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File: Shipyard 2.jpg (265 KB, 1222x595)
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You are David Hardrada, founder of the colony of Thunor made up of ex-soldiers whom had laid stake to a world upon the edges of civilized space. Through struggles and dangers, you had found yourself, over a decade after setting first foot upon the world, hosting a foreign lord. Throughout the pleasantries, your empathetic nature had allowed you to read the man well enough to ensure you maintain a good enough relationship for the upcoming negotiations.

After you had retired after throwing a rowdy feast wherein people gathered, socialized, danced, and held a boxing match fighting each other to both went frustration and to have some fun. Unfortunately, you being born a commoner, you lacked the abilities to simply ignore a raging headache currently pounding and trying to break out of your skull. You once again find yourself having to carry out the duties as the reigning monarch (title pending) of Thunorians (name pending).

Trying to stay focused via the power of caffeine, you stare across the table at your counterpart - Margrave Mykell Oreskovich, a vassal of House Orion. Next to you sits your council, next to him sit all of the various officers whose names you, at this particular junction, are not really capable of remembering.

Much to your chagrin, Mykell appears to be entire nonplussed about yesterday, even though he drank much harder liquor than you had. The entire situation had now been more or less entirely dominated by Ashwin, your minister of foreign affairs, and whomever Mykell appointed. A man whose name you failed to catch, but his calm and even tone, similar to that of Ashwin’s actually, has been helping you keep yourself together.

Still, in matters such as there, potentially changing the fate of your entire peoples, it is only a matter of time before both you and the Margrave must make decisions upon the big issues. On this occasion – payment.

Warships are expensive, apparently. A lot more expensive than you had ever thought, being infantry, the most expensive thing you had personally had the displeasure of trying to replace was an APC, and were you damn glad that had not come out of your pocket.

Your scattered internal ramblings aside, even the rudimentary patchwork for the warships is going to drain your common material reserves and then some. Chances are the Margrave and his men will stay here a few months, and chances are, they won’t have enough food, or at least food that they are willing to eat, the same of course goes for water. One of the upsides of not being out in space but around the planet is unlimited shower rations, especially considering the fight these men and women went through.

You take a glance at the tablet before you, you skip about a hundred pages and go to the end of the numerous reports the foreman and his crew stayed up all night to finish and quickly see that the current estimate rests around 110 common materials and everything combined will probably take a bit more than a year of non-stop work around the clock.

“Well.” The margrave begins. “Seeing as how the situation currently is, I am willing to provide protection for your colony during our stay here. Anyone trying to threaten your colony while we are here, shall be our enemy.”

“Sound like something you should consider to begin with. If the docks are gone, so is your ability for repair.” You state instantly noticing the flaw in the idea.

“True.” The margrave nods with a smile. “We will just negotiate with the new force that comes to power. Either way, I will find a way to acquire the repairs I need.”

You nod. “And what do you want to knock off the expense for that ?”

He leans back in the chair, fiddling with his half cape. “I am a reasonable man; I would say ten percent. At the end of the day, I still have to pay the salaries of a few thousand sailors for the entire time.”

“Very well. And the other ninety percent ?”

“Currency. Piconeutrons specifically. I would have offered house currency, but I think you would enjoy a more universal means of exchange. A milineutron per one standard unit of common material. A fair price, perhaps a bit more than above average rate.”

Due to good relations, the margrave is offering 1:1 exchange rate of common materials and influence.

“Sounds fair.” You nod.

Mykell nods to one of his men. “My lord had given my permission to offer you the captured craft we had secured from the People’s Democratic Republic of Hojun. This includes 6 Guard-class fighters and 2 Proletariat-class bombers.

These craft are of inferior quality to our own House craft, however based on our own preliminary examinations and tests, these craft, while offering little creature comforts, their construction is cheap, considering their far superior quality based on most local state designs we had accumulated so far.” In a calm, even, droning, boring voice, the man concludes.

“You could work on them if you want to, figure out how it works, or maybe just employ them. Either way, I would be willing to let go of them for 5 percent discount.”

“We will consider it.” While saying so, you kick Zack’s leg in order to remove his expression of I instantly accept. “And what of food, water ? I know from personal experience, people, especially soldiers, consume a lot of calories and drink a lot of water.”

