autism of humanity. Too bad he made himself the greatest threat we ever had

You have completed the arc! It was a massive slog, but you finished it! Well done!

This is one of the Good Ends, considering all players are ancient NTTs.

Curiosity is the only one capable of forming a true symbiotic relationship with the human species; our very first choice saved us. All the others subsequent were a matter of degrees.

Wonderful! Wonderful!

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I'll miss you, ai sloppa anon
I have 10,000++ kino images on this device.

You'll see me.

^ ^
I will, thanks for reminding me.

Justice's end goal is to more or less have a world without sins, but she wouldn't actually remove people's ability to sin, just punish anyone who does. It's just a globally enforced law system with the law itself being rather extreme. It's not technically the worst end for humanity as people would eventually get used to it, but it would be a static world where not much is allowed to happen as no one can rebel or change the laws into something more reasonable.

Hatred's end goal isn't actually worldwide extinction, and he would keep a small pocket of humanity alive just so that it could fight it for its own pleasure sometimes. However humanity would probably end up mutated beyond reason as his world would make everything constantly get stronger from fighting and being hurt, which would affect humans as well. It's a constant slaughterfest more or less.

ALD's basically the matrix if I have to be honest. it doesn't want anyone to rebel against it, so it'll keep a bunch of humans in virtual realities to observe them and keep learning as much as it could for them, then it would subject to a bunch of different maps (virtual realities) to see which one they like the most. Of course there's no such thing as a perfect map so it might get stuck in that process forever amassing as much info as it can just to find what it's doing wrong.

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Outworld client starting


[0]Neohuman Academia
[0]Mahou Shoujo Maido Royale
[0]Kaiju Relief Management
[x]Genesis_RPG . . .

Servers: public . . . private[x]

Insert Key: ************

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Far from the deep earth are shores caressed by sunlight, yet whom rose though smoke and pyre. Under the waves, scars braze the land, a union of the surface and the subterranea fire, setting the sea ablaze with magma and brimstone, and giving birth to verdant islands. The fast waves break on black sand, the breeze blows through the ample folliage, nurtured by the destructive forces emanating from the micro tectonic plates below. Monkeys swing from vine to vine, crabs climb for coconuts, kelpies trot in shade, but none of these are chosen.

A leathery hide slides across the sand, pushed by finned, webbed feet. A weak sight is meet with the refracted sight if the sun, it is their meaty wiskers protruding from their sleek shoulders that reveal them the world. Muscles contract and relax following small electrical discharges beneath their silvery skin. A head rises abose the water, the mouth opens, pale teeth shine in the light and a first breath is had. "Lungs... men of lung" their hearts tell them, that organ fizzling electric discharges in the water and air. And that thunder in their heart, willfully put there by a power outside their comprehension, said to them such...

>{Kthos, the Last}:


{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: how did the number of races doubled?
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Check Kickassia.
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: fucking hell that will be a bloodbath
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: I am betting on the spider-people.
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: just so we are all on the same page

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I’ll just tell one race something and let the anons do the rest and I choose… the scorpion people.

>”Do not fear death my children. For when you die, you just return to my icy embrace. This world is a prison you must endure and live on in until it’s your time, but when it’s your time you shall be returned into my infinite nothingness and become death. Rejoice! You live to die!
I'll also do one race, then.
>"Aranae", sung by the wind and the tremors of the earth, and that primordial voice told them such...
>{Kthos, the Last}:
>"The depths of the world you inhabit are my holy lands."
>"You will be the protectors and wardens of the deep earth."
>"For those whose lives end must come to lie in the earth as spirits. And they must not be disturbed, without a proper payment of Vitality."

