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This is a world facing change. For Generations the empire of bronze and magic rules. For centuries they prosper by trade and wars. Those were the days of our grandfathers, one by one the great cities burn, one by one empires fell, one by one armies march and broke among each other.

In this time of change, one more change is coming, a strange people from a strange land, a people who;

- They Delve deep into the earth to feed the flames that light there world.
- They are the bulwark of there own empire.
- They are shipwrights, almost finished building a ship for the wrong war.

They are first met by;
-a broken army, last of a fallen empire, led by the last princess of a millennium long bloodline.
-Shipwrecked merchant, momentarily blinded by the arrival of the strange people.
This is my first quest, criticism and questions are welcome.
>They Delve deep into the earth to feed the flames that light there world.

>a broken army, last of a fallen empire, led by the last princess of a millennium long bloodline.

>They Delve deep into the earth to feed the flames that light there world.

>a broken army, last of a fallen empire, led by the last princess of a millennium long bloodline
Update will be tomorrow afternoon.
With no other votes I’m going to update early.

How the mighty had fallen.

Once my family ruled a dozen cities.

Once we ruled 5 cities.

Once we ruled one-

Now, we rule none.

Now- all that’s left is me and 20 warriors.

I remember the fall like it was yesterday, a army of barbarians laying siege, the frantic escape through the most ancient of tombs of my forefathers, long looted to fund the war that failed to protect the bloodline, my father and brothers charging at the barbarians that found the entrance so that I and some others may flee…

That was weeks ago, reduced to petty banditry, until one early morning just down the mountain there’s a bright light of some kind.

we moved to see what that light was until we are looking down at what was once a empty spot of land by the shore- now there’s a… strange thing- 5 measures in diameter as if the land of one area was neatly scoop up and set down here. With the center of it containing a town with no walls. There is something strange about it

(Role D20 to make observations, higher the role, the more you notice, first 3 roles are counted)

What do you do?

You have 20 trustworthy men plus yourself, some need to stay in camp to protect what little there.
How many will you send out? If you do send people out Do you;

scout; (role a D20)

there are 4 points of interest,
- a massive building with 3 chimneys of immense size, smoke had just stop bellowing from it this is on a way from the town but to get to it would require to get close to several houses.
- 2 massive buildings next to each other, one is white, the other is blue, both surrounded by a kind of black courtyard with, strange huts or carts on it. This is right between you and the town.
- a large red building with a flat roof, large yellow, huts?, are around it. There seem to be some kind of monument next to it.
- The town itself; the town is massive, with a strange black road spreading out from it and several tall buildings- some 3 or 4 stories tall while other have points that aim for the sky. Strange lights can be seen.
- A outskirts house (role a D20 for events)

Raid; select a mention target

Wait a bit to see what happens (between 1-6 hours. Role a D10 for events)

- Write in;
To add; you can send out multiple parties or even yourself, they will be doing there activities concurrently but the actions of the party not being followed will have fewer choices- the other choices done via roles and narrative.

IE; if normally the red building would have 4 choices- only one would be presented while you scout the white and blue ones.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolling for observation

>a large red building with a flat roof, large yellow, huts?, are around it. There seem to be some kind of monument next to it.
Observation role 1/3;

You can’t make out much more- tho one of your men- Quietus- a half Ork from a far off land, swares one of the huts just moved a little bit.

The entire area seem so- foreign- that you in general are having a hard time figuring out what you’re seeing from a distance. (-1 to the other 2 observation roles)
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolling for observation

>- 2 massive buildings next to each other, one is white, the other is blue, both surrounded by a kind of black courtyard with, strange huts or carts on it. This is right between you and the town.
Observation Role; 2/3

Cora of House Maria, Princess of Histresmos- a empire that now consists of a cave, 20 soldier’s sharing the armor of 9, their wives and children of 5 total, look at the strange large buildings.

It seems like she is looking at the back of the buildings, 2 impressively massive but unimpressively bland buildings- perhaps they are a fort of some kind. 3 hut- no not huts, some kind of large wagons of 16 wheels are in view, one is to the front of the building on the patio- the other 2 are each backed into the building at what looks like some kind of gate.