“A potential issue. One that we have a, potential, solution for.” Mykell says with a chuckle.

“Which is ?”

“Supply runs. I do not come from an isolated state, we are a power, a regional one, I admit, but one more than capable projecting force.”

“Then why do you simply not depart ?”

“Technical issues.” He responds, expression turning sour.

It takes a moment for your hazy mind to process that. Naturally, you look back at the tablet and start to look over it again.

That is where you note the report upon HOS Hymn of Victory, the heavy cruiser and the flagship of the Margrave. Its missile launcher had a direct hit alongside the strongest M.A.G. cannon. The explosion spread throughout the entire spine of the ship. Its superstructure is heavily damaged which is why, despite having a neutronium reactor and high energy neutron thrusters, the fleet had moved slowly out of fear that too much strain on the ship could potentially see it break up.

The number of curses from the foreman indicates that the repair work on the ship would be not only time intensive, but also damned difficult. Enough to cause the man as big of a headache as the one you are feeling right now.

“I would have offered you an extended protection of House Orion, but the strong response you had given before tells me its not an offer you would like. Perhaps we will be able to have a trade agreement or something like that, but my authority does not extend that far.”

Can pick more than one. In order for secondary options to win they must reach half of the biggest vote (rounding up) +1.

>Accept his deal of extended protection, knocking off 10%.

>You could use those craft, might as well get something more reasonable at only 5%.

>Accept his deal for the exchanging common materials for milineutrons.

>Perhaps there’s something you would want from him ? You might be able to get something else, though probably not with as favourable exchange rate as with everything else. (Write in)
>Accept his deal for the exchanging common materials for milineutrons.

>Perhaps there’s something you would want from him ? You might be able to get something else, though probably not with as favourable exchange rate as with everything else. (Write in)

Offer to allow any of his personnel nearing retirement, or discharge the opportunity to settle on Thunor. Along with a land grant if they agree to swear allegiance to our government yada yada.

We really need to increase our population and while any immigrants from House Orion could pose a internal security threat (especially if hostilities ever erupted with house Orion) there’s policies we could undertake to minimize such threats. I also doubt we’ll see a massive influx of immigrants from this a couple dozen to a few hundred but it’s a good first step to not only increasing our population but creating warmer relations with house Orion

On another note what is up with the insane captcha timer today?
Great to see we are back up and running :D

Personally, I like >>6132388's idea with immigration so i am voting for it. However, I would also add that we are currently very low on strong personnel equipment. So, I would suggest as well that we trade some of our trade agreement for the Anti-personnel railguns necessary to counter invasion forces and their powerful infantry suits—At least enough that we can research them to make new ones.
Welcome back NewbQM

>Accept his deal for the exchanging common materials for milineutrons.

>Perhaps there’s something you would want from him ? You might be able to get something else, though probably not with as favourable exchange rate as with everything else. (Write in)

If they have something else they could barter us with escially if they can bring suppiles.

Your idea of people would be ok if it they were unaffiabled and they are not. And yes 900 secs
>Accept his deal of extended protection, knocking off 10%.
>Accept his deal of extended protection, knocking off 10%.

>You could use those craft, might as well get something more reasonable at only 5%.

>Accept his deal for the exchanging common materials for milineutrons.
Cash 4
Settlement 2
Supplies 1
Protection 2
Craft 1

Okay. Just taking cash seems to win.

I will update tomorrow most likely.
You exchange a quick glance with Ashwin (pointedly ignoring Zack and his best attempt at puppy eyes for more tech. I might have worked a decade ago, not now when he’s forty).

Forming the most serious business-like expression you can possibly muster, you begin to speak. “We’ll take the milineutrons. Just them.”

“Ah.” With faux exaggeration, placing his hands over his heart, the Margrave purposefully plays up his words. “The cold attraction of Danegeld.”

You simply shrug. “A man negotiates for what he lacks. We have plenty of courage, plenty of honour, now were just short on cash.”

“A fine response.” With a laugh, Mykell says. “My servants shall transfer the money as each ship has finished repairs and we have an exact value. Half of the total sum for repairing one ship shall be transferred to begin with based on the given estimates. I hope that is a fair deal.”

“As fair as it comes.”