>the Virisikiae have gained the traits: death worshippers, anti-materialists, focus(nothingness)
>the Aranae have gained the traits: Xenophobic(overworlders), aranae-centric, focus(fairness)

{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: Would anyone else like to wager who will win the Kickassia battle royale?
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: It's a sucker bet
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: buddhist scorpions are pretty cool tbf

irl came knocking so no real update today, feel free to give the lungmen something in the meantime, or not, that too is a possibility.
Also, how would you consider the descriptions? I intend for denser paragraphs like those for "in game" senctions, such as land descriptions and npc POVs.
I liked the paragraphs! The perspective they're written from is pretty good considering we're (presumably) just watching them from above, like cells wiggling around in a Spore game. The description of the scenery covers plenty, which gives a good idea of what their environments and lives are normally like, which in turn makes it easier to lead into setting a religion for their mindset.
As for the lungfish, I thought of a good thing to tell them:
>And that thunder in their heart, willfully put there by a power outside their comprehension, said to them one simple phrase:
>Don't let them kill you.

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Previous thread here: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5995153/

All threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=sci-fi%2C+VoidQM

In the last thread we re-adjusted ourselves to human life, met an interesting father-son duo, and prepared to breach the Melasthemae Curtain.

Ship: Heavy cruiser LDS Vanilla Skyline, Courageous-class
Captain: Commander Sylvia Thorton (yourself)
Crew: mostly undisciplined, enthusiastic
Engine: 95% efficiency
Railgun Turret A-1: 92% efficiency
All other systems operating at 100% efficiency.
Current Position: Molosses, Melasthemae Curtain.

Ship: Patrol destroyer LDS Chocolate Rain, Jaguar-class

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>"You just do your job, and hope everyone do theirs. No point overthinking it."
Thankfully I only caught a sniffle from the rain, still annoying.

>>"You just do your job, and hope everyone do theirs. No point overthinking it."

>>"Well, you have to learn to trust. Faith. Do you understand?" *points to heart*
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Trust, faith, camaraderie, what men live by, but not necessarily what bugs live by. Even if some of that bug blood is now flowing through your veins (you stop yourself from reflexively retching in front of Pahan), how larger Mir vessels are commanded and controlled is nothing more than vague images to your mind.

After some consideration, perhaps it's best to sidestep the question for now. “You just do your job, and hope everyone do theirs. No point overthinking it.” In the not too distant future when you are not literally under fire you can give him a complete tour of the ship, show him how it's properly done.

Pahan ponders the answer until he realises it was a non-answer. “Reaally? This ‘hope’ Sivia Totonret do too?” You have no need for such nihilistic coping strategies, your men would never... Would they?

Yes, they would. On a certain level, you had trotted out such a non-answer time and again to push back the doubt gingerly gnawing the corners of your mind. Chernov's actions, Tim's too, certainly didn't help. “Yes, keep this between you and me: sometimes I don't trust in my own men either. Yet I must, I have no choice. And neither do you. If only there is no war...”

“There is war, always. We don't deal in hypotheticals here.” Silas pops out from behind a conveniently obscured doorframe. “But I won't fail a student who's still learning. Honestly? I would be more concerned if you still naively cling on to some ideal of this crew after all that have happened." He quickly shoos the soldier-caste back into his bunks. “Don't worry, I won't tuck you back into bed like, him.”

“So you're here to continue that talk we had earlier, Si? I don't remember anything particularly urgent being discussed when the new recruit Richard sneaked up on me.” You can barely make out Silas' frown under the mellowed light.

“Remind me to talk to you about that Richard Ergos after this battle. We need a job, something that could chain that viper to a desk while at the same time giving his hawk eyes no paperwork to read. But for now? No, nothing urgent.” Silas quickly notices your knitted brows.

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After chowing down scrambled eggs on toast, you let out one last yawn before entering the bridge. The men quickly snaps to attention before returning to their duties while Tim gives you a sitrep. “de Tassigny's sleeve-ace jumped into the system a few hours ago. Come here, O'Keefe, you need to hear this too.” Silas meanders over, cup of coffee still in hand. “No, I don't like black coffee, thanks for the offer. Anyways, as I was saying...”

