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You stare at the door outside. It would be easy to put all this out of your head and just keep it moving. But it doesn't feel right.. you cast a glance at Batman and find he's already staring at you. The unsettling glow of Batman's eyes from beneath that cowl of his make you nervous. Hell, everything about this place makes you nervous. An hour ago you still thought of 'magic' and 'spirits' as possibilities. Chances in an infinite universe, things you never really believed fully but still left the door open for. Only now the door is wide open and you've stared into what's behind it directly and according to John it's done it's share of looking back. Is this really your place? No. It isn't, you weren't meant for dark delves into haunted asylums with masked crusaders. Yet it seems every time you fight to return to normalcy, for the privilege of an honest job, you're exposed more and more to how much deeper the rabbit hole goes. How comically small your role in the world is. You'd laugh if it didn't always feel like the joke was on you. But through all of this bullshit you've never lost sight of what you've stood for, the world wasn't your problem; Gotham and the people in it are. You look again at this man, this Batman, and it feels like another reflection.

Maybe he's meta, maybe he isn't but he's still a person. Someone who had desires, maybe the same ones as you. Just a man who wanted to protect his home. You remember when you first saw the photos in your dad's paper, his suit wasn't much more than stitched kevlar and sports pads despite it his presence was inescapable in the City. He seemed like a manifestation of Gotham's anger, finally fighting back to halt the grinding boot that was turning everyday people into a paste and looking at him now you aren't sure you recognize the man clad in pristine body armor, trimmed with technology that borders on science-fiction. It makes you think, would you from a few months ago recognize yourself? Your own words to Question echo in your head, maybe it's better to just focus on the things you can act on. This is out of your depth and it may be out of his as well, but you can still help where you can.

"You're out of your depth too." You start. "Your utility belt won't be as helpful against the things John's looking for as you think, and given everything he's said about you, you'll just end up drawing attention to both of you if you go with him."

"Maybe." Batman grumbles. "But I don't trust him to wander that place by himself. Even if it was empty."

"Gee, thanks mate." John mumbles, rolling his eyes wildly as he reads his tome.

"If anyone should be his backup, shouldn't it be another magician or wizard or something? He can't be the only one, you guys mentioned someone earlier."

"No." Batman says firmly. "I'm not bringing anyone else into this, I won't risk them."

"But you'll risk me?" You ask, genuinely taken aback.

"You were already in, whether you liked it or not."
"And John?"

"I 'preciate the concern, love." John says. "But I don't intend to die for this wanker. Besides, he's just worried I'll play with his toys."

"They're dangerous and they've fooled smarter men than you."

"What's that say about you then?" John replies with a grin that couldn't be more shit-eating if he was spitting out corn.

"Batman." You say firmly, cutting off his abrupt turn and step towards John. "Just hear me out. You can leave this to John and there's something I think you'd like to know."

"Oh?" Batman says, turning to face you.

"We've stumbled onto something big going on with Blackgate. Some kind of conspiracy and it goes deep, it could even implicate Dent.."

You cringe as the last word leaves your mouth and you don't know why, but you feel it; an invisible shift as the air grows dense in the room.

"I could fill you in on the way back?" You carefully offer, feeling like you're on eggshells as a buzzing ball of anxiety fires up in your gut.

"I'm assuming this is coming from Question more than you." He says flatly.

"I don't like your tone." You respond in an equally flat manner. "I understand you two have a history, not a particularly friendly one either, but there's more than his word to take on this. I have a witness in the prison willing to testify about this, letters that confirm there's some sort of connection between the guards and the criminal element off the island."

"We can handle it after."

"Why!? Why are you so adverse to helping your own city? Because John might get jumped by a guy who lines his robberies up with Easter? He can clearly handle himself."

"This is FOR Gotham." He replies, his voice deepening as he approaches you. "I NEED to go with John so he can walk me through the process of identifying and removing the threat. That way if it ever comes back I can handle it myself, the way I should've from the start."

His voice echoes off the stone and you stare him down as your mind turns over and something clicks.

"From the start? Whaddya mean by that? How long have you known about this?"

"...I only found out the full scope recently."

"Don't be coy, Bat. Tell 'im what you did." John calls out from his book.

You turn your eyes to Batman and raise your brows. He replies in a deflated whisper, a far cry from the borderline shouting he was doing earlier.

"John wasn't my first choice to deal with this. There was another, Zatanna."

"Did she?" You leave the question open and Batman shakes his head.

"No. She's alive, but she's-"

"She's in a coma, to put it simply, she tried to touch the big man's dark piggybacker and whatever it did to 'er activated a failsafe. She sealed herself off with a barrier while an artifact she carried tried to dispel whatever was happening to her. But something went wrong.." John says, still staring down at his tome but his eyes unmoving.
"How long has it been?" You ask.

"Going on day three." He answers quietly. "Whatever it was even a crossroads demon couldn't fix it with a deal. Matter o' fact we were firmly up the creek without a paddle until you came 'ere, I figured I'd have to risk it the same way she did but you came with a spiritual Johnny and a nice clean spot to pull a sample from. Now that I'm positive it's a curse.. mostly. I know 'ow to break it and once I do the rest should handle itself."

"I didn't know." You reply but John holds up a hand.

"I don't blame you, I blame this shifty knob. Have you even told him about the others?" John asks.

"The others?" You ask.

"Zatanna isn't the only one suffering from this.." Batman begins. "There are others: Nightwing and The Manhunter."


"You know him as John Jones."

"What? Why did nobody tell me about this? Why didn't Question-"

"It's been a closely kept secret.. I didn't want you to blame yourself." He replies.

"Blame myself? Why the hell would.. Jesus Christ. Did it happen after he helped me?"

"That's when his symptoms started. The nightmares, paranoia, hearing voices. He was being examined when he lost consciousness.. a week ago."

"A week!?" You shout. "He'd been in a coma for a week because of ME potentially and you never thought to mention it to me?"

"Making you take responsibility for something none of us understand, and that wasn't your fault in the first place, wouldn't have been helpful. You didn't need to be distracted, I've listened to you Mark. You want to focus on your work as a police officer, not a vigilante, not a member of the Justice League. I respect your decision."

"Jones is my friend, he helped me when nobody else could.. shit I STILL use the techniques he taught me to help control my Shivers. I deserved to know."

"If you're going to insist on being outside then you need to accept the blind spots that come with it. All we can do is try and solve this and save them."

"Then call your friends on the inside to come help. Superman, Wonder Woman, fucking Green Lantern? Any of them could probably help us with this."

"Don't bother, lad. You've a better chance of getting a peek under a nun's Jesus jumper than changing his mind." John mumbles. Batman continues as if nothing was said.

"Can't risk it. Zatanna and J'onn were put into a coma from direct contact via telepathy or magic. Nightwing however is neither of those things and he's.." He trails off. You feel something muted, John's barrier making it too hard to identify outside of a slight stomachache. "He's the same. We can't bring anyone else in until we learn more. I won't risk them."

"Cheers, again. Really." John chimes in.

"That's why I can't take the time to worry about Blackgate, I can't split my attention. Not without consequences. This is what I need to focus on now, before it becomes bigger than Gotham."
There it is. The big picture. The scope of things. "Is it always going to be like this?" you wonder to yourself. Will time push back your perspective until you're nothing more but a player sitting at a chess board? Deciding the moves of pieces without even speaking to them? You hope not.. Batman stares at you awaiting a rebuttal, maybe he's hoping you can change his mind or maybe he needs to go along with John just to feel some kind of control. Maybe he's drowning like you are sometimes..

"I remember when I was a kid. You were in the papers a lot, half the city was scared of you and the other half was dirty. But you still took the time to carve out all the rot until we had a chance to build up again, with Gordon and Wayne and Dent. When exactly did you stop fighting for us? What was the point the picture became so big you couldn't focus on Gotham anymore?" You speak quietly, strolling through your own memories as you recite them.

He doesn't reply, his glowing eyes just narrow.

>"Alright, I won't pull you away from this. If going with John is something you need to do then I'll just go to Gordon with Blackgate. I'll let him know not to bother with the signal."
>"You'd rather go with John doing something you KNOW you can't help with because you're afraid. That's not the Batman I remember, do the right thing and come work with us on something that you can directly impact. For the better."
>"Understood, you're just a coward. Enjoy the Asylum, maybe you should check if they have a vacancy."
>"I understand now, it's not a reluctance it's an inability. You just can't see the forest for the trees anymore.. but that's okay. You set Gotham up for the day it had to survive without The Batman. Let me know how the hunt goes, I've got a shift in the morning."

Got mobile cucked but still: Fat text. Don't worry anon who had some good questions for John. I still got you. Just wanted to offer Batman's rebuttal and another chance for you guys to decide if you want to double down on asking for his help with Blackgate or not. Also felt like you guys deserved a bit of an explanation from Ol Batman but had to make sure I tempered it with the mindset of a paranoid schizophrenic, as is tradition when it comes to his planning. Curious to hear what you guys think about this entire situation and specifically Batman's response to it. Hope the delayed update was worth the wait and I'll see you guys soon.
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PREVIOUS THREADS: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Gotham%20City%20Beat%20Cop%20Quest

Thread Cover Credit: RedWisp, as usual they delivered some amazing art the previous thread and I highly suggest you go back even if it's just to scroll until you see more of their work.

If you do art and want to take a crack at being the next thread cover then make whatever piece you can think up and drop it in thread. Even if it doesn't make it as the cover I keep any and all art in a private folder so you can rest assured knowing I'll be looking at it sporadically for the rest of my days.
>"Alright, I won't pull you away from this. If going with John is something you need to do then I'll just go to Gordon with Blackgate. I'll let him know not to bother with the signal."
>"I put my trust in you with all of this, Batman. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. Wouldn't have even called you. Now I'm asking for you to trust me on this. This Blackgate thing is BIG. And either of us being around John when he goes poking around Arkham? It'll turn it into a guaranteed shitshow. All I'm asking for is a little bit of trust, so we can do the right thing. As a team."
I swear to god if he starts comparing us to Superman...
>Zatanna is already knocked out
Damn, ok
>>"Alright, I won't pull you away from this. If going with John is something you need to do then I'll just go to Reiner with Blackgate. He can pass it to Gordon. If we get shut down by feds or argus, and can't continue investigation by normal means, Gordon or me will call you.
Come on, at least tell Reiner first. Before dragging things directly to Gordon over and over. Chain of command, people.
After Manhunter got fucked, it's understandable that Batman assumed Mark was contagious somehow. The fact that he's unvilling to pass that investigation to Constantine completely, is pretty normal amount of trust issues for him. Fuck it man, I have no such weakness. "They'll handle it, I'm going to sleep." Mark has work tomorrow. Gotta observe how Banks is percieved now, gotta score with a cute firefighter, gotta check on that lab from 2 threads ago, or at least pass that investigation to someone else while Mark responds to domestic or whatever it is normal beat cops do.

Now that Mark is glowing harder than an e-girl urging you to post pictures of your unregistered firearm online, maybe he'll meet more supernatural things in the future. Or maybe SIM just has a map marker for us now.
>"Alright, I won't pull you away from this. If going with John is something you need to do then I'll just go to Reiner with Blackgate. He can pass it to Gordon. If we get shut down by feds or argus, and can't continue investigation by normal means, Gordon or me will call you."
Tbh, Batman is making it all weird and personal that IS he he always acts, not that we know it but he's not wrong. If there's a terrible sioernatural threat under Gotham that can KO super-wizards and psychic Martians, I don't think he's being unreasonable focusing on that. Different departments, different jurisdictions; Batman is JL, and they protect EARTH, which is where Gotahm is situated. Handling police corruption probably shouldn't take precedence over, say, magical armageddon or space monsters. This is OUR job.
Changing my vote from >>6152372 to
>"Alright, I won't pull you away from this. If going with John is something you need to do then I'll just go to Reiner with Blackgate. He can pass it to Gordon. If we get shut down by feds or argus, and can't continue investigation by normal means, Gordon or me will call you.
Because its a better response

"I think I get it now, you don't think anyone else is capable of helping or understanding things of the great and powerful Batman, so you keep everyone in the dark. Maybe if others had information, they wouldn't stumble into getting themselves hurt from known threats. The biggest risk of a plague isn't the illness, it's not telling others there is a risk of infection. Or that you're a carrier."

"You'll have to make sure that my ex isn't a carrier either. She showed her face in my dreams a short while ago."

I think Mark should be justifiably upset with Bats at this.
>police corruption
Is prison system even police?
Law enforcement? Justice system? The point remains: a guu whose coworkers are Superman and the Green Lantern of this SECTOR of space simply has different duties than we do, even if (unbeknownst to Mark) Batman IS demonstrably prioritizing Gotham in his OTHER job. It's like expecting the Secretary General of NATO to drop everything because he's from The Netherlands and the mayor of Amsterdam may be conspiring in a local corruption scandla with some guards at The Bijlmerbajes. It's not realistic or reasonable.
>the mayor of Amsterdam may be conspiring in a local corruption scandla with some guards at The Bijlmerbajes. It's not realistic or reasonable.
What did you say? wie beest gonovoor deer und moleewhump thoose beligerunds!

>>6152488 is me, and I'll add a line about concern for Nia if we can, though. That makes sense.
>"Alright, I won't pull you away from this. If going with John is something you need to do then I'll just go to Reiner with Blackgate. He can pass it to Gordon. If we get shut down by feds or argus, and can't continue investigation by normal means, Gordon or me will call you.
>"And before you do anything else, and I really do mean it... Call Nia. Check up on her. Because if Manhunter got hit from this after contacting me, she's at risk too."

>>"Alright, I won't pull you away from this. If going with John is something you need to do then I'll just go to Reiner with Blackgate. He can pass it to Gordon. If we get shut down by feds or argus, and can't continue investigation by normal means, Gordon or me will call you.
>"Alright, I won't pull you away from this. If going with John is something you need to do then I'll just go to Reiner with Blackgate. He can pass it to Gordon. If we get shut down by feds or argus, and can't continue investigation by normal means, Gordon or me will call you.

“If everyone who contacts this thing ends up in a coma, you should check on Dreamer. She was in my head a month or two back, around the same time as John.”

You shake your head slightly and sigh.

"Alright. I won't pull you away from this. If going with John is something you need to do then I'll take the Blackgate info to Reiner, let him pass it off to Gordon."

"You should, Gordon is a good man, he'll handle it right."

"My concern isn't Gordon, if this goes as high as we think then.." You trail off. Why even explain it to him at this point? "Look, we'll do all we can legally. If we get brickwalled by the suits or ARGUS and can't continue then Gordon or I can call you."

He doesn't say a thing, he simply nods and extends his hand. You match his silence and shake, only you don't release. You stare hard, envisioning the eyes behind the cowl, you look through him.

"Y'know, I'm get you're a big deal. You're the night and vengeance and all that, so you think you have to keep people in the dark. That even if people wanted to help they'd just get in the way. But maybe if you shared a little more you wouldn't have people you care about, that I care about, getting themselves hurt because they went into something half-blind. Shit like this is almost like a plague, the danger isn't the illness, it's not knowing you have a risk of catching anything. Shit it's about knowing if you're a carrier like m-" You stop short and pull your hand back as a bad thought peers over the horizon of your mind.

"Nia.." You say, looking to the Batman. "Is she okay? If Jones was hit after looking in on my mind then she could be in the same danger."

"She's safe.. affected but safe."


"Her abilities seem to give her some kind of protection, as soon as the nightmares start she's able to 'change the channel'. They pursue her through the night but so far she's been able to keep ahead of them, I have her under quarantine in a safe place."

You give him a long look. You aren't sure you trust he's being fully transparent with you but you also know it's a waste of time to try and pry it out of him. So you'll just take him at his word. He matches your stare until John's sparking lighter draws both of your eyes. He notices the attention and pulls the flaming tip of a fresh cig away from the lighter and blows it out with a stream of smoke.

"Don't let me get in between you two love birds, go right on arguing." He says with a dismissive wave.

"Actually I have some questions for you too, John."

"Lovely." He replies, his eyes back to scanning the stained pages of his book. "Get on then."
"There's another guy like me with a similar condition, but whatever's dialing his number is a lot more... malevolent. I don't think I can bring him in here, but do you have something I can use to get a "sample" of sorts from him? Ya know, something we can compare to what you took from me just now."

"I do. But there's no point, I only took yours because of a ritual I have floating around somewhere in this book."

"Okay.. but you still put the barrier on me. You said it would make me a beacon so do I have to worry about people around me catching magic ricochet or anything like that?"

"I meant beacon in the more metaphorical sense. Trust me, mate. Anything that can see magical auras'll see my name stamped on your head and avoid you like death itself. Cross me 'eart." He speaks without looking up from the book.

"Well what if you're wrong? If I run into a ghost or a demon or something what do I do? Pray?"

This gets his attention, he glances up at you with a sly grin.

"Only if you're looking to make em laugh before they kill you. Remember the three S's, lad. Silver. Salt. And Sorcery."


"Silver and Salt'll handle your garden variety, even some of the nastier ones if you know how to play your cards, lean on those and you'll be right as rain."

"And the Sorcery?"

He smiles an unsettling grin.
"Sometimes you're just shit-out-of-luck unless you have the right stuff. I wouldn't worry though, lad. You'd have to be pretty unlucky to have an entity pick you out of a crowd."

You furrow your brow and frown.

"Right." He says, adjusting his cig. "Well, the odds of it 'appening twice are even better if that settles your mind."

"Well if my luck IS that bad is there any way I can reach you? Outside of him." You jerk your thumb over your shoulder. "In case it can't wait."

"Mark-"" Batman begins, a warning tone in his voice. John cuts him off with a dramatic closing of the book.

"I'll save ya the time, Bat." John says, flicking his ash towards the fireplace sending the flame into an emerald green roar. "Putting it simply, Mark. I'm a cunt. A selfish cunt who'll use you, discard you, and not lose a wink of sleep over it. Cause I'm the most important thing to me."

He walks as he speaks, running a finger along his shelf until he pulls another dusty book from it's shelf. You watch in an awkward silence, he's clearly the theatrical type so you let it play out as you suppress a yawn that's brewing. He slips his fingers in the book and withdraws a thin white card which he extends to you. You reach out to inspect it and he pulls it back.

"I mean it, Mark. I'm a rotten bastard, to the core, if you call on me just know the price'll be steep."

"How steep?" You ask.

"Steep enough that I'm never anyone's first option. Only their last." His eyes shift over your shoulder and deliver a pointed stare. "Just light this card on fire and I'll open a door for ya."
He wiggles the card and you reluctantly take it, giving him a polite nod, before you stuff it in your pocket. You blink slowly and watch John return to his seat after fetching a fresh cigarette. How this guy isn't riddled with cancer is a mystery all in itself but you've seen enough tonight, it's time to go home.

"Thanks, John." You tell him patting your pocket, turning you give Batman a professional nod. "Batman."

Grabbing the handle you step back out into the frigid air of the night and sigh. You watch the silver cloud of your breath spread and fade away before checking your phone. 0314. The same time you entered.

"What the fuck?" You mumble to yourself before stuffing your phone back in your pocket. Not worth worrying about before you get some rest.


Your sleep is blissfully silent, so was the drive, and when you woke up. The world doesn't have that same ethereal glow to it that it did in days prior, the colors and sounds aren't as sharp, in a lot of ways it's what you always wanted but in other ways it makes you feel.. lonely? Exposed? You shake your head and finish the last of your drive-thru joe, letting Hawthorne's car purr as it pumps heat into the front seat, this day was going to be a long one. You already know it.

Entering the precinct you make a beeline for the bullpen, you have a feeling Hawthorne expects his keys before he has to ask you, scanning the still hectic space you see the old man's weathered face. Eyes closed and a cold pack around the base of his neck. In front of him is a paper cup of orange juice and some sad looking cracker or biscuit. As you approach you hold the keys out by a small tag and jingle them.

"Morning, sir!" You chirp, full of faux energy.

His groan is the exact reaction you were aiming for as you chuckle to yourself and press the keys into his blind, groping hand.

"You didn't scratch her did ya?"

"Not sure, I don't remember on account of me driving her home drunk."

"You're a fucking riot."

"Thanks." You answer before setting the extra cup your purchased down on the table. "I got you some coffee, figured you'd need the caffeine."

He inches open his eyes, just enough to spot the coffee and greedily grab for it.

"I don't care what they say about you, Mark. You're a good man." He whispers as he seals his eyes again and drinks greedily.

"They say things about me?"

"Mhmm." He groans. "But I don't care how much they repeat it. Day after day. I know the truth."

"I bet." You tell him. "Reiner told me you've been keeping him updated on our case progress."


"You mentioned everything to him? Like what we heard about... at Blackgate?"
"Of course I did, I ain't senile yet, rook. Grey took over the main leads from Blackgate, running a team for the lab and barracks the Anarky brat was talking about." He pauses and opens a drawer, pulling out some white tablets that he washes down with the coffee. "If you're asking about the.. thing going on there. Yeah, he's negotiating with the DA to hear Valentine out but it's a hard ask. They don't exactly trust him, especially with his offenses only going UP since he went in."

You nod and sigh.

"Hm.. I probably should have figured."

"Don't sweat it. No cop can work every case at once, we work the beat. We get the details, we get the people there, we hand it up the ladder. It's the circle of twenty-five to life." He chuckles at his own joke as the pills ween away his hangover.

"What's on our agenda now then?"

"Well first, suit up. Second, and I don't want to hear any bitching, I signed us up for some reserve duty."

"What!?" You shout. Hawthorne winces and speaks through gritted teeth.

"That sounds like bitching, rook."

"Sorry, sir.."

"We did our job. Time to let the others get a chance to play in the sandbox, in the meantime there are a few things we need to iron out for your report card."

"My report card?"

"Mhm. Your GCPD Officer Assessment Form, we call it the O-Ass."

"The O-Ass." You repeat flatly. "Really?"

"You'll see why." He chuckles. "I've got a few things on the list, I'll toss out a few suggestions and you tell me what you want to start with.

>Officer Outreach.
>Servicing the public.
>Stationary Security.
>Weapon Maintenance and Cleanliness.
>"Could I ask for something a little.. different?" (Write-In if you have ideas, may or may not fly.)

Excuse below.
Late post due to some shenanigans, all is well now thankfully. Will do my best to get the next one out closer to our usual time unless you guys are preferring the updates around this time (11am EST) then I wouldn't mind posting when I got home rather than off my work computer. Lemme know, see you soon.
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>Whichever one involves Mark being forced into a mascot costume of pic related
+1 we need levity right now
>Grey took over the main leads from Blackgate, running a team for the lab and barracks the Anarky brat was talking about.
So we got guys going after that Scarecrow lab offscreen? Good
>Officer Outreach.
Post whenever works for you. I check in every 24 to 48 hours regardless.
>>Servicing the public.
>>Officer Outreach.
>Servicing the public.
I'm not actually sure what those mean. Well, besides weapon maintenance and profiling. Whatever man, let mark go talk to people.
volunteering for that would be weird lol
>we got guys going after that Scarecrow lab offscreen?
Sometimes not being a lone vigilante isn't that bad actualy
>volunteering for that would be weird lol
CyT2zfci here, why do you think I mentioned Mark being forced into the role and not volunteering for it?
I dunno, rape kink?
>Officer Outreach.

In a Gotham middle school. In the “Larry the Poison Control Lizard” costume.

"I'm leaning towards outreach or.. 'servicing the public' whatever that is." You squint at the sheet as you read it and Hawthorne stops a giggle short and clears his throat.

"Good choices, you like to yap about helping the little guy and either of those'll fit the bill." He leans forward and wiggles his mouse, lighting up his sleeping screen.

Hawthorne peeks through squinted eyes as he navigates the GCPD's dated system and pulls up a document.

"Here's the deal, slick." He begins, directing your attention to the document on screen. "This is exactly what I'm gonna print out, it's the guidelines for your scoring, it'll be out of a twenty. Each section is worth five points, you're looking for a 15 or higher to avoid review. Clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now here." He turns the monitor and points down the list. "Presentation: Did you show a good face for the GCPD. Consider this score a grade on how good you make us look. Information: Did you provide clear and accurate information to the best of your ability? Straight forward. Protection: Did people feel safer after your talk? This one is a bitch because some lady with a stick up her can tank your score. The last one is Empathy: Did you show compassion and understanding with the people you met?"

