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Quest’s Summary: You play as Pangea, the daughter of The Emperor created to be an emotional support for the primarchs after Malcador convinced the Emperor that the primarchs, while powerful, are ultimately human. Pangea would act as a way to secure the primarch’s loyalty to The Emperor by having the primarchs relying on Pangea as their emotional support… if Pangea remains loyal that is.

As the sons of The Emperor return to the fold, Pangea created a bond with Alpharius, Horus, Fulgrim, Sanguinius and Angron. She still sees the future of Horus and her brothers’ betrayal but knows in her heart this is just one future, one that can be avoided. After bringing peace to Verona, she faces The Hermit, and eventually learns of Chaos.

With that knowledge, she is under Malcador’s tutelage once more to become the first inquisitor, to protect the budding Imperium and her Father’s dream.

People roamed the markets. Laborers carried crates of goods fresh off the ships. Merchants and customers haggled. Children held their mother’s hand as their eyes wandered from vendor to vendor. And the Princess stalked through the crowd, her gaze focused on a man with shaggy stubble and unkempt hair dressed in a tattered jumpsuit. She tapped into the man’s thought with ease, like entering an unguarded fortress.

They’ll pay for what they did to House Capulet, this will be my vengeance!

Pangea gently pushed through the crowd as she followed the man. She clicked her tongue twice, then paused, then clicked her tongue again. Luna broke from her side and skulked into the alleyway. Pangea parted the crowd quicker, using her psykic power to compel the people to move away.

Verona, oh my beautiful homeland… I’ll take many as I can with me!

Pangea stalked through the market in a hooded robe. The man approached the Albian Crusaders closer. Pangea tasted the man’s rage and disgust. In lieu of more offensive capabilities, she sharpened the subtler psykic powers. The Albian Crusaders continued to be vigilant about the goings on in the market, but were still unaware of one single man amongst the many.

This is for the Capulets and the Great Hermit!


>Waited for the attack. The man pulled his pistol and grenades, but no destruction followed. Instead, the man’s limb froze up. Pangea held the man with her telekinesis. The man screamed in pain, loud enough to grab the attention of the Albian Crusaders and her presence.
>With her divination, she moved in before the man could act. Pangea jumped past the crowds and landed right in front of the man as he pulled two grenades. With a single twirl of Palatine, the grenade and the man’s hand dropped on the ground.
To get the latest update, don't forget to join the server!

>>With her divination, she moved in before the man could act. Pangea jumped past the crowds and landed right in front of the man as he pulled two grenades. With a single twirl of Palatine, the grenade and the man’s hand dropped on the ground.
>Waited for the attack. The man pulled his pistol and grenades, but no destruction followed. Instead, the man’s limb froze up. Pangea held the man with her telekinesis. The man screamed in pain, loud enough to grab the attention of the Albian Crusaders and her presence.
>>Waited for the attack. The man pulled his pistol and grenades, but no destruction followed. Instead, the man’s limb froze up. Pangea held the man with her telekinesis. The man screamed in pain, loud enough to grab the attention of the Albian Crusaders and her presence.
>With her divination, she moved in before the man could act. Pangea jumped past the crowds and landed right in front of the man as he pulled two grenades. With a single twirl of Palatine, the grenade and the man’s hand dropped on the ground.
>Waited for the attack. The man pulled his pistol and grenades, but no destruction followed. Instead, the man’s limb froze up. Pangea held the man with her telekinesis. The man screamed in pain, loud enough to grab the attention of the Albian Crusaders and her presence.
The soldier needs to learn to be more vigilant.
>Waited for their attack
>With her divination, she moved in before the man could act. Pangea jumped past the crowds and landed right in front of the man as he pulled two grenades. With a single twirl of Palatine, the grenade and the man’s hand dropped on the ground.
>Waited for the attack. The man pulled his pistol and grenades, but no destruction followed. Instead, the man’s limb froze up. Pangea held the man with her telekinesis. The man screamed in pain, loud enough to grab the attention of the Albian Crusaders and her presence.
>>Waited for the attack. The man pulled his pistol and grenades, but no destruction followed. Instead, the man’s limb froze up. Pangea held the man with her telekinesis. The man screamed in pain, loud enough to grab the attention of the Albian Crusaders and her presence.
>With her divination, she moved in before the man could act. Pangea jumped past the crowds and landed right in front of the man as he pulled two grenades. With a single twirl of Palatine, the grenade and the man’s hand dropped on the ground.
> Waited for the attack. The man pulled his pistol and grenades, but no destruction followed. Instead, the man’s limb froze up. Pangea held the man with her telekinesis. The man screamed in pain, loud enough to grab the attention of the Albian Crusaders and her presence.

