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You are Uzumaki Naori, leader of the shinobi village of Amegakure. Before that you were widely regarded as one of the most powerful Commanders in the Allied Shinobi Forces, and before that you were known among those “in the know” as one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. But as of right now that honor goes to an organization calling itself ‘Kara’.

Fighting against Kara has been more of a frustration so far than anything else, and a generally unusual experience overall. While you and your own former comrades in Akatsuki were constantly engaging with the world, through mercenary work and through Kakuzu’s obsession with collecting bounties, Kara has made it their business model to lay low as much as possible. Even with Sasuke and international support from the Five Great Nations behind the effort, little progress was made until recently in terms of tracking down Kara’s “Inners”.

Interestingly enough it was your son who made the first breakthrough in identifying and intercepting a cyborg woman named Delta, who he brought you in to capture so as to avoid collateral damage. Then he ran into a former Inner named Ōga while on an undercover escort mission – of all things, during a school field trip. That would probably be hilarious had it not presented such a high risk of things going horribly, horribly wrong had it been a different combination of Kara and jōnin. Thankfully, Ōga surrendered herself into custody and agreed to emotional counseling to help her cope with the mild brain damage she suffered in her final hours before leaving Kara.

“So yeah, that’s where we’re at,” you sigh, after recounting recent events to Fū. “Dragging them all out one at a time and dealing with them has worked so far, so we’re gonna try it again.”

“Lemme get this straight,” Fū crosses her arms. “We’re gonna take an armored train.”

“Regular one won’t do, so yeah.”

“And we’re gonna pretend to be moving two prisoners to Amegakure,” she continues.


“So we can force Kara to try and get them back.”

“We’re assuming it’ll work,” you shrug. “But yeah. That’s the plan.”

“And this’ll probably wreck the train.”


“That sounds…”

… yes?

“… like an AWESOME plan!” Fū shouts excitedly. “I’m going with you, right? Please tell me I’m going with you!?”
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You can’t help but laugh out loud, drawing some stares from the shinobi around her who have been helping process the former employees of Victor’s company… how long has it been since you’ve been on an adventure like this with Fū? Too long, too long. “Yeah, that was definitely part of the plan. I need people I can count on for this one, and I can’t think of many people I’d rather leave my back to.”

Fū doesn’t really answer you so much as she does that wordless excited squee thing she does.

“Keep this in mind though,” you continue, “one of the possible members we’d be trapping has a weird ability. You’ll need to use Chōmei’s chakra cloak to protect yourself.”

“Yeah?” she asks curiously. “What is it?”

“Some kind of viral cloud apparently,” you explain. “Think of it like a poison cloud.”

“Hmmm,” she replies, stroking her chin for emphasis. “I see, I see. Can you protect yourself?”

“Pretty sure ‘Storm Sage’ mode will do the trick,” you answer. “I can probably extend it to protect one more person in close range.”

“Which with your hiraishin can mean anything,” she guesses your own thoughts.

“Pretty much. See that’s what I’m going for – you’re not a clone of me so you think differently and have different abilities, but we can anticipate each other. Not quite like we’re sharing the same set of braincells, but as close as two people can get to it.”

“So who’s our third?” Fū asks. “I’m assuming we’re taking a third?”

… the one person you immediately rule out is, sadly, Yugito. Seeing as you can’t say for certain what your enemy’s long term plan is you might be walking into a trap if you take two jinchuriki along for this particular ride.