He quickly brings up three silhouettes. “The Razoredge and Scarface, escorted by yours truly, Thanaret. Or should I say frogmarched? Look at those fresh laser burns on their hulls.” The light cruiser Ayutthaya is now on flank accel, but judging by the distance it wouldn't be another two or three hours until it catches up with your group. “ETA 140 minutes.”

You feel cold sweat rolling down your nose as you look over. The Hyena was much closer than before, now barely an AU away. “Hyena-1 is trying to stop that happening, of course.” The thundering of explosions now washes over the deck in short, violent bursts, or at least you imagine so. “It will soon throw all it's worth at us. Every interceptor drone on the Invincible now flies extended sorties. Anti-missile missiles stockpiles on Ienaga's ships still full. That's about it.”

Silas points at the smaller pip accompanying the battleship. “This Komodo's the real threat. Thanaret won't be able to make an attack run on the Hyena with those guns still in the way. Do we have permission to fire at will?”

“de Tassigny gave us the greenlight an hour ago. We can shoot at anything we want, except the battleship. Problem is, that damn heavy cruiser seems to know this as well, so it keeps on dashing behind the Hyena whenever we start straddling it.”

"No need to straddle if we can nail it on our first shot." Both men look at you incredulously as you toss several 1d100 onto an empty dish left there for that exact purpose. You will only have one chance, so choosing the correct approach would be vital.
>Wait for the Komodo to wander far enough from the Hyena before opening fire. (DC 80, Thanaret will be delayed)
>Aim for the gap between the two ships, let see where it can run now. (DC 90)
>Move out of your formation to line up the sun behind the Komodo, increasing your optical sensor's effectiveness (DC 70, your ship is more vulnerable to missile attacks)

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Rolled 94 (1d100)

>Wait for the Komodo to wander far enough from the Hyena before opening fire. (DC 80, Thanaret will be delayed)

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Through dynastic intrigue, rightful inheritance, or plain dumb luck you have found yourself in charge of one of the Imperium's millions of worlds. A position of much luxury but still with the responsibility of the Tithe on you. Will you be a great leader known throughout the ages or someone who is cursed by a thousand populist historians and preachers?
First though, there is something to be determined: What is the world you're running?
>[ ] Agriworld: Holodramas may depict these as a rugged paradise for a simple farmer, the reality is far more unpleasant.
>[ ] Paradise World: Known for it's raw beauty, this world has been mostly untouched aside from hotels for offworld noble travelers. It's only real industry is the service one, and the Sector very much wants to keep it that way.
[ ] Feudal World: Unscathed by the Age of Strife and uneducated, this primitive world is mostly left to it's own devices. Though protected by an chapter of the Space Marines as a recruiting world, they have little interest in assisting the planetary government in ensuring centralized control over the planet.
>[ ] Fortress World: Strategically important to the defense of the imperium, this world has more resources diverted to it than tithed, along with heavy Munitorium support. As Governor-General you will not need to worry about the Guard taking away your authority in wartime, but in turn you expect many of it's enemies to continually test your defenses.
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Sorry for the 2 week wait. But I'll have to put this on an Hiatus backburner now. I'm very good at making myself busy with other projects which have taken out much of my time with this.
This however is a Hiatus and not a firm ending. If I do get the time and focus required I will return and post thread number 2. Apologies for not being able to keep up with this at least during this summer.
Gotcha, and thanks for the notice Governor, instead of just letting the thread end up archived without any explanation beforehand.
Think it would be rude and too much like that other guy that does PG quests to not give the notice at least.
you might want to put something small and easy, between writing main updates. Not sure what. Talking maybe ? Some simple combat ? A quick POV of someone else like a guardsman ? Idk. I appreciate the main updates but there is a lot of space between them in terms of time.

Wetting your lips, you once more take stock of your audience, scrutinizing their features. The eyes of these children watch you expectantly, waiting for you to offer them a glimpse of a world that they could only imagine. It is true, that you are strange to them; that much you have already acknowledged. Yet the gravity of your position becomes apparent to you only as you wrack your brain in search of a suitable subject to speak at length of.

