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Holà gentes dames, belles demoiselles, nobles seigneurs et gentils damoiseaux, the Local Lord is back, as promised. I greet our veterans and for the new knights that flock to our banners I give you the links to the previous quests as a festuca.

>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5085315/ thread 1
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5134375/ thread 2
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5194246/ thread 3
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5314154/ thread 4
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5422744/ thread 5
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5422744/ thread 6
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5561322/ thread 7
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5561322/ thread 8
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5702984/ thread 9
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5785267/ thread 10
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5920163/ thread 11
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6011182/ thread 12
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6079405/ thread 13

If I remember well good sirs we were just arrived to Lasthold, fief of our beloved lady Takable, to pass some good time with her and train her new household guard. But as per tradition our quest shall begin with a prologue about events in different parts of the world. Here we shall follow Mahmud and the other saracens that because of some inexplicable and probably ungodly phenomenon were transported to Bifuria while they marched against the devious mongols.
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It was when he was lying on his bed (a true bed instead of a mattress ! What opulence !) that Mahmud came to a conclusion. If the mountain would not come to Muhammad (Praise be Upon Him) then Muhammad must come to the mountain. It was illusory to wait too much, he had to go back to his village, far away from this cold country. Back to the Nile valley where fig trees grow. His encounter with the strange arabyans that did not even praise Allah convinced him that he was too far away, and that he had to go to the south, even if these men were heathens they were from a kind of Sultanate, and from there it was certain that he should go back to his place. He decided to take back his old spear, buy some warm clothes, and, despite the snow, begin to travel down south. Here he heard of the sea, and from there he was certain to find a ship. He ignored the cold or the ominous dangers of the road, he only saw the eyes of Zahira, Fatima and sweet, sweet Aisha. His wives must be so afraid without him.

It was one day before his travel, after giving his thanks to mister Herouberry , this small hairy feeted man who was such a kind master, that he and the young Salim received a visit from an unexpected friend. Here, the man that they thought was lost in a mine, came back.

-Saddam ! By Allah ! How could you have been here !

The man answered in a hushed tone, like he wanted to hide.

-Listen my friends, I have no time to explain more. But this city is cursed, I saw people doing dark rituals down there in the mines, and jinns and demons.

Mahmud tried to reason him.

-Dear Saddam, we were about to leave for the south but you must take..

-Very well, very well, it is very fortunate... We shall go... I will lead you...

Salim tried to explain.

-Sorry but we want to go to the south.

-Anywhere, anywhere far away from here. Inchallah nothing good will come from this place.

These word made Mahmud shiver, just as the strange silver ring that Saddam wore. Had his ancient commander stolen it ? If he was fleeing with something stolen they would be pursued, but Saddam was the only one who could be a good scout, he always lead their parties, so he nodded and soon they were on the roads.

The cold, and the snow, were awful, and they were all shuddering on the first day when they walked. They stopped at an inn, paying and trying to be near the fire. It was at this moment that our dear Mahmud tried to talk to his ancient commander discreetly, it was better for young Salim not to know. After all closer you are to to the chief, more you know of his secrets such were the ways of the south. Approaching Saddam, who was looking sadly at the dying fire he told him.

-Saddam, this flight, it does not look like you. Why fleeing from here, and why were you underground for twenty days... We thought you died from a mining accident.

The mustachied man looked at him and answered slowly.

-I... Do not know what you are talking about. I am fleeing from nobody.

Of course, an Arab would never lose face like that so Mahmud tried to reformulate.

-I do not doubt it... I mean... You took a trophy, this ring...

The man looked at his silver ring, it was decorated with the image of a fountain. And he finally told, after looking at the fire.

-I... A trophy perhaps... Mahmud, you were always a poor soldier, but a good man. You helped me with my goats back in the village... When I could not keep them, and I helped you with finding some linen for your wives. So.. we can trust eachother. I shall tell you a story, can you listen to it.

-Of course Saddam, of course...