“Well then, Jarl.” He says with a chuckle. “Perhaps we shall see each other more often, or perhaps for the last time.”

“In either case, this seems like an amicable agreement for both sides. Pleasure doing business with you, Margrave.”

Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 14 month 3 day 15 since arrival
Title: International deal

Turns out those House Orion folk are a lot nicer than I thought. Of course, I am under no delusion that the only reason the Margrave hasn’t bombed Valhalla is because of his own curiosity and amusement. How long the friendly relationship lasts without them trying to put one over us is not something I can be certain of, but I doubt it will last overly long, unless we become strong enough to deter overt aggression.

On the plus side of existential dread, having finished hammering out the details with the Margrave, the council was able to finish dealing with the land distribution issue. Everyone got their own plot of land to pass down to their children, that then could pass it down to their own kids. A lot of breaks are currently being used up to just go to the lands they now own. A few more industrious folks had already thrown up some shacks or had begun to lay down foundations of what would soon become their new homes at the rate things are going.

Speaking of, nabbed myself a nice lake side plot. Fishing, boating…I should probably stop daydreaming.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
Civis wanted culture. Hopeful NewbQm still allows chaining build queue

>You think it would be a good idea to have a monument that shall provide future generations further inspiration. Build those life-like statues, not too hard, just time consuming. (Cost: 1 standard unit - common materials)

>Since you are all about naming things in the ancient style, an idea has popped up – build a longhouse. Though rather than a proper longhouse, it’s just a large building that can house most of the population at the moment. A good location for public gatherings, perhaps even trade between the colonists. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)

>Spa and Sauna on shore of the lake. (Cost: 5 standard units)

>As the new noble ruler, you need a bigger house. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)

>Start setting up facilities for AO batteries, might as well, since this will take a lot of time, cause Garrick will build it to perfection and he’ll have it no other way. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials)

You can do it, yes. Doing so will result in a time skip until you can pile up enough common materials. That is around a year of repair work or so later. Unless you anons are willing to delay the repair work to squeeze in the construction effort.

Both jobs require not only resources, but also manpower. While the Margrave, more specifically his technicians, can assist with the repairs, he still needs more hands due to your low tech level.

Delays could potentially annoy Mykell enough to cause his opinion to drop, and it might drop to dangerous levels. So it is up to you anons to decide if you want to do a balancing act.
I was thinking that build queue would happen after ships have being repaired
my plan for things we could do while waiting for the repair job.

Colony actions:
>With a lab up and running, Zack and his techies can begin bludgeoning their heads against tasks concerning figuring out how things work. They have no idea how much the research will cost due to the need to experiment, but they have plenty of ideas. (Research direction: Military Space and Industry.)
mostly through running models and computer simulations. The techies are allowed to do whatever they want to research during the Margrave's stay as long as it doesn't hinder the flow of resources to the ship repair.

The tech I would want to focus on then is mining tech to make simpler mining machines and find out how to make repair parts for our advanced mining equipment. Maybe even make the advanced ones wholly new. As well as railgun tech and lasers. They could, after all, use the pieces of tech we already have to get a foundation of said civilian tech knowledge. Especially since the Margrave's ship mechanicals could be used to understand the military tech better.

>Since Zack cannot ever sit down, he has fiddled with some drones of his make. Not proper V.I.s or even A.I.s (he’s still sulking about that), but they could have basic programs running and they could be coordinated by a central control room. He lacks the facilities for it, but he assures that we could get some space drones out of it, since something, something, fewer obstacles easier to program. (Cost: unknown)

I would also support a small resource usage on allowing Zack to try his hand at the V.I. problem. Such that we might get some simpler tasks automated.

>ask the Margrave if he might lend you some of his ships in search of the hidden caches of volatiles in the system. This way his men do not become too restless either.

A personal idea of mine. After all, there are several of his ships which could from time to time go out and use their sensors to search for the hidden resource deposits. Who knows? Maybe they will find a resource-rich asteroid in the process as well which could speed up the process of repair.

And if we have any civilian population still with free time which isn't helping any of these above tasks, they could continue with:
>Continue the ground reclamation.

A lot of the more passive tasks getting done. I would especially put weight on getting that mining tech if possible. Since that could increase our production capacity by a lot.

also the massive captcha timer is bullshit.

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