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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 758. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.


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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After defeating Majin Ozotto and returning to training, Karn was called to the realm of King Cold by none other than Cooler. Emperor of the Universe. Where Freeza declared his intent before Whis, Destroyer's attendant and Kars and the Supreme Kai-in-training Kars. Only for this meeting and meal to be interrupted by time invaders, two machines, an Imperfect version of Cell, and a super-powerful Mira. Upon beating them, with help from Golden Freeza and Meloka, their masters, a Towa wielding a power and form you've never seen before along with that cloaked figure appeared. Retreating as soon as they came when Mechikabura and the Time Patrol arrived. Freeza then departed, Karn offering his spot as training partner to Cooler before returning home. Relaying this to his family over the supper table, then watching the sun set before heading off to bed. But as we rejoin Karn, the sun rises on a new day as you're asleep in your bed.

“Karn.” a voice says, clear as day in your dreamless sleep. But this voice wakes you almost instantly, eyes opening. Immediately you see no one awake around, your wife asleep on your right and Towa to your left, both women sleeping on you. Blinking in the early morning light, you wonder if the voice was all in your head. But after another moment the voice returns, you able to recognize them as someone calls to you telepathically. “Karn, can you hear me? Are you awake?”
“I am now.” you reply to your planet's Guardian, Raven. Immediately you feel a knot of worry in your guts, if she's calling to you this early there's got to be something going on. “What's going on?”
“Sorry to wake you, but I need you.” she answers, you getting a small taste of her worry, sensing fear from her. “It's Maza.”

“Maza?” you wonder, mumbling your eldest half-demon son's name as you expand your ki sense. And, sure enough, you sense Maza's energy by Raven's own. Flared up quite a bit, his energy also feels... Agitated. As if he's barely restraining himself, keeping his power under wraps. “What's going on?”
“You need to talk to him, talk some sense into him. Before I have to... Handle him.” Raven tells you, explaining nothing and everything at the same time. You have a good idea now what the situation looks like, leaving you with just one choice:

What do you do?
>Telepathically reach out to Maza, talk with him and see what he's doing and thinking of doing that he's confronting Raven
>Wake Towa and telepathically fill her in, see how she wants to handle this. He's her son too after all, and if he's acting up she should have a say
>Telepathically tell her and him both, linking to him as well to wait for you, sneak out of bed and teleport over to confront the situation directly
>Other(write in)
>Wake Towa and telepathically fill her in, see how she wants to handle this. He's her son too after all, and if he's acting up she should have a say
>Wake Towa and telepathically fill her in, see how she wants to handle this. He's her son too after all, and if he's acting up she should have a say
>Wake Towa and telepathically fill her in, see how she wants to handle this. He's her son too after all, and if he's acting up she should have a say
Oh for Christ's sake Maza!
>Wake Towa and telepathically fill her in, see how she wants to handle this. He's her son too after all, and if he's acting up she should have a say
>Wake Towa and telepathically fill her in, see how she wants to handle this. He's her son too after all, and if he's acting up she should have a say
Oh boy drama
Wake Towa and telepathically fill her in, see how she wants to handle this. He's her son too after all, and if he's acting up she should have a say wins unanimaously. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: ??
Rolled 98, 52 = 150 (2d100)

Rolling to dad
Rolled 46, 22 = 68 (2d100)

Rolled 94, 54 = 148 (2d100)

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98/100, 54/100. Great success and mid mystery, writing.
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“We'll be right there.” you reply, ending the link with a flash of what you're planning. Then, with your left reach up, gently shaking Towa. Who grumbles in her sleep a moment, snuggling closer to you for a moment before her eyes wearily open.
“Karn? Whaaa....?” she asks sleepily, you reaching to her telepathically. Quickly filling her in on what Raven had told you. You see her expression go from sleepy to annoyed, to a hint of worry, quickly getting up and calling her discarded suit to her with her magic. Her skin tight clothes put themselves on her as you gently lift Meloka with telekinesis, slipping your right arm out from under her before sneaking up out of bed yourself. Your wife grumbles in her sleep, but then goes still, back to lightly snoring. Letting her rest, you nod to Towa, who silently fires a Clothes Beam at you. Putting your training suit on as you raist your right hand, focusing on Maza's agitated ki. Towa grabs your left arm, and then you're gone. Leaving your bedroom behind, instantly teleporting to the Guardian's Island. Where Maza is pacing back and forth before Raven, who hasn't gotten up from her spot hovering above the rock, trying to meditate.

“-on't just let me go! It will only take an hour, tops, and I KNOW you can take me to the Otherworld check in station!” he's shouting, the volume causing your left eye to twitch. “Let me go and claim my birthright, and not be-!”

But as he turns, Maza freezes, seeing you and his mother standing there. Shocked into silence, no doubt not expecting the two of you to be up so early.

“Your birthright? Don't tell me you're wanting to challenge your uncle?” Towa asks him, Maza not backing down. “Didn't I already tell you why this would be a bad idea? Did you even LISTEN to me?”
“Mother, it's time. I cannot stay here forever, I must fulfill my destiny.” he says, sounding surprisingly resolute. “King Vegeta showed me that I am not fit to be ruler of this place, so I must find my own kingdom to rule. And as your son that gives me a legitimate claim to the Demon Realm, one which I intend to inherit.”
“You've never even BEEN to the Demon Realm, you have no idea what you're talking about! Fool boy, you have no-”

“Because you never let me!” he shoots back, fire in his tone now. Surprising Towa, causing her to take a startled step back. “My entire life you've kept me secreted away, not letting me experience the world but through a screen or the scrying orb! And now you're STILL holding me back! I could go and BE someone, to achieve something, but you won't let me! I'm so sick and tired of being leashed!”

Some of my art is very out of date
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His outburst causes his aura to blaze angrily around him, eyes glowing with fury as he stares Towa down. Seemingly forgetting you are there at all, directing his anger at his mother. Silence hangs over the island, the only sounds the ocean breeze and the waves washing over the shore. You glance to Towa, to try and take a cue from her, but she looks... Hurt. Like you've not seen before, tears welling up in her eyes she refuses to let fall. And seeing that, you feel something well up within you. Anger. Furious you turn, Maza's attention instantly snapping to you as you take a threatening step forward.

“That. Is. Enough.” you say to him, fighting a moment to keep your anger in check before continuing. “You will lower your tone, and speak respectfully to your mother. Or I will make you. Do I make myself clear?”

This causes him to take a step back, uncertainty on his face before you see something harden there. Something defiant, and determined. In a flash he ascends, taking on his strongest form. His Primal Demon form.

“This isn't about you, father. You didn't raise me, you weren't even around for most of my life! Butt out Karn!” he replies with a shout, making his stance clear as his demonic aura blazes. You aren't sure where all this defiance is coming from, but one thing is almost certain: he's not backing down without a fight.

So? How do you handle this situation? What do you do?
>Power up into your Berserker God form, he's not backing down until you make him by force
>Tell him that he's free to go, free to leave New Salda whenever he wants. But if he doesn't apologize for how he spoke to his mother, sincerely, then he won't be welcome back
>Sit down in front of him and tell him to sit as well, to talk this out and actually solve the issue here instead of beating him into submission
>Ask Raven to send him, let him go. When he asks to come back, you can have it out with him then. No point arguing with someone who won't listen
>Other(write in)
>Sit down in front of him and tell him to sit as well, to talk this out and actually solve the issue here instead of beating him into submission
Come on Maza, you're smarter than this.
>Sit down in front of him and tell him to sit as well, to talk this out and actually solve the issue here instead of beating him into submission
>Sit down in front of him and tell him to sit as well, to talk this out and actually solve the issue here instead of beating him into submission
>>Sit down in front of him and tell him to sit as well, to talk this out and actually solve the issue here instead of beating him into submission
>You didn't raise me, you weren't even around for most of my life! Butt out Karn!”
Try not to cry
Cry a lot.
I love you son.

I want to do a dad write in, but i honestly dont know what to say, or how to say it in a fast enough time frame.

>Sit down in front of him and tell him to sit as well, to talk this out and actually solve the issue here instead of beating him into submission
>>Sit down in front of him and tell him to sit as well, to talk this out and actually solve the issue here instead of beating him into submission
time to dad.
Sit down in front of him and tell him to sit as well, to talk this out and actually solve the issue here instead of beating him into submission wins unanimously. You'll certainly catch Maza by surprise with this one, roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 25
Second DC: 60
Third DC: ???
Rolled 73, 46, 13 = 132 (3d100)

only crits
Rolled 99, 84, 100 = 283 (3d100)

Times like this, I wish we had a bottle of good liquor on hand.
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Rolled 56, 77, 99 = 232 (3d100)

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99/100, 84/100, CRIT/100. Special success, success and a crit. Well, looks like Maza will learn today. Writing.
dad rolls man. they just hit different

Have to run for about an hour, niece's first birthday is being celebrated today so I need to be there. Should be around half an hour to an hour, then getting back and writing will put this next update around an hour and a half to two hours from now, so expect this next update to drop around 4:40pm EST.

Yes they do.
Steak time it is. Go wish your niece a happy birthday GD.
Going a bit longer than expected, just now finishing up. Next post in roughly 45-50 minutes
The other thread is still on page 3 dude.
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“Maza, that's enough.” you say with a sigh, and to his clear surprise instead of powering up as well you sit down. Crossing your legs you sit on the sand, resting your hands on your knees. “Sit, and let's talk.”
“I...Uh...What?” he asks, deflating a bit in confusion. Having been clearly ready for a fight, seeing you NOT go to fight him, he's left unsure. “Karn?”
“Come on, relax and take a seat. You're right, I haven't always been there for you. Thanks to a certain Time Kai, I missed quite a lot of your life, son. So, why don't we sit and talk? If we can't figure this out together, we can always fight it out later.”

Towa, after a moment of silence sits down beside you as well without another word. Maza, seeing this, sighs out, powering back down and sitting directly across from you. He still looks annoyed, but you can also see the curiosity in his eyes. Wondering what it is you know, why you chose to talk instead of simply exerting your will. After all you are far stronger than him, and last time he tried defying you you'd overpowered and outlasted his power despite the strength gap. So, seeing you not trying this again has him wondering.

“Good. So, what's going on, son?” you ask him, your voice genuine and curious. “What's all this about your own kingdom to rule?”
“You know I have been challenging King Vegeta for his throne, but yesterday I realized something. I'm not a Saiyan, not wholly. I see that now.” he says to you, looking down at his hands, sounding... Well, something. You aren't sure what, but there's something in his tone. “Even if I beat him, even though you and I share blood, the other Saiyans won't accept me as their king. They would... Tolerate me, at best.”
“Tolerate you? Why wouldn't they accept you?” you ask him, to which Maza raises his gaze to your own. And for the first time you see something in his eyes, something you hadn't expected. Pain.

“They already drove Milha off. Sure, things worked out for her, but... You fought so hard for these ungrateful bastards, these sons of bitches, only for them to drive your own daughter away. And yet you didn't do anything more than threaten them.” he says, hurt in his voice as he goes on. “I tried to be better, to set an example and show them who we are, to take the high road. But you don't hear them. Here, on your little island away from the others, you don't hear what people say. How they talk about my siblings and I.”

Your son saying this makes your brows furrow, seeing no hint of deception in his expression. But if what he's saying is true, you may have misjudged your own people. And may have to do something about this opinion. Before you can think on this any further, he continues.

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“Koruza quit going to the mainland entirely, unless he's going to your training you hold there. He didn't want to hurt anyone else.” Maza continues, a hint of anger in his voice. “You weren't here on planet when those bastards jumped him. The ones you threatened after what they did to Milha. They tried to take out you embarrassing them on him. And, well. Dark Rider killed them. Every last one, driving them to madness and causing their hearts to stop in terror. Not even Caulifla could save them, not that they deserved to live. Koruza's going to come to you soon, if not today and ask to go live with his sister. He doesn't want to stay here anymore.”