-When I was at the mine, a good work, well paid, there was an accident, rocks fell, and I became isolated from the rest of my group, the only survivor you understand ? I was wounded, and delirious.. I tried to find my friends in the carnage but nobody was alive.

He looked at Mahmud who silently nodded.

-I tried to climb to the surface Mahmud, but there were too much rocks, since I had water and a torch I decided to go deeper, it was the only way, we had found a kind of entry in a cavern... Soon I understood that it was not only a cavern, a part of it was sculpted, huge pillards, smooth surfaces .. it was a tomb Mahmud ! A tomb...

Mahmud listened with attention, as Saddam continued.

-I then found an old wounded man, he was fleeing from something. I tried to help him, he told me that he had to go to the surface... And gave me this ring, he told me that it was the magical ring of King Petroleum who was entombed here, and that vile men wanted to get him. You do not believe me ? By Allah it is true ! I saw that he was pursued, by strange men, with black robes and skulls and bones on them. They caught the old man, he told me that he had no strength to walk so I had to abandon him... They tortured him.. they told that they wanted the ring, they told that they were the Brotherhood of Death or something like that... Then when he refused to talk they had a bush dismember him.

-A bush ?!?

-Yes, a moving talking bush, who took him in his wooden branches and dismembered him, letting him bleed to death. I fled, they saw me... But I was faster with the help of Allah... But now...

-Why haven't you thrown the ring ?

-What if they found it, the man told that they could do great evil with it...

-Maybe it was just stolen...

-No, it is magical, look...

Saddam then touched the ring and a fountain of black oily liquid left the ring to go right in their campfire, it practically immediately burned, the dying embers replaced by a powerful fire. Mahmud recoiled in shock.

-By the beard of the prophet !

-Yes, you see... Infinite combustible ! It can lit itself on fire too, with this ring we can not fear winter.

The possibilities were indeed great. Mahmud understood that Saddam did not think that he would slit his throat in the night to take such a wonder. He was too kind for it anyway. So he decided to nod, and assured Saddam that his secret would be kept. He ignored if these men with skulls and bones on their robes were sending someone after them but the further away this ring able to create fire was from these men the better it was. Plus they could then always sell it to other good Muslims in a bazaar. They could get several camels and many goods for it and begin a caravan business. Or buy goats for a farm...

Whatever, they continued, marching to the south by roads and ravines, fleeing sometimes from stray dogs and since they lacked money, sometimes helping to get a meal. Be it by collecting firewood or doing some chores. Salim got cold once but the magical ring kept him warm enough to recover. But after three weeks, a strange event completely changed the fate of their travels.

It was during one of these snowy days that Mahmud hated so much. Salim was shivering and trying to walk, covered in a heavy woolen cloak while Saddam led the way, cursing at the elements. Finally, when dusk came early in these northern lands, they finally saw some lights, an inn. Their tired bodies moved faster, motivated by the surge of wanting to be near a fire. Unfortunately they had no money left, but they were too tired to think about how to pay, they moved by instinct.

No sooner they were inside a young woman with chestnut hair and chestnut eyes fell to her knees. Imploring them, like in a pagan prayer she joined her hands and told.

-Please, brave adventurers, ugly rats have invaded my basement. I need help to clear them out.

They all looked at the tavern, there seemed to be at least ten good men there. Saddam did not know what to say and feared a trick, so Mahmud, who had three wives at home and so knew what a desperate woman looked like asked her.

-Us ? Of course but why these...

He looked at the men but they all looked at him outraged, one of them, a bearded man told.

-Us ? But we are not armed adventurers like you ! You know that a rat can kill a commoner easily...

As a good Egyptian Saddam asked them while Mahmud looked at them in disbelief.

-Have you thought of sending a cat ?

It was the woman who answered.

-No, the cat does not want to.

Salim looked at them, completely lost. What to do, if these people feared rats so much Mahmud answered.

-I imagine that if you could give us a r...

The woman cut him off, what insolence.

