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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…


>>REACAP of the last thread:

The Jedi Knight FARREN GAELLE has returned to the planet AMAGI, where the JEDI TRIUMVIRATE eagerly awaits his arrival. With him are the survivors of the ill-fated KESSEL CONCLAVE, saved from the treacherous plot of JEDI MASTER SHADDAY POTKIN. The TRIUMVIRATE now counts seven new Jedi among their ranks, potential mentors for a new generation of younglings, and a massacre at the hands of DARTH VADER has been narrowly averted.

Bound by a self-imposed exile from EMPIRE space, Farren and his retinue have pledged their service to the MYLAR STAR ALLIANCE. At the command of SUPREME ARCHON KAULES KEIMANN, they undertake a vital mission to deliver aid to the famine-stricken planet ULSIND, devastated by the ruthless TOFF during the Alliance’s OPERATION SPHERE.
But in the far reaches of a nameless system, an UNKNOWN ENEMY stirs. Awakened from a millennia-long slumber, a LIVING SHIP of coral and FIERY DEATH threatened to annihilate the convoy. Farren, confronting an enemy INVISIBLE TO THE FORCE itself, fought with skill and determination. Though poisoned and wounded, he emerged victorious, narrowly escaping death.

Now, with his strength renewed, Farren turns his focus to the training of his young padawan, CEYLA VIKOL, preparing her for the ways of the JEDI SHADOWS as DARK FORCES loom on the horizon...


>>Previous thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5655115/
>>Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Star%20Wars%20Interregnum
>>Pastebin (WIP): https://pastebin.com/u/TaskForceKaz
>>Twitter: https://twitter.com/TaskForceKaz
I have come here to shitpost and deliver constructive criticism and brother, I am all out of criticism.
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>Brawn – 2
>Agility – 3
>Intellect – 2
>Cunning – 2
>Willpower – 3
>Presence – 3

>Astrogation 1 (Int) – knowledge about galactic routes and hyperspace jumps.
>Charm 1 (Pr) – a social skill used to say the right words and things to bring someone to your side.
>Cool 1 (Pr) – ability to remain calm under danger. Resists Charm/Negotiation.
>Coordination 2 (Ag) – measure of a character’s nimbleness and flexibility.
>Deception 2 (Cun) – ability to trick others into believing falsehoods.
>Discipline 1 (Wp) – used to maintain composure. Protects against Leadership, Coercion and Deception.
>Force Entities 1 (Int) – knowledge in entities strong in the Force.
>Lore 2 (Int) – knowledge of the galaxy and its ancient history.
>Mechanics 1 (Int) – skill in working on machinery from weapons, droids and starships.
>Melee 2 (Br) – proficiency with melee weapons such as knives, swords or fists.
>Medicine 1 (Int) – used to treat wounds from minor scratches to life-threatening injuries.
>Negotiation (Pr) – used when making deals through social means.
>Perception 3 (Cun) – used to notice subtle clues, stealthy people, and information by observation. Opposes Skullduggery.
>Piloting [Space] 1 (Ag) – a measure to pilot starships and other stellar vessels.
>Ranged [Light] 1 (Ag) – proficiency in single-handed firearms such as pistols, spears and grenades.
>Skullduggery 1 (Cun) – proficiency in slight-of-hand techniques such as lockpicking or escaping.
>Sith 1 (Int) – knowledge regarding the Sith and the Dark Side of the Force.
>Stealth 2 (Ag) – how easily a character can hide or appear inconspicuous.
>Streetwise 1 (Cun) – measure of a character’s experience living and working through the underworld.
>Vigilance 2 (Will) – the ability to quickly take notice/react to events happening in the immediate/peripheral.

>Aberration Bane – add +1d9 made to rolls against Force Entities.
>Alignment [Light] – add +1d6 to checks made against opposing Force rolls.
>Indistinguishable – you are but a face in the crowd and add +1d6 to Stealth rolls.
>Makashi Technique – may use Presence instead of Brawn to roll for Lightsaber checks.
>Jedi Shadow – add +1d6 to rolls made for Deception, Perception, Stealth and Vigilance.
>Makashi Expert I – add +1d6 per rank in Makashi Expert to Lightsaber checks when fighting a singular opponent.
>Niman Technique – may use Willpower instead of Brawn to roll for Lightsaber checks.

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>>Lightsaber Rating: 4
>Weapons – “Makashi/Duelist’s” lightsaber; “Niman/Dual-wielding” lightsaber.

>>Lightsaber Forms Known:
>Form II/Makashi [Presence]
>Form VI/Niman [Willpower]

>>Force Rating: 3 [3d12+Willpower]
>Force Affinity: Alter (+1d6 to Alter-type powers)

>>Force Powers:
>Farsight 1 (Sense). Ignore blindness or conditions that inhibit sight; upgrade to see events in other places.
>Force Fire 2 (Alter) – a pyrokinetic ability that allows for the manipulation and conjuration of flames.
>Force Move 2 (Alter) – the iconic telekinesis of every Jedi, determines lifting limit and push power.
>Force Speed 2 (Alter) – increases muscle speed/reflexes and slows perception of the world.
>Force Weapon 3 (Alter) – imbues an object with the Force. Increases lightsaber damage, and makes mundane weapons resistant to being sundered by lightsabers.
>Mystic Weapon 1 (Alter) – using the Force to manipulate a chosen weapon, allows it to operate independent of your grasp. At Rank 3, add another weapon.
>Sever Force 3 (Alter) – rare, seldom-taught technique that severs a target’s connection with the Force.

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>>Farren Gaelle’s Lightsabers – a pair of lightsabers constructed after the Exodus from Kakarit, and Farren Gaelle’s elevation to a Jedi Knight.

>>Lightsaber Stats:
>Skill: Lightsaber
>Range: Engaged

>>Makashi/Dueling Lightsaber
- Hardpoints (6/6):
-- Curved Hilt (1) - Preferred by duelists and Makashi/Form II wielders, adds a +4 to lightsaber checks when using Makashi/Form II in combat against a single foe.
-- Dual-Phase Mod (2) - Allows you to change the length of your blade once per encounter, catching your opponent off-guard to ignore melee defense for one attack.
-- Kakerox Crystals (2) - A shard of the Godseye given to you by Grand Shamanka Bos. You may make a Resolve Check to draw upon the power within the crystal, adding +5 to the next Force Power check. This can be done twice per the wielder's Force Rating before the crystal needs to be recharged via exposure to a solar body for a full 24 hours. The blade created is dense and vibrant, intensifying in plain view of a star or sun.
-- Shadowsheathe (1) - A specialized sheathe or holster made to conceal weaponry using optical camouflage. Doubles the DC made to find the affected weapon on your person.

>>Niman/Dual-wielding Lightsaber
- Hardpoints (6/6):
-- Dual-Phase (2) - Allows you to change the length of your blade once per encounter, catching your opponent off-guard to ignore melee defense for one attack.
-- Stabilizing Coils (1) - When using this lightsaber, negate the first Critical Failure that occurs naturally for that encounter/situation.
-- Kakerox Crystals (2) - A shard of the Godseye given to you by Grand Shamanka Bos. You may make a Resolve Check to draw upon the power within the crystal, adding +5 to the next Force Power check. This can be done twice per the wielder's Force Rating before the crystal needs to be recharged via exposure to a solar body for a full 24 hours. The blade created is dense and vibrant, intensifying in plain view of a star or sun.
-- Shadowsheathe (1) - A specialized sheathe or holster made to conceal weaponry using optical camouflage. Doubles the DC made to find the affected weapon on your person.

>>Nomi’s Mandalorian Blaster – a Mandalorian pistol given to you by Nomiana Whrul after an evening of dancing on Mylar-3 prior to the Slave Revolution. She gave it to you in the hopes that it would keep you alive in the Unknown Regions.

>Pistol Stats:
>Skill: Ranged (Light)
>Range: (Medium)

- Hardpoints (3/3):
-- Blaster Actuating Module - Increases power/penetration of blaster bolts at the cost of increased maintenance.
-- Hair Trigger - Allows the weapon to be fired twice in a single action at the cost of decreased accuracy.
-- Multi-Optic Sight - Reduces any penalties due to smoke, darkness and other vision-affecting environmental effects.

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>Farren’s Padawan Lightsaber – the last of a pair of lightsabers you constructed as a Padawan. Bears no special mods, but has been with you for the better part of almost fifteen years. Noteworthy foes of this lightsaber include several Dark Jedi, the Revenant, the Accuser of Pilgrims, the Herald of Jombaral, and Mad Warrior-King Trax.
>Golden Lightsaber Crystal – one of two lightsaber crystals taken from the caves of Illum when you were a youngling.
>Nomiana's Note - a note from Nomiana Whrul with her HoloNet address, planetary coordinates, and a lipstick kiss.
>Terrible Glare Protosaber – a protosaber belonging to an acolyte of the Terrible Glare. Contains a red, synthetic crystal.
>Quartz Key – a mysterious key carved out of white quartz, hung from a necklace taken from a Terrible Glare cultist.

>Holocron of the Betrayer – a Jedi Holocron containing the persona of Kreia, an enigmatic Jedi Master from the time of Revan and the Old Republic. Survivor of the Jedi Purge at the hands of Darth Nihilus.
>Holocron of the Redeemed – a Jedi Holocron containing the persona of Meku Sakaroto, a Jedi who followed Revan into battle against the Mandalorian Crusaders and fell to the Dark Side at Malachor V.
>Holocron of the Seeker – a Jedi Holocron containing the persona of Zayne Carrick, a former Jedi Padawan who survived the Padawan Massacre at the hands of the Jedi Covenant.

>Arkinnea (P-10), a planet in the Expanse Region, where refugees of both Separatist and Republic bent flee.
>Bracca (Q-10), a planet in the Mid Rim, where the only fortune to be made is from shipbreaking and scrapping.
>Dagobah (M-19), a planet in the Outer Rim, a desolate swamp void of any significant or advanced civilization.
>O’haon (R-3, uppermost left corner), a planet in the Tingel Arm, suspected to be the planet you saw in the Revenant’s vision.
>Uliea (L-2, center), a planet in the Outer Rim, alleged homeworld of Alleana and Farren Gaelle, largely unknown by the galaxy.

>Abridon (J-18) - a mountainous planet in the Outer Rim territories. Its civilian shipyards were retrofitted into producing Separatist capital ships and droid starfighters.
>Bal'demnic (R-7) - an ocean planet in the Outer Rim territories. Hotly contested by its native Kon'me, the CIS and the Republic for its vast cortosis deposits.
>Flaspot (T-9) - a savannah planet close to Hutt space. Fell under corporate occupation prior to the war and served as a staging ground for the Droid Army.
>Lupa (Q-6) - a lush, grassland planet in the Outer Rim territories. Homeworld of the Mercantors, its primary moon Selene hides a Separatist droid and munitions depot.
>Sy Myrth (S-7) - homeworld of the Sy Myrthians, it remains one of the most important Separatist factory worlds unconquered by the Republic.
>Vinsoth (N-5) - homeworld of the Chevin and Chev, its traditions of piracy and slavery have given much grievance against the Republic.

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>>Class: Lonrar E-9 Explorer

>Silhouette – [4]
>Speed – [4]
>Handling – [-1]
>Hull: [25/25]
>System: [14/14]

>Shield (Fore) – [1]
> Shield (Port) – N/A
>Shield (Starboard) – N/A
>Shield (Aft) – [1]
>Armor – [4]

>>Cargo Capacity: 300 Metric Tons

>>Customization Hardpoints [2/4]:
>Electronic Countermeasures (1) – doubles the DC for enemy shits to hit you.
>Security Measures (1) – doubles the DC for Computers/Skullduggery checks made for unauthorized access.