Pangea waited for the attack. The man pulled his pistol and grenades, but no destruction followed. Instead, the man’s limb froze up. Pangea held the man with her telekinesis. The man screamed in pain, loud enough to grab the attention of the Albian Crusaders and her presence. The crowds formed an audience as the two crusaders rushed to the scene, then knelt once seeing the princess.

“Your eminence!” A crusader said.

“Get him chained up.”

The people watched the man be held down by an unknown force. The man’s arms bent at an odd shape, his legs folded curled up to his chest. The people of Verona knew this young woman, she was Princess of Mercy, for allowing the Capulets and the Montagues to live despite their infection of the dastardly psyker known as The Hermit.

“It’s her!” A man in the crowd said.

“That man could have kill the soldiers but she still spared him.”

“Pangea The Merciful!” Another whispered.

The crusaders quickly knocked the man out and wrapped heavy chains and clasped cuff on the man’s wrists. Luna returned to her side while Pangea moved her braid to her back. The arbitrator rushed back, the man dressed in a pristine blue uniform with a black cap.

“Your eminence!”

“Ah, Magistrate.” Pangea said.

The portly man knelt. “Thank you for your assistance. To think one of them escaped and came back here… I am ashamed to have you dirty your hands in this matter.”

“If not for your judge’s actions and heroism, I would agree with you. But your judge was helpful in my investigation, it’s only right I help an honorable man like him.” Pangea said. “Give my regards to Dredd, he was instrumental in my investigation and will be considered for an award. Without his notes this matter would have taken a long time too. Thankfully, this is over.”

The portly magistrate stood back up with a pained grunt.

“Of course of course, I assume you will be heading back to Terra?”

“If I am not sent out on another hunt, then yes.” Pangea said.

“My lady.”

The portly magistrate flinched from the voice behind. Diani’s silver eyes remained bright as ever but her hair was cut short. A bolt pistol dangled on her waist holster as she walked forward, her dull armor smoothly shifted with her movement in silence.

“Diani, is the paperwork taken care of?”

“Yes, my lady.” Diani said softly.

“Good, we return home, Terra at last.”

>“I promised Sanguinius to visit him first.”
>“Fulgrim for some reason wanted me to see him when I got home.”
>“Angron wanted to see me for some reason and I wanted to see him anyway.”
>“Horus said he has a surprise for me, I wonder what…”
Also for the anons who are joining us

Thread 1


Thread 2

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>“I promised Sanguinius to visit him first.”
A promise is a promise
Funny thing my prof was part of the vfx crew of Dredd and that movie is my top favorite
>“I promised Sanguinius to visit him first.”

What of our’s movies do you think the princess would enjoy?
+1. Would have gone with Horus but a promise's a promise. I hope we can see all of them before the next actioney phase, and maybe Alpharius and Magnus too if the two of them are still on Terra.
No shot! That's pretty awesome, I just watched Dredd the other day and it was actually pretty great. Didn't expect it to be so was quite pleasantly surprised. Tell your professor I thought the vfx were awesome, and properly brutal.
I'll be glad to. He's awesome. Sad that it won't see a sequel.
>“I promised Sanguinius to visit him first.”

Yeah gotta stick to our word
>“Angron wanted to see me for some reason and I wanted to see him anyway.”
Has Nuceria been razed yet?
>“Angron wanted to see me for some reason and I wanted to see him anyway.”

Let's see what big red is up to.

>Conan the Barbarian

The Emperor and Pangea spending some bonding time together.

"Pangea, would you like to hear a story of my time spent on ancient Terra when I was young? I think you'll enjoy it."
Mad Max: Fury Road or Kingdom of Heaven after getting over the religious parts. Maybe The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises.

Votes counted
I imaged that Big E had a large library that is just he’s cameos in historical pantings, pictures, news, movies, Ext.

‘’Ahh and the first Lunar war- look- you can see me in the background playing golf’’
The Chambers of Auspicious Conquerors.

This section of the Inner Palace was divided into twenty sections, each belonging to one primarch. Now, The Chambers of Auspicious Conquerors… still remained as twenty. Pangea’s new room however, was now loaded closer to the chambers. Pangea placed her weapons and armor to her personal armory with Diani’s assistance. After a quick shower she dressed into her mephiston red light gambeson with golden accents.

“Diani, you’re dismissed as well. Rest, you earned it.”

“But you’ll need a—”

“I’ll be fine.” Pangea said with a chuckle. “Go spend time with your family.”

“I…” Her head hung low. “I will, thank you.”

Under the bright sun, the auramite armor only on her right arm gleamed with pride. The path to Sanguinius’s chamber took a longer path, almost isolated from others for reasons she did not know though the isolating location did not deter her and her brothers from visiting him. Pangea stood in front of the double asymmetrical door gloriously decorated.

“Sanguinius?” Pangea knocked on the door. “It’s Pangea!”

The door opened.

“Sister!” Sanguinius said.

They shared a brief but heartful embrace.