You, Jezyrene Delyl, are the sole link between the culture of your people and these impressionable little ones. Raised isolated from their kindred in the Underdark and deprived of the teachings of their ancestors, they are surfacers in all but appearance. These unforeseen circumstances evoke an unusual sensation that radiates out from your chest, a burning need to remedy this error.

"Once, tens of thousands of years ago, when dragons still ruled the Realms, our people came to this world from another and made our home here. We found a place in a far-off land and built a country for ourselves, the ancient realm of Ilythiir," you begin, drawing upon the education that you received in centuries past. "This is why the true name of our people is the Ilythiiri."
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QM? All good?
Between getting gaslit at work and trying to totally change the trajectory of my life while the area I have experience in is slowly getting phased out in favor of AI, not really.

Anyways - once things are concluded here in the forest, the remainder of the quest will mainly involve wrapping things up, so I can at least assure that the endgame is in sight. After that, who knows? I have been kicking around ideas for another quest. I'm mainly interested in retaining Forgotten Realms Adventures readers, as I feel that I at least owe that to the people who have kept up and read this far.
If you drop the name of your new quest in the QTG and let us know it's you, we'll be there. Sorry to hear about the career struggles, though.
The wait has always been worth it. Speaking as someone who has been around since thread one, I've thought a lot about the stamina it must take to keep a quest going for so long.

And, sucks to hear about real life. I don't know if it's of much help, but I went pretty much from absolute rock bottom eight years ago to graduating law school and now having a decent job. I hope it gets better for you.

Can't believe we're drawing to the long awaited end. I know you've mentioned a few ideas before for a new quest, no matter what it is, I'm glad you are thinking of continuing with something. This has been a delightful steady point to return to in the past, what the hell, two years according to sup tg.

Damn if time doesn't fly.
>This has been a delightful steady point to return to in the past, what the hell, two years according to sup tg.
Damn, time really does fly. I second the sentiment. This is one of the greats.

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Part 5 has successfully loaded!

Character sheets, shopping lists, and more: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V0eqo-5JEuUwZ-AODD9jkxGMwEhkvn77?usp=sharing
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Lodestar:%20Dawn%20of%20a%20New%20Age

Last time, we took control of Captain Ramza Valentine as he navigated the social structures of a Gaoth Raidship. Having joined them on a successful hunt that ended in the execution of every single black pirate serving aboard Captain Lore's ship, the sickened Ramza was invited to join in post-mission celebrations aboard the Skyseer by Captain Jaghatai. There, he learned the finer points of one of the games native to Gaoth, purchased a handcrafted Concertina from one of the soldiers playing music for the party, and ended the celebrations by getting blackout drunk to forget the ruthless slaughter he'd seen just hours ago. Upon waking up, he was back upon his ship with the Skyseer nowhere to be seen, and Aito's own ship was fixed up enough to set sail once more.

Once he was on his way back towards Threespice, he encountered a True Dragon inhabiting the icefields that seems to have been responsible for hunting the local monster population, and attempted to entice it closer to the ship to harvest one of its valuable parts without having to hunt it. He saw minor success in that he was able to acquire some of its hairs that snagged on the ship, but more valuable was perhaps the demonstration of the curious creature as it emulated the function of Ramza's mageblade without needing one of its own - one disconnected from its body, as well.

As we resume our adventures, the crew had just arrived at Threespice once more. There's no time to rest, however, as Ramza has a plan for the next immediate course of action: finally acting upon that Recruitment plan that Lobo gave him and filling up your roster of men, as you have three entire ships to see to now. There is only question that remains...who will we be playing today?