>Engineering Access – sub-deck access passages grant easy access to nearly any internal engineering system in the ship, allowing for quick response to problems. Lowers the DC made for Mechanics or Computer checks thanks to ease of reaching systems typically hidden behind bulkheads or sealed beneath deck plating.
>Namesake Bonus – increases engines/sublight speed by 1.

>1x Dorsal & 1x Ventral Turret- mounted Medium Laser Cannon(s).
>Fire Arc: ALL; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close], Linked 1

>>Crew & Compliment:
>1 Pilot, 1 Co-Pilot, 1 Engineer, 1 Quartermaster.
>4 Passengers.

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>>Crew of the Albatross:
>Ceyla Vikol – the mild-mannered and vision-addled miraluka padawan of Farren Gaelle.
>Elbawaraak “Elba” – wookiee engineer/mechanic enslaved by the Tof, who swore a life-debt to Farren.
>Suzel Sho – nagai scout/pilot enslaved by the Tof, repaying a debt to Farren after his parents were rescued from captivity.
>B-33 – SupTac droid purchased from a merchant prior to the slave revolution. Seeks new experiences.
>HK-82 – the head of a Hunter-Killer droid with a pacifist protocol. Searching for the rest of his body.
>Trykov – Clone survivor of the ill-fated 57th Elite Corps. A logistics officer turned quartermaster.
>S-19 – an astromech droid purchased from Amagi. While it has a downcast demeanor, it will always pull through for its friends.

>>The Jedi Triumvirate:
>Master Uyer Kosa – twi’lek Jedi Peacekeeper, representing the Guardian. A stern woman, she took on Arotta Bashur as her padawan, and led the 57th Elite Corps into several battles during the Clone Wars.
>Master Brethon Larid – human Jedi Shadow, representing the Sentinel branch. Prone to bouts of eccentricity and deadly seriousness, and Farren’s former master. Sworn enemy of the Sith Lord known as the Storyteller, who killed his wife, Tessa Ceryll.
>Master Aure – zabrack Jedi Diplomat, representing the Consular branch. A sardonic woman with a sharp tongue, she insists Kirsten is still her padawan, and has so far refused to think about replacing her.

>>Farren’s Jedi Friends:
>Torok Lamal – cathar Jedi Pilot and recent Jedi Knight. A childhood friend of Farren and Kirsten, he came perilously close to the Dark Side in the wake of Order 66, witnessing the aftermath of Kirsten’s torture at the hands of the Tof. Now a Jedi Knight.
>Kirsten Corrho – human Jedi Padawan. A childhood friend of Farren and Torok, and padawan of Master Aure. Tortured by the Tof and rendered comatose and brain-dead in a carbonite freezing experiment gone horribly wrong.
>Arotta Bashur – togruta Jedi Padawan. A childhood rival of Farren’s, turned sex friends during their later years. Padawan of Master Kosa, she was stranded on Kakarit until her rescue. Now burgeoning lovers with Farren.

>Nomiana Whrul – female human Mandalorian bounty hunter that Farren met on Amagi. They shared an evening’s dance and a bed prior to the Slave Uprising, after which she disappeared on sabbatical with other Mandalorians. Gave Farren a custom pistol in exchange for a knife in the hopes it would keep him alive.
>Urzu & Mukir - companions mentioned to be with Nomiana.

>The Storyteller – the spirit of a Pureblood Sith bound in the pages of a book. The perpetrator of the misery of du Lac’s Hollow, and the death of Tessa Ceryll.
>The Revenant – a mentally disturbed Dark Jedi and apprentice of the Storyteller. Suspected to be either Master Larid’s unborn daughter with Tessa, or his sister-in-law Eira Ceryll.

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>>The Kessel Conclave:
>Koffi Arana - human Jedi Master and General of the Grand Army of the Republic. Initially a wary supporter of Potkin, he tacitly approved of Farren's brutal takedown.
>Tsui Choi - Aleena Jedi Master and General of the Grand Army of the Republic. Survived Order 66 to meet with Bultar Swan, then Farren on Rion.
>Robilo Darte - human Jedi Master and General of the Grand Army of the Republic. Quickly abandoned Potkin's plan after exposing its glaring flaws and reckless deception.
>Jastus Farr - ??? Jedi Brute and General of the Grand army of the Republic. Wary of Farren's takedown of Potkin, opining that he had 'gone too far' in dispatching her.
>Ma'kis'shaalas - Nikto Jedi Knight and former Morgukai warrior. A being of action who was first to be persuaded by Farren of Potkin's folly.
>Shadday Potkin - human Jedi Master and General of the Grand Army of the Republic. Mastermind of the Kessel Conclave that would have lured eight Jedi into an ambush against Vader. Dueled and lost to Farren, subdued, sedated, pending trial with the Jedi Triumvirate.
>Bultar Swann - human Jedi Knight and veteran of the Clone Wars. Survived Order 66, she met up with Tsui Choi to invite him to the Conclave, then rendezvoused with Farren on Rion.
>Sia-Lan Wezz - human Jedi Knight and veteran of the Clone Wars. A seasoned adventurer who was second to be persuaded by Farren to abandon Potkin's folly.

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>>Ceyla Vikol
>Brawn: 1
>Agility: 1
>Intellect: 1
>Cunning: 2
>Willpower: 1
>Presence: 2

>Athletics 1 (Ag) – measure of a character’s physical fitness.
>Lore 1 (Int) – knowledge of the galaxy and its ancient history.
>Perception 1 (Cun) - used to notice subtle clues, stealthy people, and information by observation. Opposes Skullduggery.
>Resilience 1 (Br) – used to handle over-extension, sleep deprivation, hazardous environments and poisons.
>Sith 1 (Int) – knowledge regarding the Sith and the Dark Side of the Force.
>Skullduggery 1 (Cun) – proficiency in slight-of-hand techniques such as lockpicking or escaping.
>Stealth 2 (Ag) - how easily a character can hide or appear inconspicuous.

>Miraluka Vision - gain Farsight 0 as an innate trait to replace conventional vision.
>Jedi Shadow - add +1d6 to rolls made for Deception, Perception, Stealth and Vigilance.

>>Lightsaber: 2
>Shien/Djem So Technique – may use Cunning when performing Lightsaber Skill checks.
>Shien Reflection – in addition to blocking ranged attacks with her lightsaber, Ceyla can return them to her attacker equal to her Cunning per round.
>Makashi Technique – may use Presence when performing Lightsaber Skill checks.

>>Force Rating: 1
>>Force Affinity – Sense
>>Force Powers:
>Farsight 1 (Sense) – Ignore blindness or conditions that inhibit sight, upgrade to see events in other places.
>Foresight 0 (Sense) – through the Force flowing around everything, the user can see what is and what will be.
>Move 1 (Alter) – the iconic telekinesis of every Jedi, determines lifting limit and push power.

Finally, I can post this meme… anybody who has access to paint able to put a lightsaber in his hand and a head of brown hair on him?
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>>At the same time Farren was en route to Kessel…
>>Hyperspace, Unknown Route, Unknown Sector…

Meditation never came easily to the Revenant.

She sat cross-legged in her quarters, hands resting in her lap. Shadows flickered across the room as candlelight cast distorted, macabre shapes on the walls. The air was thick with incense – focusing on its scent and faint crackling sound helped to keep the ghosts at bay. Her eyes were closed, her breath held study, but her brow remained furrowed in concentration.

The Storyteller had once explained the differences between Light and Dark Force-users in meditation. Despite their doctrines, self-betterment was the common goal – though it meant different things. One embraced detachment, and the disgusting surrender of self to a universal whole. The other turned inward, on the most intimate level to seek personal fulfillment and power.

But that drive had dulled. The fire that had once fueled her had nearly burned out, leaving only a hollow emptiness. Every time she reached for the Force, it resisted, slipping further away from her grasp.

The reason was painfully clear. Defeat had left a bitter taste, and the emptiness within her was quickly filled with a profound sense of inadequacy. Her battle against it was just as fierce as any fought in the physical world. But that doubt had festered, feeding on her weakness, and give voice to the ghosts of her past.

“Inadequate. Incompetent. Weak.”

“Our blood cries for the Jedi’s head!”

“All you’ve accomplished has amounted to nothing!”

The villagers of du Lac’s Hollow hunted her steps, flitting at the edges of her vision, hissing venomous words. Their voices lingered in her mind, ensuring that true silence would never come. In the chaos of the galaxy, there was always noise, always something to keep her from those unwanted thoughts.

But in the stillness, the ghosts came. Through her master, the Dark Side had given her power, but it couldn’t silence the past. In meditation, in sleep, whenever the galaxy’s sounds faded, the voices surged, flooding her mind like water bursting from a dam, drowning her in an ocean of despair and loathing.

“Did you think you could escape your mistakes?”

“Every breath you take mocks our memory!”

“The weight of your failure drags you closer to the abyss.”

She trembled. The voices were nothing new, but since her encounter with the Shadow, they had grown worse. Over and over, they taunted her, sneering, mocking. Every time she recalled their duel in the galleria, the voices were there. Memory and reality blurred as the ghosts of her past joined the accusations of the present.

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>forgot the damn meme
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Once, they were manageable. Four of their number had always leapt to her defense, shielding her from their poisonous whispers. But now, even their protection felt fragile, like a crumbling wall against the unrelenting flood of guilt and self-loathing.

They had always shielded her from the chorus’ burning gaze and piercing screams, even before that fateful night – the night the Jedi’s blade destroyed a village and brought down a mountain. Despite her flaws, despite the atrocities committed in her quest for power and vengeance, their love had been unconditional and uncompromising.

“You were spared while we were slaughtered!”

“Only by joining your family can you correct the mistake of your existence.”

“You wear the mantle of the Dark Side, but beneath it, you are but a scared child.”

“Merciful gods, why did this one have to survive?”

Once, she might have cried. But crying meant hoping that someone would come to her aid. In the darkness of that terrible night, someone had eventually had, and for that, she was eternally grateful. But that had only been later – much, much later when all that had answered her cries were echoes and the crushing weight of despair, heavier than the mountain that had buried her for what felt like an eternity.

Beneath Mynydd Morgen, the little girl she had once been and never would be again had run out of tears.

All that remained was her Revenant.

The taste of iron filled her mouth; she had bitten her lip without realizing it. But the pain grounded her, giving her something to focus on. She seized it, and the despair burning in her mind turned to anger. And that anger became a spark, igniting a bonfire of fury from within the depths of her soul.

Was her weapon a crimson blade, blood-red like the moon? Or a brilliant gold, like the one that had cut down the chorus? It didn’t matter. In the battle rathing within her mind, they all fell the same. As they always had. And as they would, until her vengeance was complete.


One by one, their voices fell silent.


One by one, until a blessed quiet was almost within reach.


One by one, until only four familiar shades remained.

Join us…

One by one, until she could picture her ultimate desire.


One by one, until the Revenant could destroy the Golden Man.

Center yourself!

But the shadows twisted and churned, frothing like a dark liquid. They surged into a pillar, and she jerked back just in time to avoid being engulfed. The mass rose high before retreating, revealing a figure – a man/dragon.

It was a paradox. Cloak/wings of darkness enveloped him like a mother’s embrace. Gold and teal weapons/talons gleamed, ready to strike. Yet within his eyes and heart pulsed the power of the Light.

Calm down! His voice was muffled, as though heard through water. We’re both going to fall if you don’t-!

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With a scream that bled of the Dark Side, she launched herself at him. The remaining shadows scattered, vanishing from her consciousness and sight. All that remained in the battlefield of her mind was her, and her hated foe.

“Let him be the face you slay in your dreams.”

The blades of her saberstaff blurred as she charged, building momentum for heavy, punishing strikes. She twisted with each attack, aiming to maim and sever limbs. Yet her opponent, as swift and relentless as the one who had defeated her before, met every blow with counters just as quick.

Red clashed against gold and teal, forming brief sparks – miniature stars born and extinguished as their weapons collided, again and again. This time, she didn’t attempt to force a change in tactics or his weapon. There was no grace in their clash, no respect for the other’s technique – only her desire to kill.