“It’s been too long.” Sanguinius said. “I heard Marco Polo docked but I did not expect you to arrive today.”

“I promise, didn't I?”

Pangea entered a paint scented room. Yet, she did not find a painting but a blank canvas.

“What is this?” Pangea said confusedly.

“I already had a painting finished but I scrapped it. I thought for too long on what painting would be fitting for you. I found none. Our visions haunt us, and we fight against the future that will break humanity. We toil for the future, but we do not relish the present, that is why I want to paint you as you are now.” Sanguinius said.

Pangea saw the pain that only few could understand. The burden of the future. The uncertainty of the strands of destiny. The visions that no man could hold.

“Are you well?”

“I am.”

The lie was so easily seen by Pangea.

>Pangea chose to not pursue his pain but to alleviate it. “You said you wanted to paint me right? Do you have any poses?”
>“You’re not.” Pangea stepped closer and grabbed his hand. “I am the only person that understands, maybe Father but he’s… Father. Please tell me what’s wrong.”
>“You’re not.” Pangea stepped closer and grabbed his hand. “We agreed to share the burden of guiding humanity into a brighter future. Your pain is my pain, please tell me what’s wrong.” Pangea look up at her brother and smiles "And in return, I promise I'll paint a portrait of you, too.'
Let's not bring daddy issue into this, also keep things light and help him enjoy the moment.

We probably can't paint that well. But we shall try
>“You’re not.” Pangea stepped closer and grabbed his hand. “I am the only person that understands, maybe Father but he’s… Father. Please tell me what’s wrong.”
>Pangea chose to not pursue his pain but to alleviate it. “You said you wanted to paint me right? Do you have any poses?”
>>Pangea chose to not pursue his pain but to alleviate it. “You said you wanted to paint me right? Do you have any poses?”
>“You’re not.” Pangea stepped closer and grabbed his hand. “I am the only person that understands, maybe Father but he’s… Father. Please tell me what’s wrong.”
Actually change my vote to this.
Seconding this too.
>Pangea chose to not pursue his pain but to alleviate it. “You said you wanted to paint me right? Do you have any poses?”

>“You’re not.” Pangea stepped closer and grabbed his hand. “We agreed to share the burden of guiding humanity into a brighter future. Your pain is my pain, please tell me what’s wrong.” Pangea look up at her brother and smiles "And in return, I promise I'll paint a portrait of you, too.

This is a tough choice. Sanguinius handled his visions well enough. Accepting his possible fate but not diving headfirst into it. But getting him to open up now may help with Konrad and maybe others later. That boy ain't right.

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“You’re not.” Pangea stepped closer and grabbed his hand. “We agreed to share the burden of guiding humanity into a brighter future. Your pain is my pain, please tell me what’s wrong.” Pangea looked up at her brother and smiled, "And in return, I promise I'll paint a portrait of you, too.”

Sanguinius smiled weakly.

“You’re awful at painting.”

Pangea planted her fist on her hips. Her long ponytail whipped angrily like a cat’s tail.

“I’m not that bad.”

Sanguinius’s chuckles withered, his gaze stared at the blank canvas.

“It’s best if we sit first.”

Sanguinius’s personal chamber always impressed Pangea. The gold and white mixed with Baal’s tribalistic culture in a perfect harmony. Pangea sat on a white pelt covered chair, swishing the wine gently, indulging in the sweet and light scent of berries. Sanguinius’s goblet was filled with a dark red liquid, heavily scented with sweet flowers.

“So, what’s the problem?”

“I fear no one considers my visions sincerely. I do not wish to sound like some mad prophet but every time I speak with Father he does not seem to understand.”

“You know why.” Pangea said.

“Yes… but do you think that Father is underestimating our foresight?”

Pangeae shrugged, she sipped on her wine and smacked her lips.

“I don’t know. Have you ever been able to tell what Father was thinking?”

Sanguinius shook his head.


“Me neither. But I know Father wants best for humanity, I know that for certain. All we can do is support him as best as we can.”

Sanguinius’s head hung low. Pangea wrapped Sanguinius’s shoulder in her arms.

“I know it’s frustrating but you’ll always have me to talk to, you know that right?”

Sanguinius gently pulled Pangea in for a closer hug. His arms folded around Pangea’s tiny back. Regret and shame swelled in his heart, knowing that his little sister had to comfort him when it should have been the other way around.

“Thank you, Pangea. Thank you.”

The next day, Pangea visited…


Horus will be for later. Please vote for who you want to see or like, not for the meta. They'll all get a turn.
me likey
>Sanguinius’s goblet was filled with a dark red liquid, heavily scented with sweet flowers.
Man out here drinking blood
I mean- he is the son of Big E, I bet you if he asked for 30 gallons of Rnull he would get it that day.
I want to see the big red nerd.

Lets check on Angry boy
Ma boy fulgrim

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