Silence hangs heavy between you, you had no idea any of this was going on. Your anger surges, clenching your fists so tight you feel your joints pop, only for Tow to lay a hand on your shoulder. Causing you to turn your focus to her, relaxing a moment which causes your surging aura to calm. But you are anything but calm, a raging inferno of outrage burning inside you. Forcing you to hold up a hand to him, laying your hands palms-up on your knees, taking a deep, slow calming breath. Slowly exhaling, you get yourself back under control, meeting your son's gaze once more.

“Why? Why didn't you tell me this was happening?” you ask him, Maza blinking in response. “You know I love you and your siblings, if you would have come to me sooner with this I could have done something about it.”
“Like what?” he asks you, a bitter note to his voice. But now you understand his anger, you understand why he's bitter about this. You get it. “What would you have done? What COULD you have done?!”
“Not left you both feeling so alone.” you answer, pushing yourself up to your knees. And taking short knee-steps over go to your son, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him to your chest. “I'm sorry, Maza.”

Your answer stops him, and after a moment feel him begin to shake. Your son actually starts to sob, reaching out and clinging to you, as if trying to hold himself to this world as he collapses into a sobbing mess. You hold your son, feeling miserable that you let them down. That you didn't even realize what they were going through, despite their sister encountering the exact same thing. You'd thought the issue resolved, that your appearance would have settled things. But it seems that is not the case at all.

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However, you can deal with all that later, focusing on the son in your arms now as he cries. You make out through the tears that he was going to try and make a kingdom for his siblings where they wouldn't be treated like this, that they would be hailed as royalty and not spurned as outcasts. And it all makes sense now. Why Maza was trying so hard to replace Vegeta, and now to leave this world behind, to establish a new rule elsewhere. And can't really blame him.

But as you hold him, you turn your gaze to Towa. Who seems very upset, lip curled in disgust as her hands clench unconsciously. She's furious, and would no doubt seek vengeance had Koruza not already killed those bastards himself.

What now? You know the WHY of Maza's actions, but what will you do about them?
>Ask Towa if, now knowing everything, she'll begin instructing Maza. Teaching him everything he needs to know on ruling the Demon Realm as its new ruler. As Princess herself, she no doubt knows, and when the time comes and he's ready to rule, THEN you'll come witness his challenge in person
>Tell your son that you're going to handle this, Instant Transmission to King Vegeta and tell him everything that happened. And ask what he plans on doing to prevent this from happening in the future. That you'll have to take actions directly if he doesn't prevent this sort of thing
>Use your connection to New Salda to telepathically reach out to each and every single living being on New Salda all at once, warn them that if ANYONE tries to attack or belittle your children because of their heritage, they will have to take it up with you personally. Then power up to Berserker God while connected, show them all just how powerful you are. Fear is an excellent motivator, after all, and they live only at your mercy
>Other(write in)
45 minute vote, since this took longer than expected
>>Use your connection to New Salda to telepathically reach out to each and every single living being on New Salda all at once, warn them that if ANYONE tries to attack or belittle your children because of their heritage, they will have to take it up with you personally. Then power up to Berserker God while connected, show them all just how powerful you are. Fear is an excellent motivator, after all, and they live only at your mercy
Fuck it, it's not subtle, but it should prevent anybody else from taking shots at our kids in the meantime.
Also we're moving off of this fuckass little island and taking residence in the city immediately. Being insulated like this is how these problems crop up without us noticing.
>Use your connection to New Salda to telepathically reach out to each and every single living being on New Salda all at once, warn them that if ANYONE tries to attack or belittle your children because of their heritage, they will have to take it up with you personally. Then power up to Berserker God while connected, show them all just how powerful you are. Fear is an excellent motivator, after all, and they live only at your mercy
>Tell your son that you're going to handle this, Instant Transmission to King Vegeta and tell him everything that happened. And ask what he plans on doing to prevent this from happening in the future. That you'll have to take actions directly if he doesn't prevent this sort of thing
I think that showing Maza the ropes to royalty would be a great idea. He has the motivation, but just needs the experience. Conquering a planet or two should be a good start. But with that said:
>Use your connection to New Salda to telepathically reach out to each and every single living being on New Salda all at once, warn them that if ANYONE tries to attack or belittle your children because of their heritage, they will have to take it up with you personally. Then power up to Berserker God while connected, show them all just how powerful you are. Fear is an excellent motivator, after all, and they live only at your mercy
Those fucking faggots. You SEEN what we do to people who hurt our family, right? Saiyan blood or not, your shit WILL get fucked up, and next time you wont be lucky enough to get a warning.
>Use your connection to New Salda to telepathically reach out to each and every single living being on New Salda all at once, warn them that if ANYONE tries to attack or belittle your children because of their heritage, they will have to take it up with you personally. Then power up to Berserker God while connected, show them all just how powerful you are. Fear is an excellent motivator, after all, and they live only at your mercy
This is the perfect Sith action.
Use your connection to New Salda to telepathically reach out to each and every single living being on New Salda all at once, warn them that if ANYONE tries to attack or belittle your children because of their heritage, they will have to take it up with you personally. Then power up to Berserker God while connected, show them all just how powerful you are. Fear is an excellent motivator, after all, and they live only at your mercy wins it. Roll me a 10d100.
Rolled 71, 78, 69, 32, 98, 27, 17, 45, 36, 66 = 539 (10d100)

Rolled 95, 49, 65, 71, 71, 51, 78, 49, 85, 42 = 656 (10d100)

Is this gonna be BO4 since we're going Berserker God midway through the action?
Rolled 8, 18, 90, 99, 40, 42, 12, 84, 6, 68 = 467 (10d100)

This is an idea that surely won't have any negative outcomes, no sir .
Rolled 13, 50, 95, 78, 59, 40, 41, 57, 28, 35 = 496 (10d100)

Just for funsies. This is but a fraction of our mad.
Rolled 45, 46, 82, 46, 29, 69, 30, 60, 13, 17 = 437 (10d100)

Honestly surprised we didn't roll another nat 1 or 100
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Best of 4 because of Berserker God, now let's see what we have:
95/100, 78/100, 95/100, 99/100, 98/100, 51/100, 78/100, 84/100, 85/100, 68/100. Which gives us a grand total of 831/1000. Most impressive, seems people get the message. Even those who can't naturally sense ki are about to get a lesson, writing.
EVERYONE will remember that
Have we ever gone Champion Berserker God before now? Eager to see the results.
No. And oh, you'll see. EVERYONE will see...
Why do you think that last Aku looks so threatening?
Have you seen what an angry planet looks like?

man, those wookies are about to have a bad time and they didn't even do anything.
>man, those Wookies are about to have a bad time and they didn't even do anything.
They've been stealing corpses and abducting children, they deserve much more than just a good scare.
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But you're furious. How DARE those bastards attack YOUR family! Do they just not know what you've done, what you have sacrificed? You feel your anger rising, your desire to ACT, to DO something about this! But what? From what Maza said, those who'd dared already passed, no doubt witnessing horrors only he can manifest before they perished. But they no doubt have friends, family who will seek revenge against your family. Despite the fact it was those fools actions that directly led to their ends. But what do you do? How can you make this right?

“Perhaps it isn't about making things right? But more... Proactive, preventative measures?” the voice of Bane, the ancient Sith whose holocron you'd claimed long ago says into your mind. His image appearing at your right shoulder as you hold your son. “Such transgressions will only continue, unless you make a stand. Make it clear to them that any further acts will face the harshest retribution. Show them, show them all that you can find them, each and every one no matter where they hide. Make them all feel unsafe risking acting against any of your family, no matter where they are.”
“You know, you might be right.” you reply aloud, seeing Towa's head turn, looking for whoever you're talking to. But you need your space, patting your son on the back twice before disengaging the hug. He looks up as you rise to your feet, taking a couple steps back. “Leave this to me.”

Before you act on the rapidly-forming plan in your mind, you call over to Raven, the Guardian turning her gaze to you.

“You may want to shield your mind from this. I'm going to make a rather... Loud, announcement.” you say, feeling her mind press against your own. And as if sensing what you're about to do she nods once, forming a sphere of her dark energy around herself without a word. Nodding to her you then reach out, directly to the planet itself. “New Salda! I need you!”
WHAT IS IT, MY CHAMPION? WHAT TROUBLE COMES?” comes the booming response, New Salda's voice having not grown any less massive in all the time you've been Champion.

“I need to make a new rule known. To everyone.” you tell the embodiment of your world, filling it in on your plan. To which you can feel the ancient world's furious agreement, your planet siding with you. Feeling your mind connecting with New Salda's essence, your mind expands. No longer do you only feel your own body, but every single other living being on the planet. From the strongest fighters to the smallest sea life, from the oldest trees on the surface to the two newborn Jiralhanae, your mind can feel them all. And, for the first time, you use this link to make THEM all feel. Sending a message, loud and clear to every single other living being on this planet.

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“Attention, everyone! I am General Karn.” you think, feeling every mind on the world reacting individually to your thoughts. Those asleep all wake, everyone 'hearing' what you have to tell them. “Many of you may know me, but for those of you who don't, I am the single-strongest warrior on this planet. And it has come to my attention recently that some of you are ungrateful for me saving your lives. That despite me saving you from the Covenant, or that demon bastard Trigon, or those giant lizard machines, or countless other threats, that SOME of you have been harassing my family. Attacking them for the nature of their birth, for who their mother is simply because she isn't one of us. And that shit stops. Today.”


Clenching your fists, you allow your rage to spike, Berserker power to surge as you ascend. Transforming yourself into your Berserker God form, forcing each and every single living being to FEEL the difference between themselves and you. Even those who cannot sense energy are forced to feel how powerful you are, how easily you could crush each and every one of them.

“I saved you all because you are my people, but they are my family. They come before you, period. If I EVER, EVER hear that any of you ungrateful bastards try to hurt any of my family from this day on; my wife, children, grandchildren, or anyone else close to me. This universe isn't big enough to hide you from me: no matter where you run, no matter where you hide, I will find you. And I will make you BEG me for death. This is your first, only, and final warning. If you have a problem with this, with any of them, you take it up with me or shut your damn mouth and keep it to yourself. I will not repeat myself.”

And with that you end the mental link, ending the connection to everyone through New Salda before addressing the planet itself.

“Thank you, that should be all for now.” you tell New Salda, who answers back in its usual booming voice.
BE WELL, MY CHAMPION.” New Salda replies, you both mutually ending the link. You then sigh and power back down, returning to your base form and opening your eyes. Only to see the Sith phantom before you.
“Well done. THAT was a fine threat.” Bane says, his phantom nodding approvingly before fading away. Only for you to see behind where his image had been are Towa and Maza both looking a bit spooked.

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“What?” you ask them, both looking at you as if they're seeing a ghost. They each blink several times, as if shaking off a brain-rattling punch.
“Karn, what the hell? What is going on?” Meloka asks as she appears between you and them via Instant Transmission. Not even bothering to dress, her face only a foot from your. “What in the world was that?!”
“I had to send out a message.” you tell her, filling her in on what Maza told you, as well as what continued to happen after Milha's departure to Maza and Koruza. Including your youngest half-demon son murdering the rest when they attacked him. But, at this news she doesn't even seem surprised, as if she already knew of it. “I will NOT tolerate people attacking my children.”