-No, no, it is an official quest, not only a room, but 15 gold coins will be given to those who kill the rats in the basement. It has been regulated by the adventurer's guild. By the way, what is the name of your party ?

Mahmud was completely at loss.

-Party ? Name ?

Saddam was quicker, he answered with enthusiasm.

-We are the Bath party... We want a bath in plus of the room.

He then smiled at the lady, looking dashing with his mustache and she reddened and quickly agreed. What to say, our friends descended five minutes later in the basement, ready to fight enormous monsters but ending by killing some rats with spears and clubs quite easily. Hah, a job well done. The true problem came when they emerged from the basement, three men in armor looking like local guards, one even with grey skin and ugly features were there. Their leader, a fat man with pig like eyes told them loudly in an accented tone.

-Oy ! Have you got an adventiuring loicense for accepting guild contracts ?

In what kind of mess have they gotten into ?


You lived happily during those days in Lasthold, your head still full of projects. The day right after your arrival snow fell. The poor Rose was very upset that all her reserves of "hot chaucolate" that she had kept for winter were rotten for an unknown reason. She even cried and screamed at her old staff and at some peasant, ordering to give 20 lashes to three people. She then was full of tears and unsure of herself, because she thought that you would not like her and see her as an "idiotic young girl unable to keep a keep in order". Of course you kissed her, cuddled her, and told that you did not like the chaucolate aniway. You drank some of this strange plant called "tea" apparently you could put it in water and it had another color. It was strange. To change the mood of your sweet lady you decided to get outside as she wished, even if it snowed and it was cold.
While you walked together you decided, mischievously, to throw a snowball into her hood and she screamed "hiii" before laughing and throwing one right on your nose. She then tried to run, you pursued her and took her, kissing her passionately. You then deposed her on the ground and she tried to show you something.

She fell on the snow with her arms outstretched and waved them and her legs, when she rose she showed the pattern.

-Tadaa, see it my sweet Charles ? It is a winged person...

Looking closely yes, it looked like an angel, a snow angel.

-Mmmh, yes, an angel of the Lord... But the only angel that I see is right besides me my sweet lady...

And with that you kissed her again, she was cute with her red cheeks because of the cold, you got lost at this moment of tenderness. But when darkness, and the temperature forced you to go back to her tower the moment's innocence left you and you got back to your first work, recreating a worthy household guard from what she had.
She was determined to engage some new servants, those not killed by Baron Crook being clearly unfit to even keep this Chaucolate not rotten. You will deal with the troops. You had two men recruited on the road on the old lands of Lord Takable, the village smith of Lasthold, curiously very skilled as all smithes of this place, managed to give them spears and kettle helms while Rose and two village girls had woven her arms on their tabards and the men who were before this a middle aged peasant full of loyalty who remembered that Lord Takable send him a bit of money to save him of poverty and a young lad who wanted to escape village life in Dullway one of the villages of the road looked dashing.
You decided that it was time for a recruitment campaign. Since you trained them with the help of your knights you called all able bodied volunteers to join the guard of the keep. Since the last one was massacred you ignored if your recruitment would be successfull but what you saw shocked you... Shocked you terribly.

Oh, there were volunteers, you wanted five men, before that Rose had four men and her captain so five men could keep order and the tower. And here, in plus of the two men already recruited you had five volunteers ! Wonderful ! Glorious ! Let us rejoice ! Before looking at the sorry bunch.
First there was a kind of strange character, thick eyebrows, pointy ears, of middling height, with a strange look, thin features but a big nose and a bushy beard. He looked like some savage man that you saw on a banner. You wondered if he talked only in grunts. But then, next, you saw that all the rest was composed of women. Women ! By the beard of saint Jean you had forgotten that women were allowed to be recruited on these lands. What a shame.

Three of them were normal, one was young and healthy probably a milkmaid or a farmer's daughter, one was middle aged and a bit fat, probably having given birth to children and the last one was middle aged too but thinner and with greying hair. The fourth one was tall and thin with pointy ears, clearly a guelph with an haughty expression and long blonde hair. She wore pants, and you wanted her to get dressed properly but you did not even knew who should be insulted first. You decided to ask the first strange creature.