Both buildings have large letters on them, of a written language that looks similar if altered to her own

The smaller wagons are of 4 wheels, with a half dozen seen and 3 black ones leaving the road and entering the patio, wagons without horses- magic had been on the rise but its one thing to throw fire- another to move what looks like a very heavy cart.

Speaking of the patio- it seems to have lines that neetly makes 3 sided squares with every cart neetly parked within these squares.

Taking a good look the Princess feels that she can slip into these odd buildings, seeing multiple doors and ladders.

(+1 to scouting the Blue and White buildings, +1 to deciphering the text of the unknown language)
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Still rolling the third observation right?
Yes- just pick a location to use that Nat 20.

Town, Big chimney big building, or a outskirts house
Solid. Big chimney big building.
The princess, look from the 2 box of buildings and at the large chimney building- and see that oddly- 2 of the massive white chimneys are set away from the main structure, with a thinner and slightly shorter chimney right next to the building-

The building itself is surrounded by a fence of some kind of mesh, and is full of activity, people running around it, ontop of it, and on walkways that run along side pipes with the building itself being made up of a large squat square with a rectangle risen in the center, Cora is not a architect but even she can see things that are at, odd scale- those chimneys should have falling in on themselves, those walkways should have fallen on there thin supports, this strange gray metal must be stronger than bronze and lighter than stone.

Looking around she can see a trail of some kind made from 2, lines of something, that leads all the way out to the edge of the unnatural border between the vally that was and the hilly terrain that is. Where the trial starts by the structure is several large wagons with a black rock, Coal most likely, in them.

The rail trail is not the only trail, leading out of the structure is a straight line of forest that been cleared cut- in the middle of the cutting as equal lengths is towering skeleton structures made form a gray metal, faintly black liens can be seen going from one skeleton to another until the clear cut ends again at the edge, where several people can be seen gathered around the now dropping black lines. To far to make out much.

The princess feels more comfortable looking at all these- confusing things.

(Point of interest added; Clear Cut Edge. +5 scouting the chimney building, +2 to all other scouting checks, +1 to checks with handling these unknown devices)
The Princess take in what she seen so far- these are a strange people- with many strange things, this entire, town is strange- where did it come from, yesterday this was a flat shoreline between the Herculean Mountains and the Great Sea, now there’s a city- a wall-less city with many strange things even form this distance.

‘’The longer we wait- the longer these people have to do what they are doing’’

(Nat 20 Bonus)

‘’And the longer that they clam down, it seems like these people are, panicking, and use those horseless wagons to move around, so we should stay away from the roads.’’

the young princess turns around to look at her men

‘’If we must act- we should act sooner or later- to see if they are friend, or foe, and maybe, see if these people can help us reclaim our glory’’

The men was about to cheer at glory when the princess cut them off so they may not give away their position.

There are 5 points of interest that can be seen.

-Blue and White buildings (D20+2)(D10 event dice)

-red building (D20+2)(D10)

-Town (D20+2)(D10)

-chimney building (D20+3)(D10)

-clear cut edge (D20+2)(D10)

-one of the houses on the outskirts. (D20+2)(D10)(D5 for what kind of house)

You have the option of;

- raid

- scout

- write in.

Raiding you will approach with hostile intent, you will try to not be seen but if seen, most likely someone will recognize that your hostile or that a member of the party would reflexively harm or kill the person that discovered you. Hostility is not locked in until combat

Scouting: you will approach with the intention of seeing what’s going on up close or to make contact (or anything else that comes to mind). If discovered intentions can be more ambiguous, and your other party members won’t try to harm the person that discovered you.

Write in: if you got a better idea- or wish to add to the presented choices.

You can send out your party of 4 with;

Unarmored: only with the cloths on their backs and their personal weapons. Faster, quieter, and less conspicuous but more risky in combat.

Armored: full plate, slower, louder, and stands out more, but better protection.

Write in.
Chimney should be (D20+6)(D10)
Rolled 9 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

>- scout the Chimney with Unarmored
So Princess and gang takes a trip through time it seems. If we don't have magic any 'raid' could be pretty messy lol.