“Let him be the focus of all your pain and emotions: anger, hatred, helplessness, despair.”

The worst part was that he hadn’t been toying with her. He had offered mercy – a hand to pull her back from the abyss of her failure. Even after all she had done, he had tried to save her. Even after his actions had summoned the chorus that had sent her plummeting from the galleria, into the shadows beneath the viceroy’s tower.

“Let him be the wellspring from which you draw the hatred and strength to empower yourself.”

From his hands/mouth, he conjured flame. In the half-second she allowed herself to feel surprise/fear, her trance nearly broke. But the heat was real, like the full wrath of a star bearing down upon her. The flames buffeted her, clawing at the barrier she summoned with the Force.

“He will be the dragon you must defeat before you are ready to follow your bliss.”

But the fire within the Revenant burned hotter, fiercer than the light that had sought to cleanse/destroy her and unravel everything she had done to make it this far. She fed it with the memory of an ash-choked village, its streets running red with blood and the tears of a dead girl. Past and present blurred – the Golden Man and the Shadow/dragon becoming one.

In an instant, her passion reignited with all the fury of a supernova. The Dark Side surged from within her and exploded in a burst of power. The moment of triumph was close at hand. Her foe had made a critical error, unable to compensate as she wrenched his blade aside. With vengeance on her lips, she leapt forward, poised to cut off his head-

“Can’t sleep?”

There was no warning, no slowness to the change or any moment to compose herself. At one moment, she was in du Lac’s Hollow. As quickly as someone throwing on the lights, she was jerked out of her trance and stumbled back into reality. Panting and gasping at the sudden wave of exhaustion, her knees gave out, and she groped blindly for any nearby support.

>“You wear the mantle of the Dark Side, but beneath it, you are but a scared child.”
>“Merciful gods, why did this one have to survive?”
Time to review I guess.
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“I suppose I could’ve been more delicate,” the voice of her master opined, “But I didn’t want you to destroy the ship.”

The Revenant’s vision swam as she clung to the edge of her bunk, struggling to catch her breath. The fury that had course through her moments ago was gone, replaced by a cold, hollow emptiness. She glanced around her quarters – ripped fabric, shattered glass, and scattered gear. The devastation was almost complete, save for one curious exception – the old, worn chair where her master now sat, reclined as if he had always been there.

The Storyteller regarded her with his usual detached amusement. His crimson skin, faded with age and death, seemed to pulse faintly. But his eyes, yellow ringed with red, were as sharp as ever, and scrutinized her every movement.

“You’re getting stronger,” he mused, his tone as light as if they were discussing the weather. “But strength without control is chaos. A lesson that I see you continue to struggle with.”

She shot him a glare, too exhausted to speak, her chest heaving with an effort to still her raging heartbeat. The fiery power of the Dark Side still flickered within her, but it felt distant now, like the embers of a hearth waiting to be stoked.

“You almost had him, didn’t you?” His lips twitched into a wry smile.

The Revenant snarled, frustration boiling through her exhaustion. She could still feel the moment slipping away – the final blow just beyond her reach, snatched away by the spirit’s interference.

“You ruined it,” she hissed through clenched teeth.

“Ruined?” The Storyteller’s voice was not unkind. “No, I saved you – from yourself.” He gestured to the ruined quarters around them. “Had I not interrupted, this ship could have turned into a pile of scrap and you…through the Force, many things are possible, but I’d rather not have you test using it to survive a vacuum.”

She struggled to her feet, leaning heavily against the wall. “I was winning.”

“Winning?” He stood, his form solidifying as he approached her. “Against a memory? Against your own mind? My dear girl, you were lost in a battle that exists only within your head. You’re chasing phantoms.”

The Revenant glared, but couldn’t muster a retort. His words cut deep, echoing the doubts she had tried so hard to suppress. The Golden Man was an ever-elusive foe she longed to destroy, one who had haunted her for what felt like a lifetime. And still, after every attempt, victory still remained out of reach.

Her master’s gaze softened, though his voice remained sharp. “You have grown powerful, but power without purpose or control will destroy you. If you’re to face either the Golden Man or the Jedi Shadow, it will not be in a vision.”

“You talk about control like it’s something I can just turn on or off,” she spat roughly. Her voice hurt, more from exhaustion than anger. “Like I haven’t already tried to master it.”

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The Storyteller folded his hands behind his back, and paced slowly around the ruined room. “Mastery is not a matter of trying, child. It’s about knowing when to exert your will and when to surrender. You mistake fury for focus. Rage for strength. You’ve forgotten the balance.”

“Balance?” she blinked. “I’m no Jedi.”

“No, but the Dark Side requires its own balance, too,” he said, halting in front of her with a bemused tilt of his head. “Unchecked power burns the user as much as the enemy. Even the greatest, hottest, most intense flames will consume themselves without proper direction and control.”

She bit back a retort. The fact that he was right – oh, so always – only deepened her frustration. The memory of the Golden Man still gnawed at her mind, now joined by the Shadow/Dragon she had to defeat. Both only served to remind her of her inadequacy. Of her weakness.

“You don’t think I know that?” she said, her voice dropping into a venomous whisper. “Every time I close my eyes, they haunt me. Every time I reach out for the Force, I hear them scream.”

For the briefest moment, the Storyteller’s yellow-ringed eyes softened, though his voice remained a sharp edge. “You’re clinging to the past. It serves as a potent fuel for your passion, but it’s holding you back no differently than a chain. The future you desire, the strength you seek – it will never come if your feet and mind are still buried in the ashes of yesterday.”

The Revenant met his gaze. Unblinking and unyielding. “You know why I can’t let go.”

His ghostly form flickered. “I know. But that’s precisely why you must.”

The Revenant exhaled slowly, her hands trembling. She wasn’t just fighting ghosts – she was fighting her own history, written into her very flesh. Her legend, as her master called it, was carved into her skin like a brand. Four pages now, stitched into her body with a painful precision, each one a testament to how far she had come since that terrible night beneath the mountain.

But she had lost one – a part of her legend – when the Shadow/Dragon had defeated her. That wound still festered, though her master had replaced the page with another. She could still feel it beneath her skin, raw and new. It itched like a phantom lib, but she refused to take anesthetics – the pain spurred her on, even as it reminded her of her own failure.

“You feel it don’t you?” the Storyteller asked, his voice cutting through the silence. His golden eyes gleamed from beneath his hood. “The page. It hasn’t quite settled in, has it?”

She didn’t answer, but the look she gave him was enough.

“You’re not ready for the fifth,” he declared, his voice soft but firm. “Not just yet.”

“I’m stronger than I was before!”


Revenant a cutey
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“Strength isn’t the issue, apprentice. Control is. And that Jedi’s stolen more from you than just a page of your legend. He’s robbed you of your connection to the present.”

She glared at him, even though she knew he was right.

“Rage alone cannot build your legend,” he continued, his voice a low and soothing hum, “The pages I’ve sewn into your flesh are not mere trophies or conduits – they are a reflection of your journey. And until you can fully ground yourself in the present, in who you are now, you will never be ready for the next one.”

She looked down at her hands. “I don’t need another lesson. I need that page.”

The Storyteller’s laughter was a soft, chilling sound. “You are still thinking like a child. You believe that the pages are what makes you powerful? They are merely a record of your power. They are nothing without the strength of the legend that fuels them.”

She said nothing, but her jaw clenched in silent frustration.

He stepped closer, his spectral form wispy as though it might fade at any moment. “You aren’t ready because you’re still trapped in the past. You refuse to let go of what’s already been lost. The fifth page will only come when you stop wallowing in what’s been taken from you, and start claiming what’s yours now.”

His words stung, more than she’d care to admit. The Revenant could still hear the whispers of the villagers, the accusing voices of du Lac’s Hollow, their specters always at the edges of her mind. And just beyond them, the Golden Man – always out of reach, mocking her with the sheer fact of his continued existence.

“So to that end,” the Storyteller said. “You need not wallow in self-pity. I’ve made preparations for the next step of your journey.”

The Revenant pushed herself upright, her muscles stiff, and her curiosity piqued. A task would help keep her mind away from uncertain thoughts. “What would you have me do, master?”

“You must strengthen your own legend,” he intoned, his voice taking on a severe weight, “By devouring the legends of others.”

She frowned, confused, but waited for him to continue.

“I have sensed a place,” he recited, adopting the gravitas he was fond of when recounting a story, “A world long forgotten by most, but rich in history and power. It was once a stronghold of the Sith, where sorcerers and alchemists manipulated the Force to engineer great and terrible biological constructs. Their ghosts have long since departed, but their creations linger – monsters of the Dark Side that roam the land unchecked and unbound.”

He paused, letting his words sink in. “Go to this world and slay the abominations. Consume their legends that have endured through the long millennia, and let them grow your own in turn."

The Revenant considered his words. “…will killing these beasts bring me closer to my fifth page?”

I wonder how pissed those phantoms will be if we poison the Revenant with Peko-Peko Albatross toxin in the next duel and defeat her through irritable bowel syndrome?
>"Master can we skip this page I really don't want diarrhea indelibly recorded on my body"
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The Storyteller almost smiled, lips twitching with amusement as his form began to dissipate. “Slay them, and you will have both saved yourself, and taken another step on your path to bliss.”

She did not move for a long time. When she was absolutely sure that he would not reappear, the Revenant began the arduous task of cleaning up her quarters. She found that she did not mind – the noise of clutter created its own unique trance as she sorted out what could be repaired and what could not.

When she was nearly finished, her hand strayed onto the half-finished helm of her armor. A replacement for the one she had lost, and what the Jedi had nearly sliced into slag. Most of the electronics were already there – all that remained was to bond it to her breastplate to ensure an airtight seal, and figure out whether or not to carve a reminder of the Jedi into its faceplate.

The Revenant grimaced at the thought. The Jedi had not defeated her through brute force or even the Force alone, but through calm, measured precision. While she had fought with obsessive passion and devotion to the story, he had fought with purpose. The fact that his swordsmanship was superior to hers had only tipped the scales further in his favor.

>>For actions taken in a previous thread…

But it was more than just the humiliation of being overpowered that haunted her. It was his hand. The one that had reached out as she dangled over the edge of the tower, the one that pleaded for her to accept his help even as her touch scalded and burnt his flesh. The sight of his face, etched with desperate concern instead of malice, still twisted inside of her guts.

He had tried to save her.

The thought curdled in her mind, conflicting with everything her master had told her. A Jedi, trying to save her? As if she had fallen victim to the Dark Side when she had instead willingly embraced it with every fiber of her being. It would have been laughable, had the memory not stung so deeply. The Storyteller’s words echoed like an incantation meant to exorcise her doubt:

He sought to take you for his own gain. To parade you as a trophy, nothing more. Your defeat would be his victory, your capture his elevation.

She wanted to believe that. She needed to. The Shadow/Dragon was a Jedi. No different from the Golden Man who had destroyed everything and everyone she had loved. She had fought with nothing short of the desire to obliterate him, and still he had shown mercy. It made her feel all the more lost.

The Revenant clenched her fists, nails biting into the palms as she tried to stoke the familiar anger. There was the Dark Side, present but not too keenly felt, but there was also confusion. The earnestness in his face, the pleading tone of his voice to take his hand...

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No longer in the throes of an angry trance or a rage that colored her thoughts, she found that she could think about it more. And she didn’t like it.

The Revenant shook her head, trying to chase away the thoughts as she prepared for a restless slumber, but the question persisted, haunting her as much as her defeat. He could have let her fall. She knew that if their positions had been switched, she would have not shown mercy. Perhaps even expedited his descent by severing the limb clinging on to dear life. She could have done many things, save for showing mercy.

The blood she’d spilled, the bodies left in the wake of her legend – all of it would be meaningless if she stopped. She had come too far along her journey, and done too much to turn back. All she could do was keep moving forward, following her bliss until she could seize it in her hands.