-Who are you, and why are you so hairy ?

-M'name's Mutt m'lord, my dad was a dwarf and my mother an elf. It's why i'm a dwelf.

That was... What the reproduction of short scotsmen with guelphs looked like. You immediately thought of forbidding it by an edict. Fortunately seeing how the Guelph woman looked at him in disgust you were sure that these things were rare. Still, better safe than sorry. But despite all of it, if the man terrified you he could terrify criminals and ennemies too so you answered.

-Then we will see what you are worth with a spear and a shield my lad. Cop, see if he can do some drills.

The sergeant of your own guard nodded and while they were beginning you began to tell.

-Women, war is a man's job, go knit or pray for the defense of the village, or make some kids who will grow into guardsmen, or marry some if you like polishing armors so much.

If the younger woman of maybe sixteen put her head down and the thin and old who looked like she was about to cry was silent the fat one answered you, rather roughly.

-We have m'lord ! My husband, was a guardsman... Just like hers... And young Alpha lost her father after losing her mother... He was beheaded by baron Crook Wickedson... We want vengeance ! Give us a chance to try...

The guelph lass was silent and continued to look at you, arching an eyebrow. To be sincere, this plea to avenge their families moved you, but we were no more in the time of barbarian tribes.

You had heard stories from some scholars about how the pagan wives of the germans who fought the romans at that time tried to avenge their husbands, it was cited as an exemple of barbarism by the Holy Church. Still, you had to answer something.

>The baron Crook Wickedson is dead, his guard's captain, who killed Captain Relic, has been killed by Messire Godefroy that you see at my right, vengeance has been obtained. Weep for your husbands and fathers and honor them. Do not try to imitate them.
>You want to escape poverty after the loss of a family member ? Lady Rose is in need of competent servants, go see her, I am sure that she will hear your pleas.
>Allright we will see what you are worth, give them some training spears and shields and see what they are worth my good lads.
>You are silent, Guelph, why did you want to join ? Is it the loss of a family member ?
>Other (write in)
>>Allright we will see what you are worth, give them some training spears and shields and see what they are worth my good lads.
>>You are silent, Guelph, why did you want to join ? Is it the loss of a family member ?
>You are silent, Guelph, why did you want to join ? Is it the loss of a family member ?
>Allright we will see what you are worth, give them some training spears and shields and see what they are worth my good lads.
>You want to escape poverty after the loss of a family member ? Lady Rose is in need of competent servants, go see her, I am sure that she will hear your pleas.
Welcome back!
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Thank you good sir, I am glad to be back. Unfortunately your choice was not the most popular but it was most wise.


You thought about trying to recruit some lads elsewhere but barbaric customs were still customs and you declared.

-Allright we will see what you are worth. Give them some training spears and shields and see what they are worth my good lads.

The women thanked you with gratitude. And while it was done you looked at the Guelph and told.

-You are silent Guelph, why did you want to join ? Is it the loss of a family member ?

The Guelph lady answered with an air of disdain.

-I have been an archer in the militia of lord Vetel a century ago and served him well. Give me a bow and you will see.

You found it laughable, a bow, you answered.

-With your small arms there is no way that you could draw a longbow.

There were laughs by some men and she snapped back.

-We elves are stronger than we look.

You answered, quite amused.

-Give her one of the old bows of the guard.

Those were not as big as longbows but you were sure that she could not draw them still. You then ordered to see what the recruits were worth and the results were... Predictable. None of the women, even with all their grief, was worth something, the strange hairy scotto-italian was at least strong enough to hold even if he was inexperienced though and so you let him stay on the guard. But as for the Guelph. It was even more amusing. She tried to use her bow and held it like someone who had used one before. But she could not pull it strong enough, you could see that she tried but it was not useful. Soldiers and villagers began to snicker and she was becoming red. After several minutes you had enough of this comedy and ordered.