“I'm not talking about that. I'm asking what happened to your power?” she asks you, catching you by surprise. “How in the world did you get that powerful?”
“What? What do you mean?” you ask her, confused. But before she can answer, Towa recovers enough to speak.
“When you transformed, your power. It... It didn't grow linerally, like usual. Your growth felt... Exponential.” Towa says, her tone awed. You turn to her, seeing both her and Maza looking at you differently. Even a bit worriedly, your eldest half-demon son looking nervous at you. “Even I felt very small compared to that power you just showed.”
“I didn't feel any different.” you reply, confused. Wondering if that was something New Salda had done, or if the Berserker God power reacts differently with your Champion power than the previous, weaker forms? But such questioning is for later, as before you can ponder it further-

Well? Choose your destiny(Pick one)
>A massive powerlevel suddenly appears right by you to your left
>You sense a pair of powerful ki signatures rapidly approaching New Salda
>King Vegeta IV reaches out directly to you telepathically
>King Vegeta IV reaches out directly to you telepathically
I imagine Vegeta might be more than a little concerned after our proclamation.
>A massive powerlevel suddenly appears right by you to your left
Someone REALLY strong wants to tango? Someone much stronger than Golden Cooler and Frieza? Because we just showed a level of power dangerously close to Beerus' own?
I say let them fucking come.
>A massive powerlevel suddenly appears right by you to your left
The universe needs a reminder.
>>King Vegeta IV reaches out directly to you telepathically
>A massive powerlevel suddenly appears right by you to your left
Fuck it, we already missed our morning workout. Might as well make up for it with an impromptu ass-whooping.
Rolled 4 (1d7)

And in a narrow tiebreaking win thanks to our 1pbtid, A massive powerlevel suddenly appears right by you to your left wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 55
Second DC: 80
Third DC: 45
Rolled 46, 1, 99 = 146 (3d100)

Rolled 92, 86, 9 = 187 (3d100)

We're boned lmao
No, you save us
Oh shit we're back kek
Rolled 57, 3, 9 = 69 (3d100)

Rolled 67, 4, 92 = 163 (3d100)

What has been happening while I was at work.
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92/100, 86/100, 99/100. Success, Success, and special success, writing! Time to get to training with your new sparring partner
>your new sparring partner
>only one person aside from Cooler heard about our sparring partner problem
>massive power level
Place your bets folks, place your bets!
My money is on Ubo!
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There WAS one other person who might have been around to hear about it as well.
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It's obviously someone back from hell and now a true devil
I'll back Ubo coming to visit.
-suddenly you sense an absolutely massive powerlevel appear beside you. With only a moment to react you focus on the signature, recognizing who that powerlevel belongs to. And as you smirk they appear, the towering golden figure of Cooler has arrived.

“Well well, glad to see you take me up on my offer.” you say, reaching out and offering Cooler a hand. Which he looks at disdainfully, only giving you a small nod instead before answering.
“Don't get the wrong idea. I am not here to partake in your pathetic 'training'. I have only come to show my dominance and prove to Father that I train better on my own.” Cooler replies, trying to sound bigger than he is. But you can see it in the way he holds himself that he's not being entirely honest. If you're judging him right, you think he's rather eager to get to it.
“Well then, follow me and we'll get started.” you tell him, Meloka teleporting back to your home to get dressed before joining you both as you take to the air. “Not here, the shock waves cause too much damage without anything nearby to absorb the force.”

“Show the way.” Cooler responds, you turning to Maza and giving him what you hope is an encouraging look before flying off, leading Cooler to the training grounds where you and his brother so often sparred. Flying down you land in the middle of the clearing, Cooler landing a short hop away from you with his golden aura blazing. “So. What is first, for this so-called 'training'?”
“I told you yesterday, Freeza was my sparring partner.” you reply, ascending back up into your Berserker God form. Aura blazing around you as you take your fighting stance. “No killing blows and no maiming, everything else is free game. We'll go for as long as you can.”

“As long as -I- can? Quite confident in yourself, aren't-?” he starts asking, only to suddenly blur forward. Swinging with a lightspeed right aimed at your jaw, trying to hit you before you could ready yourself. But from the moment you landed you were ready, raising your left and blocking his strike square on the back of your forearm. Completely stopping Cooler, causing a powerful shock wave from the impact. It rips through the clearing, slamming into the trees and causing the ancient wood to bend, but they absorb quite a lot of the impact. Keeping the powerful force of the blows here from reaching any of the cities, or the sea. Last thing you need is kicking up a powerful tsunami and flooding out your own home. “We. Tch.”

“Oh, this is gonna be fun.

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“HRRAAA!” you shout, shoving Cooler off and going on the offensive with a heavy right of your own. Freeza's Golden brother raises his left, catching your fist in his smaller hand. But his power is noticeably higher than his brother's, as Freeza wouldn't even attempt such a block. Yet Cooler does, stopping your blow and retaliating with a left side kick at your guts. Raising your right, you catch his strike with your knee. Knocking you off your feet, Cooler firing a blast of energy from his right up at you with a shout.
“SHYAAAAA!” Cooler cries out, you raising your arms and legs you make yourself a smaller target just at his golden wave engulfs you. His attack is powerful, the energy sending you flying even further back into the air. He ends the attack after a second, dashing back in at you as you reach out, catching his right fist with your own. Your knuckles slam into his, firing off another powerful shock wave as you stop his advance. “Tch! HRAAAAAA!!”

Pulling back his right he swings with a left, which you also meet fist-to-fist. Three times you both swing into each other's punches, then fire off a barrage of faster strikes. No longer trying to overpower the other, but instead to out-speed. Which you meet head-on, firing as many punches as quickly as you can, trying your best to match his pace. However, you realize after only a couple seconds that he's noticeably faster than you when it comes to attack speed. For every twelve punches you throw he fires off seventeen, some of which you just aren't fast enough to answer. For six seconds or so you both hover toe-to-toe, neither giving an inch under the ferocious onslaught.

Then, as you fire a left he fires a right, fists slipping past each other and slamming into jaws. Staggering you and the emperor, knocking you both back. Flipping back you drop down to the ground, landing on your feet to see Cooler do the same, taking a more defensive fighting posture. In fact, as you look at him, it seems that Cooler has been taking notes from Hit of all people, mirroring his narrow, defensive stance. Elbows in, fists up, his stance looks almost identical to the Sixth Universe's most dangerous assassin.

“Heh. Not bad. You're pretty quick.” you say, retaking your own fighting stance. This is going to be good. He's got a speed edge, yet you think you have a very slight edge in power right now.

But what now?
>Rush and attack with Djem So, overpower him and counter his shots to make his speed edge useless
>Activate your Energy Body then rush in, with your ki armor tanking the power of his hits you can focus fully on the offensive
>Defend, let him come at you. He's faster, which means he'll be able to push you defensively even harder than Freeza could
>Leap into the air and try to keep him back with your energy attacks. He's fast, so you'll have to either predict him or use wide area attacks to keep him at bay
>Energy Body and defend, gesture for him to come at you. This'll get him mad, but could help shore up any defensive weaknesses he sees that you may be unaware of
>Other(write in)
>>Defend, let him come at you. He's faster, which means he'll be able to push you defensively even harder than Freeza could
This is good training.

Though Destiny Choice huh?

What was the Two Power Levels GD and while I got a good idea exactly would Vegeta have said?
>Rush and attack with Djem So, overpower him and counter his shots to make his speed edge useless
>Defend, let him come at you. He's faster, which means he'll be able to push you defensively even harder than Freeza could
This IS training after all, not just beating the shit out of each other.
>Rush and attack with Djem So, overpower him and counter his shots to make his speed edge useless
>>Energy Body and defend, gesture for him to come at you. This'll get him mad, but could help shore up any defensive weaknesses he sees that you may be unaware of

Let him get mad. He'll get sloppy, and he'll burn energy quick. Hopefully he can learn from that while we get to fight him going all out.
Tied vote remains open another ten minutes
>Energy Body and defend, gesture for him to come at you. This'll get him mad, but could help shore up any defensive weaknesses he sees that you may be unaware of
This is my special technique! It allows me to turn a tied vote into a three-way tie!
Since you can't make up your mind, Cooler will decide for you. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 85
Second DC: 40
Third DC: 70
Fourth DC: ??
Rolled 52, 49, 88, 46 = 235 (4d100)

Hey I made up my mind. Im innocent here.
Rolled 78, 33, 16, 75 = 202 (4d100)

The one time I get in the zone...
Rolled 17, 38, 51, 33 = 139 (4d100)

Anyone want that final roll, the final chance to avoid crit-failure due to indecision? Or should we keep it and start writing?
Rolled 22, 34, 96, 100 = 252 (4d100)

Chicken nugget
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Of course, as soon as I post. Anyways:
1/100, 49/100, 88/100, 75/100. Crit failure, success, success and a decently high mystery. This will hurt, but you recover well enough. Writing.
Oh someone deleted their post. Lame.
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Don't delete your post because of a bad roll Now I'm going to broadcast your dice just for that
I always knew we couldn't trust the yeart guy. Made me waste a hundo. Rat.
My oh my, that is EXTRA heretical.
>YEEEAAARRRT guy is a post deleting BIIIIITCH
Most disgraceful player in this quest desu
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Staring Cooler down, you try and decide what to do next. If you'll defend and let him come at you, activate your Energy Body and defend to get him to wear himself out, or even to rush him down with your Djem So, overpowering him and force him to defend to keep the speed disadvantage from mattering. However, as you struggle to decide how you want to approach, Cooler doesn't have any such hesitation. Before you realize it he's already closed the distance, catching you by complete surprise.

“Wh-?!” you try and exclaim, only to take a powerful right straight to the face. Your nose breaks as Cooler slams his fist into you, knocking you right off your feet. “KYAAAH?!!”
“Too slow!” Cooler taunts, slamming a heavy blow into your back. Knocking you skyward, blinded by pain only to open your eyes just in time to see Cooler wind up a devastating blow. Both hands laced together overhead, he slams his joined fists down into your sternum. Sending you flying down to the ground as something in your chest creak. But he's not done with that yet, landing a flying kick to your chest. Accelerating more and more, slamming you down into the middle of the clearing. Straight into the stone ground, it cracking beneath you.

“Kuh!” you cough, spitting up a bit of blood from the impact. To which Cooler smirks, drawing his foot back a bit and slamming a fist into your guts. Causing you to cough up more blood, Cooler then swinging you up and over his head on the end of his fist, swinging you overhead and back down into the ground again. Seeing stars, you realize that you are losing. And you can't have that, not to Cooler. Not without a fight. “Tch! HRRAAAAA!!”

With a roar you blast him back away from you, giving you a moment to focus. Drawing all your energy in you activate your Energy Body, hardening your ki into a suit of armor as Cooler closes back in, going for another flying kick straight to your sternum. But this time you aren't knocked further into the ground, your shielding energy absorbing the vast majority of the impact. You still feel his blow, but this time it doesn't cause the severe damage of the earlier blows. Wincing, you push back, rising back up to your feet as he leaps back.

“My turn!” you snarl, exploding forward and launching into a barrage of heavy blows. Forcing Cooler onto the defensive, blocking your strikes with his arms and knees. He's clearly surprised that you seemingly aren't slowed down by the damage, fighting just as if you were fresh. And despite the speed difference, your Energy Body absorbing the damage of his strikes allows you to press the assault. Forcing him to block, Cooler giving up on trying to throw quick strikes at you that don't even phase you now.

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“Tch!” Cooler snarls through clenched teeth behind his golden mask, clearly frustrated with you pushing the attack. Yet even frustrated he doesn't falter on defense, blocking each and every one of your strikes. You're going to have to do something different to break through his guard. Inspiration strikes, and as you keep up the attack try something unique. With your next right, Cooler raising his own right to block, you open your fist. And instead of a punch, you grab his arm just above the blade-like growth on his forearm. “Wh-Wha-?”

And before he can react, caught by surprise you pull him to you, driving your right knee up into his guts. Off-balance he can't react in time, can't protect himself and takes a devastating heavy blow to his guts.

“GYUAAH!!?” he wheezes, you hearing the air leave his body as your blow stuns him. Immediately you go on the attack, following that knee up with a left hook to the temple while still holding his arm, keeping him from defending himself. Sending him flying as you let go of his arm, sending Cooler crashing into one of the giant tree stumps, marking the clearing as larger than it used to be when you and his brother first sparred here. His body splits it, burying him within it. You take a moment to take a breath, feeling a sharp pain in your right side, wincing in pain. He broke something in your chest, you can't take a full breath. Looks like he really damaged you with that opening attack. But you can still keep going, you've been through far worse. “SHYAAAAAAAA!!”