>Ramza Valentine. You're cocky, charming, and killer with a Mageblade.
>Val Lasombra. You're great with magic, but even better with a pistol. Not one for words, you think actions speak much louder.
>Gigas. You've yet to meet anyone that can best you physically, or resist your infectious cheer.
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The Gaoth ideology seems off-putting to Ramza's more live-and-let-live chaotic good approach to life.I don't think we should become Gaoth citizens. I think exploring demon knowledge in the frozen wastes sounds profitable. Also, maybe investigating if the shit Eldingar is getting up to is an existential threat to us all.
I figure the same about Ramza, but I didn’t consider citizenship to be a dealbreaker for him. Sounds like you can get it if you simply kick ass hard enough, and Ramza’s bound to do that anyway. Certainly nice to have if it means he can cut through their territory while evading capture somewhere else, or pick up supplies while en-route to another destination.

There is also a small part of me that wants to get Gremory citizenship on the basis that she nuked several of their cities (with help, admittedly) and they’d be cowards not to respect that. I can’t really see any benefit to it besides further validating how fucked up their culture truly is, but it’s an earworm that won’t leave my head.
Uh, I'd say our near term goal is dealing with stillwater and friends. Then seeing if this fake spire is going to kill us.

I'd say we should figure out gigas mind stuff. We know Gremory can fix some of it.
Thanks for running QM.

Get well.
Thanks for the well wishes, friends!
Heading to Eldingar for disk 2 is certainly possible and what the original party did, and conveniently allows for exploration of one of the frozen wastes (the northern or the southern, respectively) on the way there. Unless you wanted to cut through Voda or Gaoth instead of riding the border between the two.
Voda and Gaoth are Lume's immediate neighbors, with Eldingar essentially being on the other side of the world.

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You can't help but chuckle. "Yes, it is a big deal. You can not only see Spirits but can speak with them. Even I can't speak with all of them and I had to die and be blessed by a Dragon to even begin to understand them. This is unprecedented and quite possibly undocumented." You explain as you finish another set of steps and move down. "Just how long have you been able to do that? Was it when you became leader? It could be your natural abilities being heightened by assuming responsibility of one of the holiest, former holiest, sites in China."

"Waitwaitwait! You can't start asking questions! I don't have my materials!" Ming says waving her hands to get you to stop. "I need my books! I need ink and brushes and...I'll be right back!" She says standing up and running back up the mountain. You shake your head in amusement and watch her leap from rock to rock all the way back to the Jade Palace.

It doesn't take long for Ming to return, arms full of empty scrolls, ink bottles, and a various other writing instruments. Fortunately for you, you had done this exercise long enough that you had made significant progress on the steps. You were about 2/3rds down the mountain steps. "Ok! I'm ready to do some research. Let's see..." Ming sits down and crosses her legs rather than trying to sit politely. Her tail swishes from side to side and she plays with her hair as she thinks. "I think I remember noticing movement near the end. A few weeks before the city was attacked." She says as she starts quickly jotting down notes. "I just thought it was me being tired or maybe it was Xin just trying to scare me."

"Xin? I don't think they're capable of such a thing." You muse. Ming throws an empty scroll at you.

"You need to pick that up now and behave." She says. "I don't know when I was able to talk to them. I just kind of always have been."

"What about the bigger ones? Do you see big ones?" You ask. Ming shakes her head.

"No. All I see is small ones." She says. You think for a moment.

"But there are bigger ones. Do you ever see anything bigger? Maybe like a large gust of wind that seems to move like no breeze should or something more dragon shaped?" You ask. "Some of them look a bit humanoid but eventually they start to become less and less regular shaped." You explain, waving your hands vaguely to indicate the strange forms spirits can take.

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I fold with a wet blanket.

>Support this.
Even if it's done without wanting to sometimes that's all it takes to take the first steps towards changing. Maybe this will help push tigerbun to be better?
"Tch!" You huff and clench your fists. Something always had to get in the way of what you wanted. The others could be at the library waiting on you. You could all simply leave now but you knew that it wouldn't be that simple. The others would want to stick around and try to save more people. That's the whole reason why you were going to the library in the first place, to bank on that fact and find them. For all your bluster would you really be able to face them knowing that you'd turned your back on everything they had expected of you? It just wasn't fair. It was so much easier to be selfish and take what you wanted. Then you remember their smiles. They way they'd look at you with pride and happiness when you played nice with others when you helped them save people. You couldn't bare the though of taking that away from them. Of them being ashamed of you. Just imagining that brought about a certain pain you have never felt before. One you couldn't really describe.