-If someone cannot pull a bow it cannot be an archer.

-But it's unfair ! This bow is not normal ! I can pull it normally...

-Yes yes yes... Go back to your home with the rest.

She cursed in her tongue and pointed at your valorous Ancel.

-He ! He has a short bow. Let me use it, and I shall prove that I am the best archer of this village.

You sighed, and Ancel had a short bow, she could try. He saw that you looked at him, and tried to look scandalised. You wondered what he was doing, some people spoke of petty theft in the village and you supposed that it was him, perhaps he deserved to have his bow borrowed to prove a point. You told.

>Allright, Ancel, give her your bow and some arrows, let us see what she is worth.
>Who needs a soldier who cannot fire a warbow ? You are to fight armoured ennemies, not pheasants or rabbits, no matter your precision. Go back to your home, guelph.
>Other (write in)
>Allright, Ancel, give her your bow and some arrows, let us see what she is worth.
Probably stole it off some corpse
>>Allright, Ancel, give her your bow and some arrows, let us see what she is worth.
good to see you back! hopefully we can over throw the guelph rule.
>>Allright, Ancel, give her your bow and some arrows, let us see what she is worth.
>Saddam, hounded by the Skull & Bones Society and a powerful Bush.
Kek, welcome back!

>Who needs a soldier who cannot fire a warbow ? You are to fight armoured ennemies, not pheasants or rabbits, no matter your precision. Go back to your home, guelph.
>>Allright, Ancel, give her your bow and some arrows, let us see what she is worth.
Welcome back!
>Saddam named them the Bath party
>Allright, Ancel, give her your bow and some arrows, let us see what she is worth.
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It was his once, before losing it during a game of dice to a burgundian, the burgundian was found dead during the next battle so the bow was clearly not useful to him...

Spoken like a true ghibelline (I shall make a prologue about Conradin one of those days).


Thank you very much good sir, I am glad to be writing again.


Thank you very much good sir. And yes, they could have been more than three but unfortunately their companion Bashar left the town in a hurry before.


You were in a mood to see some fun, and you wanted some time to think about where to find two more men for Rose's guard. So you ordered your brave Ancel.

-Allright Ancel, give her your bow and some arrows, let us see what she is worth.

Ancel began to plead.

-Que nenni messire ! Que nenni ! This bow, touched by a woman ! It is witchcraft and...

Your old Godefroi smacked him behind the ear.

-Silence Ancel, obey, we all know that you prefer for your sword to be touched by a woman but that is not a reason to disobey your master.

The troop laughed and he gave the weapon to the Guelph lady who tried it. You wondered what it would do. She nodded and smiled the kind of confident smile that you generally see among young knights and squire totally sure of themselves. She still complained.

-There is no way to touch something very far away with this shortbow.

-Try to touch this pile of hay...

She cut you off by losing two arrows right on this, it was moderately hard to hit but the two arrows were very close. She then told.

-This is an exercise for a human..

She turned her head a bit around when she saw a servant leaving and moving with an apple in his hand, he was perhaps thirty paces from her, she screamed "Heeey" and he stopped turning around, she then lost an arrow and pierced the apple. After the servants cry you were more than surprised, you had to think about closing your mouth then, how ? By saint Denis how ?!? Fortunately you managed to control yourself and ask a pertinent question.

-Is it witchcraft ?

Yes, you saw some bohemians at a fair playing with knives and doing this, but it was not at thirty paces, and it was obviously staged. The lady answered.

-Witchcraft ? No... Who needs magic aiming ? It is simply 80 years of training....

Your knights discussed amongst themselves and finally Cop, your brave man at arms, whispered to you.

-Elves have a good eyesight, the wife of Gardasil, that you expelled from the guard could do even better with a bow...

You raised an eyebrow remembering your deceased spearman... and then asked.

-Why didn't you tell me ?

-I... I thought that you knew everyone know this around and...

Seeing your raised eyebrow he corrected himself.

-What kind of soldier would contradict his lord ?