"Is this like public speaking or something? The stuff about information and compassion or whatever sounds like I'm gonna be talking to people."

"Oh you are. You take one of our "Social Calls" that Gordon implemented, a few events we do year round to try and scrub up the departments image a bit and win back trust. Kimble called it 'Hearts and minds' and I don't disagree."

"So what social calls do we have the week before Halloween? Trick or treating safety seminar? Candy inspection courses?" You chuckle.

Hawthorne smiles wickedly and changes tabs. Moving through a few different windows before he leans back and shows it to you with a toothy grin.

"Feel free to pick your favorite."

Your own smile droops as you stare at the screen.

"You're serious?"

"Deadly. You have to do one at least, so hitch up your skirt and bite the bullet."

You stare at the screen and one thing stands out. A similarity between every single one of these three events.

Location: Gotham Elementary.

"I'm gonna be talking to kids?"

"And their parents, that's the hard part. Kids are easy, they'll clap like seals if you shine your flashlight at em or pass around your handcuffs. But I've seen more than one Officer fall under review because a helicopter mom decided he wasn't interested enough in making sure his pistol was secured."


"Mhm." He grunts. "Unloaded, chamber empty, on safety."

"Then what was-"

"The strap came unbuttoned." He says simply.

"Did it fall out? Or someone grab at it?"

"Nope. He noticed and refastened it. Just not quickly enough I guess."

"And he got dinged for that?"

Hawthorne simply shrugs.
"Great." You mumble.

"Don't let it psyche you out, rook. What are the odds the same kinda thing happens to you, huh?" He says as he finishes the last of his coffee. "Anyways, the event is set but they haven't picked what presentation they're doing yet so you get to pick your poison. Lucky duck."

"Right.." You mumble, leaning in to scan the screen.

Out of all of these you figure it may as well be...

>Anti-Drug Rally: Sure they might be a little young but it's never too early to learn when to just say NO!
>Stranger Danger: knowing which adults you can trust is important, doubly so in a city like Gotham.
>Career Day: Sometimes the best recruitment is just to talk, run them through the day as an Officer and inspire some young hearts just like you.
>"I really don't want to do any of these, is there ANYTHING else?"
>>Stranger Danger: knowing which adults you can trust is important, doubly so in a city like Gotham.
>Stranger Danger: knowing which adults you can trust is important, doubly so in a city like Gotham.
>Stranger Danger: knowing which adults you can trust is important, doubly so in a city like Gotham.
>Unless the final option is the mascot costume. Then I want that one. Not because Mark wants it, but because he absolutely does NOT and I absolutely DO.
+1, including to the spoilered bit, kek!

>>Stranger Danger: knowing which adults you can trust is important, doubly so in a city like Gotham.
>>Unless the final option is the mascot costume. Then I want that one. Not because Mark wants it, but because he absolutely does NOT and I absolutely DO.
Beautiful idea anon.
Oh fuck. I just remembered this video.


And it made me have a terrible, hilarious idea...

We could combine the mascot thing with the Anti-Drug rally and have either Mark be an actual snake-man drug dealer, thus fully earning his nickname, or get Hawthorne to do it in revenge for last night's storytime. And have this whole situation be set up by Reiner as his final revenge for both of us going above him to Gordon in the first place.
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QM, have we, the wonderful anons of /QST/, been the demon in Mark’s head this entire time?

Will this end with us being exorcised?
The Cobra persona would be perfect for Stranger Danger.

“Keep a look out kids, you never know where I’ll be! Cause a cobra is an ambush predator!”
>>Stranger Danger: knowing which adults you can trust is important, doubly so in a city like Gotham.
Please for the love of god, not another cobra meme episode. Watching Mark explain to kids what a pedo is will be enough for one update I reckon.
I vote for either of these- my sides have been rendered asunder
>Reiner has convinced those above to make an anti-drug snake mascot knowing this was bound to happen eventually

The final revenge
Yo, OP? You okay? I didn’t traumatize you with my plan to make Mark fit into a DARE mascot outfit of a character likely designed by DC’s version of the Reagan Administration, did I?
Sat/Sun are his days off, anon
>DC's version of Reagan
A hologram puppet of Lex Luthor in a dystopian future?
>DC’s version of the Reagan Administration
Wouldn't that just be the Reagan administration?

Votes tallied!

Gonna try this new schedule for a bit that I've been on for the last couple of updates, at least until the holiday rush settles a bit. Update to come. Had to exclude a few because including all the replies makes 4Chan take a shit.

"Stranger Danger." You answer confidently. "It's important to tell kids early about who they can and can't trust when they need help. Especially here."

"Damn right." Hawthorne snorts. "Had a mugging vic once who got out of the alley and back to his car just to get that jacked too."

"Guess he didn't see the presentation."

Hawthorne turns the screen towards himself and bangs away at the keyboard, hunting and pecking as you peer over his shoulder, eventually he fills out the a few fields but as he scrolls down and you catch sight of a new list he rapidly scrolls back up. whipping his head around he furrows his brow and grumbles.

"Did you forget what I just said, rook? Suit up."

"Oh, right." You chuckle. "Was just curious about the form.."

"Well you're gonna stay that way until you have a rookie of your own to mold."

You give the computer another suspicious glance but keep moving, straight to the locker room, you get buttoned up in your finest blues and step out of the locker room craning your neck over the bullpen. Hawthorne's desk is absent, the computer a blank screen, but you see him making a beeline for Reiner's office. You decide to follow.

The dull knocking is hard to hear over the hum of the pen but Reiner's sharp voice rings clear even through the shuttered door.

"Come in."

You stop your half-jog right on Hawthorne's heels, sticking your toe in the door just as he goes to shut it.

"Sorry kid, superiors. You know how it is."

"Sergeant?" Reiner's voice comes over his shoulder like a barbed arrow. "Whatever you're here about make it fast. You and DeLucia did good work but YOU are still on my shit-list."

You press forward and stuff your nose and mouth against the door.

"Thank you, sir!" You sputter through squished cheeks.

"What the hell?" Reiner mutters. "Sergeant. Get off my damn door. DeLucia, stop spitting in my air."

"Fuck's sake." Hawthorne groans, backing off and letting you stumble into the room. "You're a quick one, rook."

You catch your balance and straighten up, giving your uniform a tug to straighten it up.

"Yes, sir. Recent cases have me thinking about my cardio more seriously."

"Fifteen seconds." Reiner states bluntly as he scratches out a signature and flips his page.

"DeLucia is doing the presentation this year." Hawthorne says with near child-like glee. "I already printed off all the info and filled it in. Just need your initials."

Reiner holds out a hand and accepts the paper without looking. He sticks it under his desk lamp and reads with the speed of a seasoned bureaucrat, nodding until he gets to the end.

"Good on you, DeLucia. Nobody ever volunteers for these things, but if it was gonna be anyone I should have assumed it'd be you."

"Hah.. right. Why doesn't anyone volunteer for these? I mean it seems pretty easy, go to a school, read a script, I'd think some of the slackers would love it."
"Oh they find other ways to avoid work, but no. It isn't difficult to do most officers just find it a bit embarrassing."

You cock your head at Hawthorne and stare widely. You can see him trying not to crack as the corner of his mouth twitches into a smile.

"Embarrassing how?" You ask with dread.

"The costume." Reiner says, looking up and pulling his glasses off. "You do know about the costume don't you?"

"Illuminate me, sir." You reply with a strained grin.

"Gotti, The Crime Hound."

"Gotti?" You echo in disbelief. "Like the Kingpin? Of the mob?"

"He goes back to the 80's." Reiner answers with a shrug. "But hold that thought. Why is this news to you?"

"Well you see, sir.." Hawthorne begins but Reiner holds up a hand.

"Mark. I've known the Sergeant here for over fifteen years and there's one thing I've picked up in that time. He's a bullshitter and a joker." He glances at Hawthorne. "Accurate?"

"On the head." Hawthorne replies.

"Right, I'm assuming that you also heard me tell your TO he's on my shit list. Right Officer?" He asks you.

"Yes, sir?"

"Good. Then I'm gonna ask you this real quick so I can get back to working on this case you've lovingly dropped into mine and Gordon's laps. Officer DeLucia this presentation is a two man job, one man reads the script and goes through the presentation and the second man is Gotti, Gotham's Crime Hound. The first guy answers questions from the kids and parents in attendance while the second does a little dance, takes pictures with the kids, and says the catch-phrase."

"The catchphrase, sir?"

Reiner sighs and states in his level monotone:

"We're RUFF on crime."

You hear Hawthorne make a noise like he's choking and then cover it with a clearing of his throat. You stare. Your mind taking all this in. From watching an actual, real deal demon getting sent back to hell, which is also real, to wearing a fur suit and trench coat for a photo-op with grade schoolers. Your life is a mess.

"So. Do you want the suit or the script?"

"What?" You ask.

"Sir-" Hawthorne starts but is cut off with a sharp hand.

"Yes I know, the loving tradition of hazing your trainee. I don't give a shit, Mark did the legwork for the SIM case and gave us an alley oop if we don't fuck it up. So, especially since you tried slipping this by me too, he gets to pick." Reiner opens a drawer and pulls out a sharpie. "Just say the word and I'll swap the names."

Hawthorne looks at you and holds the gaze. His famous stare. You can feel your skin starting to itch.

Reiner clears his throat and waggles the pen..

>"I'll wear the suit..." Take this now and maybe Hawthorne rewards you for being a good sport. Better than the alternative, you can take today but he has you for months..
>"I think Sergeant Hawthorne would make a fine hound, sir." This won't be without consequences but after his rallying of Jimmy's under the Cobra Banner this is just desserts for the old man.
>"Would it be possible to bring someone else to be Gotti?" (Who?)
>"I think Sergeant Hawthorne would make a fine hound, sir." This won't be without consequences but after his rallying of Jimmy's under the Cobra Banner this is just desserts for the old man.

Eat it, old man. This old dog is learning a new trick.
>>"I think Sergeant Hawthorne would make a fine hound, sir." This won't be without consequences but after his rallying of Jimmy's under the Cobra Banner this is just desserts for the old man.
You reap what you sow fucker lmao
>"I'll wear the suit..."
I bet we’ll get Batman to smirk a bit if we do this, and that’s a win in my book.
>(brings out a quarter and shows both sides to Hawthorne) “Call it. Loser gets free drinks.”
>(flips coin)
>>(brings out a quarter and shows both sides to Hawthorne) “Call it. Loser gets free drinks.”
>>(flips coin)

Either way comes out great. And if we're on script, we're running the cobra line, lol

>>(brings out a quarter and shows both sides to Hawthorne) “Call it. Loser gets free drinks.”
>>(flips coin)
>(brings out a quarter and shows both sides to Hawthorne) “Call it. Loser gets free drinks.”
>(flips coin)

We Two-face now.
>>(brings out a quarter and shows both sides to Hawthorne) “Call it. Loser gets free drinks.”
>>(flips coin)
You maniacs.

We almost got Hawthorn to wear a stuffed dog costume and you’re betting it on a coin flip??
Whoever loses the coin flip, we win regardless.
>(brings out a quarter and shows both sides to Hawthorne) “Call it. Loser gets free drinks.”
>(flips coin)
>>(brings out a quarter and shows both sides to Hawthorne) “Call it. Loser gets free drinks.”
>>(flips coin)
The only thing better than Mark being forced into the fur suit is if the Fire Department is doing fire safety at the same and Allison came along.

Bonus if there’s a mascot for them too.

>"I think Sergeant Hawthorne would make a fine hound, sir." This won't be without consequences but after his rallying of Jimmy's under the Cobra Banner this is just desserts for the old man.
>"I think Sergeant Hawthorne would make a fine hound, sir." This won't be without consequences but after his rallying of Jimmy's under the Cobra Banner this is just desserts for the old man.
>You guys actually memed the mascot into existence.
Holy shit, that's evil
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Rolled 2 (1d2)


"Actually.." You dig in your pockets and pull out your wallet, slipping a quarter from one of it's leather seams.

"You actually keep change in your wallet?" Hawthorne asks with a chuckle.

"Where else would I keep it?"

"Jesus Christ.." Reiner mumbles.

"Call it. Loser wears the costume but also gets free drinks."

"To wash down the embarrassment? Sure thing slick."

You tuck your thumb under the cool metal and flick. The silver disk goes up, glinting off the limited light of Reiner's office and lands smack dab on the back of your hand as you clamp the other over it. Hawthorne stares you down, his jaw jaw grinding side to side as he contemplates. You're pretty sure you can see Reiner's patience actively leaving his body as he sighs and continues holding the pen and paper aloft.

"Heads. Cause only dogs got tails." Hawthorne mutters.

"Let's see.." You reply.

>Removing your hand you reveal...

1. Heads

2. Tails

Full update to come in a bit, this is just setting it up. Don't worry.
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Lol, lmao
Get rekt old man
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>"Heads. Cause only dogs got tails."
>”Well, now so do you.”
I must say boss. "Patience actively leaving his body" is such a wonderous turn of phrase.

You slowly pull your hand away and smirk. Tails.

"Only dogs have tails but.." You extend your hand and let him look. "So do you."

Hawthorne's face settles into a stoic mask of acceptance. He looks to Reiner and nods. At the same time you take the coin and gently kiss it before whispering:

"Grazie, amore mio"

"You two are clowns, you know that?" Reiner says whilst shaking his head and scribbling on the page. He aggressively applies his signature and slides the paper forward. "Get the hell out of my office and let me get back to work now, would ya?"

Hawthorne takes the page off his desk and sighs heavily, giving Reiner a half hearted salute he turns and exits. You follow behind but as you turn to close the door you're not sure through the dim light if Reiner is smiling or not as he pulls out the next form to start going over. You close the door gently and as you turn Hawthorne is inches from your face.

"You won this fair and square, kid. But don't think I'm gonna forget."


"Mhm." Hawthorne grunts before grasping the sides of your face with both hands. "I want you to enjoy today, son. Because you earned it."

"Okay?" You say uneasily.

"More than okay. You earned this, but you'll be getting what you DESERVE later."


"Lots of days between now and your graduation, Mark. Plenty of time for me to find something to even up the score." He says politely, his eyes have a gleam to them you've only rarely seen. Old mischievous eyes.

"Then maybe I'll unbalance them again.." You say ominously, leaning into this bit.

"May the best man win." He says with a grin. He lightly taps your cheek and then let's his arms fall away as he sighs. "Now come on. I can't get the damn costume on all by myself, now can I?"

"Sure thing." You say, letting yourself grin too.

Walking to the storage rooms you gotta say. You feel lighter. The weight of Mandragora and Blackgate is slowly lifting itself off your shoulders, the whispers are nearly muted; still existing in the space between every sentence but mercifully faint, and John's magic though not what you wanted fully still gives you some comfort. The longer you go on without that 'ping' the more certain you'll get that the tumor isn't growing. That would definitely be a good sign. Right?

"Here." Hawthorne grunts, snapping you out of your self analysis.

He presses down the handle on a balsa wood door and leans in. You hear a button click and the buzz of incandescent bulbs, illuminating shifting clouds of dust stirred by your intrusion, you feel a shudder as you step inside. It's noticeably colder and stinks of stale cardboard.

"Where's the costume?"

"Close to the back. Hang tight, I'll grab it." Hawthorne groans, taking massive steps over small piles.

You glance around and notice a lot of the contents are.. odd. You spot something familiar pretty quickly, one of the confetti guns Banks tried to scare you with, three of them in a box along with other general clown supplies.
"What is all this crap?" You call out to Hawthorne.

"Extras." He puffs.

"Extras of what? Confetti cannons and.. rugby equipment?"

"Gotham is a fucked up place, take a guess at how many freaks we pull in annually who got on some sort of costume or disguise? If they make bail we don't give that back to em. Anything we collect in a general seizure that nobody requests back. Most of the shit Mendez finds in trunks."

"Alright.. but why keep it?"

"Cash. We keep some of this stuff around and if we need fundraising we can hawk some of it to someone with more money than sense. With the way Dent's bleeding us we'll probably be tapping in soon."

You kneel and search through a few other boxes. A collection of mannequin heads, their heads marked with various measurements. A small box filled with empty drops containers, they lack residue so it's likely they've never been used. Strangest though is a box with nothing but acrylic nails, each one studded with a faux jewel.

Hawthorne grunts and you can hear him bulldoze through boxes and piles as he lugs something heavy. You look around you and see more and more that catches your eye.


"Yeah?" Hawthorne answers breathlessly.

"Would it be alright if I took something from here?"

"People do it all the time."

"So it's alright?"

"Some people think so." He huffs.

You keep glancing around as the war between your moral code and your visceral need, as a human, to find something cool rages violently. As you hear him kick over a stack of paperback books you make your decision.

>Resist temptation.
>Imbibe humanity. (Roll 1d100 taking ??? out of three.)
>Resist temptation.
Mark’s apartment isn’t big enough for this useless crap.
>Resist temptation.
We can earn our own bits and bob. On the topic of requisitions though, we should look into privately purchasing an AR and stashing it in the crib.
I also kinda want to dive more into training with it in general, optics be damned. Those things are ubiquitous for a reason.
>Take a picture of a cool thing you want, then try to buy it when an auction comes up.
No reason not to look around, but if we want a thing, we get it the right and proper way. We ain’t no criminal, damnit.

Also, do we know where Cesar’s little sister goes to elementary?
>Resist temptation.
Rolled 32 (1d100)

>Imbibe humanity. (Roll 1d100 taking ??? out of three.)
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Rolled 92 (1d100)

Rolling to see if Hawthorne finds something in the pile for his plot, possibly pic related if he's really lucky and they exist in this continuity...
>>Resist temptation.
As stated, our apartment is not big enough for random crap.
Should I roll again as well or wait for someone else to roll too?
Rolled 12 (1d100)

>>Imbibe humanity. (Roll 1d100 taking ??? out of three.)

lets gooo

You look longingly at a box of Muay Thai sparring equipment before pulling away. You really aren't looking to stuff more nonsense into your apartment... right now at least. You pull out your phone and use your toe to push a few boxes aside until you see something that catches your eye. A box full of religious junk, pendants, candles, and books. Including a small silver flask, about the size of your palm, gently shaking it you hear the liquid inside slosh about. You set it down gently and snap a photo, maybe you'll ask Reiner if he'd be fine with you taking it, after your experience at John's you see a little more value in carrying holy water.

A grunt next to you and the sound of a limp pile of cloth and dense fiber falls next to you, sending new clouds of dust and dirt swirling into the buzzing lights, Hawthorne sniffles and lets out a huge sneeze.

"Jesus Christ." He mutters. "Would it kill em to store this thing closer to the front."

"Looks pretty old.. and ugh it has a tail?" You say, giving it a light tap with your foot.

"It's a fucking dog, DeLucia. Last time they replaced it was about ten years ago since we don't really parade around in the damn thing." He yanks and rips at velcro straps until the head of a cartoon dog rolls to your feet. You glance down at it then back up at Hawthorne, who is now repeating the process, ripping open the costume's back.

"Gonna need your help."

"Looks like it, why're you putting it on now? We have a ride to the school to do still."

"You'll understand. Now c'mere."

You listen and step up, helping Hawthorne maintain balance as he slides into the foam blocks that make up it's feet. Afterwards you help refasten the velcro straps on the back, making sure to keep it nice and snug. Hawthorne bends down and grabs the head. He turns to face you and his face is a mask of regret. Letting out a sigh he slaps the head on and spreads his arms.


Your poker face is struggling. Your chest is assaulted by a slowly growing pressure. Your lungs burn as you hold your breath. You're pretty sure you taste blood from how hard you're clamped on your tongue.

"Go ahead." Hawthorne orders.

You lose your shit, your sides ache the same as when you out-ran Firebug, you feel hot tears brimming in your eyes as you wipe with the back of your hand.

"Holy shit.." You manage to squeak out. "Are we sure this isn't going to, y'know, traumatize the kids?"

"Fuck em." Hawthorne barks, sending you into another fit.

"Get ahold of yourself, you're a grown ass man." He shakes his head in disappointment which make his ears wiggle and shed more dust.

"You're right... sorry.. Oh fuck, sorry sir." You sniffle a few times and huff away a few defiant giggles before gesturing towards the door. "Should we get going then?"

He claws at the back of the mask and removes it. His eyes are tired. He jerks his head and you follow them to the door where he rests a paw on the handle.
"I'm gonna drop some wisdom on you, rook. So listen." He speaks while staring straight ahead, his eyes dull. "What's about to happen. You can't stop it, it's gotta happen because we need it."

"We.. need it?"

"The station." He clarifies. "Things are tense right now. We're juggling a serial killer, the last gasp of organized crime, and whatever the hell this Calc fella is planning against Wayne and Dent. Everyone has a lot of shit on their plate and nobody's hungry, still someone has to take the first bite... just hoped it would be you this time."

"This time? What are you-"

He holds up a paw. You get a whiff of something like B.O. and Febreze mixed together. He turns and looks at you, his face the definition of serious.

"This job wears on you, I told you that. Anchors or weights, whichever you feel it's gonna get harder the longer you carry it. People'll always carry it, of course, but they have their ways to cope. Alcohol, friends, therapy, all of them are the same thing. Distractions. A boost to morale. If morale falls then our work is right behind it." He turns to the door again and stares ahead. "When you were laughing your ass off back there what was on your mind?"


He smiles and nods.
"Exactly. Get ready to understand why I had wear this now and not at the school."

He raises the helmet and plants it with pride like an astronaut. His furry paw grips the knob and twists...

and twists.

He tries both hands this time. No luck.

You lean in and twist it for him. The head flops towards you and nods once before he marches out the door and you hear a chorus erupt. A few flashes and Kimble's gasping belly laugh, same as last night. You follow out and see a small crowd of uniformed officers, a few detectives, and Grey who smiles warmly. They clap and cheer as Hawthorne shakes his head cartoonishly with his hands on his hips. You step up next to him and wave awkwardly as a few more people snap pictures.

"What's going on?" You whisper.

"Reiner has a mouth like Freddy god-damn Mercury." Hawthorne growls back through the mask. "I knew this was coming."

"Gotti!" Kimble yells out. "Fetch boy!"

An extended baton rolls across the floor and bumps into the fuzzy foot of Hawthorne. He leans down and grabs it before taking a threatening step towards Kimble, only for Kimble to skitter into the crowd laughing like a maniac. Hawthorne grasps the base of the mask and lifts it, walking slowly as he yells to the dividing crowd. You follow awkwardly behind, too stunned to laugh at the absurdity of this.

"Alright already! Enough. Get back to your desks and get back to work, we're police officers for God's sake. NOT clowns. Come on, DeLucia. Let's go do something productive." He accentuates his point by yanking his mask down and turning on his heel, causing his tail to sweep the nearest desk and send a cup of pens spilling to the floor.
He doesn't even turn back as he drops the baton on another unoccupied desk and marches straight for the motor bay. You follow after through the dispersing crowd of misty eyed officers. As you step through the motor bay you look over your shoulder and see the bullpen is nothing but smiles. Figures the old dog had a new trick to show you.


You cruise down the grey roads of Gotham with your arm resting in a warm fuzzy patch between your seat and the passenger. Hawthorne chews loudly on a breakfast burrito as he struggles to keep from ingesting 10 year old mascot hair. Eventually swallowing the final bite and asking you casually.

"So have you thought about what you're gonna say to em?"

"Hm? Who? The kids?"


"I have a script right, I just read from that."

"Oh boy. You didn't peek at it while you were hiding from Mendez?"

"I wasn't hiding, okay? I just really had to piss after laughing that hard, couldn't hold it after that."

"Right, so the CD-"

"Let's not talk about that right now.. I'm working on that. What is this about the script though? I'm not flying blind am I?"

"No. I wanna get you back but I'm not looking to flunk you over it, a review would be a bitch for you right now with a warning on record from Reiner. Here lemme..."

He leans down and digs through your 'war' bag full of GCPD merch, stickers, and candy. He pulls a wrinkled set of papers from the bag and clears his throat.

"Starts off with a script, how to intro, tells you to fill in the blanks. 'Hello my name is Officer LastNameHere' that kind of thing."

"Right, when does it stop doing that?"