You breathe in deeply and roll your neck and shoulders. "Enough!" You bark. "All of you get in formation. We head westward! Stick close and form a perimeter around whoever we find. The enemy may have some kind of advantage but we know this city better than they do. We can't afford a direct confrontation so we'll slip through the alleys. It'll serve as a choke point and help thin out anyone who attacks. We have no time for heroics so it's in then out as fast as we can. We get one sweep so make it the best damn rescue you can muster. Gods give us strength." The guards stand at attention out of habit and ready their weapons. "We'll make your ancestors proud but they'll need to wait a bit longer if they wish to see their descendants. No one else is dying today. Not if we can help it." You draw your blade and point it towards your new destination. "Now go! I'll cover your from the rooftops and scout ahead!"

"But what about...him?" One of the soldier's asks as the group finally seems to notice the polar bear.

"He's with us. He may have been our enemy but even he didn't condone this madness." You say. "Aleskander take the rear. Cover them and keep the enemy from flanking."

The large bear gives you a curious look. "You are trusting me?" He asks.

"...he would." You say quietly before turning your back. "We don't have time to argue. Are you going back on your word or will you help us?" The man nods.

"No one else dies today." He repeats.

You leap from rooftop to rooftop as your eyes scour the streets looking for anyone left alive. You hope, pray, that you might find the others here as well. Maybe you were wrong. Maybe they instead decided to find stragglers than help the bulk of the civilians. Your attention is drawn by the sounds of screaming. A father and his child are trapped in their home as flames tried to claw their way in and consume the building. The roof groans and threatens to collapse upon them as you can hear a beam crackle and snap into pieces bringing the weight down upon the rest of the weakened structure.

>What do you do?
>Break into the home and carry the two out.
>Get Aleskander to try and break the nearest wall down to control the collapse of the house in a safe direction.
>Get to the guard's location and have them rescue the family while you look for others.
>Write in.
>Break into the home and carry the two out.
Guards would take too long and the roof falling in is dangerious regardless.

You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. He goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!


Last time: After Ben caught up with his clone brother, Abe (A.K.A. Spider-Man), he recruited the Thief Girls to look into the production and distribution of an addictive drug targeted towards mutants called "Kick". Then, he requested that Ember's first act as a Desperado be to use her powers to remodel Central Park into the greatest Halloween attraction known to man.

And with all the help Ben's been giving the Morlocks, Callisto finally admits to being able to trust him completely. Although, the fact that Ben had just revealed his name and face to her somewhat helped with that declaration.

But what of Iara's revelation of Donny's return? Will the Morlocks be able to comfortably move out of Central Park? Will their plans to profit off of Ember's powers pan out, or will it blow up in their faces?

And will Storm ever recommend the Desperados' services to her colleagues.

Find out more in the latest issue of…MAXIMUM SPIDER QUEST!

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>"How do you know all this stuff, anyway?"

Would you guys like me to move forward with these options, or do you want to wait for more votes to roll in?
been long enough i think, we can move on
Fair enough. I'm gonna get started on the write-up.
“How do you know all this stuff, anyway?” you asked.

“I–this one knows lots of things.” she said, quickly correcting herself before she had a chance to refer to herself in the first person. “It’s sort of like looking at things through a kaleidoscope. This one sees possibilities. What is, what could have been, and what might be. She gets snippets of information, and she pieces things together here and there to get a clearer picture. But if we really focus, we can see so much more.”

“So you can see the future.” Abe concluded.

Potential futures.” you clarified. “So…exactly how much do you know?”

“Oh, you know…” Mantis said with a shrug and a giggle.

Well, that explained literal nothing. Was she being purposely vague?

“Do you know how many fingers I have behind my back?” Joy asked, hiding her hand behind her back.