Might as well put that nat20 bonus to work and see what we can learn from the big point of interest.
I’ll update tomorrow afternoon (Thursday 24th)
Votes are not counted yet BTW
Gotcha ORTH
Also none of you know magic- you know of magic- when the princess was a child the most powerful magic known in general was a spell that allow one to heal wounds by laying hands (tho dose nothing against infections, won’t save you from a cut artery)

By now- when she is 20-something. And combat magic is spreading, with no means to tell who can and can’t use magic until happenstance happens
Vote counted

Finding her target- the Princess calls out her most trusted warriors.

‘’Quietus, Perkus, Dares, Thorax, With me, everyone else protect the camp’’

The 4 warriors approach-
Quietus- a half Ork spearman form the lands of the Itals, Perkus- a human swordsmen from a land to the far north, same lands as many of the barbarians that had conquered the kingdoms of this land, Helliac, with the red hair and pail skin to match
Dares and Thorax, Bowmen human twins from Helliac- nobleman who themselves was displaced by the wars.

The princess looks at the men who been with her since the faithful night her world ended ‘’Men, we will go scout the large building with 3 chimneys, of all the things I seen that is the most- strange, perhaps it’s a forge, or a temple, or something else all together. If there’s anyone important, they’ll be there.’’

The track down the mountain takes only a few moments, it’s not even mid day when they reach the edge of the, displaced territory. And what a strange sight that is-

It’s as if someone take a razor to the ground itself- stone, dirt, wood of trees, the strange black- mortar like material that makes up the roads of these people, cut so fine that they are glistening, creating cliffs that go around in a perfect circle.

Perkus poke at the polished dirt, seeing it causing a tuff of it to fall to the ground
‘’ I have seen much in my life- but this- this is new.’’ Says the red headed warrior.
‘’I don’t think anyone ever seen anything like this’’ says the princess ‘’maybe not even these strange people’’.

The group find a point where the 2 terrains levels and go through the brush and bushes to reach their target.

It reaches mid day when the 5 get close to the building, seeing more strange sights along the way, glass bottles made form a glass so pure that it’s clear tossed aside like rubbish, poles with coated wire attached to the tops, connecting themselves to homes and other buildings for some strange reasons- with them seemingly originating from the strange building, a with strange livestock with long necks and coats like that of sheep, and the people- of those seen every so often they would just be looking at the twin moons in disbelief.

They approach the building from a side where the brush almost reach the building (Nat 20 Observation) where Quintus was able to find a large strange box and several skids.

The building seems to be half metal, more of that strange gray metal, pipes- paths- even the mesh fence is made from metal wire connected to metal poles.

‘’even if this metal is as good as bronze- we could had fitted every last man, woman, and child with metal armor and given them all a metal chamber pot’’ says Dares.
The princess nod as she looks at the flagpoles as the wind kicks up, the higher flag have 13 stripes of red and white, and a blue square with 50 stars on it in the top-right corner. The lower flag- oddly more complex yet the placement suggests that it’s a subservient lord- have a blue border around a white background, with the center having a seal containing 2 men surrounded by a yellow decoration, itself surrounded by a green plant with red berries and a red banner above it with strange letters.

On the black square patio that these strange carts seem to like to park at is quite a few of them, but the ones that stand out is 4 black carts with a blue stripes on it’s sides, covered with more letters.

The gate for the strange fence is being guarded by 2 men in a uniform, black clothing with a strange black Gambeson. Both are carrying a strange tube weapon with wooden handles.

Quietus wispers: I think we can use that box and skiff to get on the roof of this building- maybe a way to sneak in

The Princess thinks… these are a strange people of a strange land- she orders her men to-

- approach the gards peacefully, these gards seen tense but keep looking at the twin moons, they are not worried about invaders most likely. (2D20, first role is to approach, 2nd is to establish a diolog, Easy and hard respectively)
- Sneak into the building, made easier by the scouting and observation- but there’s lots of people here, who knows how many inside (2D20, first to get in, easy, other to not get discovered instantly, unknown)
- Assault the building, these are strange people with strange weapons, but we have trusted bronze blades. (1D20, Hard, enter combat)
Rolled 4, 2 = 6 (2d20)

- Sneak into the building, made easier by the scouting and observation- but there’s lots of people here, who knows how many inside (2D20, first to get in, easy, other to not get discovered instantly, unknown)

We ball and see what we can find.
Holy fuck lol, the dice giveth the dice taketh away
The vote will be counted on Sunday.

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