"Uh.. it gives you a bullet point list to hit. Discuss Slide 1, discuss Slide 2, Jesus there are more slides than I remember... uhh. Here. After you discuss Slide Six. 'share a story with attendees about your involvement in a case of similar nature' Hm.."

"A case of similar nature? What nature? Like strangers in general or like kidnapping or something?"

"I guess."

"You guess?"

"Look the last time I wore this fucking thing it was brand new, alright? I don't remember the specifics, just go with your gut."

"Gee thanks." You mumble.

A few moments of silence pass and then Hawthorne prods.


"So what?"

"What're you gonna tell em? You have to have a few stories in your head."

"I really don't."

"Oh come on. You have to have something that pops to mind. Just say it, don't even think, what comes up when you hear 'Stranger Danger'?"

>The time you saved Basshead from the Gotham Boys house.
>The time you freed Caesar and his sister from that Anarky goon.
>Your Drug Dealer CI and the Jogger's confrontation at the Park.
>The Woman in Red and her balcony.
>Banks attempt to trick you with the Joker Goon outfit.
>Seeing SIM in person across the plaza at Wayne Tower.
>Meeting Batman at the roadhouse.
>Write-In (Encouraged)

One of my first times actually trying to write comedically, curious to hear what you guys thought. I certainly had a fun time thinking about it.
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>The time you saved Basshead from the Gotham Boys house.
Let’s face it, that’s usually the one that gets the biggest laughs.

I had a hell of a laugh, boss, so personally I think you did a great job.

>jpg name
Could have been worse. Gotti could have been King Baby Cake level of horrifying mascot.
>The time you saved Basshead from the Gotham Boys house.
>The time you freed Caesar and his sister from that Anarky goon.

Leave out the meta stuff though. Let’s keep this easy for kids to understand.

Also leave out the stuff about Q and Huntress. That’s borderline admitting to a crime.

Also leave out the Cobra. This is humiliation enough and we should at least TRY to tell more than one or two jokes.
I dunno... teaching kids 'safety in audacity' via cobra isn't necessarily the worst thing to learn Especially if it's paired up with "tell someone you trust as soon as you get out of it"
>Meeting Batman at the roadhouse.
Kids love Batman. Instant crowd-pleaser.
>yeah batman-
>-is a creep who hides in the dark and stalks people, if you know someone like that, kids, tell the police or your parents
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this combined with this>>6156014
>The time you saved Basshead from the Gotham Boys house.
The COBRA strikes again
>>The time you freed Caesar and his sister from that Anarky goon.
Is that... police department reported anyhow?
That's a valid point, but driving out of town and running into a member of the Justice League, who IS sort of legally sanctioned at this point, can't be illegal surely?
You really gonna pull up and say "Alright so I was doing extrajudicial work unsanctioned by my boss..."? Nah man you just say that you went out for a drive and stopped off at an abandoned building out of curiosity and the friggin batman was there. Also adds to the "he is everywhere, better look out!" narrative.
>The time you saved Basshead from the Gotham Boys house.
These kids shall learn of the Cobra.
Do we want to accidentally incentivize them into exploring abandoned buildings where bad things may happen just cuz they might find the bat?
I'm not saying we phrase it that way or tell the all the details. Presumably we wouldn't be giving fine details on ANY story , since these are just kids...
Mark is here to talk to kids about police work. Not to brag about how cool he is.

Keep it to stranger danger stuff.
SIM might be the perfect defenition of a creepy stalker, but I don't think we can tell the kids about that guy. Maybe like, paraphrase it somehow?
>The time you saved Basshead from the Gotham Boys house.
>Try to condense SIM's general attitude into a template, without telling the kids about Mark's personal dealings with an active serial killer
Yeah, this. We're not here to show off in front of the children lol. Let's leave batman out of it.
I'm with this, lets not show off Bats to the public nor the kids. Swapping votes- My original vote was this btw>>6156036
Not gonna lie to you guys. Today has been a very bad day and I'm just not in any kind of mood to write atm. I'll be back tomorrow and I'll see about an extra update this weekend to make up for it. Very sorry just really can't get myself to focus on anything right now.

We're locked in for talking about Basshead/Caesar sans the Cobra bits.

If you wanna reply just for the sake of it, I'll give you another general question cause I enjoy reading the stuff you guys post.

>Is there a character from the Quest so far that you'd like to see get more screentime? If so, what kind of scene would you like to get with them?

We'll be back tonight, apologies once again. See ya soon.
>Is there a character from the Quest so far that you'd like to see get more screentime? If so, what kind of scene would you like to get with them?


With how gotham magic works, is an actual manifestation. It just so happens no one believes it and thinks its more PR.
>Is there a character from the Quest so far that you'd like to see get more screentime? If so, what kind of scene would you like to get with them?

>Very sorry just really can't get myself to focus on anything right now.
Don't sweat it. Take the time you need.
>>Is there a character from the Quest so far that you'd like to see get more screentime?
Maybe Reiner. I wonder what's his take on all the high profile things happening around him lately. SIM, Blackgate, Gorchi. Just another day in Gotham?
Ah shit. Hope things get better for ya soon, QM.

I say that Allison should get more screen time. We need more of Mark (and other characters really) at rest.
>Is there a character from the Quest so far that you'd like to see get more screentime? If so, what kind of scene would you like to get with them?

Gotti, specifically his old PSA's. I'd imagine it'd be like a mix of McGruff and 2077's Safe and Sound cartoons.

Also, fully supporting Gotti being entwined in Gotham magic. I have a feeling we're gonna have to wear the suit as a sort of positive energy hazmat suit when we finally have to enter Arkham Asylum due to supervillain shenanigans... Perhaps a "clap if you believe in fairies" situation?
>Is there a character from the Quest so far that you'd like to see get more screentime? If so, what kind of scene would you like to get with them?
Gotti and Allison, same as what others said
“Saving Basshead.” You blurt out. Hawthorne’s face contorts into a frown with furrowed brows.

“Get a new story, son. You can’t keep re-hashing that Cobra bit forever.”

“Like you have room to talk.” You snap back. “You parrot it to anyone who’ll listen.”

“That’s because I’m a naturally gifted speaker, rook. It’s in HOW you tell it, just as much as it is WHAT you’re telling.”

You roll your eyes and shake your head.

“What about Caesar then? How we helped him out with that Anarky goon?”

“What’s stranger danger about that?”

“The guy being a literal stranger. The fact that he trusted the police to help him and we did. Seems like it hits all the beats.”

Hawthorne raises his brows and nods.

“Well when you break it down like that.. sounds a little more fitting.”

“Thank you.” You offer bluntly, letting out a sigh. “Starting to think I should have taken the dog costume.”

“Too late for that, I already did the clown show.” Hawthorne says. “I ain’t letting you off easy.”

You see the school as you round the corner, memories float by but you don’t focus on any of them too long, finding a parking space you concern yourself with what you’re gonna say. Running through possible questions the kids could have, the parents, what Hawthorne might throw at you to see if you can hack it. For the first time in forever you’re alone in your head with your own thoughts and it’s almost overwhelming, you never realized how much you subconsciously drew on the information Shivers passed along as a font of inspiration, but you’ll take being healthy over being inspired any day.

The school is familiar, unsettlingly so, the display case has rows of trophies that haven’t shined since the nineties. Metal detectors at the entrance flare as you step into a sort of airlock, a space between the doors that lead outside and the doors that lead into Gotham Elementary proper. A small booth window with scuffed and cloudy plastic separates you from a rotund woman with a beehive haircut. Hawthorne elbows you and nods to the window, where she watches you expectantly.

“Hm? Oh.. Yeah uh.” You reach down to your belt and pull out your identification before also plucking off your badge and setting them in a shallow tray.
“Officers Hawthorne and DeLucia, we’re here to do the GCPD presentation.” Hawthorne says, attempting a charming smile while holding his mascot head under his arm. She seems less than impressed.

Handing back your possessions with little more than a grunt you hear a loud click and the door inside opens. It’s time..

You stand outside the classroom door and peek inside. A full classroom of children sit inside doodling on paper or chatting among themselves. Along the flanks are a smattering of parents, Hawthorne leans in.

“Aw hell.” He mumbles.


“That lady. The one who looks like she’s just finished a lemon, she’s the one who gave Kimble a hard time.”

“The gun thing?”

“Mhmm.” Hawthorne mutters. “Must’ve had herself another brat.. Bad luck for you.”

“Well that’s nice. Shit.” You whisper.

“Don’t worry, you’ve managed to charm everyone you’ve met so far with your ‘golly gee’ boyscout routine.”

“It’s not a routine..” You mumble quietly.

“Alright, you take a minute to get your head straight. The teacher’ll come talk to you while I get em warmed up.” He lets out a breath and holds his mascot head like a star QB about to hit the field. He gives you a final nod and slaps it on, flinging open the door you hear an eruption of children yelling as he steps in shooting finger guns and giving out high fives.

“Looks like our special guests have arrived!” The teacher calls out.

Hawthorne waddles up and leans in, whispering something in his ear. The teacher nods and heads for the door after loudly proclaiming.

“Gotti just told me he hasn’t been pet ALL DAY. Why don’t you guys come say hi?”

As a tide of tots rush the blackboard the teacher heads for the door. As he gets closer something about him seems… familiar but before you can dig through your memories he’s already in the hall.

“G’morning.” He says, shutting the door behind him. “Thanks for coming out, Officer..”

His eyes flicker down to your name tag. Then up. Then back down. He stares now, his sentence floating away from him like a lost balloon as you shake his now limp hand.

“Everything alright?” You ask him.

“Uh.. yeah. Officer DeLucia..” He says your name, letting it hang in the air before he clears his throat and retracts his hand. “Very sorry, just caught me off guard.”

“Off guard how?” You ask him with a confused smile.

“Do you not remember me?”

“You look a little familiar, sure. But.. no not off the top of my head.”

“It’s me, Tony. Uh.. Anthony. Anthony Keller, we went to school together. Well, elementary school.”

Your eyes widen and it clicks. Tony Keller, you feel a throb beneath your right eye, the kid who bullied you and gave you a shiner. You hadn’t thought of him in quite a while, being perfectly honest you were more than happy to leave some of your earlier childhood memories tucked away. Now that you know you find yourself tongue tied. He smiles and pats your shoulder.
“Good to see you again, man! You look good. You kinda vanished, I wondered what happened to ya. Glad to see you back in the city.”

You stare at him. So glib. Does he really not remember? His own face shifts slightly, a mist of unease settling on him as his smile falters.

“You okay, man? I know we weren’t exactly friends but that’s in the past, right? We’re adults now.”

You blink and feel a small mass of pulsating heat in your gut. The memories flow easily now, when he punched you out in class, when he said you were born in a lab, freak, mutant, all of it. You swallow and it leaves a bitter trail. You open your mouth to reply and find nothing. You spent years thinking about the things you’d say to him. To any of the kids who picked on you. Hours in waiting rooms and machines and dark hospital rooms with loud pumps and needles in your skin, just imaging the rebuttals and insults that would hurt them the same way they hurt you and now staring him in the eye you aren’t sure what to do. So you say..

>”Sorry, but I really don’t remember you. Pleasure to meet you again though, I guess. We should probably start up the presentation huh?”
>”Not exactly friends? I tried to do you a solid and you tortured me for it daily, you were one of the main reasons I begged my parents if we could live anywhere else. Look, no offense. But I’m not interested in being your friend, I’m here for work so just let me do my job.”
>”I’m alright, just wasn’t expecting to see an old face. Especially one from Elementary school. As far as whatever happened when we were kids, how about we just forget about it? Start fresh.”
>”I’m not gonna lie, you being a teacher is.. Ironic. To put it lightly. I’m gonna guess there aren’t any meta students in your class or you’d have already chased em out, am I right?”
>Nothing, just walk past him and start the presentation. It’s probably better to keep your thoughts to yourself for now.
>>”I’m not gonna lie, you being a teacher is.. Ironic. To put it lightly. I’m gonna guess there aren’t any meta students in your class or you’d have already chased em out, am I right?”
Fuck this dude, but we gotta keep it pushing
>>”I’m not gonna lie, you being a teacher is.. Ironic. To put it lightly. I’m gonna guess there aren’t any meta students in your class or you’d have already chased em out, am I right?”
>write in: "But yes. Bygones are bygones. The past is here and know"
"If I hear you let meta children get bullied, we're gonna have words"
Do an antibullying segment after with our experience
>”I’m not gonna lie, you being a teacher is.. Ironic. To put it lightly.“
>”I hope you’re not letting any of your students off the hook if they’re doing the same stuff you did to me to others, right?”
If he seems like he’s actually trying to be a better person…
>”I’m fine leaving it in the past. Besides, a knee to the groin to repay a shiner is enough.”
>”I’m alright, just wasn’t expecting to see an old face. Especially one from Elementary school. As far as whatever happened when we were kids, how about we just forget about it? Start fresh.”
Elementary was forever ago. People change.

However, a word of warning...
+1 to this, too.
He can't do shit to us because we're a cop
Doesn't vibe super well with the whole "clean cop who encourages trust" angle, but I can see why mark might be bitter.
We're not threatening him with anything cop related. Simply "you best be protecting the kids". Who's gonna shit on someone saying that?

And telling kids that even a cop who saved the mayor was bullied can give hope things eventually change.
Also add "is that how you teach the kids to apologize? "
>>”I’m alright, just wasn’t expecting to see an old face. Especially one from Elementary school. As far as whatever happened when we were kids, let's not talk about it. That wasn't really the best of times for me.”

We're here to be graded on our behavior and Hawthorne has warned us there's a major Karen right there. Let's be professionals, at very least so this doesn't bite us in the ass.
I’ll switch the first part of my vote here to
>”I’m alright, just wasn’t expecting to see an old face. Especially one from Elementary school. As far as whatever happened when we were kids, how about we just forget about it? Start fresh.”
The choice commenting about his career path seems a bit too antagonistic when I think about it… keep the rest of what I wrote down, though.
>”I’m alright, just wasn’t expecting to see an old face. Especially one from Elementary school. As far as whatever happened when we were kids, how about we just forget about it? Start fresh.”

Is Mark really the kind of guy to wield his authority like that? Just let it go.

Mark won anyways. This poor guy has to suffer through a Gotham elementary school on a daily basis.

Blackgate is probably safer.
>>”I’m alright, just wasn’t expecting to see an old face. Especially one from Elementary school. As far as whatever happened when we were kids, how about we just forget about it? Start fresh.”
I'm more interested in just challenging him on who he is now vs who he was.

No kids deserve to be discriminated against by their teacher. If he's better, that's different.

Still want to make sure the kids aren't being bullied.
Mark's magneto arc starts NOW
Well, maybe not now, maybe after we learn what the hell is argus doing to metas in blackgate

"I'm alright." You manage to get out after a brief moment of letting your brain catch up to your feelings. "Just wasn't expecting to see an old face. Especially from Elementary school."

"Yeah I was surprised too. Jesus.. I mean the last time we saw each other.." He trails off, maybe his memory caught up to his mouth as he just kind of sits in the silence he made.

Seeing his awkwardness you decide to be the bigger person. Part of you is still heated, even after all this time, but it really has been years. People change. You changed. You sigh and hold out a hand in peace.

"Hey. Whatever happened when we were kids, how about we just forget about it? Start fresh."

"Of course..” He sounds relieved, he shakes your hand with a damp grip. “Just glad you get it, we were kids.”

You narrow your eyes and tilt your head.

“Not exactly an apology, I hope you’re teaching the kids to do better than you. I wouldn’t want to find out there’s anything like what I went through with meta students in your class. We’d have to have a talk about that.”

He sputters and tries to form a reply but you just smile and tap his arm.

“I’m just busting your balls, the least I can do to get even.” You turn and open the door to the class stepping into the chaos…


“Class.” Tony begins after calming them all. “Today we have a special guest, he even brought Gotti along. This is GCPD officer Mark DeLucia!”

A smattering of tiny hands clap and a few parents as well, you can’t help but notice the sour faced mom’s eyes scanning you up and down. Probing every buckle, button, and zipper looking for perfection. Hawthorne stands slightly behind the class and gives you two big furry thumbs up. Time to give it your best.

“Hello class, I’m Officer DeLucia with the GCPD. Now, knowing how to stay safe isn’t just something grown-ups need to worry about. It’s something you can help with too. That starts with knowing how to spot danger and what to do when you see it.” You look over the crowd and see the kids watching pretty attentively, more dutiful students than when you went to school. You continue. “Let’s say you’re walking home from school and someone you don’t know starts talking to you, maybe they offer you candy or a ride, maybe they say something like, ‘Your mom told me to pick you up.’ First rule? Never go anywhere with someone you don’t know, no matter what they say. Even if it sounds nice or they seem friendly, you need to stay where you are and get help from someone you trust; like a teacher, a parent, or even a police officer.“ You gesture to yourself and smile.
“Now, my partner Gotti here, he's one of the smartest dogs I know. And one of the things he’s trained to do is keep his eyes and ears open. That’s what I want all of you to do too. Do your best to pay attention to your surroundings and trust your instincts. If something feels off or makes you uncomfortable, it’s better to be safe and speak up than to stay quiet n’ risk getting hurt."

You click a small remote on the desk and the next frame slides in. Showing a cartoon burglar hiding behind a street pole. As you go to speak the sour faced woman extends a hand.

“Ma’am?” You point at her.

“ ‘Stay where you are and get help’? What if there isn’t anyone around to help? Seems like you’re just teaching them to freeze up instead of actually protecting themselves.”

She crosses her arms and arcs an eyebrow sharply. The message is clear: ‘The ball is in your court’ Tony sighs and a girl in the front lowers her head as her face becomes bright red.

You hide behind a smile while your mind tumbles that little gotcha around.

“An excellent question ma’am..” You begin.

“I know.” She replies back. “Since it seems like common sense isn’t so common.”

Damn. Hawthorne’s voice echoes in your head: “Good luck with that one.” No kidding..

>”Of course not, but it’s important to cover the basics before moving on to more advanced scenarios.”
>”According to our stats, most cases like this actually occur in crowded public spaces. Bad guys like to rely on a crowd to hide in and blend in.”
>”Well if you’re so concerned ma’am, we do offer self defence classes and all ages are welcome to attend.”
>Ignore her and continue the presentation.
>”Of course not, but it’s important to cover the basics before moving on to more advanced scenarios.”
>”Well if you’re so concerned ma’am, we do offer self defence classes and all ages are welcome to attend.”
Double whammy. we first tell her we are building up from the basics since they are kids and then offer that self we do offer the option for protecting themselves. DO NOT OFFER THE STATS THIS IS A TRAP. This type of people are ones you do not win over with our own stats, since they are in their own world with whatever is correct.
If she miffles the basics we give the analogy learning to walk. About self defence I don't know what we can get for an extra defence.
Sorry. too much coffee in my system.
about the basics I mean the analogy learning to walk before running.
The other one was then offer the self defence defence option to learn about protecting themselves.
Naw, the self defense angle is dead on arrival. A small child isn't gonna fight off a determined kidnapper, the disparity in size is just too much.
I'm also not sure about the "advanced scenarios" line because this entire presentation is a one-time thing. There's only so much we can cover (and expect to the kids to remember) in so little time.
>"If there's nobody around to help, here's what you do...SCREAM! Scream for help as loud as you can! That way you get eyes on you at the speed of sound, and there's nothing bad guys hate more than attention."
Make sure to pause before the "SCREAM!" part and I guarantee you these kids will actually remember it. Not to mention it is actually sound advice, ripped straight from several self-defense seminars I've pirated recordings of.
>"There's no one size fits all solution when it comes to this, unfortunately. Sometimes, you need to examine the situation carefully and make a decision. If you're in a crowded location with plenty of people around, then staying put is your best bet - criminals hate to make their move with lots of eyes on them. But if the odds are against you and you don't feel safe where you are, then get out of there, fast! Go somewhere safe and populated by trustworthy people."
>Naw, the self defense angle is dead on arrival
fair enough.
>”Of course not, but it’s important to cover the basics before moving on to more advanced scenarios.”
>"If there's nobody around to help, here's what you do...SCREAM! Scream for help as loud as you can! That way you get eyes on you at the speed of sound, and there's nothing bad guys hate more than attention."
>"Remember how your parents don't like it when you are really loud in a public situation? Like a mall, or the supermarket? Well, strangers REALLY hate that. And if there's only one time where you can be loud in a public place, and your parents won't be mad at you for making one, it's when you're facing a stranger who's making you uncomfortable or scared."

Also add that the child needs to make it VERY CLEAR to everyone around that they do not know this adult and need help.
Okay, too late to delete this and edit it, so I'm gonna change up the last one a bit and add in the new stuff in all caps...

>And if there's only one time where you can be loud in a public place, and your parents won't be mad at you for making one, it's when you're facing a stranger BY YOURSELF who's making you uncomfortable or scared.

We don't want the kids to take it as an excuse to start shrieking when meeting a new person with their parents, after all.

"Of course not, but it's important to cover the basics before moving on to more advanced scenarios." You turn your attention to the kids, snubbing the mom as she opens her mouth. "Guys, if there's nobody around to help, then here's what I want you to do.."

You freeze and let your eyes drag over the room, getting each and every one's attention before cupping your hand over your mouth and suddenly bellowing "SCREAM!"

The kids shout in surprise before erupting into a gaggle of giggles. You lean on the desk and smile warmly.

"That's right, I want you to scream for help as loud as you can. That will get everyone's eyes on you faster than Flash and there's nothing a bad guy hates more than attention. Now I know that your parents have probably gotten mad at you guys for being too loud in public before.. but if there's one situation where you can be as loud as you want and not have anyone upset with you? It's when you're being made uncomfortable or scared by a stranger."

A small hand raises up, a young girl with a superman hair-clip and missing front teeth lisps her question at you as you point.

"What do we yell?"

"Good question." You tell her, reaching into your bag of goodies and grabbing a GCPD glitter sticker and passing it off to Tony to deliver.

"I want to make it clear to you guys, you can't just yell at any stranger you see. Especially if your parents or other adults you trust are nearby. But if you're really all by yourself then you yell as hard as you can. You yell that you don't know this person, you yell for help, and make it clear this person is not your parent or a friend."

You look at the sour faced mom and she just glares. You win this round.

"Alright. now we're going to discuss common scenarios.."


The presentation almost flies by, your nerves ease up significantly after evading the snare that was thrown out for you. You’re actually a little surprised at how easily public speaking comes to you, maybe it’s just the fact it’s kids, regardless you feel a niggle of worry start to worm through your mind as you get to the final slide.

“So, we’ve talked a lot about some general situations but I wanna take a second to actually tell you guys about cases I’ve been involved in that I think you can take a good lesson from. It’s about a friend of mine, he’s older than you guys but still a kid, and he actually was in trouble with a stranger at his own house.”
The kids watch intently.

“Now, it’s important to know that being safe around strangers extends even to your house. Even to your room. You should NEVER let in anyone you don’t know.”

A hand. You point.

“Even a police?” A young boy asks.

“Now that depends. How many of you guys are excited for halloween?”

A sea of hands.

“How many people do you see dressed as police officers every year? A couple right? That means there’s a chance that bad people could try and pretend to be police, because they know people think they’re safe.”

The mom scoffs but you ignore her, unclipping your belt you kneel down to the young boy and hand it to him. He holds it gently, like a fragile relic.

“Now look at the shape of it, and on the bottom there you see those numbers?” You stand up and gesture for the boy to pass the badge down the row. “The numbers on the bottom are my ‘badge number’ it’s seven numbers, always. If a police officer wants to speak to you, you can check their badge to see if they’re legit.” You straighten up and continue from earlier. “Now, my friend. We can call him.. Julius. He let a stranger into his house.”

“Why!?” A horrified child shouts.

“Because the man lied.” You calmly explain. Deciding to hold back the more violent themes of this story. “He said he was a friend of his mom, but when he got inside Julius realized that this guy didn’t know his mom at all.”

“So what happened?”

“Well, Gotti and I went to their apartment. When we knocked on the door, Julius answered and even though he was scared he let me know what was going on. He wrote me a note, actually. If you’re ever in a situation you can’t speak up in, it’s a life saver to be able to write it down. So don’t skimp on your spelling homework or english okay?”

“How did you save Julius?”