Against such an argument you had to admit that he was right. But still, this prospect remained terrifying. There were good archers, but if any Guelph could fire like this, they could easily kill unarmored horses, and mail, with some good arrows they could pierce mail and having to resist volleys of peasants hoping to touch something and this kind of excellent bowmen was a very different thing. Maybe it was why knights horses here wore some kind of metallic protections, you will have to think about it and order some. And this suits of full steel, so impractical, but so useful worn over mail, it would be needed against such people. You remembered that the baron had more than a hundred of such guelphs armed with bows from the royal army. Even if you were a loyal subject, investing into some suits, made more practical would be a good decision. Your military reflection remained mirred by a mystery still, why do so much men refused to wear helmets in a land were archers were so dangerous ? That seemed like a lack of common sense. You asked Cop.

-You are a soldier... Why did you all have open helmets ? And some men no helmets at all ?

He tried to think, your hypothesis, if you knew such words, was that the Guelph monarchy forbade it. He answered.

-I... Do not know... It looks perhaps better ?

Ah, yes, you forgot, these were the results of 80 years of peace. You will have to visit an armorer soon, but still, you had a pretty guelph woman satisfied of herself that looked at you with her blue eyes. And a decision to make about her, if her being unable to use a true bow would make her ineffective she could still be dangerous against poachers, unarmoured people or unshielded ones.

To be sure, you added to your soldier.

-The Guelphs see in the dark too ?

-Yes my lord.

You then nodded, decidely they were a dangerous bunch. You turned towards the Guelph woman and decided to tell.

>Rejoice for you are now a soldier in service of Lady Rose, obey her well and serve faithfully.
>You are a good archer, I will give you that, but I need someone who can use a bow. You can go back to your home.
>You are a good archer, I will give you that, but I need someone who can use a bow. We could use scouts and trackers once we will be married with Lady Rose. Do you know how to follow tracks ?
>It is said that you see in the dark ? If you shoot the damned owl that has the bad habit of making noise near my window consider yourself a soldier.
>Other (write in)
>Rejoice for you are now a soldier in service of Lady Rose, obey her well and serve faithfully.
Honestly not surprised so many aren’t wearing helmets. That being said, if we are going against elves and our men are fully armoured and we are near them, I think we will be fine.
>>Rejoice for you are now a soldier in service of Lady Rose, obey her well and serve faithfully.
>You are a good archer, I will give you that, but I need someone who can use a bow. We could use scouts and trackers once we will be married with Lady Rose. Do you know how to follow tracks ?
Let us not reject good feudal custom!

It is as this anon says: the skinny Guelph women who try to draw longbows against us will be flummoxed by their sudden -4 STR.
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Nobody should doubt about the victory of brave christian knights against cowardly archers. But limiting the losses, since we do not have many knights and men at arms, would be wise.


Well said good sir, you always speak with faith and common sense. Unfortunately the other bannermen have not listened to you ! Woe and treachery ! Perhaps lombards have bought them off !


ou were a generous man and if in these strange lands there were women warriors you could always tolerate them, so you told.

-Rejoice for you are now a soldier in service of Lady Rose, obey her well and serve faithfully.

The Guelph smiled and she answered.

-I am glad to serve, my lord.

And it was done. You happily let her go, thinking about finding a last warrior, perhaps a knight, Rose had some family members and she would need a "guard's captain" even when having only four poor guardsmen. But whatever, you would find it and her knights and soldiers will become yours soon. Still, you thought an instant about captain Relic, you had not known the man a lot but he seemed to be an honest man, and a loyal warrior, protecting the daughter of his lord even when he saw his lands confiscated and when she was kept under the guardianship of baron crook. He even helped her throw her evil tutors to the dogs. His death was a shame, you hoped that you could at least give him a proper burial but apparently all the corpses of the people executed by the baron were given to his nightmare horses that ate human flesh. You decided to pray for his soul, and for the soul of the old lord Takable. You will have to marry his daughter, give him a grandson, he has been wrongly accused and perhaps his soul found satisfaction in vengeance now that the baron had been beheaded. You should pray for lord Random too, if he wasn't dead you would not be here, and you would still be a simple knight without any chance of inheritance and not the master of a castle, of a household army and husband of a beautiful wife. Yes, perhaps, even if the India's were pagan and dangerous, and you were sometimes homesick they were an opportunity too. It was when you thought about an old man that another one found you because Godefroi told you.