Cooler roars as his golden aura blazes, blowing the stump apart as he flies up into the air. Clenching his fists, gathering his power around him in a technique that looks somewhat like your Energy Body, forming a sphere around him. You recognize it as Freeza's Death Crasher attack, clearly wanting to hit you through your armor.

“Take this!” Cooler bellows, dropping down out of the air directly at you. “HIIYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!”
“BRING IT!” you roar back, planting your feet. Bracing yourself for impact, readying yourself to meet this charge head on. His power cuts through the very air itself, accelerating faster and faster as he closes the gap. Then he's right on you, you throwing out both hands and grabbing his energy. His power slams into your Energy Body, but thankfully your shield holds. Cooler's attack shreds quite a bit, but you still have a thin layer over your hands as you stop his attack in it's tracks. That doesn't stop Cooler from pouring even more energy into his charge, trying to overpower you, to break past your defenses and slam you into the ground. But as the seconds pass, you not giving an inch, he realizes that this strategy won't work.

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He needs something else, something different. And as the two of you stare each other down, you can almost feel his sudden smirk from behind his mask. And as you stare him down, suddenly the pressure from his attack simply vanishes. Cooler dashes around, going wide past your outstretched hands, changing directions and blasting back towards you from your right on a much shallower angle. Somehow he's not lost ANY speed since you stopped his charge, in fact he seems even faster now. You barely have time to react, no time to properly brace yourself. So, instead, you kick off the ground, meeting his charge head-on. Or, more accurately shoulder-on, slamming your shoulder into his shielded form. Stopping his attack once more, the two of you vying for dominance. Trying to overpower the other, neither willing to give an inch.

“HRRRAAAAAA!!” you roar, wordlessly struggling against his increased speed and power. Giving your forward pressure more and more power, yet Cooler keeps matching your efforts. Both of you pressing the other hard enough to shift planets, yet neither of you yield. Then, on some unspoken cue, both of you back off simultaneously. Shoving off one another you both dash back, landing on your feet back in your fighting stances. “Heh. Not bad.”
“You're more tenacious than I'd thought.” Cooler replies, trying to act cool behind the assassin's fighting stance. But you can hear the smile in his voice, he's clearly enjoying this. And you are too, heart pumping as you ready yourself for the next round. “I will enjoy making you submit.”

“Bring it.” you reply, and without another word you both dash towards each other once more. Closing the gap, trading fists once more. Freeza may be gone in the heavenly realm, training under the angel Whis. But you're not going to stop training, you're going to push yourself even harder.
“That's the way, don't break on me yet!” Cooler shouts with a laugh as the two of you exchange flurries, sounding for the first time since you met him that he's genuinely enjoying himself. Looks like you might have found your new training partner after all.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 227 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying the start to this episode? Ready to see just how far Cooler can go, how strong he truly is compared to his brother? Were you expecting tsundere Cooler to be the one showing up, or were you expecting a different very powerful being to just appear with Instant Transmission? Do you think your threat will have the desired outcome, or will it only further foster resentment? How your family and friends, as well as your students took your open threat, not to mention King Vegeta. All this and more when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues at noon EST, just a few minutes over 12 hours from now!
I genuinely didn't expect Cooler to come around to the idea. We'll have to properly thank Cold for this some time in the near future. Maybe a few rare trinkets from "Earth" for his collection would do?
Anyways, for as badly as some may have taken our threat, sucks to suck. Maybe don't be a space racist in the most multicolored military in existence. That or maybe don't take shots at the family and friends of your fucking General.
on that note, I said it earlier, but we're moving off of this island in the ass end of nowhere and into the planet's capital. I'm not about to let a societal issue bite us in the ass like this again.
Honestly it ain't even that Cooler is a tsundere, he probably legitimately doesn't understand how to show positive emotion like normal people do. His whole like he has been eating soup with a fork, never realizing that spoons exist. A side effect of every lesson his father gave him being a beating, perhaps. Unlike Froozur, who never knew what the word "no" meant.
A small spoiler, but King Cold didn't ask Cooler to come, or even suggest he should take you up on your offer. He was here of his own accord.
Your threat scared the living shit out of MANY. But being afraid of you doesn't necessarily mean they treat your children any better, now some may start to avoid your clan altogether.
Perhaps, it IS a possibility. However, why would he show positive emotion towards YOU? He probably still holds a grudge, after... Well, everything. he wouldn't so quickly get over it, right?
>Well, everything. he wouldn't so quickly get over it, right?
If I'm being real I think he's actually super autistic. Even in his original movie appearance his motivation is shaky and weird. So I kinda do think he sort of just got over it by being distracted by his next special interest.
Huh. I uh...I don't know how to feel about that. He might just be a bigger man than I gave him credit for.
>now some may start to avoid your clan altogether.
Man. It's always fucking something isn't it!?
>However, why would he show positive emotion towards YOU?
We had him dead to rights after he colluded with his father's mortal enemy to literally raise Hell on our home planet. You know what we did? We let him go, and even offered him some harsh, but deserved, critique. Because of that, he was able to become stronger than he ever dreamed before, finally able to grasp prizes he thought previously unattainable.
I don't expect him to sing our praises or treat us as a mentor, but I don't think a small amount of genuine respect would be out of place.
Not an entirely unreasonable read.
>Huh. I uh...I don't know how to feel about that. He might just be a bigger man than I gave him credit for.
Go back and reread his lines from last episode, then cut back to this one. Tells you off but still shows up? Don’t necessarily think being the bigger man applies here.
Easier to avoid contact than risk angering the guy who fought BEERUS THE DESTROYER for a perceived slight.
>but I don't think a small amount of genuine respect would be out of place.
He may feel it but can’t show it, either out of pride or some other reason. Yet hopped on the first opportunity you gave him despite talking down to you about the offer in front of others.
>Easier to avoid contact than risk angering the guy who fought BEERUS THE DESTROYER for a perceived slight.
You have nothing to fear if you conduct yourself like a decent individual, I'm just saying.
>Easier to avoid contact than risk angering the guy who fought BEERUS THE DESTROYER for a perceived slight.
You forgot to add
>and LIVED
Seriously though, our progress is crazy. I wonder if theres anyone from the old days back on Planet Vegeta that heard of Karn back when he was just a PTO grunt and not a living legend.
Now instead of taking it from the perspective of someone who mostly knows what happened, let’s take the average Saiyan perspective:

You heard through the rumor mill Karn busted up in a club and threatened a bunch of people publicly not too long ago, then not even a day later one of the women goes missing for days. She supposedly returns several days later looking haggard and traumatized, getting admitted to a hospital shortly after. Or so you heard. Then hear people talk about what freaks the demonspawn are(a coordinated rumor by the woman’s friends, but you don’t know that) and that they kidnap people to steal their souls and that’s why the one never left the hospital.

Only to then hear about several who tried confronting one of them to all go mad, clutching their heads and screaming, tearing out their own eyes in fear before dying without that young man even so much as moving to defend himself. Then Karn, who while strong you thought was still a pretty good person just wakes you up and threatens you with a power you’ve never felt before, showing just how powerful he is in no uncertain terms. I’d avoid them to the best of my ability on the CHANCE anything I did or said caused offence too.
No I didn’t, Karn directly threatening you and showing the power gap between you and he definitely means he can and will hurt you.

Just like the fortune teller said.
So I assume going nuclear on our soil Enies was the worst choice we could have made today actually address the issue? Also I second the motion to stop living like a hermit. It’s brought our kids nothing but problems
It wasn’t the option I expected anons to pick. And will have long repercussions.
No, worst choice was do nothing and let it continue. You did however pick the option that adds fuel to the nobles who oppose Vegeta’s fire
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For the next half hour or so you and Cooler spar, the battle going back and forth. At times you hold the advantage, often he does, but by the end you're exhausted. Far moreso than when you and Freeza would spar, even more than when you would spar both he and your wife. As the spar draws to a close Cooler has lost his Golden form, collapsing to his hands and knees.

“Dammit!” he exhales, you dropping a moment later. Powering back down out of your Berserker power altogether, you fall back and land flat on your back, arms outstretched as you try and simply catch your breath. With a thought you telepathically reach out to Caulifla, who is already on her way.
“You're done a few minutes early today. Guess you and Cooler went harder at it?” your daughter replies, you telling her about the practice as she flies over from the Jiralhanae village. A few seconds after falling she appears, landing between the two of you, dropping to a knee as she holds her chime. Muttering the words of her prayer, the icy blue power bursts from her, the healing magic flooding into your body. You feel it repairing the damage to your chest, but also to a couple fingers on your right hand you only just realized you couldn't feel, as well as your left knee. The chill of her Darkmoon magic fully restores your body, healing it from the beating it took. Sitting up you see Cooler recovered as well, his visible injuries vanishing as well.

However, your daughter's magic doesn't also restore the strength or stamina of who it heals. A moment later Cooler, unable to struggle any longer collapses, falling flat on his face as you thank your daughter.

“Appreciate it kiddo.” you tell her, reaching over and ruffling her hair. To which she smiles, then turns from you to Cooler.
“Are you alright, Emperor Cooler?” she asks, showing surprising respect to him. Perhaps trying to get him to lighten up a bit?
“Your healing was most appreciated, but I do not suppose you can restore the energy one consumes while fighting?” he asks, turning his head just enough to look up at her.
“My apologies, but I do not possess such power.” she says, but instead offers him her right hand. “But I can get you on your feet, at least.”

“Hmph. Very well, I accept.” he replies after a few seconds of silence, Caulifla hauling him up to his feet. Powering back down into his fourth form, he staggers for a second before finding his balance, steadying himself before addressing you directly.

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“As loathe as I am to admit it, today has been rather... Enlightening.” Cooler tells you, albeit reluctantly. “Therefore, I shall return tomorrow. And we can continue where we left off.”
“Heh heh. Looking forward to it.” you reply, raising your right fist to him. To which he scoffs, raising his right hand to his forehead. And with a thought, he's gone. Leaving just as quickly as he'd come, departing for who knows where and leaving you and your daughter in the clearing. She turns to you, offering you a hand up as well which you gladly take, your daughter grunting a bit as she hauls you upright.

“Are you sure that's a good idea?” she asks you, her expression darkening a bit. “Bringing him here and all?”
“Of course. This world is still his brother's, and with Freeza going off for training at Beerus' world like your mother did, he'll no doubt come back far stronger. And as much as he doesn't like me, he knows that he'll get stronger sparring me than almost any other training he can do. So he'll play nice.”
“Not him. Freeza.” your daughter replies. “How do you thing he will react, when he learns you've been training here with his brother? Don't you think he'll get jealous?”

Which, if you're honest, isn't something you'd actually considered before. You hadn't even asked Cooler when Freeza was present, only thinking of it once he'd left with Whis. Leaving you wondering just how your friend would take the news? But before you can ponder that any further-

Well? Which is it this time?
>You and Caulifla sense a pair of powerful ki signatures rapidly approaching New Salda
>King Vegeta IV reaches out to you about your earlier message, wanting answers
>The sound of otherworldly invaders once more echoes out as a strange white fog encircles the clearing
Choose only one, no write in
>>King Vegeta IV reaches out to you about your earlier message, wanting answers
>King Vegeta IV reaches out to you about your earlier message, wanting answers
>>King Vegeta IV reaches out to you about your earlier message, wanting answers
King Vegeta IV reaches out to you about your earlier message, wanting answers wins it. Roll me a single d100.

DC: ??
Rolled 59 (1d100)

Rolled 94 (1d100)

Rolled 85 (1d100)

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94/100. Well, this could have gone a lot, LOT worse, writing.
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“Karn. We need to talk.” King Vegeta IV says, telepathically reaching out to you. “Urgently.”
“Of course, what is it?” you ask him, Caulifla looking to you confused. “What's going on?”
“What's going-?! Karn, do you have ANY IDEA what you've done?” he asks you, his anger surging through the link. “That threat you threw out, you... Just, get over here.”
“Will do.” you reply as he ends the link, turning to Caulifla.