“Well I’m a police officer.” You say, letting the pride come through clearly. “After I read the note, I opened that door up and I arrested the bad guy.”

“Were you scared?”

“Of course, I was scared.” You reply honestly. “But the thing that makes Police men and women people you can trust is the fact that despite being scared, they’d never let that stop them from helping you. And you know what? Never let it stop you either, because facing off with a stranger is scary and it takes real bravery to be able to yell or let someone know that something you don’t like is happening.”

You see Hawthorne nodding his dog head in affirmation. You click the slide remote again and hit a blank screen.

“Alright, that looks like everything I had for the day. Does anyone have any questions?”
As Tony hands you your badge and you re-affix it you see multiple children straining out of their seats to ask you something, a few more casually raised, and only a few who stare out the window. Behind them all, the sour faced woman holds her hand up. Staring you down like a hawk watching a mouse. You clear your throat and call on…

>One of the enthusiastic students, dollars to donuts it’s ‘Have you met Batman’
>One of the students raising their hand normally, maybe that girl with the superman hair clip.
>One of the students not paying attention, they probably have the most interesting question.
>The Sour Faced Mom, may as well get it out of the way.
>Sour Mom’s daughter.
File: supesdagoat.png (964 KB, 640x969)
964 KB
964 KB PNG
>>One of the students raising their hand normally, maybe that girl with the superman hair clip.
Tremendously good taste little girl.
>>One of the students raising their hand normally, maybe that girl with the superman hair clip.

The kids are the stars today. She can wait her turn.
>One of the students raising their hand normally, maybe that girl with the superman hair clip.
>One of the students raising their hand normally, maybe that girl with the superman hair clip.

This has gone… surprisingly well. Mark is so good at this he’s going to be shoehorned into doing it for the rest of his career.
You guys have provided really good responses and between vote musings. I consider you all just different fragments of Mark's brain Ala Disco Elysium so even the between the vote stuff and out of green text stuff I'll take into consideration for how Mark acts and talks and thinks of things.
If we’re going for the Supes fan, you think we should send Tony one of our spare patches we got on our first day to give to her?
Only if she asks a truly super question.
You are cheesy as fuck. I chuckled
>One of the students raising their hand normally, maybe that girl with the superman hair clip.
>The Sour Faced Mom, may as well get it out of the way.
Let's not piss her off more
You ask the impossible, anon.
[HALF-LIGHT] Let the bitch stew. The children will all outlive her. They are the future of the race of human animals. They matter more.
>One of the enthusiastic students, dollars to donuts it’s ‘Have you met Batman’
Rolled 7 + 13 (1d10 + 13)

Alright, gonna need to do some rolls for something very… special. Don’t mind me, anons.

First off, one roll to see how many students are in this class.
Rolled 5 + 15 (1d5 + 15)

Okay, so classroom size of twenty kids. Next up, how many students have at least one of their parents here.
Wow! Perfect attendance!
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Ah, I see we’ve got a bunch of kids with helicopter parents!

Next up, let’s divide up how many mothers to fathers there are… let’s assume dads will be the lower half of the roll…
Rolled 18 (1d19)

Hey! All Moms! That makes this next bit very, VERY interesting…

Now, the second to final roll…

Just how many moms want to take a ride down to the precinct with officer DeLucia?
Rolled 13 (1d18)

And the final one. The most terrifying one…

Is Sourpuss McPuckerface one of them?
Welp. There you have it. Mark’s a MILF magnet, and Lemonface wants to hate fuck him in the back of the cruiser. Even odds if she wants the Gotti mask to be on him while doing so.

What in the good googlymoogly just happened kek
I just got Mark a high score on his Officer Assessment Form and a new story for the next party at the Blue Brass, gave Allison some rivals, and ruined a bunch of linens and marriages, all in just five rolls.

You point at the young girl with the superman hairclip, unlike some of the others she was attentive and quiet as she politely waited.

"You with the neat hairclip. What's your question?"

"You thaid that you were thcared when you helped your friend.."


"How come that didn't thtop you?"

"Well.. it's what I signed up for. It's the job, I knew going into it that even if things got scary that I had to be brave enough to push through."

"But why? And how?" She asks, something tinged in her voice that makes your eye twitch.

"You're gonna have to be more specific, ma'am."

"How do you thtill be a officer when you're scared?" She blinks at you with her big eyes and finishes with. "Why would you thign up for a job that'th thcary?"

You raise your eyebrows, more than a little surprised that a deep question like that came from a child. Everyone in class watches you anxiously, including the parents and Tony.

How DO you resist the fear that comes with your job? Why did you even apply when you knew the dangers? You've always had the answer as a feeling in your chest or your gut. But expressing it in words has never really come up.

>"Because it was my calling. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to help people, you can't let fear stop you from achieving your dreams."
>"Because I know what it's like to be the person who needs help. And a lot of people in my life didn't help me or made mistakes because they were scared. So I make sure that when I'm afraid I give it 100% every time."
>"Honestly, I've never thought about it. Fear is different for everybody and they deal with being scared different ways. I just deal with my fear through action."
>"The trick is in my head. Whenever I get scared, I go to my happy place. I think about a song I love or my parents and it makes me feel better. Then I can do what I need to do."
>Write-In (Encouraged)

A quick one, if I get a handful of votes I'll continue with my usual update later. Didn't wanna make you guys wait only to drop this quick question.
>"Because I know what it's like to be the person who needs help. And a lot of people in my life didn't help me or made mistakes because they were scared. So I make sure that when I'm afraid I give it 100% every time."
>”Because I knew my friend was scared too. Here’s a little secret from an adult to you: a lot of times, we can be scared as well. Especially when people we care about are in harms way, or people who we can empathize with. But we put on a brave face and do our best so that others won’t get lost or hurt in their fright. Even Superman can feel scared sometimes, when thinking about a loved one being injured or taken away. Personally, I think that’s why he tries so hard to help others.”
>"Because I know what it's like to be the person who needs help. And a lot of people in my life didn't help me or made mistakes because they were scared. So I make sure that when I'm afraid I give it 100% every time."
>"Because I know what it's like to be the person who needs help. And a lot of people in my life didn't help me or made mistakes because they were scared. So I make sure that when I'm afraid I give it 100% every time."
Kids asking those kinds of questions is almost never a good sign. We should probably later ask our "buddy" to keep an eye on her.

>"Because I know what it's like to be the person who needs help. And a lot of people in my life didn't help me or made mistakes because they were scared. So I make sure that when I'm afraid I give it 100% every time."
>"Because I know what it's like to be the person who needs help. And a lot of people in my life didn't help me or made mistakes because they were scared. So I make sure that when I'm afraid I give it 100% every time."

Add in:
>”And sometimes when I’m REALLY scared, I like to give my best friend Gotti some good scratches on the head to calm my nerves.” [Proceed to give Hawthorn a knuckle rub on top of the helmet].
>Add in:
Bro has a deathwish

You narrow your eyes slightly but don't let the expression linger. Something about her demeanor, her tone, something. It's giving you a bad feeling in your gut.

"Well. It's because I know what it's like to be the person who needs help. And a lot of people in my life didn't help me or made mistakes because they were scared. So I make sure that when I'm afraid I give it 100% every time." You give her a smile and continue. "Besides, I knew my friend was scared too. Here’s a little secret from an adult to you: a lot of times, we can be scared as well. Especially when people we care about are in harms way, or people who we can empathize with. But we put on a brave face and do our best so that others won’t get lost or hurt in their fright. Even Superman can feel scared sometimes, when thinking about a loved one being hurt or taken away. Now I've never met the guy, but personally, I think that’s why he tries so hard to help others.”

As you mention you never met superman you see a few of the hands go down. You kneel and ask her.

"What's your name, ma'am?"

"Emma.." She mumbles, avoiding eye contact.

"Well, Emma." You dig in the back of your duty belt and pull a card. "If you ever need someone to be brave when you're scared. You can call this number and Gotti and I'll come running. Okay?"

She takes it from your hand gently and looks it over.


"My friend." You assure her. She nods meekly and you rise again and clap your hands.

"Okay. I got time for a few more questions.."

You pick from the crowd randomly, seeing the clock is starting to cut close.

"You, sir."

"I'm Mackey, and I wanna know if you've ver been in a car chase!"

"Appreciate the enthusiasm, Mackey. Yes, I have. I was actually was involved in a chase over the Sprang Bridge."

"Woah.. how did it end?"

"I.. uh. I flipped my vehicle." You admit awkwardly.

"Woah." Mackey echoes but even more stupified. He sits back down with a slack jaw.

"You, ma'am."

A young girl in Flash light-up sneakers stands and folds her arms tightly with a pout.

"I'm Avery and Danny told me I can't be a cop because I'm a girl! Is that true?"

"Absolutely not, Avery." You answer her. "As a matter of fact.."

You pick out the boy she cast a glance too when she said 'Danny'. You line up with his row and give him a point. He avoids you nervously so you speak softly.

"Danny. This might surprise you but one of the scariest cops I know is a girl."


"Cross my heart." You say almost instinctually. "Now who told you that?"

"My older brother.."

"Well tell him about my friend, you can even tell him I have another friend who's a firefighter and she's a girl too."

"See!" Avery yells before plopping back in her chair with a satisfied grin.

You walk back to the front of the class and get ready to wrap it up as you see the hand coming ever closer to twelve.
"Alright guys, those were good questions. Especially that last one, it goes to show you that you shouldn't judge someone on what they can or can't do until you see them try and you should always try because there's always the chance that it works out for you. Sometimes the odds will be stacked against you but that doesn't mean you can't win, you just have to push hard enough to get there. I'm living proof of that. Now befo-"

"Excuse me?" The mother's sharp tone cuts the air like a hot knife. You sigh.


"You're living proof of what?"

"I just mean I've had challenges reaching where I am now.. So befo-"

"What challenges did you have?" She scoffs. "Do you really expect me to believe you had it as hard as I did? A single mother who still ran her own business?"

"Ma'am, I don-"

"What could you have struggled with, getting into the most male dominated job in the world?"

She's barely hiding her contempt, even some of the kids are picking up on something weird. You glance at Tony in utter shock and he's just staring dumbstruck at you right back. You look her way again as she folds her arms and stares at you expectantly. What the fuck is with this lady?

>Don't satisfy her with a reply to that. In about 20 seconds the bell dismissing class will ring. Just stare her down.
>"I was rejected from every precinct in the city and the county because I'm a Meta-Human. They ignored every accomplishment I got in the academy, just because they were scared of me without even knowing who I was. My Commander decided to not judge me until he saw if I could do the job or not and it's thanks to him I'm a police officer."
>"Ma'am. If you have questions you can save them for after the presentation. When the children have left."
>"You're setting a bad example for your child right now, I suggest you calm down before I ask Mr. Keller here if he would like you removed for causing a disturbance."

Apologies anons. I was writing it all out as you sent those so I missed em.
>"Ma'am. If you have questions you can save them for after the presentation. When the children have left."

We don’t need to make this into a victimhood competition. This lady’s already placed herself at the top anyways.

All good. Can I request that it be added on to the end of the next update?

Perhaps with the added benefit of letting the children pet “Gotti” on their way out of the classroom?
Good. Didn't wanna annoy the old man for no reason
>"I was rejected from every precinct in the city and the county because I'm a Meta-Human. They ignored every accomplishment I got in the academy, just because they were scared of me without even knowing who I was. My Commander decided to not judge me until he saw if I could do the job or not and it's thanks to him I'm a police officer."
Suck a fart out of my ass lady.
+1 We can still be classy and professional if we don't get into such a childish fight, hell, try and add

>Certainly being a parent is a difficult and often thankless job, I won't discuss it.

Disarm and redirect. We descalate the situation by giving her the win (aka not engaging on the fight), and maybe feel embarrassed for confronting us that way, who knows? Maybe the other moms will call her out, after all, we can play it out as if we were going to make the q&a for parents on this last part of the presentation
>"Ma'am. If you have questions you can save them for after the presentation. When the children have left."
>”Hey, Gotti, Mr. Keller? Might need three or four minutes for this one, you think you can handle some extra petting time?”
>Give Sourpuss’s daughter something extra so she feels a little better
Do not engage
>"Your life isn't as hard as mine!"
>"I have a tumor the size of a golf ball in my skull."
Nah, she’d just march out some statistics on breast cancer and blame it on Mark’s smoking habit.

Which he doesn’t have.
Naturally. You also never want to tell stuff like that to people. And these kinds of people in particular? Just lie to them. Make up some bullshit.

>"I was born unable to walk. When I was six years old a doctor asked my parents to consent to a study on a new type of surgery to return function to people with spinal damage. For the next decade I was in pain so excruciating I was nearly unconscious. Every week I would be brought to be prodded and probed to examine the progress and efficacy of their surgery. To this day I sometimes wake up with no sensation in my feet and feel like someone is driving a knife into my spine. But I am glad I can help protect and serve, ma'am. By the way the surgery? They decided it was non-viable because of the chronic pain."

Just lay some bullshit on so thick you'd need an axe to scrape through it. What's she gonna do? Criticize and try to diminish our life story we didn't even live? Oh no it feels so bad. Then you triple down on how you were also born with a closed esophagus and needed to have it surgically stretched and widened several times from infancy and you still can't swallow anything bigger than a penny or your throat will start to bleed. BUT WAIT, DERE'S MORE! You just unload on them like they're a therapist. They will be huffy and try to "compare" but if you just bull right through it they'll just get super frustrated and want to leave.

These people are the worst. In reality, do not interact with them at all. I've had to deal with plenty of these people. Fucking retail, man.
Why don't we just agree with her and say she's living proof that you can overcome difficulties?
P sure all the kids can read that subtext without us being overly sarcastic.
>Why don't we just agree with her and say she's living proof that you can overcome difficulties?
I'd rather hit her with a brick. Even if it'd steal the wind from her sails to just agree with her. I am a very biased opinion however.
100% this
I know because my own "closest" family are like this
The alternative is the best trick in the police handbook

Pull out our notepad and just write while glancing at her
>I'd rather hit her with a brick.
As the guy who did the rolls for Mark’s latent MILF moistening power, I think you misspelled a few things…

She rather we’d hit her with our dick.

Clearly, I have gone made with power.
Supporting this.

Or you can go the route of being so flagrantly offensive that you shut the person down on the spot.

>I’m an Irish Catholic whore, currently enjoying cohabitation out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend, who works in a military abortion clinic. Now hail Satan, and have a lovely day.

-Harry “Galahad” Hart, from the movie Kingsmen, to a fundamental Baptist woman in Kentucky

It ain't worth it to engage. Especially if there's so little time remaining before class is dismissed.

I wonder how mortified her kid is. Kids were already picking up something weird was going on, and that was before Mark and the teacher looked at each other completely confused.
... I just realized we should probably meet others have our card just so that girl isn't singled out for having a card.

In case there's a home situation

"Ma'am." You begin sternly. "If you have questions you can save them for after the presentation. When the children have left."

She shakes her head and opens her mouth again when you cut her off.

"Ma'am." You repeat firmly, giving her a solid warning stare. You see her face turn a light shade of pink but she stops herself. You nod and clap your hands.

"Alright everybody, I know your lunch is soon so before you guys all go." You grab your bag and pat it's side before also pointing to Hawthorne. "Gotti and I are gonna give you each a little something to take home and if you didn't get a chance to pet him, this is it."

Tony backs you up, not missing a moment.

"You heard Officer DeLucia, class. When the bell rings, line up, get a treat, pet Gotti, and go enjoy lunch with your parents, okay?"

"Yes, Mr. Keller." The class drones in unison.

"And what do we say to Officer DeLucia and Gotti for coming to talk to us today?"

"Thank you!" They all say.

A minute or so later the bell rings and you run a conveyor line of passing out a sticker and little piece of candy. You also hand a card to each student, this one for the front desk of the precinct, making sure to let them know they can call any time. After that they step past you to pet a kneeling Hawthorne. As the final student passes through a line of parents follow after. A few shake your hand, but as you brace for a continuance of whatever that outburst was the mother who had given you so much trouble just tucks her chin and walks past you swiftly. Not even offering a glance. You watch her go and eventually turn to 'Gotti' and sigh, placing a hand on his head.

"Well Gotti, how'd I do boy?"

A swipe of his paw throws your hand as he checks over his shoulder once and then rises up, removing his helmet with a mighty groan.

"Oh.. goddamnit. My knees.." He groans before turning to you. "We'll go over your sheet in the car."

He groans again taking a stiff legged step forward and mumbling to himself about tiger balm and being too fucking old to be doing this. You turn to Tony.

"Can you tell me something about a student?"

"Emma? I noticed you had a bit of a moment with her after her question."

"Yeah.. something about it just hit me wrong. Usually kids asking questions like that means there could be something going on at home. You notice anything?"

"Not really, Emma is a good student. Quick on math and spelling, seems to read a lot though even when I'm instructing. But that's been consistent from day one."

"And the mom? I'm guessing dad isn't in the picture based off her outburst?"

"Don't know too much, just that apparently she really despises her ex. Most men, actually. I had to prove myself to her before she'd stop with daily check in calls about Emma."

"Helicopter parent?"

"That doesn't even start to describe her.." He groans, shaking his head. "If Emma went from a 98 to a 96 on a math test I was getting calls about it."
"My partner remembers her from another presentation a few years back, know anything about the sibling?"

Tony looks at you a little confused.

"If she has a brother or sister they were never in my class, she's never brought them up and they weren't on her family tree art project, granted I only started three years ago." Then he adds in a whisper. "The last teacher was pushing 90."

"No sibling? Hawthorne, you definitely remember her right?"

"Couldn't forget that harpy screech if I tried." He says, peeling off the furry mitts. "Couldn't have been more than five years, four to five. I remember meeting King Tut too, he was so old he made me feel like a teen."

"He passed away." Tony says flatly.

Hawthorne pauses with the thumb of a mitten in his teeth, he spits it out sheepishly.


"So never brought up a sibling?"

"Not once."

"Hm.." Your head is turning again, pressing and molding the shapes of the puzzle piece into your mind until it can fit.. somewhere. "Well, regardless. If you notice anything don't hesitate to call one of us."

You pull a card and set it on his desk before pausing and also withdrawing your wallet.

"And maybe pass this along to Emma for me." You pull out the superman patch and hand it over. "From one fan to another." You joke.

Tony takes the patch from your hand and stares at it. You see a lot of thought behind his eyes as he holds it, you feel a pin prick in the center of your chest.

"We should get going, sir. before the kids see Gotti without his head or hands." You call to Hawthorne across the room. He grumbles in agreement as he peeks into the hall for any witnesses and then slinks out of the room. As you go to follow Tony calls out.

"Hey, Mark. Wait a second."

You turn and raise a brow.


"I uh.. I thought about what you said before class. About how you hope I would teach the kids to apologize better than I did."


"I just wanted to tell you.. I AM sorry. I was horrible to you when we were younger and honestly I hadn't even thought of you in so long that when I saw you I just.." He stutters and moves his hands.

"Had a brain malfunction?"

"Something like that. I really am sorry for how awful I was to you, even if it was years ago when we were kids you deserve that apology. And for what it's worth I'm glad you didn't let it stop you from doing something that you seem to be great at."
He extends his hand out to you, his face a mix of shame and apprehension, as he waits for your response.

>Shake his hand. Say nothing else, just shake his hand and head out.
>"I forgive you. For what it's worth I think you're doing good in your job too."
>"Nothing is more important to me than accountability, I'm happy to accept your apology Tony. Maybe we can grab a beer sometime and catch up."
>"A bit late for apologies Tony, words can't fix everything. Prove to me you're sorry by keeping a close eye on those kids and calling me if anything comes up."
>Laugh. This is rich, all these years later and he thinks he can get you to be buddy buddy with him.

(If you vote for a dialogue choice please also vote for: Do you shake his hand?)
>"Nothing is more important to me than accountability, I'm happy to accept your apology Tony. Maybe we can grab a beer sometime and catch up."
>"Nothing is more important to me than accountability, I'm happy to accept your apology Tony. Maybe we can grab a beer sometime and catch up."
>”Being fair, as a kid, I always thought about what I’d do as an adult if I met you or some of the others again. Lot of recriminations, perhaps a punch to the nose… but we’re older now. The stuff I get pissed over now is stuff like medical bills and my apartment apparently being a B&E magnet.”
>”Listen, if you find out one of your students have Meta abilities, let them know they’re not alone, and give me a ring. I’d be glad to talk with them when I have a chance to.”

No opinion on the hand shake thing.
>"Nothing is more important to me than accountability, I'm happy to accept your apology Tony. Maybe we can grab a beer sometime and catch up."
>Shake his hand. Say nothing else, just shake his hand and head out.
Keep it simple. No need for theatrics or recriminations. We've no idea if he's good or bad at his job, but I believe he means it when he says he's sorry.
>Shake his hand. Say nothing else, just shake his hand and head out.

No need for a theatrical speech. Just a firm hand shake and a smile will communicate everything we need to.
>"Nothing is more important to me than accountability, I'm happy to accept your apology Tony. Maybe we can grab a beer sometime and catch up."
I'm willing to bet Bruce Wayne's money that the girl is gonna use the card to call us later.

"Nothing is more important to me than accountability." You reply grasping his hand and shaking it. "I'm happy to accept your apology, Tony. Maybe we could grab a beer sometime. Catch up."

"That sounds good." He replies. "I'll make sure this patch ends up on Emma's desk after she gets back from lunch."

"Alright, we'll get out of your hair then. Do me a favor and keep an eye on the kids for me, don't hesitate to call if you feel like something's up."

"Will do."

You and Hawthorne slip away through the empty halls, doing your best to avoid shattering the illusion of Gotti, eventually making it to the lot where Hawthorne gladly escapes his sweaty confines. Both of you drop into the front seat of the shop and let out a dual exhale as you take a moment to relax.

"So?" You ask quietly.

"You did good." Hawthorne says simply. "Presentation, I give you a five. Information, I have you set for a 5, you didn't say anything stupid after all. So that's half the battle."

"Good start, what about the back half?"

"Won't know until school's out." Hawthorne says, hunting for his sheet and pen. "Teacher'll hand out a little questionnaire to the parents and ask the kids a few questions about you and the presentation. They'll average out the scores from the kids and the parents."

"The parents?" You groan.

"Mhmm.. That old crone is probably gonna knock you from a 4 and a half to a three. I wouldn't worry."

"Crone." You mumble. "Y'know my dad used to tell me there were two types of women. Dames and broads, she'd be a broad."

"What would be a dame?"

"My mom. Only person he has a good opinion of." You laugh.

"He's prickly like that? Your old man?"

"No, not really he's just.. suspicious. You gotta be around him long enough for him to have an opinion on you. But if he knows you, shirt off his back. Y'know?"

“Hm.” Hawthorne grunts. “I gotta meet your folks sometime. Give me someone to blame for all’a you.”

“Nice.” You chuckle. “How about some lunch before we head back?”

Hawthorne leans his seat back and gives you the nod.

“The usual spot.”

You crank the key and head out, already salivating at the idea of a good slice.


“No, I mean it. You on a diet or something?” Hawthorne crows in your ear as you pull into a parking spot out front of the precinct.

“I’m telling you I just wasn’t that hungry today.”
“Bullshit. I’ve seen you pack up half a pizza by yourself and today you were nursing your second slice. It’s all that grease.”

“Oh Jesus.” You groan as you unbuckle.

“Don’t be ashamed, it happens to every man at some point. I’ll tell you what it is too, all that damn grease and cheese.”

“The perks of the young.” You joke as you step out of the shop and approach the front door of the station and recoil. “Jesus Christ.. You smell that?”

“Smell what?”

It sat heavy under your nose, for the briefest of moments as if it were carried on the wind. Metal.. Sweet.. A burning undertone of strong liquor. Gone as quickly as it came. You sniff once or twice more but all you get is the baseline smog scent that permeates every corner of the inner city. You grab the door and open it, letting Hawthorne step in first as you try to subtly shift around trying in vain to catch that scent again but the rush of stale coffee and ink from indoors overpowers any mystery smell. Shaking your head you step inside.

“What’dya say we finish up a lesson you started without me, slick?” Hawthorne calls over his shoulder, breaking you from your olfactory stupor.

“What lesson is that?”

“Working an informant, you have one right? Some piff pushing hippy?”