-You look lost in your thoughts monseigneur, is everything well ?

-Y... Yes Godefroi. I was thinking about the Guelph, with her bow... If some armies have many bowmen like these, Guelphs... They must be really dangerous.

-Mmmh, indeed yes.

-Look, the baron has a bit more than 300 royal guardsmen, probably 100 or more will stay after winter... Two thirds of them are not frail lasses but quite solid men, even if all Guelphs look underfed. If they can put an arrow through an apple they could easily kill levies... Even men in chainmail, imagine 70 men firing at a knight and his mount with bodkin arrows, some will touch his helmet and do nothing, or his shield, but some will get his horse, or his chest or his arm...

The veteran, your mentor seemed to take time before giving an answer.

-It is perhaps the reason of the existence of these armors made of steel with ridiculous pauldrons. And the local horse's steel protections.

You smiled has he had the same conclusions as yourself.

-Yes... But why don't they use more shields, or bigger shields like the pavises. A line of pavesiers could break such an archer formation. Instead the guards have simple swords and bows. Worse many knights do not wear helmets.

-About the helmets remember this knave that I killed... Brutus Enforcer yes ? He had this headband that looked like jewelry but that by devilish magic stopped me from bashing his head with a mace, he told that it was as good as an helmet, perhaps it protects knights in time of battle...

-Not a lot wear such coronets.

-Perhaps they wear a kind of amulets, we ough to ask some local knight monseigneur.

True, you needed to ask. Or perhaps it was due to a lack of experience in war. Whatever, you decided to get back to lady Rose's tower and enjoy the afternoon.

Rose herself was sewing some tapestry and not without talent, her long fingers moved with agility and she smiled when she saw you.

-How was the recruitment Charles.

-Very well my sweet lady... And you, what are you doing... Is it a tower ?

You looked more closely at the motives on her future tapestry and were pleased to conclude that you found exactly what it was.

-It is, I am trying to make a representation of this place under the snow. We should get a view from the north tomorrow in the morning light, if you want it.

-You want to ride outside, braving the elements ?

-Am I not with a proud knight servant who will wrap a woolen cloak around me if I am cold ?

She answered with a mischievous look and a faint snicker left your lips. You got closer to the fire in her chambers and decided to tell.

-My lady, if we have enough men we lack a knight to... Command all of those. Would you happen to have some cousin or distant relative that has been knighted.. or even a squire who shall be knighted soon even if it would be better for him to be someone experienced.

She smiled lightly, perhaps she understood that it was not only experience but old age that you researched. Being near a comely young man could sometimes be an incentive for the worse sentiments of a lady, courtly love, even if platonic, was often between a knight and the wife of his lord. Plus, who has not partaken in the pleasure of the flesh with his cousin ? Your first kiss (from a lady, you discounted prostitutes) was with the second daughter of your uncle and your parents themselves were twice removed cousins when they married. It was only natural. She had a playful tone.

-Someone is jealous...

-I am not...

-You are adorable Charles, and be happy that I do not take it against you. What do you think that you cannot trust me ?

-I have no doubt about you my lady, but I can have some about someone I never saw.

She understood and continued.

-You remember I wanted to write to my cousin Billy, or to his family, he must be twelve today. He could be your squire... I will write to his parents to know if some of them know a knight of some renown.

You accepted this, plus having a squire was always useful. But still, you had much to discuss.