Her family would be waiting for her in death, and the only thing that stood between her and that final rest was the Golden Man. She could almost envision it, as clear as day – his broken body at her feet, her vengeance finally claimed.

Only then could she return home, to the ashes of du Lac’s Hollow, and join her kith and kin in the gentle repose of death.

But that image no longer held that same clarity as it did when she broke free of her planet’s atmosphere, and took her first step into the greater story of the galaxy. And she knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that by the time her own would end, she would have penned the story in the blood of the Jedi.

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>Larid face when we finally get our first shipment of albatrosses to harvest their toxin for both laxatives and non-lethal poison and realizing all the shit he’ll have to go through again

>>Farren has fully recovered from being poisoned by the unknown alien weapon.
>>You have spent a little bit over two months properly training Ceyla Vikol in lightsaber combat.
>>Through INTENSE training, you've unearthed the fact that she's both Obstinate (Cool) and Fearful (Discipline).
>>But you have the fullest of confidence that you'll be able to work through those issues with her.

>>There is still a moratorium on sending you back into Imperial/Republic space due to the heightened alert of the Empire.
>>Any future long-term missions you wish to take have to be conducted in either the Unknown Regions or Wild Space.

>>During the brief time-skip, you were so INTENSELY focused on training Ceyla that you could only really spend most of your free time... (Choose one)
>Attempting to master one of your Force Powers. In the pursuit of martial mastery, you cannot neglect your spiritual development.
>Learning from any one of the Holocrons in your possession, be it the Betrayer (Kreia), the Seeker (Zayne), or the Redeemed (Meku).
>Investigating the coral ship and its occupant. This is a first contact scenario, but surely someone here has to have heard something?
>With Arotta on actual, proper dates. Because that's what lovers are supposed to do beyond screwing each other, right?
>Custom option. (Write-in)

>>Did you want to attend and possibly testify at Master Potkin's tribunal with the Jedi Triumvirate? (Choose one)
>Yes. You want to bear witness to how the Triumvirate will dispense justice and enforce discipline among the surviving Jedi.
>No. You've already spoken your piece and made peace with Master Potkin. Being there would only be salt in the wound.

>>Please structure your votes as the following:
>Activity vote.
>Potkin trial vote.


Apologies for the delay and sincerest thanks for waiting as IRL stuff got really hectic last year. We are back.

some very literal wording there

>Attempting to master one of your Force Powers. In the pursuit of martial mastery, you cannot neglect your spiritual development.
>No. You've already spoken your piece and made peace with Master Potkin. Being there would only be salt in the wound.
I think Mystic Weapon 2 is a must for practical use.

That said, is Farren's force kit big enough that we might be expending too many points on it?

We have more important things to worry about than Potkin
>With Arotta

Just make sure we don’t go into the Tipsy Toffer until we tell Ingmar the whole situation, and ask for his advice.

Things to do after this:
>Start figuring out how to heal Kirsten
To do that, we should…
>>check in with the Kakari Shamanka and ask them for lessons regarding healing or talking to the dead
>>tell Aure to use the coral ship situation to convince the Teladi to do a medical mission to Amagi for the troops, and to figure out if they can assist with Kirsten
>>talk to the Mercantors about any CIS personnel who need rescuing that could help with our sister

some very literal wording there
It’s very late here, and I’m phoneposting. I’m just glad it’s coherent enough that someone can understand what I posted at this point.
>It’s very late here, and I’m phoneposting. I’m just glad it’s coherent enough that someone can understand what I posted at this point.
It's a joke because if the toxin gets made, Larid will have to deal with literal shit
>Investigating the coral ship and its occupant. This is a first contact scenario, but surely someone here has to have heard something?
>No. You've already spoken your piece and made peace with Master Potkin. Being there would only be salt in the wound.
We should probably look into the deadly and mysterious force-blanks that almost killed us.
>It’s a joke because if the toxin gets made, Larid will have to deal with literal shit

Well, then I hope this pic is able to show it’s original filename.
>Investigating the coral ship and its occupant. This is a first contact scenario, but surely someone here has to have heard something?
>Yes. You want to bear witness to how the Triumvirate will dispense justice and enforce discipline among the surviving Jedi.
I kinda wish we had recorded the affair, but our testimony and several others should paint a clear picture of what occurred.
>With Arotta on actual, proper dates. Because that's what lovers are supposed to do beyond screwing each other, right?
>Yes. You want to bear witness to how the Triumvirate will dispense justice and enforce discipline among the surviving Jedi.
>Attempting to master one of your Force Powers. In the pursuit of martial mastery, you cannot neglect your spiritual development.
Mystic Weapon 2
Force Fire 3
whichever gets traction

>No. You've already spoken your piece and made peace with Master Potkin. Being there would only be salt in the wound.
>With Arotta on actual, proper dates. Because that's what lovers are supposed to do beyond screwing each other, right?
>No. You've already spoken your piece and made peace with Master Potkin. Being there would only be salt in the wound.
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>With Arotta on actual, proper dates. Because that's what lovers are supposed to do beyond screwing each other, right?
>Yes. You want to bear witness to how the Triumvirate will dispense justice and enforce discipline among the surviving Jedi.

God, I missed this quest, I'm glad to see you back Kaz. Here's to more!
>Attempting to master one of your Force Powers. In the pursuit of martial mastery, you cannot neglect your spiritual development.
>Yes. You want to bear witness to how the Triumvirate will dispense justice and enforce discipline among the surviving Jedi.
New reader so perhaps it's in a previous thread, but did anyone ever ask Larid what he and his wife were going to name their child when she was born?
No, the question was never asked.

It was a rather difficult question to ask at the time, even if we had the excuse of using it as a distraction, Larid would be reluctant to give it out.
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>>With Arotta on actual, proper dates.
>>Yes. You want to bear witness to how the Triumvirate…

Combat had always been the foundation of your relationship with Arotta Bashur. It’s hard to recall a time when you weren’t at each other’s throats as younglings. Whether it was shouting matches or sparring duels, you two were always competing, always fighting. Black eyes, bruised ribs, and more than one ruined training pad were the casualties of your clashes.

The strangest thing? You can’t even remember how it started.

But you know exactly where it led. Even when your relationship turned physical in your teenage years, there was still that constant struggle for dominance. Only now, the stakes and parameters for victory had shifted. The matches “fought” in cargo holds, dimly lit hallways and quiet bedrooms left you both just as sore, tied and – strangely – satisfied. The battlefield had simply changed, but the game remained the same.

That was until the galaxy fell appart.

Order 66 changed everything, stripping away the veneer of rivalry and forcing you both to confront what was always there, just beneath the surface.

Arotta had been the first person you tried to reach out to. You even went so far as to defy Master Larid’s wishes for your Trial of Spirit in order to rescue her on Kakarit.

When she was under the influence of Jombaral’s maddening fruits, she admitted it herself – how much time had been wasted in the guise of petty competition. And when it tried to lure her beyond the point of redemption, it had done so with your face, and the promise of reconciliation.

Too much has changed to go back to the way things were. Neither of you knows exactly what this is between you now.

But you have each other. And the promise to explore these feelings.


>>Line Break

Amagi is a beautiful planet, its prior owners notwithstanding. The badlands just outside of Sereno spaceport are arid, but not stifling, with the kind of dry heat that clings to your skin but doesn’t suffocate. Scattered patches of grass and shrub dot the landscape, while rocky mesas stretch far into the horizon, like sentinels holding vigil over the unexploited wilderness.

Were it not for the increased industrial activity and future political tensions, it’s the kind of place that offers solitude. At the very least, you have a speeder that can take you far enough to where the spires of the spaceport simply disappear behind the horizon.

You sit cross-legged on a soft blanket, your eyes drawn to the open sky as Arotta carefully inspects the meal you’d brought. The soft clinking of cutlery, and the occasional breeze are the only sounds between the quiet, a stark contrast to the frantic life you’re both used to. Out here, there aren’t any padawans or Triumvirate – just the two of you, the wilderness, and a rare moment of peace.

Have to step outside to run a few errands, feel free to ask any questions.
I feel that would probably be something to get while we have him around, rather than an excuse being able to give her a real name would probably be significant in her struggle of identity.

The weird pages, I wonder if they would lose some effectiveness if she accepts her name isn't Revenant as I imagine is written there, but that's just speculation. A considerable interruption to the narrative lol.

Also after the observations on her possibly being his little sister in law, slightly better on Larids conscience.

Oh and a thought on the four protector ghosts. Her mother. The two uncorrupted family members Larid wanted to save but couldn't. Plus one more. Was there another family member or person that avoided corruption or found redemption, though I could speculate on some kind of disembodied good part of her self from funny page tearing her soul apart and such mysticism.
Two things regarding the cortosis sword Potkin had: was enough of the receipt intact to find out where it was purchased from and for how much, and can we requisition it for Suzel to use in combat?

Also, after we clean up the speeder (again), let’s loan it to Riven so he can take Na out on the town, to apologize for the whole “Yo, check out my clone homies, dawg” moment we had with her.
And just as I finish asking that question, I get two more that pop into my head…

First, in the very first thread, there was mention of Farren going on missions with Arotta. Can we get a quick summary of a memorable one, either pre or post fuckbuddy status?

Second, how’s Octavia been doing working with Torok and Blitz squadron?
>>Cortosis Blade
The receipt is a little crispy, but you could reasonably figure out where she got it from given enough investigation work. I honestly forgot to add it to the inventory, but as you looted it off of Potkin, it's yours. You could either fob it off to Larid for a reward (new holocron, rare Jedi item, Force technique, etc.), or keep it as part of the Albatross' war chest/reliquary.

>>Speeder leasing
Sure, you could do that.

>>Memorable mission
Before the Clone Wars, Master Kosa was a Peacekeeper, policing the galaxy and ensuring that laws were enforced along the Outer Rim. She and Arotta would've been doing work analogous to what Qui-Gonn and Obi-wan did in Scholastic's Jedi Apprentice novels, albeit with more door-kicking and boarding actions. Their preferred targets were pirates, smugglers, slavers, and any odd combination of the aforementioned three.

I'll go into more specifics later, but Larid and Farren would join them at times to help with more elusive quarry, or if there were Sith artifacts involved. There's plenty of "noodle incident" missions they'll reminisce about in the picnic.

Octavia's halfway through her pregnancy and is thus grumpily taking a rear-echelon role managing supplies and logistics for the war effort. At the same time, she's currently talking with Supreme Archon Keimann about acquiring the resources to open a droid manufacturing factory. Not necessarily on Amagi, but at least somewhere relatively secure and close enough for reinforcements from the MSA to arrive should the worst happen. They're currently deadlocked on who would "own" the factory, as she wants to lease droids to the MSDF while maintaining proprietary ownership for herself and her family. Keimann thinks otherwise, as funding any factories would mean that they're rightfully MSA national assets.

She's also supremely nervous, as the plants in her office seem to almost respond viscerally to whenever she exits or enters the room, stems and branches reaching out to her swelling belly. Larid postulates that since Kakarit was so rich in the Living Force, it had a profound development on Laurentius and Octavia's unborn child. All three bear no sign of corruption by Jombaral, so there's nothing to fear from that angle - their child will merely be born with a strong connection to the Force.

Command of the Globus has been given to Laurentius, who's since turned it into a dedicated troop transport and flagship of the 1st Mylar Star Alliance Fleet. While the MSDF doesn't (yet) have the 30,000 troops that can occupy the vessel, the Globus is the preeminent flagship within the MSA's navy for a long-term planetary invasion.

Torok and Blitz Squadron are one of the wings based out of the Globus. They do a little bit of everything, from screening missions, intercepting Tof/pirate fighters, and bombing runs to secure an LZ for the ship.

A droid commodore's kid having power over plants.