“Mary Jane.” He states, moving his fingers by his lips. “Kimble told me about your pick, but I noticed his file’s untouched since you put him in.”

“He said he’d call in if he had anything.”

Hawthorne shakes his head and grins but before he can speak a receptionist calls out.

“Sergeant! Hold up for a second.” The same young woman who gave you Allison’s number pounds out three keys before lifting the receiver to her head. “Yes, sir. They’re here.”

Sharing a raised brow you and Hawthorne stay put leaning on the desk.

“What’s the fuss, sweetheart?” Hawthorne asks.

“Detective Bennet wanted us to let him know when you guys got back. He said it was important that it was both of you.”

You share a look again, this one a little more concerned, if Grey needed you that badly he could have just called over the radio. Unless it was too sensitive.. Your brain doesn’t have time to theorize what it could be since within two minutes of the call Grey approaches you both. A light charcoal suit replacing his usual business casual button up. He waves for you to follow him. Marching through the bullpen you see most of the desks empty, Reiner’s door sits open revealing his empty desk half shrouded. As you turn the corner leading to the war room he stops suddenly and turns to face you. You specifically.

“What’s going on Grey?” You ask.

“Why’s the pen a ghost town?” Hawthorne follows up.

Grey checks his corners and speaks quietly.

“Sorry you two, Reiner asked me to keep this on the low. He’s gearing up for a press conference.”

“Jesus, ringing the dinner bell for vultures.” Hawthorne growls.
Grey shakes his head and sighs. His eyes flicker to you as he gathers his thoughts. You know. You don’t know how you know, but you do. You’re certain.

“Is it SIM?” You ask through a dry mouth.

Grey nods grimly.

“We didn’t hear anything after the note, we figured not addressing it would slow him down. Maybe get him to reach out again, look for validation or attention from Gordon.”

“He doesn’t want Gordon’s attention.” You say hollowly. “He wants mine.”

“Yeah..” Grey mutters. “Which is why Reiner asked that I keep you off this.”


“Grey-” Hawthorne starts but a firm hand stops him.

“I argued with him, he told me you’ve done more than enough. Still puts me in a tight spot, most of the ‘Detective’s Club’ is sidelined until they pass an IA review since Gorchakov left his stink on em. Bottom line is that he doesn’t want you working the case..” He pauses. “But.. that doesn’t mean you can’t be informed.”

“Lead the way then, Detective.” Hawthorne says. But you remain still, Grey’s eyes still locked on you.

“You wanna know?” He asks.

“Of course he wants to know.” Hawthorne interjects. But Grey ignores him.

“I saw you at Jimmy’s. And this morning. You seem lighter, less on your shoulders.” He taps his socket. “Few more days of that and those circles might vanish.”

“Okay?” You ask, confused where this is leading.

“I’m saying.. The SIM shit and the Gorchakov shit. Everything we’ve had on our plates, it’s left its mark on you and you aren’t even a year into the job yet. You don’t even have the right blues on for the shit you’ve been dealing with.”

“What’re you getting at?” Hawthorne mutters.

“This isn’t his responsibility. I wanted to leave the choice up to him, but I want him to know this is a chance to really walk away from this case if he wants. There’s no shame in focusing on finishing training rather than some psycho who you can’t go after. But I also know that without him we wouldn’t even have this case, so he deserves the choice.”

Hawthorne and Grey both look to you for your answer.

>”I can’t help but feel like SIM is my responsibility. Fill me in on everything, if I can’t help officially maybe I can be your sounding board. Advise.”
>”I’ll hear the basics but I don’t want or need any specifics. I wanna focus on getting past this review with Reiner before putting in off-hours work.”
>”You’re right, Grey. Ever since I had to stop worrying about SIM, I’ve felt a lot better. I trust Reiner and you and the Detectives to work this out. The GCPD is more than just me.”
>>”I’ll hear the basics but I don’t want or need any specifics. I wanna focus on getting past this review with Reiner before putting in off-hours work.”
I hate to half-ass something like this, but we should focus on getting our shit squared away before we dive into this case again.
>”I can’t help but feel like SIM is my responsibility. Fill me in on everything, if I can’t help officially maybe I can be your sounding board. Advise.”
>”I can’t help but feel like SIM is my responsibility. Fill me in on everything, if I can’t help officially maybe I can be your sounding board. Advise.”
>”I can’t help but feel like SIM is my responsibility. Fill me in on everything, if I can’t help officially maybe I can be your sounding board. Advise.”
SIM is ours.
>>”I’ll hear the basics but I don’t want or need any specifics. I wanna focus on getting past this review with Reiner before putting in off-hours work.”

We got too much shit going on. Pushing too hard will actually kill Mark.
>>”I’ll hear the basics but I don’t want or need any specifics. I wanna focus on getting past this review with Reiner before putting in off-hours work.”
>>”I’ll hear the basics but I don’t want or need any specifics. I wanna focus on getting past this review with Reiner before putting in off-hours work.”
>”I can’t help but feel like SIM is my responsibility. Fill me in on everything, if I can’t help officially maybe I can be your sounding board. Advise.”
>”I’ll hear the basics but I don’t want or need any specifics. I wanna focus on getting past this review with Reiner before putting in off-hours work.”
>”I can’t help but feel like SIM is my responsibility. Fill me in on everything, if I can’t help officially maybe I can be your sounding board. Advise.”
Bruh. We're literally psionically attuned. We CAN'T escape this if we tried.
>”I’ll hear the basics

You mull it over. Longer than you thought you would. You hadn’t taken time to really think about being off the SIM investigation but now it fully hits you. You’re out, at least professionally, and with whatever John did dimming your Shivers you don’t even feel that.. ‘Connection’ you used to. No random swings in your mood or thoughts, just some vague whisperings that only have power when you choose to listen. It’s nearly what you wanted since you were a kid, to willingly put yourself back into the fire when you just got out of the pan.. You speak up.

”I’ll hear the basics.” You start, Grey goes to speak but you cut him off. “But I don’t want or need any specifics. I wanna focus on getting past this review with Reiner before putting in off-hours work.”

Grey raises his brows in surprise.

“Gotta say I’m glad to hear it, Mark. Cases like this, people like him, they got a way of sticking to you.” He gives Hawthorne a knowing glance and shifts his eyes back to you. “I’ll give you the cliff notes. We received an anonymous call about a body in Chinatown, C.O.D. was blood loss from a surplus of knife wounds.”

“A surplus?” You ask.

“He kept stabbing after he was dead.” Hawthorne says gravely. Grey nods to confirm.

“Victim was an EMT coming home after a shift, nobody saw the nabbing or heard anything. Body was left right next to his apartment building. When we went to check inside we saw his door had already been jimmied. We found another message inside.”

“A message? Like in the basement?”

“Done with the vic’s blood. A single tally mark.”

“He’s really starting then.” You mumble to yourself. “So the murder was done in the alley but the blood made it all the way up to the apartment? And nobody saw ANYTHING, there were NO cameras?”

“It’s Chinatown, rook.” Hawthorne butts in. “You’d be lucky to get a landlord that could read your lease, let alone one that would be willing to shell out for a security system.”

“But if he died last night why would he call it in now?”

“I guess they hadn’t found it fast enough for him.” Grey mutters, venom in his voice. “Fucking prick.”

“And how did he get the blood-”

“Sounds like you’re asking for specifics.” Grey points out. You respond by closing your mouth and frowning. “Stick to your guns, kid. Get your review out of the way and when you’re back on the road to being in full blues we can work this together.”

“That’s if Gordon doesn’t call in the Batman to put this freak in Arkham.” Hawthorne says.

Grey chuckles and shakes his head.
“We’d be out of a job if that was the status quo.”

“Not saying to make it a habit. Treat him like the karaoke machine, only for special occasions.”
The two men enjoy a shared laugh over their inside joke while you have a thought all to yourself. Batman is gonna visiting Arkham alright, but it won’t be with SIM in tow..


A quick check in and a submission of your half of the P.I.P.E form later and you’re clicking your seatbelt into place and pulling out of the lot, back to the gray roads of Gotham. Hawthorne sits with a chunky laptop, his fingers hunting and pecking across the board, as you hit a particularly deep pothole he curses to himself quietly.

“What’s with the computer?” You ask.

“Another gift from Dent and his cronies. They wanna modernize the GCPD, bring us into the 21st century or something like that.” He curses again and you hear him slam the backspace key repeatedly.

“I was wondering why we didn’t have a laptop drilled into the dash or just to carry around. But I just figured your shop didn’t have it since you’re so o-” You stretch the syllable as Hawthorne glances up at you with malice in his eyes. “Old fashioned, more of a boots on the street kind of cop.”

“Mhm.” He grunts. “Well I figured it would be useful and save a couple trees if I learned to use this piece of shit. Also it’s on my list: ‘Proper instruction of precinct provided gear.’ so..”

He goes quiet again, focusing intently as he clacks a few more keys and finally slams the enter bar before leaning back with pride.

“Ain’t so hard.” He mutters. “This is your informant right?”

He angles the screen so you can peek. A flowing mane of brown hair, bloodshot eyes, and a bead necklace make it obvious.

“That’s him.”

“Wallace Singer. Looks soft in the head.”

“Excuse me?”

“A few cards short of a deck. Slow on the uptake.” Hawthorne continues.

“Ah, yeah he’s uh.. Carefree.”

“You would be too smoking as much grass as he probably does. What’s he like?”

“Like you said, a little slow. Seems like a good person, was mainly selling the light stuff and avoiding any serious party favors like drops or coke. Mentioned that someone had reached out to him for it but he didn’t have a connect.”

“Hm, so he’s low low huh?”

“Dime bags at the park. I figured he’d be a good work horse, all that travel and all those customers.”

“I see the logic, everyone chats up the dealer.” Hawthorne says, staring at the image. “But guys like this, especially after getting caught up, they get antsy about the work.”

“I let him know tha-”

“That he was basically on a light ‘Get out of jail free’ subscription if he had info for you?”


“Mhmm, this’ll sound confusing but a lot of guys actually get LESS active when they sign on.”

“Why would they get less active? Most of the risk is gone as long as they scrounge up a lead or two to justify keeping em around.”
“The risk is gone, sure. From the Police. But what’s worse on the street? Selling a dimer cut with oregano or snitching for the GCPD? There’s a reason we put on a show for some of these guys and only get info from em in an interrogation room.”

“It’s more private that way."

“That. And it’s also a threat, letting em know they can be pulled in by their ankles any moment.”

“Carrot and stick.” You say quietly.

“Ding ding. Regardless, he’s sat long enough and hasn’t used your tip-line yet. We’re gonna go shake him up and see what floats.”

“What’s the plan?”

“That’s your call, Rook. This is YOUR CI, protect him. Especially from other cops. A detective for Vice isn’t going to give a shit about your promise to the guy, he’ll burn him and chuck him in the shredder at Blackgate if it gets THEIR clearance rate up. So never give up control, insist on it even. Only thing I’ll say is you don’t have enough in your report here that we know his haunts, so we’re gonna be taking this one to his house.”

You nod silently, taking in his brute wisdom, then the gears begin to turn. What’s the best approach for Wallace ‘Wisdom’ Singer?

>Maintain your rapport. He’s not a bad guy and doesn’t need to be scared into helping. When you show up just simply ask what the word on the street is.”
>Remind him who’s in charge, when he answers the door you’ll have him in cuffs before he knows it. Sit him down on his couch and explain that being an informant was only a choice BEFORE he signed the paper.
>Butter him up, when you get there try to appeal to the facts, mainly the fact he’s broke, remind him about the cash incentives before asking about what he’s heard.
>Pluck his heart strings. This guy got on your radar because he was freaking out about some litter in the park, mention a few of the more grisly cases going on right now and let him know that anything he can offer you would be a big help.
>Tug the leash, show up and cuff him. Silently. Let him stew and surely he'll 'remember' something before you even leave Dillon Ave.
>Butter him up, when you get there try to appeal to the facts, mainly the fact he’s broke, remind him about the cash incentives before asking about what he’s heard.
>Pluck his heart strings. This guy got on your radar because he was freaking out about some litter in the park, mention a few of the more grisly cases going on right now and let him know that anything he can offer you would be a big help
>Pluck his heart strings. This guy got on your radar because he was freaking out about some litter in the park, mention a few of the more grisly cases going on right now and let him know that anything he can offer you would be a big help.
He's not exactky hardened.
>Pluck his heart strings. This guy got on your radar because he was freaking out about some litter in the park, mention a few of the more grisly cases going on right now and let him know that anything he can offer you would be a big help.
>Pluck his heart strings.
>Talk about how the murders might affect what his clients might ask for. Scarier times might lead to harder stuff being asked for.
Good vibes and karma attracts more, y’know?
Anyway, I forgot which part of the quest we first met this guy. Anyone know?
>>Pluck his heart strings.
>>Talk about how the murders might affect what his clients might ask for. Scarier times might lead to harder stuff being asked for.
We were sent out with the objective of obtaining a CI.

As in, when we were doing actual police work and not the stuff that our status as the Meta Cop has dragged us into.
You met Wallace in Thread 4, when you and Hawthorne were separated due to his wound from the Museum attack. Kimble became your temporary TO and he set you up to go find a CI.
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You think back on your meet up with Wallace, despite being a bit of your stereotypical burnout, he seemed to care about Gotham or at least how clean it is.

“Yeah I don’t think he needs to be dragged by his ankles, I don’t think he needs to know we’re ‘the boss’ I mean he practically put himself in cuffs when I opened his bag.”

“The dealers used to have a little more grit to em when I was green.” Hawthorne mumbles. “What’re you thinking then?”

“Pluck on his heart strings. He told me he cared about Gotham, I picked him up for blowing up on a guy for littering. I’m sure if we bring up the fact that the temperature is rising in Gotham a bit, maybe scare him with some stats or a story, let him know it could start trickling into his business.”

“You think that’ll do?”

“I do. He doesn’t seem the type to try and play us, if I had to guess his brain has a nice layer of fog right on top of it, more likely he just straight up forgot to call.”

Hawthorne grunts, you sense a little disappointment in it. You shake your head and pull off, parking in front of a large apartment building.


“GCPD!” You call after giving the door three good whacks with your knuckles. “Open up.”

A series of clicks, slides, and finally a rattling chain preface the door opening. You squint, eyes brimming with tears as a heavy wave of incense slams into your face, stifling a cough you give a nod to Wallace.

“Remember me?” You ask him, Hawthorne taking the initiative and stepping past him into his home.

“Uh.. yeah.” He groans, pressed flat against the wall as Hawthorne steps into the smog. “What’s uh, what’s going on man?”

“I was hoping you could tell me that, we haven’t gotten a call from you, not a peep since you signed that contract.”

“Oh.. right.” He says in a slow drawl as you also step inside.

“Your house is.. Nice.” You comment quietly, looking around at various paintings, tapestries, and statues.

Wallace’s house is the inside of a melting kaleidoscope, wisps of smoke over acid drip splatter art and disfigured portraits. A small jade buddha holds two burning cones of incense as smoke spills over a small collection of books and magazines. You look above it and stare at a framed piece, hiding behind a haze of white-gray smoke.

“Interesting artwork, where’d you pick it up?”

“I made it..” He says sulking as he steps past you and enters his kitchen.

“Away from the knives, Cheech.” Hawthorne barks. “C’mere into the living room.”

You shoot Hawthorne a pointed glance and he grimaces.

“Please.” He adds.
Wallace, now a healthy shade of white drops onto his couch after backing out of the kitchen. You take a peek inside and notice nothing out of the ordinary except pinned to the center of the freezer with a magnet is a small drawing, made from crayons and some cheap marker probably, a simple piece showing a small girl and a horse in a field. You withdraw and head into the living room before nodding for Hawthorne to take a backseat. He steps away, busying himself with something out the window as you sit on the edge of the coffee table, careful to avoid the multitude of jars and brushes.

“Am I getting arrested?” Wallace blurts out, his face taut with distress.

“Relax, Wallace. We didn’t come here to arrest you, we came here to check on you.”

“Check on me?”

“Mhm, you haven’t called in with any tips yet. Like I said. I was wondering why that was.”

“I just haven’t heard anything man..” He mutters, rubbing his neck.

“No? Have you been dealing with your regular customers?”

He looks at you like a deer in headlights and you sigh with slight frustration.

“Wallace. You are NOT in trouble, we made a deal that you would keep dealing while also keeping an ear out for anything going on.”

“So this isn’t like.. Entrapment?”

A sudden noise pierces the air as Hawthorne barely hides a scoff behind a cough. You ignore him and maintain eye contact with Wallace, making sure to show an open posture. Just like the guide book says.

“No, Wallace. As a matter of fact if you HAD heard anything it would be extra important to tell me now.”

“It would?”

“Yeah, I’m not sure if you saw on the news but there’s been a few murders. Those guys in the Narrows and now another in Chinatown. The same M.O.”

“Holy shit, are you serious?”

“I am, it’s not pretty out there. This guy is known to be tied up with the mob. That big bust that happened a while back, at that strip club? He’s wrapped up with them and he’s the last loose thread from that whole mess.”

“Holy shit.. But like. I don’t deal with the mob, man. I just sell grass, honest!”

You hold up a hand and tamp his rising panic.

“I know, Wallace. I know. Just, he’s operating in circles that some of your customers might have connections too, right? So I’m just looking to hear the gossip on the street, that’s all. Think of it like karma.”

“Yeah, man. You do this good deed helping us and it puts those positive vibes out into the universe and then it sends em back at you. Plus, if you think about it, anything you tell us could be the key to catching this guy and that’s really good for you too.”

“It is?” He blinks slowly and stares at his carpet, you can almost see his head flexing as he tries to connect those dots himself. You save him the trouble.

“Think about it. A serial killer in Gotham? People will freak out, eventually a little bong rip isn’t gonna cut it for people who wanna relax, not when the news channels are going on and on about it. So that means people will look to stronger stuff, remember a few halloween’s back? The fear toxin shit?”

“Yeah..” He replies in a quiet chilled voice.

“Drop use went up 120%, Heroin by fifty, and don’t get me started on coke. People wanted to party and forget, not take something that was gonna make em more paranoid. So if that market dries up you’ll have two options. Lose your customer base as you wait it out or start moving harder product.”

“Like coke?”

“Like coke. I’m gonna assume you already know that getting a coke connect isn’t hard, but with numbers like that? You’ll need a big boy supplier to keep up and keep cost down, that means getting under the sheets with some really nasty guys.”

“Fuck man..” He whispers, you can see it behind his eyes. The theater of the mind putting on a tragedy of his own making, the paranoid gears of a stoner given a doomsday scenario.

“So tell me what’s going on, do the right thing and get paid for it. Win win.”

Wallace sticks his thumb in his mouth, nervously gnawing the edges of his nail and he nods.

“Yeah, alright.. I’ve been selling. Less than before, I didn’t really wanna have another run in with anymore cops. No offense.”

“None taken, just tell me what’s the word and where.”

Hawthorne clears his throat harshly and jerks his head for you to come over. You sigh and hold up a finger.

“One sec.”

Walking over you lean in and whisper harshly.

“What!? I just got him to start talking.”

“Lesson one, rook. When you’re pumping someone for info don’t leave the faucet open.”

You blink.


“He’s the faucet. You are the one operating the handle. Don’t forget we pay for this fella’s information, if he can call in and drop a dime on someone who stole fruit punch from a corner store then that’s a drain. Eventually someone up top’ll tell you to cut him loose.”

“So what? Just be more specific.”
“Nobody ever said you weren’t quick with it.” He mutters. “Give him some more specific questions, the things you ask for are gonna be the template for him in the future when he asks himself if he should call this in or not.”

“Right.. Thanks, sir.”

He grunts an affirmation as you step away and sit back down.

“Sorry about that, now I was just about to ask you..”

>”To tell me anything you think might be important, no matter how small.”
>”To tell me if you’ve heard anything shady recently, any of your customers make any requests for harder stuff?”
>”To tell me about your customers, anyone notable? Anyone mention big parties or gatherings maybe?”
>”To tell me anything you’ve heard about this killer or any sort of violence, especially around Chinatown.”
>Write-In (recommend)
>”To tell me anything you think might be important, no matter how small.”
>”To tell me if you’ve heard anything shady recently, any of your customers make any requests for harder stuff?”
>”Anyone new making those requests, or is it only regulars? And did they use the drug’s street name or its regular name to ask what they wanted?”
Hawthorne just told us to be specific, and Wallace is a dealer.
>Tell me about any noteworthy client and how they've been acting lately
>Is there anyone mildly famous on your clients? Either family from some politician, news guy, or actors, or even who have you heard their name before
>Anything going around Chinatown involving violent crimes
>Any important details that you wanna tell me, doesn't matter if they're small
Gotham, New Jersey
Merry Christmas
>”To tell me if you’ve heard anything shady recently, any of your customers make any requests for harder stuff?”

Also ask him if he’s heard where people go to get the harder stuff.

>”To tell me about your customers, anyone notable? Anyone mention big parties or gatherings maybe?”

Ask him if he has any dirt on cops. If Gorky was hanging around with mobsters he was bound to be using some “controlled substances”. His buddies might be looking for a hookup, it’s time we buried all of them.
Merry Christmas anon.

It would appear that QM has given us a Christmas tree as well. But the leaves on this tree are marijuana.
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>”To tell me about your customers, anyone notable? Anyone mention big parties or gatherings maybe?”

Got these locked in,

Merry Christmas, for those of you Anons that celebrate, and if you don't, I still hope you have a nice day. I've got plans with the missus so I will be back with an extra long update tomorrow. Thinking about doing two updates actually since I may have some free time between house hopping to write up most of today's.

See you guys soon.
And a Monroe Chrysler to you too, Mr. QM, sir.
Merry Christmas to you as well. Safe travels to you and the wife!
Merry Christmas QM, hope you enjoyed it!
Merry Christmas!

"Let's start easy." You tell him puling a notepad free from your belt. "Just tell me anything shady you've heard recently from clients, anyone making requests for harder stuff? I know you mentioned that guy last time."

"Oh him? Yeah he ended up ghosting me pretty soon after we talked, shady stuff though uh.. I mean my whole thing is shady, man. But no, nothing harder, everyone still just buys green off me."

"I understand but think, everyone talks when the dealer is around, you ever hear any plans? Any crimes mentioned?"

"NO, man. I'm sorry but the people I sell too aren't out stealing cars or ripping off ATMs, I only sell to chill dudes.. or ladies."

You sigh.

"Alright then, tell me about them. Any faces stick out to you? Anyone mildly famous, maybe you saw em on TV or know their name around the neighborhood?" You pause as the next question enters your head but you just let it out. "Any cops? Buying or maybe asking for a donation to leave you alone?"

"No cops, I've only talked to you and the couple who arrested me before. But customers that stick out.." He pauses, you can see the sticky cogs of his mind turning. "There is one guy.. just confuses me."

"Confuses you how?"

"He just doesn't seem the type, I told you all my clients are chill. But this guy is like, full on corporate, he's always in a nice suit and is way serious."

"Where do you sell at?"

"He has me meet him in Grant Park, I wait on a bench and when he sits down next to me he takes my bag with the stuff and leaves behind a wad in some newspaper. He doesn't like it if I try and talk to him so I don't even know the guys real name."

Hawthorne's head turns at Grant Park.

"But you have an alias?"

"Yeah, 'Mr. S' some real James Bond type stuff. But he always paid good, sometimes a little extra."

"Could you describe him?"

"Uh.. I guess but. Why?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why do you wanna know? I mean, he's just buying pot. He seems a little stuff but not a bad guy or nothing."

"Wallace.." You sigh.