“We know how many fingers you might potentially have behind your back.” Mantis answered. “Unless we’re talking about the universe where you’re a penguin. Because if that was the case, it’d be a trick question, because penguins don’t have fingers. Not visible ones, at least.”

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>>See if you can’t bribe Mantis with tortas to get her to tell your fortune. At the very least, you might learn some interesting things about your alternate selves.

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Because why not.
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Can't do too much in my position, especially if Rin's about to chomp down on the sacred candy, still in denial about the leg and kinda want to find it to stick it back on before transforming back, even if I know it's long gone :P

If I don't die, Miharu doesn't care about the grief seed, and she'll probably be wondering if Knight-san is okay and what her whole deal was
We'll try to push ourselves to see if we can find the Knight, if we find her we'll cry some tears of joy that we managed to protect both of them, but if we fail, we'll apologize for not being able to protect her before passing out, poor girl's been through a lot and deserves some rest, thinking about it all can come later
Can a soul gem survive stomach acid?
>The Grief Seed clinks against Rin's teeth as she rolls the bauble around in her mouth. Windshield-wiper fluid, fun-fair glitter, exhaust soot. Rin's not a huge fan of the flavors of this weird hard candy, but they're a step up from licorice so she tolerates it. Alerted by a soft, pain-strangled voice muttering something which she fails to parse, Rin turns and gawks at the brutalized cyclops girl.
> Displaying an utter lack of tact or decorum, Rin remarks.
> "Wow. You're **fuuuuucked** up."
>Miharu jolts, trying to sit up if she can, pushing through the pain and tiredness. "Where's Knight san?! We have to find her!"
Rin nods and rocks back and forth animatedly on her heels. The fringed girl seems to have taken an inordinately keen interest in Mirharu's various wounds, but makes no moves to help her as the girl wrestles with her own broken body. Rin gets the lingering impression that she recognizes the cyclops from somewhere.
With her mouth half-filled with metaphysical artifact, Rin garbles out a response to Miharu's sudden assertion.
>"Knight is a dumb name."
> "They the one who thrashed ya? Looking for payback?"

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Last time, you and Suan De chased a hobo girl named Ichie across the city and its sewers, who was demonically possessed by a ghost of allegedly evil nature (Hell bent on revenge of some kind) that was sealed in the secret room your apartment supposedly always had. It was a thrilling, disgusting, and unnecessarily difficult chase that left you on top of a random building in front of the homeless shelter. After using diplomacy effectively, you convinced the ghost to relent control of Ichie’s body.

But the story didn’t end there, Ichie herself wasn’t cooperating in the way you needed. A very stubborn gal. You wanted everyone to retreat back to your apartment since you’re all soaked in sewer water. Showers are a necessity.

But she wasn’t hearing it because she’s a snobby pants and couldn’t go out there drenched and stinky (Even though you’ve seen her rummaging through garbage), the thing is you can turn people invisible, but she’s so narcissistic, she never heard your proposition until you abruptly showed her by making her hand invisible. That bluescreen’d her. Once that happened, you just grabbed and took everyone to your apartment.

You were willing to carry them both, but Suan De declined, merely using your shoulder for support. She needed to touch you anyway if you all wanted to leave the building without being noticed, but you could tell she was leaning on you. She was too tired after saving everyone from the sewer geyser.

It was taxing on your body, but nothing that bad.

You’re all back at your apartment! All safe. All smelly. You’re glad Ruby didn’t see the hole! Phew!

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. welcomes the gang. He notices the smell but doesn’t care all that much.

“...Who should shower first?” Suan De expects order.

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“Woah! This little hut is so much nicer than what I imagined!” Ichie is impressed by the place being clean. “I’m Ichie Saionji! It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

“Hello. Saionji, you say?” Matilda is less than cordial for some reason, but Ichie is too busy living in her own world to care.

“Yes, the sole heir I may add!” Ichie says with a smile. By the looks of it, Matilda wants to tell you something about your newly acquired hobo.

Before you can get into anything, Oliver rushes over with an expression that can only be described as panicky!

