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2D art featuring gorgeous girls with beautiful, reflective mechanical battle armour. Not necessarily androids. Aim for at least three tones of shading. Use the images I've started with as a general guide for the kind of designs to post. If you can't find anything that meets these criteria exactly but have something similar, that might be good quality, then posting it here should be okay. AI art is also fine but no 3D.

Previous Thread:
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I'm mad that there is almost no content of the girls getting into the armor/suit. I want to know what she feels putting on the interface suit, when she links to the armor, when it powers up...
Anyone can link me to something?
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Agreed on the AI, but Iczer 1 is an android.

Girls wearing cloaks and ideally very little else
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Post these magical ladies
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Alright, let's see if we can finish this thread before year's end. No sweat if we don't, it'd just be kewl.

Theme is gonna be: Detail.

I'll leave it up to y'all how you want to take that. Last thread suffered from being overly stingy with what fell within the theme so I'd like to avoid a repeat.

I'll leave it open for interpretation if detail means fully illustrated backgrounds with lots of visual clutter like pic related or ...
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Well, some things do unfortunately take precedence, yea.

Everything from an almost ratty grey to snow white.

It's even better when the carpets match the drapes. Or is contrast — her partial object of desire — more aesthetic?
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based Senran Kagura enjoyer
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A place to post pictures of figures that we otherwise can't over on /a/

If you're interested in buying any of these, there's a guide:

Prevous thread: >>2758698
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Can anyone suggest a pink SFW toy kinda similar to this, but still sexy but not sticking her ass out kind of sexy? Just bought this sailor moon figure a few days ago. Love it.
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this might be too sexy, but I like the look of this one.

I was look at this one exactly :D
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recent haul due to the weak yen
mostly old stuff I always wanted to get but never did

I just want to share my favorite wolf.
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That's really nice. The way she's looking at the viewer as if you're in there with her makes it even better too.
I've just ordered that same statue, thanks for the tip Holobros
yeah. its a good statue. id probably wait for the new one since it looks a little better. ill probably get the drunk one too. i got the figma doll(6 inch with clothes) and she is adorable.

In this thread I will be posting lewds of Kurisu and other heroines from acclaimed visual novel and anime Steins;Gate plus the rest of the Sci;Adv series. Contributions welcome.
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Clothed or Hanging free.
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Covered, but very nice in my book.

Girls in male swimsuits.
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i've seen plenty of tits at the beach, especially in southern europe, just never only wearing a short, that doesn't happen
>some people
they're all drawn dipshit
Using Google Translate on these, the grammar always comes out terrible. Is it just that the Japanese is terrible?
the vast majority of machine translation is absolute shit, especially when translating between japanese and english
get a human to do it if you want it done properly
Your taste is based.

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Girls resting on their sides, with one titty stacked atop the other.

The more squish, the better.
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Lewd/Skimpy/Revealing clothing general
Pasties, maebari, piercings, see-through, barely there, clothing cutout, useless clothes, etc.
A thread to welcome the peak of fashion sense, where less is more
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Wonderful! It's May 30!

>Happy Birthday, Doppel-chan!

Let's celebrate this day by posting some /c/pics of Best Girl from Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou.
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That is such a tease.
Finally some titties
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It took the coming of tha AI Bros, them begin free fo the character restrictions, for it to be more exposed Doppel.

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Wonderful effect gravity has on boobs.
Size does not matter.
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Where sag?

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