There's some irony in that, but also quite a lot of utility since you can pack a buttload of plants on every droid if needed.
Since we're attending the testimonial, I'm kinda interested in Larid handing out a Force Sever verdict.

>"Don't worry, it'll be temporary, just like Farren's. You'll start getting your connection to the force back in....oh....40 years?"
>40 WHAT
>"To be more specific, it'd take 50 years to be fully back in your capacity as a Jedi Master"
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>Droid factory
While Keimann probably has the right of it regarding providing most of the funding, perhaps a compromise can be reached in regards to the Mercantors retaining leasing rights to both droids created for non-combat roles and making specialized variants on certain models. For example, in previous threads there was a few ideas about modifying Pistoeka sabotage droids into missile-launched repair droids, and we could make another variant for cracking into those coral ships and disabling their plasma guns. And there’s always sharing the blueprints for the Trident class ship with Sertain Solutions, the one with the drill, to make a coral ship hunter, adding tractor beams to the tentacles so it can move the forward facing guns away and crack it open like a mollusk, further repurposing it as an asteroid mining ship during peacetime.

Oh, and of course, specialized non-combat B1 variants, for… reasons. Bad ones.

Also… how many months until Life Day in universe?

>”Admittedly, it might be sooner than that, particularly if you’re shot down by a doofy looking fanboy after teaching a student to become a Jedi against her mother’s wishes.”
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You glance over at her, just as the sun casts a golden hue across her face. For a moment, the weight of everything seems to lift. This is unfamiliar ground – not just the wilds, but the idea that your time together doesn’t have to be about sparring, training or missions. No competition, no bruised ribs or broken bed frames – just being together.

Arotta catches your gaze. She seems to read your mind, a knowing smirk tugging at her lips as hands you a fruit. “Credit for your thoughts, pink skin?”

You chuckle softly, taking the offered item. “I’d like to think they’re worth more than that.”

“There’s bound to be at least one honest appraisal back at port,” she quips, retreating into your side. The tips of her montrals lightly graze your cheek as she settles into the crook of your arm. “But I think they’re at least worth a meiloorun.”

You forgo a witty retort, merely extending an arm around her shoulders with a quiet hum. “They are. Just thinking about how nice it is…different, but nice.”

Different seems too simple of a word. The moment feels fragile, as if the stillness could be broken at any second. And it nearly had – the unknown alien had come so close to defeating you, and its venomous weapon had nearly ended your life. By the grace of the Force and Sia-Lan Wezz’s healing skills, you survived, but only just.

But for now, you let that thought drift away, savoring the quiet between you both as it stretches on, both comfortable and unfamiliar all at once.

After a few moments, Arotta nudges you lightly with her elbow. “You remember that time on Vatrax Prime?”

You do, and try not to. “You’re never going to let me forget that, are you?”

“Not a chance,” she grins. “You were trying so hard to be stealthy that you tripped on your own robes.”

You sigh, even as you recall the pain of falling flat on your face. “I seem to remember that your laughing drew the attention of the pirates.”

Arotta chuckles softly, her voice carrying a teasing edge. “Oh, please. You were already making enough noise to wake up half the compound. I just…added to the ambience.”

If you rolled your eyes any harder, they’d fall out of your head. “Right, because you never make a sound.”

“Not when I’m sneaking, no. When you’re around though…” she lets the sentence hang, her grin widening.

You shake your head, a mix of amusement and exasperation coloring your voice. “One day, you’re going to admit that mission wasn’t a complete disaster.”

Arotta tilts her head, pretending to think about it. “Hmmmm…we were covered in garbage, chased through the sewer tunnels, and smelled like bantha dung for a week. And the informant we were after got away. Total success.”

“I think you’re forgetting the part where we didn’t get killed. I’m calling that a win.”

You’re gracious enough to not mention the fact that you did track down that informant. A week later on a planet nine systems away, but you still got your man in the end.

She gives a soft, exaggerated sigh, then leans further into you. “Fine, you can have that. You did manage to save both of our skins back there.”

You laugh, and the tension in your chest leaves with the sound. “With you, I have to take whatever victories I can get.”
For a while, you both fall back into that comfortable silence, the warmth of the afternoon settling over you like a blanket. The breeze carries the scent of wildflowers and earth, so different from the sterile air of a starship or the harsh grime of any given mission.

Arotta leans into the warmth of your side, her expression pensive as she stares out towards the setting sun. “Hard to believe that we’re here now. ‘Us’ and the rest of the Order. Makes me wonder about what things would be like if everything hadn’t gone to hell.”

You take a moment, searching for the right words before you respond: “No, I do as well. But the galaxy never really lets us live in ‘what ifs’, has it?”

She nods, her expression pensive. “It doesn’t. But it’s hard not to wonder. About what we might’ve been…or remained…”

Your arm tightens around her, pulling her in closer. “Maybe we wouldn’t have figured this out. Us. Maybe it might’ve taken longer. But maybe, just maybe…we needed everything that happened to really see each other.”

Arotta leans into the warmth of your side. After a long moment of silence, she breaks it once again: “Do you think we’re doing the right thing? Keeping all of this…hidden?” She punctuates her question with an aimless wave of her hand.

The question lingers, weightier than ones about old missions or sparring matches. Both of you have danced around the topic before, no doubt about that. But here, in the calm of the wilderness with no eyes on either of you, it feels harder to ignore.

You let out a slow, heavy breath, your fingers absently tracing circles along her shoulder. “I think about it every day,” you admit, eyes drifting towards the distant mesas. “It’s not that I don’t trust them. It’s just…complicated.”

“Complicated,” your lover echoes, her tone a little bitter. “Sounds like just another way of saying that we’re afraid.”

It isn’t fear. Both of you know heard enough about where that leads from Master Yoda. But it isn’t that simple either.

“Jedi aren’t supposed to have attachments,” you intone drolly, “And even though that’s different now, old doctrine doesn’t die easily.”

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It isn’t just the Jedi Triumvirate that’s attempting to cling onto as much of the code as possible. The new arrivals, disparate in their beliefs as they are, are doing the same. There’s comfort in the familiar, especially in such tumultuous times as these. Masters Kosa and Larid might be turning a blind eye, but that doesn’t guarantee that Aure and the recent arrivals would nearly be as understanding. Or permissive.

Arotta scowls. “It isn’t just the code. They’ll think we’re distracted. Vulnerable. More prone to falling. They wouldn’t trust us any further than they could throw a boulder.”

You shrug. “Maybe. But I think a part of it is also protecting our little ones. Not just Ceyla or Nujem.”

Ceyla already knows that you’re friendly with Arotta. Nujem shouldn’t know about his master’s proclivities. The Younglings are on shaky enough ground as it is with all that’s happening, even if they’ve managed to find some of their footing. But seeing the two of you in the public would make them question everything they’ve been taught. Perhaps, that day would come in time, just not this soon in their development as Jedi.

She sighs. “I know that. Dammit, it just feels…wrong. If we were just screwing each other, they wouldn’t look at us twice.”

You rub her arm gently, feeling the same strain gnawing at the back of your mind. “That’s a cruel irony. But we need to give them time – the younglings, the conclave, the Triumvirate, all of them. To figure out what being a Jedi means to them in this new galaxy. It won’t be forever.”

Arotta is quiet for a long moment, then murmurs: “And what about us?”

This time, you don’t hesitate. “We’ll figure that out, too. Together.”

>>You have deepened your relationship with Arotta Bashur.

>>Line Break
The trial of Shadday Potkin has a foregone conclusion. Even if the Triumvirate was ready to pass their judgement, Tsui Choi was clever enough to insist on letting the madwoman speak her piece. The question isn’t even one of whether or not she’ll receive clemency. Her answer would only either lessen or increase the severity of the Triumvirate’s judgement.

It is a closed session. Beyond the Jedi Conclave, you are the only individual the Triumvirate extended an invitation to. You take your seat, nodding politely to the audience, shaking hands with some of your friendlier acquaintances. Sia-Lann Wezz catches your questioning gaze, then quietly snorts at the unspoken query.

“No, the Peko-Peko Albatrosses haven’t been shipped yet,” she grouses quietly.

But before you could ask about the specifics, it begins. The Triumvirate enters the room, taking their seats with a gravitas you’ve only seen once before. Much like the founding of the organization itself, the Masters are their best robes and formalwear. Their faces could have been carved from granite – such is the depths of their antipathy for the subject of the trial.

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Shadday Potkin stands bound at the center of the chamber, her gaze hollow and unfocused, her shoulders slumped under an unseen weight. Her burns had cleaned up nicely in the bacta tank, but her connection to the Force remains diminished. It is all she could do to move a remote droid, but the Triumvirate isn’t taking any chances. Her arms are bound in whipcord, her hands sealed with magnacuffs.

She had been unable to meet the gazes of any of the conclave. But when she recognized your presence, something in her eyes flicker. Fear, perhaps? She might have shied away, but Sha Koon keeps a sharp eye on her. The Kel Dor was the only other invite, by virtue of being Potkin’s warden.

Master Larid speaks first, his voice sharp and clipped. “Master Shadday Potkin, you stand accused of endangering the lives of seven Jedi, whom you lured to Kessel with false promises of unity and safety. You manipulated them under the guise of sanctuary only to try and force them into a confrontation with the Sith Lord, Darth Vader.”

“And when one of our own tried to intervene,” snarls Aure, her hands visibly clenched into fists, “You succumbed to your anger and attacked him. In your reckless callousness, you risked not only the life of Farren Gaelle, but also the lives of your brothers and sisters.”

Potkin’s lips part as if to speak, but she falters. Her eyes dart between the Triumvirate, searching for a glimmer of understanding. But there is none. Her shoulders drop, and she mutters, almost to herself: “I thought…I could end it. I thought I could…destroy Vader. And show the galaxy that the Jedi were not broken.”

Master Kosa’s voice, usually warm, rings coldly through the room. “You acted alone, fueled by desperation and anger, emotions that blinded you to the greater harm you were risking. Vengeance has no place in the heart of a Jedi.”

The words hang heavy and Potkin’s face visibly crumbles. The Triumvirate’s fury is palpable – a complex blend of betrayal, grief and a personal anger that only you are privy to. It goes beyond the wroth felt on behalf of the Conclave. They might not have been in direct danger, but your life had been – threatened twice over by not only the madwoman Potkin, but Vader himself if he had arrived only twelve hours sooner.

“You sought to face Vader,” Larid continues flatly, utterly unimpressed, “But you did so with the lives of others as unwilling participants. That is a violation of the highest order.” He pauses, his expression growing severe. “You may speak, but choose your words wisely.”

Potkin raises her head, a flicker of defiance rekindling in her eyes. But there is something else – an almost pleading sadness. “I am guilty of arrogance,” she says, her voice hollow. “But I am not guilty of cowardice. I truly wanted to protect what little remained of our order…even if it meant paying with my life.”

And the lives of the Conclave, you think grimly.

The Triumvirate’s silence hangs heavy, the air taut. Each master’s expression is as still as stone, but beneath the surface, conflict brews—compassion warring with anger, understanding with justice. The masters exchange glances and murmured words, voices so low that even you can't discern anything. Finally, their whispers cease, and a nod passes between them before they turn back to Potkin, their faces resolute.

Master Aure stands, the zabrak’s gaze piercing. “Shadday Potkin,” she declares, her voice echoing with the solemnity of a Jedi Consular. “The Jedi Triumvirate finds you guilty of your crimes against the Order. You are henceforth stripped of your rank as Jedi Master until such a time as you are deserving of the title once more.”

Potkin jerks against her bonds, a glint of outrage flashing in her eyes, but a hard look from Master Larid quashes any retort before it forms. Her mouth sets into a firm line, the remnants of her pride bubbling just beneath the surface, though her shoulders slump under the weight of the pronouncement. You cast a glance at the ill-fated Conclave. Most faces reflect a grim agreement with the sentence, though Koffi Arana’s lips curl ever so slightly in displeasure, his discontent palpable.