>"I understand you have an opinion, but you are an INFORMANT, that means you inform me on the things I ask you about. That's why you aren't in jail for possession with intent to distribute."
>"Grant Park is right next to the City Hall District, Wallace. The suit, being uptight, how secretive he is. I think Mr. S might work for City Hall, and if he does then his drug use needs to be known."
>"Just answer my questions and the money'll be transferred over to you, leave thinking about what's right or wrong to the police."
>"Okay, Wallace. I think we have to re-visit the terms of our CI Contract, I don't think you're a good fit."
Forgot to tack on

Another update coming later today once this gets a handful of votes on it.
>>"Grant Park is right next to the City Hall District, Wallace. The suit, being uptight, how secretive he is. I think Mr. S might work for City Hall, and if he does then his drug use needs to be known."
Think about it Wallace, if some guy writing laws gets real high and writes something dumb that gets regular folks hurt because he was too blazed to see a loophole he accidentally wrote in that would be awful, wouldn't it? You wouldn't want that, would you, Wallace?
>>"Grant Park is right next to the City Hall District, Wallace. The suit, being uptight, how secretive he is. I think Mr. S might work for City Hall, and if he does then his drug use needs to be known."
>"Grant Park is right next to the City Hall District, Wallace. The suit, being uptight, how secretive he is. I think Mr. S might work for City Hall, and if he does then his drug use needs to be known."

Calc’s biggest fuckup was just buying weed. Like how Al Capone’s biggest fuckup was not paying taxes.

>”Either that or it’s meant to be used to plant fake evidence against whoever Mr. S’s employer has issue with.”

>(to Hawthorne, once we leave) “Imagine if we somehow get the Calculator in on weed charges. It’d be the modern day equivalent of nabbing Capone for tax fraud.”
+1 that last part
+1 to the last part from me as well
+1 tot his, kek.


"Grant Park is right next to the City Hall District, Wallace. The suit, uptight, how secretive he is. I think your Mr. S might work for City Hall."

"Oh shit.." He says, realization dawning on him.

"Yeah, oh shit. If he works in the hall then his drug use needs to be known. I mean, think about it Wallace. You sell him an ounce and he goes into his office, writing up legislation that could end up getting regular folks hurt because he's too blazed to even realize. You wouldn't want that, would you, Wallace?"

"No, man." He mutters. Looking up at you with red eyes he whispers. "We could like.. Bad Boys him."

"I'm sorry?"

"You know, the show?"

"Y'mean COPS?" Hawthorne offers from the window, his face a mask of annoyance and.. is that pity?

"Yeah! Cops!" He shouts, snapping his fingers. "That's it yeah. I've seen these, like, busts happen before on TV. I'll sit down with him and have a microphone, when he asks me if I have the stuff that's when you guys get his ass."

"Does it usually go down like that? Him asking you for 'the stuff'?"

"Well no.. but it's nearly time for his re-up so I'm just waiting for his call."

"His call? You have a number?" You ask, trying not to betray your excitement in your voice.

Wallace digs in his deep pockets and eventually comes up with a familiar old flip phone. He chuckles nervously as he opens it.

"Just a business phone, I've got a smart phone.."

You just frown. He really isn't the sharpest.

"Here's the number, he just sends me a text usually, I tried to call once and it went straight to voicemail."

You take the phone and scroll through. The messages are a loop of 'Are you available?' and Wallace's many different ways to say Yes. No small talk. No nothing. You back out and check through the contacts and call log, no names but also no familiar numbers. You pass the phone back.

"So, got anything you can use?"

"We could put in a warrant for the phone, pull records. But if he's this careful I'm guessing it's a burner that'll just show he only calls you off it. Still, he's not very smart to be doing this so close to work.."

"Probably means he's close by, feels safe." Hawthorne offers.

"I've never seen him in any kind of car or whatever." Wallace adds on. "One time he had to cut out almost immediately. Texted me randomly. Seemed real stressed, sweaty, and he jogged out of the park after picking up. All on foot, no taxi either at least that I saw."

"Mhm.. so you would be willing to work with us to pick him up? Set up a buy and we scoop him?"

"I mean.. if you want man. That's what a snitch-"


"Shit sorry, that's what informants do right? I mean only other thing I can think of is the guy I buy from."

"What's that?" Hawthorne asks.

"Oh yeah man, I buy in bulk from a guy in Chinatown. He has a real nice grow house, he showed me once when I was picking up."

You shoot Hawthorne a glance.
Stroking his chin he shrugs at you.

"I have a few friends in Narcotics, a farm wouldn't be a bad haul for a rookie to pull in."

You glance to Wallace.

"You'd be willing to do that? I mean where would you get your supply from then?"

He stares at you with eyes like frosted marbles. He shrugs.

"I have other guys, he just gives me the best deals."

You frown and write down the details. You look up at Hawthorne and he glances at your notes.

"Looks like you're of two minds right now, a farm haul wouldn't be a bad case to bring in for a rookie. It isn't anything that's gonna get you a ticker tape parade but it's good work."

"But this City Hall guy.. could be something big. Not saying it's him but imagine we bring in Calc through this somehow. Like Al fucking Capone with the IRS."

"But instead it's T H C." Wallace offers with a giggle. Hawthorne's side eye silences him.

"I see you're still thinking of being in the papers, rook. It's not a bad plan for it, if it actually shakes out that way."


"Meaning this guy could be one of Dent's top boys, big scandal, praise. Or he's some copy boy who wants to blow off some steam after work and nobody is gonna shake your hand for blowing up his life over a pot charge."

"Nah he's like older man, kinda short but definitely not young. He's even got glasses." Wallace chimes in again.

Hawthorne sighs and looks to you.

"Your call, we can chase whichever of these leads you feel. I got nothing to do."

>"Wallace, send a text to your mystery man for an early buy. In the meantime give me a description and as much information as you can on him.."
>"Send me the address for your grow house, sorry to blow up your connect but this is a good call in for you."
>"Send me the address for your grow house, sorry to blow up your connect but this is a good call in for you."
>"But let us know if Mr. S calls right away. If nothing else, we can keep that particular lead on the backburner while we take down this grow op."
>"Wallace, send a text to your mystery man for an early buy. In the meantime give me a description and as much information as you can on him.."

Short, wears a suit, old, has glasses.
It’s fucking Isaac. Let’s turn the screws on this turd.
>"Wallace, send a text to your mystery man for an early buy. In the meantime give me a description and as much information as you can on him..
Is there anything stopping us from just having Wallace feed us the info on the bulk deal guy at the same time we go after the suit?
We could offer the guy a deal if we bring him in, no charges for info on other drug to be a in the city.

From what Wallace said it doesn’t seem like he’s causing too much trouble.
>"I see you're still thinking of being in the papers, rook
kek, we're gonna make it, it's gonna happen, front page swear to baby jesus

>>"Send me the address for your grow house, sorry to blow up your connect but this is a good call in for you."
There is no way this office guy is actually him.
>"Wallace, send a text to your mystery man for an early buy. In the meantime give me a description and as much information as you can on him.."

"Wallace, text your mystery man." Before you even finish he's moving to the contacts. Eager to help, that's a first. "Ask about an early buy, maybe tell him uh.."

"Tell him you had someone cancel on you and you have an order his usual size already bagged up, that you'll sell it to him for a little less because you don't want it to skunk." Hawthorne tosses in. You look at him with a raised brow and he shrugs. "I grew up in the Narrows during the 70's, son. You learn a few things."

"But why does it already being bagged mean anything?"

"It doesn't to you're casual smoker, but if this guy is shelling out for bags this size on a regular basis it means he's serious about his pot and also I'm assuming since Wally has a connect at a grow house all your product is bagged up fresh and vacuum sealed right?"

Wallace nods with a goofy grin.

"Yeah man, I take pride in my quality."

"Uh-huh." Hawthorne grumbles before folding his arms and staring daggers. "Your fingers broken?"

Wallace blinks heavily and gets back to relaying Hawthorne's message. You flip to a new page in your pad and touch ballpoint to paper.

"While we wait for him tell me more, a deeper description and any other details you can remember during your deals. Phone calls, branding on his shoes, a nice watch, anything could be a help."

Wallace slaps the send button and sets the phone gently down on the table.

"I feel like I'm in an episode of Law and Order, this is rad.. Okay. A description, he was short. Like maybe just a few inches shorter than you or me, he wasn't like, funny short you know what I mean?"

"Mhm. White?"

"Super, not just his skin but the way he talked too. This guy is uptight, usually had pretty nice clothes on. Business suits, leather shoes, no watches or rings though. Never changed his glasses either, he did show up without them once so maybe he wears contacts?”

“Good good, what about verbally? He ever say anything to you that piqued your interest?”

“He doesn’t like to talk much, he talks weird though.”

“Weird how?”

“Uhh.. just some of the words he uses. Might be foreign or something.”

“Any idea where from? Could you try and remember one for me?”

Wallace twists his face and squints as if he’s trying to physically see the memories eventually snapping.

“Yeah! This one was the weirdest, we were sitting and he ordered right at lunch time right? So the park has that vendor who serves the dogs with hot mash and shit, and I sparked up before going to the meeting so I was hungry. I asked him to come with me and he said ‘I don’t want to spend more time with your or your ilk than I have too.’ and I was mad confused.”

You furrow your brow and clear your throat.

“Sorry Wallace, what word is supposed to be in another language?”


You click your pen and sigh, setting it down.

“That’s English, Wallace..”
“Shit..” He whispers before you and Hawthorne share a long look that says everything.

The silence is broken by the flip phone buzzing, Wallace grabs it and scans the screen.

“He said he’s down, but it has to be soon.”

“Perfect, cause I’ve used up most of my patience.” Hawthorne grumbles. “How soon?”

“Within the next hour, same place as usual, it’s a bench not too far from the entrance but it’s off a side path from the jogging trail.” Wallace stands as he speaks, walking over to a wall hook to grab a coat. “I can show you guys. Easier that way.”

“Let’s slow down a second, we gotta talk first. You just uh.. Get a snack so you don’t ask him on a date to the hot dog stand this time.”

“Uh.. sure. I am a lil hungry.” Wallace states absently rubbing his stomach.

As he rounds the corner Hawthorne leans in and speaks quietly.

“How’re we playing this?”


“Meaning it’s lesson time. This is your first actionable intel from a CI that you’ll be working with, that means you need to consider a couple things. Especially if you’re using him for this directly.”

“Whaddya mean? We set up the deal and bust em both then cut Wallace loose after.”

“That’s one way, but that creates the chance for an issue. Recognition.”

“Go ahead..” You say, sensing where this is going.

“These two get busted and the Lapdog probably has the cash for bail, probably has strings for bail, being honest with you odds are that he’s going to be on the street before the sun is down. But him? A pissant dope dealer with a brain like raw chicken is still on the street? That’s not gonna look right. Plus that guy is the key to him getting popped so if he has any sway with GCPD he’s gonna pull it.” Hawthorne chuckles. “You know how to pick your debuts, son. This one comes with a lot of potential pitfalls, especially if the buyer is versed in the politician’s playbook which is to Deny, Ignore, and Discredit. Best case scenario if he decides to try and fight back is your CI gets burned.”

“Then what are my other options? How do I avoid burning Wallace when I need him for there to even be a crime?”

Hawthorne shrugs.

“Could always try and catch him after the bust, we’d need a reason to search him but if we could get one then that keeps it all clean. The old ‘Anonymous tip’ bit usually works, but it’s flimsy if he fights it to court, which he will. The question is really more of what you want to get out of this. Conviction means we need something hard, red handed in the cookie jar does that but risks burning Wallace on his first day out. If you just want the media circus and a few higher ups to notice you then passing the charges is all that really matters.”

“I wasn’t really thinking about my optics, I was just thinking about getting him for the crime.”
“I know, but at the end of the day this is a weed charge, rook. You aren’t catching Osama. If you want to climb rank, if you want to be in the position to change more than what you run into on the street then you have to play politics, even with your work.”

The idea sinks like a bitter pill, but you also know he’s right. Gordon made his bones on corruption scandals in the GCPD, all of his collars before that were nothing compared to the boost he got handling Loeb and exposing Falcone’s grip on the department. This isn’t anywhere of the same level but it stands to reason that a political scandal under your belt would get your name on people’s radars.. Good or bad. You glance into the doorway and see Wallace slathering bread with enough peanut butter to glue down a slab of sidewalk and you frown, something about eggs and omelets passes through your mind as you decide..

>”We’ll catch him red handed, Wallace might get caught up but he’s a pot dealer. What's the harm in people finding out he’s an informant? If anything it might put him on the straight and narrow.”
>”Couldn’t we stage it? We tell Wallace when he sees us to book it? You go after him and I go after City Hall, then Wallace ‘escapes’ you?”
>”We get him after, we could get Wallace to poke a hole in the vacuum seal maybe? ‘Sir I smell marijuana’ stop and frisk? Keeps him clean of everything.”
>”Maybe we leave Wallace out of this entirely, just catch City Hall alone. We let him know that we know and are willing to overlook it if he helps us out. A friend in the Hall can do a lot, especially if he knows anything unsavory going down behind closed doors.. Like at Blackgate.”
>"Slow but steady wins the race, sir. We ID this guy, take some video footage of him doing the deed without him any wiser. Then we do a little digging - if he's buying dope, what else is he doing that he shouldn't be? These guys always have something bigger going on. And even if they don't, all we lost is a bit of time and effort - we'd still have video evidence and more of the initial crime."
This guy sounds like a supervillain with that line. Won't even stoop "low" enough to go buy a hot dog at a stand, but stoops low enough to stealthily go buy weed on the daily.
>”Couldn’t we stage it? We tell Wallace when he sees us to book it? You go after him and I go after City Hall, then Wallace ‘escapes’ you?”
Backing this and >>6167273

As much as I want to do the "have him book it/stage it", we're dealing with a weed hippie; the fact he's react decently quick would be vastly out of character to this suit we're collaring.
I mean are middlemanagers and supervillains REALLY all that different?
+1, but also
>We get good look at him, I can use my Shivers to learn what else he's up to, maybe... I know it's not the end-all be-all, but it is my ace in the hole when we're trying to figure out if he's a big fish, right?


"Slow and steady wins the race, sir. We ID this guy, get footage of him doing the deal and then we can dig, I mean, if he's buying dope what else is he getting up to that he shouldn't?"


"These guys always have something bigger going on anyways, and if he doesn't all we did was waste a bit of time and effort, we'd still have video evidence of the initial crime."

"I see. So you're hoping this turns into more than a pot charge."

"Hoping is a weird way to put it.." You say sheepishly.

"Hm. Well, let's see how it plays for you."

You hear a step behind you and turn to see Wallace, cheeks stuffed, wiping a small glob of jelly off his chin.

"We ready to go?"

You glance at Hawthorne and he shrugs before gesturing forward.

"Yeah, I think so. You have any problem getting what he usually orders together?"

"Not at all man, I stay stocked for when it starts getting cold." He takes another bite and walks over to a closet, opening it up to show a pile about three feet tall of various vacuum sealed bags. "Nobody wants to go out, so most of em buy in bulk. That's when I do most of my painting."

"On top of smoking whatever doesn't sell right?" Hawthorne asks.

"I'd be, like, a total hypocrite if I didn't." He says.

"You're certainly something." Hawthorne mumbles. "Grab his bag then and let's get going, we can give you a lift. Drop you off a block or two away and you walk the rest."

"Sure thing man." Wallace replies, grabbing a bag off the top and stuffing it into his coat.

"You can walk with him.” He says to you.

“Walk with him?”

Hawthorne shakes his head.

“Please tell me your plan wasn’t for us to be crouched in the bushes like two overripe blueberries. You want to film the deal then you need to be slick about it.”

You glance down at your uniform.

“I should probably take this off then, yeah?”

“Why don’t I record it?” Wallace chimes in, polishing off the last of his crust. “My jacket can hold my phone, like, perfect in the chest pocket. I’ve done it before when I had to deal with some shady guys before finding my current hook up.”

“Just in case you know? Gotham is fucked up, dude. It just made me feel better that if anything happened like maybe someone could do something about it. Like Batman.”

“How would-” Hawthorne stops his own question short, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Go downstairs and keep that bag out of sight.”

Wallace salutes and shambles out the door, wiping his sticky hands on his jeans as he closes it behind him.

“I know I said this was your show but please. Please do not trust that moron to film this thing, I’m shocked he even knows how to use that thing.”

>”That’s the exact reason I think it’ll work. This guy obviously sees Wallace the same way you do, a bumbling idiot, why would he ever suspect Wallace was doing the filming?”
>”I wasn’t considering it, it just helps move things along if you let him talk. I’m gonna get a pair of civvies from the car and do a quick swap, I’ll trail him into the park and get a good spot to film from. We meet up after.”
>”He’s a CI, I don’t trust him regardless. But why can’t this be you, no offense but you’re the right uh.. Age demographic to be hanging around a park on a workday.”
>”I still think we should both be on the filming, I just have a gut feeling this isn’t gonna go smooth as we think so I want you close. We could run a play just like when checking out the Tobacconist
>”I wasn’t considering it, it just helps move things along if you let him talk. I’m gonna get a pair of civvies from the car and do a quick swap, I’ll trail him into the park and get a good spot to film from. We meet up after.”
>”That’s the exact reason I think it’ll work. This guy obviously sees Wallace the same way you do, a bumbling idiot, why would he ever suspect Wallace was doing the filming?”
He'll be getting a closeup of the perp too, which'll help ID him better on top of the perp's voice if he talks.
But that doesn't mean Mark can't disguise in civvies and pretend to be a park jogger in for a runner's high, right?
Mark could use his grampa shirt, some nice pants and shoes, glasses and just sit in some place with his phone on his breast pocket. Hell, even he could act as if he's checking on the phone and hold the phone while he records.

“Hawthorne, you remember your thug costume from the Tobacconist recon? Lose your uniform, get dress up like that again and let’s hide a phone in your shirt pocket. No one will look twice at you.”

“Why not me? I glow like an airport runway. A habitual criminal can smell me for miles. Hell, my undercover story still included me being a cop.”
Happy New Years everyone, I'll be taking the day off to be with friends and family and when we return it's back to the Holiday-less grind.

Thanks for sticking around this year if you've been here from the start, thanks for hopping on whenever you did if you weren't. It's been a good year for my writing in my opinion and the daily updates here have kept me sane through some annoying times recently. Appreciate having you guys around to read my non-sense and I look forward to wrapping this story up before 2026 arrives and then on to the next...

But until then, I'll see ya.

Mass Effect perhaps..
QM, I just want to say thank you. This is one of the best quests on the site and while I look forward to seeing the conclusion I dread to see the End.
QM, I just wanted to let you know that Gotham City Beat Cop was the first Quest I started reading regularly.

And it remains my favorite to this day.

Thanks for the good times and here’s to the new year!

This is our show. We can't lean on Copdad forever.

Happy New Year, QM, to one of the best and most consistent writers on the site.
>>”He’s a CI, I don’t trust him regardless. But why can’t this be you, no offense but you’re the right uh.. Age demographic to be hanging around a park on a workday.”
Shit, man, it's hard to say who glows harder Mark or Hawthorne lol. Probably Mark.
/qst/ might be dead, but I'm glad people still come here to write peak. Happy(delayed) new year, DetectQM
More like ASS Effect amirite guys? Guys? Well, I liked 1&2
A Mass Effect quest would be pretty cool.
I’d have gone with Mass Erect, personally.

"I wasn't." You assure Hawthorne. "It just helps to let him talk for a bit. Moves things along. I'm gonna get a pair of civvies from the car and do a quick swap, I'll trail him and get a good perch to film from. Honestly it probably wouldn't hurt for you to come with, maybe break out that thug outfit from the Tobacconist case."

"Me too huh?"

"I mean, it would make me feel a little better. I mean, even my actual undercover story included me being a cop. I've been told I just kind of.. give off cop vibes? Plus two angles are better than one."

Hawthorne scowls but nods regardless. "Whatever.. just as long as this pays off. If we're doing all this for a coffee gofer.." He trails off but still heads for the door muttering to himself. Despite all his groaning you can't help but smile a bit as you close the door behind you.

Hawthorne trusts you and your judgement, reluctant as he might be to say it outloud.


"You hear me, kid?" Hawthorne's voice comes in low over your earbuds.

"Mhm." You grunt, trying not to move your mouth as you do a set of simple stretches along the jogging path. A dark baseball cap pulled low and a simple set of winter jogging clothes being your disguise.

"Good, I dropped Chong up about a block so he shouldn't be long. I'm set up."

Glancing up you see Hawthorne, in the same flat cap combo that he wore, what feels like, ages ago. He straightens up his newspaper and sips from a small steaming paper cup.

"You know. The newspaper now isn't as subtle as it was back in your day." You joke quietly, bending down to tie your sneaker laces.

"It's casual. Besides, plenty of people still read the paper."

"People your age sure.."

"People my age, huh? Explain to me why you want so badly to be in the damn thing then."

"My parent's read the paper." You grunt, standing up and setting off on a light jog. Just enough to work up a sweat.

"Oh so you think your folks are old?"

"They're my parents. Of course." You reply shortly. Earning a sigh in return.

"Why is it you only get lippy with me when we have something important to do?"

"Choosing my battles."

Hawthorne grunts in response but you hear a lightness in it, a chuckle hidden behind his grumpy exterior.

"Chong just entered the park, he should get there a little after you. I'll keep an eye on the gates for the buyer."

"Copy." You pant, picking up speed so you have plenty of time to nestle into a good spot.
As you round a corner you catch the scent of some red hots. Seeing the reflective cart and the cloud of savory steam floating off of it.. it brings you back in time, back to your Dad getting you a loaded dog on your last walk before you left Gotham for the first time, you only let the memory linger for moment before you refocus your mind and a cold autumn breeze whisks away the stray smell while sending a chill down your back. Stopping against a tree you pull out your phone and take a moment to catch your breath as you scope out the area. The bench he described is just opposite the main pathway separated by dense foliage, an older walking path that was repurposed into a jogging trail when the city redesigned the park for whatever reason. As you take it in Hawthorne's voice cuts over the buds again.

"You set up? I think I got our buyer. Punctual little guy, to the minute."

"Not yet, still deciding. does he fit the description?"

"And then some. Looks like he crawled out of a Dick Tracy book. I'll follow him best I can and try to snap a few pictures myself."

"Copy." You grunt, looking around for the perfect place to post up.

>You already have it, staying by this tree gives you a clear line of sight on the meeting spot. Only downside is that you're in the direction they'll be facing on the bench. But if you're subtle that won't be an issue, after all you're just out for a jog.
>The foliage, it's a classic for a reason. Your darker clothes will help you blend into the dying autumn 'greenery' the only concern will be not making too much noise.
>The Hot Dog Cart, the best place to hide is plain sight and the line for these Hot Dogs seems perpetual. It'll give you a side shot of the meeting but nothing a zoom can't fix. The main issue is the line moving too fast before he arrives.
>The bench on the main path. When they redesigned the park they basically just shifted everything around, as such the main path bench is in front of the meeting spot. It may be tricky to get a good picture but nobody expects to be watched by someone facing away from them.
I have a batshit insane idea: we're already in a jogger getup, nobody would bat an eye to a vain jogger holding up a phone as if on a video call walking on by. We use this to reposition behind some distance from the bench (preferably on the opposite side where the suit's sitting- that way if he books it, we can tackle).
>Lean up against a tree and pretend to be on a phone call. You point your camera towards them while recording and it's all gravy. You could even make it an actual phonecall if you wanted to add a bit of extra authenticity. How about with a certain firefighter, get some flirting in?
It'd definitely help with getting mark to relax and be chill. If she's not available at the moment though, a good alternative is to just call up the folks and see how they're doing.
>>The Hot Dog Cart, the best place to hide is plain sight and the line for these Hot Dogs seems perpetual. It'll give you a side shot of the meeting but nothing a zoom can't fix. The main issue is the line moving too fast before he arrives.
I'd rather not try and reinvent the wheel here, nor do anything inconspicuous or distracting for Mark himself.
>>The Hot Dog Cart, the best place to hide is plain sight and the line for these Hot Dogs seems perpetual. It'll give you a side shot of the meeting but nothing a zoom can't fix. The main issue is the line moving too fast before he arrives.

A video call on speaker needs someone on the other end, or it’s just some guy ranting into a quiet phone. It would be too easy to spot.

No one looks twice at the hot dog cart. Even if it does move fast, we can at least get lunch, which we will then eat on a conveniently located bench while “playing on our phone”.
>>>The Hot Dog Cart, the best place to hide is plain sight and the line for these Hot Dogs seems perpetual. It'll give you a side shot of the meeting but nothing a zoom can't fix. The main issue is the line moving too fast before he arrives.
>A video call on speaker needs someone on the other end, or it’s just some guy ranting into a quiet phone. It would be too easy to spot.
>No one looks twice at the hot dog cart. Even if it does move fast, we can at least get lunch, which we will then eat on a conveniently located bench while “playing on our phone”.
Worst case scenario here is that we have to go up and get a second hot dog.
>A video call on speaker needs someone on the other end, or it’s just some guy ranting into a quiet phone. It would be too easy to spot.
Ye, read the entire thing!
If we have earbuds, it could work.