“King Vegeta?” she asks, you nodding. To which she nods back, walking over and putting a hand on your arm. “I'll go with you.”
“You sure kiddo?” you ask, giving her a look as you raise your right to your forehead. “This probably isn't going to be a pleasant visit.”
“I'm sure. Unlike you, I saw what happened.” she replies evenly, putting on her smiling mask that hides any emotions she's feeling. “I'll be able to talk to him.”
“Alright.” you reply, focusing on the king's energy and teleporting to him. With your Instant Transmission you are there in an instant, one moment standing in the clearing far away from civilization, the next directly in front of the king as he sits in his private office. Glowing datapads and paperwork covered in charts and figures that make no sense from a cursory look scattered about. As you appear Vegeta raises his head, looking as if he hasn't slept for over a day as he looks to you, then notices Caulifla.

“Caulifla. What is it?” he asks her, clearly thinking she's here for another reason and wanting to address it before getting to business with you. But she has no plans on going anywhere, turning to one of the spare seats and sitting down.
“I was there, Vegeta. I saw what they did to Koruza. What they were planning to do to him.” she starts, his expression darkening. “If he didn't defend himself, they would have killed him.”
“And your proof of this?” he asks, to which your daughter holds up her hand. Dark blue, almost purplish fire, the color of her Darkmoon power blazes in her hand. And when it fades, you see she's holding a blade you've never seen before. The short blade is a dark, almost black metal, the curved blade having wickedly sharp teeth running up both edges of the tiny sword. Immediately King Vegeta's eyes focus on the weapon, seemingly recognizing it. “Where-? How did you get that? I had that weapon locked away, no one should have been able to get it.”

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“From the day it happened. The one who tried to attack Koruza first tried to stab him in the back with this.” she says, tossing the dagger onto his other seat. Where you all watch as steam begins rising from the wooden seat. To your horror the wooden chair is seemingly eaten by something, the blade clattering to the stone ground. Having eaten a whole through the chair, your jaw dropping in shock. Then, even worse, that same acid or whatever it is in the blade causes the stone itself to bubble, whatever chemical that blade is imbued with devouring even reinforced rock. Those bastards really tried to murder your son! Caulifla then reaches down, carefully grabbing the weapon by its handle, lifting it up as the stone continues to bubble and dissolve, the chair falling apart as the entire seat disappears and the acid eats into the frame. “I secured it after trying to heal those idiots, but it was too late for them.”

“And you didn't think to tell me?” he asks her, brows furrowing as he meets your daughter's mask, her blank pleasant smile not wavering. Without a word the weapon is engulfed in her divine flames once more, vanishing and returning to wherever she'd stored it as quickly as it appeared.
“No. I have stored it where no one on New Salda aside from Okira can reach, which is clearly a far safer place than your armory.” Caulifla retorts, a note of anger in her voice. “Because of your lax security, my brother almost died.”
“Lax? I have three of my personal guard posted outside the armory at all times. No one gets in or out without...” he starts, realization dawning. “Damn. Even the guard?”
“Even the guard what?” you ask him, Vegeta remembering you are there and turning his attention to you. For a moment he considers his next words, then lowers his head, muttering something to himself before raising his gaze to you.

“I have been trying to keep you out of all this, but I suppose there is no choice now. Now that they're directly attacked your family.” King Vegeta says with a heavy sigh, eyes weighed down with the weight of rule. “For the past few years, there has been a quiet insurrection going on. There is a growing faction who want to overthrow me. Who see me as nothing more than your puppet, a lackey who only sits the throne to enforce your will. And after what you did today... They will only have more fuel to this fire. They will see this as you giving a 'royal decree'. And then there are the others, those who only see me as an obstacle to 'your rightful rule' of our people. Who want me out of the way, gone so the 'strongest' Saiyan can rule as, 'as is only right'. Which only gives me a few options, Karn.”

“I can agree with you, making myself look even weaker to those who seek to force me to give up the throne. I can publicly disavow your threat, which will only embolden those who seek me gone so you can rule. Or I can do nothing, which both sides will see as weakness. You've put me in an impossible position here Karn, one I don't know what to do about. So, I'll ask you directly: how are you going to fix this?”

Well, that's... Something. What do you do? What CAN you do?
>Tell him that if he publicly supports you, you'll actually move your home into the city proper. That you'll more publicly back him, weakening the position of those who want you to rule instead and hopefully flipping them to his side as well
>Have him start on a third city, one which you'll move your home to and be more in charge of. Where those who wish to be 'under your rule' can live, while you still remain loyal to him. Eliminating one faction who seeks his usurpation and allows those who wish to see you rule to better come to know you and that you don't seek rule
>Telepathically reach out to Towa and ask her, she's quite the schemer and could have a good idea you've not thought of before to help your king out
>Challenge him publicly to a fight, one that you'll throw and submit to him. Doing so will hopefully put such division to rest and uniting your people behind him. Sure it's subversive, but if it keeps your people united you'll do what it takes
>Tell him this sort of nonsense is why you don't want to rule, that he should do whatever he feels is right but that you'll back him one hundred percent. No matter what the others say, he is your king
>Other(write in)
45 minute vote, hopefully to inspire very good write ins
>Telepathically reach out to Towa and ask her, she's quite the schemer and could have a good idea you've not thought of before to help your king out
>Have him start on a third city, one which you'll move your home to and be more in charge of. Where those who wish to be 'under your rule' can live, while you still remain loyal to him. Eliminating one faction who seeks his usurpation and allows those who wish to see you rule to better come to know you and that you don't seek rule
I feel like we aren't going to get a lot of write in's on this one. We aren't exactly political masterminds.
>>Have him start on a third city, one which you'll move your home to and be more in charge of. Where those who wish to be 'under your rule' can live, while you still remain loyal to him. Eliminating one faction who seeks his usurpation and allows those who wish to see you rule to better come to know you and that you don't seek rule
>Telepathically reach out to Towa and ask her, she's quite the schemer and could have a good idea you've not thought of before to help your king out
Add Maza to the call as learning for his future rulership of whatever.
>Have him start on a third city, one which you'll move your home to and be more in charge of. Where those who wish to be 'under your rule' can live, while you still remain loyal to him. Eliminating one faction who seeks his usurpation and allows those who wish to see you rule to better come to know you and that you don't seek rule
Maza wants to rule? He can learn alongside us.
Rolled 4, 1 = 5 (2d4)

Have him start on a third city, one which you'll move your home to and be more in charge of. Where those who wish to be 'under your rule' can live, while you still remain loyal to him. Eliminating one faction who seeks his usurpation and allows those who wish to see you rule to better come to know you and that you don't seek rule wins it. A potentially excellent solution, roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 30
Second DC: 45
Third DC: 70
Fourth DC: 50
Rolled 97, 1, 97, 34 = 229 (4d100)

There is only /qst/. Through /qst/, I gain Dice. Through Dice, I gain Crits. Through Crits, I gain Victory. Through Victory my chains are broken.
Rolled 75, 87, 21, 32 = 215 (4d100)

Rolled 72, 59, 24, 62 = 217 (4d100)

They see my rollin
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97/100, 87/100, 97/100, 62/100. Success, success, success, and success. Quite the victory you've achieved, seems the king wasn't ready for such a plan. Writing.
>"What if you just put me in a box?"
>"I mean...you were planning on more urban development anyways, right?"
Meanwhile the conspiracy theorists are gonna start using this as another piece of "evidence" that we have Vegeta under our thumb. Oh well, at least this should placate the traditionalists and give us the means to properly foster a good environment for our family.
Were the assassins aware that if they killed Koruza in cold blood, there's a non-zero percent chance Karn would have deleted the entire planet in his blood rage?
Oh absolutely. But who said the assassin wielding the weapon was a Saiyan just because they looked like one? There is a LOT that could have happened, that could have been behind that particular ill-fated plot.
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>But who said the assassin wielding the weapon was a Saiyan just because they looked like one?
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>But who said the assassin wielding the weapon was a Saiyan just because they looked like one?
There's too many body snatchers and shapeshifters running around for my liking.
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“Fix this? Well...” you say then trail off, wondering what you could do. You had no idea what was going on, just what sort of situation your king was dealing with. But now, seeing all of the problems he's facing, realize that as things stand you can't help him. No matter which side he tries to placate, the others will grow only angrier. But that's when it hits you. YOU can fix this, or at least give your king a chance. You'll have to give up your life of solitude, of peace and quiet on your little island. But if you do, you'll be able to make things easier on the king. All it requires is you to take the step. “How about we make a third city?”

“What?” he asks, clearly not understanding how you came to this conclusion. “What the hell are you thinking, Karn?”
“It's simple. You have three factions, yours, the ones who want me to rule, and the ones who think you're my puppet. So I'm going to take one of them off the table.” you tell him, using the nearby stacked datapads to emphasize your point. Taking one in the middle out, setting it off to its own side. “So we make a new city, around my ship. I'll move somewhere to the mainland, and we build a new city. Those who support me will be able to come here, taking their pressure off you as we construct this third city. Then that leaves those who think you're just a puppet. Whose position will be weakened when I have my own city you put me in charge of, publicly, and task me with running. And it has to be public.”

“If you're seen taking orders from the king...” Caulifla says, nodding along in agreement. “Then you'll be seen more publicly as King Vegeta's subordinate, instead of off on our own little mini kingdom in the planet.”
“Bingo. And those who want to live under me will be satisfied with living under 'my' rule, the way they want to. Taking their pressure off you completely.” you say, King Vegeta looking at you slack jawed. “What do you think?”
“Sometimes, Karn... Sometimes I forget just how devious you can be, General.” King Vegeta says, a note of pride in his voice as he emphasizes your rank. “Such a simple plan of attack, but... It just might work. Are you sure about this?”

“Of course. I've enjoyed my peace, but if you need my help with this, then I'm willing to help.” you tell him. “And since I just learned this event happened today, I have clearly been too far removed from our people. I need to get back to living with more of our kind. Now, the real question: where will we build this city?”

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“A good question. With the second city made to the north, that direction is rather occupied.” he says, sorting through his things as he talks, pulling up a datapad that shows a map of New Salda. A bit skewed, as the landmass has been turned two dimensional instead of a globe projection which more accurately matches the land. “At least for now. And while I do want it close enough to make it appear still under the crown's rule instead of breaking off and forming your own rival kingdom, as well as transporting goods easier for the non-natives, who our planet is rather tough on, it does need to be far enough that it's not seen as just an expansion of the city. Looking at the map here, I see a few locations. We can either construct to the south, further past the Guardian's island and take up residence on that peninsula. Plenty of room to expand, plus that part of the sea is rarely fished.”

Before you can comment he continues, not slowing down.

“Or we can go the opposite direction, putting you further away. Build your city on the opposite coast. Go fully across the bredth of our world, establishing another city on the opposite coast. Would change the day/night cycles of everyone who moves there, would take some time adjusting. But I've had plans for a city here for a couple years, just was waiting to get all the details finalized and someone to run it. But having our people not all on the same day/night schedules, having at least part of our populace awake at all times would be beneficial in case of attacks at different times. Or you can go further southeast, past the Jiralhanae's own city and put their people between our two cities. Would make you feel even more distant than on the other side of the planet, but would doubtlessly do the most to calm hostilities for a time. What do you think?