>I was thinking Sasuke. His abilities may be very useful, especially the partial susanō’ō which can seal out poisons and gasses.
>Probably going to go with Karin. Same trust as with you, but with Uzumaki fūinjutsu capabilities that could come in handy.
>I was thinking about bringing Ryūzetsu. She’s one of the VERY few people who can synchronize with my senjutsu chakra.
>>I was thinking Sasuke. His abilities may be very useful, especially the partial susanō’ō which can seal out poisons and gasses.
cool guy
How about a really unexpected person, someone no one would actually think about:
Our old partner, Sasori of the red sand.
would he even agree to it, he's kinda retired
I can't say for certain, but i bet he would like to get rid of any underground organizations with a size like Kara that could get in his way.
And since their long term goals are uncertain being proactive makes sense.
Another point is that it could provide him some leeway with the shinobi alliance or just Naori, a favor he can cash in when necessary.
Or one could appeal to his more traditional sensibilites, proving without a shadow of a doubt that technological ninja tools can't hold a candle to the 'proper arts. It also gives him a chance to test any recent inventions he is proud of.
>I was thinking about bringing Ryūzetsu. She’s one of the VERY few people who can synchronize with my senjutsu chakra.

>>I was thinking Sasuke. His abilities may be very useful, especially the partial susanō’ō which can seal out poisons and gasses.
alright, give me a roll here
>1d6, best three of four
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Your first thought is, quite honestly, Sasuke. His skillset is extraordinary and includes the susanō’ō which serves to filter poisons and should work the same against viruses. But then another thought hits your brain, much like a pigeon hitting a closed window. The thought?

Puppets can’t get sick.

Normally that realization might not help you. In fact, had you made that observation to most people they would look at you as if you had suddenly turned into an idiot. Everyone knows that any ‘puppet’ must by commonly-accepted definitions have a ‘puppet-master’, who is typically vulnerable to many of the things to which a puppet is not. Fortunately, Akatsuki never did adhere to conventional definitions.

“You look the same as ever,” you greet your host cheerfully. “Sasori-senpai.”

“Naori-san,” he replies in a calm tone, almost to the point of being mechanical. “How is the family?”

“Bout the same,” you reply. “Wife’s fine. Kids finding their way in the world.”

“That’s nice.”

“Yeah, so I thought you didn’t like kids?”

“I don’t,” Sasori admits. “I tolerate yours.”

“That’s as close to a compliment as you ever give.”

“So what brings the two of you here?” he asks, eyeing Fū warily. He doesn’t ever hide inside the bigger puppet that Sakura broke into a million pieces all those years ago anymore – not like Fū would recognize him anyway.

“I have a mission in mind,” you tell him. “To take out a member of Kara or two.”

Sasori-han’s workshop is small and isolated, in a small clearing deep in a rather large forest, though it’s not difficult to find if you know what to look for and who to ask. It’s little more than a small barn, with doors that slide on a metal track outside the main workshop and a smaller room with a slightly lower roof ridge where you gather Sasori rests when he’s not working. Outside are several kilns and wood piles, while inside there is a forge, along with various shop machinery with cutting edges, belts, and so on. For guests at least, there seems to be nowhere to sit.

His eyes betray no emotion as he questions you from his own chair, which appears to be hand-carved. “And why would you imagine that I would be interested in playing along?”
“Because I know you,” you reply, allowing yourself a little bit of a smirk. “You know, we’ve captured two of them so far.”

“I’ve heard,” Sasori counters, not even hiding the fact that he apparently still has contacts among the five great nations.

“So yeah, one of them is Ōga-han,” you continue. “A puppeteer.”

“You don’t say.”

You nod. “Apparently they thought of her as ‘weak’ for using such ‘antiquated’ techniques.”

“… you don’t say.”

That got him.

“Yeah, they only really seem to put much stock in scientific tools.”

Sasori-han’s expression actually betrays a real emotion – annoyance, unless you’re terribly mistaken.

“I assume you have a plan that involves something only I can do?”

>One of them uses viruses, which is why your skills are helpful.
>We need bodies. How many puppets can you transform at once?
>Lay out your whole plan, see if Sasori has any insight.
>>Lay out your whole plan, see if Sasori has any insight.
We ask for his help and he has informants that could eventually get him the whole truth anyway, might as well make use of his experience.
>>Lay out your whole plan, see if Sasori has any insight.
>Lay out your whole plan, see if Sasori has any insight.
>>Lay out your whole plan, see if Sasori has any insight.

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