For all its severity, you realize that this sentence is a mercy. Stripped of her title, her Force abilities suppressed, Shadday still stands a chance to redeem herself—a possibility the Triumvirate’s phrasing leaves deliberately open, though precariously so. The others, however, show no sign of leniency in their stony expressions.

Then Master Larid stands. “Additionally,” he pronounces, his words sharp and unyielding, “You are hereby sentenced to exile in the wilds of Amagi to contemplate and reflect upon your actions until we deem sufficient time has passed. Food and water will be provided at regular intervals. However, let me be clear: any attempt to evade exile will not end well for you.”

Potkin’s gaze darts to each of the Triumvirate, searching for any sign of leniency.

There is nothing to be found in any of their faces.

Master Kosa gives her one final look, her gaze softer but no less determined. “Reflect on the path that brought you to this moment, Shadday. You have a chance yet to make amends, though it lies not in your title, but in your understanding.”

The chamber remains hushed as Potkin’s fate settles like dust, final and irreversible.

>>Please select your next assignment:
>Investigate the coral ship and its occupant. Surely someone has heard something about these strange aliens.
>Journey to Uliea (L-2), your alleged homeworld and only safe place on your mother's list to visit.
>Patrol along the edges of Alliance/Teladi space for pirates and raiders plying the trade lanes.
>Visit Teladi space for a status update on Scrap Fleet and/or upgrade the Albatross. (Investigate Pip Arcblade/Blazing Chain).
>Custom option. (Write-in)

>>Visit Teladi space for a status update on Scrap Fleet and/or upgrade the Albatross. (Investigate Pip Arcblade/Blazing Chain).
>>Visit Teladi space for a status update on Scrap Fleet and/or upgrade the Albatross. (Investigate Pip Arcblade/Blazing Chain).

Finally got through with my refresher and now with splitting headache I got from trawling the archives with that godawful background for six threads but in regards of the Tof and I only skimmed the anon discussions between votes so I may have missed it but

It seems to me that Tof battlefleets have some pretty key weaknesses. Notably in doctrine and design, obviously. Their doctrine leaves them pretty much useless against nimble and long ranged skirmishing. They can't effectively engage if they can't properly level their weapons (broadsides only work if you can get close enough that dodging isn't simply turning gently and their fore and aft firepower is relatively lacking) and their ships despite working far better than they have any right to can't really keep up with something of lesser tonnage. Granted this is only useful in "field" engagements, if they have a static objective (like a raid, hitting a planet or such that can't move) they can just ignore it and hope they don't take any unlucky hits, shields will probably save them.

The more egregious problem for them is the fact they don't really have strong screening. Their love for broadsides and BIG GUN doesn't encourage the usage of the little ships you want to keep around to ward off enemy action. They shit the bed in not having enough forward element to deal with massed torpedo/missile fire. Ironically their opening move makes them most vulnerable when they try to press in for an attack where they'd be at their strongest. But onto the other part of this, they build their ships to look like sailing ships. They have minimal defenses on the bellies (ventral) of their ships. Fighters/bombers that get under them have a lot less problems than with other ships. To say nothing of things like those buzz droids or whatever the Separatists loved to use against fighters.

Just my armchair admiraling for your perusing pleasures, everyone. I'm sure most of you have said/realized this already. Their obsession with the aesthetic really dooms them but damn if you don't respect the dedication.
>Visit Teladi space for a status update on Scrap Fleet and/or upgrade the Albatross. (Investigate Pip Arcblade/Blazing Chain).
Coral is more important, but we should do some pirate related stuff to see if we can whip up ship or weapons more appropriate to fight them.

Has Kreia ever met these things?
>Investigate the coral ship and its occupant. Surely someone has heard something about these strange aliens.
>Visit Teladi space for a status update on Scrap Fleet and/or upgrade the Albatross. (Investigate Pip Arcblade/Blazing Chain).
See if we can convince Aure to come visit the Teladi in her Councilor-class along with Kituh to discuss the coral ship. We can try to see if the discovery and offering information and samples could get us some more help, particularly medical assistance for both the troops and Kirsten.
>Investigate the coral ship and its occupant. Surely someone has heard something about these strange aliens.

"Ah Mr Farren what a pleasure to see you ! What brings our hero here ? The alien and his ship ? No records or rumors of it !"
"In fact we are counting on your experience against it for know more ! Good luck !"

Nice analysis

While they have this weaknesses, and others too (us creating more slave revolts and attacking their worlds at the same time could cripple them severely in war, for name one. The criminal underworld they surround themselves with is another one too, since it allows infiltrations to get in for name another), i don't think our allies are ready yet to go on the offensive against them. They need some time to build their forces, and more assets. The Tof still make a lot of money, and wouldn't mind spending it on mercs or pirates for win if needed.

If the Star Alliance is able to stand and gather what it needs for at least a year, i think they could defeat the Tof completely. Provided we help them.
Stoking societal and political upheavals to disrupt rival Empires? Sounds like a job for The Central Intelligence Agency a Jedi Shadow.
>Hello Fellow Disgruntled Citizens, would any of you like to learn how to use a blaster and plant high explosives? It just so happens a freighter full of them fell down just a short distance away, how convenient!

>Custom option. (Write-in)
Search for a way to revive Kirsten Corrho with Aure. A doctor, an eccentric scientist, taking her body to Kakarit to see if the Living Force could influence her healing.
>Visit Teladi space for a status update on Scrap Fleet and/or upgrade the Albatross. (Investigate Pip Arcblade/Blazing Chain).
>Visit Teladi space for a status update on Scrap Fleet and/or upgrade the Albatross. (Investigate Pip Arcblade/Blazing Chain).

Ship Ahoy!
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Hate to break it to you, but Kakarit is currently glass.

The party, the Kakari and the Mercantors barely escaped the planet in time as Tarkin was initiating a Base Delta Zero with a fleet of Star Destroyers.
>farren to tarkin circa 18 bby
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You know, it was kind of hard to ask because of the ancient force entity suffering baby fever, but I wish we had the foresight to request a sample of that force repellent alloy infused magma from Boz. A few cooled chunks of it knapped into arrowheads, and we could’ve lit Inquisitors up like Roman candles with force imbued arrows pinning them to walls.
>>Investigate the coral ship and its occupant. Surely someone has heard something about these strange aliens.
Well then, I suppose that just means it'll have to be Punished Kirsten route. Force Ghost Kirsten possessing her own busted body?

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.
I wonder how that story'd go if Ani retold it to Farren.
>Have you heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the w-
>Plagueis? Yeah, and his master Tenebrous. You know both of them killed their own families? Crazy.
>huh? But Plagueis could save people from dying!
>So can medical droids and bacta tanks. Medicine has come a long way since we were young. Oh and several Jedi in the temple, you ever hear about Force Healing? It's not an ability the Sith would ever tell anyone about...
I wonder how pissed Vader gets when he learns about that ability's existence and that Sideous pointedly neglected informing him of it. I'd love to see that crashout.
>"Wait, we can do that? All I got taught was fencing and meditation!" - Anakin probably
>This is outrageous, it's unfair! - Anakin when the most advanced technique they teach him how to do is jump good
>>Visit Teladi space for a status update on Scrap Fleet and/or upgrade the Albatross. (Investigate Pip Arcblade/Blazing Chain).
>"You remember the part where every master complained that the only thing you wanted to do with your chosen one powers was to lightsaber good?"
Maybe we can stumble across Planet Vegete as well. Otherwise I guess hope to stumble across a really talented force healer. Make the reverse of the Force Sever.

What were all the effects of the fruits that Arotta ate? If some of those effects were interesting to work with see if it would stimulate some response in Kirsten.
I don't think anyone is desperate enough to inject her with a fruit that has a connection to a still-living force entity of very certain antagonism.
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>my weeb ass reading that as "planet vegeta" and wondering if I missed a truly crazy thread before rereading

I concur. I'd be worried about truly permanent mind resettlement.
If you want DBZ with a splash of Star Wars, check out Saiyan Conqueror Quest.
Yeah that sounds like a very last-ditch effort.
If Arotta can win so can Kirsten. Just let the fruit do the work of fixing that brain, then win the ensuing wrassle. Unless he has to what, force sever the entity out?

Perhaps the coral ship holds the key to such a crazy thread....
This happened in the first thread and shes still a vegetable right? I mean hotwiring her brain with cybernetics would probably be less elegant than a force solution. Some kind of forced soul body hopping into a Kirsten clone is some kind of Dark Side voodoo. I suppose if the Storytellers pages also have a reality altering power thats also possible. But I presume any Dark Side options are off the table lol. Unless thats a mistake on my part and if he finds some Sith Alchemy that could save her hes okay with that.

This is thread 12 if I counted right perhaps a few last-ditch efforts should be considered.
Sometimes I wonder how it would have played out if that QM had made a Star Wars quest that crosses over into DBZ than a DBZ quest that incorporates some Star Wars. It would be nice to have more Star Wars quests like we used to. I was fond of Against The Republic before IP fatigue killed the QM. And that old Sith Appentice one was pretty fun. And that drawquest with the B1 protag. I'm really glad Kaz isn't kill kek

>tfw my weeb ass reads "coral" and wants a giant red-energy-having mech
I am afraid the brainrot is terminal.

The only darkside silliness I am willing to invest in is wifing the Revenant. Just kidding, I voted to kill her way back when.
Pretty sure most sith alchemy methods would horrify kristen as soon as she wakes up, so unlikely.

Just about the only dark side stuff I can imagine Farren considering is something that will let him operate in the vacuum of space. Take it as either being traumatized by the Vong or an ability that lets someone survive even carbonite.
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>>Visit Teladi space...

“A diplomatic mission?” Suzel tilts his head, his expression pensive. “Didn’t think that falls inside our wheelhouse, bossman.”

You chortle, waving a hand dismissively. “Sometimes it does. Missions undertaken by Jedi Shadows aren’t always so cloak-and-dagger.”

“Considering how much combat we’ve seen for the last few missions,” observes Trykov with a frown, “This is a notable change of pace. Though you’ll excuse me if I keep a blaster charged, just in case.”

Elba lets out a low, skeptical growl, casting a sideways glance to the others. Even without HK-82 offering a translation, his tone conveys all of his doubts about the mission staying “diplomatic”. The wookie’s brow furrows, and his massive arms cross over his chest, as if the very idea of a peaceful mission is an affront to his warrior spirit.

But you remain optimistic. The intelligence packet provided by the Alliance’s ambassador had described the Teladi as greedy but hospitable, owing to a mercantile culture thriving on the facilitation of trade. So long as one doesn’t disrupt the flow of goods and services, the reptilians would be more than welcoming. They even outlawed slavery, though in deference to the fact that slaves don’t pay taxes.

“It’s relatively straightforward,” you continue with a smile, “Officially, we’re inspecting the ships being prepared for the Alliance on Keimann’s behalf. And since it’s convenient, we could also go shopping for upgrades to the ship.”

You glance around the table, gauging their reactions. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the Albatross, even if it doesn’t have the bells and whistles of Master Larid’s Boss Bantha. It’s served you well since you’ve received it. Still, you’d more than welcome the opportunity to tailor it even more to your needs.

The Nagai’s face lights up as if Life Day had come early. “So, you remember how I’ve been suggesting forward-mounted torpedoes-”

“-and I thought we wanted to add more maneuvering capabilities,” interjects the clone.

Elba grunts, thumping his chest.

“Translation,” intones HK-82, “We could always use more armor plating.”

You can’t help but smile. They’d been arguing among themselves for weeks about how best to upgrade the ship. Good-naturedly, of course.

“I promise,” you chortle, raising a hand to quell the tide of suggestions, “We’ll consider our options when we get to Teladi space. Let’s keep our eyes open, option flexible…and operation costs within budget.”