I'll back >>6171315 if Mark has earbuds to sell it. Otherwise,
>The Hot Dog Cart, the best place to hide is plain sight and the line for these Hot Dogs seems perpetual. It'll give you a side shot of the meeting but nothing a zoom can't fix. The main issue is the line moving too fast before he arrives.
I'm the anon who suggested the video call idea- in line with what >>6171364 said, do it if we have earbuds.

If we don't have earbuds, I'm good with the hot dog cart idea.
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As you think, suddenly a plan forms in your head.. it's an open joke around the city that the worst kinds of people are joggers and cyclists. You can use that.

Pulling free the wires to your ear buds you lean against a tree that gives you a good vantage point on the meeting sight. Holding your phone up you test the camera and this'll work nicely. Now to blend in with some social camouflage.

"Air is good today, bro. You missed out by not coming along." You say out-loud. not obnoxious but loud enough to fit the 'gym-bro' persona you gave yourself.

"What?" Hawthorne's voice comes in on the other end of the call.

"It's for the meeting." You mumble. "Nobody is gonna look twice at some douchey jogger making a video call in the park."

"Hm. Hawthorne grunts.

"Yeah, no I hear you, man. You gotta go Paleo, it's totally more natural than eating processed crap all day." You say, really getting immersed in your role.

"Are you.. is that the Jersey accent again?" Hawthorne asks quietly. "Christ's sake, rook. Stop making that your go to."

"It's close." You hiss, before stopping yourself and whispering. "Wallace is here, show time."

"Understood. Got some photos of our man, I'll keep posted here in case we want him on the way back."

You take a moment and get real comfortable, leaning on a tree, trying your best to seem care free as you hold the phone at the perfect angle. Gesticulating wildly you carry on your one sided conversation.

"Yeah no, raw meat is a hard sell I get it. But have you looked up the benefits?"


The next two minutes feel like an eternity as Wallace slowly enters the area, you notice him pick up on you but to his credit he doesn't let his gaze linger. He tucks his head and marches to the bench. You wait with him, letting your imagination riff as you spout whatever half-baked pseudoscience you usually have to sense to ignore. You're in the middle of a bit about the benefits of B-12 supplements when you almost stumble over your own words.

You see him. The buyer. And despite being cloaked in an overcoat a size too big and a fedora you recognize the runt of a man instantly as he glances up and reveals his sharp features and prominent pointed nose.

You remember him from the neighborhood watch event with your mom, and the day Dent was attacked. He was in the entourage and that means he fits your profile, but him buying pot? And this much of it?

You watch as he slowly passes through the foliage to the hidden joggin trail, he casually checks a few directions and you make sure to hold your phone right in front of your face and dial the accent up even more. You can't risk him recognizing anything about you. For a moment you think you might have failed as through the camera lens you watch him hold his gaze in your direction. You try not to react and even turn your head away completely, pointing to something in the distance behind you as you angle your phone away. It must have done the trick because when you turn around you see Isaac has sat on the bench next to Wallace.

You zoom in, trying to remain inconspicuous, as you snap a few discrete photos. Wallace and Isaac together, that places him in close proximity to a known dealer. The package is set down and you get a photo as Isaac opens his coat very slightly and discretely slides it in. Snap. Proof of him receiving the goods. Finally you get the kill shot, Isaac handing a small folded wad of bills pinched between two fingers. He tries to do it subtly but Wallace brazenly grabs the wad and smiles. Snap. Clear shot of money exchanged.

You turn, rolling with the tree to get to it's opposite side. These will do nicely..

"Sir?" You quietly mumble into the phone.

"Thank, Jesus. Your performance is over, that mean we got him?"

"I think I have enough to make things very uncomfortable for him. I even know the guy, he's a staffer for Dent. Runs the neighborhood watch in my mom's neighborhood." You reply.

"That right? Well maybe they should watch their own a little closer.. What's the plan for the runt then?"

"You mean for approaching him? I mean, I know him. I know where he goes for his Neighborhood watch meetings, maybe I catch him there."

"Maybe, but if he's picked up anything from being around politicians it's to deny everything. We should catch him before he passes that pot off or hides it somewhere. We can be friendly or mean about it, however you wanna play it."

>"Sorry sir, my show. I think it'll be better if I confront him outside the city, catch him off balance."
>"You're right, even with the pictures he can just deny. Catching him with the weed on him will make our case a little harder to shake off. Let's go easy on him, make this a friendly chat. I have a feeling he's buying for someone else.."
>You're right, even from our brief meetings I can tell he's a sleezebag. Let's not take it easy on him, we can cuff him up and get him in the backseat. That'll rattle him enough to shake free what he's buying all this junk for on the regular."
>"What if I didn't confront him as GCPD, I could 'happen' to bump into him here and go from there. Just a worried 'friend'."

Don't worry about those dice...
>"You're right, even with the pictures he can just deny. Catching him with the weed on him will make our case a little harder to shake off. Let's go easy on him, make this a friendly chat. I have a feeling he's buying for someone else.."
Who's he buying for? Who is the bigger fish?
>"What if I didn't confront him as GCPD, I could 'happen' to bump into him here and go from there. Just a worried 'friend'."

>Don't worry about those dice...
WHAAAT DIIICE? (you know which joke I'm going for)
>"Stick to the plan. Now we do a little more digging into what Isaac's up to, without him knowing. We can confront him later with this evidence."
>"You're right, even with the pictures he can just deny. Catching him with the weed on him will make our case a little harder to shake off. Let's go easy on him, make this a friendly chat. I have a feeling he's buying for someone else."

Catch this slime ball red-handed. We’re never gonna have a better chance of getting this guy.

Maybe we can also...
>Use Shivers on the wad of cash, get a feel for where it's been
These with specificity to try shivers on the wad of cash AFTER we collar this politician
>be me, Mark DeLucia
>use psychic powers
>be me, a random $20 bill
>in an old shitty wallet
>loud music, wtf
>pulled out, awful neon pink lights
>handed to a woman wearing only underwear
>she shoves me into her thong
>she smells of disease
>please get me out
>another bill is put in next to me, it’s covered in white powder
>another bill is put in, it’s covered in lipstick and something that smells like blood

A day in the life of a random American dollar bill. I hope Mark is ready to get acquainted with the degenerate things a normal Gothamite likes to purchase.
Okay, I don't know much about the DC universe, but is anyone else worried that these weed purchases might not involve Dent at all, but ARGUS and/or, god forbid, Waller?

Would anyone working under her even be allowed to get weed on their off hours?
Waller wants results. If you aren't compromising that in any way she doesn't give a single flying fuck what you do. Good or bad. If you like to eat orphans? She'd probably be down with that if you did what she asked, when she asked, without question or failure. She's gonna have just about every asset of hers killed off some day anyway, she doesn't give a fuck.
>>"You're right, even with the pictures he can just deny. Catching him with the weed on him will make our case a little harder to shake off. Let's go easy on him, make this a friendly chat. I have a feeling he's buying for someone else.."
We're not getting the front page this time. But we are getting into something interesting, I hope.
>Have Hawthorne catch Wallace on his way out, and grab the wad of cash for us, so we could use shivers on the money later.
Worth a shot.

>Don't worry about those rolls
Do we panic?

"You're right, even with the pictures he may just deny. Catching him with the weed on him will make the case harder to shake off.." You think for a moment, your legs already moving as you speak low. "I'll go easy on him, make this a friendly chat. I feel like he's buying for someone else."

"I'll meet up with you."

"No, at least not yet. Get to Wallace and grab the cash, not only is it evidence but maybe my Shivers has something to say about it."

"You wanna know MORE about what a wad of bills in Gotham went through?" Hawthorne grumbles. "Have fun with that.. I'll grab the cash and find you. Don't let him go until I show up, I'll be quick."

"Heard." You reply, cutting the call you share your location with Hawthorne before starting on a light jog.

Your eyes are fixed on his back, his tan overcoat swaying in the bitter breeze, your breath comes out in puffs of condensation as you draw close. His head turns, only for a moment, but before you can find a way to hide yourself you lock eyes and his head rapidly spins around again. He hurries his pace slightly. Did he recognize you? Maybe he's just hoping you didn't recognize him..

You inhale and keep an eye as you get closer and closer. Usually you'd start hearing traces of Shivers, lapping against your brain like waves on a hull, but the park is uncomfortably silent. Even trying to focus you just can't seem to hear the voices over the activity of the park, the rush of wind past your ears, or even your own breath. The world the world outside your head is somehow even nosier. Nothing to rely on but your instincts as you look over him. Legs tense. Shoulders hunched. Neck extended. Doesn't take a profiler to see that he feels the pressure already, from just a glance.

>Call out to him, make your authority known. "GCPD, sir could you stop a moment?"
>Jog up ahead and put on a smile, play dumb until Hawthorne arrives. "Hey, Isaac? I thought that was you!"
>No need to spook him, just keep your distance and follow him. Hawthorne'll be there soon and you can approach him together.
>He's gonna bolt if you let him.. you can feel it in your gut. Rush ahead and grab him by the shoulder.

Additionally if you guys wanna put add anything specific to say to Isaac, that's encouraged given your history with him so far.
>Jog up ahead and put on a smile, play dumb until Hawthorne arrives. "Hey, Isaac? I thought that was you!"

Get close to him, box him in.

>It’s funny, every time I run into you something seems to be lighting on fire… although, it’s less “flamethrower” and more “cigarette lighter” this time, isn’t it?
and to answer that question mark. Yep.
Fuck should have said the best dice instead of best guy.
>Jog up ahead and put on a smile, play dumb until Hawthorne arrives. "Hey, Isaac? I thought that was you!"

He's thinking about bolting, you need to keep him off balance and buy time for Hawthorne to back you up. You plaster on a smile and jog forward.

"Isaac?" You call out, lightly tapping his arm. You pretend to miss his flinch as he turns around. "I thought that was you!"

Isaac forces a grin as his pale face bleeds pinpricks of sweat despite the chilling air. He swallows harshly. His hands press to his jacket subconsciously protecting his secret, ironically bringing more attention to the awkward lump in his coat. Without the distraction of Shivers you notice every flicker of his eye or clenched muscle, something Kimble said almost breaches your thoughts as Isaac speaks up.

"Officer DeLucia!" He says loudly, feigning surprise. "It's a pleasure to see you.. what are you doing in the park? Working a case?"

You look down at your jogging clothes.

"In this?" You chuckle slightly.

Isaac joins you, laying it on thick as his chuckle fades into a long drawn out sort of groan.

"Well I was just heading back so.. it's been a pleasure." He steps away.

"Back to work?" You ask, matching pace with him as he goes.

"Yes. City Hall isn't far, as you know, so I like to take my breaks here sometimes."

"Oh really? I didn't peg you for much of an outdoors person."

"Oh no I love it. The fresh air, the people.." He trails off, his eyes scanning behind him and locking. "Ehm.. the hot dogs. Best ones in Gotham."

You raise your eyebrows in amusement.
"My dad used to take me to that cart, he still doing the thing with the peppers?"

"Oh.. yes! The peppers." He exhales quickly. "Too hot for me, usually."

"I thought he used sweet peppers?" You prod. "Did he switch to something spicier?"

"No.. just uh. Delicate palate." He laughs again nervously. "Listen, Officer it's really close to my break ending and Mayor Dent left me some very important papers so I really have to be getting back now.."

Isaac turns forward again, ready to march on, when you look up you see something that gives you a slight smile.

"You're right, I should probably be getting to work too.." You say as Hawthorne waits just before the exit gate, his broad form taking up space in the center of the path. "You know, it's funny. Every time I run into you things seem to be getting lit up, although this time it's less 'flamethrower' and more 'lighter' this time. Ain't it?"

You speak as you keep in lock step with him, he only realizes something is wrong when his attempt to side-step Hawthorne is met by a thick forearm blocking his path.

"How about we stay right here, Zig-Zag?" Hawthorne grunts. His eyes working overtime to convey how bad an idea it would be to ignore him.
Isaac's eyes widened and he looked to Hawthorne then back to you. You each stuck a hand in your coats and produced your badges.

"Something wrong?" Isaac squeaked.

Hawthorne let out a slow exhale from his nose as he stared down at Isaac, his eyes boring holes into the little man's head.

"I'm cold." He states simply. "So if you make this take any longer than it needs to, I'm gonna get real ornery."

Bad cop? Established. You fight the smile, seeing the guy who snapped at your mom nearly piss himself over a stare is good but not what you're here for, clearing your throat you pat his shoulder.

>"Relax Isaac, personally I think you must have a great reason for buying enough pot to hot box a cargo crate. So do ya?"
>"Before you consider lying to us, you might wanna check these pictures out. Before, during, AND after the deal. Seems pretty air-tight."
>"Now we already know a guy like you isn't smoking this stuff himself, at least not all of it, so we wanna know who you're buying for. Talk and we can make this whole thing go away."
>"A drug charge on a city servant? Sheesh. Think of the news headlines, Dent couldn't keep someone like you around after something like that. That's why I'm hoping you'll tell us who that's really for."
>"You heard the man. Start talking or it's straight to holding where you can hang out with some of Dent's constituents up close and personal."
>"Before you consider lying to us, you might wanna check these pictures out. Before, during, AND after the deal. Seems pretty air-tight."
>"Now we already know a guy like you isn't smoking this stuff himself, at least not all of it, so we wanna know who you're buying for. Talk and we can make this whole thing go away."
+1 play it straight

"Before you consider lying to us." You cut off Isaac before his gaping mouth can even start to spew. "You might wanna check out these pictures. Before, during, AND after the deal. Seems pretty air-tight."

Hawthorne leans in and grunts.
"Got your face nice and clear too, a real smoking gun.

Isaac's mouth bobs open and shut like a trout as a sheet of cold sweat starts to form.

"Forget about a smoking gun." You say tapping on the package hidden in his coat. "How about you tell us who's smoking this? Cause I know a guy like you isn't doing this yourself, at least not all of it, so tell us who you're buying for."

Hawthorne leans in again.

"Talk to us and we can make this go away. Don't take a fall for someone else."

Isaac's lip tucks in as he gnaws on it, his eyes panicky as he shifts his weight. You feel your knees bend slightly, ready to tackle him if he makes a move, but he lets out a shuddering breath and opens his coat letting the bag fall to the ground.

"It's not for me, you're right!" He yelps, squeezing his eyes tightly. A firm hand to the back of his head opens them up.

"Lower your voice, ya pansy." Hawthorne growls, leaning down he scoops up the bag and inspects it as you continue in a low calm voice, just like the handbook instructed, to keep him cool.

"We told you, this can go away. Who are you buying for?"

"I.. my job.." He sputters.

"Your job's gonna suffer if you go to jail for possession with intent to distribute anyways, Isaac." You remind him firmly. "I need you to tell me who."

Isaac take a few breaths, steadying himself, eventually nodding.

"I've been buying weed the past two months or so for.. I buy it for my boss."

"Your boss?" You echo. "But you work directly under.."

Isaac nods and Hawthorne's head hangs as he whistles low.

"Son of a bitch.." He mutters, his fingers gripping the bag tightly.

"What does.. the mayor.. need all this for?" You ask, lowering your voice to a whisper. "Does he make you buy it?"

"No.. he never asked me directly it's just, we had a staff meeting and we barely got through. Half of it he was nearly asleep or just zoned out. Afterwards I asked him what the problem was, any way that I could help, stuff to help me stand out among his other assistants. He just told me that he was having trouble sleeping.."

"Let me guess, nightmares?" You ask.

"Uh, yeah? But I guess YOU would know, after all."


"Meaning they didn't start until the incident with.. FireBug." He whispers as if the name itself had teeth. "I figure you and him both were probably a little messed up from coming that close to a guy with a flamethrower.. not that anyone could blame you, of course."
"Right.. so he started having these nightmares shortly after the museum attack? So what, he asked you to buy him pot?"

"Not exactly.. he just mentioned that while he was in college he would 'partake' and he'd sleep like a baby."

"So you figured you could help him out and help your career out in the same move." Hawthorne mused. "I mean, who isn't gonna promote their dealer?"

"It's not like that.. the job is stressful and he needs to have his head on straight."

"Oh sure, potheads are known for their drive." Hawthorne scoffs. You hold up a hand, asking him to back off.

"He isn't!" Isaac spits back. "If I had ANY suspicion that he was high while working or even in the office at all I wouldn't let it slide. I just wanted to help him outside of it."

"I understand.." You say quietly, tucking your notebook. "I'm sure you get this is a sensitive situation, Isaac. So I want you to stand right here, or sit on that bench over there while I discuss with my partner. You are NOT free to go, if you run we will chase you. Understood?"

Isaac nods limply and shuffles to a nearby bench, sinking into it with his hat in his lap. Hawthorne looks at you and shakes his head.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, rook. This is more than we can chew."

"Why? Because he's the mayor, it means he's not beholden to the same rules?"

Hawthorne's eyes soften and his hard grimace turns into a bitter frown as his eyes deliver the message: 'Pretty much.'

"So what? We do nothing? All of today was just a waste because the perp is too high up?"

"I don't know what you want me to say here, Mark." Hawthorne sighs. "You make this your hill? Running at Dent over a drug charge when he's in the middle of overhauling the city? You tell me how that goes, how fast do the cogs of justice turn when they guy between the teeth has his handle on the lever?"

"Gordon made his bones going after Loeb.. he was commissioner. He WAS the cog."

"Gordon also had Batman helping him. Even then he nearly lost his child, Jim won because he was willing to throw everything away to pull out the GCPD's weeds by the roots. You're willing to blow up your career and send the city into a tailspin over some pot?"
You let your shoulders slump and Hawthorne pats one sympathetically.

"This is the part that isn't so glamorous, rook. Everyone has their superiors, but just because they’re out of our reach for now doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do."

>"What if you taught me another lesson? Working with the media.. you have to know a journalist or two right? While this might not be worth pursuing in court, citizens should know if they're being led by someone impaired."
>"I wish it wasn't like this, it isn't fair. If he's getting City employees to buy drugs for him there's no way Dent is as clean as he seems. I'll make it my mission to expose whatever he's doing in the dark."
>"This isn't about my career or Gotham. It's about right and wrong. He broke the law and he needs to face the music for it. Regardless of what happens to me."
>"Maybe I should talk to Jim then, I mean The Commissioner, he's close to Dent. If he doesn't think anything else is up then I'm willing to drop it."
>"Fuck. Give Isaac back his stupid pot and let's go. We've wasted enough time today, I want to do some actual work before we clock out."
>"Wait a minute. If he's having nightmares...shit. I think I might have to talk to Dent anyways, Hawthorne. Not about the pot, but something more important. 'Meta shit' I learned about recently that's been affecting certain people. It might be affecting him, too - and if it is, I know a guy that could help."

Nice catch anon. If it’s so bad he has to self-medicate, then it’s not long before he keels over too.
>>"Wait a minute. If he's having nightmares...shit. I think I might have to talk to Dent anyways, Hawthorne. Not about the pot, but something more important. 'Meta shit' I learned about recently that's been affecting certain people. It might be affecting him, too - and if it is, I know a guy that could help."
Solid write in.

Also, idk if it's in character but I would love to record Isaac giving the same testimony and have it stored when shit hits the fan. Dent is an asshole, so if he wants to pull the rug from below us, surely giving the recording to either his political rivals or the media will be a solid blow, enough to get us out of trouble.
>>"Fuck. Give Isaac back his stupid pot and let's go. We've wasted enough time today, I want to do some actual work before we clock out."
Well, at least Wallace is still clean. Chinatown grow house is waiting.
>I know a guy that could help
Do we though? Martian Manhunter is out, Zatanna is out, what, are we gonna send Dent to Constantine and hope for the best?

Constantine can't even fix the affliction iirc. Best case scenario here is that Dent starts helping John and Batman with their investigation into the source of the nightmares, but that's unlikely. The *likely* outcome is Dent just goes "How do you know that, fuck, I gotta fire Isaac for babbling, also fuck you for infecting me with a psychic brain parasite, fucking metas, I swear to god"
Honestly, if this keeps "Big Bad Harvey" at bad...



You sigh, shaking your head disappointed when suddenly a thought clicks into place.

"Wait a minute.. nightmares. Shit."

"Huh?" Hawthorne grunts.

"I think I need to talk to Dent anyways, not about the pot either."

"Gonna need more than that, rook."

"It's meta shit, something recently has been targeting people. giving them nightmares, fucking with them, it might be affecting him too and if it is.. I may know a guy."

Your sentence trails off as you think about that more.. is that really a good idea? John seemed fine enough but in the short time you spent with him he lied to you no less than three times. You aren't even entirely sure about the things you took him at his word about, most of his credibility coming from knowing Batman. Your eyes scan the ground as Hawthorne stares at you with probing eyes.

"You're deep in your own head right now, I need you to come up for air." He says, giving you a light push.

"Huh?" You mumble, your introspective stupor broken.

"We're still doing a job here, rook. Focus up. You say you need to talk to Dent huh?" He looks down to the package in his hand and grins. "Well we happen to have something he wants too, I'm sure he can make time on his schedule."

"Really? You're on board with going to city hall?"

"It's a slow day and I can't think of a better way to spend my victory lap over that fat fuck Mandragora than to test my luck with this. Besides, I've been wanting to give him a piece of my mind ever since he started these goddamn reforms." Hawthorne tucks the package under his arm as he huffs into his hand.

"You aren't worried about what Reiner will think?"

"Part of your training is 'familiarizing yourself with the chain of command' Dent inserted himself right at the top of that when he started a private IA division and made Gordon run anything we wants to do with GCPD by him. So if Reiner asks, I was just doing what he asked. Lock-step in line."

You smile slightly, nodding as you catch onto his line of thinking.

"I get it, it's not like Dent will admit to being a pothead even if he has a reason for it.. But what do we do with him?" You ask jerking a finger at Isaac as he sits on the bench, huddled in his outfit with shame and fear written on his face.

Hawthorne shrugs.

"Your show. I'm not worried about him, he's soft, odds are he's getting canned anyways."

You look back at the weasel faced bureaucrat and frown.

>"Let's cut him loose. He's about to have enough problems without us throwing a charge at him."
>"A small fine. It lets us treat this like an actual case and I can put it on my record. That'll check 'Proper CI Use' off the list."
>"Honestly, we could just keep him in the shop. We don't know how Dent'll react to us so we can keep his gofer close by for insurance. Let him know jail isn't off the table."
>"A small fine. It lets us treat this like an actual case and I can put it on my record. That'll check 'Proper CI Use' off the list."
>"A small fine. It lets us treat this like an actual case and I can put it on my record. That'll check 'Proper CI Use' off the list."
>"A small fine. It lets us treat this like an actual case and I can put it on my record. That'll check 'Proper CI Use' off the list."
And if shit goes wrong we have the EVIDENCE
>>"A small fine. It lets us treat this like an actual case and I can put it on my record. That'll check 'Proper CI Use' off the list."
>"A small fine. It lets us treat this like an actual case and I can put it on my record. That'll check 'Proper CI Use' off the list."
>"A small fine. It lets us treat this like an actual case and I can put it on my record. That'll check 'Proper CI Use' off the list."
>>"A small fine. It lets us treat this like an actual case and I can put it on my record. That'll check 'Proper CI Use' off the list."

"A small fine. It lets us treat this like an actual case and I can put it on my record. That'll check 'Proper CI Use' off the list."

Hawthorne nods thoughtfully and pulls out his citation pad and hands it over. You click the pen and start scribbling.

"What are you listing it as?"

"Littering. Considering you picked that up off the ground I think that's good enough.." You trail off as you sign your name and wave a hand to Isaac to come over. "Isaac, I'm issuing you a citation for littering. It's a hundred dollar fine. I'm sure you know where to go to pay it."

"A ticket?" He whispers in disbelief as he stares at the paper you hand him.

"Mhm. For littering. That's what it'll be in my report as well."

"Th.. Thank you. Really, Mark I don't know what to say."