>So you want to go to the north of your lands, in this great emptiness to view your tower... What else shall we do ?
>Do you have other cousins or family that we shall talk about ? We will need to invite them to our marriage after all.
>Your tower is far too humble for your station my lady, but after our marriage we should still give it's governance to someone. Do you have one in mind ?
>After our marriage I shall have to travel to the Duchess's lands to give her back the locket that I found, it would be good to travel to the city together.
>I saw that you have some guelphs or short scotsmens on your lands but is there demons or other vile fiends ?
>Speaking of knights to help us protect these lands is there some dangerous threat here ? The fortifications of this tower are weak but I haven't seen something dangerous even when watching from it's highest battlement.
>Speaking about your family, could you give me some stories about them. Very unfortunately, coming from afar, I am not very knowledgeable about Indian history.
>Other (write in)

Choose 3 choices maximum good sirs Plus you lose 2 mudcore since you have not anymore a "all human army" and since you engaged a woman in a man's role... She might even wear pants ! The horror !

Your new stats :

Charles de Villeroi

Class : Local Lord
Level : 5
XP : 840 xp (next level at 1000)


Combat : 51%
Intrigue : 30%
Rulership: 36%

Piety : 77
Mudcore : 65-2 = 63

With 63 Mudcore you have a strong field of gritty realism around you (150 meters), in this field heavy magic will not work and supernatural abilities will not work, oh, and women will lose 4 pounds of strength of course, plus in the field the people that obey you will act more like they would be in a dark fantasy setting. You have chosen Blood of Mud and so your mudcore field will become a bit bigger and stronger but could be transmitted to your children. Magic, even restorative, will become considerably weaker near you. Weak practitionners of magic (less than rank 5) are unable to cast in your mudcore field.
Next level at 70, your field will become 200 meters wide, magical objects will lose their properties in your mudcore field just like potions, crops who came from the columbian exchange will lose their taste and a medieval disease will enter your world.

-Cavalry Commander : +20 to martial when you have to lead a cavalry charge or a cavalry attack. Works only when commanding shock or melee cavalry mounted on horses.
-Foreign Etiquette : You focus on learning Indian etiquette with Oldfossil, you gain a +10 bonus in intrigue in your interactions with the nobility of your duchy.
->Basic Literacy : Your lessons with Oldfossil and Lady Takable finally paid off and you can read and write, even if you write with errors and move your lips still when you read it is a great leap forward.

Traits :
Leader : Your magnetism on the masses is glorious and your learning of speech could encourage many men to follow you. You may choose the best of 3 rolls when you try to speak in public to convince an audience, be it the Council of Many or angry peasants.
>So you want to go to the north of your lands, in this great emptiness to view your tower... What else shall we do ?
>Your tower is far too humble for your station my lady, but after our marriage we should still give it's governance to someone. Do you have one in mind ?
>Speaking of knights to help us protect these lands is there some dangerous threat here ? The fortifications of this tower are weak but I haven't seen something dangerous even when watching from it's highest battlement.
>>I saw that you have some guelphs or short scotsmens on your lands but is there demons or other vile fiends ?
>Speaking of knights to help us protect these lands is there some dangerous threat here ? The fortifications of this tower are weak but I haven't seen something dangerous even when watching from it's highest battlement.
>Speaking about your family, could you give me some stories about them. Very unfortunately, coming from afar, I am not very knowledgeable about Indian history.
>Your tower is far too humble for your station my lady, but after our marriage we should still give it's governance to someone. Do you have one in mind ?
>Speaking of knights to help us protect these lands is there some dangerous threat here ? The fortifications of this tower are weak but I haven't seen something dangerous even when watching from it's highest battlement.
>Speaking about your family, could you give me some stories about them. Very unfortunately, coming from afar, I am not very knowledgeable about Indian history.
>Do you have other cousins or family that we shall talk about ? We will need to invite them to our marriage after all.
>Speaking about your family, could you give me some stories about them. Very unfortunately, coming from afar, I am not very knowledgeable about Indian history.
>Your tower is far too humble for your station my lady, but after our marriage we should still give it's governance to someone. Do you have one in mind ?

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