The stipend you receive from both the MSA and the Triumvirate is nothing to scoff at. But considering what you know about the Teladi, you’d rather not open up a line of credit to make up the difference.

Too bad because I will vote to wife the Revenant, shes a sad little cutey.
>Just about the only dark side stuff I can imagine Farren considering is something that will let him operate in the vacuum of space
All you need to do is negate the pressure and temperature differentials between one's body and the vacuum of space, right?
I'm no lore expert, but I'm pretty sure that's very feasible to do without drawing on the Dark Side of the Force.
Hell, it sounds like a pretty reasonable, though admittedly advanced, application of the principles of Tutaminis (energy manipulation), something Farren definitely studied under the old Order.
Exactly. Farren has experienced and has contact with such a variety of non-dark side powers that there's very little reason to even consider it.

Even if you argue that the dark side has more power, relying more fully on it will only leave you more vulnerable to the Vong. Intellectually and thematically, the only way Farren is falling is with emotional appeals.
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Ceyla had remained quiet, idly poking at her food. Her brow furrows in thought, and you can sense her contemplation. Once the noise dies down, she looks up, her gaze steady. “So, what’s the unofficial reason, Master?”

The mood has changes - the excitement of upgrades and warships cedes to the actual mission objective.

“We need to gather intelligence on the Blazing Chain,” you declare solemnly, “The Alliance doesn’t have any recent info on them, so it falls to us to make up the difference. The Triumvirate needs to establish a baseline, especially since they’re a direct threat to our Younglings.”

Even before you finish, Ceyla visibly shudders. Out of all the Jedi on Amagi, the masters included, only your padawan, Luaine and Vuqu had ever met one of the Chain’s warriors. You can see the memories flash across her face, and her fear through the Force Bond you share.

Her grip tightens on her fork as she recalls that harrowing day. “He nearly strangled Vuqu and…he pummeled Luaine into the ground.”

“But you defeated him by destroying his weapon,” you remind her gently, “You outsmarted him, Ceyla. It wasn’t just brute strength—it was strategy.”

“But it wasn’t a true victory,” she counters, shaking her head, her expression a mix of frustration and unease. “He didn’t even seem to care when I did it. Like it was all just a game to him.”

The Blazing Chain’s motives remain a mystery, but their intentions are clear. The Younglings, potential recruits for their ranks, make them a primary enemy of the Jedi Triumvirate – second only to the Sith and the Force Entity Jombaral. Even if the pirates don’t align themselves with Light or Dark, they still represent a very real threat the future of the order – a threat you now have the immediate capabilities to address.

The tension is palpable until Suzel reaches out, patting Ceyla on the shoulder. “Your master bested an alien with a snake-staff, kid. A bunch of jumped-up pirates playing pretend Jedi aren’t anywhere close to that.”

Ceyla offers a faint smile, but the worry lingers in her eyes. “Maybe, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be dangerous. For all we know, they’re all like him.”

“Strength in numbers can be dealt with,” Trykov interjects, his tone steady and reassuring. “This isn’t a fight that you or Gaelle will face alone. If they’ve got the numbers, then so do we, and a hell of a lot more quality than theirs are.”

Elba rumbles in agreement, low and affirmative as he thumps his chest in solidarity.

B-33, who had been silently clearing plates, pauses to chime in: “This unit has observed marked improvement since you became Padawan to Master Gaelle. Your combat efficiency has increased by thirty percent since last quarter.” The droid’s photoreceptors whine, analyzing your padawan with a critical eye. “This unit can prepare a graph for your perusal at a later time.”

I am a sucker for fixer-uppers. However, we've already got so many things to deal with. Even bigger woman troubles just isn't gonna fit on the docket. To say nothing of the eternal waifu wars only intensifying. Were it another time and place she may have stood a chance. Alas a shadow is never cast into darkness. What is it with darksiders and taking the only positive interactions they have with people and turning them into murder motivations anyway? lmao Everyone Hates Farren! At least we get to make cool and cryptic wordplay and puns about shadows.

Technically with extremely precise and sufficiently powerful telekinetic application you can make a bubble "helmet" or "suit" around yourself. While it would do nothing to shield from cosmic radiation (including thermal forces) it would keep you pressurized. Superfine control of pyrokinesis (or developing it further into thermokinesis perhaps?) you could stave off some of the void temperatures be they hot or cold. Having no atmosphere around you and being in direct sunlight will cook the shit out of you, never take gases for granted, people. Tuaminis is definitely another avenue to explore. And it would certainly help to ward off some cancer beams from the celestial nuke balls.

>“But it wasn’t a true victory,” she counters
There is one lesson that everyone must learn. Any landing you can walk away from is successful. Whether you nosedived into a lake or drifted down gently with your maneuvering thrusters. Another happy landing. She'll learn in time. Probably. Hopefully.
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That pulls a real smile from Ceyla, and a soft titter of laughter. “Thanks, Bee…do you think you can add a cup of hot cocoa to go with it?”

“If Master Gaelle authorizes the expenditure,” the droid replies without missing a beat.

You laugh, grinning at your padawan as the tension bleeds out of the room. “I’ll consider it…but only if I get one, too.”

“Oi!” complains Suzel. “What about me?”

As the laughter dies down, you keep your eyes on Ceyla, observing the play of emotions on her face. Behind her soft smile and the relief that the crew’s easy camaraderie brings her, you know that there’s a streak of iron-willed obstinance. There’s a stubbornness in the way only someone who feels the weight of her duty so acutely can be.

Yet for all her due diligence, there’s a layer of fear she hasn’t fully learned to let go of. Fear for those she cares about, and fear of falling short in the role of not only your Padawan, but a Jedi Shadow.

It's a delicate balance. Between her encounter with the Chain Warrior, and her witnessing you choke on your own blood, the fear within her lingers. One encounter left her at the mercy of a vastly superior opponent. The latter had made her powerless to do anything but wait and hope that things turned out better.

It’s a fear you recognize all too well; it’s the same sort that grips the mind, that makes one doubt and second-guess, that can make her hesitate at the wrong moment.

But you know her strength. You know how far she’s come since the dark day of Order 66. The trick is finding ways to help her see the path forward without that stubbornness holding her back from recognizing her own growth and development.

And as her Master, you won’t settle for anything less than for Ceyla to reach her fullest potential.

>>The Albatross will be making a journey to the Sertain System, headquarters of Sertain Solutions.
>>Sertain Solutions was the megacorp that the Teladi Government outsourced the construction of the Frihet, and the restoration of mothballed ships.

>>What is the first thing you wish to do upon arrival?
>Inspect the progress of the warships. Business before pleasure…
>Put the Albatross in for upgrades. Sooner done, the better…
>Start investigating the Blazing Chain. Paging Mr. Pip Arcblade…


Currently working on a new H-3 Map that reflects current MSA territory gains.
Please excuse the Starfleet symbols as the template was a "Star Trek" map.
>Start investigating the Blazing Chain. Paging Mr. Pip Arcblade…
His intel will go a long way with figuring out what's appropriate to stick on the Albatross, and he IS involved with some of the warship stuff.
>>Inspect the progress of the warships. Business before pleasure…
Would it be suspicious to loiter after taking care of this? I don't think so. And it doesn't stir up any trouble. I am torn between doing this or our investigation first. I'd rather save the upgrades for last, in case something comes up before that which may require a hasty retreat.
>Put the Albatross in for upgrades. Sooner done, the better…
The shipwrights should be able to make the most of this brief delay to get their reports and presentations squared away for our perusal.
I would also not recommend asking dangerous people dangerous questions until we at least have a lay of the land.
Worst case scenario, things go tits up and we make an exit on our upgraded ship while the new coat of paint is still drying.
An immediate Mexican standoff with votes is pretty funny
>>Inspect the progress of the warships. Business before pleasure…
>>Put the Albatross in for upgrades. Sooner done, the better…
>Start investigating the Blazing Chain. Paging Mr. Pip Arcblade…
I’m also hoping we get a chance to visit a cantina or infochant for some additional information gathering. I definitely want to ask how good the Teladi’s doctors and medical technology are for helping Kirsten’s situation, and if there’s any other places that have better. And while we’re at it, if there’s any planets of interest nearby that could be another safe spot.

I wonder what sort of space hooch these lizards make… I’d like to grab a bottle or two for the liquor cabinet.
>>Inspect the progress of the warships. Business before pleasure…
I suppose saying that there's not likely to be many complications with this is jinxing it, but I think this is an easy one to check off before we really sink our teeth into investigative work.

Also what the fuck is up with needing to wait fifteen goddamn minutes before posting?
Yeah looking at this map our strategy of creating more slave revolts, with perhaps more jedi and perhaps some infiltrations teams of the Star Alliance supporting us is for the best. Then a fleet and army of the Star Alliance comes in for provide further aid.

The Tof territory is big. And thankfully all their planets have slaves in them.
>Inspect the progress of the warships. Business before pleasure…
complete the job, then we can do anything else really.

We can get a look around the place while on the way to the warships. Fundamentally the investigation can start once we understand more this world, and if we want to go around it helps our cover if we do more than one thing. Inspecting the progress of the warship and giving the Albatross upgrades helps that. Unless we want to go around stealthy, in that case a cover is not needed just a plan.
>Also what the fuck is up with needing to wait fifteen goddamn minutes before posting?
Some new anti something or other thing. Apparently some retards on another board were doing something stupid and it got everyone all riled up so they did this to address it.
>I was fond of Against The Republic before IP fatigue killed the QM
I'm still alive and I was going to run earlier this month before I lost everything but the quest itself and before Hiromoot introduced this miserable timer.

>Put the Albatross in for upgrades. Sooner done, the better…

More like Hiromoot wanted an excuse to make more money/make "anonymous" posting a thing of the past and used Indian/Israeli spammers as a convenient excuse.

>The Tof territory is big. And thankfully all their planets have slaves in them.
Ironically they're one of the smallest factions on the map. The Ebruchi and Vagaari both abut the Chiss Ascendancy, and former Huk and Black Sun territory would be to the right/Galactic west of the map. This is only one grid square.

IIRC these Tof are mostly isolated from the ones who are fighting an endless death war against the Nagai in their satellite galaxy anyway.
>I lost everything but the quest itself
Drives give out on you or was it a natural disaster? Sucks. But I'm glad to hear you're still around nonetheless my guy.

>More like Hiromoot wanted an excuse to make more money/make "anonymous" posting a thing of the past
I could believe it. He ain't got the best track record. And pretty frequently the ads on here would ping as malware and tracking shit.

>IIRC these Tof are mostly isolated from the ones who are fighting an endless death war against the Nagai in their satellite galaxy anyway.
I'm pretty glad we got the Tof as first antags out here. There are certainly worse factions to have to deal with. Granted most of the factions out here barring the Chiss have very little going for them as far as tactics and war theory. But the Tof are special in that they mostly choose to be stupid because they think it looks cool, rather than simply being upjumped raiders or scavengers/explorers like their contemporaries. All the really nasty shit is just way further out, we got the sweet spot.
>Put the Albatross in for upgrades. Sooner done, the better…
So torpedoes, maneuverability, and armor were suggested by the crew, but only 2 hardpoints unused. All fine suggestions. What are the odds we could manage some kind of drone fighter/bomber system that B-33 could control remotely?
If we're getting a drone, we could always try to find a parasite-fighter type droid. I don't recall if there are any that small off the top of my head, though. A little whosit that attaches to the hull of a larger ship and deploys directly into combat that way. Like a baby vulture droid to be evocative. Could put the brain in the hardpoint so the fighter itself is just a remotely piloted shell and it itself can't get away from us for whatever reason. Then we won't need any of the crew to drive it around. Though that being a feature would still be nice. Could let Ceyla get some practice flying in, or anyone else wanting to stretch their void-legs.