>You'll take the southern peninsula, the less change you have to make for this the better
>The other side of the continent. Sure it will be a big adjustment, but after a week or two it should be fine. After all, your people are hardy and can take it, and clearing out those little monsters that live off the coast should keep everyone sharp
>You think having the Jiralhanae city between you is for the best, for now. And you're on good terms with their current chieftan as well, getting closer to your ally can't be a bad thing
>You'll have to think about it, you don't want to make such an important decision in haste
No write in
>You think having the Jiralhanae city between you is for the best, for now. And you're on good terms with their current chieftan as well, getting closer to your ally can't be a bad thing
>>You think having the Jiralhanae city between you is for the best, for now. And you're on good terms with their current chieftan as well, getting closer to your ally can't be a bad thing
>The other side of the continent. Sure it will be a big adjustment, but after a week or two it should be fine. After all, your people are hardy and can take it, and clearing out those little monsters that live off the coast should keep everyone sharp
He makes good arguments for this, and the groundwork is already laid for it. I see no reason to put the Brutes between the two cities.
>>The other side of the continent. Sure it will be a big adjustment, but after a week or two it should be fine. After all, your people are hardy and can take it, and clearing out those little monsters that live off the coast should keep everyone sharp
Changing to this, it just seems a little more sensible.
>The other side of the continent. Sure it will be a big adjustment, but after a week or two it should be fine. After all, your people are hardy and can take it, and clearing out those little monsters that live off the coast should keep everyone sharp

Changing my vote to this
The points in its favor are too good. The pinesula is too close imo, while the Jiralhanaes make us too far apart and more likely to risk a true rival kingdom. Plus vegeta already wanting to expand there is something the Royal Guard should know and thus so should the other factions they work for. Which in the back rooms makes us do seem more subservient to Vegeta then us just magically getting a new city in a spot he’s never thought of before.
> The points in its favor are too good. The pinesula is too close imo, while the Jiralhanaes make us too far apart and more likely to risk a true rival kingdom. Plus vegeta already wanting to expand there is something the Royal Guard should know and thus so should the other factions they work for. Which in the back rooms makes us do seem more subservient to Vegeta then us just magically getting a new city in a spot he’s never thought of before.

My bad.
> >The other side of the continent. Sure it will be a big adjustment, but after a week or two it should be fine. After all, your people are hardy and can take it, and clearing out those little monsters that live off the coast should keep everyone sharp

I hate phone posting
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Rolled 8822 (1d10000)

The other side of the continent. Sure it will be a big adjustment, but after a week or two it should be fine. After all, your people are hardy and can take it, and clearing out those little monsters that live off the coast should keep everyone sharp wins it. A decision has been reached, your fate moving forward decided. Writing.
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“It'll be a big change, but I think moving to the other side of the continent will be for the best.” you tell him, Caulifla turning and looking at you in surprise. “It will be an adjustment, and those Hydae frog-like bastards will keep everyone on their toes until they're wiped out. But I think this could work for the best.”
“Glad you agree. Here, take this. The location is marked on the datapad here, use it to set your ship down over there. Once you're in position, I'll have the first laborers brought over to begin construction. In the meantime, I presume you still have empty rooms?”
“Of course, have plenty of room to house them until their housing is built.” you reply, reaching out your right hand while holding the pad in your left. “Let's do this.”

Without a word King Vegeta reaches out, taking and shaking your hand one singlular time before releasing it.

“Once you're set down, confirm it on the device or have one of your people do it, and we'll get started. Should be up and fully ready to be inhabited in just a month's time, just in time for the new year.”
“It's that late in the year already?” you ask him, wondering what you'll do for Meloka Wolbach's upcoming birthday a moment. But you then put that aside, focusing once more on the task at hand. “We'll get it done.”
“See that you do. Pushing this project ahead of schedule will be a bit of a resource tax, but having this issue solved sooner rather than later is mandatory. I will NOT have my people divided. Now, go. I have a lot to prepare.”

“Of course.” you reply, raising your right hand to your forehead, Caulifla reaching over and placing her hand on your left shoulder. And in a blink you're gone, leaving the King's private office and returning to your wife. Who, as you appear has all of the younger children gathered, ready to take them all over to Raven's to prepare for their morning lessons. Reaching out telepathically, you tell your wife your plan. Filling her in on what you learned this morning, King Vegeta's plan, and what you agreed to as you walk over, hugging her to you.
“Daddy! Are you gonna train with us today?” Maz asks you.
“Yeah, are you?” Kayle adds in. “Are you?”

“Of course. But we might be doing a bit of a... Different training, this afternoon.” you tell them, the younger ones looking excited while your older ones like Koruza and the elder twins Tatsu and Tomi look more worried. No doubt wondering what has happened since your declaration to the world, what the consequences are. “After you all do your early morning training, you'll see what I mean. But for now focus on your training, give the Guardians one hundred percent, okay?”
“Okay”s and “yes sir”s ring out, Meloka taking to the air as well and leading them all away. Leaving you and Caulifla alone on the beach for one last time.

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“It'll be strange, leaving this little beach behind.” your daughter says, her tone a bit sad. “This place has been home long as I can remember.”
“Yeah, I'll miss it too.” you reply, then after taking one last look start walking up into the ship. “But maybe this new city'll be good too. Let's go break the news to everyone.”
“Sure, I- Dammit. I gotta go.” your daughter tells you, and without another word kicks off the ground. Taking off at full speed back towards the mainland.

“Be safe kiddo.” you think to her, turning your attention back to the task at hand. Going inside you first make your way to the mess hall, to tell Silver what's going on. You enter the room, hearing the sounds of the kitchen at work. Making your way through the nearly-empty mess hall, you seeing Camali standing at the end of one table eating his usual dish. The former fighting camel gives you a small nod, one which you return before making it to the kitchen door. It slides open, you seeing Silver instruct them on making several familiar dishes.

“Oi, Karn. What goes?” he asks you, eyes narrowing a bit as he sees something on your face. “This about your little stunt this morning?”
“Yeah, you can say that. I need to gather everyone here in the mess hall since you all are still working, so I only have to explain this once.” you tell him, Silver nodding once.
“Figured somethin' messy'd come of all 'at. Bring 'em in, let's all hear the damage.” he replies, you nodding and heading back out. Going through your home you gather everyone, from your former flight crew turned Chaya's Dreadzone support guys to Dr. White and Haathe, you gather everyone left in your home while your family is out in the mess hall. Where you tell them everything, from what you discovered only today thanks to Maza, to your conversation with the King. And about your decided solution to it all, how you'll carry the ship over to its new destination. As you finish your announcement, silence hangs over the room, no one speaking up as they let all this sink in.

“If you don't want to come along and be a part of this new city, you're free to go wherever. But if you'll stay with us and work hard, each of you will have your own place in this new city, not just quarters aboard my ship. So, what do you all say?”
“Son. I dunno about everyone else. But I'd rather live here under your roof than havin' my own place. Too much walkin'.” Silver says, eliciting a few chuckles from the crew. Then Orlen steps up, the orange-skinned man speaking up.
“General, you may not be aware, but we've fixed it. The engines, everything. This ship is sky worthy once more.” he says, catching you by surprise. “And it would be my honor to take 'er for her maiden repaired voyage, even if it is only to the other side of the world. I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd follow you into hell, sir.”

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Several cheers go up at Orlen's declaration, you feeling moved by the support of your men. So you nod, turning fully to him and handing him the datapad.

“Then you will have your honor, Orlen. These are the coordinates of the new city, take us in.” you tell him, then to everyone. “All hands, to your posts! Let's do this!”
“SIR!” come more than a dozen salutes, everyone behind you one hundred percent. Orlen takes off towards the bridge as Silver and his team begin securing the kitchen for flight, strapping things down as they continue to prepare lunch for everyone. It's happening, this is really happening. You turn, following Orlen to the bridge as the controls begin powering up, a shudder running through the ship. Having been land locked for so long, you'd almost forgotten what it felt like to be in a moving ship as you see the island below start growing smaller, the ship taking to the air once more. And instead of flying out over the mainland towards the far side, the nav computer says the trip will be shorter over the open ocean, which the the path your pilot takes. You feel the ship lurch forward, watching as your vessel, your home takes off towards the distant far shore.

“Feels good to have 'er back up in the air again, sir!” Orlen says, hands at the controls as he deftly handles the ship. Keeping it low and level, barely a dozen yards above the ocean. However, as you get further out over open sea, suddenly you sense something. At the edge of your senses something feels off, you focusing your ki sense. Only to suddenly feel two massive powerlevels at the edge of your senses. And they're getting closer, rapidly approaching New Salda. Because of course something else had to happen, it is never just ONE thing when things go wrong. However, as you turn your ki sense towards the two, you realize something. One of those two energy are familiar, very familiar. But who is this other one? And who is Ubo bringing to your world STRONGER than himself?

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 227 paused
And that's it for this week, everyone enjoying this episode so far? Curious how these changes will affect things, especially in regards to those who live off-world? Ready to start building your own city, planning what Vegeta hasn't yet gotten to, and spending more time in close proximity of others of your kind? Do you think this plan will work, or do you think it's the beginning of the end for peace within the Saiyan race? Without a common goal, a common enemy do you thing they'll simply continue to infight until a full-scale war breaks out? Or will King Vegeta be able to prevent such a fate? Who knows, perhaps we'll find out next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!
Honestly Ima be real. After that spoiler you posted GD I'm like 95% sure that Atleast 60% of Vegetas problems are someone saw the Siege of New Salda and decided that intrigue and infighting was the best way to take down the sayains rather then trying to kill them externally.

This was a mess but we might salvage this. Its just a shame it took THIS to get us off our island.
A very good theory. If you could find evidence of such a scheme, it would probably unite your people against the foreign influence.
>Its just a shame it took THIS to get us off our island.
Why? Karn was content, he didn't want to leave. He wants no part in politics or the other goings on of the wider world. But ignoring them doesn't cause them to simply go away, as he's learned. Problems simply occur you're not aware of.
>A very good theory. If you could find evidence of such a scheme, it would probably unite your people against the foreign influence.
Noted. And honestly its been fun but its been a little too peaceful for the past several years. Its been too long since we have had a PROPER War.

Or Planetary/Solar System Extermination. Im not too picky.
>A very good theory. If you could find evidence of such a scheme, it would probably unite your people against the foreign influence.
Now comes two big hurdles, finding evidence and Karn becoming aware of such a thing in the first place.
The morons of the 'Karn should rule' faction don't know what they're in for living in a city run by Mayor Karn. Inconsistent garbage collection, pot-holes the size of buildings (whether produced by vehicles, ki blasts, or body impact craters), first-world school systems.