“Master! You’re finally here!” The former terrorist shouts. “You brought Johnny and his pals too! Good! It’s a huge emergency!”

“When is it not?” Matilda is used to this guy being all melodramatic.

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Thanks for running!
Would you mind drawing all the characters in the old style for one thread?
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I already did that for the Vera threads!

(We will most likely return tomorrow in a new thread, sorry for the hiatus!)
Oh shit, I missed it! Thanks again!

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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/6s4Xazmv
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

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You're so salty, dude.

Nobody on /qst/ of all places is some wise sage, but yes: quests with more overt effort tend to get more discussion and appreciation, and to last longer and be remenbered longer, than those whoch don't. You just ALSO need a premise and execution which capture and hold attention to begin with, so people can see the effort.

If you can't achieve this very reasonable goal of getting three-to-ten people to read your quest, you've got:
>a premise that people here aren't interested in
>a writing style people find boring or annoying
>an inability to maintain a regular update schedule and consistent quality

If you "give" genuine effort, to the best of your ability, to figure out which of these is the issue and to fix it, you too can "get back" moderately success in a niche collaborative fiction community. It might take a few tries and some compromise, and not every passion project is going to be an instant success, but it's pretty attainable.

You won't get there by being a whiny little baby in the /qtg/, though.
>Nobody on /qst/ of all places is some wise sage
And yet they act like it when they give their "advice" that swings between extremes of "no shit Sherlock" and vague nonsense.
And yet they act like it when they refuse to admit they're wrong.
If nobody here is a wise sage, they shouldn't be taking such a stance to begin with, should they? Yet here we are.

So backpedal and deflect some more, because you clearly lack the mental maturity to admit your error. Maybe one day you'll be able to run for president, with your knack for duplicity.
Have you considered that you're projecting? People get asked for advice and give advice based on their personal experiences on this sitem it's not that deep. You're just pathetically seeking justifications to be righteously angry at your own literary failures.

Since you apparently can't run a quest for shit and hate everyone here, you should probably just leave.
BIG UPDATE for the Caretaker quest
will you do something about the vision you just had? will you look for help? or will you deal with this yourself in order to not involve more people?
New update in UTUTU Quest!


Sorry for spamming this update in all three /qtg/ threads, not sure which is the real one and I want to collect all my players again.

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In the year 1987, crime and corruption in America is an epidemic. Drugs and guns flow into the country from everywhere in the world, and the gateway to it all is the coastal paradise, Heat City. This is a place of shining high-rises and shadowed alleys, sunsets and smog, neon and blood, ruled by ambition and greed and power. Here in Heat City, you can get whatever you want -- if you can pay the price.
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Rolled 9, 1 = 10 (2d10)

>Fire PCX at tie next to me
>Move N N W W (Vault, Cool 4)
>Overwatch with PCX

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (4->3/8) [max 4/8]
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 7->5/7 + (4->0/6 Armor)
Edge: 7->6/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)

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Rolled 10 (1d10)

>-1 Edge: Electrify
>1ap: [Impact Out] 2SE, 2S
>1ap: Move 1 East, 6 North
>1ap: Throw Axe at closest enemy target

Name: Tobias Rieper
Type: Brain
Stats: AV 6/6 HP 8/8, Edge 10/11, Move 6(7), Defence 4, Crit on 5
Factors: Hard 0(1), Cool 0, Sharp 4(5), Weird 4(5)
-WR/BR Axes (Melee/Range, Damage 3, Crit on 3+, Super Crit on 9-10, Throw Axe: 1/2 Uses range 10)

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Rolled 9, 4, 2, 6, 6, 10, 2, 1, 6, 7 = 53 (10d10)

Hard 0[1] - HP [8/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6[5]
Sharp 0 - Edge 0/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]

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Rolled 10, 5 = 15 (2d10)

>2AP: Move NW, 6N
>1AP: Quick shoot Oni with Pistol

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 1/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 4/12+4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 3/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Spent)
Medic Bag (Spent)

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