You hold up a hand.
"Don't thank me yet, I plan on having a conversation with Dent."

"And this makes one hell of a conversation starter." Hawthorne replies holding the package out subtly and wags it.

Isaac's eyes go wide and his jaw moves like a beached trout as he follows the chain of events sure to follow that move.


"We don't plan on throwing you under the bus." Hawthorne says curtly. "You did that yourself by even doing this in the first place."

Isaac looks to you but your face stays an impartial mask of calm as you shrug.

"Sorry, Isaac. But this isn't personal. We have to talk to Dent, I'll do my best not to bring you up."

Isaac considers speaking again but his pale face and wide eyes instead aim downward as he stutters out a goodbye before speed walking away. You and Hawthorne watch silently as he hustles out of the park and vanishes into the flowing crowds that marched the sidewalks. You let out a long sigh and rub your eyes.

"I never really liked him but still... Bothers me knowing that he's gonna lose his job because of us."

"Hey." Hawthorne says sharply. "This isn't like Caesar and those punk kids. That fella chose to do this, he had a cushy office job, and plenty of shit he could have been doing other than this."

You don't reply, you just let his words hang in the chilled air as you mull it over.

"C'mon. Let's go talk to Dent." Hawthorne mumbles, giving you a nudge. "I'm starting to smell like a Hippy's fingernails."

"Yes, sir."

Together you both briskly walk out of the park heading for City Hall..

The dull greens and dying browns of the park are replaced with ashy black roads and smooth cobblestone that sprouts short coarse moss. Hawthorne holds his coat tightly shut as you get closer to the hall, seeing the familiar statues that flank the door growing larger with each step.

"So what's our plan for this chat?" Hawthorne asks.
>"This isn't a police visit, it's a friendly warning. I'm not looking to press him here."
>"Good cop, bad cop again? Friendly warning from me. Not so friendly.. something from you?"
>"I wanna go in first. Alone. When I'm done explaining things to Dent you can go in and follow up with your spiel."
>"Maybe we shouldn't. The more I think about it the more I'm thinking this is a bad idea."

Completely unrelated note, to the Anon asking for 'Hitman' content to be included, I've been getting more familiar with the books and I regret not knowing enough early on to establish a Six-Pack statue in one of the parks.

>"Good cop, bad cop again? Friendly warning from me. Not so friendly.. something from you?"
>"I wanna go in first. Alone. When I'm done explaining things to Dent you can go in and follow up with your spiel."

Kek, not Bueno Excellente? Or, dare I say it, Dogwelder?
>>"I wanna go in first. Alone. When I'm done explaining things to Dent you can go in and follow up with your spiel."
God bless the bastards from Section Eight. Even you Friendly Fire.

"I wanna go in first. Alone." You say, Hawthorne raises a brow but lets you continue. "When I'm done explaining the.. meta shit to Dent you can go in and follow up with your spiel."

Hawthorne let's out a grunt, the breath fogging up as you get close to the doors. He nods slowly.

"Fair enough, odds are he wouldn't be very receptive to hearing you out after I said my piece anyways."

"I know you dislike his policies for the Department but you're making it sound like you're gonna tear him a new one."

"I might." He says shortly. "Just got a lot on my mind. One of which is the fact Halloween is coming up and that's always a fucking mess. Now we're going into it with more tape around our hands."

You glance at Hawthorne as he let's off some steam.

"Last year we had four officer's die. I knew three of em. All the wile Dent is making plans to have us to toss our long guns. No more rifles or shotguns. Instead of giving us higher grade vests he wants to slap cameras on em. To divert funds from SWAT." Hawthorne shakes his head. "He's the king of lip-service. Talking about how much he wants to make Gotham better only to gimp the only thing standing between these animals and their victims. But their victims are poor, from the Narrows, or criminals, or hookers. People he's never rubbed shoulders with, so why should he care?"

"Do you really believe that?" You ask quietly.

Hawthorne shrugs.

"Sure fucking feels that way sometimes. Pompous prick can't even buy his own weed." He grumbles and waves you ahead. "Go on in, flash the badge and don't take no for an answer. Dent won't give you lip once he knows that you know."

You frown slightly and nod.

"Alright, just take a sec to cool off. It would be pretty ironic to go through all this trouble just to get fired before you can sign off on my Training Papers."

He forces a grin and nods.

"I won't do nothing too crazy. I've made it this long dealing with assholes, haven't I?"

You step away and go through the tall wooden doors, the heated air of City Hall enveloping you and bringing a pulsing heat to your fingertips. You approach the front desk and see a familiar face.

"Hey there, Deb." You say lightly, shaking off the chill with a warm smile.
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"Officer.. DeLucia." She says, reaching back to pull your name. She glances over your shoulders. "No senior Officer today?"

"Hawthorne is outside. We needed to speak with Mayor Dent actually."

"Right.." She drawls dryly as her fingers peck at her keyboard. "Well it looks like he is in his Office but he has this time blocked off for a personal meeting with one of his staffers."

"I bet. Look would you be willing to call him? I mean.. I saved his life twice now. Pretty sure he won't be too upset to hear from me."

Deborah narrows her eyes but eventually she relents, picking up the old handset that still sits on her desk and hitting a speed dial key.

"Yes, Mayor Dent. I have someone out here asking to meet with you. Are you in your personal meeting still o-" She stops, nodding slowly. "Mhm. No sir, it's not. It's Officer DeLucia from GCPD. No, sir."

She tucks the handset and whispers to you.
"What do you want to meet him about?"

"Do you mind?" You ask, gently reaching for the phone. She pauses for a moment but then hands it over.

"Mayor Dent." You say, keeping your voice neutral. "My TO and I were hoping to talk to you about something."

"Mark." Dent starts, you can tell he's making the same effort you are as he perfectly enunciates every word. "I'd love to meet with your and your TO but it's a little inappropriate to come to City Hall just for a meeting with me when one could be arranged through your superiors."

"I agree, sir. But I was in the area, working actually. Just broke up a dealer slinging weed in the park down the block. I know you have a meeting scheduled but it sounds like they aren't in yet, you sure you can't fit me into your schedule?"

The other line is deathly silent until Dent's voice breaks through like a rumble in a dark cloud.

"Come up."

You hand the phone back to Deborah and smile. Giving her a friendly nod before you step past her desk and up the marble stairs...
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City Hall is massive, you get even more of an eyeful than you did the first time on your walk to Dent's office. As you approach his door you squeeze by two maintenance men working on the sprinkler system, one man nudging his tool box out of the way for you to step through. As you stand in front of Dent's door listening to the squealing of pipes being tightened you take a breath and settle your mind. You can't go in sideways, he's already going to be reared up. You gotta play this smart if you want him to listen. But is that even your goal? What are you looking to accomplish? Just a warning or something more, maybe he could meet John or help with giving them access to Arkham.


>Honestly, Fuck Dent. You save him twice and he can't even meet with you without a threat? Go at this matter of fact, you don't need him to believe you. You just need to warn him so it's off your conscience if something happens.
>Flies to Honey, Dent just wants respect. He's desperate to be seen as the good guy. To be loved. You want to sell him on magic and evil spirits? Make it about HIM and keep it clear that his only hope of saving himself is to meet John Constantine.
>Mutual Friends, Batman is your key to getting Dent to take you seriously. If you divulge the fact you're helping Batman and you're on equal ground. Convince him that helping you is helping Batman and he'll fall in.



Been a minute since one of these, hope everyone remembers how it works and I hope to see some of your own words included in the votes because this will be a rough sell on some of the options. Also curious to know what you guys think so far about Dent as a whole. He's obviously got a darker streak to him that you've gotten glimpses of but do you agree with Hawthorne? Is he just some asshole, using the position to recklessly gather attention and praise? Or is he really the savior of Gotham that people like Gordon and Bruce Wayne believe he could be? Curious to hear from you. See you soon.

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Question is, does Constantine even needs help? Could involving Dent help in any capacity? Batman already has all the info ever, and can break into whatever place he needs.
Man, I voted against talking to him, and now I have to come up with something to say.

>Try emphasizing teamwork? Yeah, to Dent. Funny. Come on man, we're supposed to be on the same side. Surely he can't be *completely* malicious towards the city/GCPD. Mark knows a lot of people who supposedly want good for Gotham, including Dent. Surely, if he simply gets those people to communicate with each other it will work out, right?

>Brush off the weed thing, who gives a shit if Dent is getting that sweet chinatown grown zaza, it was just a way in.
>Probe about nightmares, say there's an ongoing meta-investigation into potentially magical bullshit. Yeah, magic sucks, but that's Gotham for you. Say it's affecting people deeply connected to Gotham (might stroke his ego)
>Carefully ask if he's willing to help by letting our magical bullshit expert into various cursed areas, if he is, direct him to Bat first (I don't trust Constantine(Although Dent and C might hit it off, a terryfying prospect))
>Do not even mention blackgate, we'll dig that shit out by ourselves in time. No need to show our hand
>Flies to Honey, Dent just wants respect. He's desperate to be seen as the good guy. To be loved. You want to sell him on magic and evil spirits? Make it about HIM and keep it clear that his only hope of saving himself is to meet John Constantine.
>General: Bring up the number of people that you can confirm have been affected by the curse, how badly they've been affected, and the fact that even Metas seem to be struggling to deal with its influence. Mention that you don't care about what he's doing to treat his nightmares, you're just concerned about the cause of them and how badly things could get when they progress to the next stage.
>Vertbatim: "This city would descend into chaos without its Mayor, Mr. Dent. We can't afford for you to end up in a nightmare that you can't wake up from like the rest of the victims. Hell, the sheer weight of your importance to this city is probably exactly why you ended up in the sights of whatever's causing this dream disease - they want to take Gotham down by chipping away at the pillars holding it up."
>Calm and collected, but worried. We're not here to stick our boot in his ass or something like that, and we already gave him the middle finger for the commemoration. Even if he's still butthurt about it, we came here to make a quick check on him, have a heart to heart and see if he's being affected by the Nightmares like Batman and the others. Maybe stroke some of his ego to get him to talk

>Not bringing ghosts, curses or powerful evil beings in Arkham, just convince him to talk, unwind and maybe he gives us enough so we can connect the dots on the whole thing, or even scratch it all as just trauma from Firefly's attack. Surely if we talk enough he will give something to work with.

>"Listen Mr. Dent, I don't like you, and after the talk we had after the museum incident you don't like me, but there's more in game than just some weed. But I'm betting this is all because of the attacks, have you seen a professional? Talked to someone of trust? I imagine being a major is a lot of stress, but after all that had happened and Halloween being around the corner, is just more crap pilled into the pile, and my TO for sure is going to have his day made when he comes up. So I'm coming here as if we were friends, and hope you can trust and talk to me, unwind, maybe I can give you some pointers and we don't have to meet again from some time in the future, what do you say?"

I don't wanna hook him up with Constantine because I feel that's going to just accelerate his downfall, but it's either going to be more fucked up or more complicated if we include magic.

Now, imagine if it's a Demon who rose Two Face into existence by some kind of possession???? Surely Dent is dumb enough to make a fuckass deal with the Devil like the one in Constantine's home for like having people telling him how good of a Major he is.

Or maybe EVEN WORSE (imo), the whole Magic angle ends up with him getting his Shadow purged out of his being? Imagine the literal, most pure concept of Two Face, but unattached to Dent, and maybe even having a body. Imagine like, all of Dent's bad traits and Potential just separating from him and given a body. Yeah! Normal Dent is a good guy and not as much of an asshole, BUT HE'S STILL SOMEWHAT SCREWD AND THE NEW TWO FACE IS EVEN WORSE. That's two of the scenarios I feel would come up if we involve Dent with Magic, because I'm FOR SURE he's not going to be the normal version we know of the comics

Oh! And dm, as a plus, independent if my vote wins, I wanna add maybe a dialogue that reference what the Lady in Red told us about him, maybe not directly saying "I went to the Dreamrealm and the mysterious lady told me", but you know, maybe this will help so he doesn't turn into Two Face
>>Calm and collected, but worried. We're not here to stick our boot in his ass or something like that, and we already gave him the middle finger for the commemoration. Even if he's still butthurt about it, we came here to make a quick check on him, have a heart to heart and see if he's being affected by the Nightmares like Batman and the others. Maybe stroke some of his ego to get him to talk
>>Not bringing ghosts, curses or powerful evil beings in Arkham, just convince him to talk, unwind and maybe he gives us enough so we can connect the dots on the whole thing, or even scratch it all as just trauma from Firefly's attack. Surely if we talk enough he will give something to work with.
>>"Listen Mr. Dent, I don't like you, and after the talk we had after the museum incident you don't like me, but there's more in game than just some weed. But I'm betting this is all because of the attacks, have you seen a professional? Talked to someone of trust? I imagine being a major is a lot of stress, but after all that had happened and Halloween being around the corner, is just more crap pilled into the pile, and my TO for sure is going to have his day made when he comes up. So I'm coming here as if we were friends, and hope you can trust and talk to me, unwind, maybe I can give you some pointers and we don't have to meet again from some time in the future, what do you say?"
Supporting this line.


You hold that breath. Slowly counting in your head until you let it flow out in a slow exhale. It's important to be calm and collected, Dent is probably already going to be wound tight when you go in so you need to play it cool and emphasize teamwork. You aren’t here to stick a boot up his ass, you’ll leave that to Hawthorne, you just need to put your own feelings aside and get him to recognize the danger because like it or not he’s important to your city. Your hand touches the brass bar and you pull the door open.

Dent’s office is dim. Dimmer than you’d expect. A lone lamp on his desk radiates warm light, behind the desk he sits in a high backed leather chair his face only half lit by the lamp. You can see it immediately, dark circles under his eyes, barbed forking lines of red, and a nervous tick that manifests as him slowly rotating a cigar in his hand as he stares ahead at you.

“Officer DeLucia.” He groans, his voice missing the usual bass and charismatic energy. “Sit.”

You nod at the greeting and take your seat gently, the air feels thin and fragile like any sudden move would shatter the whole scene, for the first time in a while you feel that familiar itch deep down in your ears as the whispers start to make contact again. You clear your throat gently.

“Mayor Dent, I was hoping to-”

“Blackmail me.” He finishes your sentence. You see his hand twitch and fingers grip around the cigar as he squeezes it tightly, threatening to burst the wrapping.

“No, sir.” You say firmly. “I’m actually here to help you.”

He scoffs and you furrow your brow. Too much bad blood to pave over so you settle for shoving it aside.

“Alright look Mr. Dent.” You see him bristle at Mr instead of Mayor but press on. “I don’t like you, and after the chats we’ve had already I know you don’t like me either but I’m not here to grill you over smoking some weed.”

You see his jaw lock up as it slides side to side, a slow breath from his nose and a harsh sniff are all it takes for his eyes to change completely. They go from dull marbles of distaste to shining and interested. How easily he flips between moods gives you the creeps.

“Alright then, Officer. What IS this about then?”

“All this.” You say, circling your finger around his face. “The lack of sleep, the nightmares, It’s more than just a bad month. It’s related to something.. strange.”

“Strange how?”

“There’s some kind of sickness. Something that seems to be targeting people.. of great importance. Like you.” You see the ghost of a smile flicker even though his mouth never moves. “People who are deeply tied to Gotham. There’s already been losses, not casualties, but other Meta-humans are being affected by this too, and if how it went for them is the template then this thing’s gonna keep tormenting you until you fall into a nightmare you never wake up from..”
His eyes widen for a moment, his adam's apple bobbing as he nervously straightens his tie.

“Who’s been affected? I know a few names.. met more than my fair share while campaigning..”

“Two leaguers. One in a coma, Manhunter. The other.. she’s fighting it for now but one slip up..”

“Mother Mary.. Manhunter?” Harvey mumbles, his fingers drum his desk nervously as the cigar falls from his grip..

“You can see why I don’t really care about what you’re doing to alleviate the symptoms, I just needed you to know there was even a disease in the first place. I wanted to come to you as a friend and maybe offer you a way to help.”

“Help? How could I possibly help?”

“It’s.. complicated. Some people are better at fighting it off than others but the fact you’ve lasted so long without even being a meta is frankly impressive. It’s got me thinking maybe there’s something special about you?”

Harvey nods along with all you say. Mumbling almost to himself as you speak.
“It makes sense.”

“The next time Gordon turns on the signal maybe you should be there. I mean this city would descend into chaos without its Mayor, Mr. Dent. We can't afford for you to end up in a nightmare.. Hell, the sheer weight of your importance to this city is probably exactly why you ended up in the sights of whatever's causing this dream disease. They want to take Gotham down by chipping away at the pillars holding it up."

“My importance to the city..” He echoes, his tired eyes lighting up for a moment before a thought strikes him and turns into a flash of panic “Bruce. He’s been complaining to me for days about the same symptoms I have, we both chalked it up to that night at the museum being.. difficult to process.”

You blink.

The scent of jasmine and sounds of rain on thin glass. Still in Dent’s office but now on his chair, you stare at the ceiling until the light clearing of a throat draws your attention.

“Mayor Dent, I started charging at five so we should really begin the session..” Her voice delicate from behind the massive desk.

As you sit up and open your mouth to speak.. You blink.

“I know Bruce has spoken to you before, your Sergeant was his escort that night. Do you think he could be at risk?” Harvey continues.

“I’d say it’s probable, sir. You should talk to him and maybe see if he’d go along with you to the signal, I know for a fact that Batman is working on solving this. The more people he can look at the wider his understanding of this gets.”

Harvey nods slowly intaking your words. His face is a far cry from the granite mask of repulsion he had when you first entered, now it’s almost childlike seeing the emotion wash over him as he considers the fate of his friend.
“Still.. There’s a lot of work on my plate still and I can’t let Gotham run without a conductor just because.. just because.. Batman is already on it. Gotham needs me more than he does. I trust him.” His sentence turns to mumbles. “I trust him..”

“Mayor Dent, I know you care about the city. I know lots of good men who do. People you can help and can help you in turn, no man is an island. If you took a minor leave for a week or so and handed the reins to your team it would be fine.”

His eyes shift towards you again. But different now, hard and predatory.

“My team? My team only works so well because I’m leading it. Leading from the front, might I add. You have no idea how detailed and demanding my work is, people think I sit in this office all day stamping papers and smoking cigars but I’m out THERE. Working directly with Union Leaders, School Administrators, so many meetings and contracts that require my personal involvement. The title of Gotham Mayor means NOTHING while being Harvey Dent means everything. The people I work with trust me, every single one of them, because they know I’m the one signing off on everything personally. If I took a day off there’s no telling what would happen.” He speaks at a manic pace, slowing himself down with a long slow inhale that brings him back to base. “No. This.. sickness is the exact kind of insanity I am trying to pull us out of and guard against. Batman has handled these threats without me before and I’m sure he can do it again, if he can’t then we have alternatives.”


“Batman can’t exist forever, Mark. One day Gotham will have to stand on it’s own two feet and protect itself. As Mayor I’ve taken it upon myself to secure Gotham’s safety with or without the Batman.”

“What do you mean?” You probe. But Dent shakes his head silently.

“I thank you for all the information you’ve given me today, Officer. I’ll make sure to pass what you told me onto Bruce once he’s back from whatever bender has him off his phone. But as far as taking time away from the office? The answer is no.”

“Mayor Dent, I rea-”

“Officer, enough.” Dent rises from his seat, his face nearly vanishing in the dark. As he rounds the desk again his eyes are soft and shining again, he gives you a warm smile that feels more rehearsed than High School Theater. “I appreciate you coming by and warning me. But I really do have to get back to work soon, have some trust in your city’s government.”

He gestures for you to stand and you do so slowly, a little off balance from his shifting tone. As you head for the door you feel a firm hand grip your shoulder.

“Officer. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry I can’t be more help to you. I know it’s probably hard to see since you’re part of both worlds but there are traditional issues and meta-issues, both of them equally important of course but requiring different tools.”

“Is that right?”
“It is. Think about Mandragora and all his ilk. The gangsters who tote chicago typewriters and deal in clean crime like racketeering, extortion, murder. All things that can be handled by the GCPD, our courts, just like we always have. But then consider the new threats we face: Killer Croc, Scarecrow, a targeted disease created by an unknown meta.”

“We don’t know if i-”

“These challenges require tools that normal cities just don’t have. We were caught with our pants down, Mark, and it took this long for the infrastructure to finally START to catch up. But we aren’t there yet, that’s why this is being left to Batman. It’s a meta-issue and should be handled by people equipped for that. After all, it's the entire reason I signed off on Reiner’s request to have you join his department.”

“The ‘reason?’ What reason?”

“Because Gotham City needs to evolve and you’re only the beginning.” Dent whispers, his pupils wider now but his gaze is turned inwards and whatever he sees in that imagination of his, he likes it.

Suddenly Dent’s hand is thrust forward.

“We’ve clashed before, Officer, but this visit just puts it into perspective for me. You’re just trying to do your job the best you can as one of the only men in my departments equipped for both worlds.. Now that I see that, as far as I’m concerned, anything between us is water under the bridge. Truly.”

His hand lingers as his eyes bore into you begging for approval. Friendship. To put a stray hair back behind the ear.

>Shake his hand? (Y/N)

Parting Words:
>"Thank you sir, but I really want to let you know I think you're making a mistake not lending a hand personally. Even if it's only to be looked over, you never know what can help."
>"I understand, but please think about what I said. I mean, imagine the Justice League owing you a favor, that could help make Gotham self reliant.."
>"I still don't really like you, I just respect what you want to do for the city. As long as that respect is mutual I don't see us butting heads often."
>Leave him hanging and walk out silently.
>Write-In (Encouraged)

Sorry I got home yesterday and was violently sick, I couldn't even get on my phone it was so bad. Thankfully it cleared up rather fast so I'm assuming it was something I ate. Regardless, back with a fat update of text as I am one to post. As always would really like to hear your guys thoughts on Harvey. So for a secret bonus vote/question:
>With the evidence you've found so far what do you think his plans for Gotham actually are?

Apologies for the missed day again, I'll be more careful about ordering seafood from now on. See you soon.
>Shake his hand
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, sir. But if what I’ve seen is correct, this thing is a bit beyond most of our pay grades. If you really believe that you’re pivotal to the running of the city, then you’d better be there when Gordon flips that signal on.”
“And, um, you should probably hold onto this for now.”
>Hand him a flask of holy water
If mark has one, that is. I figured he would after the demon incident.
>Shake his hand? (Y/N)
>Write-In (Encouraged) "My dream was that there is a tumor in Gotham about to burst. With my powers I am more sensitive than others even more due to my connection to the city. The city is sick Harvey. It's like a living being. You may believe you are the one running the city, but it's an organism on it's own. Do not take this lightly. You may think regular things and meta stuff should be handled separately, But in this case there is way too much overlap. Please heed the advice."
>Hand him a flask of holy water
Adding this also.

>With the evidence you've found so far what do you think his plans for Gotham actually are?
Some crazy mayor for life shit and only him running the show and being the saviour of Gotham. Not bats.

Do people have other ideas?
>Shake his hand, Y
>"I understand, but please think about what I said. I mean, imagine the Justice League owing you a favor, that could help make Gotham self reliant."
I mean he's obviously working with the feds to set up a meta task force of some sort. Such a thing could put him in an unelected position and a lot of power with the right backing n connection.

It has the scent of Waller bullshit.
>"I understand, but please think about what I said. I mean, imagine the Justice League owing you a favor, that could help make Gotham self reliant.."
What a meaty update, holy shit
>Dent switching faces in real time
>Dent thinks bat shouldn't keep this shit up forever (bat would actually agree)
>Dent sold his ass to ARGUS to establish some fort of glowie swat team
>Dent is gonna call Bruce, so the plan to put him together with batman kind of worked lol

The fundamental disagreement I have with Dent is that YOU DONT FUCKING NEED ANOTHER JURISDICTION SPLIT. Police/SWAT can take care of all the things he listed without glowies. You just need to integrate some metas like Mark, and make specialised gear acquisition faster/smoother. Poison gas terrorist? Swat squad in gasmasks. Giant crocodile cannibal person? 50 cal. And Dent is just gonna split the responsibility even further, while handing the heaviest hitters to FUCKING FEDS. Thats not how you do public trust and order, Dent. Many hate the police, but everyone hates the feds.

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