('first world', of course, means 'bad' with saiyans, as that's Planet Sadala, where saiyans lived in caves and fucked it up. 'Second world' - Planet Vegeta - was much nicer, 'cuz they stole the Tuffles' shit. 'Third world'-tier society is much nicer, because New Salda is run well by King Vegeta and actually has decent infrastructure)
>we teach kids by punching them in the jaw
>what does it teach?
>you wouldn't be asking that question had you went to my school now shut the hell up
I think the only solution is going out in public and actually interacting with people not in the dojo.
Karn’s basically retired as Conqueror, as of late.
Yes. Others will be more suspicious than Karn is, looking deeper.
Potentially. Which is why Karn would consider this “drastic” action.
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Our inspiration; Mayor Karn, too, shall strive to trample children during press events.
kek based
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Oh shit, Either he brought Super Girl over to introduce her to the family, or Clark is in deep shit.
>not making tail match hair
7/10, good effort.
>super girl
Are you sure? And, if you know JLAU, which one?
It's clearly powergirl not supergirl. Ubo ain't no cradle robber.
>Ubo saved Galatea
>If you could find evidence of such a scheme, it would probably unite your people against the foreign influence.
Can we convince Cooler to let us use the Dragon Balls specifically "to find foreign agents that seek harm against the Saiyan race as well as the PTO"? It seems like a really good use of them.
>Ubo ain't no cradle robber.
I mean, she's technically 16 years older than Kal-El, but he'd be more worried about family tree issues than age with fellow survivors. Having explored restored Krypton, back when he was stuck under the planet's Red Star, he learned quite a lot about his people.
I never said that.
No. Not unless you already have solid proof of a conspiracy and their plans go beyond just the Saiyans. He expects you to handle your own problems.
>I mean, she's technically 16 years older than Kal-El,
And how old is Ubo? Checkmate age-is-just-a-number-theists
Karn would estimate he's within 10 years of himself. Higher or lower he doesn't know for sure.
Ubo could be a centennial for all Karn knows. He doesn't know how gracefully Krytonians age. I will not be fooled. Ubo was banging wookies for decades this I know in my heart of hearts.
God the current wookiees have got to be strong as shit, considering they've stayed in the forests of this death world for decades.
I do wonder how strong they are on average now. I also wonder if any tourists show up specifically to try and hunt them. Dangerous game and all.
>I also wonder if any tourists show up specifically to try and hunt them. Dangerous game and all.
I wouldn't be surprised if some particularly hardy Yautja named the forests of New Salda as their favorite hunting spot.
True enough.
No. He hasn't learned what sex was until... Well I can't say. Spoilers and all.
Not necessarily strong, but sneeky breeky. Can even avoid ki sense detection, if the rumors that any still live are true. Karn knows IC, as he connects to every living being with the Champion power. Whose living presence may soon be more relevant to Karn, no longer living on his isolated little island and all.
>on average
There aren't enough for a large enough sample size, if any still live.
No, there's another forest the like to hunt in. But Karn Jr will discover that soon enough.
With the sheer volume of ki that Karn Jr has, we really should encourage Meloka to teach him her spread-your-ki-out-across-the-whole-battlefield thing. He'd turn the air into a thick glowing green sea that he could sense everything within and launch attacks from any point of.
>No, there's another forest they like to hunt in. But Karn Jr will discover that soon enough.
I wanna be concerned, but I won't lie, this could be exactly the kind of training Junior needs right now. Nothing gets you thinking on your feet quite like a proper Yautja hunt. Especially if the clan elders make an appearance.
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Image; Karn Jr. engaging in a light sparring session, displacing the planet's atmosphere with his ki. Oops.
>And that's it for this week, everyone enjoying this episode so far?
Very interesting episode. So much happened, and so much changed. The things that Maza said, the new city and more.
With everything that is happening will Koruza and Maza change their mind about leaving? If Karn makes this place a good place to live will Milha thinks about return?
>Were you expecting tsundere Cooler to be the one showing up, or were you expecting a different very powerful being to just appear with Instant Transmission?
It seemed more plausible that it would be Kars or King Kold but not Cooler. Freeza's brother acted as if he did not want to interact with Karn at all unless it's necessary. Yet he showed up and afterwards he said that he will return tomorrow to fight Karn again.
I wonder if Karn will be in serious trouble would he show up to save Karn's life? I-It's not like he likes Karn or anything! It's just because he could not fight against Karn again if he died.
Cool picture. Is Karn Jr.'s aura really able to cover the entire planet? And if not could he achieve it?
Not quite. He could, with training engulf an entire atmosphere within his power, and from there things could get crazy.
He and his sister are going on their own mission soon.
His power isn't that dense over such a large area. But unlike Meloka he does possess enough to engulf a whole planet. With training and years under his belt.
Yes, things aren't going to be the same status quo moving forward. Life changes, children grow up and move out, people rise to responsibilities they didn't want but had thrust upon them, aliens with generational beef show up, usual getting older things.
True. It is not like Cooler has been jealous of his brother for years and wants everything he had or anything.
Could he? With time and training he could engulf a planet. Even moreso shoild he become a Guardian/Champion. With his Energy Shell being as powerful as it is though, instead of doing like his mother, where he has so much power he can basically make a ki-dense zone that passively blocks/disrupts other ki attacks, making an area around him a "hands only zone". Kind of like what some theorists were thinking yuji's domain would be. Imagine an area of ki so dense you can't actually exert ki outside yourself unless you can overpower him. But that's onlu his potential, we'll have to see if he discovers it.
Man, this patron epilogue gonna be something else. Just a taste for the non-patrons, and with no context: Tanya calls Chaya ‘Christmas cake’. If you know you know
I sometimes forget Tanya is actually a backwards ass Japanese salaryman.
You think maza would be happy or pissed off we dumped all the actual work of rulling or city onto him.
Could show him that ruling is more than just having people bow to you and tell you you're strong and cool and stuff; it also involves a bunch of bullshit meetings and paperwork which take up all of your free time and keep you from training and getting stronger. We'll see how much he wants to rule when we make him plan the sewer lines for the city and arbitrate neighbours bitching about tree limbs overhanging the fenceline and dropping branches in the other's yard.
>what everyone thinks rulership is: I decree, therefore you do!
>what rulership really is: this is the eighteenth time you have come to me about your neighbor's cows grazing in your shit-field, please
>not appointing a Minister of Shit-Fields
That's your own fault for not delegating properly.
See, you'd think that makes it easier, but then your minister of shit-fields argues with the royal forester about where the shit-field ends and the royal woods begins, and then he starts screaming at the chief agriculturalist about not taking the shit from the shit-fields without getting it signed in triplicate first. Of course the chief agriculturalist is friends with the grand marhshall who then starts a fistfight with the minister of shit-fields who, naturally, is carrying bags full of shit which rupture and get everywhere. Now you're trying to stop the court jester from throwing it around making monkey noises while you send a page to retrieve the king's latrine boy to clean it up.

Also the steward is getting crunk and is so smashed that he is currently motorboating a delegate from elsewhere in full view of her husband who is a relative of their place's nobility.

Did I mention the peasant has shown up for a nineteenth time to complain about cows and shit-fields anyway despite having a man who is supposed to sort it out?
There is another way to expedite the process; arbitration via combat. Seems like the Saiyan way to do things.
And thus all of the shit-fields are owned by lunks who cannot sift shit for the life of them. Alas the kingdom now stinks of shit everywhere. Truly these are enlightened times of bulging muscles.

Honestly in Karn's neighborhood it probably will be like that for a while. Until people start to realize sometimes it really is better to be brain than bicep. Always remember to take a page out of ancient philosophers when it comes to choosing leaders. Neither all-brawn nor all-thought. I would quote verbatim but finding quotes from them is cancer because of all the "motivational" shit that pops up instead.
Don't forget the traditional appointment of Champions, as well as specific cases that aren't eligible for such trials by combat.
True. A 2010s salaryman.
If you choose to do such, we'll see.
More accurate to humans. Fortunately Saiyans have a different method of solving their disputes.
Not quite. People have grown to respect SPECIALIZED knowledge since joining the PTO.
Actually no one has, shamefully, asked this yet. How are our demon kids reacting to our proclamation and our resettlement for their sakes? All three of them cause I know Mihla found out very quickly.

Karns exponentially growing Berserker God Champion power is something I’m sure our whole universe noted.
I hope they realize just how much we care about them after taking on so much responsibility and holding a gun to the planet's head.
>Karns exponentially growing Berserker God Champion power is something I’m sure our whole universe noted.
I wonder if it was because we were tapped into the planet at that time, so it was acting as a reservoir for our excess energy in that moment. Or perhaps we were passively drinking the fear of everybody we were telepathically linked to (like that one Sith technique Bane showed us) during our proclamation?
That or Karn was just so mad he almost went even further beyond, but that would be a little lame if that's all it was.
It is called Berserker GOD rather than just super-duper Berserker level 4. Tapping into the planet to yell in rage at every single person, baby, leaf and microbe upon it is a pretty god-like demonstration of fury; maybe that accordance of action with our divine (but also anti-divine) mantle made our power resonate, amplify due to metaphysical bullshit.
>Or perhaps we were passively drinking the fear of everybody we were telepathically linked to (like that one Sith technique Bane showed us) during our proclamation?

This also seems like a reasonably likely answer, though; in the same way that Chaya is boosted by her fan's faith that she will win, the Berserker God mantle is boosted by how much people fear his rage.
fans' *

She'd be fucked if she only had one simp left.
>She'd be fucked if she only had one simp left.
Depends on how big of a simp they were.
I am disappointed with lesbo stuff, but considering Chaya's streamer arc post breakup after fucking up her boyfriend, this is the next step.
I don't think Tanya doing that implies any type of lesbian shit, moreso that it was a playful jab that may have hit Chaya a little harder than intended.
Ya know, since she probably prides herself on being a desirable woman in the prime of her life, but still has to contend with the lingering self-doubt stemming from her mistreatment of Raditz.
>chaya has only one fan left
>it's the in-verse equivalent of that crying star wars fan boi
Hmmm, I can only hope that is what it means.
>Chaya's power makes no discernible drop.
No one has asked because it would be spoilers for the episode. Unless what/whoever Ubo's bringing to New Salda takes up the runtime.
Combining the energy of every single living being on New Salda to the Berserker Soul's untapped power may have caused something to happen., but IC you know that the Champion power is around a 1.5x power multiplier. How that interacts with a power that keeps increasing, however...
Everyone could not only feel Karn's power through that message, but since it was a telepathic message every single being felt the RAGE of the Berserker Soul and Karn's own fury about what he discovered happened. How much wrath Karn is keeping in check in that form, barely restrained by his will alone. And that it could consume all of them in an instant if let off the leash.
Combining Champion and Berserker God hadn't been tried yet, possibly for good reason.
Now you're thinking with the established rules. After all, how much Faith do you think every Saiyan has in the power of Karn? Slayer of Trigon, battler of Beerus, ender of the Covenant War and the single most dangerous motherfucker not only of the Saiyan race but of the whole PTO.
Not exactly for the Berserker God, but spot on for Chaya. Not only in that she can win, but that she CAN do things. With quadrillions of fans, if they believe that Chaya could regrow her tail she would.
And not necessarily, but that would have to be a HUGE fan to compensate for the Faith of her massive audience.
>he doesn't know what Christmas Cake means
While Tanya may go down that road, it wouldn't be with Chaya. Not of her own free will. After all, Tanya's not attracted to muscular, more masculine women. He prefers a more demure, womanly woman.
Okay I'm just going to say it, but spoilered. Tanya calls Chaya a makeinu, a childless woman 'past her prime'. Which, in 2010s Japan was after the age of 26. Still not adding context though, will have to read the epilogue when it drops.
It'll hit exactly as hard as intended.
Oh no.
You'll have to wait and see. All I will say is her Halloween party stream podcast gonna do crazy numbers.
>It'll hit exactly as hard as intended.
If it gets Chaya to stop wallowing in the past and start making something of the present, then I can't even say Tanya was out of line in doing it.
Oh, this halloween special will be exactly that, special. The costumes are just a bit of spice for the story and viewing pleasure before getting into the goods
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 227 Intermission-


“Damn! This undead's tough!” you think to yourself, blocking the magical crystal spear barrage with your own magical defense, pulling them down into a point of infinite darkness before launching it at her. Which the vampire counters, somehow dispelling your attack by converting its element from dark to electric, firing a bolt of crimson lightning at your face. You catch the attack with a Crystal Magic Sealer, trapping the bolt within a magic-drained crystal. But instead of firing the spell back at her, you drain the crystal. Absorbing the trapped mana back into yourself, replenishing your dwindling mana reserves as the crystal shatters.

You are Chilli son of Karn, the Crystal Sage. Husband of the Master of Explosions Megumin, father of Meloka Wolbach and Kazuburo. The Final Scribe Lord Jergal's Reaper, slayer of gods, immortals and bane of the undead. Bringer of Death, wielder of Chaos and the protector of the Crimson Demon Clan. However, when you'd left your planet to help your father with a Tuffle parasite, one that took over the body of Chaya's fled former boyfriend Raditz, someone had orchestrated an attack on you. Sending agents to hijack your Crystal Stars, your massive crystals in the sky built to rain down a barrage of near-lightspeed crystals that can punch through any magical defenses, as well as crush most terrestrial ones as well. Taking your most powerful and visible weapons, the symbols of your order on this planet and turning them on your allies. And it makes you FURIOUS.

