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Last: >>2824476

Your Nr. 1 spot for mega milkers.
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If they are larger than her head, it should be in this thread!
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She looks like Chisato Hasegawa.We need a "Shinmai Maou no Testament" Thread, its been 10 years Mate.
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Why would someone submit this clearly unfinished work?
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Come on, anon
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If I got her pregnant, those things would supply enough milk to keep our children full through high school.
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Somebody ordered some milk?
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bnnuys suffer when alone, be sure to give them a buddy
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firmly in this category
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Thank you Satan
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still crazy to me that there's been no scans/uploads of his books he sells at cons considering he seems decently popular
Its fucking stupid how he refuses to profit from his stuff through Patreon/Fanbox/etc. Doesn't give the girls nipples even when most of the tit is out and even drew /d/ tier shit like this.
He is so afraid of being a NSFW artist and getting a nsfw crowd that he keeps gimping himself and keeps bitching about stagnating, not being able to live only off art and other shit.
Look at others like Junkpuyo or Magister who paywall the nipples and make good money from it.
What a badly managed skill.
>He is so afraid of being a NSFW artist and getting a nsfw crowd
I never thought of him as anything but a porn artist so good job there lmao
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>He is so afraid of being a NSFW artist and getting a nsfw crowd
What's wrong with nsfw followers?

>What a badly managed skill.
I've read many times that he is turbo autistic apparently so that might explain it, but some of his work is outstanding.
Well his artbooks seemingly do show nipples, at least from the previews I see of people reselling them on other sites. Well, at least partially show them.
But yeah, it's really weird. Junkpuyo I'd still like if he actually showed Beryl's nips too at some point, but some artists just have that autism where they'll never draw one of their OCs like that, or some favorite character of theirs.
Like how Lunch draws Pecorine a lot, but never draws any lewds of her, but will of other PriConne characters. It's a bit weird and a huge shame, he'd make some great porn with her.
it's criminal to talk about this topic
without mentioning this queen
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Yuuko Sagiri from Triage X

made by the same guy who drew HOTD
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I wish I could live or work with someone that had gigantic boobs.
I don't want to have sex or anything. Just that.
I'd like to have sex with someone that had gigantic boobs
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Look at this shit. Only fucking proof of the nipples is some angled photo from some fucking jap and no goddamn scans.
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You can see a little more on doujinrepublic, but yeah.
The fact there has been NO scans at all is really odd to me, he has a decent following on social media and seemingly interacts with some bigger names in the eromanga industry now and then, so it's rather bizarre.
Godfucking damn saved instantly.
>No scans
Yeah it is fucking surreal. Even some guy who was scrapping his works on e-hentai with even discord-only doodles/sketches and stream wips of even the deleted vods suddenly stopped a few years ago

Why? These illustrations have added flavour text like the most recent fate one having the girls sporting some specific cocktail for them or some other thing.
Maybe he religiously snuffs them? I have heard of other artists who scour every single scrap of paid work they can find and it becomes borderline impossible to get it without paying for it.
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Look at this shit. No scans. 4 pages for 50 fucking dollars.
You know whats worse? ALL the shit he uploads is either cropped (missing heads) or very low res. He also barely uploads the finished pieces and hasn't uploaded to pixiv in 4 fucking years.
He keeps bitching about not being big/profitable enough to stop living with his insane asian parents but wont step up his fucking game.
For fucks sake.
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For fucks sake look at this shit. It is CENSORED and will remain that way forever.
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Sorry I meant to upload this one.
You know what other thing pisses me off so fucking much? How "safe horny" he wants to be. He constantly bans people who make racy comments on his stream and twatter and discord and then wonders why he has no fucking growth.
He could just embrace the porn addicts like Puyo or Magister and start milking the fuckers for all they are worth with Patreon and other shit but he wants to keep being a ecchi softcore artist while also drawing this kind of shit and remains being unlucrative.
Yep, sounds like he has a really bad case of "artism" as I like to call it.
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I know he lurks and ego searches himself.
Your """girlfriend""" will leave you because you are a spineless fuck, eu. Just go to the fucking liquor store to wage you cuck.
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I think enough people just need to club him over the head, asking to start a patreon or fanbox or something and to put his shit up digitally at this point, otherwise he will fizzle out in a few years tops considering his living situation.
And if that does happen he'll almost certainly just go around deleting everything he's ever made, since those afflicted by "artism" are just like that.
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Is there one?
>deleting everything hes ever made
That is my biggest worry because the fucker doesnt upload SHIT.
Most of his drawings are low-res or cropped.
>club him over the head
He is a little dainty bitch who bans and blocks people on the regular.
Yeah, but unfortunately creative mediums are just plagued by mental illness like that.
>He is a little dainty bitch who bans and blocks people on the regular.
Surely even he would submit if enough people did it. Hell, not even necessarily being abrasive about it either, if enough people just kept begging him and doing it in a dick-sucky way like
>PLEEEASE bro I wanna buy your shit so bad but I can't go to these conventions, I wanna buy it so much please, fuck!!!
would probably at least get him to consider not being retarded if it keeps being repeated to him enough to hopefully brainwash him long enough to overcome his autism.
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>Captcha: W0SHT
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this smells like AI.
because it is sloppa
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No AI slop here please.
artist: dotodonoto
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>design notes leaked
>explicitly mentioned to be top heavy
>every western retard draws her as a blimped up "THICCC" monstrosity
It's all so tiresome.
The design notes also said that she was hispanic, wore a tank top and that she clearly spoke another language, none of which were even remotely present in the game, no random spanglish anywhere to even hint at it hence why everyone was surprised when the notes claimed she was a latina and not just a regular tanned american. The character design notes can go fuck themselves for all they matter.
eh to be fair, Japs will either go all in on foreign characters using their native language throughout their dialogue or basically not at all, there's oddly not really any in-between
and the leaked notes are the entire reason she's even getting all this new fanart anyway
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this thread has milked me at least twice
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nta, also dont know the artist, but to me, he's the kind of neurotic asshole who wants attention and money but is so cowardly, lazy, effort-averse chickenshit with a raging power-tripping boner over the control he has over what little audience he has he'd rather blue/black ball everyone than see himself comit to do fucking ANYTHING.
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