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Bonus points for official art.

Double bonus points for gifs, screencaps, or stitches.
86 replies and 67 images omitted. Click here to view.

293 replies and 248 images omitted. Click here to view.
as one, we want it
>1 year ago
a sad thread, even with nothing but reposts it can't fill up in under a year

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The fourth thread dedicated to long-haired girls! Any hairstyle, color or texture is fine, just make sure the hair is very long. The longer, the better!

Previous thread: >>2585790
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I absolutely love the kinds of images where hair is pretty much everywhere
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Invisible women are severely underrated and underrepresented. Let’s fix that!
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I miss this thread

Previous threads: https://archive.palanq.win/e/search/subject/Casual%20Nudity%20from%20Anime%20%26%20Manga/
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Futoku no Guild
Gushing over magical girls
Dokyuu Hentai HxEros
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Girls resting on their sides, with one titty stacked atop the other.

The more squish, the better.
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i'm surprised there's no Asuka yet
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There's a few manga threads here but they're kinda specific so let's have a general manga ecchi thread. Feel free to post pages you like from any series you like

Here's one of my favorite pages from to love ru
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For some reason a few chapters were run in hentai magazines, which let the author get away with stuff he normally wouldn't (though he didn't take FULL advantage of it). Not gonna keep taking up the thread with it, though.
tama kick had really good ecchi
This guy was a pioneer in the 'what do you mean buttholes don't count in our censorship laws' loophole

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Artist name?

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I miss the old thread.
'bout time we rekindled this fire.
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her exploration phase wouldve gone crazy. i wish hideaki anno wouldve explored that instead of the dead mother thing fr
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if you do AI slop might as well try an interesting style>

Any clothing state is fine, but bonus for panties. No buttholes pls
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Everything from an almost ratty grey to snow white.

It's even better when the carpets match the drapes. Or is contrast — her partial object of desire — more aesthetic?
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Same thing happened in multiple other threads for some reason.
usually when that happens someone got banned and their posts deleted along with it
But the posts themselves aren't deleted, and in some cases only the thumbnail is deleted whilst the full size image is not, and in some cases it's the reverse. This also happened suddenly in multiple threads on multiple boards around the same time.
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Does a children's cartoon really need so much sex appeal?
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Children's shows are always the lewdest.
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Yup, that image does it for me. It really does it.
Thanks for introducing that artist to me OP.
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