“ENOUGH!!” you snarl, ascending back into your Primal form and dashing forward as she tries to again cast a barrage of crystal daggers, you closing the distance before she was prepared. And before she can cast you get in close, swinging your right for her chest. Planning to put your fist through her heart, ending that undead. But with the boost of that dark magic coursing through her body, she still has enough speed to dodge. Not enough to wholly avoid the attack, your fist slamming into her right shoulder. Punching straight through her, tearing her arm off in a spray of blood.
“GYUUUAAAAAH!! GEH! VERMIN BANE!”” she cries in pain, conjuring a white, misty cloud of magical energy. Not knowing what this unfamiliar magic does you leap back, flashing back from your Primal form back to your base state as you raise your left towards it.
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“Dark Magic: Black Hole.” you say, expending mana to once more create a black hole, a pinpoint of infinite gravity and darkness. Which absorbs the spell she cast, only to reveal her holding her arm, raising it back to the stump. And to your shock, as you feel her mana reserves drop a bit more, her body heals the damage. Reattaching the severed limb, clothes and all as if she were never split. “Tch. Damned undead cockroach.”
“You can't beat me! With this power, the strength of my fallen comrades I can't lose!” the woman declares boldly. But you've had enough. Despite not wanting to rely on the crutch of Death Magic, as you've come to feel about it recently, this has gone on too long and needs to stop. So, with a snap of your fingers the ancient tome of Jergal appears in your left hand. “Wh-What is that?”
“The end of you.” you say, raising your right hand palm out towards her. “Death Magic: Dust to Dust.”

The effects are immediate, you watching as her body begins disintegrating before her. There is no flash of light, no loud boom of power, nothing. Only the sounds of the wind this high in the air, the vampire looking down at her hand as it begins turning to nothing more than dust. You see the terror, the HORROR in her eyes for a moment before she rallies herself, trying to save herself once more.

“Translocation Damage!” she casts desperately, gambling her life. With how you understand that spell, it converts physical damage into mana loss. Betting that she has more mana than you, that your power will expire before her own. However, what that fool doesn't know is that her defensive spell won't save her. You watch as her eyes widen, seeing her body continue to disappear unimpeded. “Wh-What? Why? HOW?!”
“There is no escape from Death.” you reply as the spell continues to consume the undead, accelerating the rate of decay. Her body vanishes after a few more seconds, leaving nothing behind. The ash that was the vampire blows away in the wind, you sighing out in exhaustion. But as you do, the pain in your guts flares up once more. The pain of the injury she'd hit you with coming back with interest, no longer having the life-or-death battle to distract you. “Tch! Shit!”

Clasping your hands over your injury you drop down to a knee, blood dripping through your fingers as you try to hold your guts in.

“Damn. That hurts.” you grumble to yourself, only to hear a thump to your left. Whipping your head around you see Ainz, having flown up himself land by you. “Got a heal spell prepared?”
“No, but take this.” he says, reaching into a pocket dimension, pulling out one of his unique blood-red potions. Tossing it to you, you catch the vial and unstopper it, turning it up and drinking without hesitation.
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“Thanks. Appreciate it.” you tell him as you finish the healing potion, offering him the empty vial back but he waves you off.
“Keep it. I know you'll find a suitable potion to fill its place before returning it to me.” Ainz says, you nodding before standing. The injury was severe, his potion not really healing the damage, more like a patch to keep you held together long enough to get proper treatment. “So, how many others are under enemy control?”
“I don't know.” you reply, brows furrowing. But before you can say anything else, see something surprising. The muscular warrior you'd sent flying suddenly flies up, her arms bound to her sides with what seems like silk. Holding the bindings keeping her bound are two women. Albedo, Ainz' personal guard and his second-in-command wearing her black armor, and Shalltear, the vampiric monster and strongest one-on-one fighter of the Sorcerer Kingdom in her crimson armor. The two monsters hold her aloft easily, the fighter's eyes unfocused and very clearly mesmerized.

“Well done, you two. Keep her comfortable and unharmed, Albedo. Put him in Sebas' custody. She may have more information on our attackers we will need to interrogate out of her. Shalltear, you stay.” Ainz tells them, the two women agreeing instantly. The crimson armored one tells the hostage to do whatever Albedo tells her, the enthralled woman agreeing before Albedo takes her and flies back down. The skeleton man then turns to you, his expression changing. For a skull made of bone his face is rather expressive, something you assume to be magical. “So. What will we do about this?”
“I'm going to recall them all. Send all them back to the Crimson Demon Village, where I can work on them and undo every enchantment on them.” you tell him. “But to do that, I have to go to each and every one of them. Manually override whatever magic those who hijacked them have placed on them, brute forcing it until I can more thoroughly go through them.”

“Hrmm. I see.” Ainz says, then after a moment nods, almost to himself. “Very well. Lead on, Lord Chilli.”
“Wait, what?” you ask, taken aback.
“You are my most trusted ally, outside of my own organization. And any attack on you and your credibility is an attack on us as well.” he says. “So, we should present a united front, in facing this threat.”

“Thanks. I'll owe you one for this. First thing's first, Rimuru said his capitol is under attack as well.” you say, placing your right and sending the command through the crystal to return home before standing, raising your right hand now to your forehead. “Let's head his way first, both of you hold on to me.”
“Understood. Let's go, Shalltear.” Ainz says, placing a skeletal hand on your right shoulder.
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“Of course, my lord.” she replies, you noticing her place her hand on his robe instead of you. But it doesn't matter, you're just thankful for the backup as you focus on Rimuru's ki, leaving his territory and teleporting across the sea, to the capitol city of the Jura Tempest Federation. Only, as the three of you appear, you find yourselves standing outside in the town square, where a single one of your Crystal Star's crystals is embedded in the newly-formed crater.

“Rimuru! Is everyone alright?” you ask, dropping formalities as you let your worry out. The slime turns, smiling easily with the relaxed expression only the very powerful have.
“I'll tell you, lucky your crystal was stolen by some amateurs.” the slime says, casually patting its human form's belly. “The morons tried to run the moment I started eating it, like they could escape.”
“Ha haa haa! Those foolish knaives thought they could escape Lord Rimuru's mighty Hiryuu! Much less I myself, the magnificent Gabiru!” the dragonnewt declares, striking a very Crimson Demon-esque pose. Complete with several subordinates reflecting the moonlight with large mirrors upon him. The younger lizardman is always quite eccentric, but you were always fond of him. Rimuru's expression, however, changes; brows furrowing as it turns back to you from their subordinate.

“So, I have just one question for you. I'll take the answer as recompense for your crystal attacking my people.” the slime says, immediately getting you on your guard. “Why do your Crystal Stars use a Dragon Heart for their core?”
“Oh, that? They need a reliable source of mana, since they're not physically connected to the leylines directly. The hearts of dragons pull mana from the leylines naturally, so they make a perfect core.” you answer easily. Knowing that, as a slime, once Rimuru absorbed your Crystal Star its body began breaking it down to its individual elements and pieces. “Which brings me to what I need to ask. Right now I need to make sure all the others aren't under enemy control either. Will you help me?”
“Of course. We'll free your stolen superweapons.” Rimuru replies, then the creature's eyes widen. “Aha! Perfect timing!”

Then, to your surprise, reaches into their chest, drawing out some sort of round device with a single button on top. It is seemingly made of your own crystal, and by clicking the top button makes a satisfying sound, followed by a radar-like pinging.

“Made a tracker, so my people can find your wayward weapons.” Rimuru says, then after a moment draws out a second and tosses it to Ainz. “Here. If we split up, we'll cover more ground and end this quicker.”
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“Agreed, that is a good plan.” Ainz nods, the two reborn beings sharing a knowing look before both turning to you. “Shalltear. Let's go.”
“Of course, my lord.” the crimson-armored woman replies, Ainz raising a hand and casting Fly. He and her take to the air, heading south by southwest. Rimuru, studying his display looks worried a moment, then turns to you.
“Are you okay?” he asks, you waving him off as he glances to your very bloody chest. Clearly seeing the effects of the healing potion Ainz gave you.

“I'll live. Been through a lot worse than this.” you say, the slime nodding to you before growing a pair of wings out their back.
“Shion, you're in charge until I get back. Everyone, protect the city.” Rimuru says, the one-horned woman in the purple suit nodding seriously. Her, the crimson-haired man, the dragonnewt, everyone bowing to the slime as Rimuru takes to the air and heads north. You then lift up into the sky as well, trying to remember where all they were deployed. Realizing that you'd find it faster simply by flying you transform, ascending back into your Primal form. Taking this form, your exhaustion fades, the injuries you sustained battling that vampire vanish, you're back in peak condition. And so you take off, leaving Rimuru's capitol behind as you hunt down the next of your wayward Stars.

For over a minute you fly, leaving the majority of the continent behind as you close in on the next. Only, as you close in on the next one far to the west, feel a wave of necromantic energy wash over you. Stopping you in your tracks. While in this form you can't reliably cast magic, it doesn't do anything to dampen your magical senses. And ahead of you, from where you can just make out your Crystal Star in the midday sun, you sense it. A powerful undead, unlike anything you've encountered before. It's power isn't only magical, but something more. Something divine. And as you hover a moment, trying to decide on your next action, an unfamiliar mind reaches into your own, delivering a simple message.

“You have bested many of my champions, Reaper Chilli. Now, come! Face me directly.” the sickening mind thinks at you before ending the link, cackling maniacally as its mind withdraws from your own. Suddenly, you realize who is behind the plot of turning your weapons against you. And you realize that this is going to be a LONG night. But you can't back down, not against the Lich-Lord himself, THE Necromancer, the Patron of Evil Liches himself. The time has come for you to come face-to-face with and battle the demigod Velsharoon.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 227 Intermission End-
All this and we're just now to the halfway point of Chilli's long night. Next time we continue this story thread will be Chilli's battle with a demigod. One who, unlike Nabu, is fully prepared for Chilli's powers.
Oh this guy. Honestly I started up with 5e so when I think Big Ascendant Necromancer I think Veccna. Well this will be fun. I just hope he calls for help and uh....I hope Divine Dragon Force wakes up if he does.

Also...what the fuck Capcha. I'm not giving you my Email so your making we wait 900 Seconds to post? Fuck you 4chan this is BS.
Oh, it's only Velsharoon? You had me worried there for a second. Now, if this was Kiaransalee or Vecna, THEN I'd be worried about a Lich Diety with a purview over Necromancy.
You're already past this point, as that was the day returning from Raditz' planet. It's already been days since this happened, he canonically doesn't call Karn for help.
And of course, have to get that sweet user data somehow.
This is the same Velsharoon who orchestrated that attack on Chilli's home before, who nearly had his minions destroy the Crimson Demon Village. And the first God Chilli fights solo.
Hiroshimoot really screwed it up this time. If spam is what's making his ass itch, the problem lies in the moderators not doing their goddamn jobs.
That was a while ago, wasn't it?
>That was a while ago, wasn't it?
Yes, but the Undead and Necromancers are famous for playing the long game. A few years probably flew by for the rotting bastard.
24 hours to go!

>doing their jobs
Lol. Lmao, even.
This is all the same day as Karn and Chaya vs Baby Raditz, for Chilli.
The undead under Velsharoon have quietly been preparing this strike ever since Chilli wiped out the undead to make his staff, all those years ago .
Oh its this fucker
Indeed. The only question left is did Chilli win? Did he smite the (conventionally) unkillable demigod? Did Velsharoon flee, escaping the battle or did Chilli lose, forced to flee home to his nigh-impenetrable fortress, tail between his legs after a devastating defeat? We'll find out soon, when I finish this tale. You haven't heard from your son in awhile either, wonder how he's doing...
>With his Energy Shell being as powerful as it is though, instead of doing like his mother, where he has so much power he can basically make a ki-dense zone that passively blocks/disrupts other ki attacks, making an area around him a "hands only zone". Kind of like what some theorists were thinking yuji's domain would be. Imagine an area of ki so dense you can't actually exert ki outside yourself unless you can overpower him.
That is so impressive. So just theoretically could Karn try to do something like this too? I mean Karn has a lot of power too.
Also imagine if somebody as strong as Jiren or simply Jiren did this. That could block almost everyone from using ki outside themselves.
>But you can't back down, not against the Lich-Lord himself, THE Necromancer, the Patron of Evil Liches himself. The time has come for you to come face-to-face with and battle the demigod Velsharoon.
This looks like an opponent that can provide a challenge to Chilli. I can't wait for more about this.
One problem, Jiren is a stupid whose solution to everything is PUNCH HARDER. He's got like, two moves that aren't punching and they're just energy ball which is thrown by punching

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