It would also double as a fine scout for hazardous areas. Where scanners are having trouble or the ship is barely able to fit. It'd probably wind up being the size of a speeder of some description, maybe bigger at the size of a typical escape pod?
>Drives give out on you or was it a natural disaster?
It was a firmware error or something, but yeah something hit my drives bad.

>have very little going for them as far as tactics and war theory
Well the Vagaari are a nightmare to fight as force users/freed slaves who like to minimize innocent casualties and the Ebruchi I'm pretty sure use swarm tactics, which is unique for Star Wars. Thankfully, the Ssi-Ruuk are on the opposite side of the Unknown Regions so we don't have to deal with them.
>It was a firmware error or something
That's shitty luck. Feel like we have to put everything on sticks nowadays. If most cloud or hosting services weren't dogshit or thieving it wouldn't be a problem to just dump stuff on them for safekeeping but alas we live in a shit timeline.

Yeah they'll definitely be a problem since we don't really want to blast randos into dust by happenstance. We'd probably have to resort to boarding action. Which is not a fun proposition when they'll be shooting at us with abandon. I wouldn't want to fight them on philosophical grounds, but in terms of actual combat capability they're not worrisome. Mostly because they do rely on such gruesome tactics. If someone were to just ignore that they'd be pretty screwed. I'm sure the Mercantors and their droids would have no real compunction to hold back, for instance. As bad a light that would cast on us by association.

Thankfully though, we'd probably never have to meet them in a pitched battle. Since they're beefing with the Chiss so hard.

They're fun lil guys. Not too much of a threat in fleet action but annoying as hell in skirmish action. They're more a threat to convoys and trade than anything else. But if they linked up with other factions to cause trouble for us it most certainly would. They have the opposite problem of the Tof, I think. They wouldn't enjoy coming across a destroyer or bigger, but anything smaller is their bread and butter. We're very vulnerable now thanks to our lack of fleet and will probably continue to be for a long while. Gotta be on top of that.

Of course, I have no idea what I am talking about so my bluster may be misplaced.
>I'm sure the Mercantors and their droids would have no real compunction to hold back, for instance. As bad a light that would cast on us by association.
Honestly, the Vagaari sound like such monsterous douchenozzles to both their enemies and slaves that accidental friendly fire killing slaves might be seen as a mercy to anyone that was unfortunate enough to get caught by them.

Unfortunatly, from what I'm reading in the WotC Star Wars SAGA RPG book The Unknown Regions, they're experts in suspended animation technology. Which means they might have the tech that would be able to bring Kirsten back. So we might have to deal with them eventually, hopefully by shoving them out of one of their captured ships onto that Killing Glacier from a mile up.

Also, yeah, this fifteen minute wait shit is killing me.
>So we might have to deal with them eventually, hopefully by shoving them out of one of their captured ships onto that Killing Glacier from a mile up.
>Hey Mister Science Man I need to know some stuff and I'm going to bully you with terminal velocity until you tell me, okay?
I still wouldn't trust them as far as we could throw them. Evil bastards be evil.

>Also, yeah, this fifteen minute wait shit is killing me.
I'm sure someone has found a way around it somewhere. Probably some scripts you could fuck with if you're techie. There's also the option of a burner email. Damn though, imagine back in /tg/ questing days where voting periods tended to be anywhere from ten minutes to an hour. This shit would obliterate some of those quests.
>>Hey Mister Science Man I need to know some stuff and I'm going to bully you with terminal velocity until you tell me, okay?
>I still wouldn't trust them as far as we could throw them. Evil bastards be evil.
It's less conversational than what you wrote, and more...
>(Flamethrower and Force Push all the Vagaaris until they run out of the open cargo bay without saying a word to them) "Alright, slave-bro, you said you were forced to work under the stasis technician? You figure out their shit and repackage it, and we'll help you set up a company to sell it."
Would they really let slaves in on the more valuable knowledge they've stolen? I suppose it's possible. Especially for the dumb ones. It's definitely worth a shot to ask first.
I mean, the whole point of slaves is to either do the demeaning and exhausting work, or to look pretty and amuse their owner, so it would make sense to have them actually work doing something besides being torture material and makeshift ship armor.
Naturally, but one must imagine that the most skilled labor is also the most sensitive labor. You'd want to reduce access to all of the important stuff or stuff that would allow them more autonomy or power. So no weapons manufacturing, no programming, etc. It wouldn't be disastrous for a slave to be working the freezers but it would be annoying as shit to have your icicle-maker purposefully doing a tiny thing wrong to kill off all of the product they put under to "spare them life in captivity" and such, you know?

Perhaps I am just the more paranoid type of evil overlord?
forgot to link the vote

They look big on this map in particular.

I havent seen many other maps with them honestly. But i imagine we don't see the full territory of the others so i recon thats true. And this map is probably like a... zoom of sort no ? Sort of like a close view of the region for us to see just what our friends have to deal with.

They are still big for the Star Alliance. But its not too bad, for what i said especially. Slavers means slaves, and the Star Alliance is fresh and made by a slave rebellion. We have it in the bag and we will put down the Tof where they belong. The Star Alliance will probably need to build a shipyard of their own at a certain point, but not so much.

The war against the Tof will not be one the Tof can win, even in fleet battles we can make sure of that. The presence of Jedi on our sides allows boarding on important Tof ships for example. And other examples could be made too. It will be good to see their entire territory liberated.

I am wondering if we could add another turret or maybe another room. Just for either more firepower or more utility.
Alright, back home now.

From what little there is on the Vagaari in that SAGA RPG book, the page on them does mention that they’re smug, vain assholes who can be tricked by playing on those flaws, by pretending to be cowed and fearful of them.

All in all, the entire species seems to be nothing but sociopathic “evil feels good” aliens who exist to get their just desserts during the story, whether through dying or whatever horrible fate could be put upon them, from Interrogator Droids to the Agony Booth to… (shudder) Vogon Poetry.

>Perhaps I am just the more paranoid type of evil overlord?
I always remember a quote about paranoia that I saw in a Prima Games manual for Halo: Combat Evolved: Paranoia is a survival trait.
If the Tof would get their shit together and attack us en masse and "unified" we'd get blasted pretty quick. Fortunately for us, they are stupid. Currently we're just a thorn, something to be plucked. However, we're also rot eating away at the wound. They are letting it fester with their internal politics. What could have been fixed with a pair of tweezers will soon become an amputation. Shortly after that, terminal.

It's good to be free. Better to have friends who want you to be free, too. Liberation awaits!

>another turret
We need a ram. Or a sword. No one is ready for the a ship to start doing sword twirls and shit.

>vagaari are just le bad guys
Sometimes you really do just need some orcs. Sorry, Gamorreans, you've been replaced in this region of space. Wait a second, we've already got Tof. Man, this place is infested with all the gribblies.

Though that does make it sound like it would be pretty easy to lure them in by feigning a retreat and having some vessels running cold and quiet to ambush them. Fun. Hide some ships in a debris field and lure them through it to get the drop on them. Surgical strike to engines with stalking fightercraft. Ideas.
Unfortunately, that would be a way for them to win. So far it has not happen, so i think we are in a safe spot thanks to their stupidity and internal politics. That makes me wonder if we could make their internal situation even worse so that we can do our war for freedom with less problems.

Liberation awaits!

>We need a ram. Or a sword.
kek, it would be quite unorthodox
>Sorry, Gamorreans, you've been replaced in this region of space.
I will NOT sit by and have you insult the good nature of Gammorians by comparing them to Vagaari, sir! I know of at least three decent folk among them, including Glutuz in logistics, who always ensures the men and women of the Mylar Star Alliance were armed and fed. Not to mention Mother Superior Grotrugga of the G'aav'aar'oonian Nuns! Why, she has the patience of a saint!

In all seriousness, even the Tof, despite their orciness, seem able to have a few of them have sympathetic traits, like our businessman pal Ingmar* and the Tof princess who seems enamored with Keimann from reading too many romance novels. Plus, say what you will about their piratical fashions, but they commit to it hard. The Vagaari just seem like pretentious xenophobic dicks crossed with a pretentious play actor.

*Kinda been thinking, once we visit Lupa, it might be a good idea to bring some of the Plinius family back to take over one of the plantations on Ulsind to make wines for export and to offer brewing assistance and advanced cultivation techniques to Ingmar’s brandy business. With enough time and investment, Amagi will be the center of The Unknown Region’s microbrewery renaissance!
First off, checked. Second, yeah stirring up shit for them sounds like it could be possible. I don't know how we'd do it, aside from true clandestine stuff like stealing a Tof viceroy's favorite ruffled shirt and stuffing it in another's dresser or something. I doubt we'd have much luck talking our way around Tof space. Perhaps if we paint ourselves green and take a swim in a stillwater lake.

Gamorrean? More like GaSNOREan! It will always feel weird to see Gamorreans as anything other than thuggy fodder background characters. Talk about species-wide typecasting.

I think the primary problem with Tof in general is they don't commonly integrate well because of cultural values. It's really hard to not be an asshole when everyone who is someone in your society is a total fucknut. The saving grace is that despite their almost delusional sense of traditionalism and self-supremacy they are genuinely intelligent, so they can be reasoned with even if they are unbelievably unreasonable. I figure it's sorta like trying to hold a conversation with a person from San Francisco. The fit do be doin' numbers tho

Oh another way of getting some extra capital and trade value is to grow something and convince people it's a status symbol. Like how pineapples used to be something you'd buy just to show off you're a rich bitch. Or how people think caviar is the bee's knees and it's lame as hell. Or Apple products. It's super easy. All about marketing. Do we have any exotic plants we could grow (NOT THE FRUIT)? Oh, maybe the Kakari's weird animals they brought with them. Could start a breeding program for some of them.
>Second, yeah stirring up shit for them sounds like it could be possible. I don't know how we'd do it, aside from true clandestine stuff like stealing a Tof viceroy's favorite ruffled shirt and stuffing it in another's dresser or something.
How about doing a Larid by seducing and having affairs with every important Tof leader’s wife, eventually starting a sexual revolution where the womenfolk begin to become more assertive and unwilling to work in their traditional roles? That way we can make it more culturally acceptable for Tof civilization to marry outside their species and culture, thus toning down their aggressive tendencies through the introduction of outside genes, and allowing Kaimann to take Mern as his wife. It’ll take a while for cultural values to shift, but I think we can train up a crack team of commandos/hunks to get the job done!

>Do we have any exotic plants we could grow (NOT THE FRUIT)?
While it’s not THE FRUIT, there’s a plant that grows berries called Eoto that Ingmar makes Toffie 59 out of, which is why I thought of bringing in the Plinius family back to Amagi. As for the Kakari’s livestock animals, we could always talk to King Troxl about making a racetrack for bronka track racing and bucking bronka riding. Also, apparently Wazalor ranching could be an option.
Also, Kaz, if we told Cranz and Stern that “Operation Nut Toffee” was on the table, how likely would it be that they’d choose to join our infiltration crew over their other job offers?
Based spam/hiromoot callout
Which Qst was yours again? There have been several GOOD Star Wartz Qsts over the years.

Lots of good ideas lads, if this timer isn't overturned, I think this site is going to be dead within 6 months, so some other qsting site will need be found.
>tof topper plan
Gawddamn boah we're a Jedi Shadow not the CIA. Also I don't know if we have the time for that. We'll put it in the files, see where the stellar wind takes us.

Idea, we cultivate some of the Eoto berries and farm them industrially, then market the "natural and wild" variant that the Kakari would grow and tend and sell them at a stupid markup. Like organic food in supermarkets. It's, GENIUS. But the wine is probably a good idea. A truly exotic fruit making a unique wine that can be found nowhere else because the planet it came from got fucking glassed. We should naturally leave that last bit out. Lest some Imperial bookkeeper one day see that and be reminded he had to do the paperwork for all the ammo spent on the BDZ.

Bronka racing would be neat, too. I should probably go reread the Kakari bits. Get a handle on what specific things were.

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